Delicious Bonduelle corn: secrets of quick cooking. Corn varieties - features, differences

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Early ripening sweet corn Bonduelle, due to its unforgettable taste and smell, stands out among others in the highest quality early ripening varieties corn. This is a high-quality product that has a rich structure of vitamins and microelements so necessary for our body. It deservedly takes its place of honor among the top three cereal crops, second only to rice and wheat: flour, cereals are made from its fruits, and corn grains are canned.

Features of the view

Bonduelle corn is an early-ripening sugar variety. The plant has a height of up to one and a half meters. Its cob is cylindrical. It can reach a mass of 170-230 grams, and be up to 20 cm long. Typically, the grain has yellow. It is wide and slightly elongated. Young cobs of this variety can and should be cooked. This will be an unforgettable treat for children and adults.

This variety of corn can also be frozen and canned. During growth, Bonduelle is famous for being very resistant to various diseases. Therefore, it can be planted not only in small gardens, but also on an industrial scale.

There are a huge number of types of this culture. These are all hybrids that were created to meet the needs different people. So, you can find sugar, rice, carousel, starchy, etc. Some species are used to make popcorn.

Planting and care

Bonduelle corn is unpretentious. It is sown in the spring, preferably in early April, in small furrows about 5 cm deep. You can put 2-3 seeds in each hole, then it will need to be thinned out. Maintain a distance between rows of 50-60 cm. And the space between the corn should be at least 30 cm. This is necessary so that the plant grows evenly and does not interfere with each other.

In the spring, when the first corn leaves are already visible, you can begin to thin them out, leaving the largest and strong plants. If you miss this period, you will end up with many rows of corn with small ears.

Caring for the plant is also simple. It just needs to be constantly watered, weeded and loosened. Store the vegetable dry, in large barrels or tubs with a lid so that rodents do not have access to it.

Benefits of Bonduelle

The benefits of this vegetable for the human body cannot be underestimated. The fact is that the chemical composition of bonduelle corn is enormous. This includes one valuable component - gold, and that is the only reason why the vegetable should be eaten regularly. In addition to gold, the composition contains:

  • Zinc;
  • Selenium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Manganese;
  • Sodium;
  • Vitamin B1;
  • Cobalt and other valuable trace elements.

Thanks to its unique composition, corn can have an anti-stress effect and have a positive effect on nervous system person. It is not recommended for people who suffer from gastrointestinal problems.

It's hard to find anyone who doesn't like sweet corn. Of course, just the smell of boiled young cobs evokes an appetite, to say nothing of the soft taste of juicy grains. Among the large variety of early ripening cereals, the Bonduelle variety stands out noticeably. In terms of demand, corn ranks third among cereal crops, second only to wheat and rice: its grains are canned, made into cereal and flour.

Description, benefits and harm

Bonduelle refers to early varieties corn: heads of cabbage become ripe 80-90 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Height cultivated plant close to 2.5 m. The cobs have the characteristic characteristics of corn, cylindrical shape. The weight of the head of cabbage, the average length of which is 15-20 cm, ranges from 160 to 190 g.

The beans of this variety taste sweet and juicy. The heads of cabbage can be boiled, the edible part separated from them, and then frozen or preserved. At the end of the fruiting of the crop, salads are made from the preparations or used as an addition to hot dishes. To enjoy the taste of young cobs for as long as possible, experienced vegetable growers recommend sowing seeds in several stages, taking a break between them of 10 to 15 days.

In terms of care, the cultivated plant is very unpretentious, so even the most inexperienced summer resident can grow it on his own, provided that he strictly follows the growing recommendations.

Beneficial features

Bonduelle corn has an impressive list useful substances, including chlorine, sodium calcium magnesium phosphorus, potassium, selenium, B vitamins (B1, B4, B9), A, H. The grains also contain beta-carotene, choline, carotenoids, and several types of acids.

Cereal grains are a real godsend for all vegetarians. The thing is that the product contains a large amount of protein, which in its value is in no way inferior to meat protein, and even surpasses it in the speed of digestion and assimilation.

Thanks to such a rich composition, doctors recommend including corn grains in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis as an aid - it has the ability to cleanse the body of excess cholesterol.

Eating a few tablespoons of boiled or canned grains daily helps increase vitality and also improves appetite. Regular consumption of corn improves the condition of blood vessels and improves the functioning of the heart and gallbladder.

During a digestive system malfunction, doctors recommend eating 100 g of corn: the product is an excellent remedy for combating bloating and its consequences.


Like many other products, this variety of corn has a number of disadvantages:

How to choose and cook corn?

Nowadays, there are many products on store shelves made from corn grains. However, some manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, often forget about product quality.

At the time of purchase canned corn experts recommend choosing a product packaged in glass containers. This is because the metal has the ability to interact with the contents of the jar, thus filling it with harmful heavy metals.

Regular consumption of such grains provokes malfunctions of many organs and also causes the development of cancerous tumors.

How to cook corn

At first glance, the answer to this question is obvious, but in order for the cob to be preserved maximum amount macro- and microelements, you need to follow several rules.

It is best to choose young and fresh cobs for cooking - they have high taste, and after cooking they retain many useful substances. In principle, there are no special features in the preparation of Bonduelle corn - the fruits of the crop are cooked in the same way as the fruits of any crop of this genus.

The selected heads of cabbage must be thoroughly washed and then the covering leaves removed from them. The cobs are placed in a pan, filled more than half with water, and then put on fire. How long to cook corn?

After boiling, the young heads of cabbage are cooked for 10-15 minutes. When determining the duration of the head, you need to focus on the age of establishment - the older it is, the longer they need to be cooked.

Please note that in order for the grains to retain their delicate soft structure, the heads of cabbage are salted only after they have been cooked.

If the corn kernels can be pierced without effort, the heads can be safely removed. Since cooked grains tend to harden after cooling, it is best to eat the heads immediately after they have cooled slightly.

Bonduelle corn is not only tasty, but also a very healthy summer delicacy, the regular use of which short terms improves health. You can eat corn not only boiled, but also in the form large quantity food industry products.

Sweet corn has been familiar to everyone since childhood. Golden grains have a unique taste, and there is not a single plant that could at least partially replicate the taste of a corn cob. Today, this crop occupies one of the leading places among agricultural crops due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and its diverse use.

Sweet corn "Bonduelle"

This amazing plant feeds not only people, but also animals. Breeders in many countries are working to develop new, improved varieties of this crop.

The Bonduelle corn variety does not actually exist. This marketing ploy of the same name trademark, which united under one name the processing (preservation) of sweet hybrid varieties of coarse-grained corn, such as “Spirit” and “Bonus”, characterized by the following features:

  • annual plant growing up to 3 m in height;
  • loves light and warmth. Tolerates minor drought;
  • reacts negatively to shading, especially in the first half of the growing season;
  • On average, 120 days pass from emergence to harvest;
  • grows well in fertile soils;
  • The plant produces one to two ears, growing up to 22 cm and having large golden-yellow grains with a delicate texture and sweet taste.

Did you know? Corn was cultivated as early as 4250 BC. e. This is evidenced by finds of grains found in Mexico. The length of the cob was no more than 5 cm, and today it averages 20 cm.

Sweet corn is very popular due to its chemical composition. 100 g of fruit contains:

  • nicotinic acid (PP) - 2.1 mg - is needed for redox processes in the body, lowers cholesterol and is involved in blood renewal;
  • choline (B4) - 71 mg - participates in the construction of body cells, improves liver and heart function;
  • beta-carotene - 0.32 mg - an excellent antioxidant, fights free radicals;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.38 mg - necessary for digestive processes in the body;
  • folic acid (B9) - 26 mcg - is involved in the production of red blood cells;
  • tocopherol (E) - 1.3 mg - helps remove toxins and exhibits antioxidant properties;
  • potassium - 340 mg - necessary for the human skeletal system;
  • phosphorus - 301 mg - is involved in strengthening and maintaining bones and teeth;
  • sulfur - 114 mg - “beauty mineral” to maintain the normal condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • magnesium - 104 mg - maintains body temperature and is present in basic life processes;

  • chlorine - 54 mg - normalizes food digestion, maintains joint flexibility, is necessary for the liver and heart;
  • calcium - 34 mg - participates in the construction of bone tissue, regulates blood pressure, heart contractions, lowers cholesterol;
  • sodium - 27 mg - needed to maintain water-salt balance in the body.
The calorie content of the sweet vegetable is 90 kcal per 100 g of grains.

Important! On average, one head of cabbage produces 200 g of edible seeds. By eating 2 heads of cabbage per day, you get most of daily norm calories, which should be taken into account by people with extra pounds.

Nutritional value of 100 g of seeds:

  • proteins - 10.3 g;
  • fats - 4.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 60 g;
  • water - 14 g;
  • starch - 58.2 g;
  • dietary fiber - 9.6 g.
The composition also contains acids, ash and disaccharides. During long-term storage, vitamins are not destroyed, so during the winter cold you can consume not only tasty, but also useful product. Boiled or canned corn is useful:

  • Patients with atherosclerosis- 400 g of grains will protect blood vessels from the formation of blood clots and normalize cholesterol metabolism.
  • At chronic fatigue or exhaustion - 200 g of corn in a salad will help restore strength.
  • Carotenoids in the product help for eye diseases- 3 times a week you need to eat a handful of grains.
  • Dietary fiber is good cleanses the intestinal walls from toxins, Therefore, the cereal is recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems.
  • Selenium in the product helps quickly remove alcohol from the body and fight the liver with excess fatty foods- 1 spoon of canned corn before the feast will help avoid problems.
  • Indispensable for vegetarians- vegetable grain protein is on the same level of value as animal proteins.

Along with its benefits, corn has some contraindications:

  1. For gastritis and stomach ulcers, you need to eat grains in minimal quantities.
  2. If you have increased blood clotting, you need to be careful with this product, since the vitamin K contained in it accelerates this process.
  3. Not recommended for people who are overweight or on a diet.
  4. For food allergies.

Important! An extract from corn grains is useful for the prevention of malignant tumors, and its intake also slows down their growth.

Main types

Corn, as a species, is divided into 9 groups in the botanical classification; this division depends on the structure and shape of the grain. Let's look at some of the types:

At the moment, about 520 varieties and hybrids of corn are officially registered in Russia, which, depending on the composition of the grains, their shape, and taste, are divided into several varieties:

  1. Dental corn. The most common in Russia, it is used mainly for industrial purposes, as it has all the qualities necessary for this. Its main difference is the starch content in the grains up to 75%. It is characterized by high glassiness and minimal mealiness. As a rule, it contains up to 5% vegetable fat and up to 10% proteins, due to which it is used as feed for raising cattle, pigs and other animals. The highest yield per hectare is 150 c/ha, but this figure can only be achieved with early planting in the spring.
  2. Sweet corn (aka sugar corn). It is also used for industrial purposes, but not for feeding animals, but for pickling and seaming. It has a relatively high concentration of sugar (the percentage depends on the growing conditions), is nutritious, contains up to 75% carbohydrates and up to 20% proteins, it contains much less fat than in tooth-shaped hybrids - no more than 5-7%. It can be distinguished by its characteristic wrinkled grain; when it is broken, a characteristic shine can be observed. Bonduelle corn (line of varieties) is grown today in almost all countries of the world, and Russia ranks 2nd in its export to European countries.
  3. Siliceous. Not in such great demand in industry due to its relatively low high yield– up to 60-70 c/ha. But it has many advantages, in particular good resistance to frost and shedding - it can be removed even after the onset of frost. It has a strong stem, does not lie down and is not susceptible to many diseases that are characteristic of cobs. Resistant to powdery mildew, rot, fungal diseases. Starch can make up up to 85% of the grain's weight, making it ideal as animal feed. Protein content – ​​up to 15%, fat – 4-5%.
  4. Waxy. A rare variety that occupies only 5-6% of all crops of this crop in the Russian Federation. Its peculiarity is the huge percentage of starch - up to 95%, and it is 100% amylopectin. The grain has a characteristic waxy shape and color, the skin is very thin and smooth. As a rule, it is used as a dietary supplement for many animals, it is very nutritious and healthy.
  5. Starchy. In our country it is practically not grown, since it has not found its application in industry. It is poorly preserved after collection and is susceptible to many diseases. Due to the fact that outer shell is practically absent, mechanical harvesting is very difficult and most of the cobs are damaged. Starch no more than 80%, proteins and fats 7-8%.
  6. Bursting. The most popular variety, which is known to everyone, since it is difficult to find a person who has not yet eaten popcorn and various sweets made from puffed corn kernels. All confectionery, which are made on a corn basis, are made specifically from bursting varieties, of which there are more than 8 dozen today. The starch content, as a rule, does not exceed 65%, and the protein content does not exceed 11-13%.

Some breeders distinguish several more varieties, but they are not included in the register, and therefore are not recommended for cultivation in Russia. Separately, as a type of plant, there is an ornamental one - not suitable for consumption, but has a very beautiful view.

Dentic and flint varieties and hybrids

Feed corn is one of the main agricultural plants, the turnover of which is measured in millions of tons. Due to its high yield and ease of cultivation, it exists in the crop rotation of every farmer or simple summer resident. Young cobs are suitable for cooking and have a good taste, and the grain is stored long time and is a very healthy and nutritious food for animals. Cereals, porridges and other food products are made from it. Let's consider our the best varieties, recommended for cultivation in our climate zone.

  1. Pioneer. For several years in a row, corn seeds Pioneer are considered the best among siliceous hybrids and show excellent results in all breeding areas. The main advantage is precisely the yield, and at any weather conditions. Even without irrigation, getting up to 60 c/ha will not be difficult. The only drawback is high price sowing unit, which fluctuates around 4000-5000 rubles per 1 p.u. (enough for 2.2 hectares). Resistance to frost is another important advantage, since the seedlings can withstand temperatures of minus 2-5 0 C, and at the stage of technical ripeness, corn is not afraid of even severe frosts - it does not crumble or break on the stem. Corn Pioneer not suitable for country cultivation, since the cobs are not very sweet and do not have the best taste. It is used primarily for sale as grain or as animal feed.
  2. Syngenta. Originally corn Syngenta was grown in Austria, but over time was acclimatized in the middle latitudes of Russia and began to produce decent harvests, on average 70-80 c/ha, for which it has gained great popularity among many farmers. The grain has a tooth-like shape, is rich in nutrients and is an excellent raw material for the production of cereals and animal feed. Technical ripeness of the fruit occurs 64-76 days after planting, then the plant is allowed to dry for another 2 weeks and harvested for grain. When harvesting in heads of cabbage, you can harvest immediately after the fruit reaches technical ripeness.
  3. Spirit. One of best hybrids, which has good yield (up to 140 c/ha in breeding plots in the Moscow region) and resistance to diseases. Corn Spirit withstands any treatment with fungicides and pesticides against weeds quite well. Thus, all known dicotyledonous weeds are destroyed, and the plant grows without “competitors”. The cost of caring for it is minimal. It is also worth noting that corn is not attacked by pests and fungi, for which many gardeners liked it.
  4. Ulyanovskaya. Common corn is not particularly different from other siliceous species, but the cost of a sowing unit is 3-4 times less than Pioneer, For example. Many farmers plant it precisely for this quality, and the yield of 60-70 c/ha more than meets expectations from such a simple variety of domestic selection. Not resistant to diseases, but standard processing fungicide and weed pesticides, there are never any problems with its cultivation and subsequent storage.

Serrated and flinty vegetables have good yields and many nutrients, but their greatest advantage is versatility. They can be grown for grain and at the same time, in the stage of waxy ripeness of the seeds, very tasty and nutritious boiled cobs!

Sweet and popping corn - the best varieties of Russian and foreign selection

Do you love to eat extremely tasty and sugary cobs? Choose!

  1. Corn Dobrynya. One of the best sugar species, it is not picky about growing conditions, but, like all other plants, it loves a lot of moisture. The yield is low, reaching 40-50 kg/acre, but the fruits have a very good taste and high sugar content. The grains are small, have a very thin skin, so after cooking you can feel a delicate taste, they burst with little physical effort. Often used for preservation, it is one of the most famous products that are exported abroad.
  2. Excellent. A hybrid of Russian selection, perfectly acclimatized in mid-latitudes, but prerequisite for getting good harvest is abundant watering. If upper layer the land will often dry out, then there is nothing to count on more than 40 centners per hectare. Heads of cabbage reach 28-30 centimeters in length and up to 6 cm in diameter. As for resistance to pests and diseases, the variety is capricious; proper treatment with pesticides and fungicides is necessary. But the effort will more than pay off when you get big harvest delicious cobs.
  3. Dneprovskaya 925. One of the best for growing popcorn. Exit finished products– at least 75% with correct processing and storage. The plant loves moisture; if there is a lack of it, the cobs become very small and hard. Standard grain moisture is 8-9%. The yield is up to 60-70 kg/acre, which is quite good, considering the specification of the variety.
  4. Oerlikon. Listed in State Register recommended for growing popping corn varieties. Its main difference is the increased volume of seeds in finished form after heat treatment. The popcorn comes out large and elastic, has very good taste and a characteristic smell, which appeals to many gourmets and simply lovers of delicious desserts. The weight of 1000 seeds is relatively large - 285-295 grams. The sugar content is up to 13%, which is not even typical for popping corn.
  5. Voronezhskaya 80-A. An early-ripening hybrid of sweet corn, bred at the Voronezh breeding site. Today it is grown in almost all regions of the country and is very popular for canning and exporting abroad. It has specific taste qualities, a light fruity taste and a high sugar consistency (up to 14%). The yield reaches 45-50 c/ha, which is quite a lot even for a sugar variety.

Among cereal crops it is in third place, behind the more popular wheat and rice. Flour and flakes are made from maize seeds, and the grains are also preserved. Sweet corn, popularly called bonduelle, does not lose its high position among other varieties of this cereal, far superior to its counterparts in taste and nutritional properties.

The sugar variety ripens early, 80-90 days after the first shoots. Average height cultivated plant - 2.5 m. The fruits, the length of which reaches 15-20 cm, are formed in the shape of a cylinder, which is typical for all types of corn. A ripe head weighs from 160 to 190 g. The grains of this cereal are very juicy and sweet in taste.

Beneficial features

In addition to excellent taste, cereal crop appreciated medicinal properties. Through this unique vegetable, nature gives a significant amount of vitamins A, H, C, D, K, PP, group B (B1, B4, B9), as well as magnesium, sodium, copper, potassium, selenium, iron, phosphorus. The grains contain beta-carotene, choline, carotenoids, and several types of acids.

Reference. Doctors advise older people to periodically eat corn to prevent atherosclerosis.

A small amount of boiled or canned grains per day will increase tone, strengthen blood vessels, improve the functioning of the heart, gall bladder and improve appetite. In case of digestive problems, accompanied by bloating and its consequences, it is recommended to eat 100 g of boiled cereal grains.

The product is especially valuable for vegetarians, because it contains a huge amount of easily digestible and quickly digested protein. Therefore, it is important to carry out heat treatment correctly and not lose substances necessary for the body.

  • Exercise caution for patients chronic diseases digestive tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer).
  • People with increased blood clotting should avoid corn, which contains a high amount of vitamin K, which activates this process.
  • For obesity, nutritionists recommend excluding this product from the diet due to its high calorie content - 93 kcal per 100g.
  • Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

Which one is better to choose?

The range of vegetables offered to customers at the market and in supermarkets is rich and varied. All corn looks almost the same, but don't rush and buy the first thing that catches your eye. So as not to regret the lost time and money, When choosing cobs, you should follow some rules:

Product preparation

On the day of purchase, sort the cobs by same size For uniform cooking, remove dirty, damaged plant membranes and darkened parts of stigmas. The remaining delicate hairs and thin leaves will give the finished dish additional juiciness and aroma. After processing, rinse the vegetables thoroughly with running water. For convenience, especially large cobs are cut into required amount parts.

Popular recipes

Cooking options depend on the taste preferences of the cook. Most people know the “classical” method. Some people like baking, and even grilling and broiling.

Young mothers are often interested in the question of very useful baby food.

Cooking method with added sugar

Important! For the sake of preservation useful vitamins and amino acids, it is important to observe temperature regime. This vegetable retains its properties at a fairly high, constant temperature.

The duration of the process depends on ripeness and variety. If the corn is sweet and not very ripe, then it is easy to overcook, so you should take time and strictly adhere to the recommended regime. The cobs should be completely covered with water. Therefore, you need to periodically turn the floating vegetables so that cooking occurs evenly.

Classic way

To achieve additional softness and tenderness of the grains, you should leave the finished cobs in the water, under a closed lid, for another 5 minutes. Remove from the water and, if they were boiled in the leaves, then get rid of the shells (you can find out how to deliciously cook corn on the cob and how long you need to cook it).

To preserve heat and reveal the flavor of the grains, wrap the pan in a terry towel after removing it from the stove and draining the water.

  1. Peel and wash thoroughly.
  2. Grease the bottom with oil and line with leaves.
  3. Place the cobs on the greens, and again the shells on top, continue alternating to the top.
  4. Set the “bean” mode, if it is not there: “cooking”, “soup” or other identical programs.

For a couple

According to the instructions, fill the container a quarter to the mark, then install a special mesh, and place the processed and washed cobs in it.

View others quick recipes You can cook corn in a double boiler.

How to serve and eat?

Traditionally, the dish is served hot. There are several common serving options:

  1. After cooking is complete, the golden heads of cabbage should be thoroughly grated or sprinkled table salt coarse grind.
  2. Taken out of the pan, the aromatic dish is immediately rubbed with a chilled piece butter.
  3. Melt the required amount of butter, pour into small containers, and while eating, dip the goodies that have not had time to cool down into it.

Finished product with milk or cream

For those who like to experiment, you can boil ready-made corn in milk or cream. For four servings you will need:

  • pasteurized milk – 125 ml;
  • low fat cream – 60 ml;
  • four pre-cooked corn posts;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
  • dry white wine – 125 ml;
  • salt - to taste.


There are so many peoples, so many recipes and varieties of serving. IN Mexico - hot cob is smeared with a lemon wedge and sprinkled with salt, which gives the food an original and piquant taste. There are many interesting and delicious recipes all kinds of salads and snacks with the addition of boiled sweet maize grains as one of the main ingredients.

Among home-cooking enthusiasts, canning corn in artisanal conditions. Today it is important not only to save money, but also to be sure that it is the Bonduelle sugar variety on the table, without additives or preservatives.


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