Water-based paint: characteristics, composition, history. Water-based paint: pros and cons Technical specification water-based

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Any repairs, both apartments and country house always fraught with difficulties and not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but now more and more people are taking on this labor-intensive process independently using a wide variety of materials, including water-based paints. What is the reason for such decisions? Often this is a simple desire to save money, and some people start this path in order to simply try themselves and learn something new. When conducting finishing works and construction, water-based paints have become widespread. This is not surprising, because given the availability of such paints at a price, their quality is quite comparable to high-quality oil paints. All this makes them a promising, very popular, and most importantly, high-quality repair material. Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons, as well as technical characteristics water-based paints .

To calculate paint consumption, you can use paint consumption calculator.

Advantages and disadvantages of water-based paint.

Water-based paint has a number of advantages;

  • Firstly, it only takes a couple of hours for such paint to dry; this is undoubtedly very important when carrying out any construction work, especially if deadlines are tight.
  • Secondly, when working with water-based paints, there is no need to leave the room, since such paints are not dangerous to human health and the environment as a whole. This saves even more time when performing certain works.
  • Thirdly, such paints do not have pungent odors, which usually disappear no earlier than a few weeks after the work is completed.
  • Fourthly, composition of water-based paint You can give it almost any color and shade. This is possible thanks to special pigments, which, like color catalogs, are sold in all construction stores. This pigment is added to the colorless tone of the base paint, thereby obtaining the required color.
  • Fifthly, this is a very simple process of working with the paint itself, applying it is very simple, and after painting the tools are easily washed off and can be reused.

As you can see, there are practically no disadvantages of water-based paint; perhaps its most important disadvantage is that it can only be used at an ambient temperature of +5°C.

Technical characteristics of water-based paint.

Before deciding to use water-based paint, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with its technical characteristics:

  • Compound;
  • Consumption;
  • Viscosity;
  • Specific gravity;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Best before date.

The paint contains: latex, filler, thickener and antiseptic.

Exemplary water-based paint consumption for the first layer approximately 150-200 ml/m2. It must be remembered that the number of layers directly depends on the absorbency of the base.

Viscosity - this indicator determines the degree of dilution of the coloring mixture with water. It is measured with a special device - a viscometer and, when used paint brush, should be 40-45 s., and when applying paint with a spray gun - 20-25 s.

Specific gravity of water-based paint is about 1.35 kg/l.

Another important indicator directly depends on the temperature and humidity of the air - drying time; it can range from 2 to 24 hours. During painting work, the ambient temperature should be within +20°C, and humidity - 65%.

Types of water-based paints.

Thanks to the special polymer that is part of water-based paints, there are four main types:

  • Silicone;
  • Silicate;
  • Mineral.

This paint is the most common today. It got its name because of the so-called acrylic resins, which are the main component of acrylic paint.

Very often, latex is added to the composition, which helps water-based paint to actively resist water. Very often, the manufacturer claims that several thousand washes with water are far from the limit for such a composition. The coating on which such paint is applied is reliably protected from exposure to water, the paint will definitely not wash off or become unusable, and a double layer of this composition can mask cracks on the surface up to 1 mm thick. This paint applies to many surfaces, such as wood, glass, concrete, brick, plaster, as well as metal that has been previously primed.

One example of such a coloring agent is VEAC water-based paint. It is really very easy to work with such paint, since it has practically no specific bad smell, it is safe and dries very quickly.

Similar to acrylic paints, silicone paints contain silicone resins. Despite its high cost, this type of water-based paint is perfect for all mineral coatings and can close cracks up to 2 mm wide. With this type of paint, you can forget about fungus and mold for a very long time, since this paint is a type of vapor-permeable coating, which allows you to use the paint on damp and also damp surfaces.

This is another one type of water-based paints consisting of a solution of water based, liquid glass and colored pigments. Such paints can easily last more than 20 years, because they have vapor permeability and excellent weather resistance. But it should be remembered that environment should not be more wet than the painted material itself, otherwise it is better not to use this type of water-based paint.

This type of water-based paint contains slaked lime and cement. It can be used on any surface when painting ceilings and walls, but the main purpose of such paints is to work on concrete and brick surfaces. This type of water-based paint has one drawback - a relatively short service life.

Water-based polyvinyl acetate paint obtained by rubbing pigments onto a polyvinyl acetate emulsion. Probably one of the main advantages of such paints is that they are diluted with water and, as a result, you can work with them in closed and poorly ventilated areas without causing harm to health. Films of such paints are highly durable, lightfast, resistant to moisture, fats, mineral oils and other aggressive environments.

As in any business, in painting with water-based paint has its own specifics. Before using this paint, it must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. It is advisable to dilute this paint with water, unless, of course, this is provided in the instructions, so the paint will lie on the surface more evenly. To make the paint more rich and bright, just buy an additional color for water-based paint at any hardware store. This is very convenient, because you can get almost any color from ordinary white paint by simply mixing it.

In order to make sure that the color or shade is chosen correctly, it is better to dilute a small amount of paint and apply it to cardboard or a small wooden block, let it dry. It must be remembered that the shades of dried paint and just diluted paint are different.

The surface to be painted must be smooth and prepared. If you need to apply paint to a wall or ceiling, they must first be puttied and primed.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves what color to choose for the premises, but there are certain rules. If the room's windows face south, then it is preferable to choose cool colors: purple, blue, green, blue. If the windows face north, then it is better to choose warm colors: crimson, yellow, red, pink, orange. In any case, there should be absolutely no problems when selecting paints and shades, since water-based paint colors are very diverse and even the most demanding consumer is sure to satisfy all his wishes.

Water-based paint

Let's look at the characteristics of water-based paint. It is always difficult to imagine the renovation of premises without such a material as paint, which must be taken very seriously, since painting is a kind of result of all your construction or repair. We will not delve into antiquity, but only note that relatively recently, materials based on acetone, solvents (for enamel paint) and drying oil (for oil paints) were used for these purposes. Nowadays more and more often, especially for interior works, they began to use water-based paint: water-dispersion and water-emulsion.

Composition of water-based paint

Composition of water-based paints

The composition of the paint includes small particles of various polymers, water, coloring pigments and various plasticizers, and all solid components do not dissolve in water, but are suspended. The supplements themselves do not contain harmful chemical elements, like solvents, therefore they do not emit unpleasant odors and are not toxic. During the painting process, water evaporates from the surface being treated, leaving tiny particles of the remaining fractions in the form of a polymer film. The film formers are acrylate, styrene acrylate, styrene butadiene and polyvinyl acetate, which divide the paint into several types:

  • Acrylic paint, containing acrylic resins, which, after drying, create plastic film resistant to fading, abrasion and cracking.
  • Part silicate paint includes liquid glass, which is dissolved in water. Although the coating treated with this paint has good breathability, it is poorly protected from moisture.
  • Silicone paint is a creation of acrylic and silicate types by adding silicone resin to silicate paint. In addition to strength, the painted layer protects the processed material well from fungi.
  • The presence of latex in the paint makes it possible to wash the surface frequently, even with detergents. This type of paint is called latex.

Application of water-based paint

Method of painting a ceiling with water-based paint

Before applying paint, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface by wiping it from dust, dirt and residues. old paint. If there are uneven surfaces in the form of bumps and depressions, you need to level it with putty and then clean it sandpaper. If the paint container has been in the cold, it must be kept in a warm room for 24 hours. In practice, paint consumption is usually 10 - 15% more than indicated in the instructions, so in order not to run to the store again later, you need to take this into account and buy paint with a reserve.

Water-based paint interacts well with materials such as fiberboard, chipboard, concrete and, in addition, it can be applied to old layer oil paint. In turn, it is allowed to paint over the layer of water-based paint with any other paint.

Pros and cons of water-based paint

  • all types of water-based paints are diluted with water, and therefore there is no toxic component when working with them;
  • the coating layer withstands frequent wet cleaning;
  • the surface painted with paint allows air to pass through, which allows the walls and ceiling to “breathe”;
  • the quality of paint can be significantly improved by adding chalk or turpentine to it;
  • it is allowed to apply water-based paint to a surface previously painted with other types of paint;
  • relatively low cost;
  • Easy to work with paint, quick drying, tools can be easily washed with water after work.
  • a significant disadvantage of water-based paint is that it cannot be allowed to freeze, because it then loses all its qualities;
  • Painting work can be carried out at a temperature not lower than + 5 ºС.

Most types of “wet” facades require a finishing coat.

This takes into account both the need for protection from atmospheric moisture and the need decorative covering often a nondescript finishing layer.

In addition, from time to time there is a need to refresh the external surface, update or change the color of the walls.

These issues can be resolved by applying a layer of façade paint.

The modern market offers many varieties facade materials produced on different bases.

Main types:

All types of façade finishing coatings can be used on almost any basis:

The versatility of facade coatings makes them in demand and popular among homeowners, but the available variety sometimes makes it difficult to choose. Let's consider one of large groups— water-based facade paints.

Water-based facade paint is different from all others because ordinary water can be used as a diluent.

After drying, a regular film forms, insoluble in water and fully complies with all requirements for facade coverings:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Vapor permeability.
  • Elasticity.
  • Resistance to sun rays, the ability to maintain its color throughout its entire service life.

After applying water-based facade compositions the result is a matte finish with excellent aesthetic qualities - the surface does not reflect, existing irregularities(especially when using textured plaster) do not create a feeling of “ripples in the eyes”.

At the same time, the use of two or more colors to finish relief surfaces gives a lot of interesting effects that are only possible when using facade paint.

Elasticity and vapor permeability - important indicators . When shrinkage or seasonal movements of the soil occur, small cracks may appear; the quality of the paint film in this case helps reduce their number.

Vapor permeability helps remove water vapor from wall materials . The absence of this quality will “ban” the vapors inside the material and will cause peeling of the coating.

The sale of façade water-based coatings for exterior use is most often made in the form of a semi-finished product - the base white, in any desired shade.

This makes it possible to independently obtain desired color and tone of the mixture without wasting time on long search the desired option.

Water-based facade paints are produced on the same bases as any other types:

  • Acrylic. The most common group of facade paints is made on the basis of acrylic resins with pigment additives. Most good combination prices and quality of acrylic facade paints have brought them to the forefront of finishing materials.
  • Silicate. The basis of such paints is pigmented potassium liquid glass, which increases the strength of the coating. Has excellent performance, high service life.
  • Silicone. They have increased elasticity and have pronounced water-repellent properties. At the same time, silicone paints are the most expensive, so their use is not available to everyone. This circumstance reduces interest in the material, although in terms of durability and surface quality, such paints fully justify their price.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of water-based facade paint are:

  • No pungent odors typical for paints during application.
  • High vapor permeability of the coating.
  • Simplicity and ease of application, the matte surface looks great even when applied by an untrained person.
  • . Water-based compositions are several times more economical than other types.
  • Long service life of the coating.

Disadvantages of water-based paints:

  • Some color change after drying (often the white coating darkens a little).
  • You cannot work in bad weather - the paint will wash off in the rain.


Technical characteristics are a kind of passport of a given composition, demonstrating its qualities and operating parameters. All samples of water-based coatings offered on the market have quite different specifications, which makes no sense to list.

Instead, let's look at the usual parameters, their meanings and what they mean:

  • Binder. This is the basis of the material; it usually acts as a binder. acrylic, silicone or liquid glass. You should pay attention to the percentage composition; it is usually not indicated on the packaging of low-quality materials. The amount of film former for water-dispersed formulations should be 50-60%.
  • Water permeability. Important parameter, usually on the label denoted by the letter W. The lower the W value, the less moisture the coating absorbs and the better it protects against water (for example, W = 0.05).
  • Density. An indicator that gives an idea of ​​the hiding power of the material - ability to apply non-transparent coating in one go. High-quality paint has, on average, 1.5 kg/l.
  • Area of ​​application, application conditions, etc.. All these parameters determine the most effective areas use of the material, type of application and other technological aspects that ensure the most successful use.
  • Price, manufacturer. This data helps you understand how well the paint corresponds to the declared qualities, since more reputable manufacturers sell the product more expensively, but fully guarantee the quality corresponds to the passport data. Certified products automatically have all the necessary parameters; it cannot be otherwise.


Compliance of the paint parameters with the declared values ​​cannot be verified in any way; you have to trust the data indicated on the label. By choosing certified products, we have the opportunity to significantly reduce the risk of purchasing low-quality material.

Main types and manufacturers

The production of facade water-based paints is widely developed both in our country and abroad.

Among the Russian manufacturers we can highlight:

  • Admiral.
  • Eurolux.
  • Halo.
  • Galamix.

From foreign companies:

  • Dulux.
  • Beckers and many others.

Simply listing the manufacturers of facade water-based coatings will not achieve any benefit, especially since the range is constantly updated on the market and new companies appear representing their products.

Therefore, the most correct approach is to decide on the most suitable type of paint for the base, based on your conditions (the material of the house, the climate of the region and other features of the site) and select the most suitable option.

Paint consumption per 1 m2

Water-based paint - economical material . Application consumption is much lower than other types of coatings, which does not reduce quality indicators. Depending on the type of base and the initial density of the paint, the consumption is:

  • The first layer is 0.25-0.60 kg/sq.m.
  • Second layer - 0.15-0.40 kg/sq.m.

The data is taken on average, the exact consumption should be found individually for each type of material on the packaging. The consumption indicated by the manufacturer is in practice slightly higher, which is explained by the difference in conditions during testing in production and when working on site.

What surfaces is it suitable for?

Water-based paint Suitable for most surfaces except metal. The fact is that the presence of water causes corrosive processes, manifested by the appearance of red rust spots on the coating, which can ruin appearance walls. For metal parts appropriate materials should be selected.

Another limitation for water-based paints is plaster. The final water-based coating can be applied no earlier than 2 weeks after applying the plaster.(some experts call the larger interval a month).

This is due to the need to complete the crystallization of the plaster; alkali-containing substances and carbon dioxide, so you need to wait for the reaction to complete.

In general, facade water-based paints are suitable for finishing:

  • Concrete walls.
  • All types of plaster.
  • Stone, brick.
  • Wooden walls and structures.
  • Previously painted surfaces.

Such a variety of possibilities gives reason to consider water-based façade coatings as universal finishing materials.

Technology of painting facades with water-based compositions

Facade water-based compositions are allowed in dry weather, at air temperature from +5°. It is believed that the most productive and economical method of coating is to use a spray gun. This method is good, but not available to everyone due to the lack of equipment at hand.

  • The best option for painting yourself is to use a paint roller with soft sandpaper, which gives a smooth surface and sufficient application density.
  • The use of brushes is acceptable, but for large areas they are unproductive, so they are usually used to paint areas that are inaccessible to a roller or that require great precision in the stroke.
  • The first layer is applied with a thicker composition, since it is required to cover the surface as much as possible, the second layer is more liquid, it is needed to level and fix the color.
  • Allow at least 2 hours between coats, although experts recommend not to rush and apply the second layer every other day so as not to “undermine” the first layer.


For each type of coating there are own rules, which must be studied before work to avoid mistakes.

Using water-based paints for exterior work is convenient and effective method home decoration.

The absence of the smell characteristic of conventional painting work, a deep matte finish that gives the walls a pleasant “soft” appearance, ease of application, and the ability to perform all the necessary operations with your own hands are the reasons for the preferential attitude towards these materials.

Drops and streaks of paint can be immediately washed off with plain water, which also increases the list useful properties façade water-based compositions.

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In this article:

Water-based paints are currently a very popular, high-quality, affordable and promising repair material. They are easy to apply to cleaned surfaces (concrete, gypsum concrete, wood and pre-plastered), are environmentally friendly and very practical. And in combination with the color scheme, you can always choose the color scheme necessary for the interior.

Advantages of water-based paint

Water-based paint is in demand due to the following characteristics:

  • no peeling within long period operation;
  • no cracks or unpleasant odor;
  • ease of application;
  • fast drying process;
  • acceptable cost.

Besides, water-based paint wd allows you to get almost any shade by adding special pigments. Often, hardware stores provide a catalog of colors and matching pigments.

The main disadvantages of water-based paints

Such paints have practically no disadvantages. At the same time, it should be noted that it is extremely undesirable to apply them to metal and glossy surfaces, due to the presence of a large volume of water in the paint.

Today, obvious fakes of “water-based emulsions” are increasingly appearing on the market, which disappoint consumers. They adhere very poorly to the surface to be painted, are characterized by excessive consumption, get dirty during the drying process and are washed off if water gets in.

Technical characteristics of water-based paint

Water-based paint has the following composition: latex, thickener, various fillers and antiseptic. Average water-based paint consumption is 250 grams per square meter. The number of layers applied will directly depend on the absorbency of the surface being painted. The viscosity of the paint is determined using a special device - a viscometer. This indicator should be within 45 s. (when using a brush), and 25 s. (using a paint sprayer). By definition, viscosity is an indicator that characterizes the degree of dilution of paint with water. The specific gravity of the paint is approximately 1.35 kg/l. Adhesion is 2.0 mPa, final drying time is from 2 to 20 hours (depending on temperature conditions). The paint must be stored in a dark and cool place (away from sunlight).

Main types of paints

Depending on the polymer present in the paint, there are four main types of water-based ( water-dispersion, latex or emulsion) colors:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • mineral.

Even among such a small variety, a potential consumer involuntarily has a question: “So which water-based paint is better?” Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each of them.

Acrylic water-based paints – quality comes first

This type of paint is most popular among professional craftsmen, and among ordinary consumers trying to carry out repairs on their own.

Based on the name, it becomes clear that the paint contains acrylic resins as the main component. Such paints are applied to surfaces made of brick, wood, glass, concrete and plaster. The most common representative is water-based paint VEAC 1180.

The main disadvantage of such paints is their high cost. Therefore, analog paints with acrylic copolymers have become widespread. Their price is much cheaper than real acrylic ones, and the quality is not much inferior to the original. Sometimes, to increase the elasticity of the acrylic coating, latex is added to the paint, which effectively resists moisture.

Painted coatings can be safely washed with water without fear of spoiling the applied paint. Manufacturers indicate in the technical characteristics of water-based paint that it can withstand up to 5,000 wash cycles with water. When applying a double layer of acrylic-latex paint, you can mask cracks on the surface (up to 1 mm thick). And they dry out in conditions room temperature in just a few hours.

Silicone water-based paints - ideal for rooms with high humidity

In silicone paints, silicone resins predominate in the composition. They are a universal coloring and concealing agent for all surfaces, hiding from prying eyes two-millimeter slits. Silicone paint is also different high cost, but has a vapor-tight property, ideal for damp areas of the house that are prone to moisture formation. Thus, the paint will also actively fight the emerging fungus, preventing its reappearance.

IN modern world much appreciated environmental Safety building materials, their durability, ease of use and a minimum of time spent to implement all design ideas. Therefore, along with high quality oil paints Water-based compositions have also become widespread. Since the types of this finishing material also differ in the method of use for various rooms and surfaces, then before using them for repairs, you need to find out what type of coating is right for you.


The water-based composition includes various polymers or mineral particles, additives, and tinting pigments. When painting any wall or ceiling surface, the water component dries out, leaving a polymer film or film of mineral particles on the surface.

Emulsion paint does not have a strong chemical odor when drying. This magical property allows this emulsion to be used for work in enclosed spaces and for people who are allergic to this type building materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive aspects use of this material colorings include:

  • It is very easy to apply on any pre-plastered surface - concrete, wood, gypsum concrete. Brushes and rollers can be easily washed with water after use.
  • This paint is easy to dilute, since the main solvent is water. Thanks to this dilution, it becomes safe and non-toxic, so it is recommended for interior work, even in rooms with closed windows.
  • It differs from all other types of paint in that it dries faster than all other types.
  • After painting, there is no unpleasant odor left in the room for many weeks, as after using other types of finishing materials.
  • Water-based paints are distinguished by the fact that they are not subject to peeling if all rules of storage, application and preparation of the surface for painting are observed.

  • An important feature is environmental safety for humans. This coating is non-toxic, not harmful to humans, without a strong chemical odor.
  • Dirt from painted surfaces certain types water emulsion, easy to clean with water and any detergent.
  • Also important features are non-flammability and increased resistance to various alkalis.
  • Certain types of water emulsion are recommended for rooms with high humidity- for a bath or kitchen, but not only because they have increased water-repellent ability, but also because they are breathable, as they easily pass air and steam through their layers.
  • This type of paint has antibacterial characteristics.

  • The service life depends on the specific type of paint. Currently, you can choose one that will not lose its presentation for 20 years.
  • Some types of water-based emulsion have such a density when painted that they can easily mask cracks up to 2 mm.
  • Water emulsion is suitable for any interior solution, as it can be easily tinted even independently, and the variety of colors and the possibility of using them in different percentages with paint gives such a range of colors and shades that allows you to realize all the dreams and fantasies of professional designers and amateurs in renovation.
  • Low price and excellent quality allow VE paints to compete with many types of wall and ceiling finishing for any type of repair work.

This type of paint also has disadvantages:

  • The use of water-based emulsion is impossible when sub-zero temperatures, therefore the minimum temperature limit is up to +5 degrees Celsius. Already at 0 degrees it freezes and loses all its properties.
  • Some types of paints have a short service life, but these types of emulsions are becoming rare and are being forced out of the market by more durable paints.
  • Not always suitable for metal or glossy surfaces due to the large amount of water in their composition.


By familiarizing yourself with the technical characteristics of a particular type of HE paint, you can choose the right type specifically for this surface.

When choosing, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Compound. Depending on the contents aqueous solution fillers, thickeners, antiseptics, this paint may or may not be suitable for interior or exterior work, for wet or dry rooms.
  • Application. What materials is this suitable for coating? finishing material. Is it possible to paint wood, concrete, metal, enamels?
  • Viscosity. How much and with what you can dilute VE paint.
  • Consumption. Depends on the base material and its absorption characteristics. Typically, the consumption of color emulsion is 200-400 ml per m2.

  • Specific gravity. You can determine the quality of the paint by the weight of the can. A good water emulsion has a density of about 1.5 kg per 1 liter. From this we can conclude that high-quality paint in a ten-liter jar will weigh about 15 kg.
  • Temperature during painting and drying. What is optimal temperature when using this type of emulsion.
  • Humidity permissible during painting and operation.

  • Storage conditions. Maximum permissible high and low temperatures at which the paint does not lose its properties. It should be stored in a place where direct rays of the sun do not reach, where it is cool and dark.
  • Expiration date of paint in a can.
  • Service life of this type of paint on painted surfaces.

To choose the paint that is right for your case, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with the existing types and their technical characteristics.


Water-based paints come in several types.

Polyvinyl acetate

These paints are the cheapest. One of the positive properties is that they are resistant to sunlight and fat. Also, these types of coatings can be painted even indoors; they are non-toxic and safe due to their components. They contain polyvinyl acetate, or, more simply, PVA glue.

But they are afraid of water, so surfaces painted with this type of paint cannot be washed. They are only suitable for rooms that are dry and infrequently used.

After some time, this paint may turn yellow like old glue. Currently, this type is almost never used for repairs.


Also relatively inexpensive paints. They contain calcium hydroxide, slaked lime or cement. This type can be used to paint any surface, but it is best suited for concrete or brick surfaces. These water emulsions are different high vapor permeability and do not suffer from significant temperature changes.

The main negative characteristics are that they quickly lose their original color, as they fade and are damaged by contact - they wear off, they have a short service life, so they are used less and less in interior work, more for facade decoration.


They contain sodium silicate - liquid glass. These are relatively inexpensive paints. They are durable, strong, but are only suitable for concrete and plastered walls. They tolerate temperature changes, are vapor- and air-permeable. But they are afraid of water and precipitation, since they are not moisture-resistant, which means they are useful only for painting inside the house and only for dry rooms.

This type of painting is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as kitchens and bathrooms. And this material does not adhere well to metal, stone, glass and ceramics.


And although they are more expensive in price than mineral HE paints, there is a difference in price between different types of paint and different manufacturers allows you to select the desired finish for any wallet.

The main advantages of this type are water resistance, strength and resistance to mechanical abrasion, immunity to ultraviolet radiation, and dirt-repellent characteristics. They are elastic, that is, they are applied easily and without smudges and have high density when painting, so they can repair cracks up to 1 mm. They have the lowest consumption of color emulsion when painting even in one layer. Suitable for any type of premises, as they are mainly washable.


These are latex-based or acrylate-based acrylic paints. Here the acrylic emulsion contains latex. And because of this, they are relatively expensive. Latex attached acrylic paint increased water resistance. Surfaces painted with this type can be washed even with detergents. They withstand 5 thousand washing cycles without losing color, brightness and water resistance.

This paint can be used on wood, concrete, brick, metal, plaster, drywall and structured wallpaper. Its composition is more elastic and covers any surface well. A double layer allows you to seal cracks up to 1 mm. The paint dries quickly and has no odor, which means it is environmentally friendly and harmless to health. This type of coating can be used in swimming pools and bathrooms.

The only negative is that it is not vapor-permeable and condensation may form on it. This species is also afraid low temperatures– in cool rooms the surface is painted latex paint, may crack. It has poor resistance to exposure to the sun, fungi and bacteria.


The composition of these coatings includes silicone organosilicon resins. They are suitable for ceilings. Available special types silicone paints for ceilings, which have increased adhesion to the surface, which means they roll out easier on the ceiling and do not flow.

Due to the increased density, this type can mask cracks up to 2 mm. This type is considered antiseptic, as it has vapor and gas permeability, which prevents the formation of fungus and mold. Therefore, they are suitable for painting areas with high humidity, especially bathrooms and kitchens. The painted surface is easy to clean.

Silicone paint can be used to cover a previously painted surface with such types of paints as mineral, acrylic and silicone, except oil-based. Even a black interior surface can be easily covered with two layers of paint, since the silicone water-based emulsion has increased coverage.

The only surface that may not look very aesthetically pleasing over time is reinforced concrete. Rust stains may appear on the paint as the reinforcement begins to rust, so it is recommended to protect or use this surface before painting the new kind paints with anti-corrosion additives.

Which is better?

To choose a paint for painting, you need to know its characteristics and take into account both price and technical features. You need to know what surface is at the base for painting, whether you will pre-prime it, what are the technical characteristics of this surface, whether it is located outdoors or indoors, in what room, how much time you need to paint and for this surface to completely dry.

Depending on all these parameters, you need to select suitable paint. You may not need the most expensive silicone water emulsion.

Mineral and acrylic dyes are more suitable for painting external surfaces. But surfaces painted with a mineral coating quickly lose their original color, although this coating is much cheaper in price than acrylic.

To paint indoors, you need to consider whether you need to paint the walls or the ceiling. or some kind of wood, metal, glass surfaces. The microclimate in a given room is also important. All types of water-based emulsions are suitable for dry rooms; you just need to keep in mind that polyvinyl acetate, although the cheapest, can turn yellow over time, mineral ones are easily erased upon contact, and acrylic, latex and silicone ones are quite different at a high price. It is best to paint concrete or plastered surfaces with silicate water emulsion. But it is not very suitable for wallpaper for painting; here it is better to use latex.

For wet rooms, acrylic, latex and silicone paint. The only disadvantages of latex are that it is afraid of low temperatures and is not vapor-permeable, does not protect against condensation, as well as mold and mildew. All of these types are highly expensive.

All types of paint are also suitable for ceilings. You just need to take into account that for rooms with high humidity it is better to use mineral, acrylic, latex or silicone. At the same time, acrylic and silicone do not flow when painted and are more durable, although more expensive.

There are special silicone dyes for painting ceilings. Their composition is characterized by increased coverage and drying speed, which means it allows you to paint the ceiling more accurately and easily.

Application technology

Before applying water-based paint, you need to consider the following points:

  • How the surface was treated. If it has been primed, especially if the solution has been thoroughly rubbed over the surface of the base, then one applied layer of paint will be sufficient. It should be taken into account that with each subsequent layer the color of the painted surface becomes more intense.
  • When dry, the color of the paint is slightly different from the color in the can.
  • The second and subsequent layers can be applied only after the previous one has dried. Typically drying time is about 8 hours.
  • Water-based paint should dry in a natural environment, without drafts.

For painting, you can use any tool - a brush, a sponge, or a long-haired roller. Short pile rollers are not used because they do not grip required quantity paints, and from foam rollers The water-based emulsion may bubble on the surface as the foam absorbs excess paint. Even after painting, the surface may look uneven and rough to the touch.

Mineral paints can be applied with a spray gun, spraying paint over the surface. This method is also suitable for painting ceilings, wallpaper, radiators and any hard-to-reach surfaces and objects.

The choice of painting tool also depends on the expected effect. Even when working with a roller, the layer of paint that can be applied to the surface, that is, the intensity of the color, depends on the length of its pile. And also when working with a roller, you may need to use paint brush– this will help when painting in corners and hard-to-reach places.

A sponge is used when you need to paint some objects or textured surfaces or to add texture using a thicker paint composition.

Typically you start by painting the perimeter with a brush and then use a roller. It is recommended to start painting any object from top to bottom; this creates a surface without drips or drips.

It is advisable to protect untreated surfaces before painting. and glue to the baseboards, trim and window sill along the paint border masking tape. If the floors are already prepared for painting with varnish, then you should also stick tape on them so as not to complicate your subsequent work, because the water emulsion that has not been completely wiped off may be visible through the varnish in places where the walls come into contact with the floor, and it will take a lot of time to prepare an ideal surface for painting with varnish. precious time. You can also apply tape where one color transitions to another.

Please note that the tape, even if it is masking, must be removed immediately after painting this area. If the paint dries, it will be impossible to remove it without damaging the painted surface.

If you are painting ceilings, you must first clean them of the old coating, then level the surface with putty and prime them. A primer is necessary, as it reduces the penetration of paint into the base and increases the degree of hiding power. It is better to choose a primer from the same manufacturer as the paint, or one recommended by the paint manufacturer.

Exists next rule– if there is only one window in the room, then begin painting the ceiling parallel to the window from one wall to the other. The second time they paint perpendicularly - in the direction from the window to the wall opposite. That is last layer should always be painted towards a source of daylight. This helps hide all the imperfections of the base coating. The paint is applied in parallel stripes, carefully overlapping the previous one by 2-3 cm.

It is advisable to allow half an hour to paint the entire surface, as after painting the painting will look uneven and sloppy. Where it is impossible to paint the surface with a roller - corners, joints - use a brush, carefully painting all hard-to-reach surfaces. If there are two window openings in the room, then paint twice from the window to the blank wall, placing two layers of paint perpendicular to each other.

When painting walls and ceilings that are plastered and primed, two layers of paint are usually used, and when applying water-based coating on paper wallpaper– one layer. Therefore, when purchasing paint, keep in mind that plastered surfaces require three times more paint than those covered with wallpaper.

HE paint on walls sets in about 10-15 minutes, so to avoid a visible border when drying, you need to paint quickly. Painting begins from the corner, painting it with a brush from top to bottom with a stripe width of 5 cm. Next, paint with a roller, having previously pressed it on a special paint ditch or flat piece linoleum, plywood, wood. Apply paint from top to bottom in a continuous strip, extending 5-8 cm into the adjacent one. This helps to get rid of visible boundaries of paint application. When there remains a distance equal to one roller width to the second corner, then the corner of this wall needs to be painted with a brush. If you are going to paint the second wall next, then immediately paint the corner of the second wall with a brush.

How to divorce?

If it is written on a can of paint that it must first be diluted with water, then it is advisable to do this, since then the paint will acquire exactly the desired viscosity and consistency, which will allow you to easily and accurately apply it to the surface.

Most often, high-quality water emulsion is sold in white and is tinted to the desired shade either independently or in a store using special equipment. In this case, a color is used, which can also be purchased in the store.

If you are tinting yourself, then make a reserve of ten percent more than the main amount, since in the future it may be useful for updating the surface.

It is better to first dilute a small amount of tinted paint to check how it will look on the painted surface after drying. The color of the paint is slightly different when completely dry from what we see in the can or during the tinting process. If the expiration dates or storage conditions have been violated, if the paint has frozen, you also need to first see how it will lie on the surface.

When using a device such as a spray bottle for painting, you need to take into account that diluting the paint with plain water is not suitable, since after complete drying it may remain on the surface. white coating. Therefore, water-based emulsions for paint sprayers are diluted with either distilled water, alcohol, or ether.

Manufacturers' recommendations for paint dilution must be strictly followed. so that it is not too thick or too thin. If this is not done, the surface may be painted carelessly. Thicker paint creates the effect of “shagreen” skin, it shrinks and looks like poor-quality whitewash, while thinner paint gives unsightly streaks.

It should be taken into account that after 15-20 minutes the paint begins to thicken and to paint the second layer it must be diluted again directly in the spray cans. Thinned paint should look like full-fat milk.

How to delete?

Sometimes the previous layer of finish needs to be removed before repainting. If there was previously PVA-based paint - polyvinyl acetate or mineral, then it can be removed using a sponge with a water and soap solution.

To remove acrylic or silicone HE paint, you need to use tools such as a spatula or an angled disk grinding machine. You can remove the previous layer using a chisel. This is an almost silent method, but very tedious. A hair dryer is also often used to heat the old finish and remove it with a spatula. Special washes are now sold at chemical basis. You need to apply it to the paint, gradually it will be absorbed and destroy the old layer.


The production of water-based paint has been established for a long time and is very widely represented on the market.

As a wear-resistant and easy-to-apply alternative water-based compositions We recommend rubber paint. As an interior material for walls and ceilings, this coating is primarily attractive for its ease of cleaning from grease and other contaminants. This is especially useful in families with small children - you can easily remove marks from felt-tip pens or watercolor paint. The coating is environmentally friendly, safe for health and odorless. However, you should beware of inexpensive rubber paints, where the price reduction is achieved by the presence of styrene-acrylic latex in the composition. With regular exposure to the sun (namely, UV rays) or water, the coating begins to crack and deteriorate. In a living room on the sunny side, even one month of operation will be enough for such consequences.

Styrene-acrylic latex is absent, for example, in the durable rubber paint “Mizar” Rezolux Universal. The service life declared by the manufacturer is up to 10 years. In addition, due to its increased water resistance, the material can be used to cover walls even in bathrooms and toilets. The advantage of "Mitsar" Rezolux Universal compared to analogues is its increased hiding power, paint consumption per square centimeter surface is about 150 grams. This is approximately four times lower than the popular rubber coating Super Decor Rubber. Thus, with the same area, the cost of purchasing Mizar products will be four times lower.

Let us note that Mitsar, a St. Petersburg manufacturer, has been producing paint and varnish materials for 12 years; special attention is paid to achieving the best key parameters along with the lowest price - among all foreign and domestic analogues. For these reasons, the company constantly wins tenders for the supply of materials for State Defense Order enterprises. The company is known for its products adapted to extreme operating conditions, with increased mechanical loads, low/high temperatures and exposure to aggressive chemical environments. In the last few years, defense enterprises-customers in tenders, instead of parameters and requirements for paintwork materials, immediately indicated specific Mizar products. This is a clear sign that the experience gained confirmed the correct choice in favor of the materials of this particular company from St. Petersburg.

You can choose any unknown manufacturer, perhaps with a lower pricing policy, but you can spend more on high quality paints from such well-known manufacturers as Dulux, Dufa or Tex. Their palette includes paints of all types and purposes, both matte and glossy, as well as semi-matte and semi-gloss. These manufacturers have confirmed their reputation by the time they have been on the sales market and the quality of their products.

To learn how to paint walls with water-based paint, see the following video.


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