Water treatment system for a private home. Water purification system for a country house

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Practical water purification systems for a country house are easily connected to central or individual water supply lines. The filtration complex provides high-quality processing and preparation of liquids for drinking and other household needs.

Using purification systems, coarse mechanical impurities, chemicals, and fragments can be removed from the water flow. heavy metals, bacteria, microbes and other foreign elements harmful to human health.

Do you want to organize effective water treatment, but don’t know which filters to choose? We will help you understand this issue.

The article describes the standard configuration treatment system, the classification of equipment is given, the principle of operation of different filter elements is indicated. In addition, we have prepared a review of the best modern methods carrying out water treatment in a private house.

Centralized communications, own well, artesian or Abyssinian wells do not guarantee the supply of absolutely clean water to a private home, suitable for household needs and consumption.

Are common natural characteristics Fluids are worsened by many factors, including:

  • seasonal increase/decrease in groundwater levels;
  • the presence of hazardous production nearby, agricultural fields fertilized with pesticides, landfills and other pollutants;
  • a nearby cesspool.

Water under such conditions acquires a specific odor, loses transparency and loses its basic beneficial qualities. Using it without proper cleaning becomes unpleasant and dangerous to health and well-being.

Water oversaturated with iron and heavy metals has a specific taste and color. Linen washed in such a liquid acquires a yellowish tint, wears out faster and loses its original visual appeal.

With constant contact with cloudy, contaminated liquid, children and adults experience allergic reactions, skin rashes and serious illnesses can develop.

To avoid these unpleasant moments, it is necessary to organize effective system water filtration for a private home, capable of quickly removing all foreign impurities, microbes and other aggressive irritants from the flow.

What does the filtration system consist of?

The household treatment complex consists of the following working components:

  1. – protects the pump from physical damage and penetration of impurities. Provides high-quality mechanical cleaning. Equipped with an additional filter to protect against small insoluble, fibrous and solid particles.
  2. Aeration column– enriches the supplied water with oxygen, accelerates oxidative processes, while simultaneously freeing the liquid from hydrogen sulfide and active chemical compounds.
  3. Filtration unit– separates and removes sediment left by foreign substances. Comes with filters different types, depending on the quality of the available water and the presence of specific compounds in it.
  4. Biological barrier– quickly destroys microorganisms in water using ultraviolet irradiation or a special carbon composition.
  5. Fine cleaning– the final step of the filtration process. At this moment, residual fragments of impurities remaining from previous stages of purification are finally removed from the water.

Sometimes, to improve basic processing performance, a progressive membrane is included in the system.

It provides the maximum level of purification, but significantly increases the consumption of water resources.

Effective cleaning methods

For high-quality water purification in private country cottage Three modern, practical methods are relevant: reagent, reagent-free, ultraviolet.

Each has its own specific features, advantages and disadvantages. Based on them, the area of ​​the most effective application is selected.

Option No. 1 - cleaning with a reagent

The reagent option involves dosed use for cleaning special active components. Getting into the water, they come into physical and chemical contact with foreign impurities and convert the result of mixing into foam and sediment.

The type of reagent is selected individually, depending on the substances polluting the water.

Coagulants, inhibitors and flocculants are among the most common reagents. They are used in both centralized and individual water purification systems. If exact proportions are observed, they provide excellent results

Despite all the positive aspects, the use of reagents also has a negative side. The amount of impurities in water varies depending on the season.

To ensure that cleaning is always at a high level, you need to regularly take samples and adjust the dose of working components. This is not convenient, but also requires additional physical, time and material costs.

Of course, you can refuse measurements and always use the average volume of reagents, but this approach will not allow you to obtain effectively purified water suitable for domestic use all year round.

Experts and doctors say that liquid treated with reagents is only suitable for household needs and irrigation. It is highly undesirable to cook with such water or eat it.

Active reagents for water purification require specific storage. If the storage conditions are violated, the substances lose their beneficial features and may even cause significant harm to users of the water supply system

Option No. 2 – reagent-free method

A reagent-free method for purifying water mass from foreign impurities is based on the use various types filtration blocks, aeration column and powerful air compressor.

Considered more practical, modern and effective method. Saturates the liquid with oxygen molecules. Removes heavy elements, harmful substances and other components that, when dissolved in water, are harmful to the human body. Can purify water of any level of contamination to drinking quality.

The method is equally relevant for systems autonomous water supply, fed from deep-water wells, and for reservoirs with shallow and medium depths.

Option No. 3 – ultraviolet cleansing

Ultraviolet treatment disinfects the water flow, affects the metabolism in microorganism cells and neutralizes all harmful substances. During the purification process, the structure of the liquid does not change and its quality does not deteriorate. All useful elements retain their original physical characteristics.

The method is suitable both for solo use and for working as a component of a private multi-level complex for drinking water purification.

The main advantages of this option:

  • complete environmental safety;
  • prompt disinfection of liquids and complete destruction of microbes, bacteria and other household irritants by destroying the structure of their DNA;
  • low cost - components do not require replacement;
  • no restrictions on service life;
  • preservation of the natural taste of water;
  • Ease of use.

The main disadvantage is the inability to eliminate chemical compounds. It is also not very convenient that ultraviolet-treated water must be consumed immediately.

Cleansing ultraviolet rays carried out in two ways. The pulse method uses a wide range of available waves, while the constant method only works with those that are in a certain selected range

When choosing cleaning equipment, you should remember that it requires a large free space to function correctly. This area should be prepared in advance and arranged accordingly.

If you plan to buy high-performance semi-professional modules, you need to allocate a separate heated room for them.

The cleaning system must be installed in a convenient location. Access to it should always be open. This will allow you to comfortably and without extra effort replace used filter cartridges with new ones.

It is advisable that furniture or any other objects that could damage the overall integrity of the structure are not adjacent to the treatment complex. There should not be anything that gets very hot nearby.

External filter flasks are made of plastic and may melt when exposed to excessively high temperatures.

It is not at all necessary to subject all the water entering the house to multi-stage purification. The main processing complex should be placed in the kitchen, where the cleanest drinking water is really required.

At the entrance to the main communication system, it is enough to install filters rough cleaning, preventing the penetration of solid, insoluble elements into the system.

It is not necessary to buy the most expensive cleaning system designed for 4-5 working flasks at once. Such units will need to be equipped with several specific filters, and this is a serious material expense, and not always justified.

It is more reasonable to conduct a laboratory analysis of the water in your tank and the surrounding area before purchasing, carefully study this important information and clearly determine what really needs to be purified from the water.

All filters have a certain working resource. Experts recommend not to exceed it. To ensure that high-quality, fresh water always flows from the tap, used cartridges must be immediately replaced with new ones. Otherwise, there is a risk of harmful waste elements penetrating into the drinking liquid.

When the water is determined to be soft, there is no need to install an additional softening filter. Constant consumption of overly processed liquids can cause significant harm to health in the future.

If the testing process reveals an excess of iron and fragments of heavy metal salts in the water, it is worth equipping the treatment system with filtration units aimed at removing precisely these aggressive components.

The presence of 0.1-0.3 mg of iron in one liter of borehole or well water is considered normal. If this indicator is higher, the liquid must be cleaned. Otherwise, users may experience allergic reactions, irritation and skin diseases

The following filtration tools are best suited for removing ferrous compounds:

  • softeners with special backfills equipped with a salt tank for recovery;
  • disinfectants operating on the basis of manganese dioxide;
  • reverse osmosis modules that separate impurities from water at the molecular level;
  • coal blocks made from coconut shells with pronounced adsorbing characteristics;
  • magnetic elements that change the structure of heavy salts using a magnetic field and stimulate their precipitation into an insoluble precipitate retained by the final post-filter insert.
  • If there is a shallow well on the site, it is advisable to conduct a water analysis every year. This will help to timely record all changes in the composition of the liquid and more accurately select the correct cleaning filters for the system.

    Some purification systems have separate filters for cold and hot water. From a cold stream they remove impurities that are harmful to humans and negatively affect various household appliances, and in a hot stream they reduce the level of scale and eliminate decay products formed as a result of heating the liquid.

    When planning the purchase of a treatment system, it is necessary to take into account its throughput. If it is too low, you will not be able to fully use the water. When two or more taps are opened at the same time, the pressure will definitely drop.

    To prevent this from happening, you can equip the cleaning system with a capacious storage tank. This will make it possible to take water from the source not on a schedule, but in accordance with personal needs and requirements.

    A well-equipped purification system will provide a country house with high-quality water suitable for drinking, food use and various household needs. In order to properly equip the equipment with filters, you will have to take a sample of the liquid present on the site and find out what contaminants it needs to be freed from.

    Share with readers your experience in choosing and installing a water treatment system for your home. Please leave comments, ask questions about the topic of the article and participate in discussions - the feedback form is located below.

Three important advice: about the features of wells, about chemicals. analysis, about equipment
Main components of the water treatment system
Well filter. How to make it yourself.
Filters mechanical cleaning. Prices.
Water treatment stations
Water deferrization: reagent (how it works, prices), reagent-free (how it works, prices)
Softening: how it works, cost
Complex cleaning: principle of operation, prices

Living in an urban environment, we don’t have to worry about water purification - city services do it all for us. Their water wastewater treatment plants They replace iron removal, softening and disinfection stations for us. The maximum we do when we are dissatisfied with the quality of the incoming liquid is to install a small main filter in front of the water flow meter to remove mechanical impurities, and also install some kind of household filter solely for purifying liquid for tea and cooking. Things get much more interesting when we decide to start extracting water from a well on our property.

Even if you belong to the category of people who trust specialists to create comfortable conditions around you, in the case of water treatment, you still have to understand a little about the treatment technology. After all, your health directly depends on the quality of water! To get started, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following three tips.

Well station or vice versa?

The quality of water largely depends on the characteristics of the drilled well and the area in which the work is carried out. How shallower well, the higher the risk of encountering excess levels of nitrates, hydrogen sulfide, colloidal iron, and organic substances. But great depth does not make the water ideal: soluble iron, hardness salts, again, hydrogen sulfide - do not be surprised that you will have to deal with one of these scourges. The only thing is that some are easier to deal with than others.

Most often it happens like this: a person wants to save money, and they drill him a so-called sand well, which is quite shallow. If your site is located relatively close to farmland, there is a high risk that pesticides, nitrates and much more will get into the water. All this can be dealt with, but, for example, removing nitrates is very difficult and expensive. The most affordable way to do this is to install a reverse osmosis system. And then in this case it will be possible to count only on obtaining water for food purposes. Because only low-capacity household systems are available. But look in the direction of some station, and you will immediately regret that you did not drill a deeper well.

What to do then? If there are no swamps nearby, your site is located in a secluded forest corner, and your neighbors do not sin with the installation outdoor toilets and septic tanks, then you can consider the option of installing a shallow well. In all other cases, and for permanent residence, it is more convenient to operate, and subsequently cheaper to maintain, the installation of an artesian well.

Selecting a water treatment system based on the results of a chemical analysis of water!

Over several years in the field of water treatment, the author of this article has more than once met with people who were sincerely perplexed as to why they were being tricked into some kind of analysis. But believe me, 3-5 thousand rubles. for analysis is a guarantee that your own water treatment plant will effectively return every ruble invested in it. During the course of the article, we will talk more than once about the content of certain substances in water in relation to the maximum permissible standards, but now you should remember that an important document is SanPiN - it states what kind of water should be. By comparing the results of chemical analysis with SanPiN data, you can easily find the culprit bad water. And this will greatly simplify the task of choosing a filter for purifying water from a well than statements about a tasteless and unpleasant-smelling liquid.

Before contacting the laboratory, be sure to pump the well. This means that you will need to extract at least 10 cubic meters of water from it. Otherwise, the analysis results will not be able to reflect the real state of affairs.

We calculate the capabilities of the equipment before purchasing it!

Once you know what type of water treatment plant you need, think about what characteristics it should have. The following parameters need to be assessed:

  • performance. When it comes to performance, great importance has a number of water points that can be turned on simultaneously in your home. A simple example: someone is washing the dishes, another family member is taking a shower at the same time, and one of the guests decides to flush the toilet. In order for there to be enough water for everyone, the water treatment system must be designed for at least three water points. But most often they deviate from all sorts of assumptions and start from the number of bathrooms in the house. Cases when the house has a jacuzzi or there is a swimming pool on the property require special consideration. Essential Note: For two to four people, two-point equipment is usually sufficient;
  • sewer type. The fact is that the substances that we get rid of using water treatment also need to be disposed of. A rough example: we have a container with sand through which we pass a liquid with insoluble impurities. They are held in place by sand, but at a certain stage the filtration efficiency is significantly reduced because our makeshift filter becomes clogged. We need to wash the sand. Where then will the impurities retained by it end up? That's right, down the drain. This is especially true regarding reagent softening and iron removal stations, which use special substances to regenerate their filtering abilities. Where should I put it all? It’s great if the sewage system is centralized. It is good if it is possible to install large drainage fields to drain wastewater. It’s bad if you use a septic tank or a structure made of rings with a permeable bottom. Simply because the rinsing water (and its volume is quite large) needs to go somewhere. And under no circumstances should wastewater be sent to so-called local treatment facilities - all the beneficial microbes inside them will simply die out;
  • degree of automation. Most water treatment systems used in private homes operate in several modes. At this stage, the main and regeneration modes of the filter media deserve attention. Those. at a certain stage of water treatment it is necessary to switch the station. This can be done manually or by trusting automation. Naturally, the first option is cheaper, but you should seriously think about whether you are willing to periodically devote up to an hour of your time to the equipment... once a week, a couple of days or even every day;
  • sizes. The size of the equipment is directly related to its performance. And it is advisable to take this into account already at the stage of designing a house - somewhere you need to place everything you need. There are mini-stations for cabinet-type water purification and compact block systems (for one house and seasonal residence), classic stations (for one building and permanent residence), modular and block-modular (for several houses and permanent residence).

Main components of a water purification system for the home

Let's trace the path of water from the well to the tap. The first and roughest cleaning of the liquid is carried out inside the well using a well filter (1). All other elements are located in the house: self-washing mud filter (2), water treatment station (3), main fine filter (4), household filter for drinking water (5).

The obvious pattern is that each subsequent water treatment unit is responsible for increasingly fine cleaning. Only this approach can ensure high cleaning efficiency with minimal costs for materials and maintenance.

Well filter

Such a filter is needed simply to protect pumping equipment from large mechanical impurities. Depending on the material used for manufacturing similar designs, as well as the design of the filter surface, a distinction is made between slotted, perforated, wire, mesh and gravel filters. Most often, corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel and plastic are used for these purposes. The average cost of a five-meter slot-type uPVC filter varies between 2200-3500 rubles, with a synthetic or stainless mesh - from 3900 rubles. and so on in increasing order. Why not think about making this simple device yourself? See how this happens in a small enterprise.

Here we need to make a small lyrical digression. The fact is that when constructing a new well, of course, if it is not done with your own hands, the owner rarely bothers with making homemade filters. Having spent a lot on drilling and all other work, I don’t mind just 4 thousand. It’s a different matter when we are talking about an existing well, which needs to be helped by an additional barrier to mechanical impurities. It is easy to make a well filter from a pipe with a smaller diameter than casing pipe, and lower it into the water intake area.

How to make a filter for a well

In most cases, it is sufficient to use a pipe of the same diameter as the casing made of steel or plastic. Three meters will be enough to provide the necessary water intake. These three meters must be divided into three zones, as shown in the figure below. The lower part (settlement) is necessary to retain heavy impurities that will pass through the well filter. The main filtering part will be higher, and 2 meters of pipe will be allocated to it. The remaining 0.5 m is necessary to give rigidity to the upper part of the filter so that problems do not arise during the installation stage of the structure - hence the name “installation zone”.

Briefly about what lies ahead. In the filter zone, pipes need to be made round holes or cracks, wrap this area with a cord and cover it with a net on top. For these purposes you will need the following:

  • filter material: steel or plastic pipe (3 meters), thick polyamide cord (from 3 mm), special polyamide mesh, for example P64, pipe cover;
  • tools: tape measure, screwdriver with 10 mm drill, construction stapler, hacksaw

To give the pipe rigidity, this is especially true plastic product, a plug cap is hammered into its lower part. It will also play the role of a mechanical filter, because then you need to drill several holes in it for water access. Use a 10 mm drill, no more - three to five holes will be enough.

All other work concerns the middle zone of our well filter:

  1. On a two-meter section of our homemade product, it is necessary to drill holes in a checkerboard pattern. Use a tape measure and maintain 100mm between the holes vertically and horizontally. Instead of holes, you can make slits. Use a hacksaw for these purposes and make 100 mm long slots in 20 mm increments on two opposite sides of the pipe. In order not to significantly reduce the rigidity of the future filter, leave a 100 mm section after every 10 holes.
  2. At the edges of the filter area, drill paired holes for attaching the cord. Wrap the synthetic cord around the pipe in a spiral - you should get about 10-15 turns. The pitch in this case is approximately 150-250 mm. The cord is required so that the filter surface is not limited by the previously made holes. With its help, the mesh will not fit closely to the pipe.
  3. Create an additional filter layer using P64 synthetic braided mesh. The price of such material is 1000-1300 rubles. per sq. m. It is better to attach it using a stapler directly to the pipe.

Equipment for coarse and fine cleaning

For rough purification of water extracted from a well, it is most advisable to use mud collectors. They are mesh main filters that purify water using a mesh of of stainless steel with a square cell from 500 to 50 microns. As a rule, filter elements with a mesh size of 100 microns are used, because this is quite enough to solve the problem: retain sand, silt, clay - and at the same time reduce the pressure in the pipe less. To understand what 100 microns is, imagine the thickness of a human hair.

There are self-flushing designs of mud collectors and collapsible models. Under the conditions of water supply installation in own home It is preferable to use a self-cleaning product. Structurally, it is a prefabricated body made of a metal lid and a flask, in the lower part of which there is a ball valve, and inside there is a mesh. There are models with a pressure gauge, a pressure reducer (more relevant for apartments) and other options. To indicate the state of the grid, the flask is often made of transparent material. This is very convenient, because you can clean it of accumulated mechanical impurities without shutting off the water and without disassembling the filter. It is enough to place a bucket under it and open the valve: a powerful stream of water will wash away all excess from the mesh.

For finer mechanical cleaning, cartridge main filters are installed. The most popular sizes are BB10? and BB20?. Foamed polypropylene or a cartridge made of activated carbon(less often).

How much will it cost?

We will not be tied to specific manufacturers - we will simply point out the forks between expensive (within reasonable limits) and cheap models that are appropriate for installing a water treatment system in a private home.

(*) – Honeywell’s most popular models, but be careful, there are a lot of fakes among them. To learn how to protect yourself from purchasing them, watch the video below.

Types of stations

Almost all stations consist of the same parts, and their operation is carried out using the same technology. The only difference is the availability of additional options and technical characteristics of the equipment. For private homes, depending on the nature of their residence, they most often buy either a cabinet-type mini-station or classical system water treatment Let's briefly describe each of them.

But first, let’s conduct a small educational program so that our dialogue is more meaningful. There are several concepts that we will use later.
The control unit, valve, head is a device with which the station’s operating modes are switched. As a rule, it is mounted in the neck of the cylinder. It can be automatic or manually controlled.
A cylinder, a filter column, a filling container, a station body - a sealed fiberglass container of an elongated shape, in which water treatment processes take place thanks to the filter media located inside.
Filter media, medium, backfill, mixture is a single- or multi-component bulk material that retains impurities contained in water due to ion exchange, oxidation or catalytic processes. However, as the water is filtered, the load's ability to cope with its functions deteriorates. It’s good that the process is reversible and when the backfill is treated with special reagents, their regeneration is possible.
Load regeneration is the process of restoring the properties of the filter material by backwashing or washing with regenerating solutions: table salt, potassium permanganate, etc. The latter are stored in a special tank.

For seasonal living and economical water consumption, cabinet-type stations are used. We will show what this is using the example of the Geyser Aquachief 0717 model. A block measuring 230x380x600 mm is convenient for transportation, so it can be easily brought to the dacha during the season and taken away with the onset of the first cold weather. This way you will protect it from sub-zero temperatures and the hands of thieves. This particular example is equipped with an automatic control unit and is capable of dispensing up to 0.5 cubic meters of purified water per hour. Inside the case there is a small cylinder that holds 8 liters of Ecotar B loading, the regeneration of which will take up to 1 kg of table salt each time.

A classic water purification station in a private home for permanent residence is a full-size cylinder with a valve, as well as a separate tank for regenerant. In fact, the name of the system is determined by the chemical composition of the load and the reagent.

In the text, we will periodically talk about the fact that a mechanical control unit is cheaper, and it is quite possible to get by with it. But in practice, it’s better to fork out more and install an automatic valve - there will be less headaches. It can be set to regenerate at night, when no one needs water. You will only need to occasionally monitor the presence of reagents in a special tank if it is included in the water treatment scheme.

Iron removal stations

As is known, according to standards, the concentration of iron in water should not exceed 0.3 mg/l. But already around these values, the liquid acquires a characteristic metallic taste. And already at 1 mg/l it can be felt “on the teeth”. Excess iron levels affect the condition of pipes, plumbing, and water heating appliances. But here we need to make a small lyrical digression and talk about what iron is like in water.

We are interested in two forms: oxidized (in most cases insoluble, Fe3+) and reduced (soluble, Fe2+). One of the insoluble forms is known to many - this is rust. Most often it makes itself felt when, according to old steel pipes Water is not supplied for some time, and when it is supplied, streams of red liquid burst out of the tap. Such iron belongs to the category of ordinary mechanical impurities, and is easy to remove with a special filter. The cheapest way is to use main filters with a cartridge made of foamed polypropylene. It's a completely different story with the soluble form of Fe2+.

Exceeding the maximum concentrations for the soluble form can be determined organoleptically and by taste. Extracted from the depths, it is initially as clear as clean water should be. But after some time, if you collect it in some container and leave it in the air, the water may acquire a yellowish tint, the intensity of which directly depends on the concentration of Fe2+. It's simple: the liquid is saturated with oxygen from the air, Fe2+ is oxidized to the insoluble form of Fe3+. If you continue to defend it, the suspension will precipitate.

Most complex shape is the so-called colloidal or organic iron. These are complex connections, the presence of which is due to the deplorable condition of pipelines, water extraction from an unsuccessful surface source or a shallow well. We hope that the analysis of your water does not show the presence of organic iron, because the solution to this problem is too expensive and requires a comprehensive approach and individual consideration.

If you are looking for an iron removal station for water, then with a high degree of probability one of two system options will suit you:

Reagent type water treatment;

Reagent-free water treatment

All that is needed is to oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+. The question is how exactly to do this.

Reagent-type deferrization station

Most reagent-type filter media for iron removal use the potential of a powerful oxidizing agent - manganese oxide. The most popular filter media is Manganese Greensand or green quartz sand. It is a bulk material glauconite impregnated with manganese oxides, and is very effective means not only for working on iron, but also on hydrogen sulfide (the one with the smell rotten eggs). Having oxidized, insoluble iron is retained in the bulk mass of the backfill. This works under the following conditions:

  • iron and manganese content up to 15 mg/l;
  • hydrogen sulfide concentrations up to 5 mg/l;
  • Water pH 6.2-8.5

those. In most cases!

Design and principle of operation

Here and further we will consider models with a cylinder with a diameter of 10x44?, the power of which is sufficient to simultaneously provide clean water two water points. This is the most popular solution. The cylinder will contain 7 liters of quartz substrate with a grain size of 3-5 mm, 28 liters of Manganese Greensand, and a drainage and distribution system (DDS) for distributing water flows. You need to screw the control unit (CU) on top, and install a tank with regenerant next to the cylinder, which will contain potassium permanganate.

Briefly about how it will work. Water will be supplied to the drilling unit, then to the loading from top to bottom to the substrate, then through the DRS up to the drilling unit and to the exit from the deferrization station. As the oxidative capacity of Manganese Greensand is exhausted, the unit will switch to the regeneration mode: first, mechanical impurities are washed out of the filter material by backwashing, then part of the water is supplied to the tank with the regenerant, where a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared (approximately 4 g of dry permanganate is needed per 1 liter of loading) , which is pumped into a cylinder and restores the oxidizing properties of Manganese Greensand. Before switching on to the main mode, the contents of the cylinder are washed with direct washing so that no potassium permanganate remains there. When flushing, water goes down the drain.

Important! If you have a septic tank in your sewer system, in the operation of which an important role is played beneficial bacteria, then it is not recommended to flush washing water there - potassium permanganate will kill all microflora. It is better to allocate a separate storage capacity for this matter. Or consider other water treatment options.

All that is required of you if you are using an automatic control unit is to monitor the amount of potassium permanganate in the tank. Well, about once every 10 years you will have to change Manganese Greensand, because... nothing lasts forever in this world.

Let's calculate how often the station will switch to regeneration mode and how much potassium permanganate will be required per month of operation of the deferrization reagent station. It is known that 1 liter of Manganese Greensand is capable of oxidizing approximately 1.34 g of iron, 0.67 g of manganese, 0.27 g of hydrogen sulfide. Let’s assume that a family of 3 people will need up to 2 cubic meters of clean water per day, up to 62 cubic meters per month, and the results of chemical analysis showed an iron content of 3 mg/l. This means that for the entire month you need to remove: 0.003*62000=186 g of iron. We have at our disposal a 10x44 station with 28 liters of loading, the potential of which for iron is: 1.34 * 28 = 37.52 g. We divide 186 by 37.52 and get the average number of regenerations per month equal to 5. This means that every six days The unit will switch to boot recovery mode. You need to stock up on potassium permanganate for a month: 28*5*4=560 g.

Price issue

A high-quality cylinder size 10×44 will cost approximately 5-7 thousand rubles, control unit: mechanical 1.5-2 thousand rubles. or automatic 10-35 thousand rubles. – DRS for 0.5-1 thousand rubles, a tank for potassium permanganate at a price of 7 to 10 thousand rubles.

As for downloads, granular quartz for the substrate, relative to everything else, costs pennies: from 0.5 to 1 thousand rubles. for the entire volume. Another thing, Manganese Greensand: from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. for the required volume. Potassium permanganate will cost 0.8-1.5 rubles. per kg. We think it will not be difficult for you to estimate the approximate cost of a water treatment station for iron removal using a reagent method.

Total: ? 40...80 thousand rubles.

Reagent-free deferrization station

If you are lucky and your water with a pH of 6.8-9.0 does not contain hydrogen sulfide or excess organic matter, and the content of dissolved iron and manganese is no more than 1 mg/l, then you can get by with a simpler and cheaper water treatment scheme. They use catalytic mixtures as loading, for example, Birm (Birm) and Pyrolox (Pyrolox), or a combination thereof.

How it works

The special loading has catalytic abilities and is capable of converting soluble forms of iron and manganese into insoluble forms, deposited in the backfill layer. All that is needed for its regeneration is backwashing with ordinary water, during which insoluble forms of iron and manganese are washed out of the filter media.

Schemes with aeration columns are often used, in which water is saturated with oxygen from the air driven there by a compressor. Those. There will already be two cylinders + the need for a compressor + additional costs for electricity. Therefore, when choosing a scheme, you need to individually evaluate the economic component. Homemade option reviewed in the video above.

And a few words about the price

In this case, there is no need to buy reagents and, accordingly, a tank for them. In addition, Burm is half the price of Greensand. For normal operation of the station, only three modes are required: operating, reverse and direct flushing. Those. You can save money by installing a mechanical control unit.

Total: ? 30...60 thousand rubles.

Softening stations

Scale in the kettle, frequent breakdowns coffee machines, water, after boiling which a barely noticeable film floats on the surface - all these are consequences of excess hardness salts in the extracted liquid. According to SanPiN standards, total hardness up to 7** mg*eq/l is normal. Let's get acquainted with the substances with which we will have to fight. These are calcium and magnesium bicarbonates (to a greater extent), as well as their sulfates and chlorides. The main task of any softening station is to reduce the amount of calcium and magnesium ions in the water.

(**) – despite the fact that 7 mg*eq/l complies with SanPiN standards, using such water will not give you much pleasure. For some reason, in Europe this is far from being considered the norm (the norm there is 1.2 mg*eq/l).

How it works

Without exception, all stations operate on ion exchange resins - cation exchangers made of inert materials, the coating of which contains active functional groups capable of exchanging one metal for another. Roughly speaking, sodium ions are initially fixed on the resin; when water from the well is passed through the load, they are replaced by calcium and magnesium ions, and they themselves are sent to the water collection point. With ion exchange, we simply exchange one thing for another.

The classic situation involves reducing rigidity to almost zero. You may not like very soft water because every time you wash your hands with soap you will leave with the feeling that the soap has not been washed off well. But detergents it will take less. If you need some kind of middle option, then you will have to arrange schemes with mixing the original water in order to dilute the resulting soft liquid with a harder one.

At the regeneration stage, the ion exchange resin is washed with a solution of table salt prepared in a salt tank, due to which its useful ability is restored. Tablet salt is used as a regenerant - perhaps one of the cheapest reducing agents for stations. It is the tablet form that is used, and not bulk material that is prone to caking and petrification.

Let's try to calculate the frequency of switching the softening station into recovery mode and the amount of salt required for this process. Typically, the ion exchange capacity of the resin is 1200 mg*eq/l - an indicator that tells how many mg*eq of calcium and magnesium can be removed with one liter of loading. This means there are 10?44 in our column? with 28 liters of backfill, the ion exchange potential will be: 1200*28=33600 mg*eq/l. Let's assume that about 2 cubic meters of water with a hardness of 7 mg*eq/l will be produced per day. Hence 33600*0.8/(2000*7)=1.92, where 0.8 is the safety factor. Those. in our conditions, roughly speaking, regeneration needs to be carried out every two days. One liter of loading requires an average of 150 g of salt; in our case, each regeneration will involve a cost of 0.15 * 28 = 4 kg of salt.

Cost of equipment

The softening task is perhaps one of the least expensive among reagent methods of water treatment. Judge for yourself: tableted salt costs 500...1000 rubles. per bag 25 kg. Usually one bag lasts for a month. The salt tank, oddly enough, given its dimensions, is cheaper than the tank for potassium permanganate as part of iron removal stations - 3000...5000 rubles. for a 70 liter capacity. Ion exchange resin will require approximately 5000...7000 rubles. You can also save on the valve by using a cheaper mechanical control unit.

Total for softening station: ? 30...50 thousand rubles.

Complex training stations

Complex water treatment means the removal of hardness salts, iron and manganese - softening and deferrization in one bottle. Ecotar B and Ecotar B30 loadings are often used for these purposes. But at the same time, water must satisfy the following basic requirements:

  • iron content no more than 15 mg/l (for Ecotar V) or 30 mg/l (Ecotar V30);
  • manganese content not more than 5 mg/l;
  • hardness up to 12 mg*eq/l;
  • without exceeding SanPiN for permanganate oxidation, preferably no more than 3 mg/l

Water from deep wells usually meets these requirements.

A few words about how it works

Equipment for complex water treatment, which uses a multi-component load of the Ecotar B type, is of the reagent type. To restore the filter media, it is washed with a solution of table salt - just like in softening systems. Iron and manganese that have become insoluble are removed during backwashing.

Let's calculate how much water will pass through our cylinder 10?44? with Ecotar B backfill before regeneration is required. Initial conditions: 28 liters - this is how much filter media we have, 1200 mg*eq/l - the exchange capacity of the load, 6 mg*eq/l - the hardness of our water according to the results of chemical analysis, 5 and 3 mg/l - the content of iron and manganese, respectively. The volume of purified water is calculated as follows: 28*1200/(6+1.3(5+3))=2049 l. With water consumption at the level of 2 cubic meters per day, the station comprehensive training will switch to regeneration mode every 24 hours, consuming about 150 mg of salt for each liter of load or 28 * 0.15 = 4.2 kg for the entire volume. In a month it will take 4.2 * 31 = 130 kg... We did not take the best chemical analysis.

The video below shows another one classic scheme deferrization and softening, but it is necessary to use as many as three cylinders.


In fact, the complex system is similar to softening equipment, and therefore its prices are about the same.

Total for a comprehensive cleaning station: ? 30...50 thousand rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

90% of people who need water purification from a well and the installation of a water treatment system will turn to the services of specialists. But we recommend pumping the well, getting the results of a chemical analysis, and only in case of a “clinical case” with water, spending money on some services. If there are no problems with nitrates and organic iron, then you can always pick up necessary equipment on one's own!

Still have questions or need advice? Write in the comments, we will definitely answer!

The first thing a prudent owner will take care of is already at the stage of its construction (or, if the house was purchased with water supply of inadequate quality). This problem is solved by various ways of purifying incoming water:

from domestic use in cottages and dachas - to filtration on an industrial scale

The choice here is small: the first two options, in any case, will turn out to be more economically profitable. Judge for yourself: prices only for drilling your own well in the Moscow region (without infrastructure) start, on average, at from 2000 rubles per meter penetrations. And the depth of the formation reaches 150-200 m. This is several times more expensive than even a premium water treatment system for home.

Reverse osmosis method

This solution allows remove up to 99.99% from water all possible impurities, pollutants, as well as harmful microorganisms. Namely:

  • Salts of inorganic compounds
  • Calcium and magnesium ions
  • Organic products
  • Iron and its oxides
  • Other metals (including heavy metals)
  • Nitrates
  • Pesticides
  • Hydrocarbons (including aromatics)
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria

Evols Company It has great experience in organizing water treatment systems using various technologies, including reverse osmosis. Our experts will help you choose the best solution for your home, which will provide you with clean water for many years.

How does reverse osmosis work?

The main “tsimes” of reverse osmosis is semi-permeable membrane, through which water is literally pushed through, due to the basic laws of physics. Thus, one of the properties of water is the ability to flow from a saturated solution of substances to a less saturated one under the influence of pressure, exceeding osmotic(about 10 kgf/cm2).

For this mechanism, a “mesh” was developed, the pore size of which is similar to the dimensions of the H2O molecule - about 3 angstroms. Thus, the purification product (or permeate) can be safely consumed internally even without boiling

Reverse osmosis systems operate according to the following scheme:

  • Initial fluid purification
  • “Pushing” it through a semi-permeable membrane
  • Accumulation of purified product
  • Final filtering
  • Supply of clean water to the consumer

By the way, water quality can be checked in the laboratory Ecvols.

Choosing reverse osmosis

This installation is indicated in cases where the cottage is located in a complex hydrogeological zone, or enough located close to transport, industrial and other urban infrastructure. The Ecvols company works in the field of high-quality water treatment since 2005, and during this time has accumulated extensive experience in equipping the most complex objects with filtering units

Having your own well on the territory of a country house is in most cases a necessity, but it is not always a factor in ensuring that the owners will not encounter poor water quality.

Artesian wells often suffer from increased mineralization; wells on sand and Abyssinian well may be subject to secondary contamination, including microbiological, and have a variable composition. For this reason, a private home designed for a comfortable life is rarely complete without properly selected water purification systems. After all, from poor quality water Not only the health of the residents suffers, but also the condition of sanitary and heating appliances.

The city has a whole network of public utilities, the equipment and work of employees in which ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity, heat, cold and hot water to the consumer and monitoring the condition of the equipment. In modern country house There is such a miniature system in which control over the operation of all equipment is usually provided to automation.

The set of all automatic control and regulatory equipment that ensures comfortable living in a cottage is called a “Smart Home”. Part of this system is modern technology for purifying water for domestic and drinking needs.

The water treatment system of a private home includes a set of equipment that carries out several processes:

  • direct cleaning;
  • washing and/or regeneration;
  • accumulation of purified water.

All parts work smoothly thanks to correct settings automation. This is a general characteristic modern complex for water purification of a country house.

Types of water treatment

There are several classifications of equipment designed to purify cottage water. The taxonomy can be based on different parameters.

Equipment performance

Based on this feature, we can conditionally distinguish 3 groups of settings.

  1. Small residential service systems are suitable for a private home and are designed for performance in 2.5 m 3 per hour. They are easy to use and are under the personal control of the owner and work in accordance with his needs.
  2. A set of equipment with maximum power 10 m 3 per hour, is used to service approximately 4-5 private houses. The advantage of such a system is. The disadvantage is a non-individual approach to programming water treatment by time of day.
  3. If there is an artesian well on the territory of a holiday village, which is characterized by a large flow rate, then it is better to install general equipment. The positive and negative aspects of such a system are similar to the previous group.

When you need to purify water only for cooking and drinking, a simple filter will be enough, consisting of several cassettes and installed under the sink. If necessary clean water and for plumbing equipment, household appliances , then it’s worth thinking about system with higher performance.

Direction of action and principle of operation

Depending on the problem being solved, treatment equipment is divided into several types.

  1. Coarse filters are used to remove large suspended matter., containing a metal mesh or coarse sand backfill that helps reduce water turbidity. The principle of operation is simple: water passes through, suspensions are retained on the mesh or sand granules.
  2. If the water has high concentrations of iron, then care must be taken to purchase a system that will remove this metal. This problem is most typical for water from artesian wells. Iron is often accompanied by manganese and hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, when choosing equipment, it is necessary to take into account these indicators so that cleaning is carried out comprehensively.

Iron removal and demanganization by filtration with preliminary oxidation is a well-established process, also used in a private home, which will ultimately extend the service life of pipes, household appliances and sanitary equipment and preserve human health. At the same time, the filter media does not require frequent replacement. Oxidation can be carried out by aeration or special reagents. Ozonation has found less use in private practice.

Such filters have 3 disadvantages:

  • the formation of wastewater as a result of washing the filter, which must be disposed of;
  • the need to use aeration equipment and reagents;
  • During the washing period, the filter cannot perform its functions.
  1. Softening- this is the most popular water treatment stage in private homes. At the same time, to use water for drinking and food, there is no need for fine purification from hardness salts; rather, on the contrary, excessive desalting will not have the best effect on health. But for household appliances and saving detergents, soft water is needed. Most often, to combat hardness, a filter with an ion-exchange resin is used, which must be regularly regenerated, or reverse osmosis systems, which excessively demineralize the water and require an additional mineralization step. In the first case, the ions with which the load is saturated are replaced with calcium ions from the water. In the second, the source liquid is passed under pressure through ultrathin membranes that are permeable only to water molecules.
  2. Fine cleaning implies the removal of organic compounds, nitrites, nitrates, heavy metals, and petroleum products from water. Most often, such treatment is required for water obtained from shallow wells. A sorption filter is used here. The load in it has to be changed periodically, and it is not very cheap. But the degree of purification is maximum.
  3. Disinfection may be necessary for treating water from a sand well or “Abyssinian”, since artesian water, with proper drilling and installation of equipment, should not contain pathogenic microorganisms. For a private home the most suitable system Water disinfection is carried out by ultraviolet emitters, which are installed at the end of purification. Removal of microorganisms is also ensured by sorption filters and reverse osmosis systems.

All these purification methods can exist either independently or represent stages of a water treatment complex for a country house.

Use of reagents

Some systems require a reagent either at the cleaning stage (reagent deferrization) or during the recovery process of the load (sorption filter). Others do not require the use of additional chemical compounds. When using reagents, wastewater is generated that requires disposal. For reagent-free cleaning it is necessary optional equipment(aeration during iron removal) or frequent replacement of elements (for example, changing a household filter cartridge).

Automatic and manual systems

Adjusting the operation of the cleaning system comes down mainly to switching from the operating mode to the flushing mode. Automatic systems more expensive, but require virtually no human intervention, and will notify you of problems in a timely manner. Manual adjustment saves money, but complicates the owner’s life at home, which must make the switch on time, and therefore does not exclude the human factor.

The easiest way to adjust is to replace the cassette in a compact household filter.

Manufacturers of water purification systems

Several companies have established themselves in the domestic market as producing equipment that purifies water for the needs of a country house: Ekvos, Barrier, Ecodar, Aquaphor, Geyser and others. The price range for complex systems is high.

The cost of standard class products can range from 60 thousand to 170 thousand rubles. Better to buy from official dealers that are closer to you.

The most popular products are Aquaphor and Geyser. Both companies offer the buyer a fairly wide range of products for water treatment, including components for equipment.

Both “Geyser” and “Aquaphor” received the greatest popularity for their filter jugs, as well as installations placed under the sink. The prices for compact systems from these companies are approximately in the same price range - 3000-5000 rubles. Both manufacturers offer separate stations for deferrization, softening, disinfection, as well as comprehensive cleaning systems designed to serve a large country house.

Aquaphor offers complete cleaning with aeration deferrization for 135 thousand rubles. The price for stationary cottage water treatment systems from the Geyser company must be clarified with the official representatives listed on the company’s website.

For those who are forced to install water treatment systems in their home, experts recommend following several rules.

  1. Before choosing a treatment plant, you must do an advanced water analysis at the nearest water laboratory. Simply identifying the most common problem indicators will not be enough. For example, for removing iron by oxidation and filtration, a low pH value of water complicates water treatment, but for osmosis this is even better. For shallow wells, water analysis is recommended to be repeated annually.

What to do if you have a decent cottage, but no decent water?
The information presented below will help you not to “drown” in the sea of ​​offers and make the right choice. You will learn about the cost of equipment, about the pitfalls that you may encounter on the way to clean water and how to save a considerable amount of time and money.

What troubles can owners of country houses encounter due to water?

  • Presence in water large quantity dissolved iron. Such water is initially transparent, but when settled or heated it becomes yellowish-brown in color, which causes rusty stains on plumbing fixtures.
  • High water hardness is determined by the amount of calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in it. It is hardness that is the cause of the well-known scale. Relatively harmless scale in a kettle, deposited on the walls of water heating devices (boilers, water heaters, etc.), as well as on the walls of pipes in the hot water line, disrupts the heat exchange process. This leads to overheating heating elements, excessive consumption of electricity and gas. Scale deposits cause up to 90% of water heater failures.
  • Unpleasant odor of water due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide.

Make no mistake regarding the fact that if you drill a deep well, you can do without water purification. It is Water from deep wells that is characterized by the presence of iron, high rigidity and hydrogen sulfide. If you plan to use water from a shallow “sandy” well or well, then a whole “bouquet” of pollutants, varied in their own way, will be added to the above troubles. chemical composition and the risk of microbiological contamination.

Of course, the exact concentration of pollutants will only be determined in a chemical laboratory, but what is in well water There will be increased concentrations of iron, hardness and hydrogen sulfide, which can be stated immediately.

Therefore, for a comfortable stay in a cottage you will need a water purification system consisting of at least:

iron remover filter and softener filter

Which filter should you choose?

So that your life, after purchasing water treatment equipment, is filled - not with fighting the installed equipment, but with the enjoyment of clean water, we recommend that you carefully read the information presented below.

Many clients find it difficult to make a choice in favor of one company or another. The proposed water purification systems differ greatly in the composition of the equipment, the technologies used and prices. In order to make the right decision, you must first of all know that:

Not all filters purify water equally!

There are few companies that truly offer their clients optimal solution problems with water, and not something that needs to be sold according to the laws of trade.

So, how to choose the right iron removal filter and softener filter?

1.Filter softener:

Today, there is only one effective and economically viable water softening technology - softening with ion exchange resins.

Other methods - radio frequency and magnetic treatment of water, do not remove hardness salts, but temporarily “bind” them, preventing them from being deposited in the form of scale. According to many reputable scientists, these methods are experimental and require additional scientific research. Few people will want to turn their cottage into an experimental laboratory, so these methods are not considered by us.

Effective softening technology using ion exchange resins is implemented in automatic softener filters:

Hard water entering the softener filter passes through a layer of ion exchange resin poured into the filter tank (1) and is freed from hardness salts. Happening ion exchange: calcium and magnesium ions, which determine water hardness, are replaced by sodium ions, which the resin is saturated with. When the resin is depleted, the automatic control valve (2) switches the filter to regeneration mode and the resin is restored aqueous solution highly purified table salt (NaCl), automatically supplied from the salt solvent tank (3). A reverse process occurs, replacing accumulated hardness ions with sodium ions from the saline solution. And the softener is ready for use again! All these processes occur automatically and the only thing you will need to do is pour tableted salt into the salt solvent tank once a month and, of course, once again admire the high-tech equipment. Almost all companies specializing in water treatment sell tableted salt for softeners. Our company provides free delivery of salt directly to the customer’s site at any convenient time. A request for salt delivery can be submitted directly from our website.
So, when buying a softener, choose softening technology using ion exchange resin. The resin should only be imported. Domestic analogues have a lower service life.

2. Iron removal filter:

With the deferrization of water, not everything is as simple as with softening. It is precisely with the illiterate selection of a deferrizer that subsequent problems may arise. greatest number problems associated with the operation of equipment and its ineffective operation. Therefore, the choice of iron remover must be approached most responsibly.

Initially, iron is in water in a dissolved state. The task of any iron removal filter is to convert dissolved iron into sediment and retain it in the thickness of the filter media. To convert dissolved iron into a precipitate, it must be oxidized. This is achieved through the use of various technologies, which are generally divided into two types: reagent and non-reagent. Reagent filters use various strong oxidizing agents to oxidize dissolved iron, such as chlorine, ozone, but most often potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Reagent-free filters use air oxygen to oxidize iron.

The cost of reagent deferrizers is the lowest, but their operating costs are very high. This is due to the need to purchase reagent materials monthly and frequently replace the filter media. For example, the very attractive, at first glance, low cost ($1050) of a reagent deferrizer (1 m3/h) with Greensand, working using delayed regeneration technology with potassium permanganate, after three years of operation results in more than $2000 in operating costs. A filter for removing iron from water turns into a filter for removing money from your pocket!

The cost of reagent-free deferrizers is initially higher. The cost of the main equipment is added to the cost of the aeration column, an air compressor to supply air to the system and a flow sensor. But operating costs are reduced to zero. They don’t charge us for air yet and we don’t have to buy it monthly like potassium permanganate.

In addition, reagent-free deferrizers are more effective than reagent ones. For achievement stable operation reagent systems require the constant availability of a fresh oxidizing solution in a certain concentration, and this is not always feasible.

For your convenience, we provide below comparison table, which will help you decide on the choice of water deferrization technology:

Water deferrization technologies


With reagents

No reagents


Regeneration with potassium permanganate
"Greensand" (green sand)
Pressure aeration


MnO2 "potassium permanganate"


Reagent consumption

2-3 kg/month


Operating costs



Job resource

2.5-3 years

5 - 6 years

Restrictions on use

Reset is not allowed wash water to the septic tank


Load replacement costs after 3 years



Costs after 3 years of operation






Main disadvantages

Highest operating costs.
Problems with the septic tank appear (bacteria die).
Low efficiency in removing iron from water.

The cost of the deferrizer is added to the cost of the air compressor, aeration column and flow sensor.

Main advantages

Initially the lowest cost of equipment

Only this technology makes it possible to completely remove hydrogen sulfide from water. Lowest operating costs.

The table shows that the most effective and optimal ratio of purchase price / operating cost is -Reagent-free technology Pressure aeration:

Aeration is carried out by pumping air into the aeration column (1), located in front of the iron removal filter (2) using an air compressor (3). The low-noise compressor is capable of supplying up to 500 liters of air per hour, with a back pressure of 6.0 kg/cm2. The compressor is turned on/off according to a signal from the flow sensor (4), which is installed after the iron removal filter. Inside the filter housing are AMDX and BIRM filter media. Oxygen in the air oxidizes dissolved iron, which precipitates and is retained in the thickness of the filter media. Excess air and dissolved gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc.) are removed using an air separating valve at the top of the aeration column. Washing and restoring the filter's functionality is carried out without the use of any chemicals using a reverse flow of source water. The filter operation is fully automated.

So, when purchasing a deferrizer, we recommend choosing pressure aeration technology.

A complete set of equipment for softening and deferrizing water will look like this:

Let's consider other methods of water deferrization:

Reagent-free natural aeration technology. Is analogous to the method pressure aeration. The difference is that the water is not aerated using an air compressor, but naturally, entering a storage tank with a volume of 2000 liters. During the process of filling the container, the water is saturated with oxygen from the air and the process of oxidation of dissolved iron occurs. From the container, water using pumping station is fed to the deferrization filter, where the precipitated iron is retained in the thickness of the filter media. This technology is advisable to use when there is a shortage of water in the public water supply, or when the water yield of a personal well is low. The storage tank will always allow you to have a large supply of water. The disadvantages of this technology include the possibility of microbiological contamination due to stagnation of water in the container and the need for a large area for its placement - about 3 m2. Otherwise, this technology is similar to pressure aeration and retains all its advantages. The problem of microbiological contamination can be solved by installing an ultraviolet sterilizer.

Reagent technology for proportional dosing of potassium permanganate. A solution of potassium permanganate is dosed into the pipeline in front of the iron removal filter. With its help, oxidation of the dissolved form of iron occurs (as well as partial disinfection and reduction of other harmful impurities) with the formation of sediment, which is well retained in the thickness of the filter material. To dose potassium permanganate, an automatic proportional dosing complex is used. It consists of: a dispenser pump, a solution tank and a water meter. The dosing of the solution is proportional to the water consumption - according to the signal of the pulse water meter installed after the iron removal filter. Restoring the ability of the filter to extract iron is carried out without the use of any chemicals by washing the layer of filter material with a reverse flow of source water. This technology is advisable to use at very high concentrations of iron (more than 10 mg/l) and manganese (more than 0.4 mg/l) in water.

Other existing technologies We do not consider water deferrization, due to their low efficiency or unreasonably high operating costs.


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