Here's what you can do with empty wine bottles. Now it’s a shame to even throw them away! Crafts from plastic bottles for home and garden, new photo ideas

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Well, who among us doesn’t like to drink? Well, at least if he doesn’t love you, then from time to time you have to. Sometimes after fun get-togethers with friends or family celebrations, there are a lot of bottles of wine or other “fun” drinks left behind. The first thing that comes to mind is to throw it in the trash. But don't rush! You will be surprised, but empty bottles of the same wine can be much more useful than you think. Take a look at these usage ideas empty bottles on the farm - perhaps you will discover a lot useful little things and you can create one of these practical works of art with your own hands.

(Total 22 photos)

Place one of these special terracotta things on the neck of the bottle and voila! Your plants will water themselves.

2. Bookshelf.

Sturdy boards + bottles = DIY book house.

3. Candlesticks.

The long neck of the bottle will prevent the candle from going out, and the glass will protect from the wind.

4. Torches.

Fill these unique torches with citronella oil and stop mosquitoes from invading your property.

5. Hanging flowerbed.

It feels like the bottles grew from plants, and not the other way around.

6. Terrarium.

Clear or colored glass bottles are ideal for growing your own tiny garden.

Add some color and flair to your garden while still maintaining your personal space. This idea will work at home too.

8. Hummingbird feeder.

Tiny pollinators will love this awesome and eco-friendly feeder.

9. Chaise longue.

Looks cool, but is it comfortable?

10. Wind chime.

This distinctive cork wine bottle is ready to take on the wind.

11. Chandelier.

A luxurious detail that would suit even a ballroom interior.

12. Hat rack.

The idea was presented by Lucirmás in Milan. Partly an art, but at the same time a useful thing.

13. Necklace.

Handmade in the USA. A similar necklace can be made to suit your own color taste.

14. Glassware.

Wine bottles are the most durable due to annealing, which means they are ideal for making glassware.

15. LED lamp.

Looking for unique lamp By affordable price? Simply insert the LED stopper into the wine bottle and voila!

16. Serving dish.

An affordable way to serve appetizers at your next party.

17. Bottle tree.

Usually it accumulates at the dacha or in the pantry. a large number of garbage. For example, glass bottles for juice, soda, alcoholic drinks. If you show a little imagination, they will gain a second life. This article is for those who are wondering what can be made from a glass bottle.


It often happens that it is a pity to throw away a bottle with an interesting shape or with an original design. In this case, you can think about various options finishing. For example, use the decoupage technique. It is very simple to make, but looks beautiful. These bottles will fit well into the kitchen interior.

In addition to the “garbage” you will need: PVA glue, a napkin with a pattern, a brush, a roller, and varnish. First the bottle is primed. Then, the selected pattern is glued to the dried surface. If the PVA glue is very thick, then it can be diluted a little. If napkins are used, you only need to leave upper layer. Pictures from magazines should be kept in water for a while to soften them. You need to apply another layer of glue on top of the drawing. After this, the bottle is varnished several times. After this finishing, you can wet it without fear that the design will get wet and “peel off”. However, you should not scrub with a metal sponge.

Other finishing options

You can make the bottle elegant using any other materials. For example, cover with paints. In this case, the drawing will be limited only by flights of fancy. You will need to apply several layers of varnish on top.

Another design option is to cover the bottle with threads. different colors, twine, shells, pasta, etc. Can be done three-dimensional image from polymer clay.

How to use glass bottle crafts at home

The first thing that comes to mind is that this is for flowers. They can also be used for their intended purpose: for storing various liquids (alcoholic drinks, juices, oils, etc.). Such bottles look especially advantageous when setting the table. They can also serve as candlesticks.

With filler

There is another option for how to use glass bottles in the interior. A new fashionable trend is to fill them with various bulk contents. Some craftsmen even create paintings. You can try to create such a decoration yourself.

One of the most simple options- cereals, seeds or dried vegetables poured in rows. The alternation of contrasting colors, as well as large and small elements, looks good.

Another way is to use fresh fruits and vegetables. They need to be cut into cubes and placed in a bottle. To prevent the contents from disappearing, you must add vinegar or glycerin - they will act as a preservative. To prevent liquids from evaporating, each bottle must be tightly sealed.

You can try creating a composition with colored salt. To do this, you need to paint it with gouache diluted in water and pour it into the bottle in any order.

Lamps and candlesticks

What can you make from a glass bottle to beautifully decorate a room or area? Easy to make from scrap material original lamps. For example, by type of burner or torch. Oil is poured into the bottle, and a sleeve with a wick is inserted into the neck. It should be long enough to reach the bottom. This burner can be installed on the ground or hung on special fasteners.

Bottles also look good as a chandelier or stand for a table lamp.

Walls, fences

Crafts from glass bottles look original when decorated summer cottage. If you wish, you can build a house all from the same glass. But this is quite a troublesome task. To begin with, you can try to build large and not very large fences. A bottle wall will look very interesting when decorating a summer cottage. It's quite simple to do.

The common element is taken as a connecting element. concrete mortar. It can be added to provide strength and weather resistance. Bottles can be used different color And different shapes. This will create interesting pattern. You can simply stack them all in a row, because... the bottles will play in the sun, and the fence will still turn out bright and beautiful.

And it’s easier to make paths on the site. It is enough just to dig the bottles into the ground and press it down thoroughly. To add a festive touch, you can entangle the fence with a garland or pass it inside.

Shot glasses, glasses

What can you make from a glass bottle if you cut it? The possibilities will expand significantly. Now it will be possible to make various stands, vases, glasses, complex candlesticks, etc. One way to cut glass carefully is to first mark the cut line. To make it even, you can use tape. Then they go along the line with a glass cutter. However, the glass of the bottles is thick, so it won’t cut off so easily. You need to heat the product over a candle or burner, and then lower it into cold water. Due to a sharp temperature change, the glass will burst along the cut line. That’s it, the blank for the glass or vase is ready, you can decorate it.

The list of options for what can be made from a glass bottle does not end here. The scope for flight of fancy is simply enormous. Some are already assembling furniture, others are decorating stained glass windows. There would be time and desire to do this.

- a very exciting and interesting process, thanks to which old items become eligible for new life and, often, become not just an interior decoration, but its main highlight.

All you need is an extraordinary look at things and an ordinary glass bottle can turn into original vase or exclusive lamps.

DIY crafts from bottles will fit perfectly into modern interior in the style of loft, Provence, minimalism or will complement a cozy mood country house or .

Due to the variety of shapes, sizes, colors, glass containers have become a good choice waste material for creatingdecorations from bottles . They are used to make dishes, vases and flower pots, candlesticks and lamps, various fences for flower beds and even to create small pieces of furniture.

Ideas from bottles they know no boundaries, and the products that come out of them are not only beautiful, but also practical.

What can be made from glass bottles: video

Bottle products: original tableware

One of the most unusual homemade is dishes. By cutting the vessel in half and sanding the edges well, you will get original flat plates for serving snacks. They are very practical to use and interesting shape allows you to beautifully set the table.

Also, a bottle cut crosswise can be used as containers for spices.

How to cut a glass bottle, watch the video instructions:

How to make a vase from a glass bottle

Popular DIY bottle crafts and have always been and remain flower vases.

Also, airtight vessels are ideal for creating beautiful flower pots and pots.

Thanks to various methods of decoration, bottles acquire an elegant look and look good even in the most pretentious interior. To decorate containers, they use equipment, glass painting, ribbons, twine, rhinestones, etc.

Candlesticks and lamps made from bottles

Receive special attention decor from glass bottles , designed in the form of elegant candlesticks and luxurious chandeliers. Filigree play of light on glass surface and beautiful highlights, give such bottle products unique charm.

To make them, they use wine or beer containers, which are pre-cut to the desired configuration or decorated with improvised materials, depending on the idea.

Traditional incandescent lamps, LED elements, garlands are used as lighting elements, and candles and special wicks are used in candlesticks. Such glass bottle crafts look impressive and will become a real decoration of the interior.

How to make a lamp from a glass bottle: master class

Fences made from glass bottles

In addition to crafts for the interior, glass vessels actively used for decoration local area And . Due to good performance qualities, they are not exposed to precipitation and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Despite their apparent fragility, the containers are quite durable and are even used to create fences, borders for flower beds, construction gazebos and even for construction houses from glass bottles.

Arina Shostak | 08/28/2015 | 15100

Arina Shostak 08/28/2015 15100

We offer you 9 original crafts made of glass wine bottles with your own hands.

If you love handmade things, chances are you won't even think of the barbaric idea of ​​throwing your empty glass wine bottles down the garbage disposal. After all, any needlewoman knows that wine bottles are an ideal basis for many useful and beautiful crafts for everyday life and home decor.

Stephanie, the owner of a blog called "Hello Natural", collected 12 ideas unusual crafts from glass bottles. Get inspired!

Wine bottles are perfect for making beautiful scented candles that will decorate your living room interior.

You will need:

  • Wine bottle removed from label
  • Decorative glass beads
  • Liquid fuel for burner
  • Essential oil
  • Wick
  • Wick holder

Step 1

Place decorative balls into the bottle. You will need 1-2 sachets.

Step 2

Fill the burner with liquid fuel (alcohol based). Add essential oil to your taste. About 15 drops should be enough.

Step 3

Attach a metal wick holder to the neck of the bottle. Any ring or cylinder of the required diameter will do.

Step 4

Insert the wick. Light a candle! Enjoy the burning flame and pleasant aroma.

Glass bottle lamps

Tired of old lampshades? Make your own from empty bottles piling up around the house.

You will need:

  • Wine bottles
  • Glass stones and decorative rhinestones
  • Nail polish remover
  • Rope
  • Lighter or matches

Step 1

First you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. To do this, wrap the bottle with a rope (5-6 turns) at the site of the intended cut. Cut the loose ends close to the knot - they should not dangle.

Step 2

Carefully remove the rope so that the ring does not unravel. Soak thoroughly in nail polish remover. The rope should be completely saturated.

Step 3

Place the string back on the bottle.

Step 4

Fill the sink with cold water.

Step 5

Holding the bottle over the sink, light the rope.

Step 6

Hold the bottle so that the bottom is raised. This will force hot air inside the bottle. Constantly rotate the bottle in your hands so that the fire burns evenly.

Step 7

When the flame begins to die down, place the bottle in cold water. The bottom should fly off.

You may not be able to cut the bottle this way the first time. Don't be discouraged - in this matter, practice is everything.

Step 8

Cover the cut of the bottle clear varnish. You can pre-sand it with sandpaper.

Step 9

Glue rhinestones to the surface of the bottle and decorative stones using Moment glue.

Step 10

Insert the socket inside and screw in the light bulb. The lampshade is ready!

How to use the cut off bottom of a wine bottle? Turn it into a candlestick! If desired, the glass can be painted or decorated.

If you and your kids love wildlife and often feed birds in the park, you'll love the idea of ​​making a bird feeder out of an empty wine bottle.

Ask your husband to put together a cylinder-holder for a bottle from boards. It consists of seven parts:

  • Four slats
  • Top part
  • Cross board with hole for bottle

It is important to attach the bottle so that the neck does not touch the bottom. The bottle should end about half a centimeter above the bottom of the feeder so that the grains fall out evenly.

Wash the bottles, dry them and carefully wrap them with yarn. You turned out cute!

This bottle can also be used as a candlestick. However, in this case, it is necessary to put a “skirt” on the base of the candle to protect the yarn from fire.

Expensive wine bottles that have a hollow at the bottom are suitable for this craft.

Step 1

Cut the bottom of the bottle using the method described above. You can use the cut off bottom parts of bottles that are left over from making lampshades.

Step 2

Color if desired.

Step 3

Turn upside down. Paste boiled eggs. Bon appetit!

If you are leaving for long term, and there is no one to care for your house plants, organize a watering system that will keep the soil moist for at least three days longer.

Step 1

Pour water into the bottle and let it sit for several days.

Step 2

Close the bottle with a cork.

Step 3

Make a hole in the cork using an awl.

Step 4

Turn the bottle over and stick its neck into the ground. Ready!

If you don't want to limit yourself to one lampshade, you can make a large lamp from wine bottles. It will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, especially in a country house.

Step 1

Cut the bottles using the same principle as for making lampshades.

Step 2

Select a board for the base of the lamp. Sand and seal if necessary.

Step 3

Drill holes in the board the size of the bottle neck.

Step 4

Insert light bulb sockets into the bottles.

Step 5

Insert the necks into the holes of the board so that they fit tightly.

Step 6

Attach holders (chains, rope, etc.) to the board

Step 7

On top of the board you can make a wooden box for the wires.

Step 8

Hang the lamp on the ceiling, screw in the light bulbs. Enjoy!

Instead of a cork, attach a pump or distribution nozzle to the bottle liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Ready!

Based on materials from


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