Time to collect roots, or how to create a rutarium in your summer cottage. Amazing rutarium - a garden of roots on your site DIY crafts from stumps

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Rutarium is a magnificent fantasy composition that absolutely anyone, even a child, can create. This original item landscape design, which can be interestingly fit into almost every style.

For many summer residents, rutary is an unknown word, but each of them daily encounters materials for performing such compositions. Making one with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to use your imagination, choose free time, work with original parts and combine them into a single whole to get beautiful drawing.

Rutarium is an original landscape composition of roots, trunks, branches, bark, snags, as well as auxiliary elements decor. The borrowed name rutarium comes from the English “root”, which means root. Thus, it is a glade of roots or a garden of roots, which are beautifully arranged in a whimsical composition.

Features of rutaria in the country

Simply collecting roots from uprooted trees and placing them on the lawn will be wrong, since you will not create anything by doing this, but will simply litter the lawn or part of the garden. But, if you approach the issue seriously and try very hard, then believe me, in a few days of work you can organize something that will surprise and envy every guest of your site. So, what are the main features of a root composition?

  • Maximum uniqueness, because even a professional cannot assemble a completely identical picture, even if he really wants to, even if he spends money on it. And this is wonderful, because it is very pleasant to be the owner of an exclusive.
  • Bizarre forms. Naturally, it cannot be any other way. Why do you need roots that will just lie in a clearing and dry, falling into pieces? They should fulfill some role - to amuse, surprise, maybe a little scary, please people, please the eye, and so on.
  • Opportunities to experiment with creation elements. You can always create with your own hands whatever you want - entire paintings, decorative dead gardens, magnificent living flower beds (in composition with living plants), figures of animals and fairy-tale characters, and so on.
  • No costs for creation items. And, indeed, you don’t spend a penny, because there are enough dry roots at the dacha, and if not, there is always someone nearby to “clean up” the territory. There are a lot of branches, bark, and unnecessary logs around the dacha.
  • The opportunity to create a rutary not only on the territory of a summer cottage, but also on the terrace, veranda, near the patio, placing several majestic and terrible guards of your property from the roots.

Principles of creation

There are always rules and exceptions, and the same can be said about creating a rutaria. It can be done chaotically, exactly the way you want, but it can also be done according to certain principles in order to get a real masterpiece, unlike other similar compositions, and a garden of roots that will fit into your site in an original way.

  • You should create a rutary only in the area where it will correspond to the style. We would like to warn you right away that in a regular style, Baroque or Italian, such figures will be a little inappropriate. The same can be said about minimalism, unless you build a rutary from strict straight forms in a single color. The compositions are suitable for mixed styles, in which, as usual, we decorate our dachas. There is nothing strict and capriciously intelligent, nothing imposing and overly rich, pretentious and intentionally designer? Then rutarium is suitable for your site.
  • Rutarium should be created in a certain direction, and a philosophy should be given to it from the very beginning. Think right away exactly how you want to see it, perhaps it is a scary and gloomy corner that will lend itself to cheerful discussion by adults, perhaps a joyful composition of funny animals and characters from fairy tales that will appeal to little ones. But it is quite possible to have a combination, for example, a bright harmony with nature, a little evil, but more good, which defeats the first. Yes, that’s right, you can even create a fragment from a fairy tale that everyone will like and will remain in their memory for a long time.
  • The composition should show some integrity, a single concept, even if it was created in mixed style. To do this, you will need to make every effort, especially since not only the rutarium should be unified within itself, but its combination with the rest of the site and landscape should also be extremely noticeable.
  • In addition, when creating a charming or slightly terrifying composition, you should think not only about the appearance of the rutaria, its style and combination with the landscape design of the area, but also about the durability of your masterpiece.

To tell the truth, you could write a dozen similar principles, but in our situation, this is definitely inappropriate. We need a beautiful and durable rutarium, with a certain mood, a maximum lifespan, joyful and memorable, which will surprise friends and relatives... in principle, this is enough!!!

We create a rutary with our own hands

Do you think this is very difficult to do? You are right in thinking, it’s not difficult to just throw roots and snags on a platform or clearing, but making a composition out of them is much more difficult. But there are some types that you don’t have to think too much about.

Making rutarium in the garden (video)

Song types

  • The simplest rutarium. This can be done exactly in the way that we named, mentioning the roots and snags on the site. On the one hand, this can only ruin everything, but on the other hand, if you have enough strength, you can create the simplest, but also the most original rutary. To do this you will need not only to find quality material, which already looks like something cute and exclusive (driftwood in the shape of crocodiles, roots with stumps in the shape of old scary gnomes, and so on), but also modify it. Naturally, this will require certain skills. If you make really “strong” elements from simple roots, you can simply install them on the lawn. That's it, a small and simple rutary is ready, but the main thing is that it is beautiful and original.
  • Natural. It can also be called compositional, and it is this type almost everyone chooses. It's like biomechanics - a mixture of living and non-living. We also have old and dead roots, plus beautiful ornamental plants in composition with them. It is very difficult, believe me, but also very beautiful. When creating such a masterpiece, and I don’t want to call it anything else, you need to understand that the lifespan of a rutaria is up to 5-7 years (maximum), the plants in the composition must be selected very correctly, the location will have to be chosen according to certain parameters, it will take a long time to create not 1-2 days. In general, there are plenty of difficulties.
  • Fairytale or decorative, cartoon, fantasy, whatever they call him. Here the emphasis is on crafts made from wooden elements, and living plants are just simple decor, a background for a picture. It is created in accordance with a specific scenario, for example, which you yourself came up with. But definitely without chaos and incomprehensible compositions. Everything should be as harmonious as possible inside the rutaria, plus it will also have to fit into the main style of the landscape. As practice shows, this is easy to do only with the classics, but when your own imagination comes into play, then everything is much more difficult.

Rutarium in landscape design

This can be done simply by placing a certain composition on the territory, but you can also get creative. Here's a couple for you original examples:

  • Rutarium near the recreation area, in the form of hearth guardians, gnomes who bring happiness, and some animals that walk next to you.
  • The root garden, hidden behind a hedge at the entrance to the cottage, is original and lively, with a bright and colorful composition of living plants;
  • Rutaria that scares or surprises, for example, large-shaped roots in a corner of the garden where people rarely visit. Such compositions always leave vivid impressions and become a reason for discussion.

Creation Material

As we said above, these can be old roots of trees and shrubs, snags and logs, decayed parts of trunks, bark, stones, living plants, pebbles, small wild bushes, mosses and even pieces of lawn.

Try to choose more or less high-quality material that will last longer, involve children and friends in the search for materials, ask similar elements from neighbors in the country, because everyone has a lot of similar things in their yard, and all of it is not used.

Be sure to pay attention to the decorative effect, choose materials, draw up an action plan, perhaps you will need and various items antiques, sculptures, some figurines and even bottles and pots.

Preparing material for the composition

Of course, here you can use your own knowledge and imagination - paint the materials, open them with varnish, saw or connect some parts, and so on. But it is important to do everything correctly and consistently.

  • Collected material you should clean it of dust, go through it with brushes, a broom, and maybe even wash some parts.
  • Next, be sure to treat with boiling water, inspect for the life of various insects, and remove them as much as possible.
  • Treat the materials with an antiseptic from a sprayer so that the composition gets into even the most hard to reach places. Process several times.
  • If possible, treat with special protective compounds, impregnations.
  • The material can be painted and varnished, but remember that in this case it will lose its naturalness and naturalness.

Root Garden Layout

This is enough important step, after all, having once planned everything and done it according to your own project, you certainly won’t be able to redo it, since most of the materials will simply be lost. Therefore, you should plan a rutary once, with a sheet of paper and a pencil, using special landscape programs and a PC, or by training your memory and arranging everything in your thoughts on the shelves in the future composition.

Layout – important stage any creation, and therefore we recommend, at a minimum, using a simple drawing on paper. You'll see, it will be much easier to work this way.

How to make a rutarium on your own?

The main sequence of work is as follows:

  • We decided that our rutary would not be very complicated, because we don’t have a lot of capital or time for it, which means we are creating an original and pretty composition that will simply delight us with its presence at the dacha.
  • We chose a site on the lawn, in front of the main building. It seems to us that the rutarium should be noticeable and delight every visitor to the dacha.
  • The materials are very simple: a large tree root, several small roots of bushes with a branched root system, a couple of fancy branches, driftwood and logs.
  • We prepare the site very simply - we plant lawn grass, we form a rutaria zone, plant a fence with any bright and low-growing annual flowers (this step is in the sequence here, but if done correctly, then planting plants under the lawn and the base should occur after installing the main elements, so as not to trample the seeds).
  • Now, we install the main, large root of the tree. We place it in a small hole, with the roots cut down and the trunk cut up, that is, in a natural position. We dig in the bottom of the root a little and cover it with stones, like a fortress, cut out the top and cover it with earth. But the middle of the root is formed like a castle, large and impregnable. In the upper part, where the earth was poured, we plant climbing flowers, which we then send down the roots. On the sides of the main root we place the roots of the bushes, trunks down, roots up, and also, at their base, we lay out small stones. Along the borders of our rutaria, where the entire area will be completed with cute annuals, we lay out driftwood, which we decorated as dragons (paint, beads, a little machining ax and hacksaw).

The composition is complete, now you just have to wait until those plants that will give it cheerful colors begin to sprout and bloom along the rutaria. We set up a small area, in the middle of which we installed a fairytale castle (a large stump) in the form of a fictional character, next to it there were two guards (scary roots of bushes), dragons were placed around the perimeter to guard the territory (our processed driftwood and logs) In general, it turned out that something surprising, not scary, original, and even cute.

It is not known for certain when, but one fine day the idea came into someone’s head to drag roots and driftwood into one place and use them to decorate a corner in the garden. Apparently, the composition turned out to be quite good and was liked by many people - later it received its current name. Rutary – from English word root. At first the roots and stumps performed completely functional purpose(served as supports for climbing plants, tables, etc.) and only later did they turn into garden sculpture, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will figure out the intricacies self-made rutaria at the dacha.

DIY rutary photo

Rutary: what you have to work with

The main material for creating a rutaria is old wood - to be more precise, tree roots, uprooted stumps, various kinds of snags, logs, and so on. In general, parts of trees that you think are interesting and have some flair to them. You understand, using exclusively these materials, it will not be possible to create a truly attractive and varied decor - such a rutary will be very gloomy, and besides melancholy and boredom, you will not get any other pleasures from it. It is for this reason that the manufacture of rutaria in landscape design involves the use of other materials to brighten up a dull picture and turn a garden of roots into a truly unique garden decoration. Such materials include the following.

  1. Vegetation various kinds– low-growing shrubs, wildflowers, ferns, mosses and so on. By diluting the rutarium with natural greenery, you create a natural landscape inherent in nature - it is important to understand that decorative indoor plants and other greenery bred by man have no place here. Rutaria is, first of all, an imitation of a corner of nature, which combines living and dead vegetation.
  2. The second material that fits well into such compositions is stone. There is no way to overdo it, otherwise the finished composition will look like a mixture of rutaria and rock garden - in principle, such elements also have their own zest, so no one forbids experimenting here. IN classic version the rutaria root garden provides for a small amount of large stone, but, again, no one will forbid you to create a scattering of small boulders.

To learn how you can use various driftwood and old stumps in your dacha, watch this video.

Among other things, when arranging a rutaria, objects created by man can also be used - for example, clay products of various types. As an option, since we mentioned combining rutaria with other similar gardens from unusual materials, then into the decor of this type you can add multi-colored gravel placers and plant several tall trees. By the way, about trees - ideal option in this respect is the acacia with its angular turns of branches.

Garden of roots: three types of compositions and their features

Today it is customary to divide everything into groups and carry out various types of classifications - it’s easier to understand what we’re talking about. Rutaria with its varieties is no exception in this regard, although the line between it various types very ghostly. However, landscape compositions using roots, stumps and other things can be divided into three main groups.

By and large, last type rutaria is almost always taken as a basis and all other compositions are built against its background. To put it simply, first a wild corner of nature is created in all its glory and only then it is supplemented with various details. With this approach to making rutaria with your own hands, you can even create your own, unique and not related to any type of composition from roots, stumps and everything that your soul likes.

Garden of roots photo

Do-it-yourself rutarium in the country: more about vegetation

It is worth talking about the plants with which it is customary to decorate a rutaria separately - roots are roots, namely vegetation and green spaces give them a picturesque look, and it is possible to do without them in such a landscape composition it won't work. As mentioned above, in most cases, natural, so to speak, wild-growing plantings are used in rutariums, but it is possible to use ornamental plants. Be that as it may, when choosing plants for rutaria, it is necessary to take into account some points.

Naturally, we should not forget about personal preferences - first of all, a person creates this type of decor for himself. First of all, you should like the flowers, herbs, shrubs and other greenery that you plant - it is this that will create the mood in the dacha and make your stay there as comfortable as possible.

Rutaria root garden photo

And in conclusion to the topic of how to make a rutarium at the dacha with your own hands, I will give a few recommendations that will help you preserve appearance decor for a long time. First of all, this is the treatment of wood with antiseptic solutions - without them, any log, stump or snag will rot within a couple of years at most. For the preservation of wood, an antiseptic is good, but for plants it can be disastrous - you should not rush to plant vegetation next to freshly treated snags. You should wait a little time until substances harmful to plants evaporate or lose their killing properties. And one more thing - the less watering, the longer the stumps and snags will remain in their pristine splendor. In this regard, you should choose vegetation that does not require too frequent watering.

Stumps, roots and snags of unpredictable and bizarre shapes, a symbolic combination of the power of the tree, the earth and human imagination. The unusual term “rutary” appeared relatively recently in landscape design, comes from the English word root (root) and means personal plot with decoration from tree roots.

The center of the composition of the rutaria are parts of the tree: branches, roots, stumps and snags, collected together and picturesquely located in the garden area, and additional elements flowers, plants, small trees, household items, stones, clay products can become.

It’s not difficult to make such a “snag garden” with your own hands. The main thing is to find and select parts of the tree interesting shapes, giving rise to interesting images and even entire scenes. It is imperative to treat the roots and driftwood with a special protective agent for wood, which will protect them from insects and rot. If you like varnished wood, you can treat the stumps with varnish. In the case where the tree has an interesting bark texture covered with lichen or moss, it is better to leave everything as is.

It is impossible to compose a root garden in advance. Each will be an individual, original creation. There are no identical twigs and snags, and the entire appearance of the root garden will depend on the trophies you find. Imagine, create, and another new work of art will appear on your site, another corner, when you look at it you will have more and more new ideas for decorating your favorite garden.

The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn the area into a windfall. Beautiful driftwood is an accent, a unique highlight of our garden, adding some mystery to it and making the garden more lived-in.

Modern landscape artists create beautiful creations from driftwood: garden furniture and lamps, unusual decorations, containers, paintings and even sculptures.

Personal plots can be faceless, having just a few beds, or you can show your imagination and turn your dacha into a real fairy tale. One of possible elements transformation is rutarium. This landscape design decor is created with your own hands using wood, a new fashionable trend using driftwood, logs, stumps, roots and branches, the so-called “Garden of Roots”.

Of course, if branches are carelessly scattered around the site, there will be no beauty here, and certainly no originality of landscape design. But if you put together driftwood, flowers and other decorative elements (old bottles, tires, lanterns, figurines, stones) with your own hands, you will get an original composition that can decorate the most unsightly place in the garden or, on the contrary, take the main thing. Of the flowers in the composition of rutaria, creeping species and moss are used. When planting flowers, take into account their growth and cultivation characteristics.

In compiling, rutaria is the main element, do not uproot it, use it as much as possible in landscape design. Stones can be of any size and shape, they can be varnished, and in small quantities they will become a point in the composition. Moss often lives on stumps and branches; it will become an addition and a certain value.

If you use a stump as a container for planting, then feel free to plant fern, ivy or hosta, but first remove all the dust inside the stump, clean it and fill it with the necessary soil. You can plant asters, lilies, and daisies around the stump. Do not hide the hollow in a snag, but also use it as a place to plant, for example, petunias or. will also be appropriate in composing a composition.

When compiling a rutaria, they use fairy-tale gnomes who protect their home, swans made from old tires, a wooden tub with an old cart wheel, or a painted shoe with flowers planted inside.

After the rutary is completed, it needs to be outlined. Bottles turned upside down and stones are suitable for this. The shape of the border can be anything from a clear circle to wavy lines. The voids in any composition can always be filled with pebbles.

When you make a rutarium with your own hands, do not use only wood elements, be sure to add flowers, this will make the composition more interesting. When placing accents in your garden, pay attention to color combinations.

How to increase the service life of rutaria

Unfortunately, such natural compositions are short-lived, up to 3 years, depending on the condition of the tree. You can increase the lifespan this way: first peel the bark off the driftwood, then pour boiling water over all parts of the tree. This is done to destroy pests and their larvae inside the wood, such as bark beetles. And also wood processing will allow you to stand longer under the sun, rain and frost. Next, dry and treat with an antiseptic 2-3 times.

Using varnish, the wood will take on an unnatural shade. If this does not matter, then the rutarium can be made multi-colored by painting parts of the wood with paint. However, no matter how we treat the wood, over time it will still become unusable, it dries out from the sun, and rots from moisture, but there is no need to be afraid of this and there is no need to give up such ideas.

Rutaria is best created in May-June, when the soil is well warmed up, when it is time to plant flowers and there is time to enjoy your work. Turn it into a place to relax, place a bench or chaise lounge.

Rutaria are considered a relatively new floristry trend that combines the use of plants and classical methods arrangements. They were born from the symbiosis of landscape design and the art of creating florariums. A garden on driftwood or roots is original, expressive, once perceived as a purely garden object, then as an attribute of oriental interiors, but today it has turned into fashionable way not just use plants in the interior, but also create an entire art object with them.

Rutarium for indoor plants. © WoS

Rutaria - plants on roots that have moved from the garden to the rooms

Rutaria are compositions based on the roots, stumps, and branches of large trees, usually in the form of very decorative, picturesque driftwood. Initially, rutarium was a garden plot decorated with ornamental plants and tree roots (even its name comes from the English “root”).

This is the trick landscape design, most often used in landscape styles landscape design for the design of terraces and recreation areas. But short-lived and purely decorative, garden rutariums are now actively taking over floristry, changing their format - from landscape to indoor. In indoor format, a rutary is a composition of plants planted on a woody base, additionally decorated and turned into a living sculpture.

One of the main advantages of any rutaria is uniqueness. It is absolutely impossible to repeat compositions twice and create completely identical routines. This uniqueness is explained very simply: rutaria is prepared only from natural fragments of wood, and in nature you will not find two identical roots. As well as identical plants with which the roots are decorated.

Rare, unique and memorable, rutaria are living sculptures and real works of art, created through the symbiosis of landscape design, sculpture and floristry. And they should look like a dedication, an ode to nature and its beauty. Unusual and interesting, they seem to superimpose the art of decoration onto the unique and unattainable perfection of nature.

Rutaria is one of those landscaping options in which philosophy and the spiritual component are no less important than functionality. They do not play a purely practical role, but serve only for aesthetic pleasure and create a certain mood, prompting reflection, embodying our life positions. Filled with symbolism, rutarium returns us to our roots, to nature, symbolizes awareness and knowledge of our origins, the importance of preserving natural resources, love for nature in all its grandeur.

Traditionally, rutaria are used to decorate greenhouses, winter gardens, living rooms and halls, large, spacious rooms in which such a garden on roots plays the role of a catchy decor, similar in its effect on the interior to sculpture. Most often, rutaria is chosen for oriental interior styles and in modern design with a focus on eco-materials.

Driftwood for growing indoor plants. © Lyndsey Matthews

How to make a rutarium with your own hands?

Roots and other wood - rutaria base

The basis of rutaria is roots and other fragments of dry wood. Stumps, snags, beautiful fragments of roots are used one by one or in groups, taken from one tree or represented different types plants. Even today, preference is given to the roots, since their bizarre curves and unusual texture already look unique in themselves.

The most popular base for rutaria - bromeliads and various fragments of roots and branches left after the death of trees, storms, hurricanes. In bromeliads, bizarre shapes are combined with a compact size, and the presence of natural cavities helps to achieve the unique effect of ornamental plants growing into the structure of the tree. But you can achieve the same result with more familiar trees.

When choosing a base for a rutaria, try to achieve the most interesting silhouette and complex image. In rutaria, riddles, multi-levelness, and originality are welcome. The more expressive and interesting the created object is, the better. But do not forget about the influence of shapes and lines on the interior: even the most beautiful rutaria should fit into your room and the place that you have allocated for them.

Evaluate the impact of the base of the rutary, lines and location up close and from a distance: a real rutary should create a feeling of pushing boundaries, a new dimension, attract the eye, but not suppress the rest of the design. Therefore, take everything into account: the height of the ceiling, the dominant lines, the style and shape of the furniture.

Fragments of wood in rutaria are used after special processing. They can be purchased at garden centers or construction stores, choose it yourself in the forest, in the park after a storm, in your garden. But do not forget about the importance of treatment with antiseptics and disinfectants, which will get rid of insects that usually live under the bark. If you are preparing the base for rutaria yourself, then the selected wood will need:

  • cleaning of soil, and, if desired, bark;
  • disinfection in the form of scalding, steam treatment or antiseptics;
  • coating with special protective impregnations and insecticides;
  • coating with varnish or other finishing materials(oil and oil-wax are often used to emphasize texture).

If desired, any wood can be additionally tinted, giving it a color or textural accent to better suit the interior style. This additional decoration is especially popular for modern interiors. The treatment is carried out with means for decorating wood - glazes, oils, impregnations, varnish.

Arranging the base of the rutaria does not end with choosing a very beautiful base: you must think about how to install and fasten it. If you have garden rutarii you don’t have to think about it, laying them on a suitable area with paved or soft coating, then for indoors you need to think through every detail. The base of the rutaria must be stable; it must stand firmly on the floor or table.

If you can achieve high stability without fastening, you can do without a separate base-pallet. But most often, the rutarium is secured in a stable container or container, attached to a solid and heavy base. The bottom of the roots and branches is filed and leveled so that they stand securely and act as an unshakable foundation for the plants.

Rutaria are very often attached to a wooden box or heavy clay tray or pot using glue or sealant, but if desired, it can be secured to a base using more reliable fasteners. The selection of containers or pallets allows you to use plants at the base of the rutaria, and install it on stone islands or “puddles” of pebbles and aquarium soil. The presence of such a base also makes cleaning near the rutaria easier.

If there are not enough natural cavities on the roots in which plants can be fixed, then holes are specially hollowed out in them to imitate natural cavities. Think about the placement of plants before making the rutary, as sawing or tapping holes can become a problem later.

Plants for rutarii

To begin with, let’s make a reservation that plants for decorating the rutarii themselves and plants that can be used as accompaniment are different categories. Houseplants can be planted not only on the roots and stumps themselves, but also in the soil at the base of the rutaria or in the container in which the rutaria is installed.

Such accompaniment is selected from among the most spectacular plants, taking into account only two parameters - the ability to grow at the level of illumination of the place where the rutarium will be installed, and drought resistance (moisture-loving species require frequent watering, which leads to damage to the wood). Such support can be:

  • plant in a common container;
  • placed in separate containers, filling the space between them with stone fill or pebbles and hiding, thereby, the fact that in fact there is simply a potted garden at the base of the rutaria.

Decorating the driftwood itself is a much more complex issue. Plants can be planted directly into recesses in roots or snags, but most often they are planted in separate containers: this way the base of the rutaria is not damaged, and decoration requires minimal effort. Using self-watering pots or the hydroponic method makes maintenance as easy as possible.

To decorate rutariums, plants are selected according to the principle of combining unpretentiousness with effectiveness. Decorativeness, natural beauty, a sense of authenticity in combination with roots and wood, weaving and framing of wood are very important. But no less than other characteristics:

  • the ability of shoots or leaves to hide the fastening parts and containers with the plant;
  • compact rhizome, ability to grow in small depressions;
  • low maintenance, no requirements for strict growing conditions or environmental stability.

All plants that are used in the design of rutaria are conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Ampelous crops. They weave around the base, spread beautifully, drape, hide, and give a natural, almost wild look.
  2. Epiphytes. Crops that can grow not only in a container with soil, but also be fixed on a piece of bark, moss, or settle in a hollow, are ideal for rutarii

To the number hanging plants, indispensable in the design of rutaries, belong to:

  • cissus;
  • ivy;
  • chlorophytum.

Epiphytes best suited for root gardens include:

  • orchids;
  • bromeliads;
  • forest cacti - Schlumbergera and Rhipsalis.

Little extras for a perfect look

Additional decor for rutaria is very important. The completeness of the composition and the integrity of the image are given with the help of stones, ceramics, and other decor. Small pebbles or stones with a natural texture are selected for aesthetic reasons; they should go well with wooden elements and plants, perceived as natural details.

Ceramic crafts and forging elements can become purely decorative, but expressive additions to complete the appearance of the rutaria.


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