All about iodine-bromine baths: indications and contraindications. Beneficial effects of iodine-bromine baths

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Many people like to take water procedures and baths, too, but not everyone knows that there is a concept - balneotherapy. This procedure allows you to combine treatment and relaxation.

Balneology involves the use of natural or artificially created mineral waters to obtain a therapeutic result.

The mineral composition of waters can be varied, depending on the treatment area. The most popular are baths prepared using two components: iodine and bromine.

Indications for the use of iodine-bromine baths:

  • Allergic dermatitis.
  • Eczema, neurodermatitis, scaly lichen, etc.
  • Rheumatic myocarditis.
  • Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases that appear against the background of atherosclerotic and inflammatory manifestations.
  • Various degrees of obesity.
  • Female infertility that occurs against the background of endocrine disorders.
  • Neurotic conditions of the cardiovascular system.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Gynecological diseases, including menopausal manifestations.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Various diseases of the pulmonary system.
  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • Rheumatoid diseases accompanied by damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Rhine disease.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary tract and kidneys.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of iodine and bromine.
  • State of pregnancy.
  • A clearly expressed symptom of leukopenia.
  • Hives.
  • Complicated forms of diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis.
  • All stages of radiation sickness.
  • Pituitary obesity.
  • Hemorrhagic dermatitis.

The beneficial properties of iodine and bromine have been known since ancient times, but iodine-bromine baths received medical recognition relatively recently. Iodine is one of the most important components of the human body and especially the thyroid gland. Bromine plays an active role in the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. A deficiency of these biological substances can lead to negative consequences and complications for human health.

The main source of concentration of these substances is sea water, but it is not at all necessary to use it only as the main component for preparing an iodine-bromine bath.

Methods for preparing a bath:

  • First option

For iodine-bromine therapy, you can use mineral water of natural origin with an iodine content of at least 10 mg per liter and bromine of at least 25 ml per liter.

The total mineralization of water should be 15-35 mg per liter.

  • Second option

You can prepare a therapeutic iodine-bromine bath at home using regular table salt or sea salt. The calculation should be made according to the following scheme: for 200 liters of water - 2 kg of salt.

In a separate glassware mix one liter of water, 250 grams of potassium bromine, 100 grams of sodium iodide. The prepared solution (master solution) can be stored in a cool, dark room for 7 days. The quality of the solution during this time remains the same. If the storage period is exceeded, useful material and the minerals lose their ability, and the solution will not have a healing effect.

All components are available in any pharmacy chain in the form of separate substances or already ready mixture for iodine-bromine baths.

To prepare a bath you need to take 100 ml. ready solution and pour it into the prepared bath with added salt.

Methodology of the procedure

  • Ready, poured hot water, a concentrated, pre-prepared solution (mother liquor) is added to the bath.
  • To obtain the desired temperature and volume of water, fresh cold water is added to the bath.
  • The patient should carefully immerse himself in the bath until the water is at chest level.
  • The procedure takes no more than 15 minutes and can be repeated daily for 15 days.
  • After completing the procedure, the patient should gently pat the body with a towel without rubbing it, and wrap himself in a sheet.
  • Rest after a bath should be at least 30 minutes.
  • Repeating the course of iodine-bromine baths is possible after 2 months.

Beneficial properties of iodine-bromine bath

The effectiveness of an iodide-bromine bath can be divided into two components: specific effects and thermal.

  • Thermal impact

Due to this effect, enhanced metabolic processes occur in the body. The speed of biochemical reactions and microcirculation improves. Most susceptible thermal effects circulatory system. At a low temperature of the solution, vascular tone increases, a slight increase in pressure is noted, and strong but rare heart contractions are observed.

  • Specific impact

Microelements with which the iodine-bromine bath is saturated are able to penetrate into the human body through skin. They are able to influence the function of the excretory organs.

Under the influence of microelements, the nervous system is able to restore balance in the functioning of cortical and subcortical structures. The functioning of the excretory organs and renal blood flow improves.

The effect on the circulatory system and blood properties increases. The development of atherosclerosis is slowed down.

In addition, baths with the addition of iodine and bromine have a wound-healing and bactericidal effect.

A good effect from using the bath is observed in cases of nervous excitability and insomnia. She is able to relieve pain, relax and calm the patient.

For getting best results during treatment, you can use a light gymnastic complex, which is performed at home and will be an excellent replacement for swimming.

Gymnastics in an iodine-bromine bath

  • Exercise one

You should grab the edge of the bathtub with your hands and gradually raise both straightened legs. Then we bend it one by one knee joint right leg and slowly straighten it again. The same exercise should be done with the left leg.

The exercise can be performed up to 7-8 times, depending on the patient’s well-being.

  • Exercise two

To perform this exercise, you should extend both arms up and in this position, slowly flex and extend your lumbar region several times. This exercise is aimed at training the abdominal and waist muscles.

  • Exercise three

When performing this exercise, you should rest your feet on the bottom of the bath and slowly rise and fall several times, leaning on your outstretched arms.

Each set of exercises must be performed at least 3-5 times. The duration of classes can be 3 months once every 7 days.

Course of treatment with iodine-bromine baths

A course of treatment with iodine-bromine baths should be 17-20 sessions lasting up to 15 minutes.

The water temperature should be maintained at 35-37 degrees Celsius.

Before prescribing a course of iodine-bromine baths, it is necessary to consult a specialist who must take into account the patient’s age and health.

When prescribing a procedure for children, it should be taken into account that for them the duration of the session should be much shorter than for adults and the treatment course can be 8 procedures, at a constant water temperature.


After completing the full course of treatment, a gradual functional restructuring occurs in the body, which increases adaptive abilities. It also reduces excitability, symptoms of irritability, and headaches. Sleep is normalized and performance increases.

In hypertensive patients, systolic pressure decreases and heart rate stabilizes. It should be borne in mind that in the later stages of the development of hypertension, all gas and mineral baths, including iodide-bromine, are contraindicated.

The treatment technique using iodine-bromine water therapy has proven to be the most effective best side. The interaction of microelements has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition. But you need to take into account that even such a completely harmless procedure requires consultation with your doctor. A preliminary visit to the clinic will help you avoid negative health-related issues.

Iodine-bromine mineral baths are an external balneotherapy procedure. Two main elements, iodine and bromine, have a beneficial effect on the human body when immersed in a bath of mineral water containing iodine-bromine composition.

For example, iodine directly affects the processes of blood microcirculation in blood vessels, lipid metabolism, and affects the composition and properties of blood. In the process of exposure to this element, the healing of vascular inflammation is activated, and impaired metabolism is restored.

Bromine affects the human nervous system, normalizes brain activity, relaxes, reduces muscle tone, calms, and equalizes blood pressure.

Such procedures are very popular, they have therapeutic effect for many diseases. However, there are conditions in which procedures are not recommended. Let's talk today about iodine-bromine baths, indications and contraindications, consider and discuss them:

How do baths affect the body?

When a person takes an iodine-bromine mineral bath, iodine and bromine ions enter the body through the skin. The frequency and volume of penetration depends on the water temperature and its mineral composition. For example, such mineral baths, which have low mineralization, increase the function of the thyroid gland by concentrating iodine ions and preserving them. Baths with high mineralization have the opposite effect.

Penetrating into the body, iodine ions quickly and significantly activate the basal metabolism, stimulate the processes of protein synthesis, and accelerate the oxidation of carbohydrates and lipids. As a result of exposure to iodine, tissue metabolism improves, blood density decreases, the process of antibody formation is restored, and the process of antibody formation is accelerated. Iodine ions accumulate in the organs and tissues of the human body (thyroid gland, ovaries), then iodine concentrates in tissues where there is chronic inflammation. Thus, inflammatory foci resolve.

Bromine also has its own healing effects. Penetrating into the body during the procedure, this substance has a clear calming effect on the central nervous system. From its influence, a person’s sleep normalizes, his general condition and mood improve. Bromine relaxes muscles, improves brain activity and has the most beneficial effect on human well-being.

It should also be noted that, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, iodine-bromine vaginal irrigation is used in the treatment of chronic gynecological diseases.

Thus, it can be stated that iodine-bromine mineral baths have the most positive effect on the functions of the nervous and endocrine system. Activate metabolism, as well as other processes in the body, including enzymatic ones. Procedures are prescribed in therapeutic courses. After completing the full course, a gentle functional restructuring of the entire body occurs, and its adaptive capabilities increase.

Indications for iodine-bromine procedures:

Mineral bath procedures are indicated for diseases of the central nervous systems s, increased irritability, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. For polyneuropathy, dorsopathy (with radicular syndromes), Raynaud's disease.

Such baths and irrigations are very useful for various gynecological diseases (inflammatory, non-inflammatory), as well as for menopausal syndrome. Baths are prescribed for some ailments of the mammary gland, for example, diffuse cystic mastopathy.

Baths are recommended for inflammation of bone and muscle tissue, as well as for degenerative pathologies occurring in them. Iodine-bromine water procedures are very useful in the treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis, other joint pathologies, and diseases of the spine.

Baths are prescribed for diseases of the digestive tract, pathologies of the urinary system, skin diseases, including allergic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.
Iodine-bromine water procedures are used in the treatment of thyroid diseases, obesity, gout, as well as some dental diseases, including periodontal disease.


The procedures are contraindicated in cases of pronounced leukopenia, radiation sickness, or individual intolerance to iodine. You cannot carry out procedures or take baths with severe urticaria or hemorrhagic dermatitis.

Iodine-bromine mineral procedures are not performed for severe forms of diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis. They are contraindicated in pituitary obesity. They cannot be performed during pregnancy.

It must be said that such mineral bath procedures are carried out in many holiday homes and sanatoriums. But since there are contraindications to them, it is better to get a referral for iodine-bromine mineral baths from your doctor. Be healthy!

Iodine-bromine baths are related to physiotherapy. Sessions should be used by people with diseases of the nervous, endocrine systems, as well as acute inflammatory diseases. The healing effect is determined by the parallel influence of heated liquid and minerals on the body. Before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of iodine-bromine baths.

What are the benefits of iodine-bromine baths?

Iodine-bromine baths are baths with diluted iodine-bromine salt. Sessions are performed at home by preparing a solution. Bromine and iodine ions have a healing effect.

During the session, a sufficient amount of ions of both components ends up in the bloodstream. They accumulate in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and hypothalamus. When taking baths, patients drip iodine into the liquid. The element improves blood circulation in the body and has a beneficial effect on the vascular system. After consumption, the capillary walls are strengthened, fat metabolism and blood composition are improved.

After exposure, acute inflammatory processes in the body are eliminated and the recovery process is supported. If a focus of an acute inflammatory reaction is detected, iodine appears at its center and begins to fight the infectious process that provokes it. The component normalizes the restoration process in tissues.

Iodine ions are evaporating compounds, so they easily penetrate into the lungs. When inhaled, they have a neuroleptic and debilitating effect. This is useful for those who suffer from nervous disorders.

There is inhibition in the cerebral cortex, this is influenced by bromine. Muscular activity decreases, which affects blood pressure. It has a calming effect on the patient's condition.

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After using iodine-bromine bath salts:

  • allergic reactions decrease;
  • blood circulation throughout the body is improved;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • pain sensitivity decreases;
  • heart contractions slow down;
  • all metabolic processes in the body return to normal;
  • protein biosynthesis improves;
  • the immune system is stimulated.

Such baths have a beneficial effect on the human condition, but only if the rules of administration are observed.

Iodine-bromine baths: indications for use

Iodine-bromine baths bring undoubted benefits to the body. They have a positive effect on many organs and are prescribed for various diseases.

For adults

It is recommended for older age groups to take baths for the following pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases: coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris and others;
  • CNS diseases: psychosis, schizophrenia, neurosis;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system: sciatica, neuritis or myalgia;
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • acute inflammatory problems;
  • atherosclerosis of brain capillaries;
  • overweight;
  • excessive excitement;
  • sleep disorders;
  • sprains, bone and fiber injuries;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • bladder diseases.

In gynecology

Thanks to the antiphlogistic, analgesic and normalizing action of the pituitary gland, the baths can be actively used in the treatment of abnormal processes in the ovaries and uterus. Sessions help reduce the symptoms of the menstrual pause and improve immunity during this period.

Take baths for the following conditions:

  • endometriosis;
  • fibroids;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • climacteric syndrome.

For children

In medical institutions, the procedures are also indicated for children. All actions are carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Indications for treatment in children are the same as in adults. Sessions can be held no earlier than 5 years.

The solution is prepared according to the same recipe as for the older age category, but the method of carrying out the procedure is different. The duration of the first session is no more than two minutes. The break between sessions should be 2-3 days.

Repeated administration can be increased to five minutes. Afterwards there is another break for a couple of days. If the child does not show any allergic reactions, subsequent sessions can take a quarter of an hour. Afterwards the child should relax.

During treatment and after it, it is necessary to reduce the physical activity of children. A couple of days after completion of the procedure, the baby returns to his normal lifestyle.

Iodine-bromine baths at home

You can make your own healing baths at home by purchasing already prepared ingredients that are sold at the pharmacy. It is possible to prepare the composition yourself from sodium iodide, potassium bromide or sodium.

For the manufacture of required composition pour 100 g of sodium iodide and 250 g of potassium bromide per 1000 ml of liquid. Store the resulting product in a darkened glass container. Wrap a piece of paper over the bottle.

Before the session, you need to dilute 2 kg of white table powder in liquid and pour the resulting composition. Mix the liquid very well. The temperature of the liquid ranges from 36.5 to 37 degrees. Lie down so that the liquid does not cover the heart area. The solution should be at chest level. The duration of the session is from 8 minutes to a third of an hour.

After the session you need to put on a warm jacket. Do not wipe the body; pat dry with a terry towel. After the procedure, lie down and lie down for about half an hour.

It is necessary to immerse yourself in the healing liquid after one or two days. The course of treatment is from 7-8 to 14 sessions, after which you give it a rest for a couple of months and the course can be repeated again.

Iodine-bromine baths: contraindications

Despite the effect, iodine-bromine baths have a number of contraindications. List of such prohibitions:

  • personal immunity component;
  • gestation period;
  • excessive separation of the thyroid gland;
  • advanced stage of diabetes mellitus;
  • overweight;
  • radiation sickness and oncological pathologies;
  • patients with reduced immunity;
  • arthritis;
  • blood diseases when leukocyte counts are low;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system, which are associated with changes in hormonal balance and a reduced amount of estrogen.

How to take the procedures?

The session technique is as follows:

  1. pour the saturated composition into the heated bath (adjust the temperature of the liquid, fresh water);
  2. the person carefully lies down in the container;
  3. stay in the healing composition for no more than a quarter of an hour;
  4. after the session, wipe the epidermis with a towel;
  5. provide the patient with peace of mind.

Depending on the predominance of iodine or bromine, iodide-bromine, bromide, and bromine-iodide waters are distinguished. The basis of iodine bromide water is most often a solution of sodium chloride, which determines its mineralization.
The main source of iodine on the planet is sea waters, containing about 50 mcg of iodine in 1 liter of water. The main reservoir of iodine and bromine is the World Ocean (1 liter sea ​​water on average contains 50 mcg of iodine and 65 mg of bromine). Iodine-bromide waters, characteristic of oil field areas, sometimes contain over 100 mg/l of iodine and 300-400 mg/l of bromine.
The penetration of iodine and bromine ions through the skin depends on the mineral composition of water and its temperature. One of the leading factors influencing the penetration of components of iodine-bromide mineral waters through human skin is sodium chloride. Iodine-bromine baths with low mineralization increase the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate and fix iodine ions, and baths with high mineralization do the opposite.

Iodine, as one of the main components of iodine-bromine baths, due to its physical and chemical properties can have a direct effect on microcirculation processes, elastic properties of the vascular wall, blood fluidity, and fat metabolism.

Bromine directly affects the central nervous system. It enhances the process of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, which helps restore the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory processes. Once in the bloodstream, bromine causes a decrease in muscle tone, blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate and leads to a state of complete rest.
Iodine-bromine baths, by increasing blood circulation and changing the function of the endocrine glands, reduce immune disorders.

The effect of iodine-bromine baths on the kidneys and urinary tract is due to the improvement of renal blood flow, the functional state of the kidneys, and the normalization of metabolic processes in the kidneys, which leads to a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process. Iodine-bromine waters are used not only for baths, but also for irrigation in the treatment of periodontal and gynecological diseases.

Indications for the use of iodine-bromine baths:
Iodine-bromine baths are effective for many diseases: neurasthenia with increased excitability, insomnia; vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, consequences of injuries and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammatory and non-inflammatory gynecological diseases: adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids; climacteric syndrome, salpingoophoritis. Breast diseases: diffuse cystic mastopathy. , allergic dermatoses, eczema, neurodermatitis, scaly lichen. In the treatment of joint diseases, cerebral atherosclerosis, thyroid diseases and skin diseases in the elderly, iodine-bromine baths give good results.
Respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Musculoskeletal diseases: rheumatoid polyarthritis, degenerative processes in the joints and spine. Diseases of the digestive system. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Skin diseases: allergic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, scaly lichen. Diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders: hypothyroidism, obesity, gout. In dentistry: periodontal diseases.
They have a positive effect on the blood coagulation and anticoagulation system, cholesterol metabolism (vascular atherosclerosis).
Severe leukopenia (below 3.5 10 9/l), all stages of radiation sickness. Iodine intolerance. Hives. Hemorrhagic dermatitis. Pregnancy. Severe forms of diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis, pituitary obesity.

For this bath, take 2 kg of sea or table salt, 10 g sodium iodide and 25 g potassium bromide. The water temperature in it should be 36-38 °C. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes.

Mineral waters containing iodine at least 10 mg/l and bromine at least 25 mg/l are classified as iodine-bromine waters. Iodine and bromine are usually found in natural sodium chloride waters of high mineralization.

When using such water for medicinal purposes, it must be diluted with fresh water, which leads to a sharp decrease in the content of iodine and bromine, which may go beyond the threshold concentration of these elements.

With varying contents of salts, iodine and bromine, they are easily prepared artificially, so they are widely used in medical practice in non-resort institutions.

Mechanism of action

Studies have shown skin absorption of anions iodine, bromine and molecular iodine. A depot of these substances is formed in the skin, in which 85-95% of their amount that enters the body from the bath is concentrated.

Deposited substances gradually (from several hours for bromine and 2-4 days for iodine) are taken up in the blood and excreted from the body through urine and exfoliation of the epidermis. The transfer of deposited substances from the skin depot occurs with a large delay compared to the rate of this process when the same substances are taken orally.

Accumulation iodine in the thyroid gland after iodine-bromine bath reaches its peak after 4-5 days, and the percentage of accumulation is about 14% of the iodine received from the bath at this point, versus 20-30% after 2-4 hours with oral administration.

Submitted by a number of authors during the course balneotherapy The body receives 10 hours of iodine, while the daily requirement is 200-220 hours of iodine. Thus, the beneficial effect of treatment iodine-bromine baths can hardly be explained by a specific pharmacological action iodine.

Indications and contraindications

It is believed that iodine-bromine baths have a “mild” effect on the physiological systems of the body, create favorable conditions for the formation of compensatory-adaptive and restorative reactions of the body, significantly changing the course of the pathological process. Typically these baths are used for total mineralization water (sodium chloride) 10-20 g/l.

Their effect on the skin is similar to that of low concentration sodium chloride baths. Clinically, there is no visible hyperemia, but capillaroscopy revealed an increase in the number of functioning capillaries and an acceleration of blood flow. Pronounced drying anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.

Clinical studies have shown the beneficial effect of these baths on systemic hemodynamics, hemostasis and microcirculation. The hypotensive effect of baths, especially pronounced in the case of initial arterial hypertension, a decrease in the tone of resistive vessels, an increase in the tone of capacitive vessels, and an increase in cardiac output were noted. These baths, to a greater extent than fresh ones, increase blood supply to the liver, spleen, and kidneys. A decrease in blood clotting, an increase in fibrinolytic activity and free heparin in the blood were established.

The lipotropic effect of iodine-bromine baths has been shown experimentally and clinically: correction of lipid metabolism disorders and reduction morphological features atherosclerosis in blood vessels. Evidence was obtained of the beneficial effects of baths on the endocrine system, reduction of increased thyroid function, elimination of ovarian dyshormonosis, activation of the function of the adrenal cortex and androgen metabolism. These baths have a particularly beneficial effect when treating women with impaired menstrual function such as hyperpolymenorrhea and hyperestrogenism.

Most characteristic property iodine-bromine baths are their analgesic and sedative effect, due to increased inhibition processes in the central nervous system.

Thus, the available scientific data and long-term practical experience allow us to recommend iodine-bromine baths as a method of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy for dystrophic and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, functional disorders of the autonomic and central nervous systems, diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Contraindications: common for balneotherapy. Iodine intolerance.

Treatment method. Iodine-bromine baths are prescribed with a water temperature of 35-38 ° C, duration - 10-15 minutes, daily, every other day or 4 baths per week, per course - 12-16 baths.

Douching and irrigation are carried out daily or every other day at a water temperature of 36-39 ° C, lasting 10-12 minutes, 12 procedures per course.

General contraindications to balneotherapy: acute inflammatory, infectious, oncological diseases. Diseases that occur with a tendency to bleeding, the second half of pregnancy, circulatory failure stages II-III.

Medical rehabilitation / Ed. V. M. Bogolyubova. Book I. 2010. P.76-78.


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