Selecting glue for laying gas silicate blocks. Which adhesive to choose for aerated concrete, review of manufacturers Composition of adhesive for aerated silicate blocks

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Construction from aerated concrete involves laying walls from blocks in compliance with a certain technology. The main task is what to put it on aerated concrete blocks?

Let's consider the types of solutions, foam, mixtures and adhesives for laying gas blocks. Comparative analysis characteristics and properties will allow you to make right choice. You will find out which glue is better, how much is consumed, when and how to use it, cost different manufacturers+ tips for preparation and application.

In practice, several types of adhesive mixtures are used for laying aerated concrete. However, there are only two popular options:

Cement-sand mortar for laying aerated concrete

Is it possible to lay aerated blocks on cement mortar?

Usage cement mortar It is not recommended for laying aerated concrete for several reasons:

  • seam thickness 10-12 mm;
  • the composition of the solution is not constant;
  • a long preparatory period, from sifting sand to kneading, which increases work time;
  • significant dustiness of work;
  • the appearance of cold bridges at the junction of the blocks, which means additional heat loss;
  • difficulty when laying walls in winter. Because of the frost, the mixture must either be kneaded in small portions or constantly heated.

Note. Cement mortar justifies itself when laying aerated concrete blocks of the second category. When laid in a large layer, it allows you to fill the voids caused by the broken geometry of the block.

Adhesive for aerated concrete masonry

The main components of the glue (special adhesive mixtures or thin-layer mastics): cement, fine sand, polymer binders, modifying additives, the presence of which allows the solution not to harden at a temperature of -10°C.

Tool for applying glue to aerated concrete blocks

Appeared on the market new tool, which simplifies the application of the adhesive solution (controlled thickness of the adhesive layer when laying aerated concrete) - a special container, trowel-bucket or carriage for aerated concrete. These are different names for the same device.

Thanks to these devices, the laying of aerated concrete blocks is carried out faster and with minimum consumption glue, and the cost of work is reduced.

Advantages of adhesive for gas blocks:

  • the plasticity of the material and fine-grained filler (no more than 0.63 mm) makes it possible to achieve a seam thickness of 2-3 mm. Those. consumption is reduced by at least 4 times, and the thickness of the seam is reduced, which reduces the total area of ​​the joints and, as a result, eliminates the increase in heat loss through the seams;
  • a bag of dry adhesive mixture (25 kg) requires only 5.5 liters of water. This means that the humidity of aerated concrete will not increase significantly;
  • compound adhesive solution always the same, which allows for the same gluing performance;
  • the mixture contains additives (anti-frost), giving it frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • glue can be used as putty. This eliminates the appearance of residues;
  • amount of glue from ready mixture it’s easier to knead as much as you need for work;
  • availability of special winter adhesives for aerated concrete allows you to perform work in the cold season;
  • the glue is able to harden without shrinking.

The only conditional disadvantage of the glue is the setting time. The glue hardens in about 10 minutes. At the first stage, this can create certain difficulties for beginners.

How to use aerated concrete adhesive correctly

  • store warm (not lower than +5°C);
  • aerated concrete should not be covered with snow (in this case its humidity increases, which means the properties of the glue decrease);
  • glue spatulas or carriages should be kept in warm water;
  • Use containers only for glue, otherwise larger impurities may appear. This will not significantly affect the properties of the glue, but it will definitely affect the thickness of the layer (as a result, excess glue consumption).

As the main argument, adherents of the classic recipe for cement mortar call high cost glue. Correctly and objectively, the adhesive mixture is more expensive. But if you take into account the consumption of aerated concrete adhesive per m3, it turns out that a bag of adhesive mixture is enough to lay 1 cubic meter of aerated concrete, and the “homemade” solution is only a third, then the cost overrun is obvious.

How to choose glue for gas blocks?

The solution to the issue is complicated by the significant variety of adhesive compositions on the market.

The easiest way to decide is to conduct small tests.

Test 1. Take several types of glue and glue two aerated concrete blocks with each. After a day, break the connection and look at the location of the break. If the fracture goes along the seam, this glue is not suitable for use. If partly along the seam, and partly the blocks themselves are deformed, then the use of such glue is questionable. If the seam remains intact, but the gas block is damaged, this is best glue for aerated concrete. This is the glue that should be preferred.

Test 2. Prepare for use 1 kg of each type of glue being tested. Fill identical containers with them. After hardening (24 hours), weigh. Preference should be given to glue from the container that weighs less. Low weight indicates that most of the moisture has gone, which means the mixture is less thermally conductive.

Anticipating a healthy dose of irony from readers, we note that testing several adhesives is, of course, troublesome and expensive. But it will be useful for those who have a couple of types of glue and don’t know which one to choose.

We will indicate those brands of adhesive for aerated concrete blocks that have been tested by professionals and have earned their approval.

Manufacturers and cost of aerated concrete adhesive

Today you can buy adhesive for aerated concrete in many online construction stores. Before placing an order, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top three, by number positive feedback(the table shows manufacturers and average prices at the end of 2015)


Glue cost Glue consumption kg per 1 sq.m. with a layer of 2 mm Seam thickness, mm
Ceresit CT 21 (+ “Winter”) 300 RUR/25 kg 2,6 2-10
Baumit PorenbetonKleber
Baumit PorenbetonKleber Winter (winter)
200 RUR/25 kg
270 RUR/25 kg
2,5-3 2-3
KREISEL 125 (Kreisel) 250 RUR/25 kg 2,5-3 1-3
Good reviews about glue for gas blocks (second three)
Found Selform MS112 (T-112) 199 RUR/20 kg 2,6 1-5
AEROC winter 240 RUR/25 kg 2-3 1-5
Ytong-economy (winter solution) 260 RUR/25 kg 3-3,2 1-3
Bonolit 220 RUR/25 kg 2,6-3 2-8

As you can see, adhesives are presented in different price categories, despite approximately the same composition and purpose.

It is worth noting that a modern adhesive material for laying cellular concrete blocks has appeared -.

Unique technology the use of foam allows you to make a very thin seam and eliminate cold seam bridges, along with incredible efficiency (1 cylinder = 1 cubic meter of masonry) and high adhesion.

The new product is still being treated with caution. Due to the lack of time-tested confirmation, manufacturers are limited to recommendations for the use of adhesive foam for internal self-supporting walls. IN European countries Foam is already actively used for laying blocks.

Material prepared for the website

Adhesive consumption for aerated concrete

A 25 kg bag of dry mixture is dissolved in 5-6 liters of water, resulting in 18 liters of finished glue from the bag.

Glue consumption (dry masonry mixture) with thin-seam masonry (seam 1-3 mm) per cubic meter. is 16-17 kg.

The lifespan of the finished adhesive mixture is 2-3 hours. The time for adjusting blocks after laying is 10-15 minutes.

The consumption of aerated concrete adhesive directly depends on the dimensions (the indicated calculation data are based on blocks 600 mm long and 300 mm high) and the quality of the aerated block surfaces (poor geometry, chips and defects increase consumption), as well as on the professionalism of the mason. Therefore, calculated values ​​may differ from actual ones. It is better to calculate with a reserve.

Formula for calculating glue consumption

P – consumption of dry glue mixture kg per cubic meter aerated concrete masonry;
L – length of aerated block (m);
H – height of aerated block (m);
d – seam thickness (mm);
1.4 – calculated value of dry mixture consumption for glue (kg/m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm).

What affects the price of aerated concrete adhesive?

  1. place of purchase (retail store, wholesale warehouse, online store);
  2. delivery (pickup);
  3. purchase volume (pieces, wholesale);
  4. brand awareness.

Technology for preparing adhesive for aerated concrete

Each manufacturer puts instructions for use on the packaging. But as general rules we indicate:

  • the required volume of water is measured;
  • the mixture is poured into water in small batches;
  • mix with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained for 5 minutes;
  • the mass should “rest” for 5-10 minutes, during which time the polymer additives will open;
  • mix the solution again;
  • Stir the solution periodically during operation.

The optimal consistency of the glue is such that the teeth that appear on the surface after applying the glue with a notched trowel (comb) do not spread.

Advice. It is unacceptable to add water to the mixed adhesive solution during work, as this will reduce its adhesive properties. Therefore, you should prepare a small portion of glue, sufficient to work for half an hour.

When can you lay aerated concrete?

When deciding on the choice of adhesive for aerated concrete, you should remember that external factors also affect the adhesive ability of the adhesive. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to lay aerated concrete in winter, in frost, in rain, at what temperature, etc.

External factors:

  • humidity environment . Laying walls made of aerated concrete should be done in the dry season. Then the glue will harden at the optimal speed. During rain, snow and strong wind - it is impossible. Actually, it is also undesirable to work with dirty, wet and icy blocks;
  • air temperature. The hotter it is, the faster the hardening process will occur, which can lead to shrinkage cracks. During the cold season, the glue will harden more slowly.

Advice. If you are laying blocks in winter, use summer glue to cover the container with glue and seal it with hot water.

How to correctly lay aerated concrete with glue

  • block preparation. An aerated concrete block suitable for work must be of the proper size and free of contamination (dust, dirt, snow are not allowed). Excessive moisture in the block is also undesirable;
  • the block is not moistened before applying the glue (!);
  • to reduce glue consumption, it is applied to the surface of the aerated concrete block with a notched trowel or carriage;
  • Excess glue is removed after hardening. They are cut off with a trowel (the exception is spreading glue over the front surface of the block).

Having thus compared adhesives for aerated concrete and a cement-sand mixture, one can make an unambiguous conclusion in favor of using ready-made adhesive solutions.

The adhesive can be used for laying gas silicate or aerated concrete blocks, as well as facing facade bricks or products made of foamed ash silicate or gas silicate. In addition, it can be used to level both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

The main distinctive feature of the glue is economical consumption. With its help you can make seams with a thickness of 2 mm. It is recommended to use glue at air temperatures not lower than -15°C.

The main components of “Standard” glue are:

  • cement;
  • purified sand;
  • mineral and organic plasticizers from European manufacturers.

In addition to the above-mentioned components, the “Warm” glue includes foam insulation.

Surface preparation

Before using glue for gas silicate blocks, buy b which you can profitably with us, work surface should be prepared. Remove soot old paint, grease and dirt. Smooth out any unevenness with plaster or glue solution. Smooth surface should be sanded sandpaper or abrasive mesh.

How to prepare the solution?

Preparation of the solution consists of several stages:

  • pour water into a bucket;
  • gradually add the dry mixture in small portions and stir until smooth;
  • When the solution reaches the desired consistency, leave it for 5 minutes;
  • Stir again and get to work.

The prepared solution will begin to set after 1.5 hours, during which time it must be used.

If the air temperature has reached -15°C, use frost-resistant glue, which contains special additives.

Technical characteristics of Glue for QUICK BLOCK blocks:

Proportions of water per 1 kg of mixture 0.21 -0.24 liters
Thermal conductivity of the adhesive solution at the age of 28 days: Standard; Warm with perlite 0.28-0.33; 0.20-0.22 W/(m*°C)
Consumption of the finished mortar at: 2mm - 3mm - 4mm masonry layer thickness 5 – 10 – 15kg per 1m2
Open time for working with solution 25 minutes
Adhesion to concrete 0.5 MPa
Strength at 28 days of age 15 MPa (M150)
Solution preparation temperature from +5 C to +30 C
Base temperature from -20 C to +25 C
Temperature resistance from -25 C to +35 C
Hardening time 24 hours
Grouting joints in 24 hours
Min. mortar layer thickness 2 mm
Maksim. mortar layer thickness 15 mm
Viability of the solution after dilution of the solution 4 hours
Correction after laying the block at least 10 minutes
Frost resistance 150 cycles
Shelf life from the date of manufacture (in intact original packaging) 6 months


Glue for gas silicate blocks, the prices for which you will be pleased with, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and frost;
  • high adhesion;
  • low thermal conductivity, due to which “cold bridges” do not form;
  • economical consumption;
  • easy to use.

The position of the blocks during laying can be changed within 10-15 minutes.

Where to buy glue for gas silicate blocks

You can purchase adhesive for laying gas silicate blocks at a favorable price from us. All batches of glue have a quality certificate. You can place an order by contacting the manager by phone.

Distinctive properties of QUICK BLOCK adhesive:

- high adhesiveness,

- high plasticity,

- moisture resistance,

- frost resistance,

- setting time of the solution - 3-4 hours,

— time to correct the block position is 10-15 minutes.

Place of application of glue for gas silicate blocks:

There are only two of them:

- horizontal surface of the already laid bottom row,

- the vertical part of the previous laid block.

When the next row of masonry comes to an end, the need arises for an incomplete (cut from a whole) block. Its size is determined by local measurements. The sawn additional block is coated with glue on both sides and installed in the remaining space for it.

Features of masonry with adhesive for gas silicate blocks:

Only the second row of foam concrete blocks is placed on foam concrete adhesive. The first row must be filled with cement mortar in order to somehow smooth out the remaining unevenness of the base (foundation).

If you lay foam concrete blocks in one row, then the use of foam concrete adhesive is mandatory for laying them. Moreover, it has the same density as foam concrete. Laying foam concrete and gas silicate parts on ordinary cement mortar having a density of about 2000 kg/sq. cm, you will get so-called “cold bridges” in the form of masonry joints. The consequence will be a general decrease in the thermal conductivity of the wall during operation. Therefore, experts who already use glue for gas silicate and foam concrete in practice claim that more practical option laying blocks - in two rows, 20 cm each.

Harmless tips:

1) Choose solutions that your builders can work with or that you can handle yourself. The more expensive the mixture, the more professionalism is required. Good solution you need to be able to apply it thinly (!) (otherwise the glue for gas silicate will cost you a pretty penny, and it is not designed for thick seams: it may crack and burst). And this will require skill, dexterity and a smooth gas silicate or foam concrete block! If any of the above is missing, then use a simple cement-sand mortar. But let's not consider the worst option...

2) It is necessary to place it on glue for gas silicate blocks (this is correct!), but it is not always possible. The reason lies in the lack of specialists who are able to provide a layer of glue of 2-3 mm, with the appropriate quality of the foam block, where the geometric dimensions do not deviate by more than 1 mm. The experience of our clients shows that not every qualified mason is able to perform such masonry. Therefore, when hiring a job, immediately stipulate this condition.

3) Masons highly qualified They will not offer you laying with cement mortar.

A few words about saving...

You won't be able to save on the solution. The cement, sand, water plus lime or plasticizer included in its composition, if necessary, are reflected in total amount funds spent. And if we also take into account the cost of work, the amount will increase at least 2 times.

Ordinary cement mortar will not differ much in density. Density of glue - 1400, cement mortar - 1700.

The seam when laying on glue when the foam concrete block is deviated in geometry by 1 mm is 2-3 mm. If you use a solution, the seams will be 6-8 mm. So consider it.


Apply a layer of mortar onto the previously prepared surface using a trowel (smooth grater), and then level it with a notched trowel. The gas silicate block is laid no later than 20 minutes after applying the glue to the surface. The position of the gas silicate block can be adjusted within 10 minutes after installation. Drying time at base and air temperatures from -20 to +25 C is achieved within 1-2 days, and full strength after 3 days.

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks has thermal insulation properties, high adhesion, strength, ductility, is easy to mix and apply, which makes

Before choosing glue for gas silicate blocks, let's figure out what is what. its convenient to use. However, a number obvious advantages combined with insufficient spread of glue.

Cellular concrete is a whole group of materials with similar properties. In essence, it is foamed concrete, and scientifically, inside the material (concrete) there are evenly distributed pore cells that provide improved physical and mechanical properties of the concrete itself.

Both foam concrete and gas silicate belong to the group of cellular concrete. Only one is activated by gas and then hardened using an autoclave, and the other is activated by a foaming agent and without an autoclave. The difference itself lies in the technology for creating “cellularity”.

Therefore, first you need to decide what you will glue.

Foam concrete blocks are a material for the construction of walls, consisting of cement, sand and foaming agents. It is produced by mineralization of foam or porous solution followed by heat treatment. It is mounted both on sand-cement mortar and on special adhesives for foam concrete. Area of ​​application: construction of house walls, partitions, openings in monolithic housing construction.

Unlike aerated concrete, in the composition of the mixture from which it is produced gas silicate blocks(gas blocks), cement is not included or is included, but in very small quantities. This technology is very well developed, so the production of building parts from gas silicate is widely developed in the world. Like aerated concrete, aerated silicate blocks “breathe” like brick or wood. Buildings built from them are easier to heat, since the thermal resistance of aerated concrete (gas silicate) is much higher than that of brick.

Gas silicate is 2-3 times warmer and stronger than foam concrete and has a different geometry. Gas silicate blocks are a building material consisting of sand, foaming agents and a silicate binder component. Are different high vapor permeability, which helps create a comfortable indoor microclimate. Produced using the same technology as foam concrete. Mounted with glue. Area of ​​application: construction of partitions and non-load-bearing walls.

How to prepare glue for gas silicate blocks?

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks mixed with water with a mixer, a special attachment for a drill. The greater the power of the drill, the better the mixture will be mixed. Any water will do, taking into account the consumption: approximately 200 liters per 1 m³ of foam concrete or gas silicate.

So, pour the amount of water indicated on the bag with the dry mixture into the container for preparing the glue (preferably a plastic bucket). While stirring constantly, gradually add the dry mixture. 10-15 minutes after dissolution, stir the solution again. During the work process, stir the solution periodically to maintain its consistency.

Universal recipe for cooking the right glue does not exist for gas silicate blocks. Each brand and each manufacturer has its own. Before purchasing, it is important to remember that the quality of the prepared glue for gas silicate blocks directly depends on the amount of water you add to the solution.


Finally, we must remember external factors influences that can play an important role in the fate of your construction undertaking. In particular, we are talking about humidity and air temperature in the room. Thus, a decrease in the air temperature in the room may lead to an increase in the setting time of gas silicate adhesive. And vice versa, heat sharply reduces the setting time. In addition, it is precisely because of it that there may arise shrinkage cracks. In very humid rooms, drying of dry mixtures slows down significantly. And in too dry due to high speed After drying, microcracks that are not visible to the eye may appear. If you don't need extra headache, monitor the air temperature and humidity in the rooms.

Gas silicate blocks are a structural and thermal insulation material with a cellular structure. They are obtained from a mixture of quartz sand and lime, in addition, with the addition of a small amount of cement. Therefore, adhesive for gas silicate blocks is necessary when constructing walls, as well as any other structures that have a seam thickness of 2 to 10 mm. It is also suitable for leveling vertical or horizontal surfaces.

This glue is a glue-like dry mixture consisting of cement, various additives and fine filler. Additives have water-retaining and plasticizing properties. With their help, strength, frost resistance and moisture resistance are significantly increased. These qualities are very important, since construction is often carried out in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Qualitative gas silicate glue It has excellent thermal insulation properties, is incredibly durable, has high adhesion and is easy to apply. It can be used to connect not only gas silicate blocks, but other materials made of cellular concrete.

Types and brands

It is divided into two main types - summer and winter.

Winter glue can be used at temperatures from +5 to -10 degrees for interior and exterior work. It contains special antifreeze additives. There is a snowflake on the packaging of this glue.

  • Zabudov's glue is the most popular of the frost-resistant mixtures. In addition to its excellent technical characteristics, it is perfectly applied to any surface and is very easy to use. It costs approximately 115 rubles per 25 kg.
  • Prestige and Bonolit. The second one is absolutely non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Price of glue for blocks gas silicate grades Prestige is approximately 140 rubles per 25 kg. Bonolit – 220 rubles.

The most common summer mixture is Insi brand glue. It can be used at temperatures from +10 to +25 degrees for laying walls and various partitions. It is economical, convenient and has excellent water-repellent properties. Price from 185 rubles per 25 kg.

Method of preparation and application

To properly prepare the glue, you will need durable containers; a plastic bucket is ideal. It needs to be poured clean water and then add the dry mixture. The steps must be performed in this order, and not vice versa; you also cannot pour out the entire mixture at once, this should be done gradually. The water needs to be constantly stirred; a drill with a special attachment – ​​a mixer – will help with this.

Glue consumption is approximately 1 kg per 0.20 liter of water. But the consumption of the finished solution per 1 sq. m. is about 10 kg. Do not dilute too much mixture at once, as after 80 minutes it will harden and become unusable. Work with the solution can be carried out at any time of the year, but it is worth considering that the temperature should not be lower than -15 degrees. It should be noted that this instruction is not universal; the packaging of various brands describes in detail the method of preparation and use.

To lay gas silicate products, you will need tools such as a smooth grater or trowel, and for leveling, a spatula.

The consistency of the glue used for gas silicate should resemble sour cream. It is applied using a trowel, carriage or a special bucket with a curved edge. After it is applied, it is immediately leveled with a spatula. After laying the first layer, the surface of the blocks must be leveled with a plane. After just 10 minutes the glue sets, but it dries completely only after 72 hours.

Why is glue better than mortar?

For the first time faced with construction work, many site owners do not understand why builders choose glue for laying gas silicate blocks instead of mortar?

When using the solution you may encounter the following problems:

  • Gaps may appear between the blocks;
  • moisture will penetrate deep into the wall, and in the future the wall will become overgrown with mold and mildew;
  • After the layer has completely dried, the contact between the plates disappears, the strength of the structure is significantly reduced.

Advantages of glue

  • applied very thin layers and is economically used;
  • contains special components thanks to which the blocks set quickly;
  • withstands any temperature changes;
  • contains high-quality water-repellent substances that do not allow moisture to penetrate inside the walls.

The rapid development of the building materials market allows you to choose from a rich assortment various materials necessary in construction. Since ancient times, when building a house, important factors influencing this process were environmental friendliness and the possibility of saving heat in the house. To this is usually added the desire to carry out construction at a minimum cost.

Gaining particular popularity among consumers different kinds cellular concrete: foam blocks, gas silicate blocks, foam concrete. First, let's figure out why this material is popular among consumers.

An important factor when choosing cellular concrete is its low thermal conductivity compared to brick. This is possible thanks to its manufacturing technology.

The most common components: sand, water, cement, lime are the raw materials for the production of cellular concrete, but its structure is unusual in the presence of numerous small pores and voids filled with air. Namely, air is the best and natural heat insulator.

Gas silicate blocks are an excellent replacement for brick. Their standard size is 60x30x20 cm, and when using only one such block, a space equal to 18 bricks is closed. The mass of these bricks will be 65 kg, and a gas silicate block with a density of about 600 kg/m³ will be only 23 kg! These blocks, having convenient size for styling and perfect geometric shape, has greatly supplanted ordinary brick in the construction of buildings and structures.

The consumer justifies his choice in favor of gas silicate blocks due to its special thermal insulation properties. By reducing the funds spent on heating the house, the costs of gas silicate blocks more than pay for themselves.

Features of work

In order to minimize heat loss in the room when working with gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to use aerated concrete glue. Let's determine what the advantage of this glue is.

When using ordinary cement-sand mortar to connect blocks, the thickness of the seam between the blocks turns out to be too wide - about 15-20 mm. Cement-sand mortar, having weak thermal insulation properties, does not allow maximum heat retention in the room, thereby reducing the use of aerated concrete blocks themselves to almost zero.

But it is not possible to reduce the layer of cement-sand mortar to a minimum of 3-4 mm, since the blocks absorb the water contained in the mortar, and therefore the strength of the masonry is lost.

What should be the “correct” glue?

Unlike cement-sand mortar, special glue can significantly reduce the size of the resulting seam - up to 2 mm. However, it's not just about the thickness of the seam.

Certain additives are used in the adhesive for working with gas silicate blocks, which significantly increase its thermal insulation properties.

The question arises: why can there be such a small thickness of masonry when laying gas silicate blocks, because this is impossible when working with brick. This is primarily due to the shape and size of the blocks used; as mentioned above, blocks are made with minimal deviations from perfect shape. Therefore, the use of glue becomes possible.

Let's make a list of the main advantages when using glue when working with gas silicate blocks:

  • Cheap glue. Do the math: the consumption of such glue is much less (six times) than sand-cement mortar, and the cost of the glue is only twice as high;
  • Absence of “cold bridges”— layers of material with high thermal conductivity, the formation of which leads to an increase in heat loss and a decrease in the uniformity of the masonry;
  • Glue durability to the effects of precipitation (rain, frost);
  • Strength– compared to the use of cement-sand mortar, the strength of masonry using glue is much higher.

Preparation of adhesive solution

The instructions indicate the ratio of parts of the mixture and water. Prepare the adhesive solution in a regular clean bucket. Following the instructions in the instructions, the mixture is added to the water prepared in a bucket and mixed thoroughly. Mixing is carried out using a drill with a special attachment.

After the first stirring, the solution should settle, then stir again. Having received a homogeneous mass, the solution can be considered ready for use. Since it tends to harden, you should not prepare excessive quantities in advance.

The resulting mixture is applied to the surface of the gas silicate block and leveled using a notched trowel.

Glue selection

When purchasing glue, due to the variety of materials on the market, a logical question arises: which manufacturer should you prefer? Today, the choice of glue is not a problem, since this segment is quite saturated, and you can choose glue from both imported and domestic production.

Let's look at several noteworthy types of glue for gas silicate blocks.

  • Ytong has proven itself to be excellent. The adhesives of this company are indispensable assistants in house construction;
  • Taifun Master - adhesive options for laying gas silicate blocks with excellent characteristics;
  • ilmax 2200 is an excellent choice when working with gas silicate blocks; allows you to eliminate defects such as unevenness, chips, potholes.

Gas silicate blocks have many advantages over other building materials, however, when using them, there is also a need for “wet” processes when plastering and puttying. Let's look at how to properly apply plaster with a minimum of time and material loss.

Plastering gas silicate blocks

To plaster a gas silicate block, the following tools are required:

  • the rule is for “pulling” the solution between the beacons;
  • beacon profiles - used when leveling the wall surface;
  • grater – used for grouting the applied layer;
  • plumb line – used to determine the geometry of walls to be plastered;
  • trowel and ladle - needed for throwing mortar onto the wall surface;
  • drill and attachment for it (mixer attachment) – stirring the mixture;
  • plastic container - the solution is prepared in it.

Before the process begins, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt and dust. To increase the adhesion of the solution, notches are made on the surface of the gas silicate block - the contact area increases plaster mortar with a wall.

Using a plumb line, the evenness of the walls is determined.

Typically, plaster compositions are applied with a thickness of within 2 cm, since with a larger thickness they become free-flowing. If for any reason a greater thickness of the solution is required, then the application is done in several layers.

At internal plastering use gypsum and gypsum-lime mixtures; for external work - cement.

The plaster mixture is prepared in plastic container: the dry mixture is poured with water and stirred with a drill until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Plaster is applied to the wall surface with a ladle or trowel. The lifetime of cement mortar for plastering is about 30 minutes, gypsum mortar is 20 minutes. Therefore, the solution is prepared gradually.

Since gas silicate blocks are afraid of water, it is recommended to use special plaster, which should have the following characteristics:

  • adhesion to gas silicate block 0.6 MPa;
  • strength after 28 days 20 MPa;
  • viability not less than 2 hours;
  • thickness of the applied layer is 3-6 mm;
  • frost resistance 35 cycles;
  • consumption with a layer thickness of 1 mm – 1.3-1.5 kg/m²;
  • have water-repellent ability.

Walls made of gas silicate blocks need to be prepared for finishing as follows:

  • Before plastering, the wall must be cleaned of dust, drips, stains and debris.
  • then the surface must be primed with a deep penetration strengthening mixture.
  • To plaster gas silicate blocks, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh must be used, which gives strength to the plaster after it dries.

The building materials market is now developing rapidly, constantly being replenished with new and new commercial products. Each of them has its own characteristics, improved quality and improved structure. So, for example, if previously the walls of a house were built from bricks laid on a heavy cement mortar, and created enormous loads on the foundation, now everything is different. You can build from lightweight block elements durable home, gluing them together with an adhesive solution. This article will tell you what adhesive for laying gas silicate blocks or other types of block structures is.

Types of blocks used

The construction of a new architectural project invariably entails the selection of the necessary building materials. For a long period of time, brick remained the main element of construction, but now it is used less and less. The main reason This is due to the laboriousness of laying bricks. In addition, the price of ceramic analogues of bricks is significantly higher compared to the cost of glue for foam blocks.

Today steel is a worthy replacement for brick building blocks, presented in a wide variety on the construction market. Their main varieties are the following:

  1. Expanded clay concrete blocks. The material has a number of advantages. It successfully combines qualities such as high strength and low weight. The use of blocks involves a small investment of time to create durable masonry. Expanded clay concrete block elements allow the construction of buildings up to 3 floors high manually, without the use of special equipment.
  2. Concrete blocks. In construction residential buildings this material is rarely used because it has poor thermal insulation properties. However, their frost resistance and strength allow builders to use the material for the construction of buildings of economic importance.
  3. Gas silicate blocks. In the construction environment they are also known as cellular concrete. The profitability of their use is due to significant cost savings. The small dimensions of the gas silicate block save useful space.
  4. Polystyrene concrete blocks. When creating them, a special substance is added to a regular concrete solution, which helps make the material frost-resistant and has good properties. soundproofing properties, durable. The low price of polystyrene concrete blocks makes the final cost of construction low. Polystyrene concrete blocks are used in both private and industrial construction.
  5. Foam concrete blocks. When carrying out construction using foam concrete blocks, there is no need to use special equipment if the height of the building does not exceed 3 floors. Foam concrete blocks are used in the construction of cottages. Their main advantages include environmental safety.

Types of glue for laying blocks

Adhesive for foam concrete and other types of block structures is gaining popularity year after year. IN construction industry it is used more and more often, and the demand for the material is due to many undeniable advantages. First of all, of course, there is a reduction in labor costs, because there is no need to mix a cement-based solution, strictly observe the proportionality of the components, etc. And the question of how to calculate the amount of glue for foam blocks is solved faster and easier.

The basis of any adhesive composition consists of a cement-sand mixture, as well as various polymer additives that have the properties of structure formation, moisture retention and plasticization. It is not possible to prepare such a solution with your own hands, but manufacturers set a very affordable price for products of this kind in the range of 150-550 rubles for one bag weighing 25 kg. With reasonable material consumption for laying 30 blocks with standard parameters(600*200*300) one bag of dry adhesive mass is used.

A large variety of building blocks have now been invented, and each type requires its own adhesive composition with certain properties.

For foam blocks

Adhesive for foam blocks is a special mixture based on cement and sand, and the structure of these materials is somewhat different from that of the bulk composition used to prepare classic cement mortar. Among the components of block glue is quartz sand, crushed to the smallest fraction.

Advice! Prepare glue mixture for blocks with the calculation of its production within 2-2.5 hours. After this time, the solution begins to quickly thicken, losing its original properties. Adding water will not correct the situation, leading to a deterioration in the characteristics of the glue.

After applying the adhesive composition, its thickness is minimal due to the absence of coarse components. In addition, the solution quickly gains strength due to the use of high-quality Portland cement in its composition. When laying a foam block on glue or a mortar with an adhesive base, you should know that this material consists of a whole complex of additives that significantly improve it specifications. Among these components there are compounds that retain moisture, increase the moisture resistance of block masonry and prevent the formation of mold. The presence of special additives in the adhesive mortar gives the seams between the blocks greater plasticity than that found in ordinary cement mortar.

Such a property as plasticity reduces the likelihood of deformations in the masonry, the appearance of cracks, distortions and cracks in the wall made of blocks. The inclusion of auxiliary additives by manufacturers in the adhesive composition allows them to obtain frost-resistant adhesive for foam blocks. Its main advantage lies in the fact that winter glue for foam blocks allows installation work even with negative temperatures up to -15 ºC.

For ceramic blocks

The use of ceramic blocks for the construction of buildings in Lately becomes more in demand. Ceramic blocks Outwardly they look like bricks, but inside they are empty. They are made from baked clay, and the dimensions of such building materials are significantly larger than those of ordinary bricks. Due to the internal void, the thermal conductivity of the material is reduced, and the thermal insulation properties, on the contrary, are increased.

To ensure that ceramic blocks are laid perfectly, experts recommend using special glue. This solution helps create seams with a thickness of only 2 mm. The composition of the adhesive in its structure, thermal conductivity and density is similar to ceramics, which allows the formation of a uniform heat-insulating plane.

Adhesive for ceramic blocks is made from cement-sand mixture with additives in the form of imported plasticizers. These components are made from organic and mineral raw materials and are characterized by water-repellent properties.

For polystyrene concrete blocks

Polystyrene concrete blocks are among the building materials made from lightweight concrete. They contain mineral compounds of organic origin. The main components of the adhesive solution are water, Portland cement and additives, including small polystyrene foam granules that have a porous structure.

The unique combination of various useful components in the glue gives the finished walls such characteristics as good hydrophobicity, good thermal insulation properties, resistance to rotting, good load-bearing capacity, transmitted and finished walls. This adhesive composition is sold in the form of a dry mixture, and requires mixing the powder with water and thorough stirring before use.

For gas silicate blocks

Glue for cellular blocks, which also has another name - gas silicate, is presented in stores various brands, representing different manufacturers. Prices for glue for gas silicate blocks vary between 115-280 rubles, but this cost does not always indicate good quality adhesive composition. Sometimes the consumer has to overpay money just for a well-promoted brand. To avoid making a mistake, construction experts advise purchasing from the manufacturer not only the glue itself, but also building blocks of the required variety. According to statistics, the use of gas silicate blocks helps reduce the final cost of construction by approximately 40%.

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks has several beneficial benefits, namely:

  • Low cost. Glue consumption for gas silicate blocks is approximately 6 times lower compared to cement-sand mortar, and the cost is only twice as much.
  • Resistance of the composition to atmospheric precipitation (snow, wind, rain).
  • No cold bridges. There are no layers formed in the material, characterized by high level thermal conductivity, causing a decrease in the uniformity of block masonry.
  • High strength. If we compare the glue for gas silicate blocks with the cement-sand mortar mentioned above, it helps to form masonry from blocks of greater strength.

When choosing adhesive for a gas block, you should pay attention to its composition and technical characteristics, because such information will help to create an accurate picture of what components the solution is made of.

This is interesting! Frost-resistant adhesive for gas silicate blocks consists of special substances that allow it to be used even at low temperatures (-15 ºC, and sometimes even -25 ºC) outdoors.

It will be useful to know what the fraction size is bulk materials components included in the solution, at what temperatures the manufacturer recommends using the product, what the recommended layer thickness should be. It is also worth paying attention to the label, which displays useful data on the drying period of the adhesive solution, the amount of adhesive used during the work, etc.

Universal glue

Universal glue for blocks different brands and types allows the consumer to purchase a high-quality dry adhesive mixture at a favorable price, which can later be used both for gluing foam block elements and for fixing aerated concrete, ceramic, and polystyrene concrete blocks to each other. Among the most famous universal adhesive compositions for building blocks are TM Knauf and Varmit adhesives. They are designed to work in winter and summer periods years, are made from environmentally friendly components, are frost-resistant, moisture-resistant and cost-effective.

How to calculate how much glue you will need

Glue consumption when laying foam block walls depends on several factors. Important when performing calculations, it has the type of block element. For example, for cellular block You will need more glue, since the material is porous, which means it absorbs moisture well. Also, the level of consumption depends on the brand and manufacturer of the adhesive composition.

In general, the consumption of any type of glue for blocks is more economical compared to a conventional solution of sand and cement. Laying blocks with its use is obtained with thin seams, and accordingly, the consumption of the composition is reduced by about 6 times. Using this modern material as an adhesive for blocks it makes it possible to achieve a seam thickness of a maximum of 5 mm, and if laying technologies are followed - only 2 mm or even 1 mm. A small seam prevents the development of cold bridges in the walls, and the consequences associated with this unpleasant phenomenon - the appearance of fungus and dampness.

The geometry of the blocks themselves also has a certain influence on the glue consumption. If the building material is uneven, then more adhesive solution will be needed for its installation.

To minimize solution costs, it is important to determine how much glue is needed to lay a cube of foam blocks. Knowing this information and also exact amount block elements, you can easily calculate the amount of dry glue required for construction. According to the standards established in construction, the consumption of aerated concrete adhesive per 1 m 3 is no more than 1.6 kg, provided that the joint is thin 1 mm. However, this condition is met only with a perfectly flat surface. Sometimes per 1 m 3 building material it takes up to 30 kg of dry adhesive composition. On average per 1 cubic meter. gas blocks, you have to waste 1 bag of adhesive composition weighing 25 kg. But this is only from a theoretical point of view. Often the waste is 1.5 packages of dry weight, or 37 kg. There are several reasons for this:

  • You need to know exactly how to lay gas silicate blocks or block structures made of aerated concrete. The experience of the masonry worker has a great influence on the quality of workmanship.
  • Surface irregularities increase the consumption of glue for blocks.
  • The number of layers of adhesive solution affects its consumption.
  • The weather in which the laying of building blocks is carried out.
  • The number of rows formed by laying block structures.

If you are interested in what is the optimal amount of glue for aerated concrete blocks, you should know that it will be less when using a fine-grained composition. In this case, the masonry turns out to be thin and as close as possible to the recommended parameters.

Manufacturers of adhesive solutions give different recommendations regarding what the glue consumption for 20*30*60 foam blocks should be.

They concern not only dilution, but also the laying of the composition, as well as the formation of block masonry with its help:

  1. First of all, read the instructions from the manufacturer before you start mixing the adhesive solution from the dry mass.
  2. Follow the technology for preparing the composition, then the material consumption will be less, and accordingly, the cost of glue for the foam block will be reduced.
  3. When laying foam blocks on prepared glue, observe the temperature conditions required by the manufacturer.
  4. To maintain the homogeneity of the composition, stir it periodically while laying the blocks.
  5. At self-installation blocks for glue and lack of proper experience from the master, it is better to purchase all materials with a reserve.
  6. By applying glue to the surface of the block with a notched trowel, you can reduce the consumption of the mixture by an average of 25-30%.
  7. It is better to prepare glue from dry mass in a warm room, and then deliver it to the site where the block walls are being erected.

The correct choice and use of glue for blocks allows you to build a high-quality and durable home with good thermal insulation properties.


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