Choosing a suitable gvl for the floor. GVL flooring is an ideal way to arrange a subfloor GVL slabs on the floor

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Gypsum fiber sheet, or GVL, is finishing look a material that is made from gypsum, reinforced with various technological additives, and cellulose.
An important feature of GVL is considered homogeneity of the material, which does not have a cardboard covering. Its density is much greater than that of drywall, which increases the quality and strength of the material. Depending on the area in which the gypsum fiber sheets or slabs are planned to be used and their properties, they are divided into moisture-resistant (GVLV) and ordinary (GVL).

When renovating an apartment, you can lay GVL floor panels on dry floors, since a wet screed is not comfortable. It takes time for it to reach the required strength and dry. Thanks to the sheets, the screed is done clean and dry, so you can begin laying the final floor covering almost immediately.

Gypsum fiber sheets are a compressed material, where the role of reinforcement is played by fluffed waste paper, which gives the sheet strength, and gypsum serves as a binding element. This combination has a number of advantages over plasterboard, as well as fiberboard, and the degree of resistance to moisture is even slightly superior. Besides, GVL is environmentally friendly and does not burn.

Most floor finishes require a level surface and preliminary preparation. In addition, not all of them have good heat conservation and sound insulation. In this case, you can use a dry GVL-based screed, which helps solve several problems at the same time. This includes insulation, subflooring, carpet underlay, laminate, linoleum and parquet.

Information on the purpose of the material

It should be noted that gypsum fiber sheets are laid not only on wood, but also on reinforced concrete structures. The waterproofing material is laid on the base, and subsequently sheets for dry floor screed will accumulate on it. This prefabricated floor without special effort a heat-insulating layer is turned on or soundproofing material, for example, polystyrene foam board.

You can also install heated or water-based floors on gypsum fiber boards. You can easily place under gypsum fiber sheets engineering Communication. The installation process is carried out according to the “dry operation” principle, but this is a good saving Money and time to complete the work. As a result base coat It turns out not only smooth, but also insulated.

We note that this floor repair technology involves the use of small-sized gypsum fiber boards, 1 cm thick and 1-1.5 m wide. The sheets are laid out in two layers or they can be replaced with glued factory double slabs, which are equipped with folds at the ends. The last option, of course, is much more acceptable.

Before starting the assembly process, do not forget to insulate the floors with expanded clay - it will perform the leveling task. As a vapor barrier, they are laid under expanded clay plastic film thickness from 200 microns. Depending on the type of coating you choose, you can choose roofing felt or glassine.

GVL floor laying

So, we purchased GVL for the floor. How to lay it? When starting work, fix the edge tape with a thickness of 1 cm around the entire perimeter of the room. It will perform the function of noise absorption percussion instruments, and will also serve as a compensator for deformations that occur during the process due to temperature changes.

Once the tape is laid, trim off any excess at the top edges of the edging. Now place a vapor barrier substrate on the polyethylene film ceiling. Each strip overlaps the previous one. Spread expanded clay over the entire surface covered with film in a layer of no more than 0.5 cm. Adjust the guides to the level of the leveling bedding.

Level the floor using the rules based on the guides. Once this is done, carefully compact the expanded clay. If its thickness is more than 10 cm, then such work must be done more carefully. Pay special attention to the area around corners, walls and doorways.

Installation of the first layer of gypsum fiber board should begin from the corner near the door. Having laid the initial layer, apply adhesive mastic, PVA glue or special glue for gypsum fiber board to the floor, and the second layer is placed on top of the first in the reverse order.

The technology of such installation implies that when installing the top layer, part of the gypsum fiber board floor will be pulled together using fasteners and glued along the folds.

The steps for fixing gypsum fiber sheets should not exceed 30 cm. If your sheets have a thickness of 1 cm or more, then the length of the screws should be 2 cm. If you want to lay slabs with a thickness of 1.2 cm, then you need to work with screws 2.3 cm long When installing the base base, please note that when gluing gypsum fiber boards, you will need to remove excess glue protruding at the seams and near the walls. If you decide to lay laminate or carpet, then the seams and fastening points will need to be puttied later.

After installation, fix and putty the second layer - it is necessary to prime the surface. When purchasing a primer, check to see if it is compatible with the adhesive you are using when laying the screed.

Features of installation of gypsum fiber boards: what else to consider?

Do not forget that the sheets need to be trimmed after laying the very last row. In other words, opposite wall the one from which the installation began. Thus, you will be able to achieve a seam spread of 20 cm in each layer. This required condition high-quality installation. The width between the seams in the first layer should be about 1-2 mm.

Dry floor double thickness, factory glued, resembles the principle when working with small-sized slabs. The work is progressing quickly. With the help of folds on which there is an adhesive substance, the sheets are joined. Adjacent folds to the walls are cut off when the slab is tightened with fasteners.

Know! Finished slabs, as well as single gypsum fiber board sheets for the floor, are adjusted to size when assembling the last row. Cut with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw.

If the leveling bedding reaches a thickness of 10 cm, then lay a three-layer subfloor from gypsum fiber sheets. IN last layer the size of the material can reach 1.2x2.5 m.

When installing a heated floor from gypsum fiber boards, you need to start assembling a dry screed by laying polystyrene foam boards.

When creating a warm base floor, insulation material is laid out on the bedding.

There are three types of dry GVL screed:

  1. Basic prefabricated floor on a leveling bedding made of expanded clay, 2 cm high. It is used when the base is insulated and has no differences.
  2. Subfloors on an insulated surface(foam), the thickness of which is 2-3 cm. This type is recommended when the floors have a small level of height difference, and the floors must be insulated before laying.
  3. Prefabricated screed with polystyrene foam boards, which are laid on top of a 2 cm thick expanded clay bedding. This design is suitable for floors with a high height difference and the presence of unevenness on it. As a result, it needs to be leveled and insulated.

The main components of prefabricated floor screed materials:

  • vapor barrier and waterproofing layer. Such materials separate the floors and other layers of floors. If the floor is made of reinforced concrete, then a dense polyethylene film in the separating layer will be an ideal option. If on wooden floor sheets are laid, then glassine is used;
  • compensation and soundproofing gasket. It is an edge tape that is attached with screws or glued. The material is fixed before laying the screed in the room around the entire perimeter. Such tapes are produced from isolon, foam and basalt wool.
  • leveling layer is carried out according to one of the above types of laying prefabricated gypsum fiber board screed;
  • GVL slabs for flooring And they can be single in two layers or industrial two-layer. They are tightened with self-tapping screws and glued by hand.

Don’t forget, if you need to achieve a leveling bedding height of 10 cm or more, then the installation of gypsum fiber board floors must include an additional part of the structure - a third gypsum plasterboard layer, the same in thickness as the first two layers.

Purchase of gypsum plasterboard floor slabs (Knauf or another brand)

If you decide to buy gypsum plasterboard slabs, consider the dimensions of the gypsum plasterboard for the floor, as well as the following:

  • for floors only required small slabs with a size of 1x1.5 m, thickness 10 mm. On the market you can find types of slabs with a thickness of 12 mm and a width of 1.2 mm;
  • laying of gypsum fiber board slabs is carried out in two layers, which means that the area of ​​the slabs should be twice the area of ​​the room;
  • remember that such slabs come in two types: for floors and walls. Those, in turn, are divided into non-moisture resistant and moisture resistant. The latter are sold with a moisture-repellent solution.

If you decide to insulate the floor, then you need to know that there are three types of thermal insulators: backfill, fiber and polystyrene foam.

Read about how to insulate a concrete floor on the first floor yourself - popularly, with the nuances and features of the process.

Information about floor insulation in a private house with polystyrene foam - and will certainly be useful to those who are “preparing a sleigh in the summer.”

Let's consider each of them separately.

TO fiber heat insulators directly applies to mineral and glass wool. In appearance they are similar to cotton candy, but instead of a liquid thread, there is molten granite or glass. If you want to choose a heat insulator, purchase foreign-made material, since our mineral and glass wool is not suitable for residential premises.

TO backfill heat insulators include crushed slag stone, slag pumice and expanded clay sand. The cost of fill-in heat insulators is low, but they have low heat-saving properties.

Expanded polystyrene thermal insulators They are similar to foam plastic and have decent heat-saving properties. The service life is quite long, but there are also disadvantages: high price and combustion.

GVL material replaces old wooden floors well if you put tiles on top.

High-quality laying of tiles is carried out on a ready-made base made of gypsum fiber sheets. If there are no errors on the floor, then GVL sheets can be attached to the floor with a spacing of half a sheet(a whole sheet is placed on the first row, and half on the second). With this preparation, the tiles are laid using ordinary glue, to which the tile. But first the floors need to be prepared.

Drill in wooden floor holes so that there is ventilation and the raw materials do not begin to rot. Floorboards that creak and wobble must be additionally screwed to the joists using self-tapping screws designed specifically for working with wood. If the floorboards are completely rotten, they should be replaced with new ones.

Now lay it on the floor waterproofing film in order to prevent the penetration of moisture into gypsum fiber board sheets.

If you want to increase the rigidity of the floor, then lay the sheets in two layers. The seams of the first layer here should be located in the center of the sheet of the next layer. You glue the joints with glue, it can be purchased together with the sheets.

When tiling, ceramic tiles are laid on wooden floors using an adhesive intended directly for tiles. According to the description, it should match the sticker on the gypsum fiber boards. Laying is carried out according to the same principle as an ordinary screed.

GVL for flooring: prices on the modern market

With a thickness of 12.5 mm GVL for Knauf flooring, the price of one sheet ranges from 256 rubles (standard) to 355 rubles (moisture resistant). The cost of GVL for floors also depends on the manufacturer: for example, the manufacturer of the same product, Gyproc, offers the consumer standard and moisture-resistant GVL sheets for floors, the price of which is 232 and 340 rubles, respectively. Moreover, moisture-resistant GVL sheets for floors of the Gyproc brand are green in color, have the same thickness of 12.5 mm, are environmentally friendly, highly resistant to moisture, have a reinforced edge that is resistant to cracks, and the putty consumption is half as much.

Advantages of using GVL sheets and slabs

Advantages of GVL for floors - reviews confirm that:

  • this floor is universal and during installation you can immediately install a “warm floor” system;
  • do not emit toxic substances, and the acidity level corresponds to the acidity levels of human skin;
  • little weight;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • it is possible to lay gypsum fiber board on a wooden floor;
  • the “wet process” is not used, and this is convenient in winter during repair and construction work;
  • high strength indicators: do not knock, do not bend, do not creak;
  • ability to withstand heavy weights and loads;
  • during a fire they play the role of the main barrier to the penetration of fire between floors;
  • They are used both in high-rise buildings and in small houses.

Professional installation of gypsum fiber board on the floor - video instructions to help the home craftsman:

Floor is much more than just a surface that each of us comes into contact with every day. From the point of view of professionals, gender - complex design, consisting of a rough base, a leveling layer and a finishing coat. Forming a leveling layer is a labor-intensive task, the quality of which determines the final result. And if previously the most common option for creating a screed was considered to be the “wet” method, which, by the way, had many disadvantages, today a gypsum plaster floor acts as an advantageous alternative.

What is gvl?

Gvl (gypsum fiber sheets) - finishing material, which is made from reinforced gypsum and fluff pulp. Features of the raw material are homogeneous structure and high density. This combination has many advantages compared to plasterboard and fiberboard. In terms of moisture resistance and environmental friendliness, gypsum plasterboard has no equal, which is why dry gypsum plasterboard floors are used in modern construction more often.

GVL demonstrates excellent heat-saving and soundproofing characteristics and is the best substrate and under carpet, and under laminate, and under linoleum. Let’s install a “warm floor” system. Due to the fact that the installation of gypsum fiber floors is carried out according to the “dry” principle, you save time, effort and money.

Advantages of gypsum fiber sheets

GVL sheets for flooring have numerous advantages, which explain the increased interest in this material.

  • strength. A high concentration of cellulose, acting as a reliable binding element, makes the sheets strong and durable;
  • fire safety. Gypsum fiber is resistant to fire - when exposed to fire, only upper layer. However, it does not catch fire, but chars;
  • versatility. You can lay the gypsum board on a wooden floor or on reinforced concrete structures and then cover parquet board, porcelain tiles, laminate or linoleum;

  • ease of installation. Laying is done in the shortest possible time. In addition, the work will take place without unnecessary dust and dirt;
  • It’s easy to hide utility lines under the sheets;
  • low weight facilitates transportation and installation;
  • GVL floors do not creak, do not knock, do not sag and are able to withstand heavy loads.

Technical specifications

Gypsum fiber sheets are presented in 2 variations: simple and moisture resistant. Simple ones are optimal for interior decoration premises with normal level humidity, and will become moisture resistant profitable solution where a hydrophobic layer is needed (in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets).

Besides this, there is another distinction. Depending on the size, there are standard and small-format gvl. The former are used not only for arranging the floor, but also for forming partitions, leveling walls, and creating various architectural elements. Dimensions 1200x1500 mm. The second ones are 2 sheets with intersecting central axes, which are shifted in vector directions. This is how a simple lock system- folded. Such gvl for the floor have dimensions of 1500x500 or 1200x600.

Concerning technical characteristics, then they are:

  • weight - no more than 18 kg;
  • width - up to 50 mm, length - 1.5 m, thickness - up to 20 mm;
  • usable area - up to 75 sq.m;
  • hardness - from 20 MPa;
  • thermal conductivity - up to 0.36 W/m.

It is easy to transport gvl - the material is packaged and delivered to its destination on special pallets. It is recommended to store the sheets in a room with low humidity, and cut them in a horizontal position on a flat surface.

Types of dry gypsum plasterboard screed

  • base prefabricated 2 cm high. Recommended if the base is insulated and does not have significant differences in height;
  • rough floors covered with foam plastic (2-3 cm). The best option in the presence of unevenness and the need for insulation;
  • prefabricated floor on polystyrene slabs laid on a layer of expanded clay 2 cm thick. This scheme is good for floors with significant differences in height.

Separately, I would like to dwell on a prefabricated screed, which includes several layers:

  • steam and waterproofing layers that separate the floor “pie” floors;

It is important!
If the floors are made of reinforced concrete, then polyethylene film acts as a layer, but if a wooden floor is laid, then glassine is used.

  • compensation and soundproofing gasket. The edge tape is secured with screws or glued. Tapes are produced from various materials: from basalt wool, isolon, foam;
  • leveling layer;
  • GVL slabs laid in 2 layers and tightened with self-tapping screws.

Installation of gypsum fiber floors

Work begins with standard surface preparation. The subfloor is repaired and sanded if necessary. If the base is wooden, then check the reliability of the joists and the horizontal position of all structural components.

Small irregularities can be eliminated using a repair solution that fills cracks and crevices. To level depressions larger than 20 mm, fine expanded clay is used. Next, waterproofing is laid on the subfloor. For a concrete floor, polyethylene 0.2 mm thick, overlapped, is suitable; for a wooden floor, vapor-permeable materials (glassine, waxed or corrugated paper) are suitable.

Insulating tape is glued along the contour of the floor mineral wool or polystyrene 1 cm thick and 0.1 m wide.

It is important!
Insulating tape is necessary to prevent swelling and cracking of gypsum board sheets.

Then the gypsum fiber is cut, taking into account the edge gaps, and insulation is poured. It is better if it is fine-grained expanded clay, quarry or river sand. The amorphous insulation is aligned according to the marks marked using a level meter. The minimum backfill thickness is 20 mm.

The resulting layers are insulated with glass wool or polystyrene, cut into small blocks. GVL slabs are mounted on top of the “pie”, and the gap between the gypsum fiber components should not exceed 1 mm.

If the installation starts from the wall opposite the door, then in order not to injure the insulating layer of the slabs, you should build some kind of “islands” for movement. It is recommended to start installation of the gypsum plasterboard leveling system from the opposite wall.

After the first layer of screed has been laid, the gypsum board sheets are covered with PVA dispersion or adhesive mastic. A second layer of dry screed is laid on top.

It is important!
The elements of the second layer are mounted perpendicular to the elements of the first.

To connect large-format sheets (in addition to glue), self-tapping screws (30 cm pitch) are used. Small-format sheets are smeared around the perimeter with glue and also fastened with self-tapping screws, but in increments of 20 cm. Please note that fasteners intended for simple drywall not suitable, screws with self-countersinking device and double thread are required.

There is no need to worry about the large consumption of small-format material, because... the trimmings obtained in the mate area are transferred to the next row. The installation of gypsum boards on the floor is completed, all that remains is to seal the joints and places where the screws are installed with putty, remove the remaining protruding edge tape and waterproofing.

Some installation features

Sheets are trimmed only after the last row has been laid. In other words, at the wall opposite the one from which the work began. This will allow you to achieve at least a 25 cm spread in each layer, which is the main condition for high-quality installation. In the first layer, the width between the seams should not exceed 2 mm.

Double dry floors, glued together in production, are similar in installation principle to small-format slabs. With the help of folds on which glue is applied, the gvl is joined. The folds extending onto the walls are cut off, and the slabs are tightened with fasteners.

  • cut gvl is better on a hard surface using a hacksaw or construction knife;
  • when cutting, take into account the gaps on the edge of the insulating tape;
  • if it is necessary to create shaped holes, make punctures in the tiles and use round cutters;
  • The joints of the sheets must be treated with a primer. To reinforce the edges, serpyanka (sticky fiberglass mesh) is most often used. The putty is applied in 2 layers.

GVL flooring is a great opportunity to get a perfectly flat surface on which you can lay any finishing material. It doesn’t matter whether it’s tiles, parquet or parquet - an impeccable result is guaranteed, because GVL slabs, without a doubt, will cope with the task of arranging a subfloor better than other materials! It remains to be seen in practice!

Not always during construction or major renovation when you have to re-lay the floor, it turns out perfectly flat. This affects its service life; furniture and other items are uneven. How to level the floor? For many, this will seem like an impossible task. If you imagine how this is done, consult with friends and acquaintances, read information on the Internet, it turns out that there is nothing too difficult here.

Some people think of pouring a cement screed, but this work will take time and affect the budget. Nowadays, a method such as using gypsum fiber to cover the floor is gaining general popularity. It is especially suitable for substrates that cannot withstand heavy loads. GVL is primarily a finishing material, it is produced on the basis of gypsum, it also includes cellulose and many technological impurities. Gypsum fiber sheets do not have a cardboard covering; their density is higher than that of gypsum board. This is an indicator that he is strong. They produce both simple GVL and GVLV, which means moisture resistant. According to environmental indicators, it is safe, fire-resistant, and does not burn at all in a fire. It has heat and sound insulation.

GVL is now gaining more and more popularity

When performing repair work wet screed is not always suitable, there are times when you need to lay the floor quickly, but here it will take a period of time for it to dry out and become strong. GVL can be laid on a dry floor. The final finish requires a flat surface, so gypsum fiber is the best material for such work. It is used as a substrate, subfloor and insulation.

GVL can be laid on a dry floor

Advantages and disadvantages of GVL for floors

Not all building materials have the same advantages. They have both positive and negative sides. Let's consider the advantages of gypsum fiber sheets.

  • Moisture resistant, massive. In terms of this property, gypsum fiber prevails over fiberboard and gypsum board.
  • Has high density.
  • Non-toxic, environmentally friendly (natural materials are used for production).
  • Durable but at the same time flexible.
  • It features excellent sound and heat insulation.
  • Fireproof does not burn in fire.
  • Tolerates temperature differences perfectly. When they change, its shape does not change.
  • It is easy to install and there is almost no waste left after work.
  • You can install a warm floor under the gypsum fiber.”
  • Significantly lighter than wet screed.
  • It does not creak during operation.
  • Withstands heavy loads perfectly.
  • Can be laid on a wooden base.

A few words about its shortcomings.

  • It is quite heavy, weighing 18 kg.
  • High price indicator. Drywall is much cheaper.
  • It is worth remembering how to work with gypsum fiber correctly. If handled improperly, the material may become brittle.

Attention! Before purchasing gypsum fiber sheets, be sure to look at the labeling. Buy from qualified manufacturers. Unscrupulous manufacturers can replace GVLV with GVL, which is difficult to distinguish.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the labeling

Some information on the use of the material

To correctly make flooring from gypsum fiber sheets, follow the rules. The thickness of the slabs should be 10 mm. We lay guides on the base; firstly, this will serve as a kind of border when you pour the mixture, and secondly, it will serve as a support for GVL sheets. Thanks to the leveling mixture, the floor will be smooth and warm. Be sure to lay a film under the expanded clay, its thickness is 200 microns. It will serve as a vapor barrier.

Gypsum fiber can serve as a subfloor. It is laid on wooden and concrete floors. The material is laid on the finished cement screed, thereby additionally leveling the floor, and laying it on it finishing coat. In addition to the above advantages, the material provides an ideal microclimate that breathes and absorbs excess moisture. It is worth mentioning an important advantage: under the gypsum fiber you can safely install a heating system, water, electric, or a combination of them. Due to the fact that the material is quite dense, at this temperature it will not collapse or deform.

The scope of application of GVL is varied. They cover ceilings, walls, and build internal partitions, structures for communications, decorate doors, windows, and this is an incomplete list.

GVL sheets are used in many ways

Features of purchasing GVL

Before you go to a retail outlet to buy gypsum fiber sheets, consider the following points.

When purchasing gypsum fiber board sheets, you should carefully select the material

If you are going to insulate the floor, it is important to remember that the material is divided into three types:

Expanded polystyrene is a bit like polystyrene foam, has a long service life, retains heat, but there are two drawbacks: it is easily flammable, and the price is quite high.

Fibrous materials include mineral wool and glass wool. Here you can give advice: if you decide to use this material as insulation, it is better to purchase imported one, since Russian material is not suitable for residential premises.

Backfill includes crushed stone, expanded clay, and slag pumice. They don't insulate very well, but the price is quite affordable.

GVL slabs, due to their properties, are in great demand and are increasingly in demand among professionals and those who like to carry out their own construction works.

This material is becoming increasingly popular

Options for dry screed based on GVL

Dry GVL screed is divided into three types:

GVL screed is divided into three types

The main components of a prefabricated screed

This method is gaining more and more popularity. This is because it is convenient, practical, costs less money, and is easy to work with. The system itself, so to speak, contains several layers. It is equipped with reinforced concrete slabs and concrete floors. This method of laying the floor is used to level it, allows you to evenly distribute the load, and it is immediately covered with finishing material. Let's look at the components of such a screed:

Hydro- and vapor barrier. This is a kind of layer separating the main floor and screed elements. If the base is reinforced concrete, then film is used; if it is wooden, then it is better to use glassine.

Selecting GVL slabs for specific purposes is not difficult

Compensating and soundproofing gasket. This component is an edge tape, it is attached with self-tapping screws or glued. They are made from foam, isolon, basalt wool.

Leveling layer. For this it is usually used quartz sand. Perlite sand or expanded clay is better suited. The use of these materials will improve heat and sound insulation.

GVL slabs. Now there are two-layer ones on sale, you can use them or lay single ones in two layers, glue them together and secure them with screws.

If the leveling layer is more than 10 cm, then the gypsum fiber must be laid in three layers, its thickness should be the same as the first two.

Now there are two-layer ones on sale, you can use them or lay single layers in two layers, glue them together and secure them with screws

GVL for floors: installation rules

How to lay the floor correctly? You purchased everything you need, let the materials rest room temperature. First of all, you need to lay down a plastic film; it will serve as a separating layer, then we attach an edge strip along the entire length of the room, its thickness should be 1 cm.

The next stage of work will be laying the vapor barrier substrate on the film; it needs to be laid overlapping. Then cover with a leveling layer. It should be leveled using a level or rule, focusing on the guides, and compacted. Places near doors, walls and corners deserve attention.

Work begins from the corner near the door. Having installed the initial layer, it is smeared with mastic or glue for gypsum plasterboard. The next layer begins to be laid on the opposite side. The folds of the gypsum fiber sheets are coated with glue. The distance between the screws that will need to secure the gypsum fiber should be exactly 30 cm.

Before laying the finishing coating, all seams and places where fasteners are located must be puttied. Once all the layers are laid, the surface is primed. It is imperative that the sheets be cut at the wall where you finished the flooring. Small slabs intended for flooring have rebates. Glue is applied to them and the sheets are joined. If the folds are adjacent to the wall, then they are cut off and the slab is tightened with self-tapping screws.

Before laying the finishing layer, the seams must be puttied

Installation of gypsum fiber board on a wooden floor

With wooden floors the situation is a little more complicated. The base coating must be carefully prepared. The first step is to remove the old coating and carefully inspect everything. If there are affected areas, they must be replaced and an antiseptic applied. Then, if necessary, install additional logs, check with a spirit level (for those who don’t know, that’s what they call a tool for checking the horizontal position of a line on a plane), and if necessary, level it. The next step is to screw the protruding screws in deeper, process them with a plane, and putty the flaws.

Now we need to do everything right. In order not to damage the GVL sheets, they are cut strictly in a lying position. A hacksaw or cutter is suitable for this. First, an edge strip is secured along the entire length of the room, then a vapor barrier is installed. To avoid any gaps or gaps, the strips of material are overlapped. Then a leveling layer of expanded clay is poured. The base must be leveled using the rule or building level, and tamp down. All attention to places near the walls and in the corners.

Install the initial layer of gypsum fiber board, starting from the corner at the door. When laying the entire layer, the plane is covered with glue, then the second layer is laid, starting from the other side. According to the laying rules, glue is applied to the folds, and the slabs are tightened with self-tapping screws. Finally on the right places putty is applied, and then the surface is primed. When the height of the expanded clay layer exceeds 10 cm, then an auxiliary layer of GVL is required.

GVL slabs should be laid from the corner of the door

Prefabricated gypsum fiber board floor on a loose cushion

What is a prefabricated screed? These are 2 layers of gypsum fiber sheets, which are placed on top of each other with the joints shifted. The main thing is that they do not coincide. The slabs of both layers are fixed with special glue and tightened with screws. Therefore, the coating will be smooth and solid. The room should be + 10 degrees, but not lower, humidity 60%.

If the difference in floor unevenness is significant, apply auxiliary materials to level the plane. The slats are mounted on the base to create a grid with cells. Medium-fraction expanded clay is laid there in a layer of 2 cm. It will serve as noise and heat insulation. Then lay gypsum fiber in two layers. The bottom layer is screwed to the slats with self-tapping screws. The top one is fixed with the first one with glue. We look carefully at the joints; they should not match. And one more main point, there must be a gap of 1.5 cm between the gypsum plasterboard and the wall. This will serve as additional ventilation and will keep the structure intact.

The prefabricated screed is carried out in two layers

What consequences can result from errors when installing gypsum fiber boards?

Laying gypsum fiber board on the floor is not an easy task. If you can’t lay the floor yourself, there may be different reasons, you just don’t know how, you don’t have enough qualifications, this work is difficult for you, and you had to turn to builders, be careful, because unscrupulous workers who don’t know their job can make gross mistakes. may affect the results of the work. Then everything will have to be corrected or redone.

If you can’t lay the floor yourself, you can use the services of a professional

What mistakes can be made?

  1. Incorrectly prepared surface. Before work, you need to thoroughly clean the floor from dust, debris and dirt. We remove all the sand so that not a single grain of sand remains, because there may be cracks or cracks underneath it. This will affect the final result and the floor will not be level.
  2. Incorrectly selected material or poor quality. It happens that builders ask to purchase profiles for gypsum fiber sheets. Should not be doing that. Profiles are usually used as beacons or serve as a boundary when pouring a leveling layer. Do not allow workers to leave gypsum fiber boards in expanded clay. Both materials are at the same height after coating. After a while, the floor will shrink, the mixture will settle, and depressions will appear on the sheets attached to the profiles, and the slabs will begin to sag.
  3. Wrongly selected expanded clay and gypsum plasterboard. The mixture must be homogeneous, without any additives in the form of pebbles or other components. As for gypsum fiber, it is better to purchase it from gypsum particle boards.
  4. No work experience or not enough the necessary tool. The installation was not carried out according to the rules; the gypsum fiber board folds were not coated with special glue. Glue must be applied. The self-tapping screws must be screwed in until the cap is completely recessed.

These are not all mistakes. Unfortunately, employees are committing more and more negligence. For such serious work as flooring, it is better to turn to real craftsmen.

Video: GVL for floors

Video: GVL floor slabs

September 28, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

If we are talking about GVL, then I will immediately say that this is an excellent finishing material, which is also called dry screed or dry plaster. The advantages here are obvious and, above all, the speed of installation in the absence of dirt, which inevitably occurs during “wet” finishing. I suggest you consider how to use this styling material ceramic tiles and watch the video in this article on this topic.

A little about GVL and GKL

The abbreviation GVL stands for Gypsum Fiber Sheet.

Comparative performance characteristics of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board

Table of geometric parameters

Explanation of the table: * - standard parameters, ** - parameters are set at the customer's request, *** - parameters are planned for release.

Correct installation in 10 steps

Brief description of installation steps:

  1. First of all, it is best for you to remove the old wood covering, since it will be a time bomb - the wood will rot over time. In addition, you should also dismantle the logs, reaching the ceiling or the ground, if this is in the private sector - laying gypsum fiber board on a wooden floor under tiles is not very good, although it is possible. Construction garbage, if it is not large, it is not necessary to remove it, although it depends on your desire;
  2. Next, you need to prepare the rough surface - if it is soil, then level it and fill it with sand and crushed stone, and if it is a floor, then seal the joints. By the way, it is not necessary to seal the joints with cement-sand mortar - you can use alabaster to speed up the process;
  3. Use a laser or water level to make marks on the wall, but to fill in the insulation, move them lower to the required level;
  4. Lay cut-off waterproofing. For concrete, dense construction polyethylene is usually used, but if you still have wooden floor, then glassine or bitumen paper is appropriate here;
  5. Lay out all communications that will be hidden under the floor. If this is wiring, then it is best to pack it in a cable channel in the form of a metal corrugated hose;
  6. Installation of edge tape. Can be used ready material from the store, but you can make such an edging from improvised means, such as mineral wool, foam rubber and the like;
  7. We install beacons. To do this, it is most convenient to use perforated lighthouse profiles, fixing them with putty;

  1. Now you can fill in expanded clay, but its fraction should not exceed 5 mm - it can be either a fine fraction or expanded clay sand. All this mass is planned according to previously installed beacons;
  2. We proceed to the installation of gypsum fiber boards and connect them together with self-tapping screws;
  3. Let's start laying ceramic tiles. If a different front covering is intended, then at this final stage, we seal the heads of the screws and reinforce the joints with sickle.

Let's start installation

For some reason, some people prefer to leave the old plank floor and lay GVL on top of it, citing the fact that the boards are oak or larch and this, they say, additional insulation. Of course, this is a household matter, but I would not do this, especially if there is a warm floor.

Whatever the wood, it is susceptible to moisture and various wood borers. So your best bet is to remove all existing wood and remove any wood chips as potential material for fungal mold to form.

Now let's look at what a rough surface is. We need it to be rigid and even, and for this, most likely, we need to take certain steps. If these are floors, then everything is simple - we seal the joints and that’s it. But the soil needs to be leveled and compacted, and then a sand or sand-crushed stone cushion must be added, which also needs to be compacted.

Now we need to determine the floor level, which, in fact, is equal to the level of insulation backfill, that is, expanded clay and it must be at least 20 mm. But it’s quite difficult to make marks at such a height, especially if you use a water level, so you can mark the corners at a height of 50-80 cm and later move them down using a tape measure.

It is too early to move them at this time, as you still have to install the cut-off waterproofing and edging. To do this, simply hit a line along the set marks using a chokeline - this line will come in handy a little later.

And now it’s time to lay the cut-off waterproofing - we’ve already talked about the materials (polyethylene, glassine, bitumen paper) - all that remains is to figure out its installation. This is done quite simply. You need to overlap the strips with your own hands, with a margin of 10-15 cm.

And in addition, in order not to accidentally disturb the coating by touching it with your foot or in another way, you can fasten it in places with tape. Raise the edges of the cut-off to the wall just above the level of the future finishing coating - the excess will be cut off later.

After installing the cut-off waterproofing, you can begin installing the edge tape around the perimeter of the room, and the waterproofing can be overlapped onto the wall, both above and below the edge. The tape will not only make the floor more dull, but will also serve as a buffer in case of possible deformation of the coating. If you have communications under the floor, now is the time to lay them.

The principle of installation of beacons: profiles are indicated in white, threads stretched in level are indicated in blue

But now the question may arise about how to lay beacon profiles at a level if we do not have the opportunity to mark a control line on the wall, because it is now covered with cut-off waterproofing and edge tape. In fact, everything is very simple. In each corner, a peg is driven directly into the floor or a long self-tapping screw is screwed in (depending on the rough base) and a thread is tied to these pegs around the perimeter.

The previously marked line, which is located a little higher, will help you raise or lower the thread to the required level. Just step back the same distance from it, using a regular tape measure for measurements.

Place the beacon profiles along this thread (it’s most convenient to glue them onto a dotted path of putty), but these will only be the edges of the profiles. The profile itself can be leveled using the rule, and then, by pulling nylon threads from above (across the sheathing), as in the diagram above, you can check the virtual plane made.

If a layer of expanded clay for insulation is not enough for you, then you can do the following: plasterboard is laid on a leveled area (its price is less than that of gypsum plasterboard), and extruded polystyrene foam 20 mm thick is placed on it. The result is a new rough base, but already well insulated, for laying dry screed.
But this method is good for floating floors. It is better not to use it for ceramic tiles - here the instructions require a rigid base.

From the far corner of the room, so as not to damage the leveled coating, we begin installation. And since this will not be tiles on the gypsum fiber board in the bathroom on the wall, but a dry screed with subsequent installation of tiles, we will use panels 20 mm thick. We put the first panel in the corner, but if there is no 90° there, then we will have to cut the GVLV to the shape of the corner in the room. But the sheet must rest against the edge tape on both sides.

Nowadays GVL is made in two layers, so you don’t have to lay the sheets twice. However, the joints should be coated with glue and in order not to use expensive glue from Knauf, you can use our native PVA.

But glue alone is not enough to fix the joints - they are additionally reinforced with screws. To do this, you can use wood screws 25 mm long. The step between them should be about 10-15 cm, but not more than 30 cm.

Now all you have to do is lay the ceramic tiles on a dry screed. This is very easy, since you have an almost perfect surface, and all you have to do is monitor the thickness of the adhesive layer.


Dry screed will significantly save your time, and, therefore, save nervous system! I invite you to discuss this topic on the blog or in the comments.

September 28, 2016

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In the understanding of the average person, the floor is the covering with which his bare feet, dressed in slippers or shoes, come into contact. In fact, this is a complex structure that includes, at a minimum, a strong rough base, a leveling layer that creates the base for laying the coating, and the coating itself. Forming exactly the leveling layer is the most labor-intensive task, which can be quickly solved by gypsum fiber sheets, which facilitate and speed up this process.

Gypsum fiber sheets - clean work, dry screed

Well-known among builders, sheets with the abbreviation GVL are modernized descendants of materials that were once called “dry plaster.” In the production of durable solid sheets, cellulose fluff fibers are used, which act as a reinforcing component, and gypsum. The resulting material as a result of semi-dry pressing is distinguished by excellent technical qualities: excellent load bearing capacity, no bending deformation, fire resistance, low thermal conductivity.

GVL floor installation - clean, easy, convenient

The list of advantages is complemented by important technological advantages:

  • simple, quick installation of gypsum boards on the floor;
  • no waste, which is especially attractive for budget-conscious owners;
  • the ability to lay the finishing coating almost immediately without waiting a long curing period, as is required when installing a floor with a cement screed.

The main technological advantage of GVL is the ability to level the surface in an extremely short time without wet, dusty or dirty work.

Leveling gypsum fiber sheets are suitable for flooring:

  • above concrete slabs and timber floors;
  • on top of the leveling structure, for the construction of which logs were used;
  • on top of polymer and sand-cement screed.

GVL floor improves the thermal characteristics of the room

The floor leveling element GVL, in addition to all its priorities, increases the insulating properties of the structure due to its excellent insulating properties. In addition, the material takes part in the formation of an optimal level of humidity for breathing. It absorbs vaporous water when there is an excess of it in the surrounding atmosphere and releases it back when there is a lack of moist suspension in the air.

Expanded clay is an environmentally friendly porous material, which is obtained by swelling of fusible clay rock. It is used for insulation and soundproofing of rooms. We will tell you in detail about the material, its characteristics and methods of application in the following article:.

Types of gypsum fiber sheets

For the construction of a prefabricated base, you can purchase two types of material, distinguished different types GVL for the floor, perimeter dimensions and power of the slabs:

  • Standard GVL resemble ordinary plasterboards. Their dimensions are regulated by GOST R51829-2001, they are 1200×1500 mm. This technologically advanced material is used not only for flooring, it is also used for leveling walls, forming partitions and creating a number of architectural elements.
  • Small-format GVL. They are two sheets connected by gluing together with non-coinciding, intersecting central axes, shifted in two vector directions. Thanks to the displacement of one gypsum fiber sheet relative to another, a simple locking system is formed - a rebate, which facilitates the process of installation and connection of the elements of the leveling layer. They are produced in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications; small-format sheets are produced in two versions: 1200×600 and 1500×500 millimeters.

Standard Gypsum Fiber Sheet

Small-format gvl for the floor

Often, for the construction of two, three or more layers of a prefabricated base, sheets of equal sizes are used, but it is possible to use elements with different geometric parameters. For example, the first one from insulating layer the horizon is laid using small-format elements, the second from large-format slabs, or vice versa. The main condition is that their directions do not coincide, since the installation and gluing of each layer must be done “in cross” to the previous one.

Specifics of laying GVL elements

A number of finishing and building materials manufacturers produce prefabricated leveling systems with a full set of sheets and fasteners for the construction of single and multi-layer leveling structures. Against the backdrop of a mass of proposals from domestic and foreign manufacturers stands out . The international concern provides customers with instructions on how gvl floors are assembled.

A specific feature of the construction of a GVL floor is the uniform displacement of the panels, as a result of which the floor layer in plan resembles brickwork, thereby increasing the area of ​​contact of each element with the sheets located next to it. This technology provides maximum strength.

Attention. The displacement of the butt seams in each of the subsequent rows of gypsum plasterboard relative to the previous ones should not be less than 20 cm. Optimal size displacement of butt seams 25 cm.

Installation of floors made of gypsum fiber sheets

The start of dry screed construction is preceded by standard floor preparation. The rough concrete base is repaired and polished if necessary. If it is planned to lay gypsum boards on a wooden floor, the reliability of fastenings and elements made of wood and the horizontality of all components of the structure made of timber are checked.

So, the order of work:

  • Minor unevenness of the cement base (up to 5 mm) is eliminated by local filling of recesses and cavities with repair mortar. For leveling large differences(more than 20 mm) fine-grained expanded clay is used.
  • The rough surface is covered with a waterproofing layer, the edge of which is folded around the perimeter onto each of the walls. For a concrete base, polyethylene laid in overlapping strips (0.2 mm thick) is suitable as a waterproofing layer.
  • An insulating tape 0.1 m wide and 1 cm thick is laid along the contour of the installed dry screed. To do this, use either a special tape made of foamed polystyrene or cut it out of mineral wool. Others will do insulating materials with a similar structure. A compensation circuit is necessary to prevent cracking and “swelling” of sheets that occur due to deformation of floating floors. It also helps improve sound insulation.
  • GVL is cut taking into account the edge gap.
  • The insulation is falling asleep. Mostly washed river or quarry sand, less often fine-grained expanded clay. Amorphous insulation must be aligned according to the marks marked using a level gauge. The minimum thickness of the backfill layer is 20 mm. If the thickness of this layer exceeds 10 cm, it will be necessary to construct a three-layer dry screed from GVL.
  • The floor structure along the joists can be insulated with stone or glass wool, or polystyrene foam cut into small slabs can be laid.
  • GVL is laid on top of the insulating layer in accordance with the rules described above. The gap between the gypsum fiber elements should not be more than one mm.

GVL floor construction in section

Note. If it is intended to lay the gypsum board on a wooden floor, vapor-permeable materials are used as waterproofing: corrugated or waxed paper, glassine and other vapor barrier materials.

If the installation of dry screed sheets begins from the wall located opposite the door, in order not to disturb the horizontal surface of the insulating layer, it is necessary to make a kind of path or “islands” from the slabs for movement. Construction of a leveling system from gypsum fiber boards on top thermal insulation boards It is recommended to start from the opposite wall. Here's what we do next:

  • The first layer of dry screed is carefully covered with adhesive mastic or PVA dispersion. Adhesives must be applied between each layer of gypsum fiber screed if a multi-layer structure is planned.
  • A second layer of screed is laid on top, the elements of which are placed perpendicular to the direction of the elements of the lower layer. To connect large-format panels and seam sheets, in addition to glue, self-tapping screws are also used (there must be a distance between them of more than 30 cm). Small-format gypsum plasterboards are treated with glue around the perimeter and are also connected with self-tapping screws, but they are installed at least 20 cm apart.

Laying gypsum fiber board floors in two layers, sheet placement plan

Important. To work with gypsum fiber material, special self-tapping screws with double threads and a self-drilling device are required. Fasteners intended for drywall are not suitable, as they can spontaneously unscrew from gypsum plasterboard.

Too afraid high flow rate small-format material with a fold is not worth it, since the trimmings obtained in the joint zone are transferred to the beginning of the next row. There will definitely be no waste. In addition, the advantages of small gypsum fiber board sheets include the ability to start laying from any of the walls, which is especially important when arranging rooms of a non-standard configuration.

GVL with rebated lock

Important. There should be a solid sheet over the cross joint of the bottom layer. Combining the seams of the lower and upper layers is unacceptable.

After all the work, the joints and screw installation points are sealed with putty. The final work is the removal of parts of the waterproofing and edge tape protruding above the floor surface. Everything is ready for installation of the finishing coating.

The technological advantages of gypsum fiber sheets convince property owners of the possibility self-execution work, which is fully justified by the simplicity of the dry screed construction scheme. Moreover, for your loved ones, the installation of floors from gvl will be done with incredible accuracy, inaccessible to third-party, always in a hurry performers. Have you learned the simple process? Now forward to the implementation of plans.


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