The relationship between business and government in modern Russia - course work. Existing forms and mechanisms of interaction between business and government

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Interaction between business and government in modern Russia
Course work

Completed by a student

10 economy class

Provincial College

Kozlova Anna Evgenievna

Scientific adviser -

associate professor, teacher

Provincial College

Akopova Tatyana Sergeevna

Yaroslavl 2010



1. Theoretical foundations for the study of business and government

1.1. Concepts and essence of business. Three business concepts

1.2. Economic manifestations of power





In this regard, the problems of forming an effective state and socially responsible business, as well as the relationship between government and business, deserve special attention, both in theoretical and practical aspects.
In many countries of the world, relations between government and business are a powerful source of development economic systems and solutions to social problems.
The degree of development of the problem. Despite its relevance, the problem still remains aloof from economic research. Both domestic and foreign publications are devoted to the topic under consideration. At the same time, it is possible from society, an effective state and socially responsible business, as well as the relationship between government and business. regulated market relations, gradually emerging in our country, are in their infancy.
Conceptual and practical aspects of interaction between business and government are being developed:

    Russian researchers: P. Aven, Yu. Alekseev, M. Borisov, A. Gaponenko, S. Glazyev, G. Gorlanov, M. Gorshkov, Yu. Dulshchikov, B. Zlobin, V. Ishaev, M. Kaminskaya, V. Kolesov , P. Minaker, V. Oreshin, Yu. Osipov, A. Pankrukhin, D. Rozenkov, P. Smolyansky, V. Savchenko, S. Strizhov, V. Timchenko, V. Ukolov, S. Khorzov, V. Chalov, I. Chernyavsky, Yu. Shvyrkov, F. Shamkhalov, V. Yakovlev and others.

    Among foreign specialists who have succeeded in studying the problem, one can highlight the works of: S. Black, G. Bowen, M. Velasquez, P. Drucker, K. Davis, R. Cantillon, B. Karlof, A. Caroll, F. Kotler, J. McGuire, M. Palazzi, G. Reiff, S. Sethi, D. Starcher, G. Fischer, M. Friedman, R. Haywood, T. Schelling, J. Schumpeter, W. Urey and others.

All the above authors describe the relationship between business and government from different, but synonymous points of view. They describe the main characteristics of business and government, contradictions between business and government, specific facts and events from various points of view, and conclusions.

The object of the study is “Business and Power”

Subject of the study: “Relationships as a factor in economic development and solving social problems.”

The hypothesis of the work is the assumption that with optimal organization and use of various technologies, interactions between government and business can become a significant factor in socio-economic development.
Research objectives:
1. Consider social partnership as a technology for interaction between government and business in Russia;
2. Characterize business and government as subjects of social responsibility;
3. Identify the main mechanisms of interaction between government and business.

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using our course work in practice as additional material for 11th grade students when studying Economics and Social Studies courses.

Research structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used, and an appendix.

    Theoretical foundations for the study of business and government

      The concept and essence of business. Three business concepts.

The entire history of human society, as well as its current state, one way or another connected with business. With all the variety of types and directions of human activity - from penetrating the depths of space, into the secrets of plasma reactions and cell structure to creating masterpieces of fine art - the common property of this activity is business. In other words, no matter what business a person endowed with consciousness devotes himself to, voluntarily or unwittingly he is engaged in his own business. To understand why this happens, one must turn to various theoretical interpretations and definitions of business. Conventionally, they can all be combined into three main concepts:positive, critical, pragmatic.

Concept - a system of views on certain phenomena, a way of considering certain phenomena, understanding something.

Positive concept . Its essence is that business is understood as a socially useful activity of people, carried out as a personal initiative, the purpose of which is the production of goods and services for other people. This approach is very popular among teachers at American universities.

    Business is a system of doing business.

    Business is creating products that people need.

    Business is work.

    Business is the central highway in our socio-economic system.

    Business is a system we created to satisfy our desires.

    Business is how we live.

Business in this concept is interpreted as the main content of the economy. Therefore, it is a typical feature of people's lives in general. It is aimed at the common good, subordinated to general interests, people work for the benefit of society. Business is a non-contradictory phenomenon.A positive concept emphasizes the positive aspects of business . Based on this concept, non-scientific theories such as the “Welfare Society” and “Welfare State” arose at different times, which tried to explain economic processes from the standpoint of their conflict-free nature. World renowned economists such as J.M. Clark, J. Galbraith, M. Reder (USA), A. Cole, N. Kaldor (Great Britain), G. Myrdal (Sweden) and many others noted that “Capitalism” has transformed. One of the directions of this transformation was the change in the functions of the capitalist state, whose activities are aimed mainly at ensuring “welfare for all.” Welfare for all, according to these ideas, is achieved through a fair distribution of life's goods among members of society. Therefore, the main element in the content of the theory of the “Welfare State” is considered to be the activity of the state in distributing wealth and establishing equality through reforms in areas social insurance, taxation, labor legislation, employment, wages, prices. The basis for the “transformation” of the attitude towards the people’s well-being is the “awareness” of the state’s responsibility to members of society.

Critical Concept . This concept of business is based on the fact that business is the activity of people aimed at generating income or profit. . For the sake of income, a businessman is ready to use any behavioral techniques. The pursuit of profit means imposing one's own interests on other people. In the past, this approach was shared by many people in our country, and it formed the basis of moral standards accepted in society.

For example, it was taken for granted that an honest person should be concerned not with increasing personal income or making a personal career, but exclusively with spiritual enrichment combined with sacrificing himself for the well-being of others and building the future. On the contrary, the desire for personal wealth as a result of increasing business profitability was regarded as antisocial.

The critical concept of business was the basis for the system of legislative regulation of the economy. Thus, engaging in almost any type of private enterprise was considered a criminal offense.

Business is aimed at imposing some people (businessmen) of their selfish interests on other people;

    Business is an extremely contradictory phenomenon that can and does give rise to various conflicts in society;

    Business is an undesirable component of people’s lives in general, a breeding ground for criminal processes;

    Business is a historically transitory phenomenon, which in the future should give way to other, consistent and conflict-free forms of economic development.

The critical concept has absolutized and is absolutizing the contradictions inherent in economics. Their interpretation was and is carried out from the position of the supposed hopelessness of these contradictions. It was on this basis that the theory of scientific communism was formed in the last century, according to which the economy, based on the principles inherent in business, is historically doomed and must, with the development of society and as economic and political conflicts grow, give way to a new, communist system of relations, devoid of the contradictions inherent business. In this communist system there is no private ownership of the means of production, so there is no competition of interests. It is conflict-free or has little conflict; the economy develops on the basis not of the desire to generate income, but of movement towards mutual assistance and prosperity on a collective basis.

Pragmatic concept . The essence of the pragmatic concept is that business is seen as an inevitable phenomenon in the context of the development of society, necessary both for businessmen themselves, seeking to satisfy their selfish interests, and for other members of society who, thanks to business, are able to satisfy their needs for goods and services. The pragmatism of this approach is due to the fact that understanding the inconsistency of business as an economic phenomenon is not coupled with putting forward demands for the legal, economic and moral eradication of these contradictions. On the contrary, contradictions arising in connection with the actions of businessmen are viewed as a positive phenomenon in the sense that they stimulate economic development.

In general, the following components of this approach can be distinguished.

    Business is a necessary and inevitable component of people's lives in general; it unites, on the one hand, the desire of individual citizens to generate income, on the other, the desire of other people to satisfy their needs for goods, works, and services;

    Business is a contradictory phenomenon, but these contradictions, although they can cause various conflicts, generally serve as a source of economic development and are not absolutely destructive;

    Business is based on relationships between people, each of whom, entering into these relationships, pursues their own interests, which do not necessarily coincide with the interests of other people; on the one hand, natural competition of interests leads to the imposition of the interests of some people on others, to the infringement of interests and, in the end, indeed, can lead to unpredictable consequences; on the other hand, in the end, competition of interests does not lead to disastrous consequences for human society, but, on the contrary, contributes to the constant growth of the economy and people’s well-being;

    Business is a historically enduring phenomenon.

Within this concept, several areas can be distinguished:

    business is viewed as an attribute of a market economy; its existence in the previous period of history is rejected

    business is recognized as an attribute of any type of economy;

    business is considered as a form of any activity of any person gifted with consciousness;

    business is considered as a type of human activity, for example, as entrepreneurial activity, i.e. activity related to the creation of one’s own business, one’s own company, either as activity exclusively in the sphere of production and sale of material goods, or as purely speculative activity.

The pragmatic concept, unlike its predecessors, does not idealize either the present or the future. With the consistent extension of this concept to the current economy, it becomes clear that the most correct are those business theorists who, on the one hand, do not identify business with a market economy, but on the other hand, consider it as a form of any activity, of any person gifted with consciousness.

The existence of business in human society is determined, first of all, by the limited material wealth necessary for the reproduction of human life, as well as by the specific features inherent in man by nature. All concepts are summarized in

Business concepts




Business goal

Common good

Self-interest of businessmen

Satisfying Member Needs

Carried out in the interests

Whole society


Both businessmen and society



Undesirable things in society


      Economic manifestation of power

Central places in political science are given to the state, power and power relations.

It is difficult to explain clearly what power is, since power manifests itself in our lives in various aspects. In this regard, they talk about the power of nature, the power of man over man, the power of emotions, feelings, etc.

While adhering to the political side of the concept of power in the course work, let us turn to the political encyclopedic dictionary, where the following definition is found: “Power is the central, organizational and regulatory-control principle of politics; one of the most important and most ancient problems of political knowledge, literary and visual creativity; the problem of the culture of society and the concrete life of a person."

There are several interpretations of power. In one of them, power is understood as the relationship between social actors. It appears exactly where relationships exist. No relationship - no power. That is, power means relationships of dependence between people. This understanding of power refers to its behaviorist interpretations. One of the adherents of this definition, G. Lasswell, believed that the initial impulses for the emergence of power are given by the inherent desire for power in people and the possession of “political energy.”

A person sees power as a means of “improving life”: acquiring wealth, prestige, freedom, etc. At the same time, according to Lasswell, power is also an end in itself, allowing one to enjoy its possession.

In teleological interpretations, power is defined more broadly. It is understood not only as relationships between people, but also as a person’s interaction with the outside world. In this sense, they speak, for example, about the power of man over nature. B. Russell spoke about power as the realization of intended goals.

A supporter of systemic interpretations, T. Parsons defined power as “the ability of a system to ensure that its elements fulfill accepted obligations aimed at realizing the collective goals of the system.”

This variety of definitions of power is explained by the complexity and difference of points of view on this phenomenon.

As you can see, the authorities do not have a one-sided focus on the political side of life. This means that power was not originally a political phenomenon, as is often believed in our time.

Turning to history, it is clear that in the primitive communal system power had a social orientation. It was carried out by all members of the clan or tribe and was based on the authority of the elders. With the further stratification of society and the emergence of the state, the authority of the elders was replaced by the authority of public authority. An apparatus of power began to emerge, special coercive institutions that rose above society and separated from it.

It can be assumed that power took on a political character precisely when society began to stratify and the state began to emerge. Now, without power and power relations, the functioning of the state has become impossible.

But even in our time, power has not only a political orientation.

Power can also be understood as “social relations manifested in the ability and right of one person or group of people to make decisions that become binding for another person or group.”

Power is definite form leadership, management of society, any team, association of people. It ensures coordinated activities of people. Its actions must have the support of the people. However, those in whose hands power is concentrated can also use coercion, that is, subjugate the will of others, dispose of someone or something.

So, power is one of the fundamental principles of human society. It exists wherever there are stable associations of people: in the family, production teams, organizations and institutions, throughout the state. In the latter case, an example is given with the supreme, political power.

It can be assumed that power is called upon to regulate relationships between people, between them, society and state political institutions.

2. Mechanisms of interaction between business and government

2.1. Analysis of the model of interaction between business and government

In practice, it was often necessary to resolve contradictions related to the payment of taxes. The contradictions between business and government have always seemed obvious. Briefly, they are that the government wants to receive as much money as possible to solve social problems, and business needs these funds to increase its competitiveness. The contradictions seem insoluble if we formulate the following goals:

For power.Organize the collection of taxes as much as possible. Of course, the government understands that without business development it will be deprived of a source of cash income. Awareness of this leads to making decisions related to self-limitation of power opportunities. True, given that an official can set himself a task that is truncated in time, this self-restraint is not always a sufficient motivational basis for the authorities.

For business.Keep as much money as possible, that is, if possible, lobby for conditions to reduce the tax burden. Of course, business understands that without ensuring business security, without building roads, without education, protecting borders and other social tasks, business will not be able to exist. This becomes the motivational basis for supporting the authorities, including through the payment of taxes. True, given that an individual entrepreneur may set a goal to change his country of residence, this motivational basis may be weakened.

The contradiction is resolved by legislation. Laws are usually formed by the authorities. It should be noted that the government listens to the opinion of business about the possible tax burden and makes some compromise.

There are two models here. The model that the government is building, as well as the model that business is building.

The above scheme for coordinating positions can only be implemented under certain initial conditions determined by the form of government.

The government passes laws and also monitors their implementation. In fact, it independently sets the rules for the relationship between business and state apparatus without the direct participation of entrepreneurs in the decision-making procedure. On the other hand, laws do not change very quickly. People in positions of power can be replaced by others. Provided that the government is elected, this process is influenced by business, convincing the public of the harmfulness of the economic policy of the government. You can convince through the media. The media is owned by business. Thus, the democratic structure of society plus private media become necessary structures for limiting the greedy aspirations of power.
Of course, in an authoritarian or dictatorial state, that is, in a state where democratic foundations are violated, it is possible to pursue economic policies with low efficiency and still remain in power.

IN in this case An example is considered in conditions where government and business are able to understand the dependence on each other, and therefore are interested in dialogue and developing solutions acceptable to both parties.

First, it is necessary to formulate an agreed goal, which allows the formation of a general model. The model becomes the basis for discussion when finding solutions. In this case, decisions are considered through their consequences on the achievability of goals. The discussion is not just about whether it is necessary and possible to change taxes, but how this will affect the achievement of the agreed goal.

Government and business can understand the need to improve people's lives. For the authorities, this is the central link of the next election campaign. For business, these are conditions for sales and business growth. Thus, issues of increasing the living standard of the population can become the basis that can resolve contradictions regarding tax collections.

No one doubts the growth of living standards. But it is too abstract for dialogue for the purpose of decision-making. Concretization can go in different ways.

There is one essential position:

2.2. Power and socially oriented business

Can business become a business partner of government? Quite. Public-private partnership (PPP) is very common in world practice. And it does not necessarily imply deep state intervention in the economy or some kind of dictate to business. We are talking about joint work, consultations and common projects. Whether the state is ready for such a partnership is another matter.

In 1996-1997, the Cabinet of Ministers tried to create a system that would reduce the risks of private business and force it to invest its funds in the Russian economy. They proposed holding a competition of investment projects, the winners of which could receive from the state a quarter of the amount necessary to implement their plans. Many companies submitted very interesting and promising projects, and there were many who won the competition. But, alas, not a single project was truly funded. People started investing money, and then found themselves in a difficult situation.

Now the situation is fundamentally different. Business has funds. And even if someone does not have free money, it is relatively easy to find it on the market. The Cabinet of Ministers believes that it is appropriate to spend public money only when it comes to long-term infrastructure projects. However, in PPP the role of the state is not limited to just distributing money. Today in Russia, private business is afraid to invest in large long-term projects because it fears major risks. And therefore he needs state support, perhaps purely political or advisory.

In this regard, the experience of Japan, which began to actively develop public-private partnerships after the Second World War, may be very useful for us. The Japanese system assumed constant consultations between the government, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy, with the largest business companies. At such meetings, fundamental decisions on the country's economic policy were discussed and then made. main topic those years - expansion into world markets, that is, what niches and what products need to be mastered. The successes of the Japanese economy were largely associated with this work. Japan very quickly reached a level where it was able to offer Western countries its experience both in increasing labor productivity and in marketing on world markets.

We can name two projects that are currently maturing for public-private partnerships in Russia. One is from the field of transport infrastructure. It is associated with the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway for container transportation of goods from East Asia to Europe and back. This is a good and very profitable replacement for the sea route. The second project is from the field of innovative business. Private venture funds began to grow rapidly. Thus, the Americans were able to support and grow innovations and new products, which then conquered the market. Of course, this is an extremely important area for Russia. And Russia could follow this path. As far as is known from the press, such proposals have been sent to the government.

However, the amount of borrowing resorted to by businesses has dropped quite significantly. A picture is observed where the volume of investment is decreasing, and money demand has shrunk several times compared to last year. This year it grew by only 15 percent, and last year by 55 percent.

How to revive all these processes? A declaration on public-private partnership is not enough here. It is extremely important that the relationship between business and government is based on trust and that it is not accompanied by any kind of pressure. Otherwise, business begins to fear certain government agencies. Remember, presidential aide Igor Shuvalov said at a recent investment forum that Yukos is no exception and that there will be audits and tax claims against all oil companies. Which is what happened a few days later. It is unlikely that anyone will be against business carefully paying taxes, especially oil companies, especially when it comes to collecting arrears for previous years. But it’s clear that if all these good measures resemble “hitting” and not normal cooperation, then no public-private partnership will work.

And it seems that business today is experiencing a deep distrust of government. It is suspected that the authorities are responding in kind to him. In these conditions it is difficult to become partners. Of course, there will be some isolated projects on which it will be possible to agree. But all this, as they say, is for one-time use. For true public-private partnerships, a more trusting atmosphere must be created in the country than the one that exists today. And if this happened, then significant funds could be mobilized from business itself in order to increase the rate of economic development of the country. So far this is not working.

I understand very well the government and the president, who must ensure that business is transparent, fight for good reputation. However, it was necessary to take into account the fact that the history of Russian capitalism is just beginning. But in reality, some processes are successful only if there is demand for them in the market. Demand for reputation, for transparency, for social responsibility. Two or three years ago this demand began to emerge. You had to have patience. Did not work out. Therefore, although the opportunities for public-private partnerships are very great, their prospects are currently quite modest. Although such projects could play an important role in the development of the country. After all, the state can decide on some issues much better than business, since it controls the situation on a macroeconomic scale. And the country would undoubtedly benefit from such cooperation. So the main thing today is to defuse the atmosphere of mistrust. And if public-private partnership is the first step towards changing the business climate in the country and convincing businesses that they can trust the government, then we’ll see. Maybe the situation will really change.

List of sources and literature used

    L. S. Ryabinsky “ABC of Business” - 1993;

    O. Osipenko “Your Business” - 1991;

    N.V. Volkov “One hundred pages about business” - 1991;

    I. V. Lipsits “Business plan - the basis of success” - 1994;

    I. V. Knyazeva “Antimonopoly policy in Russia” - 2007;

    L. I. Abalkin, A. I. Milyukova “Economic reform: search for solutions” - 1990;

    L. I. Abalkin “Difficult turn to the market” - 1990;

    V. Sirotkin “Mark Masarsky: the path to the top of a Russian businessman” - 1994;

    L.E. Strovsky “Foreign market and enterprise” - 1993;

    Report of the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development “Economic reforms in Russia: on the threshold of change” - 1993;

    Lawrence Hibbert “Advice to those wishing to start their own business” - 1993;

    Mark H. McCormack “Business Secrets for Everyone” - 1997;

    Harvey Mackay "How to Survive Sharks" - 1993;

    Bengt Karlof "Business Strategy" - 1993.


The object of my research is Business and Power. At the present stage of socio-economic development of Russia, one of the main factors determining the prospects of Russian society and statehood is not politics or even economics, but the culture of relations between the state and business.This is where the subject of my research comes from.

The subject of my research is the relationship between Business and Government, as a pressing problem of the current situation in the world. The purpose of this study is to study the concepts of business and government, to find unity between these concepts: based on materials from periodicals and scientific literature. To write my research, I identified the following tasks: Consider and characterize the concepts of government and business, interaction between business and government, the ability of business to become a business partner of government.

To conduct my research, I used various sources and literature. The main sources that I used are periodicals - central and regional. These sources very clearly reflect the ongoing interaction between business and government, showing that with skillful government, business becomes an indispensable business partner.

O.A. Trifonov

Professor MSUPE

Interaction between society, government, and business as the basis for the country’s sustainable development.

Multinational people Russian Federation is the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power, the highest direct expression of which is a referendum and free elections. The people also exercise their power through state authorities and self-government bodies. The Constitution of the Russian Federation equally recognizes and protects state, municipal, private and other forms of property.

The Russian Federation is a democratic legal social state in which a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value, and policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of man and citizen.

Each individual, family, any society (including the business community), or state has vital interests, without which their existence and development are impossible: for an individual and a family, this is the satisfaction of needs that ensure existence and the possibility of comprehensive development; for society it is a set of needs, the satisfaction of which ensures its existence and the possibility of harmonious development of all spheres of social life; for the state, it is a set of needs, the satisfaction of which ensures its existence, functioning and sustainable development; for business - a set of consumption that provides profit. Let's take a closer look at them.

Interests of a person, family:

Realization of natural rights and freedoms, including the right to work, housing, free education and medical care, creative arts and sports;

Ensuring personal, property and industrial safety;

Improving the quality and decent standard of living;

Spiritual, physical and intellectual development;

Environmental Safety;

State support for family, motherhood, paternity, childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens;

Establishment of state pensions and benefits that ensure a decent life.

Interests of society:

Development and strengthening of democracy;

National, interethnic and interfaith harmony;

Ensuring sustainable social and economic development;

Development of civil society;

Formation of political and legal culture of the population;

Improving the demographic condition;

Ensuring public health;

Preservation and development of moral and cultural heritage;

Protection and improvement of the ecological environment;

Increasing social and political activity of the population;


Interests of the state, authorities:

Ensuring sovereignty and territorial integrity;

Protection of the constitutional order;

Preservation and strengthening of state unity;

Providing inside political stability, civil peace, interethnic and interfaith harmony in society;

Development of a system of socio-economic and legal rights and freedoms of citizens; improving the quality of life of the population;

Military security from encroachments by foreign states, reliable protection of the state border, combating illegal migration;

Social – economic, environmental and international security;

Economic growth based on innovative high-tech technologies and the development of priority industries;

Formation of an economy that is competitive in domestic and foreign markets, which is especially important in the context of Russia’s accession to the WTO;

Ensuring information security and developing the spiritual and moral potential of society;

Development of science, education, healthcare, culture, sports, tourism;

Anti-corruption and drug trafficking;

Prevention and minimization of losses from emergency situations;

Ensuring a balance of interests of the individual, society, business and the state.

Business interests:

Obtaining maximum profit;

Influencing authorities to achieve their goals;

Lobbying and active participation in the formation of power structures;

Reducing administrative barriers;

Low tax rates; tax evasion;

Countering the threat of property redistribution, raiding and bankruptcy;


Stable long-term development, investment guarantee;

Privatization of state and municipal enterprises at reduced prices relative to market prices;

Avoidance of social responsibility;

Maximum use of fixed assets acquired as a result of privatization;

Economic freedom;

Implementation of government programs for infrastructure development as a necessary condition for the functioning of capital;

Avoidance of costs for the development of innovative high-tech technologies and manufacturing industries;

Maximum use of profits for personal purposes:

Political stability and harmony in society;

Effective demand of the population;

Highly professional personnel.

It should be noted that the unity of balanced vital interests of the individual, society, state and business constitutes the content of national interests as a set of internal needs of the state to ensure security and priorities for the sustainable development of the individual, society and state. In the long term, the national interests of the Russian Federation are:

in the development of democracy and civil society, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;

in ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Russia;

in transforming the Russian Federation into a world power, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a multipolar world.

Especially now it is necessary to pay attention to the conceptsustainable developmentindividual, society and state as a stable social – economic development, not destroying its natural basis, but in harmony with nature; development that provides a balanced solution to socio-economic problems and problems of maintaining a favorable environment and natural resource potential in order to meet the needs of the current and future generations of people.

The cornerstone on which the building of justice in society stands is property relations, and state regulation of these relations extends to all forms of property. Property relations are relations not only regarding the rights, but also the obligations of the owner to serve the public good.

In the USSR, with a centrally planned economy, the state was both the main owner and the organizer of the production of goods and services, and the manager, ensuring the interests of the individual, society and the state. (Fig. 1.A). Private enterprise was banned. Thus, according to Rosstat, in 1990, 91% of the country's fixed assets were state-owned.

Rice. 1.A. Interrelation of interests of a person, society, government.

In 1991, the balance of interests collapsed. As a result of the collapse of the USSR and the transformation of socio-political and economic life in Russia, a transition to a market economy model was announced. (Fig. 1.B). The great hopes of millions of people were associated with the changes of the early 1990s, but neither the government nor business lived up to these hopes. Moreover, some representatives of these communities, disregarding the norms of law and morality, moved on to personal enrichment, unprecedented in the history of our country, at the expense of the majority of citizens. Privatization, division and private appropriation of public property led to dire consequences for the country. As of January 1, 2009, 22% of fixed assets were already state-owned 4 . The privatization process continues. The abrupt change of ownership did not increase production efficiency, but contributed to the erosion and degradation of knowledge-intensive processing industries.

Rice. 1.B. Interrelation of interests of a person, society, government, business.

Society gives rise to power and business. And at the same time, unfortunately, with the coincidence of a number of national interests, differences and contradictions in the interests of society, government and business almost always appear. The authorities are obliged to act in the state and national interests and be responsible to society. Business must be responsible to society and government, since social responsibility of business is one of the foundations of social peace and harmony.

In Fig. 1.B shows the relationship between the interests of a person, society, government and business, when balanced, i.e. their maximum convergence, the process of harmonization of development occurs. Divergence of interests, when each category functions on its own, can lead to severe political, economic, social threats and, as a consequence, to the existence of the state, which is what happened in our recent history (Fig. 1.B).

Rice. 1.V. Lack of interrelation between the interests of a person, society, and government.

Today there is a growing understanding of the need for interaction between society, government and business, social harmony, which consists in mobilizing the potential and resources of the entire society for the sustainable development of the country, economic growth and its competitiveness, improving the level and quality of life of the country's citizens.

Entrepreneurship for the most part today is aware of the commonality of its interests with the interests of society, since it is an inseparable part of it, and perhaps even its dynamic part. It understands that the conditions for business development depend on political stability, sustainable economic development, and the effective demand of the population.

Business has material, financial, labor, information and other resources at its disposal, so business plays a leading role in the economic sphere. Nationally oriented business is the basis for the well-being of society and the state.

The interaction of society, government and business should be carried out on the following fundamental principles: 1. the main goal, possibly as a national idea - the preservation and sustainable development of the Russian nation and state; 2. systematic; 3. social justice; 4. balance of interests; 5. openness; 6. competitive economic development; 7. security; 8. scientific validity; 9. efficiency; 10. equal dialogue and trust; 11. legality; 12. control; 13. professionalism; 14. responsibility; 15. morals and ethics; 16. interethnic harmony.

Today, society, government, and business have in their arsenal a fairly diverse range of institutions that can effectively solve the most complex problems and achieve current and strategic goals of the country’s socio-economic development. What else is needed to achieve your goals? These are political will, civic engagement, statehood and adherence to the principles of interaction.

Democracy – people – technology.

With various domestic and foreign models availableinteraction between government and business, the most acceptable for Russia in modern social economic conditions is the modelpartnership between civil society institutions, government and business, where society acts with its resource and carries out a control function. Only the partnership model is capable of creating an innovative intellectual society and an innovative competitive economy based on knowledge and high technology, capable of solving national problems in the context of globalization. And only by implementing the development formula “democracy – people – technology” into the everyday practice of society, Russia will be able to realize its potential opportunities and take its rightful place among the leading world powers.

The priority areas of the partnership are:

Development of processing industries, including the agricultural sector;

Industrial and transport infrastructure: construction and operation of roads, electrical networks, ports, pipelines;

Scientific and technological complexes, scientific research and experimental design work brought to commercialization, development of innovative infrastructure;

Information and communication technologies;

Department of Housing and Utilities;

Health and social services, (including culture and creativity);

Support and development of entrepreneurial activities;

Vocational education and personnel retraining system;

Development of infrastructure for physical education, sports and tourism;

Increasing Russia's efficiency in the global division of labor.

The forms of interaction between society, government and business are very diverse and are based on solving legal, economic, social, organizational, technological, managerial and other issues.

Let's consider several examples of interaction between society, government and business.

Example 1. Formation, consideration, adoption and functioning of laws that are very important for the country, such as the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131 - Federal Law “On the general principles of organization local government"and Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94 - Federal Law "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs." As of November 1, 2012, since their adoption, No. 131-FZ and No. 94-FZ have been amended by 73 and 32 Federal Laws, respectively. This situation with the quality of laws is due to the fact that they were basically formed, considered and adopted, on the one hand, under the pressure of various lobbies, on the other, without the widespread involvement of professional practitioners, the public, the business community, i.e. the main intellectual resource of society.

Example 2. The Public Council of the Central Federal District of Russia is functioning quite successfully, created in order to consolidate the efforts of public associations, movement organizations, representatives of the business community, trade unions, cultural and scientific figures and ensures interaction and constructive dialogue with the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and government bodies at all levels.

The number of members of the Public Council is no more than 130 members. For the main areas of activity, permanent commissions are formed from members of the Council with the involvement of independent experts.

Based on the study of public opinion on the most important aspects of activity, the formation of mechanisms for constant dialogue “society - government - business”, the public council carries out:

Initiating and supporting research projects on various issues of socio-economic, spiritual, moral and cultural development of the Central Federal District, environmentally friendly living environment and public health;

Participation in the development and public examination of socio-economic programs, draft laws and legal acts, preparation practical recommendations for state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government.

Example 3. The General Plan for the Development of Moscow until 2025, which, as a result of public readings, proposals and comments from municipalities, experts and analysts, was supposed to be adopted by the Moscow City Duma at the end of 2009, was adopted only on May 5, 2010 under the influence of the public and the requirement to take into account the opinions of Muscovites. However, city residents were unable to radically influence the General Plan. The Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for the preservation and development of national culture called the draft General Plan of Moscow a “death sentence” for the capital.

Example 4. Every year, a Moscow tripartite agreement is concluded between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations with the aim of creating, based on the principles of social partnership, conditions for ensuring the life of the city, minimizing the negative impact of the financial crisis on the development of industry and entrepreneurship, as well as for the purpose of social and legal protection of workers and residents of Moscow. To eliminate illegal actions of legal entities and individuals, there is a Moscow control committee and a tripartite commission for the regulation of social labor relations. Similar tripartite agreements are concluded in the administrative districts of Moscow and other regions of the country.

Example 5. To develop entrepreneurship, especially in small and medium-sized businesses, in many regions and municipalities the authorities provide financial, legal, organizational, information, consulting support, and retraining of personnel. Business incubators, technology parks, agrotechnoparks, innovation centers and other complexes have been created and are functioning. But a powerful technological breakthrough and an effective economy are still far away.

Along with the creation of a scientific and technological center for the development and commercialization of new technologies in Skolkovo near Moscow, which should become a national center of high technology, it is necessary at the same time to develop the still functioning scientific centers and schools, clearly setting priority goals for them.

However, the interaction of society, government and business in Russia has not yet become a significant factor in economic and social development. Civil society is at the stage of forming only the first and not very confident practical steps. It does not play a significant role in improving national foreign trade and policy. One of the reasons for this is the lack of demand and insufficient knowledge of the experience accumulated in the world, new directions and forms of organization, not to mention the implementation of the rational elements of this experience.

International experience.

Noteworthy activitiesEconomic and Social Committee(ESC), formed in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Union (EU), representing the interests of almost all sectors of society of the EU member countries. A special feature of the ESC is the wide range of participants - 222 members (24 members each from four large countries and fewer from small ones), called advisors. The ESC consists of three groups of members: the first – employers; the second – employees and free professions; the third is a group of persons by interest, including representatives of consumer unions, chambers of commerce, peasant associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and artisans. When performing their functions, all members act, on the one hand,as equal independents consultants , and, on the other hand, inas a supervisory authority. The Committee develops recommendations and conclusions both at the request of the EU and on its own initiative, including improving EU legislation, which increases the role of the ESC.

The positions of the ESC are published in official publications of the EU, and the right of the ESC to consider draft EU documents has turned the committee into a collective partner in interaction with the main structures of the EU.

Committee of the Regions(KR) - the EU advisory body is organized like the ESC, also has 222 members (regional and local high-ranking leaders), distributed across countries and who are completely independent in the performance of their duties, who also have the right to participate in the legislative process and act as a liaison between citizens and EU institutions. 8

The direction of creating a Common Market in the EU, leveling economic and social differences between member countries, which increases the stability of development and the international competitiveness of farms, received great support from the business community and the general public. Small and medium-sized enterprises, as the basis for the effective functioning of a market economy, are protected from abuse of the dominant positions of large companies; they are also provided with financial support for investment in expensive R&D and the prospects for innovative projects.

Representing a wide range of the public and covering various segments of the economically active population, members of the ESC and the Kyrgyz Republic enable the EU governing bodies to take their opinions into account quite fully.

For Russia, the task is to modernize the national economy and its more effective inclusion in the world economy. Studying foreign experience in development innovation processes is of paramount importance. What needs to be done to ensure a real breakthrough in the innovation sphere, mobilizing available resources? How to reduce the gap between Russia and the leading countries in global competitiveness ratings and the insufficient innovative component of economic development? What needs to be done for the Russian economy to take its rightful place in world markets?

World experience has shown that the bulk of national allocations for research in developed countries comes from the private sector, primarily industrial companies (over 60%). Thus, the share of the private sector in financing research in the USA, Sweden, Finland is 70 - 75%, Belgium, Germany, France 60 -65%.

The state's share in financing research in developed countries is about 30%. The state finances mainly fundamental research carried out by universities, state and semi-state research laboratories and institutes, and provides effective support to innovative developments in the private sector.

By reducing the share of budgetary financing of the innovation process, the state in developed countries retains in its hands a wide range of flexible forms of regulation of the innovation sphere through tax incentives, preferential loans, targeted support for small and medium-sized businesses, technology transfer from the public sector to industry, venture financing, etc.

Significant funding for university research is provided by private companies in the USA, Canada, and EU countries. Partnership between business and government in financing research through special funds is widespread in European, especially Scandinavian countries. The funds provide financial and advisory assistance to inventors and entrepreneurs in the development of innovations, evaluation of new products, patenting and commercialization of patents.

In the USA, Canada and EU countries, an effective form of partnership between the state and business is shared financing of research work, which ensures the integration of the interests of customers and performers of research work, allows limiting the waste of public, private and other funds raised, and rationally distributes the risk between co-investors of innovative projects.

In many countries around the world, venture financing is an effective way to enhance innovation processes. For example, in the United States, more than 900 venture capital companies and funds with government participation have been created, and the main objects of venture financing are firms in dynamically developing priority industries based on high technologies: information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, medical and environmental technologies.

The partnership between the state, private business and universities is expanding in the creation of profitable infrastructure facilities to support and develop industrial innovation: technopolises, technology parks, business and marketing centers. The most famous among technology parks are Silicon Valley - a symbol of scientific development in the USA, Cambridge Park (Great Britain), Tsukuba (Japan) and others, created on the initiative of states, and the source of investment is the budgets of central, regional and local authorities together with private business.

Analyzing foreign experience of interaction between society, government and business in solving the problems of the country’s social and economic development, including the investment and innovation sphere, Russia is in line with global trends. At the same time, without excluding effective state support for the development of the economy and business with all types of resources, in turn, large businesses, which are responsible for the established raw material economy of Russia, should become a customer and investor for the innovative breakthrough of the Russian economy, especially in priority systemically important industries.

The key to success in creating an innovative social market economy in Russia, based on global experience and knowledge, should be the constant interaction of non-governmental structures, covering various layers of economically, socially and politically active citizens, state and municipal employees and the business community. Only through this interaction, the construction and development of civil society, it is possible to make the right decisions that ensure the integration of resources, the achievement of a synergistic effect and national interests, and the sustainable development of Russia.

Time flies inexorably!

If you don't have time, you may be late. And - forever.









L.V. Sabelnikov. Foreign experience of government partnerships with public organizations in promoting the development of foreign trade activities. Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin No. 12


V.P. Klavdienko. Public-private partnership in organizing and financing research in the innovation economy. “Innovation and economic development: the experience of foreign countries and Russia.” Sat. scientific articles. Ed. prof. N.V. Kulakova, prof. M.N. Octopus. – M.: TEIS, 2009.

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MOU average comprehensive school with in-depth study of individual subjects

"Provincial College"

Course work

Interaction between business and government in modern Russia

Completed by a student

10 economy class

Provincial College

Kozlova Anna Evgenievna

Scientific adviser -

associate professor, teacher

Provincial College

Akopova Tatyana Sergeevna

Yaroslavl 2010


1 Theoretical foundations for the study of business and government

1.1 Concepts and essence of business. Three business concepts

1.2 Economic manifestations of power

2 Mechanisms of interaction between business and government

2.1 Analysis of the model of interaction between business and government

2.2 Power and socially oriented business


List of sources and literature used


At the present stage of socio-economic development of Russia, one of the main factors determining the prospects of Russian society and statehood is not politics or even economics, but the culture of relations between the state and business.

In this regard, the problems of forming an effective state and socially responsible business, as well as the relationship between government and business, deserve special attention, both in theoretical and practical aspects.

In many countries of the world, the relationship between government and business is a powerful source of development of economic systems and solutions to social problems.

The degree of development of the problem. Despite its relevance, the problem still remains aloof from economic research. Both domestic and foreign publications are devoted to the topic under consideration. At the same time, it is possible with society, an effective state and socially responsible business, as well as the relationship between government and business, regulated market relations, which are gradually emerging in our country, is in its infancy.

Conceptual and practical aspects of interaction between business and government are being developed:

Russian researchers: P. Aven, Yu. Alekseev, M. Borisov, A. Gaponenko, S. Glazyev, G. Gorlanov, M. Gorshkov, Yu. Dulshchikov, B. Zlobin, V. Ishaev, M. Kaminskaya, V. Kolesov , P. Minaker, V. Oreshin, Yu. Osipov, A. Pankrukhin, D. Rosenkov, P. Smolyansky, V. Savchenko, S. Strizhov, V. Timchenko, V. Ukolov, S. Khorzov, V. Chalov, I Chernyavsky, Yu. Shvyrkov, F. Shamkhalov, V. Yakovlev and others;

Among foreign specialists who have succeeded in studying the problem, one can highlight the works of: S. Black, G. Bowen, M. Velasquez, P. Drucker, K. Davis, R. Cantillon, B. Karlof, A. Caroll, F. Kotler, J. McGuire, M. Palazzi, G. Reiff, S. Sethi, D. Starcher, G. Fischer, M. Friedman, R. Haywood, T. Schelling, J. Schumpeter, W. Urey and others.

All the above authors describe the relationship between business and government from different, but synonymous points of view. They describe the main characteristics of business and government, contradictions between business and government, specific facts and events from various points of view, and conclusions.

The object of the study is “Business and Power”

Subject of the study: “Relationships as a factor in economic development and solving social problems.”

The hypothesis of the work is the assumption that with optimal organization and use of various technologies, interactions between government and business can become a significant factor in socio-economic development.

Research objectives:

Consider social partnership as a technology for interaction between government and business in Russia;

Describe business and government as subjects of social responsibility;

Identify the main mechanisms of interaction between government and business.

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using our course work in practice as additional material for 11th grade students when studying Economics and Social Studies courses.

Research structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used, and an appendix.

1 TheoreticalbasicsstudyingbusinessAndauthorities

1.1 ConceptAndessencebusiness.Threeconceptsbusiness

The entire history of human society, as well as its current state, is in one way or another connected with business. With all the variety of types and directions of human activity - from penetrating the depths of space, into the secrets of plasma reactions and cell structure to creating masterpieces of fine art - the common property of this activity is business. In other words, no matter what business a person endowed with consciousness devotes himself to, voluntarily or unwittingly he is engaged in his own business. To understand why this happens, one must turn to various theoretical interpretations and definitions of business. Conventionally, they can all be combined into three main concepts: positive, critical, pragmatic.

Concept - a system of views on certain phenomena, a way of considering certain phenomena, understanding something.

Positive concept . Its essence is that business is understood as a socially useful activity of people, carried out as a personal initiative, the purpose of which is the production of goods and services for other people. This approach is very popular among teachers at American universities.

Business is a system of doing business;

Business - creating products that people need;

Business is work;

Business is the central highway in our socio-economic system;

Business is a system we created to satisfy our desires;

Business is how we live.

Business in this concept is interpreted as the main content of the economy. Therefore, it is a typical feature of people's lives in general. It is aimed at the common good, subordinated to general interests, people work for the benefit of society. Business is a consistent phenomenon. Positive concept absolutizes positive Aspects business. Based on this concept, non-scientific theories such as the “Welfare Society” and “Welfare State” arose at different times, which tried to explain economic processes from the standpoint of their conflict-free nature. World renowned economists such as J.M. Clark, J. Galbraith, M. Reder (USA), A. Cole, N. Kaldor (Great Britain), G. Myrdal (Sweden) and many others noted that “Capitalism” has transformed. One of the directions of this transformation was the change in the functions of the capitalist state, whose activities are aimed mainly at ensuring “welfare for all.” Welfare for all, according to these ideas, is achieved through a fair distribution of life's goods among members of society. Therefore, the main element in the content of the theory of the “Welfare State” is considered to be the activity of the state in distributing wealth and establishing equality through reforms in the areas of social insurance, taxation, labor legislation, employment, wages, and prices. The basis for the “transformation” of the attitude towards the people’s well-being is the “awareness” of the state’s responsibility to members of society.

Critical concept . This concept business comes from from Togo, What business - This activity of people, directed on receiving income or arrived. For the sake of income, a businessman is ready to use any behavioral techniques. The pursuit of profit means imposing one's own interests on other people. In the past, this approach was shared by many people in our country, and it formed the basis of moral standards accepted in society.

For example, it was taken for granted that an honest person should be concerned not with increasing personal income or making a personal career, but exclusively with spiritual enrichment combined with sacrificing himself for the well-being of others and building the future. On the contrary, the desire for personal wealth as a result of increasing business profitability was regarded as antisocial.

The critical concept of business was the basis for the system of legislative regulation of the economy. Thus, engaging in almost any type of private enterprise was considered a criminal offense.

Business is aimed at imposing some people (businessmen) of their selfish interests on other people.

Business is an extremely contradictory phenomenon that can and does generate various conflicts in society.

Business is an undesirable component of people's lives in general, a breeding ground for criminal processes.

Business is a historically transitory phenomenon, which in the future should give way to other, consistent and conflict-free forms of economic development.

The critical concept has absolutized and is absolutizing the contradictions inherent in economics. Their interpretation was and is carried out from the position of the supposed hopelessness of these contradictions. It was on this basis that the theory of scientific communism was formed in the last century, according to which the economy, based on the principles inherent in business, is historically doomed and must, with the development of society and as economic and political conflicts grow, give way to a new, communist system of relations, devoid of the contradictions inherent business. In this communist system there is no private ownership of the means of production, so there is no competition of interests. It is conflict-free or has little conflict; the economy develops on the basis not of the desire to generate income, but of movement towards mutual assistance and prosperity on a collective basis.

Pragmatic concept . The essence of the pragmatic concept is that business is seen as an inevitable phenomenon in the context of the development of society, necessary both for businessmen themselves, seeking to satisfy their selfish interests, and for other members of society who, thanks to business, are able to satisfy their needs for goods and services. The pragmatism of this approach is due to the fact that understanding the inconsistency of business as an economic phenomenon is not coupled with putting forward demands for the legal, economic and moral eradication of these contradictions. On the contrary, contradictions arising in connection with the actions of businessmen are viewed as a positive phenomenon in the sense that they stimulate economic development.

In general, the following components of this approach can be distinguished.

Business is a necessary and inevitable component of people's lives in general; it unites, on the one hand, the desire of individual citizens to generate income, and on the other, the desire of other people to satisfy their needs for goods, works, and services.

Business is a contradictory phenomenon, but these contradictions, although they can cause various conflicts, generally serve as a source of economic development and are not absolutely destructive.

Business is based on relationships between people, each of whom, entering into these relationships, pursues their own interests, which do not necessarily coincide with the interests of other people; on the one hand, natural competition of interests leads to the imposition of the interests of some people on others, to the infringement of interests and, in the end, indeed, can lead to unpredictable consequences; on the other hand, in the end, competition of interests does not lead to disastrous consequences for human society, but, on the contrary, contributes to the constant growth of the economy and people’s well-being.

Business is a historically enduring phenomenon.

Within this concept, several areas can be distinguished:

Business is viewed as an attribute of a market economy, its existence in the previous period of history is rejected;

Business is recognized as an attribute of any type of economy;

Business is considered as a form of any activity of any person gifted with consciousness;

Business is considered as a type of human activity, for example, as entrepreneurial activity, i.e. activity related to the creation of one’s own business, one’s own company, either as activity exclusively in the sphere of production and sale of material goods, or as purely speculative activity.

The pragmatic concept, unlike its predecessors, does not idealize either the present or the future. With the consistent extension of this concept to the current economy, it becomes clear that the most correct are those business theorists who, on the one hand, do not identify business with a market economy, but on the other hand, consider it as a form of any activity, of any person gifted with consciousness.

Table - Business Concepts

The existence of business in human society is determined, first of all, by the limited material wealth necessary for the reproduction of human life, as well as by the specific features inherent in man by nature. All concepts are summarized in the table.

1.2 Economicmanifestationauthorities

Central places in political science are given to the state, power and power relations.

It is difficult to explain clearly what power is, since power manifests itself in our lives in various aspects. In this regard, they talk about the power of nature, the power of man over man, the power of emotions, feelings, etc.

While adhering to the political side of the concept of power in the course work, let us turn to the political encyclopedic dictionary, where the following definition is found: “Power is the central, organizational and regulatory-control principle of politics; one of the most important and most ancient problems of political knowledge, literary and visual creativity; the problem of the culture of society and the concrete life of a person."

There are several interpretations of power. In one of them, power is understood as the relationship between social actors. It appears exactly where relationships exist. No relationship - no power. That is, power means relationships of dependence between people. This understanding of power refers to its behaviorist interpretations. One of the adherents of this definition, G. Lasswell, believed that the initial impulses for the emergence of power are given by people’s inherent desire for power and the possession of “political energy.”

A person sees power as a means of “improving life”: acquiring wealth, prestige, freedom, etc. At the same time, according to Lasswell, power is also an end in itself, allowing one to enjoy its possession.

In teleological interpretations, power is defined more broadly. It is understood not only as relationships between people, but also as a person’s interaction with the outside world. In this sense, they speak, for example, about the power of man over nature. B. Russell spoke about power as the realization of intended goals.

A supporter of systemic interpretations, T. Parsons defined power as “the ability of a system to ensure that its elements fulfill accepted obligations aimed at realizing the collective goals of the system.”

This variety of definitions of power is explained by the complexity and difference of points of view on this phenomenon.

As you can see, the authorities do not have a one-sided focus on the political side of life. This means that power was not originally a political phenomenon, as is often believed in our time.

Turning to history, it is clear that in the primitive communal system power had a social orientation. It was carried out by all members of the clan or tribe and was based on the authority of the elders. With the further stratification of society and the emergence of the state, the authority of the elders was replaced by the authority of public authority. An apparatus of power began to emerge, special coercive institutions that rose above society and separated from it.

It can be assumed that power took on a political character precisely when society began to stratify and the state began to emerge. Now, without power and power relations, the functioning of the state has become impossible.

But even in our time, power has not only a political orientation.

Power can also be understood as “social relations manifested in the ability and right of one person or group of people to make decisions that become binding on another person or group.”

Power is also a certain form of leadership, management of society, any team, or association of people. It ensures coordinated activities of people. Its actions must have the support of the people. However, those in whose hands power is concentrated can also use coercion, that is, subjugate the will of others, dispose of someone or something.

So, power is one of the fundamental principles of human society. It exists wherever there are stable associations of people: in the family, production teams, organizations and institutions, throughout the state. In the latter case, an example is given with the supreme, political power.

It can be assumed that power is called upon to regulate relationships between people, between them, society and state political institutions.


2.1 AnalysismodelsinteractionbusinessAndauthorities

In practice, it was often necessary to resolve contradictions related to the payment of taxes. The contradictions between business and government have always seemed obvious. Briefly, they are that the government wants to receive as much money as possible to solve social problems, and business needs these funds to increase its competitiveness. The contradictions seem insoluble if we formulate the following goals:

Forauthorities. Organize the collection of taxes as much as possible. Of course, the government understands that without business development it will be deprived of a source of cash income. Awareness of this leads to making decisions related to self-limitation of power opportunities. True, given that an official can set himself a task that is truncated in time, this self-restraint is not always a sufficient motivational basis for the authorities.

Forbusiness. Keep as much money as possible, that is, if possible, lobby for conditions to reduce the tax burden. Of course, business understands that without ensuring business security, without building roads, without education, protecting borders and other social tasks, business will not be able to exist. This becomes the motivational basis for supporting the authorities, including through the payment of taxes. True, given that an individual entrepreneur may set a goal to change his country of residence, this motivational basis may be weakened.

The contradiction is resolved by legislation. Laws are usually formed by the authorities. It should be noted that the government listens to the opinion of business about the possible tax burden and makes some compromise.

There are two models here. The model that the government is building, as well as the model that business is building.

The above scheme for coordinating positions can only be implemented under certain initial conditions determined by the form of government.

The government passes laws and also monitors their implementation. In fact, it independently establishes the rules of relations between business and the government apparatus without the direct participation of entrepreneurs in the decision-making procedure. On the other hand, laws do not change very quickly. People in positions of power can be replaced by others. Provided that the government is elected, this process is influenced by business, convincing the public of the harmfulness of the economic policy of the government. You can convince through the media. The media is owned by business. Thus, the democratic structure of society plus private media become necessary structures for limiting the greedy aspirations of power.

Certainly, V authoritarian or dictatorial state, That There is V state, Where democratic basics violated Can conduct economic politics With low efficiency, A at this stay at authorities.

In this case, an example is considered in conditions where government and business are able to understand the dependence on each other, and therefore are interested in dialogue and developing solutions acceptable to both parties.

First, it is necessary to formulate an agreed goal, which allows the formation of a general model. The model becomes the basis for discussion when finding solutions. In this case, decisions are considered through their consequences on the achievability of goals. The discussion is not just about whether it is necessary and possible to change taxes, but how this will affect the achievement of the agreed goal.

Government and business can understand the need to improve people's lives. For the authorities, this is the central link of the next election campaign. For business, these are conditions for sales and business growth. Thus, issues of increasing the living standard of the population can become the basis that can resolve contradictions regarding tax collections.

No one doubts the growth of living standards. But it is too abstract for dialogue for the purpose of decision-making. Concretization can go in different ways.

There is one essential position. Legislative decisions have long-term consequences. This requires the adoption of development programs for a long period. Coordination of the goals of government and business occurs during the joint development of development strategies for regions, the state as a whole and in individual areas of economic and social development.

2.2 PowerAndsociallyorientedbusiness

Can business become a business partner of government? Quite. Public-private partnership (PPP) is very common in world practice. And it does not necessarily imply deep state intervention in the economy or some kind of dictate to business. We are talking about joint work, consultations and common projects. Whether the state is ready for such a partnership is another matter.

In 1996-1997, the Cabinet of Ministers tried to create a system that would reduce the risks of private business and force it to invest its funds in the Russian economy. They proposed holding a competition of investment projects, the winners of which could receive from the state a quarter of the amount necessary to implement their plans. Many companies submitted very interesting and promising projects, and there were many who won the competition. But, alas, not a single project was truly funded. People started investing money, and then found themselves in a difficult situation.

Now the situation is fundamentally different. Business has funds. And even if someone does not have free money, it is relatively easy to find it on the market. The Cabinet of Ministers believes that it is appropriate to spend public money only when it comes to long-term infrastructure projects. However, in PPP the role of the state is not limited to just distributing money. Today in Russia, private business is afraid to invest in large long-term projects because it fears major risks. And therefore he needs state support, perhaps purely political or advisory.

In this regard, the experience of Japan, which began to actively develop public-private partnerships after the Second World War, may be very useful for us. The Japanese system implied constant consultations between the government, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy, and the largest business companies. At such meetings, fundamental decisions on the country's economic policy were discussed and then made. The main theme of those years was expansion into world markets, that is, what niches and what products needed to be developed. The successes of the Japanese economy were largely associated with this work. Japan very quickly reached a level where it was able to offer Western countries its experience both in increasing labor productivity and in marketing on world markets.

We can name two projects that are currently maturing for public-private partnerships in Russia. One is from the area of ​​transport infrastructure. It is associated with the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway for container transportation of goods from East Asia to Europe and back. This is a good and very profitable replacement for the sea route. The second project is from the field of innovative business. Private venture funds began to grow rapidly. Thus, the Americans were able to support and grow innovations and new products, which then conquered the market. Of course, this is an extremely important area for Russia. And Russia could follow this path. As far as is known from the press, such proposals have been sent to the government.

However, the amount of borrowing resorted to by businesses has dropped quite significantly. A picture is observed where the volume of investment is decreasing, and money demand has shrunk several times compared to last year. This year it grew by only 15 percent, and last year by 55 percent.

How to revive all these processes? A declaration on public-private partnership is not enough here. It is extremely important that the relationship between business and government is based on trust and that it is not accompanied by any kind of pressure. Otherwise, business begins to fear certain government agencies. Remember, presidential aide Igor Shuvalov said at a recent investment forum that Yukos is no exception and that there will be audits and tax claims against all oil companies. Which is what happened a few days later. It is unlikely that anyone will be against business carefully paying taxes, especially oil companies, especially when it comes to collecting arrears for previous years. But it’s clear that if all these good measures resemble “hitting” and not normal cooperation, then no public-private partnership will work.

And it seems that business today is experiencing a deep distrust of government. It is suspected that the authorities are responding in kind to him. In these conditions it is difficult to become partners. Of course, there will be some isolated projects on which it will be possible to agree. But all this, as they say, is for one-time use. For true public-private partnerships, a more trusting atmosphere must be created in the country than the one that exists today. And if this happened, then significant funds could be mobilized from business itself in order to increase the rate of economic development of the country. So far this is not working.

I understand very well the government and the president, who must ensure that business is transparent and fights for a good reputation. However, it was necessary to take into account the fact that the history of Russian capitalism is just beginning. But in reality, some processes are successful only if there is demand for them in the market. Demand for reputation, for transparency, for social responsibility. Two or three years ago this demand began to emerge. You had to have patience. Did not work out. Therefore, although the opportunities for public-private partnerships are very great, their prospects are currently quite modest. Although such projects could play an important role in the development of the country. After all, the state can decide on some issues much better than business, since it controls the situation on a macroeconomic scale. And the country would undoubtedly benefit from such cooperation. So the main thing today is to defuse the atmosphere of mistrust. And if public-private partnership is the first step towards changing the business climate in the country and convincing businesses that they can trust the government, then we'll see. Maybe the situation will really change.


The object of my research is Business and Power. At the present stage of socio-economic development of Russia, one of the main factors determining the prospects of Russian society and statehood is not politics or even economics, but the culture of relations between the state and business. This is where the subject of my research comes from.

The subject of my research is the relationship between Business and Government, as a pressing problem of the current situation in the world. The purpose of this study is to study the concepts of business and government, to find unity between these concepts: based on materials from periodicals and scientific literature. To write my research, I identified the following tasks: Consider and characterize the concepts of government and business, interaction between business and government, the ability of business to become a business partner of government.

To conduct my research, I used various sources and literature. The main sources that I used are periodicals - central and regional. These sources very clearly reflect the ongoing interaction between business and government, showing that with skillful government, business becomes an indispensable business partner.


social partnership power business

1. L.S. Ryabinsky “ABC of Business” - 1993

2. O. Osipenko “My own business” - 1991

3. N.V. Volkov “One hundred pages about business” - 1991

4. I.V. Lipsitz “Business plan - the basis of success” - 1994

5. I.V. Knyazev “Antimonopoly policy in Russia” - 2007

6. L.I. Abalkin, A.I. Milyukov “Economic reform: search for solutions” - 1990

7. L.I. Abalkin “Difficult turn to the market” - 1990

8. V. Sirotkin “Mark Masarsky: the path to the top of a Russian businessman” - 1994

9. L.E. Strovsky “Foreign market and enterprise” - 1993

10. Report of the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development “Economic reforms in Russia: on the threshold of change” - 1993

11. Lawrence Hibbert “Advice to those wishing to start their own business” - 1993

12. Mark H. McCormack "Business Secrets for Everyone" - 1997

13. Harvey Mackay “How to Survive Sharks” - 1993

14. Bengt Karlof “Business Strategy” - 1993

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Branch of a state educational institution of higher professional education
"Oryol Regional Academy of Public Service" in Bryansk



Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich



Scientific adviser:

Bryansk 2007

    1.1 Forms of interaction between business and government at all levels in modern Russia 6
    1.2 Mechanisms of influence of power on business 18
    2.1 Socio-economic situation of the Bryansk region 32
    2.2 Legislative acts in force in the Bryansk region for business development 41
    3.1 The existing model of interaction between business and government in the Bryansk region 46
    3.2 Social responsibility of business in the Bryansk region 53
    3.3 Proposals for improving interaction between business and government in the Bryansk region 61

Relevance The topic of research on the problem of interaction between business and government is determined by the need to establish a balance of interests between government and business in order to reproduce the economic potential of territories, organize the protection of the socio-economic interests of residents, involve citizens themselves in managing the development of their territory and the effective use of local resources. Russia's experience has shown that administrative and institutional management mechanisms have largely lost their effectiveness, and neither government nor business can overcome economic imbalances, social injustice and conflicts alone.
The modern system of relations between the authorities and the business community is based on the operation of consent mechanisms. This means that business and government institutions act not only in their own interests, but also in the interests of the population, which allows us to consider such relations as social dialogue. However, practice has shown that such interaction is not always flawless and benefits all its participants. Among the negative manifestations are the “privatization of power,” oligarchy, corruption, and lobbying of interests.
Therefore, at present, the problem of finding ways of economic interaction between local authorities and business is very acute.
Review of literature on the research topic. Various aspects of interaction between government and business are currently the subject of numerous disputes, studies, and scientific discussions. This topic is raised by such researchers as Volkov A., Ivanov O., Mazhorin V., Marchenko G., Machulskaya O., Olson M., Peregudov S., Privalov A., Radaev V., Suvorova T., Fortescue S. , Brave O., Yasin E.
However, the mentioned authors mostly explore methods of interaction between government bodies and large business entities. There has not yet been enough research aimed at finding effective mechanisms for interaction between government, business and the population at the regional and municipal levels of government. Therefore, it is necessary to create mechanisms for comprehensively effective interaction between local governments and businesses that contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions, and, consequently, the country as a whole.
Target The diploma project consists of the most complete disclosure of the problem and the development of recommendations for managing the economic interaction between government bodies and business, ensuring the sustainable development of the municipal community.
To achieve the main goal, the following are defined tasks graduation project:

      determining the essence, principles and methods of managing economic interaction between government and business in a market economy;
      assessment of the place and role of regional authorities and local self-government in improving economic interaction between government and business;
      research on ways for effective participation of business in the sustainable development of regions and the state as a whole;
      revealing the situation and developing a strategy for managing economic interaction between local authorities and business using the example of the Bryansk region.
Object of study is to improve the way of interaction between government and business.
Subject of research are economic, social and institutional relations that arise in the process of improving economic interaction between government bodies and business.
Theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of the works of domestic and foreign scientists, legislative, regulatory acts, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, statistical data, mass media, Internet materials and other sources related to the topic of research.
The work uses methods economic analysis, studying foreign experience and experience accumulated in regions and municipalities on issues of economic interaction between local authorities and business. IN graduation project regulatory documents, statistical data and analytical materials of local government bodies of the Bryansk region on issues of economic and social development of the region were used.
Provisions for defense:
      For the Bryansk region, it is currently mandatory to conduct a joint (government and business) discussion of the socio-economic problems of the region;
      introduce a system of voluntary social reporting;
      protect the interests of small and medium-sized businesses;
      the role of the governor as an arbiter between government and business representatives;
      create a strategic alliance between government and business;
      One of the most important aspects of modern business is its social responsibility to the population.
Practical significance of the work lies in the fact that ways to manage economic interaction between local authorities and business in the Bryansk region are proposed.
The purpose and objectives of the research carried out in the diploma project determined the structure and content of the work. The diploma project consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

1.1 Forms of interaction between business and government at all levels in modern Russia
The development of the Russian economy directly depends on the effectiveness of interaction between business and government in the country. For a more complete understanding of the forms of this interaction, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

      What slows down business development and prevents the acceleration of the growth rate of the Russian economy?
      in what direction is the institutional system developing, and what model of a market economy is being formed in Russia?
At the same time, in the study, “power” will be understood as a structure endowed, firstly, with public functions, which from an economic point of view means fulfilling the duties of a guarantor of the “rules of the game” and a producer of public goods; secondly, the right to make decisions that are binding on other business entities and the legal powers to control their implementation. In domestic conditions, “power” is characterized by a real lack of differentiation of its representative and executive “branches” with the concentration of the most significant functions in the hands of the head of the administration. The latter not only heads the “executive vertical”, but also, as a rule, determines the main directions of activity of the corresponding representative body, having serious leverage over deputies. Most deputies follow the head of the administration when resolving fundamental issues, while at the same time acting as lobbyists for certain “special interest groups.”
“Business” will mean a set of entrepreneurial structures (from individual entrepreneurs to national integrated business communities) conducting economic activities in the market in order to extract “private” commercial benefits.
It is necessary to highlight an ideal theoretical model of interaction between government and business, which gives a certain image of this interaction in the conditions of an “ideal market economy”. It defines the roles of the subjects of interaction: subjects representing business interests agree on the rules of the game and entrust control over their observance to the state as a guarantor agent. It fixes the obligations of the parties: the state guarantees business the creation of a favorable environment and the production of public goods necessary for its functioning and development, such as production, social and institutional infrastructure; business assumes obligations to pay taxes and reproduce the economic resources used.
The ideal model is opposed to the national model of interaction between government and business, which reflects the general features of this interaction in a certain national model of a market economy (liberal, social-corporate, corporate-paternalistic). It reflects the previous history of the country’s development, the actual practice of state building and the emergence of business. Thus, the ideas about “fairness” that have developed during the historical development of a certain country largely determine the target functions of economic entities, their attitude to possible options for the distribution of property rights to economic resources between private agents, the state and communal structures. All this in a certain way modifies the roles of government and business in their interaction, as well as the volume and nature of their mutual obligations.
Along with the ideal and national models, we can distinguish a normative model of interaction between business and government, consisting of the formal norms, rules and practices of their application established in a given country, as well as the real institutional model opposing it, as a set of formal and informal norms and rules that have developed in a certain territory and practices of their interaction.
Russian reformers have strived and are striving to establish a “market” type of interaction between government and business, which is closest to the ideal model. They are trying to do this by introducing formal norms of the liberal type. However, as current practice shows, formal liberalization has not led to real liberalization. It seems that the situation that has arisen is a manifestation of dependence on previous development, and at the level of the basic characteristics of the institutional system of the domestic economy. The following aspects are clearly visible:
1. preservation at the market stage of development of forms and methods of interaction between government and business, characteristic of an administrative-command economy.
2. the predominance of informal mechanisms of choice in consolidating the existing development trajectory and rejecting institutional innovations aimed at radically changing it. As a result, real economic practice currently differs significantly from the normative picture of the country’s economic life.
The real model of relations between government and business that has emerged to date is characterized by the fact that three relatively separate zones of their interaction have formed: white, black and gray. 1
The “white zone” covers formal practices, such as legislative regulation of tax relations, administrative and economic regulation of business (registration, licensing, control and enforcement of established standards, etc.), competitions for the distribution of government orders, etc.
The “black zone” covers informal criminal practices, primarily corruption and lobbying.
The “gray zone” covers informal practices of extortion from business that are not directly related to corruption and the practice of informal bargaining with the authorities regarding the operating conditions of a particular business.
The “white zone” of relations between government and business is based on the creation of uniform rules of the game for all entrepreneurs and on indiscriminate coercion by the state to comply with these rules in the event of violations by anyone. The “black” and “gray” zones, on the contrary, serve the creation and support of preferential regimes for individual entrepreneurs and the selective application of sanctions by the state in case of violation of formal norms. They are based on business investments in " a good relationship"with power. The fundamental difference between the “black” and “gray” zones lies in the goals and set of tools for creating preferential regimes. The relations of the “black zone” are based on the individual selfish interests of an individual official, and the tool for achieving the interests of the entrepreneur is a bribe, involving the official in the business. Let us give an example of such an element of the “black” zone as lobbying by businesses of their interests when creating bills and amendments to them. One of the most visible sectors of the Russian economy, in which the lobbying efforts of various groups are reflected like a mirror, is the tobacco industry. The unique thing about tobacco lobbying is that the world's largest cigarette manufacturers fight with each other. The market is actually divided into two fronts, each of which seeks to worsen the working conditions of its competitor. One of them is occupied by BAT and Russian companies that produce mainly cheap cigarettes, and on the other - Philip Morris and JTI - manufacturers of expensive brands. Over the past ten years, tobacco taxation has been turned on its head numerous times. Until 1996, there was an ad valorem system beneficial to BAT; since 1997 it was changed to a specific one beneficial to Philip Morris and JTI; in 2003 it began to operate mixed system, combining both ad valorem and specific components. From that time on, the main pressure of the lobbyists concentrated on increasing the proportion beneficial to the company they represented. Over the past ten years, many influential officials have been involved in this dispute, which indicates the scope of the “black” zone of interaction between business and government.
Relations in the “gray zone” are based on the parties’ interest in the survival of the territory; a voluntary or voluntary-forced contribution (in kind or cash) to additional financing of the territory of its location becomes a tool for achieving the interests of the entrepreneur. If the practice of their corruption interaction (“black zone”) has common characteristics with similar relations in various national economic systems, then the practices of the “gray zone” in the Russian economic system have specific features associated with the current system of interbudgetary relations and with the needs of local governments local development problems.
The relationship between government and business within the “gray zone” is characterized by the following main features:
      the interweaving of formal and informal norms and rules, with the determining role of the latter;
      the extra-legal, but, as a rule, not directly violating the law, nature of informal practices;
      the use of extralegal practices by government officials to implement their “public” functions. However, at the same time, their target functions as “public” agents are seriously modified in comparison with the “ideally” given role of the guarantor of the “rules of the game” and the producer of public goods, as well as in comparison with the normatively established role.
The emergence of the above-described “gray zone” can be considered in the context of the predominance of processes of “deformalization of rules” in modern Russia. This concept was introduced in relation to Russia by V.V. Radaev. He writes that “deformalization of rules” “is understood as a transformation of institutions, during which formal rules are largely replaced by informal ones and are integrated into informal relations.” 2
V.V. Radaev associates “deformalization”, first of all, with the conscious actions of power structures to maintain the gap between formal and informal norms. Justifying his position, he makes the following conclusion: “the institutional gap between formal rules and informal practices allows us to maintain the existing power and the level of corruption necessary to constantly feed it.” 3 Thus, he considers the reasons for the deformalization of rules mainly in the context of the interest of the Russian bureaucracy in the reproduction and expansion of the “black zone” in its interaction with business.
The growth of “gray zone” relations is also associated with the dynamics of inter-budgetary relations: with the redistribution of spending powers (their growth in the regions and municipalities) and tax revenues (their decrease in the regions and municipalities). That is, with the dumping of responsibility going down the levels of the system of fiscal federalism for a number of years without adequate financial support. At the same time, the volumes of regional and local budget deficits do not fully reflect the volumes of underfunding of territories. Even with a balanced budget, this problem is acute. As the governor of the Chelyabinsk region P. Sumin noted, a deficit-free regional and local budget is “from the evil one”: “I know that twenty billion rubles of tax revenue remain in the region. Not more. So I draw up expenses using these funds. And, say, five to seven billion rubles, which are desperately needed, I cut off, because they don’t exist. It’s the same problem with municipalities.” 4 Under these conditions, the life support of territories depends on the scale of informal voluntary-compulsory flows of business resources, which are formed as a result of bargaining between the authorities and business. The government makes demands on businesses for a certain amount of additional contributions. Business, in turn, calculating the benefits of establishing favorable relations with the authorities, incurs corresponding expenses. All this forms the “gray zone” of their relationship.
All this cannot but resemble the practice of informal tenders for the adoption of plans and their provision with resources. Soviet enterprises were placed in conditions where informal connections with suppliers and the exchange of obligations with them became the most important way to ensure the implementation of the plan with resources. The lack of guarantees of supply from planning authorities was replaced by informal bargaining with the supplier. In addition, in the Soviet economy, the well-being of territories was made significantly dependent on the enterprises located on them. They created and maintained social infrastructure, carried out landscaping, and provided a variety of patronage assistance.
The preservation and development of informal practices of forcing businesses by authorities to incur additional costs for maintaining territories is associated with two effects. On the one hand, the effect of the durability of social capital. At the head of regions and municipalities, as well as individual enterprises, there remained leaders with experience in party, Soviet and economic work in the conditions of the Soviet economy. They are well aware of the models for solving problems of territories using the resources of enterprises, and they have retained the corresponding social connections. The effect of the longevity of social capital thus creates the possibility of growing the practice of informal bargaining between government and business. These practices nevertheless become necessary as a result of another effect - the effect of conjugation of norms. The existence of unfunded “federal mandates” and such withdrawal of financial resources from territories, which does not create incentives for the authorities to develop local entrepreneurship, is complemented by informal practices of pumping business resources to cover the real budget deficit of municipalities. The current system of interbudgetary relations presupposes the emergence of such practices, since without them the territories would lose their viability. At the same time, the accumulation of social capital continues, which underlies the institutional inertia of interaction between government and local business. It does not collapse as the leaders who left the Soviet economic system age.
Currently, at the regional level, relations are being established for additional financing of territories between large businesses and the regional administration. On this occasion, the President of SUEK O. Misevra noted: “The social situation in the regions in which we operate is of great concern to us. Our state today is not yet able to solve these problems, so business takes on them.” 5 At the municipal level, entrepreneurs also see the basis for informal bargaining with the authorities in the system of existing inter-budgetary relations: “Every year, like “shagreen skin,” the opportunities for replenishment of the city budget decrease. This is due to numerous federal laws... And the budget becomes more and more symbolic every year, because every year less and less can meet the needs of the city” [from an interview with an entrepreneur who is a deputy of the Bryansk City Council of People’s Deputies].
At the municipal level, the main forms of attracting additional business resources for additional financing of territories are “quasi-tax” fees and “organized sponsorship”. “Quasi-tax” fees are additional, non-statutory payments by businesses to the local budget or to specially created funds. For example, in various municipalities of the Kemerovo region, since 2004, a voluntary “quasi-tax” one percent levy on the wage fund of enterprises has been formally introduced. “Organized sponsorship” is the participation of business in financing various kinds of administration projects (social, landscaping). Unlike “quasi-tax” fees, they are targeted in nature, and contributions are often made by entrepreneurs in kind.
The growing “gray zone” integrates other relationships (the “white” and “black” zones). Formal business regulation rules turn into a lever of pressure on business in the interests of forcing additional expenses to support territories, introducing “quasi-tax” fees, and forcing them to provide “sponsorship assistance.” In this regard, in practice, the processes of de-bureaucratization provided for by federal legislation are extremely difficult. 6 There remain real opportunities for power to differentiate administrative barriers for business. These barriers become a lever of pressure on business not only for corruption purposes, but also for the purpose of extracting funds from business for the survival of territories. In this capacity, they are entrenched in the everyday practices of interaction between local administration, regulatory authorities and business.
For example, according to CEFIR data obtained as part of “Monitoring the level of costs of small businesses associated with government regulation“, despite some positive effect of the entry into force of the package of laws on de-bureaucratization, in most cases the reform did not achieve the desired result. It is noted that in many cases licensing costs are increasing, the number of permits for types of activities not provided for by the licensing law is growing; many violations by control and inspection bodies are allowed; The “one-stop shop” rule for registering companies never came into effect. 7 Therefore, both measures to actually reduce administrative barriers and measures to overcome corruption ultimately turn out to be tied to reducing the “gray zone”.
The relations of the “black zone” (corruption, business officials, lobbying), having their roots, are still largely tied to non-criminal, and often encouraged from above, extortion from businesses of funds to support the territories. Business investments in “good relations” with the authorities in the form of a bribe and in the form of voluntary-compulsory business contributions for the development of territories often complement each other. “Help” veils corruption and provides a more comfortable environment for it. To some extent, it serves as a justification for the actions of both the official and the entrepreneur conspiring.
Thus, in the institutional model of interaction between government and business that currently exists at the regional and municipal levels, informal norms and practices of the “gray zone” are of decisive importance. Improving Russian legislation in itself is not capable of reducing the volume of this zone and depriving it of its integrating role in the model of interaction between government and business, which is recognized by almost all researchers as ineffective. Restricting the ability of officials to influence the magnitude of administrative barriers as a result of the adoption at the federal level of a package of laws on de-bureaucratization can only somewhat limit the range of tools for informal trading, but is not capable of eliminating these trading and the predominance of informal practices over formal ones. As one of the entrepreneurs noted in an interview, “even after creating millions of laws, there is still a lot left unaccounted for. The system needs to be changed here... this is an all-Russian problem.” And further: “practice comes into conflict with legislative framework. There is bureaucracy, there is an apparatus, and there are specific figures who can easily circumvent the laws” [head of an advertising agency].
However, in the identified model of interaction between government and business, government appears as a single subject, defending its own interests through the actions of individual officials. The interests of obtaining corrupt income and organizing the business of officials simultaneously dismember and unite this subject, while maintaining the unity of its interests in relation to business. Business, on the contrary, has not emerged as a single entity interested in the unity of the rules of the game. He is torn apart by the interests of his own gain in relations with the authorities. This means that the established model of interaction between business and government, although it does not suit the majority of individual entrepreneurs, remains stable due to the lack of demand from business for new universal formal rules of the game.
Entrepreneurs are not always willing to form various public associations. There is no time, no faith in the effect - as a result, the necessary pressure on the authorities in order to obtain any support is not as strong as it could be. Chairman of the Public Expert Council for Small Business under the Mayor and Government of Moscow A. Ioffe noted: “This is a vicious circle: public associations are not formed. Therefore, there is no one to achieve anything from the authorities.”
As is known, in a market economy, the mechanism for changing formal norms and rules is the political market, which is a mechanism for economic entities to implement targeted group actions to establish new rules of the game. Associations of entrepreneurs act as agents expressing the interests of economic entities. The first of these organizations was the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as the RSPP) by A. Volsky, or rather the bureau of the board of the RSPP, which was trying to push through its business programs at the state level. Some researchers include in this list the Entrepreneurship Council under the Government of the Russian Federation, which was intended to play an alternative role to the RSPP in lobbying for necessary decisions, but in the political process this council never became a competitor to the RSPP.
A new structure for the representation of business interests is gradually emerging, based on the structure of chambers of commerce and industry (CCI). The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a unique social structure. It “vertically” represents the interests of all segments of business – small, medium and large. And “horizontally” its activities cover all areas of entrepreneurship - industry, trade - internal and external, agriculture, financial system, services. The goals and objectives of the chamber include protecting interests on issues related to the implementation of economic activities, organizing interaction between entrepreneurs and government authorities, promoting the development of the education system and training for entrepreneurial activities, and facilitating the resolution of disputes arising between enterprises and entrepreneurs. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry reflects the interests of large businesses and is engaged in investing fixed assets accumulated in the raw materials sector into manufacturing industries. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a mechanism for the return of capital exported abroad, as well as to ensure a clearly functioning judicial and legal system. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is also trying to create better conditions for small businesses in Russia. The solution to this problem is to streamline state regulation of small businesses and protect entrepreneurs from bureaucratic arbitrariness and corruption. 8
This institute directly covers both the federal and regional business elite, and the personal composition of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is not much different from the RSPP. Thus, an alternative structure to promote business interests is gradually being formed.
As a result, a rather complex system of indirect relationships between business and government is being built.
As a result, business creates a system that somewhat levels out internal contradictions at the business level between various participants in the political process. Intermediary organizations, at the same time, provide feedback between business and government authorities.

1.2 Mechanisms of influence of power on business
But the real picture of interaction between government and business will not be complete without considering the characteristics of the two extreme poles of the economy: oligarchy and small business.
Any scientific analysis of “oligarchy” goes back to Aristotle and his interpretation of this type of government as an incorrect, perverted form of democracy. Note that ideological subtext already creeps in here. The very interpretation from Greek as “the power of the few” significantly narrows numerical composition the political phenomenon under study. Different researchers approach this issue differently; some talk about dozens of people 9, others are not limited to the total number, but talk about the limited number of “oligarchs” as a political and social group 10. Thus, the limited number of members of an oligarchy can be considered its fundamental property.
The second difference between an oligarchy and other political phenomena can be called “political power,” that is, the direct participation of representatives of the business elite in the process of government. In the modern understanding - through occupying government positions. There is some gap in theoretical constructions here. The public practice of Russian business, reflected in the media, shows that the occupation of political positions by people from business at the federal level is by no means common, however, this is an illusion. If we consider the “pinwheel effect” used in Western political theory in its entirety, then it is necessary to consider not only the movements of Russian businessmen to federal government bodies, but also vice versa. Such phenomena do not occur so rarely and their examples can be multiplied and multiplied (Livshits, Dubinin, Chubais). If we add to the federal practice of the “spinner effect” the regional one, when local business leaders are elected or appointed to regional government bodies, then the presence of business in government bodies and its influence on political decision-making will be noticeable. The only problem is the coordination of the actions of the regional and federal oligarchy.
This process is described in terms of the oligarchy's capacity for collective action. According to S. Fortescue, in order to formally comply with the concept of “oligarchy,” representatives of big business must take a consolidated position on political and economic issues. However, other Russian researchers, such as Ya.Sh. Pappe, S.P. Peregudov and others believe that Russian business quite rarely takes a consolidated position on both political and economic issues. Potentially, Russian business exists in a competitive environment, which pushes us to understand the possible behavior of actors motivated by a selfish position, both in business and in politics. As a result, the state gets the opportunity to influence the oligarchy, politically maneuvering between the interests of various business groups. In this behavior, the business elite is guided by only two requirements for government agencies: guarantees of maintaining property and minimizing managerial influence in the sphere of their own business interests. All this contributes to frequent manifestations of “unfair play” on the part of opposing business structures. Therefore, the “Russian oligarchy” is locked into a single system by the need for the existence of an external arbiter, that is, a president who resolves economic and political contradictions and stands above the fray. The functioning of the “oligarchic” system can be schematically represented in a similar way.
Russian researchers are making many adjustments to this classic image. Most of them come down to the artificial creation of obstacles in this chain, which only complicates the processes of lobbying the interests of business and interaction with the authorities. Moreover, new levels arise both at the initiative of the state and at the initiative of the business community. S.P. seriously corrects this model. Peregudov, introducing a new full-fledged player into it - the Government, which interacts on equal terms both with representatives of big business and with the “supreme arbiter” in the person of the President. The author calls this model a “triangle of power.” However, despite the improvements, the representation of the interests of the “Russian oligarchy” is considered as isolated, selfishly individual interests of business groups in relation to the state.
In the real political process, everything is structured differently than in the theoretical representation of the relationship between business and government. The current political process is constantly pushing for the development of institutions for representing business interests in government. Business and government are gradually moving away from direct interaction, trying to minimize the negative component of narrow selfish interests, creating “bureaucratic” type institutions. Thus, a systemic nature of the “Russian oligarchy” arises, enclosing the regional and federal levels. There is a constant emergence and strengthening of new players in the Russian economic field who want to increase their influence on political decision-making.
Another pole of Russian business is small business.
It is characteristic that small enterprises, whose share in industry is 15%, produce 30% of the total output of goods and services, provide employment on average for almost 21% of the number of employees, are almost the most vulnerable subjects of the Russian economy.
Over the past two years, positive trends have emerged in Russian politics and economics, inspiring hope for an improvement in the overall operating environment for small businesses. This includes V. Putin’s policy of creating conditions for the normal development of small business in the country, the Concept of state support for small business adopted by the State Council, as well as the package of measures of the Government of the Russian Federation to de-bureaucratize the economy, inspire hope that the situation will change for the better.
However, there are also negative phenomena that inhibit positive processes and even create new difficulties. These include, first of all, the ineffectiveness of state policy towards small businesses, expressed in the lack of resource support for small businesses, the ongoing – under the banner of “easing” the tax burden on small businesses – the policy of fiscal strangulation of small businesses, for which a number of ministries and departments of the financial and economic block, inaccessibility of financial, credit and property resources.
The actual state of small business in Russia is assessed by most researchers as unsatisfactory.
In Moscow, at the scientific and practical conference “Dialogue of business and government: the role of public associations of entrepreneurs in the development of small businesses,” the chairman of the Public Expert Council (hereinafter referred to as the ECO) for small business under the mayor and government of Moscow A. Ioffe spoke for what is needed today strive more actively to increase the number of small enterprises in Russia. After all, since 1994 their number has hardly increased and is less than 1 million. “This was led to by Gaidar’s idea that “the market itself will put everything in its place.” And we need not thousands, but millions of small enterprises,” says the ECO chairman. A. Ioffe is confident that public associations of entrepreneurs could significantly influence some decisions of the authorities. He cites as an example changes in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force at the beginning of this year. According to these changes, tax authorities have the right to levy fines from entrepreneurs out of court; for an individual entrepreneur, the maximum amount of such a fine is five thousand rubles, for legal entity- fifty thousand. “In fact, this can be called a “presumption of guilt of the entrepreneur,” he believes. According to the speaker, if the unity of the business community had been more clearly expressed, this decision could have been challenged and not brought to its adoption. And many similar examples can be given. According to A. Ioffe, the norms for interaction between business and government should be spelled out in an official document, and it should be drawn up as strictly and accurately as possible. “In other countries, representatives from the state and the business community sit down at the negotiating table, as a result of which sometimes very important and interesting decisions are born. We must have the same form of relations,” concluded the ECO Chairman.
The tax burden, complex accounting and reporting procedures, excessive tax administration, the lack of a real opportunity for entrepreneurs to obtain the necessary information on a wide range of vital issues for them - this is a small part of what worries small business representatives every day.
It is clear that small businesses that are disunited cannot influence the adoption of decisions that are beneficial to themselves, therefore they “suffer” the most from those carried out in Lately reforms.
Thus, in our case, organizations that represent the goals of business as a “broad interest group” must operate in the political market. The creation of actually functioning organizations of this type is possible only when the possible “benefits” of the association exceed the significant “costs” that arise, associated, first of all, with overcoming the “free rider” problem. The volume of “benefits” depends to a very large extent on the ability of organizations - subjects of demand for institutional changes in the political market to influence the position of public authorities as subjects of supply. In this regard, it is important to note that maintaining a very broad “autonomy” of power structures from society as a single subject that independently forms its target functions sharply reduces the possible “benefits” of the collective action of entrepreneurs. In turn, the absence of independent business organizations and civil society structures reinforces the existing character of “power.” As a result, a kind of “vicious circle” arises: individual bargaining between entrepreneurs and the authorities does not allow the formation of a collective action group of the entrepreneurs themselves and at the same time contributes to the reproduction of the autonomy of the authorities. This simultaneously increases the “costs” of individuals’ actions to promote new rules of the game that are favorable for the business community, and provides significantly smaller benefits compared to individual bargaining.
In fact, in this situation we are faced with such a paradox of collective action as the absence of real action by entrepreneurs to achieve their collective interests. Firstly, the group of entrepreneurs turns out to be quite large, and the costs of individual entrepreneurs acting in the interests of the entire group are not covered by possible future benefits. 11 Secondly, such social practices have developed when selective incentives for collective action 12 take the form of either selective incentives for entrepreneurs to promote administration projects, or selective punishment for manifestations of activity in defending their own interests and the interests of the entire business community. At the same time, part of the entrepreneurs, in the interest of preserving differentiated orders, merges with the administration and turns into an active player in the formation of a proposal for norms of differentiated treatment of business.
As the entrepreneurs themselves note, it is possible to resist the pressure of inspections, demands for informal contributions, disrespectful attitude on the part of the authorities, and create favorable conditions for business only by uniting. But entrepreneurs are not yet ready for such a union: “Entrepreneurs themselves are largely to blame. If the authorities do not want to work with us in a civilized manner, we must force them to do so.” 13
Thus, in the informal “bargaining” between the Russian government and business, the roles of entrepreneurs and administration are distributed differently than in the normal political market.
This is particularly evident at the local level. The government acts as the “boss”, and business as the “subordinate”. Accordingly, meetings of the head of the city with entrepreneurs act as a platform for status bidding, the object of which is the terms of the “quasi-fiscal” transaction, which determine the volume and procedure for the business to fulfill additional obligations for “additional financing” of the territory. Business representatives act as relatively independent “subordinates” who, using as an argument control over information, especially about their financial situation, show the authorities the possible “limits” of imposing additional obligations on them.
All this means maintaining a qualitative difference in the nature of the state and its functions from the situation characteristic of countries with a market economy. The government, especially at the regional and local levels, is not an agent-guarantor of the existing rules of the game. She herself is a player on the side of a certain group of entrepreneurs. The government does not act as an agent for the production of public goods. In fact, at present, in the interaction between business and government, government does not perform any of the functions from the “ideal model” (guarantor agent, agent for the production of public goods). It also does not perform the functions of a development agent (creating the rules of the game, determining development strategies).
The Russian government at all levels is currently the “master of the territory”, trying to manage its resources in the interests of achieving its own established goals. At the same time, the main goal of local authorities is to guarantee the basic minimum needs of the population as the main condition for the survival of urban society. Thus, a survey of entrepreneurs showed that the two main components of the “image” of local authorities for them are the “owner of the territory” and the “coercive apparatus.”
Entrepreneurs were asked to answer the question “Based on your experience, what associations does the concept of “local government” primarily evoke in you?” The survey revealed the following trend:
1. Stable rules of the game 2.4%;
2. Guarantee of the law 4.4%;
3. Partner 4.6%;
4. Corruption 12.1%;
5. Coercive apparatus for solving urban problems 34.2%;
6. Owner of the territory 42.3%. 14
The positioning of the municipal government as the “owner of the territory” and the “coercive apparatus” is largely connected with the problems that it has to solve. These are the problems of the current life support of the population of the territories, the survival of the population and business in the conditions of a sharp change in the socio-economic system. As shown above, the solution to these problems is brought down to the municipal level by the center without adequate financial support for the functions assigned to it. As a result, it is here that the target setting is being formed to ensure the basic minimum consumption of the population, including by attracting additional (above taxes) business resources.
Recently, Russian scientific and journalistic literature has increasingly begun to write about the formation of a “manual control” regime in Russia at all levels of government. At the same time, the emphasis is mainly on strengthening the tendency for the state to take control of attractive assets and increasing administrative pressure on business. Such manifestations of the “manual control” regime as the involvement of business in solving problems of territories remain aside. However, such practices are usually disguised as “social partnership” and “social responsibility of business.”
By “manual control” we mean a system built on the direct influence of the subject of control on each of the control objects. Such a management system is developing, first of all, within the framework of the “gray zone” of interaction between local authorities and business, since additional obligations are not based on the law, and therefore, in principle, cannot be executed automatically, as a result of following formal universal norms. Moreover, the deformalization of rules means that even the conditions for fulfilling legal requirements are determined by informal agreements between government agencies and business representatives. Thus, management within the “white zone” also becomes “manual,” which reflects the decisive role of the “gray zone” of interaction between government and business.
By combining various “manual control” mechanisms, regional and municipal authorities seek additional funding from business for economically and socially significant projects. Thus, it closes the “holes” that arise in the budget, implements “ostentatious” events (improvement of central streets, holding magnificent city events), and organizes entrepreneurs’ investments in charity.
As the entrepreneurs themselves note, there is nothing fundamentally new in such practices. “This is the Soviet Union, when many social expenses were simply distributed among large industrial enterprises, and these enterprises were engaged not only in core activities, but also built houses, playgrounds, and sports facilities” [from an interview with the head of an advertising agency]. This attitude of entrepreneurs turns out to be deeper than many statements in modern economic literature about the “limitless appetites” of officials. The point is not just these appetites, but the way in which the redistribution of powers regarding the maintenance of the social sphere took place in the post-socialist era. If in the early 1990s, enterprises, by inertia, maintained their social sphere, then later it was dumped on the municipalities. There has been a normative redistribution of responsibility between business and government and its various levels. This redistribution was not ensured by a corresponding redistribution of financial resources. Local authorities found themselves in the most difficult situation. Placed in conditions of survival, they took advantage of the administrative resource available to them and began to seek additional contributions from businesses to support infrastructure and the social sphere.
The actual practice of supporting the social sphere, and sometimes its development, has seriously deviated from the normative picture of the distribution of responsibility. In the conditions of mismatch of norms, shifting responsibility for social infrastructure onto regional and local authorities, the only possible way to solve the problems of supporting the viability of territories was the practice of forcing businesses to incur additional expenses. There was a large-scale demand for institutions of informal extraction based on preserved social capital. The “quasi-fiscal deal” has become widespread as the successor to the “planned deal” of vertical trading in the Soviet economy.
It follows from this that the widespread practice of forcing businesses to make expenses is not a temporary forced phenomenon, but a significant fact of the real redefinition of the rights of the main economic entities taking place in the country. And this redefinition occurs in the form of the restoration of previous (Soviet) patterns of interaction between government and enterprises. Its cover is the justification for the growth of “social responsibility” of business and the development of “social partnership”, the socio-economic content of which is grossly replaced. Regional and local authorities take the place of the organizer and operator of the flow of business resources aimed at social investments.
Thus, the implementation of the above model of interaction between government and business, on the one hand, allows us to solve the socio-economic problems that have accumulated in the territories, and also improves the external environment for doing business by improving the living environment for workers and local infrastructure, through establishing relations with local authorities . On the other hand, voluntary-compulsory additional financing of the territory by business contributes to the consolidation of institutional structures at the regional and local levels that impede its own development. It promotes differentiation of the rules of the game through the selective use of administrative barriers, consolidates primitive forceful methods of public administration, prevents the transition of public administration bodies to modern methods of financial management, and undermines trust between government and business.
Under these conditions, the quality of local government remains very low. The costly type of management and orientation of economic entities towards solving problems external to business remains. Accustomed to plugging the emerging “holes” at the expense of business, local governments themselves act extremely ineffectively. There are problems in budget planning and in organizing the provision of public services.
As a result, entrepreneurs are forming a demand for a government that will not interfere in their affairs, will not interfere by selectively creating obstacles in the form of administrative barriers, will not always demand excess tax deductions, will approach everyone with a single evaluation criterion, and will fulfill its duties efficiently. administrative work. As noted in one interview, “business will only be facilitated by the improvement of the entire management system, and not by the presence of connections” [from an interview with the owner of an atelier]. At the same time, the fragmentation of business itself (its different proximity to power and the different ratio of benefits and costs of additional contributions) blocks the formation of demand for appropriate institutional changes and collective actions to achieve them.
To summarize, it should be noted that institutional inertia in the interaction between Russian government and business has prevailed over institutional innovation. In my opinion, this is a consequence of the ill-conceived policy of institutional reforms itself, an attempt to carry them out in isolation from the real practice of interaction between economic entities in the post-Soviet economy. Institutional inertia would gradually fade away under the conditions of a more responsible policy of institutional change. It turned out differently; she received new impulses. The process of reviving “manual control” has unfolded in new forms of relationships between authorities and business as a supplier of resources for solving current problems territories. As a result, network structures built on the interweaving of economic, social and power relationships and “blurred” property rights are currently being reproduced in Russia. This means development along the path of “corporate” and “network” capitalism. Moreover, a specific negative feature of the emerging variant of “corporate” and “network” relations is their predominant orientation towards the goals of “survival” rather than “development”.
By outlining new reforms, the federal authorities are once again trying to “remove” the barriers to formal liberalization that have arisen. A set of measures is being taken in this direction, changing formal norms in the “white zone” of interaction between government and business (measures to “reduce the tax burden” and “de-bureaucratize the economy”), as well as planned reforms in the social sphere. It is interesting that the redistribution of tax revenues of the budget system in favor of the federal budget is also to a certain extent justified by the same logic (although such centralization, of course, contradicts the liberal principle of subsidiarity). The authors of the Expert magazine try to reproduce the logic of the authorities’ actions in the following way: “All the time when regional and local budgets had the right to dispose of a significant part of their money, they stole this money; well, they were used for other purposes... It was with this money that medium and small market entities were absorbed - and by the end of the nineties, monopoly pyramids had formed in the regions, converging under governors.” 15 From this follows the conclusion of the federal authorities: it is necessary to limit the budgetary powers of lower authorities. The fact that the problems of survival and development of territories will be solved in other ways simply falls out of sight of reformers who are concerned exclusively with fiscal problems.

2.1 Socio-economic development of the Bryansk region
The most important indicator of the socio-economic development of the region is the dynamics of the gross regional product (GRP) per capita. A comparison of the average per capita GRP of the Bryansk region with the production of the average per capita gross domestic product of Russia and the Central Federal District (CFD) is given in Appendix A.
Despite the positive dynamics of development of the socio-economic situation of the region, the Bryansk region still has a low GRP production per capita. Figure 1 shows the volume of GRP produced in the Bryansk region. 16

Rice. 1. Volume of GRP produced in the Bryansk region
The volume of GRP in 2006 amounted to 87.9 billion rubles, or 107% compared to 2005. Figure 2 shows the dynamics of GRP growth rates, as a percentage of the 2000 level.

Fig.2. Dynamics of GRP growth rates, % compared to 2000 levels

The leading types of economic activity, providing the bulk of the region's GRP, are manufacturing, agriculture, transport, and communications, wholesale and retail, construction.
There are over 300 large and medium-sized enterprises operating in the region, employing over 135 thousand people. The region has a high concentration of enterprises in the radio-electronic and woodworking industries, mechanical engineering and instrument making. The largest enterprises, such as the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant (BMZ) and the Bezhitsa Steel Foundry and a number of other enterprises, have gained fame in Russia and in countries far and near abroad. Mechanical engineering and metalworking are also represented by such large enterprises as Bryansk Automobile Plant OJSC, Raditsky Machine-Building Plant OJSC, Novozybkov Machine-Tool Plant OJSC, Bryansk Arsenal OJSC, producing a variety of machines and equipment, spare parts, components and parts for him. In 2006, goods of our own production were shipped, work and services were performed on our own for all types of economic activity in the amount of 49.97 billion rubles, which is 22.6% more than in 2005. The index of physical volume of industrial production in 2005 was 116%, and in the first half of 2007 – 119%. Figure 3 shows the dynamics of industrial production indices, in % compared to 2000.

Rice. 3. Dynamics of indices of industrial production volumes, in% compared to 2000

Positive dynamics in the financial sector of the region continues. For 2006, large and medium-sized enterprises in all types of economic activity received a positive balanced financial result in the amount of 6063.9 million rubles of profit. At the same time, the profit of profitable enterprises amounted to 7295 million rubles or 103% compared to 2005. The share of unprofitable enterprises decreased in 2006 to 35% (2005 – 42.6%).
The Bryansk region carries out foreign economic and investment cooperation with 82 countries of the world, their number increases every year. Our main partners are Germany, Latvia, Italy, Romania, Poland, USA, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. In 2006, foreign trade turnover amounted to 983.4 million US dollars (92.3% compared to 2005), including exports decreased by 10.9% compared to 2005 and amounted to 226.6 million US dollars. This was mainly due to a reduction in supplies of fuel and energy products to the Baltic countries. Imports decreased by 6.7% and amounted to 757.4 million US dollars.
Regional budget revenues in 2007 amounted to 16,134.2 million rubles, expenses - 16,698.7 million rubles. Compared to 2006, the deficit was reduced from the maximum possible according to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation of 15% in 2006 to 7.5% in 2007. Figures 4 and 5 show the dynamics of revenues and expenses of the regional budget, million rubles.

Rice. 4. Dynamics of regional budget revenues

Rice. 5. Dynamics of regional budget expenditures

Main revenue sources of the regional budget, million rubles 17:

    tax and non-tax revenues – 7572.5;
    interbudgetary transfers – 8359.8;
    income from business and other income-generating activities – 201.9.
In 2007, expenses to support the regional economy amounted to 1831.8 million rubles or 11.0%. Expenses for supporting the region's agro-industrial complex were increased from 483 million rubles in 2006 to 623 million rubles in 2007. Funds are provided to support industry, transport, housing and communal services and small businesses in the amount of 806.7 million rubles, including industrial enterprises - 236.9 million rubles, transport organizations - 322.3 million rubles, housing and communal services enterprises - 207.5 million rubles, entrepreneurs - 40 million rubles.
One of the most important indicators characterizing the competitiveness of a region is the volume of investments attracted to the production and social spheres. The volume of investments in fixed capital in the Bryansk region is shown in Figure 6.

Rice. 6. Volume of investments in fixed capital in the Bryansk region

The situation began to change in 2006. In 2006, the investment rating of the Bryansk region increased due to the reduction in investment risk. Nevertheless, the Bryansk region today continues to experience an urgent need for serious financial injections.
One of the main factors slowing down the economic development of the region is the environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. As a result, there was a loss of all sales markets. Seven southwestern chernozem agricultural regions fell directly into the Chernobyl zone (disposal of about 330 thousand hectares of agricultural land, accompanied by the loss of the working population). The Bryansk region is the subject of the Russian Federation most affected by the disaster. The resettlement zone and exclusion zone are concentrated only on the territory of a given subject.
Another negative point cannot be underestimated, namely, the very weak presence of the Bryansk region in the Russian information field. They really know very little about us, and it all fits into a few words: Bryansk forest, radiation, “red belt”.
The Bryansk region, of course, is not an oil region, but it has a number of other advantages, moreover, very significant ones. The region occupies a border position and, being at the intersection of important transport routes, has a fairly developed infrastructure. The Bryansk region is a junction of strategic Russian and international highways. Six main railway lines pass through the region, providing extensive connections with other regions of Russia and European countries. On the territory of the Bryansk region there is an international airport connecting the region with Europe and the western regions of Russia. Large oil and gas pipelines run through the Bryansk region.
The Bryansk region has an impressive raw material base. There are significant reserves of mineral construction raw materials (sands, clays, tripoli, chalk) for the building materials and glass industries. The region is rich in peat reserves. There are significant reserves of phosphate-containing ores for the production of mineral fertilizers. One of the largest is the Polpinskoye deposit of phosphorite ores.
Recently, the Unecha-Krapivenskoye ore-placer field of phosphate titanium-zirconium sands was discovered in the Bryansk region. This is a new type of strategically valuable raw material for the production of titanium, zirconium, phosphates and other rare elements, as well as phosphorus pentoxide. All this has stable demand and is sold at high prices, both in the domestic and world markets. 18
The magazine “Expert” for 2005 No. 44 provided a rating of the investment attractiveness of regions. Appendix B shows the rank of investment risk for the Bryansk region. As can be seen from the application, the Bryansk region among 89 regions has a risk rank of 70. This place was secured due to high economic risk - 84 rank and economic risk - 72 rank. The positive thing is that the regulatory risk is very low. Appendix B shows the investment potential of the Bryansk region. 47th place was secured by the Bryansk region primarily due to its natural resource base.
Unfortunately, the situation with attracting investors to our region cannot be radically changed immediately. It takes long, painstaking work to create the most positive image of the Bryansk region so that both Russian and foreign businessmen know about it.
At first glance, economic, political and social processes in Russia are conducive to improving the investment climate in the regions. Good indicators of Russia's economic development and increased investment volumes have led to the long-awaited process of accelerated renewal of fixed assets. Nevertheless, half of the regions maintain chronic budget deficits and are unable to fully fulfill the constitutional functions entrusted to the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation without the help of the federal center. This situation also has a negative impact on the investment climate of the regions. In June 2005, the Ministry of Regional Development presented to the government a new “Concept of the strategy for the socio-economic development of regions of the Russian Federation,” which focuses on the differentiated development of regions, the actual consolidation of their role in the Russian economy and the territorial structure of the economy. The “Concept” is primarily about the priority development of two types of regions – “core” and “growth poles”. “Opornye” are the largest, economically developed regions of Russia. “Growth Poles” are dynamically developing medium and small regions. State support, as provided for in the Concept, will be provided primarily to such regions. Based on research provided by the Expert magazine, the Bryansk region, according to the rating results, is classified as a “problem” region. “Problem” regions include regions that have underutilized growth resources due to a worse investment climate and lack of investment. With an increase in investment attractiveness, the largest of them can become “poles”, and the small ones can become “points” of growth.
Thus, dividing regions according to the principle of investment attractiveness makes it possible to more substantively formulate the basic principles of the new regional policy of “polarized development”, as well as stimulate regional authorities to take more energetic action to improve the investment climate.
Due to the peculiarities of socio-political and economic development, the Bryansk region has turned out to be a region where social issues require the closest attention from both the authorities and public organizations. Unfortunately, a high rate of inflation remains, which contributes to a decrease in the effective demand of the population. Quite a high wage arrears, which are already extremely low, especially in regional centers and villages.
Another problem is population decline, which significantly exceeds its natural increase. Table 1 shows the number of births, deaths and natural increase.

Table 1
Births, deaths and natural increase, people 19
Rural population

2005 3560 11020 -7460 2006 3681 10091 -6410
Over the past five years, the number of residents has decreased in all cities and districts of the region. Natural population growth was not observed in any of them. For example, in 2005, the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births in the region as a whole amounted to 14.5 thousand people, in 2000 – 14.0 thousand. Human. In 2005, 12,009 babies were born in the region, which is 7,000 fewer than in 1990. Particularly high mortality rates were noted in the southwestern regions of the region, which were most affected by the Chernobyl disaster. In all regions of the Bryansk region, in addition to high mortality, there is a massive outflow of young people leaving for other cities (mainly Bryansk and Moscow) in search of a better life. Table 2 shows population migration.

table 2
Population migration (persons) 20

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Dropouts – total of them:
within Russia
within the region
to other regions
to other countries












The number of labor resources as of January 1, 2007 amounted to 790.1 thousand people, of which 604.2 thousand people were employed in the economy. The situation on the labor market remains stable. The level of unemployment officially registered by the employment service was 1.8% of the economically active population (as of January 1, 2006 - 1.9%). As of January 1, 2007, the number of unemployed people registered with the employment service was 11.8 thousand people (as of January 1, 2006 - 12.2 thousand people).
Thus, the Bryansk region is one of those regions where social problems require the closest attention from all government structures and public organizations.
Practice recent years showed that the further development of the regional economy and overcoming negative trends in the social sphere largely depends on the constructive interaction and cooperation of government authorities and business.

2.2 Legislative acts in force in the Bryansk region for business development
Russia has firmly set its course towards integration into the world community. For the full development of the economy, we need not only large, but medium and small businesses. The role and significance of small business is most fully revealed by analyzing its political, economic and social significance. Thus, in the sphere of political relations, small business has an active influence on political stability in society. Being the most numerous class, representatives of small businesses either form their own political views or become the object of the struggle of various political forces for votes. In the economic sphere, small enterprises, continuously adapting to market conditions, quickly respond to the constantly changing needs of society. In the social sphere, small business is the fundamental basis for the formation of the middle class and, therefore, helps to weaken the tendency towards social differentiation inherent in a market economy and smooth out contradictions between the richest and poorest segments of the population. And this is one of the most pressing problems of modern Russian society. World experience shows the need for government support for small businesses.
The level of development of small businesses in the Bryansk region is relatively low, and yet in countries with strong economies the lion's share of the budget is formed precisely by small and medium-sized businesses.
Serious problems for the development of this sector of the economy are the lack of a well-developed legal framework, the presence of contradictions between legislation, practical business activities and the tax system, and moral pressure from regulatory authorities. Along with the issues of tax redistribution, there are a number of other problems that hinder the stabilization of business activity. These include administrative barriers, business security, primarily legal. Despite the existing difficulties, the Bryansk region is quite actively working to support small businesses. The most striking example is the resolution of the Bryansk Region Administration “On the elimination of administrative barriers in the development of entrepreneurship,” as a result of which unscheduled inspections of enterprises by regulatory authorities are prohibited.

The essence of the relationship between business and government should be considered from the point of view of interdependence, which includes the benefit of a third party, namely society. Considering business as “a system of economic management that involves the production (or some part) of goods or services with the aim of making a profit.” However, it is obvious that running any kind of enterprise requires “rules of the game”, which are established and regulated by government agencies. The state also creates the necessary conditions for external and internal relations of enterprises not only with their institutions, but also among themselves, as well as at the international level. The creation of such conditions and rules can only come from the state; entrepreneurs themselves cannot create them.

The reform process in Russia has been going on for decades. Reforms affect all spheres of society, including economic and social ones. The development of entrepreneurship in a country depends on how effectively it is carried out public policy in the field of socio-economic development. Ensuring sustainable business development can be characterized by the following factors: the regulatory framework, regulation of the implementation of laws, regulation by the state in the field of relationships between sectors of the economy, decisions of meetings of the State Council of the Russian Federation, government resolutions in relation to business-related areas, etc.

Tasks for modernizing the economy and political system are becoming increasingly relevant along with the growing influence of the challenges facing to improve the efficiency of the mechanisms of interaction between the business sector and public government structures, which affect both the social and economic development of the country. There are several forms and models of interaction between business and government authorities. Due to the fact that it is the state that has the right to establish the “rules” of this interaction, entrepreneurs need to be able to influence decisions made that are directly related to their activities and their regulation. Through various regulations and laws, businesses have the opportunity to convey their point of view to government officials, receive the necessary information from authorities and receive assistance in matters related to the implementation of their activities.

Considering the interaction between entrepreneurs and authorities as a coordinated partnership in the sphere of regulation of social and economic relations, we can highlight the focus on the following: increasing current state economic entities, maximizing the social effect of such improvement. If these areas are successfully implemented in legal relations, both sides benefit: the business structure, whose field of activity is interested in maximizing commercial benefits, increases profits, and for the authorities, the result of such a partnership is to receive additional support from society, which can also indirectly benefit from quality of services or benefits.

The sphere of relationships between business and government touches on many areas of knowledge, such as state and municipal management, economic sociology, political economy and jurisprudence (constitutional and municipal law) and others. To date, many works have been devoted to the study of this area of ​​interaction, each of which provides the author’s approach to identifying types of interaction between entrepreneurs and authorities. However, among them there are some that stand out, which are found in many authors.

Next, we will consider the most common ones, namely: participation of the business community in the management of state affairs, transfer of state powers to business representatives, social partnership, public-private partnership. When describing each species, reference will be given to the authors who carried out the most detailed review.

The source of power in a democratic state is the population, which can take part in government power. Therefore, the business community, as part of the country’s population, is also interested in promoting its interests, which is possible through participation in government affairs.

Business can take part in public administration through advisory and consultative bodies, which are created under separate government bodies or independently, in accordance with the current Russian legislation: in the Constitution of the Russian Federation See: Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993)

The GARANT system: enshrines the fundamental rights of all groups of the population that have the right to ideological diversity, equality of public associations (Article 13), guaranteed freedom of thought, speech and mass information (Article 29), the right to associate to protect their interests (Article 30), the right to participate in public administration themselves or through representatives (Article 32), the right to appeal to state and municipal bodies (Article 33). All these rights are the basis for entering into relations with the state to represent one’s interests See: Shokhin A.N. Monograph / scientific editor and head of the team of authors Shokhin A.N. Business and power in Russia: theory and practice of interaction M.: Publishing house. House of the Higher School of Economics, 2011 - Page. 97.

There are several examples of this kind of organizations: the “Council for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” was created under the Government of the Moscow Region. See: (similar councils were created under the governments of many regions and regions of the country), the Public Council under Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation See:, Public Council for Small Business under the Governor of St. Petersburg See:, All-Russian public organization "SUPPORT OF RUSSIA" See. :, Moscow International Business Association See:, “Business Russia” See: On the business side, there are usually representatives of various large, small and medium-sized companies who express the interests of the entire private sector. Participation in such meetings gives businesses the opportunity to present an opinion on issues of interest in various areas of their activities, to offer their point of view on various aspects affecting their interests, as well as influence government decisions regarding the regulatory framework.

The role of such organizations is especially important for the development of small and medium-sized businesses one by one main reason: This is the only option to convey your point of view to the authorities. After all, most large business companies usually have a direct dialogue with the state (either a large company is state-owned, or the company conducts its business throughout the country and the state does not put pressure on or interfere with this activity under certain agreements). In other words, such meetings are similar to meetings round table, in which representatives of various parties take part. Decisions made during meetings usually satisfy all participants.

Also, the participation of entrepreneurs in government affairs can occur in the form of their participation (or their official representatives) in conducting an independent examination of bills See: GR for effective business / A.B. Shatilov, A.S. Nikitin. - M.: Forum, 2011. - pp. 114-117, which is also aimed at eliminating corruption from this process. Such interaction allows the authorities to obtain an objective and independent assessment of the bill, which can subsequently influence decision-making on certain issues affecting the interests of both parties.

The next type of business participation in government affairs is lobbying. What “lobbying” is can be defined in both a broad and narrow sense. In a broader sense, lobbying is an activity aimed at achieving the goals of an interested group of people. The economic dictionary provides a more specific definition: “lobbying is an activity aimed at informing politicians about the views of various interest groups and agitating them for the preparation of relevant laws or voting for these laws” See: Economics. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "The Whole World". J. Black. General editor: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M. 2000.. In other words, lobbying is the process of influence of entrepreneurs on decision-making by public authorities. However, it is worth noting that politicians can influence various sectors of the economy. It should also be said that Russia has not yet developed a clear attitude towards the issue of lobbying and its regulation. Foreign experience shows that in some countries lobbying is legally legalized as a type of activity (USA, Canada). In European countries, the attitude towards lobbying is negative, due to the fact that it is seen as an open form of corruption (Germany, France).

Another type of interaction between business and government is the delegation of state or local powers to the business sector by authorities See: Vasilyeva A. F. Delegation of state functions to subjects of private law / A. F. Vasilyeva // Jurisprudence, 2008, N No. 2.-P.65-75. Here it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between the concepts of “delegation” and “transfer”, since in the first case, powers in the case of delegation are granted to the private sector for a certain period. In the case of transfer of powers, the transferred powers are completely “transferred” to the jurisdiction of another object. See: the federal law"On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" dated 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ, art. 19. In the present case with any business structure, then the transfer cannot be carried out.

The relationship between government bodies, local authorities and entrepreneurs is not limited only to issues economic sphere, but also affects the social sphere. This is based on the fact that the state’s social policy covers many areas of citizens’ activities, including the labor relations sector. Therefore, in matters of regulating labor relations between employees and employers and state (municipal) bodies, it is customary to consider this type of relationship as a social partnership. This form of interaction is most often mentioned in textbooks on the discipline “labor economics”. The role of state and municipal bodies is to regulate these relations through legislation in this area ( Labor Code RF, federal laws regarding the ILO), as well as in ensuring the implementation of agreements See: Labor Economics: Textbook / Ed. Yu.P. Kokina, P.E. Shlender. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Master, 2008. pp. 654-670.

Speaking about social partnership, it is worth noting such a component as the social responsibility of entrepreneurship See: Novichkov, A. V. Social responsibility of business in the system of market relations: Monograph / A. V. Novichkov, A. A. Sarafannikov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2012. - Page 31. In the course of its activities, a business must understand that in addition to such a guideline as “profit”, there is also a social aspect. Businesses must understand that the success and efficiency of the enterprise’s functioning in the market depends on the corporate image in the eyes of citizens.

The creation of corporate funds, which are aimed at solving a number of social issues, should be supported by the state by reducing administrative barriers, which in one way or another may prevent the implementation of agreements between the business community and government bodies. These agreements are aimed not only at creating conditions for solving social problems, but also at stimulating companies to pursue a socially oriented policy See: Evgenia Vladimirovna Nekhoda DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL-LABOR RELATIONS IN MODERN CONDITIONS // Vestn. Volume. state un-ta. 2004. No. 283. Page 152 (pp. 152-158).

There are several prerequisites for socially responsible entrepreneurship. Firstly, in relation to society, the entrepreneur is responsible as the owner of the property that is at his disposal. Secondly, in many countries of the world, the main legislative acts spell out the principles of mutual responsibility between the state and society, including the business community, namely the ideas of social justice and social responsibility (the Constitution of the Russian Federation). Thirdly, economic prerequisites: since the business community is part of society, it enjoys many public goods that are created by the state. Therefore, business must make some contribution to the economic and social development of the country. An analogue of this form of interaction between business and the state in Western countries is corporate citizenship See: Vasilyeva S.V. Social responsibility of business. Collection: Constitution, law and social sphere of society, materials of the scientific and practical conference. Moscow, December 1, 2008 - M. IZiSP.: Publishing House "Jurisprudence", 2009. Pp. 20..

The next important form of interaction between business and government is public-private partnership (hereinafter referred to as PPP). At the present stage, PPP is used in many areas of activity. The concept of “public-private partnership” is very controversial and does not yet have a common understanding of its content, which has been noted by many researchers in the field of economics, sociology and state and municipal management.

However, referring to some works, one can note some consistency in some PPP issues. For example, in Russian textbooks See: Public-private partnership: theory and practice: tutorial/ V. G. Varnavsky, A. V. Klimenko, V. A. Korolev, A. V. Bazhenov, A. M. Vorotnikov. - M.: National Research University graduate School Economics, 2010. - pp. 12-14. Access mode: (access date 04/19/2014). See: Varnavsky, V. G. Mechanisms of public-private partnership: textbook / V. G. Varnavsky. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2013. - Page. 23, Access mode: (access date 04/19/2014). In recent years, a definition of public-private partnership has been given as “a form of interaction between state or municipal authorities in order to implement socially significant tasks.”

Scientists also have ambivalent attitudes towards the content of PPP, namely its forms and types. Some consider public, economic and social partnership as one of the types of PPP See: Ignatyuk, N. A. Public-private partnership: textbook / N. A. Ignatyuk. - M.: Justitsinform, 2012. - Page. 20 . In this case, the form of interaction between government and business, social partnership, that we considered earlier can be classified as a type of PPP. In another case, public-private partnership can be characterized by such forms as See: Public-private partnership: theory and practice: textbook / V. G. Varnavsky, A. V. Klimenko, V. A. Korolev, A. V. Bazhenov, A. M. Vorotnikov. - M.: National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2010. - pp. 35-50. See: Varnavsky, V. G. Mechanisms of public-private partnership: textbook / V. G. Varnavsky. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2013. - Page. 37-50: concessions, contractual agreements, rent. The differences between the forms lie in the content and regulation of relations between the private sector and the state.

On the issue of legislative regulation of public-private partnerships, everything is very clear: the first bill on federal regulation of PPP is still under consideration (Draft Federal Law No. 238827-6 “On the fundamentals of public-private partnerships in the Russian Federation”). This project provides a definition of the very concept of PPP, a definition of the parties and their rights and obligations, and a definition of some framework for the activities of the parties.

However, in the absence of a current law, today it is possible to consider other legal acts in the field of PPP regulation, such as: Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 115-FZ “On Concession Agreements” Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 115-FZ “On Concession Agreements” // SZ RF. 2005. No. 30 (part II). Art. 3126 (as last amended), Federal Law of December 30, 1995 225-FZ “On Production Sharing Agreements” Federal Law of July 17, 2009 No. 145-FZ “On the State Company “Russian Highways” and on Amendments into individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation” // SZ RF. 2009. No. 29. Art. 3582., Federal Law of July 21, 2005 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs" (lost its force, replaced by Federal Law of April 5, 2013 44-FZ " On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs"), regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities.

Thus, public-private partnership is seen as a way to attract the private sector to solve state tasks, On the one side. On the other hand, contractual agreements for the provision of services by government agencies from the private sector. In the first case, the presence of a contract is not necessary, since the involvement of business structures can manifest itself as financing of joint property, public infrastructure. See: Porovskaya A. Ya., Theoretical foundations of public-private partnership at the current stage of development of the Russian economy // Vestn. Volume. state un-ta. 2008. No. 312, pp. 146-149 See: Kholodnaya N.D., Public-private partnership - a new type of relationship in the Russian economy // Issues of state and municipal management. 2009. No. 2. Page. 42-56.. In both cases, an important characteristic is the implementation of socially significant projects, during which the interests of the parties (state-business-society) and the risks associated with implementation are taken into account, resources and efforts are coordinated.


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