DIY Japanese curtains. Chinese style curtains: the secret of luxurious simplicity Application in interior design

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Oriental elements in European interiors appeared several centuries ago, and since then they have not ceased to be relevant. Japanese and Chinese styles are increasingly used by designers in decorating rooms.

An important element of such decor is textiles, which must meet the requirements east direction, have the desired texture and pattern.

Chinese curtains in the interior are an opportunity to create many variations of window decor.

Distinctive features

Initially, curtains were hung on windows to protect the room and its owner from sun rays, But Chinese curtains are not intended for this.

Their task is to fence off the space of the room from the outside world, to create cozy place, in which unsightly street scenery will not interfere.

This window design is not complicated; in fact, such a curtain is just a piece of fabric made to match the width of the window opening.

This curtain is secured with tapes, so it can be placed at any level.

Such textiles do not require additional design; the main element here is the fabric. The design of Chinese curtains is very laconic, while being as elegant as possible.

Options for decoration

There are several options for Chinese curtains that can be hung in almost any room. Depending on the fabric chosen, they can decorate the living room, bedroom, nursery or kitchen.

Most often, tapes or braid are used for fixation. For your home, you can choose one of the following design options:

Curtains made of vintage fabric decorated with embroidery or gilding are well suited for a bedroom or living room.

  • A room in a minimalist style will be decorated with curtains made of translucent material. It is better to choose a plain fabric; it will add elegance to the room.
  • You can add more originality to your window decor using intricate ribbons. They can be decorated with embroidery, beads or rhinestones. If you attach a weighting agent to the end of a piece of fabric, then the curtain can be assembled into a roll.
  • If the curtains are in chinese style hang on hooks, additional waves will be created on the fabric.
  • More complex, but also more original solution The windows will be decorated with several curtains at once. To do this, it will be necessary to fix different fabrics at different levels.

As you can see from the examples of photos of Chinese curtains, their variety is almost limitless. Colors, patterns, textures and their combinations create many possibilities for window decoration.

That is why you can always create an interior that will be in fashion.

Making curtains with your own hands

As mentioned earlier, Chinese-style curtains are not difficult to make, which is why their manufacture does not require special training and is possible at home.

First you need to prepare all the materials that will be needed, and these are: two pieces of fabric with different patterns, fabric for ribbons, a wooden round strip with a diameter of 2 cm, a small wooden beam, screws and a tool for tightening them, a pencil and a meter, needles and threads.

When everything is ready, let's get to work:

Need to measure right size. To do this, measure the width and height of the window. To the first parameter add 9 cm, which will go to the seams, and to the second parameter add 3 cm.

Two fabrics with different drawings folded It will be internal and outside. The seams should be folded inward, and a small pocket should be left at the bottom for the weighting material.

Now the fabric needs to be connected to the beam that will secure the curtain. To do this, wood is placed on top of the textile, the edges of the fabric are folded and the structure is fastened with a stapler or small nails.

Attached to the top of the window opening wooden block. Now you can secure the tapes at the level you need.

The set of Chinese curtains is ready. This technology will not require much time and effort, and your window will be decorated with designer curtains.

This is the simplest and most concise way to decorate a window, which will probably never go out of style.

Photos of Chinese curtains in the interior

Reading time: 3 minutes

Chinese style in interior design is one of the most ancient in the history of interior design. It reflects the philosophy of the great Confucius and the immortal theory of the flow of energy Feng Shui. It is characterized by simplicity and restraint, purity of colors and recognizable symbolism. Chinese-style curtains in interiors where peace reigns and time stands still.

Chinese style in textiles

Textile supports special atmosphere premises. The walls can be upholstered in thin scarlet silk, a red carpet is often placed on the floor, and low furniture is decorated with shining gold pillows.

Red is undoubtedly the dominant color in Chinese interiors. It has always symbolized good luck and well-being for all household members. However, bold color solutions are quite acceptable in design: often blue, yellow, and green tones act as color accents. The inclusion of black gives a special elegance; gold adds shine and luxury.

An indispensable attribute of the Chinese style is folding screens for rooms. Lightweight structures consisting of several sections can be covered with bright or neutral fabric. Often there are prints with hieroglyphs.

Curtains in this amazing style are not designed to block out bright light. Lightweight, translucent, they allow the good energy of the sun into the house, cover the unfortunate view from the window and actively participate in the creation harmonious interior.

It should be noted that beautiful landscape outside the window is often included in the general ensemble. In this case, the possibility of free contemplation is provided.

Design of curtains and fabrics

Chinese curtains are incredibly simple and elegant. Their design is devoid of any frills; lambrequins and lush multi-layering are alien to it. However, the style involves the use of expensive, collectible translucent fabrics.

IN ancient China The windows were covered with colored rice paper. This tradition can be traced in modern designs. Curtains are simple canvases, a width not exceeding the window opening, and a length level with the window sill or below it.

Curtains consist of one or more panels. They can be hung on a wooden or metal cornice, or they can do without it. Sometimes light species are hung on hooks.

Ribbons or braid are usually sewn vertically on both sides to the canvas a third of the length. The result is decorative garters that have a practical purpose: they secure the fabric at the desired height. These details are the only decoration of Chinese curtains. They can be bright and contrasting, trimmed with glass beads or sequins. Sometimes ribbons are decorated with tassels or fringes. In addition, they can be tied with flirty bows or complex knots.

Sometimes a straight cornice is sewn to the bottom of the curtains. It acts as a weighting agent and straightens the canvas. When lifted, this design resembles roller blinds.

Light curtains do not have any lifting mechanisms; they are lifted and secured with tapes manually.

Where is this style appropriate?

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They are smooth and perfectly even fabrics that express restraint and emphasize rigor in the design of the room. These canvases do not contain any decorative elements, they have no design, and besides, the curtains themselves are most often made of a plain material. That is why making Japanese curtains with your own hands is often not difficult.

The most difficult thing in the functionality and execution of this type of curtain is the cornice, but you can buy it in the store. Special sewing skills are also not required to create such curtains. Before you start sewing, you need to make certain measurements.

To count the quantity required material To make this type of curtains, you need to measure the window opening or that part of the room that will be separated by these curtains. Measurements must be taken from the cornice line to the floor, or to the level where the end of the canvas is planned. This way the length of the required panel for sewing curtains is determined. A few centimeters must be added to the measured length to process the edges and cuts of the fabric.

To determine the width required quantity The canvas should be measured by the width of the window opening or guided by the length of the cornice. The measured value must be converted to centimeters.

For example, 3 m 60 cm is 3 x 100 + 60 = 360 cm.

This manipulation is necessary for a more convenient and simple calculation of the number of fabric cuts. This style does not allow voluminous curtains, so the width of one fabric section most often does not exceed 60 cm. Occasionally, if the width of the window opening is very large, for example, a glazed wall, a fabric screen width of 1 m is allowed. When to create Japanese curtains for a regular window opening it is necessary stick to 60 cm.

The resulting value for the width of the window opening in centimeters must be divided by 60. For example, 360 divided by 60 equals 6. This means that for the previously measured width of the window opening, which was 3 m 60 cm, six fabric screens of 60 cm each are needed.

If the value is not divisible by 60 without a remainder (for example, when dividing 370 cm by 60 there will be a remainder of 10 cm, when dividing 390 cm by 60 there will be a remainder of 30, and so on), you need to round the resulting value up by adding to it one unit. For example, the width of the window opening was 3 m 85 cm. This means that the width of the window opening is 385 cm.

385 / 60 = 6 and the remainder is 25 cm.

This means that you need to add one to the resulting value of 6 (it indicates the number of required fabric cuts).

This means that for a window opening measuring 3 m 85 cm, 7 fabric cuts are needed. In this case, they will overlap slightly, partially covering each other. Japanese style allows such an arrangement of individual segments of this type of curtain.

How to calculate the amount of material needed

Knowing the length and number of screens, it is easy to calculate the amount of material needed. It is best to choose a canvas whose width is 60 cm. Having purchased such a canvas, the need for additional processing edges and cut.

A material whose width is 120 cm will not work, since it cannot be divided into 2 canvases of 60 cm each, because the cuts made will need to be processed, and this will take several centimeters from each edge. It is best to choose a cloth with a width of 140 cm if you could not find a cloth with a width of 60 cm. By cutting a cloth with a width of 140 cm into 2, you get two pieces of 70 cm each. This means that 5 cm is required for processing one side of the side cut. This is enough to carefully and beautifully process the cut.

Having chosen the width of the required material, you need to dial in the correct amount of length. The length of the selected fabric for one Japanese panel is the length of the panel itself plus 10 cm for processing the bottom edge and top cut. The resulting figure must be multiplied by the number of fabric cuts, and if the selected fabric has a width of 140 cm, you can divide the resulting value by 2 and round it to the larger side.

As an example, below we will show calculations of the amount of panel required for a window opening 385 cm wide, for which, as was previously calculated, 7 fabric panels are needed. IN in this example The distance between the cornice and the floor is 215 cm.

So, to sew blinds you need 7 fabric panels 60 cm wide and 215 cm long.

The length of the panel for sewing one panel is 215 + 10 cm = 225 cm. You need 7 such cuts.

225 * 7 = 1645 cm. This is the length of the fabric that will be required to sew curtains for this window opening.

If the material for sewing has a width of 60 cm, then you should buy 1645 cm of this fabric. Slightly rounded given value, it turns out 16.5 meters of fabric.

If the selected material has a width of 140 cm, for a given window opening, 1645 cm should be divided by 2.

1645 / 2 = 822.5 cm of canvas. Rounding the value a little, we get 8.25 meters of fabric.

Which material to choose

Creating curtains in this style requires a panel made of natural fabrics: cotton or linen. It was from such materials that such curtains were originally sewn. Therefore, when sewing such curtains, you should choose only natural fabrics. Due to the particular location of the screens, it is desirable that the fabrics be heavy. In addition, it is necessary that they do not stretch over time.

Besides, required condition when choosing fabrics - their ideal smoothness with the absence of any folds. The material must be perfectly ironed and even, there should not be a single bend or fold on it. Particular attention should be paid to this point in fabric processing.

Other required materials

List of materials (except fabric) required for sewing Japanese curtains:

  • thread to match the cloth - a whole spool, and if it is not possible to buy one - several spools;
  • Velcro for attaching curtains to the curtain rod;
  • weights.

In addition, you may need sewing pins to attach the Velcro or thread to baste it.

width of one panel * per number of panels = length of required Velcro.

For the above example, you need 7 * 60 = 420 cm of Velcro. It is better to take a little more - about 450 cm.

Special ones can be bought in specialized stores or ordered online. Their number is equal to the number of fabric panels, and the width should be selected based on the width of one piece of fabric.

Master class on sewing Japanese curtains

The first step in sewing curtains must be the purchase of a special cornice. If you sew curtains in a strict style, but without buying a special cornice, which, by the way, is almost impossible to make yourself, you will not be able to hang them and use them.

The second stage will be to attach the cornice in the place above the window opening.

The third stage will be processing the fabric. To begin with, the canvas must be cut into panels. When cutting the canvas, you should remember that allowances must be made on all edges to process the cuts. An exception is the purchase of fabric 60 cm wide. In this case, allowances should be made only for processing the upper and lower cuts

When the material is cut into pieces, the next (fourth) stage of processing will be thorough ironing. This stage cannot be neglected, otherwise instead of strict curtains in Japanese style there will be wrinkled pieces of fabric covering the window.

The fifth stage will be processing the cut. If side cuts need to be processed, they are done first. When the side cuts are processed, you can begin processing the top and bottom cuts.

Velcro is sewn to the top one. This is done like this: the top edge is folded twice the width of the Velcro. In this case, the cut should be hidden inside the seam. It is necessary to first stitch the fold of the cut, and then attach Velcro to it. Before attaching the Velcro, it is advisable to baste it or pin it with pins, since it may move out during attachment. Velcro is sewn on the wrong side of the material. When processing, all edges are wrapped on the wrong side.

The next (sixth) stage of processing the curtains will be processing the bottom edge. It must be sewn up in the form of a drawstring so that a weighting agent can be inserted into the resulting fabric pocket. It is necessary to maintain curtains in a perfectly even and smooth condition.

The seventh and final stage of making blinds will be attaching them to the cornice. As mentioned above, a special cornice is needed for these purposes.

As can be seen from the information described in this article, stitching panels requires very precise counting and calculation. Sewing such curtains with your own hands is not that difficult, however, this process requires a certain level of quality and accuracy. The above step-by-step instruction included all stages of manufacturing this type of curtain. Curtains made in a simple style greatly emphasize the elegance and strict style of the room. Such curtains are suitable for decorating guest rooms, bedrooms, and they are also used to create cafes and restaurants in oriental style. When decorating rooms with such curtains, you must adhere to the style in the design of other elements. When choosing this style for a room, you need to consult with a designer or conduct research on this topic. In addition, all design elements must match each other, which should be kept in mind when choosing colors.

An oriental-style interior can turn your home into Scheherazade's palace, where every item will be a delight for the soul. Europeans liked beautiful curtains that gave home comfort, a long time ago.

Oriental-style curtains were at the peak of popularity in the 19th century. Bright textiles are moderately exotic. These things are embodied cultural traditions mysterious East. Refined notes are skillfully used modern designers to create unique masterpieces.

The Brilliant East: territorial differences

  • The Arab East is characterized by a colorful palette, contrasting combinations of shades, and all kinds of ornaments.
  • The Buddhist East is characterized by restraint, its main characteristic- conciseness. This is what attracts fans of minimalism. Pastel shades the palette gives balance and tenderness.

For many, the East is associated with luxury and abundance. This idea is true, but not always.

When choosing curtains, it is important to decide on your own preferences. What is closer to you: the mysterious and soulful atmosphere of Arabian fairy tales or the incomparable Japanese flavor.

Fabric selection

If you decide to sew curtains with an oriental character, study the varieties of textiles. This design direction allows you to use almost any material. Give free rein to your imagination, and then the result will exceed all your expectations.

Professional designers suggest paying attention to the following fabrics:

  • Atlas. The fabrics are silky to the touch and softly take the desired shape.
  • Silk. Material brought from China is comparable to masterpieces contemporary art. Fabric with impeccable quality looks very rich.
  • Brocade. The chic material is an attractive option for all fans of glamor. Brocade curtains can become the main accent in a room.
  • Organza. The iridescent fabric can captivate anyone who looks at it in the light of the moon.
  • Damask. The fabric, in which threads are intertwined: matte and shiny, perfectly conveys all the richness of oriental color.

In these curtains you will find bright colors, fancy monograms and interesting patterns. Take a look at the photo of oriental style curtains. Among the popular models, the leading ones are curtains decorated with multi-colored patterns.

If heavy curtains for some reason do not suit you, choose products made from translucent fabric. Voile and organza with patterns make it possible to create airiness and lightness in the interior. The versatility of the East is truly limitless.

Accessories and color palette

Decorative elements - fringe with tassels - serve to decorate designer creations. Additionally, you can take other decor, such as rhinestones or beads. Shiny canvases look fabulously rich.

Colors include 2 color schemes: bright and neutral. The first group of shades allows you to create spectacular contrasts, which allows you to achieve a resemblance to the luxury of the palace of the padishah. The second palette includes delicate tones. All of them are distinguished by tenderness and softness, and white color there is a special role to play here.

As for the geography of the East, it is huge. There are many countries represented here, and they all have a unique national culture. Each product has its own niche in the oriental interior.

The fabulous world of Indian curtains

Textiles from India surprise with their extraordinary diversity. You won't find two identical paintings here. The fabric embodies cheerfulness and warmth. Indians value natural fabrics, which are environmentally friendly materials.

Indian curtains are best made from linen, bamboo, silk or cotton. Colorful colors will not let you get bored.

The products are impossible to miss. They attract attention with bright texture patterns, original images, and interesting decorative elements.

Arabian curtains, personifying the sophistication and pomp of the mysterious East

Arabs, more than other representatives of the East, tend to emphasize luxury and pomp. The basis for curtains is expensive fabrics such as brocade or silk. For curtains, Arabs choose dark colors: dark blue, red and green. Products are decorated with gilded or metallized decor. Curtains are characterized by the use of lambrequins, tassels, fringes and plaits. All these elements should be exclusively in gold to emphasize the wealth in the house. Arabic curtains are ideal for decoration window openings conference rooms, concert halls and living rooms.

A suitable solution for minimalism – Japanese models

Modest in appearance, the curtains are constantly being improved. Today, Japanese curtains can be found not only in delicate shades, but also in bright designs, decorated with ornaments. However, the idea - to combine curtains with a minimalist style - remains unchanged.

Japanese curtains should not have too many accessories. Avoid any display of excess. Japanese curtains to the living room - perfect solution, allowing you to combine minimalism with sophistication.

Chinese version

Chinese curtains for a nursery, kitchen or bedroom are a piece of fabric that is cut to fit the size of the window opening. The curtain has several garters in different places. Fix the curtains with tape. Products are sewn mainly from translucent fabrics.

To forget about the hustle and bustle and work, give preference to oriental textiles, which will allow you to go into a beautiful fairy tale.

Photo of oriental curtains

In modern interior design there is a craze for the Asian East. The trend is clean straight lines, natural colors, natural materials, simplicity, practicality. Chinese curtains answer all this. And with the variety of modern fabrics, choosing beautiful oriental clothes for a window will not be difficult.

Chinese curtains are often confused with Japanese fabric panels, but it is easy to distinguish them. Chinese models do not fall below the window sill and are rolled up. Japanese ones move apart, and their classic length is to the floor.

What are they?

To sew Chinese curtains, it is advisable to use natural cotton or silk fabrics in non-garish colors.

Classic Chinese-style curtains are rectangular single or double (lined) canvases that, when opened, are rolled into a roll or simply gathered into arbitrary horizontal folds, and when closed they completely cover the window opening. There is a drawstring along the bottom edge of the curtain, through which a wooden strip is threaded. This technique allows the curtains to constantly remain taut, swaying only slightly from air currents.

Vertical tiebacks - ribbons or narrow strips of fabric - help regulate lighting. As a rule, tiebacks are made of fabric in a contrasting color. This color scheme gives the product a finished look and special charm.

At their core, Chinese curtains are a type of roll filters. Or rather, their primary sources: the history of the first goes back more than one thousand years, and the second appeared only in the middle of the 20th century and inspired designers to create modern roll filters with a roller on which the fabric is wound and an automatic lifting mechanism.

Using tiebacks, the canvas is either rolled up or gathered into horizontal soft folds, as in the photo.

Chinese curtains are never equipped with an electric drive. Raising and lowering is carried out only manually.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chinese models are also suitable for roof windows.

The main advantage of Chinese curtains is their unique oriental charm. We are not talking about the Arab East with its pomp, luxury, abundance of gold and silver in the interior, but the Asian East, where naturalness, simplicity, and laconicism are at the forefront.

Unlike the same light filters, Chinese rolls look cozy and homely. Another advantage is that such work will take no more than 2-3 hours and you will need little fabric. It is also important that they take up minimal space, leaving the window sill free.

The disadvantages of “Chinese” curtains include the fact that they provide poor protection from the sun and do not combine with other curtains. One can argue with these statements. The level of light protection of Chinese models is the same as all others lifting curtains. It depends on the material of manufacture. And numerous photos confirm that, if desired, Chinese curtains can be successfully combined with tulle, curtains, and horizontal blinds.

What materials are they made from?

Any fabric is suitable, harmonizing in texture and color with the rest of the textiles. Oriental interiors gravitate toward everything natural; it is preferable to use materials from natural fibers, such as:

  • cotton;
  • matting;

Mixed varieties with a small addition of synthetics are allowed.

Bamboo on windows in the interior

Bamboo straw is one of the most environmentally friendly, versatile materials.

I would like to highlight this as a separate variety - a very interesting design find. In terms of functionality, they are close to blinds, but lack the coldness and impersonality of a typical office environment.

They will be the logical completion of any room decorated with oriental flair: Chinese, Japanese, colonial. Replacing bamboo with thin ones wooden planks receive an original window decoration for a country, African, Indian, Arabic interior.

What interiors are they suitable for?

Contrary to popular belief, Chinese curtains go well with drapes.

Chinese curtains look harmonious in different interiors. The main thing is to choose the right fabric, since the impression of the curtains mainly depends on this aspect. The exception is luxurious, obviously expensive interiors, such as Rococo, Baroque, Classicism, Empire, Arabic oriental and the like.

Let's look at the most popular options:

  • a Chinese curtain made of satin with a large, soft floral print will become ideal option Provence;
  • chintz with small cheerful flowers is an integral part of the Russian hut;
  • checkered or striped curtains will be an excellent solution for country style;
  • blue-blue material will fit perfectly into a Mediterranean setting;
  • products made from bleached linen, decorated with rope tie-backs, reminiscent of ship sails, will create a marine flavor;
  • stripes of silk fabric with hieroglyphs perfectly suit the authentic Chinese design;
  • bright red-orange-green colors are always appropriate in an interior with characteristic African notes;
  • bamboo products will not seem foreign in any of the above interiors.

You can experiment endlessly: with the right choice of type and color of fabric and braid, “Chinese” will fit into all romantic, environmentally friendly or minimalist designs. It is only necessary to correctly observe combinations of colors, shapes and textures.

In which rooms are they appropriate?

You can decorate windows “Chinese style” in any room. The only difference is that in one case they will be enough, and in the other these simple curtains that do not protect very well from sunlight will have to be supplemented with partner models.


This window design is ideal for the kitchen.

In the kitchen, roller blinds, including Chinese ones, are most often used. There are many reasons for this:

  • the window sill remains free, it can be used as an additional work surface;
  • thanks to the weight strip in the drawstring, the structure does not flutter, so it can be hung on a window next to the stove without fear of fire;
  • easy care: a small piece of fabric is easy to wash and dries quickly.

Patas are one of the most common fastenings for oriental curtains.
A mesh tulle lambrequin will add originality to the window.


In a child's room, Chinese curtains are convenient for their safety. When raised, the curtain is at a height beyond the reach of a child. There is no chance that the baby will pull the fabric and collapse the structure. Even if this happens, due to its light weight, it is unlikely to seriously harm him. It is also convenient that their production requires a minimal amount of fabric, which means they collect less dust and are easy to wash. An important plus is economic benefit. Experts advise updating the interior of a child’s room more often; the simplest thing is to update the decor on the windows, and Chinese curtains are so cheap that changing such curtains is not expensive.

Chinese curtains meet the main condition that must be observed when decorating a children's room - their design is safe.
Transparent Chinese curtains made of the finest cambric in the little princess's room look incredibly delicate and elegant.


If you are a morning person, these curtains are perfect for your bedroom.

This design is suitable for a bedroom in two cases:

  • you wake up early, breaking through the gaps between the curtain and the window opening street light in the morning it doesn’t bother you at all;
  • do you mind decorating a window with Chinese curtains that are not of good quality? self-constructed, and in combination with curtains.

“Owls” will have to combine them with curtains that do not let in street light.

Balcony and loggia

On balconies and loggias, Chinese curtains are used almost as often as roll filters, because they have similar advantages: they can be installed on each frame separately, saving money usable area, leaving the window sill and the space under it free. The inconvenient thing is that such products do not come with automatic control, you will have to lift each curtain manually, and even tinker with the ties.

On balconies and loggias, Chinese curtains are almost as popular as roller filters.
They do not protect from light one hundred percent, but if necessary, they perfectly protect from views from the street.

Living room

The living room is the central room of the house. Often they try to make it “luxurious”. Simple Chinese curtains do not meet these goals, unless they are made of silk and designed in their own style. The exception is bamboo products, which are appropriate in almost any setting and so-called rural interiors: Provence, country, shabby chic, rustic. Such models are especially convenient in living rooms with a balcony (they do not interfere with free passage to the balcony and back).

In the living room and hall, Chinese models made of bamboo straw are mainly used.
Chinese curtains will become ideal solution for a window opening combined with a balcony door.

Elements traditional for an authentic Chinese interior: ornaments, draperies, Feng Shui accessories fit so harmoniously into European life that they began to be perceived by us as something completely natural. On the one hand, such an adaptation is regrettable; as we get used to oriental things that are unusual for the European mentality, we stop noticing their laconic sophistication. But on the other hand, it means that they are really convenient, practical and rightfully occupy their niche.

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