Forced to work on holidays. What to do if your employer forces you to work on weekends

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According to labor legislation, workers can be hired on weekends and non-working days (holidays) only if the employer has their written consent. At the same time, this is possible only in the event of any unforeseen circumstances or work that could not be foreseen in advance, and the normal functioning of the company or its branches depends on the urgency of their implementation. Such amendments were adopted in 2006. Their introduction was due to the fact that previously employers often abused their right to work on weekends and set in advance unrealistic deadlines for completing work or inflated targets, which is why many were required to go to work on weekends.

On weekends, it is possible to carry out work that could not be suspended for production reasons, otherwise this would entail any consequences. negative consequence. These include, for example, the need to serve the population, as well as to carry out repair or loading work.

An employee always has the right to refuse to go to work on days off; this cannot be a disciplinary offense.

It is worth noting that an employee’s consent to work on weekends is not always required. Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a number of cases that are considered exceptional:

Prevention of disasters, accidents (fires, natural disasters, epidemics) and implementation of work to immediately eliminate their consequences;

Accident prevention;

Elimination of causes of disruption of water supply, lighting, gas supply, transport, heating, sewerage, communications;

Provision of emergency medical care by medical personnel.

In such situations, the employee is obliged to work.

Features of working on weekends

It cannot be said that working on weekends is a uniquely negative phenomenon for an employee. After all, according to the law, such work is paid no less than double size. Or the employee can then take a day off on any day off. In the latter case, work on days off is paid at double rate, but time off is not paid. The employee can determine the compensation option for himself. An employer does not have the right to force an employee to take time off rather than exercise his right to monetary compensation.

Even if you only had to work for an hour or two on a weekend, the employee is still given a whole day off, and monetary compensation is due only for the hours worked.

During the year, an employer can hire an employee for no more than 12 days off. With the exception of special cases provided for in Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And if hiring on a day off is not an exception, but a rule in the company and it is systematic, then the employer is obliged to conclude an additional agreement. agreement to employment contract and pay the employee for part-time work. Otherwise, the employer violates labor laws.

If the conditions for being hired to work on weekends are violated, an employee can at any time apply for protection of his rights to the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office.

First, the boss forces you to work on weekends. And then he offers to work in the office on May 1... Of course, there are careerists who are ready to sacrifice their health and family. However, more often than not, employees turn into “workaholics” against their will.

Dishonest bosses find different ways taking money and time from their employees:

    For example, upon signing labor contract verbal warning about “extracurricular activities” . Without stipulating that according to the Law on work on weekends, the salary is twice as high, and the amount of unforeseen work is no more than 4 hours in 2 days.

  • Another trick of employers is a contract for “unregulated working hours” that is now popular . And, despite the fact that Article 101 contains a clear definition of irregular working day, as an EPISODIC attraction to work, the employer forces you to work on weekends regularly. But for occasional work should be provided extra rest! In reality, the boss takes even regular days off.

Of course, the point is not only ignorance, but also the lack of such experience. If when reading the norms of the Labor Code they do not raise questions, then in practice difficulties arise.

So, specific examples from life and their decisions.

Can they be forced to work on weekends?

Nobody can force you, because this is prohibited by Labor Law . If you agree with the decision of your superiors, then they should wait for your written consent (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .

Without the employee’s consent, he must work on the following days:

  • to eliminate or prevent accidents at work threatening the life and property of people;
  • in emergency conditions(state of emergency) or during an emergency (natural disasters).

By the way, you have the right not to work, despite the above circumstances. disabled people, pregnant women and women with children under 3 years of age .

How to calculate legal payment for work on weekends and holidays?

As stated in Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: overtime work on a weekend must be paid at double rate - both piece workers and workers on a daily or hourly rate.

Employees with a monthly salary are entitled to standard rate of salary , if they worked on a day off without exceeding the monthly norm.

And if you revised the monthly norm, then at double daily or hourly rate for after-hours.

  • For example: If a worker receives 100 rubles for one product, then on weekends he should receive 200 rubles per part.
  • For example: If an employee receives 100 rubles/hour, then on days off his work should be paid at a rate of 200 rubles/hour.
  • For example: If a person receives 20 thousand rubles/month and worked 6 hours on a day off, then the payment for that day should be calculated using the following algorithm: divide the salary by the usual number of working hours per month (let’s say 168 hours) and multiply the result by 6 (the number extracurricular hours) and by 2. Thus, 20,000: 168*6*2= 1428 rubles.

How to protect your rights when your boss requires you to work on weekends?

  1. Find out the phone number and coordinates of the regional labor inspectorate. Call or come in person for a consultation.
  2. Correctly formulate your complaints- where your rights were violated, and what changes you want to achieve.
  3. Attach supporting documents to the complaint violations of your rights (statutes, employment contracts, orders, internal regulations).
  4. Send this package of documents by letter or bring it in person. When meeting in person, make sure the inspector has dated and signed your copy. Now all that remains is to wait for the complaint to be reviewed and verified within a month.
  5. At the end of the inspection, the inspector will draw up a report and will give your employer an order to eliminate the identified violations of the Labor Code. Your boss will have to report to the inspector in writing about the correction of violations within the period specified in the order.

Is it worth complaining if you are forced to work on weekends?

It makes sense to complain in 3 cases:

  • You do not want to quit, but the working conditions do not suit you. Then, when contacting the labor inspectorate, emphasize that you do not want to advertise your data. In this case, during the verification, the documents of all employees will be raised, which will not allow you to be identified as the author.
  • You are planning to quit because of rude treatment and threats from your boss. Then you can act openly - do not be afraid to defend yourself. You have nothing to lose, so you can defend your rights without risking your work.
  • You were fired, but were not paid or did not receive additional wages. In this case, you must definitely contact tax office and get your money back.

The Labor Inspectorate has great powers. For example, she may suspend the company's operations or go to court to liquidate the company. Therefore, you should not think about the boss’s “big” connections and the shortcomings of our legal system. After completing the above simple steps, You can protect yourself and help your colleagues .


Hello. I work as a nanny in a state kindergarten. My work schedule: I work 2 days, one day off, the shift lasts from 8.00-19.00. My partner went on sick leave and the manager forces me to work on a day off and allegedly says that this is a part-time job. The manager doesn’t ask if I want to work part-time, but insists. "Part-time work" on a day off is paid 50% of the salary. My salary is 5900. Please tell me, is the manager doing the right thing? And are they paid correctly for working on their day off?



This is not a part-time job, especially since you have a work schedule and may have a cumulative accounting of working hours. All in all, you must work under any schedule the standard hours that are established by the Production Calendar for 2015.

Moreover, the schedule, operating mode is required condition employment contract, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which if the employer changes, he is obliged to do so by law. The employer must have reasons for this, and he is obliged to notify the employee no later than two months in advance about these changes to Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

And in your case, simple, because your colleague left for work, you are asked to work on weekends and holidays, which is prohibited by law under Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is possible to involve an employee in work on holidays and weekends with the written consent of the employee under Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; the employer is obliged to issue an order, make notes on the working time sheet and pay for the work at least double the amount of Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is possible to attract you without consent, but these are cases of emergency.

Involving employees to work on weekends and non-working holidays without their consent is permitted in the following cases:

1) to prevent a catastrophe, industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe, industrial accident or natural disaster;

2) to prevent accidents, destruction or damage to the property of the employer, state or municipal property;

3) to perform work the need for which is due to the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law, as well as urgent work in emergency circumstances, that is, in the event of a disaster or threat of disaster (fires, floods, famine, earthquakes, epidemics or epizootics) and in other cases, threatening the life or normal living conditions of the entire population or part of it.

So, demand compliance with the law, Articles 113, 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

And by the way, not everyone can be invited to work on holiday weekends, to work overtime, some are generally prohibited, for example, pregnant women, and others will have to ask for consent, notify them that they can refuse, read our Algorithm:

Who can refuse business trips and overtime work? Labor law

You know, start a conversation with the manager, explain the law to her, tell her that she is responsible for violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For violation labor legislation the employer bears administrative responsibility according to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If conversation does not help, then you will have to switch to communication in in writing- statement, file a complaint with the authorities - State Tax Inspectorate, prosecutor's office.

Only, you decide for yourself, you are ready for a conflict, because the manager will immediately begin to look for reasons to fire you and will even blackmail you and prove to you that you are a bad employee.

In general, you know your rights, you understand that you are being deceived, but it is also worth considering that the employer will perceive it as a threat to itself if you begin to defend your rights.

But it may be worth talking, even just to voice that you know the law, and therefore understand that you are being deceived and simply being used.

Do you have any questions? Ask, the answer will follow immediately!

According to the general rule established by Part 1 of Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited, with the exception of cases of attracting workers to work on such days as provided for in this article (with or without the consent of the workers).

Internal rules labor regulations(hereinafter referred to as PVTR) or an employment contract may provide for such a regime of working time and rest in which work is carried out on generally accepted weekends and non-working holidays.

If, in accordance with the working hours, the work is performed in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a generally accepted day off, then asking for the employee’s consent in this case is not required.
When establishing a certain working time schedule, days off for some categories of workers may not coincide with the days off that are provided general rule, valid for the employer. For example, for employees of the administration, accounting and personnel departments, days off are Saturday and Sunday, and for employees employed in repair work, - other days provided for by the shift schedule (Tuesday and Wednesday or Sunday and Monday). Therefore, the employer is not obliged to comply with the rules for engaging in work on a day off (consent to such work, increased wages), if the schedule establishes work on generally accepted days off.
In Part 6 of Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines categories of work, the implementation of which is allowed on non-working holidays. These include:
- work in continuously operating organizations;
- public service work;
- urgent repair and loading and unloading work.

In addition to the cases established by Part 6 of Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work on generally accepted weekends and non-working holidays may be provided for in an agreement, local regulatory act, collective or labor agreements in relation to the following employees:
- creative media workers mass media, cinematography organizations, television and video filming groups, theaters, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses and other persons, including those under the age of 18, participating in the creation and (or) performance (exhibition) of works, in accordance with the List of professions and positions of creative workers in the media, cinematography organizations, television and video crews, theaters, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses and other persons involved in the creation and (or) performance (exhibition) of works, features labor activity which are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2007 N 252 (Part 4 of Article 113, Article 268 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- athletes and coaches, including those under the age of 18 (part 5 of article 348.1, part 3 of article 348.8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, minor athletes may be allowed to work on weekends and holidays in cases and in the manner provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing standards labor law(Part 3 of Article 348.8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An employee can be involved in work on weekends and non-working holidays without his consent in the following cases (Part 3 of Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
- to prevent a catastrophe, industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe, industrial accident or natural disaster;
- to prevent accidents, destruction or damage to the employer’s property, state or municipal property;
- to perform work the need for which is due to the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law, as well as urgent work in emergency circumstances, i.e. in case of a disaster or threat of a disaster (fires, floods, famine, earthquakes, epidemics or epizootics), and in other cases threatening the life or normal living conditions of the entire population or part of it.
However, even with the onset mentioned cases It is necessary to obtain written consent from certain categories of workers to be involved in such work and to inform them, against signature, of their right to refuse it. These employees include (part 7 of article 113, part 2, 3 of article 259, article 264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of paragraph 14 of the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated January 28, 2014 N 1, section. 7 Recommendations of Rostrud, approved by Protocol No. 1 of 06/02/2014):
- disabled people;
- women with children under three years of age;
- mothers and fathers raising children under the age of five without a spouse;
- guardians of children under five years of age;
- other persons raising children under five years of age without a mother;
- employees with disabled children;
- workers caring for sick members of their families in accordance with a medical report;
- guardians of minors in cases established by law. For example, this guarantee applies to caregivers of disabled children (Part 3 of Article 259, Article 264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
When engaging these persons, you need to make sure that they are not prohibited from working on such days for health reasons in accordance with a medical report.
When drawing up a notice or other document requesting consent to work on a weekend or holiday, it is necessary to provide a point or column for the employee’s signature confirming that he is familiar with the right to refuse such work (Part 7 of Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .
See sample notification form.

After completing these actions and obtaining consent to work, the employer has the right to issue an order in any form. It indicates the reason corresponding to one of those listed in Part 3 of Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of circumstances, as well as details of the notification (other document) in which the employee gave his consent to perform the work. For more information about this, see paragraph 4 of this material.
Other employees may be involved in work without their consent on the basis of an order from the employer. For more information about this, see paragraph 6 of this material.

Work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited, except as provided for by this Code. Involvement of employees to work on weekends and non-working holidays is carried out with their written consent if it is necessary to perform unforeseen work in advance, the urgent completion of which depends on the future normal operation organization as a whole or its individual structural divisions, individual entrepreneur. Involving employees to work on weekends and non-working holidays without their consent is permitted in the following cases: 1) to prevent a catastrophe, industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe, industrial accident or natural disaster; 2) to prevent accidents, destruction or damage to the employer’s property, state or municipal property; 3) to perform work the need for which is due to the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law, as well as urgent work in emergency circumstances, that is, in the event of a disaster or threat of disaster (fires, floods, famine, earthquakes, epidemics or epizootics) and in other cases, threatening the life or normal living conditions of the entire population or part of it. Involvement in work on weekends and non-working holidays of creative workers of the media, cinematography organizations, television and video crews, theaters, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses and other persons involved in the creation and (or) performance (exhibition) of works, in in accordance with the lists of jobs, professions, positions of these workers, approved by the Government Russian Federation taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, is allowed in the manner established by the collective agreement, local normative act, employment contract. In other cases, involvement in work on weekends and non-working holidays is permitted with the written consent of the employee and taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization. On non-working holidays, it is allowed to carry out work, the suspension of which is impossible due to production and technical conditions (continuously operating organizations), work caused by the need to serve the population, as well as urgent repair and loading and unloading work. Involvement of disabled people and women with children under three years of age to work on weekends and non-working holidays is allowed only if this is not prohibited for them due to health reasons in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the manner established federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. At the same time, disabled people and women with children under three years of age must be informed, against signature, of their right to refuse to work on a day off or a non-working holiday. Employees are recruited to work on weekends and non-working holidays by written order of the employer.

11/12/2018 - Zhanna Sergeeva

I am required to come to my vacation home for training. Is this legal or not?

11/06/2018 - Leonid Tuchnolobov

Hello, please tell me I have a 4-year-old child, I work day and night, can I be at home with my child on New Year’s holidays without going to work?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/22/2018 - Klavdiya Novikova

Good afternoon. I work in an institution additional education with one day off per week, I am on the commission for the distribution of the bonus fund. Does my manager have the right to insist that I go to work on a day off? Can I refuse?

10/21/2018 - Margarita Ryabova

10/21/2018 I work as a forklift driver in a non-state company. Does the employer have the right to present the employee with a fait accompli: either you go to work on weekends or holidays, or you quit? without asking the employee, does he want or can he leave?

10/16/2018 - Bogdan Gaganov

Hello. I have a three year old child. And since he goes to kindergarten, which is not open on Saturdays. Can I ask for a five day work week from Monday to Friday on this basis?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/08/2018 - Maxim Grintsov

Good afternoon Please tell me, I now have a five-day work week, but my employer wants to change it with the condition that I work on weekends and take time off on weekdays. I have an 8-year-old child and I cannot work in the new schedule, is this legal or not? Thanks for the answer

The question was answered over the phone.

10/05/2018 - Evdokia Kulikova

Teacher physical culture Secondary school No. 1 in N-ska without permission from management educational organization went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected to the next day (based on the report) disciplinary action- a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties

The question was answered over the phone.

10/03/2018 - Marina Bolshakova

Hello, please tell me, my wife works in a hospital junior nurse, can they force her to work after her shift, for another whole day? By order.

The question was answered over the phone.

10/02/2018 - Kristina Grigorieva

Good afternoon. Tell me what to do in this situation. I am the head of a municipal kindergarten. This year, the head of a neighboring enterprise wrote a letter to the education department of our city with a request to open a group in my kindergarten for the children of this enterprise, working on Saturday, on a commercial basis. The authorities are trying to impose this on me by order. However, our kindergarten operates five days a week. Do I have the right to refuse and how can I do this justifiably? The boss threatens me with losing my job. At the same time, the head of the enterprise throws out such ideas periodically, but does not rush to fulfill his obligations, i.e. not a reliable person. Thank you.

The question was answered over the phone.

09/30/2018 - Natalia Grigorieva

Hello, please tell me if the head of a kindergarten has the right to call you to work on weekends for a medical day? Thank you.

09/28/2018 - Oleg Dionisev

If I got a job on Tuesday, the work schedule is 5/2, do I have to go to work on Saturday?

09/28/2018 - Artur Lagovskoy

If I am called to work on a day off, having drawn up an order in which there is no clause that I do not agree, for double pay, but I really do not agree. Can they punish me with money or fire me?

The question was answered over the phone.

09/24/2018 - Larisa Romanova

Is it possible to involve workers who have a schedule of every three days on weekends for weekly training?

09/22/2018 - Pavel Manastrev

I wrote a letter of resignation, am I obliged to go on a day off for cleanup work?

The question was answered over the phone.

09/21/2018 - Mikhail Kaptsov

Good evening. The manager wants to deprive him of a day off. Explaining this by saying that this is a punishment for leaving paper in the nightstand. (I work as a manager in a bank). Also, the manager does not want to let me go on study leave. What to do at such a moment?

09/14/2018 - Larisa Fomina

I worked during the day, they force me to go out at night, is this correct, I work on a rotational basis...

09/14/2018 - Alina Makarova

Hello. I work from Monday to Saturday. Can I ask you not to go to work on Saturday, since the child does not go to kindergarten on Saturday?

The question was answered over the phone.

09/11/2018 - Kirill Grishanin

Please tell me how to correctly write a petition to the director of the technical school from students of the lawyer group to cancel classes on Saturday and make it a day off

The question was answered over the phone.

09/06/2018 - Margarita Molchanova

They force teachers to provide an absentee ballot, vote at their place of work, and work on election day - on duty all day, without pay, on Sunday. Is this legal? Threatened with dismissal under article

The question was answered over the phone.

09/04/2018 - Maxim Kindyak

Hello. I have a four year old child. He goes to kindergarten, which is closed on Saturdays. My husband works on Saturdays. I work in educational institution, do I have the right to make Saturday a non-working day?

The question was answered over the phone.

08/28/2018 - Valentina Sidorova

I have this situation: I work in catering, in a children's cafe. The boss constantly asks me to go out for part-time work, our schedule is from 10 am to 11 pm 2 through 2. I now constantly go to hospitals on my personal days off, to which he tells me that I should go to work on my days off

08/20/2018 - Alena Andreeva

Hello, my child will be 3 years old in September. I work 5/2 (floating weekends). Is it possible to ask, based on the law, that I have Saturday and Sunday off?

The question was answered over the phone.

08/07/2018 - Georgy Lotsmanov

The question was answered over the phone.

08/05/2018 - Zinaida Kuzmina

Hello! I work at a school as a teacher. In the upcoming school year, September 1st falls on a Saturday. Teachers throughout the Nenets Autonomous Okrug are required to go to work (and this is our legal day off). Are employers right?

The question was answered over the phone.

07/24/2018 - Diana Kolesnikova

A teacher of physical education from secondary school No. 1 in N-Ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties

07/13/2018 - Irina Davydova

Hello, I have a question! Our employer says that we do not work our hours and forces us to work on Saturday, but they do not give a bonus for this. What can be done and where to go

07/11/2018 - Vladimir Boyarentsev

Hello, I work in a red and white store, specializing in OPP (Loss Prevention Department), when I got a job, I wrote a statement that I would not work on my days off due to family circumstances, at the moment the Administrator requires that I I went out on my day off to clean up the store, and sent threats of fines in the amount of 5000 rubles, tell me what to do?

The question was answered over the phone.

07/10/2018 - Igor Razvalikhin

Hello. I have three children (1, 5, 6 years old). They go to kindergarten. And since the garden is not open on Saturdays, can I ask for a five-day work week from Monday to Friday on average? secondary school, where I work, on this basis?

The question was answered over the phone.

06.26.2018 - Elena Bobrova

Hello. My child will turn three years old in September. And since he goes to kindergarten, which is not open on Saturdays. Can I ask for a five day work week from Monday to Friday on this basis?

The question was answered over the phone.

06/08/2018 - Oksana Kulikova

The question was answered over the phone.

05/24/2018 - Leonid Satanishchev

The school director issued an order to accompany the children to the exam on Saturday (a day off). Can I refuse?

04/27/2018 - Leonid Klenov

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties; B) did not comply with the procedure for imposing a penalty. Questions: Have the employees committed disciplinary violations? Was the penalty procedure followed: 19:00 - 21:00

04/26/2018 - Artem Pyatibratov

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties; B) did not comply with the procedure for imposing a penalty. Questions: Have the employees committed disciplinary violations? Was the procedure for imposing penalties followed?

The question was answered over the phone.

03/16/2018 - Raisa Yakovaleva

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties; B) did not comply with the procedure for imposing a penalty. Questions: Have the employees committed disciplinary violations? Was the penalty procedure followed? You could respond in writing.

The question was answered over the phone.

03/11/2018 - Lyudmila Andreeva

Hello! wife is a teacher. Elections are coming soon. They are forcing her to go out as a duty officer. Is this legal?

The question was answered over the phone.

03/11/2018 - Evdokia Ershova

Hello Olga. If the employer does not enter into an agreement with the employee, then are they covered by the Labor Code ( labor code)? If the employer is a contractor and works on the territory of a large enterprise, is the enterprise responsible for allowing work without a contract in this way?

02/28/2018 - Diana Kuznetsova

I could be fired for refusing to go to a rally on a day off

02/21/2018 - Timur Svechnikov

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration:

The question was answered over the phone.

01/12/2018 - Stanislav Makseev

Good afternoon. My wife works as a doctor in a antenatal clinic (a state institution). We have two minor children. Question: can they force her to go to work on a day off if she doesn’t want to? : 21:00 - 23:00

01/10/2018 - Artem Rivlin

According to the law, can an employer force an employee to go to work 4 nights a week, i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

01/05/2018 - Kristina Kozlova

Hello, please tell me if my boss can call me to work for a position. day on my day off?sliding schedule 4*2

12/29/2017 - Margarita Bolshakova

Subject of my question: Labor disputes (Protection of employee rights) Today at 08:00 - 09:00

The question was answered over the phone.

12/27/2017 - Klavdiya Panina

Hello, I work at Russian Railways, can I refuse to work on holidays?

12/23/2017 - Ksenia Vinogradova

From what date can you be hired? research fellow in January, if we have New Year holidays until January 9. The director demands from January 4

The question was answered over the phone.

12/22/2017 - Vadim Pleskach

Hello. The thing is, we work on a shift schedule, and are periodically forced to go to work on our day off. Without an order to work on a day off, arguing that the hours were not set. schedule day night, sleep. day off

The question was answered over the phone.

12/22/2017 - Alexey Plakhotnikov

Good afternoon. Tell me please. I work in orphanage Does a police officer have the right to call a student for a conversation? orphanage together with an employee of the orphanage during non-working hours or on days off: 13:00 - 15:00

The question was answered over the phone.

12/20/2017 - Ivan Osinkin

Subject of my question: Taxes and accounting (HR department, tax deduction, reporting) right now.

11.11.2017 - Anatoly Didushko

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties; B) did not comply with the procedure for imposing a penalty. Questions: Have the employees committed disciplinary violations? Was the penalty procedure followed? Could you respond in writing?

The question was answered over the phone.

03.11.2017 - Lyubov Semenova

Hello, I work from Monday to Friday, since tomorrow is a day off, we are called to work without an order. Question: do they have the right to do this and can they fire me if I don’t show up for work?

02.11.2017 - Diana Gromova

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it. According to the violators, the school administration: A) had no grounds to impose penalties; B) did not comply with the procedure for imposing a penalty. Questions: Have the employees committed disciplinary violations? Was the penalty procedure followed?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/22/2017 - Oleg Rozhdestvensky

I already wrote yesterday, but I still haven’t received a response from you....

10/11/2017 - Nadezhda Kiseleva

Good afternoon Which article regulates the right to release the Sabbath for a teacher whose Small child

The question was answered over the phone.

10/04/2017 - Victoria Polyakova

hello, I work 2/2, 12 hours a day, my shift worker goes on vacation, my manager forces me to work 18 days without days off for 12 hours, do I have the right to demand a day off or a reduction in working hours

08/07/2017 - Galina Soboleva

Hello, I’m having a dispute with my boss. I work a five-day shift, now I’m on vacation by order until August 7th. And according to schedule 8.9, the days off were set earlier. From August 13th I’ll be replacing the manager, but our department works for 6 days. I work 5 days from Tuesday to Saturday, the manager from Monday to Friday. And the schedule was set for me to replace the guest and work 6 days a day. According to the work schedule of the department. That is, from Monday to Friday from 08-18 and Saturday 8-30 to 16 o'clock. I'm against it. What should I do? And these Saturdays give me time off in advance. I don't need them.

08/07/2017 - Natalya Dmitrieva

A physical education teacher from secondary school No. 1 in N-ska, without permission from the management of the educational organization, went to work to conduct classes (6 lessons with students of the first and second shifts) instead of his colleague, teacher A, who did not show up. , as he verbally explained the next day, did not show up for work due to the urgent need to take his wife to the maternity hospital. Since he was drunk at the time of the start of classes in the second shift, he was not allowed to work. Both teachers were subjected the next day (based on the act) to a disciplinary sanction - a reprimand, with which they did not agree and are going to appeal it.

The question was answered over the phone.

07/19/2017 - Ksenia Zakharova

The employer forces you to sign an additional agreement to the employment contract on consent for the entire period of work to work on weekends and holidays. How legal is this?

The question was answered over the phone.

06/28/2017 - Klavdiya Komarova

is my boss right to hold a meeting on my days off?

06/20/2017 - Kristina Kuznetsova

Subject of my question: Civil law (Complaints, claims, disputes, lawsuits, contracts) Today at 08:00 - 09:00

The question was answered over the phone.

06/16/2017 - Svetlana Romanova

Good day) according to my schedule, today’s weekend, a few days ago, they asked me that I wouldn’t be able to go to work on my other day off, I was fine, but then my plans changed and I told him that I wouldn’t be able to go out, they told me that that I won't see a fine or a fine. is that correct?

The question was answered over the phone.

06/09/2017 - Igor Yachmenev

I work as a driver, I received verbal notification about duty on the phone, weekends and holidays from 0 to 0 from 10.06 to 13.06 what is the payment: 17:00 - 19:00

The question was answered over the phone.

05/31/2017 - Veronika Makarova

Hello. I work shifts day, night, and weekends off. And after the night shift they are forced to be on duty at home from 19.30 to 7.30. The collective of workers is not satisfied with this approach, because they don’t ask us whether we want it or not. They say if you don’t want to go work a day, work a day if you don’t want to then we’ll find a replacement for you outside the gate. The question is, what should we do?

05/24/2017 - Irina Ilyina

Hello, I have a question: 15:00 - 17:00

05/21/2017 - Maxim Yaroslavov

Hello! the master obliges you to go to work on weekends, and in case of refusal, he threatens you with dismissal or deprivation wages!

05/08/2017 - Svetlana Stepanova

I am a laboratory assistant and forced to be on duty for 10 days after work and on weekends.

The question was answered over the phone.

05/05/2017 - Petr Kaitanov

I have a schedule of 2 through 2 now there is no one to work and they want to put me on every day, I can refuse them

The question was answered over the phone.

05/04/2017 - Roman Fedulaev

hello, tell me, I work in a 5na2 hospital, can they force me to go to work on Saturday if I have a 4-year-old child?

05/04/2017 - Evgeniy Kolmogortsev

Does the manager have the right to force people to go out on a holiday and day off to the rally on May 9 and participate in sporting events?

The question was answered over the phone.

05/02/2017 - Klavdiya Medvedeva

is the employee obliged kindergarten go to a demonstration on May 1? Now they are asking me to write an explanatory note

The question was answered over the phone.

05/01/2017 - Alexander Bezsonov

hello, on April 28, I submitted my resignation, the schedule is two in two, today is a day off and they call me from work asking me to come out

The question was answered over the phone.

04/28/2017 - Eduard Bezzubenko

Can you answer immediately on the site? Urgently needed.

04/28/2017 - Viktor Uralov

Good afternoon I work as a teacher at the MBOU and every year the education administration requires the school administration to organize teachers to be on duty at school on holidays (May 1, May 9). Is this legal? And how can you competently refuse this duty?

04/26/2017 - Tamara Tarasova

Is it necessary to provide study leave to defend a dissertation, should an employee submit a written notice one year in advance?

The question was answered over the phone.

04/26/2017 - Zoya Kulikova

Please tell me, the manager brought an order that kindergarten workers must be on duty on holidays. Is this legal? Thank you.

12/09/2016 - Boris Kondrakhin

Good afternoon I work as a teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution and every year the education administration requires the school administration to organize teachers on duty at school during the January holidays (this year it is from January 1 to January 8, 2017). Is this legal? And how can you competently refuse this duty?

The question was answered over the phone.

03.12.2016 - Tatyana Zhuravleva

Hello!!! I'm on vacation, my employer is forcing me to work general cleaning, threatens to lose his bonus, does he have the right to this??

11/28/2016 - Oleg Mandrykin

I worked as a salesperson 4/2, my bosses force me to work on my days off, there is no order that I have to work on my days off. The result was 27 days without days off. I went on a day off, they called me and asked who allowed me to go on a day off and they yelled at me. Explain whether the boss has the right to force me to work seven days a week to increase revenue if I don’t want to

The question was answered over the phone.

11/22/2016 - Ksenia Denisova

I work as a doctor. I provide emergency endoscopic care to the population in a city hospital, according to shift schedule work (on duty from 16:00 to 8:00) I was not familiar with the schedule drawn up for the next month. In the latter, I have 11 shifts, 4 of which are on weekends and holidays. Is this legal? I also work part-time in a private medical organization whose schedule overlaps on weekends with the schedule of my main place of work. What should I do? Thank you in advance.

04.11.2016 - Oleg Nagornykh

Hello! I work 5/2 days off. Saturday and Sunday. These days are written in the contract, and how are they non-working holidays? Does the employer have the right to demand that you go to work on certain days. Knowing that I am alone with the child. And also demand to go out on Santa's day. They don't pay him for going out.

The question was answered over the phone.

10/17/2016 - Vladislav Lanskikh

Do I have the right not to allow my child to attend music school on Sunday?

10/15/2016 - Diana Volkova

Good evening! I work as a teacher at a technical school, I am a single mother, my son is three years old. The administration gives me classes on Saturday, citing a six-day period. Are their actions legal?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/07/2016 - Diana Sergeeva

I work as department heads in an educational organization. I was called to participate in the teachers' council on my day off. The pedagogical meeting lasted 2 hours. They do not provide time off, they offer to take 2 hours on another day. Is this legal, since my day off cannot be considered a full day for rest (the day is broken up + travel time)?

10/07/2016 - Evdokia Tsvetkova

The question was answered over the phone.

09/17/2016 - Vasily Ostrovitinov

I am a teacher and have a disabled child, do I have the right to an additional day off?

09/08/2016 - Valentin Shevlyagin

I work at JSC Russian Railways at a small station, the bosses sit at another station nearby. You have to go to work on your days off to sign with your boss. Is this legal? Should I be paid extra somehow?

The question was answered over the phone.

02.09.2016 - Vladimir Katrich

Is a teacher entitled to have a day off on Saturday if he has a small child?

The question was answered over the phone.

08/24/2016 - Raisa Egorova

I work on a schedule of 5/2 days off Sun Mon, my child is two years old, the kindergarten is open from Mon to Fri, can I ask for a day off Sat Sun I don’t go to a meeting at work I hold a position

The question was answered over the phone.

08/13/2016 - Alla Tarasova

Is the teacher's vacation with a 5-day workweek the same as with a 6-day workweek?

08/11/2016 - Viktor Sakov

The question was answered over the phone.

08/11/2016 - Natalya Veselova

I have a five-day week, but Sunday and Monday are days off; my children are minors and study from Monday to Friday. Do I have the right to ask my boss to move my days off to Saturday and Sunday!

The question was answered over the phone.

08/04/2016 - Georgy Byalko

Worked without orders on weekends. They were not paid, even though they promised. How can I prove now that I worked?

The question was answered over the phone.

07/21/2016 - Olga Danilova

The employment contract specifies the working hours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., but the employer requires working the night shift.

The question was answered over the phone.

07/20/2016 - Zoya Veselova

Hello! Please tell me, my husband works for railway shifts day night / 48, they are given time off for over-fulfilled hours of work. Today he wrote a leave of absence for 2 days, and warned that he would leave the city, his superior let him go. Then, throughout the day, he called him and summoned him to work, since, supposedly, there was no one to work. And in last call He said that he would give him absenteeism and that my husband would be fired from work. Does this really mean getting fired? The leave was included in writing, which remained with the superior. Thank you in advance!

The question was answered over the phone.

06/29/2016 - Vera Maksimova

Hello! I was deprived of a day off and was told that this day was not paid. Floating schedule, they hinted that there will be no return of days off either. Salary salary + bonus, but in reality everyone has the same, if I contact the inspectorate, what will happen, and how this whole thing happens

The question was answered over the phone.

05/21/2016 - Zinaida Lazareva

Hello! I work in the agricultural sector. Now the sowing season is underway, we are working seven days a week and all day long without the appropriate orders. For refusing to work on weekends and overtime the employer threatens to fire you or charge you

The question was answered over the phone.

05/20/2016 - Alexandra Davydova

Should a teacher be on duty on holidays at his school?

05/18/2016 - Artur Lyubiev

05/18/2016 - Antonina Romanova

Hello! I work at a state technical school! For several years now, classes for correspondence students have been scheduled on Sunday. They do not ask me for any written consent. Do I have the right to refuse and request a transfer of classes?

05/10/2016 - Vadim Gladtsyn

Hello. I'm working in dumpling shop dumpling maker. We are forced to work during sowing time as a field cook, but the point is that we need to work at a time when the garden is not open, that is, after 6 o’clock. I have a child who has no one to leave him with for 4 years

The question was answered over the phone.

05/05/2016 - Vladislav Radoshkovsky

Do I have the right by law to work at night if I have a small child of 1 year?

The question was answered over the phone.

05/04/2016 - Valentin Tesakov

I work shifts, do they have the right to call me on their day off?

The question was answered over the phone.

04/21/2016 - Boris Ustinov

Please tell me, I work 5/2 according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can I be required to be on duty on holidays?

The question was answered over the phone.

04/21/2016 - Nikolay Pikun

Am I required to go to work on my day off?! And if I still don’t come out, do they have the right to deprive me of the bonus?!

The question was answered over the phone.

03/23/2016 - Natalya Medvedeva

I have a small child, I work, do they have the right to force me to work at night?

03/21/2016 - Alexey Konyashkin

Hello, I am being asked to work on weekends, like the schedule has changed, we work for two weeks, two days off and they forced me to write a statement “In accordance with the requirements of Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I give my consent to being hired to work on a day off - with the right to refuse "I am aware of the fact that I am involved in work on a day off. And I ask, on the basis of the provisions of Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Rosti Federation, in connection with my involvement in work on a day off - I ask you to provide me with double payment." Is the application drawn up correctly and what to do in such situations?

The question was answered over the phone.

03/10/2016 - Anna Lazareva

Good afternoon) Tell me what needs to be done if the manager’s weekend is not on Saturday and Sunday, but during the week??? Thank you

The question was answered over the phone.

03/09/2016 - Andrey Vankov

I didn’t go to work on holidays, there was no order, they just said that we were working on March 5th and 6th, now they are asking me for an explanation of whether this is legal or what it is

02/29/2016 - Raisa Kalinina

called to work on a day off. for general cleaning. for free. on the basis of what articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other norms. acts I can refuse. We also undertake to buy uniforms. for their money. is this legal and can i refuse?

The question was answered over the phone.

02/18/2016 - Nikita Raznosshchikov

Hello, I work in grocery store According to the schedule, I work 3 nights, rest for 3 nights, the employer forces me to go out on a day off for general cleaning, does he have the right to do this, plus they force me to stay after the shift to finish the work that I did not have time to do, shifts of 12 hours.

The question was answered over the phone.

01/31/2016 - Boris Vidikov

Am I required to attend training from my employer if I am on regular vacation?

The question was answered over the phone.

01/26/2016 - Olga Polyakova

Can my boss invite me to study on my day off?

The question was answered over the phone.

01/22/2016 - Maxim Martynchenko

Is it possible to work at night if I have a small child?

The question was answered over the phone.

01/20/2016 - Galina Baranova

The boss deprives people of days off for failure to meet targets. It is legal?

The question was answered over the phone.

01/19/2016 - Alla Kovaleva

Hello! I work shifts, does my employer have the right to call me on his day off to take an exam?

01/15/2016 - Klavdiya Volkova

Hello! I work at a state technical school! For several years now, classes for correspondence students have been scheduled on Sunday. They do not ask me for any written consent. Do I have the right to refuse and request a transfer of classes?

The question was answered over the phone.

01/12/2016 - Tamara Ryabova

My son is 6 years old. The administration obliges me to work every weekend in an organization in which I am employed on a general basis, like everyone else.

The question was answered over the phone.

01/06/2016 - Alexandra Smirnova

Hello. I live alone and have three children who are not quite old. On the 30th they asked me to go to work on holidays, there was no order, I didn’t go out on 5 6 they called and said that they would punish me with salary. What do i do. I work at a factory with a side machine

The question was answered over the phone.

12/27/2015 - Olga Gromova

Procedure for registering work on weekends and overtime.

The question was answered over the phone.

12/23/2015 - Lyudmila Lebedeva

Hello! On New Year According to my schedule, there should be a day off, they forced a shift from 18:00 to 6:00. When I was absent, I was informed that my bonus would be deprived.

The question was answered over the phone.

12/18/2015 - Alena Danilova

Does an organization have the right to force a mother and two children under 14 to work the second and third shifts at the enterprise? (Rosatom)

12/17/2015 - Victor Mazyra

Hello Lisa. Today we had a meeting at school, at which we were informed that almost all holidays (from January 4th to January 10th inclusive) teachers should conduct various entertainment activities with children. Moreover, the school must hold at least two events a day with a report

The question was answered over the phone.

12/17/2015 - Nikolay Povarov

Opening hours 5/2 Wed-Sun. I work in the service sector Do they have the right to force me to work in New Year's Eve without an order, a written agreement signed by me. At the same time, I want to refuse a pseudo-bonus in the amount of double the rate per day or time off. Still worried about the consequences, what will actually harm me in this situation?

The question was answered over the phone.

12/15/2015 - Liliya Sidorova

Hello, I am interested in a question regarding Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Prohibition of work on weekends and non-working holidays.

12.12.2015 - Olga Polyakova

Do they have the right to force me to go to work on holidays, if I have a three-year-old child, the kindergarten does not work on holidays.

The question was answered over the phone.

12/12/2015 - Mikhail Brazhnikov

I have a 3-year-old child, the kindergarten is not open on holidays, but I am required to go to work on New Year's holidays. I work as a teacher in a boarding school. Do I have the right to refuse? Without losing your salary?

The question was answered over the phone.

12/06/2015 - Vadim Likhodeev

The question was answered over the phone.

11.25.2015 - Denis Sineoky

I work five days a week. Sun..mon.-weekends. I work until January 31 inclusive. And they tell me on the 4th I have to go to work. Don't I have the right to New Year's holidays?? and if I do, until what day inclusive? Tell me how to voice this at work? I work for an insurance brokerage company.

The question was answered over the phone.

11/24/2015 - Alexey Novak

I have a schedule of 3 through 3. On my day off, my boss decided to transfer me to 5/2 due to the illness of my shift worker! Is it right to deprive me of days off, that is, I have to go out on my day off?

The question was answered over the phone.

08.11.2015 - Grigory Sivokhin

I work in three vacancies in one store as a controller, a merchandiser and a janitor, the employer decided that the janitor did not have days off, as a result I was forced to negotiate with other employees for payment from my korman, what were these days off, how long is it legal to deprive me of a day off?

02.11.2015 - Fedor Meleshchenko

Hello! This is a question: November 4th is officially a day off throughout the country. However, on November 4 at 11 am, our institute obliges ALL students to take part in the general procession in honor of National Unity Day. Is this legal?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/22/2015 - Artem Manaenkov

The employer, under threat of deprivation of bonuses, forces you to work on weekends. How to resist them?

10/22/2015 - Alexandra Panina

The employer, under threat of loss of bonus, forces you to work on weekends. Shift watches are not set and orders are not written. How to answer them correctly and competently so that their arbitrariness ends?

10/21/2015 - Zoya Medvedeva

Do I have the right to refuse to work on weekends if I have a three-year-old child?

10/21/2015 - Evgeniy Mazunin

Tell me, until what age does a child’s mother have the right to involve her in work on weekends?

The question was answered over the phone.

09/22/2015 - Zoya Mironova

I work as a senior security guard with irregular working hours. By order of the director, he worked on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), the next weekend he worked for three days (from Friday 17-00 to Monday 8-00) refuses to pay citing the law

09/01/2015 - Ivan Belyakov

I didn’t go to work on the weekend and didn’t sign the order that was drawn up for this weekend, what should I do?

The question was answered over the phone.

08/28/2015 - Vitaly Pelymsikh

Good afternoon. This is the situation at work. I hold the position of cashier in the money transfer department. And my schedule is supposed to be 4/2. at 11 o'clock. from August 17 to August 25, I worked absolutely seven days a week, that is, 9 days. They deigned to give me a rest for 1 day. Further, today an order came that our d

08/28/2015 - Alexander Grinyakin

Good afternoon Please tell me if we work in Kazan and we have holidays in the Republic of Tatarstan. The employer says that we still work, and rest only on Russian holidays.

The question was answered over the phone.

08/26/2015 - Evgenia Frolova

Good evening. Tell me, should the employer give notice two months in advance and change the work schedule from 8 hours 5 days to 12 hours to shift two two

The question was answered over the phone.

08/24/2015 - Vladimir Lavruk


07/17/2015 - Evgenia Semenova

Good afternoon No sooner had I gotten a job than they literally immediately started forcing me to work on weekends. Apart from Article 113, how can I justify my refusal? I do not want and will not work for any remuneration on my legal day off.

The question was answered over the phone.

06/25/2015 - Petr Gogotov

I work under an employment contract that stipulates a 5-day work week from 08.00 to 17.00. CEO forces you to be on duty from 18.00 to 02.00 at night without orders, demanding to sign only the duty schedule, which was drawn up by the personnel department (which is not a document). By family circumstances I couldn’t go on this unauthorized duty, which I warned about 2 weeks before. Now they are demanding an explanation from me. Do they have the right to do this? After all, I didn’t violate anything, and if this duty had been formalized by an order (production necessity), then I would have signed it or not signed it, and then an act of refusal would have already been drawn up, right?

06/19/2015 - Kristina Anisimova

Hello, I am a specialist at a government agency, today at the next planning meeting I was forced to leave my phone in another office, after which the director expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that I received a thank you from a resident after there had recently been a complaint and said that I specifically asked the person to write a thank you like this as she was about to reprimand me with a disciplinary statement. Can I have a phone with me at future planning meetings?

01/04/2014 - Sergey

Hello, I work in a non-state company, the employer forces you to work on weekends and holidays, while the employer does not pay for these days and how much time off should you be given for Saturday and Sunday if you work on these days...???

12/10/2013 - Tatiana

I work in a company, my business is online accounting. We have a 5-day system, the contract has been drawn up! But the manager says that we should go out to work on Saturday because we need to complete the plan!!! I can’t go out, I have my own things planned! Can I refuse? Do they have the right to demand to go out on their legal day off?

The question was answered over the phone.

08.11.2013 - Ilya

Tell me, can an employer oblige an employee to be constantly “in touch”, including on his day off? In other words, can an employee refuse to answer the phone from management on a day off? Can an employer prescribe this condition in the employment contract? Thank you.

05.11.2012 - Zhanna

I work as a seamstress on a piecework basis, we have a five-day working day, can an individual entrepreneur call for work on weekends and holidays without a written order if the work depends on the norm

02.11.2012 - Dmitry

Is it legal to force people to go to rallies on holidays and weekends, and is this expressed in some way by law? That is, in order, if necessary, to refer to an article of the Law of the Russian Federation.

The question was answered over the phone.

10/25/2012 - Anna

Hello! Please explain or provide a link where you can finally learn about the regulation of working hours and work on weekends and holidays for employees of club and cultural and leisure institutions. I work in a recreation center, and our administration sets us a 40-hour work week without overtime pay and even without time off. But we work with children, just like educators. We're told we don't fit into the category teaching staff, and nevertheless, they require us to develop educational programs. Tell me, please, how to understand all this? Thank you.

09/28/2012 - Galina

Hello! I work as a teacher at a school, on weekends there are sometimes events in which teachers’ participation is mandatory (rallies, competitions, duty during elections, etc.), how are these days paid and how are time off provided? The same questions about holidays and New Year's holidays especially. Thank you in advance for your response

The question was answered over the phone.

09/27/2012 - Anna

Hello. I work at a metal warehouse as an operator
video surveillance. Our directors want to close the enterprise, in connection with this they want all employees to quit at will! As far as I know, this is not legal and there should be a reduction!? As for me. There are three of us working in this position, two 2/2 and one on a five-day basis. My schedule is 2/2 for 12 hours. but my shift worker who works 2/2 quit. They decided to transfer me to a five-day schedule, taking into account that I would work on weekends. I worked my allotted two days and went on a two-day weekend so that I could get on a five-day schedule. But today my second partner quit because of the director’s rudeness. And I was left alone. There is no one to work and I am called to work. But I have a legal day off. Do I have to go out!? And one more question, if I want to quit, do I have to work for two weeks?

The question was answered over the phone.

09/05/2012 - Vitaly

Hello! I have a five-day working day. Very often I am assigned to work on weekends. On one of the weekends in August, after completing my work, I went home early. I was caught by an external surveillance camera. In connection with this, I was not paid for this day off and In addition to all this, they want to deprive me of bonuses and all allowances. I still agree with the fact that I was not paid for the day off, but I don’t agree that they want to deprive me of all allowances because I left. It would be a different matter if I went to the regular working day. Please explain to me everything about this.

The question was answered over the phone.

08/30/2012 - Irina

Hello, I work in trade, to be more precise in a clothing store. We have a not very pleasant situation. The three of us work 4/2, two work, one rests. One girl quits and we are looking for another to take her place, but the boss doesn’t like anyone applicants, and now the day after tomorrow someone new is supposed to come out, but we still don’t have one. The boss, in an orderly tone, said to work seven days a week, despite our refusal to have such a schedule. They can come out on their own, but they don’t want to. In the end I want to quit too! Please tell me is she right, or is she still breaking the law?

07/12/2012 - Selly

Explain the situation. I’m going to go on a business trip on a day off on my own initiative (it’s more convenient for me), I’m ready to write my consent, I’m verbally agreeing with my boss about providing time off on another day (double payment is not needed). Is it necessary for an employer to create an order to work on a day off and, if so, what are the consequences of its absence (order). I just don’t want to bother with paper.

The question was answered over the phone.

06/16/2012 - Ruslan

I work in the agricultural enterprise "Agro LLC" as an electric and gas welder and, in addition, as a MTZ-80 driver from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. On weekends and holidays, I am forced to go out without an order or a written agreement, and the payment does not change. Is it correct?

05/24/2012 - Dmitry

I have this situation. I went to a session and at that time there was a planned production stop at work. In connection with this, the workers rested for three days, and because of this, all Saturdays were working days in the work schedule. Question: should I work on Saturdays according to the schedule, or should I not, because while everyone was resting, I was studying and sitting in classes. Oh yes, the five-day work week. Thank you in advance.

The question was answered over the phone.

03/24/2012 - Evgeniy

Please clarify what amount of payment or how many days of rest is required when going on holidays and weekends, because the employer for working on a day off gives only 1 day of compensatory leave based on the time I previously worked. Can I demand payment for these hours???

Kostina worked 3 times on Sunday in June and July. in August, the administration offered her 3 days off. Kostina demanded payment for work on Sundays and 3 days of rest. Is Kostina's demand justified?

The question was answered over the phone.

02/04/2012 - Ksenia

Hello, I work in a bank, I have a 5-day job. week, weekend Wednesday Thursday, throughout my entire work (8 months) the planning meeting falls on my day off - Thursday, this doesn’t quite suit me, I asked my bosses to change my day off, but so far they refuse. I missed the planning meeting on my day off, and the management is two day, she warned me that I had work to do and would not come to the office. Then they told me that they had introduced a new system, if you don’t show up for the planning meeting, they take your day off. Tell me, do they have the right to deprive me of a day off because on my days off I go about my business and I'm not running to work?!

The question was answered over the phone.

01/23/2012 - Ivan

Hello! I have a question. Here we have inventory in our store from January 24 to 26. These shifts are all 12 hours straight. After that I only have one day off. And then there are 2 more shifts of 12 hours. Is it correct?

The question was answered over the phone.

01/21/2012 - Natalya

Hello! I work at a state university! For several years now, my classes with correspondence students have been scheduled exclusively on Sundays. They do not ask me for any written consent. Do I have the right to refuse and request a transfer of classes?

The question was answered over the phone.

12/06/2011 - Olga

Please tell me, if I have a 2/2 sliding schedule according to the contract, does the employer have to involve me in work on holidays, if so, should they be full or reduced and how are they paid? Thank you

The question was answered over the phone.

12/06/2011 - Olga

Please tell me, if I have a 2/2 sliding schedule under my employment contract, does the employer have the right to invite me to work on holidays, should they be full or shortened and how are they paid?

The question was answered over the phone.

01.12.2011 - Milan

LABOR CODE OF THE RF. Article 153. Remuneration for work on weekends and non-working holidays. (quote from the article): At the request of an employee who worked on a day off or a non-working holiday, he may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a day off or a non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and a day of rest is not subject to payment.

The question was answered over the phone.

11/29/2011 - Igor

I work at OJSC IDGC of the Urals, our bosses force me to work under threat of dismissal on New Year's holidays. These days are not paid, but only 1 day off is given. what to do? and is he right?

11/16/2011 - talgat

Lawlessness in the housing and communal services sector does not bother anyone; we are forced to be on duty every weekend, so why do we need an emergency service?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/22/2011 - camilla

I work in an organization (OJSC) according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on a five-day week from 8 to 17. Every year we are forced to go to work on the night of December 31 from 18.00-08.00 (we draw lots to see who gets out) I have a small child of preschool age. Are the actions of the authorities legal? Can I refuse to go out into the night?

The question was answered over the phone.

10/16/2011 - Irina

Work in government organization. The boss offered to work for 2 Saturdays for some money. As a result, people worked but were not paid. What to do?

The question was answered over the phone.

09/23/2011 - Mikhail

Good afternoon. Where can I get acquainted with “other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation”?

08/31/2011 - Stas

On Saturday I didn’t go to work, and on Monday I found out that I was being punished by 5 percent. There was no order, and I didn’t sign for it naturally, and if you don’t like it, quit, what should I do???????????? ???????

The question was answered over the phone.

07/13/2011 - Irina

Since July 1, by order, I have been on vacation. The director obliged me to implement a social project. Does she have the right to demand that I work out my workload hours? Am I entitled to compensatory time off for my work while on vacation?

Hello! I work at school. On May 9, an athletics relay race is held annually and I, as a physical education teacher, take part in it along with the children. Please tell me how I should be paid for this holiday or how much time off I am entitled to for it? Thank you in advance.

On a day off we took an exam at school, how many days off are we entitled to?

The question was answered over the phone.

05/17/2011 - Sergey

Please clarify how payment is made on weekends and holidays when sliding chart work. And after what period of time is the employer obliged to officially provide employment?

The question was answered over the phone.

05/12/2011 - MISHA


02/26/2011 - Tatiana

Hello, I work in a canteen as a cook-cashier and very often my bosses force me to work on weekends on sales trips for 1 day off, without filling out and signing an order for going out on a day off. How can we find justice for our management? Arguments that we We don’t work for time off, but they don’t accept payment for pay.

12/28/2010 - Nina

Please clarify what amount of payment or how many days of rest is required when going on holidays

12/28/2010 - Victor

Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The question was answered over the phone.

12/24/2010 - Alexey

I work as a loader-packer in a non-state company. Does the employer have the right to present the employee with a fait accompli: either you go to work on weekends or holidays, or you quit? without asking the employee, does he want or can he leave?

12/11/2010 - Elena

Please clarify what amount of payment or how many days of rest is required when going on holidays and weekends, because does the employer think that he will provide 2 days of compensatory leave for working on a holiday, but only 1 day of compensating for working on a weekend? He is right?

12/01/2010 - Elena

Please clarify what amount of payment or how many days of rest are required when going on holidays?


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