Eclipse on September 1st what to do. And also the opening of the Luck Channel awaits you

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Traditionally, eclipses of this series are Saros (19, C North Node, in the sign of Virgo) talk about realism. This is the beginning of a new awareness of the old situation, the opportunity to see it as it is. A pause is always a constructive moment for the affirmation of true understanding (let’s remember this old song - “Let’s pause in words”). A hangover is always not easy, to survive the destruction of illusions, because in a state of absorption, in the flow, there is simply no time to think about it.. And if you look at it, all activities carried out in an unconscious state are simply a wasted resource and a vanity of vanities.

But every pause has a certain subtext, it is always a kind of hint for us, which leads to the revelation of the meaning.

The line of these eclipses has already appeared in 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998

The eclipse occurs at 10 degrees Virgo: * 10th degree
A bag of money on the table. Near him is a black-eyed woman in a fancy dress. Degree of SEDUCTIVE LUCK. Passion and money slip through your fingers. Greater role of women.

The abstract challenge this eclipse poses is to discover where your place is in the larger scheme of things and then live it. Instead of trying to find a place where you fit in, wait to see what people or communities invite you.
The moment categorically insists on justice. If the agreements and relationships that will be made in the aura of this Eclipse are not established clearly and openly, they will be destroyed. The currency of this moment is not money, but affection, love, respect, a sense of belonging and support.
And this is what is directly related to Will, the sense of one’s own Ego. Therefore, all questions and topics that appear now will have a personal, personal connotation. Especially like what this person has done for the community, what can he do? How useful can he (I) be?

And what is very important for us to understand in this context is that the Ego, the Will, can never work continuously. Willpower can be exercised for quite a long time in certain circumstances, but then it must give up its efforts. In the same way, the heart needs a pulse. It cannot be kept in tension all the time. It should be right moment for action, effort, expression of will. And it’s very natural to wait to recognize the right moment, the context that will be right for you.

The eclipse occurs during Mercury retrograde - which will require you to sort through tools, ideas, rules and methods in search of working and effective ones. Something necessary here and now contains past experience.

There is confrontation and unsatisfactory external conditions, competition between mutually exclusive programs leads to conflict (Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius), as a result of which the spark of a new understanding is struck.

Mars is faced with the need to choose, being at 15 degrees of Sagittarius, changing moods and fluctuations - “Flying arrow”. Theme: DIRECTIONS. Potentially, this is an opportunity to do the best possible under existing conditions, to accurately express a personal position.

The astrological picture that emerges at the time of the Eclipse is a mutable tau square. The opposition of the Eclipse point (Sun, Moon and Rahu) with Neptune, and the planet that is the focus of this opposition is Saturn. Frustration and frustration are something that will have to be dealt with and must be corrected. The key to change lies in the details and proper focus.

The exact square of Saturn and Neptune remains throughout September, and is activated by transits. (situations of confusion, lack of ability, energy, lack of desired setting make the circumstances of this period subject to disappointment and frustration. You may feel a lack of energy and funds, and difficulties in practical implementation. Complex mental states) All this can be compared as if you were in an alien stream of people and circumstances. And this is not to punish, but so that everything foreign and alien to you will be carried away in this stream.

The picture of reality formed on the previous cycle of nodes (over 19 years) finally dissolves. Inconsistencies may be visible to the naked eye.

Transit situations for September:

From the beginning of the month until the 22nd, Mercury is in retrograde motion, bringing order to its sign Virgo.

On September 2-3, the Moon passes through the planetary stellium, Jupiter, retro Mercury, Venus, which gives a lot of meetings and impressions, exchange of opinions, changes in perspectives.

September 6-7 – trine of the Sun and Pluto, accentuated by the nodes. New conditions for transformation are emerging certain parties life, greater concentration (effort, tension) leads to results (renewal). New rules and conditions may be introduced, especially with regard to financial affairs and institutions, regulatory authorities, banks, and big businesses.

September 9 is a disharmonious situation that reveals hidden tensions, weaknesses and shortcomings. Square of the Sun and Mars, transit of the Moon on Mars. Jupiter enters Libra

September 12-13 – connection retro mercury with the Sun. Important and resonant information, decisions that change the rules of the game.

September 14 – Sun/Mars square, “bisextile” configuration Mars/Uranus/Moon, Venus/Moon/Mars, sets a strong incentive and motivation for change

September 22-23 – Grand square Saturn/Neptune/Mercury/Moon. The sun moves into the sign of Libra. Turning and cardinal moments. Mercury turns direct. Three Mercury and Pluto.

The motto of the eclipse: inspiration and work to see the picture of true things.

September 1, 2016 is the thirty-ninth solar day annular eclipse 135 saros. Since the eclipse is annular, its influence will be felt for the next 18.5 years. That is, somewhere until 2035. You need to think about how you want to see yourself in 2034-2035 now. And an eclipse is the best time for this. The main time points about the eclipse are displayed in the table. If you live in another city, then simply add the time difference for your city and UTC time.

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time. You can easily find it on the Internet.

But for Kyiv and Moscow I have already indicated local time in the table.

Prepare a space for practice and meditation:

It is advisable to wear ritual clothing in white or purple.

Stones that can be used for cleansing during this eclipse: amethyst

Helping stones for planning are beryl-emerald.

Candles: 1 wax for cleansing ritual, 1 purple or 1 white for planning practice.

It is good to put a citrine crystal on the altar, place a figurine of a female deity and decorate it with hazel branches.

Let me remind you that a solar eclipse makes it possible to change external and internal installations. Allows you to change old programs to new ones, more suitable for the new time. Everything that you lay down these days will begin to manifest itself by the lunar eclipse on September 16th.

It is advisable not to take important decisions and do not sign contracts and agreements starting a week before the eclipse and until a week after the end of the eclipse corridor.

1. Introduction.

Eclipse times are special. At this time, the moon passes between the earth and the sun and for some time the influence of the energy of light in us weakens and the entire shadow is exposed and clearly manifests itself.
It is this time that nature freezes and stops, taking a pause. This pause is important because in order to take a breath, you must first exhale. To bring something into your life, you first need to free yourself from the unnecessary. This is precisely why this pause before planning is needed so that the freed shadow side our personality could manifest itself and thereby come to the light of awareness and transform.
People born during a time close to an eclipse are unfortunately deprived of much freedom of choice. Their path may be more predetermined on the one hand, but on the other hand, certainty can provide greater stability and solidity. After all, not many of us like too much change and uncertainty. The life of a person during eclipses is associated with a period of 18.5 years, the so-called Saros cycle. Events and situations in life can repeat themselves in this cycle, like a squirrel in a wheel. But this may not be a wheel, but a spiral along which a person rises higher and higher. Here it is important to look at the lunar birthday for women and the solar birthday for men.
The eclipse itself begins from the moment of the first touch. The moment when the shadow just touches the sun and begins to cover it. And it is at this time that one should begin the practice of cleansing or summing up, depending on how many days there are in the current lunar month.I will give both practices. The practice of cleansing if before the first lunar day after solar eclipse It's the 29th lunar day. And the practice of summing up if there were 30 lunar days in the current lunar month.
The difference between eclipses occurring at the transition of 29-1 lunar day and 30-1 lunar day is very large.
If the transition occurs after the 29th lunar day, then the main practice will be to cleanse and remove the blocks that prevent you from achieving what you want. When the transition occurs from the 30th lunar day, then we have unique opportunity move to the next level. This must be taken into account in your meditation practice and preparation for the eclipse.
Thus, the practice of working through an eclipse is divided into two parts. The first is purification or purification and summing up. The second is the planning itself.
It is advisable to check in advance on what day relative to your personal lunar Mandala the eclipse occurs and the annual lunar mandala. View external and internal oppositions. This will make it easier for you to understand what exactly needs to be worked on at this time, where the obstacles will be and what the next cycle will be devoted to.
The first part can begin from the moment the shadow touches the luminary and end a few minutes before the highest point of the eclipse. The second begins at the beginning of the 1st lunar day. Therefore, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.
It is also important to know that by their nature, eclipses can be total, partial and annular. A total eclipse and a partial eclipse carry their influence until the next eclipse where adjustments can be made. The larger the shadow, the greater the influence. The ring bears its influence on a person’s life for as long as 18.5 years. It awakens karmic knots that will affect us long years. person. The changes that will happen to you after a solar eclipse can often be predicted by the events that occurred during the lunar eclipse, before the solar eclipse. Be attentive to signs from space at this time.
If you want to find out in more detail how the ongoing eclipse affects you personally, then it is better to contact professional astrologer. By the location of the sun and moon at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope An astrologer can give you personal recommendations for working through. This is the best option.
The essence of the eclipse is read by nodes. And we need to see what sign they are in and what their connection with the planets is at the time of the eclipse.
South node carries information about what has already become obsolete and what needs to be gotten rid of. This is an experience that has already been mastered and does not need further elaboration.
North node speaks of what should enter our lives. This is something you need to pay special attention to when you write plans and perform meditation. Something you don’t need to resist, but rather remove internal obstacles. This is the area in which our spiritual and material development lies for the next period of time.
For example, the April 2013 eclipse took place along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Moon was in Scorpio, the Sun was in Taurus. This means that the main theme of elaboration of our world was emotions and related financial questions and stability issues. During this period, it was possible to increase cash and material flows, or it was possible..... vice versa. And this is for the next 18.5 years.

2.Keys to performing the solar eclipse practice.

As life has shown, if all the keys are fulfilled, then the implementation takes place within several weeks. Therefore, these keys are exactly that magical magic wand, launching your plans into implementation. Therefore, preparation for an eclipse begins with the preceding lunar eclipse.

During a lunar eclipse (+- three days), everything that will be important for the next period will clearly manifest itself in your life. Be attentive to signs from space. Situations may escalate and must be urgently addressed and resolved. At the same time, this is the best moment when you can get rid of the internal blocks that prevent us from fulfilling our desires.
Therefore, the first key is to pay attention to the signs during the lunar eclipse preceding the solar one.
The second key is the location of the sun at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope at the current moment. This is checked by an astrologer, where the main direction is determined, what you will remove and clean, and what you need to pay special attention to in making your plans. What to pay more attention to because then all heavenly and earthly space will help you in your implementation.
The third key is writing plans for the correct period depending on what type of eclipse.
Key four. Don't limit yourself. Sometimes Heaven suggests a higher level for us, but we underestimate it in our plans. Try to remove top bar. Give Heaven the opportunity to give you a gift.
The fifth key and very important. Desires must be from the heart and true, and not imposed from the outside. Be sure to check everything you plan for compliance with your true intentions.
The sixth key is the most important. This should benefit all living beings. Then you receive help and support in the implementation of all your plans from all heavenly and earthly Forces.

3. Preparing for the eclipse and the necessary tools

You can write down a few days before the start of the eclipse practice everything you want to plan for next year(if the eclipse is partial) or for the next 19.5 years (if the eclipse is annular or total). This can be done on the 24,25,27 and 28 lunar days.
Check every point of your plans for truth and environmental friendliness. This is done on the 25th or 28th lunar day before a solar eclipse. This will strengthen planning practices and speed up implementation.
Before the eclipse, prepare three white candles. They are intended depending on what tradition you are in for the Highest Manifestations of the Divine. These could be the Three Norns spinning the thread of fate. You can light them for the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's up to you.
Also take a figured angel candle in purple, white or just wax. If you don’t find a curly one, then take a regular wax one.
And two working candles. You will light one for the first practice, the second directly for the planning itself. The candles should burn for about an hour. Don't go too big or too small. Although in practice I observed when absolutely identical candles burned out in five minutes during practice. The second one burned for two hours.
And now the keys to the practice itself.

4. Key first.

Do the Lunar Eclipse practice. I will describe this practice in another article. Therefore, I will not pay much attention to it here. It can also be different depending on what lunar day the eclipse occurs.

5. Second key.

As I said above, you need to determine where the sun will be located in your astrological chart at the time of the eclipse. Namely, in which house. Houses represent specific circumstances in your life. This is the area in which you will have to work on your personality in the near future. Especially if there are planets there at the time of the eclipse.

5.1.First house. Our masks and reality editor. Physical body and character.

If the sun is in the first house, this is how we express ourselves and how we perceive this world. That is, in fact, this is our reality editor through which we perceive this world.

When working through an eclipse in the first house, pay attention to how in planning you express your inner feelings on the external plane. Allow yourself to feel and see your inner connections with the outside world. Oneself as a mirror of the Vast Universe looking into itself.
This is an opportunity to change your body and your personality.
If we do not work through the eclipse in the first house, then we may lose mental agility and become stupid for the next period. Plus, being overweight or underweight will be beyond our control.
So meditation on what I want to become at the level of the physical body and health is a great practice for the eclipse in this house. It will simplify and facilitate any physical changes to the body. To whom the eclipse is the enemy and to whom, on the contrary, it is the best friend!

5.2. 2nd house. The external material environment that surrounds us. Innate abilities and talents.

The second house is our relationship with property. This includes what we consider to be ours, which belongs to us. Apartment, car, money, jewelry, etc. By the way, if we consider someone close to us to be our property, this also goes through the second house. This house is where our connections with the outside world are located. The way the world interacts with us, and we with it. This is how we want to see the world around us, what kind of world to live in. Perception is processed at this level environment and its transformation. This is how a woman decorates herself and the space around her, her home. Luck in receiving money and spending it correctly is in this house.
As you work through the eclipse in the second house, pay attention to how you dress and what jewelry you wear in meditation.
If you do not work through the eclipse in the second house, then all your acquisitions may go to waste. A feeling of poverty and lack of funds for what you want, a constant lack of funds for what is necessary and familiar. In general, if you do not work through this eclipse, it will be quite difficult to restore financial stability in the future.
It's time to do money intention practices.

5.3. Third house. External social environment

An eclipse in the third house affects our relationships with people. These are our acquaintances, neighbors, employees at work, that is, all our social contacts. Our teachers help us with social learning. Higher education, advanced training courses, any social learning at the level of knowledge. There are also short trips here. Brothers, sisters and distant relatives are based on the principle - they simply exist. Family egregor at this level.
Harmonization of the third house will give harmonious social contacts. Social success.
Business trips and new information.
If you do not work on the third house during an eclipse, then during the current period conflicts with relatives, problems with travel, gossip and communication with people who are unpleasant will begin.
It's time to work with practices for building social contacts.

5.4. Fourth house. Education and Home.

If an eclipse falls in the fourth house, then a period begins when our experiences will be associated with our sense of home, connection with the earth on which we live.
These are our ties to the real estate we own. That is, it is possible to both acquire real estate and lose it.
Family relationships will also be checked. And not only between spouses. The entire family egregor will be tested. This means the father’s position as a house builder and food provider.
Working through the eclipse will help avoid problems with real estate and family destruction.
It's time to work with real estate acquisition practices and family egregor.

5.5. Fifth house. Creation

The fifth house is our mirror - how other people see us. What roles we play in life. There are both social and existential roles. External religiosity and prostitution. Ability to seduce and
like. Passion and lovers. This is our talent to perform different roles in the theater called life.
This is everything that correlates with creativity for us. For some, creativity means baking pies, for others making money, for others dancing. We are all different and our creativity is also different.
In any case, creativity is always the birth of something new. Therefore, this house is responsible for the birth of children. And if the fourth house is conception, then the fifth is already the birth, gestation and existence of our children.
If an eclipse falls in the fifth house, then working through it can bring about the conception and bearing of a child and avoid problems with already born children.
And for those who do not plan to have children, it can bring new love relationships and new creative projects into life.
It's time for creative and love plans.

5.6. Sixth house. Job

If the fifth house is creativity, then practical implementation plans, this is already the sixth house. Materialization occurs through hard work.
Moreover, in addition to career, work and position as a boss or subordinate, there is also our health.
Few people think about how much our work is related to health. But the connection is direct. A job we don’t like, constant dissatisfaction with our superiors, careless subordinates - all this directly affects our health and vice versa.
So, in addition to career, there is also health, nutrition and illness. In general, how you treat your body, how much you care for it, love it and support it.
In the old days, astrologers believed that there were also servants and pets.
For those who practice magical art in this house, they work on managing their physical, astral, etheric and mental bodies.
Working through this house will allow you to get rid of chronic diseases and keep your body in great shape. Have a successful career and have good, supportive bosses.
Now is the time to plan for career growth and improve working conditions. And for magicians to practice the intention of controlling their bodies.

Day houses.
Starting from this house, the emphasis shifts from the polarization “I - the world” to “the world”

5.7. Seventh house. Partnership.

If there was love and feelings in the fifth house, then it is already possible to formalize an official marriage. By working through the eclipse, you can either gain freedom from an existing relationship or speed up your meeting with a future partner.
By practicing eclipse in the 7th house you can get rid of enemies and rivals and bring cooperation and business relationship even with competitors. You can remove scandals and conflicts in the family, even avoid divorce. That is, enable cooperation at all levels.
If you are involved in a lawsuit, then an eclipse may give you the opportunity to win the case. However, if you are wrong, you can only mitigate the consequences. Nobody repealed the laws.
It's time to practice how I see my partner and relationship with him.

5.8. Eighth house. Change of egregor.

By working through the eclipse in this house we can make changes in our lives. Since this is a house of transformation, at the level of death - birth, there is an opportunity to make fundamental changes in your life. However, remember that this is often accompanied by quite extreme situations.
In any case, if an eclipse hits this house, there will be changes. And there will be critical situations, risks, and difficult-to-control feelings. You will still have to go through this. And working through the eclipse will provide an opportunity to make life lessons that will change you out of deadly diseases and the reanimation of fate. In general, it is sometimes better to come to spiritual practices ourselves than to force life to come there.
Going through transformation can be associated with group energies of different levels. Therefore, when working through it, allow yourself to lean on other people. Because it is better to go through borderline situations with the support of colleagues and like-minded people.
By the way, conception and birth of children is also a transformation. Look at this eclipse from this side as well.
This house also contains the money of the partner and partners. If you want to make your husband a millionaire, this is the time. Just ask him first if he wants it.
For esotericists, this eclipse makes it possible to go beyond the egregor and change the egregor to a higher one.
Practices - I am in the society of this world. We plan social status and connections. It’s better to plan a change of egregor yourself than for life to do it its own way.

5.9. Ninth house. Ideal. Who I want to be.

Working through an eclipse makes it possible to expand your boundaries. Go beyond the usual vision of the world and change the ideals and goals of life. This is the time when we can really change the next part of our journey. Remove what limits us from the inside and see the world from a higher point, expanding our horizons.
Expanding the vision of the world can be due to a new higher education, and through traveling around the world. The choice is yours. You can become a philosopher, writer, teacher, traveler, man of the world.
Let me remind you that if you don’t do this yourself, then life will do it for you in a tougher way. And every time we go beyond the boundaries in which we are now. So it’s better to remove internal restrictions in time. Because lack of elaboration will send you to psychosomatic diseases.
Time to look at your limitations that are preventing you from realizing your potential, your mission, and remove them. And also see what else you can be... even better.
It’s good to do a practice – how I see myself in the future, and if changes need to be made. Sometimes I conduct it for a group on the 13th lunar day so that before the eclipse, they can look at where there are restrictions and think about them and plans before the upcoming eclipse.

5.10. Tenth house. Fame and success.

This is the only daytime home they have on earth. And he is responsible for our involvement in the world system.
By working through this house we can make changes to the social situation. This is fame and success in society. This is what we owe the world and the world owes us.
If an eclipse falls in this house, then changes in social status are inevitable. Working through an eclipse can make this situation take off instead of falling.
It's time to plan changes in social status.

5.11. Eleventh house. Like-minded people - forced group work.

An eclipse in this house directly affects how we position ourselves and feel in a team.
Working through this eclipse can provide patrons and selfless help in your affairs. An eclipse in this house generally indicates that you will be associated with social activities in the near future. Whether it is forced or voluntary, it can be worked out during an eclipse.
Also here are maternal programs for implementation in society. The way she saw and felt the role of a woman was conveyed to you. Anyone working with this layer, pay attention to this.
Here is everything related to network structures from business network structures to global higher levels consciousness. At what level to work it is up to you to decide.
And if the eclipse in October is associated with creativity on a global level, moreover, associated with feminine energy. And the changing roles of countries on the world stage. And a lot will depend on women politicians. And each will become a mirror for the other. New roles in a new play. If we manage to understand and work through this, then the eclipse in March 2015 will precisely pass through the 11th house in the sign of Taurus. So the ability to be part of a team, to engage in social activities for the benefit of the entire planet will be something that all countries and peoples will have to work on. And also to their rulers.

5.12. Twelfth day house. Mystery and Karma.

It is not always possible to say what an eclipse in this house brings to life, since its functions are karmic and surrounded by mystery. Here you only need to consult a personal consultation with an astrologer. Because here the question is about making a sacrifice in order to get through the crisis. Crisis of the level of meaning in life. Because situations can lead to severe forms of psychiatric illness and loneliness. This
situations of working off karma and what has already been done. Completing the circle. Working through is a step forward to the crisis. Thus, reducing its time and depth of physical influence on situations in life. In general, only practices of awareness and working through karmic knots work. Moreover, they must be started on the first touch and completed on the last.
If you have an eclipse in this house and you want to work through it, then you need to start practicing the Tibetan practice of “pre-experiencing” at least a month in advance. I give it at the fourth level of the Tao school Women's Wisdom" For certain reasons I cannot describe it here. To do this, you must already be ready to manage your attention. Therefore, I can only give it on an individual basis in a personal consultation.
In any case, I recommend that you contact an astrologer for a personal consultation on the eclipse in your homes. Then also look at the personal lunar mandala for which lunar days there is an eclipse. And in which zodiac sign the eclipse will occur. This is also very important.

6. How to check plans and desires for truth and environmental friendliness.

In order to test any of your desires for its truth, it is very important to accept the future with your body. After all, all the blockages that prevent you from achieving your goal are located both in the subconscious and in the body.
We often don’t even realize that we ourselves are blocking the fulfillment of what we want. Often, a negative emotional charge (stress) inherent in early childhood can still subconsciously create situations of avoidance and obstacles to achieving a goal.
Therefore, first you need to see how your body will feel when you achieve the goal set by your mind. Won't this add stress to your life? Will the body, on an unconscious level, create situations in which what it wants becomes unattainable?
It is also no secret that an image of our future self has already been created in our subconscious. Yes, it is constantly changing, but it would also be good to check it for compliance with the desired goal. Because you can gain material wealth, but completely destroy your health. Or get married, but find yourself in a situation where you don’t feel joyful and happy, but rather, on the contrary, depressed, tired and broken.
If it is convenient for you, then place your hands in the Fronto-Occipital Girth (you can ask one of your friends to help you or, if you practice in a group, then a colleague)
Start your practice by becoming aware of your body, your physicality.
Take three deep breaths - exhale through your chest and stomach at the same time. As you exhale, relax your shoulders, stretch the top of your head into the sky, and your tailbone down into the ground, stretching your spine as if between Heaven and Earth. Let a light smile touch your lips and stay there. Feel the contact of your feet with the floor. How the floor presses on your feet. See with your inner eye and feel the places where your body comes into contact with the chair on which you are sitting. Relax your shoulders and stomach.
Imagine and feel as if an invisible thread stretches from the top of your head into the sky. Take several breaths and exhalations along this thread through the crown, relaxing it as you exhale.
Throughout your practice, try to maintain the feeling that your spine is stretched between Heaven and Earth. Try to see and feel the thread of blue-white light stretched between heaven and earth through you. Allow yourself to feel the smells that surround you. Try to determine the air temperature by feeling it on your skin. Relax your shoulders and stomach again. Let a smile softly play on your lips.
This was the preparation of the body, and now the testing itself:
Imagine, feel, feel that the situation you dream about has already happened. You have already achieved what you want. You are already there in your future. It is very good if your colleague holds the LZO for you during the practice and you speak and describe what is happening in your imagination and in the sensations in your body out loud. Don’t try to imagine and feel everything in this picture of your life at once. Start with the soles of your feet. What are you wearing? Only then raise your attention higher. Your legs.. body... what kind of underwear, clothes are you wearing, do you have jewelry, what color is your hair, hairstyle. There may be a hat on his head. What are you holding in your hands?
Let your subconscious mind show you and let you feel what it really has in store for you. What image has already been created by him in the future and to which in fact you will most likely go in reality.
So, there is you and your created image. Now let your imagination begin to create the space around you. Is it a house, an apartment, an open space? Perhaps there are other people near you? Who is this? What kind of place is it? What season? What time of day? What smells surround you? What sounds do you hear? You may be able to taste it in your mouth.
And now that the picture of a fulfilled desire has already been created in your imagination. You can see, feel and understand what is happening in your body. Start testing how what you have created in your imagination affects your body. Checking the shoulders. Tense or relaxed. If your shoulders are tense, this indicates that in order to realize what you want, you will have to take on something that may not be yours and carry this someone else’s through life. Do you need this? Decide for yourself.
Let's check the stomach.
If your stomach is tense, then this indicates that in order to fulfill your plans, you will have to strain your vitality and line up additional protection. And since there are protections, the situation is not safe. What dangers did you not take into account when planning? Will you be able to withstand the battle without harm to your health? What scares you in this picture? What are you afraid of in realizing your desire?
Checking your hands.
Are your hands relaxed or clenched into fists? Hands are responsible for the energy of contacts between people. Will energy flow between you and those around you in this situation or will there be tension between the participants in the picture?
Let's check the main aspect of the truth of the desire. Smile is the main key!
Does the picture created in your imagination make you smile? A smile of joy and pleasure. Do you feel joy in every cell of your body? Do you see and feel how all the participants in the picture are smiling at you? If the smile is not sincere, but artificially made, then the practice either will not work or will work, but with a creak and a lot of problems. Moreover, the implementation will take many months, or even years.
If desire is important to you, but your body resists, then try changing the picture in your imagination until you see a light, joyful smile, a relaxed stomach, arms and shoulders, and it all ends with a deep inhale and exhale.
After checking your wish list in this way, choose the three that are most important to you. It is with them that we will work in planning meditation.

7. Meditation and planning practice during a solar eclipse:

Before practice, take a shower, put on clean clothes and prepare a place for meditation.
You can do any cleansing practice from my book “Moon Practices”
Light three candles as an offering to the Norns if you are in the Nordic tradition.
Ask higher powers to guide you during your practice. And so that everything is done correctly and on time and that your actions benefit all living beings.
Light a candle for your Guardian Angel. Ask him to help you during your practice
Drink a glass of clean water in small sips.
Looking into the candlelight, write a list of what you want to get rid of.
Look at yourself in the mirror.

7.1. Purification Meditation:

Purification meditation is performed before the sun has passed the peak of the eclipse and while the 29th or 30th lunar day is still underway.
Take a comfortable position. The arms and legs are open and do not cross.
During practice, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Breathing is soft and calm as usual. There is no need to open your mouth wide as you exhale. Just relax and open it slightly while exhaling.
Take three deep breaths. So that as you inhale, your stomach and chest expand as much as possible, and as you exhale, they relax and fall on their own under the force of gravity.
Feel the outer surface of your body and look at inner space(if you regularly performed the practice " The best remedy rejuvenation - Movement at rest" from my book of women's practices, then it will be easy for you to do this)
Imagine that in front of you is the image you just saw in the mirror.
Remember what you wrote on your list.
Find the place in your body where you see and feel the first problem on your list. Something you want to get rid of. What does it look and feel like? Maybe it's some kind of symbol or object. For example, resentment may look like a stone or a knife in the back. Or just color and shape. Find a problem in your body that bothers you. Thank her for being in your life for the lessons that you learned thanks to her. Send it to the phantom image that we have created and which is in front of you outside of your body.

Then do the same for the other problems on your list. When all problems are sent to the created phantom. Look at him with love and gratitude. Now these problems are not with you but with the phantom. Thank the phantom for taking on these problems and sending them to those places where they should be outside of our world. Under your attention, the phantom may begin to shrink and gradually turn into a small, shining purple star. Take a deep breath and exhale and send it to the sky.
It is better that the launch into the sky occurs a couple of minutes before the transition begins.
Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and observe what happens to your sensations and experiences at the moment the sun passes through the maximum of the eclipse.

The next practice follows purification and begins only at the moment of the peak of the eclipse and the passage of the first lunar day!!!

And as the sun enters the new lunar day, we need to fill in the empty spaces.
Imagine that a ray of light is coming down from the sky towards you. It fills the entire space around with light, clear light. Feel your skin and the places where it comes into contact with the air and where it comes into contact with clothing. Think of your skin as the outer surface of your body. Start inhaling the light that comes from the sky through the surface of the body, through the skin. With each inhalation and exhalation, the body expands and contracts as balloon. Fill your body with light, especially those places that you have cleansed. Fill yourself with light and clarity.
When you do this, take three deep breaths and exhale, gently stretch your whole body and you can proceed to the next part of the practice. The purification practice is completed.
A sheet of paper with written problems is burned and the ashes are buried in the ground or sent with water into the toilet with the words “where the water goes, there is trouble.”

7.2. Working with planning.

Light a new white or wax candle. Take a sheet of yellow paper and a pen with red ink.
Looking at the candle, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near and not only future. Write a list of your plans.
Before writing each item, first look into the candlelight. Let it help your desire to be pure and clear. Avoid the word NOT and negative expressions. Write not in the future or in the past, but in the present tense. And may all your wishes be wise and bring benefit to all living beings. Having completed the list of plans and desires, we again drink a glass of fresh water in small sips and settle into a comfortable position for meditation.
We are already filled with light, so just remember this state of being filled with light, calm and relaxed. A state of clarity and peace. In this state, draw in your imagination living picture as if your desire and plan have already come true. Create a circle of blue light as a frame for the picture. Remember how in the fairy tale about the silver plate. Who is next to you when your wish is realized. What do you feel? Are you and the other participants in the film comfortable?
Check to see if your wish is true!!!
If the body is tense and there is no smile, then begin to change the picture until a joyful soft smile appears on the face, the body relaxes and the breathing is soft and calm, through the chest and stomach at the same time. And in your imagination you will be able to observe and feel peace, tranquility and calm joy from the picture of a fulfilled desire. Let the image go into the heavens with a blue glow. Smile and thank space, heaven, and your guardian angel for your help.
Then we do the same with two more wishes.
Having sent the third wish into the sky with blue light, check your body and scan your internal space. If there is no light somewhere, then again invite a ray from the sky and fill your entire inner space with the light of clarity. This concludes the practice.
Stretch gently, take a few deep breaths. Give thanks higher power, guardian angel, God in whom you believe or higher self for help in practice.
Written plans can be burned and the ashes thrown to the wind. Do not extinguish the candles; they must burn out on their own.
Good luck with your eclipse practice.
Eugenie McQueen © 2016

Solar eclipse September 1, 2016

An eclipse occurs when a new moon or full moon occurs near the lunar nodes. Since in astrological symbolism the lunar nodes set the main direction of development (in the mundane sense, collective development), a solar eclipse (new moon on a lunar node) sets the beginning of a certain stage in the life of humanity, which continues until the next solar eclipse. Moon eclipse(full moon on the lunar nodes) has a different meaning. The full moon is the phase of maximum disclosure and external manifestation of what is inherent at the beginning of the solar-lunar cycle, that is, at the new moon. Although various events often occur during lunar eclipses, their roots should be sought in the theme of the new moon. Therefore, solar eclipses are of particular importance.

On September 1, 2016 at 12:06:50 Moscow time, an annular solar eclipse will occur on the northern lunar node at 9°21"11""Virgo (longitude of the nodes 12°42"36""Virgo - 12°42"36""Virgo) The map was built at the time of the new moon.

To understand what this eclipse can bring into our lives, let's analyze the general planetary constellation. First of all, the chart highlights a tau square formed by the opposition of the Sun and Moon with Neptune on the axis of the lunar nodes, which resolves to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius. A planet square to the nodes plays a special role. Nodes represent a line of tension of forces that direct the development of a situation in a certain direction. The energy between two points always tends to be released in the middle, so the planet in squares to the nodes turns out to be the very place through which what is associated with the nodes is realized.

The eclipse map is based on Moscow. (To assess the impact of an eclipse on a country, you can build a map of its capital). In an eclipse chart, the nodes are located on the vertical axis (north in the 10th house). In this case, the tau square on Saturn with Mars perfectly describes the personnel changes in the government. This is no longer a forecast, but a fact - since Saturn’s square to the nodes lasted almost the entire summer, before that Saturn was at the top of the tau square at the opposition of Jupiter and Neptune and through them was also connected with the nodes. Actually, during the spring eclipse on March 9, 2016, he was also at the apex of the tau square, so this theme was laid down even then and was developed during the period from the spring eclipse on the south node to the autumn one on the north node. And it will continue.

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn also reflects the nature of personnel changes - the new appointees are all from the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies. The exception is the new Minister of Education. She previously headed the Center for the History of Religion and defended two dissertations on the topic of the patriotic role Orthodox Church during the Second World War. Also quite suitable as an example of an aspect between Saturn and Neptune. And Mars is there too - in the sense of military patriotism. The September eclipse will bring a further increase in the role of security forces in power.

In addition, the conjunction of Saturn and Mars at the top of the second house of the chart indicates an active increase in spending on the army, weapons, law enforcement agencies and other military expenses. In all other cases, Saturn on top of the second house means financial restrictions. Moreover, the ruler of the second house, Jupiter, is in the sign of his exile. We can expect further economic decline, inflation, and a depreciation of the ruble. These same aspects include the visible activation of anti-corruption processes. Old age is the age of Saturn. Recently it was decided to abandon the indexation of pensions. Since the Virgo-Pisces axis is associated with medicine, we can expect reforms in the healthcare system and restrictions on its financing.

Neptune in the 4th house in this configuration speaks of the increasing role of the church in state affairs. His intense aspect to Mars in Sagittarius is about increasing national and religious hostility. This applies to the whole world - conflicts on religious grounds, unfortunately, will continue to grow.

Uranus in Aries is ruled by Mars, and it is in conjunction with Saturn. This speaks of the practical (2nd house) application of restrictions on freedom in all its manifestations: strengthening control over the Internet, for example.

In the system of derivative houses, the second house is the eighth house of the partner, so Mars and Saturn near its cusp are unlikely to ease tensions in relations; intensification of hostilities is possible.

Although there are many divergent aspects in the eclipse chart (they indicate that many events have already occurred before the eclipse), much is still to come, since the main factor - the new moon point - forms convergent aspects to all the main elements of the chart.

The general trend established by the eclipse will last until the next eclipse on February 26, 2017. Based on the map of that eclipse, one can judge what the implementation of what is being laid down this September will lead the world to. But we won’t talk about that for now.

On days close to an eclipse, transport accidents often increase and the risk of natural disasters increases. Moreover, the current eclipse is preceded by an exact conjunction of Mars and Saturn in conjunction with Antares (the axis of catastrophes), and the point of the eclipse is in squares to the axis of catastrophes. There is a risk of airplane accidents as Mars rules Uranus and is conjunct Uranus's mid-south node. In addition, the true node of Uranus is in exact conjunction with the cusp of the second house and (obviously) in opposition to the cusp of the eighth house. This increases the likelihood of accidents and problems with computer equipment and electricity. So be careful while driving!

In addition to the mental influence, the eclipse also affects individual people. It must be said that the impact of the eclipse on a certain person noticeable only when important elements eclipse maps (especially luminaries and nodes) fall (and with great accuracy) on important points natal chart(sometimes a progressive card or solar). Everyone knows that an eclipse affects those who have an eclipse close to their birthday the most. That is, the current eclipse affects Virgos born near September 1st. It also affects Pisces, whose Sun is in opposition to the point of the eclipse or in conjunction with the node of the Moon, and on the corresponding degrees of Sagittarius - Gemini (the importance of squares to the nodes has already been discussed above). However, this approach is too simple. Elements of the eclipse chart can fall into an important point in the horoscope of any person - after all, this important point is not necessarily the Sun, the position of which we can judge by the date of birth. But this already requires individual analysis.

In any case, if an eclipse affects a person, then an event can occur in that area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that is associated with the house in which the eclipse falls. And, of course, the eclipse - as a factor associated with the lunar nodes - always resonates with the theme of the natal nodes.

If we talk about the current eclipse, then some of the pessimism that its mundane meaning inspires should not be extended to the fate of specific people. Although we are all cells of a single planetary organism, each has its own Destiny. This eclipse could bring change social status, job change, may affect health, marriage. Some people at work may have a change in management, restructuring. Of course, someone may get laid off, but someone may also be promoted! All this is strictly individual. This eclipse can give you the experience of a conscious attitude towards health, nutrition, teach a reasonable attitude towards resources and self-restraint. Someone has a chance to give up bad habits. We must remember that sometimes eclipses bring extraordinary success and mark the beginning of an important life cycle.

Based on the name, each of us has questions such as: why an annular solar eclipse and what it is in general, how it will affect a person and the world as a whole. But first things first. Let's start by telling you about what an Annular Solar Eclipse is. This name is explained quite simply - due to its diameter, the Moon cannot completely cover the Sun and, as a result, a bright luminous disk is formed around the night star.

Any eclipse, both solar and lunar, has a huge impact on a person, and on the planet as a whole. The moon in our lives is responsible for the spiritual, intuition, and subconscious. But the Sun is for vital energy, will and fortitude, creativity and invention. Therefore, it is logical that it is precisely these areas of life that will be infringed and people themselves will be in a state of some kind of eclipse.

If the Lunar Eclipse symbolizes a period of rethinking past events, then the Solar Eclipse, on the contrary, says that it is time to wait for global changes and prepare for them. But how to properly prepare for them and is it necessary to do it at all? How will this event affect our lives? Read about it below.

The impact of the eclipse of September 1, 2016 on the world

  • Countries affected by the eclipse: Gulf of Guinea, Africa (Gabon, Congo, DRC, Tanzania and Mozambique), Madagascar, Indian Ocean, South Asia. Brazil, Crete, Kurdistan, Croatia.

If we talk about the impact of an eclipse on the world as a whole, then this is a period of revolutions and fundamental changes. And we cannot say that they will be positive or negative. A real conflict may flare up somewhere, while another country will experience economic growth. During a solar eclipse, it is important to adjust to new way and be able to survive, only then fate will give you bonuses.

Since the Solar Eclipse is a time of learning the truth, some protracted conflicts on the world stage may be resolved. Countries that couldn't for a long time come together, suddenly, at some point, they will find mutual language and compromise. However, not all states will be able to hold out in this state for long and maintain peace among themselves; as a result, some of them will return to past squabbles.

Also be prepared for new reforms that the government different countries suddenly decide to actively implement. The new bills will not be to the liking of the people, which is why various rallies, demonstrations and protests expressing the discontent of citizens may be observed for several more days. However, due to the strong influence of Pluto, these reforms will be useful and even bear fruit. But not all, some bills introduced by the government will simply be useless.

If we talk about nature, then it will be harsh, since the Solar Eclipse brings with it various global cataclysms. It is during the period of eclipses that many different earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and so on are observed. All this will bring devastating consequences. So, for example, in 2010, three days before the Solar Eclipse, an earthquake occurred in Haiti, which claimed thousands of lives.

According to astrologers, the successes of many politicians will come to naught, while others will have serious problems. Whatever they think will collapse and many of their plans will remain only in their heads. Because of this, new conflicts and squabbles may arise with the rulers of other countries, which will affect the well-being of each state. All because of Uranus, which will have a fatal effect on people seeking power.

How will the solar eclipse of September 1, 2016 affect people?

During the period of influence of the Solar Eclipse, astrologers do not advise starting a new business, radically changing something in your company or organization, introducing something new or investing money somewhere. Despite the fact that during this period your intuition will work with redoubled force and you are able to accept correct solution, the success of such a business will not last long and everything will be destroyed by factors that do not depend on you. During a Solar Eclipse, it is best to think about what awaits you in the future, plan and draw up business plans. But it’s better to wait at least a week to bring your ideas to life.

A solar eclipse affects a person in such a way that many truths that he could not resolve before will suddenly become clear and understandable. Due to the influence of Virgo, many of us will be able to look at difficult situation in your life soberly and realistically. Some will understand how to move on, what to do and what to do, but others, on the contrary, will fall into a prolonged depression and aggravate the situation. All this depends on the person himself, and therefore do not let yourself be overcome by melancholy and panic, try to maintain composure and do not give in to emotions.

If we talk about emotional sphere, then some tension will be felt, people will feel weak, their vital energy will decline, which will make it difficult to keep emotions within themselves. On the streets, in public transport, in cafes and restaurants, at work and in other places where people gather, there will be a lot of quarrels and conflicts, people will “let off steam” at the first one they come across. And to lovers and married couples It may suddenly seem that feelings have weakened and there is no passion that was before. Many will begin to lash out at their significant other due to problems at work and in communicating with people around them. If you encounter this, then you should think about changing things. Better than this one negative energy guide you in the right direction and, to throw out your emotions, talk to your significant other, speak out about your problems. And to relax, have a romantic dinner by candlelight or go to the cinema; if this is not possible, then watch movies at home.

Spiritually, this is the time “ spring cleaning”, when you need to take a sober look at your actions and decisions. Reevaluate your value system, understand what you want to strive for and achieve in your life. And all because during this period you will not build castles in the air and blindly follow your dreams. Especially the influence of Virgo will make you look at many things more rationally and cynically. Also - this good time getting rid of far-fetched complexes and “cockroaches” in your head, look at yourself and highlight your shortcomings and advantages, which will subsequently help you be more confident in yourself. If you have long wanted to develop some quality in yourself, for example, the ability to say “no” or willpower, then this is the most favorable time.

Despite the fact that during the eclipse many people will feel unwell and a decrease in life potential, at this time our body is cleansed and gets rid of unnecessary things. After this event, each of us will be able to feel improved health, vigor, strength and increased life potential. But don’t rush to implement everything and actively spend your life energy, learn how to properly distribute your forces. Otherwise, you will fizzle out halfway and will not be able to achieve what you want.

Be prepared for the fact that everything secret always becomes clear, this tendency is especially observed during periods of Solar Eclipses. If you are hiding something, then it is better to reveal this secret in time, otherwise serious problems may arise. If you suspect someone of deception, then do not worry, fate itself will reveal all its cards to you. And if not, then this means that you are cheating yourself and the people who are around you are honest and sincere.

As we see, the impact of the Solar Eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be ambiguous. On the one hand, changes await us; each of us will be able to rethink our lives and understand what we want from it in general. However, on the other hand, it brings problems, conflicts and losses, but life’s obstacles temper us, make us stronger and more confident.

An annular solar eclipse is a phenomenon in which the cone-extension of the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, and the Moon is so far from the Earth that it is not able to completely block the Sun.

The annular solar eclipse on September 1 is not pronounced and will not be observed in Russia and the CIS. In this way, you can send your children to school with peace of mind, without fear of unconstructive influence. If it is present, it will only be in the background.

The effect of eclipses on the human mind and body

In order to understand exactly how an eclipse affects our body and mind, imagine a stone thrown into water. Circles will appear on the surface of the water. Continuing our analogy, we can say that the vibration of the surface of the water (the effect on our mind and body) is most pronounced in the visible part of the eclipse. In September 2016, Africa became the epicenter. The further you are from the epicenter, the less pronounced its impact. There is no eclipse observed in the CIS countries.

The meaning of eclipses in Jyotish

Why do astrologers recommend refraining from significant undertakings these days? Do the predictions often look gloomy? Eclipses from an astrological and metaphysical point of view are projected by two karmic points (Rahu and Ketu). A solar eclipse provokes Ketu; at the moment of the eclipse, the “trigger” mechanism is activated. The seeds of karma, lying in the “ground” of our personality during the eclipse, receive “watering” and the opportunity to grow. The energy prevailing on earth and in space during this event is often polluted, which is why the fruits ripen unhealthy.

In the astrological system of Jyotish, the influence of Ketu also has positive aspects: liberation or purification, destruction of bondages. For example, we can lose something, realize or give up something, thus the Universe slightly weakens the grip of karma.

During an eclipse, the southern point at the intersection of orbits (Ketu) obscures the Sun (our ego, selfhood) and we are freed from the chains of “ego”. Therefore, the time of a solar eclipse is favorable for the practices of purification and forgiveness, but not favorable for the beginning of important affairs, the purpose of which is to achieve benefit or material well-being and asserting one’s authority and positioning one’s achievements.

If you still feel something like that :)

During a solar eclipse, “light absorption” occurs. Wandering in inner darkness, we lose the sense of discrimination and security, there is no certainty. For this reason, during the days of the eclipse, avoid hasty conclusions and decisive actions. You should not go on a trip; be careful with sharp objects, fire, and equipment.

Solar eclipse with benefits for development

Prayer for forgiveness is the most effective force against the influence of the lunar nodes, which Vedic astrology attributed to demonic nature. Please note that intensive practices such as working with energies, hypnotic practices, and magical practices are not recommended on September 1st.


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