Yellow human chakra. Manipura - energy chakra of personal power

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Manipura chakra and spiritual development.

This is a very important energy center. The consciousness of the absolute majority of people never reaches the level of manipura. If a person was able to do this and achieved the opening of this chakra, it is believed that he has already passed more than half the way in his spiritual development and he has a chance to reveal his higher “I” already in this life.

Manipura chakra- this is an important turning point.

Manipura. Basic properties.

This chakra is also called the umbilical chakra because its location– navel area, seven centimeters above and below.

The primary element of manipura is fire. This is the fiery chakra, the fiery, solar center. In the area of ​​this chakra occur digestive processes, whose organs it supplies with the necessary energy.

The fire of the Manipura chakra has its own meaning. As we know from our everyday life, fire burns absolutely everything that gets in its way. And he won’t figure out what exactly will burn in him.

This fire is a great force. If you don’t exercise, don’t work with this energy center, then an imbalance arises there, which can cause many mental and physical problems.

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Imbalance in manipura.

It is the lack of ability to think clearly and express one's thoughts clearly in words. Susceptibility to fears and stress, the inability to cope with them is often the result of a lack of energy in the manipura, its imbalance.

And this, in turn, will greatly cause problems with digestion, because many people begin to have stomach problems due to constant nervous tension. Stress, as science has long known, is the source of many diseases.

These are diseases such as diabetes, migraines, skin diseases, allergies, heart problems, etc. These are problems with the stomach and digestion.

What food is right?

Manipura distributes the energy that we receive through food, through drinking and through the air. Therefore it is very important eat proper and healthy food. One that is full of energy, and one that will help us, make us stronger, and not vice versa.

These are vegetables, fruits, nuts and many other plant foods.

Animal food cannot carry healthy and positive energy, because it is associated with the death of the animal we eat. Yes, we get animal protein, but we poison ours energy system, we introduce a destructive effect on the manipura chakra, in particular.

Food filled with healthy and clean energy affects our thoughts, our well-being, the quantity vitality, on activity and desire to act and create. Be very careful about the food you eat. It is not only a source of substances and minerals. This energy, which is distributed throughout the body with the help of the manipura chakra.

If you have chronic fatigue, despondency, weakness, apathy - this is most likely result bad work manipura chakra when you cannot fully get all your energy from food. You are getting construction material, but you are not filled with new energy.

Therefore, in order to feel good, to be full of energy, to be active, active, joyful, you need to work on this energy center. Without its normal operation, you will not be able to fully receive all the energy coming to you in the form of water, food and air.

Manipura is a transformative energy center.

If it is open and working, then it is capable in its fire burn all yours negative emotions and feelings such as anger, irritation, aggression, envy, greed, laziness, jealousy.

He transforms them into pure love, into generosity, into compassion, modesty, determination, the desire to act and move forward.

When you are overwhelmed by such emotions and weaknesses, then direct all your attention to your fiery center. This is the only place that can burn all these manifestations and transform them.

Happiness is within us.

It is from manipura that the feeling of inner happiness and harmony comes, which then rises higher to the heart center.

That's why this center is so important. Only with his help can you get rid of your negative qualities and emotions. Considering that for most people, the level of consciousness does not rise above svadhisthana throughout their lives, we understand why people are so angry and hateful towards each other and the world around them.

Without inner fire, we will not succeed; spiritual development is impossible. Opening manipura is the main step on this path.

Opened manipura is, in addition to the above, self-confidence, clarity of expression of one’s thoughts, wisdom, a feeling of happiness and well-being, activity and strength. Manipura opens the awareness of one's higher self, spiritual essence, the unity of everything in the universe and unity with God.

It frees us from the constant fear that accompanies our lives, which is generated by duality and a sense of separation, when we do not realize or understand our unity with the Lord.

Manipura manifests itself best when the ajna chakra is open, which is a kind of gateway to spiritual world. Ajna helps to make the right decisions based on the soul and intuition. If we do not take this point into account, then many decisions that are made only under the influence of manipura can often be subject to excessive emotions and be too instinctive.

Manipura chakra symbols.

Each chakra has a lotus symbol. The Manipura chakra lotus has ten petals, which symbolize the ten types of pranic energy.

As I said above, this fire, symbol of strength and purification.

Manipura personifies from the animal world ram. This animal is sharp and has a lot of energy. But this is an animal, which suggests that being in Manipura, our consciousness has not yet reached the highest spiritual centers that elevate man above the animal world.

Inverted Triangle. The top is pointing down. That is, the triangle expands upward, which indicates that we are beginning the path of expanding our consciousness upward.

Thanks to the revealed manipura, our life is transformed, it is filled with health, happiness, and joy. Abundance and wealth come into her. This applies to both the material and spiritual sides.

The color of manipura is fire color. This yellow, a cleansing light that burns away everything negative and harmful.

RAM- Manipura chakra mantra. In manipura, two main nadis (energy channels) intersect and this mantra influences them, directing the flow of energy.

In Manipur sounds are born, which then rise higher and come out through the throat to the mouth. But they are born there. Working with manipura helps in staging speech and treating speech problems.

Manipura chakra is incredibly important. Many energy channels of our body converge in it. By harmonizing it, you have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Characteristics and qualities of Manipura chakra

Location in the body navel area
Designation ten petal lotus, inverted triangle, ram
Element fire
Organ, gland pancreas
Color fire color
Mantra RAM
Impact on physical health mental health, digestion, heart, skin, affects almost all processes in the body
Affects self-confidence, clarity of mind, expression of one’s thoughts, happiness, love, prosperity, joy, strength, activity, activity, harmony, determination.


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The Manipura chakra is located in the solar plexus area, which is where it gets its second name.

Manipura chakra what it is, where it is located and how to activate it, practices for opening and how to use it, what it is responsible for, description

It is located in the energy column between the third and fifth lumbar vertebrae. The chakra can be activated in the process of a person’s conscious action in society. The main thing for a person at this moment is to understand what role in life he occupies, and what place is assigned to him. This feeling is not always pleasant and may not be pleasant for everyone.

In order to develop the Manipura chakra, you need to take care of yourself and your style of communication with other people. It is also worth learning to understand yourself, to figure out what exactly you like and what you don’t like in the process of communicating with others. When it becomes clear what irritates you, you will need to follow what motivates you at the moment of committing this or that action, or at the moment when you say something that does not appeal to you. People who have managed to discover manipura in themselves, as a result, become successful leaders capable of leading a large crowd.

Sometimes these leaders can turn into manipulators, but then they stop developing. The most important function of the third chakra is the accumulation, assimilation, transformation and distribution of vital energy across all energy centers. This chakra plays the role of a kind of energy turbine, capable of generating and distributing energy to where it is needed at the moment.

An equally important function of manipura is the ability to analyze and evaluate the likelihood of further events, as well as the correctness or incorrectness decision taken or a perfect action. Visually, manipura appears as a yellow lotus flower with ten red petals. Each petal has its own Sanskrit letter.

What is the throat, dhyana, sacral chakra and how to use it, how it works

The throat chakra, called Vishuddha, is the fifth chakra located in the throat area. Vishuddha is the realm of omnipotence and omniscience. When a person opens this chakra, he is able to rise above all emotions, feelings, prejudices and obstacles. Such a person is able to look at everything from above, from where all models of human behavior can be clearly seen. People who have discovered this chakra in themselves are able to use the technique of contemplating everything that happens, known as dhyana. The Vishuddha chakra is the area of ​​discovery and development of human talents.

The third chakra is responsible for emotions, how to develop it, exercises, reviews

If a person wants to become a successful leader, businessman or entrepreneur, he simply needs to develop manipura. In order to determine the level of development of the third chakra, it is enough to simply answer the question of whether a person adheres to a specific schedule or daily routine.

The main method of developing manipura is the ability to plan your day to the smallest detail and stick to the plan as much as possible. Of course, at the beginning of the chakra development journey, not everything will work out smoothly, but over time, with effort, people are able to live the day with 70-80 percent of the planned execution on time. The main thing in this technique is not the speed with which people begin to live according to a certain plan, but the pleasure they get from it. And it really does exist if you do everything without forcing yourself to do it, but by accustoming yourself to it.

Manipura chakra does not attach importance to other people's opinions, I cannot communicate

One of the main tasks of the manipura chakra is a person’s ability not to listen to outside opinions, since a developed chakra makes it possible to form one’s own opinion, one’s own vision of a specific object or situation. Thanks to the ability to assimilate received information, people with a developed third chakra can quickly analyze the information received, thanks to which they can not depend on the thoughts and opinions of others.

The main sign of closedness and imbalance of the Manipura chakra is a person’s inability or inability to communicate with other people, his social inadaptability, and lack of communication skills.

Manipura chakra and diseases, color, element

Poor functioning of the manipura chakra has negative impact on the health and vital activity of the human body. Chakra malfunctions can lead to increased acidity and gastritis. As a result of accepting someone else's imposed position, a person may develop an ulcer.

Manifestations of a person’s anger at a situation in which he cannot defend himself most often result in diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The work of manipura also affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of diabetes, and the ability to conceive a child. Manipura has all shades of yellow, without turning into orange. This chakra belongs to the element of fire.

Manipura chakra for men

In men, the third chakra, which is responsible for money, life position, activity and achievements, is quite active. A man, charged with the energy of pleasure of the second chakra from a woman, transforms it into material achievements and social benefits. In order for a man to become an active breadwinner in the family, a woman needs to become his muse and motivation. A man needs to have demand for what he can achieve. If the weaker sex tries to pull the blanket over itself, then the male manipura fades, and he either becomes a parasite or breaks off the relationship and goes in search of his inspiration.

Third chakra in men and women, blockage

For women, the third chakra is passive. A woman needs to be able to accept material and social benefits in exchange for the comfort, coziness and love pleasures she gives. If a woman tries to become more significant in a relationship than a man, tries to earn all the money herself, defends the interests of their couple herself, looks for ways out of this or that situation, she will lead to blocking not only her own manipura, but will also block her actions of your lover's chakra.

Manipura chakra mantra ram, sensations, yantra, asanas

The Sanskrit mantra for the manipura chakra is the mantra RAM. While pronouncing this sound, or listening to it, a person develops solar energy, capable of filling the third chakra and activating its work. To pronounce this mantra it is also not prohibited to use the sound “OOO”. If the mantra is pronounced correctly, the result of its work will be a lasting feeling of complete harmony with one’s own inner self. You can also feel harmony with the world around you.

The yantra for manipura is the image of a ten-leafed yellow lotus. A triangle with a swastika image can be placed in its center. Contemplation of the yellow yantra can tone the entire body and increase a person’s performance. Visualization of the yantra has a fairly good effect on overall health.

Which chakra on the human body is responsible for loss of money, well-being

Manipura chakra is the energy center that is responsible for the flow of money to a person. If the chakra is open, cleansed and balanced, then a person is able to independently form his judgments and knowledge financial issues so that money constantly comes to him and multiplies. Unstable work chakra, its imbalance leads to the fact that money not only does not come, but also disappears in unclear places.

Only a person who has a developed third chakra will be able to provide for his life and the life of his loved ones in terms of material well-being.

Please note that the material presented below is a classic esoteric teaching on the structure of the chakra system with the following terms: astral plane and psychosphere of the Earth. It is focused on the initial and basic level of self-development and refinement of personality traits, the integration of modern psychology with spirituality. This is where preparation for the transition to the level of Soul evolution begins. Practices related to the qualities of the Soul and Spiritual Wisdom are mainly concentrated in sections, , and individual thematic articles.

The meaning of the word "" translated from Sanskrit means “Abundance of Jewels. A place for diamonds."
The Manipura chakra of a person is associated with character traits, his Ego. The third chakra is responsible for the desire to achieve a certain position in society and universal recognition, for an active life position, the ability to control one’s emotions and oneself.
With the harmonious work of the third chakra, a person has the ability to independently form and express a personal opinion, as well as correctly form an opinion about life.

The ability of the third chakra is to form a personality through the assimilation of knowledge and experience.
From a spiritual point of view, the work of the Manipura chakra is to:
- fully revealing a person’s talents and abilities
- realization of purpose in the world of matter
- achieving human self-realization

The work of a balanced chakra is expressed in a feeling of inner harmony and tranquility.

With a balanced third chakra Human:
- manages your emotions
- copes with your feelings, desires, does not form expectations

Feels in agreement with himself, with his position in life, with the people around him

Such a person is characterized by positive self-esteem and self-confidence, which enhances his desire for success. A person exhibits willpower, self-motivation and the power of the Spirit, self-awareness, and the ability to make decisions.

Violation of the Manipura chakra can manifest itself in the desire to manipulate other people and abuse of power. In such cases, from constantly being in a state of struggle with the internal and external world, a person feels the need to constantly prove to himself and others his own worth and importance.

Emerging feelings of anger and resentment towards the world, towards people, which a person tries to carefully hide, showing with his appearance that “everything is fine!”

At the same time, a person may suffer from attacks of rage, aggression, depression, and suppressed feelings, as a rule, are not left alone. An imbalance of Manipura can also manifest itself as an inability to relax, as an inability to accept the achieved result, criticism and self-criticism. A person develops powerlessness, doubts, feelings of guilt, anger, greed.

Location. Where is.

The chakra is located 2 cm above the navel (or the level of the width of two fingers). The corresponding plexus of nerve ganglia is the “solar” plexus, which is located at the level of the point of convergence of the ribs of the sternum. Due to this location, Manipur is often called “sunny”.

Meaning. What is Manipura responsible for?

Third chakra in general, in the human energy system it is responsible for:
- accumulation, transformation, distribution and assimilation of energy in the human body;
- “intuition” of the physical body - feeling the likely optimal lines of future events and choosing (or tuning) on ​​one of them depending on the prevailing needs of a person. Developed, filled Manipura conveys to a person the ability to feel and analyze the correctness, effectiveness (or incorrectness, ineffectiveness) of any decisions made, chosen by the “body”, and not, which can often be misleading when predicting the future based on accepted patterns of behavior, logical chains , thinking programs, working patterns. When tuning into future events or thinking through any choice when making a decision, you must try to use the intention and sense of probabilistic lines of unfolding of the future at the level of Manipura, as well as implement your choice into material reality using the energy of this energy center. The energy of the body, directed from the third chakra, gives birth to the “Power of the Word.”
- stability of the entire human energy structure

Characteristics of the Manipura chakra.

Color – yellow, this is solar energy positive thinking, interest and determination.
Element – ​​Fire
Note – MI
Mantra (bijna) - RAM
Microelements – magnesium
Geometric figure - tetrahedron
System of communication with other bodies – subtle level of development Astral body
Number of petals – 10.
Taste – hot, peppery
Scent – ​​bergamot, patchouli
Gems and minerals - citrine, tiger's eye, topaz, yellow tourmaline, amber

Power source of Manipura energy: lunar gravity field
Gift - interpretation of tongues, learning of languages
Day of week - Thursday
Quality - peace, service, brotherhood

Correspondence between the internal organs of the physical body and the Manipur chakra.

Body systems: immune, circulatory, digestive systems, solar plexus


Blood vessels
Small intestine

Third chakra human resonates with the level of consciousness of plants.
Invaders: alien energy structures, programs, karmic engrams, astral infections (energy intake).
Food larvae are attached to the astral subtle body.
Physical manifestations chakra disorders: diabetes, stones and sand in the gallbladder, hypoglycemia, hepatitis, jaundice, ulcers

Development of Manipura by levels.

With Spiritual Development high level third chakra:
- ability to relate current situations and
- awareness and importance in the outside world
- effective interaction with the outside world at the level of cooperation
- conscious achievement of one’s desires, self-confidence, manifestation of flexibility, “bodily” intuition, will
- balanced control over the expenditure of vitality
- reasonable self-control and self-discipline
- good organizational and management skills
- ability to maintain concentration on achieving your goals

- clearly delivered speech, “the power of words”, clearly express thoughts
- presence of well-being and inner
- , calm

With Spiritual Development low level Manipurs:
- lack of conscience, greed, lies
- feeling of helplessness, fear
- positioning oneself in the role of a victim, ingratiating oneself with others
- anger, guilt, jealousy
- rigidity, expressed need to assert oneself at the expense of others

The connection between the Third Chakra and human emotions.

Fears: fear of wealth.

Normal condition: inner peace and harmony, self-confidence, pleasure from life, eating food.

Passions: Nazism, anger, greed, gluttony
Area of ​​responsibility: human will

Polarization of the third chakra in women and men:

In men, the third chakra has a vector of preferential direction and is polarized, that is, it is a giving chakra. For women, the third chakra is omnidirectional, receiving.

In a man, the stomach is focused on accepting low-frequency vibrations from foods and interacts quite easily with “heavy” foods (meat, fish, eggs, etc.), in addition to this, food occupies one of the important places in a man’s life, while how a woman with an omnidirectional third chakra can satisfy her hunger with almost any food and still feel full and satisfied! If the opposite happens, then this is a signal that the Manipura chakra may not be “working” correctly.

That is, a woman’s Manipura has the ability to extract the necessary energy from large quantity various energy sources of the surrounding world. The Manipura chakra of a man, being polarized, is not capable of this and recognizes only specific sources of energy.

Men defending their principles and beliefs on energy level, as well as when demonstrating one’s “bodily” will, in matters of choice and self-affirmation in material world As a rule, they manifest and express themselves very concretely, systematically, and firmly oriented.

Women, by their nature, are more flexible and variable, therefore, in terms of aspects of self-affirmation, they are much less fundamental, which is due to the omnidirectionality of their third chakra.

Manipura chakra activity

The chakra is overactive: action at the limit of human capabilities, total control, constant tension
Increased activity in the chakra: demonstrated willpower, high vitality, confidence
Chakra at optimal activity: expression of feelings, manifestations, human actions within normal limits
Moderate chakra activity: passive state, chakra energy is used little
Low chakra activity: uncertainty, doubt, lack of courage and confidence.

Blocking energy in the third chakra

The third chakra of a person controls the digestive process. The balanced functioning of a person’s third chakra can be blocked by such negative emotions as anger and irritation.

Manipura chakra energy

The energy deficiency of Manipura is expressed in weak , his indecision, self-doubt, lack of initiative and lack of healthy ambitions.

The energy of a person’s third chakra determines the allocation of energy resources for specific human intentions, formed in higher energy centers - the fifth and sixth chakras and manifests itself at the energy level of a person’s will, expressed at the level of the fifth chakra. At the level of Manipura, the information component of a person’s will is transformed into an energy component - the embodiment of a person’s will and choice in the densely material manifested world.

A thought born at the level of the sixth chakra is transformed into a word expressed at the level of the fifth chakra, acquires energetic and bodily strength at the level of the third chakra and is further embodied in a concrete action in the material world.

1. Instructions on how to properly conduct energy practices working with chakras:

2. Author’s technique for cleansing, aligning, healing and harmonizing the Manipur chakra:

Scheme of setting up for Manipura chakra:

1. Take a comfortable position, “sitting” on a chair. The spine is held vertically; you can lean on the back of a chair, maintaining a vertical position of the spine.
2. We perform the “Grounding” technique. We establish contact with the consciousness of planet Earth, thank you for the opportunity to cooperate and ask you to establish the correct energy-information exchange for the reception and distribution of excess energy received from you.
3. We align our breathing according to the principle “inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.” We do this as many times as necessary, gradually relaxing.
4. We call on your Higher Self, ask him to carry out the work of cleansing, healing and activating your muladhara chakra under his full control and, if necessary, making corrections.
5. Concentrate on the third chakra of a person, Manipur.
6. We simultaneously concentrate on the Vishuddha chakra (the fifth chakra of a person, the throat).
7. We attune these two chakras by simultaneously concentrating your attention.
8. At the moment of double concentration, we track our internal state, thoughts, streaming information. Whenever possible, we remember or record incoming information. This information comes from your subconscious about the root cause of the oldest problem, manifested in the material world in the form of health deformations, amount of money, problematic conflict situations.
9. If you feel unwell during the action of high-frequency energy, it is advisable to stop this practice for a while, drink a glass of water, lie down and try to relax and rest.
10. Gradually remove concentration from the fifth and third chakras and transfer our attention to the legs, monitoring their condition. If there is heaviness in the area from the knee to the foot, this indicates that there is a weak energy exchange of grounding through the legs and it is necessary to pump and squeeze out excess energy from this part of the body through the effort of consciousness. Continue this action until there is relief in your legs.
11. We open our eyes and gradually return to this reality. If necessary, drink water and rest.

Chakras are psychoenergetic fields of the human subtle body. They cannot be seen, but they constantly work, vibrate inside us, and Prana flows through them. They accumulate and expend energy that they take from different sources. It is then processed into a form that the body can use. Manipura chakra is the most important of the 7 main chakras located along the spine.

How healthy Manipura works

The interaction of the chakra with the body occurs through the nervous and endocrine systems. The third chakra of Manipura is located in the center of the body, in the solar plexus area. This is the center where the emotional and physical essence of a person meet and merge. Fire lives in this chakra, warming the body. ABOUT It is yellow in color with a red tint and looks like a small inner sun.

Physically, it is the center of digestion. Responsible for the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. The endocrine glands, the work of the liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, spleen, intestines and gall bladder, and lungs are associated with it. Affects vision.

Responsible for the development of intuition on the physical level. A person knows what he should do, but does not know why. The mind is often misleading, focusing on generally accepted patterns. The body takes into account its own needs.

In material terms, a healthy chakra brings success and financial well-being, self-realization in the physical world. A person strives to be a leader, makes a career, and develops himself physically and intellectually. It forces you to act and move.

The emotions of the chakra are love and compassion for the world around us, a personal understanding of good and evil, and faith in God.

Develops character traits: insight, tolerance, mercy, power over emotions and desires, the desire to be free, the ability to make contact with people, a healthy human Ego.

When manipura slightly prevails over the other chakras, and most importantly, functions correctly, a person is endowed with good health, longevity, and knows how to fight and overcome difficulties.

Malfunction of the Manipura chakra

Sometimes the work of the chakra is blocked, and it begins to function incorrectly (either it cannot accumulate energy, or it accumulates, but does not expend). Many factors lead to such violations, starting with idealistic parents who suppress the will of the child from childhood, and ending with a feeling of uselessness and loneliness in this world. The accumulation of bad emotions also slowly suppresses the functioning of the energy center.

Consequences of excess energy when it finds no outlet:

  • financial failures and difficulties;
  • conflicts with people, increased demands on them,
  • mistrust;
  • aggression, negativity;
  • vanity;
  • desire to manipulate others;
  • constant stress.

If the chakra cannot accumulate and give the body enough energy, the person shows weakness of will and character, experiences a constant feeling of guilt, indecision, timidity, self-doubt, nervous exhaustion, and is constantly tormented by doubts.

Lack of energy leads to a search for alternatives - drugs, overeating, alcohol, stimulants.

Physically, a person with a disturbed chakra is prone to diabetes, hepatitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, formation of gallstones, allergies, disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Working on Manipura

The practice of Kundalini yoga should begin with the development of Manipura, the human energy center. Strength asanas that involve the whole body are suitable for establishing balance in the chakra: Stretch Up Dog Pose, Crocodile Twist Pose, Bow Pose, Camel Pose, Peacock Pose and others.

Diet, eye exercises, stimulation of special points on the hands and feet, as well as the habit of doing good to people and not expecting gratitude for it, are good for the development of the chakra. The mantra “Ram” is suitable for meditation on Manipura.

In contact with

The third chakra in the human subtle body is called Manipura. It follows the pleasure-seeking Svadhisthana and the root Muladhara.

What happens to a person’s consciousness when it reaches Manipura? What qualities is this energy center responsible for? What do you need to know about the manifestations of this chakra in order to learn how to timely track certain motivations inherent in it? Answers to these and many other questions will be presented in this article, with the goal of helping the reader expand their knowledge about the chakras and, as a result, about themselves.

Where is the manipura chakra located?

The human body is unique in nature. It is hardly possible to find two absolutely identical people. There are bound to be differences even among twins. It's the same with the subtle body. No two are alike subtle bodies, there are similar ones.

The third chakra is believed to be located in the navel area. The differences may lie in the fact that for one person the Manipura chakra, the location of which is individual for each person, will be slightly below the navel, while for another, on the contrary, it will be higher.

If it is important for you to understand and feel your Manipura, you can do this through yoga practices. For example, and learning conscious concentration.

Meaning of Manipura Chakra

Many energy channels, intersecting in one place, form a “whirlpool” in the navel area, the energy center is the Manipura chakra, where, according to some sources, the human EGO lives. It expresses itself through ambitions, various desires, and pronounced materialism.

It is worth noting that the transition from the second to the third chakra is very important stage In human life. Compared to, in Manipur there is a significant leap in the evolutionary development of the individual.

"Manipura" is translated from Sanskrit as "city of treasures", you can find the translation - "abundance of jewels". Based on the translation, we can conclude that this period in life is due to fascination and strong passion for everything material. This is where endless desires to possess various benefits originate. Everything seems attractive, alluring, and there is an uncontrollable desire to acquire luxury items and status.

It is through Manipura that more subtle, compared to the first and second chakras, psychophysical aspirations manifest themselves. This is the pinnacle of a person’s extroverted perception, when all attention and consciousness are captured and turned to the world outside.

The color of the chakra is yellow.

In the human body, it is responsible for the element of fire. Let's turn our attention to its location. It becomes obvious that it is in Manipur that the fire of digestion is located. It is this fire that provides life to the human body. Based on this, it is possible to diagnose the state of a person’s third chakra. If there are various diseases of the stomach and digestive system as a whole, then most likely with energy in this center any problems. In this case, in addition to the physical aspect of recovery, it makes sense to analyze your behavior, your habits and your outlook on life. There is a high probability that, having worked through his limitations on the energy level, a person will begin to gradually get rid of problems at the health level.

Like all energy centers of the chakra system, the third chakra has its own bija mantra.

Manipura chakra - RAM mantra.

Meditation on the mantra and its repetition will have a beneficial effect on the chakra.

Of the five senses, it is responsible for vision. There is an opinion that people with deviations in this area (vision problems) also have deviations in the work of Manipura.

Taste - spicy (hot pepper, ginger). In Ayurveda it is known that it is the pungent taste that ignites the fire of digestion and warms the body from the inside.

The classic image of the Manipura chakra is a lotus with ten petals. You can find illustrations with Sanskrit letters on each petal. They are there for a reason and each carry a very specific meaning, listing the qualities inherent in a given chakra.

What are these qualities?

Of the negative ones you can note the following: ignorance, stupidity, disgust, desire, shame, cynicism, deceit, greed (greed), fear, laziness. Some qualities are similar to other chakras, but differ in motivation and nature of manifestation.

So, for example, fear and shame in Manipur will be significantly different from fear and shame in Svadhisthana, just as cynicism in Vishuddha will be completely different.

Positive: altruism, dedication, intelligence, ability to give and sacrifice, organizational skills.

Inside the lotus there is a red triangle - a symbol of the element of fire.

Manipura chakra: what it is responsible for

Climbing the ladder of his evolutionary development, a person, with harmonious development, at the age of 14 to 21 years, moves his consciousness to the third chakra. But considering individual characteristics and the specifics of our world, in which everything is aimed more at degradation than at development, this transition may be delayed, and for some it does not occur at all. It should be noted that many live in Manipur their entire lives, without being able to develop in themselves the acceptance and humanity that is so characteristic of the Anahata chakra.

Manipura is the abode of the Ego. Since it is actively developing here, a person can fall for all the tricks of his selfish manifestation. A big problem and limitation is greed, the desire to own more, to get new things in large quantities and volumes. By manifesting himself in this way, a person contributes to the destruction of both his inner world and the outer world. On the external level, we see traces of selfish activity everywhere: mountains of garbage, plastic islands in the seas and oceans, destruction of populations of animals, fish, birds, pumping out minerals from the bowels of the Earth, deforestation, etc. All this is slowly but surely leading humanity to global changes. Not realizing the full scale and danger of what is happening, people continue to consume more and more, without thinking about the consequences.

The external factors of selfishly manifested Manipura also include the desire to influence others. It’s not for nothing that the words “manipura” and “manipulate” have the same root. Because of the desire of some to impose their will on others, to control and influence, wars, state conflicts, rebellions, etc. occur. All this is destructive for the outside world.

As for the selfish qualities responsible for the internal state, the following can be noted here: in pursuit of personal satisfaction own desires a person becomes greatly impoverished spiritually. Such qualities as greed, and sometimes greed, laziness, deceit, fixation on one’s often imaginary needs, lead him to dissatisfaction with himself, the world, other people, to various diseases, even cancer. It is cancer that has become the scourge of the 21st century. And this is not without reason, because it was in the 21st century that life for one’s own pleasure began to be so vividly promoted, when one is brought up with a disregard for everyone and everything around.

This is where other interests come into play: becoming better than others, smarter, making an impact. It is the desire to be influential that pushes one to leadership positions; a person wants to be a real specialist in his field, it is important for him to become respected in society, to gain status in the eyes of others.

External manifestations of such aspirations can be, for example, an expensive car, watches, suits, jewelry, houses or apartments. Thus, the illusion is created that all this contributes to the respect of others and recognition of her influence, which is so desired for Manipura.

Having encountered information about the classification of subtle bodies and energy centers, a person learns that he has seven important chakras, one of which is the Manipura chakra. “How to develop it? What does a developed third chakra give? - similar questions may arise from him.

Often people with developed Manipura become leaders, good bosses, managers and organizers. Some people exhibit the best qualities of this chakra, allowing them to literally masterfully control the space and people around them, thereby implementing their planned projects. For such people, assembling a team is very simple and playful, but communication with people within the team will be built mainly from the position of the EGO.

How to recognize a person looking at the world through the Manipura chakra? Such people, as a rule, have a strong mind, developed intellect, they like to study, explore, like theories and concepts, and are attracted to science. Their speech may be full of complex terminology that only they understand. This is due to the EGO’s desire to demonstrate its superiority over other participants in the conversation. But this may not be limited to terminology. Bragging about one's activities, achievements, and acquisitions also take place in communication.

Most often, people whose level of consciousness has risen to Manipura are artisans; specialists with their own business; businessmen; traders; results-oriented people. And these are also scientists. Yes, it is people who are intellectually developed, who explore the world from a scientific point of view, from a position of logic, who make discoveries, scientists and inventors - these are people with a predominant Manipura.

The third chakra is active. Having risen above Svadhisthana, a person understands that if he himself does not begin to move, then society will crush him under itself. And he really doesn’t want this anymore.

Activation of Manipura Chakra

Consciousness at the level of Manipura has every opportunity to reveal its potential, because it is from this center that the spiritual achievements of the individual and spiritual growth begin. A person is able to come to the understanding that there is no true happiness beyond material comfort and prosperity, and as soon as this understanding has come, spiritual searches begin.

But the activation and opening of one or another chakra should be approached responsibly, seriously and after weighing all possible consequences.

By influencing the chakras, a person launches and activates its qualities, both conditionally positive and negative. Thoughtless, hasty influence can lead to the exact opposite result from the desired one.

The 3rd chakra of Manipura is the center of will. When working on this quality, the chakra will also be harmonized. Weak will, the inability to express it where necessary, the inability to resist one’s addictions and dependencies - all these are signs of an undeveloped third chakra.

Activation of Manipura occurs during food intake, as well as during business meetings, negotiations when it comes to business, profit, benefit.

It can also be perfect as a tool.

A person with active Manipura is easy to notice while eating together. The fact is that one of the problems of this chakra is increased appetite, which is expressed in volume. It is almost impossible for a person to stop; the amount of food eaten becomes immeasurable. It's not the taste that's important, but the quantity. If there is a lot of energy in the chakra, then it is difficult for a person to control himself. He will eat something all the time and think about food, while perhaps even understanding with his mind that he is going too far, but not being able to overcome it within himself. Energy becomes stronger than a person’s will and directly controls his actions. But with the help of yogic tools, this energy can be transformed and raised higher. There is another option - avoid filling the chakra, try to always invest your life energy in some projects and affairs. If possible, those that will be useful to the world and people in this world.

Many yoga practitioners celebrate the so-called “Manipura period” at a certain stage of their development. And that's not a bad thing. This is just an indicator that there is vital energy and there is a lot of it. Over time, each conscious practitioner finds the most effective tool on working with her.

If overeating still becomes a big problem, then you should resort to yogic techniques called Shatkarmas, for example, doing Kunjala. Kunjala will help clear the stomach from the physical side, and from the energetic side - raise the energy a little higher. In severe cases, Gaja Karani is used.

Also, to activate the third chakra, you can use techniques such as Agnisara Kriya, Dhouti - various manipulations with the abdomen.

Manipura chakra in men and women

Although both men and women have human bodies, they still have different natures. In this regard, positioning oneself in the world will also be different.

The Manipura chakra in men will be more specific, straightforward, and focused. It is easier for men to achieve their goals, they often shine with their sharp mind and are proud of their “masculine” logic, build businesses, occupy leadership positions and management positions.

Manipura chakra: what it is responsible for in women

In women, the third chakra can also be pronounced. In our age, when women demand equal rights with men, they easily occupy leading positions in society and earn money. They are not alien to both all restrictions and all positive traits Manipurs.

An interesting observation regarding food intake. The difference here may lie in the fact that a man more often needs a solid breakfast, lunch and dinner - in this case, the digestive fire is running and Manipura is working in full swing. While a woman sometimes only needs to eat a little salad and a fruit snack, and that will be enough for her. Many housewives get full while cooking. This is due to the fact that they do not need to consume much to satisfy Manipura. But do not forget that there is no identical algorithm for everyone, and if a woman has energy in the third chakra, then she will absorb food in large quantities on an equal basis with men.

It is worth mentioning that marriage unions at the level of the third chakra are very strong, since the partners are interested in being together. Most often, people unite because they see prospects, and possibly benefits, from their partner. In this case, as long as there are “bonuses”, the relationship will be very comfortable. But if the prospect disappears or a more profitable candidate appears, then the relationship ceases to exist. This can be a marriage of convenience or with a prenuptial agreement, which will outline the responsibilities of the spouses and take into account all material assets. This could also be an alliance for common goals, for example a joint business.

A clash of two Egos and a struggle for leadership in the family can be traced. Often there are manifestations of such qualities as deceit, pride, cynicism, complacency, or, conversely, humiliation and infringement.

Love in Manipur originates from the desire to own. And this is where manipulation begins at the level personal qualities partner. “I like this about you, but this is unnecessary about you” - you can hear different variations of this statement, the meaning of which remains unchanged: “I accept in you only what suits me, the rest should be removed, get rid of it.” With such motivations, attempts to change a person occur, discontent, claims, and disputes arise. The desire to influence and lead can result in jealousy, control, and demands to do one way and not another. One of the possible manifestations of such relationships can be family tyranny.

Since Manipura is characterized by self-interest, thirst for power, pride, and a jealous attitude towards “one’s own,” this has the most negative impact on relationships, especially if the partners do not work on themselves. Often in such a union you can hear the words: “mine”, “mine”, “me”, “mine”. The emphasis on this is done quite consciously, as if declaring its rights to a person.

Both men and women can display a consumer attitude towards opposite sex. Another person becomes a toy, after playing with which they say goodbye. Such tendencies most often arise among people spoiled by worldly goods. For them, others do not have much value and are equated to a product, a unit, a thing.

If “love” does happen in Manipur, then attachment arises. But this attachment will be significantly different from the one that arises at the Anahata chakra (heart center). In Manipur it will be more of an animal character. In the animal kingdom, we see expressions of “love” and affection everywhere.

For both men and women, depending on individual preferences and established attitudes, as well as past karma, the representative of the Manipura chakra will develop its own “charm”. It could be anything. Just the thought of possessing “this” brings a person into a state of happiness, but loss can lead to real grief and severe suffering.

For greater clarity, I recall a well-known foreign film, where one of the characters treated with incredible trepidation a ring that had unusual, magical properties. He stroked it and said: “My precious.”

Manipura chakra: asanas

Hatha yoga is an excellent tool that can establish and regulate the work of such a complex mechanism as the human body. At the same time, we are talking not only about the physical body, but also about more subtle structures, such as the chakra system.

Different asanas affect different chakras. For each energy center, you can develop your own profile complex that has the greatest impact on the required element.

Let us list some asanas for the Manipura chakra.

Twists. The twists have an effect on the abdominal organs and digestive organs. This is the same area where the third chakra is located. The following twists can be listed: Ardha Marichiasana, Ardha Namaskar Parshvakonasana, Bharadvajasana, Vakrasana, (I, III, IV).

Backbends and asanas affecting the abdominal area: , Bhujangasana, Bakasana, Shalabhasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Utthita Trikonasana, Parivrita Trikonasana, Utthita Parshvakonasana, Parivrita Parshvakonasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Marjariasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana, etc.

Good effect on digestive system also provide inverted asanas:, Viparita Karani Mudra, Karna Pidasana, etc.

Bend towards the legs - Paschimotanasana - has a positive effect.

All these exercises for the Manipura chakra will be effective with a complex effect on the physical body, energy and work of consciousness.

Harmonization of Manipura Chakra

Manipura is an important and necessary chakra. Being the center of human will, it makes it possible to develop spiritually. Up to this level, when consciousness is on the first and second chakras, there is no question of self-development. But it is from the third chakra that the search for truth begins, essential questions arise: “Who am I?”, “Where am I?”, “Why do I live?”, “Why do I die?”, “What is my purpose?”

With harmonious development, real enlightenment of the personality occurs - a person understands that the world is not limited to matter, that behind the benefits there is something more, essential, important. From this moment the period of spiritual search begins.

Having gone beyond the level of Svadhisthana, a person overcomes such a strong influence of it and, along with it, a rather primitive desire to attract attention to oneself, while remaining at the level of “being like everyone else.” Speaking about spiritual development, it is worth noting one more important point. At the level of Manipura consciousness, the world is perceived as unfair, filled with pain and suffering. Hence the saying: “We are not like this, life is like this.” From such a perception of reality, a person himself experiences pain. It is for this reason that EGO arises. The EGO becomes a defense mechanism behind which the personality hides, defending itself from the “aggressive” environment.

The feeling that the world is not ideal pushes the individual to strive to improve this world. Some people show this through science, new inventions aimed at improving life, while others go into the world of spirituality, trying to find answers and solutions there. human problems. We should not forget that we constantly interact with the world around us through energy, which realizes itself through one chakra or another. Therefore, it cannot be said that one chakra is good and necessary, and the other is bad. Not at all. All energy centers are truly needed, and it doesn’t matter what level of evolutionary development you are at.

If a person realizes that his Manipura chakra has malfunctioned and needs restoration, if he has tracked a number of imbalances in himself regarding the qualities and behavior inherent in this chakra, then the question naturally arises: how to restore balance and harmonize the chakra?

One of the effective tools will be interaction with the element of fire. This can be either the Trataka yogic technique (contemplation of a candle flame), or such a very effective method, which came down from our ancestors, like yagya and jumping over a fire, walking on coals. Naturally, in compliance with all safety rules.

When working harmoniously, Manipura demonstrates its best manifestations: altruism, enthusiasm, dedication, willingness to share both material benefits (charity) and intellectual ones (bringing knowledge). By cultivating the listed positive qualities in oneself, a person paves the way to the next evolutionary leap, to the heart center.

The Manipura chakra, where the EGO and the center of will and spirituality are located at the same time, is a very contradictory link. Depending on the developments in his past lives, a person will encounter his own individual manifestations of this chakra.

There are people who have not experienced greed since childhood; they lack this quality due to development in past incarnations. And someone is born with pronounced leadership qualities. Some people are just learning to give and share, while others have already developed altruism and charity.

There is an interesting opinion of people involved in self-knowledge and development about what financial and material well-being person in his given life. It is believed that the more he gave, the more he has now. The universal and impartial law of karma speaks about this. The natural effect is also obtained by those who, without caring about the welfare of others, accumulate more and more for themselves. The consequences of such selfishness will be very dire.

There are also concepts that draw a parallel between how a person lives his current incarnation, his level of consciousness, motivations, aspirations, and what world and what body he will be reborn into in his next life. Those whose motivation was only to attract as much as possible various benefits and wealth to themselves, who suffered from greed and thought only about how to fill their wallet and belly, end up in the so-called “world of hungry ghosts.” You can find descriptions of planets on which creatures are born who are unable to eat or drink, but at the same time very much desire it. Their suffering cannot be described in words. They suffer all their miserable lives. In this way the karma of the previous egoistic birth is returned. You don’t have to fly to other planets and other worlds to find such examples. Just look at what is happening in different parts of our planet. There are places where people die of hunger, where there are no conditions for life even with its minimum needs. This, at first glance, injustice is a completely logical pattern based on the impartial law of karma.

You can clearly observe how a person changes when it comes to profit. Literally blossoming and transforming, he experiences an uplift in mood, and the one who provided this profit or started talking about it, or the one who happened to be nearby at this moment in time, becomes temporarily in the eyes of Manipura worthy of her attention, respect and conditional friendship. Unfortunately, friendship here is only possible as long as there is benefit.

The benefit disappears and so does the friendship.

Similar changes in mood can be observed when it comes to food. Seeing tasty and plentiful treats, a person is transformed, as if anticipating a future meal. There may be frequent thoughts and conversations about food. Food becomes a cult. In this vein, it is very interesting to observe the trends that are currently permeating the world. If you are a city dweller, then you have probably noticed the abundance of cafes, restaurants, and fast foods that litter the streets. The whole space is permeated with thoughts that “you should come in and eat.” Unfortunately, under such external pressure it becomes more and more difficult for consciousness to rise higher. Active influence on the third chakra fixes it, teaching it to spend energy through Manipura.

Despite the limitations described above, it can bring benefit both to its “owner” and to people and the world around. Considering that it is from this stage that the desire for development and self-knowledge comes into life, its role in our lives cannot be underestimated.

Having read the negative tendencies, found them in oneself, and gained the courage to admit it to oneself, a person has every opportunity to gradually reduce their influence on his life, cultivating in himself more positive qualities of Manipura.

Altruism. Try to accustom yourself to do as much as possible not for yourself, but for others. If possible, on three levels: at the level of the body (action), at the level of speech and at the level of the mind. At these three levels, develop the ability for altruism not in theory, but in practice. Direct your actions, speech and thoughts for the benefit of others.

Dedication. With reasonable adherence to the golden mean, this quality will be the best way promote the development of the third chakra.

Intelligence. The ability to analyze and build logical chains, see patterns, and not make the same mistakes. Of course, the intellect can serve as a stumbling block in yoga practices, since the third chakra needs immediate, quick results and a logical explanation of all practice processes. This makes it difficult to wrap your head around what meditation is; doubts arise about the reality of subtle experiences and those aspects of practice from which results do not come immediately.

Enthusiasm. Having found his purpose in life, a person becomes truly happy. He stops running like a donkey for material goods and valuables. He finds real excitement in his work. And this kind of passion, combined with the previous positive qualities, is the real realization of Manipura from its best side.


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