The meaning of the name Samson, character and fate. Samson's fate in history

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In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Samson, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Samson's Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Sun
  • The color of the name Samson is pale yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Samson's treasured plant - lotus
  • The patron of the name Samson is the white horse
  • Samson's talisman stone - amber

What does the name Samson mean? solar (the name Samson is of Hebrew origin).

Short value named Samson: Samonya, Samokha, Monya.

Patronymic name Samson: Samsonovich, Samsonovna; decomposition Samsonych.

Angel Samson Day: The name Samson celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • January 12 (December 30) - The Holy Martyr Samson and his comrades suffered for Christ during the time of Julian the Apostate.
  • July 10 (June 27) - The Monk Samson the Host, a doctor, built a house in Constantinople for wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he himself served them with zeal and love for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

Signs of the name Samson: July 10 - Samson-senognoy. If it rains on this day, it will be wet until Indian summer.

Character of the name Samson: Samson is an introvert, he is immersed in his own thoughts and is not very interested in the events of the world. He doesn't like to share his experiences. He seems to be reading his own life to himself... although, if circumstances force him to take care of someone else, to interfere in someone else’s life, then a man named Samson accepts his troubles as his own.

Parents often say that it is simply impossible to cope with Samson. Indeed, he is growing up to be an incredibly nimble and active boy, and therefore you have to make an effort to keep track of him. This is especially true when the name Samson once again comes up with some kind of extreme entertainment. But this is precisely why Samson’s peers love him - it’s never boring with him. Having become a schoolboy, a boy cannot begin to study hard, since lack of perseverance plays a major role in this. But Samson quickly learns new material. He is witty and observant. Sometimes his parodies and jokes are so realistic that adults are even a little afraid of them.

Having matured, Samson becomes calmer and more balanced, and can carefully consider his actions and words. Most often, he is calm and remains calm even in extreme situations. The name Samson is a purposeful person and strives to make all his desires come true. Moreover, this is more than possible, since Samson’s business qualities and perseverance contribute to the implementation of his plan.

Samson is a true friend. He is always able to come to the rescue and provide not only moral, but also financial support. He has a winning appearance, and this helps Samson establish contacts with people. Of course, he does not have any problems communicating with the female sex. Samson is witty, gallant, and does not skimp on compliments. Naturally, this is precisely why women adore him. But living together can be complicated by this very thing - Samson loves to flirt. He treats his family superficially. She loves her children, but prefers that her wife raise them.

In numerology, the meaning of the name Samson is characterized by the number 3, which indicates a very sociable and energetic person who easily absorbs knowledge and adapts to the environment. He is able to do things that will bring immediate benefit, and he often chooses even his friends according to social status and financial situation.

Samson's business and career: In addition, Samson often has numerous talents, which also sets him apart from the crowd. He can choose the profession of a prosecutor, an artist, an electronics engineer, a programmer, a dentist, an artist, a cutter, or a fashion designer. Often a man named Samson becomes a leader. Although it must be said that a leadership position for the name Samson is not an end in itself. He can equally demonstrate his talents both in the Kremlin as a boss and in the position of a subordinate. In any case, the name Samson acquires useful connections.

Health and talents named after Samson: Little Samson should not be frightened by telling him scary tales. He is impressionable and takes everything seriously. Samson is a little unsociable, try to invite his friends to your home, accustom him to society, to the opposite sex.

At school, Samson has authority, has organizational skills, loves sports, and participates in competitions. Loves math and solves easily complex tasks, helps friends. He loves chess and spends a lot of time solving chess problems.

Samson is a bright, versatile personality. He is excellent at exact, natural sciences. He can be a scientist, teacher, athlete, coach, surgeon, radiologist. He is proud and strives for leadership. His high professionalism and knowledge command the respect of others. Samson is immersed in work, therefore he has no conflict; he has no time to pay attention to the surrounding bustle. But he has enough strength to reform established traditions in the team, and is not afraid of risks in production activities. But Samson can be quite cruel to people who are clearly not up to the task, who, as he believes, are in the way. creative activity. The name Samson becomes explosive and it may happen that he himself will have to change his place of work.

Samson's love and marriage: In the family, Samson is a loving and beloved person. He treats his family with care, honors the elderly, monitors the successes of children, and is especially happy if they attend technical clubs or participate in mathematical Olympiads. His wife and children are aware of the problems of his scientific activity.

Samson has few friends, he does not like to visit, he gets tired of house parties, but he obeys his wife in these events. For Samson, order and stability in his lifestyle are very important. The wife needs to give him the opportunity to organize his territory, to retire when necessary.

The fate of the name Samson in history:

  1. Samson is one of the most romantic biblical characters. An angel announced to the expectant mother that she would give birth to a son who would defeat the Philistines. He also warned Samson never to drink the juice. grapevine and do not cut his hair, for his strength will be contained in the hair. The biblical stories about Samson consist of several episodes, sometimes funny and touching, sometimes cruel and tragic. Fate, as if on purpose, tested the hero, and it turned out that he fell in love with a Philistine woman.
  2. Samson Yakovlevich Makintsev (1776-1849) - adventurer, sergeant of the Russian service, deserted to Persia. Having entered the Persian service, Makintsev, or, as he was called in Persia, Samson Khan, began to recruit Russian deserters, for which he was consistently promoted. In 1820-1821 participated in the war between Persia and Turkey and contributed to the Persian victory at Toprak-kala; during the war between Russia and Persia, he refused to fight against the Russians; later pacified the uprising in Khorasan.
  3. Samson Ksenofontovich Sukhanov (1766-?) - one of the best masons in St. Petersburg, whose hands created the majestic buildings of the Neva capital. In 1807-1808, Samson Sukhanov took on the construction of a semicircular embankment on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island in front of the Exchange building. The descents to the Neva and the granite wall were completed under his supervision. At the same time, Sukhanov worked on the construction, according to the design of the architect Tomon, of two rostral columns on the sides of the Exchange. He and his comrades carved four large figures, depicting Russian rivers. The figures are placed at the bases of the rostral columns. Under the guidance of sculptors Pimenov and Demut-Malinovsky, Sukhanov also had to work in the Admiralty. The statues of the elements ascended to the tower were carved by his hands.

The meaning of the name Samson, character and destiny

It has been known since ancient times that each name has its own special unusual meaning. This is explained by the fact that for a long time, at the birth of a child, parents gave him a name, which, they believed, would influence his fate or character.

The meaning of the name Samson is “sunny.” He has Hebrew roots. The people of Judea worshiped the sun and considered it a gift from the Almighty.

Samson - the meaning of the name, character and fate

A person named Samson is likely to be an introvert. He does not care about what is happening in the world and throughout the universe, because his own problems and thoughts are much more important global problems. Does not like to assign his responsibilities to others and talk about his failures and problems. Samson's thoughts are the book of his own life, which he rereads again and again. It is necessary to note that the bearer of the name is a born joker. His jokes are sometimes very realistic and it can seem like he is telling the truth. Usually this fact scares people around. What fate awaits a man named Samson? The meaning of a name is always of interest to its owners and people close to them. Let's find out what the name Samson means.

Manifestation of character in childhood

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a child? From childhood you can observe his agility and mobility. It’s difficult to keep up with a boy with that name and force something into him if he doesn’t want it himself. It is worth noting that a child named Samson is an inventor of something extreme and unrealistic, because of which not only he, but also other children and adults may suffer. That is why parents have to monitor him around the clock to avoid any problems. Although it is precisely because of this character that his peers love him and consider him the ringleader, so Samson is extremely rarely bored.

Demonstration of character in studies

When Samson goes to school, a lack of perseverance becomes noticeable, making it difficult for the child to concentrate his thoughts on one subject and study it seriously. But it is worth noting that the boy easily manages to learn new things. educational material– he absorbs it like a sponge. This speaks to its basic positive qualities: observation and wit.

Character in adolescence

What is the meaning of the name Samson for a boy or youth? Its owner in adolescence calms down a little. A calmer, more stable and balanced character begins to form. At this age, he develops the ability to think about his actions, which has a positive effect on his future. On the threshold of adulthood, he learns to rely only on his own strength.

In emergency situations, he demonstrates the ability to behave calmly and not succumb to the surrounding imbalance, which speaks of him as a person with a persistent and persistent character, who is difficult to break and defeat.

Character in adulthood

What does the name Samson mean for an adult man? It is worn by a purposeful person who always achieves his goal and strives to get something better than what he currently has. Samson can achieve his desired goal by any means, but he will never neglect friendship, love, and family. It is worth considering that Samson has the qualities of a leader, which is why he strives to take this place.

For Samson, the word “friendship” has never been and will never be in last place. He honors and respects his friends and is always ready to help them in difficult situation, both in the physical and moral sense, and in the material.

Samson is not a sociopath. He gets along well with people and can restore both business and friendship relationships with anyone. Thanks to his sociability, Samson has many friends and comrades who are ready to help him in any way. life situation. It is also worth noting that the bearer of the name Samson is excellent at moving up the social and career ladder.

Character in relationships with women

What is the meaning of the name Samson in your personal life? How does it affect relationships with the opposite sex? Considering the qualities of a leader, Samson is never deprived of female attention, because he is eloquent, gallant and knows how to look after beautifully. But family relationships may be in danger precisely because of this, because Samson’s desire to flirt appears in his youth.

Samson prefers to treat the family superficially: he believes that the wife should be directly involved in the children and home, and he, in turn, should be engaged in making money. But despite this, he is loving husband and father. He treats children very carefully - he monitors their progress and participates in creative life. It is worth noting that Samson always respects older people and is ready to help them if they need help.

Samson believes that there should be no secrets from anyone in the family, which is why his wife and children are aware of his problems.

Career and business

Of course, we should not forget that the bearer of the name Samson has a lot of talents, but he must build his career in the following fields of activity: law, directing, electrical engineering, art, medicine, design. This is how his name is interpreted in relation to life and career growth.

Often the owner of the name Samson is a bright leader and a constant winner, which makes him a leader as a result. In such posts, Samson is happy to make the necessary connections, which comes easily and simply for him, which he uses in the future for personal purposes and with great benefit.

Samson sometimes treats people harshly and rudely, but only if he is sure that the person is in the wrong place or is interfering with himself or the work process. In this case, Samson can go into conflict. Moreover, due to his behavior, he may change jobs.

Talents of the bearer of the name Samson

Beginning with early childhood Samson should absolutely not be scared. This is explained by the fact that the child, the owner of the name Samson, is too vulnerable and takes everything very to heart. From childhood, he must be taught to behave well in society and to be in the center of attention, because it is then that his worldview is formed and all his talents are discovered.

Samson's abilities and talents can be defined in the following forms: organization and athletic achievements. At school, his mathematical mindset manifests itself (he prefers mathematics, physics), because he loves to solve complex problems and participate in intellectual competitions, where he often wins. It is worth noting that Samson prefers chess, considering it one of the most intellectual games.

In general, the bearer of the name Samson is an extremely versatile person who prefers to develop himself from all sides. People around him usually show him respect and respect, as they consider him an excellent professional who knows his business. But this does not flatter Samson, because he does not like to pay attention to others - he is completely immersed in his work and thoughts. Thanks to this, Samson is not a conflicting person, often making compromises.

Mystical characteristics

What do various horoscopes say about a person with the name we are discussing?

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • The color associated with luck is light yellow.
  • A tree from a number of favorable ones is pine.
  • Patron plant - lotus.
  • The mascot animal is a white horse.
  • The stone used as a talisman is amber.

Samson - the meaning of the name

The Bible in part of the Old Testament tells the story of young Samson, who was treacherously killed by Delilah. The name carries the imprint of innocence and faith in people. The owner of the name Samson can celebrate his name day twice a year:

  • January 12. It was on this day, during the time of Emperor Julian, that the martyr Samson died interceding for Jesus Christ.
  • July 10. In the evening of this day, one of the largest institutions was opened in the form of a shelter for the elderly and sick people, lost wanderers. This house was opened by the great Samson the Host.

Name Samson in omens

It is believed that if there is heavy rain during the day, on the 10th of July, it means that it will continue until autumn, the hay harvested on this day will rot, and the Indian summer will be damp and cold.

It is worth concluding that Samson is a name (the meaning of which we considered) bright, sunny, characteristic of people with a fighting and strong character, sociable, with leadership abilities. However, such an extraordinary name obliges a lot, and the boy constantly needs to improve himself. The bearer of the name Samson is a person who achieves a lot in his life, making it brighter and more colorful.

What does the name Samson mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Samson from Hebrew means solar.

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Planet: Sun.

Color: pale yellow.

Auspicious tree: pine.

Treasured plant: lotus.

Patron name: White horse.

Talisman stone: amber.

Character: Samson is an introvert, he is immersed in his own thoughts and is little interested in the events of the world. He doesn't like to share his experiences. He seems to be reading his own life to himself, although if circumstances force him to take care of someone else, to interfere in someone else’s life, then he accepts their troubles as his own.

What does the name Samson mean?


The name Samson came to us from ancient mythology and is translated from Greek as “strong”, “mighty”. Samson is an ancient Jewish hero, he had an extraordinary physical strength due to long beautiful hair. He fell in love with the treacherous Philistine Delilah, who, wanting to destroy the young man, put him to sleep and cut off his hair. Philistine soldiers blinded Samson and bound him in heavy chains. After some time, the young man's hair grew back, and he regained his strength. Samson easily destroyed the temple and found himself forever buried under its ruins along with the Philistines. The owner of the name Samson is brave and honest, ardent and stubborn. Doesn't like to compromise principles.

To the owners of this beautiful name we want to try to be more careful with people, since all Samsons are too trusting. Let your kindness and gullibility bring only joy and not harm. Let your friends turn out to be actually friends, and not people seeking to gain any benefit. We believe that your strength will never fade, no matter what blows fate deals. We wish your life to be a series of only pleasant moments, and even if one day you have to face any disappointment, you will have faith that sooner or later Samson’s hair will grow back, and all ill-wishers will be defeated. May happiness reign in your home and soul forever.

Planet: Sun.

Name color: yellow.

Talisman stone: amber.

Favorable plant name: pine, lotus.

Patron of the name: white horse.

Happiest day: Saturday.

Happy season: winter.

The meaning of the name Samson among patrons and name day:

Samson, holy martyr, January 12 (December 30). He suffered for Christ during the time of Julius the Apostate.

He was the son of wealthy and noble Romans. In his youth he acquired an excellent education, studied the art of medicine and, with love, treated the sick for free. After the death of his parents, he began to give out alms abundantly and released slaves, preparing to leave for the desert. But the Lord brought Samson to Constantinople, where he small house He began to meet strangers, the poor, the sick, and served them with diligence. The Lord gave him the power of miracles.
One day, the seriously ill Emperor Justinian had a revelation that he could only find healing through Samson. After praying, Samson touched the sore spot with his hand, and the emperor accepted the healing. In gratitude, he wanted to richly reward the healer, but the saint refused and asked to build a hostel and a hospital. Samson devoted his entire life to serving the sick. He lived to a ripe old age and died in 540.

The meaning of the name Samson and his character:

Little Samson should not be intimidated by telling him scary tales. He is receptive and takes everything seriously. Samson is a little reserved, try to invite his friends to your home, accustom him to society, to the opposite sex.
At school, Samson has authority, has organizational skills, loves sports, and participates in competitions. He loves mathematics, solves complex problems with ease, and helps his friends. He loves chess and spends a lot of time solving chess problems.
Samson - bright multifaceted personality. He excels in the exact, natural sciences. He can be a scientist, teacher, athlete, coach, surgeon, radiologist. He is ambitious and strives for leadership. His high professionalism and knowledge evoke the respect of others. He is immersed in work, therefore he is non-conflict, he has no time to pay interest to the surrounding turmoil. But he has enough strength to reform established traditions in the team, and is not afraid of risks in production activities. But he can be quite cruel to people who are clearly inappropriate specific task, which, he believes, interferes with creative activity. Samson becomes explosive and it may happen that he himself will have to change his place of work.
In the family, Samson is a loving and beloved person. He is attentive to his family, respects his elders, monitors the children’s successes, he is very happy if they attend technical clubs and participate in mathematical Olympiads. His wife and children know the problems of his scientific activity.
Samson has few friends, he does not like to visit people, he gets tired of home gatherings, but he yields to his wife’s wishes in these events. Samson loves order and a constant way of life. The wife needs to give him the opportunity to create his own territory, even sometimes to retire when necessary.

The meaning of the name Samson in customs and folk signs:

Rain on Samson - in seven weeks too.

It rains on Samson-Hayday - it's wet until Indian summer.

Meaning of the name Samson in history:

Samson Ksenofontovich Sukhanov (1766-?) - one of the best masons in St. Petersburg, whose hands created the majestic buildings of the Neva capital.
He was born in a remote Vologda village, his father tended cattle, his mother lived as a laborer in the summer, and supported herself and her family with alms during the hungry winter. The boy, taking a knapsack and a cane, went with it around the world.
At the age of nine, Samson was hired as a worker by a wealthy peasant for 25 kopecks a year. Then he “went on barges” along the Kama, Volga, and Dvina. Having reached Arkhangelsk, at his own peril and risk in 1784, he hired himself on a ship sailing to Spitsbergen “for animal hunting.” He hunted walruses, bears, and whales.
A few years later, Samson Sukhanov found himself in the capital. The city continued to be built intensively, and Samson got a job building the Mikhailovsky Castle. Soon he acquired the specialty of a mason.
Working hard and diligently, Sukhanov a short time became the best master for stone processing. IN free time he studied counting and geometry. Learned how to flawlessly transfer dimensions from drawings to life. Gradually, Sukhanov himself began to take orders for the implementation of stone and marble works.
At the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, he took out a large contract for the construction of large colonnades facing Nevsky Prospect, for the production of monolithic granite columns inside the cathedral, pedestals for sculptures and stone floors. He selected a strong team of reliable, skilled people, worked as a cutter himself, directed the work, and completed the first independent contract successfully.
In 1807-1808, Samson Sukhanov began building a semicircular embankment on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island in front of the Exchange building. The descents to the Neva and the granite wall were completed under his supervision. At the same time, Sukhanov worked on the construction, according to the design of the architect Tomon, of two rostral columns on the sides of the Exchange. He and his friends carved four large figures from limestone showing Russian rivers. The figures are placed at the bases of the rostral columns.
Under the guidance of sculptors Pimenov and Demut Malinovsky, Sukhanov also had the opportunity to work at the Admiralty. The statues of the elements ascended to the tower were carved by his hands. Samson Sukhanov was not only a technical performer. He knew how to sense the author's intention and bring something of his own into the work without violating the artistic integrity - this required real skill. Sukhanov and his assistants carved the pedestal of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which stands in Moscow on Red Square, and performed many other works.
The creation of grandiose seventeen-meter granite columns is associated with the name of Sukhanov St. Isaac's Cathedral. No building in the world has such large quantity- 36 monoliths of this size. Granite blocks for them were specially mined in quarries near Vyborg. The method of finishing stones was developed by a talented craftsman. “Sukhanov,” writes a contemporary, “brought the method of processing granite to unimaginable simplicity and ease...” In 1820, the future Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev wrote in the magazine “Son of the Fatherland”: “... We are looking for amazing things in foreign lands, with greed we read ancient stories that tell us about the gigantic feats of the architecture of that time... And we pass by these wonderful, incredible columns..."


Meaning of the name Samson

Sun, sunny. "Sunny" (Heb.) As a child, he likes to invent different games, naughty and restless, but quite peaceful. It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom he causes a lot of trouble. On a walk, you need an eye and an eye for him - as quick as mercury, he instantly disappears from the mother’s field of vision and appears just as imperceptibly. Sitting for a long time with textbooks is not for him. He quickly grasps the material and remembers it easily. The teachers are a little afraid of him: he has an observant eye and a sharp tongue, he notices the teachers’ shortcomings and funny copies them. He has many friends and acquaintances. He has a bright personality and talent. If he was born in November, he is ambitious and inspires trust among friends. Samson never loses his temper, has wonderful business qualities. He has a good appearance. Purposeful, tries to bring everything he has in mind to life. He never trusts anyone, he keeps everything to himself. Thinks before doing or saying something. It seems that everyone knows him and everyone loves him, and it seems that there is no door through which he would not enter. In an unfamiliar company, within a few minutes he is on first-name terms with many. He can quickly get bored with male society, but never with female society. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful and helpful, by the way he will tell funny story, will find a compliment for every woman. His girlfriends are jealous of his chosen one, but life with Samson is more difficult than one might expect, and the reason for this is the same excessive sociability. Not jealous. He treats children superficially, loves them, but considers raising them not a man’s business. He treats old people kindly. Works as an artist, prosecutor, artist, cutter, fashion designer, electronics engineer, programmer, dentist, and holds leadership positions. Wherever he works, he has good connections and is a reliable person. And whenever possible, he helps his loved ones and his colleagues in difficult situations, regardless of time.

Numerology of the name Samson

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8

Body number: 4


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Samson as a phrase

With Word
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
M Think
With Word
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Samson

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

IN this material you will find information about the meaning male name Samson, his origin, history, learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Samson

Synonyms for the name - Sampson

Origin - Jewish, “solar”

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Sun

Yellow color

Animal - Horse

Plant - Lotus

Stone - Amber

This Hebrew name translates to “sunny.” This was the name of the hero who became famous for his exploits in the fight against the Philistines. Samson Meshchansky is a biblical and historical figure from the time of the Judges. Many of his exploits are confirmed in archaeological research. He committed suicide, and from time immemorial this has meant sin. True, St. Augustine said that Samson was led not by his own will, but by the Holy Spirit. And he interprets this act as the death of a hero for the people.

Love named Samson

Girls simply adore the guy. They follow on the heels of the young man, because he is a great conversationalist, an interesting storyteller, he can always get a ticket to the premiere, open any door. Everyone knows, idolizes and respects him. Well, how can you not be proud to know him? A man can fit into any society.

In an unfamiliar company, Samson will become everyone's favorite in just a couple of minutes. But he quickly gets tired of communicating with men, but with girls he is ready to talk for hours. And not just chatting. The girl who will become his chosen one is envied by many, but only a few know how hard it is for her to be with such a guy. A young man chooses stylish women as his companions; they must have beautiful figure, sweet face and incredible charm. Walking with her, he should see the admiring glances of women and hear the envious sighs of men.

Sexuality of the name Samson

The man has a strong temperament and women adore him. He is sexy, hot and assertive. Meetings on the side are not serious relationships for him.

Marriage and family named Samson

The wife will have a hard time in their life together. No, he is not a tyrant and a demanding homeowner. Samson will not wait for a report for every ruble spent and will not limit the family’s financial income. But his excessive sociability becomes the cause of all the troubles. The young man cannot get used to the fact that by getting married, he has lost his freedom and independence once and for all. The guy misses men's gatherings, noisy companies and at times tries to sneak away from the family. This results in quarrels, which then smoothly flow into separations, rest from each other and legal divorce.

Samson is not jealous, he himself tries not to miss a single pretty girl. He loves his children, but prefers to buy them off with money. He can rarely be seen playing with them, the most he can do is spend a week at sea. He trusts his wife to raise children and believes that this is not a man’s job. He is good-natured towards relatives; it cannot be said that he loves meeting with them, but he will not interfere.

He considers it his direct responsibilities to provide his family with everything necessary, and then he can devote time to his loved one. There should be a place in the house where Samson can come and take a break from everyday problems. At this time, no one disturbs or disturbs him.

Business and career

Samson is purposeful, dreams of realizing his plans and ideas. He has everything for this necessary qualities and talent. A young man can become: a programmer, a lawyer, a doctor, an artist, a fashion designer, an artist. Quite often he occupies the leadership chair. In the workplace, he is a reliable and qualified specialist who knows how to acquire the necessary connections and the necessary support.

The meaning of the name Samson in character

Samson has a pleasant appearance, restraint and the ability to carefully prepare for any action. The young man is quite sociable and this helps him find mutual language with strangers, open any door. The female half is simply in awe of his gallantry and wit. Samson is generous with compliments, sociable and interesting.

Possessing a bright personality and ambition, the guy tries to build his life the way he wants. Despite his talkative nature, you will never know what is on his mind, he just doesn’t trust anyone. He keeps all his ideas and secrets to himself.

Teen Samson

When a boy with that name appears in a family, all the adults lose peace. It’s quite difficult to keep track of such a naughty guy. Parents make every effort to at least keep him in sight so that the child does not get in anywhere or do anything. But his peers are interested and have fun with him. Samson is a master at inventing entertainment.

When he goes to school, you will rarely see him at his textbook. If the boy sits down to read a book, it won’t be for long. It’s just that he masters the material quickly enough, and there’s no point in wasting time at home if there’s so much to do in the yard.

The teachers behave carefully with the boy, one might say they are a little afraid: the guy has a sharp tongue and an observant gaze. He instantly notices flaws and immediately copies them.

Having matured a little, the young man becomes strong, but no longer as active. He becomes more immersed in himself, thinks about the meaning of life, makes his plans and develops as a purposeful person. He wants everything to turn out the way he decided. The guy wants independence: in school, work and life.

Samson is honest, principled and careful. But he gets excited easily, sometimes he gets hot, although he tries not to lead to conflict. All he will do is say a few biting phrases.

Successful people and stars:

Samson Godwin - football player

Samson Siasia - coach

Samson Marzoev - artist

Samson Pascal Francois - pianist

Samson Balanovsky - sociologist.

Forms of the name Samson

Other forms of the name Samson: Simson, Sima, Soms. Short meaning of the name Samson: Samonya, Samokha, Monya. Patronymic name Samson: Samsonovich, Samsonovna; decomposition Samsonych.

Samson name in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 薩姆森 (Sà mǔ sēn). Japanese: サムソン (Samuson). Arabic: شمشون. Hindi: पहलवान (Pahalavāna). Ukrainian: Samson. Greek: Σαμψών (Sampsó̱n). English: Samson (Samson).

Origin of the name Samson

Planet- Sun

Color of the name Samson-pale yellow

Auspicious tree- pine

Treasured plant- lotus

Patron name Samson- White horse

Talisman stone- amber

Numerology of the name Samson

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive drab, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Samson as a phrase

With Word
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
M Think
With Word
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Samson

C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

General description of the name Samson

From Hebrew - “solar”.

As a child, he likes to invent different games, he is naughty and fidgety, but quite peaceful. It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom he causes a lot of trouble. On a walk, you need an eye and an eye for him - as quick as mercury, he instantly disappears from the mother’s field of vision and also appears imperceptibly. Sitting at textbooks for a long time is not for him. He quickly grasps the material and remembers it easily. The teachers are a little afraid of him: he has an observant look and a sharp tongue, he notices the teachers’ shortcomings and funny copies them. He has many friends and acquaintances. He has a bright personality and talent. If born in November, he is ambitious and inspires trust among friends.

Samson never loses his temper and has excellent business qualities. He has a good appearance. Purposeful, he tries to bring everything he has in mind to life. He never trusts anyone, he keeps everything to himself. Thinks before doing or saying anything. It seems that everyone knows him, everyone loves him; there seems to be no door through which he would not enter. In an unfamiliar company, within a few minutes he is on first name terms with many.

He can quickly get bored with male society, but never with female society. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful, helpful, by the way, he will tell a funny story and find a compliment for everyone. His girlfriends are jealous of his chosen one, but life with Samson is more difficult than one might expect. The reason for this is the same excessive sociability. Not jealous. Treats children superficially. He loves them, but considers raising them not a man’s job. He treats old people kindly.

Works as an artist, prosecutor, artist, cutter, fashion designer, electronics engineer, programmer, dentist, and holds leadership positions. Wherever he works, he has good connections and is a reliable person. Whenever possible, he helps loved ones and his colleagues in difficult situations, regardless of time.

Talisman - amber. The totem animal is a horse, the totem plant is a lotus.

Pros and cons of the name Samson

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the name Samson? It is probably impossible to say that it has many advantages, since this name is ugly and in many cases even absurdly combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also does not have beautiful abbreviations and diminutions (usually Samsons are called Sonya and Samonya, which makes it energetically strong name silent). The only thing that can add positivity to this name is quite good character most of its owners, which, moreover, lends itself well positive influence parents.


Samson is in good health. Usually, in childhood, he may suffer from physical injuries, which he constantly inflicts on himself due to his agility. As an adult, the owner of this name should pay more attention to his diet, otherwise he may develop minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Samson shows himself to be a caring husband and father, but it is difficult for him to lose his independence, which is why he may pay little attention to his family, not help his wife around the house and not care for children, considering this not a man’s business. Samson's wife should give him a place and time so that he can be alone - this will make him much closer to his family.

Professional area

IN professional field Reliable and purposeful Samson usually achieves career heights. He is impressed by scientific activities in the field of physics, mathematics, chemistry, he can also be an excellent engineer, designer, programmer, system administrator, bank employee, electrician, geologist, surveyor.

Famous people named Samson

Samson is one of the most romantic biblical characters. An angel announced to the expectant mother that she would give birth to a son who would defeat the Philistines. He also warned that Samson should never eat the juice of the vine or cut his hair, for his strength would be contained in the hair. The biblical stories about Samson consist of several episodes, sometimes funny and touching, sometimes cruel and tragic. Fate, as if on purpose, tested the hero, and it turned out that he fell in love with a Philistine woman. It was a beauty named Delilah. She skillfully found out the secret of his strength, and while he was sleeping, lulled by her caresses, the Philistines cut his hair and gouged out his eyes. Put behind bars, Samson bitterly repented of all his sins, adventures and wild adventures. And, apparently, the sky still took pity on him. The hair began to grow back quickly, and along with it the lost strength also returned. And then one day, when a noisy and colorful festival in honor of the idol of Dagon was taking place in Gaza, the Philistine nobles wanted Samson to be brought to the temple. Samson, hiding the strength that had returned to him, obediently entered the temple and also humbly asked to be led to the columns. He wanted to show that he could not stand on his feet without support and support. Then a terrible thing happened: Samson shook the stone pillars that supported the entire temple with such force that they collapsed along with the heavy vault and walls. Under the rubble of the colossal structure, as many Philistines died as Samson would not have been able to destroy in his entire life.

Samson Yakovlevich Makintsev (1776-1849) - adventurer, sergeant of the Russian service, deserted to Persia. Having entered the Persian service, Makintsev, or, as he was called in Persia, Samson Khan, began to recruit Russian deserters, for which he was consistently promoted. In 1820-1821 participated in the war between Persia and Turkey and contributed to the Persian victory at Toprak-kala; during the war between Russia and Persia, he refused to fight against the Russians; later pacified the uprising in Khorasan.

Samson Angel Day: January 12 (December 30) - The Holy Martyr Samson and his comrades suffered for Christ during the time of Julian the Apostate.

July 10 (June 27) - The Monk Samson the Host, a doctor, built a house in Constantinople for wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he himself served them with zeal and love for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Samson is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign, that is, from October 24 to November 22. Under the influence of this sign, Samson will retain his secrecy, loyalty to his friends and willfulness, which always draws the attention of others to him, but at the same time he will become more decisive, those who love wrestling and risk, and also strong enough to never lose heart.


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