The meaning of the Isa rune in love and relationships. Magic rune Isa - meaning and photo

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The kingdom of cold, a surface of water bound by ice - this is probably the most striking symbol of this rune. The Isa rune is present wherever the natural energy of cold spreads, stagnation reigns, the impossibility of life. Northern peoples However, they revered ice - for them it is as significant as fire. In addition, ice patronizes creativity and creation.

Scandinavian rune Isa - meaning, description and interpretation

  • Name: (IS, ISA) - ice in the Gothic dialect, Icelandic, Norwegian and other northern languages;
  • Action of Isa: water turns into crystal, molecules are ordered in a state of ice;
  • Deity: Ymir, frost giant;
  • According to legend, Ymir is one of the main ancestors of the “real” giants. It was believed that the entire earth's surface was made from the body of a grandiose cold creature. After a long sleep, Ymir died at the hands of the gods, Odin and other aces.
  • Character: magnetic;
  • Essence: irreversible;
  • Direct association with the kingdom of Nilfheim.

Niflheim literally translates to "Realm of Mist" in Norwegian. The kingdom occupies the north pole of the world, and even the entire Universe. Ice and all-encompassing darkness stretch across the land of Nilfheim. This is a very dark place, the abode of dead souls.

In psychology, the image of the “ice kingdom”, wandering from culture to culture, is understood as the embodiment of the dark side of personality. A person under the influence of ice experiences a lack of life, his face turns pale, his skin becomes cold. He is more like a vampire; a “vampiric” personality type is formed when the patient feeds vital forces other people.

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Images of the rune Isa

  • Crystallization: water turns into ice;
  • Moist fog forms a snowflake;
  • Salt settles out of seawater;
  • A branched tree is designed so that the branches do not overlap each other;
  • Cells concentrate to achieve rapid turnover;
  • Quartz in hot oven hardens into glass;
  • The dough rises upward and pores form in it;
  • The traveler organizes his impressions in a diary;
  • A bodybuilder pumps up every muscle to create an ideal body;
  • The dilapidated house is being rebuilt;
  • A reorganization of the structure is taking place within the company;
  • The store changes displays and products through employees;
  • In technology, the “filling” is replaced by the hands of a master;
  • The collection is put in order by its owner.

The deep meaning of the Isa rune

In the north they respect the power of ice; icy peaks can be very powerful. Blocks of ice have the properties of a landscape; they are painted or forged, like a painting or sculpture. Therefore, the formation of the image of the creator was inevitable. With the help of frost, water is shaped and shiny edges are created.

Therefore, the connection between creativity and ice is an important meaning of the Isa rune, which is one of the central ones. Transformation requires some creative, unique approach - as we know, there are many forms of snowflakes, frozen droplets. All this brings to mind that the once deadly power of ice appears in a very soft, noble form.

Creation inner rod, giving thoughts structure. Classification, crystallization. Having a solid foundation within the doer. The axis around which personality is built. Lack of orderliness is a factor that provokes the action of Isa.

The essence of the Isa runes, meaning, description and their interpretation is the onset of cold weather. The work “freezes”, the relationship between the worker and the people associated with him cools down. Time drags on, things are postponed until better times.

We can assume that if you do nothing and don’t communicate with anyone, then it’s as if you don’t exist at all. We are experiencing an existential crisis. There are only footprints in the snow that you can see where you were yesterday, but they will soon be swept away by the snowstorm. If a person passes the test of ice, he acquires completely different qualities.

  1. Firstly, you begin to live consciously, rely on willpower, thinking, planning. Because winter has taught you how to survive. When life returns to normal, you'll already have the tools to survive the next winter.
  2. Secondly, ice cleanses. The shell cracks, you are left “without clothes.” Personalities, like masks, are lost as unnecessary - you have no one and nothing to play with. The crystallization of one’s “I” occurs honestly, without tricks.

Use in magical practice

The effect achieved when working with the rune is becoming internal order, crystallization of thoughts and images that come when performing and analyzing any actions. Rune Isa, meaning in relationships: a great opportunity stop the conflict, reduce the intensity of passions. The way of thinking fits perfectly clean look. There is a possibility that obstacles will appear, and the time gained by the “freeze” will delay success.

Therefore, there are the following areas of application of Isa energy:

  • Recovery;
  • Stopping adverse processes;
  • Smoothing out conflicts;
  • Creation of diplomatic relations;
  • Creating opportunities for recreation;
  • Conducting philosophical, scientific, literary activities;
  • Returning home to a moderate pace of life.

By calling on the power of ice, you can accomplish many good deeds. Stop the disease (but not cure it completely), relieve pain, relieve fever. Release pent-up heat and anger. The association with relaxation in the fresh, frosty air is a chance for respite.

The deadlines for important and urgent matters are being pushed back. Or vice versa - being on the slope of a snowy peak, where it takes your breath away, maximum impression and concentration. Fascinating images freeze in memory long years. Ice saves you from unbearable heat, it “treats” burns, the meat stops rotting, and the decomposition process is slowed down. Cold energy is used in amulets and protective spells.

The Isa effect has a positive effect on everyone interested Eastern practices. It is much easier for meditators to stop the flow of thoughts and direct their will towards themselves. Agree that in everyday life there is no place for either absolute silence or absolute peace - you have to come to an agreement, a compromise. In the situation of Isa’s influence, you are getting closer and closer on the path to peace, true purity of thoughts.

Interpretation of the Isa rune for fortune telling

General value

Freeze time. Important events are postponed until later. A period of stagnation, stagnation. Such traits as passivity and absence of any action appear (as in the practice of comprehending the Tao). Stability, cessation of violent activity.

You don’t see any obvious changes in your lifestyle, nothing happens. The present time is devoid of events, there is no celebration or mourning. You are not used to this state of affairs; it seems that winter has arrived right now. The energy moves inward, accumulates, and one feels either drowsiness or boredom.

The person becomes self-absorbed. For active areas of life, this can mean complete stagnation, and everything happens as if at the same time: the TV turns off at night and silence sets in. In the dead of night at a party, the music is muted, the person falls into sleep, into darkness, and is left alone with himself.

The negative aspect will be the loss of volitional function. Loss of important contacts, financial drawdown. You don’t spend a lot, but the money doesn’t increase; the house and transport require care and repair. New acquaintances, rather as a travel companion, are short-lived.

One can evaluate the present position as a dream on a long journey.

  • For some, long trips are very tiring - after all, you can’t do anything except read a book or tabloid newspapers;
  • Others are completely immersed in thought, indulging in thoughts and fantasies similar to dreams.

The hidden inner world gradually unfolds and appears as in the picture. Now it’s easier to see both the good and the bad - anyway, your qualities are not involved in any way during the stagnation period, so they can be pulled out, sorted out and assessed.

When fortune telling for the future

Quite a quiet and calm period. It is not at all necessary to hibernate; perhaps, thinking about further actions will also use energy. You are not devoid of emotions or the joys of life, but now you feel that your expression does not correspond to the situation. Slowly but surely the future is coming - there is a chance to approach it wisely.


Rune Isa in fortune telling warns against:

  • The desire to break out of the ice block - you should not “step over” the stagnant period;
  • Active actions - you will still be returned to your previous state;
  • Haste and running around - none of these actions will be justified;
  • Dejection – stagnation is strongly associated with, but does not directly lead to, depression. Try to remain confident;
  • Destruction – create, but don’t throw away. Again, this would be very active for cold weather;
  • Weaknesses. Build endurance and perseverance.

The problem caused by the rune is the wrong attitude to the situation. Look for the positives even in the cold. You know that, despite the frost outside, you remain just as warm inside. Think about what could warm you up in your soul. Reading and leisurely, detailed conversations come to the fore.

However, here too there is room for an inexperienced person to make mistakes. Still, the darkness draws in. You get used to living at a measured pace and spend too much time analyzing events. Sooner or later, even the most serious thoughts, if not stopped, end in self-examination and depression.

Consider love and faith as undeniable sources of warmth, something that will always remain with you. Soon you will discover the potential of the situation through love and the ice will melt.

A common problem is loneliness. The states themselves such as sleep, reflection, systematization are always done alone. You may be watched, but only you feel everything that happens. Remember that the man of the Spirit who is interested inner world, will not be lonely even in the kingdom of ice.

Clear your social circle. There is no need for unnecessary meetings and contacts now. Excessive activity will provoke counteraction from the ice force. It's better to enjoy today's benefits. Strive for a calm, measured pace of life. It helps someone a lot to go to the mountains, for a long time travel in a “wild” tourist area. Less radical would be to stay at home, repair something, take care of your health.

Understanding the values ​​of Isa’s experience helps. For those who are not the first to feel the effects of frosty cold, they will perceive this as another vacation, a trip. For beginners, it is important to learn to adapt to the absence of any specific stimulus, the reason to move and develop. You will have to choose your own guidelines for this period of time.

But look, nothing lasts forever; “eternal” ice itself has been preserved in few corners of the planet. This means that soon this stage of life will come to an end.

Rune Isa (Isa) is the third symbol, the third rune of the second etta. Isa is in the power of the element of Water. Most often it means the moment that comes when the previous stage has not yet been completed and the next one has not yet arrived. This is a kind of “freezing” state, stopping, a turning point in life. Let's consider the meaning of the symbol in more detail.

Photo of the Isa rune:

Rune Isa literally translates as “ice”. Most often, its meaning is perceived negatively, since it indicates that a period of stagnation has begun in life. But this must also be perceived in a favorable context: it is time to reconsider your life, relax, unwind and think about the future.

Meaning in fortune telling

The Isa rune looks the same both upright and inverted, so its meanings are always the same.

In fortune telling, it can mean:

  • Divorce is approaching. Your family's happiness is at risk - if you don't try to save the marriage, the relationship will collapse
  • Your colleagues and subordinates treat you poorly and are extremely unfriendly. You need to understand what is causing it
  • In the near future we will have to take a break from active work - a time of stagnation and stagnation will come
  • Love relationships will become colder, separation will probably occur because one of the partners’ feelings have cooled down
  • Anything you do in the near future will end in failure.
  • Your plans and dreams will not be realized, and your goals will not be realized. It might be worth reflecting and understanding whether you are moving in the right direction.

Isa almost always has an unfavorable meaning. This is stagnation, stagnation, regression, inhibition of life, stopping some activity important for the fortuneteller. It is especially unpleasant when Isa falls into a relationship fortune-telling - in this case, it almost always promises a cooling of feelings and even separation.

If in fortune telling you asked the question: “What to do?” and Isa fell out, the answer will be “nothing.” You need to pause, pay attention to what is happening in life in this moment, and not think about the future and not make plans.

The meaning of the Isa rune can also be positive if it appears in combination with other favorable runes. Then we can talk about some stability. But we can still only dream about development and advancement in business.

Advice for getting the Isa rune in fortune telling: relax and bide your time. The flow of negativity that comes into your life will sooner or later recede and be replaced by positive events. It is useless to do anything to improve the situation now - you are unable to withstand the elements.

Stop all activity, stop doing things, stop planning, stop doing nothing. Wait for a favorable moment and a white streak in your life.

Interpretation of the Isa rune in one-rune fortune telling

In one-ore fortune telling, Isa has the following meanings:

  • A person needs to clearly set goals for his future life, reconsider his attitude towards others and the world, strengthen and develop faith in himself and God
  • You have a well-developed intuition and are well versed in human psychology, therefore, are able to predict the behavior of other people and influence them
  • You are obsessed with the impression you make on others. Don't try to please everyone, otherwise you'll end up with nervous exhaustion.
  • You are a talented person and it is better to realize your talents in the field of show business, fashion, and design. You can also achieve success by working as a psychologist, teacher, or salesperson.
  • Your physical characteristics are not very outstanding. But this is more than compensated by the huge amount of positive energy, the source of which you are. You are able not only to fill yourself with this energy, but also to share it with others, which is why people are attracted to you. But don’t allow energy vampires near you, otherwise you can seriously undermine your health.
  • You have well-developed, rational thinking. If you learn to feel emotional condition surrounding people and adapt to it, you can achieve great success
  • You are an excellent speaker, you know how to persuade and eloquently defend your point of view. It helps to always find a like-minded person who will be on your side in any situation.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Isa rune:

Use in magic

In occultism, the Isa rune is used to achieve the following goals:

  • Recovery of a person after a serious illness or relief of his condition
  • As a talisman that protects a person from all negativity coming from outside
  • To learn to control emotions and manage the emotions of other people
  • To ease the current difficult situation, exciting a person at the moment most
  • To relax, relieve tension, slow down the too fast pace of life

The meaning of the Isa rune is usually associated with ice, which is how the Scandinavian word “iss” and the British “is” are translated. Isa is the rune of stopping, perhaps of respite, and perhaps of stagnation; this determines the context and position of the rune in the layout.

  • Rune semantics: ice, stop, inaction, potential
  • Rune transliteration: I (I)
  • Norwegian and Anglo-Saxon naming: is
  • Old Norse and Icelandic variant: iss
  • The name of the rune among the Germans: icz
  • Gothic version: eis

The association of the meaning of the Isa rune with ice is only partly correct. Isa contains a dualistic image, on the one hand, the force that fetters the river, on the other, the force (essentially the same), which, with the arrival of spring, again turns the frozen water into an inexorable torrent. Therefore, the interpretation of the Isa rune can sometimes come down to the image of an obstacle that does not require overcoming.

This is a forced but necessary stop, which is needed so as not to miss something important, in order to think about what really matters. Or maybe in order to accumulate strength before a significant period. But the versatility of the Isa rune (photo of the statutory outline - above) does not have a positive aspect in all situations; sometimes it is still not peace, but stagnation.

The meaning of the Isa rune in the upright position

IN upright position Isa is a respite before the finish line, the last pit stop, followed by victories. But you need this pit stop to gather yourself and put all the points in order once again, because after that, beyond the line, there will be no time left.

The Isa rune (in relationships, business, spiritual aspects - it doesn’t matter) indicates that a favorable period awaits you ahead. This period is preceded by a stage of internal development, conceptual preparation, and this stage may seem unnecessarily long, inconvenient, and constraining for people who are overly active and dynamic.

Take a closer look at the situation; it is wrong to perceive the absence of clear victories as a defeat. In fact, the situation can be compared to how a plant grows from a seed while in the ground. That is, it is not yet above the ground, it is not visible and no one knows about its existence, but at this very moment (hidden from outsiders) the most important action in the life of the plant takes place - its birth.

The Isa rune in a relationship may indicate a “grinding in” time, which in no case should be rushed. In situations with spiritual overtones, this is the accumulation of potential, in financial aspect- the moment of maximum concentration of effort before receiving a truly big profit.

Don't rush things. The meaning of the Isa rune changes depending on the neighboring runes of the layout, but in any case you must understand that the ice that prevents you from moving forward is about to melt on its own. There is no need to “raise the boil”, unnecessary fuss will only disturb you, take a break, come to your senses.

Inaction sometimes also brings benefits, for example, it will help restore strength and allow you to come to important conclusions. The Isa rune in an upright position often speaks of the need to postpone existing plans, since at the moment there are forces operating around you that are beyond your control.

The meaning of the Isa rune in an inverted position

Reversed Isa also indicates inaction, but in a negative context. This is the same stagnation, lack of potential, when there is no desire or ability to move forward. The inverted rune Isa is a delay, the transfer of something to a later late date, a sudden obstacle that has mixed up all your cards and now you don’t know what to do.

The difficulty is that the inverted position often characterizes the situation in such a way that you cannot change anything (as is the case with Isa in the upright position). This can cause depression, depression, and loss of motivation. It's a pity if this happened, but this is not the only outcome. The inverted rune Isa in relationships indicates misunderstanding, in business - confusion, in spiritual terms - the lack of a clear path and awareness.

In this case, the situation may not have any specific background, and there may not be any obvious problems either. Everything is just somehow cloudy and incomprehensible. However, in any case, the inverted Isa indicates that reliability does not come true, and the desired result does not exist. But it is quite likely - only for now.

It is not surprising that the inverted Isa rune (photo above) gives almost the same advice as in the upright position - do not rush. Now you will need all your endurance. Don’t give up, but don’t bang your head into a door that no one is in a hurry to open. Perhaps you came from the wrong direction, or perhaps you are in the wrong place at all.

The meaning of the Isa rune in a relationship may indicate a lack of understanding, but not at all a lack of reciprocity. Again, don’t rush your horses, give time not only to yourself, but also to your partner. No matter how difficult it may be, this stage can definitely be overcome, and most importantly, there is not as much negativity in it as you might think.

The use of the Isa rune in rituals

Outside of the fortune-telling context, the interpretation of the Isa rune allows it to be used to strengthen the will and concentrate intentions. This rune will help artificially slow down the situation if it develops too quickly. It can be used in meditative and ritualistic practices to gain respite and better understand what is happening without outside interference.

Also, the Isa rune can be used to cancel an action; it can eliminate the consequences or stop some process. It may have a specific purpose, but you will have to act with extreme caution because there may be unpredictable consequences.

Application of the Isa rune in runic records

In runescripts, the Isa rune (photo of the described options is on the right) is used quite often. One of the most common options is the two-hour runescript “Isa Ansuz”. Sometimes used in a modified version “Isa Ansuz Isa”. In both cases, the goal effect is to literally “shut the mouth” of the object, that is, to prevent verbal contact with another object(s) or to prevent the disclosure of any information. The “Isa Ansuz” option is softer, “Isa Ansuz Isa” acts more quickly, but is not more effective. There may be minor " side effects» like a runny nose or confusion.

The no less popular option “Isa Lagu” eliminates the possibility of exposure. The context of the situation can be anything, and the “Isa Lagu” runescript can be used both in its original form and in a modified form - with a third target rune. However, you need to understand that any impact on someone else’s consciousness (not only in a negative context) is guaranteed to have a “response”, and it will be greatly amplified. So if the situation ultimately turns out to be “negative” for the object, the author of the runescript may face, to put it mildly, a difficult situation.

In fact, in most everyday situations, you can use a runescript from the four runes of Isa, you can even use a kind of stave - mirroring all four runes to the cardinal points. Such visualization can temporarily inhibit any processes; the duration of inhibition depends on the strength of intention.

Interpretation of the Isa rune in the esoteric aspect - from northern shamanism to everyday meditation

The interpretation of the Isa rune should begin by combining two concepts - immobility (in the sense of a frozen substance) and concentration (in the sense of compaction of this substance). So Isa can become a materialized thought, this is the force that binds everything together and prevents disintegration, decomposition into its component elements. In fact, the Isa rune is the guardian of the ordered, the main opponent of elemental entropy.

In a spiritual sense, the meaning of the Isa rune is the crystallization of an important moment, like a film reel when the reel stops on a projector. The dynamics of movement have not disappeared, but the picture is static. This is a stabilizing factor that preserves and protects (like ice preserves (sometimes for thousands of years) objects caught in it).

In a certain aspect, Isa is the embodiment of self-control. This is the power that allows us to organize our lives, but at the same time it is the responsibility for decisions made. That is why K. Meadows, an outstanding runic practitioner, sees in Isa either a shamanic staff (a symbol of wisdom) or a spear (a symbol of courage).

It is also worth noting that the meaning of the Isa rune in the context of non-movement is very conditional. That is, a river bound by ice is in fact not at all motionless. After all, dozens of processes take place under the ice crust every minute. Peace is here - external condition, the action itself has not gone away, and most importantly, the potential has not gone away. Moreover, it continues to accumulate (perhaps even more actively), but in a different form. In this sense, the same piece of ice can be assessed as frozen time, but frozen to a certain limit, because in fact, nothing ever stops completely, one hundred percent.

The image of ice, invariably present in the interpretation of the Isa rune, is very important in the context of spiritual development. For a harmonious person, ice can become a shell, protection from external negativity, and at the same time it can help hide one’s essence from prying (and potentially dangerous) eyes. But if a person is ruled by the Ego, if his impulses are low, material and unfair, then... what happens to a fragile piece of ice when there is too much pressure on it? The same thing happens to the spiritual world of a person who is not able to control himself.

The interpretation of the Issa rune by runic shamans has always been reduced to self-restraint for the purpose of development. At the same time, this is an opportunity to “preserve” the condition, either in order to prolong it longer, or to return to it in the future. And here again we will have to draw an analogy with ice, but in a completely different aspect. The fact is that ice is a surface on which it is difficult to maintain balance. That is why it is necessary to work with the Isa rune extremely carefully, without sudden movements, otherwise you may fall (literally, but more importantly, figuratively).

Often the meaning of the Isa rune can be reduced to a child in the womb. That is, in fact, he is not among other people, but he already interacts with them. He even hears us and, to a certain extent, sees us, in short, perceives us. And he can communicate. But in my own way. This is a deep and complex image, because after his birth a person often finds himself in a similar situation - he touches some other world, begins to feel something different, new, unknown. But he doesn’t see this because he is in a kind of womb. Most often, this is the womb of stereotypes, inertia of thinking, spiritual limitations, and so on.

This is why many runic shamans (including the already mentioned K. Medouoz) consider meditation with the Isa rune one of the most important practices. After all, this is endless potential, a tool for interacting with the outside world at the finest level, inaccessible to the absolute majority.

  • The essence of the Isa rune: potential, concentration, intention, stability.
  • Basic esoteric qualities: hidden (internal) strength, support (preservation) of a state or process, self-control, hidden (internal) development.
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: The Isa rune helps to step away from routine and bustle in order to look at what is happening from the outside, unbiased, it is a respite that allows you to focus on what is really important, it is the power that makes a dream come true.
  • Calling the Isa rune: winter does not last forever, sometimes you need to stop, and sometimes you need to slowly move forward, overcoming one obstacle after another.

As already mentioned, the meaning of the Isa rune is always dualistic - there are situations when wisdom is hidden in knowledge, but for some moments wisdom is in action. Understanding when it is smarter to stop and when you need to move, no matter what - isn’t this the main wisdom of life?.. The Isa rune helps to focus on what is important, crystallizes consciousness, calms the soul and body. This is the rune of will, the rune of understanding and timeliness.

Friends, I greet you)

Today we will talk about the most static and “cold” rune in Futhark, which helps people develop such qualities as calmness and even some detachment, as well as stop unwanted actions towards themselves from other people - for example, aggression.

And we will begin, as usual, by looking at general meaning runes of Isa.

General meaning of the rune

Translated from modern Danish, Icelandic and Swedish, the word "is" means "ice". German and Norwegian have the words "eis" and "isen" respectively. Their meaning is the same. As you understand, this is what we will base our interpretation of the rune on. This is a freeze, a stop.

You can freeze, “preserve” the situation, emotions, actions. Also, Isa is introversion, withdrawal into oneself. However, this is not a cessation of development in general, but important stage V general dynamics- transition of development from the external to the internal plane. At the same time, internal processes are still carried out, although this is not manifested externally.

However, this is only for the time being. By the way, important point- Isa suggests a temporary stop. This is understandable - ice, despite its hardness and static nature, has the potential to melt and turn into a liquid, flowing state.

The magic of this rune lies in the ability to wait it out. At the same time, concentration and some detachment from one’s emotions about the situation are important in order to see the situation from the outside and make the right decision.

For example, sometimes I notice how the energy of the Isa rune works in me as a defensive reaction to too vivid external impressions and emotional overload.

In some people this energy is manifested quite strongly, and then we can talk about such qualities as composure, isolation, as well as observation and the ability to soberly assess the situation.

In general, the interpretation depends on the question and the area you are guessing at.

Importance in the personal sphere

As I said above, this is a freezing of feelings. If you are in the situation for love relationship or the person has the Isa rune, then this may be a lack of passion, indifference. In general, Isa personifies cold relationships, without a sensual basis.

It can also mean a self-centered partner. Do not confuse a self-centered person with a selfish person; a self-centered person is one who directs attention inward, to his experiences and thoughts. This does not mean that he is selfish, rather we can talk about an introverted thinking style.

Also, a rune in a reading can mean:

  • end of relationship
  • the person has pulled away and is trying to avoid you
  • fading of feelings, love
  • “canned” resentment and anger
  • in a conflict - you need to wait it out, let your emotions cool down

Importance in Career

In business and career fortune telling, the appearance of this rune means a stop in movement and dynamics, the absence of new ideas and directions. A temporary quiet period, a break between active phases, as well as:

  • an indication that it is necessary to withstand, showing will and calmness
  • concentration, composure, attentiveness, sober assessment of the situation
  • the end of unrest and disputes, the onset of a stable period in work, saving energy for future achievements and actions
  • freezing of bank accounts, transactions

New sources of income are unlikely to emerge in the near future. The situation is stable, but things are not gaining momentum yet.

Importance in health and emotional state

As you may have already guessed, this is a period of remission in the disease. There is no deterioration in health, but so far there has been no improvement. Time seemed to stop, froze, and with it all processes froze. In addition, the rune can mean:

  • low temperature and pressure
  • anemia
  • pain relief, dulling of sensory sensations (taste, color, smell, etc.)

Mentally, you should save energy and strength. Classes are not recommended during this period. dynamic views sports Try not to get caught up in conflict situations, do not waste psychic energy in vain - it will be useful to you later.

The rune does not have an inverted meaning.


We talked about the Isa rune - the “Snow Queen” of Futhark. Turn to her energy when you need to show restraint and concentration, wait out a conflict, and eliminate aggression.

I hope you found the article interesting and useful. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will be glad to chat with you) And I’m not saying goodbye - we’ll meet again on the pages of my blog, and therefore just...

The rune Isa occupies a special position among the signs of the Elder Futhark. Designation magic symbol reminds English letter I( ). The mystery letter is different great strength, is associated with the word “ice”, “freezing”, suspension of any process or activity.

The appearance of the Isa rune

The need for the appearance of the Isa rune is directly related to the internal and external processes of life, relationships between people. A kind of freezing that temporarily stops certain types of events. They ask this symbol about how to behave in a specific situation or setting.

The rune answers in monosyllables when there is a need to temporarily stop doing what you have planned. It's time to wait a little and then continue. How long you need to wait will be determined by other runes that appear in the runic spell.

Runa Isa advises that during the “freezing of affairs” not just move away from them, but think through everything carefully, plan again, make sure that everything is correct, without harming anyone. Often stopping activities allows you to rethink and turn things around. Perhaps the questioner is confused, he needs time, and then go the right way. Trying to circumvent the warnings of the pentagram with cunning and deception, you can only harm yourself. The arrival of the rune is natural and there is no need to change the inevitable.

The meaning of the rune Isa

Based on the area from which the questioner wants to know the answer, the meaning of the interpretation changes, but the essence remains the same.

Basic meaning

Suspension and freezing often concern not only external factors, and above all internal. It is important to be careful and be able to compare everything sensibly. You need to learn to compare the main meaning with what is happening in life and find a connection. Understand that when asking about health, you need to deal with it; about a career means to understand the work field. Ice touches everything that exists.

Love and relationships

Speaking about gender relations, such a sign is characterized by a prediction of an upcoming quarrel, betrayal or mistrust. Serious conflicts will certainly follow, but the neighboring runes will tell you how dangerous everything will be.

Work and career

Affairs, projects, and perhaps professional activity In general, it will have to be suspended for a while. In any case, the matter will get stuck in place, activity will fade away. Relationships with colleagues can deteriorate sharply. Those around you and the authorities are cool and do not show any participation in the applicant’s business. If in addition the rune is surrounded by negative brothers, this arrangement means one thing - you need to leave your favorite field. It's about to get worse.

It is very important what accompanies the rune, often everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance, the main thing is to correctly evaluate and humbly accept the information received.

The meaning of the reversed Isa rune

In fact, based on the spelling of the letter, the fortune-telling layout is always the same, no matter how you look at it; this symbol cannot appear upside down, because in any case it remains the same. However, to distinguish the position of the sign, pay attention to where the point was originally located.

Basic meaning

The great sign of procrastination, if reversed, means the same interpretation, but with a negative, negative slant. It is considered very powerful, it cannot be denied, and it does not make sense; upcoming events will happen in any case and their outcome directly depends on whether the questioner finds the strength to slow down and stop for a while in the planned process.

Comprehend everything that is happening with a different perspective, and after a while return to your endeavors, ending with inevitable success. You need to realize that the advice is important and positive. An unexpected obstacle lasts different period time, you need to be able to wait out the wait, occupying this time with thoughts, your thoughts about the matter.

Love and relationships

Indicates misunderstanding, lack of respect, love and attraction. At the same time, it is important to realize that nothing can be done right now, and perhaps it is not necessary. After taking a pause, everything will fall into place. A person realizes whether these relationships are important to him or whether they have completely outlived their usefulness.

Work and career

A sudden negative obstacle indicates a loss of motivation. The desire to create, to create, to do what you love has disappeared. Everything is so confusing, incomprehensible primarily to the person asking.

That is why, in order not to aggravate the situation further, or even to lose a once-loved job, it is advisable to take a vacation, stepping away from work for a while. Although, it is often better to simply quit and look for a more suitable option.

In fact, the falling rune of the inverted version indicates that there is no serious background to what is happening. It's just time to do it this way, you can't go any other way. Relationships and undertakings were plunged into uncertainty, they were drawn into darkness, covered muddy water. The hopes are unjustified, the desired result will not come, but this is only for now. With patience, you will be able to overcome everything, and then what you want will become inevitable.

The pentagram, interesting in its design, advises never to rush. Evaluate what is happening around you calmly, without rushing, and always take a pause before any undertaking.

It is important to realize that the less worried, worried, or in a hurry the applicant is, the better things will turn out and the success will be colossal.

Magical use of Isa

Practicing magicians, psychics and fortune tellers often turn to the freezing sign for help. The card, which suspends any process, is quite effective for both good deeds and negative messages. The white magician’s ideas concern the “freezing” of diseases, the black “drying” of beloved hearts.

At the same time, it is important to realize that any process is postponed only for a while; if the questioner behaves correctly, he will be able to delay it for a certain period, or speed up its occurrence. It is advisable not to use bad ideas, since everyone bears a certain price for what they do. Allows the karmic symbol to analyze the work of the magician. Protect from black negativity.

Talismans and amulets made from runes

A symbol that is not entirely universal in its description will become an ideal protector, a person’s assistant. However, it must be used with some caution. Talismans, amulets and amulets often feature his image. Wear similar products Any person can do it, regardless of gender and age.

It is advisable to acquire such a talisman for those who react strongly to what is happening around them, for those who worry too much, taking everything to heart. Such a protector will help a person become a little different - not so sentimental, even cold-blooded. Other people's problems will cease to be important.

This characteristic magic sign without this, it will make an indifferent person selfish, therefore, having a similar disposition, you cannot carry such talismans with you. Indifference will affect the dearest loved ones, who at a difficult moment will dare to ask for protection and help.

The meaning of the Isa rune as a tattoo

Knowing that Isa does not have the opposite position, many, comparing its beneficial effect on a person’s aura, decide to put a tattoo with this image on their body. Despite the fact that the interpretation of the symbol is positive, this is not recommended.

Anyone who wears such a pentagram on his body risks living his life in complete “freezing.” Such a person will have no illusions about what is happening, and will not experience a feeling of pity and compassion for loved ones.

His actions and actions will always be slow, and when necessary, he will still not do anything. The state of suspended animation will certainly affect the fate of the person asking and his surroundings. It can cause significant harm in career matters and personal relationships.

Formulas with the rune Isa

Depending on what formula Isa contains, the interpretation of the situation changes, but everywhere the essence remains unshakable - pause:

  1. Mannaz (inverted) – Isa. What is happening now needs to be stopped as soon as possible, or the questioner is looking for benefit for himself personally, without thinking at all about those around him. At the same time, in all problems and difficulties, he tries to find someone’s fault.
  2. Isa - Dagaz. A positive neighborhood confirms that stagnation will end very soon, and the time will come for active action.
  3. Eyvaz - Algiz - Isa. There are inevitable obstacles to be overcome in order for everything to be successful; it is recommended to pause the movement. Obstacles created higher power, with some kind of protection for the person himself, allowing him to bypass the trouble by gathering his thoughts.
  4. Turisaz - Isa. Soon things in the labor field will become as bad as possible, the reason is associated with the intervention of ill-wishers whose rank is higher.
  5. Soulu - Isa. Problems at work are associated with a person who was once very offended by you.
  6. Perth (reversed) – Isa. The other half no longer has any feelings for you, the sexual attraction and spiritual attraction have passed.
  7. Laguz - Isa. Treason has recently occurred or will happen very soon.
  8. Teyvaz - Isa. The head of your “half” is filled with thoughts of a completely different man.
  9. Laguz - Berkana - Isa. Your chosen one is in love with another woman, most likely a married person.
  10. Teyvaz - Turisaz - Isa. The applicant is under the most powerful protection. Any negativity sent bad people will be rejected.

When using runes to answer your questions, you should remember the main thing - the interpretation of the signs can differ significantly. Different experts interpret many things in their own way, but the essence cannot be changed. It is important to listen to what is said and be able to perceive it correctly.


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