Spring Adonis (Adonis vernalis L.). Spring adonis (adonis) - medicinal properties

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Adonis vernalis

Spring adonisperennial 15-60 cm high from the ranunculaceae family. Grows in the steppes, on steppe slopes in the forest-steppe and steppe. Popularly it also has the following names: adonis (for its bright yellow flowers), hare grass, hare poppy, starodubka, mohnatik, black grass, Montenegrin, yellowflower.

International Latin name The family comes from the name of the mythical youth Adonis, who was distinguished by his extraordinary beauty. The specific name translated from Latin means “spring”.

Biological description of Adonis vernacular

Perennial herbaceous plant. The rhizome is short, brownish-black with a large number of cord-like roots. Several round, smooth, almost bare, erect or deflected stems grow from the rhizome. At the beginning, the stems are low - 5-25 cm in height, then grow to 50-60 cm.

The stem leaves are broadly ovate in outline, palmately divided. The basal and lower stem leaves are in the form of brownish scales, the rest are sessile, their lobes are narrow-linear, entire, 1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 mm wide. Leaf blade lower leaves 6-8 cm width.

Single flowers are located on the tops of stems and branches, quite large, 40-60 (up to 80) mm in diameter, golden yellow. Sepals five to eight, broadly ovate, obtuse in the upper part, greenish, short and finely pubescent, 12-20 mm long. The flower has 10-20 petals, oblong, obovate, finely serrated, 25-34 mm long. Pistils and stamens are numerous, arranged spirally on a cone-shaped receptacle. Blooms with the appearance of leaves in April - May; in the northern regions, flowering continues until mid-June.

Flower formula: *K 5 C 10-20 A ∞ G ∞ (*K 5 C ∞ A ∞ G )

The fruits of spring Adonis are spherical-obovate wrinkled multi-nutlets, about 20 mm long, consisting of 30-40 nuts. The nuts themselves are obovate, 4-5 mm long, pubescent, wrinkled, their columns are bent down, hooked. Weight of 1000 “seeds” (more correctly, nuts) is 7-12 g. The fruits ripen in June - July.

All parts of Adonis vernacular are poisonous!

Where does Adonis vernalis grow (distribution and ecology)

It grows in mixed-grass steppes, along the edges of sparse birch forests and steppe oak forests, on dry open steppe slopes, near bushes and ravines, especially on chernozem soils.

In Russia, it is widespread in the steppe and forest-steppe zones - Orenburg, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk and Volgograd - and in Western Siberia. It is also found in the Bryansk, Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Ryazan, Tula, Voronezh regions, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, Tataria and the Chelyabinsk region.

It grows slowly, from the moment of germination of seeds (nuts) to the first flowering, 15-20 (!) years pass, and powerful bushes are obtained only after 50 years or more. It belongs to rare and specially protected plants.

What does Adonis vernalis contain?

Adonis spring herb contains 0.07-0.15% glycosides of the cardiac group (cymarin, adonitoxin), adonivernite, phytosterol. In addition, saponins and adonite alcohol are isolated from the herb.

Seeds and roots contain cardiac glycosides; Coumarin vernadine was found in the roots.

Pharmacological properties of Adonis vernalis

The active ingredients are cardiotonic glycosides from the cardenolide group: derivatives of strophanthidin, adonitoxol, adonitoxigenin and strophadogenin. The main ones are cymarin, K-strophanthin-r, adonitoxin, K-strophanthoside. From raw materials it is obtained cardiotonic drugs: infusion, dry extract, adonizide (in ampoules), adonis bromine (dragees) and others; in addition, adonis is included in some complex cardiac remedies.

Spring adonis is used as a remedy to regulate cardiac activity, and also how general sedative and diuretic. Main indications for use Adonis vernacular preparations are chronic cardiac failure and cardiac neurosis. In addition, together with bromine, they are prescribed for increased nervous excitability, insomnia and epilepsy. Adonis drugs increase and slow down heart contractions, increase stroke and cardiac output and eliminate congestion in patients; to a greater extent than other glycosides, they calm the central nervous system.

There are indications of a positive effect in experimental arthritis. The cumulative properties of drugs based on Adonis are weakly expressed, due to which they are widely used in medical practice. In terms of strength and duration of action on the heart, they are inferior to strophanthus and foxglove.

Under the influence of Adonis drugs, patients experience electrocardiogram changes typical for cardiac drugs, the most characteristic of which are: depression of the ST line, reduction of the T wave and its transition from positive to negative, shortening of the QRST interval. The appearance of these changes depends on the dosage and duration of use of Adonis vernalis.

Adonis is effective for cocaine-induced seizures in drug addicts. Pre-administration of Adonis tincture or infusion prevents deaths. These drugs also prevent the development of camphor cramps and seizures caused by picrotoxin.

Adonis spring– decorative and medicinal plant- but it is poisonous!

When to collect and how to store Adonis vernalis

Blooms from early spring to mid-May. Adonis roots and flowers are collected in the spring, dried in the shade (since it loses many of its properties when dried in the sun), and then finely ground.

The aerial part of the wild growing Adonis vernacular is cut off above the brown scales at a height of 5-10 cm from the soil surface during the period from the end of flowering until the fruits fall off and dried at a temperature of 50-60 ° C or in the shade in the air. Dry only in the shade, as Sun rays destroy almost everything medicinal properties adonis.

It is advisable to store Adonis herb in wooden boxes, lined with paper inside (in the shade, of course).

For what diseases is Adonis vernalis used?

The plant is very popular among the people and is highly valued. The whole plant is poisonous - it must be remembered that Adonis vernalis potent remedy and uncontrolled use of it can only worsen heart function. Used for heart diseases with symptoms of decompensation, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs and neuroses of the cardiovascular system; with dropsy of renal origin, acute kidney inflammation, for infectious diseases (spotty fever, flu, scarlet fever, etc.), with emphysema (suffocation).

Adonis increases the force of heart contractions and slows down the rhythm (action of glycosides cymarin, adonizide, adonivernoside, triterpene saponins, flavonoids). Used in a mixture with motherwort, valerian, lemon balm for nervous excitability,

Adonis or spring adonis is a medicinal plant of great interest for medicine. Based on its extract, tinctures and tablets are made that have proven themselves as effective means in the treatment of the heart, relief of vegetative-vascular dystonia, kidney diseases.

Medicinal properties This plant has been known for a long time. Today they are used not only by herbalists and traditional healers: the plant has found wide application in industrial pharmacology. In the herbal books, which were compiled by healers back in the 16th century, the plants Adonis vernatum and its healing properties. Healers successfully used it to treat dropsy, fever, and pain in the heart. In the old days, it was believed that if a person managed to see the adonis bloom for the first time, then he should collect the flowers, dry them and smoke his eyes with healing smoke. This will protect you from night blindness.

Spring Adonis has been listed in the Red Book for many years. In natural conditions it is under the strictest protection. During private collection, adonis can only be cut selectively: it must be left on each square meter at least three stems. For industrial harvesting, it is grown on plantations.

The Legend of Adonis

The plant received its name in honor of the lover of the goddess Aphrodite. Once Princess Mirra angered the beautiful goddess of love and she sent terrible troubles to her, turning her into a tree. But when a child was born from the cracked trunk of this tree, Aphrodite could not restrain herself and kidnapped him. In a small casket, she delivered the baby to the underworld to Persephone and asked her to hide the child from prying eyes. But very soon the charming baby won the heart of the wives of gloomy Hades.

Persephone refused to return Adonis to the first beauty of Olympus. The angry goddess demanded that Zeus restore justice. And he decided this: Adonis would live with Persephone for six months, and with Aphrodite for six months. Adonis grew up, turned into a beautiful young man and became the lover of Aphrodite. The jealous Ares could not bear this: he waylaid Adonis, who was hunting in the mountains, and killed him by turning into a boar.

Aphrodite was inconsolable, mourning her beloved. From the drops of his blood, the goddess grew anemones, and in the very place where the lifeless body of her beloved fell, she commanded the beautiful and tender to bloom annually on the day of mourning. yellow flower, which people called Adonis.

Where does Adonis vernatum grow?

The plant is widespread in Europe and Asia, in southern regions Russia in the Mediterranean, in the east of Western Siberia. Its numbers are constantly decreasing due to improper collection, and it may soon disappear. IN individual regions Our country is introducing temporary restrictions on the collection of Adonis in order to restore its numbers.

Adonis spring: description and photo

This herbaceous plant, belonging to the Ranunculaceae family, includes about 45 species of perennial and annual herbs. Adonis vernatum, a photo of which we posted in this article, is a perennial plant. Its flowers are deep yellow. Adonis has many names - adonis, hairy grass, yellow centaury, yellowflower, boron expulsion, starodubka, hair grass, hare poppy.

The height of spring Adonis is small - no more than half a meter. The plant has a well-developed root system, an erect or slightly deviated stem, which can branch slightly. It bears a small number of shaggy palmately dissected sessile leaves. The basal leaves, which resemble scales, are divided into several lobes, about 6 cm wide. They are colored brown.

Descriptions of the Adonis vernal plant are published in almost all reference books on medicinal herbs. They focus Special attention flowers of the plant.


Flowering begins in April, when small bushes are covered with bright yellow, beautiful single flowers located at the top of a branch or stem. They are quite large - up to 8 cm in diameter. Like bright lanterns, they are clearly visible on the gray spring edges. Interestingly, the flowers appear at the same time as the leaves. They have a five-leaf, pubescent base and many fiery yellow petals.

Interesting fact: Adonis vernalis has not only yellow flowers. In the mountains of Mongolia and Tibet there are species with white, bright blue and soft lilac petals.


The spring Adonis plant bears fruit depending on the region of growth. In the southern regions this occurs in June, in the more northern regions - in July. Flowers are replaced by wrinkled nuts with hook-shaped noses.

Chemical composition

Adonis vernal contains up to 0.83% cardiac glycosides. The largest amount is found in leaves and green fruits. In addition, the aerial parts of the plant contain cymarin and K-strophanthin, a specific cardenolide of this plant is adonitoxin.

Phytosterol, dimethoxyquinone, flavonoids, steroid saponins, organic acids, ascorbic acid, carotene, choline, adonite alcohol, coumarins have been isolated from the herb. The highest biological activity is observed during flowering and fruiting. Glycosides accumulate in the roots at the very end of the growing season.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that healers have used this plant to treat many diseases since ancient times, scientific research into the medicinal properties of spring Adonis was carried out much later, in the clinic of S.P. Botkin. According to its results, the plant was recognized as an effective natural remedy for the treatment of many heart diseases.

Nowadays, Adonis vernatum, a photo of which you can see below, as well as preparations based on it, are used in both folk and traditional medicine. Preparations based on the herb adonis have beneficial properties for the body:

  • diuretic;
  • vasodilator;
  • stabilizing heart rate;
  • normalizing sleep;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • painkillers;
  • cardiotonic.

Indications for use

Preparations of Adonis vernalis are prescribed to patients suffering from diseases such as:

  • heart failure (chronic) with circulatory disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hysteria;
  • neuroses of the heart;
  • epilepsy;
  • exhaustion nervous system;
  • lung diseases (tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc.);
  • parkinsonism;
  • acute cystitis,
  • complicated by edema of renal origin.

Preparations based on Adonis

“Adonizide” is available in the form of an aqueous solution or in tablets. Prescribed for vegetative-vascular diseases.

Bekhterev's mixture is known for its powerful sedative effect. Adult patients are prescribed 30 drops four times a day.

This is far from full list- many are made from Adonis effective drugs used in traditional medicine.

Use in folk medicine

You should know that, along with its healing properties, Adonis vernatum is poisonous, therefore, before using drugs based on it, you must consult a doctor and strictly adhere to the dosage.

For heart and infectious diseases, drink a spoonful of tea every hour (two tablespoons of adonis are poured into 800 ml of water and steamed).

  • Infusion No. 1

Pour two tablespoons of chopped adonis herb into four glasses of boiled warm water and place in a warm place overnight. The infusion is recommended for getting rid of stones in the bladder and kidneys. During the day, the composition is taken one tablespoon at a time, but not more than every hour.

  • Infusion No. 2
  • Infusion No. 3

For a painful dry cough, pour a teaspoon of dry adonis with 100 ml of boiling water. After two hours, the medicine will be ready for use. Take a spoonful of it before each meal.

  • Infusion No. 4

Pour 7 grams of adonis (heaped teaspoon) with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, you can take a tablespoon per day for myositis. The course of treatment is one month, then you should take a break for 10 days, and after that the treatment can be continued.

In most cases, infusions from the leaves and flowers of spring Adonis are prepared in almost identical proportions - 5-7 grams of adonis are brewed and allowed to brew.

Alcohol tincture

This tincture will help in the fight against insomnia. You can use medical alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio or high-quality factory-made vodka. Pour 100 grams of dry grass with a liter of alcohol (or vodka) and place in a dark place with room temperature. Take 15 drops of tincture three times a day.


Adonis is widely used in many medicinal herbal preparations. For kidney diseases, mix finely crushed herbs: adonis (7 g), birch buds (6 g), bearberry (10 g) and horsetail herb (4 g). Pour 600 ml mixture hot water and let the composition brew for two hours. Then place the container with herbs on low heat and boil for 5 minutes. Take a tablespoon after an hour.

This remedy must be taken lying down, food should be limited to dairy products and salt should be completely avoided.

To lower blood pressure

Spring (2 tbsp.), motherwort herb, dried grass, adonis, horsetail(1 tablespoon each) mix. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water. Close and wrap the jar tightly. After three to four hours, strain the mixture and take a spoonful three times a day.

For hepatitis

For this disease, two various collection, we will present you with recipes for both.

The first composition includes adonis, yarrow, horsetail (40 g each), celandine grass (80 g). Pour a spoonful of the mixture of these herbs into 200 ml of boiling water. The composition should warm up over low heat under a closed lid for three to five minutes. After this, the broth is infused until it cools completely. It is taken 100 ml in the morning and evening.

Another collection for the treatment of hepatitis. Mix adonis herb, rose hips, and aloe root (25 g each). Pour boiling water (500 ml) into two spoons of the mixture and place in a water bath for two minutes. The decoction is infused for no more than half an hour and taken a glass twice a day.

Heart diseases

To treat the heart, a collection of the following herbs is used:

  • Adonis;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • birch leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • dream grass;
  • clover and calendula flowers;
  • mistletoe shoots.

All components are taken in equal parts. Mix them thoroughly and measure out 12 grams of the mixture. Pour the collection with 350 ml of boiling water and leave for three hours. Strain, divide into four parts and drink within 24 hours. We must repeat once again that Adonis is poisonous, therefore it is necessary to be extremely careful when treating with this plant. To prevent poisoning, you can use ready-made medicines containing Adonis vernalis, which are sold in pharmacies. But even in this case, it is necessary to remember to strictly adhere to the dosage. Taking any medications must be agreed with your doctor.

Side effects

Due to the toxicity of Adonis vernacular, an overdose can cause Negative consequences. In this case, symptoms include weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, cramps, gastrointestinal disturbances and rapid or slow heartbeat. Having discovered these symptoms, it is necessary to take drugs that remove harmful substances from the blood: saline laxatives. The use of emetics is not recommended.


Adonis herb and preparations based on it have contraindications for use. For peptic ulcers, gastritis, increased blood clotting, enterocolitis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ventricular arrhythmias, taking medications is prohibited. In addition, they should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding or children under three years of age. Older children are allowed to take it, but only as prescribed by a doctor and in a dosage appropriate for their age.

Collection of raw materials

IN folk medicine Almost the entire plant is used, with the exception of the bare part of the stem: when preparing raw materials, it is recommended to cut the plant from the middle, where the leaves begin to grow. The grass is harvested during the fruit ripening or flowering season. The rest of the time, the healing properties are lost.

It is very important to dry Adonis correctly: tied in bunches in a ventilated, shady place. Under no circumstances should this be done in the sun. You can use an oven or oven. The ideal temperature for drying is +40 to +50 °C. Dried raw materials are stored for about a year in a ventilated area in paper or canvas bags.

Adonis spring - very tender and beautiful plant, which can decorate a flower bed in your garden, will lift your mood and, thanks to its medicinal properties, will help cure many serious diseases.

Adonis is the name of a number of herbaceous plants that belong to the ranunculaceae family. The most famous of them is the perennial Adonis vernatum, which has medicinal properties. The plant has bright yellow flowers, which is why it is popularly called adonis.

Description of Adonis and its prevalence

Adonis is a poisonous plant. It is a thick short rhizome, on which during the flowering period, from the end of April to last days May, 3-4 stems appear. They can have a length from 5 to 40 cm. At the rhizome, the stems are completely covered with pinnately dissected brown leaves.

Adonis flowers are bright yellow and quite large. They are located singly, and their diameter reaches 5 cm. After two months of flowering, small fruits appear on the plant oval shape. Fruiting continues until the end of July.

Adonis spring, or adonis, prefers open, dry soils. The plant is widespread in the chernozem zones of steppes and forest-steppes of Russia and Ukraine. It is found on hillsides, as well as among bushes and forest edges. Adonis occupies especially numerous territories in Bashkiria.

Composition and pharmacological action

Both aboveground and underground parts of adonis have medicinal properties, the grass and rhizome of which contain cardiac glycosides such as adonitoxin and cymarin. Also found in the plant are saponins, phytosterol and adonivernite. As a medicinal raw material in official medicine use aboveground part spring adonis, since the harvesting of rhizomes leads to a reduction in the growing area of ​​​​the valuable plant.

The collected herb is used to make medicines that have a stimulating and regulating effect on the heart. Preparations based on Adonis vernalis have not only cardiotonic, but also diuretic and sedative properties.

Products containing adonis are more gentle on the body, since after use they are eliminated quickly enough without accumulating in excess quantities. Compared to other herbal preparations, Adonis herb has a mild and less lasting effect on the body.

It increases blood pressure by narrowing small arteries, which leads to increased heart rate. This effect of drugs has a beneficial effect on the body in chronic heart failure. The combination of adonis with bromine can effectively treat many diseases affecting the nervous system.

Indications for use

Adonis vernalis is a widely used cardiac remedy. Preparations containing adonis have a mild tonic effect on the body for a short time. It strengthens the nervous system and has a calming effect on the heart. After taking medications based on Adonis, patient reviews indicate increased functioning of the urinary system. This reaction of the body prevents the appearance of edema, which allows regulating cardiac activity.

The main indications for the use of drugs containing the herb and flowers of adonis are the following conditions:

  • Cardiac dysfunction of a non-acute nature;
  • Chronic circulatory failure;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Neuroses.

Based on spring adonis, they produce the following medications, as Adoniside, Cardiovalene, Adonis-bromine. The plant is also part of Bekhterev’s mixture, which has a calming effect on the body.

Contraindications for Adonis

There are a number of body conditions in which taking even this much is contraindicated. mild remedy like spring Adonis. First of all, this:

  • Hypertension;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Atrioventricular heart block;
  • Bradycardia.

Regardless of the reviews available for Adonis, its use should be discontinued in these conditions.

Preparation and storage of spring Adonis

Adonis is harvested during the flowering period and until the end of its fruiting period. In this case, only the above-ground part of the plant with leaves is collected. To avoid damaging the Adonis rhizome, the grass is cut rather than pulled out.

Adonis is dried immediately after collection in special dryers or on outdoors, placing plants in the shade. They are laid out thin layer and turn over regularly. Dried adonis, the grass and flowers of which are covered with paper, is stored in wooden boxes. The medicinal plant is used in medicine to make extracts, decoctions and tinctures. Since it is poisonous, it is not recommended to process it at home.

In the Crimea, in the east of Western Siberia, in the Caucasus, in Europe and in Central Asia, Adonis vernatum grows on quiet edges. This perennial plant of the buttercup family is popularly called adonis because it blooms with bright yellow flowers, as if it were on fire.

Adonis in spring. Description

This is a perennial plant that grows up to half a meter in height. Root system developed, the stem is erect, almost bare, has basal and lower stem leaves in the form of scales, and the remaining leaves are sessile, palmately dissected.

Adonis spring, the photo of which shows its bright yellow beautiful flowers, is one of the first to bloom in April. The flowers are solitary at the top of the stem, large, up to 80 mm in diameter. They are like little suns, shining among the spring grayness. The plant bears fruit only in June, in some areas - in July.

Adonis vernatum is becoming less and less common in nature. The Red Book contains a record of this flower as an endangered species.

Use of adonis for treatment

Other medicines are also made from the flower.


Due to the fact that Adonis vernalis has some tonic properties, its use is contraindicated in hypertension ( high blood pressure). Also, Adonis-based drugs should not be taken in the following cases:
. pregnancy and lactation;
. increased blood clotting;
. stomach or intestinal ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis;
. atrioventricular heart block;
. age up to one year.

Since spring Adonis is a poisonous plant, the dosage must be carefully observed. Using a medicine or tincture in larger quantities than prescribed may lead to negative consequences. The most common symptoms of overdose are disruption of the stomach and intestines, increased or, conversely, slow heartbeat, weakness, fatigue and convulsions. If such situations arise, it is necessary to take special medications used to remove toxic substances from the body. Usually these are emetics and laxatives. And of course, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Reasons for disappearance

IN Russian Federation this flower is widespread and found in many regions. These include: Siberia, Altai, Bashkortostan, Middle Volga region, Stavropol region and some other areas.

The aerial part of Adonis vernalis is used to make various preparations. It must be cut with a knife or other sharp objects, but in no case should it be pulled out by the roots. When collecting, it is also necessary to leave one or two plants per 1 square meter. The fact is that Adonis reproduces by rhizomes, and when irregular shape collection, the plant is destroyed. Partly for this reason, the natural habitats of Adonis are being greatly reduced. In this regard, Adonis vernatum was listed in the Red Book. In order to allow this medicinally important plant to grow, harvesting is prohibited in some places for several years.

Difficulties of cultural breeding

Plant cultivation is very difficult. This is due to the fact that Adonis seeds germinate very poorly, some can only germinate in the second year, and many do not germinate at all. At the same time, the problem is that the seeds must be planted immediately after they are collected. The sprouts are also very capricious - they love the sun, but disappear from sunburn, love moisture, but the roots rot from its excess.

Next, the plant will gain strength over the course of 4-5 years. Only after this will it be possible to cut the adonis for harvesting. Not to mention that the plant gains full strength after several decades. In this regard, at the moment, spring Adonis is planted mainly with rhizomes.

Use of Adonis as an ornamental plant

Gardeners often grow this flower not only as a medicinal plant. Adonis spring, the cultivation of which is not an easy process, many gardeners, and just amateurs beautiful flower beds near the house, is often used as a pioneer of the flowering season. It is also perfect for decorating fashionable and often used nowadays in landscape design alpine slides. Since Adonis is a perennial plant, if you manage to grow it, it will delight you with its beauty year after year.

Adonis vernacular (The Red Book contains an entry about this endangered species) - very beautiful flower, which has medicinal properties. Its breeding, in addition to medical and decorative and cultural needs, will help preserve a rare endangered species.

How to grow adonis in your garden

Adonis of spring loves lungs fertile soils. For better growth Flower soil should be enriched with a small amount of lime. It is important to maintain moderate soil moisture. The flower loves light, from the lack of which it can even die. As mentioned above, adonis seeds have low germination rate. Reproduction by dividing the rhizome is also not effective enough, since in this case the plant takes root with difficulty. Therefore, flower seeds are often used.

Seeds are sown in large quantities, since their germination rate is only 30%. It persists for no more than a year, and disappears completely in the second year. It is correct to sow the seeds immediately after harvesting in June-July, planting them in the soil no deeper than 1.5 cm. After about a month, the first shoots will appear, sometimes they can only break through next spring. If there is no rain, watering is done daily, but moderately. Excess moisture causes fungal diseases. Watering is required in the first 2 years of plant life; subsequently, the taproot will develop sufficiently to extract moisture from the soil for the plant.

During the first year of life, Adonis develops 1-2 leaves, in the second year there will already be 3 leaves on the stem.


In a few years, when Adonis matures and gets stronger, it can be transplanted to permanent place. Plants are planted whole; dividing the rhizome is not recommended. Adonis is replanted with a large moistened ball of soil at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. To the bottom of the pit old book in gardening advises laying a layer of clay shards, which must be covered with leaf soil, and only then can the plant be planted. This is done only once, otherwise the plant will get sick and most likely die.

But if after the transplant the Adonis takes root, then it will please the owners for a very long time, at least a century. Every year in April, wonderful bright yellow flowers will open, which will please the eye for 3 whole weeks. The leaves will remain green until late summer.

The beautiful legend of the adonis

The beautiful goddess of love Aphrodite fell in love with the handsome young man Adonis. She warned him that he was destined to die while hunting. To protect her beloved from danger, Aphrodite spent all her time with him, hunting small game - hares, shy chamois and deer, and avoiding lions, wild boars and bears. When the goddess left Adonis, she tearfully asked him to remember the prediction and take care of himself.

One day the young man went hunting himself. His hunting dogs picked up the trail of a wild boar and chased the animal away with loud barking. Adonis rushed after the prey, wanting to pierce the boar with his spear, but the beast mortally wounded Adonis with its huge tusks. The young man died.

Upon learning of the death of her beloved, Aphrodite cried bitterly. She went into the forest to look for the body of Adonis. Seeing the dead young man, the goddess ordered to grow at the place of his death. delicate flower to perpetuate the memory of your beloved.

To summarize, we can say that Adonis vernalis is a wonderful, beautiful plant that has a wide range of medicinal properties.

Spring Adonis, or spring adonis (Adonis vernalis L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), the height of which can reach 60 centimeters.

The rhizome of the plant is vertical, quite wide - up to 4 centimeters in diameter, short, dark brown in color. The stem of Adonis is almost bare. The leaves in the lower part of the stem are in the form of filmy scales; in the middle part, moving away from the stem, they are divided into three narrow lobules.

The flowers are located singly at the top of the stem or branch, are large in size, up to 6 centimeters in diameter, with many bright yellow petals.

The base of the flower is five-leaved, pubescent. Flowering occurs in April – May. Adonis fruits consist of many achenes and have a hook-shaped nose.

Distributed in the black earth zone of the European part of Russia, including Ukraine, in particular in the Crimea, the Ciscaucasia, Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as in Central and Southern Europe.

It grows on the outskirts of forests or groves, on hills and mountain slopes, in the steppe, along forest edges, open slopes, in meadows, in steppes, especially on limestone.

Common names: adonis, yellowflower, hare poppy, hare grass, hairy grass, Montenegrin, starodubka.

It is popularly called adonis and “coals in the fire” because of its large bright colors from golden yellow to intense red color. Adonis is named after the mythical Greek youth Adonis, from whose blood a flower grew. According to another version, the name comes from the Phoenician sun god Adon, who rises every spring.

This is one of the first spring plants. Blooms from late April to early June.

The grass contains 0.13-0.83% cardiac glycosides; green fruits and leaves are the richest in them. A total of 25 individual cardiac glycosides were found in the plant.

WITH therapeutic purpose use grass plants.

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

The entire above-ground part of the plant is harvested from the beginning of flowering until the fruits fall off; cut the grass with a sickle, leaving the stem above the lower leaves, being careful not to damage the root system.

It is forbidden to uproot the plant. Some species of Adonis are on the verge of extinction, and the Adonis vernacular suffers most from harvesting for medicinal purposes.

To regenerate the thickets, some of the plants are left untouched. Plants from seeds grow very slowly; It takes years to produce full-grown plants suitable for harvesting. In old, traditional harvesting areas, a periodicity of 4-5 years should be observed.

The collected Adonis herb is dried as quickly as possible after collection in an oven, oven, dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. In hot weather, the grass can be dried under a shed or in the attic. The raw material is ready as soon as the thick stems of the plant break easily.

Store in a well-ventilated area for no more than 1 year. During storage, care must be taken due to the toxicity of the plant.

Adonis vernalis has the following medicinal properties, thanks to which the herb is used in the treatment of various conditions: sedative, diuretic, analgesic, cardiotonic, anticonvulsant, dilates the blood vessels of the heart.

By the nature of their action, adonis preparations have positive influence on the heart: increase contractility functions; their negative effect is expressed in a slowdown in heart rate, as well as a decrease in the excitability of the heart muscle.

A characteristic feature of Adonis drugs is a sedative effect on the central nervous system - it calms it down.

Adonis has a beneficial effect on shortness of breath, liver enlargement and edema, as it has a diuretic effect.

These effects are possible thanks to chemical composition adonis: the plant contains cardiac glycosides (adonitoxin, cymarin, K-strophanthin), phytosterol, saponins.

By the nature of action, glycosides of Adonis vernacular are close to glycosides poisonous plant digitalis, but compared to drugs, digitalis does not accumulate in the body, but is less active, much less persistent in the body and has a shorter lasting effect.

Use of Adonis for medicinal purposes

Adonis vernalis is a widely used cardiac remedy.. Under the influence of adonis, in patients with a weak heart, the heart beats stronger and more evenly, more urine is released, and swelling of the legs disappears.

Adonis tincture is used as a remedy to cause miscarriage, so it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

In addition, Adonis is effective against seizures caused by cocaine. Pre-administration of a tincture or infusion of adonis prevents deaths.

These drugs also prevent the onset of camphor convulsions, as well as convulsions caused by picrotoxin.

Adonis is widely used for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure, cardiac neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, infectious diseases occurring with symptoms of weakened cardiac activity, kidney diseases with symptoms of cardiovascular failure, and neuropsychiatric diseases.

Doctors call it heart herb - it is used mainly for various heart diseases: for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure, cardiac neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, infectious diseases that occur with symptoms of weakened cardiac activity.

Spring adonis is used not only to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, but is also part of herbal mixtures used in the treatment of kidneys.

Also noted is the disappearance of swelling of the legs and an increase in urine output in edematous patients after even short-term treatment with Adonis vernalis herb.

An infusion is used internally, which is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. raw materials for 2 cups of boiling water. after straining, take 1 tsp. every hour (but not more than 3-5 times a day).

In medicine, the herbal preparation of Adonis vernalis is well known - “Adonizide”, used in the initial stages of circulatory failure.

Adonis is part of the drug "Cardiovalen" and tablets "Adonis-bromine", used for cardiovascular diseases and neuroses.

Ready-made medications are sold in pharmacies and taken as prescribed by a doctor.

In folk medicine, infusions and decoctions of the aerial part of the plant are used for feverish conditions, dropsy, jaundice, infectious diseases, typhoid, influenza, scarlet fever and as a sedative for the central nervous system.

Usually an infusion is prepared from Adonis - one tablespoon of dry and crushed herbs per 0.35 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink one teaspoon three times a day, preferably after meals.

Adonis herb is not used for home treatment in the form of teas and tinctures, since all types of Adonis are poisonous due to the glycosides it contains.

In folk medicine, a water decoction of the plant was drunk for diseases of the liver, stomach, rheumatism, headaches, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs and infectious diseases (influenza, typhoid, scarlet fever, etc.).

Infusions and decoctions of the aerial part of the plant are used for feverish conditions, dropsy, jaundice and as a sedative for the central nervous system.

Traditional medicine recipes with Adonis

Collection with Adonis for the treatment of heart pathology: herbs of adonis, lemon balm, motherwort, horsetail, leaves of watch, pine, birch, clover and calendula flowers, shoots of white mistletoe - equally, 12 grams of collection per 0.35 liters of boiling water, leave for three hours, strain, drink everything in 4 times ;

Collection for diseases of the nervous system: herbs adonis, sweet clover, oregano, St. John's wort,

For convulsions: 1 tbsp. crushed herbs, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours dark place, then strain. Take the infusion 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

An infusion of the herb is especially effective for chronic cardiac failure and heart neuroses. Preparation of the infusion: 2 tablespoons of chopped Adonis spring herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. filter and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Adonis contraindications

The plant is poisonous and potent and should be used under medical supervision. Adonis preparations can cause dyspepsia.

Absolute contraindications: childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, enterocolitis, conduction disorders inside the heart, ventricular arrhythmias, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Adonis overdose

In case of an overdose, the following symptoms will appear: heart rhythm disturbances, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, lethargy. If such symptoms appear, you must call a doctor, then do a gastric lavage and give the victim activated charcoal. Emetics are contraindicated.


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