Aerators for mixers: types and purpose. Faucet aerator: selecting and installing a nozzle to save water Aerators with different jet flow modes

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To reduce your daily water consumption and save significantly on utility bills, an ergonomic faucet attachment has been developed to save water.

It is represented by a special aerator, which is easily mounted on any type of mixer and is designed to limit water pressure.

The divider promotes rapid saturation of the liquid with oxygen, weathering of chloride compounds and reduction of water consumption.

How the aerator nozzle works and works

The structurally functional nozzle for the mixer to save water consists of the following parts:

  • boards - water pressure limiter;
  • mesh filter for aeration of consumed water;
  • a spring element for adjusting liquid flow, it is used in devices with similar functionality;
  • housing – external and internal, for reliable assembly and fixation of the main elements of the aerator;
  • screw fasteners for connecting parts when assembling the structure;
  • rubber seal for a hermetically sealed connection between the nozzle and the mixer spout.

A water saving device allows you to transform the chaotic pressure of liquid when mixed with air mass into a uniform and powerful flow.

The faucet attachment works according to the following principle:

  • the liquid passes through the cover plate and creates increased operating pressure, which is regulated by special inlet holes on the mesh filter;
  • the vacuum formed under the filter is filled with air mass passed through the side openings of the device;
  • The water flow is filled with air bubbles and supplied to the consumer through the mixer spout.

In this case, significant savings in water consumption are achieved in a ratio of 1 to 3 (1 part liquid to 3 parts air).

Advantages of using aerator nozzles

Thanks to its ergonomic design and ease of installation, the water-saving aerator has a number of significant advantages:

  • The power and volume of water flow remain at the same level, while resource savings reach 75%.
  • The noise level is reduced when a mixture of water and air is supplied to the point of consumption.
  • The design of the nozzle is equipped with a mesh filter, which helps effective cleaning water.
  • Maximum saturation of the water flow with air reduces the likelihood of water hammer occurring in the system.
  • The universal design and small dimensions allow the faucet aerator to be used for almost any type of faucet.
  • Installation of the device does not require technical skills or the use of special tools. All you need to do is replace the standard nozzle with an aerator to save water.
  • When installing economizers on kitchen taps or bathroom mixers, the savings in liquid consumption will increase many times over.
  • To manufacture the device, high-quality and durable materials resistant to corrosion, deformation and mechanical damage.

Water saver selection parameters

To wisely choose the right faucet aerator to save water, it is recommended to consider the following:

  • type of saver;
  • material of manufacture;
  • additional characteristics.

Main device types

Manufacturers offer a wide range of faucet attachments for showers, bathtubs, sinks or kitchen sinks. Devices are divided into two categories:

  • Fixed nozzle (no adjustment). Similar device Almost all modern faucets are supplied. Preset operating mode, ease of installation and low cost - distinctive characteristics fixed aerator.
  • Movable nozzle (adjustable). A device of this type automatically determines the intensity of the water pressure and the method of supplying liquid at the point of consumption. It is reliable, economical and practical.

To regulate the power of water pressure, aerators are equipped with o-rings and springs.

The water supply in the adjustable nozzle is carried out:

  • in a single stream;
  • many separate jets (showers).

You can regulate the water flow by turning the spout, forward movements from side to side, with a special switch installed on the device.

Many aerator models are additionally equipped with temperature sensors and LED backlight.

Material selection

The aerator for a shower or sink is made of reliable and safe materials:

  • Plastic. Plastic nozzles are practical and durable, resistant to rotting and destruction, but susceptible to salts chemical elements that are contained in water.
  • Metal. For the manufacture of aerators, steel and bronze alloys are used. Steel products are short-lived and also susceptible to rust and deformation. Brass and bronze savers are resistant to aggressive substances and high temperatures.
  • Ceramics. Material used for making internal elements designs. It is resistant to overheating, deformation and corrosion, therefore it provides long term finished product services.

additional characteristics

Compatibility of thread type on aerator and faucet

Mixers of various types are equipped with threads inside (female) and outside (male) of the structure. For equipment with internal type threads, nozzles with external threads are selected, and vice versa.

Device diameter

The nozzle must completely fit the diameter of the mixer to ensure a tight connection and prevent possible liquid leakage. Based on the type of thread, taps come in two sizes - 2.2 and 2.4 cm.

Water flow (l/min.)

The key characteristic when choosing a device is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The standard flow rate of most taps is no more than 12 liters per minute. To check, a stopwatch, a 1-liter jar and a measuring container are used. We divide the result by 60 seconds - we get the throughput of a particular mixer.

With an aerator flow rate of 3.5 liters/min. savings of 75% at 4 l/min. – reaches 58%, and at 5.5 l/min. – does not exceed 49%.

It is also important to consider individual consumption water resource For various needs. Models of nozzles with a throughput capacity of up to 5 liters per minute are suitable for the kitchen. For the bathroom, you can choose devices with parameters from 1.6 to 3.5 liters per minute. For washbasins - no more than 1.8 liters per minute.

The water saving nozzle allows for more efficient use of the resource during daily consumption for household and food needs. For the right choice device, it is necessary to take into account the basic specifications, as well as individual water needs, to start saving money when paying for utilities.

You are not satisfied with the amount of expenses for public utilities, and spending on water is simply ruinous? So, it's time to learn to save. This task became significantly easier when a unique device appeared. This is a sensor attachment for your faucet to save water. This incredible piece of engineering allows you to do 70% less. The use of the device will save the family budget from leaking into the pockets of utility workers. The money that was saved is, one might say, extra earnings. The fate of this money will be decided by you, and not by housing and communal services companies.

The importance of saving water

The need for economical use of water is important both for the economy of the country and for the economy of individual households. The water saving faucet attachment is the result of the latest innovations.

There is a constant shortage of water in the world. Water saving has become very important. The aerator faucet attachment, in addition to reducing water consumption, improves its quality. The use of high quality materials that have undergone special treatment, gave the device high performance characteristics and resistance to corrosion. In addition, water after exposure to it acquires antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The water-saving kitchen faucet attachment is an ingenious modification of the conventional aerator attachment for It is one of the most popular products that can make life easier for ordinary city residents, significantly reducing utility costs.

Operating principle of the aerator

The design of the faucet attachment for saving water is based on the principle of mixing the water flow with air in the device itself.

When a stream of water passes through the narrowest part, pressure is created. The membrane, which performs the task of the expander, distributes pressure throughout the entire space of the device using all holes. This allows you to create an area high blood pressure in the expansion membrane on its upper side. A special membrane device allows you to create a vacuum in the opposite part of it.

Pressure difference in different parts The device causes the outside air to rise into the aerator through the holes located in the side of the device along the perimeter of the membrane. The stream of water is saturated with air bubbles. Thus, up to 70% of water is displaced from the water flow.

The water jet is saturated (aerated) with air. The resulting mixture contains two parts of air and one part of water. This effect allows you to achieve savings.

If the tap is fully open, approximately 12 liters of liquid are consumed per minute in a conventional mixer. The water saving faucet attachment, which is installed on the mixer, allows you to reduce water consumption by three times, and the flow pressure does not change, and the functionality of the faucet even increases, since it is able to regulate the flow rate.


In addition to the economic benefits noticeable to the naked eye, purchasing a device to save water has a number of other advantages:

  • Absence of water hammer and splashes in the flow.
  • Constant flow rate with an aerator economizer.
  • Operation in two operating modes - for everyday needs and for accelerated filling of containers.
  • Simplest installation.
  • The use of specially treated stainless steel helps to resist the appearance of deposits.
  • Using an aerator membrane for filtration.
  • Compact dimensions of the device.
  • Nice appearance devices.
  • Possibility to change the angle of the water jet.
  • Ability to work with different cranes.
  • Long working life.

The water pressure is controlled by light pressure on the aerator in its lower part.

Water-saving aerator: Mixxen Premium

One of the inexpensive solutions on the market is the Mixxen water saving faucet attachment, equipped with a pressure regulator. It makes it possible to reduce consumption by 5 times.

The device is based on German technology, has a French certificate, and is produced in Ukraine.

This quality device is made of brass. It is suitable for taps with both external and internal thread. The aerator can operate in two modes - shower and jet.

You can control the water pressure using a lever located on the nozzle.


The main requirement in terms of Maintenance The appliance is strictly prohibited from using detergents. In addition, you should not immerse the aerator in water for a long time. If the aerator needs to be cleaned, you just need to wipe it using a damp cloth.

To save water, the faucet attachment should not be screwed tightly; a small force is enough to securely fasten it.

An important factor in the quality operation of the device is that the crane’s warranty has not yet expired.

To increase the service life of the device, do not overload it, turning on the water to maximum.

Compliance with these requirements will ensure long-term operation of the device.

Where can I buy

Faucet attachments for saving water are sold in almost every plumbing store. If you don't see it there, look in online stores. On the Internet you can find many aerators for every taste at the most different prices from 2 to 16 cu. e.

Very high quality attachments are produced by the Taiwanese company Hihippo. You can order devices on its official website.

How much water can you save?

Examination real life and the experience of people who were lucky enough to use the economizer nozzle prove that it allows you to achieve an average saving of almost 60% of water. Consequently, the cost of hot and cold water supply will be halved.

First, we try to wash dishes without an aerator. At the same time, we control the consumption; it shows that 60 liters of hot water and 80 liters of cold water were spent on washing dishes.

We repeat the experiment using As a result of its use, water consumption decreased due to its saturation with air - 20 liters of hot water and 20 liters of cold water were consumed.

The result speaks for itself.

Touch attachments

The latest invention of European specialists has already found wide application in hotels, restaurants and airports. After all big business knows how to minimize costs. Now, with the purchase of a sensor aerator nozzle, such savings have become available to you. Everyday life provides many opportunities for such savings: washing dishes, washing. The nozzle on the sensors works in a very simple way: if you put your hands in, the water starts flowing, if you remove it, it stops flowing.

Progress of touch attachments

Sensor devices for saving water were invented quite a long time ago, but they were expensive and were built into the mixer. Everything changed with the appearance of a nozzle that can be installed in just a couple of minutes and is much cheaper than faucets equipped with a sensor. Anyone can use the nozzle, and its use pays for itself in less than a year. When you change location, you simply unscrew the attachment to install it in your new home.

Benefits and Benefits

Take care of water and protect environment necessary. In the same way, you need to protect the health of your family. It is well known that we carry many pathogens of various diseases on our hands from places common use. We also cook food and do repairs. At the same time, when going to wash our hands, we often turn on the tap with dirty hands. New sensor attachment avoids contact dirty hands and tap. You just need to put your hands under the tap - the water will flow itself. Without spending extra strength, you make life more comfortable.

Many people all over the planet have chosen touch attachments and do not regret it at all.

Operating modes

The sensor attachment is designed to work in 2 modes:

  • Manual, which is activated when necessary to fill the dishes with water.
  • Automatic, working only when hands or objects to be washed come under the tap.

The modes are controlled via a button on the front of the nozzle.

If you are using the nozzle for the first time, you must open the tap, adjust the water pressure and press the activation button. After a minute has passed, the nozzle will start working automatically.

Switching off the device

To turn the nozzle off, you need to set it to manual mode. To do this, you need to press once and then turn off the taps. In this case, the green LED will glow for another minute, after which the timer will turn off the device.

In addition, the sensor attachment has protection. When you switch it to manual mode, the protection will work automatically if water flows for several minutes.


A faucet attachment for saving water, a photo of which can be seen in the article, significantly reduces the leakage of money.

There are some nuances in the operation of the device. Even a slight movement of your hands to the side is enough for the water to stop.

True, these minor inconveniences are noticed only at first. Literally two days are enough to get used to working with the nozzle, and it is nothing but pleasure.

The nozzle is perfect for owners of centralized or electric water heater, which is adjusted to supply water at a certain temperature.

Where the water temperature is adjusted approximately, some inconvenience may occur.

For example, at first a very large amount of water may leak from the tap. hot water. In such cases, you need to either drain some water until it cools down, or adjust the boiler to a lower temperature.

Another nuance appears if the boiler is located far from the tap. In this case, before the hot water begins to flow, you have to drain the cold water already in the pipe between the boiler and the nozzle. This is not very good, since water losses occur, but savings are claimed.

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of aerator attachments for faucets. Each of them often embellishes the capabilities of their model in order to sell products.

Based personal experience I tell you in the article how a faucet attachment for saving water actually works, and what results you can expect from its use.

During preliminary calculations and experiments, I appreciated the payback of the purchased attachment and the money it saved. This is not written about in advertising.

Modern faucet attachments

Initially, water taps had only a tip in the form of a smooth tube. The usual continuous stream flowed from it. If water hammers occurred, the jet would splash all over the sink with a loud noise.

Then simple nozzles with a diffuser appeared. Such tips make it easier to wash hands and dishes. Water, passing through a special strainer, is broken into small streams in a uniform flow.

The strainer traps large particles of rust from water pipes. Therefore, it should be unscrewed periodically to clean off accumulated dirt.

The next step in the modernization of water taps was aerator nozzles, the designs of which not only finely spray the stream, but also add air flow to it, creating small savings.

Nowadays you can find taps with touch sensors that supply water when you raise your hands or dishes. They have built-in filters, water heaters, and other improvements. But this is a topic for another article.

Review of aerator nozzles for beginners

One of my first purchases in Chinese online stores was a rotating dual-mode aerator nozzle for the faucet.

The description stated that its use allows saving about 50-60% of flowing water. But I was more interested in the additional conveniences in its operation.

On the spout of virtually any modern water faucet, a sleeve with a strainer is screwed on. As a rule, it only normalizes the flow and traps large particles. Home master can independently replace it with a more functional one without calling a specialist.

The modern range of aerator nozzles has been significantly increased. Structurally, they can be divided into several categories:

  • with unregulated flow;
  • jet regulating;
  • rotary;
  • with different water supply modes;
  • one-click switches;
  • with decorative functions (in the form of any figures, LED lighting, etc.).

Models are produced that combine several of the above categories. For example, in the aerator nozzle I purchased, you can not only set the flow mode and the shape of the jet, but also change its angle by the position of the hinge or flexible hose.

Using the nozzle allows you to:

  • reduce water hammer, spray the jet to create a more uniform flow;
  • save water when washing dishes, hands, vegetables or fruits;
  • saturate the flow with oxygen, which improves the removal of soap, chemicals, and dirt;
  • reduce the amount of chlorine in water due to weathering during aeration;
  • reduce the noise of the flowing stream;
  • trap large particles coming from the water pipe.

The design of such a water-saving nozzle is an ordinary bushing with a thread for attaching to the spout of a water tap. Inside the housing there is a cartridge that aerates the flow.

This aerator is visually practically no different from a conventional water divider, which is standardly installed in a faucet. But the differences in the operation of the aerator cartridge and the divider mesh are clearly noticeable by the jet created.

This aerator additionally allows you to change the jet with an adjusting screw: you only need a regular flat-head screwdriver.

The adjustment range depends on the aerator model and ranges from approximately 0 to 6 liters per minute.

Advantage of the nozzle: the flow of one tap is regulated, not the whole plumbing system generally.

Aerators with adjustable angle of rotation

There are types of water-saving nozzles with the ability to change the angle of the jet.

Structurally, such an aerator consists of two parts connected by a hinge or hose. The lower part of the nozzle is movable, which allows you to direct water at a certain angle. Such models are convenient for washing the sink, since the flow can be directed to any corner.

Aerators with different jet flow modes

This interesting variety aerators allow you to change the shape of the flow on the fly.

This process is shown in a short video.

A standard aerator simply dispenses water enriched with air bubbles. The models under consideration allow you to instantly change the flow from a simple jet to a shower or switch from a standard non-aerated mode to aeration. This depends on the specific design of the device.

One click water switches

The principle of operation of such a nozzle is reduced to creating a jet after pressing a button on it.

Water immediately starts flowing from the tap, but after a few seconds the flow stops. The operating time is adjusted on the nozzle using a special key included in the factory kit. This technique really does provide savings.

It should be noted that the installation of such a nozzle requires the presence of water return valves in the water supply system. Otherwise, problems may arise due to different pressures of the cold and hot flows in the mixer.

Aerators with decorative functions

In some cases, the owner may be interested in the decoration created by the nozzle.

These can be figures that are interesting to children or designs that perform other actions. For example, there are nozzles that highlight the exiting stream. Moreover, the color of the lighting depends on the temperature of the flow in the tap.

How to save water: explained from scratch

An aerator is a nozzle on a faucet spout that reduces the volume of water passing through it, maintaining flow pressure by mixing liquid with air bubbles.

This can be achieved in different ways: depending on the design of a particular model.

To obtain the result, the stream of water in the tap must be strong enough: at weak pressure aeration does not occur .

Mechanical design

The water flow passes through the small holes of the cartridge. They break it into small streams, giving them the direction of movement so that upon collision they mix with air.

Aerated water is created at the mixer outlet.

Vacuum design

At the point of attachment to the tap, a special valve ensures a narrowing of the channel. An area of ​​high pressure is created in it, and with reverse side aerator - low.

Through special openings, air enters the system and, due to the pressure difference, mixes with the passing flow, providing aeration.

What you need to understand about saving

In fact, everything is banally simple. The manufacturer compared the volume of water flowing from the tap per unit of time with and without the nozzle in aerator mode and showed exactly these figures.

It actually leaks through the aerator. less water. But in practice, everything looks more complicated, and the savings created are much smaller.

Things to consider:

  1. It’s one thing to wash dishes and quite another to fill a pan with water: in the second case, the nozzle will simply delay the time it takes to fill the container. Savings will only occur when washing hands, dishes, vegetables, fruits in more comfortable conditions.
  2. The faucet attachment for saving water is most in demand in the kitchen. Its share in total consumption will be different for each family. But it will not greatly affect the total consumption.
  3. A regular faucet has a strainer, which, although not to the same extent, performs part of the functions of the new aerator nozzle.

We conclude that We will not get a significant effect with this nozzle , although some water will be saved.

I would like to draw your attention to an important point - the payback of the aerator.

When to expect a return on money: an economist’s opinion

The moment when a nozzle starts saving money can be determined by dividing the cost for which it was purchased by approximate price water saved per month. Only after this period has expired will it pay for itself and begin to really save money.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to determine the share of water saved. You can take the consumption for the month in which the aerator was not working and compare it with the figures for the same period when using the nozzle. But these characteristics differ depending on the season and a number of other reasons.

It is more correct to estimate the share that we allocate to the consumption of the tap where the aerator will be installed in the total volume of water consumed.

To do this we need to complete 3 steps:

  • Measure the volume of water flowing out of the tap per unit of time with the old nozzle and the new aerator;
  • Estimate what proportion of water from the tap with nozzle will be used for washing and how much of it will be spent filling pots and kettles;
  • Calculate the consumption through the faucet for the month and the share of other consumers: washing machine, dishwasher, shower in the bathroom, toilet, other taps.

I will dwell on these points in more detail.

In the first step, we will need to measure the time and volume of liquid consumed. Everything is simple here: turn on the stopwatch and at the same time fully open the tap. After a fixed period, we close the water and check its quantity in the container.

This is done twice: once with the old faucet attachment, and the second with the aerator. To determine savings you need:

  • in both cases, use the same period of time and compare volumes;
  • or fill one container, measuring the duration of its filling.

The second step is estimated approximately. Just decide for yourself what share to allocate to the economy mode due to aeration, and how much for other purposes.

  • washing machine for washing;
  • dishwasher during operation;
  • while using the shower (the norm is about 9 liters per minute);
  • flushing the toilet, etc.

Knowing the numbers for all three points, we can calculate the money saved per month.

Let's say our savings are:

  • 50% - for washing from a tap with a nozzle, as advertised by the manufacturer;
  • 35% - from it, taking into account the filling of containers;
  • 7% is the share of consumption of a faucet with a nozzle from the total water supply.

Let the total consumption for the month be 15 cubic meters (1 cubic meter = 1000 liters).

Accordingly, the result will be like this:

  • Find the water consumption per month through a faucet with a nozzle:

15 x 7% = 1.05m3;

  • We determine the share of this expense attributable to washing, which can be saved by excluding the collection of water in the container:

1.05 x 35% = 0.37 m3;

  • We calculate the total water savings per apartment per month due to the nozzle:

0.37 x 50% = 0.18 m3.

We multiply the calculated 0.18 m 3 by the tariff and get money saved per month. Agree, the amount is small. The payback will not come soon: you need to divide its cost by the result obtained.

Considering the price of the aerator and its service life, the savings from such a nozzle are more a myth than a reality. So You should not purchase this attachment solely in the hope of saving your family budget .

However, even without this, aerators have many useful functions to consider purchasing a suitable model.

Replacing the aerator on a mixer: personal experience

The standard nozzle on the faucet is screwed on. To unscrew it, just take wrench suitable size and work with it without much effort. This was done to allow it to be washed or replaced.

I tell you how I installed the new model.

Recently a package arrived with the attachment I ordered. The old one served for about three years, but its deficiency manifested itself at the junction with the crane jib. The plastic case could not withstand the load: a piece with a thread simply fell off from the aerator.

Water began to seep through the tap, bypassing the nozzle. This is clearly visible in the photograph.

I bought the old model on the principle: where is cheaper. If you compare it with a new nozzle of the same type, you can notice a number of differences. The new aerator looks more reliable: it has o-rings that were not there before.

Remembering the history of the first nozzle, I not only screwed the second one, but for reliability I used FUM tape, which is usually used to fill pipe joints.

This way I am guaranteed to ensure that there are no leaks in the place where the faucet with nozzle is attached.

Before purchasing an aerator, pay attention to the design of the body: it may have internal or external threads. To avoid installation problems, choose the model that matches your faucet.

This information is provided in the description. My aerator model has the ability to be installed in both versions.

If you neglect this little detail, then later you will have to look for an adapter, and this is not only a waste of time and money, but also an unnecessary connection.

My conclusions

All these attachments can be useful in everyday life due to their functionality, even without taking into account water saving. When purchasing, evaluate the case material, build quality, and consumer reviews. Special attention pay attention to goods purchased through online stores.

Extruded aluminumHighly susceptible to mechanical stress and oxidation. Used in the production of cheap attachments with a short service life.
Plain or chrome steelThe metal is destroyed by water, but lasts a little longer than extruded aluminum.
Bronze, brassMore high price, longer service life.
PlasticInexpensive material, subject to mechanical stress. It has a low cost and a relatively long service life, subject to careful handling.
CeramicsUsed for the manufacture of internal elements of the aerator. The most durable and expensive material.

Newer models are constantly entering the market, featuring better characteristics and functionality.

For example, the Swedish company Altered has developed a nozzle that converts water into a stream of continuous fog. In this case, almost the entire stream falls on the hands/fruits/dishes. Only a small fraction of it flows past. This aerator saves up to 98% when washing.

It provides a second regular dialing mode. The Altered attachment may be of interest to many, but currently its price ranges from 31 euros or more.

Just a few years ago, when purchasing a faucet for a kitchen or bathroom, you could sometimes see kits with a removable or built-in aerator on sale. Many, considering them to be an ordinary filter, independently removed this modification from the tap, citing the fact that they already had a built-in filter installed.

Today it is quite difficult to purchase any mixer without this additional element, which not only performs its direct function (filters and saturates water with oxygen), but also helps to significantly reduce water consumption.

Description and features

An aerator for a mixer is a nozzle in the form of a small mesh filter installed on the spout. This device allows you to saturate ordinary water with microparticles of air, that is, aerate it. An aerator is often called a “diffuser” because it splits one large stream of liquid down the spout into many smaller streams.

The main details of such a device are:

  • housing (most often made of metal or plastic);
  • filters for additional purification of water from small debris;
  • water and gas mixer (air is sucked into the housing using holes around the perimeter);
  • outer mesh (to divide the main stream into many small streams);
  • various bushings and seals (for a tight connection).

The aerator allows you to create Various types water flow:

  • aerated – volumetric soft jet without splashes;
  • laminar – intense crystal clear jet;
  • spray - many miniature streams.


The main function of the aerator is for tap water is its saturation with oxygen microparticles. This not only significantly changes its taste properties in better side, but also contributes to faster weathering of chlorine if the water in the region is chlorinated. In addition, the stream itself falls more gently onto the bottom of the sink and onto objects placed in it, which significantly reduces splashing of liquid into the surrounding space. If a rotary aerator is installed in the kitchen, then washing large kitchen utensils is simplified several times; the water flow reduces its impact force and more gently washes away cleaning agents from the soaped surface.

Another function of the faucet aerator is water saving. Although the device itself is not very reliable and needs to be replaced often (at least once a year), it reduces water consumption by two or more times.

At the same time, the convenience of washing dishes with such savings does not become lower, but even increases due to higher efficiency of use. A wide jet washes dishes several times faster, which also saves time. homework. The second drawback, in addition to frequent replacement, is the slow speed at which water fills the container, but this drawback is so insignificant that it can be safely ignored.

What are they?

The simplest aerator is a small round sprayer with a metal mesh, screwed into the spout of the faucet. Today this standard device comes complete with any purchased faucet and, like the bottom valve, will reduce water consumption by at least 30 percent. It will last about six months, after which it will need to be replaced with a similar or more complex device.

Rotary aerators are also called flexible, as they can be rotated in different directions. One option for such a device is a special elongated hose tube, which is attached to the spout. This device allows you to collect liquid even in containers that do not fit into the sink bowl.

The second option is an aerator in the form of a small watering can, similar to a shower head. Adjustable in length, it can be moved around the sink area and used in “spray” and “jet” modes. By adjusting the tilt of the aerator head and water pressure, you can achieve the ideal result in each specific situation.

Jet of liquid in interesting device with backlight it lights up depending on its temperature. Cold water (up to 29 degrees) is highlighted green, warm (from 30 to 38 degrees) is highlighted in blue, and hot (above 40 degrees) is highlighted in red. This is achieved through internal temperature sensors that do not require connection to the mains. The built-in turbine that powers the LED lamps rotates due to the flow of water when the tap is opened, so this method of saturating water with oxygen is also called ejector.

Illuminated devices are especially convenient for families with small children, as they will allow you to immediately determine the temperature of the liquid by the color of the flow when opening. Besides bright colors will help attract the child's attention, and bathing will take place in a more relaxed environment. Also, an illuminated aerator is often installed on touchless touchless faucets in order to immediately see what temperature the water is pouring out of it.

A vacuum aerator is considered the most economical; it allows you to reduce the amount of water used by half. The price of such attachments is significantly higher than usual, but quickly pays off. Vacuum system compresses water with a special valve, after which it forms a strong jet passing through the filter cells under a stronger pressure than the pressure in the central system.

In addition to the design of the device itself, aerators may differ in the type of nozzles. Disc devices They are a nozzle with a round disk in which there are small holes for liquid. With their help, the main flow is divided into thin streams and dissected by a reflector (metal mesh). The slot aerator saturates the liquid with air by breaking the water flow into individual droplets through special slits in the deflecting disk, after which the oxygen-enriched stream is cut through a metal filter mesh.

Since the design of any aerator includes various filtering and separating meshes, the difference may be due to the type of material from which they are made:

  • Made of metal. The simplest and cheapest elements that have the shortest service life.

  • Made from polymers. Polymer dividers can be either simple disks, similar to metal ones, or complex “tunnel” systems. The plasticity of the material allows you to create not only round aerators, but also rectangular, hexagonal and devices complex shape. They practically do not oxidize from contact with water and air, which significantly extends their service life, but at the same time increases their price. In addition, polymers are most often quite fragile and can break under slight pressure when washing plumbing fixtures.
  • From non-ferrous metals. Brass, bronze aerators require high costs during manufacture, as a result of which they have a fairly high price. However, the service life and reliability of the design perfectly compensate for their cost.
  • Nets made of plastic and extruded aluminum. Both of these options have many disadvantages: fragile, short-lived, aluminum is highly oxidized and tightly welded to the inner surface of the spout pipe, plastic can be deformed when high temperatures. Their only advantage is low price, however, the risks posed by choosing such low-quality products are too high.

Based on the installation method, we can distinguish between an internal aerator (screwed into the spout) and an external aerator (screwed onto the spout).


In addition to differences in design features and materials, aerators differ in thread sizes. Since its size must correspond to the diameter of the spout pipe, it is very important to select the necessary parameters correctly (an aerator with an 18 mm thread will not fit on a faucet with a spout diameter of 22 mm and vice versa). The diameter of the aerator can range from 12 to 1200 mm. The height of the device is 14-2000 mm, and the diameter of the air channel is from 20 to 2200 mm. The thread size is indicated alphanumerically (M20, M24, M28, and so on) and is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Most often, three standard thread diameters are used: 28/26, 24/22 and 18/16 mm. From this relationship it follows that if an external thread of 28 mm is used, then the internal thread for the same tap will be 26 mm. One more important point is to purchase an aerator with an external thread for a spout with an external thread, respectively. The same is true for spouts with internal threads.

Review of manufacturers

The more reliable the manufacturer, the less likely it is to buy a defective or counterfeit product, so when choosing a faucet attachment, it is best to choose companies that top the ratings of the best according to customer reviews.

  • Grohe. Sanitary fittings made in Germany are distinguished by high quality, wide operational modifications and original design.
  • Jacob Delafon. French nozzles, predominantly made of sanitary porcelain, are considered elite equipment. High price guarantees long service life and excellent quality of products.

  • Finnish Timo aerators created using modern technologies from various materials, including both complex polymers and bronze or brass. For products various forms, sizes and colors are provided with a five-year warranty card, which indicates a serious approach to the quality of products.
  • Oras. Aerators manufactured in Poland, Finland and Norway with innovative approach They entered the domestic market not so long ago, but have already firmly taken a leading position in it. Plumbing accessories of this brand are equipped with automation and are easy to use, and the price can compete even with their Chinese counterparts.

Depending on the design of the material and the manufacturing company, the cost of aerators on the construction market ranges from 2 to 10 dollars.

How to choose?

In order to choose a suitable aerator, you need to focus primarily on the quality of the product and its price. The cheapest, but least reliable plastic and aluminum attachments will last from a couple of months to six months. More expensive metal and ceramic aerators are considered slightly more reliable. However, they are also highly susceptible to corrosion and their service life leaves much to be desired. Brass nozzles are considered the most durable and reliable.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the mounting on the faucet spout. The device can be with external or internal thread and is selected depending on the thread of the mixer itself. Last but not least important aspect– is the presence additional functions. An illuminated aerator will look good in the bathroom, and any housewife will be delighted in the kitchen flexible device, allowing you to comfortably wash even the largest pot in the sink.

Is it possible to make it yourself?

Knowing the operating principle and design of a purchased aerator, in order to save money, you can try to make it yourself. In order to make such an attachment, you must have an empty body from any faucet attachment and a durable plastic plate. Gaskets are cut out of plastic to match the size of the internal diameter nozzles

Using a hot needle or a sharp awl, many holes are made in such a gasket so that it resembles a fine mesh. The finished meshes are placed in the empty nozzle body instead of conventional filters, and the nozzle is attached to the spout. Such an aerator will perform all the functions assigned to it, but its service life is significantly lower than purchased products, especially with brass meshes.

Installation instructions

Installing an aerator is not particularly difficult even for a person who has never encountered this device. In order to install a new or replace an old aerator, you must adhere to a certain algorithm.

First, you need to remove from the mixer all the attachments that were previously installed on it. Unscrew the housing and remove the old rubber gasket placed on the spout. The joint must be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then allowed to dry slightly.

In the package with the device, you need to find a seal in the form of a rubber gasket and put it on the faucet spout. If the kit does not include such a seal, you will have to buy it yourself. It should be of such a diameter that it fits the faucet. If the diameters of the aerator and the mixer itself are different, then you must additionally purchase a special adapter and additional gaskets. The material of the adapter must match the materials of the mixer and aerator. After the adapter, a rubber gasket is also placed on it.

The aerator is screwed to the mixer (or adapter) using a wrench or pliers. To avoid damaging the glossy chrome surface, you can place a piece of fabric, rubber, or purchase special tool. The thread should be tightened tightly enough, but you should not use extra force to avoid tearing it off.

After installation, be sure to conduct a leak test. If water seeps through the joints, you need to either tighten the threads or adjust the gasket.

In light of the increase in utility tariffs and the decrease in living standards due to economic crisis Most people are looking for ways to save money. And here, helpful businessmen offer to buy an aerator (a special attachment for the faucet), which, according to them, can reduce water consumption by 40-50%. Isn't it great to buy something once that will pay for itself in just 1-2 months and will continue to save you money? It is with this slogan that marketers encourage people to buy aerators.

The variety of models, as well as prices, is impressive. There are very simple attachments for 400-600 rubles, and rotating or backlit ones for 1100-1300 rubles. Some online stores even create colorful sales pages on which they vividly describe the benefits of purchasing an aerator and invite you to definitely buy the device. It’s true that their prices are steep. The same model that costs 600 rubles in a regular plumbing supply store is priced at 1,500 rubles, or even higher. But can aerators really reduce water consumption and help you save money on utility bills? Or is it new marketing ploy aimed at extracting money from the pockets of ordinary people?

What is an aerator

The aerator is a special nozzle on the mixer, along the perimeter of which there is a series of small holes. According to sellers, water consumption is reduced by sucking air through these holes, which dilutes the stream of water.

There are internal aerators that are screwed into the faucet spout, and external ones, which are a structure that fits onto the faucet from above. They are usually made of brass, of stainless steel, plastic or extruded aluminum. Besides simple nozzles, models with a rotating head or with backlight are also available for sale. These aerators are quite bulky and can be problematic for those whose faucets are located too low above the sink.

Is it profitable to buy

Let's assume that the aerator can actually save up to 50% of water consumption. Let's see how marketers are deceived by this beautiful phrase “50% water saving” and calculate whether it is really profitable to purchase an aerator or whether you will simply spend money once again and will not even be able to recoup the cost of the product.

The main water consumption in the house is shower, bathtub and toilet cistern flush. The aerator is designed for installation on a water tap in the bathtub and kitchen. Tap water is mostly used to wash your face, brush your teeth or wash dishes. There is absolutely no way to save money by filling a bathtub, kettle or pan with water, since it is the volume that is needed. The total consumption of water from the tap compared to the volume that is consumed when taking a shower or bath, as well as flushing the toilet, is only a small part - about 10%.

Let's carry out conditional calculations. On average, a family of 4 uses approximately 24 cubic meters of water. Even if the same amount of cold and hot water flows, although in practice the majority uses cold water much more. Approximate water tariffs for Moscow are 130 rubles for hot water, 35 rubles for cold water, 30 rubles for wastewater disposal (Tariffs are approximate, since tariffs vary depending on the organization and location of the house. In the regions, prices are even lower). The total is 130x12+35x12+30x24 = 1560+420+720=2700 rubles. In total, for water consumed directly from the tap, the payment amount is approximately 270 rubles. If we assume that the aerator really saves 50% of water, then the amount saved will be only 135 rubles per month. And this despite the fact that there are 4 people in the family. But you were promised 50% savings, where it was understood that the savings would be from the entire amount of payment for utility services for water supply, that is, in our case, 1350 rubles, and not 135.

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Do not forget that there are at least two taps in the apartment (if you do not have two bathrooms) - in the kitchen and in the bathroom. This means you need to install 2 aerators. The cost of one nozzle is about 500-600 rubles, if you do not buy very simple and cheap options that will fall apart in a month. In total, if we assume that aerators really reduce water consumption by 50% of water, then with a cost of 1000-1200 rubles on devices and savings of 135 rubles monthly, the paid funds will be returned to you only after 7-9 months. And given the fragility of the structure and the likelihood of rust, they will have to be replaced by that time.

So the first deception of the sellers was revealed. They claim that aerators save 50% of water, forgetting to clarify that this figure is not calculated from the entire volume of water consumed, but only from a tenth of it. But okay, if this was their worst deception. If the family is large, then it would make sense to buy durable and reliable attachments that would provide at least some savings after at least a year. But no! The worst deception of marketers lies in the fact that aerators do not actually save anything!

50% water savings? Alas…

At one time, angry because of another increase in utility tariffs and having heard a lot of beautiful promises about saving water with the help of an aerator, I also bought myself this interesting contraption with high hopes. I paid about 500 rubles for it at a plumbing store. It was really easy to install, just as the manufacturer promised. That's where all the positives ended.

Screwing on the nozzle and hoping that it would really save me 50% of water was not enough for me. Therefore, full of enthusiasm, I decided to check whether the sellers told me the truth or not. My tools for conducting the experiment were two three liter jars and a timer on your phone. 10 seconds to fill tap jars with and without an aerator with water and compare the difference in the volumes obtained. Do you think it really was 50%? Whatever the case! Alas, there was the same amount of water in the jars. The difference was no more than 100 ml, and this despite the fact that both jars were filled with approximately 2 liters. The video clearly demonstrates an experiment to check water flow using an aerator.

I only had to regret the purchase and the money spent. Later, a familiar plumber explained that in fact the aerator simply works as a water distributor. The same volume of water is poured out not in one continuous stream, but through several holes. The water pressure is the same, the volume is the same, so there is no question of reducing consumption, and therefore, saving costs on utilities for supply.

In total, having bought an aerator in the hope of significantly saving on water bills, a person will only spend money and time on purchasing and installing the part and become the owner of an unnecessary trinket. In addition, a massive faucet attachment can cause discomfort when washing hands or pouring water into dishes, as it greatly reduces the distance between the faucet and the sink.


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