Acoustic foam rubber for soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment. Stretch ceilings with sound insulation: reviews

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If extraneous sounds penetrate into the apartment through the floor and walls by air, then the ceiling transmits mainly impact noise - stomping, falling things, rearranging furniture. Moreover, for sure, the “authors” of these sounds do not even suspect how loud they are heard in the neighboring apartment. Soundproofing a suspended ceiling in an apartment will help solve this problem.

Soundproofing under a suspended ceiling – enhancing the effect!

It is worth noting that in itself suspended ceiling is a good soundproofing membrane - sound waves are reflected from its soft, springy surface. It has long been known that solid, rigid bodies transmit sound waves much better than soft or inhomogeneous ones. The taming of sound waves also helps air gap, formed between the main and suspended ceilings - when getting from one environment to another, the sound loses its strength. However, the mere fact of having a stretch ceiling is not enough to completely drown out the sounds from above.

We also note that soundproofing the ceiling alone, even if done according to all the rules of acoustics, will not prevent extraneous sounds from penetrating through the floor and walls. Having set the goal of making your life quiet or, on the contrary, loud (but so that the neighbors do not hear it), you need to approach the issue comprehensively and carry out soundproofing work throughout the apartment.

However, soundproofing the ceiling is a priority task even in the complex of such work. Firstly, it’s just convenient to start with a more complex process without the fear of dropping the tool on the subfloor. Secondly, soundproofing the ceiling will allow you to evaluate the volume of the neighbors below and on the sides from a different point of view - perhaps you need to spend more on insulating the walls and floor more money than you thought before.

It is important to understand that specialists who know how to install do not always know how to make sound insulation efficiently. This is not their fault - the tasks are completely different, and this should be done different people. IN in this case It makes sense to use someone else's ceiling installation services - you will save money on equipment, tools and time. But nothing prevents you from learning how high-quality sound insulation is made, express your recommendations to the master, pay him extra for his auxiliary role in the process of equipping the soundproofing layer and do it yourself necessary work, or manage the process.

Vulnerable frame - pay attention to the little things!

One of the common mistakes of craftsmen who install suspended ceilings is attaching special profiles directly to the walls. This does no harm to the ceiling, only benefit, but the sound insulation suffers. As noted above, sound waves penetrate through hard and solids. The profile is both solid and rigid, and is also attached tightly to the wall. Of course, it will very diligently transmit the vibrations emanating from the surface.

Just one small detail can correct the situation - a damping tape.

It costs a pittance, but its effect is considerable! The point is, when fixing the profiles, lay this very tape between them and the surface of the walls - this will not affect the quality of the fastening in any way, but there will be no direct contact, which means that the sound will be absorbed and reflected by the tape, and only the pitiful remnants of sound waves will pass to the profile.

This simple technique is, in fact, important to do when installing any structures to walls and ceilings. Are you covering your walls with plasterboard? Place tape under all contacts with the wall. Do you do slatted ceiling? Don't forget the tape! Small nuances can add up to significant results.

Insulation device - how to fill the void?

The structure of the stretch ceiling itself should make you want to soundproof it - there is so much left between the ceiling and the tension membrane usable space! In fact, you just need to competently fill the void between them. You will find a lot of materials for this, as well as manufacturers. Focus on the thickness of the empty space - if it reaches 5 mm or more, you can freely use mineral or fiberglass wool.

Cotton materials have the highest sound absorption coefficient - 0.75-0.95 (from 0 to 1). This is due to their heterogeneous structure and softness. The sound seems to get stuck between the fibers of the cotton structure. The same property is observed to a somewhat lesser extent in fibrous and porous materials. The stiffer the material, the worse it blocks sound - this rule also applies to soundproofing products. So soft cotton wool is the best option.

If the space between the ceilings is not so large, you can choose one of two options to solve the problem. The first is that you still allow the master to make the ceiling lower and fill the space with cotton wool. The absence of a chandelier will help visually make the room taller; fortunately, in our time, lighting hidden in special niches ceiling skirting boards, you won’t surprise anyone anymore.

If you don’t want to make such sacrifices, don’t. Yes, especially among modern materials. Their thickness can be only 5-10 mm, which is what you need. It can be semi-rigid pressed wool or polymer materials. Among them you will find composite panels - a combination of several materials with different structures. In any case, even if you decide to save space, try to combine thin materials. There is no need to use polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene as sound insulation. Although they have a cellular structure, their sound absorption coefficient is not high.

Stretch ceiling with sound insulation - progress of work

So, you have decided on the material. It's time to start minor work - sealing gaps, cracks, holes. It is enough to fill small cracks with putty; larger ones should be filled polyurethane foam. If through ceilings pipes pass through, the area near the ceiling must be insulated with a special acoustic sealant - to do this, remove a few centimeters of concrete around the pipes and fill it with sealant.

Among the soundproofing materials there are also those that are adhesive to the ceiling. This will save a lot of time, but if such insulation is not affordable, you can make a frame for soundproofing boards. Along the width of the slabs, attach to the ceiling (don’t forget about the damping tape!) a frame made of bars or plasterboard profile, and lay insulation boards between it. There should be no gaps or voids; you need to completely cover the entire ceiling area. It is clear that the bars and slabs should not extend beyond the profiles for the suspended ceiling; it is even better if there is an air gap between the sound insulation and the ceiling membrane.

Then all that remains is to stretch the ceiling, and it is better to entrust this work to professionals. By the way, among ceilings of this kind there are special acoustic stretch ceilings, which have the additional ability to dampen and reflect sounds. They differ from ordinary canvases in that they have a perforated surface. Micro holes different forms allow the membrane to absorb sound waves well. However, this is not a panacea - it should still be used in combination with other soundproofing methods, and then the effect can be very significant!

Stretch ceilings with sound insulation – The best way achieve silence in the apartment

In modern apartment The floors and ceilings are so thin that you can hear extraneous noises, neighbors’ conversations and stomping. After a hard day at work, you really want to come home and relax without anyone bothering you. When requests to be quieter do not produce the expected result, you should establish suspended ceilings with sound insulation. Stopsound will resolve this issue for an adequate price. price and in a short time.

All you need to do is call us. We work seven days a week and seven holidays, so a professional engineer will come to take measurements at any time convenient for you. The service is provided free of charge, as are consultations; specialists will answer questions about soundproofing everyone ceilings in the apartment under tension canvas and indicate price.

Basic options for ceiling soundproofing Standard Optimum Premium
Soundproofing structure thickness 75-80 mm 95-100 mm 90-100 mm
Thickness of soundproofing structure with suspended ceiling plus 3-4 mm plus 3-4 mm plus 3-4 mm
Measurement and consultation on site for free for free for free
No prepayment. Payment after installation. Yes Yes Yes
The cost of a turnkey stretch ceiling for sound insulation (per square meter) 1200 rub. 1200 rub. 1200 rub.

Modern technologies guarding silence

Stopsound only uses quality materials, namely, products from the trusted company Descor. Tensioner the ceiling is installed not only in apartment, but also in music studios, cafes, especially if they are located on the ground floor of a residential building. The design simultaneously performs two functions – decorative and soundproofing.

Tensioners canvases differ in quality and structure from PVC film, so they are more convenient and practical. Installation will make the room comfortable and cozy, and also eliminate the echo in the room. At the same time, the ceiling height does not decrease much, but in apartment no extraneous sounds will be heard.

This is achieved thanks to micro-perforation of the fabric and additional acoustic materials. Stopsound cooperates with reliable suppliers and installs suspended ceilings with sound insulation turnkey in one day. Price calculated individually for each client depending on the volume and complexity of the work.

If you yourself are not averse to playing musical instrument, then think about installing such suspended ceilings with high-quality sound insulation. You can order the service in Moscow by phone, and you will also receive all the answers to questions about the material used.

Installing suspended ceilings with sound insulation has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • security.

The fabrics are resistant to fire and temperature changes and are easy to care for. Mount suspended ceiling with sound insulation possible not only in residential apartments, but also in public spaces, because price our services are lower than those of competitors. You will be able to meet your planned budget.

What do we offer?

The main advantage of the company is that price after all calculations, it does not increase either during work or after its completion. Do you want to know how much it will cost? Descor stretch ceilings with sound insulation? The consultant will call price with installation after measuring and choosing a design.

We use only those materials that have quality and safety certificates. Works in Moscow are carried out strictly in accordance with the rules, which allows you to achieve good results.

The installation of sound insulation under suspended ceilings is very popular. This has a number of undoubted advantages:

— There is a minimal gap between the sound insulation and the suspended ceiling, thanks to this the ceiling height does not decrease significantly

— The client receives a perfectly smooth and beautiful ceiling turnkey in one day

Our company is engaged in the installation of fabric stretch ceilings for sound insulation. We work with durable canvases made in Germany by Descor. Stretch ceilings made of fabric are much stronger than those made of PVC film (15 times). An important advantage is also that the width of the fabric can be up to 5 meters - this is suitable for installation in large rooms. Installation ceiling structure occurs using seamless technology. A guarantee of safety - when installing fabric stretch ceilings, thermal gas guns do not apply. Fabric ceilings are not subject to fire, have anti-allergenic properties and “breathe” due to micro-perforation.
The final cost depends on the chosen ceiling soundproofing design.

German Descor canvases are used for all types of wall and ceiling surfaces. Irreproachable appearance, absolute safety, innovative technologies production - all this allows us to call Descor stretch ceilings of a new generation.
When installing a stretch ceiling, heating devices (gas and electric guns, or gas cylinders).
Descor canvas has all the necessary quality and safety certificates and is recommended for use not only in residential premises, but also in public and children's institutions, as well as medical institutions.
Descor canvas can withstand severe external loads and mechanical impact.
Descor canvas has high stability to moisture, the canvas is not subject to fire.
The stretch ceiling material is hypoallergenic and not prone to dust accumulation.

Consultation on sound insulation issues and a specialist visit for measurements is free.

For comfortable life It is required that the noise level is not too high. And in an ordinary city apartment there are many sources of loud sounds. Often they come from neighbors upstairs. This is noise from repairs, a working TV or radio, and often even the stomping and knocking of furniture being moved. To combat such troubles, sound insulation is installed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the finishing method. In this article we will talk about sound insulation under suspended ceilings. Let's consider which materials are effective in this case, as well as existing ready-made solutions, including special acoustic sheets.

Does suspended ceiling affect sound insulation?

PVC film or fabric muffles sound by approximately 5 dB. This is a fairly low figure, which will not be enough with noisy neighbors.

Moreover, a stretch ceiling in some cases amplifies sound waves!

This happens for two reasons. Firstly, noise generated in the same room is reflected from the stretched fabric, and an echo effect occurs. Secondly, the air space between the base floor and the suspended ceiling can amplify some sounds coming from above. It will be uncomfortable for both owners and neighbors.

Therefore, when installing suspended ceilings, in most cases additional sound insulation is recommended. There are no problems with the placement of materials, because there is enough space between the floor slabs and the canvas.

Basic principles and requirements for sound insulation

Household noises are divided into two main types:

  1. Acoustic. Spread through the air: loud conversations and barking, noise from a TV, vacuum cleaner or radio, etc. As a rule, the source is located in the next room.
  2. Vibrating. They are divided into two subtypes. Structural noise includes the sounds of elevator mechanisms, ventilation, water in pipes, etc. Impact noise includes, for example, a working hammer drill, knocks or steps. They spread across ceilings, so they can be heard not only in the next room.

Sound insulation is attached to the ceiling, which dissipates acoustic waves. This reduces the level of audible noise (type 1). For shocks, conventional materials are not as effective because the waves travel through more than just the ceiling. Special vibration-damping layers help combat them. But to completely eliminate noise, this is not enough; you will also need insulation of the walls.

It is desirable that the selected materials are able to dampen both types of sounds. For versatility, combinations of different layers are often used:

  • massive sound-reflecting lining;
  • soft fibrous material, absorbing and scattering acoustic waves (located between the previous layer and the ceiling or wall);
  • vibration decoupling is also desirable.

The latter are suspensions: vibration-isolated (with a rubber washer, reducing wave transmission to the structure) and damping (non-rigid fixation through a gasket). To isolate from the ceiling, as well as layers between each other, use a damper tape. It cuts off structural noise passing through load-bearing structures).

Important! Before installing insulation, be sure to seal all cracks in the ceiling and seams between the slabs. It's better to buy special ones acoustic means. This measure will cut off some of the airborne noise.

All materials that are used to create sound insulation in an apartment under a suspended ceiling must also have the following properties:

  1. Environmentally friendly (do not emit harmful substances), as they are installed in residential premises. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is confirmed by quality certificates.
  2. Mold resistant. This is especially important, since a humid microclimate often forms behind the suspended ceiling. The fungus is harmful to health and destroys building materials.
  3. Fire safety. The insulation must not support combustion or release harmful substances when heated.
  4. Durability. A high-quality stretch ceiling lasts 10 years or longer. It would not be advisable to remove it to replace the soundproofing. Therefore, the properties must be preserved for at least the same period.

Types of soundproofing materials

There are many types available in the market. Let's consider the most effective ones in combination with stretch ceilings.

Available in rolls with a thickness of 100 to 150 mm. The sound insulation properties are quite good (sound absorption coefficient up to 0.95), but it is inconvenient to mount on the ceiling. To protect against noise, a tight fit to the slab and a distance of about 20 mm to the tension fabric are required. Often the wool is secured with disc-shaped dowels. But they conduct sounds and thus reduce protective properties. And the more fastenings, the stronger the effect. Therefore, for sound insulation it is better to equip a frame structure.

Panels 50 mm thick are made of stone or fiberglass. They are denser than regular cotton wool, so they are easier to install, hold their shape better and cut out noise.

Soundproofing properties depend on the density: the higher it is, the better, on average the coefficient is 0.8-0.92. High quality The different brands are Schumanet, Maxforte and Rockwool Acoustic (the latter is cheaper). Ursa, TechnoNIKOL, Izover and AcoustiKNAUF are more affordable due to their lower density.

Soft fiber boards

Made from crushed, soaked and press-dried natural fiber. MDVP is denser and is good for blocking low-frequency noise (such as bass in loud music). They are distinguished by their small thickness (10-20 mm) and good sound absorption coefficient - 0.8. Popular brands: Softboard and Izoplat.

Comprises three layers, which are firmly sewn together. In the middle there is a fiberglass canvas. The material protects well from extraneous noise and temperature fluctuations, but its small particles, when they get on the skin or mucous membranes, cause irritation. That's why central layer securely covered on both sides with propylene fiber. At the same time, the total thickness of the material is only 14 mm, and the sound absorption coefficient is 0.87.

Soundproofing membranes

It's thin universal material, which is used not only with tension, but also suspended ceilings, as well as other structures (made of plasterboard, plywood, etc.). Has quite high level sound insulation (25 dB) with a thickness of only 5 mm. The sound absorption coefficient is 0.33. Presented in the Texound and Abex brands.

ZIPS panels

The only well-working option for frameless sound insulation. But vibration decoupling is not provided, so in reality it is slightly worse than the values ​​​​indicated in the passport. Available in configurations designed for different level noise: from household noise to the sounds of a cinema or nightclub.

Note! Panels are laid only during renovation. Before and after installation are required wet work- plastering of surfaces.

For ease of comparison, the table contains the main characteristics of the materials. The sound insulation index shows the ability to create an obstacle to the spread of noise and reflect it. And the sound absorption coefficient is to absorb and dissipate noise, converting it into thermal energy. Can take a value from 0 to 1 (the higher the better).

Attention! Materials such as polystyrene foam, polystyrene and polyurethane are not suitable for creating sound insulation under suspended ceilings. Due to the peculiarities of their structure, they do not dampen the sound, and sometimes even enhance it. Cork and foam rubber are also useless in this capacity. These materials are used in flooring to protect against impact noise.

How to make sound insulation under a suspended ceiling with your own hands

There are two main ways to do this: framed or without a frame using special panels. Before starting work, prepare the base floor. It is necessary to carefully inspect the slabs and find all the cracks and seams (including those near the walls). Any gaps found are sealed with foam or sealant. And for large voids, putty is additionally used.

Frameless sound insulation with ZIPS panels

The slabs must be laid without gaps between them, which requires an absolutely flat surface. Therefore, before installing sound insulation, the ceiling is plastered and leveled.

To prevent fungus from appearing in the future, wait until the layer dries completely. As a result, the entire process of installing sound insulation is delayed. It is usually carried out simultaneously with the main repair.

When the ceiling is ready, installation of ZIPS panels begins:

  1. The joints with the walls are taped with damper tape.
  2. The panels are attached to the ceiling through vibration units using self-tapping screws and conical washers. The head is recessed no more than 1-2 mm.
  3. The panels are connected through tongue-and-groove joints, always with a complete fit. Fix with self-tapping screws every 15 cm.
  4. After finishing the work, seal all the cracks with acoustic sealant.

It is important to follow the installation technology. Otherwise, the sound insulation of the ceiling will be insufficient.

The manufacturer recommends sheathing the panels plasterboard sheets 12.5 mm thick. The junction points are laid with damping tape. And it is necessary to fasten the gypsum board in such a way that the screws do not get into the vibration units and do not violate their integrity.

After this, you can stretch the fabric. Installation is carried out using standard technology.

Multilayer frame sound insulation with basalt slabs

This method requires first mounting a frame from metal profiles. To reduce the transmission of vibrations from the floor, choose one of several options for attaching elements to each other and to supporting structures:

  • vibration suspensions with washers (a relatively inexpensive method);
  • standard components that are attached through a damper tape (cheaper);
  • vibration-damping suspensions (expensive, but also an effective method).

Direct installation of the frame occurs as follows:

  1. Guides are attached around the perimeter.
  2. A suspended structure is assembled from ceiling profiles.
  3. If massive ceiling sound insulation is used, a reinforced frame (in the form of a mesh) is installed.

The next stage is laying soundproofing materials. Slabs are best suited for this basalt wool. They do not need to be rigidly fixed, for example, with glue or dowels. But there should be no gaps between the plates.

Then the covering with sound-insulating materials begins. To do this, use (separately or in combination):

  • gypsum fiber boards;
  • acoustic triplex (more massive, but at the same time effective option).

After this, suspended ceilings are installed. Baguettes for them can be placed not only on the wall, but also on a vibration-isolating frame. This solution has two advantages: the level of impact noise is further reduced and the ceiling drops less.

Ready-made sound insulation systems for suspended ceilings

Such combinations combine modern noise-reducing material and everything you need for mounting to the ceiling. Such proposals are convenient because they are calculated required amount on square meter. Eat different variants, consider ready-made solutions from Techno Sonus.

Basic soundproofing system

Termozvukoizol is used as the main material. The kit also includes additional components:

  • wooden slats for frame (thickness 24 mm);
  • disc-shaped dowel-nails (“fungi”) for attaching the noise-reducing layer;
  • duct tape, mesh reinforced made of polyester (for gluing joints and seams).

The thickness of the entire system is 44 mm, the weight is 3.4 kg/m², and the insulation index is airborne noise- 55 dB.

Standard M

This option is chosen for cases where it is necessary to organize noise protection with minimal loss of height. The main sound-absorbing material is Texaund (2FT 80). This is a combined membrane with a layer of felt. Its thickness is only 24 mm.

Additionally, the package includes:

  • universal contact adhesive "Bautger";
  • reinforced tape;
  • plastic “fungus” (disc-shaped dowel-nail).

The total thickness of the system is only 24 mm, weight 8 kg/m², insulation index - 57 dB.

This is the most popular system for mounting under tension fabric. Due to its small thickness, the structure practically does not reduce the ceiling level.

Standard P

This option is used when it is necessary to achieve increased sound insulation. For example, in apartments next to a cinema hall, a nightclub or in houses increased comfort. In addition to household airborne noise, the system partially reduces vibration noise from falling objects, stomping feet, etc.

The main noise reduction material is Sonoplat, a wood fiber sheet with quartz sand. To enhance the effect, add slabs based on polyester fiber (StopZvuk Eco Slim).

As Supplies wooden slats and vibrating washers are used. These are layers for cutting off the frame from structural noise. Added between metal or wooden elements.

System thickness 37 mm, weight 19.3 kg/m², insulation index - 59 dB.

Special soundproof stretch ceilings

Ordinary fabric or PVC film practically does not absorb noise. To achieve a similar effect, use special technology. Many micro-holes are applied to the canvas. Perforation absorbs vibrations of sound waves and converts them into thermal energy. Therefore, there is no echo in rooms where acoustic ceilings are installed.

Other soundproofing materials can be placed between the acoustic stretch and sub-ceilings. The effect of them is cumulative, and noise protection is enhanced.

Perforated fabrics are made like fabric ( relevant proposals have famous manufacturers Clipso, Descor and Cerutti) and film (for example, “PERF Acustik”). The following perforation options are possible on PVC fabric:

  1. Small diameter: 0.1 mm holes are spaced 2 mm apart. Installed in living rooms.
  2. Average: 1.3 mm with intervals of 9-15 mm. Used for rooms with high ceilings(offices, concert or sports halls).
  3. Large: 1.8 mm through 8 mm. This perforation is chosen for places where there is a large number of of people.

The acoustic ceiling gives additional features to create expressive designs. Lighting placed behind the tension fabric. The rays pass through the holes, creating an interesting effect. For backlighting, an RGB strip is often chosen, then it will be colored (with the ability to change the shade or set up an automatic transition between them). For a more uniform shine, a translucent film is pulled higher.

Thus, suspended ceilings are not able to fully protect against extraneous noise. To soundproof an apartment, various specialized materials are used. You can install them yourself or invite professionals.

(thickness 4-5 cm)

The basic option for ceiling sound insulation is frameless systems in which a layer of sound insulation is laid either under suspended ceilings or under panel ceilings Armstrong type. Efficiency is achieved due to increased sound absorption in the room: noise transmitted from neighbors decays faster, since the sound insulation layer on the ceiling prevents the sound wave from undergoing multiple reflections (as a result of which it would be amplified), on the contrary, leading to rapid attenuation of the latter. MaxForte-EcoAcoustic, EKOplit (3 and 5 cm thick) or roll material MaxForte-SoundPRO. The ceiling is covered with sound insulation over the entire area, and the materials are fastened to the ceiling using plastic dowels or MaxForte-SoundFLEX foam. Simple and quick installation will allow sound insulation to be carried out by a regular team working on site. Ideal for new buildings and offices (including call centers).

(thickness 4-5 cm)

The thinnest option for ceiling soundproofing using plasterboard and profiles. Ideal for apartments with low ceilings, when every centimeter counts. The scheme is based on the KNAUF 60/27 mm profile, which allows you to immediately obtain a flat ceiling surface. For sound insulation, MaxForte-SoundPRO rolls are used ( composite material new generation, only 12 mm thick), which are fixed to the ceiling using conventional dowel mushrooms. Where the frame is attached to the concrete, SoundPRO is compressed and acts as a vibration damper. For the rest of the ceiling area, the material works to absorb sound waves due to its fibrous structure. The increased flexibility of SoundPRO allows you to soundproof ceilings even with complex terrain (with pipes, wiring or height differences). Reducing noise from above by 3-4 times (12-14 dB).

(thickness 4-5 cm)

Second option fine sound insulation ceiling. In this option, impact noise is isolated by VibroStop Standart vibration suspensions, and the sound is absorbed by MaxForte-ECOslab 80 kg/m³ (thin slabs 3 cm). The scheme is based on the KNAUF 60/27 mm profile, which makes it possible to obtain a flat ceiling surface. After installation, the ceiling is ready for finishing, no additional alignment is required. The circuit is designed to completely isolate household noise in apartment building(voices, TV, steps and stomping). Noise reduction up to 14 dB.

(thickness 7-8 cm)

The most proven soundproofing option used in apartments. For vibration isolation, special MaxForte vibration suspensions of the PRO series are used. Sound absorption is carried out by sound-absorbing slabs MaxForte-EKOplit or EcoAcoustic. Soundproofing of the ceiling is carried out according to standard schemes KNAUF, so any repair workers can handle the installation. Both air and impact noises(noise reduction up to 20 dB)!


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