Analysis of financial results using the example of Elara LLC. Financial sciences: Analysis of financial results and improvement of enterprise activities (using the example of OAO Neftekamskshina), Thesis

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Analysis of the financial results of a trading enterprise (using the example of Ansat LLC)

Theoretical and methodological aspects and methods of analyzing financial results, profit and profitability as indicators of the effectiveness of commercial activities. The state and prospects for the development of retail trade in conditions of the financial and economic crisis.


1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of analyzing the financial results of a trading enterprise

1.1 The role of financial results in assessing the performance of an enterprise

1.2 Profit and profitability as indicators of the effectiveness of commercial activities

1.3 Methodology for analyzing the financial results of a trading enterprise

2. Analysis of the financial results of the trading enterprise Ansat LLC

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise Ansat LLC

2.2 Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the enterprise’s financial results

2.3 Factor analysis enterprise profits

2.4 Enterprise profitability analysis

3. Managing the financial results of retail enterprises

3.1 State and prospects for the development of retail trade in the context of the financial and economic crisis

3.2 Prospects for the development of Ansat LLC in times of crisis


List of sources and literature used


With the transition of the state's economy to the principles of a market economy, the multidimensional importance of profit increases. A joint stock, rental, private or other form of ownership of an enterprise, having received financial independence and independence, has the right to decide for what purposes and in what amounts to direct the profit remaining after paying taxes to the budget and other obligatory payments and deductions. Making a profit is an indispensable condition and goal of entrepreneurship of any economic structure.

Profit (profitability) evaluates the efficiency of management, profit is the main source of financing for economic and social development; profitability serves as the main criterion for choosing investment projects and programs for optimizing current costs, expenses, and financial investments. Thus, profit (and its relative modification, profitability) acquired the most important, leading role in the new economic and financial mechanism for managing socio-economic development.

Profit as a criterion for the efficiency of reproduction and as an indicator that has two boundaries - the volume of production of products or services (sales) and cost - has one important property: it reflects the final result of intensive and extensive development. The latter is associated with the factor of growth in production volume and natural savings from the relative reduction of semi-fixed elements of cost: the wage fund (accordingly, accruals going to extra-budgetary funds), depreciation, energy fuel, payments to the budget for resources, non-production and some other expenses.

The thesis aims to study the essence of profit, its role in the activities of the enterprise, as well as the procedure for its taxation. A feature of the formation of civilized market relations is the increasing influence of factors such as fierce competition, technological changes, computerization of economic information processing, continuous innovations in tax legislation, changing interest rates and exchange rates against the backdrop of ongoing inflation.

In many ways, the correct determination of the final financial result depends on the professionalism and objectivity of managers, because if production activities are correctly and competently structured, then the consequence of this, of course, will be high financial results.

The efficiency of an organization's production, investment and financial activities is characterized by its financial results. The overall financial result is profit, which ensures the production and financial development of the enterprise. When studying profit, the focus is on impact analysis internal factors on profit, since it allows you to determine internal reserves for profit growth. The desire to make a profit directs commodity producers to increase production volumes and reduce costs.

The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the main goals of any enterprise are making a profit, preserving and increasing capital. Their achievement ensures the necessary level of efficiency of the business entity and satisfaction of the interests of its owners. Both goals are closely interrelated, since the main source of capital increase is net profit. An important tool for solving this problem is economic analysis, which helps identify the reasons for changes in financial performance indicators and profit growth reserves.

Profit is a complex integrated indicator, the value of which is certainly taken into account in the process of justifying and making management decisions by all market participants: third parties (investors, creditors, suppliers and buyers, etc.) and internal entities (management, owners of large blocks of shares or interests, etc. ). In this regard, it is extremely important not to make mistakes when interpreting many different financial performance indicators.

Managing break-even in an enterprise involves changing the thinking of management personnel, abandoning traditional analysis and switching to “advanced” analysis, and applying a systematic approach to the problem under study.

The purpose of this work: to evaluate the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and propose the main directions for increasing them.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

Reveal the theoretical aspects of assessing the financial results of an enterprise;

Study the procedure for the formation and distribution of profit, as well as outline the methodology for its analysis;

Assess the following indicators of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise: profit from sales and profitability;

Determine the main ways to improve the efficiency and financial results of an enterprise.

The object of this work is Ansat LLC. The subject is the financial results of the enterprise.

The development of this topic was carried out by such authors as G.V. Savitskaya, S.M. Pyastolov, N.S. Plaskov, V.V. Kovalev, N.M. Khachaturyan, A.D. Trusov, A.G. Khairullin, E. Krylov, V.I. Terekhin, V.F. Protasov, O.K. Denisov, etc.

The main sources for considering the theoretical aspects of the financial results of an enterprise were: a textbook by N.S. Plaskova. “Strategic and current economic analysis”, textbook by Pyastolov S.M. “Analysis of financial and economic activities”. To conduct a factor analysis of profits from sales of products (works, services) and analysis of enterprise profitability indicators, the following textbook was used: Savitskaya G.V. “Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise”, V.F. Protasov “Analysis of the activities of an enterprise (firm): production, economics, finance, investment, marketing.” The textbook by V.G. was used as a source for conducting operational analysis. Getmana, E.A. Elenevskaya

"Financial Accounting".

Information basis of the work: “Profit and Loss Statement” for 2007 - 2008, “Balance Sheet” for 2007 - 2008.

During the analysis of this work, the comparison method, the chain substitution method, and factor analysis were used.

This work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and applications.

The first chapter of this work examines the theoretical aspects of the financial and economic results of an enterprise: concept, economic essence, indicators, formation, distribution, methodology for assessing financial results.

The second chapter gives a brief description of enterprises. An analysis of the dynamics and structure of the financial results of the enterprise, a factor analysis of profit from sales of products, and an assessment of the profitability of the enterprise are carried out.

The third chapter identifies the main ways to improve the financial performance of an enterprise.

1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of analyzing the financial results of a trading enterprise

1.1 The role of financial results in assessing the activities of a trading enterprise

One of the main goals entrepreneurial activity consists of making a profit as the most reliable financial source of well-being for both the organization itself and its owners. The results of operations depend on how quickly and accurately the company can identify, quantify the influence of various external and internal factors, and also counter their negative impact due to the high level of financial risks (the general state of the country’s economy, instability of the market, the financial system, trends in the complication of corporate connections, low settlement and payment discipline, high inflation, etc.).

Reform of the accounting and reporting system, due to the formation and continuous improvement of market relations in our country, is associated with the need to create a system of adequate multi-level financial information that would adequately meet the requirements of various business entities. Financial reporting is the most important source of information about the activities of an organization both for its management and owners, and for external users. Interpretation of financial reporting indicators by various business entities is necessary for making management decisions of various nature.

The main goal of financial activity is to decide where, when and how to use financial resources for the effective development of production and maximum profit.

The financial result is characterized by general indicators of the effectiveness of the current activities of the enterprise - the volume of sales (products, works, services) and the profit received. It is formed based on the results of the production and sales processes and thus depends on a number of objective and subjective factors:

The degree to which a commercial organization uses production resources;

Compliance with contractual and payment discipline;

Changes in the situation in raw materials, commodity and financial markets.

The financial result of a commercial organization is expressed in the amount of income or profit received. The amount of profit received in the reporting period is determined by the income of business owners, remuneration of the organization’s employees, tax revenues to the budget. Financial result is an indicator of the attractiveness of a commercial organization for business partners, creditors, and investors.

The organization's income consists of income from core and non-core activities. Based on the results of core activities, the organization's gross profit is formed as the difference between revenue and the cost of sales of marketable products, and on its basis, after adjusting for the amount of management and commercial expenses, sales profit is one of the main indicators of the organization's activities. Taking into account all the income received (both from the main and non-core activities of the organization) and the expenses associated with their receipt, the organization generates profit, which is subject to taxation at the income tax rates approved for different types of activities - profit before tax. After paying taxes, the enterprise has net profit at its disposal, which is then distributed to dividends paid to the owners of the business and to its development.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “expenses”, “costs”, “cost”. The formation of adequate analysis results depends on their correct identification. In contrast to expenses, expenses are the value expression of funds used to generate material, labor, financial and other resources for the purpose of carrying out the activities of the enterprise; costs may be recognized as expenses in the reporting period or as assets that will become expenses in future periods. An example can be given of the acquisition of a batch of raw materials, part of which was consumed in the production of products sold in the reporting period (it is written off as cost). Another part of the raw materials was used in production, but as of the reporting date, the products had not yet reached the readiness stage, i.e. they were semi-finished products. Therefore, in the reporting it will be reflected in the balance sheet asset as work in progress. Finally, the third part of the purchased batch of raw materials remained unclaimed in the warehouse, and its cost will also be reflected in the balance sheet asset. In subsequent reporting periods, both semi-finished products and raw materials will be recognized as expenses in accordance with the accounting policies of the organization, based on the provisions of Russian accounting standards.

By combining certain types of expenses into groups, the organization generates cost indicators. The term “cost” and its derivative cost indicators are the subject of management analysis research. This term is far from unambiguous, since cost indicators are in demand in assessing the performance of business entities at various stages of economic analysis for internal purposes of managing business processes.

In general, the cost -- this is a set of costs of living and embodied labor that has a value assessment, used in the process of production of products (works, services) of natural resources, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, fixed assets, labor resources, as well as other expenses necessary for carrying out economic activities and participating in accordance with the accounting policy of the organization in the formation of financial results.

The information base for the analysis of income, expenses and profits as part of the financial statements of an organization is the Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2), as well as the section “Expenses for ordinary activities” of the Appendix to the Balance Sheet (Form No. 5).

The general model for the formation of any profit indicator is as follows:

Profit = Revenues -- Expenses, (1.1)

Since the recognition of income and expenses for the period in accounting occurs in accordance with the accrual method, we can say that profit -- the financial result of the organization’s activities for the period formed by the accrual method, representing the excess of income over expenses.

Profit serves as the financial result of the activities of a commercial organization, as well as a source of increasing equity capital. Due to the profit, the organization has the opportunity to expand the scale of its activities, make additional capital investments in the production base, develop new production technologies, develop new competitive products, and also replenish current assets.

Profit has a stimulating effect on strengthening commercial calculations and intensifying production under any form of ownership. Profit growth creates a financial basis for self-financing, expanded reproduction, solving social problems, and meeting the material needs of work collectives. At the expense of profits, the organization’s obligations to the budget, banks and other organizations are fulfilled. Profit indicators characterize the degree of business activity and financial well-being. Profit determines the level of return on advanced funds and the return on investment in assets. In market conditions, a business entity strives, if not for maximum profit, then for such a profit that will ensure the dynamic development of production in a competitive environment, allow it to maintain its position in the market for a given product, and ensure its survival.

The most important financial indicator of the effect of a company’s activities is net profit, i.e. positive financial result of the reporting period, obtained after reimbursement of all expenses recognized in accounting, including income tax. Net profit is a source of growth in the wealth of the company's owners, since it is a source of dividend payments, as well as an increase in net assets (the share of owners in assets). For the enterprise itself, net profit (remaining after accrual of dividends, compensation for individual expenses, charitable payments, etc.) is a reliable source of growth in the scale of its activities. Net reinvested profit, increasing equity capital, increases financial stability and reduces financial risks. At the same time, reinvesting net profit in the company’s activities is quite expensive for it and depends on the share of income tax withdrawn to the budget (at least 24%).

Managers of an organization are interested, first of all, in profit from sales, which characterizes the efficiency of managing current production activities without taking into account the results of investment operations (sale of property), financial activities and non-operating results, which are often one-time, random in nature.

Profitability is a relative indicator that determines the level of profitability of a business. In market conditions, the role of product profitability indicators, which characterize the level of profitability (unprofitability) of its production, is important. Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and efficiency of an enterprise. They characterize the relative profitability of an enterprise, measured as a percentage of the cost of funds or capital from various positions.

Profitability indicators are the most important characteristics of the actual environment for generating profit and income of an enterprise. For this reason, they are mandatory elements of comparative analysis. When analyzing production, they are used as a tool for investment policy and pricing.

1.2 Profit and profitability as indicators of commercial activity efficiency

In order for a trading enterprise to operate successfully, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of its commercial activities depending on the constantly changing market environment. This will make the enterprise sustainably profitable and competitive, ensure its development, and anticipate the future.

By conducting a systematic and in-depth analysis of business activities, you can:

Quickly, efficiently and professionally evaluate the effectiveness of commercial work of both the enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions;

Accurately and timely find and take into account factors affecting the profit received for specific types of goods sold and services provided;

Determine the costs of trading activities (distribution costs) and trends in their changes, which is necessary to determine the selling price and calculate profitability;

Find optimal ways to solve commercial problems of a trading enterprise and obtain sufficient profit in the short and long term.

How can you evaluate and analyze the activities of a trading company? It is obvious that any commercial organization, regardless of its size, scope of activity, profitability or unprofitability, is a complex system that interacts with the market environment. Therefore, there is hardly a single indicator that could comprehensively reflect all aspects of the commercial activity of an enterprise. Even profit cannot be such, although this indicator most accurately determines the efficiency of the organization (enterprise). To comprehensively assess the effectiveness of an enterprise, a system of indicators is needed.

As noted above, the most important indicator of the efficiency of a trading (commercial) enterprise is profit , which reflects the results of all trading activities of the enterprise - the volume of products sold, its composition and assortment structure, labor productivity, cost level, the presence of unproductive expenses and losses, etc.

The amount of profit received determines the replenishment of funds, material incentives for employees, payment of taxes, etc. The presence of profit indicates that the expenses of trading enterprises are fully covered by income from the sale of goods and the provision of services. The profit of a trading enterprise is calculated as the difference between all its income and expenses. In trade, a distinction is made between profit from the sale of goods (operating profit) and net, or balance sheet, profit.

Operating profit is the difference between trade markups (margins) and distribution costs.

Revenue from sales calculated taking into account the so-called other planned and unplanned income and expenses. TO planned expenses include taxes paid to the federal and local budgets; unplanned expenses-- fines, penalties and penalties paid for violation of contractual obligations, losses from writing off bad debts and other losses that reduce operating profit. TO unplanned income include fines, penalties and penalties received from various organizations, surplus inventories identified during inventory, write-off of accounts payable after the expiration of the statute of limitations, etc.

To characterize the economic efficiency of a trading enterprise, as well as for the purpose of conducting comparative analysis, it is necessary to know not only the absolute amount of profit, but also its level. The profit level characterizes profitability of trading organizations -- one of the indicators of the effectiveness of their activities. The most common indicator of trade profitability is the ratio of profit to turnover. However, it is not the only indicator of the profitability of trade or commercial activity, because it shows only the share of net trade income in the amount of trade turnover. This indicator does not reflect the degree of efficiency of all advance costs (one-time and current) associated with commercial activities. Thus, with the same amount of profit and turnover, different commercial organizations may have different investments in fixed and working capital. In this regard, of particular importance for assessing the effectiveness of commercial work is the comparison of profits with the costs incurred (distribution costs). This indicator allows us to judge the effectiveness of commercial activities, since it shows what the share of profit is for each ruble of expenses for conducting business.

Other performance indicators of this group include: profit-to-fund ratio wages; the amount of profit per employee of a trading enterprise; the ratio of profit to fixed and working capital and some others.

One of the qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of commercial work is distribution costs(expenses for carrying out commercial activities).

Distribution costs are the costs expressed in monetary terms for carrying out trading activities. These costs may be associated with the continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation, that is, with the performance of additional functions by trade (costs of transportation, storage, packaging, packaging of goods, etc.). These types of expenses are called additional costs.

Costs associated with the implementation of processes of purchase and sale of goods (purchase, sale of goods and processes that directly contribute to the completion of acts of purchase and sale of goods) are called pure distribution costs. When analyzing commercial activities, it is important to identify the share of net and additional distribution costs. The level of distribution costs is calculated as a percentage of the amount of distribution costs to turnover. To a certain extent, it reflects the cost-effectiveness of commercial activities and is used when comparing the work of trading organizations of the same type and in approximately the same conditions.

Return on equity allows investors to evaluate the potential income from investing in stocks and other securities. Based on the indicator, you can determine the period (number of years) during which the funds invested in the trading enterprise are fully repaid. Return on equity is calculated as the ratio of net profit to equity.

Return on assets is calculated as the ratio of book profit to total assets; this indicator is used as the main (overarching) indicator and allows one to evaluate the effectiveness of total capital investments by financial sources, regardless of the comparative sizes of the sources of these funds.

Profitability of production assets of a trading enterprise is determined by the ratio of the amount (gross, net) and the average cost of fixed and material current assets, multiplied by 100.

Along with indicators of turnover, capital, fixed and working capital, other indicators are used to calculate the level of profitability (ratios): distribution costs, retail space, number of personnel, each of which emphasizes a certain aspect of the trading enterprise’s performance.

The level of profitability, calculated by the ratio of the amount of profit from the sale of goods to the amount of distribution costs, shows the effectiveness of current costs. An increase or decrease in distribution costs directly affects the decrease or increase in profits. This profitability indicator determines the effectiveness of a trade transaction for goods.

The ratio of profit from the sale of goods to the size of the enterprise's retail space characterizes the amount of profit received per 1 square meter. m. of store area. Rational use of retail space will increase profit margins.

The main indicators are shown in table 1.1.

Table 1.1 System of profit assessment indicators

Using these basic indicators, it is possible to give an economic assessment of the efficiency of a trading enterprise.

1.3 Methodology for analyzing the financial results of a trading enterprise

The main goal of financial analysis is to obtain a small number of key (most informative) parameters that give an objective and accurate picture financial condition enterprise, its profits and losses, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, in settlements with debtors and creditors. At the same time, the analyst and manager (manager) may be interested in both the current financial state of the enterprise and its projection for the near or longer term, i.e. expected parameters of financial condition.

The main objectives of analyzing the financial results of business entities are:

Study of the formation and structure of profit (loss) from ordinary activities, its absolute change against the base period;

Justification and quantitative determination of factors for changes in gross profit and sales profit;

Justification and quantitative measurement of the factors of change in profit from ordinary activities, including due to changes in profit before tax; due to changes in sales profit; at the expense of profit from non-operating income and expenses at the expense of profit from operating income and expenses;

Identification and quantitative measurement of profit growth reserves;

Analysis of factors of net profit formation;

Analysis of the formation of indicators, justification and quantitative comparison of factors affecting the profitability of products and capital, and opportunities for increasing it.

The main sources of information for analyzing financial results are the balance sheet (form No. 1) and the profit and loss statement (form No. 2).

Accounting statements are a system of indicators that reflect the property and financial position of an organization as of a certain date, as well as the financial results of its activities for the reporting period. The composition, content, requirements and other methodological principles of accounting statements are regulated by the accounting regulations “Accounting statements of an organization” (PBU 1 - PBU 10), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 1998. The reporting of an enterprise in a market economy is based on a generalization of financial accounting data and is an information link connecting the enterprise with society and business partners - users of information about the activities of the enterprise. The importance of the balance sheet when analyzing the financial results of an enterprise is so great that it is often separated into an independent reporting unit, an addition to which is a report, that is, a set of all other forms of financial statements.

In Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” the information is more analytical, detailed and specific. For investors and analysts, this form is in many respects more important than the balance sheet, since it contains not frozen, one-time, but dynamic information about what successes the enterprise achieved during the year and due to what aggregated factors, what the scale of its activities is.

To analyze financial results, Form No. 2 of the accounting (financial) statements “Profit and Loss Statement” is used. The construction of this form allows us to study the formation of individual groups of financial results and identify the influence of the main groups of factors on individual profit indicators.

1st stage . Profit analysis should start with implementation analysis products and revenue volume. For this purpose, we carefully study:

The main sources of revenue (according to

Form No. 2 or explanatory note to the annual

Report), their structure;

Stability of sources of revenue.

The revenue structure is analyzed by: types of products sold, structural divisions, territorial divisions. The information obtained is used to conduct factor analysis of profits, as well as to evaluate the business plan and further planning.

If profit analysis is carried out based on consolidated financial statements, it is necessary to take into account inter-branch transfer pricing and the distribution of indirect overhead costs.

Stability sources of revenue are assessed by horizontal analysis of the revenue structure. Analysis of the quality and stability of changes in product sales includes an assessment of:

Sensitivity of demand for various types of products under general operating conditions, including by branches and remote territorial divisions;

The organization’s ability to adapt to changes in demand by introducing new types of products and services as a means of further sales growth (implementing structural shifts);

Degree of concentration of indicators, dependence on main buyers;

Degree of product concentration and dependence on one industry (for multi-industry enterprises);

Degree of dependence on a relatively small number of leading sellers;

Degree of geographic diversification of markets.

2nd stage. In addition to sales analysis, the level and dynamics of product costs are studied, in particular, the ratio of indicators of the cost level and the level of gross profit.

3rd stage. Studying the composition and structure of the organization’s financial result.

The formation of separate groups of financial results in accordance with Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” of the financial statements can be presented in the form of a diagram.

In this case, it is important to check whether the proportions of the growth rates of profit indicators are observed. The basic model looks like this:

Tr Revenue< Тр Валовая прибыль < Тр Прибыль от продаж < Тр Налогооблагаемая прибыль < Тр Чистая прибыль

4th stage. Assessment of the final financial result of profit before tax.

Another significant area of ​​analysis is the assessment of the formation of profit before tax, which consists of:

Profit from sales;

Operating income and expenses;

Non-operating income and expenses.

The structure of the financial result is characterized by the ratio of the shares of individual components in the total amount of profit before tax.

The financial result deserves a positive assessment if a significant share of the profit is made up of sales profit and it tends to grow.

These two types of analysis - horizontal and structural - complement each other, and together with the analysis of sales and cost levels, they make it possible to identify the influence of the main groups of factors on the formation of the corresponding profit indicators.

The methodology for analyzing financial results involves taking into account such indicators as profit from product sales and profitability.

In the course of analyzing profit and profitability, they study the dynamics of changes in the volume of balance sheet and net profit, the level of profitability and the factors that determine them (the amount of gross income, the level of distribution costs, income from other types of activities, the amount of taxes, etc.).

The main components of profit are:

Trade turnover,

Distribution costs

Non-operating income and expenses.

Trade turnover is one of the main indicators of the economic and financial activities of commercial enterprises. There are retail and wholesale trade turnover. Wholesale trade turnover represents the sale of goods either for subsequent resale or for industrial consumption as raw materials, materials, components, etc. As a result of wholesale trade, goods do not leave the sphere of circulation. Retail turnover is the sale of goods to end consumers. At this point, the process of circulation of goods is completed, and it enters the sphere of consumption. The essence of retail trade turnover is expressed by economic relations associated with the exchange of cash Money population for purchased goods. At the same time, retail trade turnover may include: sales by bank transfer food products legal entities for social purposes (hospitals, sanatoriums, kindergartens, etc.); sale of goods to legal entities, but exclusively for cash payments using cash registers.

Distribution costs are the costs of living and embodied labor expressed in monetary terms to bring goods from the manufacturer to the consumer, transform the production range into a commercial one, organize the process of purchase and sale and consumption, and satisfy consumer demand. Distribution costs are taken into account at all stages of pricing, starting from production, when the cost of production includes distribution costs, and ending with retail sales, when the retail price reflects the costs of wholesale and retail trade.

Non-operating income and expenses are not related to the main activities of the enterprise. These include interest receivable and interest payable, rental income and rental of property, and other similar income and expenses.

The amount of profit and profitability is influenced by two groups of factors: internal and external (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 - Factors influencing profit

External factors are factors in the external environment of the enterprise. In most cases, it itself cannot influence them, and therefore is forced to adapt to them.

The group of external factors includes:

The level of development of the country's economy as a whole;

Measures to regulate the activities of enterprises by the state;

Natural (climatic) factors, transport and other conditions that cause additional costs for some enterprises and determine additional profits for others;

Changes in prices for raw materials, products, supplies, fuel, energy, purchased semi-finished products not provided for by the enterprise plan; tariffs for services and transportation; depreciation rates; rental rates; minimum wage and charges on it; rates of taxes and other fees paid by the enterprise;

Violation of state discipline by suppliers, financial, banking and other organizations on economic issues affecting the interests of the enterprise.

Internal factors are directly related to the results of the enterprise’s activities; they can mainly be influenced by the management of the enterprise itself, these include:

Business results,

The effectiveness of concluded transactions for the supply of goods,

Volume and structure of trade turnover,

Forms and systems of remuneration,

Labor productivity,

Efficiency of fixed and working assets,

Level of gross income and distribution costs,

Amount of other profit,

Violations of tax laws.

Profit analysis is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, an analysis is made of the dynamics of profit and profitability for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions by identifying trends in changes in the mass of profit and profitability for the period under study. For these purposes, the rates (basic and chain) of growth (decrease) of the analyzed indicators are calculated and compared with the dynamics of similar indicators of competitors and with the average annual rate of return on invested capital.

At the second stage, the influence of factors on profit and profitability is assessed.

Profit from the sale of products for the enterprise as a whole depends on four factors of the first level of subordination:

Product sales volume (VRP);

Its structures (UDi);

Cost (Ci);

Level of average selling prices (CI).

The volume of product sales can have a positive and bad influence by the amount of profit. Increasing sales of profitable products leads to a proportional increase in profits. If the product is unprofitable, then with an increase in sales volume, the amount of profit decreases.

The structure of commercial products can have both a positive and negative impact on the amount of profit. If the share of more profitable types of products in the total volume of their sales increases, then the amount of profit will increase, and, conversely, with an increase in the proportion of low-profit or unprofitable products, the total amount of profit will decrease.

Product cost and profit are in reverse proportional dependence: a reduction in cost leads to a corresponding increase in the amount of profit and vice versa.

To determine the degree of influence of the considered factors on the level of profit and profitability, various mathematical and statistical methods are used.

To determine the development trend of an indicator, the finite difference method, the method of enlarging intervals, the moving average method, and the least squares method are used. The finite difference method is based on the fact that the degree of the equation describing the development trend of an indicator is determined by finding the differences between the indicators. The method of enlarging intervals is that the series levels are combined into a larger time interval (days into weeks, months into quarters, etc.). The moving average method is the assignment of a value to the level of a series equal to the arithmetic average of the previous, current and subsequent values ​​of the indicator. The least squares method most accurately determines the development trends of the indicator, but is also the most labor-intensive. It consists in determining a function that describes the trend line, the square of the distance from which to the actual values ​​of the indicator is the smallest.

The degree of influence of factors is determined using a statistical method such as the method of chain substitutions. The disadvantage of this method is that the order of factor selection affects the result of the analysis; the advantage is the simplicity of calculations and the ability to determine the degree of influence with minimal time.

Profit from sales (profit from sales) is the most important element accounting profit. The object of factor analysis is the deviation of the actual profit from sales from the profit of the previous year, or provided for by the business plan.

The main factors influencing the amount of profit from sales are:

Quantity of products sold;

Cost of products sold;

Business expenses;

Administrative expenses;

Sales prices for sold products;

Structural shifts in the composition of implementation.

Moreover, profit from product sales is directly dependent on the quantity of products sold and the price level. The more products an enterprise sells, the more profit the enterprise makes when operating profitably, and accordingly, the higher the sales price, the higher the profit.

At the same time, profit from sales is inversely related to the cost of products sold, commercial and administrative expenses. Reducing the amount of the above groups of expenses represents the main factors for increasing profits.

The influence of such factors as structural changes in the composition of sales is due to the fact that certain types of goods, products, works and services have different levels of profitability. Any change in their ratio in total sales can contribute to an increase in sales and profits or cause them to decrease.

To find the value of cost factors, you should compare the cost of goods sold, administrative and selling expenses for the reporting period and according to the report, recalculated based on the prices and costs of the previous year, that is, find the difference between the indicated indicators. The sum of cost factors determines the overall impact on sales profit.

The effect of price on profit can be defined as the difference between sales revenue without indirect taxes of the reporting period and reported revenue, recalculated at prices and costs of the previous year. A positive result indicates that this factor has a positive impact on profit from product sales.

To identify the impact of changes in the quantity of products sold on profit, it is necessary to determine the relative change in sales volume at prices of the previous year. To do this, use the following formula:

П q =(У q -1)*П pr, (1.2)

where P q is the relative change in sales volume at prices of the previous year;

Y q is the index of the factor of change in the quantity of products sold, defined as the ratio of revenue from the sale of goods, works and services according to the report, recalculated at prices and costs of the previous year to revenue for the reporting period;

P pr - profit (loss) from sales of the previous year.

The impact on profit of shifts in the structure of sold products can be calculated different ways. The most common among them are the balance method and the method of sequential isolation of factors.

The balance sheet calculation method is based on the identity between the total deviation of the reported profit from the profit of the previous period and the sum of the values ​​of the previous five factors. Hence, the profit deviation caused by a change in the structure of the range of products sold will be equal to the difference between the total deviation and the sum of the values ​​of all other factors.

The method of sequentially isolating factors when determining the impact of structural changes is based, first of all, on identifying profit deviations due to the following factors:

Quantities of products sold;

Implementation structures.

The analysis of profit from sales is completed by identifying the causes of negative factors in order to take them into account in subsequent work.

The effectiveness and economic feasibility of the operation of an enterprise are assessed not only by absolute, but also by relative indicators. The latter, in particular, includes a system of profitability indicators.

In the broadest sense of the word, the concept of profitability means profitability, profitability. An enterprise is considered profitable if income from the sale of products (works, services) covers the costs of production (circulation) and, in addition, forms an amount of profit sufficient for the normal functioning of the enterprise.

Economic essence profitability can only be revealed through the characteristics of the indicator system. Their general meaning is to determine the amount of profit from one ruble of invested capital.

Profitability indicators characterize the profitability of a company's activities and are calculated as the ratio of the balance sheet or net profit received to the funds spent or the volume of products sold. There are profitability of production, sales, total assets, non-current assets, current assets, own working capital, equity.

To calculate these indicators, the following formulas are used:

R p =*100%, (1.3)

where R p is production profitability,

BP - accounting profit before tax,

Average cost of fixed assets for the billing period,

Average cost of inventories.

Profitability of production reflects the amount of accounting profit per each ruble of the enterprise's production resources.

P sales =*100%, (1.4)

VR - revenue from sales of products, goods, works, services without indirect taxes.

This indicator shows how much accounting profit is accounted for per ruble of sales volume.

R A =*100%, (1.5)

where R A is the return on total assets,

The average value of total assets for the analyzed period.

This indicator reflects the amount of profit per ruble of total assets.

P BOA =*100%, (1.6)

where R BOA is the profitability of non-current assets,

Average value of non-current assets for the analyzed period.

Return on non-current assets reflects the amount of accounting profit per each ruble of non-current assets.

P OA =*100%, (1.7)

where ROA - current assets,

Average value of current assets for the analyzed period.

This indicator shows the amount of accounting profit per 1 ruble of current assets.


Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of Statistics, Marketing and Accounting


specialty 080109.65 "Accounting, analysis and audit"

"Analysis of the financial results of an enterprise (using the example of Forward-Stroy LLC)"

Graduate Znachkova E.G. BU-501_113

Scientific supervisor prof. Rusin N.M.

Moscow 2013


3.3 Proposals to strengthen the financial position and increase the organization’s performance




The topic of the thesis is relevant, since in conditions of market relations the goal of any commercial enterprise is to make a profit, to increase the material interest of business participants in the results of financial and economic activities. Maximizing profits in this regard is the primary objective of the enterprise. The amount of profit in production activities is influenced by subjective and objective factors that do not depend on the activities of the business entity.

Profit allows the enterprise to self-finance, satisfy the material and social needs of the owner of the capital and the employees of the enterprise. Therefore, one of the main components of the economic analysis of an enterprise is the analysis of profit generation. Profit is part of the net income created in the production process and realized in the sphere of circulation. Only after the sale of products does income turn into profit. Quantitatively, it represents the difference between revenue (after payment of value added tax, excise tax and other deductions from revenue to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds) and the full cost of products sold.

Purpose of the thesisis to assess the level of financial results of a commercial organization over time and identify opportunities for further improvement of the financial situation.

In achieving the goal of the work, the following tasks were solved:

establishing the content of the concept “financial results of a commercial organization and a system of indicators characterizing it”;

the characteristics of the Forward-Stroy society in dynamics are given;

an assessment was made of the dynamics of the formation of absolute indicators of the financial results of the company;

financial result absolute indicator

the dynamics of relative indicators of the company's performance were analyzed;

Possible directions for further development of the business and improvement of its financial position have been identified.

The object of the thesisis the financial and economic activity of the Limited Liability Company "Forward-Stroy".

Subject of workis an analysis of the financial results and profitability of the activities of the Limited Liability Company "Forward-Stroy".

Methodological basis of the studyis: a generalization of methodological provisions that reveal the essence of financial results, the use of comparison methods, financial ratios, relative and average values, as well as a graphical method of presenting research results.

Research information base: regulatory documents on accounting and analysis, textbooks, teaching aids containing methods of financial analysis, such authors as: Anushchenkova K.A., Anushchenkova V.Yu., Berdnikova T.B., Kreinina M.N., Plaskova N.S., Savitskaya G.V. etc., accounting (financial reporting) data, accounting registers and primary accounting documents of Forward-Stroy LLC were used.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of analyzing the financial results of an enterprise

1.1 The essence of the financial results of the enterprise

A necessary condition for the activity of an enterprise is financial results. It completes the cycles of the enterprise’s activities associated with the production and sale of products (work performed, services provided). The high level of financial performance of the enterprise ensures the strengthening of the state budget through tax exemptions, contributes to the growth of its investment attractiveness, business activity in the production and financial spheres. Hence, the determination of the economic content of the financial result of an enterprise, the study of its types, the disclosure of analysis tasks, the formation of analysis methods occupy a central place in financial and economic analysis.

For any enterprise, obtaining a financial result implies recognition by society (the market) of the usefulness of its activities or receipt of revenue from the sale of a product produced by the enterprise in the form of products, works or services. Then the final financial result for the enterprise will be the balance of revenue from sales and expenses incurred by it to obtain it.

For the state, the final financial result of the activity of a commercial enterprise will be the tax contained in its composition.

For the owner, the investor, the final financial result represents the part of the profit after tax distributed in his favor. The resulting profit after taxation and payment of dividends to owners and interest to creditors is the net final financial result of the enterprise for its production and social development.

Not at all life situations The entrepreneur is only interested in the final, final result of the activity - profit. Management's attention is constantly focused on the process of forming the final components of profit: the amounts of funds received and expenses. Moreover, a business always has a presence that, with an increase in production volumes, focuses the business not only on efficiency, but also on preserving and increasing jobs and improving the well-being of workers. New jobs are intended to create a larger mass of added value, which includes profit; at the same time, an increase in the number of employees is associated with additional costs for wages and improved working conditions, which ultimately will quite possibly lead to an increase in labor productivity.

Thus, it is not enough to consider only profit (loss) over time when analyzing financial results. It is important to get an idea of ​​the reasons for the final result. Moreover great importance For a business, it is not only the mass of income and profits received, but also the efficiency with which the funds invested in production were used. This means that, as part of the characteristics of the obtained financial results, there is reason to consider relative indicators: capital productivity, return on operating expenses, return on turnover and final return on total equity capital.

All of the above gives reason to consider in this work financial results not in a narrow accounting and economic, but in a broader comprehensive aspect.

The concepts of “financial results” and “profit” are used in accounting, tax accounting, financial management, and financial and economic analysis.

Profit - an economic category that expresses certain production and economic relations regarding the formation and use of the total national product, value and surplus value (surplus product).

In real economic life, profit can take the form of cash, wealth, resources and benefits. Most of the enterprise's savings are realized in the form of profit.

In terms of economic content, profit is the monetary expression of part of the value of the surplus product.

Reproductive function characterizes profit as one of the sources of financing expanded production.

Stimulating function represents profit as a source of formation of incentive funds and social development of the enterprise team.

In control function profit is expressed as one of the main indicators of business performance.

In domestic practice, the following types of profit are distinguished:

gross profit;

revenue from sales;

profit before tax;

net profit.

Gross profit - this is the difference between the net proceeds from the sale (excluding VAT, excise taxes, sales tax) of products (works, services) and the cost of these sales without semi-fixed management expenses and sales costs (commercial expenses).

Revenue from salesrepresents the result from the sale of products, defined as the difference between net proceeds from the sale (excluding VAT, excise taxes, sales tax) of products (works, services) and full cost sales, including administrative and commercial expenses.

Profit (loss) before taxis, in essence, profit (loss) from ordinary activities, since tax and other similar payments are an instrument for the state to withdraw part of the profit received by the organization, as a result of which net profit is formed.

Net profitis formed in accordance with Accounting Regulations 4/99, in the income statement, and in its content corresponds to retained earnings.

The profit and loss statement is considered a carrier of data on the degree of success of the company and provides interested users not only with cost indicators of profit or loss, but also reveals the structure of the result, which allows the calculation of relative indicators such as sales profitability, product profitability, operating profitability, etc.

Currently in Russia, in accordance with PBU 9/99, the concept of sales revenue is used. The moment of realization (sale) of products (works, services) is confirmed by the right of transfer of ownership from one owner to another.

The transfer of this right is carried out in accordance with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, exchange. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that revenue from the sale of products for tax purposes is determined either by the accrual method and presentation of settlement documents to the customer, or by the payment method.

The method for determining revenue is established by the enterprise independently and is fixed by an order on accounting policies. Sales revenue is the basis for generating the enterprise’s profit (see Fig. 1).

Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services ?VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments ?Cost of goods, products, works, services sold ?Gross profit ?Business expenses ?Administrative expenses ?Profit (loss) from sales ± Other income (+), other expenses (-) ?Profit (loss) before tax ?Current income tax ?Net profit for the reporting year Fig.1. Scheme of formation of net profit of the enterprise

Also, in the course of its activities, the organization incurs other expenses. The balance of other income and expenses increases or decreases profit from sales and forms profit before taxes. Once income taxes are paid, they can, in turn, be adjusted by deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets. Net profit characterizes the real increase in the organization's equity capital.

The financial result from economic activities is reflected in the Profit and Loss Statement in two indicators: gross profit and sales profit. If gross profit is calculated as the difference between sales revenue and cost of goods sold, then profit from sales is formed as the difference between sales revenue and total cost of goods sold, which includes cost of goods sold, selling and administrative expenses.

The distribution of enterprise profits is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, profit before tax is distributed to income tax and other payments (fines and penalties for violations of the requirements of the fiscal system) from profit to budgets of various levels (federal, regional and local). Before taxation, it is necessary to differentiate total income between income from ordinary activities taxed at the standard income tax rate and other income taxed at other rates, or the tax on them is withheld at source. Then the profit before tax is adjusted to the amount of the adjustment to the taxable profit. After this, income tax is calculated.

In accordance with Article 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the income tax rate is set at 20%.

At the second stage, net profit is distributed by the owners of the enterprise. The amount of net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is influenced by the amount of profit before tax, the amount of adjustments to profit before tax to calculate the tax base for calculating profit tax, the profit tax rate, and other similar payments from profit to the budget.

It is difficult to judge the level of profitability of an enterprise based on the absolute amount of profit. Therefore, along with absolute profit indicators, relative profitability indicators (profitability level) are used.

Profitability characterizes economic efficiency, defined as the ratio of profit to one of the indicators of enterprise functioning.

Profitability indicators are the main characteristics of the efficiency of an enterprise. Economic content profitability indicators comes down to the profitability of the enterprise. In the process of profitability analysis, the level of indicators and their dynamics are examined, and a system of factors influencing their change is determined.

The variety of profitability indicators determines the alternativeness of searching for ways to increase it, as a result of which the efficiency of the enterprise will also increase. One of the most important indicators is the economic return on assets (Ra) and return on equity (Rck).

Return on assets (Ra) -a relative indicator of operational efficiency, the quotient of dividing the net profit received for the period by the total assets of the organization for the period. Shows the ability of a company's assets to generate profit.

Return on assets (Ra) is a kind of indicator of the profitability and efficiency of the company, cleared of the influence of the volume of borrowed funds. It is used to compare enterprises in the same industry; it shows how much profit there is for each ruble invested in the organization’s property and is calculated as the ratio of profit for the period to average assets for the period.

Profitability equity (Rsk) -a relative indicator of operational efficiency, the quotient of dividing the net profit received for the period by the organization’s equity capital. Shows the return on shareholders' investment in terms of accounting profit and is calculated as the ratio of net profit to shareholders' equity as a percentage.

In addition, there are also such profitability indicators as profitability of sales, profitability of production, profitability of fixed assets and others.

Return on sales (Rpr) -profitability ratio, which shows the share of profit in each ruble earned. It is usually calculated as the ratio of net profit (profit after tax) for a certain period to the sales volume expressed in cash for the same period.

Return on sales is an indicator of a company's pricing policy and its ability to control costs. Differences in competitive strategies and product lines cause significant variation in return on sales in various companies. Often used to evaluate the operating efficiency of companies.

Profitability of productionis calculated as the ratio of profit from sales to the amount of costs for production and sales of products. The coefficient shows how many rubles of profit the enterprise has from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products. This indicator can be calculated both for the enterprise as a whole and for its individual divisions or types of products.

Return on fixed assets- the ratio of (net) profit to the value of fixed assets.

Return on fixed assets or capital return shows the share of profit per ruble cost of fixed assets.

1.2 Information and legal basis for analyzing financial results and profitability of an enterprise

Information support for analysis and decision-making on managing the financial results of an enterprise is formed through external and internal sources of information.

External sources of information include:

Indicators characterizing the general economic development of the country. The system of information indicators of this group serves as the basis for analyzing and forecasting the conditions of the external environment of the enterprise. This is necessary when developing a comprehensive profit management policy, carrying out investment activities, identifying reserves for profit growth, focusing on the achieved level of industry average indicators.

This group of indicators includes such as national income, net income, industry average profit rates, average bank interest rates, income tax rates, inflation data, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

Indicators characterizing market conditions. The system of indicators of this group is necessary for assessing, analyzing and making decisions in the field of pricing policy and operating income, attracting capital from external sources, determining the costs of servicing additionally attracted capital, forming a portfolio of long-term financial investments, and making short-term financial investments.

These indicators include sales volumes, free market niches, price and income elasticity, loan interest depending on the amount and terms of provision;

Indicators characterizing the activities of competitors and counterparties. The system of information indicators of this group is used to carry out operational analysis of the regulation of certain aspects of the formation and use of profit.

These include prices for raw materials, components, supplies, competitors’ products, substitute goods, and the profitability of the business activities of competitors and counterparties.

Internal sources of information include:

Indicators of financial accounting of an enterprise. Among these indicators, the following can be noted: the amount of annual gross profit, sales profit, profit before tax, net profit. Based on these indicators, general analysis, forecasting and current profit planning are carried out.

The source of such information is financial reporting data. The advantage of financial reporting indicators is their unification, which allows the use of standard analysis techniques and algorithms for financial calculations on individual issues of the formation and use of profit. This information ensures a high degree of reliability and regularity of information, as well as comparability with indicators of other enterprises. The disadvantages of financial reporting are the generalization of information for the enterprise as a whole and its expression only in monetary terms.

The main document on the basis of which an analysis of the financial results and profitability of an enterprise is made is the Profit and Loss Statement.

The profit and loss statement characterizes the financial results of the organization for the reporting period.

The profit and loss statement shows the results of the organization's activities for the reporting period (year, quarter, month) and how it received profits and losses, i.e. by comparing income and expenses. The most simplified income statement might contain information only about revenues, costs and results (profit and loss).

As a rule, an organization needs more detailed information about the income received, expenses and profits, not only because it can carry out several types of activities and have a wide range of expenses, but also because it is necessary to understand and analyze at what stages of production, financial or other activities, certain results appear. The income statement, together with the balance sheet, is an important source of information for a comprehensive analysis of profit generation. The grouping of his articles may assist in this step-by-step analysis.

Management accounting indicators. This type of accounting is developing in connection with the transition to accounting standards generally accepted in international practice. It is a system for recording all the necessary indicators that form the information base for operational management decisions.

Management accounting includes not only cost, but also natural indicators. Management accounting can be structured in any aspect:

a) by responsibility centers (cost, income, profit, investment centers);

b) by type of activity (current, investment, financial);

c) by type of product (by group nomenclature or individual types);

d) by type of resources (material, intangible, labor, financial);

e) by region of activity (if the enterprise is characterized by regional diversification of activities), etc.

In the process of building the system information support analysis and profit management in management accounting, indicators are formed that reflect the volume of activity, the amount and composition of costs, the amount and composition of income received;

Standard and reference indicators. The basis of this system of indicators is made up of various norms and standards developed within the enterprise itself - headcount standards, time standards, service standards, specific consumption standards for raw materials and supplies, etc. This system of indicators is supplemented by various reference and normative indicators that apply in general in the country or in the industry: depreciation rates, rates of profit deductions to the reserve fund, tax rates, tax payment deadlines, interest on loans, etc.

The use of all indicators of interest, generated from external and internal sources, allows us to create a targeted information support system at each enterprise, focused not only on making strategic decisions, but also on effective current and operational management of profit generation, taking into account all factors affecting the amount of profit .

Let's look in more detail at legislative framework analysis of financial results and profitability of the enterprise. Its basis is, first of all, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which contains requirements for the definition of income and expenses, their classification, the procedure for recognition and assessment.

At present efficient organization and accounting are impossible without interconnection with accounting for tax purposes. In the current situation, one of the directions for improving the domestic theory of accounting is the study of the differences between accounting and accounting for tax purposes, identifying ways of their possible integration.

Consideration of the relationship between tax and accounting is an urgent problem. Tax accounting is evolving from an integral part of accounting into an independent system with its own principles. Accordingly, there may be a significant difference between the indicator of profit before tax in the income statement and the indicator of the taxable base for income tax, and it is the identification of the reasons for these deviations that is of particular importance for the analysis of financial results.

There are currently two accounting models:

The parallel existence of accounting and tax accounting systems as two separate, independent types of accounting activities.

A unified accounting system, within which the information necessary to correctly determine the amount of tax liabilities, including income tax, is collected, grouped and summarized. Such an accounting system may provide for additional accounting procedures as part of maintaining analytical accounting of business transactions to reliably determine the tax base.

Thus, accounting data reflect the real results of the financial activities of the enterprise, and adjustments are determined solely by the fiscal orientation of the rules of tax legislation.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting”, accounting is an orderly system for collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the property, obligations of organizations and their movement through continuous, continuous and documentary accounting all business transactions. According to the Law, the objects of accounting are: facts of economic life; assets; obligations; sources of financing its activities; income; expenses; other objects if this is established by federal standards. From this we can conclude that the object of accounting is also the financial results of organizations and their obligations to the budget.

Let's compare the definition of accounting and its tasks with the definitions given in Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: “Tax accounting is a system of summarizing information for determining the tax base for a tax based on data from primary documents, grouped in accordance with the procedure provided for by this Code.

Tax accounting is carried out in order to generate complete and reliable information on the accounting procedure for tax purposes of business transactions carried out by the taxpayer during the reporting (tax) period, as well as to provide information to internal and external users to monitor the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of calculation and payment in tax budget."

The above comparison of the concepts of tax and accounting will not be complete without mentioning one more normative act relating to both of them. On December 31, 2002, PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations” was registered, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n. The content of this PBU is very significant for accounting practice, since it represents an attempt to formulate the rules for maintaining accounting records of business transactions with a focus on the norms of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

PBU 18/02 introduces many completely new, unfamiliar and unusual concepts and categories for the practicing accountant. These include: “tax on accounting profit (loss)”, “tax on taxable profit”, “permanent differences”, “temporary differences”, “permanent tax liabilities”, “deferred income tax”, “deductible temporary differences”, “taxable temporary differences”, “deferred tax assets”, “deferred tax liabilities”.

Setting enough complex rules accounting for facts of economic life related to income tax calculations, PBU 18/02 does not cancel the norms of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And, therefore, instead of two accounting, accounting and tax, with the help of PBU 18/02 we already get three accounting: accounting, tax and accounting-tax - a kind of synthesis of the first and second, designed in accordance with International Accounting Standards to make the financial statements of the organization information presented in it is clearer and more open to users.

Also very important and requiring special attention is PBU 4/99 “Accounting statements of an organization.” Section I "General Provisions" indicates the purpose and scope of application of this PBU, establishes the composition, content and methodological basis of the accounting statements of organizations that are legal entities of the Russian Federation, except for credit and budgetary organizations. The provision does not apply when preparing reports for internal purposes, state statistical observation, reporting for credit institutions and for other special purposes.

The following requirements for financial statements are also set out: reliability and completeness, neutrality, integrity, consistency, comparability, compliance with the reporting period, correctness of execution.

The requirement of reliability and completeness means that financial statements must provide a reliable and complete picture of the property and financial position of the organization, as well as the financial results of its activities. At the same time, financial statements generated and compiled on the basis of the rules established by the regulations of the system of regulatory regulation of accounting in the Russian Federation are considered reliable and complete. Russian Federation.

The requirement of neutrality means that when preparing financial statements, the neutrality of information must be ensured, i.e. unilateral satisfaction of the interests of some groups of users of financial statements over others is excluded.

The requirement of integrity necessitates the inclusion in the financial statements of data on all business transactions carried out both by the organization as a whole and by its branches, representative offices and other divisions, including those allocated to separate balance sheets.

The requirement of consistency is based on the need to maintain consistency in the content and forms of the balance sheet, profit and loss account and explanations thereof from one reporting year to another.

The requirement to comply with the reporting period means that the reporting year in Russia is the period from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, i.e. the reporting year coincides with the calendar year. For the preparation of financial statements, the reporting date is considered to be the last calendar day of the reporting period (December 31 for the annual financial statements and other last days of the month for periodic financial statements, for example for reporting for January-February in leap years- February 29).

The requirement for correct execution is associated with compliance with the formal principles of reporting: its preparation in Russian, in the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles), signing by the head of the organization and the specialist in charge of accounting (chief accountant), etc.

Accounting Regulations "Income of the Organization" PBU 9/99<#"center">1.3 Methods for analyzing financial results and profitability of an enterprise

Analysis of financial results of business activities and profitability is one of the ways to assess the investment attractiveness of an organization and determine how promising the business is.

To analyze financial results, organizations use data from the Profit and Loss Statement and methods of analyzing balance sheets: horizontal, vertical, factor.

To obtain objective results of an organization’s activities, it is necessary to conduct an analysis in the following sequence:

analysis of the dynamics of absolute indicators for ordinary activities;

analysis of efficiency for ordinary activities;

analysis of the dynamics of financial and economic performance indicators

planning financial results based on taking into account the results of analysis and activity plans.

In an enterprise, profit is generated as a result of sales of products. Its value is determined by the difference between the income received from the sale of products and the costs of its production and sale. The total amount of profit received depends, on the one hand, on the volume of sales and the level of prices set for products, and on the other hand, on the extent to which the level of production costs corresponds to socially necessary costs.

At the same time, profit at an enterprise depends not only on the sale of products, but also on other types of activities that either increase or decrease it. Therefore, in theory and in practice, the so-called “balance sheet profit” is distinguished. Its name speaks for itself. It consists of profit from sales of products (revenue from sales of products without indirect taxes minus costs of production and sales of products) plus non-operating income (income from securities, from equity participation in the activities of other enterprises, from leasing property, etc. ) minus non-operating expenses (costs for production that did not produce products, for the maintenance of mothballed production facilities, losses from writing off debts, etc.).

In addition, gross profit is distinguished, which represents balance sheet profit minus or plus the financial result from transactions with fixed assets, intangible assets and other property. Thus, book profit (Pb) can be determined by the formula:

Pb = + Pr + Pi + Pv. o., (1)

where Pr is profit (loss) from sales of products, performance of work and provision of services,

Pi - profit (loss) from the sale of enterprise property,

Pv. O. - income (losses) from non-operating operations.

As a rule, the main element of balance sheet profit is profit from the sale of products, performance of work or provision of services.

Profit from product sales depends on internal and external factors. Internal factors include: acceleration of scientific and technical progress, level of management, competence of management and managers, competitiveness of products, level of organization of production and labor, etc. External factors that do not depend on the activities of the enterprise include: market conditions, price level for consumed material and technical resources, depreciation rates, tax system, etc.

Internal factors affect profits through an increase in production volume, improvement in product quality, increase in selling prices and reduction in production and sales costs. The amount of profit from the sale of a specific type of product is determined by the formula:

Pr = Vi * (Ci - Ci), (2)

where CI is the selling price of a unit of i-th product,

Сi is the cost per unit of the i-th product, is the sales volume of the i-th product.

Also, profit from the sale of products and services depends on 4 factors.

P = VPPtotal * UDi * (Ci - Ci) (3)

where Total is the total volume of products sold in physical terms;

P - profit;

UDi - the share of the i type of product in the total volume;

Ci is the price of the i type of product; - the cost of the i type of product.

The profit of the reporting period reflects the overall financial result of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, taking into account all its aspects.

Changes in profit from product sales are formed under the influence of the following factors:

changes in sales volume;

changes in the implementation structure;

changes in selling prices for sold products;

changes in prices for raw materials, supplies, fuel, energy and transportation tariffs;

changes in the level of costs of material and labor resources.

The significance of financial performance results can also be assessed by profitability indicators.

To calculate profitability indicators, experts recommend using the following formulas:

Return on sales based on gross profit.

Return on Sales by Gross Profit = Gross Profit / Total Revenue. (4),

where Gross profit is the difference between sales revenue and cost of sales.

Formula for calculating gross profit ratio:

Gross profit ratio = (Gross profit / turnover (revenue)) * 100 (5)

Return on sales by profit before tax (%).

Return on sales by profit before tax = Profit before tax/Revenue (Line 2300/Line 2110) *100% (6)

Return on sales based on net profit.

Return on sales by net profit = Net profit / Revenue (7)

Profitability of production.

Production profitability is defined as the ratio of gross profit to production cost.

Interest coverage ratio.

Interest coverage ratio = Earnings before interest and taxes (accounting profit) / Interest payable (8)

Return on equity (ROE).

Net profit * 2/Equity at the beginning of the year + Equity at the end of the year. (9)

Own capital = Authorized capital (1310) + Retained earnings (1370) + Additional capital (1350) + Reserve capital (1360)

Return on assets (ROA).

= ((Net profit + % payments) * (1 - tax rate)) / Enterprise assets * 100% (10)

Return on capital invested (ROCE)= Net profit/Equity+Additional capital (11)

Profitability of production assets.

Return on production assets = Profit from sales * 2/NA0 + NA1 + OS0 + OS1 + Z0 + Z1 (12)

where NA0 is intangible assets at the beginning of the year;

NA1 - intangible assets at the end of the year;

OS0 - fixed assets at the beginning of the year;

OS1 - fixed assets at the end of the year;

Z0 - inventories and costs at the beginning of the year;

Z1 - inventories and costs at the end of the year.

Capital productivity ratio.

Capital productivity ratio = Revenue / (OS0 + OS1): 2 (13)

The level of profitability of sales, calculated for the enterprise as a whole, depends on three main factors of the first order: changes in the structure of sold products (works, services), their cost and average selling prices. The factor model of this indicator has the form:

where Rpr is the profit from the sale of products (works, services); RPtotal is the total volume of products sold (works, services);

UDtotal - the share of the i-th type of product (work, service) in the total volume;

Ci is the selling price of the i-th type of product (work, service);

Ci is the cost of the i-th type of product (work, service);

BP - revenue from the sale of products (work, services) excluding VAT, excise taxes and other similar payments.

At the next stage of the analysis, it is determined which type of product (work, service) at the enterprise is more profitable. To do this, a factor analysis of the profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) is carried out for each type of product (work, service). The factor model of this indicator has the form:

= (15)

In this case, the level of profitability depends on two factors: the cost of a unit of production (work, service) and average selling prices.

Since these two factors are included in the profit from sales of products, it is necessary to modify this formula:


The complex influence of prices, production costs, physical volume of products (work, services), and the structure of its assortment is assessed using the gross profit ratio. In a trade organization, a simplified calculation of the coefficient (K VP ) can be done as follows:

TO VP = Sales volume at selling prices - Sales volume at purchase prices (17)

Its decrease means a decrease in the ability to cover distribution costs, and accordingly the profit from sales decreases. The coefficients calculated for individual types of goods characterize the level of profitability in the context of assortment groups of goods (works, services).

Using methods of economic-mathematical modeling and factor analysis, it is possible to assess the influence of factors of the gross profit ratio and sales volume (H) on the increase (decrease) in gross profit ( ?VP) by next model:

due to changes in the VP coefficient

VP= (18)

due to changes in sales volume

VP= (H1-H0) * (19)

Thus, we can say that the estimated indicator of the production and economic activity of a business entity is the profitability of sales. It reflects the level of demand for products, works and services, how correctly the business entity has determined product range and product strategy. This means that it is important to monitor the level of profitability to constantly monitor the level of success of production and economic activities.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the financial position of the organization

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Forward-Stroy LLC

The location of the Company is determined by the address of the permanent executive body of the Company (General Director) - Russian Federation, 109029, Moscow, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 32, building 3.

The main activities of Forward-Stroy LLC are:

construction of buildings and structures;

production of civil works;

provision of other services.

The goal of Forward-Stroy LLC is to produce these works and services and satisfy the existing demand for them in the market of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as a number of other regions, and make a profit in the process of this activity. Forward-Stroy LLC has created an authorized capital of 20,408 rubles. The property of a limited liability company is formed from the contributions of participants, and belongs to its participants on the basis of shared ownership. The number of participants in Forward-Stroy LLC is two individuals. Supreme body The management of Forward-Stroy LLC is a meeting of participants. His competence includes issues of determining the main directions of business activity, consideration and approval of estimates, reports and balances, etc. Executive body LLC "Forward-Stroy" is the General Director. His competence includes the development and implementation of goals, policies and strategies for achieving them, as well as the organization and management of the current activities of the company, property management, hiring and dismissal of personnel.

Rice. 2. Structure of departments of Forward-Stroy LLC

Figure 2 shows the organizational structure of the enterprise.

Table 1 presents quantitative characteristics of personnel for 2011 and 2012.

Table 1

Quantitative characteristics of personnel for 2011 and 2012

Changes in the number of personnel occur due to the hiring and dismissal of workers. Based on data on the availability and movement of personnel, in general and by categories and groups of personnel, a balance of personnel movement is built. According to Table 1, we can conclude that during the period under study the number of management personnel did not change. The enterprise has created an effective management scheme, which requires not a quantitative change, but a qualitative one. And the number of specialists increases slightly every year. During the study period, the number of specialists increased by 8 people. This is due to the fact that when the volume of work increases, the majority of specialists are not able to cope with it.

In the course of analyzing the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel, we will carry out comparative analysis changes in the total number of personnel and the number of dismissed workers over the past two years.

From Table 2 we can conclude that the main layoffs in the organization over the past two years occurred due to incompetence of personnel, which indicates that the enterprise requires a high level of qualifications from its employees and, accordingly, is ready to set a high level of wages.

table 2

Changes in the total number of personnel for 2011-2012

Indicators 2011 2012 Deviation +/- Growth rate, % Number of employees at the beginning of the year, people. 2729+ 2107.4 Hired, persons. 510+ 5200.0 Dismissed from work, persons. 32-166.6 Including for reasons: Retirement ----Dismissals at one's own request 10-10.0 Dismissals at the initiative of the administration 220100.0 Number of employees at the end of the year 2937+ 8127.6

Currently, the organization is engaged in construction, installation and finishing work at Domodedovo International Airport. The building of the Airport Terminal Complex is being expanded in the direction of international and domestic flights, with the façade of the building being removed from the side of the station area, the adjoining zones and superstructures of the 2nd and 3rd floors G1, the 3rd floor G2 are being expanded.

Table 3

Works performed by Forward-Stroy LLC from 2008 to present. V.

Name of object Types of work (services) performed Date Cost of work performed, million rubles. Construction of the residential complex "DybenkoMonolit (25%) 40-storey building, with a 2-level underground parking lot 06/2008 2,989,563 Construction of the residential complex "Petrozavodskaya" Installation of heating systems, plumbing work, masonry 02/2008 4,659,237 Moscow, Rubtsovskaya embankment building 3, building 1. Repair of premises, electrical installation work, 01.2009 13 333 166 "Production (plant) of sodium hypochlorite" Monolithic and waterproofing work 01.2010 10 895 226 Izmailovsky PKiOV Restoration of the balustrade fencing of the Round Pond. Capital repair of the building of the radio center of the State Administration of Culture of Moscow. 5.2011 8 057 906 Branch of the automation and communications service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans". Restoration of asphalt concrete pavement, supply of equipment, installation and commissioning of equipment for the modernization of thermal curtains, supply of technological equipment 2.2011 14 174 696 Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, building 87. Complex of overhaul works 09.2011 100,000,000 Moscow city, Leningradsky station, Kazansky railway station. Dismantling and subsequent installation of paving for laying cables on the station area of ​​the Leningradsky railway station. Installation of paving for cable laying on the station area of ​​the Kazansky railway station in Moscow. 9.2012 3 116 355 Preobrazhenskoye District, Eastern Administrative District, Moscow Improvement and formation of the facility: Cherkizovsky recreational natural-historical complex (IV stage). 4.2012 19,058,010

2.2 Characteristics of property and sources of its formation in society over time

For a more complete picture of the situation in the organization, below is a horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet for 2011 and 2012

Having analyzed the data in Table 4, you can see that in Forward-Stroy LLC in 2011, inventories increased sharply from 240 thousand rubles. up to 6438 thousand rubles, that is, more than 25.8 times. Accounts payable also increased sharply from 1,710 thousand rubles. up to 9789 thousand rubles. (more than 4.7 times). At the same time, loans and credits decreased by 70.89% (from 592 thousand rubles to 154 thousand rubles), which is undoubtedly favorable for the organization.

The increase in current accounts payable in sources of financing allows management to increase the volume of inventories and free cash in accounts by the end of 2012 to 4.2 million rubles, which is significant more amounts at the beginning of 2011 and 2012 A significant source of financing the company's activities by the end of 2012 was retained earnings, which increased to 1,096 thousand rubles.

Table 4

Horizontal analysis balance sheet of Forward-Stroy LLC for 2011 and 2012, thousand rubles.

Assets As of 01/01/2011 As of 12/31/2011 As of 12/31/2012 Deviation for 2011 Deviation for 2012 absolute Growth rate, in % absolute Growth rate, in % 12345678НМА00100-10-ОС264167595-97-36, 74428256, 29ОNA03550355--355-100Total for section 126452260525897.738315.9Inventories 2406438751061982582.5107216.65VAT0444-00Debit. debt 182012953770-525-28.852475191.11 Short-term. Finnish investment 0218014702180--710-32.57Den. funds 32294246-3-9.37421714541.4Total for section 220929946170007854375.43705470.93Balance 235610468176058112334.31713768.18UK 1010200010100Undistributed. profit 10716110965450.47935580.74 Total for section 3 11717111165446.15945552.63 Loans and credits 02832-814.05 ONO 03520352--352-100 Total for section 4 035483354--27176 .55Loans and credits52915421-375-70.89-133-86.36Credit. debt 17109789163858076472.28659667.38 Total for section 5 22399943164067704334.08646365 Balance 235610468176058112334.31713768.18

Table 4 shows that at the beginning of 2011, the largest share of the organization’s current assets was current accounts receivable, the amount of which decreased by more than 500 thousand rubles by the end of the year. or 28.8%.

By the beginning of 2012, reserves increased sharply from 10.19% to 61.5% (in balance sheet currency) and amounted to 6,438 thousand rubles. At the same time, the administration of the company formed short-term financial investments in the amount of 2.18 million rubles. In sources of financing, by the end of the year, accounts payable increased.

There is reason to believe that this source was used in the formation. The growth of accounts payable volumes continues in 2012.

Table 5

Vertical analysis of the balance sheet for 2011 and 2012, thousand rubles.

Assets As of 01/01/2011 As of 12/31/2011 As of 12/31/2012 Changes share in 2011, in p.p. Change. specific gravity in 2012, in p.p. SumSpecific gravity, in %SumSpecific gravity, in %SumSpecific gravity, in %123456789NMA0000100.0600.06OS26411.211671.595953.38-9,621.79ONA003553.39003.39-3.3 9Total for section 1 26411.215224.986053.44-6.23-1.54 Inventories 24010, 19643861.5751042.6651.31-18.84 VAT 0040.0440.020.04-0.02 Accounts receivable 182077.25129512 ,37377021.41-64.889, 04Short term Finnish investment 00218020.8314708.3520.38-12.48 Den. funds 321.36290.28424624.12-1.0823.84 Total for section 2 209288.79994695.021700096.566.231.54 Balance 2356100104681001760510000 UK 100.43100.1200.12- 0.330.02Undistributed. profit 1074.541611.5410966.22-34.68Total for section 3 1174.971711.6411166.34-3.334.7Loans and credits0020.02830.470,020.45ONO003523.36003.36-3.36Total for 4 section 003543,38830,473 ,38-2.91Loans and credits52922.451541.47210.12-20.98-1.35Credit. debt 171072.58978993.511638593.0715.93-0.44 Total for section 5 223995.03994394.981640693, 19-0.05-1.79 Balance 2356100104681001760510000

At the end of 2012, the largest share of the asset, as at the beginning of the year, was inventories - 7,510 thousand rubles. (42.66%). The same is true for liabilities - the accounts payable indicator remains consistently high, although its value decreased slightly from 93.51% at the beginning of the year to 93.07% at the end of the year.

A brief analysis of the dynamics of property and the sources of its formation gives reason to assume that the company’s administration has intentions to expand the scale of business and strengthen the financial position by increasing efficiency in both the formation of revenues and expenses.

The table below (see Table 6) summarizes the main financial results of the Forward-Stroy Limited Liability Company for the period under review and the same period last year.

In 2012, the organization received a profit from sales in the amount of 665 thousand rubles, which is equal to 2.1% of revenue. Compared to the same period last year, sales profit decreased by 1,311 thousand rubles, or 66.3%, the reason was higher rates of cost growth.

Compared to the previous period, in the current period both sales revenue and expenses for ordinary activities increased (by 11,897 and 13,208 thousand rubles, respectively). Moreover, in percentage terms, the change in expenses (+76.2%) is ahead of the change in revenue (+61.6%).

Table 6

Main indicators of the financial and economic activities of Forward-Stroy LLC for 2011 and 2012.

IndicatorThousands rub. Change +.-2011 2012 thousand rubles ± % 1. Revenue19319312161189761.62. Expenses for ordinary activities 17343305511320876.23. Profit from sales 1976665-1311-66.34. Other income and expenses, except interest payable - 7703-2657438-96.55. EBIT (earnings, loss before interest and taxes) -57274006127-1076. Net profit (loss) -572732060471077. Capital return 3,082.22 - 0.86 - 27.98. Labor productivity68184416323.9

Analysis of the net profit indicator in connection with the change in the indicator “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” allows us to conclude that in 2012 there was a reflection of profit (615 thousand rubles) not related to the result from sales and other operations. The most likely is to write off other types of capital (reserve, additional) to the account of retained earnings (uncovered loss).

The change in deferred tax assets reflected in the Profit and Loss Statement (line 2450) for the reporting period does not correspond to the change in data on line 1160 “Deferred tax assets” of the balance sheet. The identified error is also confirmed by the fact that even in balanced form, deferred tax assets and liabilities in the Balance Sheet and in the Profit and Loss Statement for the reporting period diverge (i.e., the difference between lines 2450 and 2430 of the Profit and Loss Statement is not equal to the difference in changes in lines 1160 and 1420 Balance Sheet).

This circumstance indicates that not everything is going well with the implementation of the provisions of PBU 12/2010.

The main sources of information for analyzing the financial results of the enterprise in question are financial reporting documents: “Balance Sheet”, “Profit and Loss Statement”, as well as data from a survey of specialists from Forward-Stroy LLC.

Table 7

Dynamics of absolute characteristics of the stability of the financial position of Forward-Stroy LLC

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Inventories (ZiZ) 24064177496 Own capital 1171711116 Own working capital (SOS) - 147 - 351511 Excess (shortage) of own funds to finance inventories (SOS - ZiZ) - 387 - 6768 - 6685 Long-term borrowing (DZ) -15483 Excess ( lack) for financing inventories (SOS + DZ - ZiZ) - 387 - 6614 - 6602 Short-term loans and borrowings (KZ) 52915421 Excess (lack) of all main sources of financing inventories 142 - 6460 - 6581 Characteristics of the type of situation 0,0,1 unstable. 0,0,0 crisis0,0,0 crisis

The growth and assessment of the absolute characteristics of the stability of society's finances gives grounds to state a better situation.

In most of the studied methods of financial analysis, it is established that financial results identify the size and dynamics of the characteristics of the property and financial position of the organization. The opposite effect is also obvious: a stable, solvent position with sufficiently competent financial management is a guarantee of not only stability, but also growth of financial performance indicators: revenue, expenses, profit and, accordingly, most relative performance characteristics (return on assets, activities, capital, capital productivity).

Table 8 presents all the main indicators of the financial stability of Forward-Stroy LLC. The data for the table is taken from the balance sheet and income statement.

Table 8

Key indicators of financial stability of Forward-Stroy LLC

IndicatorValue of the indicatorChange in the indicator (gr.3-gr.2) Description of the indicator and its standard value As of 01/01/2012 As of 12/31/2012 123451. Autonomy coefficient 0.020.06+0.04 Ratio of equity capital to total capital (Page. 1300/1700). Normal value for this industry: 0.4 or more (optimal 0.5-0.7) 2. Financial leverage ratio 60.2214.78-45.44 Ratio of debt to equity capital (Page 1400+1500/1300). Normal value for this industry: 1.5 or less3. The ratio of own working capital is 0.040.03+0.07 Ratio of own working capital to current assets (Page (1300-1100) / 1200). Normal value: not less than 0.1. 4. Permanent asset index 3.050.54-2.51 The ratio of the value of non-current assets to the amount of the organization’s equity capital. 5. Investment coverage ratio 0.050.07+0.02 Ownership ratio. capital and long-term liabilities to the total amount of capital (Page (1300+100) /1700). Normal value: 0.7 or more. 6. Equity capital maneuverability ratio - 2,050.46+2.51 Ratio of own working capital to sources of own funds (Line (1300-1100) / 1300). Normal value for this industry: 0.15 or more. 7. Property mobility coefficient 0.950.97+0.02 Ratio of working capital to the value of all property (Line 1200/1600). Characterizes industry specifics. 8. Inventory coverage ratio - 0.050.07+0.12 Ratio of own working capital to the cost of inventory (Line (1300-1100) / 1210). Normal value: 0.5 or more. 9. Working capital mobility coefficient 0.220.34+0.12 The ratio of the most mobile part of working capital (cash and financial investments) to the total value of current assets (Line 1240/1200). 10. Short-term debt ratio 0.970.99+0.02 Short-term debt ratio. debt to the total amount of debt (Line 1520/1500).

The organization's autonomy ratio as of December 31, 2012 was 0.06. The obtained value shows that due to the lack of equity capital (6% of the total capital of the organization), Forward-Stroy LLC is largely dependent on creditors. Over the year, the autonomy coefficient increased by 0.04.

The coefficient of provision with own working capital for the period under review increased by 0.07 and amounted to 0.03. The coefficient on the last day of the analyzed period (December 31, 2012) has an unsatisfactory value.

The coefficient analysis of the stability of the financial position confirmed the previously made conclusion about difficulties with financing. However, there is no reason not to notice that the company is working and even increasing its volumes, generating a small but still real profit.

The use of absolute and relative indicators recommended for assessing the financial stability of a commercial organization has shown that the formal approach does not always provide the possibility of completely acceptable assessments.

Real processes of financing the activities of commercial organizations may not be suitable for the previously developed principle of assessing financial condition.

Briefly, we can conclude that this company operates in the construction market with established connections, widely uses funds from business partners within the framework of business turnover, increases production volumes and, to a certain extent, succeeds in moving profits.

Partners’ funds within the framework of accounts payable allow the company to operate, and with formal assessments using existing methods, the organization’s situation becomes more complex despite the growth in volumes.

This provision allows us to note that analysis methods do not always correspond to the characteristics of the organization’s activities in market conditions. Other comments should be made regarding the limited position of financial results only in the amount of profit (loss). Without consideration of the financial results and the composition of income and expenses, the analysis becomes not only limited, but also ineffective. If we talk about the size and dynamics of the relative characteristics of financial results, then it becomes obvious that it is impossible to explain the content of profitability indicators as the ratio of the difference between revenue and costs either to revenue or to the sum of all costs.

Consequently, only the decomposition of the entire analysis of financial results into the elements of the formation of income, revenue, expenses, costs, different variants comparison of income and expenses provides the most in-depth and high-quality understanding of the dynamics of the size of the financial result (profit) and the performance characteristics of this result (profitability, capital productivity). 0.05 to 0.07 (+0.02) the investment coverage ratio for 2012 increased . The value of the ratio as of December 31, 2012 is significantly lower than the norm (the share of equity capital and long-term liabilities in the total capital of the organization is 7%). The inventory ratio for the analyzed period (01/01/2012 - 12/31/2012) increased by 0.12 and amounted to 0.07. On the last day of the analyzed period (December 31, 2012), the value of the inventory coverage ratio does not fit into the norm.

2.3 Analysis of liquidity and solvency

Formally, the stability of the situation represents solvency, and solvency is a guarantee of sustainable continuation of activities, the result of which is the formation of revenue, costs and profit as the difference between these amounts.

Moreover, the connection between these characteristics is carried out through the liquidity characteristics of individual types of property of the organization.

The main goal of solvency and creditworthiness analysis is to promptly identify and eliminate deficiencies in financial activities and find reserves for improving solvency and creditworthiness.

Table 9

Dynamics of liquidity ratios of Forward-Stroy LLC

Liquidity indicator Value of the indicator Change of indicator (column 3 - column 2) Calculation, recommended value As of 01/01/2012 As of 12/31/2012 1. Current (total) liquidity ratio 11,040.04 Ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities. (Line 1200/ (1510 + 1520). Normal value: not less than 2. 2. Quick (intermediate) liquidity ratio 0.350.580.23 Ratio of liquid assets to short-term liabilities (Line (1230+1240+1250) / (1510+1520 Normal value: 1 or more 3. Absolute liquidity ratio 0.220.350.13 Ratio of highly liquid assets to short-term liabilities (Page (1240 + 1250) / (1510 + 1520). Normal value: 0.2 or more

For the quick liquidity ratio, the standard value is 1. In this case, its value was 0.58. This means that Forward-Stroy LLC does not have enough assets that can be quickly converted into cash to pay off short-term accounts payable. The absolute liquidity ratio has a value corresponding to the norm (0.35). At the same time, over the year the coefficient increased by 0.13.

The value of the current liquidity ratio is close to single, which means formally, if it is necessary to repay all urgent obligations, the company will cease operations, because the transformation of all reserves into a means of repaying obligations will create a situation of lack of funds for the next production cycle.

In this situation, you should use the proposal of M.N. Kreinina for the growth of the “normal” required current liquidity ratio using the formula Ktln = (Z + Kr) / Kr and comparing this ratio with those previously calculated on the balance sheet.

Ktln at the beginning of 2012 = (6417 + 9943) / 9943 = 1.64;

Ktl at the end of 2012 = (7496 + 16406) / 16406 = 1.46.

With some degree of conditionality, when comparing these ratios with the balance sheet ratios (1.0 and 1.04), it gives grounds to make a conclusion about the insolvency of the company both at the beginning and at the end of 2012. This conclusion confirms earlier conclusions about the crisis of the financial situation.

However, the conclusions drawn may be questioned if a sufficiently large volume of accounts payable does not include significant amounts that are overdue for timely repayment.

Moreover, by the end of 2012, the company had 4.2 million rubles in its accounts. cash and about 1.5 million rubles. short-term financial investments (total highly liquid assets more than 5.7 million rubles - about 35% of the total amount of accounts payable).

Therefore, without considering the composition of accounts payable according to the expected repayment period, it is very difficult to draw conclusions about the solvency situation.

Chapter 3. Analysis of the dynamics of the characteristics of the financial results of Forward-Stroy LLC

3.1 Analysis of absolute indicators of the organization’s financial results

The financial statements of an enterprise are the main information that gives a complete picture of the current performance of the enterprise. The correct use of this information by executives, managers, investors and competitors makes it possible to make key decisions and influence the further sustainability of the enterprise.

To assess the financial results of the organization under study, we will analyze the absolute characteristics for 2010 - 2012.

Table 10

Changes in expenses and profit (loss) for 2010-2012.

Assets For 2010 For 2011 For 2012 Deviation in 2011 Deviation in 2012 absolute Growth rate in % absolute Growth rate in % Revenue 8216197483121611532140.361146858.07 Cost. -7803-8912-27949-110914.21-19037-213.61Gross profit41310407326799942419.85-7140-68.61Management. expenses-283-8431-2602-81482879,155829-69.14Profit from sales130240566522751750-1740-72.35Other income001610001610-Other expenses-17-7703-1875-778045764,75828-75 .66Profit (loss) before tax. 1135727400-5614-4970.8-5327-93.01 Current income tax-2308023-10080-Net profit of the reporting period 86-5298320-5384-6260.55618-106.04

Over the three-year period, the main components of the formation of the financial result had a similar trend of change. Recent years are characterized by higher growth rates in revenue, the main component of income. The growth of direct costs (prime costs) was at a slightly lower rate. Gross profit and profit from sales also had a pronounced growth trend, but 2011 stood out with a peculiar feature: an excessively large amount of administrative expenses (almost equal to direct production costs); at the same time, and a fairly large gross profit, which by 2012 had almost halved. For the first two years, the company had no other income; other expenses in 2011 exceeded 7.7 million rubles, which amounted to more than 87% of the amount of direct production costs. The final financial result of the company's activities in 2012 was very modest, and in 2011 it resulted in losses exceeding almost 5.3 million rubles, which were formed due to very large-scale management and other expenses.

This gives reason to believe that the search for reserves for growth of the final financial result should be carried out both when forming the cost of work and regulating management and other expenses. The unstable and uneven dynamics of these expenses largely influenced the change in the amount of retained earnings.

Table 11

Vertical analysis of the Profit and Loss Statement for 2011, thousand rubles.

Assets For 2010 For 2011 For 2012 Change in share for 2011, in p.p. Change in share for 2012, in p.p. AmountSpecific weight, in %SumSpecific weight, in %AmountSpecific weight , in %123456789Revenue8216100197481003121610000Cost-7803-94.97-8912-45.13-27949-89.5349.84-44.4Gross profit4135.031040752.7326710.4647.67 -42.24 Manager expenses-283-3.44-8431-42.69-2602-8.33-39.2534.36 Profit from sales 1301.58240512.186652.1310.6-10.05 Other income 000016105.16 05.16 Other expenses-17-0 ,2-7763-39.31-1875-6.01-39.5132.99 Profit (loss) before tax 1131.375727294001.2827.63-27.72 Current income tax-23-0.2800800.260,280.26 Net profit ( loss) of the reporting period861.05-5298-26.833201.02-25.7827.85 To more accurately study the economy of the organization, we will conduct a factor analysis of sales profit for 2011 and 2012.

The main factors influencing the amount of profit from sales are: changes in sales volume, changes in the range of products sold, changes in product costs, changes in product sales prices.

Table 12

Analytical table for calculating the influence of factors on net profit for 2011, thousand rubles.

Assets For 2010 For 2011 Change absolute Growth rate, % Revenue 8216.0019748.0011532.00140.36 Cost 7803.008912.001109.0014.21 Administrative expenses 283.008431.008148.002879.15 Sales profit130.002405.002275.001750.00 Change index prices (2.4) 9.6012.00-500.00Sales volume in comparable prices8216.0018018.259802.25119.31

To carry out the analysis, we will draw up an analytical table, the source of information of which is the data from the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement of the company (see Table 14)

Revenue from the sale of goods of the enterprise in the reporting period amounted to 19,748 thousand rubles; first, it is necessary to determine the sales volume in comparable prices (19,748 * 100% / 109.6%), which amounted to 18,018.25 thousand rubles. Taking this into account, the change in sales volume for the analyzed period amounted to 119.31% (18018.25/8216 * 100%), i.e. There was an increase in the volume of products sold by 119.31%. Due to an increase in the volume of product sales, profit from the sale of products, works, and services increased:

* 1, 1931 = + 155.10 thousand rubles.

Impact of sales mix

proceeds from the sale of the reporting period at prices of the base period 18,018.25 thousand rubles;

actually sold products, calculated at the base cost (7803 * 1, 1931) = 9309.76 thousand rubles;

administrative expenses of the base period 283 thousand rubles;

profit of the reporting period, calculated at the base cost and base prices (7803 - 9309.76 - 283) = -1789.76 thousand rubles.

Thus, the impact of shifts in the assortment structure on the amount of profit from sales is equal to: - 1789.76 - (130 * 1, 1931) = - 1944.96 thousand rubles.

profit can be determined by comparing the cost of sales of products of the reporting period with the costs of the base period, recalculated for changes in sales volume: 8912 - (7803 * 1, 1931) = - 397.76 thousand rubles. The cost of goods sold decreased, therefore, the profit from the sale of products increased by the same amount.

on the company's profit will be determined by comparing their values ​​in the reporting and base periods. Due to an increase in management expenses, profit decreased by 8,148 thousand rubles (8,431-283).

To determine the impact of pricessales of products, works, services for changes in profit, it is necessary to compare the sales volume of the reporting period, expressed in prices of the reporting and base periods, i.e.: 19748 - 18018.25 = 1729.75 thousand rubles.

To summarize, let’s calculate the total impact of all these factors:

impact of sales volume + 155.10 thousand rubles;

influence of the structure of the range of products sold - 1944.96 rubles;

impact of cost - 397.76 thousand rubles;

influence of the amount of management expenses - 8148 thousand rubles;

influence of sales prices 1729.75 thousand rubles;

the total influence of factors is 8605.87 thousand rubles.

The increase in management expenses was mainly due to an increase in the number of employees. Also, the organization under study should diversify its products because this will have a positive impact on sales volumes.

Organizational managers should take care of reducing costs, reducing management costs and negative changes in the range of products (works, services).

Table 13

Analytical table for calculating the influence of factors on profit for 2012, thousand rubles.

Assets For 2011 For 2012 Absolute deviationGrowth rate, %Revenue19748.0031216.0011468.0058.07Cost price8912.0027949.0019037.00213.61Administrative expenses8431.002602.00 (5829.00 ) (69.14) Profit from sales2405.00665 .00 (1740.00) (72.35) Price change index 9.609.30 (0.3) (3.12) Sales volume in comparable prices 18018.2526058.398040.1444.62

To determine the impact of sales volume on profitit is necessary to multiply the profit of the previous period by the change in sales volume.

Revenue from the sale of goods of the enterprise in the reporting period amounted to 31,216 thousand rubles; first, it is necessary to determine the volume of sales in comparable prices (31,216 * 100% / 109.3% = 28,560 (in 2010 prices); 28,560 * 100% / 109, 6 = 26058.39), which amounted to 26058.39 thousand rubles. Taking this into account, the change in sales volume for the analyzed period amounted to 144.62% (26058.39/18018.25 * 100%), i.e. There was an increase in the volume of products sold by 144.62%. Due to the increase in the volume of product sales, profit from the sale of products, works, and services increased: 2405 * 1.4462 = + 3478.11 thousand rubles.

Impact of sales mixthe amount of profit of the organization is determined by comparing the profit of the reporting period, calculated on the basis of prices and costs of the base period, with the base profit, recalculated for changes in sales volume.

The profit of the reporting period, based on the cost and prices of the base period, can be determined with some degree of convention as follows:

proceeds from the sale of the reporting period at prices of the base period 26058.39 thousand rubles;

actually sold products, calculated at the base cost (8912 * 1.4462) = 12888.53 thousand rubles;

administrative expenses of the base period 8431 thousand rubles;

profit of the reporting period, calculated at the base cost and base prices (8912-12888.53-8431) = - 12388.53 thousand rubles.

Thus, the impact of shifts in the assortment structure on the amount of profit from sales is equal to: - 12388.53 - (2405 * 1.4462) = - 15866.64 thousand rubles.

The calculation shows that the share of products with a lower level of profitability in the composition of sold products has increased.

Impact of cost changesprofit can be determined by comparing the cost of sales of products of the reporting period with the costs of the base period, recalculated for changes in sales volume: 27949 - (8912 * 1.4462) = 15060.47 thousand rubles. The cost of goods sold increased, therefore, the profit from the sale of products decreased by the same amount.

Impact of changes in management expenseson the company's profit will be determined by comparing their values ​​in the reporting and base periods. Due to the reduction in management expenses, profit increased by 5,829 thousand rubles (2,602-8,431).

To determine the impact of pricessales of products, works, services for changes in profit, it is necessary to compare the sales volume of the reporting period, expressed in prices of the reporting and base periods, i.e.: 31216 - 26058.39 = 5157.61 thousand rubles.

As a result, let’s calculate the total influence of all these factors:

impact of sales volume + 3487.11 thousand rubles;

influence of the structure of the range of products sold - 15866.64 rubles;

impact of cost - 15060.47 thousand rubles;

influence of the amount of management expenses 5829 thousand rubles;

influence of sales prices 15529.57 thousand rubles;

the total influence of factors is 6090.23 thousand rubles.

A significant increase in production costs occurred mainly due to increased prices for raw materials and supplies. In addition, the amount of profit was influenced by negative changes in the product range. The negative impact of these factors was compensated by an increase in selling prices, an increase in sales volumes, and a decrease in administrative expenses. Consequently, the reserves for increasing the profit of an enterprise are an increase in the share of more profitable types of products in the total volume of sales and a reduction in the cost of goods, works and services.

3.2 Analysis of the relative characteristics of the activities of Forward-Stroy LLC

Profitability is a relative indicator that determines the level of profitability of a business. Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and the profitability of various areas of activity. Profitability indicators characterize the final results of business more fully than profit, because their value shows the relationship between the effect and the available or used resources. They are used to evaluate the activities of an enterprise and as a tool for investment policy and pricing.

The profitability indicators presented in Table 14 for the analyzed period have positive values as a consequence of the profitability of the activities of Forward-Stroy LLC for this period. In 2011, the organization in its ordinary activities received a profit of 2.1 kopecks from each ruble of sales revenue. However, there is a negative dynamics in return on sales compared to this indicator for the same period last year (-8.1 kopecks).

Table 14

Profitability analysis of Forward-Stroy LLC for 2010 and 2011

Profitability indicators Indicator values ​​(in%, or in kopecks per ruble) Change in indicator 2011 2012 kopecks Growth rate, % 1. Return on sales by EBIT-29,601,3030,9023,772. Return on sales for net profit -29.601.0030.6030.603. Return on sales based on gross profit. Normal value: at least 6%. 10, 202,10-8,10-79, 20For reference: Profit from sales per ruble invested in production 11,402, 20-9, 20-80,90

The profitability indicator, calculated as the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to the organization's revenue, for 2012 amounted to 1.3%. This means that each ruble of revenue of the Limited Liability Company "Forward-Stroy" contained 1.3 kopecks. profit before tax and interest payable.

Table 15

Analysis of the profitability of using capital invested in business activities for 2012.

Profitability indicator Value of the indicator, % Calculation of the indicator 2011 2012 Return on equity (ROE) -36.9749.7 Ratio of net profit to average equity. cap. Normal value: 16% or more. Return on assets (ROA) -2.432.3 Ratio of PE to average asset value. Normal value: not less than 5%. Return on investment capital 48.9546.4 The ratio of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to equity and long-term liabilities. Profitability of production assets 135.729.1 Ratio of profit from sales to the average cost of fixed assets and inventories. For reference: Capital productivity, coefficient. 91.6481.9 Ratio of revenue to the average cost of fixed assets.

During the entire analyzed period, each ruble of equity capital of the Limited Liability Company "Forward-Stroy" brought 0.497 rubles. net profit in 2012 and - 0.369 rubles. net profit in 2011.

For the period from 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012, the value of return on assets (2.3%) does not meet the standard value.

For the period from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2011, the value of return on assets (-2.43%), just like in 2012, does not satisfy the standard value.

For a more in-depth analysis of profitability at Forward-Stroy LLC, we will conduct a factor analysis of profitability for 2011 and 2012.

To assess the impact of capital productivity on fixed assets on profit growth, we use the following dependencies:

V = OS * N, V ​​= PR + 3, PR = V - W (20)

where PR is profit from sales;

Z - costs of production and sales of products.

Based on these relationships, the relationship between profit, the cost of fixed assets and the level of their use is given by the ratio:

PR = OS * N - W (21)

It follows from the model that an increase in the profit of the reporting period will occur if the product of the cost and capital productivity of fixed assets is greater than the costs of production and sales of products.

Factor analysis is carried out in the following sequence:

We determine the increase in profit:

D PR = PR1 - ETC 0.

The impact of changes in the value of fixed assets on the increase in profit:

D PR (OS) = (OS 1* N 0- Z 0) - (OS 0* N 0- Z 0) = (OS 1- OS 0) * N 0. (22)

The value shows the absolute change in profit due to changes in the value of fixed assets; its increase with the same return leads to an increase in profit.

The impact of changes in the level of capital productivity on profit growth:

D PR (N) = (OS 1* N 1- Z 0) - (OS 1* N 0- Z 0) = OS 1* (N 1 - N 0). (23)

The value shows the absolute change in profit due to changes in capital productivity of fixed assets. Increasing it leads to increased profits.

The effect of changes in costs on profit is determined from the ratio:

D PR (Z) = Z0 - Z 1.

Increased costs lead to decreased profits.

Cost of fixed assets:

OS 0= 264 thousand rubles; OS1 = 167 thousand rubles.

Revenue from sales:

ETC 0= 130 thousand rubles; ETC 1 = 2405 thousand rubles.

Costs of production and sales of products (line 2120 + 2220):

Z 0= 8086 thousand rubles; Z 1 = 17343 thousand rubles.

Changes in indicators:

D Z = 17343 - 8086 = 9257 (thousand rubles);

D PR = 2405 - 130 = 2275 (thousand rubles);

D OS = 167 - 264 = - 97 (thousand rubles).

Capital productivity of fixed assets:

N 0= line 2110n / (line 1130n + 1130k): 2;

N 1= line 2110k / (line 1130n + 1130k): 2. N 0 =38.1; N 1 =91,6

Edit: D H = 53.5.

D PR (OS) = (OS 1- OS 0) * N 0= - 97 * 38.1 = - 3695.7 (thousand rubles).

The increase in the cost of fixed assets at the level of use of the base period led to a decrease in profit by 3695.7 thousand rubles.

Let's determine the degree of influence:

ST (PR/OS) = - 3695.7: 2275 * 100% = - 162.4%.

D PR (N) = (OS 1* N 1- Z 0) - (OS 1* N 0- Z 0) = OS 1* (N 1- N 0) = 167 * 53.5 = 8934.5 (thousand rubles).

Due to the increase in capital productivity of fixed assets, profit increased by 8934.5 thousand rubles. Let's determine the degree of influence:

ST (PR/N) = 8934.5: 2275 * 100% = 392.7%.

D PR (Z) = Z 0- Z 1= 8086 - 17343 = - 9257 thousand rubles.

Due to increased costs, profit decreased by 9,257 thousand rubles.

ST (PR/Z) = - 9257: 2257 * 100% = - 406.9%

The increase in profit was most influenced by the increase in the level of use of capital productivity.

Analysis of the impact of capital productivity of fixed assets, profit and sales revenue on the increase in profitability of fixed assets

To carry out the analysis, we use the relationship between sales profit, revenue and capital productivity of fixed assets:

R = PRP: OS = PRP: (V: N) = (RPP: V) * N = Rpr * N.

It is obvious that the profitability of fixed assets will increase with an increase in either the share of profit from sales in revenue (return on sales Rpr), or an increase in capital productivity N, or due to a simultaneous increase in both indicators.

We analyze the impact of capital productivity of fixed assets on the increase in profitability of fixed assets in the following sequence:

R 1;

) determine the increase in profitability D P = P1 - R 0.

Ros0 = 86: 264 * 100% = 32.6%

Ros1 = - 5298: 167 * 100% = - 3172.4%

According to calculations: D P = - 3205;

Rpr 0= PR 0: B0 = 130: 8216 = 0,016

Rpr 1= PR 1: IN 1 = 2405: 19748 = 0,122.

D Ppr = Rpr 1- Rpr 0 = 0,122 - 0,016 = 0,106;

Tpr (Ppr) = D Ppr: Rpr 0 * 100% = 0,106: 0,016 * 100% = 662,5%.

Return on sales during the reporting period increased by 662.5%, for each ruble of revenue there was an average of 110.6 kopecks more profit from sales;

D P (Ppr) = (Ppr 1- Rpr0 ) * N 0.

D P (Ppr) = 0.106 * 38.1 = 4.0386.

Due to an increase in the profitability of sales by 0.106 points, the profitability of fixed assets increased by 4.0386 points;

P (N) = Ppr 1* (H1 - N 0).

P(N) = 0.122 * 53.5 = 6.527.

Due to the increase in capital productivity, the profitability of fixed assets increased by 6.527 points;

) joint influence of factors

527 + 4,0386= 10,5656.

For 2012.

Analysis of the impact of capital productivity on fixed assets on profit growth.

Cost of fixed assets: fixed assets 0= 167 thousand rubles; OS1 = 595 thousand rubles.

Sales profit: PR 0= 2405 thousand rubles; PR1 = 665 thousand rubles.

Costs for production and sales of products: 3 0= 17343 thousand rubles; Z 1= 30551 thousand rubles. Changes in indicators:

D Z = 30551 - 17343 = 1208 (thousand rubles);

D PR = 665 - 2405 = - 1740 (thousand rubles);

D OS = 595 - 167 = 428 (thousand rubles).

Capital productivity of fixed assets: N 0= 50.7; N 1= 81.9; D H = 31.2.

Let us determine the impact of changes in the value of fixed assets on the increase in profit:

D PR (OS) = (OS 1- OS 0) * N 0= 428 * 50.7 = 21699.6 (thousand rubles).

The increase in the cost of fixed assets at the level of use of the base period led to an increase in profit by 21,699.6 thousand rubles.

Let's determine the degree of influence:

ST (PR/OS) = 21699: (-1740) * 100% = - 1247.1%.

Let us determine the impact of changes in the level of capital productivity on profit growth:

D PR (N) = OS 1* (N 1- N 0) = 595 * 31.2 = 18564 (thousand rubles).

Due to the increase in capital productivity of fixed assets, profit increased by 18,564 thousand rubles.

Let's determine the degree of influence:

ST (PR/N) = 18564 * (-1740) * 100% = 1066.9%.

Let's determine the impact of changes in costs on profit growth:

D PR (Z) = Z 0- Z 1 = - 1208 thousand. rub.

Due to increased costs, profit decreased by 1,208 thousand rubles.

Let's determine the degree of influence of changes in costs on profit growth:

ST (PR/ZAT) = - 1208: (-1740) * 100% = 69.4%.

The decrease in profits was most influenced by an increase in the level of costs. Analysis of the impact of capital productivity of fixed assets, profit and sales revenue on the increase in profitability of fixed assets.

) determine the value of profitability of fixed assets P0 , R 1;

) determine the increment in profitability DP = P1 - R 0.

Ros0 = - 5298: 167 * 100% = - 3172.4%

Ros1 =320: 595 * 100% = 53.8%

According to calculations: D P = 3226.2;

) determine the profitability of sales and its change:

Rpr 0= PR 0: B0 = 2405: 19319 =0,122;

Rpr 1= PR 1: IN 1 = 665: 31216 = 0,021.

Change in profitability of sales:

D Ppr = Rpr 1- Rpr 0 = 0,021 - 0,122 = - 0,101;

Tpr (Ppr) = D Ppr: Rpr 0 * 100% = - 0,101: 0,122 * 100% = - 82,8%.

Return on sales during the reporting period decreased by 82.8%; for each ruble of revenue there was less profit from sales by an average of 10.1 kopecks;

) determine the impact of changes in sales profitability on the increase in the profitability of fixed assets:

D P (Ppr) = (Ppr 1- Rpr0 ) * N 0.

The calculation shows the absolute change in the profitability of fixed assets due to changes in the profitability of sales; its growth leads to an increase in profitability.

D P (Ppr) = - 0.101 * 50.7 = - 5.1207

Due to a decrease in sales profitability by 0.101 points, the profitability of fixed assets decreased by 5.1207 points;

) determine the impact of changes in capital productivity of fixed assets on the increase in profitability:

P (N) = Ppr 1* (H1 - N 0).

The calculation shows the absolute change in the profitability of fixed assets due to changes in capital productivity; its growth leads to an increase in profitability.

P(N) = 0.021 * 31.2 = 0.6552

Due to the increase in capital productivity, the profitability of fixed assets increased by 0.6552 points;

) joint influence of factors

1207 + 0,6552= - 4,4655.

As a result, we can conclude that the organization should seriously think about ways to reduce costs because... this factor influenced the decrease in profit in 2010 by 9257 thousand rubles. and by 1208 thousand rubles. in 2011.

In 2012 by 9629.5 thousand rubles. the capital productivity of the enterprise's fixed assets increased compared to 2010 (8934.5) due to increased equipment productivity as a result of technical re-equipment, improved use of time and power, and replacement of manual labor with machine labor.

Also, compared to 2011, in 2012 there was a sharp increase in the cost of fixed assets from - 3695.7 thousand rubles. up to 21699.6 thousand rubles. (by 25,395.3 thousand rubles), which indicates the expansion of the organization’s activities. A sharp increase in the cost of fixed assets occurred due to the purchase of new and repair and modernization of old fixed assets.

.3 Proposals to strengthen the financial position and increase the organization’s performance

Based on the findings, the following measures can be proposed to increase the financial results and profitability of the enterprise:

Cost reduction (cost reduction);

Reduced management costs;

Increase in revenue;

Increase in other income and decrease in other expenses;

Increased profitability of sales;

Increasing the profitability of production assets;

Increased return on invested capital.

There are 2 options for reducing costs. The first option is to reduce the total amount of costs i.e. reduction in wages, purchase of cheaper materials, reduction in the number of employees, reduction in depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets.

This is not the best option, since all of the above measures can lead to a decrease in production, which will ultimately lead to bankruptcy of the enterprise.

The second option is to increase sales volume and it is more appropriate, since it involves reducing the cost per unit of production.

The reduction in production costs (in 2012, the cost was 27,949 thousand rubles (89.53% of revenue)) is ensured, first of all, by increasing labor productivity. With an increase in labor productivity, labor costs per unit of production are reduced, which means that the share of wages in the cost structure also decreases.

The success of the struggle to reduce costs is also determined by the increase in worker productivity, which, under certain conditions, ensures savings on wages.

The most important importance in the struggle to reduce production costs is compliance with the most strict savings regime in all areas of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. The consistent implementation of the economy regime at enterprises is manifested, first of all, in reducing the cost of material resources per unit of production, reducing production and management maintenance costs, and eliminating losses from various unproductive expenses.

In the organization under study in 2012, compared to 2011, there was also a decrease in management expenses (from 8,431 thousand rubles as of December 31, 2011 to 2,602 thousand rubles as of December 31, 2012), but management can be offered a number of measures to further reduce the level of management costs.

Reductions in wages, compensation and benefits (including reductions in the cost of health insurance, expenses for corporate events, an increase in the share of the variable part in salaries, deferment of payments under existing programs, revision of working hours and a corresponding reduction in the wage fund).

Reduction of administrative costs (including revision of payment limits mobile phones, reducing costs for transport and business trips, for rent).

Each of these activities can have a tangible cost-saving effect without making difficult decisions about laying off employees.

At Forward-Stroy LLC, the revenue indicator increased every year from 19,748 thousand rubles. as of December 31, 2011, up to 31,216 thousand rubles. as of December 31, 2012. Therefore, to further increase revenue, the following measures were proposed:

Expansion of the range of services- the larger the assortment, the more customers the organization will be able to attract.

Conquering new markets - for this, an organization can open a number of its branches in a number of large cities in different regions.

Expansion of activities - an organization can afford to engage in additional activities, for example, the production of building materials, which it itself will use and sell.

An increase in other income in an organization may occur due to:

receipts associated with the provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization’s assets;

proceeds related to the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property;

income related to participation in the authorized capital of other organizations (including interest and other income on securities);

profit received by the organization as a result of joint activities (under a simple partnership agreement);

proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except foreign currency), products, goods;

interest received for providing the organization's funds for use, as well as interest for the bank's use of funds held in the organization's account with this bank;

fines, penalties, penalties for violation of contract terms;

proceeds to compensate for losses caused to the organization;

profits of previous years identified in the reporting year;

amounts of accounts payable and depositors for which the statute of limitations has expired;

exchange rate difference;

amounts of revaluation of assets.

All of the above can be used as factors to increase other income. An organization should not be afraid to use such ways of increasing other income as, for example, collecting fines, penalties, and penalties for violating the terms of contracts.

Other income in the organization in 2012 increased by 1,610 thousand rubles; in 2011, there was no other income in the organization.

In addition, the management of the organization should be concerned about reducing other expenses. There are a number of activities for this, such as:

reduction of costs associated with the provision of temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization’s assets for a fee;

reduction of costs associated with the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property;

reduction of costs associated with participation in the authorized capital of other organizations;

reduction of expenses associated with the sale, disposal and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except foreign currency), goods, products;

reduction of interest paid by the organization for the provision of funds (credits, loans) to it for use;

reducing costs associated with paying for services provided by credit institutions;

reduction of contributions to valuation reserves created in accordance with accounting rules (reserves for doubtful debts, for depreciation of investments in securities, etc.), as well as reserves created in connection with the recognition of contingent facts of economic activity;

reduction of fines, penalties, penalties for violation of contract terms;

reduction of compensation for losses caused by the organization;

reduction of losses of previous years recognized in the reporting year;

reduction in the amount of receivables for which the statute of limitations has expired, and other debts that are unrealistic for collection;

reduction in asset write-down amounts;

reduction in transfers of funds (contributions, payments, etc.) related to charitable activities, expenses for sporting events, recreation, entertainment, cultural and educational events and other similar events.

In 2012, other expenses in the organization decreased by 5,828 thousand rubles. and amounted to 1875 thousand rubles.

Since sales profitability is calculated as the ratio of gross profit to revenue, to increase sales profitability the gross profit volume should be increased.

To do this, the growth rate of sales profit must be greater than the growth rate of revenue.

To do this, you need to use additional trading services, attract more buyers using advertising and marketing moves.

In the organization under study, this indicator decreased in 2012 compared to the same indicator for 2011 by 8.1 kopecks. and amounted to 2.1 kopecks. from the ruble.

To increase the profitability of an organization’s production assets, it is necessary to:

increase the level of organization of production and management;

increase the volume, quality and structure of products;

reduce the costs of production and sales of products.

In the organization, this indicator has a negative trend and in 2012 it was equal to 9.1% (in 2010 this indicator was 135.72%)

To increase the return on invested capital, an organization must:

increase pre-tax profit by increasing sales profit, other income and reducing other expenses;

reduce long-term liabilities by reducing deferred tax liabilities and early loan repayments.

But at the same time, the organization’s management needs to ensure that equity capital does not decrease.

In Forward-Stroy LLC in 2011, the return on invested capital was 48.95%. In 2012, this figure dropped to 46.40%.


Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions and proposals were made.

Financial result for an enterprise means recognition by society of the usefulness of its activities and receipt of revenue from the sale of manufactured products. The final financial result for an enterprise is the difference between sales revenue and expenses incurred by the organization to obtain this revenue.

Profitability characterizes economic efficiency, defined as the ratio of profit to one of the indicators of the enterprise's functioning.

The legal basis for analyzing the financial results and profitability of an enterprise is the Civil Code, the Tax Code, the Federal Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ, Accounting Regulations 1/08, 4/99, 9/99, 10/99, 18/02.

Using methods for analyzing the financial results and profitability of an enterprise, you can evaluate the investment attractiveness of an organization and determine how promising the business is. In the thesis, to analyze the financial results and profitability of the enterprise, data from the Profit and Loss Statement and methods of analyzing balance sheets were used: horizontal, vertical.

LLC "Forward-Stroy" is Building company headed by the General Director.

The organization is engaged in the construction of buildings and structures, performing civil works, and providing other services.

The organization's revenue for 2011 amounted to 19,319 thousand rubles, and for 2012 - 31,216 thousand rubles. The main expense item is the cost of products (works, services).

Having analyzed the financial results of the organization’s activities, we can say that in 2011 other expenses increased sharply (from 17 thousand rubles to 7703 thousand rubles), administrative expenses (from 283 thousand rubles to 8431 thousand rubles) and gross profit (from 413 thousand rubles to 10407 thousand rubles)

In 2012, revenue increased by 58.07% and now amounts to 31,216 thousand rubles. Net profit also increased and as of December 31, 2012 its figure was 320 thousand rubles. (instead of - 5298 thousand rubles for 2011)

From the factor analysis of the organization’s net profit, it can be seen that in 2011, the growth of profits was affected by an increase in selling prices (+ 1729.75 thousand rubles), the decrease in profits was affected by administrative expenses (-8148 thousand rubles)

In 2012, the increase in net profit was affected by an increase in selling prices (+15529.57 thousand rubles). The decrease in profit was equally influenced by 2 factors: the structure of the assortment (-15866.64 thousand rubles) and the increase in cost (-15060.47 thousand rubles)

Having analyzed the profitability of the enterprise, we can say that compared to 2011, in 2012 the return on sales in terms of gross profit decreased by 8.10 kopecks.

But despite this, the return on sales in terms of net profit and return on sales in terms of EBIT increased (by + 30.60 and + 30.90 kopecks, respectively).

Having carried out a factor analysis of capital profitability, we can say that the main factor reducing profits in 2011 and 2012 are costs (reduction in profits by 9257 thousand rubles and 1208 thousand rubles, respectively).

Based on the analysis of the financial results and profitability of the enterprise, measures were proposed to increase financial results and profitability such as: measures to reduce costs (cost reduction), reduce management costs, increase revenue, increase other income and reduce other expenses, increase profitability of sales, increase profitability of production assets, increasing profit on invested capital.

List of sources used

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2.Tax Code of the Russian Federation, adopted by Federal Law No. 146-FZ of July 31, 1998 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 08/06/1998, No. 148-149.

.Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" dated February 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1996, No. 1, art. 1.

.Federal Law "On Accounting" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 1996, No. 48, Art. 5369.

.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2003 No. 367 “On approval of the rules for conducting financial analysis by an arbitration manager” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 06.30.2003, No. 26, Art. 2664.

.Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On the forms of financial statements of an organization" dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n // Financial newspaper, 2003, No. 33.

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Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Ministry of Finance

Russian Federation

dated 07/02/2010 No. 66n

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

dated 10/05/2011 No. 124n)

Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement Forms

Balance sheet<#"justify">as of December 31, 2012 CodesForm according to OKUD0710001Date (day, month, year)31122011Organization FORVARD-STROY LLC 8486619084866190 Taxpayer identification number INN 7709782400 Type of economic activity Construction 45.2 Legal form/form of ownership Limited liability company according to OKOPF/OKFS 6516 Unit of measurement: thousand rubles. (million rubles)according to OKEI384 (385)

Location (address) 109029,

st. Nizhegorodskaya, 32, building 3.

1Indicator name 22012 32011 42010 5ASSETS<#"justify">I. NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets10--Results of research and development---Fixed assets595167264Income-generating investments in tangible assets---Financial investments---Deferred tax assets0355-Other non-current assets---Total for section I605522264 II. CURRENT ASSETSInventories74966417240Value added tax on acquired assets44-Accounts receivable377012951820Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)14702180-Cash and cash equivalents42462932Other current assets1421-Total for section II1700099462092 BALANCE17605104682356PASSIVEIII. CAPITAL AND RESERVES6 Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners) 201010 Own shares purchased from shareholders (-) 7(-)(-)Revaluation of non-current assets---Additional capital (without revaluation)---Reserve capital---Retained earnings (uncovered loss)1096161107Total for section III1116171117 IV. LONG TERM DUTIESBorrowed funds832-Deferred tax liabilities---Estimated liabilities0152-Other liabilities---Total for section IV831540 V. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIESBorrowed funds21154529 Accounts payable1638297841710 Deferred income---Estimated liabilities---Other liabilities35-Total for section V1640699432239 BALANCE 17605104682356

HeadChief Accountant (signature)(signature decoding)(signature)(signature decoding)20g.


1. The number of the corresponding explanation to balance sheet<#"justify">At 31.12 At 31 December At 31 December Explanations 1Indicator name 22012.32011.42010.5 PASSIVIII. CAPITAL AND RESERVES 6Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners) 201010 Own shares purchased from shareholders (-) 7 (-) (-) Revaluation of non-current assets --- Additional capital (without revaluation) --- Reserve capital --- Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 1096161107 Total for section III 1116171117IV. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Borrowed funds832-Deferred tax liabilities---Estimated liabilities0152-Other liabilities---Total for section IV831540V. CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrowed funds 21154529 Accounts payable 1638297841710 Deferred income --- Estimated liabilities --- Other liabilities 35 - Total for section V1640699432239 BALANCE SHEET 17605104682356


1. The number of the corresponding explanation to the balance sheet is indicated<#"center">Appendix 3

Gains and losses report<#"justify">for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2011. CodesForm according to OKUD0710002<#"justify">For 20113For 20104Explanations 1Indicator name 2Revenue 5197488216Cost of sales (8912) (7803) Gross profit (loss) 10407413 Selling expenses (-) (-) Administrative expenses (8431) (283) Profit (loss) from sales 2405130 Income from participation in other organizations - Interest receivable - Interest payable (-) (-) Other income--Other expenses (7763) (17) Profit (loss) before tax (5727) 113 Current income tax (-) (-) including permanent tax liabilities (assets) -- Change in deferred tax liabilities - 23 Change in deferred tax assets - 4 Other - Net profit (loss) (5298) 86 REFERENCE Result from the revaluation of non-current assets not included in the net profit (loss) of the period - Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss ) of the period--Cumulative financial result of the period 6--Basic earnings (loss) per share--Diluted earnings (loss) per share--

ManagerChief Accountant (signature) (signature transcript) (signature) (signature transcript) "20g.


<#"center">Appendix 4

Gains and losses report<#"justify">for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2012. CodesForm according to OKUD0710002<#"justify">For 20123For 20114Explanations 1Indicator name 2Revenue 53121619748Cost of sales (27949) (8912) Gross profit (loss) 326710407 Selling expenses (-) (-) Administrative expenses (2602) (8431) Profit (loss) from sales 6652405 Income from participation in other organizations - Interest receivable - Interest payable (-) (-) Other income1610-Other expenses (1875) (7763) Profit (loss) before tax400 (5727) Current income tax (80) (-) including permanent tax liabilities (assets) (80) -Change in deferred tax liabilities--Change in deferred tax assets--Other--Net profit (loss) 320 (5298) FOR REFERENCEResult from the revaluation of non-current assets not included in the net profit (loss) of the period-Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period - Total financial result of the period 6320 (5298) Basic earnings (loss) per share Diluted earnings (loss) per share

ManagerChief Accountant (signature) (signature transcript) (signature) (signature transcript) "20g.


1. The number of the corresponding explanation to the balance sheet and profit and loss statement is indicated .

In accordance with the Accounting Regulations "Accounting Statements of an Organization" PBU 4/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n (according to the conclusion of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 6417-PK dated August 6, 1999, the said Order does not require state registration), indicators of individual income and expenses can be presented in the profit and loss statement as a total amount with disclosure in the explanations to the profit and loss statement, if each of these indicators individually is not significant for the assessment by interested users of the financial position of the organization or financial results of its activities.

The reporting period is indicated.

The period of the previous year, similar to the reporting period, is indicated.

Revenue is reflected net of value added tax and excise taxes.

The total financial result of the period is determined as the sum of the lines “Net profit (loss)”, “Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period” and “Result from other operations, not included in the net profit (loss) of the reporting period ".


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Analysis of the financial results of an organization is a study of the profit or loss received by it, both in absolute value, and coefficients relative to other financial indicators of the organization 6.

The main goal of financial analysis is to obtain a small number of key parameters that give an objective and accurate picture of the financial condition of the enterprise, its profits and losses, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, and in settlements with debtors and creditors. At the same time, the analyst and manager may be interested in both the current financial state of the enterprise and its projection for the near or longer term, i.e. expected parameters of financial condition.

The goals of analysis are achieved as a result of solving a certain interrelated set of analytical problems. The analytical task is a specification of the goals of the analysis, taking into account the organizational, informational, technical and methodological capabilities of the analysis.

The assessment of the financial activities of an enterprise is carried out on the basis of financial statements.

The basic principle of analytical reading of financial statements is the deductive method, i.e. From general to specific. But it must be used repeatedly. In the course of such an analysis, the historical and logical sequence of economic factors and events, the direction and strength of their influence on the results of operations, is reproduced.

The practice of financial analysis has developed the basic rules for reading financial statements.

Among them there are 6 main methods:

    horizontal analysis - comparison of each reporting item with the previous period;

    vertical analysis - determining the structure of the final financial indicators, identifying the impact of each reporting item on the result as a whole;

    trend analysis - comparison of each reporting item with a number of previous periods and determination of the trend, i.e. the main trend of the indicator dynamics, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics of individual periods. With the help of a trend they form possible values indicators in the future, and therefore, forward-looking forecast analysis is carried out;

    analysis of relative indicators - calculation of relationships between individual report items or positions different forms reporting, determining the relationships between indicators;

    comparative analysis is both an intra-company analysis of summary reporting indicators for individual indicators of a company, subsidiaries, divisions, and inter-company analysis of the indicators of a given company with the indicators of competitors, with industry average and average business data;

    factor analysis - analysis of the influence of individual factors on a performance indicator using deterministic or stochastic research techniques. Moreover, factor analysis can be either direct, when the effective indicator is divided into its component parts, or reverse (synthesis), when its individual elements are combined into a common effective indicator.

Financial analysis is part of a general, complete analysis of economic activity, which consists of two closely interrelated sections: financial analysis and production management analysis.

Financial analysis is divided into external and internal. Features of external financial analysis are:

    multiplicity of subjects of analysis, users of information about the activities of the enterprise;

    diversity of goals and interests of the subjects of analysis;

    availability of standard analysis techniques, accounting and reporting standards;

    orientation of the analysis only to public, external reporting of the enterprise;

    limited analysis tasks as a consequence of the previous factor;

    maximum openness of the analysis results for users of information about the enterprise’s activities.

Financial analysis, based only on financial statements, takes on the character of an external analysis conducted outside the enterprise by its interested counterparties, owners or government agencies. This analysis does not reveal all the secrets of the company's success.

    analysis of absolute profit indicators;

    analysis of relative profitability indicators;

    analysis of the financial condition, market stability, balance sheet liquidity, solvency of the enterprise;

    analysis of the efficiency of use of borrowed capital;

    economic diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise and rating assessment of issuers.

The main content of on-farm financial analysis can be supplemented by other aspects that are important for optimizing management, for example, such as analysis of the efficiency of capital advances, analysis of the relationship between costs, turnover and profit. In the system of on-farm management analysis, it is possible to deepen financial analysis by attracting management production accounting data, in other words, it is possible to conduct a comprehensive economic analysis and evaluate the efficiency of economic activity.

Features of management analysis are:

    orientation of the analysis results to your management;

    use of all sources of information for analysis;

    lack of regulation of external analysis;

    completeness of the analysis, study of all aspects of the enterprise’s activities;

    integration of accounting, analysis, planning and decision making;

    maximum secrecy of analysis results in order to maintain trade secrets.

The main type of goods is non-food and food products.

To perform an analysis, it is necessary to evaluate the level and dynamics. To assess the level and dynamics of indicators, we will construct Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 - Analysis of the level and dynamics of indicators for 2013-2014.

According to table 2.4. The conclusion is the following: the Magnit store achieved the best results in its activities in 2014 compared to 2013, with a net profit of 377,000 thousand rubles.

The analysis of financial results begins with studying the volume, composition, structure and dynamics of profit (loss) before tax in the context of the main sources of its formation, which are profit (loss) from sales and profit (loss) from other activities, i.e. balance of other income and expenses.

Let's consider example of financial results analysis according to the income statement.

We begin the analysis of financial results by studying the volume, composition, structure and dynamics of profit before tax in the context of the main sources of its formation, which are profit from sales and profit from other activities (Table No. 1).

Table 1. Profit before tax analysis

Index Last year Reporting year Change Growth rate, % Growth rate, %
Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, % Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, % Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, %
1. Profit from sales 5 564 81% 4 147 113% -1 417 32% 75% -25%
2. Profit from other activities 1 332 19% -463 -13% -1 795 -32% -35% -135%
3. Profit before tax 6 896 100% 3 684 100% -3 212 53% -47%

The data provided indicate that in the reporting year, compared to last year, the amount of profit before tax decreased by 3.2 million rubles or 47%, due to a reduction in sales profit by 25% and a loss from other activities in the amount of 0 .5 million rubles in the reporting period.

We begin the analysis of sales profit by studying its volume, composition, structure and dynamics in the context of the main elements that determine its formation (Table No. 2).

Table 2. Sales profit analysis

Index Last year Reporting year Change Growth rate, % Growth rate, %
Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, % Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, % Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, %
1. Sales revenue 86897 100% 175568 100% 88 671 202% 102%
2. Cost of sales 81333 94% 171421 98% 90 088 4% 211% 111%
3. Management expenses 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0%
4. Business expenses 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0%
5. Profit from sales 5564 6% 4147 2% -1417 -4% 75% -25%

Thus, in the reporting year, compared to the previous year, the amount of profit from sales decreased by 1.4 million rubles or 25%, due to a faster rate of increase in cost compared to the level of growth in sales revenue (111% versus 102% ). Accordingly, the share of cost increased by 4%, and the share of profit from sales in sales revenue decreased by 4.0%, which indicates a decrease in the efficiency of current activities and is a consequence of failure to fulfill the condition for optimizing profit from sales, since the growth rate of the total cost of products sold ( 211%) outpaces the sales revenue growth rate (202%).

Then we will analyze the profit from other activities in the context of the income that forms it and the expenses associated with this activity (Table No. 3). During the analysis, we will study its volume, composition, structure and dynamics. At the same time, the structures of income and expenses associated with other activities, as noted earlier, are analyzed separately.

Table 3. Analysis of profit from other activities

Index Last year Reporting year Change Growth rate, % Growth rate, %
Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, % Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, % Amount, thousand rubles Specific gravity, %;
1. Income from other activities, total, including: 4228 100% 3739 100% -489 88% -12%
1.1. Interest receivable 886 21% 305 8% -581 -13% 34% -66%
1.2. Income from participation in other organizations 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0%
1.3. Other income 3342 79% 3434 92% 92 13% 103% 3%
2. Expenses related to other activities, total, including: 2896 100% 4202 100% 1306 145% 45%
2.1. Percentage to be paid 99 3% 1301 31% 1202 28% 1314% 1214%
2.2. other expenses 2797 97% 2901 69% 104 -28% 104% 4%
3. Profit (loss) from other activities 1332 -463 -1795 -35% -135%

As follows from the above calculations, in the reporting period the company incurred a loss from other activities in the amount of 0.5 million rubles. The unprofitability of the activity is associated with a sharp increase in the amount of interest payable (1314%), against the backdrop of a reduction in interest income of the enterprise; in the composition of income from other activities, the share of interest receivable decreased by 13%.

Thus, for the reporting year, net profit decreased by 0.2 million rubles, or 7%, due to unprofitability of other activities (-0.5 million rubles) and the rapid growth rate of cost compared to the level of growth in revenue from sales

Drawing a line under the analysis of the financial results of an enterprise according to the income statement, we can state a decrease in all its financial results in the reporting period compared to the data of the previous year to a greater or lesser extent, which is, of course, a negative phenomenon, indicating insufficient success of the financial economic activities of this company in the reporting year.

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Course work

in the subject "Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity"

Analysis of the financial results of an enterprise using the example of ANSANT LLC

Moscow 2012


2. Analysis of the financial results of the economic activities of Ansant LLC

2.1 Brief economic characteristics of the company Ansant LLC

2.4 Profitability analysis



The effectiveness of the functioning of an enterprise, regardless of the organizational and legal form and types of its activities in market conditions, is determined by the ability of the enterprise to generate sufficient income or profit. Profit is the final result of an enterprise’s work, stimulating further production activities and creating the basis for its expansion. How more enterprise sells profitable products, the more profit he receives, the better his financial condition.

The volume of sales and the amount of profit, the level of profitability depend on the production, supply, sales and commercial activities of the enterprise, in other words, these indicators characterize all aspects of management.

In times of market relations, the role of analyzing the financial results of an enterprise is extremely important. This is due to the fact that enterprises have acquired independence and bear full responsibility for the results of their production and economic activities to co-owners, shareholders, employees, banks and creditors.

The relevance of studying the features of the analysis of financial results lies in the fact that it allows us to determine the most rational ways of using resources and form the structure of the enterprise’s funds and activities as a whole.

The purpose of this work: to analyze the financial results of Ansant LLC and propose the main directions for increasing them.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been identified:

Reveal the theoretical foundations for analyzing the financial results of an enterprise;

Study the procedure for generating financial results, their composition, and also outline the methodology for their analysis;

Conduct an analysis of the final financial results of Ansant LLC;

Suggest the main ways to improve the efficiency and financial results of the Ansant LLC enterprise.

The object of this work is Ansant LLC. The subject is the financial results of the enterprise.

By doing course work Legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation were used to analyze the financial results of enterprises, educational and methodological literature, periodical materials, as well as the financial statements of Ansant LLC.

financial profit profitability

1. Theoretical foundations for analyzing the financial results of an enterprise

1.1 Concept and composition of financial results

The final financial result of the activity of any enterprise, which comprehensively characterizes the efficiency of its work, is profit. In a market economy, profit is the most important factor in stimulating the production activity of an enterprise, creates a financial basis for its expansion, serves as a source of dividend payments to owners and satisfaction of the social needs of the workforce.

Profit is part of the added value that enterprises directly receive after selling products, goods (works, services) as a reward for the invested capital and the risk of entrepreneurial activity. Quantitatively, profit is the difference between total income (after payment of value added tax, excise tax and other contributions to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds) and total expenses.

Financial result is a general indicator of analysis and assessment of the effectiveness (ineffectiveness) of an enterprise’s activities at certain stages of its formation. The financial result (net profit) from the activities of the organization is formed as the difference between income and expenses from production, financial and investment activities.

Profit in Form 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” is presented in different forms. The algorithm for generating enterprise profit indicators based on the profit and loss statement is presented in Figure 1.1.

So, first of all, profit from sales is calculated as the difference between sales revenue and the total cost of products, goods, works, services, including commercial and administrative expenses.

In general, the concept of “financial result” has a certain economic meaning: the excess (decrease) in the cost of manufactured products over the costs of its production; the excess of the cost of products sold over the total costs incurred in connection with its production and sale; the excess of net (retained) profit over incurred losses, which ultimately is the financial and economic basis for increasing the organization’s equity capital. A positive financial result indicates the effective and expedient use of the organization’s assets, its fixed and working capital.

Figure 1.1 - Profit generation scheme

The desire to make a profit directs commodity producers to increase production volumes and reduce costs. With profit, the level of return on advanced funds and the return on investment in the assets of a particular enterprise are determined.

In general, indicators characterizing the financial results of an organization are divided into two main groups: absolute and relative. The first group includes: profit (loss) from sales; operating and non-operating profit (loss); profit before tax; net profit is the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes, etc. The second group includes profitability indicators.

Profitability is a relative indicator that has the property of comparison. Profitability characterizes the degree of profitability, profitability. Profitability indicators make it possible to estimate how much profit a business entity has from each ruble of funds invested in assets; they reflect the final results of business more fully than profit, because their value shows the ratio of the effect to cash or resources used. Therefore, the search for reserves for increasing profits and profitability is one of the main tasks of any enterprise.

Economic analysis plays a very important role in the process of managing financial results. In conditions of competition and the desire of enterprises to maximize profits, analysis of financial and economic activities is an integral function of management. This aspect of company management is becoming the most significant at the present time, since the practice of market functioning shows that without an analysis of financial and economic activities, an enterprise cannot function effectively.

The analysis process uses various profit indicators, which can be classified as follows:

1. By type of economic activity they distinguish: profit from the main (operating) activity; profit from financial activities; profit from investment activities.

2. Based on the composition of the included elements, they are distinguished: marginal (gross) profit, the overall financial result of the reporting period before interest and taxes (gross profit), profit before tax, net profit.

Gross profit includes financial results from operating, financing and investing activities, non-operating and extraordinary income and expenses (before interest and taxes). Characterizes the overall financial result earned by the enterprise for all interested parties (state, creditors, owners, employees).

Profit before taxes is the result after interest is paid to creditors.

Net profit is the amount of profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying all taxes, economic sanctions and other mandatory deductions.

3. Depending on the nature of the enterprise’s activities, it is distinguished: profit from ordinary (traditional) activities and profit from emergency situations unusual for a given enterprise.

4. By the nature of taxation, a distinction is made between taxable and non-taxable profit in accordance with tax legislation, which changes periodically.

5. According to the degree to which the inflation factor is taken into account, a distinction is made between nominal profit and real profit adjusted for the inflation rate in the reporting period.

6. According to economic content, profit is divided into accounting and economic. Accounting profit is defined as the difference between income and current explicit costs reflected in the accounting registers. Economic profit differs from accounting profit in that when calculating its value, not only explicit but also implicit costs that are not reflected in accounting (for example, the cost of maintaining fixed assets owned by the owner of the company) are taken into account.

7. According to the nature of use, net profit is divided into capitalized (undistributed) and consumed. Capitalized profit is a part of net profit that is used to finance the growth of the enterprise's assets. Consumed profit is that part of it that is spent on paying dividends to shareholders and founders of the enterprise.

When analyzing the composition and dynamics of profit, it should be borne in mind that its size largely depends on the accounting policies of the enterprise. The Accounting Law and other regulatory documents provide the right to business entities to independently choose certain accounting methods that can significantly affect the formation of financial results. The accounting policy issues that determine the amount of profit received by the enterprise include the following:

1. Choosing a method for calculating depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets;

2. Choosing a method for evaluating materials when released into production;

3. Choosing a method for attributing certain types of expenses to the cost of production (creating reserves);

4. Determination of the composition of overhead costs (indirect costs) and the method of their distribution.

1.2 Main stages of formation of financial results

The main regulatory documents governing the formation of financial results are:

Accounting Regulations “Income of the Organization” PBU 9/99;

Accounting Regulations “Organization Expenses” PBU 10/99.

In accordance with clause 2 of PBU 9/99 “Income of an organization,” an organization’s income is recognized as an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of assets (cash, other property) and (or) repayment of liabilities, leading to an increase in the capital of this organization, with the exception of contributions from participants ( property owners).

Receipts from other individuals and legal entities are not recognized as income of the organization:

The amount of value added tax, excise taxes, sales tax, export duties and other similar mandatory payments;

Under commission agreements, agency and other similar agreements in favor of the principal, principal, etc.;

In the order of advance payment for products, goods, works, services;

Advances in payment for products, goods, works, services;


As a pledge, if the agreement provides for the transfer of the pledged property to the pledgee;

To repay a loan granted to a borrower.

The income of the organization, depending on its nature, the conditions for receiving it and the areas of activity of the organization, are divided into:

Income from common species activities;

Operating income;

Non-operating income.

Income from ordinary activities is revenue from the sale of products and goods, receipts associated with the performance of work, provision of services (hereinafter referred to as revenue).

In organizations whose subject of activity is the provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of their assets under a lease agreement, revenue is considered to be receipts the receipt of which is associated with this activity (rent).

In organizations whose subject of activity is the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property, revenue is considered to be receipts the receipt of which is associated with this activity (license payments (including royalties) for the use of intellectual property). In organizations whose subject of activity is participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, revenue is considered to be receipts of which are associated with this activity.

Income received by an organization from provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of its assets, rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property, and from participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, when this is not the subject of activities of the organization are classified as operating income.

Operating income is:

Receipts related to the provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization’s assets;

Receipts related to the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property;

Receipts related to participation in the authorized capitals of other organizations (including interest and other income on securities);

Profit received by the organization as a result of joint activities (under a simple partnership agreement);

Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except foreign currency), products, goods;

Interest received for the provision of an organization's funds for use, as well as interest for the bank's use of funds held in the organization's account with this bank.

Non-operating income is:

Fines, penalties, penalties for violation of contract terms;

Assets received free of charge, including under a gift agreement;

Proceeds to compensate for losses caused to the organization;

Profit of previous years identified in the reporting year;

Amounts of accounts payable and depositors for which the statute of limitations has expired;

Exchange differences;

The amount of revaluation of assets (except for non-current assets);

Other non-operating income.

Extraordinary income is considered to be income arising as a consequence of extraordinary circumstances of economic activity (natural disaster, fire, accident, nationalization, etc.): insurance compensation, the cost of material assets remaining from the write-off of unsuitable for restoration and further use assets, etc.

To generate financial results, the current chart of accounts provides for the following accounts:

Account 90 “Sales” is intended to summarize information on income and expenses associated with the organization’s normal activities, as well as to determine the financial result for them.

Account 91 “Other income and expenses” is intended to summarize information on income and expenses of the reporting period.

Account 99 “Profits and losses” is intended to summarize information on the formation of the final financial result of the organization’s activities in the reporting year. The final financial result is compiled during the year on account 99 “Profits and losses” from:

Profit or loss from ordinary activities;

Other income and expenses;

Losses, expenses and income due to extraordinary circumstances of economic activity;

Accrued payments of the amount of income tax and payments for recalculation of this tax, based on actual profit, as well as the amount of tax penalties due.

1.3 Methodology for analyzing the financial results of an enterprise

The main goal of analyzing the financial results of an enterprise is to obtain a small number of key parameters that give an objective and accurate picture of the financial condition of the enterprise, its profits and losses, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, and in settlements with debtors and creditors.

The main objectives of analyzing financial results are:

Assessment of the level and dynamics of absolute and relative indicators of financial results (profit and profitability);

Studying the structure of profit by type of financial results;

Determining the influence of various factors on the amount of profit and the level of profitability;

Study of the distribution and use of enterprise profits;

Analysis of relative profitability indicators (analysis of the profitability threshold);

Determining possible reserves for increasing profits and profitability, as well as ways to mobilize them.

The main source of information when analyzing financial results is f. No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement.” Additionally, the information contained in the form may be used. No. 1 “Balance Sheet”, f. No. 3 “Report on changes in capital”, f. No. 5 “Appendix to the Balance Sheet”, journal order No. 10 - for items of production costs, journal order No. 15 - for profit and loss accounts, journal order No. 11 - for accounts finished products, f. No. 11 “Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) and other non-financial assets” (statistical reporting). In addition, the analysis uses data from the business plan and analytical accounting: accounts 90 “Sales”, 91 “Other income and expenses”, 99 “Profits and losses”..

Accounting statements are a system of indicators that reflect the property and financial position of an organization as of a certain date, as well as the financial results of its activities for the reporting period. The composition, content, requirements and other methodological principles of accounting statements are regulated by the accounting regulations “Accounting statements of an organization” (PBU 1 - PBU 10), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 1998.

The size of profit and profitability is influenced by two groups of factors: internal and external.

External factors are factors in the external environment of the enterprise. In most cases, it itself cannot influence them, and therefore is forced to adapt to them.

The group of external factors includes:

The level of development of the country's economy as a whole;

Natural (climatic) factors, transport and other conditions that cause additional costs for some enterprises and determine additional profits for others;

Measures to regulate the activities of enterprises by the state;

Changes in prices for raw materials, products, supplies, fuel, energy, purchased semi-finished products not provided for by the enterprise plan; tariffs for services and transportation; depreciation rates; rental rates; minimum wage and charges on it; rates of taxes and other fees paid by the enterprise;

Violation of state discipline by suppliers, financial, banking and other organizations on economic issues affecting the interests of the enterprise.

Internal factors are directly related to the performance of the enterprise; they can mainly be influenced by the management of the enterprise itself.

The group of internal factors includes:

Business results,

The effectiveness of concluded transactions for the supply of goods,

Forms and systems of remuneration,

Volume and structure of trade turnover,

Labor productivity,

Level of gross income and distribution costs,

Efficiency of fixed and working assets,

Amount of other profit,

Violations of tax laws.

Profit analysis is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, an analysis is made of the dynamics of profit and profitability for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions by identifying trends in changes in the mass of profit and profitability for the period under study. For these purposes, the rates (basic and chain) of growth (decrease) of the analyzed indicators are calculated and compared with the dynamics of similar indicators of competitors and with the average annual rate of return on invested capital.

At the second stage, the influence of factors on profit and profitability is assessed.

Profit from the sale of products for the enterprise as a whole depends on four factors of the first level of subordination:

Volume of product sales;

Its structures;


Level of average selling prices.

The volume of product sales can have a positive and negative impact on the amount of profit. Increasing sales of profitable products leads to a proportional increase in profits. If the product is unprofitable, then with an increase in sales volume, the amount of profit decreases.

The structure of commercial products can have both a positive and negative impact on the amount of profit. If the share of more profitable types of products in the total volume of their sales increases, then the amount of profit will increase, and, conversely, with an increase in the proportion of low-profit or unprofitable products, the total amount of profit will decrease.

The cost of production and profit are inversely proportional: a decrease in cost leads to a corresponding increase in the amount of profit and vice versa.

Changes in the level of average selling prices and the amount of profit are directly proportional: as the price level increases, the amount of profit increases, and vice versa.

The effectiveness and economic feasibility of the operation of an enterprise are assessed not only by absolute, but also by relative indicators. The latter, in particular, includes a system of profitability indicators.

In the broadest sense of the word, the concept of profitability means profitability, profitability. An enterprise is considered profitable if income from the sale of products (works, services) covers the costs of production (circulation) and, in addition, forms an amount of profit sufficient for the normal functioning of the enterprise.

The economic essence of profitability can be revealed only through the characteristics of the system of indicators. Their general meaning is to determine the amount of profit from one ruble of invested capital.

Profitability indicators characterize the relative profitability or profitability, measured as a percentage of the cost of funds or property.

Return on sales shows how much profit is generated per ruble of products sold. The decrease indicates a decrease in demand for the company's products. The level of profitability of sales is determined by the ratio of profit from the sale of products to the amount of revenue from the sale of products excluding VAT and excise taxes.

The return on total capital of an enterprise shows the efficiency of using all the assets of the enterprise. The decrease indicates a drop in demand for products and over-accumulation of assets. The profitability of the entire capital of an enterprise is determined by the ratio of the profit of the reporting year to the value of the enterprise's property.

Return on non-current assets reflects the efficiency of use of non-current assets. The level of profitability of non-current assets is determined by dividing the profit of the reporting year by the cost of non-current assets.

Return on equity shows the efficiency of using equity capital. The dynamics of the coefficient influences the level of the company's stock quotes. Return on equity is determined by the ratio of the profit of the reporting year to the equity of the enterprise.

Return on permanent capital reflects the efficiency of using capital invested in the activities of the enterprise (both equity and borrowed capital). Return on permanent capital is determined by dividing the profit of the reporting year by the amount of equity and long-term liabilities.

To analyze profitability indicators, the following sources of information are used: financial plan, forms No. I and No. 2 of the enterprise’s financial statements, accounting registers.

2. Analysis of the financial results of the economic activities of Ansant LLC

2.1 Brief economic characteristics of the enterprise Ansant LLC

Shopping mall"Ansant" was founded on August 19, 2006. The Ansant shopping center was incorporated in 2006. As of January 1, 2009, the number of employees is 19 people, of which 5 people. - management personnel. In 2006, the company received a license for trade and trade intermediary activities. Since that time, he has been actively engaged in commercial activities.

The main activity of Ansant LLC is retail trade food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores. The purpose of Ansant LLC is to trade these products and satisfy the existing demand for them in the market and, accordingly, make a profit in the process of this activity.

The property of the enterprise consists of financial resources and material assets that are on the balance sheet and are the property of the company. The sources of formation of the enterprise's financial resources are profit, depreciation charges, personal funds of participants invested in the authorized capital.

The supreme governing body is the Council of Founders.

The executive body of Ansant LLC is the director.

The goals of Ansant LLC are:

Satisfaction public needs in its services (work, products);

Implementation of the social and economic interests of members of the workforce and owners of the enterprise on the basis of profit.

2.2 Analysis of the level and dynamics of the enterprise’s financial results

The financial results of an enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit received and the level of profitability. The greater the profit and the higher the level of profitability, the more efficiently the enterprise operates, the more stable its financial condition.

To carry out the analysis and determine the “quality of profit,” the necessary source of information will be the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise for a certain reporting year. When considering the adopted accounting policy, it is necessary to remember that the amount of the financial result will be influenced by its main elements: methods of assessing materials released into production; depreciation of fixed assets, the procedure for creating reserves to pay for regular vacations, equipment repairs, and others.

A profit and loss report, an explanatory note, an order on accounting policies are information sources for conducting an external analysis of the financial results of an enterprise. If such an analysis is carried out by the business entity itself, then it will be based on a broader information base: with the involvement of analytical statements on accounting accounts, development tables, and primary documents.

Profit analysis begins with an assessment of its level and dynamics, both in terms of the total amount and in the context of its constituent elements. To assess the level and dynamics of profit indicators of Ansant LLC for 2010-2011. Let's make table 1.

Table 1.

Analysis of the level and dynamics of profit and loss indicators of Ansant LLC in 2010-2011.



1.Profit\loss from sales

2. Interest receivable

3. Interest payable

4.Income from participation

in other organizations

5.Other operating

6.Other operating



9.Profit\loss up to



10. Deferred tax assets

11. Deferred tax liabilities

12. Current income tax

13. Net profit


According to Table 1, we can conclude that Ansant LLC has achieved best results in its activities in 2011 compared to 2010, as evidenced by an increase in profit before tax by 46% and net profit by 798 thousand rubles, or 46.1%. This growth was the result of an increase in almost all components of profit indicators, except for non-operating income, which decreased by 8 thousand rubles, which accordingly reduced the amount of profit.

Indicators such as sales profit and interest receivable increased to a greater extent. They also make up the largest share of the total profit. In addition, an increase in income from participation in other organizations and other operating income had a positive impact on profit. As a result of the growth of these indicators, profit increased compared to the previous year by 203 thousand rubles and 282 thousand rubles, respectively.

At the same time, profit was reduced by an increase in operating expenses by 218 thousand rubles. and a decrease in non-operating income by 8 thousand rubles. In general, the negative impact amounted to 248 thousand rubles.

Further analysis should reveal the specific reasons for the change in profit from product sales for each factor.

2.3 Factor analysis of profit from product sales

The main part of profit before tax (accounting profit) is profit from core (ordinary) activities, which is subject to special analysis. When analyzing sales profits, not only the dynamics of changes in indicators are determined, but also the influence of factors.

The analysis of sales profit begins with a study of its dynamics and structure, both in terms of the total amount and in the context of its constituent elements. To assess the level of dynamics of profit indicators from sales of Ansant LLC, we will compile Table 2.

table 2

Analysis of profits from sales of Ansant LLC products in 2010-2011.



1. Sales revenue

2. Cost of sales

3. Business expenses

4. Administrative expenses

5.Profit from sales


The table data shows that the growth in profits from product sales in 2011 compared to 2010 increased by 540 thousand rubles. This is due to an increase in sales revenue by RUB 4,140 thousand. or by 36.5%. At the same time, all types of costs increased: cost of sales increased by 33.8%, commercial expenses by 85%, and administrative expenses by 30.1%. An increase in costs may be due to an increase in sales volume, i.e. this increase is objective.

Further study of sales profit consists of calculating the factors influencing its volume. To do this, you need to evaluate the changes:

Selling prices for products;

Product sales volume;

In the structure of products sold;

Cost of products sold;

The calculation of the influence of these factors on the amount of profit is given in Table 3.

Table 3.

Factor analysis of profit from sales of Ansant LLC products in 2010-2011. (thousand roubles.)


Q0 - quantity of products sold in the previous period

Q1 - quantity of products sold in the reporting period;

P0 - unit price of products sold in the previous period;

P1 - price of products sold in the reporting period;

C0 - cost of products sold in the previous period;

C1 - cost of products sold in the reporting period;

P0 - profit from the sale of products in the previous period;

P1.0 - profit from the sale of products of the reporting period in prices and costs of the previous period;

P1 - profit from the sale of products in the reporting period.

Using the data in Table 3, we will determine the impact on sales profits of the main factors.

The object of analysis is the change in profit.

Object of analysis = P1-P0

In our case, it amounted to 540 thousand rubles.

1. The impact of changes in sales volume. To determine the influence of this factor, it is necessary to multiply the percentage change in sales volume compared to the previous year by the amount of profit from sales in the previous period:

DP(q) = P0*(q1p0/q0p0-1)

Due to an increase in sales volume by 1,530 (12,870-11,340) thousand rubles, profit in the reporting period increased by 259 thousand rubles.

The calculation according to Table 3 is as follows:


2. We will determine the impact of changes in the cost of sales by comparing the cost of the reporting period and sales of the reporting period in the cost of the previous period. Due to an increase in the cost of sales by 2403 (13023-10620) thousand rubles, profit decreased by the same amount. Formalized type of calculation:

DP (c) =q1c1-q1Posted on

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3. We will determine the impact of changes in wholesale prices for products by comparing sales revenue for the reporting period and sales of the reporting period in prices of the previous period. The difference between them of 2,610 thousand rubles (15,480-12,870) indicates a change in profit due to wholesale prices for products.


4. Changes in the structure of products sold. We will determine the influence of this factor using the following calculation:

DP= P1.0 - P0*q1p0/q0p0

According to Table 3 it looks like this:


Consequently, shifts in the sales structure increased the amount of profit in 2011 by 74 thousand compared to 2010.

In addition to the above factors, cases of violation of economic discipline are investigated: savings resulting from violation of standards and technical conditions, failure to implement planned measures on labor protection and safety, changes in prices for materials and tariffs for services (electricity, water supply, transportation, etc.) and etc.

As can be seen from the analysis, price factors had the greatest influence on the profit deviation. Due to their increase, profit increased by 2,610 thousand rubles. Due to the increase in sales volume, 259 thousand rubles of additional profit were received. The increase in production costs reduced the estimated profit by 2,403 thousand rubles. Shifts in the structure of product sales, in turn, increased profits by 74 thousand rubles.

Thus, the total influence of factors amounted to +540 thousand rubles (259-2403+2610+74).

Such an analysis is available only to internal users, since it involves the use of synthetic and analytical accounting resources.

To conduct a factor analysis of profits from sales by external users based on financial reporting indicators, a technique that is carried out taking into account the inflation index can be used.

2 .4 Profitability analysis

In the broadest sense of the word, the concept of profitability means profitability or profitability. An enterprise is considered profitable if the results from the sale of products cover production costs and generate an amount of profit sufficient for the normal functioning of the enterprise.

The economic essence of profitability can be revealed through the characteristics of the system of indicators. Their general meaning is to determine the profit from one ruble invested in capital. Since these are relative indicators, they are practically not affected by inflation.

Let's consider the methodology for analyzing profitability indicators using the example of analyzing overall profitability.

The overall profitability of an enterprise can be represented as the product of two indicators: profit per ruble of sales (profitability of products sold) and the volume of product sales per ruble of the value of the enterprise’s assets (capital productivity of all funds (assets) of the enterprise).

Table 4.

Analysis of the overall profitability of Ansant LLC in 2010-2011.

(thousand roubles.)


1. Profit from sales

2. Sales revenue

3. Cost of basic industrial products. funds

4. Cost of current assets

5. Overall profitability of the enterprise

6. Sales profitability

7. Capital intensity

8. Ratio of fixation of current assets

9. Return on assets

The object of analysis in our case is 0.006. It is defined as the difference between the total profitability of the reporting period and the previous one.

According to the derived formula, the change in the overall profitability of the enterprise is due to the influence of two factors:

Change in sales profitability (Rent.P)

Change in capital productivity (F)

Let's calculate the influence of the above factors using the absolute difference method:

Delta Rent.(F)=(F1-F0)*Rent.P0

Delta Rent.(Rent.P)=(Rent.P1-Rent.P0)*F1

The calculations made allow us to conclude that the level of profitability of the Ansant LLC enterprise increased by 0.006 points due to the influence of two factors: changes in profitability of sales and changes in capital productivity.

At the same time, the first factor reduced the possible level of profitability, and the second contributed to its increase. Thus, the return on sales in 2011 was 14.3%, and in 2010 it was 15.2%. This led to a decrease in overall profitability by 0.012 points, that is, there was a decrease in profit for each ruble of products sold by one kopeck. At the same time, the efficiency of using funds has increased somewhat, as evidenced by the return on assets indicator. In 2011, capital productivity was higher than in 2010 by 0.122 points. This allowed the company to increase its overall profitability by 1.8%. Thus, at the Ansant LLC enterprise, despite the increase in the cost of industrial and production fixed assets and current assets, they were used effectively. Thus, the growth rate of sales volume exceeds the growth rate of the value of funds, this ensured an increase in the level of overall profitability of the enterprise, but at the same time, in 2011, the amount of profit increased by 540 thousand rubles. and this will not be enough to ensure an increase in profitability of sales. In other words, the growth rate of profit from sales is lower than the growth rate of sales volume.


The functioning of an enterprise, regardless of the types of activities and forms of ownership in market conditions, is determined by its ability to generate sufficient income or profit. The profit of an enterprise characterizes the efficiency of its activities. Making a profit is the immediate goal of an economic entity in market conditions, since it is the main source of financial resources of the enterprise, ensuring its stability and development.

To analyze this work, the activities of Ansant LLC for 2010-2011 were reviewed.

Thus, summarizing the results of the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise under study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Profit before tax increased by RUB 1,176 thousand. or by 46%, overall profitability increased by 0.6%.

Sales profit increased by 540 thousand rubles, net profit also increased by 798 thousand rubles, or 46.1%.

Profit before tax increased by RUB 1,176 thousand. This growth was the result of an increase in almost all components of profit indicators, except for non-operating income. Indicators such as sales profit and interest receivable increased to a greater extent. In addition, an increase in income from participation in other organizations and other operating income had a positive impact on profit. As a result of the growth of these indicators, profit increased compared to the previous year by 203 thousand rubles and 282 thousand rubles, respectively. At the same time, profit was reduced by an increase in operating expenses by 218 thousand rubles, non-operating expenses by 22 thousand rubles. and a decrease in non-operating income by 8 thousand rubles. In general, the negative impact amounted to 248 thousand rubles.

Growth in profits from product sales in 2011 compared to 2010 increased by 540 thousand rubles. This is due to an increase in sales revenue by RUB 4,140 thousand. or by 36.5%. At the same time, all types of costs increased: cost of sales increased by 33.8%, commercial expenses by 85%, and administrative expenses by 30.1%. An increase in costs may be due to an increase in sales volume, i.e. this increase is objective.

The increase in the level of profitability of the enterprise occurred due to the influence of two factors: changes in profitability of sales and changes in capital productivity. At the same time, the first factor reduced the possible level of profitability, and the second contributed to its increase. Thus, the profitability of sales in 2011 compared to 2010 decreased by 0.9%, which led to a decrease in overall profitability by 1.2%. At the same time, the efficiency of using funds has increased slightly, as evidenced by an increase in the capital productivity indicator by 0.122 points. This allowed the company to increase its overall profitability by 1.8%. Thus, at the Ansant LLC enterprise, despite the increase in the cost of industrial and production fixed assets and current assets, they were used effectively. Thus, the growth rate of sales volume exceeds the growth rate of the value of funds, this ensured an increase in the level of overall profitability of the enterprise, but at the same time, in 2011, the amount of profit increased by 540 thousand rubles. and this will not be enough to ensure an increase in profitability of sales. In other words, the growth rate of profit from sales is lower than the growth rate of sales volume.

Analysis of absolute indicators showed that Ansant LLC achieved high financial results in business activities compared to 2010. In 2011, compared to 2010, net profit increased by 798 thousand rubles. An analysis of the profit structure shows that the main part of it is made up of profit from sales. This indicates a relative increase in production costs. The increase in cost is due to the rise in prices of goods, as well as an increase in sales volume.

To remain a successful competitor in the market, Ansat LLC needs an independent financial strategy, an integral part of the formation of which is strategic analysis.

The goals of current and strategic marketing of Ansat LLC should be the following: studying markets for finished products and prospects for their development; attracting consumers by servicing them using a system of discounts; research and justification of price levels for each type of goods and trends in their changes; forecasting the balance between demand and consumption. When choosing a pricing policy, it is necessary that it directly depends on the company’s strategy for the long and short term.

Thus, the analysis of the market position of the enterprise, the identification of the most significant factors shaping its sales environment, should be not only an integral part of the implementation plan, but also a necessary stage of the strategic analysis of the income of Ansat LLC, which allows making an objective, reasonable and transparent forecast of the enterprise’s activities in in general and his income.

List of used literature

1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation: parts one and two. - M.: Yurayt - Publishing House, 2011. - 612 pp.;

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3. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n (as amended on November 8, 2010) “On approval of the Accounting Regulations “Organization Expenses” PBU 10/99” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 31, 1999 No. 1790) (as amended. and additionally, coming into force from 01/01/2011)

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