Anthurium flower: home care, cultivation and propagation. Indoor flower anthurium, caring for the plant at home Indoor plant anthurium how to care

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Anthurium is a bright, beautiful perennial flower. IN wildlife it is distributed in subtropical forests South America and most of the Pacific Islands. Botanists count more than 500 species of this plant; many varieties have been successfully cultivated and are widely used to decorate the interiors of residential buildings and winter gardens. Heat-loving anthurium - caring for it at home is not easy; it is much easier to grow it in a greenhouse, where you can easily maintain required temperature air and humidity levels. But true flower growers are not afraid of difficulties, and exotic flowers can increasingly be found in apartments.

Description of appearance

Anthurium belongs to the large Araceae family. It has the structure of a bush, above which rises a long peduncle with bright, large flowers. Thanks to this feature, the flower got its name - translated from ancient Greek, anthurium means “tail flower.” The plant can reach a meter in height, the leaves are large, dense, with a waxy coating, and a rich bright green color.

Anthurium flowers are small and unusual looking, collected into an oblong cob of milky, creamy or yellow color. At the base of the cob there are large, brightly colored leaves called the spathe. It is they, in combination with the cob, that give the bush such interesting view, for which the name “fiery tongue” appeared among the common people.

Anthurium emits a specific, tart aroma. It looks good in pots, as an ornamental foliage plant, and as a cut flower. It is highly valued by florists for the ability to create original flower arrangements with its help.

Carefully! Anthurium juice is poisonous, so the plant should be placed out of the reach of animals and should not be left in a child's room.

Features of caring for anthurium at home

To grow an anthurium, its care must be carefully thought out. Considering that in nature it grows in the humid tropics, the living conditions in the apartment should be as close as possible to its natural habitat.


Properly selected lighting is one of the main factors determining the decorativeness of a plant. There are three rules that must be followed.

  • Anthurium loves diffused light, but can do well in the shade, so the ideal placement is windows facing east or west.
  • Direct exposure to scorching sun rays will inevitably lead to the formation of leaf burns, so on the windowsill, especially in summer time, it is not recommended to keep the plant. It is better to place it on a stand or stand, at a distance of about 50-70 cm from the window.
  • Anthurium care winter time provides for maintaining the usual length of daylight hours, so it is recommended to move the pots to a window facing south or use additional artificial lighting.

Air temperature

The flower is heat-loving, therefore optimal temperature in summer it ranges from +22 °C to +26 °C. In winter, starting from the end of September, the temperature should be reduced slightly - to +17 °C. In early March, gradually increase to summer values. This will ensure flowering in the coming season.

The most important thing in caring for anthurium at home is to avoid drafts in the room, exotic plant doesn't like this very much. Better keep him away from open windows, and take it to another room for the ventilation period.

Air humidity

Perhaps this condition is one of the most difficult to fulfill, because the shrub needs a humidity level of 70–85%. You can try to provide decent conditions maintenance by frequent (up to 3–4 times a day) spraying, placing containers with water and wet pebbles near the flower, but the best solution will purchase a humidifier. This is the only way to not worry that the anthurium will weaken, get sick and lose its former attractiveness.


A resident of the tropics needs infrequent but abundant watering with soft water. High-quality care for anthurium involves a special watering system.

In summer, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 2-3 days, depending on the air temperature. It is important not to allow moisture to stagnate at the bottom of the container, so you should make sure you have a special tray in advance. Otherwise, the soil will become acidic and various types of infections will occur.

In winter, watering is reduced to once every 6–7 days, but given that the shrub needs a humid habitat, it is advisable to give it a shower 2–3 times a week. This will help refresh the plant and also remove dust accumulated on the leaves. It is recommended to wipe the surface of the leaves and stems with a damp cloth or cotton pads.

Important! You cannot spray the flower of the bush itself, otherwise the cob will change color (small brown spots will appear) or dry out

Soil composition

Loose, breathable substrates are suitable for cultivation. The flower prefers slightly acidic soil, with a pH level of 6.0. You can buy a special mixture for aroids in stores or prepare it yourself. There are many options for creating light, nutritious substrates, the most popular ones are presented below.

Substrate composition No. 1:

  • Peat - 2 parts,
  • Swamp moss – 2 parts,
  • Sod land – 1 part

Substrate composition No. 2:

  • Small expanded clay – 1 part
  • Peat – 1 part,
  • Shredded pine bark(pieces about 2 cm) – 1 part.

For good aeration, you can add a little sand, broken brick or fine pieces of pumice to any composition. And for nutritional value - charcoal, crushed pine cones.

Place drainage at the bottom of the pot (at least a third of the total volume), then lay out the thoroughly mixed mixture.


To ensure proper care of anthurium at home, it is necessary to fertilize regularly. Once every 2 weeks is enough. Considering that shrubs are sensitive to excess mineral salts in the soil, concentrated fertilizers should be diluted with plenty of water. Foliar feeding is the most effective; once a week you can safely spray the leaves with complex mineral fertilizers.

When growing plants, great importance is attached to organic matter. If you can find it, you can water the soil once a month with an infusion of chicken manure, but this must be done carefully and only after watering it with water. Concentrated organic fertilizers can cause root burns. As mulch you can use rotted horse or cow dung, fresh leaf humus.

How to properly replant anthurium?

The roots of the shrub are fragile and delicate, so you should not replant unless absolutely necessary. Once every 2 years will be enough. For replanting, you should choose a container with a diameter greater than 1-2 cm. In addition, too frequent replanting into larger containers is not an indicator of good anthurium care. The annual “change of residence” stimulates the development of the root system and the growth of leaves, and the setting of buds nutrients it won't be enough anymore.

The opinion of experienced flower growers on the topic of choosing the material from which the pot is made is interesting. It is believed that it is better to give preference plastic containers, not ceramic. Plastic has good thermal conductivity, so the temperature of the soil and air will always be approximately the same. Besides, plastic pots often equipped with 3 or 5 holes, and this is very important for the natural circulation of air in the root system.

When transplanting, drainage and substrate are prepared, after which the plant is carefully placed in a new container and the composition of the mixture is evenly distributed. Lightly compacted upper layer, anthurium is watered warm water.

Advice! If the roots of the plant protrude slightly through the top layer of soil, there is no need to immediately begin an unscheduled replanting. You can cover them with bog moss to prevent them from drying out.

How to stimulate flowering?

Sometimes even with the most good care behind anthurium, at home it refuses to bloom. You can prepare in advance for the upcoming season and “outsmart” the plant.

At the end of January, when the shrub is in a dormant state, the air temperature should be gradually raised to +21–22 °C. And closer to the onset of spring days, water with soft water heated to 45–60 °C. This will help the plant “wake up” faster and activate the process of flower stalk formation.

At favorable conditions the bush blooms from spring to late autumn, and one inflorescence can delight with its splendor for at least a month.

This is interesting! According to ancient legend, Indian beauty To avoid a wedding with a hated groom, she jumped into a burning fire. Her red Wedding Dress it immediately flared up, and the gods, seeing the girl’s torment, decided to save her by turning her into a beautiful, bright flower.

Diseases and pests of anthurium

Sometimes caring for anthurium is difficult for a beginner, since the pampered plant is susceptible to various diseases and pest attacks. Many of them are successfully treated with modern medicines, the main thing is to notice the disease or pest in time. Therefore, it is advisable to closely inspect the plant every day.

  1. Gray rot

Appears as gray plaque, similar to mold. It affects the leaves and stems of the plant.

Causes: arises due to high humidity and air temperature, leads to the gradual death of leaves.

Treatment: gray rot is a fungus that can be gotten rid of by spraying with a 2% solution of laundry soap mixed with a 2% solution of copper sulfate. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than 10 days later.

  1. Anthractosis

A serious and intractable disease in which the leaves turn yellow, begin to dry out along the edges and fall off.

Causes: The causative agent is a fungal infection, its development is provoked by too high air humidity, mechanical damage to the stem, leaves and lack of potassium or phosphorus.

Treatment: if the disease is at an initial stage, then the plant can be saved by treating it with fungicides: “Oxychom”, “Previkur”, copper sulfate and others. If the situation is advanced, then it is better to destroy the anthurium to avoid infecting other indoor plants.

  1. Root rot

Another common disease that occurs as a result of improper care of anthurium at home. Symptoms: the plant wilts, the root system turns brown.

Causes: The causative agent of the disease is fungal spores caused by excessive waterlogging of the substrate.

Treatment: If it was possible to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time, then the affected roots are cut off, the cut areas are sprinkled with ash or charcoal and the flower is planted in a disinfected container and on a new substrate.

  1. Spider mite

It is quite easy to recognize the pest by the silvery web on the inside of the leaf.

Causes: dry indoor air.


The surface of the entire plant is covered with small, light green insects.

Causes: dry indoor air and elevated temperature. Most often, aphids attack plants on hot summer days.

Treatment: Washing off insects with a solution of potassium soap or killing them using chemicals.

  1. Shchitovka

These are small lice that form many dark growths on the leaves.

Causes: dry indoor air.

Treatment: The surface of the leaves is washed with a solution of laundry soap.

Attention! Anthurium is extremely sensitive to chemicals, and before starting treatment, you need to consult with a specialist who will help you choose a gentle remedy.

What else should you be wary of when examining an anthurium?

  • The tips of the leaves have turned black. There is an excess of calcium salts in the substrate.
  • The leaves curl. Perhaps exposure to a draft, sunburn or too dry air.
  • Light spots appeared on the leaves. Most likely, the cause was hypothermia of the bush; the air temperature should be increased.

With good care, anthurium can become the pride of a gardener. This exotic shrub is so attractive and unusual that it will take its rightful place in any interior.

Anthurium care video

Anthurium is a very beautiful, amazing flower, the birthplace of which is considered to be South and Central America. This is indoor home plant from the Araceae family. This flower is popular not only because of its amazing appearance and the unique shape of the flowers.

It is believed that it is able to bring good luck to its owners, attract money, and fight adversity. Due to the special shape of the flower, there was a belief among the people that it was able to increase male strength, which is why it received the name “ male happiness" Let us consider in detail how to care for the plant, what are the features of keeping it at home.

Caring for “Male Happiness” after purchase

By purchasing an Anthurium flower, you take on great responsibility, because it is extremely fastidious in care and requires special attention.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with all the recommendations for keeping the plant at home and study the features of its cultivation.

Initially you need to select the right pot where it will exist.

Of course, you could purchase it with a pot filled with special soil, but we will not consider this case.

As surprising as it may sound, the anthurium pot should be as tight as possible. They do not like large spaces, spending all their energy on root growth, and the soil becomes acidic. The leaves remain sparse and the plant will not bloom. This does not apply to the width of the container. The space for long roots will come in handy. Having settled comfortably, entrenched in its “house”, the stems will be extensively covered with foliage.

The pot should be filled with a mixture of soil and expanded clay. It is recommended to change the substrate every spring. This is necessary for the anthurium to bloom. The flower loves oxygen.

You can mix the soil with peat and moss, and make small holes on the sides of the pot, which will ensure an active supply of oxygen to the roots. Flower shops sell special soil for growing Anthurium and initial recommendations for processing.

Growing and care conditions

Anthurium has several species that differ from their counterparts not only in external qualities and aroma, but also require special care, different from other plants of the araceae family.

Interesting! The most popular is the Andre Dakota species, the flowers of which have a bright red lacquered color, and the shoot fluctuates in beige and pastel colors light shades.


Because Anthurium is a tropical plant and is thermophilic. The room will have to be maintained at temperatures suitable for its existence all year round. In the summer, the temperature at home should be from 20 to 28 degrees. At the same time, it is worth protecting it from direct sunlight, which can be harmful to it.

In winter, the air temperature can be maintained between 15 and 20 degrees. At the same time, you can speed up the process of its flowering by increasing the temperature to summer standards. But you definitely need to wait time for the plant to set buds at temperatures of 16-18 degrees. Afterwards you can increase the heat.

Air humidity

Like warmth, "Men's Happiness" loves moist air, which prevails in its tropical habitats.

You need to provide it with adequate hydration. But don't overdo it. because due to excess water, the roots may begin to rot.

Place a tray filled with moistened pebbles under the plant pot.

From time to time you need to lightly spray the crown with a spray bottle. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Water should not get on the inflorescences.

You can purchase a humidifier and place it in the room with the plant. Air humidity should be adjusted to 80%. Place a container of water next to Anthurius. Its evaporation will create a tropical effect for your pet.


The flower loves diffused and soft light. Without proper lighting, it may refuse to bloom and will look lethargic. Never allow the flower to be in direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation can cause tender plant burns and even kill him.

The pot should be placed on windows facing east or northwest. If there are none, then place it in partial shade, at a distance of a meter from the window.

In winter, when “Male Happiness” especially needs light, place the plant on a windowsill with windows facing south.

Choosing a place to put it

Having understood the peculiarities of its habitat and preferences, all that remains is to figure out where to put the flower?

The ideal place would be in the eastern part of the room, where there is a window nearby that will supply it with light.

But you need to take care that the flower does not encounter drafts. If the windows are plastic, then you don’t have to worry and place it on the windowsill. You need to choose that part of the room where the light falls, but the wind does not “walk”.

Do not place it near electrical appliances. The radiation emanating from them is not only harmful to “Male Happiness”, but also absorbs it positive energy. You should not place it near radiators and other artificial heat producers.

If you have a bathroom that has a window, place the plant in front of it during the winter. It will receive the necessary humidity for existence and natural heat from the evaporation of water. In summer it can be placed in the living room or bedroom.

Curious! According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the plant in the eastern part of the house. It is believed that it will have maximum energy.

What does anthurium look like in the interior?

Anthurium flowers are very popular among those who appreciate beauty and are accustomed to enjoying the little things.

Its bright appearance can dilute the boring interior of a room and add that note that was missing.

Since "Men's happiness" includes more than 800 species, then you can choose its color and appearance to match the design of your apartment.

It should be borne in mind that depending on the species, the smell of the flower may differ. The aroma varies from delicate and pleasant to pungent and fetid.

Most of all, it is popular among artists and photographers who prefer to arrange a photo shoot against its background or include it in a still life composition.

Anthurium is not only pleasing to the eye, but is also able to purify the energy of the house, transforming it from negative to good. For its owners, as a rule, everything always goes smoothly and has a positive result.

Flowering conditions

To make this fastidious plant please you with beautiful buds, you need to constantly keep it in conditions suitable for its existence. In addition, you need to pamper the plant with additives and vitamins.

  1. It is better to water Anthurium with settled, filtered water at room temperature. The water must be free of impurities. Do not allow water to stagnate.
  2. Cover the top layer of soil with sphagnum to prevent it from drying out in the heat.
  3. If you decide to place the pot on a south-facing window, then darken it with tulle or move it to the corner of the window.
  4. In winter, the plant needs to be provided with additional artificial light. You can direct the rays of a table lamp at it.
  5. Frequently rearranging a flower can have a detrimental effect on it. It is best to do this 2 times a year. In spring and autumn.
  6. If “Male Happiness” begins to bloom, then put it in a dark place, hiding it from bright rays of light.
  7. During the flowering period, watering the flower is increased. Do not forget about periodically spraying the leaves and stems with a spray bottle.


“Male happiness” requires constant transplantation. You should definitely replant it immediately after purchasing it, choosing the optimal pot and soil composition. A young flower needs to be replanted once a year, and as it grows, reduce it to once every two or three years.

During this action you need to be extremely careful, because Anthurium is very fragile flower, and its roots are sensitive to any damage. If it turns out that you hit the root, then cover the wound site with activated carbon.

Advice! If you have never replanted flowers, then ask your friend who has similar experience to be present. This way you will eliminate the possibility of making a mistake, and the advice of an experienced gardener will come in handy.

Gently hold the plant and fill the pot with a special mixture of soil, moss and earth. Try to disturb the plant as little as possible. After replanting, the plant needs to be watered abundantly so that the water compacts the soil and calms the stressed plant.

Find out more from the video:


It should be planted in specially prepared soil consisting of a mixture of various additives. Since it is a tropical plant, where its natural habitat is loose and soft soil, ordinary soil will not suit it.

It is necessary to ensure a decent supply of oxygen to the roots of the pet. The flower does not like lime. The earth should have a weak acid reaction. It is best to mix wood humus, coal, moss, substrate for flowering plants, substrate for azaleas.

Attention! It is very important to maintain proportions when preparing the mixture. An excess of one or another substrate can have a detrimental effect on the health of the pet.


Plant propagation must be approached with special care. A mistake could lead to his death. Inexperienced housewives are not recommended to deal with this issue on their own.

There are several methods of reproduction:

  • Using the top, carefully cutting it off the stem and rooting it in a container of water;
  • Stem shoots sprouting on the roots;
  • By resorting to dividing the roots of the maternity bush using a sharp knife.


After the flowering period, when the buds have lost their viability, they need to be cut off.

This must be done with caution. Take a sharp knife and cut the flower at the very base of the bud. The wound can be sprinkled with activated carbon.

You can wait until the inflorescence cover dries and carefully remove it. The core itself will dry out over time and move away from the flower without any problems.


Over time, the flower may lose its beautiful appearance, develop growths near the roots and lose some of the lower leaves. Along the way, the aging process is often accompanied by the growth of small leaves and flowers, and sometimes by the complete absence of buds.

If you find such signs, then you need to resort to “Male Happiness” rejuvenation. The most popular method is a special plant transplant.

The flower has under the leaves aerial roots. You need to carefully cut off the top with leaves, capturing several root shoots located above the soil. This part is transplanted into fresh soil, rooted and watered.
You can learn more from the video below:


The mode and intensity of watering depends on the subspecies of the plant. For each type you need to select your own individual approach and study the features of its origin in its natural habitat. This plant loves moisture, but as mentioned above, overwatering can have a detrimental effect on it.

IN summer period Anthurium is watered every 3-4 days, spraying or wiping the leaves daily. In winter, this action is reduced to 1 time per week. Only use water that has stood for three days.

Top dressing

Simply watering and creating a favorable environment for Anthurium will not be enough.

In order for the plant to have large lush foliage and delight its owners with flowering, it needs to be additionally nourished in other ways.

This can also prevent the occurrence of diseases and control pests.

In the summer, starting in March, the plant is periodically fertilized with solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers. This should be done once every two weeks, periodically alternating solutions with each other.

You can purchase special fertilizer at a flower shop, where they will give you a special mixture intended specifically for this species. The package usually states with what frequency and in what quantities to apply the fertilizer.


Pollination for Anthurium is necessary if you decide to grow a friend from seeds. In nature, this process is carried out by bees, but indoors you will have to work on it yourself.

Take a thin soft brush, choose a sunny day and carefully transfer pollen from one flower to another.

Diseases and pests

Although the plant is fastidious in its care, it rarely gets sick. This mainly happens due to improper care.

Yellowness on the leaves is an indicator that your pet is not receiving enough light.

Darkening on the leaves and rotting indicates that it is cold.

Of the pests, “Male Happiness” is characterized by the appearance of aphids and scale insects. If you do not wipe the plant, it may become infected with spider mites.

How to revive a flower?

Often, a flower begins to die if there are problems with the roots or the soil is too hard. If the flower has not been replanted for more than a year, then this must be done immediately.

Carefully remove the flower from the pot and plant it in new soil mixed with charcoal, bark and moss. Carefully tear off the dried leaves and spray the trunk. At this time, you can pamper your pet with mineral supplements and vitamins.

Common mistakes

Answers to popular questions

No one is immune from mistakes. Even an experienced florist can unknowingly harm a pet. Let's look at the answers to the most popular questions asked by flower copyright holders.

Why doesn't it grow well?

The reason may be a lack of light or moisture. Feed the plant with mineral supplements. They will help saturate his body with everything necessary for rapid growth.

Why does it wither?

This often happens when your plant is cold. The cause of this sudden behavior may be fusarium disease. The disease can develop in conditions of excess moisture or infections from dirty hands or pets.

How often does it bloom?

The plant can bloom almost all year round, resting only in the most severe months of winter. With proper care, it begins to bloom buds in early spring. In its dissolved state, Anthurium can stand, pleasing the eyes of its owners, for several months.

Also, its flowers retain their original appearance for a long time when cut. As part of a bouquet it can last up to 4 weeks.

Useful video

Learn more about caring for anthurium from the video below:


Anthurium, popularly called “Male Happiness,” is an amazing and beautiful plant. Its beautiful buds look as if they are made of plastic. Due to its appearance, it requires a lot of care and attention. You shouldn't buy a flower if you don't have a lot of free time.

If you want to start caring for anthurium, then you need to take into account that this type The plant comes from the tropics. It attracts everyone with its amazingly beautiful crown and unusual inflorescences in the form of a beautiful petal wrapped in a spiral near the central cob. This specimen is also a talisman of masculinity, bringing good luck and prosperity to the home.

The problem of why anthurium does not want to bloom can greatly excite the owner and serve as a serious argument for finding ways to solve this problem. From this article you can learn a lot about caring for anthurium at home.

Reasons why Anthurium does not want to bloom, common diseases and pests

If non-compliance is enough simple rules which should be adhered to during cultivation, or in the absence of necessary preventive measures against pests, anthuriums may then develop various diseases such as:

  • Violation of the correct lighting regime;
  • Decrease in temperature during periods of intensive growth
  • Impossibility of creating a cool winter
  • Irrigation violations;
  • The air in the room is dry;

Signs of the disease in Anthurium and its further treatment

If the leaves of the anthurium curl into tubes. This may be caused by the fact that the lighting is too bright, which triggered the so-called activation of the safety mechanism. In this case, move the pot at a great distance from the direct rays of the sun. The plant must react in a short time and then unfold the blades (leaves).

  1. Dark spots may appear on the flowers. This may be caused by getting large quantity water on our plant. It is necessary to spray carefully, using an excellent sprayer. In some cases, this is due to excess calcium salts in the soil or being kept in a cool room.
  2. The stems began to rot. Expression excess moisture and watering. It is recommended to exclude affected stems in which bacteria and fungi form. To cure, you should completely stop irrigation and spraying until the earthen lump dries out. Reduce the next watering and carry out further spraying less intensively.
  3. Black spots appear on the leaves. High moisture and watering. In such cases, it is necessary to dry the pot a little and normalize the water hydration of the plant and the soil clod.
  4. Anthuriums turn yellow lower leaves. This is a sure sign that the plant has too much fertilizer or the temperature in which the plant is located is very cold.
  5. Anthurium leaves turn yellow. This problem is that the plant has problems with the root system; it must be immediately removed from the pot and the dead parts removed. Only after all these manipulations can the anthurium be planted in fresh soil.
  6. Anthurium leaves are drying up. Such cases are the norm when the plant is old. If the leaves continue to dry out a lot, it is necessary to check whether aphids or mites have appeared. In some cases, the tips of the leaves may dry out due to unsatisfactory atmospheric humidity and elevated temperatures.
  7. Why doesn't anthurium bloom? A problem in flowering may be caused by a sign that your pet does not have enough light, the pot is too small, heat. This problem can be easily solved by simply moving the pot to any bright place that does not receive direct sunlight. The temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

Advice! When spring approaches, your plant should be watered once (+40-50 degrees), this should cause lush flowering!

  1. Aphids are quite noticeable on the plant and can be easily cured - it will be enough to spray them with special substances.
  2. Scale insect: black spots appear on the leaves. Simply wiping the leaves with a solution of laundry soap or insecticides can help.
  3. There are spider mites on the plant. When the leaves are affected by the mite, they begin to turn yellow and become covered with spots and then curl. In this case, an acaricide will help (they need to treat the plant).

The so-called root nematodes. If your plant has thickenings or tubercles on the roots, this may be a nematode attack on the anthurium. If this happens, know that in such cases there is no treatment - the plant must be burned.

Advice! It is worth recalling that the juice of the anthurium plant contains poison, so it is not recommended to place it near children or curious animals, since the pieces contain poison that causes vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain.

Types of Anthurium Plants

Several species of this plant are most widespread:

  • Anthurium Andre (also a worthy choice)
  • Anthurium Scherzer (caring for this flower is not particularly difficult)

There are also decorative deciduous species of Anthurium such as:

  • Anthurium Magnificent (the name speaks for itself)
  • Anthurium Crystal (this type of anthurium has very beautiful leaves)

Anthurium Andre or Men's happiness

This plant has large dark green leaves and bright red colored spathes. The shoot of this plant is covered with multiple roots. A heart-shaped cover with veins. The color of the flowers ranges from red to soft red, sometimes green, yellow and snow-white. However, Anthurium Andre is far from the only species of indoor flowering plants, which is famous for its beautiful leaves and rich bracts with elegant flowers. Breeders have developed unusually exquisite species of anthuriums with dark red, lilac, snow-white, rich reddish, greenish, and even dark bracts.

Anthurium Scherzer

This type of anthurium is not very large, its scale does not exceed 40 cm. The leaves are covered with dark dots on both edges.

Anthurium Magnificent and Anthurium Crystal

These types are quite similar. They both have a large crown with a pointed edge and large snow-white or, in some cases, silver veins that create a unique pattern against a dark background. The cover of this species is most often green, but there are also specimens with a purple tint.

Anthurium: caring for the plant at home is quite complicated. Anthurium grows most correctly in closed greenhouses that maintain the correct climate. The plant loves bright light, but the room should have diffused lighting.

It is important that if direct rays of the sun fall on the anthurium, this can cause burns to the leaf plate.

Temperature required for growing anthurium

In order to ensure proper development and constant flowering, it is always necessary to create a microclimate in the room (Summer - 20-25 C, Winter - 16-18 ° C). It is important to avoid drafts in the place where the home anthurium will be located.

Sudden temperature changes and frequent drafts significantly weaken anthurium.

When to spray and water Anthurium

The anthurium flower needs high moisture, and accordingly, when caring for anthurium at home, you need to water it with warm water - 3 or 4 times per week will be enough. When winter comes, spraying it will be enough about once.

Anthurium care

In addition to the need to maintain suitable circumstances, anthuriums need certain care - constant transplants and, of course, fertilizing.

When to feed Anthurium

The flower does not always need to be fed, but only during the period when it is blooming. A lack of nutrients or an excess in the soil can be the reason that can cause damage to the leaves.

Planting and replanting anthurium

Anthuriums need to be replanted once a year, preferably in the spring. Transplanting anthurium at home will not cause you any problems. First of all, knock on the edges of the pot so that you can easily separate the roots from the walls, after which you will need to pull out the plant.

Remove the plant carefully so as not to damage the roots.

After this, you need to place the plant in the center of the pot and add soil to the sides (do not forget that there should be drainage in the center of the pot)

Anthurium soil in room conditions will require updating approximately every 2 years.

Anthurium propagation methods

Anthurium is propagated in several variants:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds
  • stem cuttings

If you need to divide the bush, then this must be done in the spring when you need to replant the plant. It is necessary to properly unravel the roots and then divide them between two parts. The wound that forms at the site of separation must be sprinkled with activated carbon powder in order to prevent subsequent rot of the plant.

For cuttings, it is best to take the top of the shoot.

If you want to propagate anthurium by seeds, you should know that such a process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. After pollination, the anthurium will develop berries in which the seeds will ripen. Before planting, seeds must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for two hours. You should not wait for rapid germination; flowering may occur only after 4 years.

And finally, some useful tips:

  • It is best to water when at least 1/3 of the substrate is dry.
  • Often it is better not to water the plant as it may become vulnerable to disease.
  • Water should flow calmly from the drainage into the pan and not stagnate at the level of the roots.
  • After you have settled the water, it will be good if you add a little softener there, this will be useful for a plant that does well in an acidic environment.
  • It is important to add peat to the grounding soil and a little sphagnum during replanting.

If you want to fill your home with indoor plants, then pay attention to anthurium.

From the article you will learn how to care for a flower after purchase, what pests and diseases can destroy a flower. And also what magical abilities does this handsome man have?

Types of anthurium

This is a gorgeous flower with colorful buds that can enhance the ambiance of your home. This indoor plant will become the main decoration of any room. It is easy to care for, so growing it will not cause any problems.

Different types of anthurium differ from each other in their breeding and appearance. The most popular plant varieties are as follows.

Anthurium Andre. This is a species with a short shoot and aerial roots. Large leaves are on the petioles. Anthurium flowers can be yellow or cream. Often the bedspread is painted in red and pink tones.

Baker's Anthurium. A variety with a low stem and narrow leaves. The leaves are green on top, and dark patterns can be seen below. The flowers are cream, and the surrounding leaves are yellow with a greenish tint.

Anthurium is majestic. This plant is similar to crystal anthurium. These species differ only in their petiole. The majestic anthurium has a tetrahedral shape, while the crystal one has a rounded shape.

Anthurium Hooker. The leaves are large, their bottoms are speckled, and the petioles are quite long. The bottom of the flower is covered with a blanket of rich green color.

Anthurium multidissected. It looks like a vine. The leaves are lanceolate and their edges are wavy.

Anthurium Scherzer (or flamingo flower). The leaf blades located on the petioles are leathery and oval. The flower is spiral and the bract is colored red and orange.

These are the main varieties of flower that exist in our time. A beautiful anthurium, easy to care for at home, will become a worthy decoration for your home.

Watch the video about:

  1. how to grow anthurium without soil;
  2. how to check whether a plant was painted before sale.

It is necessary to be very careful when contacting plants from the araceae family, as they are poisonous. Anthurium was no exception to the rule. The juice of the flower contains oxalate, which causes swelling of the throat. But such a nuisance will only arise if you chew its leaves. Think about the place where the flower will stand. It should not be accessible to children or pets. During transplantation and other manipulations, protect your hands with thick gloves.

Caring for anthurium at home is quite simple, but it also needs special conditions for growth.

You have decided to purchase such a beautiful plant for your home. This means that after purchasing it you need to take proper care of it. People with little floriculture experience are afraid to immediately replant anthurium, but this is a big mistake. Proper care consists precisely in replanting the plant after you bring it home.

Replanting an anthurium is not as difficult as it might seem. Pot ( the best option There will be a plastic flowerpot, the dimensions of which correspond to the root system, but you should leave at least 3 centimeters in reserve so that the flower does not feel crowded). Soil (special soil intended for growing aroid species of flowers is sold in stores; be sure to use drainage to prevent root rotting).

Transplantation method (it is better to replant a flower using the transshipment method, but if the roots are rotten, then they must be put in order, and only after that the plant can be replanted).

Now you know how to replant an anthurium after purchasing it.

Optimal conditions for the growth of anthurium

Lighting. The plant needs light for stable development, but direct sunlight can destroy it. Choose a place with moderate lighting or highlight the anthurium.

Air humidity. The optimal indoor humidity level should be 80%. To ensure that the anthurium develops well, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Spraying the plant should be regular.

Temperature conditions. The plant will develop at a temperature of 20-28 degrees in the warm season and 17 degrees in the cold season. But do not expose the flower to drafts, because they can destroy it.

Watering. Follow the “golden mean” rule, since the flower only needs a small amount of water.

Feeding. A mineral type fertilizer is suitable for you, because it contains all the microelements necessary for the development of the plant. These are the basic rules that apply to caring for anthurium after purchasing it. If you follow them, the plant will delight you with bright and beautiful flowers.

Anthurium care after flowering is almost the same, but the plant needs a little more moisture to maintain its vital functions.

If you are interested in caring for a plant in winter, you need to adhere to certain rules so that the anthurium blooms. To do this, illuminate it with special lamps. Warmth and good lighting are the surest way to the appearance of new bright buds.

How to deal with problems during anthurium growth

If the anthurium does not bloom and does not please you with its appearance, then it is worth understanding the main problems that may arise. There are quite a lot of them, so it is necessary to study their characteristics and reasons for their manifestation:

The leaves of the plant have turned yellow. Associated with waterlogging of the soil or with overly concentrated recharge. Also try increasing the lighting level or replacing a cramped pot with a larger container.

Black or brown spots on leaves. If the leaves begin to turn black, you need to check whether the plant is standing in a draft. Increase indoor humidity levels. The leaves may turn black due to a violation of the temperature regime, which is suitable for the development of anthurium. You can replace the substrate (if it contains a lot of potassium). The appearance of brown spots is associated with waterlogging or unsuitable soil for growing the plant.

Check to see if the anthurium root system is damaged. Replace your irrigation water if it is too hard or too cold.

In addition, dry tips of leaves signal a disease such as anthracnose (plants with mechanical damage). If the leaves begin to curl, remove the plant from the draft, humidify the air and add light.

Fading foliage indicates that the root system has begun to rot from overwatering. Reduce the amount of water you use for irrigation.

“Crying” anthurium - the appearance of water droplets on its leaves - is a natural process characteristic of tropical plants. It's called guttation. In this way, the plant gets rid of excess moisture if the watering is abundant and the lighting is low.

Anthurium propagation methods

Dividing the mother plant. Separate a small part of the bush with the root system during the process of replanting the plant. The seedlings take root instantly and do not require special care. You can propagate several flower bushes, creating optimal conditions for them to grow.

Cuttings. The part of the stem that is located above the ground is cut off, starting from the leaf. Then it is dug into the soil with suitable characteristics. If you can provide optimal temperature regime and suitable air humidity, you can quickly grow a flower.

Aerial roots. Separate the piece of root that protrudes above the ground, and then dig it into the soil. In a few months you will receive a full-fledged flower that will delight you with its appearance.

Propagation by seeds. This is a complex process that takes a lot of time. Getting anthurium seeds at home is not as easy as it might seem. You need to carry out pollination and then wait for the technical ripeness of the plant. This process takes about two years, but no one guarantees that your efforts will be successful.

These are the main features of anthurium propagation. If you do everything right, you can get new plants that will add additional decoration to your home.

What pests threaten anthurium

To cope with aphids, it is necessary to treat the anthurium with chemical or biological insecticides.

You need to purchase a special system product in the store. Contact insecticides are powerless in this situation. Mineral oil is used after treating plants with systemic agents.

While watching the video, you will get acquainted with some overview of preventive drugs against plant pests.

Thrips. These are small flies that quickly infect plants with viruses. They also leave secretions on the leaves that promote the development of fungus. Anthurium leaves turn yellow-white. To fight flies, you need to use special preparations. Sticky traps also work.

Anthurium does not bloom

Most often, this plant is sold in flowering form. When it fades, people eagerly wait for new buds to appear. However, a lot of time may pass without the flowers appearing.

Lack of flowering may be due to the following problems:

  • abundant or insufficient lighting;
  • incorrect watering process;
  • room temperature is too high or too low;
  • drafts in the house;
  • unsuitable type of soil;
  • a pot that is too cramped or too spacious;
  • damage to plant roots;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients or their excess.

If the plant is sick or has been spoiled by pests, it will not bloom, since the anthurium does not have enough strength to do so. The flower's immunity can be weakened by faded buds (remove them immediately). Be sure to trim the inflorescences if they begin to fade. But for seed propagation of plants, it is worth leaving the “arrows”, the tissue of which has already faded.

If you can eliminate the main negative factors that prevent the plant from blooming, then soon it will delight you with bright buds.

The magical properties of anthurium

Since ancient times, various legends have circulated about anthurium. Anthurium is considered a symbol of masculinity. That's why girls with problems in their personal lives start him at home - extraordinary magical properties Anthuriums cope with such troubles.

A flower is able to bring harmony and mutual understanding to family life. Place it together with spathiphyllum, since a female flower in combination with a male one can bring happiness.

Anthurium makes it possible to strengthen men's health and strength, so sexual problems between couples will not arise.

Inspirational video - watch, enjoy and put into practice.

This plant attracts the monetary energy that you need into your home. That is why get several flowers at once, but do not forget to care for them regularly. The flower that was given as a gift has strong properties. Anthurium as a gift will be a wonderful surprise for any occasion.

If you want to find out, read this article.


If you have started an anthurium, caring for it at home must comply with the rules described above. This is a noble plant that needs special conditions for growth.

You need to create high-quality lighting, humidify the air in the room, select suitable soil, and also perform many other operations.

Only in this case will the anthurium delight you with its unsurpassed appearance at any time of the year. Admire your pet while taking certain precautions to keep your spirits up.

P.S. Do you have your own secrets for caring for indoor plants? Do you know how to decorate your home with plants?

If you have questions, ask them right here in the comments - I’ll be sure to answer.

Best regards, Tina Tomchuk

Anthurium is a genus belonging to the Aroid family. The representatives of the genus are mainly epiphytes. The plants are native to the warm regions of North and South America, but our gardeners also grow some species of this flower when caring for them at home.

General information

The name of the flower literally translates as flower-tail, because the flower is only the middle in the form of a spadix, and the colorful petal around it is actually a leaf-spread. The popular name for anthurium is “male happiness”, since this plant is usually given to men. The color of flowers and types of leaves differ depending on the type and variety of flower.

There are a lot of cultivated types of anthurium, among which there are indoor and garden ones. This poisonous plant, so do not allow children and animals to contact it, or eat the fruit.

Types and varieties of anthurium

- comes from the mountainous regions of Colombia and Ecuador. It has a short shoot and aerial roots. The leaves are large, glossy, located on petioles. The flower is yellow or colored in its shades, it can be cream. The blanket is predominantly white, but can be colored in shades of red or pink. A lot of hybrids and varieties have been bred from this species.

- has a low stem and long, narrow leaves. The top of the leaf is green, and the bottom is decorated with brown dotted patterns. The peduncle is up to 30 cm high, the flower itself is cream-colored, the leaf around it is two-colored - the middle is yellow with a green tint, and the edges are purple.

— it resembles Anthurium crystal. The difference between them is the petiole. The majestic one is tetrahedral, and the crystal one is rounded. Also, the veins of the majestic anthurium are olive in color, not silver.

- comes from the tropics. It has large leaves with speckled bottoms, placed on long petioles. Drives out a 50 cm peduncle. The flower is also long, covered below with a green blanket.

— It has a massive rhizome and a long stem that reaches a meter in length. Leathery leaves vary in shape different varieties. The flower spadix is ​​small and the bract is greenish in color.

- This is an anthurium liana. It has dissected lanceolate leaves with wavy edges.

This epiphyte has a caudex that can be located in the substrate. The leaves are very large, placed on petioles, the veins are silvery in color. The peduncle is up to 50 cm, and the flower is about 20 cm. The cover around the flower is light green with a purple tint and generally does not exceed 10 cm.

- this epiphyte with leathery oval or lanceolate leaf plates that are located on the petioles. Spiral flower, decorated with bracts bright color midway between red and orange.

This is an unusual variety that attracts with its dark floral blanket, which is sometimes almost black.

Cavalli variety also very unusual, since both the spadix and the bract around it are a delicate lilac color.

On Jolie variety pay attention because he has unusual shape cover sheet.

Among other varieties we can distinguish fiorino , andrianum , Dakota , baby boomer , but there are many others.

If you purchased, then it is simply a mixture of different varieties of one of the species or several types of anthurium.

Anthurium care at home

Caring for anthurium at home is not particularly problematic, it just requires some knowledge. The plant needs bright, diffused lighting; direct sunlight should not fall on the leaves of the flower.

Anthurium loves warmth and therefore the temperature in the spring and summer should be kept around 25°C. A drop below 20°C is harmful to the flower and leads to disease.

From the beginning of autumn to spring, the temperature is maintained at about 17°C. For Scherber anthurium, it is about 13°C for two months, and then raised to 17°C. This flower is very sensitive to drafts and temperature changes, so you need to lower and raise it smoothly so as not to harm the anthurium.

How to water anthurium

During the growing season, the plant requires good watering, which should be carried out when half of the soil in the container with the flower dries. The liquid for irrigation needs to be settled, lukewarm, preferably rainwater. It is better to water directly on the ground, so that water does not fall on the plant.

Although the flower loves moisture, but only in moderation. It is better to water a little less than to throw the rotten anthurium in the trash. In winter, one watering every seven days is sufficient.

Anthurium needs high humidity (approximately 90%). In spring and summer, spray with soft water, and place the flower pot in a container with damp expanded clay. When spraying, do not allow the drops to touch the flowers, but only to fall on the leaves.

How to fertilize anthurium

Anthurium must be fertilized. When performing this operation, remember that the concentration of the fertilizer should be half as weak as indicated on the package. You need to fertilize the flower in the spring-summer period twice every month and a half. Organic fertilizers can also be used.

Anthurium does not like excess fertilizer, so if in doubt, it is better to use a smaller dose. If your plant is sick or you find pests, then feeding should be stopped until it recovers.

To ensure high-quality budding and flowering, it is necessary to have cool temperatures in winter. If you give the plant fertilizer and all proper care, then it will bloom from May until autumn. There are even hybrid varieties that bloom almost all year round. Sluggish inflorescences need to be cut off so that the young flowers will look better. Leaves are usually not trimmed.

To get seeds, you need to pollinate the plant yourself by moving the pollen with a brush between the flowers.

Anthurium transplantation at home

If you buy a plant in a store, it will soon need to be transplanted into a larger pot, since the containers in which flowers are sold are usually not comfortable for them.

Transplantation of home anthurium is carried out in spring or summer. This is done if the plant has “grown” from an old pot or if the soil has changed composition. Young anthuriums need to be replanted every year, and older plants every couple or three years.

The pot for anthurium should be made of plastic or glass. If you want a clay container, then it must be covered with glaze inside, otherwise the roots will grow into the pot. It is better not to take containers that are too deep and wide, as the water in them will stagnate more often.

Regarding the substrate, you can buy soil for orchids, or you can make soil for anthurium yourself. Its composition will include peat, leaf and coniferous land, as well as sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5), in addition to this you need to add charcoal and the bark of coniferous trees.

You need to carefully remove the anthurium from the old container, because it has very delicate roots. The rhizome must be cleared of soil and rotten parts removed. Next, it is treated with phytolavine and placed in another pot, with drainage already placed.

The new soil is poured so that it settles well, and at the end it is compacted. When finished, the substrate should not reach the top of the pot by a couple of centimeters. Unlike many other plants, anthurium can be replanted during flowering, as it is not too sensitive to this process.

How to divide anthurium when transplanting

When transplanting, you can propagate anthurium by dividing the bush. Young flowers cannot be divided. This operation can be carried out for the first time only at the 4th year of the plant’s life.

No special skills are required here. You just need to divide the bush so that each division has both leaves and buds. Then they are simply seated and watered.

Care after transplantation is no different from usual care at home. The only caveat is to stop feeding for 15 days after transplantation.

Anthurium from seeds at home

After artificial pollination of flowers, seeds will appear and as soon as they ripen, and this takes up to 10 months, you need to plant. There is no point in storing seeds, as they quickly lose their viability.

The seed is removed from the berry, washed and kept for several minutes in a light solution of potassium permanganate. For sowing you need a light, loose soil with a small ball of perlite on top. The seeds should be placed on the ground and lightly pressed into it.

Next, this container is covered with glass and the temperature around it is kept at about 22°C. After about 15 days, seedlings will appear, which, with the formation of two or three true leaves, dive into the soil for adult anthuriums with the addition of mullein. As the seedlings develop, they will need to be planted in large pots.

Plants from seeds will begin to bloom well only in the fifth year. Before this, flowering will be weak. Please note that when propagated by seeds, varietal qualities are lost. Due to the latter circumstance, anthurium is usually propagated by cuttings.

Anthurium propagation by lateral shoots

The lateral shoots are separated from the plant and planted in another container with sand or perlite. They are covered with glass and periodically ventilated and moistened.

The temperature for root formation should be approximately 23°C. Next, the seedlings are transplanted into soil for adult plants.

Diseases and pests of anthurium

  • If your anthurium does not bloom, but only produces leaves, then diseases and pests may be the cause, but most often it is caused by improper care behind the flower, excessive fertilization.
  • Among the pests that can infect the plant are aphids, scale insects and spider mites.
  • Rot, which also forms due to improper care, is dangerous for the plant.
  • If you notice that the tips of the leaves of your plant are drying, then this is most likely anthracnose.
  • Excessive amounts of calcium lead to the formation of spots on anthurium leaves.
  • The leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow as the roots rot. In this case, you urgently need to clean the roots and replant.
  • With excessive watering, spots appear on the leaves of the anthurium.
  • And the leaves of the plant curl if it is placed in a draft or suffers from direct sunlight. A similar reaction is also observed to low humidity and lack of light.
  • The reason that the leaves become smaller is a lack of lighting or fertilizing.
  • But small flowers usually appear due to the fact that you do not remove old and wilted ones, which continue to take away life-giving forces.
  • If your anthurium leaves turn green, then most likely there is no need to sound the alarm. In most cases, this simply stops the flowering period. In this case, cut off the green parts of the bract. But if greening still continues, then perhaps you need to replant, because anthurium has such a reaction to soil depletion.


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