Summer white flower: cultivation in open ground and a very simple forcing option. White flower: cultivation and care in open ground

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The homeland is the Mediterranean, Central Türkiye, Europe, Iran. The genus contains approximately 10 species of bulbous plants, flowering in early spring, summer and autumn. Whiteflower foliage is linear, appearing at the same time as snow-white flowers.

The flowers are solitary, bell-shaped, drooping, 3 cm long, pink or white with a yellow or green spot at the very top of the petals. The fruit is a capsule. The seeds are round or oblong, sometimes with a fleshy appendage, brown or black.

Whiteflower bulbs are ovoid, 4-5 cm tall, covered with greenish or brown scales.

Types and varieties of white flowers

IN garden culture There are only two types of white flowers:

Spring whiteflower

It is found in natural conditions along the edges of mountain forests in Central Europe.

Spring whiteflower is a bulbous plant. The bulb is ovoid. The foliage is broadly lanceolate, 25 cm long. Peduncles 25 cm long. The flowers are paired or single, on high stalks, drooping, white, with a charming aroma. Petals with yellow or green tips. It blooms in April for about 25 days. There are varieties, such as Carpathicum, larger than the original form, with yellow spots on the petals.

Summer white flower

Grows in the Mediterranean, Western Europe, Western Transcaucasia, Asia Minor. Loves damp habitats: river banks, flood fields.

Bulbous perennial 40 cm high. The foliage of the summer whiteflower is 30 cm long, bluish-green. Peduncle 40 cm in height. The flowers are collected in a drooping, umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Flowering occurs at the end of May, 20 days.

The summer whiteflower has a variety called "Gravetye Giant" - it has six flowers on shoots 60 cm high. At the tips of the perianth there are one greenish spot. This variety is very tall.

Mediterranean species of white flowers, for example, hairy, long-leaved, tinguitan, are rare and the most beautiful. And autumn-flowering ones: pink white flower and autumn white flower, known in Western Europe, are not cultivated in Russia.

Location of the white flower bed

Prefers partial shade.

Soil for white flowers

Loves humus-rich, well-drained, moist soil near ponds and shrubs. To grow small bulbous plants, add gravel or river sand. Rotted manure is added to poor soil, but not sand and fresh, leafy soil.

Planting white flowers: best time The months for planting bulbs are July and September, when the bulbs are dormant.

At the market, white flowers are often sold in a blooming state, but this is not good: immediately after planting, the foliage withers, turns yellow, and then dies completely. However, the bulb remains alive. On next year the plant blooms weakly or may not bloom at all.

When purchasing dormant bulbs, you need to check their condition. The bulbs should be dense, without overgrown stems and roots. However, roots and stems are acceptable, only the bulb will need to be planted urgently.

You should not purchase crushed onions. Rotten whiteflower bulbs are practically impossible to cure.

Whiteflower bulbs do not tolerate prolonged drying. It is better not to keep them in the air for more than a month; if this is not possible, then sprinkle them with sawdust and put them in a bag.

In this form, white flower bulbs are delivered to stores and stored for about 3 months. Bulbs are planted according to the basic rule: to a depth of no less than 6 cm.

Caring for white flowers

Bulb transplantation is required every 5 years. Inorganic fertilizers are applied during the active growth phase. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are undesirable.

It is better if the fertilizers contain more phosphates and potassium. High nitrogen content causes excess leaf production, which in wet weather can cause fungal diseases. Potassium promotes the formation of well-wintering whiteflower bulbs, and phosphorus is useful for lush flowering.

During the active growth phase, small-bulb plants consume a lot of water. Watering small-bulbous plants is not a burdensome task; they are drought-resistant. They just won't grow as tall.

All operations with bulbous plants - sale, transplantation, division - are performed when the bulbs are in the dormant stage. The dug up bulbs must be dried and cleaned of old roots.

Whiteflower propagation

By seeds, as well as vegetatively. White flowers reproduce well by daughter bulbs forming from buds. Several bulbs are formed during the season.

Whiteflower can also be propagated by seeds. Sow whiteflower seeds immediately after collection, as they die during long-term storage. It is better to sow whiteflower seeds in boxes or pots so that the seedlings are not lost. Whiteflower seedlings bloom in the 7-8th year.


Combines with scillas, primroses, peonies, and is also suitable for forcing.

First spring flowers - snowdrops mark the arrival of spring. Pure beauty Spring flowers and emerald greenery leave no one indifferent, and the first leaves and buds that have broken through the last snow in the clearings, blooming, look like small crystal bells.

Snowdrop or scientifically galanthus has very similar related flowers - white flowers. Plants from the Snowdrop genus and the Whiteflower genus belong to the same family - Amaryllis.

Genus Belotsvetnik (Leucojum) includes about 10 species of bulbous plants, mostly heat-loving species native to Europe. In our gardens they mainly grow spring whiteflower (L.vernum), which blooms at the same time as the snowdrop.

The flowers of white flowers and snowdrops are very similar, they bloom at the same time as the beginning of spring, emerging from under the snow, and the rules for planting and caring for these flowers are the same. Bulbs of snowdrops and white flowers are easily confused, since appearance they are the same. But you can still distinguish these two plants by their flowers. At first glance, both plants have similar white small flowers; take a closer look at them and you will find differences in their structure. White-flowered flowers have regular bell-shaped flowers with six identical petals with pointed tips with a yellow or green spot.

The flowering time of white flowers depends on the beginning of spring; if spring is early, then in southern sun-warmed places the first flowers will appear in thawed areas already in March, but usually white flowers, like snowdrops, bloom in April or May. The flowering of white flowers lasts two weeks; at the beginning of summer, after the seeds ripen, the leaves of the plant die and the bulb goes into a dormant state.

Less common summer white flower (L.aestivum). This species blooms a month later than the spring whiteflower, closer to summer, when the snow melts and warm weather sets in. The summer whiteflower is larger than the spring one, its peduncles and leaves grow 30-45 cm long, while the spring peduncles and leaves rarely rise above 25 cm, usually 12-15 cm.

In nature, summer whiteflower grows along river banks, so it prefers shady areas in gardens. wet places next to a body of water, which is not typical for bulbous plants, as they are susceptible to putrefactive diseases.

Spring flowers white flowers very elegant, therefore they require skillful design and a competent selection of neighboring plants. A clearing of white flowers or small clumps of these flowers will look great against the background of a lawn. White flowers can be planted under trees and tall shrubs until their crowns acquire foliage, the flowers will have enough sunlight, and then in summer and autumn the shade from the trees and fallen leaves will retain moisture and increase soil fertility.

There will be white flowers good neighbors for other early spring flowers, they can be planted next to muscari, primrose, hellebore, lungwort, etc. Since these flowers disappear from the flowerbed by summer, it is advantageous to place them in a group next to perennial summer flowers and ornamental plants, for example, next to hydrangea, astilbe, hosta. Then your flowerbed will be decorated with white flowers in early spring, and by summer they will grow summer plants and will cover bald spots from dried spring flowers.

For sale white flower bulbs, as well as snowdrops, arrive at the end of summer. Bulbs of spring flowers are planted in the fall, no later than a month before the onset of persistent cold weather. You should not buy bulbs of these flowers in the spring or dig up and replant flowering plants, as in subsequent years they will bloom poorly, get sick and reproduce poorly.

White flowers grow well in fertile, loose soil. For planting the first spring flowers, it is better to choose southern ones. sunny places, where the snow disappears first and melt water does not stagnate. In such areas, snowdrops will bloom earlier.

Bulb planting depth in loose soil should be equal to twice the height of the bulb, and in dense soil the bulbs are planted at the same height as the bulb.

White flowers reproduce by daughter bulbs; after 4-5 years, one bulb forms a nest. The bulbs are planted only after the above-ground part of the plants has dried out. From July to October you can dig up the bulbs; they are stored for no longer than two months, as small bulbs can dry out.

Caring for white flowers minimal, they do not need watering in the summer, and in the spring there is still enough moisture in the soil. Feed flowers on fertile soil should not be done, since excess nitrogen causes the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering, but on poor soil you can additionally apply a complex fertilizer in the spring mineral fertilizer so that the bulbs gain strength for next year.

Whiteflower, or leucoum- a bulbous early spring plant from the amaryllis family. In nature, distributed in Central and Southern Europe.

Interestingly, the white flower is a symbol of the German city of Ettenstat and is even depicted on its coat of arms. This plant is found in large quantities in the surrounding forests; thousands of tourists come here during spring bloom whiteflower

Whiteflower bulbs are quite large, can reach 4 cm in diameter and 5 cm in height. The leaves are linear. The flowers are broadly bell-shaped, 3 cm long, drooping, white, solitary or collected in small umbels. Stems are leafless. The fruits are capsules. The seeds can be round or oblong, light brown or black.

The genus consists of only 2 species: spring whiteflower and summer whiteflower, so named only because it blooms not in April, but in May.

In the spring whiteflower, the peduncle reaches a maximum height of 30 cm. The flowers can be single or paired white, with yellow-green tips of the petals. They have a pleasant smell. The leaves are bright green in color and can reach 30 cm in length. Flowering occurs in May for 20-30 days.

The stem of the summer whiteflower reaches a maximum height of 40 cm. The flowers are smaller, white, drooping, collected in umbels of several pieces. The leaves are bluish-green in color, maximum 30 cm in length. Flowering occurs at the end of July and lasts about 20 days.

Leucoums grow best in a semi-shaded place. The soil suitable for them is rich in humus, sufficiently drained, moist, near shrubs or ponds. When preparing a place for a plant, you need to add gravel or coarse river sand to the soil. If the soil on the site is poor, then it is improved with rotted manure, leaf soil and sand. If peat is used as an additive, it must be rotted; it would be a good idea to add dolomite flour.

Plants need replanting every 5 years. At active growth it is necessary to apply liquid inorganic fertilizers. If necessary, additional watering should be done. Transplantation and division of “nests” is carried out during the dormant period of plants from July to September.

White flowers reproduce by seeds or vegetatively. They reproduce very well by “babies”, of which up to two appear per season. Acceleration of reproduction can be achieved by planting the mother bulb almost on the surface. “Nests” are planted after about 6 years.

When propagated by seeds, sowing is carried out immediately after collection, in buried boxes or pots. Cover it up for the winter. Flowering begins 6 years after sowing.

(Leucojum, “milk-white violet”) is one of the most charming bulbous perennials families Amaryllidaceae. Form graceful flower at the same time it resembles a lily of the valley. Only larger ones, up to 3.5 cm in diameter. Each White flower(there are up to 7 pieces in a “tassel”) decorated with delicate green or yellowish-green spots. Two types of white flowers are popular (spring and summer), the autumn one is less known. There are other types. Summer white flower (L. aestivum) blooms (contrary to the name) not in summer, but in spring. Somewhat later than spring whiteflower.

This bulbous plant thrives in open ground and in any container that is in indoors. It is also suitable for forcing.

White flower at the beginning of flowering (forcing)

Main features of growing summer whiteflower

Growing summer whiteflower is not difficult. It is planted on fertile loose soils(with the addition of mature compost) and fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (nitrogen causes an excessively active growth of green leaf mass). The place should be sunny or semi-shaded, with sufficient humidity, but without prolonged waterlogging. Drought slows down and depresses the plant, becoming one of the reasons for the appearance of “empty” flower stalks.

Flowering in open ground lasts three weeks in May (until early June). The plant blooms much longer in a container.

Summer whiteflower bulbs are planted, which are usually sold in summer and early autumn, in September. They are kept in a cool place until planting. It is better in a perforated bag filled with dry peat or sawdust so that the bulbs do not dry out. Reliable landing time - . The deadline (for open ground) is mid-October. Planting in containers can continue throughout the fall.

The bulbs are large, very similar to daffodil bulbs. Closer to winter, the planting site is mulched and covered with spruce branches (or protected in another way) to avoid freezing. The fact is that summer whiteflower tolerates frost worse than some other species. In subsequent years, when the perennial gets accustomed to the new place and multiplies, there will be no problems with insulation.

Summer whiteflowers need to be replanted every 5-6 years (less often), since by this time the overgrown “nests” bloom worse, and the process of their degeneration begins. There is no need to plant bulbs every year, as flowering clumps look very beautiful.

Whiteflower propagates by bulbs and fresh seeds. They are often carried by insects, so sometimes seedlings appear far from the mother plant.

Summer whiteflower has peduncles up to 45 cm tall, less often higher (up to 60 cm). They are surrounded by long (up to 30 cm) narrow green leaves.

Summer white flower on the site and in the house

On the site, it is better to plant summer whiteflower where you can admire its flowering. For example, in the foreground of a flower garden, near a decorative pond, at the base or on the lower tiers of an alpine hill, etc. This is a great plant for creating a natural style.

Last fall I planted several new bulbs in a fairly wide container. They stayed in it all winter in the cool basement of the house. At the beginning of February, I moved the container with the planted bulbs to the glassed-in loggia, which was turned into a small winter Garden. The first flowers bloomed at the end of winter. And since the white flowers did not all bloom at once, they faded gradually. It seemed that the flowering in the container lasted almost two months.

The first flowers appear on a very low, strong peduncle. A little time will pass, and the flower stalks will begin to stretch out, and the number of flowers will increase. Some will fade, others will bloom.

The first white flower

The summer whiteflower growing on the loggia blooms simultaneously with the spring whiteflower and snowdrop. In open ground, this bulbous plant blooms later and does not bloom for as long.

I advise all amateur gardeners to plant several summer whiteflower bulbs in wide pots in the fall and leave them to overwinter in a cool place. After flowering ends, cut off the flower stalks and tie the leaves in a bunch. This method is also good because shallow planting stimulates the formation of daughter bulbs without compromising flowering.

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Name herbaceous plant"Whiteflower" from the Amaryllidaceae family means milky white in ancient Greek. A beautifully flowering crop will decorate a flower garden from spring to autumn if you plant several of its varieties. Bright white flowers and dark green leaves create contrasting spots among the variegated colors of others. flower crops. Planting and caring for white flowers is not difficult, so the flower is grown with pleasure in personal plots.

Appearance Features

The plant is a perennial bulbous species, grows up to 40cm. The bulb, 3-5 cm tall, is similar in shape to an egg, consists of white, dense scales, light brown on the outside. The roots are elastic, thick, and grow from the bottom of the bulb.

Long linear leaves (2-4) deep green. Flowers, up to 3 cm long, on a bare peduncle, either solitary or collected in umbellate inflorescences, resemble drooping bells. Along the edge of the white or pale pink petals there are specks of green or yellow.

The white flower garden is interesting for growing because you can select varieties that bloom alternately, and the flower garden will look decorative and interesting all season long.

Spring whiteflower (white flower)

The plant is low - grows up to 20cm tall, perennial. The bulb is small - 2 cm in diameter. Long, 25 cm, lanceolate leaves, 1.2 cm wide, painted in delicate shades of green. The tall peduncle (30cm) ends in a single or paired drooping flower on a long peduncle, emitting a delicate delicate aroma. There are green spots at the tip of the petals.

Reference! The beginning of spring whiteflower flowering serves as a signal for planting radishes and spinach.

Flowering begins in April and lasts 20-30 days. The seeds ripen in an almost round box with three nests. Well tolerated winter period V middle lane Russia.

Decorative varieties of spring whiteflower:

  • var. carpathicum (Carpathicum) - loved because of large fragrant flowers (1-2) with bright yellow spots on petals, grown in open ground, ideal for cutting - lasts up to 10 days.
  • var. vagneri grows up to 20cm, has two flowers, southern regions flowering may begin at last days February or early March.

Summer white flower

This species grows in moist floodplain soils along rivers and streams on sunny areas and in the shade. A bush with a long peduncle, 40cm, grows to 40-60cm. The leaves are narrow and long – 30-40cm. Flowers, 2 cm long, form up to 8 pieces, with green spots on the petals. It begins to bloom in late May - June. Can be grown in open ground and as a houseplant.

Autumn whiteflower

Compared to other species, this species is low - only 10-15cm. Narrow leaves, up to 16 cm in length, are dark green in color. The petals of the flowers, 2-4 of them grow, are red at the base. Blooms in early autumn.

Growing spring whiteflower

Spring whiteflower tolerates well winter frosts and it is grown to decorate flower beds, borders, alpine slides in early spring. The plant is planted in groups - this is how it looks impressive and beautiful, creating snow-white spots among the bright spring greenery.

How to choose a bulb for planting

Plant in open ground better than an onion, not potted flowering plant, which does not take root well. Aboveground part after planting, they wither and die, and the bulb may remain, but the flowers that grow from it are weakened and small.

When purchasing planting material, you should select dense and elastic bulbs without sprouts and damage to the bottom and scales. Bulbs with the tops cut off are suitable for planting. If you bought sprouted ones, you need to plant them immediately.

Reference! The germination of the bulbs is maintained for 3 months when stored in a bag with holes filled with sawdust.

The bulbs are supplied from Holland and are characterized by good germination, long life and abundant flowering within 3-4 years. They need to be planted during the dormant period - from July to September. In warm climates, planting is possible in late autumn.


The culture is unpretentious, but there are some features of planting and care, knowledge of which will ensure necessary conditions for growth and flowering.

The site for cultivation should be chosen in a sunny or slightly shaded place, taking into account that the white flower does not tolerate neighboring crops with powerful roots that occupy a large area, for example, daylily, lilies of the valley. Openwork shade is created by planting shrubs and tall perennials.

The soil should not be heavy, have a loose structure, and have a slightly acidic reaction. In case of heavy soil, it is lightened by adding a little sawdust or fine gravel. Before planting, the area is dug up, clearing weed roots, and humus is added.

The depth of the hole depends on the structure of the soil and the size of the bulb - in loose soil its depth will be two bulbs, in heavy soil - the size of one bulb. After planting, the soil is watered and mulched so that a crust does not form and less weeds grow.


In the spring, after the snow melts, there is enough moisture - this must be taken into account when watering so as not to create moisture stagnation. In the future, you need to water abundantly, since the need for water during the growth period is high. If there is a lack of moisture, the white flower will not die, but the flowers will be small and in smaller quantities. Watering is stopped after collecting the seeds.

The culture tolerates well low temperatures, and there is no need to cover the plantings for the winter. Only first-year plants need shelter.


The spring species reproduces, like other species, by seeds and bulbs. Preference is given to bulbous propagation due to the long time it takes for bulbs to gain mass using the seed method.

Seed method

The seeds ripen in June and immediately after collection, or at most in the fall, they need to be sown, since they cannot be stored - they lose their germination. Sowing is carried out in boxes - very small seedlings in the flowerbed are simply lost and are difficult to care for. The seeds are buried 3-4mm. Seedlings are cared for in the same way as other plants. In the future, after transplanting into the ground, flowering will begin after 5 years.

Propagation by bulbs

White flowers must be divided or transplanted if they are at least 5 years old during the period when the plant is at rest - from June to September. To get more children for reproduction, the bulbs are planted closer to the soil surface. When planted deeper, fewer of them grow.

After digging, at the end of flowering, the bulbs are separated, diseased, rotten, damaged ones are removed, and dried. Planting material do not store - the bulbs may dry out due to their small size.

The soil for planting is dug up and humus is added (up to 10 liters per 1 m²). At the bottom of the holes (grooves) you need to make a drainage layer. Maintain a distance between plants of 15-20cm.

When transplanting the entire bush to a new location, it is dug up and transferred to prepared drained holes.

Diseases and pests

The culture is resistant to diseases, but sometimes, when unfavorable factors, a viral or fungal infection occurs. You can notice signs of the disease by changes in the leaves - spots and plaque appear, the color and condition of the leaf plate changes. Affected plants must be removed from the plantings and the soil treated with fungicides.

Whiteflower is a bulbous crop and can be affected by bulb nematode. Small worms form colonies (light yellow growths) on the leaves and feed on the sap of the plant. Sick plants are removed and burned, and healthy ones are dug up, the bulbs are kept for several hours in warm water and transplanted to a new place. Any bulbous crops cannot be planted on contaminated soil for 4-5 years.

Treatment with insecticides will help against caterpillars and slugs, manual assembly insects, setting traps. The invasion of slugs helps to stop mulching the soil - an uneven surface creates an obstacle to their movement.

Rodents love to feast on white flower bulbs, and poison baits are used to neutralize them.

White flowers of any kind will decorate flower planting boiling white flowers, shading other flowers and giving them a brighter color. Any novice gardener will be able to plant and grow a herbaceous perennial plant without much hassle in caring for it.


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