Viburnum diabolo diabolo. Bubble plant Kalinolisty `Diabolo`, Physocarpus opulifolius` Diabolo`®

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They are deciduous fast growing unpretentious shrubs of North American origin. Popularly known as "meadowsweet" or "Kalinolistnaya spirea".

Most bright representative of this genus is the bladderwort Diablo or Purple. The height of an adult bush can reach 4 m and the same width. The bark on such a specimen peels off interestingly. Its branches are slightly drooping. Planted in a sunny place, it attracts attention by the color of its leaves, fully justifying its second name. The color of the foliage changes to bronze by autumn. Its leaves are medium-sized (up to 6 cm in length), three-lobed, slightly corrugated, with denticles along the edges.

Within 3 weeks, starting in mid-June, Diablo's vesicle blooms. The photo shows it small flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences with a diameter of about 5 cm. The buds are pink in color, and the opened flowers are white with red long fluffy stamens. The fruits are swollen, prefabricated, at first they have a reddish color, and later turn brown.

The diablo dor bubblegum (sometimes the name of this variety is spelled out in the literature this way) is an unpretentious plant. It grows well on any soils with a neutral reaction, it prefers sunny places. In partial shade, the foliage loses
original color, turning green. These bushes do not tolerate waterlogging at all, therefore, they cannot be planted in places where melt water accumulates. In hot summer they need watering and additional feeding is desirable.

The plant is frost-resistant, but in very cold winters, the ends of the shoots can freeze slightly. Pruning does not spoil it at all, moreover, it quickly recovers and becomes more branched. The Diablo bubble plant perfectly tolerates the wind and gas pollution of modern megacities. It is practically not affected by diseases, pests do not show much interest in it.

In one place, Diablo's vesicle can live up to 40 years. It propagates by dividing the bush, rooting cuttings and seeds. In the latter case, one should not forget that not all maternal qualities will be transferred to young plants. Some will be purple foliage and the rest will be green. It is advisable to plant seeds before winter, when spring sowing requires monthly stratification in the refrigerator.

The simplest and most painless (for a bush) breeding method is green cuttings cut in the second half of summer. For a higher survival rate, it is desirable to process them and, when planting, cover them with a jar. Young plants in the first winter should be insulated with a layer of foliage or peat. In the spring they need to be planted on permanent place.

Diablo's bubble plant looks good against the background of the lawn both in a single copy and in a group planting. It is great for both free-growing hedges and regularly pruned hedges that maintain a certain shape... The plant is decorative at any time of the year, but most - during the fruiting period.

Diablo's bubble plant combines unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities, which is why it is so in demand among gardeners.

The genus of bladder plants includes 14 species. One of the most common species is the diablo bladderwort, which has bright purple-red leaves.

Description of the bladderwort of Kalinolistny "Diablo"

The gallbladder has a very attractive appearance due to its shape. Due to the fact that the plant reaches both a height and a diameter of about 3 m, its shape forms a hemisphere.

A big plus of the vesicle is that both in spring and in autumn, its bright color remains unchanged.

Bubble-leaf "Diablo" is a very popular plant. He is happily planted as in gardens, on summer cottages and on city streets. This is due to the ease of caring for it, its beautiful appearance, as well as its resistance to gas pollution in city streets and other unfavorable conditions.

The vesicle is especially beautiful in summer time when it blooms.

On average, a plant lives for about 50 years.

Planting and caring for the diablo bladder

There are several ways to plant the vesicle:

  1. Seeds... It is believed that this is not the most The best way for the propagation of the diablo vesicle, since there is a high probability that young plant will not inherit the color of its predecessor).
  2. By cuttings... Planting the vesicle using cuttings is carried out at the beginning or middle of summer. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, then they are pruned, treated with a special substance for the formation of roots - "Kornevin". After that, the cuttings are ready for planting in the ground.
  3. By dividing the bush... Reproduction of the plant by the method of dividing the bush is carried out in the spring. A heavily overgrown bush is divided and seated separately.
  4. Layering method... The planting of the vesicle by the layering method is also carried out in the spring. This planting method is quite effective. A young shoot, without being cut off from the mother plant, is placed in a hole, dug in with earth and watered regularly. Before the onset of winter, the shoot is cut off from the mother plant and covered until spring.

Caring for the bladderworm is extremely easy. It takes root both in black soil and in not very fertile soil... The plant tolerates winter well, but it can freeze slightly in especially severe frosts.

But at the same time, there is a point worth paying attention to. This is the sensitivity of the plant to an excess of moisture in the soil. Therefore, you should not plant the bladder in the lowlands. From the moment of landing, and during further care after the plant, you should take care of drainage, it is very important to prevent stagnation of water in the soil.

The frequency of watering a plant depends on the quality of the soil, as well as the season and climate. In dry summer seasons, watering should be done more often than usual, about twice a week.

It is useful to feed the bladderworm. As a rule, in the spring, fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea,), and in the fall - with mineral fertilizers (nitroammofoska).

Bladdercutting "Diablo"

Bladdercutting is of two types: sanitary and molding.

Sanitary pruning carried out to remove old or damaged shoots.

Form trimming do to give the plant the desired shape decorative look the first time in the spring, and then - as needed. Anti-aging pruning is also sometimes used.

By planting the Diablo bubble plant, you can very effectively decorate the territory with minimal cost time and effort. Both plants planted in the form and a separately planted vesicle look great.

Bubbles - ornamental shrubs With beautiful leaves and bunches of fragrant flowers. They are usually undemanding to soil, lighting and watering. Almost one and a half dozen species of this plant are known, growing wild in East Asia and North America... Among decorative varieties a group of viburnaceous plants is distinguished: Luteus, Purpurea, Summer Vine, Little Devil. They differ in the color of the leaves, which can be red, yellow or have a golden border. Known to all, Kalinolistaya spiraea is also a vesicle. And yet one of the most beautiful is the diablo bladderwort. The description of the plant testifies to this.


The bush bush is spreading. Drooping, its thin branches form a dense crown. Leaves 2 to 7 centimeters long have three to five lobes. They look a bit like viburnum leaves. Their color depends on the light and the season. If the bush grows in the shade, then the leaves of the Diablo bladder are green with a purple tint. In a sunny place, they are purple or dark purple to black. The same bush in different parts the crown may have different leaves colors... In autumn, they brighten and turn bronze.

This variety belongs to the purple-leaved vesicles. The color of its leaves is associated with a violation of chlorophyll synthesis. But just this shortcoming became the advantage of the plant. After all, it compares favorably with other shrubs, most of which have only green leaves.

The bark of the vesicle is dark burgundy. With age, it turns brown and flakes off.

The diablo (Diabolo) bladder blooms in early June with pale pink flowers, collected in bunches-shields up to five centimeters in diameter. They are not very pretty, but delicate and aromatic. The fluffy red stamens give them a special charm. Flowering lasts two to three weeks. But sometimes it can take up to two months. And this is exactly the time when many shrubs have already faded. Therefore, the bladder is valued not only for the leaves, but also for the flowers.

Particularly interesting are its fruits - swollen leaflets, bubbles that click when pressed. This property gave the plant its name. In summer, the leaflets are green, and after ripening they turn red-brown. They decorate the bush even more than flowers. Fruits ripen in early autumn. They stay on the bush for a long time, decorating it.

Diablo's vesicle can grow in one place for up to fifty years. Its height reaches 3.5 meters.


A plant with a closed root (in a container) is planted with the whole Bush with an open root system - in early spring or in the fall.

Before planting Diablo's vesicle, its roots are soaked in water for a couple of hours. Dig a hole for planting measuring 60x60x60. Prepare the soil, introduce peat and humus into it. Place the root of the plant in the hole and carefully cover it with earth. Make sure that the root collar is sprinkled with soil for a couple of centimeters. This will cause new buds to wake up, from which young branches will grow.

Having covered the roots of the plant, it is watered abundantly, but they do it slowly, in several stages. Then the water will be absorbed into the soil and evenly distribute all the soil between the roots. The area around the bush is mulched with a thick layer of grass, sawdust. This is done so that the soil does not dry out and there is an air flow to the roots.

Watered in two to three days until the young bush begins to grow.

Some gardeners claim that the first year after planting, the vesicle grows slowly, especially in hot, dry weather.

Planting rate - from four to ten pieces per square meter, depending on the function that the vesicle will perform. The distance between them should not be less than 80 cm.


Diablo's bubble (photo below) is easy to care for. It grows on any soils (good - on acidic loamy). But on rich, well-drained lungs it feels much better. Not afraid of high gas pollution in city streets. It grows quickly, up to half a meter a year, it looks beautiful. The only thing that he does not tolerate is stagnation of water near the root system.

Water the plant periodically, as needed. In the spring, they cut off old shoots, loosen the soil around the bush, and feed them with organic fertilizers.

A bubblegum that grows in the sun may have branches with green foliage. They are removed completely. Then Diablo's vesicle will preserve its beauty.


Sometimes the bush does not fit into the surrounding landscape and you need to change its shape.

Diablo's bubble plant tolerates pruning well. With its help, the crown is formed. They begin to do this in the first year of life. The pruning shears are cut off the tops of the branches to induce the growth of lateral shoots. They do this several times over the summer.

In the future, it is possible to create various shapes from the bush.

And what will happen if you do not cut the bush? It will grow old, not releasing new branches, and after a while it will become completely ugly.

Frost resistance

Diablo's bubble plant tolerates low temperatures well. But with severe frosts young branches freeze slightly. The bush is very dense, and new shoots grow quickly, so freezing of several branches will not particularly affect it appearance... In a month it will be Diablo's old vesicle.


The bladder plant reproduces by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings, layering.

The seeds of the vesicle are small. You can collect them from each leaflet a large number of... But it is not recommended to propagate the bladder by seeds, because the “parents” do not always transmit the color of the leaves to their “children”. If there is no other possibility, then they stratify a large number of seeds for two months at a temperature of about five degrees Celsius, sow them and look at the seedlings. Those whose leaf color does not correspond to the varietal one are discarded.

In the spring, before bud break, the vesicle is propagated by dividing the bush. It is dug up, cut into several parts. The cut site is treated with potassium permanganate, the branches are cut by a third and the new Diablo bladder is planted in a permanent place.

Propagation by cuttings is very popular. In the second half of summer, young twigs with two or three buds are harvested. They are cut at an acute angle in the morning or in cool weather. Then the cuttings do not fade so quickly. Lower leaves removed. You can also cut some of the upper ones in half. Treat with heteroauxin, aloe juice or other root growth enhancer. Cuttings are rooted in partial shade, covered with a jar or film. They hibernate under cover. In the spring they are planted on Right place... For rooting, you can use a mixture of sand and peat.

The main problems that can arise with cuttings are rotting or drying out. The first can occur from excess moisture, the second - from its lack. When the cuttings start to take root, you need to air them a little. If a cut-off bottle serves as a shelter, then you can briefly unscrew the caps.

It is even easier to get a young bush with layering. To do this, a young branch growing outward is bent to the ground and the middle part is buried. Before this, the leaves are cut off in the place where it will be covered with earth. For quick rooting, you can cut the stem at the site of the expected root formation.

The sprinkled layer is regularly watered. In the fall, it will already have roots, but it is better to transplant a young plant to a permanent place in the spring.

Top dressing

The vesicle does not need special feeding. But it reacts well to nitrogen fertilization in the spring.

In the fall, it is advisable to add nitroammofosk or other fertilizers, which include phosphorus and potassium.


The gallbladder is one of the few plants that almost never gets sick and is not affected by harmful insects. This feature, together with high decorative qualities, makes it indispensable for landscaping various areas.


Diablo's vesicle is used to create decorative hedges, contrasting landscape compositions.

Calyx-leaved bicarp "Diablo Dor"

(Physocarpus opulifolius "Diablo Dor")

General characteristics

Sprawling bush up to 3m high and wide, with drooping branches forming a dense, hemispherical crown. Leaves 3-5 lobed, purple-red, in full shade - green with a slight purple tinge.

The timing of flowering and ripening of fruits

Flowers are numerous, pale pink, collected in scutes (up to 5 cm), flowering from early to mid June (2-3 weeks). Fruits are prefabricated (swollen leaflets), violet-red.

Optimal conditions cultivation

Prefers sunny places, takes out partial shade and shadow, losing only the color intensity. Not picky about the soil, but prefers loamy acidic. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. It tolerates urban pollution well. It is frost-hardy, but young shoots can freeze slightly. Absolutely unpretentious, very effective and fast-growing plant. Care consists in periodic watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and pruning old shoots.

Breeding methods and planting rules

Best of all, the vesicle reproduces vegetatively: by dividing the bush, cuttings and layering. It is not recommended to propagate by seeds, since not all seedlings have the same bright color foliage like the parent plant. Most often, the overgrown bush is divided, it is better to do this in the spring, or green cuttings are the most easy way to get quality planting material... Cuttings are cut from the bush starting in the second half of summer. It is best to root them in a specially prepared greenhouse, placing it in shady place garden. Rooted cuttings must be covered for the winter. On the next year successfully overwintered plants can be planted in a permanent place.


It is decorative throughout the growing season with its foliage, flowers and fruits. Due to its decorative qualities and, especially, high unpretentiousness and durability in urban conditions, it is recommended for widespread use in city landscaping and private gardens. Diablo's vesicle is able to close within 2-3 years problem areas, create a bright element in complex contrasting compositions. The hedges made from it are very beautiful, dense and easy to maintain. Perfectly retains its bright color in sunny places. In shady areas, it turns green, depending on the degree of illumination. Green shoots appearing in the sun must be cut out completely.

Available sizes


general description
Bubble plant (Physocarpus opulifolius)
is a highly decorative deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family, native to North America.
The bush has sprawling drooping branches that form a dense spherical crown.
The fruits of the bladder are swollen bladder-shaped leaflets (hence the name of the genus when two words are combined: "physo" - "bubble", "carpos" - "fruit").

Diablo (Physocarpus opulifolius Diablo)- absolutely unpretentious, very effective and fast growing plant. It is decorative throughout the growing season with its foliage, flowers and fruits. Due to its decorative qualities and, especially, high unpretentiousness and durability in urban conditions, it is recommended for widespread use in city landscaping and private gardens. Diablo's bubble plant is able to close problem areas within 2-3 years, create a bright element in complex contrasting compositions. The hedges made from it are very beautiful, dense and easy to maintain. Perfectly retains its bright color in sunny places. In shady areas, it turns green, depending on the degree of illumination.

Form: Sprawling bush with drooping branches forming a dense, hemispherical crown
Foliage: Leaves 3-5 lobed, purple-red, in full shade - green with a slight purple tinge
Bloom: Flowers are numerous, pale pink, collected in scutes (up to 5 cm), flowering from early to mid June (2-3 weeks). Fruit - prefabricated (swollen leaflets), purple-red
Requirements: Prefers sunny places, tolerates partial shade and shade, losing only the color intensity. It is undemanding to the soil, but prefers loamy acidic. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. It tolerates urban pollution well. It is frost-hardy, but young shoots can freeze slightly.

Bubbles in garden design
Bubbles can be a real highlight of your garden with minimal maintenance.
For splendor, young plants are recommended to be pruned regularly, then they will branch better.

The bush bush is excellent in single plantings as a specimen plant.
The bladders planted in groups look beautiful. Particularly impressive are the bushes of the viburnum bladderwort with various leaf colors next to it.
It is good to use these densely planted shrubs to create tall hedges.

Reproduction of the vesicle
The viburnum bicarp is rarely propagated by seeds, since not all seedlings have the same bright foliage color as that of the parent plant.

The main method of reproduction of the vesicle is vegetative.
You can divide the overgrown bush, it is better to do this in the spring.

This plant reproduces easily in summer with green cuttings.
Cuttings from the bush can be cut from the second half of summer. It is best to root them in a cuticle, placing it in a shady spot in the garden.
Rooted cuttings of the vesicle for the winter must be covered.
The next year, successfully overwintered plants can be planted in a permanent place.

update date: 09 07 2014


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