Sample thank you letters. Thank you letter: example text

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A letter of gratitude is not included in the list of mandatory documents that make up the document flow system of the enterprise. But issuing thank-you letters is necessary to show your respect and gratitude to employees, managers, and business partners. The article describes the rules for designing and composing a letter of gratitude.

From the article you will learn:

  • how to write a thank you letter;
  • how to write a thank-you letter to an employee, manager or business partner.

Formatting a thank you letter

It is a mistake to think that only money or valuable gifts are regarded as a worthy reward for conscientious work or partner services provided. Social recognition and gratitude are also among the basic human needs. Of course, you can express your gratitude to your manager, employee or business partners verbally, but a letter of gratitude would be preferable.

It shows that you not only feel gratitude, but that you took the time to put it on paper in a beautiful way to please the recipient.

A letter of gratitude is perceived by those to whom it is addressed as:

  • showing personal respect and fair assessment of merit;
  • a motivating factor confirming that the efforts expended and a conscientious attitude to responsibilities did not go unnoticed;
  • competitive advantage.

The latter is especially important. After all, if we are talking about gratitude expressed to business partners, after you formalize it in a letter, you can well count on receiving additional preferences. As psychologists note, expressed praise and gratitude force a person, albeit unconsciously, to try not to disappoint the person thanking.

If a thank you letter is drawn up for “internal use”, for example, when a manager wants to express gratitude to one of the employees or vice versa - employees express gratitude to the manager, you can use special thank you forms.

Registration of the form

Such an artistically designed thank-you letter form, colored, on thick paper, can be purchased at a stationery store. As a rule, the central field of such a form is left empty so that the text for the thank you letter can be placed in it.

Such a form will need to be filled out by hand in beautiful, clear handwriting or selected from text editor font resembling handwriting. But, of course, the person or persons on whose behalf the gratitude will be written will have to put their own signature under the text.

In the case when a letter of gratitude is drawn up on behalf of an organization and sent to an individual or other enterprise, a corporate letter is used to format it. In this case, the letter of gratitude is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents”, which came into force on March 3, 2003.

The rules for executing a letter of gratitude on the organization’s letterhead imply filling out such mandatory details as:

  • full and short name of the organization;
  • information about the addressee - the name of a specific company or the last name, first name and patronymic of the individual to whom gratitude is sent;
  • address to the addressee: “Dear sirs!” or “Dear colleagues!”, if the addressee is a legal entity or “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, if the addressee is a individual;
  • text for a thank you letter;
  • signature of the head of the organization and its transcript.

To avoid excessive officialdom and emphasize personal affection, you can choose an artistically designed envelope to send such a letter.

Thank you letter text

You can compose the text of a thank you letter using the following algorithm.

  1. Indicate on whose behalf gratitude is being expressed, for example: “Limited Liability Company “Alfa”, “Management of LLC “Alfa” or “On behalf of the team of LLC “Alfa” and on my own behalf I would like to express my gratitude to you for...”;
  2. Indicate to whom gratitude is expressed: “On behalf of the Alpha company, I would like to thank the entire team of your organization...” or “Alpha LLC expresses gratitude to your company...”;
  3. Be specific about what exactly gratitude is being expressed for, trying to avoid generalizations and general, non-binding phrases;
  4. Note the successes or professional competencies of the addressee, his experience and knowledge;
  5. Express your wishes and hope for further cooperation.

Read the finished text of the thank you letter and, if necessary, adjust it. Please note that its volume should not be large, as a rule, no more than half standard sheet. It is advisable to check the text for grammatical and lexical errors. If you are not very confident that you were able to convincingly and sincerely express your feelings of gratitude, you can show the letter to your colleagues and adjust the text in accordance with their comments.

Thank you letter to employee

Such a letter should contain as much personalized information as possible so that its text does not look like a formal unsubscribe. In addition to personal appeal, an informal approach can be demonstrated by mentioning specific achievements and personal qualities of the employee. There can be several reasons to express gratitude in a letter to an employee; they can also be mentioned in the text:

  • for many years of conscientious work;
  • for special achievements in professional activity;
  • for participation in any event as a company representative;
  • due to retirement.

A sample text of a thank you letter to an employee is presented below.

You can download the sample.

Thank you letter to the manager

A letter expressing gratitude to the manager is usually written on behalf of the team of the enterprise or one of its divisions. In this case, the letterhead is no longer used, so the text should be written on a beautiful, but strictly designed special artistic form.

The fact that a letter of gratitude is written to the manager should not mean that its text should be dry and official. It all depends on the management style of the company and its organizational culture. But at the same time, no familiarity should be allowed.

Letter of thanks to partners

This type of thank you letter also implies a formal, business style presentation. Most often, such letters are sent as a sign and confirmation of fruitful cooperation. General meaning document - gratitude for services rendered or work performed, an offer and hope for further mutually beneficial partnership.

The letter will need to refer to specific services or work, mention situations or circumstances that most clearly characterize the mutual benefit of cooperation. Naturally, you should not mention any misunderstandings, even if they happened.

7 original and non-standard examples of thank-you letter texts for cooperation. Choose the best option and edit for yourself, all texts can be downloaded in Word. What should be the ideal thank you letter? simple tips which will help you write best letter with gratitude for your cooperation.

A letter of gratitude is recognized by many experts as one of the varieties business letters. Usually, this type letters are used in collective organizations related by profession or study. The closest definition to a letter of gratitude can be considered the well-known diploma, which is usually awarded in schools and sports clubs for achievements.

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to both a specific person and the organization as a whole, for example, for fruitful cooperation. In this article we offer several options for writing a thank you letter for cooperation. The texts of the letters are given below.

The procedure for writing such letters is discussed in the article: .

1. Text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to the employee.

Dear Zinaida Valerievna!

Surely you know that our young company cannot yet boast of significant work experience and a rich pedigree. But our company has something much more significant: employees like you!

Let me express to you warm words of recognition and gratitude for the fact that you have been honestly working for the benefit of our company almost from the very first day! Our team remembers how you and everyone else steadfastly overcame all difficulties initial stage the development of our common brainchild; how they helped less experienced colleagues with good advice and supported them with warm words at the right time.

Largely thanks to you, our company is now rapidly developing and opening up tempting horizons for all of us. Your intelligence, your experience, your kindness played a huge role important role for the common good!

We are sincerely interested in continuing cooperation, we wish you warmth, health and love!

2. Example of the text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to staff

Dear colleagues, employees of our wonderful Hypermarket LLC!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we congratulate you on successfully achieving your business goal this year! Our common success is great!

Throughout the whole year, you have worked courageously and selflessly to complete the tasks assigned to you. And you did it! Thanks to your common efforts, your collective spirit, our company will enter the New Year one of the most prosperous in the city.

We appreciate you and sincerely wish you warmth, love, family comfort and high salaries!

Sincerely, CEO.

3. Example of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to partners

Dear partners!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for our fruitful cooperation! Our joint efforts led us to a natural business victory! I believe that in the future we will be able to maintain and continue our partnership.

I wish you health, personal prosperity, new mutually beneficial projects and conquering even more inaccessible heights in our difficult business.

4. An example of a letter of thanks for cooperation to a partner

Dear …!

We greatly appreciate our cooperation with your company over the past 5 years.

We are well aware that the success we have achieved in last years is the result of painstaking collaboration, constant daily interaction with your specialists. Thanks to your openness, desire to understand and satisfy your partner’s needs, and focus on improving performance indicators, our relationship grows stronger every year, and we conquer new heights in capturing the attention of consumers.

We express our gratitude to you for joint work and we hope to further strengthen existing relations and increase the indicators achieved in the course of joint activities.

We wish your company prosperity and success!


5. An example of a text of gratitude for cooperation to the partner’s team


On behalf of our company, we express our deep gratitude to the _________ team for the mutually beneficial cooperation and support provided during advertising events aimed at developing new customer channels. The dedication and integrity of _______ employees allowed us to achieve amazing results. Our company entered a new sales market, thanks to the professional approach of the ________ organization team to carrying out advertising company our product.

We sincerely hope that this interaction between our companies was not the last, and we look forward to strengthening and expanding partnerships in the future!


6. Example of an official thank you letter for cooperation to a partner


"___" LLC, represented by General Director _______, expresses gratitude to the team and management of ___ LLC for successful long-term cooperation. Over the years of interaction, the relationship between our companies has strengthened, thanks to common interests, the best results in our work have been achieved. We express hope for further development of our relations and access to new level cooperation with closer relationships.


7. Text of the letter of gratitude to the supplier for cooperation

IP ___ expresses gratitude to LLC ___ for long-term cooperation and uninterrupted supply of products to our company’s warehouses. The professionalism of your specialists, attention and understanding of our needs have ensured the most positive history of the relationship between our companies.

We hope that partnerships will only grow stronger over the years, and no obstacles will stand in the way of strengthening the relationship between our companies.


Video - how to write the best thank you letter

Letter No. 1

Let me express my sincere gratitude for your fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new clients and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that next year you will continue to remain on the list of our partners. In turn, we promise to reward you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our clients.

We wish you and your entire friendly team success in your professional career and prosperity!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 2

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The administration of the Stroy-Master company sincerely thanks the team for the professionalism and decency shown during their joint work on the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center. We hope to maintain good partnerships in working on new projects.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 3

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

Our companies have been cooperating for five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.

But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - construction

Shopping center "Grand-Lux", we have come to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to your entire team, and in particular to the senior administrator Anna Nikonenko. It was thanks to her prompt resolution of all organizational issues that we were able to complete the project on time.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with you many times in the future!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 4

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

I, the General Director of LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to the Stroy Master company. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Luxury shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example quality and professionalism.

We hope that we will collaborate with your team many times in the future.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 5

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich, LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We are sincerely pleased to have the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for their decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to ensure that our partnerships remain mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

We sincerely wish you and each of your employees professional growth, financial stability and reliable partners.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 6

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov thanks LLC for its integrity, efficiency and professionalism in its work. During our cooperation, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the acceptable pricing policy and the quality of your products, but also the high communication culture of your staff.

I wish you new clients and rapid career development.


Maxim Ivanov.

Letter No. 7

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The company sincerely thanks the information publication Pravda for its cooperation. We would like to emphasize your high level professionalism, efficiency and objectivity in covering events.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will become even more fruitful and long-lasting.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 8

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The staff of the information publication “Pravda” sincerely thanks the entire administrative and teaching staff of the Patriot Lyceum. Thanks to your efforts, our team managed to organize the festival of youth creativity “Patriotic Autumn”.

We believe that this project marked the beginning of an annual tradition of holding patriotic events among children school age our region.

We wish you grateful students and success in educating young people.


A letter of gratitude for cooperation, the text and sample of which do not have a clear framework, refers to business documents.

It can be addressed to a partner company, an employee or the entire staff; this will be a good incentive and will have a positive impact on the company’s reputation.

After fruitfully completed work or high-quality service, the company can write a letter of gratitude for cooperation, the text and sample of which are described below.

Such a letter refers to business documents, which is reflected in the style of its writing.

A sample is provided to give you a rough idea of ​​the content. Based on it, it is better to develop your own text that suits the situation.

Basic rules for writing a thank you letter

Before you start writing a thank you letter for cooperation, you need to familiarize yourself with general recommendations on its compilation.

  1. The text must express the respectful attitude of the author.
  2. It is advisable to express hope for further cooperation and consolidate the partnership.
  3. It is worth using templates for writing letters. But you shouldn't just rewrite the text. You can add a personal touch by mentioning the details of a specific collaboration.
  4. It is appropriate to start the note with words of greeting and calling by name.
  5. Ideally, the text should combine formal and informal styles. Although a thank you letter is a business document, it should not be too dry. But familiarity is not appropriate here either.

It is worth noting that in terms of cooperation, a personal meeting will be more fruitful. Sometimes such a sentence is included in the letter.

What does a writing plan look like?

The outline of an official thank you letter for cooperation consists of the same points as other business documents:

  1. Appeal.
  2. Main text.
  3. Signature.

The letter can be sent to the entire enterprise or to an individual employee.

The appeal sometimes indicates (although this is not a rule) not only the full name of the addressee, but also his position.

To add politeness, the words “Dear” or “Dear” are placed in front of the name.

The main text is gratitude for working with the company. It is better to mention what exactly the employee or organization is being thanked for (for example,).

Often the letter contains wishes. It is worth including phrases expressing confidence in continued cooperation.

The document is certified by the signature of the manager and, who sends a letter of gratitude for cooperation.

Document preparation

As most experts confirm, a letter of gratitude for cooperation refers to business documents.

By definition, the closest thing to it is the diploma that is awarded to educational institutions for special achievements.

To write a thank you letter, the organization's letterhead is usually used.

It can be presented at a personal meeting or sent by mail.

Although writing thank you letters is not a company's obligation, it does have a positive impact on the company's reputation.

Therefore, such expressions of appreciation for teamwork should not be taken lightly.

Important: if the letter is addressed to an organization, the author addresses its head, for example, .

How to Express Gratitude to an Organization: Sample

Dear Anton Nikolaevich!

JSC Zarya expresses gratitude to the Final Consulting organization for conducting training courses for workers in the field of working with non-ferrous metals.

After completing the training, there is an improvement in the quality of work and an increase in labor productivity. This has a positive effect on the safety of the production process.

Now our employees have better mastered the theory of working with non-ferrous metals, acquired skills in using the latest equipment, and began to use effective techniques when performing individual operations.

JSC Zarya hopes to continue working with your consulting firm and advises other enterprises to send their employees to the courses you provide for advanced training.


JSC "Zarya" A.I. Petrov

The following text can be used as an example to format a thank you letter for cooperation with a company:

Dear Alexey Petrovich!

The responsible persons of the Stroy-montazh company note that for 15 years they have been closely and fruitfully cooperating with Detal OJSC.

It’s nice to see that during this time, not only business relations have been established between our teams. We are pleased with the mutual understanding and willingness to come to the rescue in conditions of fierce competition in the market and economic instability.

The Stroy-montazh company expresses its sincere gratitude for the long-term cooperation with Detal OJSC and hopes that the joint work will continue in subsequent years.


"Construction-installation" B.A. Shiryaev.

As can be seen from the examples presented, a letter of gratitude can be addressed after training courses conducted for employees.

In such a document, long-term and successful cooperation can be noted.

The main text mentions specific achievements and expresses hope for continued collaboration.

How to express gratitude to an employee for professional achievements

A thank you letter can be addressed to an individual employee.

It can be noted in the text professional quality, results achieved and services provided.

It is important that the text truly reflects sincere gratitude. This document can be used by the company's management as an additional incentive, along with.

For effort and achievement good result, you can write a letter to the employee with something like this:

Dear Natalia Andreevna!

As the head of the enterprise, I would like to especially note good results achieved new project under your leadership. This was a long-term job that required significant costs. Thanks to your efforts, the project was impeccably completed within the allotted time frame.

With your hard work, you have established yourself as a worker with the most the best side. I express my gratitude to you for this work. I have no doubt that you will cope with many more projects that will be planned by our company. I think that other colleagues will want to follow your example in developing professional skills. I am sincerely glad that we work in the same team.

Sincerely, Director of LLC " Honestly» Konstantin Belov

Expressing gratitude for your efforts - great way employee incentives.

As with a thank you letter addressed to a business, it is important to lay the foundation for continued fruitful collaboration.

How can an employer celebrate an employee's success?

Management can thank an employee not only for the work done, but also for the successes achieved.

Dear Ivan Petrovich!

I would like to convey to you that I am very pleased with your professionalism and approach to the assigned tasks. Your responsibilities within the company require strong personal qualities and enormous dedication.

Observing your work, I note that your professional skills and capabilities have a positive impact on the fruitfulness of our work. On my own behalf and on behalf of the entire team, I want to state that we are very pleased to work with you shoulder to shoulder.

I especially note your logical mind, determination and talent in this area. Every employee here is valuable, and we value real professionals like you doubly. I wish you further success and development!

Best regards, Sergey Likhachev

In a thank you letter it is appropriate to note strengths employee and pay attention to the results achieved by him.

You can add wishes for further professional growth and development.

How to formalize gratitude to the head of the department

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to any employee, including the head of one of the departments.

Below is an approximate sample on the basis of which it is convenient to compose your own text.

Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!

I am very proud to have chosen you to lead our accounting department several years ago. As soon as you received this position, I realized that I had made the right choice. I would like to note your professional approach to this task. I don’t see any other employee in your position.

Your leadership skills, ability to organize work and apply professional skills. You manage to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the team and help employees continue to improve in performing their duties. Your contribution to the development of our organization is invaluable. On my own behalf and on behalf of all employees, I express my sincere gratitude for your work.

Best regards, Alexey Gordeev

Although you can use this sample or some other example as a basis for creating a letter, it is worth adjusting it for a specific person and expressing gratitude for his efforts and results achieved.

How to thank company staff

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to an individual employee or partner company, or to the entire team as a whole.

Dear colleagues, employees of our company “Rassvet”!

On behalf of the company management, we would like to inform you that the commercial plan for this year was successfully completed! Each of us contributed to the success, and for all of us this is a reason to rejoice!

Throughout the year, you worked tirelessly to achieve the goal set for the team. And these efforts are rewarded, we have completed difficult task. Thanks to your spirit of mutual assistance and coordinated efforts, our company has become one of the most stable in the city.

We really appreciate your efforts and wish you further success and decent payment for your hard work!

Best regards, Mikhail Sokolov.

This way, appreciation for the efforts made can be expressed to the entire team at once.

It should be noted professional achievements and personal qualities employees.

Expressing sincere gratitude will be a good incentive to complete the following tasks.

This is how you can express your gratitude to our partners:

Dear partners!

I express my gratitude for the fruitful cooperation with our company! The fruit of our common efforts has been the achievement of new heights in the business sphere! I am confident that our cooperation will continue and we will achieve even better results.

I wish you new interesting projects, conquering the next heights and personal success!

Best regards, Dmitry Smirnov

A letter of thanks is drawn up according to the same principle as other business documents.

It begins with an appeal; the main text conveys gratitude for specific merits or fruitful cooperation.

Expressing gratitude will become good contribution to create a good reputation for the company.

4 Letter of thanks

4 Letter of thanks

Letter of thanks for cooperation: Text and sample business document

If there is a need to express gratitude to any organization, then it is convenient to do this with the help of a letter of gratitude. This is a business thank you letter that can be sent to your partner in person, by mail, or online. You can download a sample letter from the link at the end of the article.

How to write a thank you letter?

If it is written by one organization with the purpose of expressing gratitude for something to another organization, then it is logical to draw up this document on company letterhead. This will make the letter look formal and businesslike.

The structure of a thank you letter is discussed in detail in this article. You can read it.

When addressing a letter to an organization, you must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the head of this organization, as well as the name of the enterprise itself.

The text should also indicate what the organization is grateful for. As a rule, one organization can thank another for long-term relationships, mutually beneficial partnerships, successful negotiations, hospitality during a personal visit, timely services and work, timely delivered goods, etc.

A letter of gratitude drawn up in this way must be signed by the head of the organization that compiled the document.

A sample thank you letter might look like this:

Dear Pyotr Nikolaevich!

Letter of gratitude from the organization

Letters of thanks between legal entities are also common and accepted as written thanks addressed to people. Their content is different business style, restraint and fairly strict formality.

In this case, the formatting of the text of the letter must comply with certain rules. What rules you need to follow when writing a text can be read in the article: How to write a thank you letter.

Letters of gratitude to the organization can be responsive or proactive.

If you need to write a thank you letter to an organization, we offer several text writing samples.

1. Text of the letter of gratitude from the organization for conducting employee training.

Dear Valery Nikolaevich!

JSC "Gamma" expresses gratitude to the consulting company "Garant-consulting" for the training of employees in the field of "industrial processing of non-ferrous metals".

As a result of the training, the level of professionalism of employees has significantly increased, which has a positive effect on labor productivity, as well as production safety. As a result of training, our employees:

  • Increased your competence in production issues
  • Developed skills to work with the latest equipment
  • Mastered effective techniques performing technological operations.
  • OJSC Gamma expresses hope for further cooperation with your company and recommends that all enterprises in the industry conduct employee training with the involvement of the Garant-Consulting company.


    OJSC Gamma O.A. Sysuev

    2. Sample text of a letter of gratitude addressed to the organization for participation in the event

    The administration of the city of Avachinsk expresses sincere gratitude to the management and team of Sochielectrostoy CJSC for their participation and comprehensive support the “Do good in your native land” campaign held at the beginning of summer. Thanks to the professionalism and spiritual impulse of the team of JSC Sochielectrostoy, the action attracted a record number of participants and achieved its goal, namely, uniting people from different social strata in helping those in need.

    Head of Administration Z.K. Zaitsev

    3. Sample letter of gratitude to the organization for cooperation

    The management of the Trans-Stroy-Export company notes with a feeling of deep satisfaction that for 20 years, on mutually beneficial terms, it has been closely cooperating with Vagondetal OJSC. Over the course of all these years, not only business relations have developed between our companies, but also relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance in difficult conditions market economy. Joint participation in various charity events and events brought our teams together.

    The Trans-Stroy-Export company thanks Vagondetal OJSC for its long-term cooperation and expresses confidence in the continuation of this cooperation in the future.

    Chairman of the Board

    "Trans-Stroy-Export" N.S. Deryagin

    A thank you letter is a business document that can be addressed to an organization or a specific person. In this article we offer several options for writing a letter of gratitude for a legal entity - an organization.

    As a rule, a letter is written from another organization with the purpose of thanking for the reception provided, a sincere meeting, active participation in a joint event, successful negotiations, long-term cooperation, timely delivered goods, well-done work or services provided. It can also be a response to a letter of invitation or a letter of congratulations.

    There are many reasons for writing such a document, usually Thanksgiving letters partners write to each other, this allows them to be more loyal towards each other and improves the image of the companies.

    A letter of gratitude to the organization is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead.

    On a note! We also offer options for formatting a thank you letter for cooperation - download. for an employee - download.

    Texts of a letter of gratitude to the organization

    1. Text of the letter of gratitude for the hospitable welcome

    Dear Pyotr Nikolaevich!

    Thank you for the warm welcome and hospitality provided during our visit to you.

    We hope that the negotiations held during the reception will contribute to the further strengthening and development of partnerships.


    Director of Alpha LLC Nikolaev A.A. Nikolaev

    2. Text of the organization’s letter of gratitude for timely delivery of goods

    Alliance LLC expresses sincere gratitude to Mebelshchik LLC for fast and timely delivery upholstered furniture in 2014.

    We express confidence in maintaining and strengthening the existing business relations We hope for long-term and successful cooperation.

    Director of Alliance LLC Popov A.A. Popov

    3. Text of the letter of gratitude to the organization for cooperation

    Interplus LLC expresses sincere gratitude to Forestry LLC for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation in 2014.

    Thank you for individual approach, uninterrupted operation in 2014.

    We hope to continue our cooperation and strengthen our relationship.

    Director of Interplus LLC Ivanov V.A.Ivanov

    You can read how to write a thank you letter in this article. where will you find useful recommendations and advice on the preparation of this document.

    Letter of gratitude from the organization

    A thank you letter is a type of formal letter expressing gratitude for some assignment, help or service. When compiling it, you do not need to comply strict rules If possible, it is better to print it on your organization’s letterhead.

    Sample letter of gratitude to an organization

    2. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to the organization for cooperation.

    To the Director of Neftetruboprovodtekhnika LLC Dolzhansky D.A. Dear Denis Alekseevich!

    I, as the head of the company KonsaltResurs CJSC, would like to express my gratitude to you for the mutually beneficial cooperation and timely payment of your orders. I hope next year we will continue to cooperate fruitfully and our partnership will strengthen. I would like to wish your company new large-scale projects that will make your company even more successful and bring you greater profits!

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    Letter #1:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] expresses gratitude to [name of organization] for their professionalism and dedication in their work.

    Our company has repeatedly turned to specialists from [name of organization] for legal advice and support, and always received qualified legal assistance.

    A flexible approach and responsibility in work helped our company minimize financial and legal risks and improve legal support company activities.

    We wish you further success and look forward to fruitful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] has been cooperating with [name of organization] for several years now. All this time, [name of organization] has successfully provided qualified services to represent interests in the courts.

    The specialists of the company [name of organization] demonstrated excellent knowledge of the law and the ability to apply new progressive legal and economic technologies.

    We express our deep gratitude for effective work and we look forward to further successful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the staff law firm[organization name] for high quality and efficiency of services provided. The main advantage of employees is the ability to quickly, skillfully and conscientiously perform assigned tasks, as well as the commitment and accuracy shown in the process of work.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the staff of the law firm [name of organization] for their professional and quick help in solving corporate issues in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

    With hope for further fruitful cooperation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to all the specialists and employees of [organization name] for the timely services provided in bringing the constituent documents into compliance.

    We thank you for your cooperation and wish further growth and prosperity to your company!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #6:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to the law firm [name of organization] for resolving issues in the field of legal support for the activities of firms, providing clients with qualified assistance in the process of opening accounts legal entities, as well as quality and high professionalism in work.

    We hope for further fruitful cooperation and wish further prosperity to the company.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #7:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] expresses sincere gratitude to company [name of organization] for the professionalism and quality of services provided.

    In the process of working together, we became convinced of the high qualifications of the employees of [organization name], which allows them to successfully solve problems of any complexity.

    We hope that you will not change your chosen policy of communication with clients and will remain a reliable and trustworthy partner for a long time.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #8:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank the employees of [organization name] for their services. It is pleasant to note the qualifications and professional competence of the lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy when preparing documents.

    I would like to continue mutually beneficial partnerships with your company and wish you success in your professional career.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #9:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We thank [name of organization] for their professionalism and competence. It is pleasant to emphasize that the company’s employees have such qualities as commitment, punctuality, and the ability to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations.

    We wish your company continued success and look forward to continuing to work together.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #10:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [name of organization] thanks the employees of [name of organization] for their professionalism, competence, attentiveness and accuracy when working with clients. [name of organization] has established itself as a serious company that clearly fulfills its tasks and is results-oriented.

    We hope to continue cooperation in the future!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #11:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    The management and team of [organization name] sincerely thanks you for the competent, professional assistance provided in resolving the company’s legal issues.

    I would like to note the prompt response to all the nuances that arise during the work process. We especially note lively human participation and interest in achieving results.

    Thank you for your fruitful work and your individual approach to our company. We hope to continue the existing business relationship.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #12:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    [organization name] would like to thank the staff of [organization name]. High qualification, professionalism and commitment of lawyers allowed us to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues in the field of legal support for our company.

    We hope for further fruitful cooperation and sincerely wish prosperity to your company!

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #13:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    We express our gratitude to all the specialists, employees of [organization name] and personally to the lawyer [last name, first name, patronymic] for business cooperation and prompt solution of assigned tasks.

    Letter #14:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Let me express my sincere gratitude to the team of [name of organization] for the qualified legal assistance provided.

    We highly appreciate the quality of services and professionalism of your organization’s lawyers.

    We hope that further cooperation will be just as effective and fruitful.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #15:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    With this letter we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the professional and legal support provided to our company.

    In the rendering market legal services Your company has established itself as one of the best and reliable organizations capable of efficiently and competently organizing the work of an enterprise in the field of legal and economic activities.

    Good luck, success and growth in your professional activities!


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