Thank you note. Letter of thanks

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Letter No. 1

Let me express my sincere gratitude for your fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new clients and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that next year you will continue to remain on the list of our partners. In turn, we promise to reward you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our clients.

We wish you and your entire friendly team success in your professional career and prosperity!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 2

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The administration of the Stroy-master company sincerely thanks the team for the professionalism and integrity shown during collaboration for the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center. We hope to maintain good partnerships in working on new projects.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 3

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

Our companies have been cooperating for five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.

But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - construction

Shopping center "Grand-Lux", we have come to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to your entire team, and in particular to the senior administrator Anna Nikonenko. It was thanks to her prompt resolution of all organizational issues that we were able to complete the project on time.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with you many times in the future!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 4

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

I, the General Director of LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to the Stroy Master company. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Luxury shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example quality and professionalism.

We hope that we will collaborate with your team many times in the future.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 5

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich, LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We are sincerely pleased to have the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for their decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to ensure that our partnerships remain mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

We sincerely wish you and each of your employees professional growth, financial stability and reliable partners.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 6

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov thanks LLC for its integrity, efficiency and professionalism in its work. During our cooperation, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the acceptable pricing policy and the quality of your products, but also the high communication culture of your staff.

I wish you new clients and rapid career development.


Maxim Ivanov.

Letter No. 7

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The company sincerely thanks the information publication Pravda for its cooperation. We would like to emphasize your high level professionalism, efficiency and objectivity in covering events.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will become even more fruitful and long-lasting.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 8

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The staff of the information publication “Pravda” sincerely thanks the entire administrative and teaching staff of the Patriot Lyceum. Thanks to your efforts, our team managed to organize the festival of youth creativity “Patriotic Autumn”.

We believe that this project marked the beginning of an annual tradition of holding patriotic events among children school age our region.

We wish you grateful students and success in educating young people.


  • To whom can and should you write a thank you letter?
  • How to write the text of a thank you letter.
  • What is the use of a thank you letter.

Find a reason to write thank you letter It's almost always possible.

For example, a letter of gratitude for cooperation in the business community is considered a sign of good manners, an element of respect for sponsors, partners, clients or investors.

It is also customary to monitor the achievements and great job personnel. A letter of gratitude addressed to the employee for his special contribution to the development of the industry, company, participation in important project, fulfilling a special assignment, anniversary birthday or anniversary of work in the company. There can be many options, and such attention is pleasant for any person - you show that you have not forgotten.

I know managers who personally write letters of gratitude to the parents of particularly distinguished specialists.

Thank you letter is after-sales service

Aleksey Ivanov, director of the creative agency with marketing thinking "MasterUm", Moscow

Writing a thank you note to a customer is a great part of after-sales service. In this case, the thank you letter should be written exactly – by hand. Such a gesture seems to say: the CEO is ready to find time for his clients. For example, dry cleaners can include such thank-you notes in the client’s clothes after washing.

To whom should I write a letter of gratitude and for what merits?

In a few words - for any action that a person has done in your favor. For absolutely any action. The more unexpected the thank you letter is, the better. There are no special restrictions here: it all depends on the specifics of the field of activity and your imagination.

Why are they so important

  1. Writing a thank you note is the morally right thing to do: you are showing personal respect.
  2. Competitive advantage.
  3. Motivation of the client (employee, partner), his readiness for new cooperation and work with your company.

3 examples of letters that should be sent to a client to thank them for their purchase

How to write a thank you letter

Typically, a thank you letter is written in any form. But nevertheless, it remains a business document, so you need to adhere to several rules.

Firstly, The thank you letter is written on company letterhead. The following sections of the letter should be provided:

  1. The header of the letter - indicating the specific enterprise or person to whom gratitude will be expressed.
  2. Addressing the person you are thanking.
  3. The text of the letter - it reflects the essence of the appeal.
  4. Information about the person who expresses his gratitude - full name, position, signature.

If you're handwriting a thank you note, choose a card that's subtle and simple. A reliable solution would be a white or cream-colored card with “Thank you” embossed on the front. Cards with messages on the back, overly decorated, cluttered and cutesy should be avoided.

Handwriting deserves special attention. If you are unsure about the clarity and quality of the handwriting, show a sample to the deputy. Try to practice a few times before writing. As a last resort, you can ask a person with calligraphic handwriting. But don't forget to sign the letter yourself.

If there is no recipient's mailing address, the only solution is to send an email. This option is also preferable if you communicated with a client or partner via e-mail. The only drawback is that there is a high probability of ignoring such letters. After all, managers receive many letters every day. To stand out from the rest, you still shouldn’t compose an overly luxurious email or send an e-card using a third-party site. After all, such mail will be perceived as advertising, which is why it may be ignored. You should write a simple, short, and timely email.

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Second. Contact the addressee. Employees in companies are traditionally addressed as “Dear...”. Such an address will emphasize the respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. Refuse to address yourself as “Dear” or “Mr. (Madam)” - such addresses look insincere and awkward, going beyond the official style. If you have a close relationship with the recipient, the expression “Dear” can be left.

The address “Dear, dear (name, patronymic)” will be appropriate for personal address. If you are writing gratitude to the team, it is better to use the address “Dear colleagues!” And in the text of the letter itself, specify which team you are thanking.

When sending a letter of gratitude to a partner company, an address to the manager is provided, and gratitude to the organization and team itself is noted in the text itself.

3. Indicate the initiator of the gratitude. Write who thanks whom. You can express gratitude on behalf of the company, yourself or the head of a structural unit. For example:

  • “Karavan LLC thanks”;
  • “Management of the company “ABC” ...”;
  • “On behalf of the Rassvet LLC team and on my own behalf, I thank...”

It is necessary to take into account that on behalf of the entire company they express gratitude for the provision of goods, services or opportunities. When expressing gratitude to a team or an employee of an organization, it is preferable to address it on behalf of the manager:

  • “We are sincerely grateful...”;
  • "We thank …";
  • “I express my gratitude to your team...”

An unconventional and solemn address can be: “I, as the head (director) of the Company, want to sincerely thank ....”

It is worth resorting to such wording in exceptional cases, when gratitude is expressed for a contribution that is significant for the entire company.

4. Indicate who you are thanking. You can send a letter of gratitude to the entire organization, its management, team or individual employee. Through personal gratitude, you will single out a person from the team for their professionalism, successes and achievements. Personalization in this situation involves addressing the addressee to:

  • “On behalf of the entire Company, I want to thank you.”
  • "Thank you".

If you are writing to partners and want to thank the entire team for services and opportunities, you should clarify to whom the gratitude is addressed:

  • “We sincerely thank the team of your company”;
  • “The ABC company thanks your company.”

When thanking the team, it will be useful to indicate the personalities (however, no more than five to seven people):

  • "Dear Colleagues! I, as a manager, am very grateful to the team of the scientific and editorial department of our company, namely...”

In the case of a large team, there is no need to list everyone by name; you can indicate the head of this team.

A practitioner tells

Alexey Dmitriev, Director of corporate development Enter retail chain, Moscow

Every month, department heads select one or two employees who have demonstrated excellent results over the past period. This assessment is subjective. In particular, an employee who, on his own initiative, took on the responsibilities of a colleague who went on vacation can count on recognition from his manager.

To ensure that managers remember the need to nominate employees, they are sent letters with a link to the appropriate section of the corporate portal.

The reward for selected employees are medals “Number one in October”, “ Best employee September”, etc. The award ceremony is held in the conference hall in a solemn atmosphere. For each medal received, employees are awarded points within the “Olympiad” rating. Among other things, we send letters of gratitude to the parents of the “medal winners.”

5. State what you are giving thanks for. Gratitude is expressed for something. However, you shouldn’t be completely grateful for everything.

INCORRECT: “Dear...! The company team thanks you for everything you have done for us.” Here we see a template and general phrase without specifics. But specifics in a thank you letter are necessary.

What should you be grateful for? This largely depends on the reason for expressing gratitude. If you send a letter to an employee, you can express gratitude for their professionalism in solving problems, vigilance and perseverance. You can thank your partners for providing opportunities, support, equipment, services, a platform, etc.

CORRECT: “Dear...! The company’s team thanks you for your special contribution to the development of our partnerships and the provision of insurance services in the VHI system for our employees.”

6. Detail and specify your gratitude. Stop at a moment that worked especially well. It is through this that the letter becomes individual. The more individual this part of the letter is, the better: the recipient will feel his value as a person and personality.

7. Praise the recipient, but without flattery. This part is the most difficult to write. Here you should take into account the general wording of praise in relation to the recipient or his company. Example: “Your experience in account management is second to none.”

8. Leave wishes for the recipient for the future. A letter of gratitude is a letter with a positive message. Look into the future and wish a few kind words to your partner. "We wish you new original ideas, inspiration and inexhaustible optimism."

9. Express your hope for further cooperation. Extremely important element in a thank you letter. You express your interest in further cooperation. If the prospect of further cooperation is not indicated, such a letter will have the effect of saying goodbye. “We look forward to further fruitful cooperation with you.”

10. Correct and review the text of the letter. Letter of thanks, depending on the specific circumstances, can be relatively simple and short - usually on the order of half an A4 sheet. When writing a long letter, you need to make sure that there is no unnecessary verbosity - except for the word “Thank you”, you need to indicate each point only once. Make sure your style is consistent throughout. You can involve 1-2 people to correct grammatical and lexical errors.

11. When you are confident in your letter text, send it immediately. The faster the letter is sent, the more effective and memorable it will be.

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Rules for writing a thank you letter

  1. The entire text of the letter must fit on one sheet of paper so that the letter can be placed on the wall in beautiful frame. That is why you should take a responsible approach to choosing a form, avoiding tasteless decisions.
  2. Usually a letter of gratitude is drawn up from one manager to another. The letter indicates from which company the letter is sent, to which organization represented by the manager.
  3. A few words should indicate what gratitude is being expressed for. In your expressions, try to choose kind and warm words as much as possible. It will be very useful to indicate the positive business qualities of the management and staff of the organization receiving the letter.
  4. At the end of the letter, express your sincere hope for future cooperation.
  5. The letter must be signed by the manager himself, affixing the seal of the enterprise.
  6. Before sending the letter, you should once again carefully check that the name of the organization or department, position of the addressee, etc. is correct.
  7. When writing several thank you notes, try to avoid monotony.
  8. If you cannot write such a letter yourself, you can use the services of professionals.

2 sample thank you letters

Dear Ivan Alexandrovich,

On behalf of the entire team, let me thank you for your trust and agreement to cooperate with our young company, which is taking its first steps in the market.

We owe much of our rapid development to your trust and support of your company.

We wish you and your organization success and prosperity!


Andrey Alekseev

The Sputnik-Video LLC company sincerely thanks and expresses deep gratitude to Igor Nekrasov for the development, promotion and constant improvement of the website www...

His labor-intensive, responsible and painstaking work allowed us to expand our client base several times.

Competence, professionalism and prompt problem solving make cooperation effective and enjoyable. We wish Igor further success in his work!

Sincerely, General Director of Sputnik-Video LLC A.A. Kolesnikov

What a thank you letter definitely should not include

  1. Familiarity should be completely absent.
  2. Avoid mentioning mistakes that were made during your collaboration.
  3. Showing numbers is not always appropriate.
  4. Be sure to exclude spelling errors in the letter.

7 Qualities That Will Make Your Thank You Letter a Winner

  • living language;
  • personality;
  • description of project details.
  • caring for people and business interests;
  • unique design - without the use of frames.
  • exclusivity of the letter, abandoning templates;
  • invitation to further cooperation.

Also, a letter of gratitude can be accompanied by a gift - in the form of a personal bonus or discount; business proposal; an invitation – to social networks, to attend an event or meeting.

New course at the “General Director School”

A letter of gratitude is not included in the list of mandatory documents that make up the document flow system of the enterprise. But issuing thank-you letters is necessary to show your respect and gratitude to employees, managers, and business partners. The article describes the rules for designing and composing a letter of gratitude.

From the article you will learn:

  • how to write a thank you letter;
  • how to write a thank-you letter to an employee, manager or business partner.

Formatting a thank you letter

It is a mistake to think that only money or valuable gifts are regarded as a worthy reward for conscientious work or partner services provided. Social recognition and gratitude are also among the basic human needs. Of course, you can express your gratitude to your manager, employee or business partners verbally, but a letter of gratitude would be preferable.

It shows that you not only feel gratitude, but that you took the time to put it on paper in a beautiful way to please the recipient.

A letter of gratitude is perceived by those to whom it is addressed as:

  • showing personal respect and fair assessment of merit;
  • a motivating factor confirming that the efforts expended and a conscientious attitude to responsibilities did not go unnoticed;
  • competitive advantage.

The latter is especially important. After all, if we are talking about gratitude expressed to business partners, after you formalize it in a letter, you can well count on receiving additional preferences. As psychologists note, expressed praise and gratitude force a person, albeit unconsciously, to try not to disappoint the person thanking.

If a thank you letter is drawn up for “internal use”, for example, when a manager wants to express gratitude to one of the employees or vice versa - employees express gratitude to the manager, you can use special thank you forms.

Registration of the form

Such an artistically designed thank-you letter form, colored, on thick paper, can be purchased at a stationery store. As a rule, the central field of such a form is left empty so that the text for the thank you letter can be placed in it.

Such a form will need to be filled out by hand in beautiful, clear handwriting or selected from text editor font resembling handwriting. But, of course, the person or persons on whose behalf the gratitude will be written will have to put their own signature under the text.

In the case when a letter of gratitude is drawn up on behalf of an organization and sent to an individual or other enterprise, a corporate letter is used to format it. In this case, the letter of gratitude is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents”, which came into force on March 3, 2003.

The rules for executing a letter of gratitude on the organization’s letterhead imply filling out such mandatory details as:

  • full and short name of the organization;
  • information about the addressee - the name of a specific company or the last name, first name and patronymic of the individual to whom gratitude is sent;
  • address to the addressee: “Dear sirs!” or “Dear colleagues!”, if the addressee entity or “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, if the addressee is individual;
  • text for a thank you letter;
  • signature of the head of the organization and its transcript.

To avoid excessive officialdom and emphasize personal affection, you can choose an artistically designed envelope to send such a letter.

Thank you letter text

You can compose the text of a thank you letter using the following algorithm.

  1. Indicate on whose behalf gratitude is being expressed, for example: “Limited Liability Company “Alfa”, “Management of LLC “Alfa” or “On behalf of the team of LLC “Alfa” and on my own behalf I would like to express my gratitude to you for...”;
  2. Indicate to whom gratitude is expressed: “On behalf of the Alpha company, I would like to thank the entire team of your organization...” or “Alpha LLC expresses gratitude to your company...”;
  3. Be specific about what exactly gratitude is being expressed for, trying to avoid generalizations and general, non-binding phrases;
  4. Note the successes or professional competencies of the addressee, his experience and knowledge;
  5. Express your wishes and hope for further cooperation.

Read the finished text of the thank you letter and, if necessary, adjust it. Please note that its volume should not be large, as a rule, no more than half standard sheet. It is advisable to check the text for grammatical and lexical errors. If you are not very confident that you were able to convincingly and sincerely express your feelings of gratitude, you can show the letter to your colleagues and adjust the text in accordance with their comments.

Thank you letter to employee

Such a letter should contain as much personalized information as possible so that its text does not look like a formal unsubscribe. In addition to a personal address, an informal approach can be demonstrated by mentioning specific achievements, personal qualities employee. There can be several reasons to express gratitude in a letter to an employee; they can also be mentioned in the text:

  • for many years of conscientious work;
  • for special achievements in professional activity;
  • for participation in any event as a company representative;
  • due to retirement.

A sample text of a thank you letter to an employee is presented below.

You can download the sample.

Thank you letter to the manager

A letter expressing gratitude to the manager is usually written on behalf of the team of the enterprise or one of its divisions. In this case, the letterhead is no longer used, so the text should be written on a beautiful, but strictly designed special artistic form.

The fact that a letter of gratitude is written to the manager should not mean that its text should be dry and official. It all depends on the management style of the company and its organizational culture. But at the same time, no familiarity should be allowed.

Letter of thanks to partners

This type of thank you letter also implies a formal, business style presentation. Most often, such letters are sent as a sign and confirmation of fruitful cooperation. General meaning document - gratitude for services rendered or work performed, an offer and hope for further mutually beneficial partnership.

The letter will need to refer to specific services or work, mention situations or circumstances that most clearly characterize the mutual benefit of cooperation. Naturally, you should not mention any misunderstandings, even if they happened.

Letters of gratitude for assistance provided are one of the types of official letters. Their name speaks for itself; there is no need to explain what it means. But what should the text for assistance provided be? After all, in the end, this is an official document, and not just a message in social network or a nod when meeting in person. In this article we will tell you about the assistance provided and give examples to make it easier to understand the compilation.

Code of Politeness

Business communication has its own characteristics. It does not tolerate familiarity and excessive emotionality. At the same time, special forms are intended to express certain feelings. A letter of gratitude for assistance provided (a sample will be presented below) is a common practice for establishing partnerships, as well as a guarantee of pleasant cooperation.

When should you express gratitude in the form of a letter?

Of course, it’s not worth writing up a whole paper for some minor details. In this case, the text of the thank you letter for the assistance provided will not exceed even a line. But it is still not necessary to wait for something completely large-scale - regular cooperation is more than suitable.

Why give thanks?

Practice shows that in the post-Soviet space they have not yet been popular for assistance provided. Perhaps due to the fact that the mentality is not conducive to this form of expression of one’s feelings. And in vain: it has many advantages.

First of all, this great way stand out, be remembered. Secondly, this is the key to further successful cooperation. And thirdly, it is simply polite and pleasant. It will also be nice to receive it in the form of a letter to the person to whom it is sent.

How and what to write?

Letters of gratitude for assistance provided are written almost in free form. The most important thing about them is to express your appreciation, not make demands.

Depending on the scale of assistance provided and other nuances responsible for how official the letter will be, you will need to follow the following rules:

  • Always write a request first. In a strict, solemn letter of gratitude, this may be the characteristic “dear”, but in a simpler, friendly note, you can completely use a personal address by name and patronymic without any epithets.
  • Regarding personal character, there are two pieces of advice: on the one hand, do not complicate the text of the letter of gratitude to sponsors for the assistance provided (or to anyone else) with turns and pretentiousness, on the other hand, arrange everything almost pompously. Which one should you stick to? The second option is more suitable for a letter from an organization, while a letter of gratitude to the organization for the assistance provided personally from the specified citizen will be much better received if it is drawn up according to the first advice.
  • Typing on a computer is optional. It is quite possible to write for the assistance provided or other kind of support by hand. Even if you choose to type on your PC, it's a good idea to set it to an italic or calligraphic font that conveys a friendly "thank you" rather than a stern notice.
  • Don't be afraid to use epithets anyway and actually write beautiful words. Although letters of gratitude for assistance provided are considered business style communication, there is no place for dry officialdom in them, but sincerity is more important, otherwise they will seem like a forced measure.
  • Share what you are grateful for and how important it is to you. It's not as difficult as it seems.


After the theoretical introduction, we come to much more illustrative examples.

Some people recommend making thank-you note forms in advance. Not a bad idea, but you need to remember that a form means a prepared font, background, frame. You shouldn't make a form like the template for a contract, in which you only need to fill out the recipient's first and last name, this gives the unfavorable impression that the sender is stamping out such “thank you”s without really caring about them. The purpose of the correct form is to think about what kind of letter would be most pleasant to read and perceive.


A letter of gratitude to sponsors for their assistance is presented below as an example.

"Dear Nikita Petrovich!The administration of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents sincerely thanks you for providing sponsorship in organizing the city competition for young directors.

The success of the project would not have been possible without your contribution, and we say thank you very much for helping us implement such a large-scale event, which, without a doubt, raised the cultural level of our society and allowed many children and adolescents to express themselves.

We wish you and your team further success, successful projects, well-being in all activities and assistance of partners.We hope that you will realize all your plans.

Sincerely,Mikhail Sorokin and the team of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents."

Sample No. 2

"Alexander Igorevich!The public program “Well-Being in Every Home” expresses our sincere gratitude to you for your support. We guarantee that all financial assistance provided by you will be used to improve the buildings of nursing homes and, in addition, to purchase the required medications in order to improve the condition of people of retirement age.

We admire your mercy, as a result of which the lives of those who need our help will become a little better.

We wish you not only prosperity in business, financial well-being And career growth, but also so that all the good and happiness that you helped bring to the world of the disadvantaged will return to you and your family many times over.

Respectfully,Ivan Surikov."

To the deputy

A letter of gratitude to the deputy for the assistance provided can be sent to the chairman State Duma addressed to the relevant official or be a personal appeal to the person who provided support. Its content is also different: from gratitude for a specifically specified resolved issue to generalized gratitude.


"To the Chairman of the State Duma A.S. Koreshkov

Letter of gratitude for assistance provided.

I would like to express my gratitude to State Duma deputy Andrei Sergeevich Mashkov, who always responds to the requests of citizens, resolves issues in a timely manner and generally contributes in every possible way to the improvement of our city.On my own behalf I would like to wish him all the best and success.

Sincerely,resident of Yekaterinburg Vyacheslav Mironov."

Personal appeal

"Dear Eduard Semenovich!Thank you very much from our entire family for solving our housing issue. We thank you for your responsiveness and wish that your kindness does not go unnoticed, and that you and your loved ones are always happy!

The Mironchuk family."


A letter of gratitude to the organization for the assistance provided can be sent as follows: to CEO the company and the individual employee. It can also contain an appeal to the entire team that has shown special assistance in a particular matter.

In addition, letters of gratitude for assistance provided from one organization to another have their own characteristics: often after expressing gratitude for the support, at the end a clarification of agreements, an offer of further cooperation, advertising, etc. are written. Papers of this kind are more related to business communication, since gratitude is mixed with the business benefit of each party.

Below is an example of such a thank you letter.

"Comrades!Let me express my gratitude to you for the welcome given to a representative of our company in your company. We hope that all the agreements that were reached at this meeting will be implemented.We also look forward to a pleasant cooperation with you!

Sincerely,the team of the organization "Cosmotour".

From an individual

"To the General Director of Darena LLC."

Letter of thanks.

Many thanks to your employee, Mikhail Sergeevich Aravtsov, who quickly and efficiently resolved my issue.I hope you will encourage him for his efforts.

Sincerely, Nikita Skvortsov."

Frequent revolutions

As you can see, some rotations are repeated in all samples. They are typical for all papers of the type under consideration.

  • “I express my gratitude”;
  • “I want to express my gratitude”;
  • “thank you for your assistance/help/support”;
  • “We want to say thank you,” etc.


It would seem, what does the interview and writing thank you letters have to do with it? But the West is already instilling new traditions in us. A thank you letter after an interview is becoming increasingly common.

The fact that many in the post-Soviet space have not even heard of this is even a plus - you can stand out among your competitors in workplace, to be remembered in the eyes of the employer, to show oneself with the best side, which means you are most likely to get a vacant position.


In addition to these properties, a thank you letter after an interview can serve another purpose, namely to help correct mistakes made during the interview. Of course, it will not be possible to smooth out gross mistakes, but it is very possible to finish saying something, send a file that was mentioned during the meeting.

Three cases when you need to write a thank you letter after an interview:

  • if you are truly grateful;
  • if you really want to get a position;
  • if you do not want to get the position, to explain the reason for the refusal.

Differences between Western practice and usual thank-you letters

When a Russian person mentions a letter of gratitude, something similar to a solemn letter appears in his head. Perhaps this is why there are problems with writing it - it seems that there are so many requirements and if you make even one mistake, everything will go wrong.

But that's not true. In most cases, it is enough to actually express your gratitude, write to whom, from whom and why the paper was drawn up. A good example are not framed A4 sheets, but simple notes written by our Western colleagues, they briefly and clearly express the essence and there are no unnecessary elements.


In this article, we tried to talk in as much detail as possible about how to write a thank you letter. It also has enough examples to get you started. They clearly illustrate what this paper should be. There is no need to write according to samples - sincerity in such a matter speaks for itself.

One important advice: if you don’t want to thank, don’t see the need for it and don’t feel grateful, it’s better not to really thank.

A thank you letter is unique document, representing admiration and joy at the actions of another. The sample can be downloaded for free from this link.

A written thank you message is a unique document that represents admiration and joy for the actions of a counterparty, partner, or employee. Being an optional attribute of legal relations, a letter of gratitude emphasizes the importance of interaction with this particular subject, and the need for further communication and work. The free form of execution on a specially prepared colorful form implies the complete imagination of the author of the text. The content may include individual achievements and a general assessment of cooperation.

Via a special direct link sample thank you letter can be downloaded for free. Each template and example of a thank you message, presented in a separate block, has its own specifics. The simplest format will allow you to easily edit the text and apply the sample in your own practice. If you don’t have a formal letterhead at hand, you can use the organization’s corporate template. In written text, do not forget about words of politeness and respect. Confirmation of words with results joint activities will be a success.

Required points in a thank you letter

  • At the top are the company details, or the word “Gratitude” if this is a celebratory form;
  • Below is a respectful address to the addressee;
  • The narrative can begin with the results of actions performed over the past time;
  • Grade best moments period, personality traits, characteristics;
  • Wishes, fixing the issue of bonuses;
  • Other points are at the discretion of the author;
  • Signature and transcript.
Currently, the practice of awarding thank you text not as common as it used to be. The constant pursuit of money and success without special events with counterparties, unfortunately, leads to counterproductive results. Educator kindergarten, steelworker, teacher, employee of another company, should be awarded for the work performed light work. Constant work, without such activities, leads to a dull lifestyle and lack of interest in professional activities. We hope the article was useful to you. Enjoy using it.


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