Favorable days for feeding indoor plants. Transplanted to the young moon

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In order to create favorable conditions For good growth and development indoor plants, they should be watered, fertilized, and transplant, renew the soil and select the most suitable pot. Experts today recommend transplanting loved ones potted plants in accordance with the phases of the moon.

Why is it important to know the favorable day for transplantation?

The lunar period and the zodiacal location of the moon directly affect the vital activity of the flora. Calendar table compiled professional astrologers, indicates on what dates it is allowed to transplant, and on what days it is not advisable to disturb them.

With the advent of the new year, good and bad times change and it is important to have up-to-date information.

By replanting on dates with positive lunar energy, you can be sure that the plants will adapt well to the new location, will not get sick, and will delight their owners with their blooming appearance.

What days are favorable for transplantation?

Moon calendar for 2018 will tell those who are engaged in flower breeding on which dates the transplant will be successful and which days are unfavorable. Lunar energy is quite powerful and changes every month.

It is important for gardeners to take into account lunar features For example, it is not recommended to replant home flowers during the birth of the moon and the days of the full moon, and when the moon is waxing, the replanting will be successful, but the most important thing is which zodiac signs the mysterious satellite of the Earth is in conjunction with.

The most fruitful constellations:

  • fish;
  • Taurus;
  • scorpion;
  • scales;

And the least fruitful constellations are fiery: Aries with Sagittarius.

Let's consider in pivot table, on which dates in 2018 the moon will be favorable for home floriculture:

Month Favorable, undesirable and forbidden days
January Favorable days: 18-27

Undesirable days: 1-3, 14-17, 28-31

Prohibited days: 4-13

February Favorable days: 17-24

Undesirable days: 13-16, 25-28

Prohibited days: 1-12

March Favorable days: 18-26

Undesirable days: 1, 2, 12-17, 26-31

Prohibited days: 3-11

April Favorable days: 17-25

Undesirable days: 14-16, 26-30

Prohibited days: 1-13

May Favorable days: 16-24

Undesirable days: 11-15, 24-31

Prohibited days: 1-10

June Favorable days: 14-22

Undesirable days: 10-13, 23-30

Prohibited days: 1-9

July Favorable days: 14-21

Undesirable days: 10-13, 22-31

Prohibited days: 1-9

August Favorable days: 12-20

Undesirable days: 8-11, 21-31

Prohibited days: 1-7

September Favorable days: 10-20

Undesirable days: 9, 21-27

Prohibited days: 1-8, 28-30

October Favorable days: 11-18

Undesirable days: 9, 10, 19-25

Prohibited days: 1-8, 26-31

November Favorable days: 12-18

Undesirable days: 1, 2, 7-11, 19-25

Prohibited days: 3-6, 26-30

December Favorable days: 8-17

Undesirable days: 1-7, 18-24

Prohibited days: 25-31

Certainly, The best time for transplantation is spring, but if the flower is already cramped in the pot, the soil is not visible due to the voluminous foliage, the rhizome stretches upward, withers, and fertilizing does not help, then you cannot hesitate.

Having opened the lunar calendar table and chosen the appropriate time, you should begin replanting the overgrown plant.

Replanting on the right day will help you quickly get used to the new place, settle down easily and begin to grow with renewed vigor.

As a rule, potted flowers need to be replanted every few years, but the top layer of soil must be replaced every year. To do this, you need to remove 2 to 5 centimeters of old soil and fill it with fresh soil. So what days of 2018 will be successful for floriculture work?

When to replant in January?

In the first month of the new year you should take moderate care of indoor flowers : they are still sleeping, and it is not advisable to disturb them with transplants unless absolutely necessary.

For transplantation, choose the second half of the month; from January 18, the successful phase of the waxing moon begins.

Table: Calendar of transfers in October 2018

When to replant in November?

In November, flowers feel the drought from active work central heating in apartments. Flowers should be regularly spray with water. Flowers transplanted in mid-November take root well and are not susceptible to disease. Stronger plants will be able to please the gardener with beautiful flowering already in winter.

Table: Transfer calendar in November 2018

When to replant in December?

At the beginning of winter, the flowers do not yet sleep, but continue actively grow and bloom. December is favorable for caring for roots, cultivating them and thoroughly loosening the soil.

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How do the phases of the moon affect plant growth?

Scientists have long proven the influence of lunar energy on all living things. Indoor flowers are no exception: their growth and development are associated with lunar periods. Therefore, when doing gardening and flower growing work, you should take into account what phase the moon is in at the moment.

In total, there are up to 8 lunar phases. The waxing moon has a beneficial effect on flowers, which is very symbolic. As the moon passes through each phase, it is necessary to perform the recommended manipulations for good growth and development of indoor crops.

There are 4 main phases of the moon. Let's consider them separately.

New moon

The new moon phase lasts 3 days. During this phase, plants grow poorly; they should be kept quiet and not actively cared for.

Prohibited during the new moon:

  • Planting and replanting.
  • Treat the roots.
  • Vaccinate indoors.

Waxing moon phase

This is the most favorable period for plant growth.

  • Plant seeds and shoots.
  • Replant overgrown flowers.
  • Cultivate and fertilize the soil.
  • Inoculate the soil.
  • Water and water the flowers.

Full moon

The full moon phase, like the new moon, lasts only 3 days. WITH gardening work During this vulnerable period, care should be taken not to harm the plants.


  • Remove weeds.
  • Practice pest control.
  • Treat leaves and stems for diseases.

Prohibited during the full moon:

  • Transplant the plant to a new location.
  • Trimming branches, this can lead to injury to the shoots.
  • Plant home crops.

Waning phase of the moon

During the waning moon, there is a direct impact of lunar energy on the roots of plants. During this period, you need to be careful with replanting so as not to harm the roots. But you can actively care for the trunk, leaves, flowers and fruits during this period.

  • Plant young shoots.
  • Thin out overgrown seedlings.
  • Removing bugs and weeds.
  • Treatment of flower diseases.
  • Fertilization with useful elements.
  • Trimming, shaping.

Video: How to determine the best time to replant plants?


Knowing the influence of the moon on the condition of plants, you can be sure that you will not harm your indoor flowers with unnecessary manipulations.

It is convenient to have a table of favorable and unfavorable days for replanting house plants, so as not only not to cause stress, but also to help the flower take root in the new pot. By applying the information from the article, your indoor plants will feel good all year round.

It is usually recommended to replant indoor plants in early spring when they begin to awaken from hibernation. Emerging sprouts or buds can serve as evidence of a flower’s readiness to leave its “home” place. Under no circumstances should you replant a plant at rest or at the moment of flowering.

However, some representatives of the plant world are not particularly sensitive to seasonal changes. If your pet enjoys the flowers all year round, you can change his “apartment” soon after he has finished blooming.

Whether a flower needs replanting can be determined by the following signs: it has stopped growing; leaves and flowers have become noticeably smaller than before; the plant withers and turns yellow for no apparent reason.

But there is more reliable way understand whether it is time to change the substrate and increase the size of the dishes. Gently cover the soil with your palm, passing the stem between your fingers, and turn the pot over (do not do this immediately after watering; wait until the soil dries and spread a newspaper on the floor). If the lump of earth does not come out of the pot, lightly tap it on the corner of the table. When examining a large specimen, move the soil away from the edges of the container with a wide knife or a special spatula.

Your task is to examine root system. If it has grown so much that it fills the entire space, it’s time to increase the size of the pot. It is worth replanting the plant even if you notice darkened and softened roots. The affected areas should be removed, and the cut areas should be sprinkled with charcoal.

What time of day is it best to replant indoor plants?

It is believed that best time days for replanting flowers - from 16.00 to 20.00. It is not recommended to replant flowers in the early morning (when they have not yet woken up) or at noon (when the phase of greatest activity begins). According to the lunar calendar, the first days after the new moon are chosen for transplantation. To determine the specific day of replanting, you can use the lunar calendar for gardeners.

The plants that live in our home are also influenced by lunar rhythms, like all plants that grow in open ground. If they live at your home indoor flowers, you already know from your own experience which of them take root best in your apartment, what care they require and how they behave, but if you feel that something is wrong with your plants, try caring for them in accordance with the lunar rhythms .

If you are a beginner florist, you will undoubtedly find our advice useful, following which you you can boast of a beautiful garden on your windowsill.

Indoor plants are not only pleasing to the eye and are the pride of any housewife. They bring a lot of benefits ventilating air indoors and even getting rid of harmful effects electrical appliances.

In the bedroom, for example, it is not recommended to place flowering plants. More suitable for this room leafy plants, For example, chlorophytum or Helxina, which will improve the microclimate and reduce harmful radiation. Suitable for living room beautiful flowering plants, For example, hippeastrum or orchid that you can show off to your guests.

It is important, of course, not to forget about the lighting capabilities of your apartment. For example, if your living room is very dark, flowers that love light will be in it. will not take root without additional lighting. Therefore, if you do not want to install additional lamps, it is better for you to place plants in such rooms that don't like light, for example, such as ferns, abelia chinensis, anthurium, begonias, aglaonema, poinsettia, myrtle, spotted dieffenbachia, alocasia and others.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

Luna's tips: New plants should be planted or old plants should be replanted on the days when the Moon enters Virgo sign with waxing moon. Also on these days you can tear off shoots from plants for planting. Such reproduction indoor flowers very common, but not all shoots should be planted in the ground immediately. Some of them need to be in water for the shoot to take root.

The cuttings of the plant should not bloom, but should look healthy and full of energy. Sometimes a single sheet is enough. Plants such as gloxinia, violet, begonia, tradescantia, ivy, balsam, are easily propagated by leaves that are first placed in water. Chlorophytum propagated by “babies” that appear on the plant after flowering. This baby takes root even without pre-soaking.

Cacti and others succulents can also be propagated using cuttings, however, to prevent the plant from rotting, the torn cuttings should be dried for a couple of days.

Another way to propagate plants is bush division. In this way you can propagate plants such as cyperus, asparagus, spathiphyllum, pogonaterum. This method will allow you to immediately get several already mature plant bushes. The procedure for dividing the bush should also be done in Virgo days on the waxing moon so that the plants quickly take root and grow well.

Lucky days for planting and replanting plants this summer: June 14-16, July 12-14, August 8-10, 2013

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

Luna's tips: It is best to water indoor plants in days of water when the Moon is in the following signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Thus, about 7-9 days pass between waterings.

There are plants that require more frequent watering, so water them on other days, but it's best to avoid days of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). These days, plants do not absorb nutrients well; water can stagnate in the pot and lead to rotting. It should also be remembered that plants should be watered frequently in summer and less often in winter. cacti For example, in winter you can generally water once a month, or even less often.

IN Fire days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Water the flowers carefully early in the morning (in winter and autumn) and in the evening after sunset (in summer and spring) so that the scorching sun does not lead to burns. The same applies to spraying flowers.

You need to spray flowers if the air in the room is very dry. Many modern indoor flowers came to us from the tropics, where air humidity is very high, so they may wither away in a room with dry air. Some flowers require moisture so much that they need to place a tray with wet expanded clay under the pot.

Flowers such as: cacti, succulents, orchids, arrowroot, ivy, tradescantia, ferns.

Plants such as: violet, begonia, cyclamen.

Plants should be watered until they have settled for several days. tap water , although some gardeners recommend watering flowers such as orchids, boiled water. IN tap water Bleach is added to clean it, which has a detrimental effect on the flowers. To allow the chlorine to evaporate, it is enough to leave the water in an open container. 12-14 hours.

If the plant is watered from above, water it at the edges of the pot, so as not to expose the roots. If leafy plant There is a funnel made of leaves, you should pour a little water into the center of the funnel. If the plant is watered from below, like a violet, gloxinia or orchid, then the water should be poured into a tray or immerse the pot in water for 30-60 minutes if the plants are severely dehydrated. If there is still water in the tray a couple of hours after watering, it should be drained.

What to do, if you are going on vacation, and there is no one to water the flowers in your absence? For example, to prevent flowers from drying out if you are forced to leave, use bucket of water and bandages. A bucket of water is placed in the middle of the room, and flower pots are placed around it. Then the bandages are cut long enough to reach from the bottom of the bucket to the pot. One end of the bandage is dipped into the water, the other is stuck into the ground. This method allows protect the soil from drying out.

If your flowers do wilt a little after your arrival, they will usually come back to life quickly if you start them up again water correctly on Water or Earth days. If you are going to leave again, it is better to find someone who can come to your home and water your flowers. Create a watering schedule based on the lunar calendar and give it to the person who will take care of your plants. Also prepare in advance settled water for irrigation and spraying.

Once a month in days of water plants can be bathed and washed. Plants that stand indoors become covered with dust, which clogs their pores, preventing them from breathing normally. Moreover, the sight of dusty plants will not decorate your home, even if the plants are more or less healthy.

Good days to water plants this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, June 27-29, July 7-9, July 16-18, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 13-14, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Bad days for watering plants this summer: June 7-8, June 17-18, June 25-26, July 4-6, July 14-15, July 22-24, August 1-2, August 10-12, August 19-20, August 28-29, 2013

Lunar calendar of plants: how to fertilize indoor plants?

All gardeners advise fertilizing indoor plants, since plants in cramped pots do not have the opportunity to receive essential minerals and vitamins, which they receive during natural growth in the ground. Fertilizers help prolong flowering and strengthen the plant’s immunity.

For some types of indoor flowers, for example, cacti or orchids, there are separate fertilizers, which are not recommended for use for other types of flowers. Eat universal fertilizers, which will suit almost all foliage plants in the house.

Typically, such fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus And potassium. Nitrogen avoids the fragility of leaves and stems; phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering and helps the root system grow; Potassium supports the immune system, provides resistance to various diseases and unpleasant environmental influences. Plants also require microelements such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum.

If you buy ready-made fertilizers for flowers, pay attention to dosage and frequency of their use. Usually these fertilizers are quite concentrated and diluted in large quantities water.

Another important point These are contraindications when feeding plants. Typically fertilizers are used in spring and summer, during growth. In winter, when the flower is usually dormant, it is better not to fertilize it. If the plant is sick, you should not stuff it with fertilizers. Try to feed only healthy plants . You cannot make a very concentrated fertilizer solution so as not to harm the plant.

Luna's tips: Indoor plants should be fertilized on the waning Moon and better in Water days (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). This can be done simultaneously with watering, dissolving fertilizers in correct proportions in water. If the survival rate of plants is poor, they can be fertilized days of Capricorn and Taurus.

Good days to fertilize plants this summer: June 27-29, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Days of Capricorn and Taurus (waning moon): June 4-6, June 23-24, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 26-27, 2013

How can the lunar calendar for 2018 help flower lovers? It indicates favorable and undesirable days for replanting indoor plants and other procedures with them, for example, watering and fertilizing. He will tell you how to increase the yield of some crops at home.

Rules for transplanting indoor flowers

Healthy specimens that grow slowly are moved to another place every 2-3 years, and young, actively developing shoots - every year.

Adult well-formed flowers - once every 2-3 years.

Tree-like - once every 4-5 years.

Conifers - before dormancy.

Early bloomers - after they bloom.

If the plant is affected by disease or pests, as well as if the container is damaged, an extraordinary transplant is carried out.

How to replant house plants according to the lunar calendar?

The day before transplanting, the flowers must be watered.

The pots need to be prepared: washed and disinfected.

Place drainage in the container and pour in a heap of soil mixture that must meet the requirements of the plants.

First, you need to remove the flower from the previous container and turn it upside down, holding the stem.

It is necessary to shake off the roots from the soil and inspect them to identify old and painful areas that must be removed immediately.

The indoor flower should be placed in a pot, straighten the roots and fill the container with soil mixture, without deepening the roots, crush the soil and leave a space of 2-3 cm to the top.

Plants should be carefully watered along the edge of the pot or through the tray. Move the container to a bright and warm place so that it does not receive direct sunlight.

Regular spraying is necessary for 6-8 days.

Transplant blooming flowers it is forbidden.

Pots for replanting should be larger than the previous ones by 1.5-3 cm, and if the specimens are large - by 8-10 cm.

How do lunar phases affect indoor plants?

It is known that the moon goes through several stages, which influence the flora in their own way. That's why the florist's lunar calendar was created.

Let's list these phases:

  1. Young (growing) moon. This time is the most favorable for placing flowers on garden flower bed or other form of transplantation. The fact is that this process gives plants additional energy, which seriously affects their growth. Astrologers advise taking a closer look at the phases when the Moon passes the constellations Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Capricorn, and Aquarius.
  2. Waning moon. During this period, all actions with plants, including movements, are excluded, since at this time all energy is concentrated in the root system.
  3. The 2nd and 4th phases are undesirable for transplanting and other flower processing. If you plan to grow street options, then it is better to prepare planting material during this period.

The connection of astrology with indoor flowers

Each phase of the moon is adjusted zodiac sign, in which the satellite resides. If sowing is carried out during a “dry” sign, the Moon will not provide it with the energy and strength for productive development.

Fertile signs include: Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo.

To the infertile: Sagittarius, Aries.

Medium fertile signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn.

Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are considered “leaf days”; Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn - “root days” when watering is necessary; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - “flower days”, during which it is better not to provide plants with water.

It’s easier to navigate the lunar calendar when it is presented in table form:

Winter calendar 2018

It is better to take care of indoor plants in January between the 18th and 27th. On the indicated days, flowers can be trimmed, moved to other rooms, and transplanted. But on January 4-13, it is advisable not to do anything with them, you can only water and feed them. It is better not to touch the ground underneath them.

In winter, plants need less water than at other times of the year.

On February 17-24, you need to pay attention to shrub and tree varieties, 25-27 are the days of flowers and cacti. On February 1-12, replanting is undesirable; it can harm the condition of the plants.

December 25-31 are unfavorable dates, and 8-17 are successful. These days you need to be more attentive to your plants.

Spring calendar 2018

During the period from March 3 to March 11, any manipulation with flowers should be avoided. It is better to fertilize on March 18-26. The best time is the night of the 25th.

On April 17-25, the plants rapidly move upward, and the 27-30th is the period of root growth. This needs to be addressed Special attention, then there will be a high-quality result. Any procedures with the earth on April 1-13 are undesirable.

When a flower is actively growing, it needs feeding. After all, the soil may not have enough nutrients for development and life decorative culture. Here you can remember about powders.

On May 16-24, new containers are selected for the plants and transplanted. But they don’t do this on the 1st-10th.

Summer calendar 2018

The pot must be selected strictly according to the parameters of the plant, including the root system. If the container is very small, the flower may wither. And in a container that is too spacious, it is difficult to water and fertilize the soil.

Flowers need to be given attention on June 14-22, and it is not advisable to touch them on June 1-9, since they are extremely sensitive to external influences.

July 14-21 is the time for new transplants, loosening and fertilizing the soil. All manipulations must be carried out carefully, since even in favorable times lunar days flowers are sensitive. It is better not to disturb the plants on July 1-9.

It is advisable to deal with flowers and bushes on August 12-20, and tree-like specimens on August 21-23. It is better not to disturb the indoor flora during the first 7 days of the month; this may affect plant growth. It must be taken into account that there are specimens that need the sun to live, and there are those that cannot stand it.

Autumn lunar calendar 2018

September is enough bad days. These include the 1st-8th, 28th-30th, when it is better not to feed or replant flowers. You can do this without any problems from September 10 to 20.

October is the month when you need to be more attentive to plants. If the roots come out of the hole for draining liquid or the soil turns into 1 stone lump, this means that replanting was required for a long time, and the size of the pot is very small. The procedures should be carried out on October 11-18, but on October 1-8 and 26-31 you should not touch the flowers.

A plant that is transplanted when flowering drops its petals and buds as a result of stress.

Current dates for transplanting indoor flowers: November 12-18. The 3rd-6th and 26th-30th are not suitable for this.

Knowing all the successful and unsuccessful periods of 2018, flower growers will be able to ensure active development and lush flowering for their plants.

Anyone who has been interested in growing any plants, including indoor plants, is well aware of how much their life depends on the lunar cycle. In order for you to grow beautiful flowering plants on your windowsill, turning it into a real, albeit not too large, garden, a special lunar calendar for gardeners was created, where not only the phases of the moon are indicated with maximum accuracy, but also the days when Plants should be planted, grafted, sampled, when they can be replanted and watered, and when it is best to leave them alone. And these are not just someone's fantasies.

The fact is that, depending on the phase of the moon, metabolic processes occur differently in plants and their biochemical activity manifests itself differently, even the speed of movement of the juice is significantly different. That's why it's given like this great importance Lunar calendar of indoor plants.

The plant lunar calendar helps to use herbs correctly. Modern cooking involves the use of fresh and dry herbs in wholesome and healthy foods. The use of herbs is not burdensome, they are at hand all year round.

Lunar calendar of plant collection

Many herbs can be grown on summer cottage, on the balcony and just in pots on the windowsill in a city apartment. Herbs will create a pleasant atmosphere in the apartment, and they can be successfully eaten at any time of the year.

Choose herbs that grow locally.

And in order for the herbs to be brought maximum benefit, it is necessary to know not only their properties, but also best conditions for collection, drying and storage.

In many ways, the success of folk healers lies in the fact that they comprehended the secret forces of Nature and unraveled the “mystery” of herbs. People who are especially sensitive to plant energy are able to sense a force field medicinal herbs.

This may seem surprising to you, but sometimes a healing effect is achieved just by looking at a plant or by inhaling its scent. Sometimes it's enough just to be near medicinal plants, be it a herbal pad, an amulet, aromatic oil, and so on.

We should especially talk about making the right choice time of collection, processing and use medicinal plants in harmony with the lunar rhythms.

About the correct timing when using food and medicinal herbs

Moon phase and plant collection

Lunar calendar of plants. Having information about the influence of the position of the Moon on the collection, processing and storage of herbs, you can make supplies for the winter so that these natural energy stations are at hand at any time.

It is very important to consider whether you are collecting herbs for immediate or long-term use, as different time The effect of herbs is different and the drying process takes place differently, which can be regulated by choosing the right time for collection and storage.

Herbs not intended for immediate use should be collected before the full moon, on the full moon itself, or during a debilitated moon.

Herbs collected during a debilitated Moon do not have very high therapeutic effect, but they are much better than those collected during the young moon, which dry out poorly, quickly become moldy and rot.

Plants may have different periods drying, so please note that the process of drying the herbs collected during the young Moon should also include the period of the debilitated Moon.

Before storing herbs, check: if the herbs do not rustle or break when both the period of the detrimental Moon and the new moon have already ended, then they are not intended for long-term storage, they should be used as quickly as possible.

When drying and storing herbs, you must carefully follow all the necessary rules. It would be a great pity if, as a result of an error or negligence, the harvested herbs become unusable.

Dry herbs in the shade, turning them frequently. Can be used as a pallet natural material, well permeable to air, but not metal or foil.

You should transfer herbs into jars or bags during a debilitated Moon, regardless of when you collected them.

Under no circumstances should you transfer herbs during the young moon: they will begin to rot very quickly. On Virgo days, you should not collect herbs, even if this happens during a debilitated Moon.

To store herbs, use paper bags, pouches, dark glass jars - the plants will remain dry in them, the light will not have a harmful effect, and both the aroma and healing powers. Some herbs, both medicinal and food (for example, parsley, marjoram, thyme, lovage), are best stored tied in bunches and hung upside down in a well-ventilated place.

This is best done with herbs that dry quickly, because this way they will not start to rot. Herbs that you use frequently can be hung and plucked as needed.

More detailed information about the rules of collection, drying, storage medicinal herbs can be found in numerous herbal reference books.

Herbs retain the energy of Nature, which naturally enriches our body, they are necessary elements systems proper nutrition. In maintaining healthy image In life, we must not neglect the laws of Nature and its gifts, since man himself is a part of nature.

It’s just very important not to forget: plant materials cannot be collected within the city or near highways, after rain. Herbs, flowers and roots must be environmentally friendly.

All more people prefer herbal tea. Not only because it has therapeutic effect, but also simply because it is very tasty. Of course, both the effect and taste of herbs are best if they are consumed freshly picked.

But we also need to think about the long winter, when a person is especially vulnerable to various diseases. Rules for drying, canning and storing herbs: plant parts should be placed in a warm, dark place on wooden board or paper and turn over from time to time.

During the waning moon, divide into containers. Do not use under any circumstances metal containers. As you already know, herbs do best in the dark. glassware or paper bags.

Lunar calendar of plants. Using this table, you can immediately see when you need to collect certain parts of plants in order to achieve the greatest effect, including healing ones.

Lunar calendar for collecting herbs and plants

  • It is better to collect roots during the full moon, new moon and debilitated moon. Best in early spring or fall. Before sunrise or after sunset - Moon in Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus
  • Collect flowers during the waxing moon and during the full moon. Before lunch, on sunny days. The dew must dry - Moon in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
  • It is better to collect leaves during the waxing moon. Collect leaves of young plants. Leaves must be free of dew - Moon in Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer
  • Collect fruits/seeds During the waxing moon, ripe fruits and seeds are collected and consumed immediately. During the Moon, those fruits that will be stored for some time are harvested. Do not collect during the midday heat - Moon in Sagittarius, Leo and Aries

Lunar calendar and home preparations

And also about where you really can’t do without your assistant, the Moon.

Canning, pickling and freezing also have their own special rules.

Canning: set aside days for this when the Moon is on the rise. This is the time between Sagittarius and Gemini and when the Moon passes through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus.

Pickling: it is better to collect fruits and process them on “fruit” days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); It is best to practice root vegetables on “root” days (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

Freezing: Fruit days are best for this. The rule applies not only to fruits, but also to vegetables.

And these herbs and dried flowers should definitely be in every home medicine cabinet. They are used in the form of tea.

  • Linden blossom. Use inflorescences with apical leaves. Softens cough, reduces temperature, helps with colds.
  • Melissa. Leaves are used. Helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines, gall bladder or liver, heart, during menstruation, and colds.
  • Calendula. The flowering leaves are used. Hot poultices are very effective for skin inflammations, cut wounds, bruises, burns and hematomas.
  • Sage. Leaves are used. Sage helps with complaints about the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, stagnation of bile, and colds.
  • Thyme. Leaves are used. Helps against cough with bronchial catarrh, is a remedy for whooping cough, convulsive and allergic cough.
  • Valerian. Roots are used. Helps with nervous, excited states, sleep disorders, spasmodic pain in the stomach and intestines.
  • Peppermint. Leaves are used. Peppermint relieves spasms, improves the condition of the gallbladder, and relieves bloating.


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