The cesspool is filling up quickly: what should you do? What to do if the cesspool silts up? How to get rid of water in a drain hole.

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Nitrate oxidizers are considered safe chemical reagents. Their composition is similar to nitrate fertilizers, as a result they are harmless to the environment, and the product of their processing can even be used as a fertilizer. The operation of this reagent is simple: it quickly dilutes the muddy medium, removes unpleasant odors and reduces the volume of residual mass. The big plus is that they work even in an aggressive environment (an environment in which there is waste household chemicals). The downside is high cost drug.

Cleaning the septic tank from sludge

Often the manufacturer provides sludge pipes in the designs of septic tanks, and the sludge is removed by gravity. If this is not the case, then there is a need to pump out the sludge. This can be done with a vacuum drain pump or using a sewer truck.

One of modern methods to combat sludge in septic tanks are special biological products, the so-called “bacteria for septic tanks”. They are added to the chambers of septic tanks, they are activated and quickly break down sewage, silt and fatty layers into completely harmless neutral substances. When removing sludge with the help of bacteria, you should be aware that bacteria do not tolerate direct exposure to toxic substances such as chlorine. They just die and don't work.

Having considered everything possible ways, we can safely say that you have reliable and verified information on how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool yourself or with outside help. Don't forget about prevention cesspool, preventive measures- this is what will save you from hassle and costs in the future. To prevent the cesspool from filling up frequently, do preventive maintenance on time! We wish you good luck in the fight against sludge!

When constructing small suburban or country houses Most homeowners solve the problem of sewage drainage simply - they dig a cesspool, into which all the waste of the residents is drained through pipes. But the time “H” comes and the accumulated sewage reminds of itself with a pungent odor. This means it’s time to get down to the not-so-pleasant job of pumping out the contents and removing them. How to clean a cesspool without pumping? Current advances in technology make it possible to do this without spending money on hiring professionals.

Unlike a septic tank, a cesspool is a primitive storage facility without any signs of sewage treatment. And all its contents are stored there in full until the moment of pumping out. And it’s not just stored: the explosive mixture of feces, food waste and detergents is a potential threat to human health if it gets into the soil. This is why timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools is so important: overfilling them leads to environmental contamination.

In addition, a drainage pit filled to the brim emits a very unpleasant odor, which can negate the delights of living in nature.

Advice: To avoid force majeure, care should be taken to clean the cesspool at the dacha when it is two-thirds full.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the drain pit can be done in three ways:

  • pumping out the contents with its subsequent removal;
  • treatment with special chemicals;
  • with help .

When choosing how to clean and how to remove the smell from a cesspool, you need to consider the following points:

  • usage chemicals harms the metal components of the local sewer system;
  • presence in the house of a dishwasher and washing machine involves the use of detergents that render the use of bacteria that clean the drains useless. They will quickly die from contact with household chemicals. As a result, you will waste money and not clean the drain hole.

From this point of view, the most universal is still mechanical method removal of sewage, but the use of special preparations will significantly reduce the number of calls for sewage trucks.

Speaking about how much it costs to pump out septic tanks and cesspools - the price here can be in the range of 700-900 rubles per 1 cubic meter and also depends on the volume of the required machine.

How to pump out a cesspool using a pump is shown in the video.

Silt is the sediment at the bottom of the pit. Its appearance is normal.

Sooner or later it must form. Another thing is that during the construction of the pit, you (or someone) could contribute to its early appearance by making mistakes in the design.

All walls and the bottom of the septic tank had to be sealed.

If the bottom was left “as is,” then this is already a well. In this case, quicksand, soaked clay, etc. are added to the wastewater.

Now it's too late to blame anyone. Let's better figure it out together: what to do if the cesspool has silted up?

How do you know that this trouble has happened to the pit?

Here are a number of signs:

  • The pit began to fill faster than before. More often it is necessary to pump out;
  • A stench emanates from the pit;
  • Fatty deposits are visible on the walls;
  • At the bottom there is a layer of silt.

Cleaning methods

Let us conditionally divide the methods of dealing with sludge into independent ones and those involving the use of technology. Let’s immediately say that hiring equipment, although it costs money, is much simpler and more efficient. However, there are places where it is not so easy to call a sewer truck, so there are always “old-fashioned” methods.

Goldsmith method

For pumping, you can use a water pump (although it is not intended for this). Then install a mesh with 1-2 mm cells on the receiving funnel.

Water pump

The liquid is discharged into a hole previously dug nearby (there the liquid will be absorbed quite quickly and can be buried immediately). Or in a container that can be taken away.

After the liquid has been removed, what is not pumped out is removed from the bottom by a brave worker by hand using a bucket and rope.

Semi-automatic for a small pit

If a car is accessible to you, and the pit is small (for example, made of tires), then you can make a pole with a cap and try to thoroughly mix the dense compacted silt with the liquid.

Making the hat is at your discretion; it can resemble an oar, or a disk attached perpendicularly, the main thing is that it holds well.

After everything has been mixed, we call a sewer truck. She will be able to suck out the liquefied sludge.

In the absence of a centralized sewerage system, the only way out is the construction cesspool. - the simplest and reliable choice. Step-by-step instruction on how to create a drainage pit - read on our website.

Read about the design of a toilet for a country toilet. Choosing a location for a toilet stall and installing a toilet.

And here you will learn about how to choose a dry closet for your dacha. Review of models, design and principle of operation, as well as reviews of dry closets.

Vacuum truck – water – vacuum truck

If the hole is too deep, or you don’t want to bother with a pole, you can get rid of the sludge by calling a specialist. technique twice. The first time she pumps out the liquid. Then we find a way to fill the hole clean water(with the same sewer truck, fire truck, or your own powerful pump).

Pumping sludge from a drain using a sewer truck

Under the pressure of water, the sludge from the bottom is stirred, becomes loose, and now when cleaned again with a vacuum cleaner, it will be completely removed.

It is clear that calling the machine again is only necessary if the silt at the bottom is dense and compacted. But often the vacuum cleaners are powerful enough to cope with the task the first time.


Nowadays they produce special biological products for cleaning cesspools. Microorganisms clean the walls of septic tanks and pipes, soften sludge, and “digest” waste, leaving behind water, mineral sediment and carbon dioxide.

Cleaning a septic tank with the biological product "Microzim"

The advantages of the method are that:

  • Easy to implement;
  • Does not harm the environment;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors.

On the package you will find instructions on what and how to do.

If the hatch on your pit closes tightly, be careful when purchasing: if it is written that the bacteria are aerobic, then they need Fresh air. In a sealed septic tank they will quickly die.

Bacteria also have disadvantages. Like any living creature, they are whimsical:

  • They don't like bleach, powders and detergents;
  • If t is below 0 o C, or above +40 o C, the organisms die;
  • They also die from “old age” - the colony needs to be periodically replenished.


In winter you can use chemicals. The safest among them are nitrate oxidizers.

If you use nitrate fertilizers in your garden, then this reagent will not cause you any concern.

The product will liquefy the sludge, just keep in mind that it should not be frozen.

Household chemical waste is not dangerous for the reagent, but its cost can be significant for some.

Previously, chemicals such as ammonium salts and formaldehyde were used. But they are toxic and have a bad effect on the environment.

This unit will solve all your pit problems. Him more power than that of a conventional sewer truck, the depth with which it can cope is 16 m. (In contrast to the 6 m of a sewer truck).

Heavy duty suction machine

Some sludge suckers have nozzles that allow you to supply water under high pressure to cope with dense sludge.

Further actions

Now that the sludge has been pumped out, it all depends on how your pit is constructed. If it is sealed (the bottom is concrete, for example), then the work is over - you can continue to safely use the toilet.

If you left the bottom earthen or covered it with crushed stone, you need to make sure that in the near future the hole is not covered with clay again.

Sandy soils absorb moisture well. After cleaning, you can renew the gravel layer and use it. But to be honest, it's not very good good decision.The gravel will quickly become covered with silt again, and all procedures will have to be repeated.

Still, it would be better not to spare effort and money and pour concrete base(this is especially true for cesspools in loamy soils). This will help significantly delay the time for your next serious drain cleaning!

Treatment facilities are simply necessary for waste disposal in a private home. - polymer tank, septic tank, cesspool. System care.

You might be interested in learning about ways to unclog clogs in your sink. Read about how to clean pipes using a plunger, plumbing cable and chemicals.

Video on the topic

Due to the fact that wastewater contains not only organic matter, but also inorganic inclusions, aerobic bacteria, located in sections of the station, cannot completely recycle everything. Then the question arises of how to clean a septic tank without pumping and what should be done for this. Microorganisms that have already served their purpose die, settling to the bottom in the form of sludge. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically remove sediment from the system. Let's consider the features of the operation of treatment facilities, as well as methods for pumping out sludge.

Not so long ago, simple sealed tanks of large volumes were used as autonomous sewers, from which water had to be constantly pumped out, but now everything is much simpler. Modern systems are real wastewater treatment stations, so there is no need to call sewage trucks, because the liquid is purified biologically and flows into the soil or reservoir. All that remains is to manually remove the sediment using a special pump.

Process self-cleaning septic tank

The operating principle of the station, which does not require pumping, is as follows. The first chamber of this device is the largest and is called the receiving chamber. This is where wastewater comes from sewer pipes from home. Here the liquid collects and settles until it reaches a certain level. Substances that are lighter than water collect at the top, and large and heavy inclusions settle to the bottom. Fats and insoluble substances, which float on the surface in this chamber, are hydrolyzed by the yeast over time and may subsequently dissolve.

After a certain level of liquid in the first chamber is reached, it is poured into the next compartment, where its clarification continues with the help of aerobic organisms. This compartment is called the aeration tank. Here the wastewater is saturated with oxygen using a special compressor and actively mixed. This method of stirring is called aeration, which helps to more effectively decompose the organic components contained in the water. This is the next stage of cleaning and is the most effective.

The next section is called the bioreactor. Thanks to special lime-type backfills that can be added here, harmful phosphorus-nitrogen inclusions are eliminated from the wastewater. In the next chamber, the purified water is finally settled and can even be disinfected using chlorine-containing reagents. But in standard septic tanks such reagents are not provided.

How to properly maintain the station

The sludge accumulated in the sections will have to be pumped out periodically (several times a year). The frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the tank and the intensity of use of the station. A sewer truck is not needed for pumping; sludge can be removed manually using a special pump. This sediment can then be dried and subsequently used as a very good fertilizer for lawns, flower beds or shrubs that do not bear fruit.

structure and principles of septic tank maintenance

Important: Do not completely remove all sediment from the system. It is necessary to leave some of the sludge to continue the treatment steps. Approximately a fifth of the sediment should be left. This will enable the station to operate effectively in the future.

Some people prefer to completely clean out the system and purchase microorganisms for it again, but why do this if the chambers already have ready-made microflora, they should simply be left partially intact.

Methods for cleaning the station:

  • If you have special sludge pipes, you can use them. Having installed such pipes, you will see that the sludge will flow out of the system by gravity if the necessary pressure is created in it;
  • For those who have not purchased pipes, there is also an option - pumping out sediment using a sewer truck, which will also help in case of a heavy blockage;
  • The third option for removing sludge is to manually pump out the sewer sludge using a special sludge sucker. Modern septic tanks with biological treatment equipped automatic system distribution of solid and heavy inorganic inclusions in storage tanks, from where they can be easily removed.
  • Sludge removal using special bacteria. Special microorganisms, which can be purchased at a specialized store, do an excellent job with all the contents of the chambers. But they decompose organic matter, fecal matter and fats. As a result, there is not even any sediment left.

In order to beneficial bacteria lived in the compartments for a long time and coped with the work effectively, it is necessary to purchase chlorine-free detergents for septic tanks and eliminate the use of aggressive household chemicals, such as washing powders, shampoos, cleaning and detergents, bleaches. If, nevertheless, you did not keep track, and chemical substances still got into the biological treatment station, then you should populate it with new microorganisms and create for them favorable conditions. Also don't forget about the extra amount of water.

If there is a massive release of wastewater, then some organic matter will not have time to decompose, which may cause the formation of certain fatty acids that did not have enough time to convert into carbon dioxide or methane. This, in turn, will affect the fact that the process of decomposition of organic matter will be slowed down. At the same time, bubbles with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide will begin to rise to the surface. They will catch particles of silt along the way, picked up from the bottom, and together with a fatty film on the surface of the water, they will form a dense crust that can reach great thickness.

The crust formed in this case should not come out of the septic tank, otherwise it may clog the pipes. Therefore, a special tee is installed at the exit from the last chamber. The lower end of the tee is heated in water, and the upper end is brought up. Thanks to this device, the pipes will not become clogged and the crust will not float out of the septic tank.

special devices for cleaning a septic tank

If the tee is clogged, it can be cleaned through the pipe that is included in the structure. Therefore, periodic cleaning must be carried out. This is a necessary measure that will help avoid emergency situations and will be able to maintain the station in working order. The frequency of removing sediment from the chambers will depend on how often you use the sewer and how big the chambers are.

Sludge removers

Before the emergence of deep biological treatment The task of purification was handled by chemicals that eliminated odor and accelerated the process of waste decomposition. But, even despite their high efficiency, such substances had a negative impact on the environment. Formaldehyde, which has an extremely high degree of toxicity, was popular. Oxidizing nitrates and sometimes ammonium were also used. But today there is no need for these dangerous substances.

Sludge removal products offered by modern market, can be divided into several categories:

  • Biological (bacterial strains, biological products that decompose organic matter);
  • Chemical (substances that contain a coagulant that promotes the sticking of small particles into large elements with further settling to the bottom).

Biological drugs have many advantages over their chemical counterparts. They are absolutely safe for the environment, as they are a product of nature. They will not destroy the tank body, which cannot be said about some types of chemicals. Just like chemicals, bacteria eliminate unpleasant odors from the system, preventing the process of rotting in water (organic matter disintegrates, but does not rot). Liquid purified with the help of microorganisms can be safely poured onto the soil (or used on your farm, for example, for irrigation). You won’t have to look for long for where to drain the water from the septic tank, since you can pour it anywhere: into a pond, onto sand, into the ground.

Approved detergents

Since aerobic microorganisms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, then chlorine-containing cleaners and detergents, alkalis, preparations with phenols and aldehydes, and so on should be excluded from everyday use. Do not use laundry detergent with a special antibacterial additive, as this will simply kill the beneficial bacteria in the chambers.

It’s better to purchase environmentally friendly products that are designed to safely wash dishes, for example, Shpul-S. This product will do an excellent job of removing grease from your dishes, but will not harm bacteria or environment. To keep your home clean, you can use All-Clean, which has a mild formula and is also safe for septic tanks. In addition, such a substance will not only effectively cope with dirt in the house, but also will not cause allergies or irritation to the skin.

septic tank maintenance and cleaning winter time of the year

You can clean your plumbing using universal remedy San Luce Fresh, which can be used to clean toilets, sinks, bathtubs and cisterns. It can also be used to clean and add shine. chrome parts. All these products can be used at least every day, since if you get into waste water they will not harm the bacteria living there. When purchasing washing powders and detergents, read the ingredients, and if you see the presence of chlorine or alkaline compounds, it is better to choose another, more gentle product.

Today there are even bleaches in stores that do not contain dangerous chemicals, but effectively remove stains thanks to the active oxygen it contains. This bleach will not be harmful to you or the bacteria in the septic tank. By using such preparations, you will not only maintain the functionality of your wastewater treatment plant, but also preserve the ecology of your site.

Sanitary standards for the construction of a septic tank

Before choosing a place for future sewerage, you need to familiarize yourself with the sanitary standards for a septic tank. This is a list of some documents in accordance with which construction must be carried out. The main document that should be used to guide the construction of such structures is SNiP 2.04.03-85. This normative document regulates the construction of sewers. If water will be supplied to the house from a well or borehole, then compliance with SNiP 2.04.01-85 and 2.04.04-84 will also be required.

IN sanitary standards(SanPiN regulates sanitary requirements, the main task of which is to maintain the purity of water located on the surface. Since the septic tank is considered a potentially dangerous area, it is also subject to regulation by SanPiN 2.2.1/

Distance to well

You should choose a location for a treatment facility not only based on your own preferences, but also in compliance with standards. The fact is that in the event of an emergency, wastewater can end up in drinking water, if there is a well or borehole nearby. Water pollution can cause illness or even death. Even though modern treatment plants have durable, sealed casings, pipe rupture or depressurization cannot be ruled out. Therefore, you should choose the greatest possible distance to the nearest body of water.

The standards state that the choice of distance from a well or borehole to a treatment plant will primarily be influenced by the type of soil on the site. If there are filter layers that can filter wastewater in the event of force majeure, then the distance can be reduced.

Getting permission

Cesspools and septic tanks can cause harm to the environment, so they should not be built uncontrolled. Before preparing the project, be sure to contact the SES and obtain the necessary permission. Only after it is given to you and the project is approved, you can begin construction of the structure. A permit will not be issued if the construction does not comply sanitary rules And building regulations, which are valid at the time of project creation.

maintenance and cleaning of a homemade septic tank

Distance between treatment plant and the water intake point must be at least 20 meters. Using hydrogeological studies, filter areas are searched. With their help, you can analyze the quality of the soil and its composition. If the soil quickly passes water, for example, sandy loam or sandy soil, then the septic tank from the water intake point should be at least 50 meters, and sometimes even 80 meters are required.

Also, during the construction of such systems, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the location of pipes with drinking water. The drinking water pipe should not be less than 10 meters away. This necessary condition in case the water supply becomes depressurized and wastewater can get into drinking water. The slope of the terrain should also be taken into account. The water intake point must be located above the cesspool or.

In relation to residential buildings, the treatment structure must be located at a certain distance. First of all, the footage to the foundation of the house is taken into account (must be at least 5 meters). But you should not locate the storage tank too far from the house, since it will be difficult to ensure uninterrupted operation with a very long pipeline length. To avoid the cost of many inspection wells, place the system on optimal distance to the house. You should also take into account the location to the neighbors' buildings.

According to standards, a cesspool cannot be located closer than 5 meters from the road, and can only be located at a distance of 30 meters from open reservoirs. It matters what the distance to the fence is. You can choose it arbitrarily, but no closer than 2 meters to the neighbor’s fence. Indeed, when servicing the system, for example, when pumping out sludge, unpleasant odors. If the structure is located directly under the neighbor’s fence, this may cause conflicts.

When locating treatment structures, their type, soil properties, distance to water intake points, residential and outbuildings, open water and to the neighbor's house. You must always be prepared for the fact that if installed incorrectly or as a result of strong soil mobility, the tank may crack and human waste will fall into the ground. If there is a well nearby, it may be contaminated with fecal matter. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and locate the structure as far as possible from water intake points or reservoirs.

Typically, a cesspool requires very careful maintenance. It must be pumped out frequently, and products must be used to prevent unpleasant odors and rapid filling. Therefore, a cesspool is not the best option containers for autonomous sewerage. In this capacity, it is often recommended to use septic tanks, because they are more practical. Cesspools are more suitable for country toilets. In such cases, so-called open cesspools. They usually have no bottom, or have several holes in the body. Thanks to these features, the liquid part of the waste is absorbed into the soil. The pit gradually cleanses itself, and resort to various methods pumping is required less often. However, in this situation another problem arises - how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool?

Silt is sediment at the bottom of reservoirs and cesspools, consisting of organic debris and minerals.

It is formed as a result of the action of bacteria that feed on various organic compounds. As a result of their work, all waste is processed and divided into two layers. Water remains on top of the container, which is absorbed into the ground, and silty sediment remains below.

Getting rid of it is the main problem of using cesspools even for toilets. The sediment does not go anywhere, but gradually accumulates at the bottom. Sooner or later you have to get rid of it.

The simplest method available is pumping out sludge using special equipment.

Most often, they resort to the services of a sewer truck for this. It consists of a waste collection container, pumping equipment and a durable hose. The latter is placed in a pit and transfers all waste from the pit to a container that is mounted on the chassis of a large vehicle. You don't need to participate in the pumping at all. An experienced specialist will do all the work for you.

When cleaning cesspools outdoor toilets often occur Problems associated with the viscosity of the silt sediment. In this case, it simply won’t be possible to pump out the pit completely, and you will lose time and money, because you will still have to pay for the machine’s services.

Biological drugs are used for this purpose. They contain live bacteria that accelerate the natural processes of waste decomposition. As a result, the sediment becomes more liquid, and pumping out the pit is very simple.

You can purchase bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools at any hardware store. It is best to purchase the product in the form granules Before use, just dissolve it in water and leave for 15–20 minutes. The bacteria are activated and will be ready to perform their functions.

It is also worth noting that in addition to facilitating pumping, you will also receive additional beneficial features:

  • The unpleasant smell will go away.
  • The population of harmful bacteria will be reduced.
  • The time until the next cleaning will be reduced.
  • The amount of waste in the pit will be reduced.

Here you go simple instructions how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool. It is enough to first prepare it using biological drugs, and then pump out the waste mechanically.


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