Being wounded without bleeding in a dream. What does the damage look like? Breaking up with a loved one, hypocritical people

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Why does a woman dream about Rana?

Wound - Being wounded in a dream is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn of affairs, negative changes in your personal life. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. If one of your loved ones is injured in a dream, it foretells illness and loss. Soothing pain or bandaging a wound is a harbinger good luck, the “culprit” of which will largely be you yourself. In general, if in a dream you help a wounded person, in reality you are serving goodness and justice. Your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors. To dream that your old wounds are bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will have to relive mental pain and suffering.

Wound according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Wound - Health, well-being // misunderstandings; with blood - love // ​​death of a husband or loss of a lover (for a woman), slander (for a man); to see a wounded person - promotion // trouble; to be wounded (see Iron, sword) wealth // torment, resentment from loved ones, shame, death; to injure someone - a lie, resentment; to the point of bleeding - to offend a loved one.

Wound according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Wound - With blood - loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

Freud's Dream Book

Wound - Seeing a wound on yourself in a dream - the dream indicates that in the near future you will experience love disappointment. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person, unaware of many bad things in him. Naturally, closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do Rana dream about Rana in a dream?

Wound – A wound on the body is a misunderstanding. Seeing yourself in a dream, wounded by an axe, drill or scythe, heralds death. A wound with blood - loss of a man, love; slander.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a wound mean in a dream?

Wound - Seeing a wounded person in a dream is a sign of failure; seeing a wounded relative means trouble; Seeing yourself wounded, with damage to your arms or legs, means that your business may decline. A wound with blood for a woman means the loss of a friend, lover, for a man it means a slander. To be wounded is unfortunate.

Interpretation of Wounds from your dream

Wound - A symbol of subtle receptivity, increased sensitivity. Fresh, with blood - loss loved one, betrayal, strong negative experience. See Hurt, Relationships section.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Wound - With blood - loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

Wounded - Failure; an injured relative is a nuisance; to be wounded with damage to the member is a decline in business.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Rana in a dream?

Wound - To dream that you are wounded is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in affairs. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. Soothing a pain or bandaging a wound foretells that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Why did you dream about Rana according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Wound - Undeserved insult, tears.

The meaning of the dream about Damage (according to Nostradamus)

Wound - If you dream of wounds on your body, one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. You have injured someone close to you - a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act. Treating wounds in a dream means hearing good news. Dreaming of a wounded dove is a threat to the world. If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their gossips can cause you heartbreak. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream means experiencing remorse in reality. You saw how already healed wounds began to bleed - be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

Esoteric dream book

Wound in night dreams

Wound - A blow, a quarrel, see what. (For example, a quarrel with friends on the hand). Inflicting a wound is the initiator of a quarrel, confrontation. Treat the wound in the end everything will be settled, after the quarrel there will be peace.

The meaning of the dream about Scratch ( Vedic dream book Sivananda)

Wound - In a dream someone wounded you, this is a warning. Someone will try to destroy you. Stay alert. You should change your place of residence.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Rana, what does it mean?

Wound (wounded) – Receiving a wound or injury in a dream often symbolizes emotional pain. Although in cases of repeated scenes with injury to the same organ, a literal warning about the disease is possible. Being wounded yourself means grief that will be overcome thanks to someone’s support. Seeing or inflicting a wound on another is an obstacle, a quarrel or the loss of a friend.

Idiomatic dream book

The wound - what symbolizes what you saw

Wound (to wound) – “You wounded me” – deeply emotionally hurt; “open or purulent wound” – special sensitivity, insecurity; “an old wound”, “to open old wounds” (exciting memories).

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a wound mean in a dream?

Wounded - Trouble - seeing yourself - wealth.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You See the Wounded

I had a dream about seeing the Wounded in general - Failure; relative - trouble; Seeing yourself wounded with damage means a decline in business.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a wound in a dream?

Wounded - someone misses you.

Abrasion (scratch) - To insult without apology.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Rana?

Scratch - Scratching in a dream means in reality being picky and irritable in your relationships with others. If you were scratched in a dream, you may suffer from slander and malicious slander.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which Rana dreamed

In a dream, to see traces of scratches on your body - a talkative person will appear in your environment who will pester you with his conversations. You can be rude to him, but you should not do this so as not to interfere with possible cooperation. You saw scratches on someone else, which means you can solve the problem that bothered you for a long time, but for this you will have to resort to someone’s help. It is best if it is provided by one of your relatives or people you completely trust, since the problem will be strictly confidential. For the dreamer himself, scratching someone with his nails in a dream means very violent sex awaits you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the image from the Big Dream Book

Getting wounded in a dream from the claws of an animal is betrayal and a lie.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Rana in a dream?

If you scratch someone in a dream, you will be picky and irritable in your behavior with others. If you are scratched in a dream, you will suffer from the malicious slander of some liar.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Rana

I had a dream about a scratch received from the claws of an animal - Betrayal, lie.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Rana mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of wounds - a love date will take place, at which you will receive a refusal of reciprocity.

In the summer, what does it mean to dream of a bleeding wound? It means that a quick misfortune awaits you due to the insult that you once inflicted, and they will take revenge on you. Abrasion - To mental suffering.

In the fall, what a wound meant in a dream - a long illness - is the meaning of what this dream means. Wounded - You will meet with someone whom you once greatly offended.

In winter, why do you dream about a wound? A secret, unspoken resentment gnaws at you.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Wounded in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a wounded man?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Wounded, interpretation of the dream:

Possible warning of deteriorating health; injure someone or yourself; "lick the wounds"

Spring Dream Interpreter

Wounded in the head - to bewilderment.

Wounded with a knife - to fierce love.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Wounded by a knife - Being wounded by a knife in a dream means that your friend will put a pig on you.

A meeting awaits you with someone whom you once greatly offended.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Wounded by a knife - To be wounded by a knife in a dream means falling deeply in love and suffering.

A love date will take place, at which you will receive a refusal of reciprocity.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Wounded:

For a woman, a bleeding wound is the loss of a husband or lover; For a man to be wounded is a slander. If someone hurt you in a dream, in reality your affairs will go badly; if you hurt others, your friends will be unfair to you. Bandaging a wounded person and treating him is a great success.

There are other interpretations of this common dream.

If you dreamed that in a dream you were providing medical assistance to a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds, then in reality you will serve goodness and justice, because mercy and love for your neighbor are priceless.

If you dreamed that an old wound on your body was bleeding again, then in reality you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will again experience mental pain and suffering.

A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows the illness of the latter.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about the Wounded in the dream book?

The dream of seeing a wounded person means: Wounded - If you dreamed of a wounded person, then one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering.

If someone close to you is wounded, this is a warning; perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act.

If you dreamed at night about how you were treating a wounded person, you would hear good news.

If you dreamed that you were wounded with a knife or dagger, then beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart.

If you dreamed of wounded people, then you will experience remorse.

If you dreamed at night that already healed wounds began to bleed, then be afraid of injuries and road accidents.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about the Wounded, what is it for?

If you dreamed that you were mortally wounded, then this portends a breakdown in relationships with friends.

If you get hurt in a dream while making something, then serious trouble awaits you.

Being injured in an accident or accident is a threat to the health of your loved ones.

To be wounded by a spear or shot at by an arrow in a dream means that you may become a mistake in the blind machine of justice.

If you dream of a wounded leg, this means long journey.

Putting it on a wounded person in a dream means you will help those in need of money.

Applying a tourniquet in a dream to stop bleeding from a wound means you will be punished for a serious offense.

Big dream book

Seeing a wounded person in a dream:

If you dreamed that you were wounded, then an unfavorable turn in your affairs is quite possible.

If you dreamed of someone else being wounded at night, then you will encounter injustice from your friends.

If you bandaged a wounded person, then great luck awaits you ahead.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Wounded in a dream?

Injury (inflicted on you) - reward, profit, this means a dream that you had, for more details why you dream about the Wounded, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream of the Wounded:

Getting injured in a dream often symbolizes emotional pain. Although in cases of repeated scenes with injury to the same organ, a literal warning about the disease is possible. Being wounded yourself means grief that will be overcome thanks to someone’s support. Seeing or inflicting a wound on another is an obstacle, a quarrel or the loss of a friend. Being injured in an accident or accident is a threat to the health of your loved ones. Seeing wounded people means you will fall into a dejected state; crippled animals - you will receive sad news. Seeing a wounded person means worries associated with children.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Rana in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Rana in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

We generally associate our own body without any damage with in a healthy way life and general well-being. Therefore, if you see any injuries in your dream, then this is usually a warning sign that something is wrong in your life. Seeing wounds on your body is a bad omen. Such a dream foretells that you do not recognize the existence spiritual world and divine powers and are therefore deprived of help and support.

A dream about wounds may indicate secret intrigues evil people, having certain magical abilities. In this case, dream wounds are the visualized analogue of “breaks” in your aura. If you dreamed that someone hurt you, then such a dream can be regarded as a possible mental wound that is not associated with the best changes in personal life. Helping a wounded person in a dream, trying to heal his wounds is a dream that describes your nature: you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

If you dreamed that in a dream you see that your body is covered with lingering old wounds, but the wounds themselves begin to bleed, then this is a sign that you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering. Seeing one of your loved ones injured can mean illness and loss in real life, for more details, if you dream about Rana, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Rana, interpretation of the dream:

Can mean anger; something left unattended; sadness; fatigue; suffering, this is how this dream in which Rana dreams is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Rana in a dream?

Seeing a wound without recognizing the wounded person means health and well-being; soothing the pain and bandaging the wound is a sign of great luck. Seeing a wounded person means trouble, injustice; being wounded in a dream means wealth, profit, if you are finishing some business, but if you are starting or just planning, the enterprise will be unprofitable and will bring misfortune. Crucifixion - to disappointment, dashed hopes, but if you get down to business energetically and prudently, the situation can change, this means a dream that you had, for more details on why you dream about Rana, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream about Rana:

Receiving a wound or injury symbolizes mental pain. If such a dream recurs, you may really be sick. To be wounded - friends will support you in difficult times. Seeing or inflicting a wound on another is an obstacle, a quarrel or the loss of a friend. Getting injured in an accident or accident is a threat to the health of your loved ones. Put a bandage on the wound - you will help those in need of money. Wounded people are in a dejected state. Wounded animals - receive sad news. Wounded birds - part with a friend

Plaster - Applying a plaster - you will have to rush to help a friend. Pepper patch- a harbinger of an infectious disease. Peeling off the patch while experiencing painful sensations means your life will change dramatically

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream and what does Rana mean in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were wounded and you see the affected area, this symbolizes impending disappointment in love. You will find out the truth about a person who for a long time was considered ideal, and you will not like it. In fact, your partner is not nearly as perfect as you previously thought. If someone else is wounded in your dream, this means that you do not even suspect that there is a person next to you who has the most tender feelings for you, but, alas, without reciprocity. Take a closer look at those around you - perhaps if you are more attentive to people, everything will work out as well as possible, this is how the dream in which Rana dreams is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to see Rana in a dream:

If you dreamed that you saw a wound on yourself, this is a sign that love disappointment will befall you in the near future. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person without noticing him negative qualities. Closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination. In the future, we recommend that you be more careful in your relationships with men. If the wound seen in a dream was on someone else, then this is evidence of your imprudence. You will undeservedly make the man who is in love with you suffer. It seems that you are deaf and blind, since you do not notice the obvious advances of a representative of the opposite sex. Take a closer look at yourself, analyze your feelings

Modern dream book

According to Rana's dream book, what does a dream mean:

If you saw a wound in a dream - If you dreamed that you were wounded, then an unfavorable turn in your affairs is quite possible. If you saw someone else wounded, you will encounter injustice from your friends. They bandaged the wound - great luck lies ahead. As for intimate life, a dream in which you saw a wound on yourself promises love disappointment. Perhaps you idealize a person too much, unaware of his bad qualities. Time will show that you were wrong and the image you imagined is different from reality.

If you see a wound on someone, then in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice the experiences of another person. You should be more empathetic towards other people. Nostradamus interpreted dreams about wounds as follows: If you saw wounds on your body in a dream, one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. A dream in which you injured someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act.

Treated wounds in a dream - you will hear good news. If you saw a wounded dove in a dream, it means a quarrel. If you dreamed that you were wounded with a knife or dagger, beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart. If you dreamed of bleeding wounds, in reality you will experience remorse. I dreamed that in a dream you saw how already healed wounds began to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga had her own view of similar dreams. She interprets them as follows: A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world, so you are deprived of help and support. If you dreamed that someone hurt you, this means changes in your personal life. In a dream, you help a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors. You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering. A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness or loss.

Summer Dream Interpreter

To a long illness.

Adhesive plaster - To dream about how you cover a wound with an adhesive plaster means that you are trying to hide something serious from everyone.

Dressing room - Dreaming about dressing wounds in a dream means injury.

Plaster - Putting a plaster on a wound in a dream means hiding something.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

A bleeding wound means that a quick misfortune awaits you due to the insult you once inflicted, they will take revenge on you, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Adhesive plaster - Applying an adhesive plaster to a wound means serious injury.

Dressing room - Dreaming about dressing wounds in a dream means illness.

Band-Aid - Sticking a band-aid on a wound in a dream means injury.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Rana in a dream?

Often in a dream we are unable to act as a result of injuries - such dreams are, in particular, characteristic of periods of uncertainty in own strength. We simply believe that luck passes us by and is more favorable to others; as a result, feelings of inferiority and vulnerability arise.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Rana mean?

It is important to know who and what caused the damage. If you have injured yourself through negligence, you may be trying to catch yourself in a lie. If the damage was caused by another person, and intentionally, with malicious intent, then this is an indication that someone is trying to prevent you from realizing your potential. And, of course, it is very important to monitor what methods are used to treat the wound and what consequences it leads to. What important functions were you unable to perform after the injury?

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about Rana in a dream, what is this for:

To get a wound in a dream means offense. Inflict - to cause offense.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed about Rana in a dream, interpretation:

Wound – wounded feelings; lack of self-confidence. Bandage a wound - calm down; you injured yourself through negligence - you lied to someone, and now you are worried; you were intentionally wounded by another person - someone is trying to prevent you from realizing your potential; deliberately inflicting a wound on oneself is self-flagellation.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Rana:

You dreamed of a Wound - To receive a wound means to receive a warning that is worth heeding. To cure or bandage a wound means that you are exaggerating the danger that threatens you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Rana dreamed about why:

Wound - You see a wound on your body in a dream - changes in business will not be in your favor. It’s as if you see a wound on someone’s body - your friends will treat you unfairly; you will teeter on the brink of resentment for quite some time. It’s as if you are bandaging someone’s wound - the dream guarantees you great luck.

Creative dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of a wound:

You dreamed of a Wound - see also Weapon, Knife 1. Any wound or injury in a dream means damaged feelings or emotions. When we make ourselves vulnerable, we are open to hurt. If we hit someone, then on the contrary, we are ready for pain. The puncture wound is penetrating in nature, it has a connection with aggressive male sexuality, but also with the ability to go straight to the target. 2. The type of wound also matters. Often a puncture wound is in a fast way achieving results. For example, aiming at something rather than someone suggests the need to break through some kind of shell or barrier in order to succeed. Wrestling and stabbing may be valued as a means of spiritual discipline (as in the martial arts). We need to adopt appropriate behavior. A huge, ugly wound suggests greater brutality, while a small wound indicates a more focused attack. 3. The wound symbolizes an experience - perhaps an unpleasant one, 1 which the dreamer must take note of in order to learn from it.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Rana - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Wounds - troubles. To harm someone is to commit an unkind act.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Rana - what does the dream mean?

What do Wounds mean in a dream - Trouble. Bleeding - troubles with relatives. Imagine that you are smearing your wounds with a healing balm, and they are healing before your eyes.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that you are injured- a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in affairs.

Seeing others injured

It foretells that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Getting wounded or injured in a dream- often symbolizes emotional pain. Although in cases of repeated scenes with injury to the same organ, a literal warning about the disease is possible.

To be wounded yourself- grief that will be overcome thanks to someone’s support.

Seeing or inflicting a wound on another- obstacle, quarrel or loss of a friend.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a wound on yourself in a dream- such a dream indicates that love disappointment will befall you in the near future. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person, unaware of many bad things in him. Naturally, closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination.

Seeing a wound on someone in a dream- a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of a person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.

Any bleeding wound- symbolizes monthly problems in women. In some cases, such a dream may symbolize the loss of innocence.

Self-injury, even accidental- symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life, for which you tend to blame your sexual partner.

Injuring another- symbolizes your attraction to a new sexual object.

A man injuring another man- symbolizes his homosexual inclinations.

If a woman inflicts a wound on a man- this symbolizes her bisexuality or even her desire for gender reassignment.

Vanga's Dream Book

Wounds- a dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world and divine forces, so you are deprived of help and support.

If someone hurt you in a dream- this means changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you are helping a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds- in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again- in reality, you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering.

A dream in which you saw that someone close to you was injured- portends illness, loss.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Any wounds in a dream- symbolize difficult experiences and great losses. The meaning of the dream depends on where exactly the wound is located.

Wounds on arms and legs- this is a sign of failure in business and possible conflicts related to business or career advancement.

Head wounds- suggest that the cause of suffering may be some fatal mistake or tragic oversight.

On the chest- symbolize experiences from a quarrel with loved ones.

Purulent wounds- mean old conflicts that may soon remind themselves again.

Jewish dream book

Wound- undeserved insult, tears; be wounded- get into trouble; see a fang embedded in your body- receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be very important; see the wounds- protect yourself from losses; have wounds- you will get into trouble; inflict wounds on someone- you will do an unkind deed; hurt yourself- imminent illness.

Dream book for a bitch

Wound- long journey.

See your wound- unfavorable circumstances.

Seeing someone's wound- unfair accusation from friends.

Bandage the wound- great luck awaits you.

New family dream book

If you were wounded in a dream- an unfavorable turn in affairs is quite possible.

Saw someone else injured- You will face injustice from friends.

Bandaged the wound- great luck lies ahead.

Modern combined dream book

Dreaming that you are injured- a harbinger of trouble and unfavorable progress in commercial affairs.

Seeing others injured- means that friends will treat you unfairly.

Bandage the wound- predicts that you will have the opportunity to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Eastern women's dream book

A dream in which you see wounds on your body- a bad omen.

If someone hurt you- this means you need to change something in your personal life.

In a dream you help a wounded person- soon you will have a chance to change everything for the better.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing wounds on your body in a dream- one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering.

A dream in which you injured someone close to you- warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act.

Treat wounds in a dream- hear good news.

Seeing a wounded dove in a dream- a threat to the world.

If in a dream you were wounded with a knife or dagger- beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart.

Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream- in reality experience remorse.

If in a dream you saw already healed wounds starting to bleed- be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Wound- sleep warning: work injury cannot be ruled out.

See the wound- to a probable surgical disease, possible attack by bandits or hooligans.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Wound- to a long illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Bleeding wound- dreams that a quick misfortune awaits you due to the insult that you once inflicted, they will take revenge on you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

have wounds- get into trouble; see- protect yourself from losses; inflict on someone- you will do an unkind thing.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were supposedly mortally wounded- portends discord in relationships with friends.

If you get hurt while making something- Serious troubles await you in reality.

Get injured in an accident or accident- This is a threat to the health of your loved ones.

To be wounded by a spear or an arrow shot at you- means that you can become a mistake in the blind machine of justice.

Wounded leg- to a long journey. Apply a bandage to the wound- provide assistance to those in need of money, apply a tourniquet to stop bleeding from a wound- you will be punished for a serious offense.

Seeing wounded people in a dream- you will fall into a dejected state, wounded animals- receive sad news, wounded birds- break up with a friend.

Women's dream book

Being wounded in a dream- a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn of affairs, negative changes in personal life.

Seeing others injured- means injustice on the part of friends.

A dream in which someone close to you is injured- portends illness and loss.

Soothe pain or bandage a wound- a harbinger of great luck, the “culprit” of which will largely be you yourself.

In general, if in a dream you are helping a wounded person- in reality you serve goodness and justice. Your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

If you dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again- in reality, you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will have to relive the mental pain and suffering.

General dream book

In a dream you healed your wound- in the near future you will perform a noble deed.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a wounded person in a dream- to failure; seeing a wounded relative- to trouble; see yourself in a dream as wounded, with damage to your arms or legs- means that your business may decline.

Wound with blood for a woman- to the loss of a friend, lover, for men- to slander.

to be wounded- unfortunately.

English dream book

If you dream that someone hurt you- this dream means that you have enemies who are plotting. Beware of them! Proceed with caution in everything, and they will not be able to do anything, although they have been hatching their sinister plans for a very long time. If you are a businessman- your competitors seem to be conspiring against you and you may suffer losses. Farmers have such a dream- portends poor harvest. If you have a sweetheart- the friends of your bride will take up arms against you. Be careful! You are so surrounded by enemies and difficulties that a change of place is necessary for you.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you are injured and you see the affected area- this symbolizes the upcoming disappointment in love. You will find out the truth about a person who for a long time was considered ideal, and you will not like it. In fact, your partner is not nearly as perfect as you previously thought.

If someone else is injured in your dream- this suggests that you do not even suspect that there is a person next to you who has the most tender feelings for you, but, alas, without reciprocity. Take a closer look at those around you, perhaps if you are more attentive to people, everything will turn out just fine.

Islamic dream book

Incised wound in the sole of the foot- portends grief and great trouble.

If the wound was caused by an attack- the person seeing the dream will become a victim of misfortune on the part of the offender, and the latter, in turn, will be the object of hatred on the part of the offended person.

Seeing one of your organs cut into pieces- means making a journey and dispersing the family members of the author of the dream according to the words of the Almighty: “We scattered them throughout the whole earth.”

Chinese dream book

Blood comes out of the knife wound- foreshadows alcohol and food.

You inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an ax- fortunately, portends great success and benefit.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If you dreamed that someone hurt you- this is a warning. Someone will try to destroy you. Stay alert. You should change your place of residence.

Psychoanalytic dream book

In a man's dreams- castration.

In the dreams of a circumcised man- circumcision.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

bandage the wound- foreshadows services for which they will pay with ingratitude; receive a wound from a wolf or other predatory animal- means misfortune from false friends; see the wound healed- means darkening of glory and honor.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Wound- a symbol of subtle receptivity, increased sensitivity.

Fresh, with blood- loss of a loved one, betrayal, strong negative experience.

Modern universal dream book

Most often the wound- symbolizes injured pride. Do you really need more empathy and understanding in real life?

What exactly is injured in your dream? If it's part of the body- this means that the interpretation must be correlated with this part of the body.

For example, if in a dream you (or another person) have a back injury- this means that in real life you do not have enough support, the wound can also be a warning that you need to slow down the progress of development, or that you are currently going through a difficult period and you need to take more care of yourself.

If you get hurt in a dream- this also suggests that you are offended by something. Is this related to the meaning of your dream? Did someone insult you or did you insult someone?

When we feel we have been treated unfairly, it hurts our feelings- Do you feel that you were judged incorrectly and treated unfairly?

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Wound- health, well-being / misunderstandings; with blood- love/death of a husband or loss of a lover (for a woman), slander (for a man); see the wounded- promotion/trouble; be wounded- wealth / torment, resentment from loved ones, shame, death; hurt someone- lies, insult; till blood- offend a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Wound- blow, quarrel.

Cause a wound- be the initiator of a quarrel, confrontation.

Treat the wound- in the end everything will be settled, after the quarrel there will be peace.

Ukrainian dream book

Wound on the body- misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself in a dream as being wounded by an axe, drill or scythe- foreshadows death.

Wound with blood- loss of a man, love; slander.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Wound with blood- loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

Collection of dream books

Wound with blood- loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

If you dream that you hurt yourself with something, your carelessness is to blame- a dream has the opposite meaning: everything you think or dream about will come true.

Get wounded- to severe stress or injury; injure yourself - to an acute illness.

If you dream of a wound with blood: what does the dream mean?

If a person sees his own blood in his dream, it means that his life is filled with suffering. He carefully hides his torment from his loved ones, but during sleep the subconscious haunts him and, thus, reminds him of grief. In addition, your own blood becomes a warning about the possibility of an accident.

The sign is considered especially alarming if you dream of a wound with blood. A profusely bleeding wound is a sign of injury that can pose a serious threat to the life of the sleeper. When blood flowing from a wound stains your clothes, you should soon prepare for difficult trials. This will require strength and patience. However, adversity will not go unrewarded. Behind a streak of failures, a gift of fate awaits a person.

When blood, getting from a wound onto clothing, flows down it in streams, you should be more attentive to your surroundings. Apparently, under the mask of a friend, there is an ill-wisher whose goal is to humiliate the sleeping person, destroy his career and family life. If you “figure out” the traitor in a timely manner, you can avoid the collapse of all your plans. By the way, very often in similar situations a blood relative acts as a werewolf friend. That’s why you dream about a wound with a lot of blood.

If the bleeding wound is open and clearly visible, it is possible that there will soon be a dead person in the house where the sleeping person lives. Sometimes, such a dream serves as a harbinger of a disaster, as a result of which one of the close people or the dreamer himself will become disabled.

The opposite meaning is a dream in which a person tries to stop the blood flowing from a wound. IN in this case blood is a symbol of longing for a close relative or friend who has passed away. Although, this may be a reminder of some unfinished business or unfulfilled promises.

A warning against trying to interfere in the affairs of strangers is a dream in which a person sees how he has been wounded. Otherwise, you can become guilty of a conflict between spouses or friends. If the sleeper tries to stop the bleeding, but cannot do this, it means that someone close to him will soon need help.

A dream takes on a negative meaning if a person drinks his own blood. Apparently, the machinations of ill-wishers will be successful. Moreover, the sleeping person himself, unwittingly, will help their plans come true. By the way, in most cases, a person bleeding in a dream does not accept help from loved ones in real life. By humbling his pride, he can avoid many troubles.

Is blood from the wound on the ground? Consequently, there are many cases that require urgent attention. However, there is no need to rush into making a decision; now is not the right time for this. The risk of failure is too great. Donating blood in a dream is a signal about large quantities minor troubles. It is also a kind of reproach for the irrational use of one’s strengths and talents.

You can say with certainty what another person’s blood means in a dream. For example, if a sleeper inflicts a bleeding wound on an enemy, defending himself from him, this dream should be considered as a warning. Trying to reconcile your friends will not lead to anything good. If you lie completely in a pool of blood stranger, the dream takes on a tragic overtones. In reality, someone from the close circle of the sleeping person will die. Unfortunately, the death could have been prevented if friends and relatives had paid attention to the signs of a serious illness and forced the person to contact a medical facility in a timely manner.

Sometimes a person sees himself in a dream in a role that is completely unusual for him. For example, I dreamed that he was a doctor and was bleeding his patients. This means that in reality you need to carefully monitor your words. Each expression can be misinterpreted and serve as a reason for long-term hostility. If a sleeper drinks the blood of an enemy he has killed in a dream, again it is worth putting aside pride and shame and asking for help from people whom he sincerely trusts. Thus, he will be able to solve most of the problems.

A girl in love who sees her boyfriend covered in blood in a dream should prepare for separation. At first she will experience depression, but soon she will meet the person destined for her. Therefore, the dream brings not only negativity, but also hope.

Every dream you have should not be considered prophetic. Prophetic dreams They come quite rarely. They can be distinguished by their special atmosphere. In addition, a person is able to remember a prophetic dream, which should be paid attention to, down to the smallest detail.

Dream Interpretation Wound on hand

Why do you dream about a wound on your hand in a dream according to the dream book?

When you see a wound on your hand in a dream, words and actions will attract an event that changes the circumstances of your life. Hands symbolize connections between people.

Perhaps a new acquaintance. This meeting is likely to backfire. Beware of borrowing and lending; be careful with your contacts.

What kind of wound was on your hand in the dream?

When you dream of a wound on your hand without blood

If you see a dream where a wound on your hand closed, then opened again, but without blood, be careful - there is a danger of getting injured when moving, you should even go shopping with caution. A bandaged wound reduces the likelihood of failure; trouble will not happen. Perhaps you will become a simple witness to an unpleasant situation that comes into view.

Why do you dream about a wound on your hand with blood?

When you dreamed that there was blood on your arm, painful events could happen among your loved ones. Eliminate misunderstandings, resolve disagreements. Please pay Special attention on marital relationships - a conflict is brewing, up to separation.

If you dreamed of a wound on your finger

If you saw in a dream a wound on your finger without blood, unpleasant processes in your career are possible. Relatives and loved ones will provide support in solving problems.

If you dream of a bleeding wound on your finger, you will have to go through painful circumstances related to the work process. Relatives will only aggravate the situation; try to talk less about career issues at home.

Dream interpretation of a wound on the head

Why do you dream about a wound on the Head in a dream according to the dream book?

Wounds on the head - be careful in your work, think through every little detail to avoid the trouble of rash behavior.

Deep wound on the hand

Dream Interpretation Deep wound on the hand dreamed of why you dream about a deep wound on your arm? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deep wound on your arm in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wounds

If you dreamed that you were wounded, the dream foreshadows a sudden misfortune or an unfavorable turn in a business that seemed quite successful. If you hurt someone, this means that in reality you will commit injustice towards a friend. If blood flows from the wound, the dream means misfortune with a relative.

Bandage the wound - good sign. He says that the period of failure is ending, a white streak is coming in life.

If you intentionally hurt yourself, this means love disappointment due to the fact that you trusted your lover too much.

A friend accidentally wounded you - the dream foreshadows a major quarrel over a trifle. If you yourself unintentionally injured someone, this means that someone is going to take revenge on you for an insult that you have long forgotten.

Seeing a healing wound means solving a complicated problem or reconciliation with an old enemy. If you dreamed that a healed wound opened and began to bleed, this means that a major scandal is possible in your family due to events of bygone days.

If a woman dreams that she hurt a man, the dream warns her that she may lose the man. If a man sees in a dream that he is hurting a woman, a quarrel with his beloved awaits him. Seeing one or more wounded people means your business may decline. If you see yourself in the role of a military medic, dressing the wounds of soldiers, the dream means that all your troubles will soon end and luck will smile on you again.

Seeing a non-healing, purulent wound is a sign of a long-term illness that will take away all your strength. Cleaning a wound from pus - you will have to unravel a complex case or investigate a crime in which very respected people are involved. Inspecting someone else's wound means you will become the cause of someone else's suffering.

If you dreamed that your entire family was injured as a result of an explosion or other disaster, this foreshadows the illness of a close relative or bereavement.

You can work out a dream about wounds in a universal way by imagining that you are smearing the wounds with a healing balm - and they heal before your eyes.

Dream Interpretation - Wound

If you were wounded in a dream, then an unfavorable turn in your affairs is quite possible.

If you saw someone else wounded, you will face injustice from your friends.

They bandaged the wound - great luck lies ahead.

As for intimate life, a dream in which you saw a wound on yourself promises love disappointment. Perhaps you idealize a person too much, unaware of his bad qualities. Time will show that you were wrong and the image you imagined is different from reality.

If you see a wound on someone, then in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice the experiences of another person. You should be more empathetic towards other people.

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about wounds as follows.

If you saw wounds on your body in a dream, one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering.

A dream in which you injured someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act.

Treated wounds in a dream - you will hear good news.

If you saw a wounded dove in a dream, it means a quarrel.

If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart.

If you dreamed of bleeding wounds, in reality you will experience remorse.

If in a dream you saw already healed wounds starting to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga had her own view on such dreams. She interprets them as follows.

A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world, so you are deprived of help and support.

If someone hurt you in a dream, this means changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you are helping a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you are serving goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering.

A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness or loss.

Dream Interpretation - Wound

To see wounds on your body in a dream means that one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering.

A dream in which you injured someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act.

Treating wounds in a dream means hearing good news.

Seeing a wounded dove in a dream is a threat to peace.

If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart.

Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream means experiencing remorse in reality.

If in a dream you saw already healed wounds starting to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

Dream Interpretation - Wounds

In general, wounds in a dream foreshadow troubles, failures, and experiences.

Being wounded in a dream means future troubles and associated experiences or financial losses. Sometimes such a dream portends danger.

A dream in which you saw healed wounds portends relief and improvement in your affairs. The dream predicts that the stone will fall off your shoulders.

Wounds with blood in a dream foreshadow suffering due to the discovery of some secret or big troubles. Seeing wounded people in a dream is a sign that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, so as not to harm people and not lose your good name. Seeing wounds on your palm in a dream is a harbinger that you will go into debt in the hope that you will not have to pay for them. However, such a dream warns you that you will still have to pay. To be wounded in the chest or heart in a dream means that great experiences, losses, suffering from love, from insults or humiliation await you. Such a dream can also mean quarrels. Seeing many wounds on your body in a dream means that shame or slander awaits you, because of which you will be very worried. Getting hurt in a dream is a sign of an imminent illness or great worries. Healing a wound in a dream is a sign of great success in business or personal. See interpretation: also by the names of wounded body parts.

Dream Interpretation - Wound

Wound, any wounds in a dream: symbolize difficult experiences and great losses.

The meaning of the dream depends on where exactly the wound is located.

Wounds on the arms and legs: this is a sign of failure in business and possible conflicts related to business or career advancement.

Wounds on the head: suggest that the cause of suffering may be some fatal mistake or tragic oversight.

On the chest: symbolizes experiences from a quarrel with loved ones.

Festering wounds: mean old conflicts that may soon remind themselves again.

Dream Interpretation - Wounds

A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world and divine forces, so you are deprived of help and support.

If someone hurt you in a dream, this means changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you help a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering.

A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness and loss.

Dream Interpretation - Wound

A dream in which you were allegedly mortally wounded foreshadows discord in relationships with friends. If you get hurt while making something, serious trouble awaits you in reality. Getting injured in an accident or accident is a threat to the health of your loved ones.

To be wounded by a spear or shot at by an arrow means that you may become a mistake in the blind machine of justice. A wounded leg means a long journey. If you put a plaster on a wound - you will help those in need of money, or apply a tourniquet to stop bleeding from a wound - you will be punished for a serious offense. To see wounded people in a dream - you will fall into a dejected state, wounded animals - you will receive sad news, wounded birds - you will part with a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Wound (injure)

“You hurt me” hit me deeply emotionally.

“open or purulent wound” special sensitivity, insecurity.

“an old wound”, “to open old wounds” (exciting memories).

Dream Interpretation - Wound

whoever sees in a dream that he has wounded a person and the wound is not bleeding, he will say the word of Truth and righteousness about the one whom he wounded, and if blood flowed from the wound, then the one who saw the dream will discredit him with what happened in reality. And whoever sees that many wounds, or pimples, or something like that has appeared on his body, he will acquire wealth. Anything extra that appears on the body means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Wound

Having wounds on the body means trouble, contempt or loss.

Sometimes it means a tedious journey.

For a woman, a wound with blood means the loss of her husband or lover.

For a man - a slander.

If someone hurt you in a dream, in reality your affairs will go badly.

If you hurt others, your friends will be unfair to you.

Bandaging a wound and healing it is a great success.

Old wound with blood

Dream Interpretation - Wound

Good afternoon. The dream most likely speaks of improving relationships. Perhaps your marriage will be tested for strength.

Dream Interpretation - Nose Bleeding

Dreams are not connected. You suppressed aggression in yourself, and in a dream the tooth fell out. To gain personal power (nose), you need to make drastic changes (blood) in your outlook on life. The fact that blood got into the mouth confirms what was said. There is nothing creepy, the dream is just advice. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Blood on the hands of others

good day, Elena! "I dreamed that I was in cozy room with a carpet on the floor. Opposite me there is a sideboard with dishes, but there are not enough dishes in it. "This is your life, more or less calm, but not" full bowl". "Suddenly some stranger runs into the door. In the dream I seemed to know him. He screams - what is it? What is happening to me? I ask - what happened? I look at him and don’t see anything special. - Yes, it’s just not visible that way. And if you go to the sideboard, you can see that I’m bleeding. I'm covered in blood. Look. " - your relatives have problems, but for some reason you don’t know about it, or don’t attach importance to them, or are not very interested in the fate of your relatives - “some kind of stranger. In the dream, I seemed to know him” “I look into the glass of the sideboard and for some reason he really is reflected there, covered in blood - the clothes of his hand. The reflection raises a bloody hand. “Look, look..” he repeats in horror. I turn around at the man himself and am surprised to see that the blood is only in the reflection in the sideboard, but in reality real person there is no blood. I wanted to tell him about this, but I didn’t have time. He fainted. " - maybe it’s really not worth it for you to deal with family problems? It’s up to you to decide. It’s just that life is not just about living for yourself. There are also things that you don’t want to do, and even unpleasant... This is service. And at a certain stage this not only your desire, but also a duty, for failure to fulfill which there will be sanctions. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Old wooden house

Your DREAM, Yuri, speaks of your prolonged loneliness (old boarded up 2 - 3 storey house- the dreamer tried to build a relationship more than once). The girl with whom the dreamer meets lives with his grandmother - in reality girls are now wiser and you can’t take them with empty promises (as before), and therefore the dreamer is now looking for a girl who is more trusting and simpler (the girl has a cut foot, and this is connected with the old house) , in order to solve your problem of “abandonment” and move at least somehow from a dead point in life. In short, the dreamer wants to let a girl into his life, but is worried about whether he will be able to provide both of them with a stable life, because in this case he will be responsible for both (the dreamer in the dream decides, together with the others, who will take the wounded girl to hospital). Yes, the dreamer in life is already an inveterate bachelor (it’s very cramped in the attic that you can’t get out), which strongly doubts your idea. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Wound

The dream reflected the Dreamer's tendency to build emotionally open relationships in society, which can cause significant harm to her social position, since the Social (conscious) motives of the behavior of others are very far from Emotional participation - the Dreamer sees her Boyfriend in the distance, who is unprotected and affected by flat (earthly thinking ) A wound on the Shoulder with bedbugs (lack of emotions/support), the Dreamer’s horror and people’s condemnation of her boyfriend instead of help. This is something the young Dreamer should think about in order to protect herself.

Dream Interpretation - I drain the blood into a jar of raw water

If you definitely saw a hospital room in a dream, then the dream is not bad. Fears and fears will arise that one of your relatives (blood in a dream) may find themselves in an unpleasant, unsolvable, dangerous situation, but everything will be resolved normally, I would even say successfully, that is, fears will not be confirmed later

Dream Interpretation - Nose Bleeding

Good evening, Dmitry! Thank you for your kind words. In general, nothing just happens in this life, therefore ALL phenomena in the world are interconnected, and everything duplicates each other, only at different levels of manifestation. You are also sick for a reason. Either this is a life lesson for you, or punishment, or help, maybe they will protect you from some unnecessary actions that you would have performed if you were healthy. In general, the Orthodox elders always said this: “Illness is a visit from God.” So why am I saying this? Besides, blood symbolizes relatives. This means your illness is associated with some kind of disharmony in relationships with blood relatives. Why from the nose? This disharmony lies on the mental plane. Not because of emotions, passions, etc., but because of some incorrect mental structure of your relationship. Hospital - You are being pushed to rethink what is happening. “I apparently felt bad at the hospital” - they really indicate that there is no other way, the situation cannot be covered up. The girl is your spiritual protector. There may be an image of a guardian angel. The market is a hint that healing, physical, mental, and spiritual, is bought through good deeds: “Pure thoughts, pure words, pure deeds...” “On the shelves there were various herbs, berries, fruits, potions. I started looking something from a nosebleed or pressure, but no one could help me" - like the image of an ancient, traditional medicine. Maybe you really should use natural and traditional methods. In our technological time, this is a sip fresh air. But in addition, this is an indication of the need to use ancient methods in a situation with relatives, like your family itself - spiritual perception of the situation, spiritual awareness and wisdom in actions. And forgive everyone and ask for forgiveness. If you’re not around, ask out loud and ask for forgiveness and tell yourself for it that you are forgiven. This is very strong effect, although it seems simple. Forgiveness destroys rocks... No one could help you? Well, this action is help, only done by you. Man is the creator of his own destiny! Save Christ!

Monastery simol care from real world, a container of ideals, spiritual self-contemplation. Being in a monastery means peace, protection.

Dream Interpretation - Old house. Monastery

Good morning, Elena! The previous interpreter correctly explained the symbolism of the monastery in the dream. “I’m in the village with distant relatives” - apparently in Lately, the support of your family and ancestors has somehow weakened, but it is there. Remember your deceased relatives, which will also help your son - “I’m walking along the road with my son.” Do you generally go to the cemetery with your son? This is a very useful activity for a boy. Yes, and you can ask their advice and prayers before God at the grave of your ancestors to resolve your issue. “I go there and say that I’m ready to rent this house for a long time. The owner sets a ridiculous price (22 UAH). And I’m somehow even ashamed that low price, I’m ready to pay him 200 UAH and I suggest he think about the price and then tell me” - apparently this subconscious is analyzing your thoughts about this issue, which, as I understand, is important for you now. “There is no part of the fence in the yard, but that doesn’t help me not scary. Everyone treats me with love and helps me in every possible way. They bring firewood for housework! And the main joy is that my house is located next to the monastery of the righteous blessed Matrona. And we happily leave the house with our son and head to work! " - I think that this is a good sign specifically in relation to moving from an apartment closer to the ground. But I don’t want you to take my opinion unambiguously. It’s worth thinking, analyzing, maybe asking the Bible, as they said, and making a responsible decision for you on your own. Because, for example, I don’t see that there is a direct order from Above for you to live in a private house. Any choice you make will not be bad or wrong. It just might be really better in a house, for example. But it will also take more effort make efforts to maintain it, although there will be more food, because a house is worth taking only if there is land plot. In general, life on earth is closer to a Christian. It is not for nothing that in Rus' the word peasants is derived from the word Christians. The house is already in itself, like a small monastery, where both the carnal and the spiritual can go hand in hand. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Dead man's bed in the house

The dream suggests that the dreamer is rushing about peace of mind and stability (in the family) to Feelings (which do not exist), and vice versa. The main thing now for the Dreamer (based on the dream) is to soberly assess the current situation in the family (a drunken son is on the doorstep, the dreamer scolds him) and identify priorities for herself (a bed on a high stand is Love, a statement to the police is a limitation in love). Grandmother and Niece (girl) are two diametrically opposed views of the dreamer on herself. In reality, of course, the dreamer is neither one nor the other, but simply beautiful! This is what the DREAM is about. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Old wound with blood

Dream Interpretation - Lost Teeth

Hello. It seems to me that some of your friends and relatives will leave your life, but new people will come in their place....

Dream Interpretation - Watchdog

If the Akashic chronicles gave you the answer to your question, then I will assume that your relationship with a young man is in the past, and this brings melancholy. The question involves some kind of family ties or concepts of the genus to which this person he is very attached, and will fight for this until the end, despite all your attempts to appease him or take control of him. He will react to you emotionally, that is, he has feelings for you, but the fact that you tease him with yourself will not give you the expected result, but will only torment both him and you. At the same time, you yourself cannot freely resolve the situation, you are limited by something, you are practically sick with the issue of building a relationship with this person.

Dream Interpretation - In bed with some man in holey socks

Old decrepit and small house- symbolizes the current state of the Dreamer, which needs stabilization and renewal (outdated emotional foundations and views - Bed with a Stranger in the dark). Lying in bed with by a stranger face to face - means the need to face and realize your emotional availability and gullibility (some upset man in holey socks, the Dreamer consoles him - symbolizes a state of female weakness and unawareness). A Cat and a Dog enter the house, having come there to Live - symbolizing completely opposite qualities that consciously coexist together (where the Cat is emotion/freedom, and the Dog is conscious/inaccessibility, together symbolize the Balanced relationships necessary for a prosperous life). The dream is about the Dreamer’s inability to establish strong and stable emotional connections and an unstable social position.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Understanding (2 girls on the left) that you need flexibility (1 girl on the right) in the perception of reality will give you the desired rest (bed) and a lot of strength and joy (chocolate). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Vibrant sex life.

Dream Interpretation - My former loved one slept in my bed

It looks like a desire to update the relationship between you (bathroom, his new jacket). The martyr is inactive (no sleeves, lies down), lives in his own world (lies with his back, as if hiding), but, apparently, there is interest in you (at your home, on the hook). Maybe he is afraid to take the initiative.

Dream Interpretation - Shot

The dream has nothing to do with it. Get news from (or for) your close relatives

Dream Interpretation - Cat

There will be (or has already been) an unpleasant situation in which you “defend something of your own,” and unpleasant consequences may remain. (wound, blood)

Dream Interpretation - Gunshot wound of a loved one

Seeing a lot of blood, murder, injuries in a dream means a difficult period in life, which is fraught with breakdowns, depression, uneven relationships with relatives, irritability, a lot of arguments and quarrels over trifles with relatives, neighbors, friends, a lot of unnecessary contacts, conversations, fuss.

Dream Interpretation - Shards

It seems to me that you will close off some opportunities and prospects for yourself... Instead of acquiring, you will sell, and not exactly your own, but someone else's... Dinner is the end of something, the drawing of a line. It can also be an event that ends a certain period, and not very well (night is ahead, that is, darkness, misunderstanding, unknown). Family - the matter will be in the family, connected with the family. Unfortunately, it is difficult to navigate by such a metonymy as “glass”... If these were glasses, bottles, glasses or something similar, then this is an explosion of emotions and the impossibility of further filling. Children - troubles, hopes; maybe stupid. Wounds from glass shards can be emotional wounds that will make it difficult to move through life. The fact that they turned out to be mirrored may mean that the pain will be reflected: either not entirely yours, or someone will grieve with you - because you or your family are grieving. What your brother has, you won’t have, don’t worry in vain. But it is possible that sadness and unpleasant circumstances will be associated with him. You will be able to overcome everything, you will know the paths and act purifyingly. You will put everything in order. And no one can help you...

Unpleasant, difficult dreams do not always have an ominous and negative meaning. Often what you see at night turns out to be a good sign, a harbinger of big changes in life.

For example, a wound is included in the dream book under very favorable interpretations. But there are several nuances.

To find out what a wound means in a dream, you need to remember all the circumstances: who you see the wound on, whether it contains blood, what part of the body is damaged. Only then can you give full description dream.

Who was injured?

When in a dream you bandage or treat someone's wounds and wipe away the blood, this is a sign of great success soon. Some significant event will not only help you significantly improve your financial situation, but will also bring harmony and peace to your inner world.

Another meaning of such a dream is that treating someone else’s wound means a quick resolution of the conflicts that are oppressing you in the family. The family hearth will again be filled with warmth and comfort, relatives and friends will be nearby.

Seeing a knife stuck in someone’s wound means incredible love adventures await you. Blood in a dream usually portends changes on the love front. You will meet a person whose passion will overwhelm you completely. It is difficult to judge the development of the romance: both a serious long-term relationship and a fleeting infatuation are likely.

If you yourself wound someone in your dream and see blood on your hands, some difficulties may arise in your affairs. However, these obstacles will only inflame your interest in work, and success is ultimately guaranteed.

Seeing deep wounds on your own body means that in reality in the near future you will end a protracted and difficult relationship. A breakup can be painful, but in the end, it will allow you to breathe freely, square your shoulders, and start over.

Nature of injury

The interpretation of the dream depends on the characteristics of the wound that you see. It could be:

  • Laceration.
  • Purulent wound.
  • Ulcer with worms.
  • Wound with blood.
  • Healing wound.

Let's look at what each value means:

1. A laceration in a dream is associated with love experiences. In relations with your significant other, some cooling and misunderstanding are possible. But this can be corrected if we listen to each other and pay more attention. Shake yourself up and remember that there is not only work, but also something more important.

2. A purulent wound with blood foreshadows a meeting with rivals in reality. Your enemies are plotting and you will have to face a serious confrontation. Fortunately, the struggle will turn out in your favor - it will give you strength, give you experience, and you will come out a real winner.

3. A dream where you found a wound with worms seems creepy at first glance and certainly does not mean anything good. But in reality, this is a harbinger of the imminent exposure of false “friends” and acquaintances. This discovery will undoubtedly be painful for you, but thanks to it you will get rid of extra people in life that do not allow you to turn around and grow further.

4. If you dreamed of a wound with blood oozing profusely from it, in reality you carry within you many experiences regarding your personal life and professional searches. But these worries are ethereal and groundless, it’s time to put aside unnecessary worries and start living. Don't be afraid, nothing threatens you, act.

5. An old, healed wound can symbolize memories from the distant past that suddenly come flooding back to you. Such nostalgic trends will make you more sensitive, become a source of inspiration and push you to accomplish something real.

What was damaged?

Probably one of the most important points in the interpretation of dreams with wounds - its place on the body. Each part of our body has its own meaning.

  • On the arms and legs.
  • On the head.
  • On the neck.
  • On the stomach.
  • On the back.

1. Wounds on the limbs - an arm or a leg - portend a quick acquaintance with a person who will leave a great mark on your life. He may become a close friend, or he may turn out to be a temporary acquaintance who will soon disappear from sight. But its appearance means the coming of significant changes. Be more attentive to the words of your friends.

In addition, a wound on your leg may mean that in reality all your endeavors will be successful. But to achieve this, you will have to “run” - put in maximum diligence and effort.

2. A head wound in a dream is always closely related to mental activity and the subconscious. Such a dream is a sign that it is time to rest. You undoubtedly do your job professionally and achieve success, but subconscious level tired. Take a vacation, devote time to yourself and your family.

3. If you saw in a dream a wound on your stomach with heavily flowing blood, you will soon be separated from your lover or beloved. Perhaps it will be a business trip or a forced trip.

Breaking up even for a short period will be difficult for you, but in the end, the results will amaze you. The relationship will be filled with passion, subsided feelings will awaken again, and a new stage will begin.

4. A wound on the neck is a symbol of the basis of life, breathing. A wound on the neck promises a conflict with ill-wishers who will really want to deprive you of “oxygen.” But insidious plans will not be realized: with some effort, you will defeat your enemies.

5. “A knife in the back” is a famous saying. If you transfer it to the meaning of a dream in which a wound on the back appears, in reality a quarrel with a close friend is possible. But by acting wisely, you can smooth out the conflict and save your friend.

Other interpretations

  • Inflicting a wound on yourself in a dream is a wonderful sign. Soon your secret dream will come true!
  • The wound on the palm has interesting symbolism. Usually fortune tellers and clairvoyants predict fate using the palm of your hand. Therefore, a wound is a sign of real global changes in life. They will affect not just one area, but the whole.
  • For a girl to see a wound on her face in a dream is a sign of doubt about her own attractiveness. Moreover, the doubts have no basis. More confidence, you are beautiful!

When figuring out what a wound means in a dream, do not forget that dreams do not necessarily carry symbolic meaning and a harbinger of the future. Do not alarm yourself ahead of time if you see blood and wounds in a dream. Sometimes this is simply a response from our subconscious to what is happening, thinking and analyzing the events of the day. Be positive and know that in any case, everything will work out.


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