Cement m500 proportions with sand. Proportions of components for preparing cement-sand mortar

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Construction and repairs always require cement, which must be mixed with sand in certain proportions. The resulting mixture has a strong viscous consistency, capable of joining natural stone, bricks and even concrete blocks. Due to the fact that water is added to the solution, when dry, all building materials are firmly bonded to each other and form a single monolith.

Cement-sand mortar is used for laying bricks and ceramic tiles, pouring the foundation, paths and plastering walls.

Before you begin the process of mixing all the components in the required proportions, you should know for what purposes it will be intended and what tools are needed for this work.

Sand and cement solution

  1. For laying bricks.
  2. For plastering walls.
  3. For laying ceramic tiles.
  4. For pouring the foundation.
  5. For filling garden paths.

The most common binding material is cement.

To mix the mixture manually you will need metal container and a shovel or garden hoe.

Today this is the main component for any mortars and various concrete mixtures. Positive qualities of this material are the speed of drying and strength. Visually you can also determine the strength of cement: the darker its color, the stronger it is.

Aluminous cement is characterized by heat resistance, high water resistance and quick drying. Most often it is used in industrial construction. Portland cement is mainly used in the construction of private houses, renovations and other small needs. Its classification directly depends on the strength and speed of hardening.

Portland cement brands

To obtain a homogeneous mixture, the sand must be sifted.

  • low-quality – below 300;
  • average – from 300 to 400;
  • high strength – 500;
  • high-strength – 600.

Please note that it is recommended to use clean river sand for mixing. It is in its composition that there is no clay, which has the ability to be washed out of finished material under rain. But high levels of clay impurities are observed in sand taken from the quarry. If it is not possible to use river sand, then you can take a quarry one, but only an alluvial one. Before you start mixing, the sand should be sifted to remove all excess impurities and stones. Otherwise, the finished construction product will have a non-uniform consistency, which means it will be of poor quality.

Tools for work

First you need to mix the dry ingredients - cement and sand in a concrete mixer in a ratio of 1:3.

  1. Cement.
  2. Sand.
  3. Water.
  4. Concrete mixer or large metal container.
  5. Shovel
  6. Garden hoe.

In order to do this, you need to adhere to the appropriate proportion of all components when mixing. It is equally important to ensure that the dry mixture is homogeneous. All this is required so that after the mass hardens, cracks and voids do not appear, and the tiles and bricks are well grasped by the mortar.

Plaster mortar

Water is gradually added to the dry mixture until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.

For this work we use following proportions 1:2 or 1:3, that is, 1 part cement and 2 or 3 parts river sand.

  1. First, you need to measure out the required amount of sand and pour it into a container in which the building mass will be prepared.
  2. Then measure and add required amount cement.
  3. Mix this dry mixture thoroughly until smooth. If you don’t have a concrete mixer, use a garden hoe to mix in a container.
  4. Once the mixture has become structured, you can add water a little at a time until you get a uniform thick consistency suitable for work. In this case, it is better to mix the dry mass with water using a shovel.

Foundation pouring mixture

    1. To form the foundation, paths and access roads, crushed stone and quarry sand. Crushed stone makes the hardened base monolithic and strong, and quarry sand gives elasticity.
    2. The proportions will be 1:2:2 (cement, sand and crushed stone). The mixture for the foundation and paths must be mixed in the same way as for laying bricks, observing the exact proportions of all components.

Cement is the main building material that is used in almost all sectors of the national economy. Using this substance, you can obtain very durable products that can withstand high loads and withstand external influences. But all these characteristics also depend on the components used and the cooking technology. Cement mortars are widely used in construction, as they simplify many operations.


Cement mortars are artificial mixtures that, after hardening, form a durable structure. A similar product consists of several main components.

  • Sand. It is used as the main component, as it combines a fine structure and relatively high strength. River or quarry sand can be used to prepare solutions. The first type of material is used when monolithic construction, resulting in very durable products.
  • Water. This component is needed to bind sand and cement. The amount of liquid is selected depending on the brand and purpose of the solution.
  • Cement. This is the main substance that has high adhesion to other materials. Today there are several brands of cement intended for use in different conditions. They differ in terms of strength.
  • Plasticizers. Technically it's different kinds impurities that are intended to change the physical or chemical properties solution. They are not used as often as this can significantly increase the cost of the product.

Similar products are used to solve the following types tasks:

  • plastering – walls are covered with some solutions for protection building material, as well as for the purpose of leveling the base;
  • masonry - cement mixtures perfectly bind bricks or aerated blocks together, so they are used as a kind of glue located inside each seam;
  • creation of iron concrete structures.

Types of compositions and requirements

The main characteristic of cement mortar is its strength. It is determined by the ratio of cement and sand. The composition of the product can be changed individually, which allows you to obtain several types of mixtures. Each of them is intended for use in certain conditions. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare products during the construction of various objects.


One of the criteria for dividing cement mixtures into types is the proportions of internal components. It is worth noting that only one brand of cement can be present in one composition. But they can also change, since the strength will depend only on the concentration of the components. Conventionally, they are divided into several brands.

  • M100 (M150)– these mixtures are characterized by insignificant strength. To prepare them, you can use cement grades M200–M500. But at the same time it is necessary to correctly select the proportions of cement-sand components.
  • M200- This is one of the most common types of solutions. It is used very often in everyday life for the construction of paths and or the formation of coatings that are not subject to significant loads. This mixture dries relatively quickly, but it requires compliance with certain microclimatic conditions.

  • M300– this type of solution can already be classified as concrete types. It is used to prepare concrete, from which durable floor slabs are then made, foundations are poured, and much more.
  • M400- This durable concrete, which consists of high-quality cement grades (M350, M400, M500). It is used in the construction of foundations for multi-story buildings. This solution forms the basis for the manufacture reinforced concrete slabs ceilings and other similar products.
  • M500- This is the strongest concrete that can withstand very high loads. It retains its original properties over many years and when exposed to various irritants.


The quality of cement mortar depends on almost all of its components that are present inside. Sometimes properties sand-cement mixture is not enough, so you need to adapt them to certain conditions.

This problem is solved by adding various impurities to the composition. With the help of such additives the so-called liquid glass. These products are used for plastering walls and other surfaces.

Today, several products are used as additives for cement mortars.

  • Lime. Only its quenched species are used as additives. The introduction of this substance allows you to slightly increase vapor permeability and strength. But to prepare such products, precise proportions must be observed. Very often, lime-based plasters are made, which are perfectly applied to walls.
  • PVA. The glue improves the adhesion and plasticity of the solution. It is important to select the correct additive concentration to obtain a good mixture.
  • Detergents. Such products affect the plasticity of the solution. They are added to the composition only after water. Here, too, the exact dose of impurity per unit volume must be observed.
  • Soot or graphite. These substances have virtually no effect on physical properties mixtures. They are used only as dyes to change the color of the finished product.

Sand to cement ratio

You can prepare a cement-sand mortar even at home, since it consists of readily available components. They are quite easy to purchase at almost any hardware store. But the solutions differ in the ratio of cement and sand, on which the consumption and physical characteristics material.


Bonding bricks is one of the main purposes of cement mortars. For such purposes, not particularly durable grades are used (up to M400). To obtain such a mixture, experts recommend using medium-fraction sand with a minimum level of humidity. Prepare masonry mortar can be used various brands cement. But at the same time the ratio of cement and sand will change. Some proportions are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Component ratios depending on the brand of cement

Cement brand

Piece of sand

Part of cement


M500 (without lime)

M400 (without lime)

Please note that it is advisable to carry out the calculation according to only one unit of measurement. In most cases, all parts are calculated per 1 m³. But at the same time the masses various materials in a cube may differ.

Preparation of concrete

Concrete structures are also very often used in modern industry. These materials are manufactured in factories or directly on construction sites. The strength of such products also depends on the cement that is planned to be used. Technically, concrete can be made from M100 grade mortar, but it will not withstand loads and has a minimum service life.

Another feature of concrete is the presence of crushed stone and other auxiliary components. They are introduced to change the technical characteristics of a product.

It should be noted that they can be mixed in various combinations, which depends on the environment in which concrete is used.

Today, many specialists use this ratio of components concrete solutions, How:

  • 4 parts crushed stone;
  • 1 part cement;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • ½ part water.

Please note that the proportions may change if you still plan to use different polymer additives. In such cases, it is advisable to pay attention to the recommendations of the manufacturers of these impurities.

For plaster and screed

Pouring a floor very often involves the use of relatively liquid cement mortars. This consistency allows you to evenly distribute the mixture on the base and obtain a horizontal surface. Plaster almost always consists only of clean sand, cement and water. Its density may vary, since it all depends on where it is planned to be used.

The most common proportion to obtain plaster mixtures is the ratio of cement to sand 1: 5. The consistency is adapted to the needs of the master.

Special attention should be given to screeds that are subject to significant and constant loads. For such surfaces, materials with a threshold strength of at least 10 MPa should be used. This is achieved through the use of concrete of a grade not lower than M150. The proportion of preparation of the screed mortar depends on the following factors:

  • the use of mixtures to hide various communication elements;
  • surface leveling thickness. If you just need to strengthen the floor with small differences, then use more liquid formulations. For thicker layers, it is advisable to use durable types of solutions.

Table 2. Proportions of sand and cement in screeds

Please note that the proportions of the components are the same in most cases. But at the same time, the strength of the resulting solution at the outlet is different. This is important to consider if the products will be used under specific operating conditions.

How to properly dilute?

The process of preparing cement mortars involves mixing all components in a certain sequence. This procedure can be described in several successive steps.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the type of solution you need. In this case, pay attention to the strength of the resulting mixture. If this indicator is important, an additional calculation of all components should be carried out. Particular attention should be paid to norms or standards.

Cement is a binding powder that is used for the production of masonry and plaster mortars, as well as the creation of concrete structures (foundations, screeds). To properly mix the composition with sand and water, you need to accurately calculate their proportions. If you violate the cooking technology, it will turn out too skinny or greasy, it will crack or crumble.

Depends on the destination. For bricklaying and plaster, compositions with different ratios sand and cement. Only clean water is used - drinking water, rain water, but in no case lake or sea water. If it is clogged, mold will appear on the masonry or plaster over time. Crushed stone, sawdust or slag can also be used as a filler.

To increase plasticity, special plasticizers are added or liquid soap. Their quantity should not exceed 5% -10% of the volume of cement. If it is more, the adhesive characteristics of the composition will decrease. To increase resistance to low temperatures or moisture, special additives are also introduced (according to the instructions specified by their manufacturer).

It is necessary to prepare all tools and components, since the mixtures begin to set after 45 minutes if additives or fast-hardening Portland cement were not used. If you pour water into the solution after it has hardened, all of it specifications will get much worse.

Cement powder and sand are sifted through a sieve to remove debris and lumps. If the sand is damp, it is better to dry it in advance. If dirty, rinse and leave until completely dry. Otherwise due to excess humidity it will disrupt the water-cement ratio, and the composition will turn out liquid.

The main rule that must always be observed when kneading is homogeneity. All components must be thoroughly mixed. The presence of lumps will reduce the characteristics, including strength.

The solution can be diluted in any container. The main thing is that there is more than the amount of mixture being prepared, then during mixing it will not splash out. For this purpose, you can use a bathtub, basin or bucket. For mixing, use a shovel, trowel, drill with a special mixer attachment or concrete mixer.

The mixing sequence depends on the preparation method - manually or using a concrete mixer. If they dilute using the first method, then the measured proportions of the components are poured one at a time, first sand, then cement and water. If a concrete mixer is used, then water is poured in, and then the remaining elements are added.

Mixing time is 5 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps. Density depends on the purpose of use. If you plan to use additives, then they are diluted in advance (if allowed by their manufacturer).

Component proportions

The ratio of sand, cement and water depends on the purpose of use. The following species may be involved:

1. For plaster. The preparation proportion is as follows: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand. The same amount of water is added as powder. If the solution will be used indoors, then the minimum grade of binder is M150-M200. For facade works M300 is used. So that the mixture becomes more plastic and can be applied thin layer, add lime, but not more than half the volume of sand.

2. For laying bricks. Proportion of components: 1 part powder, 4 parts sand. Water is taken half of the volume of binder, grade - M300-M400. Additionally, you can add lime (slaked) - 30% of the amount of powder, as well as 50 g of liquid soap to make the composition more plastic. The sequence of preparation is to pour in water, then cement without mixing with sand, then the rest of the fillers. The mixture is considered correctly mixed if it does not flow off a plane inclined at an angle of 40°.

3. For foundations. The components must be diluted in the following ratio: 1 part cement, 2 hours sand and 4 hours crushed stone or other coarse filler. Take half of the water from the binder M500, the minimum grade is M400. It is best to dilute such a composition in a concrete mixer, since it will be difficult to manually achieve a homogeneous and uniform consistency, especially if the volumes are large.

4. Concrete screed. In this case, only high grades are used - from M400, the proportion is 1 to 3. Half of the volume of binder is taken of water.

5. Ironing. The ratio of sand and cement is the same. Lime is added in a volume of 10% of the amount of binder.

The grade of cement should be 2 or 3 times greater than the grade of mortar. If it is necessary to mix the M300 composition, then M150-M200 powder is used, but no less. For bricklaying you will need M50-M100, plaster - M50-M100, concrete screed– M100-M200, foundation – M200-M300.

You should not take cement that has been stored long time V open form. Even packaged powder loses some of its strength after 2 months from the date of manufacture. Old cement can be used only for those jobs where it will not be subjected to stress or be exposed to aggressive conditions. In order to increase the grade of the solution in this case, it is necessary to increase the proportion of the powder.

When mixing the mixture, it is not recommended to pour in the entire volume of water at once, but only a large part of it, approximately 85%, then add the rest. To properly pour in liquid soap without forming foam, dilute it in advance and let it sit for several minutes, during which time the foam will disappear. Afterwards it is slowly poured in and stirred for another 5 minutes.

Cement-sand mortar should be diluted at a temperature not lower than +5°C. When mixed in a concrete mixer, it will turn out much better than when mixed manual way. The finished composition must be used immediately after production. For increase thermal insulation characteristics Some sand can be replaced with perlite. If you need to mix a large volume, then it is better to first make a test batch and make sure that the ratio of components is correctly selected. To avoid mistakes in proportions, it is recommended to purchase a special dispenser.

Cement is a special building material that acts as a “binder” between the components of concrete and cement mortar for various purposes. IN pure form cement is practically not used. An exception is the technology for strengthening the top layer of concrete structures, the so-called “”.

In all other applications, cement is mixed in varying proportions with filler and mixer. Therefore, answering numerous questions from private developers, it makes sense in this article to tell you how to mix cement with sand, water and other components.

Scope of cement application

To better understand the question of how to properly dilute cement, you should indicate the main ways of using this unique and irreplaceable building material:

  • Production of heavy and other types of concrete.
  • Preparation of masonry mortars.
  • Preparation of plaster solutions different types.
  • Production of material for creating sculptures, flowerpots, flower pots and others decorative items made of concrete.
  • Production paving slabs, curbs and paving stones.

Generally speaking, the use of cement can be divided into two main types:

  • Binder for concrete various types and appointments.
  • Binder for solutions of various types and purposes.

Proportions of popular brands of Portland cement for the production of heavy concrete

The most popular type of concrete in the construction of residential and industrial buildings, as well as the most popular material for the production of all types of reinforced concrete products is heavy concrete prepared on the basis of Portland cement grades M400 and M500, new markings: TsEM I 32.5N PTs and TsEM I 42.5N PTs, respectively.

We present to our readers two tables in which you will find answers to popular questions: how to dilute cement for concrete using grades M500 and M400.

Table of proportions of components for preparing 1 m3 of heavy concrete of popular strength grades

Brand of Concrete Cement M400 CEM I 32.5
Proportions Cement Sand Crushed stone Water
M100 1:4,4:6,5:1,1 175 kg 755 kg 1150 kg 190 l
M150 1: 3,5: 5,2: 1 215 kg 735 kg 1140 kg
M200 1: 3: 4,5: 0,7 255 kg 715 kg 1125 kg
M300 1: 2: 3,3: 0,6 335 kg 670 kg 1105 kg
M400 1: 1,5: 2,5: 0,5 420 kg 625 kg 1085 kg
M500 1: 1,2: 2: 0,4 500 kg 575 kg 1065 kg
Brand of Concrete Cement M500 CEM I 42.5
Proportions Cement Sand Crushed stone Water
M100 1: 5: 7,3: 1,2 160 kg 770 kg 1150 kg 190 l
M150 1: 4: 6: 1 190 kg 755 kg 1140 kg
M200 1: 3,3: 5: 0,8 225 kg 735 kg 1125 kg
M300 1: 2,5: 3,8: 0,7 290 kg 705 kg 1105 kg
M400 1: 2: 3: 0,5 355 kg 675 kg 1085 kg
M500 1: 1,5: 2,5: 0,4 425 kg 640 kg 1065 kg

The table contains answers to one of the most common questions asked by non-professional developers of low-rise buildings - how to dilute cement for the foundation of a house, summer house or cottage.

In accordance with current regulatory documents– GOST and SNiP, the best option for pouring 99% of foundations, the grade of heavy concrete is M150 or M200. For severe operating conditions, the grade may be used. Accordingly, when faced with the task of how to dilute a cement solution for pouring a foundation, you should use the proportions given in this table.

Many unprofessional and inexperienced developers ask the question: is it possible to dilute cement without sand, using existing granite screenings or small construction waste as a replacement for this material.

The answer of a private builder with sufficient experience in the construction of low-rise buildings and structures will be as follows. If you have to build structures that are not heavily loaded, such as: a blind area around the house, garden path, area for drying clothes or cottage made of furnace slag, underground cellar of small dimensions (2x2x2 meters), deviations from existing GOSTs are allowed in terms of replacing sand with fine sand construction waste or small granite screening.

Proportions for solutions

All cement-sand mortars are divided into three main types: material for laying bricks (cinder block, foam block, shell rock, Inkerman stone), mortar for plastering surfaces and mortar for floor screed. Let us consider the preparation of these solutions in order.

How to divorce? Two types of mortar are used in construction:

  • Cement-lime material consisting of Portland cement CEM I 32.5N or CEM I 42.5N, carefully sifted sand, water and lime paste. This is the so-called “warm” solution. This type of material has excellent ductility and is considered optimal for all types of brickwork. Proportions of components: cement: lime: sand: water: 1 part cement, 0.8 parts lime, 7 parts sand, 0.8 parts water. First, the dry ingredients and lime are mixed, then water is added and everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth. If necessary, increase the amount of water.
  • Cement mortar. Consists of Portland cement CEM I 32.5N PTs or CEM I 42.5N PTs, sand and water. Characterized as "cold, stiff and inactive." Component proportions: 1 part cement, 5 parts sand (for CEM I 32.5N PC) or 5.5 parts sand (for CEM I 42.5N PC) and 1 part water. The procedure for preparing the working material is similar to the procedure for preparing cement-lime mortar.

As you can see, you can make masonry mortar with your own hands right on the construction site, the main thing is to maintain the proportions and mix the components thoroughly.

How to dilute cement for plaster?

IN general version, For ordinary plaster Three types of cement-sand mortar are used for walls:

  • Brand 50. Recommended for finishing grouting. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 32.5N: part binder, 6.3 parts sand, 1.3 parts water. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 42.5N: part cement, 7 parts sand, 1.5 parts water.
  • Brand M100. Recommended for interior decoration. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 32.5N: part binder, 4 parts sand, 0.8 parts water. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 42.5N: part binder, 4.5 parts sand, 0.9 parts water.
  • Brand M150. Recommended for plastering damp rooms, facades and plinths. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 32.5N: part binder, 3 parts sand, 0.6 parts water. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 42.5N: part binder, 3.3 parts sand, 0.7 parts water.

If we talk about how to properly dilute cement with sand for plaster mortar, then two points are very important here. The first point is to sift the sand very carefully. The mesh size of the sieve for sifting sand for preparing primer plaster should be from 2 to 3 mm and 1 mm for preparing finishing plaster.

The second point is to mix the dry ingredients very thoroughly, maintain the proportions of water and then thoroughly mix until smooth.

How to dilute cement and sand proportions for floor screed?

To fill the floor screed, the following grades of cement-sand mortar are used: M150 and M200. The choice of brand of solution depends on maximum load. Next, we will tell you how to dilute cement with sand to prepare a solution of M150 and M200, and the reader will choose for himself suitable option depending on specific operating conditions.

  • Solution M150. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 32.5N PC: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 0.6 parts water. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 42.5N PC: 1 part cement, 3.3 parts sand, 0.7 parts water.
  • Solution M200. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 32.5N PC: 1 part cement, 2.1 parts sand, 0.5 parts water. Proportions for Portland cement CEM I 42.5N PC: 1 part cement, 2.5 parts sand, 0.6 parts water.

As for the order of operations, it is standard. First, mix the dry ingredients, then add water and mix everything thoroughly.

How is white cement diluted?

To conclude the story, it is worth answering another common question: If white cement is used as a “binder,” how to dilute concrete and solutions based on it correctly?

Used to create colored structures. Therefore, it is very important that the fillers and sealer do not interrupt the color of the concrete or mortar. Therefore, for the preparation of concretes and mortars based on white cement white, thoroughly cleaned quarry sand should be used, the purest water and clean tools: a trough, a sheet of iron, buckets and a concrete mixer.

Hard to imagine modern construction without the use of cement mixtures. M-500 cement has high performance and reliability, it is widely distributed and can be purchased at any building materials store.

To make a solution you do not need to have any special knowledge and everyone can cope with this task. It is enough to take M-500 cement and, in certain proportions, mix thoroughly with sand. Then you need to add a certain amount of water to the dry mixture. However, there are a few secrets you need to know.

How to determine the required proportions

In order to understand in what ratio the dry components need to be mixed, you need to decide on the purpose of the cement mortar. It should be borne in mind that the finished mortar, like dry cement, has its own brand corresponding to the brand of the selected building material. That is, the mortar used for laying M100 bricks must also be of the same brand. Only then is there a guarantee that the wall will be uniform.

Knowing the brand ready-made composition, it is very simple to calculate the ratio of sand to cement: the values ​​of the grades of cement and mortar are divided, and the result obtained will be the correct ratio.

In order for the solution to be homogeneous and retain its strength after hardening, the following rules must be followed:

  • the sand used must be pre-screened to separate all large fractions and prevent debris from getting into the cement mixture;
  • the dry components of the mixture must be thoroughly mixed to achieve a homogeneous mass, because the strength of the cement solution after drying depends on the quality of the mixture;
  • water should be added when all components have already been thoroughly mixed, the water consumption is, depending on the consistency of the finished solution, 1.5 - 2 liters per ten kilograms of dry mixture;
  • When mixing the solution, water must be added in small portions, stirring. You should not add sand and cement to an already diluted solution - it will no longer be possible to mix them well, and this will affect the quality.

Attempts to change the proportions will not lead to anything good; if there is not enough sand, then the mixture will set too quickly, work with such cement mortar difficult. At the same time, increasing the amount of sand will make the finished seams in brickwork not strong enough and they will crumble.

How to make concrete, watch the video:


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