DIY watch made from a record. How to make money on watches made from old vinyl records

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Many people used to have a gramophone at home on which they listened to their favorite music. Looking at vinyl records, a feeling of nostalgia arises. Therefore, not everyone can overcome themselves and throw away this relic of the past. It’s better to take this opportunity and make a watch from vinyl records with your own hands. This accessory will decorate any room and add originality and elegance to the interior. This is especially true for collectors of old and exclusive items.

Making a vinyl clock is not as difficult as it may seem at first. Observing simple rules, everyone has the power to create original item decor that will optimally fit into the interior of the kitchen or living room.

Installation of the clock mechanism (MK)

A product with a clock mechanism - this option is the simplest. The essence of the work is to install the clock mechanism directly on the record.

To make a homemade product you need to go through the following steps:

1. Attach the base of the mechanism to the back side of the plate. It's better to use glue.

2. The arrows will come out through a hole that is located in the center of the base. Here you need to make sure that the mechanism is located exactly in the center.

3. All that remains is to install the hands and the clock is ready.

4. If desired, the base can be decorated with various designs or patterns. For lovers of minimalism, this option will be the most suitable.

On video: Vinyl plate clock with numbers.

Clock made from an unusually shaped plate (MK)

Unusual watches - in in this case we will talk about creating a product various shapes. How to make:

1. A pattern is applied to the plate, along the edge of which the cutting will be carried out in the future. You can use ready-made stencil. You just need to attach it to the base and outline it.

2. The vinyl record is cut using a special drill machine or regular jigsaw. The work must be done very carefully so as not to damage the source material.

3. To give the product a finished look, you need to apply a dial to the plate. onto the record using a simple pencil numbers are plotted. Using a drill machine they are cut along the contour. When performing such work, you should not rush and put effort into the tool. Work must be carried out on a level and stable place.

Watch making process

Don't forget about decorating watches from vinyl records. There are many technologies that will give the product an original appearance. Decoupage would be a good solution.

On video: original watch from vinyl plate.

Abstract clock (MK)

Anyone can attach a mechanism to a vinyl record. But to make a truly original product, you need to try a little. An abstract watch would be a good option. To do this, you need to heat the plate in the oven and give it the appropriate shape.

First, the oven is heated to a certain temperature and an old record is placed there. After some time, it is removed and given the required shape by hand. To give the record the required form, you need to carefully bend it at several points. It is worth considering that there should be room in the center for unobstructed fastening of the mechanism.

It is worth remembering safety precautions. Better job carry out wearing special heat-resistant gloves.

Making an abstract clock from a record

Decoration in decoupage style (MK)

Decoupage will become the best option to create original watches with which you can decorate your home. Of course, as a result of the work carried out, it will not be clear what material the product is made from. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering whether it might be rational to use a sheet of plywood instead of a plate.

To create an original product you will need:

  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • decoupage glue;
  • special napkins;
  • scissors;
  • clockwork.

Necessary materials

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a disc and cover it with white acrylic paint. This is the base layer for creating decoupage. The paint adheres to vinyl very well. But in order for the coating to be truly uniform, it is necessary to make several layers.

Paint the plate with white paint

2. Then the plate is coated with a second layer of varnish on water based. To create high-quality decorative cracks, experts recommend using varnish and paint from the same manufacturer. The painted product is left for several hours to allow the paint to dry.

Apply a second layer and let dry

3. Using the craquelure technique involves creating a layer of cracking paint. It should be borne in mind that the next layer is applied to slightly dried varnish. If it dries completely, then creating graceful cracks will become impossible. The size of the craquelures mainly depends on how much time has passed between processes. The more time passes after varnishing, the smaller the cracks will be.

4. When the paint is completely dry, you can begin applying decorative patterns or images. To fix them, a special glue is used, which is applied in a small amount. Particular attention is paid to the edges of the patterns. It is better to use flowers to decorate watches.

Glue a napkin with a pattern

5. Now all that remains is to install the mechanism in the hole in the center of the plate and attach the numbers.

Finished work

Thus, you can create an original watch from a vinyl record with your own hands, which will decorate any interior. To avoid having to blame someone later for an unsatisfactory result, you must strictly follow the above steps.

Vinyl clock decor (1 video)

Possible options (39 photos)

How to make a watch with your own hands? Yes, it’s very simple: having everything necessary tools, paints and materials, making a clock at home is not difficult. We will tell you and show by example how to make a home clock that suits a specific (your) interior. Of course, some blanks may be missing, but you can replace them or make them yourself. But we took a different route: we bought all the missing parts (more on them later) at a craft store and on Aliexpress (here, of course, we had to wait).

We will make a clock using the craquelure technique that will fit perfectly into a Provence or shabby chic style room.

To do Wall Clock with our own hands (we will make wall ones) from an old record (yes, yes!), we will need following materials and tools:

  • The old plate itself (choose the diameter as desired);
  • Clock mechanism (bought ready-made);
  • Hands for watches (straight or openwork - selected depending on the design);
  • Numbers - ready-made ones are bought or used instead various items(for example, bottle caps, stickers cut out of cardboard and painted, spoons or forks, paper clips - there are a lot of options, it all depends on your imagination);
  • Brushes - different (for some it is convenient to work with small ones, for others with large ones) - they must be soft and bristly;
  • Base paint (color of cracks) - in our case pink;
  • Our main color is beige;
  • Paint for decoration - in our case there are two of them: golden “chameleon” and white acrylic;
  • Acrylic varnish - matte or glossy (but keep in mind - glossy will reflect light and time may not be visible);
  • Acrylic varnish with glitter (for decorating numbers);
  • Craquelure varnish is the most important component, without which it is impossible to perform work using the craquelure technique.

We bought the clock mechanism from a well-known Chinese site Aliexpress. I’ll say right away - we really liked it, because it goes silently (not silently, but silently), you can only hear it then. when you put your ear up. You can get a link to the product here:

So, let's start making a watch with our own hands from an old record using the craquelure technique.

First, the surface of our plate must be degreased and coated with a primer. For this purpose we used white acrylic primer For artwork. After the soil has dried, we cover the plate with pink paint, which will serve as a base and highlight our cracks:

It is necessary to paint in at least two layers, and if there are no plans to further decorate the surface of the watch, then in three. Let's wait until the paint dries.

In principle, such a surface of a watch can already be used, but we are not interested in this. In order for the watch made with our own hands from an old record to have a more expensive and prestigious look, we will continue to decorate it.

Now let's cover our watches craquelure varnish. In one or two layers - depends on the desired result, since:

The thicker the varnish layer, the larger the cracks will be.

While the varnish is drying, let's do the numbers - paint them in pink color(we just mixed hot pink paint with white to get a lighter pink):

And cover them with glitter varnish. Well, this point is also optional.

Also sends our watch numbers to dry.

The craquelure varnish has already dried, so now the fun part is covering our watch with beige paint in one layer. Cracks begin to appear almost immediately; after drying, we get this aged surface:

You can't even tell from its appearance that this was once a record from the 60s. Let's continue decorating, but first we'll cover the plate with a transparent acrylic matte varnish to protect the painted surface:

The most interesting moment in making crafts at home is, of course, decorating them. Do-it-yourself clock decor will undoubtedly appeal to your children, because this creative process. Using a reusable stencil (each person chooses which one to use) we apply the chameleon pattern with golden paint:

The pattern can be applied either chaotically or in compliance with some rules and symmetry. We chose the first option - we applied it to the surface of the watch openwork pattern in several places.

We wait for our golden flowers to dry and proceed to next stage- Now we apply the same patterns with white paint:

We also wait for the flowers to dry and move on to the final stage - installation of the clock mechanism:

So, we looked at how to make a watch with your own hands from an old record using the craquelure technique with detailed description And step by step photos the work done. I repeat - we really liked the clock mechanism itself - it’s quiet and doesn’t lie.

Master class: Do-it-yourself watch “Spring mood”

At first they were sunny and watery, then they became fiery and sandy, and finally appeared in mechanical form. But, whatever their interpretations, they always remained what they are today - sources of time.

Use of the lesson will be useful: for younger children school age(with the help of adults), older children, teachers, technology teachers and primary classes, for those who love creativity.

- gift, interior decoration;
- making watches using waste materials.

Purpose of the lesson:
to form inclinations to creative possibilities and students’ talents for handicrafts by expanding their horizons and creating conditions for the creative self-realization of the child’s personality.

- to form cognitive interest in arts and crafts;
- develop individual abilities students;
- develop artistic taste and focus on the quality of products.
- introduce the basics of decoupage technique;
- promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;
- see in not the right things benefit.

Materials and tools:

vinyl record;
glue gun;

PVA glue;
egg shells.

They say: the clock is standing.
They say: the clock is rushing.
They say: the clock is ticking,
But they are a little behind.
Mishka and I watched together,
But the clock hangs in place.
(Vladimir Orlov)

Manufacturing stages:

Using PVA glue, glue the plate with pieces of paper.

Without letting it dry, glue the pieces eggshells.

Cover the shells with a layer of napkin. Let it dry.

Napkins come in two or three layers. Even upper layer has a pattern, we can use the bottom two white layers. We only need one. Cut off the edge. Take a sheet of A4 format, retreat 5-7 cm. Lightly coat with glue. Dry it a little and press the edge of the napkin. Fold or cut the edges.

Using a printer, print the desired image.

Remove the sheet and carefully cut it out.

Glue to the base.

Using fragments from different napkins, we create our own composition.

The mood was good and it turned out like this clearing.

The clock mechanism can be bought in a store, or you can use it from an old watch.

We fix the mechanism with glue gun. And here it is, our watch!

We choose a place in the apartment for a clock or give it to our loved ones!

There can be many options. I offer a watch with shells.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And I give you a watch.
So that you always succeed in everything,
We didn't forget anything.

To look at the gift,
Everyone was getting richer every day.
And appreciated every hour,
Remember that they love you!

Thank you for your attention. I'm waiting for your feedback)))

Vinyl records with your favorite music make you feel nostalgic, so many people do not decide to part with them after a long time. When they sit on a shelf, they collect dust and take up space. There is not much benefit from this, rather the opposite. If you are not lazy, you can breathe a second life into them. Your work will not be in vain and will please the eye both for you and for everyone who comes to your house. This accessory will add originality to your interior, which is now so valued. If your house is filled with things from the last century, and you can’t bear to throw them away, then you will find this article useful on how you can make a clock quickly and easily from a vinyl record.

Making a watch from a vinyl record is not as difficult as many may think at first glance. For those who cannot immediately understand the entire process of making such watches, a video tutorial will be useful, which you can familiarize yourself with after reading the article.

Let's look at the main methods of making watches from a vinyl record

Installation of a clock mechanism with hands.

The simplest option, in which only the mechanism itself is attached to the surface of the plate. It must be glued with reverse side. The arrows point to front side through the hole in the middle. For more effective appearance you can make a drawing. It can be glued or drawn by hand with a brush. But lovers of minimalism will also like the option without drawings.

Simple form.

This method is very similar to the first. The difference is that before attaching the clock mechanism, you need to give your watch some minor complex shape(hare, butterfly, heart and others). Remember that when cutting out the shape, do not rush, because... Vinyl can melt from high temperatures.

Creating a watch face.

To cut, you will need a burr with an attachment or, if you don’t have one, manual jigsaw. Before cutting out the dial, you need to draw it with a pencil on the future watch. After finishing the work, start cutting along the contour.

If you prefer to use this option, don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out right away, because... this is quite a complex process. Be patient and try again and again until you get the hang of the tool.

Complex shape.

You can apply a design to a vinyl record either yourself or using stencils. This method is very complex and, if you do not have the necessary experience with tools, then hold off on making watches. Instead, you can practice on plywood or other suitable scrap material.


You can use decoupage to decorate your future watches. But if you want it to be noticeable that this is a vinyl record, then you should not use this method. Under the picture it will not be clear what material the product is made of. To achieve the same effect, you can simply take a sheet of plywood or plastic.

We are studying one of the options for making a clock from a vinyl record using the decoupage technique

To work you need:

  • Brush;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Vinyl record;
  • Special glue for decoupage;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • The clock mechanism itself and the hands.

We take a plate corresponding to the desired size of your watch and apply a white one to one of the halves acrylic paint. This will be our first layer. The paint adheres quite well, but to create a more even surface it is better to do two or three layers.

Now we should move on to the next layer of the clock. We cover the entire area of ​​the plate with a water-based finishing varnish. To create decorative cracks, you should use paint and varnish from the same manufacturer. Set aside work for 2-3 hours so that our product dries a little.

If we want our watches to be made using the craquelure technique, then we should cover the varnish layer with cracking paint. It is worth remembering that varnish coating It should just dry out a little. If you allow the glossy varnish to dry completely, and this happens approximately 24 hours after application, then graceful cracks will not be able to form on the surface. The size of the craquelure directly depends on how much time has passed between applying the varnish and the cracking paint. The longer the period of time, the smaller the cracks and vice versa. Please also take into account the fact that if you rush to apply cracking paint, it may mix with the varnish, which will not allow you to get the desired effect.

To create cracks on the half of the record that was not painted white, take oil paint yellow tint. And for part white– chestnut.

Glue the cut flowers using a thick solution vinyl glue(in the proportion of glue to water 1 to 3, respectively). To attach it, apply the glue with your fingers as the applique is very thin. Please pay attention Special attention attaching the edges.

As a final step, you will need to install the arrow mechanism using the hole in the center.

So, our watch is ready. This is just an example of making a watch out of vinyl. By using your imagination and hard work, you can create countless truly magnificent and original watches.

Video on the topic of the article

Watch our video selection and get to work.

Designer-entrepreneur Karina Kaluga turns retro discs from the Melodiya company into chronometers with a silent mechanism

Handmade business attracts budding entrepreneurs with a low entry threshold and the opportunity for self-realization. Such projects are not always long-lasting, but if the founder believes in himself and has correctly “found” the niche, then his micro-business has every chance of growing into something more serious. Three years ago, a student from Vladivostok, Karina Kaluga, sold her first watch made from vinyl records through a page on a social network, and now her products are sold in many retail outlets and both Vladivostok residents and guests of the city are happy to buy them.

25 years old, entrepreneur from Vladivostok, founder of a project (production of designer watches from old vinyl records). Education: Vladivostok State University economics and service (specialty "design" environment"). The cost of starting a business was 5,000 rubles.

Old records began to play in a new way

Three years ago, student Karina Kaluga worked in the Far Eastern representative office of the Yota company, which once sent her on a business trip to St. Petersburg. There, Karina entered an underground passage and saw a clock made from vinyl records. There were three hundred rubles in my pocket, and the watch cost five hundred. So Karina decided that it was time to do something of her own without large investments - for example, a similar watch.

“I came home with these thoughts. I bought thirty old records from an online flea market, made models, and found a carver. To begin with, we cut out three clocks with different details on a laser machine to understand how fused vinyl would behave. All the watches turned out, and I posted them in group on the social network VKontakte. On the same day, I received orders from friends and acquaintances. I think that the approaching New Year"- says Karina Kaluga.

Next, Karina began to look for sales outlets - and agreed with several stores to sell her vinyl watches. Also, at the first stage, it was important that the workshop be known as widely as possible. more people– Karina talked about her watch in in social networks, participated in city events, etc.

Karina Kaluga made her designer chronometers a theme graduation project- and it so happened that one of the vinyl watches was bought by a member of the selection committee right at the defense

When many Vladivostok residents began to bring in their old vinyl, Karina came up with a system of discounts. For example, 100 records received a 100% discount, and surprisingly few people brought less. So the apartment and balcony were filled with the products of the only Soviet recording company “Melodiya” and foreign records - and Karina had to transport everything to the carvers’ garage. This speeded up the speed of watch production and helped bring the apartment back to its previous decent appearance.

How does vinyl watch production work?

The two main operations in the process of creating a watch from vinyl records are the development of a layout and laser cutting. The finished layout is loaded into the “brain” of the cutting and engraving machine, then the temperature and speed are set. Next, you need to load a vinyl record and set a reference point from which the laser will start cutting out the design. Technically, the entire process takes a few minutes, which allows you to quickly fulfill orders.

"Apparatus for laser cutting It is very expensive, and it is impossible to install it in an apartment. It is quite bulky and requires a special exhaust system. The carvers I work with have it installed in their garage, and in Vladivostok such equipment can be found at outdoor advertising companies,” says Karina.

When technical part The work is finished, all that remains is to assemble the clock. A silent clock mechanism is inserted into the vinyl record and the hands are selected. The watch is sent in a white box, “like for pizza”, and travels to the customer or point of sale.

Nowadays, the workshop’s watches can be bought in the “Contraband” vinyl record store, in the “Pink Elephant”, in the souvenir shop of the old GUM courtyard and in some other places. The cost of a watch from Karina Kaluga is 1,500 rubles.

In addition, the workshop operates individual orders- We develop our own layout for the client on any topic. For example, you can make a portrait of a person or a congratulatory inscription on the watch. The finished watch costs the same 1,500 rubles, plus creation individual design- from 500 rubles. It takes from three to ten days to develop a layout, depending on the complexity.

Now the workshop catalog contains about sixty models. Here are watches for every taste - for fans of Pink Floyd or "Dr. House", in the steampunk style, variations on the theme of the works of Salvador Dali, with the symbols of the Admiral hockey club and in general with the symbols of Vladivostok. Sometimes even Russian emigrants who miss their homeland come to the workshop - not so long ago a man from the USA ordered a watch from Vladivostok.

“People’s tastes are quite spontaneous; it is very difficult to guess what will be popular at the next moment. Nowadays, musical idols - Vladimir Vysotsky, The Beatles and Pink Floyd - are especially in demand on vinyl. I focus on the tastes of my clients. I don’t see the point in making watches with cats, simply because I like it,” says Karina.

From the position of a designer, Karina believes that there should be a “golden mean” between the customer’s request and her vision. She needs to draw something that people want to see in the layout, but at the same time, she herself will like the work.

Now the workshop plans include the development of new models about Vladivostok, on the theme of the underwater world, as well as a series of watches with major cities Russia.

“In terms of work, I focus on the clean silhouette layouts of the Estonian designer Pavel Sidorenko. It was he who first came up with the idea of ​​​​making watches from vinyl records. And therefore, in the new series of layouts about Vladivostok, I want to remove detail and make them more stylish.”


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