How can you sheathe the inside of a log house? How to cover the walls inside a wooden house - the right choice of material

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This will determine how beautiful and comfortable you will feel in your home. If you are thinking about how to cover the walls of a wooden house inside, then you need to consider several options, familiarizing yourself with the positive and negative features of each.

When thinking about how to cover the walls of a wooden house inside the kitchen, you need to take into account the region in which the building is located. It is also important to take into account whether you will live in the house all year round or only during the warm season. In the latter case, the walls do not need to be covered with facing material, such as clapboard. In this case, experts advise using varnishes and paints, as well as tinting solutions. You can use decorative plaster, tiles, fabric, leather and other materials.

Based on the benefits wooden house, one of which is expressed in the naturalness of the construction, it is best to prefer natural finish, which will not prevent penetration fresh air inside. This may include clapboard or block house. When deciding how to cover the walls of a wooden house inside a dacha, experts often advise choosing the above-mentioned finishing options, the material of which matches the material at the base of the walls. This is explained by the fact that during operation the structure will be influenced by temperature and humidity, which will contribute to changes linear dimensions products. If the walls and trim are made of the same type of wood, then the expansion coefficient will be the same.

Choosing products for interior decoration of rooms for various purposes, you must consider the characteristics of the wood species. For example, conifers when exposed to high temperatures are capable of releasing resin, so it is not recommended to use them when decorating a bathroom or kitchen. If you are faced with the question of how to cover the walls of a wooden house inside, then you can use ash, which tolerates high humidity and can be used when decorating rooms for various purposes. When decorating old and new wooden buildings Quite often, lining is used, the advantages of which are ease of installation, attractive appearance and low cost. It will be possible to hang on such walls various items, including household appliances. This cannot be said about drywall, which is not always able to withstand high loads. To solve the problem, you can make niches.

Completely eco-friendly house

To preserve the style of a wooden house as much as possible, it is best to use a block house; its reverse side is flat, while the outer side has a semicircular shape. If you have a log house, then interior decoration from the block house will become the best solution. In order to finally decide what to cover the walls of a wooden house inside, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the information below, from which you can understand what characteristics each of the listed materials has.

Using a block house

By using of this material you can create an ideal microclimate inside the house, and if you use coniferous wood, this will help prevent the occurrence and development of respiratory diseases. Quite often, the appearance of an old house is transformed using a block house that imitates natural wood. For interior decoration, it is recommended to prefer lamellas, the thickness of which varies from 20 to 25 millimeters. It is not recommended to purchase thicker material, since its installation will require a more massive sheathing. It will take up the free space of the room, and installation will require more effort and time.

For some consumers, the need to purchase this material with some reserve becomes a real problem. This leads to additional costs, and if the finishing during the installation process turns out to be insufficient, then using lamellas from a different batch will lead to a lower aesthetic result. However, the existing disadvantages are compensated by many advantages, which are expressed by good ventilation created after completion of installation work. Before purchasing, you should take into account that during the operation of the walls of the block house, they will have to be cleaned and varnished from time to time. Dust may accumulate between the boards. In addition, products made from natural wood are quite expensive. Preparation before installing the material may seem too time-consuming, because you have to repair the cracks in the walls, and then install the sheathing system. If you still cannot decide the question of how to cover the walls of a wooden house inside, then you should think about the possibility of insulation when using a block house; thermal insulation is laid between it and the main wall, which also does not allow extraneous sounds to penetrate into the room.

It is important to take into account that the frame may become deformed during use if not very well dried elements were used for its installation.

Application of lining

This option is not only inexpensive, but also publicly available. Installing such a finish will be quite simple, since it has special fasteners. With their help, it will be possible to create strong connections, and the surface will turn out beautiful and smooth. This one would be perfect internal lining walls for rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen. You don’t have to worry about the moisture content of the material, since the manufacturing process uses raw materials with a 12 percent moisture level. Depending on the purpose of the room, it is best to choose a specific one. For the living room and bedroom, linden, birch or ash are suitable. But for the bathroom or kitchen it is better not to use softwood lining.

Additional advantages of lining

If you are faced with the question of how to cover the walls of a wooden house inexpensively, then you can choose lining, which is environmentally friendly. With its help you can create a unique atmosphere indoors. The material has a pleasant structure. By visiting the store and getting acquainted with the wide assortment, you can choose options for yourself with different drawings and natural shades. Manufacturers offer products of various varieties, depending on what you can choose suitable material at a price you can afford. For example, the highest quality is grade A, which is called eurolining. Such a board will have the highest cost and an ideal surface. You won't notice any knots or cracks on its base. But the lowest is grade C, which has low cost and cosmetic defects. But some consumers believe that inclusions of knots in some cases look very beautiful and colorful in the decoration of premises, which is why they choose this variety, trying to match the design idea.

Some disadvantages of lining

Quite often, owners think about how to cover the walls of a wooden house inside. It is recommended to look at the photo in advance; perhaps this will allow you to make the right choice. The lining looks very attractive, but has some disadvantages that can repel a number of consumers. For example, it becomes somewhat deformed after installation, which may lead to the need to replace individual elements. One of the disadvantages is the fact that clapboard walls require careful maintenance, which is not always convenient, because the house can only be visited by the owners from time to time.

Fire safety of lining

The fire safety of such a coating is significantly lower compared to plasterboard, but it remains at a high level when compared with plastic coated. This effect is achieved by special impregnations, which are applied in the factory during the manufacturing stage.

Features of using drywall

Quite often, home and country house owners think about how to cover the walls of a wooden house with wallpaper inside. Drywall is perfect for this finishing, as it allows you to hide all the defects and unevenness of the walls. With its help you can hide communications. This material is universal, as it can be used in rooms with normal or high humidity. It can be used even in conditions with high temperatures. However, in this case, experts recommend purchasing fire-resistant drywall.

Why choose drywall

You can place heat behind the sheets, and among other things, gypsum board itself is characterized by such qualities. It is capable of releasing and absorbing moisture, therefore it is a material that regulates the microclimate of rooms. When deciding what is the best way to cover the walls of a wooden house inside, you can choose plasterboard, as it allows you to implement the most daring design solutions, which cannot be said about the two options described above, with which you can only form smooth walls. When thinking about how to line the walls of a wooden house to keep mice out, you can use gypsum plasterboard, which is impregnated with special chemical compounds during the manufacturing process.


So, we have presented several options for decorating the walls of a wooden house inside. What to choose - block house, lining, drywall - is up to you to decide.

Construction today wooden houses, and especially houses made of rounded logs and wild logs, are again at the peak of popularity. And even despite the fairly high cost and long construction period, such houses can increasingly be seen outside the city. If previously wooden houses were built with virtually no finishing, today, thanks to the development of technology and the emergence of new materials, finishing log house becomes the norm. The log house is finished inside and outside, and everyone decides for themselves what the house will look like after that. Will the natural attractiveness of the wood be preserved or will the logs be completely hidden under artificial materials?

Features of finishing a log house

Performance finishing works for a log house has a number of features, many of which are often overlooked when finishing a log house with your own hands. Such miscalculations can ultimately lead to dampness of the wood and its rotting, the appearance of fungi and mold. To finish the walls of a log house correctly, the following requirements must be met.

Firstly, all finishing work is carried out after the house has settled. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what kind of log the house is made of. If it is made from rounded material, then its shrinkage will be less due to pre-drying. For a wild log house, the period and strength of shrinkage will be greater due to natural humidity wood. A newly built house is left unfinished for at least a year. During this time, the logs will settle, and it will be possible to more accurately take measurements and further install windows, doors, and also finish the walls of the log house.

Secondly, it is extremely important to create proper heat and vapor barrier during finishing. For proper vapor barrier it is necessary to adhere to one simple rule - the vapor permeability of each subsequent layer of finishing towards the street should be higher than that of the previous one. The result of violating this rule will be the appearance of mold, mildew and rotting of the logs, and in addition constant dampness in the house. A thermal insulation layer for the walls of a house may only be required when finishing an old, already slightly dilapidated house. A house made of new timber with a diameter of 26 cm has the same thermal conductivity as a house with one and a half meter thick brick walls. It would be better to properly insulate floors, floors and roofs.

Thirdly, for finishing a log house choose natural materials. Despite the fact that modern Construction Materials have a number of undeniable advantages, it is much better if the decoration of the walls of a log house is made of the same natural materials. The result will exceed any expectations, because natural materials They combine much better with each other than a combination of artificial and natural ones.

Finally, the following should be noted. Try to preserve and highlight the natural beauty of the house, instead of covering the walls with MDF sheets or plasterboard. Thus turning Vacation home from natural wood to the same gray apartment as in the city. The option of wall cladding can be justified only in one case, when a wooden house is old and the wood has darkened and lost its warm natural color.

Interior decoration of a log house

Wooden houses, and especially log houses, due to the natural color of the wood, have beautiful interior, which it is advisable to save. Therefore, when planning the interior decoration of a log house, you need to carefully think through every little detail. What the interior will be like is discussed and planned at the stage of creating the house project. During interior decoration, you just need to bring everything to life. The final finishing of a log house begins after the installation of water supply and sewerage.


We begin the interior decoration of the house from the ceiling. This is dictated by the fact that during finishing the surface of the walls and floor can be stained or damaged, and redoing it is more difficult than doing it again. Finishing the ceiling is somewhat more difficult compared to walls and floors due to the inconvenience of applying and securing the materials. But with a certain skill, everything can be accomplished in the shortest possible time.

The ceiling in a log house is a structure made of beams and boards. This is exactly what you will have to start from when finishing it. In some ways, this makes the task a lot easier. In the space between the beams you can lay insulation and electrical wiring, and on top of the beams themselves you can fasten sheets of gypsum plasterboard, plywood, clapboard or make a suspended ceiling, or simply sand the wood and cover it clear varnish. Let's consider ceiling finishing options that most organically combine with log walls. This includes covering the ceiling with clapboard, veneer panels and varnishing or painting.

Ceiling paneling made quite simply. This is facilitated by the fact that wooden beams are used in the floors of the house, to which the lining will be attached. The lining strips relative to the walls of the room can be installed either diagonally or straight, or by combining these two methods. The planks themselves are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws, which are placed in recesses in the grooves of the planks. And also with the help of clamps, which is much more convenient. We start creating a lining ceiling with laying and fastening insulating materials, if required, and electrical wiring. Then we proceed to fastening the planks. It should be noted that when installing the lining, it is necessary to leave a small ventilation gap of 5 mm near the walls. We carefully cut off the tenon on the first plank, install it in place and secure it using one of the methods described above. We install all subsequent planks with a tenon in the groove of the previous one, finish it off carefully with a mallet and secure it in place. Finally, we sand the surface and cover it with varnish.

They are one of the most expensive finishing options. The ceiling decorated with them will look impressive, showing the wealth and good taste of the owners. Installation of the panels is not particularly difficult thanks to the tongue-and-groove fastening. In fact, their installation resembles the installation of lining. The difference lies in the need to create a frame to which the panels will be attached, but this is only if there is a need to hide the floor beams. Alternatively, such panels can be placed between the beams.

It will look most simple and at the same time attractive ceiling exposed with clear varnish. Of course, surface preparation will require considerable effort. Since you will have to carefully sand and varnish every centimeter, but as a result you will always be able to admire the natural beauty of the wood. To speed up the grinding process, you will have to use a special tool and several types of sandpaper of different grain sizes. First, sanding is done with coarse-grained sandpaper, and finally with fine-grained paper. This is done in order to first remove the exfoliated pieces of wood, and at the end to make the surface of the wood smooth, without any roughness.

Important! After sanding, the surface of the wood must be impregnated protective compounds- fire retardants and antiseptics. This applies not only to the ceiling, but to all parts of the house.

Another less popular, but at the same time excellent option for finishing the ceiling is its painting. Just one clarification needs to be made. Paints must have high vapor permeability, that is, “breathe.” Therefore, any acrylic, silicone and similar paints cannot be used. The best option would be to use lime and water-based paints, or it could be regular whitewash.


After finishing the ceiling, the next step will be finishing the walls. As has been noted more than once, a log house has its own atmosphere and the decoration of the walls must be approached in a special way. The best option would be sanding and coating the walls. special compounds and caulk with decorative rope. Simply put, preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of wood. But in some cases, a log house is covered with plasterboard, MDF, finished with tiles and other similar materials.

Grinding And caulking walls carried out both inside and outside the house. For grinding, a special tool and several types of sandpaper are used. If you have to do such work yourself for the first time, then it would be a good idea to practice on a workpiece and then move on to the main work. Then the surface of the wood is treated with special compounds that preserve the natural color of the wood and protect it from the effects of negative factors.

Caulking log joints is mandatory type works, but using decorative materials you can make the walls of your house more attractive. To perform the work you will need a special tool - a caulk and a hammer. If you have already done similar work when building a house, then decorating with caulking will not cause any special problems. Otherwise you will have to practice a little.

Sheathing a log house with plasterboard, MDF and wall panels are used to hide electrical wiring or create a flat surface for tiles or other facing material. And also to protect log walls from the negative effects of moisture. This type of finishing is suitable in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. For living spaces, living rooms, corridors and hallways, it would be better to preserve the natural beauty of wood; in extreme cases, you can line it with clapboard. Before covering a log house with sheets of plasterboard, MDF or wall panels, it is necessary to create a reliable frame to which the sheets will be attached. For these purposes, you can use either wooden slats, or a metal profile. Vertical frame strips are installed in increments of 600 mm. The transverse planks are placed in such a way that in one row the plank is at a level of 75 cm from the floor, and in the next row it is 75 cm below the ceiling. This is done so that the attached sheets are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The frame itself is attached at the points of contact with the logs using self-tapping screws. Further work consist of sheathing with sheets, which, if necessary, are trimmed and attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. The final finishing of walls sheathed in this way can be done with tiles, wallpaper, decorative plaster or otherwise.

Important! When covering the walls of a house, very often insulation and vapor barrier are installed in the free space. This has very disastrous consequences for log walls. Therefore, it is better to leave an air gap and lay a vapor barrier layer on the outside.

Special mention should be made painting the walls. As in the case of the ceiling, you can use natural paints - lime and water-based paints. This will allow the walls of the house to “breathe” and protect them from mold and mildew. The only drawback is that after a while you will have to renew the places where the paint has chipped, since the house will shrink for some time.


The completion of the interior decoration of a log house is the creation of the floor and laying of the floor covering. For the most part, the floor has already been created. The floor beams, subfloor and joists were laid during the construction of the house. All that remains is to finish what we started. The design of the floor of a log house is known in advance, so there will not be any particular difficulties when choosing a floor covering. In such houses it is created wooden floor on the joists, which means that the topcoat can be parquet, solid board, carpet, linoleum, vinyl.

Which of the above will be installed depends on the choice of the owners and the purpose of the room. In any case, you will have to do certain work for creating a floor. Firstly, this is the creation of a lower subfloor, laying a waterproofing layer and insulation in the space between the joists. Secondly, laying the subfloor boards. And only after that you can start creating finishing coating. If floor will from solid board , then you can lay it directly on the subfloor boards. The flooring process itself is performed as follows. The tenon is cut off from the first board, then it is laid against the wall. Several 2.5 cm thick spacers are installed between the wall and the board, which are removed after laying the floor boards. We secure the board itself with self-tapping screws, for which we pre-drill holes. We place subsequent boards with a tenon in the groove of the previous one. For reliable fastening, we finish it with a mallet along the entire length and then fix it to the joists with a self-tapping screw. In this case, it is necessary to remember about a 2.5 cm gap between the boards and the wall; in the future it will act as a ventilation hole.

After laying the boards, their surface polished And opens with varnish. We install a plinth around the perimeter of the room.

Parquet laying in some ways similar to laying solid boards - the similarities are in the tongue-and-groove system. The difference is that this work is very painstaking and time-consuming, and an absolutely flat surface is required under the parquet, and the planks themselves can be laid with glue. To create a parquet floor, we first arrange a finishing base of moisture resistant plywood on top of the subfloor. We lay the plywood sheets at intervals and secure them with self-tapping screws. Further work will consist of laying and fixing the parquet strips. Finally, the surface is sanded and varnished.

Laying such floor coverings like linoleum and carpet are not particularly difficult. The main thing when creating them is to ensure a flat surface. This can be done, as in the case of parquet, using sheets of plywood.

The finishing work of a log house, in addition to the interior, also includes the facade of the building. At the same time, the walls and basement are finished. If everything is quite simple with the base, you can plaster it, cover it with clinker tiles or decorative stone. The walls of a log house will require a special approach.

The simplest option for such a house is log sanding, decorative caulk and coating the surface with special compounds that preserve the natural color of the wood and protect the logs. But quite often, especially with old log houses, this is difficult to do. That's why covering a log house with siding, clapboard, they make a simple curtained facade with metal or plastic panels.

As already noted, in order to protect logs from rot, fungus and mold, they are treated with special substances. In addition, it is necessary to comply with the vapor barrier rule. Everything is simple with the first condition, but the second must be taken into account when cladding a log house with siding, creating a curtain wall, or cladding it with other materials.

Before covering a log house with siding, you will have to take care of ventilation and vapor barrier of the walls of the house. To do this, we put spacer strips on the walls that will provide ventilation. We take the planks themselves with a thickness of 10 - 15 mm and install them in increments of 50 cm, using self-tapping screws as fasteners. Now we lay a layer of vapor barrier on top of the spacer strips, which we secure with thin wooden slats.

The next stage is insulation of log house walls. But here we need to turn to the operational characteristics of wood, namely thermal conductivity. As a result, it may turn out that the insulation layer will be completely out of place.

If you decide to insulate the house, then we create a sheathing frame for the siding panels, between which we lay insulation, and a wind barrier on top. For the frame we use wooden blocks, equal in thickness to the thickness of the insulation, and using self-tapping screws we fix them to the previously installed strips.

All that remains is to install the siding panels in place. We carry out all work from the bottom up. First we install the initial profile, secure it with nails or self-tapping screws. Further work will be similar to assembling a construction set, since subsequent panels are inserted into the previous one and fixed to the sheathing. Must be given Special attention corners, doors and window openings. They use siding of a certain shape, and this should be kept in mind during installation.

Finishing a log house inside and out is a matter that must be approached with special care. And the point is not even that some types of finishing work are complex, but that the wood itself is beautiful finishing material. And the main task when decorating a house made of logs is to preserve and highlight the natural beauty of the wood as much as possible.

The interior cladding of walls in a wooden house always causes a lot of controversy: connoisseurs of eco-interiors do not want to hide the beauty of natural wood behind artificial panels, but in any case, the wood has to be protected in some way from rotting and other destructive influences. You can simply paint the wood or varnish it, but there is more interesting options finishing. What is the best way to cover the walls inside a wooden house?

Options for cladding wooden buildings from the inside

The answer to the question of what to cover the walls of a wooden house depends on the chosen interior style and the financial capabilities of the owner. The choice of materials today is offered very wide, but not all coatings can be used in a wooden building.

So, it is not recommended to choose laminate, linoleum and other artificial materials for finishing the floor, and they are not suitable for walls. plastic panels. Artificial materials do not allow preserving the natural environmental friendliness; in addition, they completely deprive the building of all the advantages that wooden walls provide.

There are several common options that are widely used in finishing wooden houses:

  • Ceramic tile. This material is made from fired tiles: the ceramics are covered with glaze of all possible colors, and this material opens up the widest scope for room decoration.

The main advantage of the tile is its water resistance, which makes it ideal solution for finishing the bathroom, kitchen and other constantly wet rooms. Sometimes tiling is not done up to the ceiling: 2/3 of the walls are tiled in height, and the upper part of the wooden surface can simply be painted with waterproof paint.

  • Sheathing interior walls wooden house using materials of wood origin. These are, first of all, lining and block house: they differ from each other in the type of surface.

The lining will allow you to imitate smooth walls made of timber; it can be used in rooms of any style. The block house copies log walls, and such a surface imposes some restrictions on other interior elements.

  • Drywall. GCR is used not only in finishing slopes and installing partitions: it can be used to sheathe the walls of an old house to make the surface completely flat and suitable for various types finishing.

Covering the walls inside a wooden house will prepare them for wallpapering; you can also use other coverings. Drywall is an environmentally friendly material.

  • MDF panels. They are made from wood processing waste, so they are inexpensive, and with their help you can create a very beautiful and environmentally friendly interior. The advantage of such panels is the variety of colors: you can choose a shade that will completely copy a particular tree species.

There are other options than covering the walls inside a wooden house. If finances allow, you can choose cork coverings for home decoration: they look very beautiful, in addition, they will always be warm and pleasant to the touch.

An old house can be plastered from the inside; this is the simplest solution. In any case, it is necessary to maintain color harmony in the room, and the ecological balance should not be allowed to be disturbed by ultra-modern materials of artificial origin.

Interior wall finishing technology

How to sheathe walls inside a wooden house?

This stage must be taken into account during the design: it will still not be possible to do without interior finishing, and it may require significant expenses for the purchase of materials and their installation.

Any wall covering will take up several centimeters of space on each side; this must be taken into account when thinking through the interior. The wall finishing process is as follows:

  1. Preliminary preparation for finishing. It will take a particularly long time in an old house: the surface of the walls must be cleaned of stains of rot and blue, cracks in the logs must be sealed with a special sealant, and caulk must also be applied. It is better to treat the surface of the walls with an antiseptic so that it is reliably protected from rot, insects and other biological threats.
  2. Installing the frame on the walls. For a lining or block house, a wooden frame made of bars is usually used; for plasterboard, a vertical metal profile with transverse jumpers is installed at different levels.
  3. Fastening the material. Lining, block house, gypsum boards are attached with self-tapping screws, which must be completely recessed into the material. The hats are covered with decorative overlays.

The cladding is selected in accordance with the style in which the building is decorated. For classic interior with furniture of familiar colors, the best option would be ordinary wallpaper without the addition of synthetics; it is better to decorate a country-style interior using lining or a block house. Plasterboard finishinga good choice for an interior in a minimalist style: smooth, even walls can be decorated in any way you like, it will be easy to show individuality in the room.

If you choose the right finishing, even a very old house can be made beautiful and modern. Wooden buildings with proper care and attention, the owner can serve for decades, and they will delight the owner with a pleasant atmosphere and beautiful appearance.

October 5, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

After a difficult journey from laying out the foundation to installing the roof of a wooden house, private builders are faced with the need to finish their future housing. On the one hand, this procedure is simpler than, for example, erecting a box, but on the other hand, it contains a number of nuances that you need to know. To help in this matter, below I will tell you in detail how to finish a wooden house from the outside and inside.

Features of exterior finishing

Wooden houses built from timber or logs look quite attractive even without finishing. Therefore, their walls often only cover protective impregnation. However, in some cases it is impossible to do without full finishing.

As a rule, the need for it arises if:

  • the house is intended not only for summer, but also winter holiday or permanent residence. In this case, it must be insulated;
  • the house is old, as a result of which it has lost its attractiveness or even its geometry.

It should be noted that not all existing exterior finishing options are suitable for wooden houses. For example, it is better to abandon the “wet facade” technology, since it involves performing “wet” work, which is undesirable for wood. In addition, in this case, condensation may form between the insulation and the wall, which will negatively affect the durability of the structure.

Therefore, it is best to finish wooden house outside in the following ways:

  • using curtain façade technology;
  • by brick cladding.

Below we will take a look at each method.

Curtain façade technology

This technology consists of installing a frame on the walls, which is subsequently covered with any facade finishing material. In this case, insulation and vapor barrier can be installed in the space between the sheathing and the wall. Thus, curtain façade is great solution in cases where it is necessary to insulate the house.

The finishing process in this case includes several stages:

Preparation of materials

So, first of all, it is necessary to prepare materials for exterior finishing. For this you will need:

  • protective impregnation for wood;
  • interventional insulation;
  • construction sealant;
  • wooden beams for assembling the frame, as well as adjustable brackets or metal corners;
  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • thermal insulation material (if the walls will be insulated). The best option is mineral mats.

In addition, you need to decide what to decorate the outside of the walls with. There are quite a lot of options:

  • wooden finishing materials - these include lining, block house, imitation timber, etc. In addition, planken finishing of facades has recently become popular. The latter is a finishing strip with beveled ends.

The main advantage of these materials is their environmental friendliness; in addition, they allow you to preserve the natural appearance of wooden housing. The price of these materials starts from 300-350 rubles per m2, and largely depends on the type of wood and its quality;

  • vinyl siding– a practical coating that looks like wood. Among the advantages are resistance to moisture and negative atmospheric influences. In addition, vinyl siding is cheaper than its wooden counterparts - from 200 rubles per m2;

  • metal siding is an analogue of vinyl siding, but is made of galvanized steel or aluminum. I must say that these panels look quite attractive, since a photograph of the wood texture is applied to the surface.

The disadvantages include the noise of the material during precipitation and wind, as well as high thermal conductivity. That's why metal siding rarely used for cladding residential buildings. The cost of this coating starts from 400-500 rubles 1 per m2;

  • facade panels - in terms of performance, they resemble vinyl siding, as they are made of PVC. The difference lies in appearance - their surface can imitate a natural stone, brickwork and other materials. The cost of the panels is about the same as for vinyl siding;

  • basement siding - consists of panels made of fiber cement or durable plastic. They can imitate various materials, from wood to brickwork. Their main feature is increased strength, which allows the use of panels for finishing the plinth.

Price basement siding starts on average from 600 rubles. for 1m2.

Each of these materials is capable of decorating walls and protecting them from influences. environment. Therefore, everyone must choose for themselves how best to decorate the facade, depending on their own preferences and financial capabilities.

Preparing the walls

Before finishing the exterior of the facade, the walls must be prepared. this work carried out in the following sequence:

  1. if the house has already been used, you need to dismantle the hanging parts. These include visors, ebb tides, antennas, etc.;
  2. then the surface of the walls should be treated with impregnation, which will protect the walls from moisture, as well as all kinds of negative biological influences;

  1. Next, it is necessary to insulate the inter-crown cracks. For these purposes, tow, special rope, polyurethane cords and others can be used. thermal insulation materials. On top of the insulation, the space between the crowns can be filled with construction sealant.

On this preparatory work completed.

Frame installation

The most critical stage of work is the installation of the frame. At the same time, you can easily cope with this task yourself. The main thing is to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Before installing the frame posts, you should attach a vapor barrier film to the wall. The canvases must be overlapped.
    To fix the film, use a construction stapler;
  2. Next, you need to attach the racks to the walls using metal brackets or corners. In itself, attaching the racks is not difficult; the only thing is that they need to be positioned vertically and in the same plane. Therefore, the process of installing them is somewhat reminiscent of installing guide beacons for plastering walls.

To ensure that the racks are located in the same plane, it is advisable to install the bars outermost from the corners, using a level. Then you need to stretch ropes between them, which will serve as beacons for intermediate posts.

Keep in mind that the distance between the posts must correspond to the width of the insulation. Moreover, in the case of using mineral mats, it is advisable to take a step a few centimeters smaller than the width of the insulation so that it fits tightly into the space;

  1. When the frame is assembled, insulation should be laid. Wherein it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps between the mats that form cold bridges;
  2. then another layer of vapor barrier film is attached to the frame;
  3. after that, slats are attached to the racks on top of the film, which will serve as a counter-lattice.

This completes the frame installation process.


The final stage is covering the frame. It must be said that all the materials described above are installed approximately the same way, with the exception of some nuances. Therefore, as an example, I will tell you how to cover the outside of a wooden house with vinyl siding:

  1. First of all, the starting profile should be attached to the frame from below along the perimeter of the house using self-tapping screws. Keep in mind that it must be positioned strictly horizontally, so during the installation process it is necessary to use a building level;

  1. Next, you need to install corners on the internal and external corners;
  2. Now you can proceed directly to the sheathing. This is done very simply - they are inserted into the starting profile from below, after which they are fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws from above. In the corners, before fixing them with self-tapping screws, they should be inserted into the corner profiles;
  3. then the second row of panels is installed according to the same principle, with the only difference being that their lower part is connected by a lock to the upper part of the panels of the first row;
  4. Before installing the last row of panels, you should secure the finishing profile, having previously marked its position;
  5. now attached the last row panels, which is attached to the previous row from below, and inserted into the finishing layer from above;
  6. Finally, additional elements are installed - slopes, ebbs, etc.

An alternative curtain façade are thermal panels that serve as insulation and at the same time a finishing material. They are attached directly to the wall without a frame using special fasteners. The cost of this material starts from 1000 rubles per square meter.

The same applies to cladding with wooden finishing materials. The only thing is that starting and finishing profiles are not used for their installation. In addition, the corners on the outer and internal corners installed after wall cladding.

Brick cladding

It is better to clad an old wooden house that has lost its geometry with brick. This finish is the most durable, reliably protecting external walls from external mechanical loads. In addition, such a solution will make the building much more presentable in appearance.

True, brick cladding also has some disadvantages:

  • high cost of bricks - starts from 10-15 rubles per piece;
  • facing masonry is difficult work which requires highly qualified mason If you do not have the necessary experience, you will have to seek help from specialists, which will increase costs;
  • brick has a lot of weight, as a result of which it is necessary to make a foundation under the facing walls.

If, despite these shortcomings, you decide to decorate the house with brick, the work should be done in this order:

  1. It is necessary to begin work by preparing the facade according to the scheme described above. If necessary, you can even fix a vapor barrier on the walls and then cover them with mineral mats. The latter are attached using special umbrella dowels;
  2. further along the perimeter of the house it is necessary to make a strip foundation. As a rule, a shallow foundation is sufficient, however, much depends on the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, before completing the foundation, you should consult with specialists.
    As for the process of arranging the foundation itself, you can familiarize yourself with it in detail from other articles on our resource dedicated to the construction of the foundation;
  3. Next you need to waterproof the foundation. As a rule, for this purpose several layers of roofing material are laid on the base;

  1. then the first three rows of masonry are erected. In the second row, the seams between the bricks should not be filled with mortar so that vents are formed to ventilate the space, as in the photo below;
  2. flexible connections are placed in the seam between the third and fourth rows, which connect load-bearing wall with facing. The step in one row should be no more than 50 cm;

  1. All walls are built according to this principle. In the penultimate row under the visor, ventilation should be done, as in the second row.

On this exterior decoration wooden housing is completed.

Finishing the house inside


Decorating the inside of a wooden house is rarely done. Most often, homeowners prefer to see natural wood walls and beams. Therefore, wooden surfaces are only treated with protective impregnation and varnish.

However, in some cases this procedure may still be required, for example, if you want to additionally insulate the house from the inside or decorate the walls with traditional materials. So the shower room, where the level of humidity is often high, is often lined with plastic panels or even ceramic tiles.

In addition, the interior decoration of an old wooden house, the walls of which have lost their natural attractiveness, may be required. In this case, it performs a purely decorative function.

It should be noted that the classic finishing option is plastering over shingles ( wooden lattice from slats that are nailed to the walls). However, recently plaster is used extremely rarely in wooden houses for a number of reasons. Therefore, next we will consider exclusively “dry” options for interior decoration.

So, regardless of what material the walls will be sheathed with, the first step is to install the frame. Most often it is made from wooden beams.

This work is carried out like this:

  1. Before finishing the walls inside the house, they need to be prepared, just like the outside - treated with a protective compound and insulated between the roof spaces;
  2. if the walls will be insulated, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap. To do this, slats are attached to the walls in a horizontal position. Each belt should be located at a distance of about 50 cm;
  3. then a vapor barrier film is attached to the slats. As a result, a ventilation gap should form;
  4. then vertical racks are attached, according to the same principle as on external walls;
  5. if necessary, the space between the racks is filled with insulation, after which another layer of vapor barrier film is stretched;
  6. Next, the counter-lattice slats are installed. Keep in mind that their location depends on the location of the finishing material. For example, if the lining will be located vertically, the counter-lattice must be made horizontal.

If further decoration of the rooms will be carried out finishing materials, for example, clapboard or plastic panels, then they are simply attached to the counter-lattice with self-tapping screws and connected to each other with a locking connection.

If you plan to decorate the walls with more traditional materials, for example, wallpaper or tiles, then you should cover the frame with sheet materials. The best option is GVL ( gypsum fiber sheets) and gypsum plasterboard (plasterboard sheets). On our portal you can find detailed information about how these materials differ.

To decorate the bathroom, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant gypsum fiber board or gypsum plasterboard sheets.

The process of finishing walls using such sheets looks a little different:

  1. First of all, the sheets need to be cut and attached to the walls with self-tapping screws. Let me remind you that the latter should be located in increments of about 25 cm. The caps of the screws must be slightly recessed;
  2. after covering the walls, it is necessary to prepare the joints of the sheets for further puttying - from the ends it is necessary to remove a chamfer about 5 mm wide using a mounting knife, after which it is necessary to stick a self-adhesive reinforcing mesh;

  1. Next, the surface of the walls should be treated with primer, which is applied in two layers using a painter or brushes. During this procedure, make sure that the soil is laid down in an even, thin layer.;
  2. now you need to fill the joints of the sheets and the heads of the screws with starting putty;
  3. After the composition dries, the entire surface of the walls is puttied. You can find out more about puttying techniques on our portal;

  1. Next, the surface is pre-grinded using a special jointer and a mesh that is stretched over it. At this stage, it is necessary to remove all significant surface irregularities;
  2. After this, the walls should be wiped with a damp cloth and primed again. If wallpaper or tiles are glued to the surface, the work can be completed;
  3. If paint is to be applied to the walls, it is necessary to perform a final putty and carefully sand the surface with a fine mesh to remove even the smallest irregularities and scratches.

This completes the process of finishing the walls from the inside.


There are quite a lot of options for finishing the ceiling. Many people leave the beams exposed altogether. This gives the interior a special flavor, especially if it is decorated in a rustic style.

In this case, finishing the beams consists of treating them with protective compounds or even opening them with varnish. This procedure is not difficult at all.

If the house has a second floor, ceiling finishing may be required to ensure sound insulation. In this case, the easiest way to finish is as follows:

  1. From the side of the first floor, lathing should be done. To do this, the slats need to be nailed to the floor beams;
  2. Further on the side of the second floor it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film on the sheathing;
  3. then insulation is laid on the film - this can be mineral mats, ecowool or other suitable thermal insulation material;
  4. after this, another layer of waterproofing is laid;
  5. then a substrate should be laid on the beams, for example, cork, this will also improve sound insulation;
  6. at the end of the work, floor boards are laid, after which the finishing coating is installed;

  1. Now you can attach drywall, plastic panels or other finishing material to the bottom of the sheathing. The best way to decorate the ceiling is up to you to decide, taking into account the interior design and your own preferences.

It must be said that the same principle can be used to insulate the attic of a house.


Finally, I will tell you how to finish the floor in a wooden house. Of course, installation of materials that are laid in a “dry” way is carried out according to standard scheme, and does not contain any special features. Such materials include laminate, linoleum, carpet, etc.

But performing screeding requires a special approach. The latter may be required in the bathroom or kitchen, for example, for subsequent laying of tiles.

This procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to properly waterproof the floor. To do this, waterproofing is laid on it with a turn on the walls. Moreover The joints must be taped;
  2. then the beacons are installed, as when pouring a regular screed;
  3. After this, concrete is poured according to the standard scheme. The only thing is that reinforcing fiber should be added to the composition, which is used instead of reinforcing mesh. It is advisable to avoid the latter because it can damage the waterproofing film.


The exterior decoration of a wooden house, like the exterior, contains a number of nuances and can be done in several ways. Above we looked at the most optimal options, which allow you to preserve wooden walls and at the same time achieve the desired result. The only thing is that during the work you must strictly adhere to the above recommendations, otherwise it may affect the durability of the entire house.

If you have any questions regarding the finishing or some points are not completely clear, write in the comments and I will be happy to answer you.

October 5, 2016

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Wooden houses are very popular among the population, because they are distinguished by beauty, environmental friendliness and unique elegance. Inside, such a home creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. If you properly decorate the inside of such a house, then for many years several generations of residents will be able to live in comfort and beauty. Photos of examples of interior decoration of houses can be viewed in the presented selection.

When choosing materials for the interior decoration of a wooden house, you should pay attention to many factors. For houses inhabited only in the summer and all-season buildings, different materials. If the house is being built for living only in the warm months, then there is no need for any additional insulating materials. In this case, varnish, stain or special tinting is sufficient to process the wood.

A wooden house is good because it maintains its unique microclimate. Materials used for interior decoration should not negatively affect temperature and humidity. The optimal finish for such a house should match the composition of wood, that is, be safe and environmentally friendly.

Log in the interior of a wooden house

The coefficients of the main material of the house and the finishing should also be taken into account, since temperature differences and humidity can expand or contract materials. It is not advisable to build damp rooms with strong heating from coniferous wood. In such a microclimate, resin begins to actively be released. When decorating different rooms in the house, you should take into account the specific features of the room, but maintain the overall theme.

Features of using drywall

It is recommended to use plasterboard as a finishing if you need to eliminate any defects: smooth out uneven walls or close communications. Interior partitions are made from plasterboard, and ceilings are also finished with it. If you need to decorate a room with high humidity, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant materials, and if the temperature is high, then fire-resistant coatings will be required. A timber sheathing is usually installed under the drywall. Construction from metal profile not suitable for wooden houses.


Although lining has been used in construction for a long time, now new ones have appeared, modern views this material. The photo shows that it looks very aesthetically pleasing and is easy to install. The slats are connected to each other using special fasteners, allowing you to create a perfectly flat, beautiful surface. Cladding with clapboard is suitable for a bathroom, kitchen, veranda, that is, for rooms where it is always damp.

The lining has the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • a wide palette of all kinds of colors and shades;
  • large selection of varieties.

The disadvantages of this material include its too high price and the fact that it requires careful maintenance. Before you start covering the walls with clapboard, you need to install a timber sheathing. The slats are thoroughly cleaned and dried beforehand. If there are stains, they are removed with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. The final stage is coating the lining with varnish, sanding and another varnishing.

Block house

Recently, it has gained great popularity all over the world. the new kind clapboards - block house. The use of this material for cladding the walls of a wooden house allows you to preserve the unique microclimate of the room. A block house is made from wood High Quality and in its characteristics and performance indicators it surpasses natural wood. Even after several years the finish looks completely new.

The main advantages of a block house:

  1. mechanical strength;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. aesthetic appearance;
  4. light weight;
  5. ease of assembly.

The texture of the material resembles natural wood and is highly decorative. From the photo you can evaluate the quality and aesthetics of the block house. For interior decoration, slats with a thickness of no more than 25 mm are suitable. It is not advisable to use thicker lamellas, since increased strength of the timber sheathing will be required. This, in turn, will lead to a decrease in free space in the room. The disadvantages of the material include too low vapor permeability and increased flammability.

Making the count required quantity material, you should always add 10% to the stock. If suddenly there are not enough lamellas, you will have to buy more from another batch, which may differ slightly in color. After delivery from the warehouse, the material must sit indoors for two days in order to reach room temperature.

Block house wall decoration

Stages of work when finishing a block house:

  • the material is mounted on a timber sheathing every 50 cm;
  • The distance between the beams is covered with insulation. In this way, heat and sound insulation is maintained;
  • individual boards of the block house are easily connected to each other using protrusions located on their surface, this can be seen in the photo;
  • The material is coated with varnish on top, which should be renewed periodically.

Clean log house

If desired, you can complete the interior decoration of the house using a clean log frame. This will save natural style premises, providing a unique aroma of fresh wood. IN last years This type of finishing is becoming increasingly popular due to its environmental friendliness, beauty and durability.

A clean log house requires regular maintenance: updating the coating, removing dust and dirt. After five years, additional sanding and varnishing of the surface will be required.

Profiled timber as finishing for a wooden house

The disadvantages of this type of finish include high flammability and the possibility of rotting. Also, a clean log house will not be able to hide the imperfections of the walls that form over time from moisture, temperature changes and shrinkage.


Plaster in wooden houses is suitable only as decorative covering some zones. It will be correct to finish with textured types of material.

The advantages of this type of material can be seen in the photo:

  • quickly levels surfaces;
  • retains its original properties for a long time;
  • very resistant to various mechanical influences;
  • does not require careful care;
  • dirt is not absorbed;
  • large palette of colors and textures.

The price of the material in stores is quite high. Moreover, the putty finish needs to be renewed every five years due to the shrinkage of the wooden house. If this doesn’t bother you, then finishing can be done using plaster.


This option for finishing a private house is suitable for smooth surfaces without any flaws. First you need to carefully sand and tint the surfaces of the walls. Existing small seam defects are hidden with a special cord. It also serves as a thermal insulation element.

By painting the surfaces of a wood home, you can bring out the natural beauty and style. For wall surfaces and ceilings, both colored antiseptic and water-based paint are suitable. Such processing creates aesthetics and allows the base to breathe.

What is good about colored antiseptic:

  • protection against fungal diseases and mold;
  • preservation of the structure of the wood and the natural texture of the log house;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • Natural patterns on the wood stand out, creating a decorative tone.

First, the surfaces are treated with a colorless antiseptic and then covered with a tinting solution. If desired, you can achieve any color intensity. It depends on how many layers you apply. In modern stores you can choose a tinting composition of a wide variety of shades. Types of coatings have different structures - from glossy to silky matte. The choice of coloring, as shown in the photo, will help create individual style premises.


This is enough popular look finishing, helping to emphasize the unique style of the interior. The choice of materials is very large, so everyone can choose them according to their taste and for different styles. Modern panels are made from laminated, veneered MDF, which imitates patterns not only of wood, but also of leather, bamboo, and plaster.

What are the benefits of wall panels:

  • convenient installation;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • stylish appearance.

Panels are selected according to size in each specific case. First you need to install a fixed timber sheathing. It is very easy to mount the elements; for this purpose, a tongue and groove system is used. After finishing the work, you get a smooth coating without seams, which is suitable for the interior of any room.

Wall decoration with panels

Choosing a floor surface

You should choose a floor covering for a wooden house with special care, because it should be characterized by significant strength and reliability. Natural boards on the floor will emphasize the style of the room and harmoniously complement it. In order to protect the boards from moisture and the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, they are coated with varnish and antiseptic.

Finishing the floor with laminate will decorate the room, creating a unique style. This coating installs very quickly. Laminate looks quite natural, it has the structure of natural wood. It does not require special care and is quite durable.

Laminate as a floor finish

Experts assure that in a private home it is necessary to use thermal insulation. A special insulating material is laid on the subfloor before finishing. The insulation can be mineral wool, foil insulators or special bulk materials, such as those shown in the photo. Thermal insulation is laid in the gap between the beams. The insulated subfloor should not come into contact with the finish. There must be a gap of at least two centimeters between them.

How to finish a ceiling

For home decoration great importance has the way the ceiling surface is treated. With help various materials you can visually enlarge the room, make it more spacious and comfortable.

Coffered finishes are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. Thanks to the combination wooden beams and decorative inserts, it looks very beautiful and unusual. You can also use painting on the ceiling. This option is more suitable for ethno style.

Ceiling in wooden building If desired, it can also be finished with clapboard. With its help, a smooth surface is created, and, thanks to the various textures and shades of the material, the completed ceiling will especially stand out against the background of the wall cladding.

Those who prefer a loft or country style interior may not finish the ceiling at all. Natural wood with natural chips, cracks and patterns it will look very natural in such interiors, and the pristine beauty of the material will be preserved.

In the presented photo you can see Scandinavian style housing registration. It is distinguished by its stylish, laconic design. This style is characterized by the use of natural wooden materials, both for the construction of the building and for its decoration. Such a house will have its own personality.

When finishing the ceiling in a room where it is often humid, the choice of materials should be taken especially seriously. It is not advisable to use only wood in this case, as it may rot over time. In rooms such as kitchen, bathroom, toilet, it is best to use stretch ceiling. The PVC coating will reliably protect the wood from moisture and steam. It has a varied palette of colors and textures and ultimately looks stylish and in the spirit of the times.

The most suitable ceiling materials:

  • tension coverings;
  • laminate;
  • veneered panels.

How to cover walls

When finishing a wooden house, wall cladding begins after the installation of communications and electrical wiring is completed. First, the surfaces must be checked with a level to make sure they are level. If there are irregularities, it is necessary to mount a frame or lathing for installation. When installing timber sheathing between the slats, you need to leave a space of 40 to 70 centimeters. It is filled with insulating material.

Having secured the insulation, they begin to clean it up. You can use a variety of modern materials for it. Everyone makes their choice of surface based on both their individual preferences and the stylistic decision of the room’s interior, as can be seen in the photo. Paneling and other materials that imitate timber are very popular.

When using lining that imitates timber, the room will acquire an original style, warmth and comfort. Before laying, be sure to make sure that there are no material defects: chips, damage and knots. After laying, the surface is treated with a special putty, sanded, covered with stain and varnish.

When choosing between a matte or glossy finish, experts advise purchasing a semi-matte one.

The fact is that glossy compounds acquire an unpleasant unnatural shine after a short time.

When wondering which finishing material is the best for covering walls, we can say that this is a natural log house. Of course, first you need to sand it, paint it, and then apply an antiseptic or water-based paint to protect the wood from various external damage. Any natural materials are also suitable. wooden base. Among the modern stylish materials cork covering applies, but it has a significant drawback - high price. If money is no object, then cork flooring can be a great option.

Stages of finishing a wooden house from the inside:

  • caulk;
  • finish the walls in a clean form;
  • sheathe the ceiling;
  • lay the floor covering;
  • treat with stain;
  • paint.

Before finishing work, the walls must be treated with fire and bioprotective compounds. They serve to protect wooden surfaces from various external influences: moisture, fire, steam, bugs.

Having decided to build a wooden house, owners often puzzle over how to hide communications in the walls. Since the walls cannot be tapped or used concrete screeds, then communications are hidden precisely under finishing coatings. You need to try to choose the finish so that it looks beautiful, stylish, modern and fits perfectly with the intended interior.

A modern wooden house is an excellent choice for comfortable family living. To preserve it for a long time, it is necessary to correctly select and perform interior decoration, maintaining environmental friendliness, naturalness, style and beauty.


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