What is the difference between large garden strawberries and strawberries: growing secrets. What is the difference between strawberries and wild strawberries

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Ruslan, Lipetsk. We are choosing varieties for planting and are faced with the question - what are the differences between strawberries and wild strawberries?
Many gardeners do not know for sure whether there is a difference between strawberries and wild strawberries. But biologists say that these berries are completely different crops. Yes, strawberries and strawberries are close relatives of each other. You can name many similarities between these cultures, but there are also fundamental differences between them. Some of them can even be identified from photographs.

Similarities between strawberries and wild strawberries

Let's start with the similarities. First of all, these cultures are united by belonging to a common genus. Both plants are perennials. There is also a colossal similarity in structure between strawberries and wild strawberries. They are almost identical:

  • sprawling shoots;
  • five-membered flowers;
  • trifoliate leaves;
  • pubescence over the entire surface of the crop.

Attention! Typically, the degree of hairiness of strawberries is slightly higher than that of wild strawberries.

Both cultures also have special formations that are formed from pistils. They are small and look like small nuts. These are the berries that are commonly eaten. But at their core, the fruits of strawberries and wild strawberries are false. In fact, it is a juicy, dense and fleshy receptacle that has grown.

Strawberries and strawberries are often similar in shape

Strawberries are often confused not only because of the similarity of the bushes themselves, but also because of the general properties of the fruit. These crops have berries that are similar not only in color, but also in shape and taste.

The main differences between wild strawberries and strawberries

Along with many common features these plants have a lot of differences. It is much more difficult with them, since only an experienced gardener can identify them. So, strawberries are a bisexual plant, and wild strawberries are bisexual. The flowers of the second crop are distinguished by a large number of stamens and pistils. At the same time, a certain number of strawberry flowers have stamens, while others have only pistils. The flowers of this plant require cross-pollination to bear fruit successfully. In strawberries, they produce this themselves.

Strawberries bear fruit before strawberries

Among other differences between these crops, it is worth noting the difference in the timing of crop ripening. You can enjoy strawberries in the middle of summer. This is somewhat later than the period when it bears fruit. The berries of this plant ripen already in last days June.

Attention! The differences also concern yield indicators. In strawberries it is much higher. Strawberries usually do not allow you to harvest many berries in one season.

Experts also point out differences in the appearance of strawberries and their relatives. The difference is present in the following indicators:

  1. Aroma
  2. Dimensions.
  3. Hue.

Strawberries are very rich and dark in color. Often their shade goes into the violet spectrum. Strawberries are red or scarlet in color. By the way, they are larger and denser. But the pulp of strawberry fruits is much more aromatic.

Both adults and children are looking forward to the arrival of summer, because it is in summer that unusual delicious berries– strawberries and wild strawberries. Undoubtedly, they are similar in appearance, and they belong to the same family - Pink.

By appearance It’s not difficult to distinguish them, but a city dweller who encounters these berries for the first time will be confused.

How to distinguish strawberries from wild strawberries by external signs

Both strawberries and wild strawberries are not only delicious, but also healthy berries. They are distinguished by their sweetness, aroma and bright color. Our ancestors also paid attention to these plants. Today, these berries are used to make jam for the winter, decorate cakes, and in general, garden strawberry and strawberries are a separate dessert at many holidays.

So, let's look at what strawberries are. Strawberries are a perennial herbaceous plant, which can be either wild (forest) or garden. There are about 45 species. Often in winter you can see the green leaves of this berry from under the snow. The name comes from the fact that strawberries are located close to the ground.

External signs strawberries:

The berry is not large (no more than 1 cm in diameter), round in shape;

There is no sharp spout at the end of the fruit;

When you try to bite into the seeds, you can understand that they are very hard;

Ripe strawberry seeds have yellow color, of which there are a lot and they stick out a little;

Even an unripe berry has a sweet taste;

Wild strawberries have the smell of leaves, forest, but at home they lose this aroma;

The fruits ripen on a high stalk (20 cm), and the berries hang to the ground;

Loves shade, most often it can be found in a clearing near tall grass;

The leaves are light green;

Strawberries begin to bloom at the end of May and produce a high yield.

Strawberry leaves are trifoliate, have a long petiole and tendrils (lateral shoots). Every year the number of tendrils increases (this is how the plant reproduces thanks to these shoots). The root has a fibrous system. At temperatures down to -7, the roots freeze; if it’s -15 outside, the strawberries freeze.

Strawberry and its external signs

It is easy to distinguish strawberries from strawberries, but not when both of these berries are grown at home. In the garden, strawberries and strawberries are similar. But when we compare forest berry and garden, here you can already find a lot of differences.

First of all, not all varieties of strawberries are sweet. Many have a sour aftertaste. While strawberries are most often sweet even when unripe. Strawberry flowers are both female and male (strawberries have bisexual flowers). The female ones have only pistils, and the male ones only have stamens. Therefore, for pollination to occur, the insect must transfer pollen from male flower to female.

In principle, gardeners claim that strawberries and wild strawberries are the same thing. Berries are often given a name based on the size of the bush - if the bush is large, then it is a strawberry, if the bush is small, it is a strawberry.

External signs of strawberries:

The berries are large and juicy (diameter 2-5 cm);

The seeds are located deeper than those of strawberries;

Unripe strawberries are white and pink in color and taste like kiwi;

Ripe berry has a pronounced aroma;

The shape of the fruit is elongated, with a slightly pointed nose at the end;

The berries are located on an elongated and thickened stalk (10-12 cm);

The leaves of the plant are large, dark green;

There are fewer tendrils and they are shorter than those of strawberries;

The plant does not like shade.

There are many varieties of strawberries and some of them are completely different. The shoots can be branched, like strawberries, and the fruits will lie on the ground.

What is the difference between growing strawberries and wild strawberries?

Wild strawberries grow and reproduce on their own. However, its incomparable aroma has attracted the attention of many gardeners. Yes, you can grow strawberries in your garden, but remember that the berries will never have that forest smell again. Strawberries are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, which is very beneficial for our body.

No gardener will refuse to have in his yard small area, seated with this berry. Quite often they cannot distinguish garden strawberries from strawberries, but it is worth remembering that strawberry flowers are bisexual, unlike strawberries.

Growing strawberries

High harvest, that’s what else attracts summer residents and residents country houses. In order to successfully grow strawberries, you need to rely on a number of factors.

The easiest way to propagate strawberries is by vegetative means.(dividing the “parent” bush). First of all, you need to think about preparing the soil (the bed needs to be worked deeper). Add humus to each hole and a little wood ash. Then mix the soil thoroughly.

This plant will grow wonderfully in the place where onions or garlic once grew. There is no point in planting it in place of Solanaceae (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants) - you won’t get a harvest.

From one bush you can get up to 15-20 daughter bushes (seedlings). Special care or the plant does not require watering, but trim the tips of the roots before planting. After planting the seedlings, you need to thoroughly water each seedling. It is recommended to water it once a week, and then fluff up the soil.

Disembarkation time – August, or, at the very least, the beginning of September. You shouldn’t plant strawberries later than mid-September, as the plant may simply not have time to prepare for the cold. The seedling takes root quickly - in 4 days in good weather.

Growing strawberries

In order to germinate strawberries on your plot, you don’t need a lot of effort, however, you will still need some recommendations. Remember that strawberries do not like moisture, so be more careful about where they are planted. Just like strawberries, strawberries will not grow in the place of Nightshades. Choose rested soil fertilized with humus.

The width of the bed for this plant should be about 120 cm with 4 rows. Leave the distance between seedlings 30-35 cm. The distance between beds is 40 cm. Do not forget about fertilizer, add humus to each hole.

Before planting seedlings, many experienced gardeners I advise you to keep them for 6-7 days in a cool place (cellar, garage). Make sure that the root collar is vertical when planting. Shorten long roots to 10 cm. After all the seedlings are planted in the ground, be sure to water thoroughly.

Proper care

If it will be proper care, both of these berries will bear fruit for up to 6 years. Loosen the soil, water no more than 2 times a week (young plants need to be watered often until the leaves open). After rain, also remember that the soil needs oxygen. Remove old and dry bushes and leaves. Make sure there are no pests. Mites love the berries very much, so each bush needs to be treated periodically (many gardeners use Aktelik ampoules).

If you planted seedlings in the spring (from April 1 to May 10-15), both wild strawberries and wild strawberries will definitely bloom, but there will be no harvest. Therefore, the flower stalks must be removed. It is recommended to collect berries once every 2 days. Don't overexpose it.

The plant in our gardens, which is often called “strawberry”, is nothing more than garden strawberry. Confusion in the names arose a long time ago, more than 300 years ago, when few people understood botany, and the shape of the berries and the taste of strawberries and strawberries are similar.

In modern botany different kinds Strawberries and strawberries are representatives of the same genus - "Strawberry". Only there are more than 2000 types of strawberries, while strawberries have only a few.

And now - about the differences between the “strawberry” type and the “strawberry” type.

1. Species prevalence.

It is very rare to encounter real strawberries in summer cottages. This species mainly grows wild in clearings, forest edges, among the bushes. In Russia, it is practically not cultivated. Strawberries grow mostly in the shade and are moisture-loving. Strawberries, in turn, have many wild varieties forest species, and garden, cultural forms. And such a common type as garden strawberries, does not exist in the wild.

2. Productivity.

Garden strawberry plants are unisexual, while strawberries contain both pistillate (female) flowers and staminate (male) flowers. From of this property should high yield garden strawberries. Every strawberry plant produces fruit. Strawberry yields are low, since some bushes (male bushes) do not produce berries at all. But male bushes love to reproduce and produce more mustaches than female bushes. A gardener growing strawberries should limit the growth of male bushes because they may crowd out female ones.

3. External differences.

Externally, strawberries are more powerful than garden strawberries; the height of the plant reaches 40 cm. The leaves of strawberries are large, light green, and corrugated. The berries are larger than those of wild strawberries, but smaller than those of garden strawberries. The taste of strawberries and strawberries directly depends on their variety and growing conditions. However, strawberries have a specific musky aroma.

4. Growing conditions and frost resistance.

The high winter hardiness of strawberries allows it to survive even snowless, harsh winters. Strawberries love moisture and require watering, unlike garden strawberries. In the heat, strawberry leaves wither, while garden strawberries do not suffer from elevated temperatures. Shaded area - the best place strawberry growth.

5. Reproduction.

Both strawberries and wild strawberries reproduce by runners. However, in strawberries they are shorter, and fewer of them are formed than in strawberries. Crossing between strawberries and wild strawberries practically does not occur, since the species differ in the number of chromosomes.

This is how the strawberry jam turned out.

Choose for yourself whether to cook it only from strawberries or strawberries, or make a mix!

Strawberries and wild strawberries are 2 different types plants that belong to the same family Rosaceae, the genus Strawberry. They are different in appearance, have different tastes, different terms maturation. Next we will describe in detail how strawberries differ from wild strawberries.

What are strawberries

Strawberries, which are grown in gardens, have two varieties:

  • garden;
  • musky.

IN wildlife strawberries grow:

  • forest;
  • meadow

Strawberry is a small bush (20-30 cm in height) with fibrous roots. Over time, the rhizome grows widely around, forming young growths (horns) every season.

Strawberries have three types of shoots:

  • Annual stem - horn. In spring, the horn grows rapidly and turns into a miniature berry bush with a flower bud on the top and a rosette of several leaves.
  • Flowering shoots. They grow in the second season from a flower bud. A flower and a berry are formed on them.
  • Mustache. They begin to grow actively after flowering ends. A daughter rosette is formed on the antennae. Moreover, initially it just hangs in the air without roots (then touching the ground they begin to take root). Then a whisker grows again from the first rosette and a daughter of the second order appears on it. The process continues with rosettes of the third order, etc. If you stop controlling the spread of the tendrils, the plant is capable of covering the entire area with a carpet, since one plant can produce from 20 to 100 such shoots in a season. Therefore, during the entire growing season, you should cut off the mustache 4-5 times.

What are strawberries

The bright green leaves are ovate, toothed, and heavily pubescent with hairs. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 5-12 flowers, depending on the age of the bush. The buds themselves are quite large (2.5 cm in diameter), unisexual. Pollination depends entirely on insects. From flowering (May) to harvesting (June) it takes only 2-2.5 months.

At the time of planting, a young seedling has 2-4 horns, and by the end of the season it has about 10 of them. Old bushes can have 30 or more of these horns. The yield depends on the number of horns.

Description and differences between meadow and forest strawberries

Wild strawberries grow in the forest, closer to the edge (where the sun peeks). Its fruits begin to ripen early, by the end of June. The ripe berry has very tender, red flesh and a rich musky honey aroma. Moreover, even unripe berries smell. The ripe berry is easily removed from the stalk, so the crop does not need to be peeled again. The berries have many hard seeds. Due to excessive softness, the berries are prone to caking. Therefore, it would be correct to collect them in wide baskets.

Wild strawberries can be successfully grown on summer cottage. It takes root well and grows in shaded areas. It is undesirable to plant wild berries next to their cultivated relatives, as they can be pollinated, which will affect the quality and quantity of the harvest of garden hybrids.

The berry is rich in many useful substances and microelements:

  • iron;
  • pectin (up to 1.7%);
  • tannins (up to 0.25% in leaves and up to 9.4% in roots);
  • ascorbic acid (about 90 mg 100 g);
  • carotene;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • chromium.

Wild strawberry

A close relative of the forest strawberry, the meadow strawberry, grows in sunny meadows. It tastes sweeter than forest and has no bitterness. The berries are round, weighing about 2 g. Until fully ripe, the calyx fits tightly around the fruit, and in a ripe berry it turns outward. It is better to pick berries that are not quite ripe, but for now their color is pink with white and greenish spots. But it should be understood that the berries are picked together with the stalks, after which the collected fruits are sorted and cleaned. The ripe berry has a burgundy-red color. The transportability of meadow strawberries is higher than that of forest strawberries. In appearance and taste, the berry resembles garden strawberries.

Difference between strawberries and wild strawberries

These two berries differ in the following parameters:

  • strawberries are unisexual (bushes can be either male or female), and strawberries are bisexual (one bush has both male and female flowers);
  • the sepal of strawberry very easily comes away from the berry, but in strawberry it is firmly attached to the fruit;
  • ripe strawberries are entirely red, very sweet and aromatic, and the strawberry inside is always white, even if the outside is bright burgundy, and the berry itself is sour;
  • Strawberry fruits are very soft, while strawberries hold their shape well and are well transported.

Strawberries also produce much fewer runners and, accordingly, are less productive.

What is the difference between wild strawberries and wild strawberries?

Wild strawberries (or nutmeg strawberries) grow in the forest on the edges or along roads. The bushes are low (about 12 cm in height), almost barbelless. The fruits are spherical and small. The color of the berries is pink, turning to red at the top. There are also pale yellow varieties. The smell is weak, nutmeg. Whereas strawberries have red, somewhat elongated, very rich aroma. And the bushes themselves are twice as tall.

Wild strawberry

The difference between strawberries and garden strawberries

Garden strawberries can be distinguished from strawberries by the size of the berries. For example, the Victoria variety: its fruits are 10 times larger than berries strawberries Unlike strawberries, garden strawberries produce more runners. The attachment of the sepals is also different. In the first one it sits tightly on the berry. These species also have different generic characteristics.

Strawberry-strawberry hybrid

Zemklunika is the name given to a hybrid of strawberries and wild strawberries. It was bred by a domestic breeder - Kantor Tatyana. We managed to get a plant with best properties"parents". The fruit, like a strawberry, is sweet and aromatic, like a strawberry, large and dense. It was also possible to adjust winter hardiness and disease resistance.

The bushes turned out to be similar to strawberry bushes, but much more lush and larger. Very good yield - up to 1 kg of berries per bush.

The best varieties

The most popular varieties today:

  • Anastasia;
  • Diana;
  • Strawberry;
  • Chit;
  • Merchant's wife;
  • Muscat Biryulevskaya;
  • Nadezhda Zagoriya;
  • Penelope;
  • Raisa;
  • Report;
  • Student;
  • Candied Nutmeg.

Of the above varieties, the largest-fruited one is Kupchikha. The hybrid needs good lighting and frequent watering. Due to the size of the bush, plantings should be less frequent than the parent plants.


In 2018, new high-yielding varieties were developed, such as:

  • Alba;
  • Christina;
  • Honey.

Raspberry with strawberry flavor

There cannot be a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries. Strawberries are herbaceous plants, and raspberries are shrubs. But in East Asia, a variety of raspberries with strawberry flavor grows under natural conditions - this is strawberry-raspberry. She also owns the following names:

  • seductive;
  • Chinese;
  • Tibetan;
  • Himalayan;
  • strawberry;
  • strawberry;
  • dwarf;
  • rosaline or roseleaf.

In addition to the pleasant taste of the berries, the bush itself has decorative value. It has beautiful rose-like leaves and lovely large white flowers. This variety is characterized by the simultaneous presence on the bush of both flowers and large bright pink fruits that taste like strawberries. True, the berries are not suitable for transportation and therefore it is almost impossible to find them on sale.

What are green manures?

Green manures are plants that are capable of growing green mass several times per season. The tops are mowed and left in place, they rot and enrich the soil. Each crop has its own green manure.

Plants have the following influence on the soil:

  • improve the quality of soil structure;
  • prevent the growth of weeds;
  • enrich the soil with the elements necessary for subsequent plantings;
  • promote the proliferation of necessary microorganisms;
  • saturate the soil with humus;
  • free the earth from pathogenic microbes and pests.

What are strawberry green manures?

Predecessor of strawberry

On limited garden plot It is difficult to maintain crop rotation or even leave some part of it fallow. We have to look for other ways to restore depleted land. This also applies to planting garden strawberries. In one area, it bears maximum fruit within 4-5 years. Then the berry bed needs to be updated. But before that, a new site should be prepared. These can be beds after:

  • beans or other legumes;
  • parsley or celery;
  • garlic and onions;
  • carrots, radishes or corn.

Interesting! To save space in the garden plot, it is very convenient to plant strawberries in car tires. They are installed in tiers. In addition to saving space, the yield increases and the care of plantings becomes easier.

Green manure for garden strawberries

It is recommended to first grow green manure at the intended planting site for garden strawberries.

For garden berries The best solutions to this problem are:

  • rape;
  • lupine;
  • radish;
  • buckwheat;
  • Vika;
  • phacelia;
  • oats;
  • mustard.

Green manure for garden strawberries

During the summer, the planted crop should be mowed several times, and there is no need to remove the grass. Just as it rots, it will enrich the soil with humus. It will be even better if several different crops are planted on the site in turn during the season, each of which will perform its own function. For example: legumes release nitrogen, mustard and rapeseed release phosphorus, buckwheat release potassium.

Note! Mustard and rapeseed are good phytosanitary plants, oats cope remarkably well with nematodes, and calendula and marigolds cope with verticillium.

A lightweight option for preparing a site for planting berries

There is also an accelerated option to prepare the site for planting berry crops. To quickly restore the soil, you can immediately sow some kind of green manure crop immediately after harvesting Solanaceae and mow it several times before winter; you can also uproot an old berry bed and sow it with fast-growing green manure.

Strawberry Neighbors

When planting different crops, their proximity should be taken into account, since plants can interfere with each other’s full growth and development, or they can also have a beneficial effect.

Garden strawberries respond well to proximity to garlic, parsley, and marigold flowers. You should not plant raspberries in close proximity. Over the course of a season, she grows many root shoots that will sprout in the strawberry bed. In addition, they will absorb moisture and useful material at the berry bushes.

Is it possible to plant strawberries next to strawberries? Plants can be planted next to each other. Without scientific intervention, they will not pollinate among themselves. But if they are close together, they can germinate on each other’s territory with the help of their mustaches.

Strawberry Victoria

Gardeners' experience in growing strawberries Victoria

Gardeners advise adding one new bed each year when planting. After five years, the first plantings are uprooted and will no longer produce a harvest. Thus, at the same time there will be 5 plantings of different ages in the garden. Of these, 3- and 4-year-old berries are the most productive.

Selection of planting material

If you plan to plant a garden bed with your own planting material, you need to stake out more productive bushes in advance. Plants with many large and uniformly sized fruits are the most productive. This is where you should take the mustache for your new garden bed. As soon as he appeared suitable material- he is immediately transplanted. The most good sockets- first order. The second and subsequent daughters will be weaker. But they also take root, especially if transplanted in June-July.

Important! Upon landing young bush the growing point should be level with the ground.

Frequently encountered difficulties

A frequently occurring problem: the bush blooms, but there are no berries. The reason may be:

  • frostbite of the stigma;
  • weed variety;
  • lack of pollination.

To prevent such a problem gardening work need to start in early spring. Main spring events:

  • clearing beds of last year's grass;
  • loosening;
  • feeding;
  • mulching.

Strawberries and strawberries have a variety distinctive features. Climatic conditions middle zone Russia is quite suitable for cultivating most of the currently existing varieties of these berry crops.


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