What is the difference between polyurethane foam, foam rubber and polyurethane foam: marketing tricks or consumer deception? Difference between polyurethane foam and polyurethane – Polyurethane foam materials. What is the difference between light and rigid polyurethane foam

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IN Lately Many people are thinking about insulating their home. Some insulate the entire house, while others only insulate the balcony, but everyone is faced with the question of choosing the material for the work.

There are expensive and cheap insulation materials, which ones are best? The comparative ease of installation and reasonable price leads us to two main materials - polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam. Both are types of foam and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which is better - polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam?

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene

Ordinary expanded polystyrene absorbs moisture relatively well, so you should use glue with a higher density. Expanded polystyrene is a regular foam plastic that everyone is familiar with. It has been used for several years now and all its pros and cons have long been known. At its core, it is 98% air bubbles enclosed in 2% polystyrene.

There are two types of expanded polystyrene - regular (foamed) and extruded. Due to its higher density, the latter has better thermophysical properties, it is stronger and more durable.

Both types of foam are available in the form of slabs of various thicknesses. How to distinguish one from the other? Try breaking off a piece from the edge of the slab. Cheap, packing foam will have small balls along the break. High-quality, extruded polystyrene foam will show regular polyhedra when broken.

The main advantages of polystyrene foam include the following:

The advantages of extruded polystyrene foam compared to conventional polystyrene foam are:

Note: Insulation of premises with polystyrene from the inside is prohibited. Moisture (condensation) accumulates very quickly between the insulation and the walls, which leads to fungal infection and accelerated destruction of the building.

Among the disadvantages, the following should be noted:
  • water-absorbing properties of ordinary polystyrene foam - wet polystyrene foam reduces its thermal insulation properties and becomes unusable faster;
  • short service life - only 10-15 years;
  • rodents often make their nests in it;
  • destruction under influence external factors- the slightest exposure to sunlight through poor-quality plaster begins to destroy the insulation;
  • deformation during use;
  • fire hazard - burns well, releases enough when burning a large number of toxic substances.

Note: already at 60 degrees, polystyrene foam is susceptible to decay, so it is not worth using it for roof insulation. in summer southern regions The roof can easily heat up to 100 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam Polyurethane foam is known as ordinary foam rubber. In everyday life we ​​often see soft ones, but in construction we use hard ones. This material has a closed cell structure; the slabs are produced with an edge, which simplifies and reduces the cost of installation. The use of special components makes this material fireproof.

In addition to slabs, it is produced in the form of foam, which is applied to the surface using special equipment. Thanks to the use of foam, “thermal bridges” will be completely absent, and the coating will be continuous.

Note: polyurethane foam, unlike expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, does not require vapor barrier. The water absorption rate is 12-15 times less than that of conventional polystyrene foam.

The main advantages of using polyurethane foam:

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam:

  • the price is higher than polystyrene foam;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

What to choose

Unfortunately no ideal material, which will suit absolutely everyone. Not suitable for some due to high price polyurethane foam, some will not be satisfied with the service life of polystyrene foam. Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons, but keep in mind that the disadvantages are not complete contraindications for use. Knowing the properties of insulation, you can do optimal choice and not regret later about the money spent.

For example, if you want to insulate a garage or wooden house on the site, choose cheaper polystyrene foam. 10-15 years of foam service life will be quite enough for this type of building. If funds allow, purchase extruded polystyrene foam. Just don't forget that ultra-violet rays destroy the foam.

If you want to improve the thermal insulation of your house or apartment by long years- It would be wise to choose polyurethane foam. The costs will be higher, but you will enjoy the benefits of insulating your home for many years to come. Higher costs for high-quality installation will pay off over time.

Foam rubber or polyurethane foam? - Which is better?

There is an opinion that if as a filler upholstered furniture If foam rubber is used, then the service life of such furniture is significantly lower than if the filler is polyurethane foam! Is this really so?!?

Does the person who asks the question: “What’s inside your sofa - foam rubber or polyurethane foam?” know what this foam rubber and polyurethane foam are? Probably no. You will ask why?

Because foam rubber and polyurethane foam are the same thing!!!

The word foam rubber originates from the times of the USSR. In the Soviet Union, polyurethane foam, used for the manufacture of upholstered furniture, and not only, was mainly from a Scandinavian company called « Porolon", where the common noun foam rubber comes from.

Foam rubber (polyurethane foam or PPU) is a soft polyurethane fine-cell foam used as a softening, supporting and insulating material with good elasticity and breathability.

Foam rubber (PPU) is safe material, with many positive qualities: retains its elastic properties over a wide temperature range, does not emit dust, is hypoallergenic, does not mold.

After the collapse of the USSR, many companies producing foam rubber appeared in Russia. The quality of the material they produced often left much to be desired: apart from polyurethane foam of 22 and 25 densities (not designed for load), no one produced anything at all. Therefore, the foam rubber on the sofas during this period of time failed very quickly. But quantity gradually grew into quality. Foam rubber manufacturing companies grew, absorbed each other, turning into large manufacturing enterprises, and as a result, today in the territory of the European part of Russia they can be counted on one hand, the range of foam rubber they produce has expanded significantly, and the quality has reached the European level.

Nowadays, you can also buy low-quality upholstered furniture, but this no longer depends on the lack good stuff on the polyurethane foam market, but directly from the manufacturer of this furniture. To reduce the cost of their furniture, some manufacturers use cheap brands of foam rubber that are not designed for load. For example, the most common inexpensive sofas today are considered “Eurobooks”; the price of such a sofa with high-quality polyurethane foam can hardly be less than 12 - 14 thousand rubles from the manufacturer (in the first category of fabric), and 16 - 19 thousand in a store. If it’s cheaper, think about it, because everyone knows about free cheese.

Today at production program manufacturers of polyurethane foam, a wide range of grades: standard (ST), with increased rigidity(EL), hard (HL), soft (HS), highly elastic with increased comfort(HR), plus special grades: viscous (with memory), fireproof, sound-absorbing, etc. The differences between brands are large, take for example three brands of standard foam rubber: ST 1932, ST 2536, ST 3542. The numbers in the brand mean the physical and mechanical characteristics of elastic polyurethane foam, the first two are density, the second are hardness. So this is the scope of application of the ST 1932 brand - packaging and decorative elements; ST 2536 - headrests, mattress with a load of up to 60 kg, backrest with a load of 60-80 kg; ST 3542 - seat and mattress with a load of 80-100 kg. This means that if we put ST 2536 brand on the sofa seat, it will last much less time than ST3542. Well, for expensive sofas it is best to use brands HR, HL, HS.

I hope we have dispelled the misconception that “foam rubber is worse than polyurethane foam.”

Comparison of polyurethane foam and penoizol, their physical and chemical properties, service life and cost

When to choose insulation material for own home, many people wonder which material to choose? How to find the best, but at the same time affordable material that will be harmless to health and easy to install.


Penoizol is a urea-formaldehyde foam, abbreviated as KFP. Universal thermal insulation material, which became widespread in the 1930s in Germany. There it was actively used almost everywhere until the 50s. KFP is a foam material white, which in appearance resembles extruded polystyrene foam. So, if you run a finger over a chip, for example, it crumbles. The material is odorless, does not emit toxic substances and is therefore considered quite safe. The composition of penoizol has a homogeneous fine-cell structure. In our country, this insulation, depending on its manufacturer, can be called differently: penoizol, mipora, unipol, mettemplast.

Characteristics of penoizol

The production technology of penoizol is relatively simple, and the cost of such material is quite low when compared with other heat insulators. Using special equipment that mixes various insulation components, foam is obtained, which is filled either into a mold or directly into its future location, for example, into the space between walls, floors, cracks and other elements of the building. When the material finally hardens, a white thermal insulation layer with a density of 9 to 25 kg/m3 is obtained. I must say, it is a very convenient and relatively inexpensive technology.

Polyurethane foam

What is the difference between penoizol and polyurethane foam, which is a distant relative of penoizol?

Polyurethane foam – polymer material, which is a type of plastic, which was also discovered in Germany in 1947 by a German chemist named Bayer. This insulation is obtained through the reaction of two and sometimes more components. Polyurethane foams are divided into rigid, elastic and integral. However, for us in this case Of particular interest is rigid polyurethane foam, which has become widespread as a reliable construction insulation for buildings and private houses. Rigid PU foam, like penoizols, has a fine cellular structure, but has a higher density - from 25 kg/m3 and higher, as well as increased elasticity, which makes it more durable, for example, it does not crumble or crumble.

Comparison of polyurethane foam and penoizol

Impact on human and animal health

Penoizol, according to manufacturers, has passed numerous safety tests and is completely neutral in its effects on the body for both humans and animals, as evidenced by numerous certificates. However, in some states of America and Canada, legislation prohibits the use of CPF as a potentially hazardous material. There is a similar ban in a number of European countries. The fact is that during the polymerization of urea foam, formaldehyde is released, which is harmful to the health of both people and animals. It must be said that the debate between scientists and manufacturers regarding the safety of urea-formaldehyde foam plastics still does not subside and therefore there is no definitive answer to the question of the safety of CPF. The only thing that can be said is that it can be reduced possible risks Formaldehyde vapor emissions can be reduced by using inside vapor barrier walls.

If we talk about polyurethane foam, then in matters of safety it has certificates and conclusions that prove its harmless effect on living organisms, as well as on environment. In terms of the use of polyurethane foam, no other country in the world has such prohibitions as penoizol has.

Fire safety

If speak about fire safety, then penoizols belong to the flammability class G2, that is, they are not capable of spontaneous combustion. Polyurethane foams belong to the flammability class G3 and G4, which means in the range of open fire they are low-flammability and self-extinguishing.

Water permeability

The percentage of moisture absorption in penoizols is quite high, approximately 18-20%, from which we can conclude that such heat insulators are afraid of moisture. At excess humidity penoizol begins to deteriorate, so it requires additional steam and moisture insulation.

Polyurethane foams have minimal water permeability due to their closed-cell structure, so thermal insulation made from polyurethane foam will not only perfectly retain heat, but will also provide good anti-corrosion protection, protection from moisture, mold and fungi. It is also worth noting that condensation does not form on polyurethane foam surfaces.

Thermal insulation of foam insulation and polyurethane foam

High-quality penoizol has good thermal conductivity - up to 0.030 W/m K, but the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is about 0.021 W/m K.

Strength of polyurethane foam and penoizol

In terms of strength, penoizol is inferior to polyurethane foam, since it is a much more fragile material. But polyurethane foam is quite durable and at the same time elastic material, which is perfectly capable of withstanding, for example, shrinkage of the building, walking and other mechanical impacts.

Prices for penoizol and polyurethane foam

If we compare penoizol with polyurethane foam in terms of cost, then the first place will be taken by carbamide foam, which is an order of magnitude cheaper than polyurethane foam technology, however, its physicochemical qualities are lower than those of polyurethane foam...

Service life of penoizol and polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam darkens when exposed to UV rays. Under " open air", the service life of polyurethane foam will be approximately 15 years. If the polyurethane foam is protected from sunlight, its service life in this case will be more than 50 years. It is also worth noting that polyurethane foam has good frost resistance - up to 300 cycles, while optimal temperature for the use of penoizols it is from 0 to + 40 degrees Celsius.

If the recommended construction technologies are followed, foam insulation, as the manufacturers themselves say, can last about 50 years. However, this is far from reality. As practice shows, penoizol in most cases turns to dust after 3-5 years.

What is better to buy and what is the best way to insulate a building?

The conclusions in favor of choosing penoizol or polyurethane foam, in our opinion, are obvious. Here, either save money and use foam insulation masses for insulation, or spend more and get reliable thermal insulation for many years... Of course, polyurethane foam, despite the fact that it is more expensive, is more profitable solution, when it comes to high-quality insulation of buildings, warehouses and private houses!

The main misconception of 90% of consumers is their understanding of what is actually inside the chair. What is soft filling? Foam rubber - many will answer. But it's not right. Foam rubber is an outdated name for what is truly called polyurethane foam, or easier to pronounce - PPU. Why is this so important? Simply for the reason that many manufacturers or ordinary mass marketing distributors finished products According to the “buy and sell” principle, they pay attention to the advantages of their upholstered furniture, losing sight of the most significant features.

For example, some manufacturers, taking into account the consumer’s ignorance of what foam rubber actually is, compare their polyurethane foam with a sample of another brand. At the same time, the definition of “foam rubber” is no longer acceptable for a person who actually knows everything about his “quality” products. After all, this definition in mass use dates back to Soviet times, when the only production of polyurethane foam was of Scandinavian origin, the company was called “Porolon”, which is why the name is foam rubber. In fact, foam rubber is, in its chemical composition, porous, soft and elastic polyurethane foam.

To compare the incorrectness of reasoning, we can cite as an example a more understandable definition for all mothers. The same misconception applies to baby diapers, which everyone now calls “diapers” after the type of the first company, which for the first time in the post-Soviet space offered its products to children. Pampers is the name of the company, but among the people it has become the definition of diapers as such.

PPU for chairs - what is special?

It doesn't matter what you call what's inside the chair. After all, such material still remains soft, and in most cases, it does not affect the quality in any way. finished product, some readers will think. And here is the second mistake. Returning to the fact that unscrupulous manufacturers compare their “PPU” with increased wear-resistant characteristics with another, lower-quality “foam rubber” of lower quality, it is worth saying that this is another marketing ploy.

Most buyers associate foam rubber with a dishwashing sponge. This is the main mistake. If there really is a washcloth inside the chair, then such a product will last a maximum of 2-3 months.

You cannot compare two polyurethane foams and say that one is a great product. own production, called, and the second is simple foam rubber. At the same time, the manufacturer casually says that polyurethane foam contains an increased amount of acrylic, elastane and other ultra-modern components, but foam rubber does not have such elements, because it is simple foam rubber, what can you take from it?

In fact, if you look at Wikipedia, it becomes clear that under two supposedly different concepts we are presented with the same product. It may differ, but definitely not in name. After all, in essence, polyurethane foam is produced according to the same principle - just like bread fits in the oven, it is baked and poured into the required shapes. The only difference is the production of molded foam rubber, which you can read about in ours.

Polyurethane foam differs in:

  • density – from 30 to 80;
  • elasticity, which is more or less, depending on the admixture of elastane or acrylic;
  • sizes - rolled, molded or plates;
  • markings - from standard ST brands to premium BSD Elite and HR.

Why do you, as a buyer, need to know all these features? Simply because when choosing the right chair, many simply lose sight of such fundamental points. One very beautiful and stylish product in the store costs only 2,500 thousand hryvnia, and the second is already 6 thousand. What do you think? That's right - the manufacturer set its own inflated price. You can’t argue, some really do this, using their name, but more often than not, behind such a price is the work of an entire team that develops a definitely high-quality product.

Polyurethane foam in Barsky chairs: how is it different from the rest?

Having decided on marketing tricks on the Ukrainian market, it’s time to study the features of using polyurethane foam in Barsky chairs. On the YouTube channel you can clearly study how a cheap Chinese-made chair differs from our models.

In fact, an inexpensive chair is the use of the simplest and most inexpensive production technologies. The same low-density and rigidity polyurethane foam is used for all furniture areas. In other words, they are cut out individual elements structures from one roll of polyurethane foam and are superimposed on the right places. What's wrong with this method?

  1. The polyurethane foam shrinks all over, because there is not one hard base and another soft one, as is the case in Barsky chairs.
  2. After 2-3 months, a visual change in the soft seat will be visible: the places of greatest load are clearly visible on the chair - the gluteal position and back pressure.
  3. It is impossible to return the soft filler to its previous shape - it is hopelessly deformed.

The belief that polyurethane foam strongly absorbs moisture is incorrect. In comparison, the percentage of moisture saturation of penoizol is 12%, polystyrene foam is 10%, mineral wool is 18%, and polyurethane foam 60 mm is only 2%, 80 mm is 1%.

What kind of PPU does Barsky use? This is a unique sandwich system, which involves the distribution of zoning and degree of load across areas of the chair:

  • the side parts of the chair are made of inserts of more voluminous but soft polyurethane foam to create seating comfort;
  • the central parts of the chair, where the load is highest and where the PU foam is subject to strong compression – wear-resistant BSD Elite or HS (blue or green);
  • lower part – dense with high rigidity secondary polyurethane foam, thickness either 40 or 60;
  • the upper part is polyurethane foam marked (depending on the model) BSD Elite, NS and ST;
  • On top of all these layers, thin non-woven fabric is pasted over, which prevents the upholstery materials from slipping.

Why use such technologies? In order for the load to be distributed as naturally as possible, and the next time the consumer sits in the chair, he does not notice that the shrinkage is happening too clearly and rapidly. Nothing can last forever, but inexpensive chairs using one foam rubber for all zones is an unjustified waste.


Elastic and soft polyurethane foam, used for ultra-modern models of chairs for managers, gamers or office workers. Polyurethane foam is popular due to the increased percentage of elastane content.

BSD Elite or EL 32 40

In this context, we can boast that none of the Ukrainian manufacturers uses such expensive material for the top layer of soft chair filling. Many people prefer to save on the quality of materials, choosing options that are simpler in characteristics with a maximum density of 20 and a thickness of 10 mm.


Suitable for even the most budget options our chairs. This does not mean that it is worse than the above options, it just contains less elastane and has a lower density (35). But even our minimum parameters are higher than the maximum values ​​of other manufacturers, which better case They use ST grade polyurethane foam with a hardness of 20 and a density of 30.

Safety of polyurethane foam: flammability

Not least important is the issue of safety of the polyurethane foam used. The fact that the area of ​​​​application of an easy chair is not limited solely to work and watching movies cannot be disputed. Many consumers use such furniture in the most non-standard areas, which we will not delve into.

However, such chairs should be as safe as possible. As statistics say, quality easy chair is not subject to fire in 85% of cases. What does this mean? The fact that even a cigarette butt quietly left on the seat of a chair will not cause spontaneous combustion. In particular, this belief concerns the use of the Software model. Foam rubber is treated with a special safe impregnation, which does not allow flames and smoldering to appear. Of course, the appearance of the product will be hopelessly damaged, but in general, the defects are removable.

So, to summarize, it is important to note that buyer knowledge in the field furniture production its full extent will not be required. But you need to know the features of chair production and the main parameters for assessing quality. Familiarized means armed. It is worth understanding that every manufacturer will praise their products, but in some cases such reasoning is, to put it mildly, false. We, as a responsible Ukrainian manufacturer, will try to consider with you the most important and necessary points.

New leather soft sofa for a beautiful living room

Many, having completed renovations in their apartment, purchase new upholstered furniture, if funds, of course, allow. But the choice must be right. In addition to durability, cozy appearance, transformation mechanism, you should pay attention to the filling and ask the seller what the “filling” of the sofa is. How comfortable you will be depends on this. Nowadays there are a lot of fillers, you need to have an idea about some of them, their quality, quality factor, how long furniture with such a filler can last.

Types of fillers for upholstered furniture

Furniture manufacturers often use polyurethane foam (PUF) as filling. Lots of box spring sofas. Buyers are sometimes confused as to which is better, a spring or polyurethane foam, and cannot make a choice.

Blue orthopedic sofa with spring block in section

Sectional view of a sofa with polyurethane foam with a list of materials and components

Filler – polyurethane foam for orthopedic mattresses and upholstered furniture

Before choosing a sofa, let’s find out what polyurethane foam is. This is a synthetic porous substance consisting of cells filled with air. During its manufacture liquid composition foams, then hardens. Polyurethane foam is 90% air and has thermal insulation properties. PPU is the same foam rubber, it is used almost everywhere - as a filler for furniture, toys for children, sponges for dishes, washcloths and much more are made from it.

Foam rubber sheet to give softness to products

It is widely used as a filler due to its compactness; this property gives softness and elasticity to the product. It is produced in the form of small sheets - this is foam rubber, and also in the form of quite strong and massive slabs - this is polyurethane foam. If the material is of poor quality, it will quickly become unusable and begin to crumble. Then it needs to be replaced.

Advantages and disadvantages

Elastic polyurethane foam is used in the furniture and automotive industries

Polyurethane foam has pros and cons. Let's look at the positive properties.

  1. The main quality is that dust does not accumulate in it, it is completely hypoallergenic. This ability has important for those who are prone to allergies.
  2. During production, it is treated with an antibacterial and antifungal agent, so it does not cause harm to health.
  3. Can last for a long time, has wear resistance.
  4. Has good breathability.
  5. Thanks to its elasticity, it instantly restores its original shape.

Imprint of hand shape after pressing on viscoelastic polyurethane foam

There are also negative properties

  1. Often you come across poor quality polyurethane foam - it will quickly lose its original shape, and the furniture will quickly sag.
  2. The material does not tolerate straight Sun rays, begins to deform. During production, upholstery made of light-protecting materials is used.
  3. Polyurethane foam is a flammable substance and releases toxic substances when burned.
  4. For many high density PU foam may seem hard.
  5. Excessive softness of the material can cause back problems, and in children - curvature of the spine, so it is better for them to sleep on a hard surface.

Polyurethane foam or spring block? Which sofa filler is “best”?

Upholstered furniture based on an independent spring block

Enough time has passed since spring blocks were replaced by materials that are used as filler for upholstered furniture - latex, holofiber, polyurethane foam, padding polyester. But what is better - a spring block or polyurethane foam?

Filling the accordion sofa on a metal frame

Comfort This property is important for any furniture, no matter what function it performs. It is important when you lie down that pits do not appear, then there is definitely no time for rest, but instead of a restful sleep you will look for a comfortable position. The load must be distributed equally over the entire base. What can you say about PPU? It holds its shape well, has excellent elasticity, and adapts to the contour of the human body. Withstands a lot of weight and instantly takes on its original appearance. If the material is of sufficient quality, it will serve for a long time.
Spring blocks There are dependent and independent. In the first version, the springs are intertwined and have long gone out of use. It is simply unbearable to lie on such a foundation; if you press on one spring, it will pull all the others. The second option allows you to have a great rest; in such blocks, each individual spring is packed in a bag, the load in this case is distributed evenly.
Thoroughness. Undoubtedly, PPU - durable material. It does not accumulate dust, has excellent breathability, and is harmless. Furniture with such filling will last for many years if used for its intended purpose. But if you often jump on such a sofa, which children especially love to do, then it will quickly lose its elasticity.

The same applies to spring blocks; not everyone can withstand such loads, especially inexpensive option. Economy class furniture will creak and springs will come out through the upholstery. On the sofas High Quality A sufficient number of intermediate layers are placed between the spring block and the upholstery material, so the springs always remain in place.

Price. Furniture with spring blocks costs more than with polyurethane foam. But it all depends on the quality of the material. Therefore, think carefully before you buy a cheaper sofa, otherwise the joy of the purchase will turn into big problems. Be sure to ask the seller what kind of filler is inside and what quality it is. After all, it depends on how long the furniture can serve you, whether it will be comfortable, comfortable to sit on or sleep on, so that the original appearance remains the same for as long as possible.

No one will answer the question “What is better?” Each filler has advantages and disadvantages. It's up to you to decide what you prefer.

The best springless synthetic fillers

  • Many furniture manufacturers prefer to use polyurethane foam because it is an affordable material and easy to work with. There are two types - cast and block. In the first case, special forms are filled out necessary composition, similar in thickness to sour cream. After it hardens, it will turn out required form. In the second case, the sheets are cut into layers required thickness and sizes and stick together.

Furniture polyurethane foam - affordable and comfortable material for frameless furniture

  • Synthetic down. The spiral-shaped fiber, made of silicone, restores its previous shape after compression in a matter of minutes. It has such properties as good quality and reliability. It is mainly used for stuffing furniture pillows, as a filler for backrests and armrests.

Synthetic down – artificial material future

  • Sintepon. Non-woven, very lightweight material which is made from polyester fibers. The substance is hypoallergenic, so furniture with synthetic padding as a filler is used in children's rooms and is suitable for people prone to allergies. They also stuff pillows and use them in making clothes. Eco-friendly material, does not wear out for a long time, is resistant to various fungi, has water-repellent properties, is safe.

Synthetic winterizer is a material suitable for people suffering from allergies.

  • Periotec. Looks like weightless, plump felt, is safe for allergy sufferers, and may contain wool or cotton fibers. The density of such furniture can be normal or high.

PerioTek filler is an elastic, voluminous and durable material

  • Quilted jacket. This is, in fact, a layer of cotton wool 5-10 cm thick, located between layers consisting of dense fabric. Furniture with such filling is soft, but there is no elasticity.

Padded padding for the manufacture of upholstered furniture

The best springless natural fillers

Any filler that is used in the production of upholstered furniture or mattresses has its own properties.

  • Natural latex. It is made from the sap of the rubber tree using individual technology. It is foamed, resulting in the formation of cells, so it “breathes”. Excellent heat and moisture conductivity, solid material, very high quality. Shelf life is approximately 10 years. Instantly returns to its original shape after heavy loads. There is only one drawback - the very high price.

Latex mattress - high quality, comfortable and safe

  • Horsehair. Excellent filler. The horse's mane is treated with latex. This is done to ensure that the material is elastic and long-lasting, moisture-resistant, and breathable. High quality filler, but expensive. Not suitable for people prone to allergies.

Horsehair for the production of upholstered furniture and mattresses

  • Coconut coir. Fibers are produced from the coconut intercarp; just like horsehair, they are treated with latex to make them elastic and strong. In addition, they also have antibacterial properties, are hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, do not rot, and are breathable. Furniture with such filling is perfect even for small children.

Coconut filling for children's mattress

  • Sea grass. The most environmentally friendly filler. During manufacturing, the raw material is combined with jute. The furniture has sufficient rigidity, which is beneficial for the back and maintaining the health of the spine. In addition, this filler strengthens the immune system and normalizes sleep, as it contains iodine and various minerals.

Useful and healing filler for upholstered furniture - sea grass

  • Bamboo fiber. Produced from young bamboo shoots. The material is able to absorb water vapor, allow air to pass through, and has anti-allergic and antibacterial properties. It is not subject to rotting and does not deform for a long time.

Bamboo fiber is ideal for mattress covers, blankets and pillows

  • Camel's wool. Excellent breathable material, can absorb static electricity. Not suitable for people prone to allergies.

Camel wool is an excellent warm filling material for blankets, pillows, blankets, mattress covers and winter mattress options.

  • Felt. Made from sheep's wool. Has good thermal conductivity. One of the disadvantages is that it can accumulate moisture, which can cause mold to appear.

Natural felt for furniture and other industries

How to choose the right PU foam filler. What is that in the sofa

High-quality and durable polyurethane foam fillers

Not every PPU has good quality. Only excellent polyurethane foam has the necessary properties. There is no need to make a difference between foam rubber and polyurethane foam - these are identical materials to each other. The difference lies in function, cost, properties, category. Before choosing furniture, be sure to ask about its density - it should be from 30 kg/m3. Accordingly, the higher the compaction, the higher the quality and cost.

Sofa with PPU filling on frame

The thickness of the material should not be overlooked. The normal figure is four centimeters. It happens that, in order to save money, a filler with a thickness of 3 or 2 cm is used. It is better to ignore furniture with a filler of this thickness. How resilient and hard a sofa is depends on your personal preference. The choice is always yours.

Beautiful and comfortable corner sofa filled with polyurethane foam

Video: Mattresses made of polyurethane foam, foam mattresses, types of polyurethane foam


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