How to remove stains from a glossy kitchen. How to clean a glossy kitchen quickly and effectively

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Where does a clean kitchen begin? From neat household items, piles of fancy cleaning products, or maybe a robot vacuum cleaner? The truth is much more prosaic: the key to perfect cleanliness in the kitchen is the housewife, armed to the teeth with the theory of caring for kitchen furniture.
Kitchen cleaning is a whole science

The most important thing is the weather in the house

They prepare for the “addition” in the form of a kitchen set in advance, first of all providing the furniture with a comfortable climate. An example room for a kitchen is warm (+16-22?C) and dry, with relative humidity at 65-70%. The extremes of both indicators, and even more so their sharp changes, can seriously spoil appearance and functionality kitchen furniture.

At a minimum, regularly ventilate the room, ideally use air humidity stabilizers. Carefully consider the placement of items: furniture should not be placed close to heating devices or, conversely, damp walls. Eg, minimum distance between the plate and kitchen cabinet- 3 cm.

Yours at sub-zero temperature? At home, immediately remove condensation inside and outside the furniture with a soft cloth.

A set of solid wood is a different story. It does not tolerate prolonged light, heat and cold, excessive dryness and humidity. It is also more sensitive to direct sunlight than other materials. It is not recommended to install such furniture on heated floors.

A set of solid wood requires special treatment

Any kitchen will appreciate such care:

  • Wipe surfaces with a slightly damp cloth; Flannel, cloth and plush rags are perfect. Remember the main thing: all kitchen parts must be wiped dry, and any spilled solvents must be wiped immediately. They, contrary to general opinion, cannot be used even for greasy stains: Mild soap solution only.
  • Don’t experiment: clean the kitchen with special products, forget about abrasive substances and aggressive liquids. Make sure that sponges and cleaning gloves are free of impregnation. Try to remove fresh stains immediately.
  • Do not allow kitchen furniture to come into contact with hot dishes, steam, or powerful lamps. Repair cracks and scratches on surfaces as quickly as possible. Periodically pamper the facades of your kitchen furniture with professional wax solutions, each time it will be better.
  • "Innards" kitchen drawers and refrigerators, clean them with a neutral detergent; paying special attention to hard-to-reach corners. Settled in the locker bad smell? Wipe it with a weak solution of vinegar or potassium permanganate, leave it open overnight.
  • Plums can be treated with the usual products from the nearest supermarket, excluding abrasive ones. IN difficult cases Take dishwasher powder; lime and scale from hard water can be quickly washed off with vinegar or a special solution.
  • Extend the youth of your kitchen: lubricate and tighten hinges and slats, clean the front fittings with laundry soap and dry well. Keep food acids in closed jars - they are bad for handles and similar parts.

Perhaps the doors kitchen cabinet do not close well or do not completely adhere to the body “thanks to” uneven walls and floor. This can be eliminated by adjusting the hinges or using sandpaper.

From time to time, lubricate the hinges and tighten the loose bolts of the kitchen unit

Different cuisines are important

“What’s good for a Russian, then...” - so it is with kitchens. Each of them requires a special approach to cleaning. This is not difficult: you will be using the headset for many years, so learn the theory and hone your skills!

Made from solid wood

Wipe wooden kitchen furniture with a soft cloth; facades - in the direction of the drawing. Dry cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Wet - not contraindicated, but implies a barely dampened cloth and wiping dry.

Rub the solid wood countertop with warm edible oil, leaving it to dry for at least a day: before the very first use, after a long period of inactivity.

Never touch the tree with scrapers or prickly sponges. Love furniture polish - your kitchen will love it. Use only kitchen polishes.

MDF set

The material that is fashionable today is a derivative of wood with increased moisture resistance and density. This set will easily withstand any kitchen cleaning products, excluding chlorine. The only thing is that the glossy facade of the kitchen, like any varnished one, does not like brushes and abrasives. Use, for example, dishwashing detergent and polish.

Kitchens made from MDF cannot be washed with “scratching” cleaning agents.


Laminate is resistant to moisture: it can be cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge. However, do not allow water to accumulate on the countertop - the material may swell. Clean difficult or oily stains with ammonia products. Periodically treat the laminated furniture with special brushes and polishes for plastic. Never clean laminate flooring with aggressive sponges, abrasives or acidic agents. Do not place dishes above + 100 C on such countertops; do not cut food without a board.

Made of metal

The metal of the kitchen set, including varnished one, will not withstand corrosive and scratching agents, including sponges with a metal or chip coating. You can clean stains using a simple procedure:

  1. water plus liquid cleanser;
  2. rinsing with warm water;
  3. wiping dry;
  4. preferably - treatment with a stainless steel product (it creates a water-repellent layer).

In difficult cases, use special substances from the manufacturer or hot white vinegar.

Granite or marble

Quite dangerous materials for the kitchen are “living” stones. Granite and marble, as well as composite ( marble chips) are excellent at absorbing liquids and may one day absorb something permanent. Therefore, wipe off stains immediately, do not allow the stone to come into contact with acid (do not forget about fruits and tomatoes), and do not place hot dishes.

Marble kitchen does not tolerate contact with acid

Marble should be properly cleaned with warm soapy water, granite with liquid kitchen detergents and alcohol. The absorbed stain remover residues will evaporate on their own after a couple of months. Sometimes apply water-repellent agents to the furniture, and then, as after any cleaning, carefully wipe dry. Surfaces can be degreased with diluted denatured alcohol.

Made from glass or ceramics

Porcelain, earthenware, glass kitchens- fragile ballerinas in the world of cuisines. Protect the headset from impacts, falls and “fidgeting” of heavy objects. Such furniture can be washed with mild denatured alcohol or glass cleaner. And only soft tissues.

Her Majesty plastic kitchen

Stylish and unpretentious, plastic occupies a leading position in a number of kitchen sets. Maintaining plastic kitchens is not a difficult task. If you're not a supporter folk recipes, buy a special solution, just make sure that it does not contain chlorine, wax, abrasive particles, solvents or acids. Proven products for plastic are available in the “Mr. Proper”, “Bref”, “Komet”, “Edelweiss” lines. They can be washed so that there are no marks. To wash plastic, arm yourself with a foam or melamine sponge, soft cloth or brush. For glossy plastic - with a rubber rag.

Use a foam sponge to clean a plastic kitchen

In general, for caring for such a kitchen, you can’t think of a better product than “mother’s”: water with shavings of laundry soap.

Have you chosen a detergent for the kitchen? Start with plastic windows, complete with tabletop:

  • Remove the caps from all panels; Remove dust from surfaces with a damp cloth.
  • Apply and distribute the detergent in an even layer, leave to act.
  • You should wash the kitchen with a brush or sponge, pressing lightly.
  • Immediately after, rinse the furniture from any remaining product and use a soft spatula to go over the joints between the panels.
  • Finally, you need to wash the plastic kitchen with a damp cloth until it shines, then wipe it dry.


Use plastic polishes regularly: others cause dust to accumulate. If you want to forever protect yourself from damage to any kitchen furniture, remember the main thing: do not use abrasive or non-specialized products when cleaning. The kitchen set is the merit of the owner of the house, the cleanliness of the kitchen is the face of the hostess. A proper care behind the furniture is the key to the cleanliness and youth of your kitchen. Now you know how to clean a plastic kitchen.

Unusual, bright and stylish - glossy kitchens firmly “stand” on the pedestal of the most popular kitchen sets. What is the secret of this furniture? It's simple - brilliant gloss with its very presence transforms the room and becomes the main accent.

Even classic white gloss will not look standard, and dark shades of facades are also chosen for small rooms, because the mirror effect visually “pushes” the walls and raises the ceilings. Is it true, Glossy furniture also has its own requirements - it “loves” delicate care.
What do owners of such beautiful facades need to know to maintain the shine of their kitchen furniture?

Let’s say right away that you will need to take care of glossy facades every day.
Ideally, the surface should be cleaned after each cooking. Why? Because glossy headsets leave all traces of splashes, grease, fingers and steam. If you do not remove dirt from the furniture, it will quickly become unusable and, of course, lose its brilliant beauty. But, knowing all the enemies in person, you can extend the life of the headset and easily clean the facades even from difficult stains.

The first enemy is moisture. Wet cleaning is not suitable for a glossy kitchen. Especially if your set is made using PVC film. Unfortunately, regular exposure to water and grease can cause the film to peel off. What to do? The first thing is not to wash the surface with large amounts of water and constantly keep the facades dry. If the kitchen is small, there is a more radical way - to choose glossy fronts only for the upper wall cabinets, and choose the most vulnerable lower drawers from a practical and unpretentious material.
Enemy No. 2 - direct sunlight. Over time, bright light will “steal” the shine of a rich and colorful façade. There is only one way out - to experiment with the arrangement of glossy furniture. If your kitchen “lives” on the sunny side, during the hot season you can hang thick curtains that will protect the facade.
Another enemy of a glossy kitchen is hard brushes. What is the most common thing you do to get rid of grease stains? Rub with brushes or thick rags, especially when you need to wash off old grease stains. So, the glossy surface should not be rubbed with metal scrapers and brushes. You risk seeing scratches. How then should you clean the façade?
Your best friend- This soft fabric and microfiber. And of course, regularity. To prevent grease, stains and water marks from drying out.
And the most dangerous enemy- These are abrasive cleaning agents. We are used to caring for facades as simply as possible - selecting effective powders and very active agents for cleaning.
This option is not suitable for glossy surfaces. Do not wash doors with powders that contain acids, alkalis or chemical solvents. Furniture must be handled carefully and delicately.
The solution is to use liquid products. It is best to choose those that say “for glossy surfaces” on the packaging.

There is another way that will extend the “life” of furniture: purchase a more powerful hood.
Even if you have a small kitchen, look for a hood that is 20 percent more powerful than the current one. With good technique, drops of fat and steam will settle less on the surface and you will need to wash facades less often.
So, in fact, we come to the question of how to wash shiny surfaces if you cannot use powders, aggressive agents and metal scrapers?
Let's see what you need to have in your kitchen to quickly and effectively remove stains, fingerprints and grease stains.
Use a kitchen façade cleaner
Use glass cleaner. This liquid will help remove stubborn grease stains.
Cleaning sprays whose packaging says “for glossy surfaces” are also suitable for kitchen facades. They will help remove steam stains and fingerprints.
Use dishwashing liquid, whatever you have. It will effectively remove both splash marks and greasy marks after cooking.
Wet wipes come in handy when you don’t want to wash all the facades, but just need to remove a few steam stains or stains. Wipes should not contain alcohol. A microfiber cloth will help you wipe the façade dry and quickly remove moisture from the surface.

You can safely wash greasy stains with microfiber and use it as a substitute for hard brushes. Polish with wax will be able to enhance the shine of furniture and will act as an antistatic agent.
After you have wiped the facades with a dry cloth, use polish to remove static tension and prevent dust from settling on the facades.
You can wash shiny surfaces with delicate shower cleaners or regular liquid soap. The main thing is that the composition does not contain nitroglycerin, acetone and synthetic resins.
In order for the facades to always shine and literally dazzle with their beauty, they must first be cleaned with detergent or spray.
Then wipe dry with microfiber and apply polish and wax.
Such careful care and service life of the furniture will extend and save you from more serious cleaning when you need to clean out old grease stains and steam stains.
After each cooking, it is best to wipe the facades with a dry cloth or wet wipes.

Not knowing how to clean the entire kitchen from old fat, the covering of the headset may be damaged. To quickly and easily deal with persistent stains, use laundry soap, vegetable oil, soda, mustard, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. With these handy ingredients you can get rid of stains of any age. Combine the products and prepare a solution, apply it to the surface to be treated, let it absorb and rinse off after 15-30 minutes with a soapy sponge.

The kitchen is the most polluted part of the house, because during cooking, fat splashes and settles on the surface of the walls, furniture, stove, becomes covered with a layer of dust and dries out. No housewife will thoroughly wash the kitchen after each meal preparation due to lack of free time, but, spending general cleaning, it is important to know how to clean the kitchen from grease using household and folk remedies quickly, without damaging the integrity of the kitchen unit.

Cleaning with detergents

The most popular is cleaning with household chemicals. Specially formulated grease-dissolving cleaners safely remove stubborn dirt from surfaces with minimal effort.

The only drawback of these products is their high cost, since to clean the entire kitchen you need several different cleaners and ones designed for washing furniture and kitchen utensils.

Popular and highly effective household products, are:

  • Amway;
  • "Shumanite";
  • "Silit Beng";
  • "Mister Muscle".

Note ! Products containing abrasives and chlorine are strictly contraindicated for use on plastic or MDF surfaces, as they can scratch or discolor the coating.

Having selected a cleaner based on the type of contamination and type of surface, start cleaning, following these recommendations:

  • read the instructions for use;
  • follow the dosage so as not to damage the color and coating of the headset;
  • Wear protective gloves when cleaning to avoid burns and allergic reactions;
  • ensure optimal flow fresh air, since some products can be toxic and cause dizziness.

When treating grease from cabinets, use special kitchen wipes that have a soft structure and absorb a minimal amount of product. Simply apply the cleaner to a cloth and wipe down your wood door or countertop. To remove heavy dirt, leave the surface treated for 20 minutes, then thoroughly rub and polish.

Types of MDF facades and cleaning methods

Before cleaning your kitchen from accumulated grease and dirt, it is important to understand what material it is made of. This will allow you to choose the right cleaning product.

The most popular cuisines are from:

Each material has its own cleaning methods. It is convenient to wash plastic and glass facades with alkaline, salt and soda agents; with oil and soda, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide – wooden, MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard.

Cleaning using traditional methods

With the advent household chemicals faith in folk remedies began to disappear, but, despite everything, they are a worthy and economical substitute for expensive ones.

They can clean almost all surfaces; the main thing is to combine the components correctly and assess the degree of contamination.

Mustard powder

Our grandmothers cleaned grease from kitchen furniture with ordinary powdered mustard. The principle of processing with this ingredient is simple:

  • Wet the contaminated area with water.
  • Sprinkle on wet surface furniture, stoves or household appliances mustard powder.
  • Rub with a dry kitchen cloth.
  • Wash the napkin with water, soap it with laundry soap and remove the remaining mustard from the panel being treated.

In this case, mustard is a mild abrasive fat solvent. It delicately scrapes off fat deposits from the surface without damaging the headset's coating. However, this method is only suitable for cleaning fresh stains or minor old ones.

We wash the greasy ceiling in the kitchen with soap and soda

Soda-soap solution works on the principle of mustard, but is more effective means. Easily cleans home cutlery and kitchen appliances, ceilings and.

To clean the kitchen this way, follow the sequence:

  1. Grind the laundry soap (1/2 bar) using a food grade grater.
  2. Fill with water until you obtain a cloudy, slightly viscous, homogeneous solution.
  3. Spray the dirty panel with soapy water.
  4. Immediately sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge.
  5. Rub onto the soaped area.
  6. Leave the stain to sit for about 20 minutes.
  7. Wet a clean rag and wash off the baking soda and soapy water.

Note ! If you have treated wooden surfaces or laminate, do not forget to reduce panel contamination and increase the service life of the headset.

Soap and soda can clean and disinfect almost the entire kitchen, including. But if the furniture is glossy or varnished, choose a different cleaning method. Such surfaces should not come into contact even with soft abrasives to avoid scratches.

Cleaning natural wood furniture with oil and soda

Combination of baking soda and vegetable oil cleanses grease well in the kitchen, as it relates to folk remedies, allowing not only to remove dirt, but also to care for the wood.

  1. Prepare a creamy mixture of soda and sunflower oil by mixing the ingredients 1:2.
  2. Treat congealed grease to a wooden dresser.
  3. Use a soft brush to scrub away any excess fat using gentle movements.

If stains from furniture items are difficult to wipe off, let the mixture penetrate into the structure of the stain for about 15 minutes, rub again and wash off the residue with a damp sponge and detergent.

Watch the video to see how effective this recipe is:

We clean glass, plastic, furniture with vinegar

Vinegar is used to clean various surfaces and other types of dirt. The ingredient has this effect due to the acid, which effectively dissolves splashes of fat. The product is simple to use: pour a little vinegar onto the stain, let the stain soak for 15–20 minutes and wash off with a sponge treated with detergent.

On vertical cabinets, it is impossible to pour the product into the doors, so apply vinegar to a sponge (amply), wipe the surface and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. In this way you can also.

Note ! To enhance the effect, you can combine detergent with vinegar, pouring the acid onto a sponge, along with a drop of dish soap.

Cleaning the kitchen hood

Ventilation system prevents the spread of odors throughout the house and absorbs most of the grease splashes, accumulating them on the grill.

We wash the most difficult parts - handles and other fittings with steam cleaners

Hardworking housewives acquire special ones. This technique removes all types of contaminants from various surfaces and disinfects them. The device is suitable for processing any type of wood, plastic, small fittings, cutlery, etc.

The device acts on contamination with steam, which affects the structure of the fat deposit, making it soft and liquid. As a result of operation, you will be able to clean:

  1. kitchen facade, electrical appliances, tables and walls from grease splashes;
  2. restore shine to glass or stainless steel utensils;
  3. remove scale;
  4. , bacteria and fungi.

The device does not require the use of oilcloth, but allows you to wipe off stains of varying complexity and age from the table, walls, cabinet handles, gas boiler, chipboard, MDF and chipboard.

You can clean your kitchen from greasy stains using household and folk ways. Before processing, be sure to determine what material it is made of. If the furniture has varnished coating, avoid using abrasives such as soda and mustard. For other kitchens, as well as walls, tiles, ceiling will do any cleaning method.

Larisa, June 10, 2018.

Owners of elegant kitchen sets often wonder how to clean glossy kitchen facades. First of all, you need to know exactly what material the furniture was made from, as this affects various methods care In addition, color design also plays an important role. Oddly enough, on light-colored surfaces dirt is much less visible, but dark shades instantly show fingerprints and water stains.

How to keep order

Gloss always looks impressive and expensive, but it is also somewhat demanding to maintain. By adhering to certain simple rules, you can keep your headset in perfect condition for a long time.

First of all, you should avoid contact with direct sun rays, as they contribute to the burnout of the material. In addition, regular airing of all bedside tables will play into the hands of the hostess. It is necessary to monitor and maintain dryness, otherwise moisture entering through the side edges will contribute to peeling.

To remove grease and various types of contaminants, you should use only mild products that do not contain aggressive components or abrasive particles. The presence of scratching elements contributes to the formation of microcracks through which water can leak, and after a while the coating may swell.

If you try to scrub off old stains with a metal scraper, they will remain deep scratches which cannot be restored.

How not to wash gloss

When choosing detergents for glossy facades, you should carefully study the composition. It must not contain the following components:

  1. 1 Alcohol, as it can cause premature color fading. If it is not possible to use another cleaning option, then try wiping it in an inconspicuous place first and see the result.
  2. 2 Chlorine definitely discolors the coating, corroding protective layer. The drawing of the kitchen set looks like it is in a fog, and it is impossible to restore it.
  3. 3 Wax and synthetic resins are also undesirable for use on glossy facades. After application they remain sticky layer, which collects dust, grease and other contaminants. To eliminate them, stronger means will be required.
  4. 4 Acetone and solvents can have the same negative effects as chlorine. The surface becomes cloudy or streaks remain.

Additionally, you should avoid using steam cleaners. Excessively heat may cause the glossy layer to peel off. And if steam gets in through possible cracks on the surface, the material will begin to swell.

Acceptable cleaning products

The question of what to wash with is especially acute. glossy kitchen if there are children in the house. After all, the eternal imprints of small hands constantly appear on the lower facades of the set. In addition, the application chemicals undesirable both for children and the general health of household members, and for the glossy material itself.

Therefore, cleaning shiny surfaces can be done using dishwashing detergents, glass cleaners, shower gels and shampoos, liquid soap, as well as special wax-free polishes. Perhydrol or hydrogen peroxide is especially good at removing grease and restoring the “mirror-like” gloss.

It is advisable to stock up on special microfiber cloths.

This material is very soft and does not leave scratches or streaks. The housewife should have several such rags in her arsenal.

Melamine sponges have proven themselves very well. They are capable of removing grease, water stains, and fingerprints without the use of additional products. Their effect is that they are made of a special material that erases dirt like an eraser. It is recommended to first moisten the sponge with clean water and squeeze thoroughly.

How to clean your headset until it shines

To successfully carry out cleaning work on glossy kitchen facades, you need to prepare all the products in advance. Do not leave moisture on the surface for a long time to avoid damage.

IN warm water a small amount of soap should be diluted at the discretion of the housewife. Dampen a microfiber cloth in this solution and apply to the façade. If necessary, you can leave the product for better elimination fat, but no more than 5 minutes. Then you need to wash off the soap solution using a damp, clean sponge.

The final stage requires thorough wiping with a microfiber cloth, but absolutely dry. This will help create mirror shine. If minor stains occur, it is enough to wipe the surface with a sponge or microfiber cloth to maintain the proper appearance for a longer time.

For minor stains or fresh grease residue, you can try wiping the area with glass cleaner. Often they do not contain too aggressive components, and they do not scratch the surface or leave streaks.

For production furniture facades With a glossy surface, four main methods are often used. This can be plastic, paint, PVC film or acrylic coating.

When producing glossy surfaces for furniture facades, 4 main methods are used

Kitchens with plastic coating are classified as economical options. Chipboard or MDF boards are usually not used for this type of coating. On front side inexpensive facade applied plastic sheet. It is usually glued using the postforming method, under pressure and under high temperature.

This coating must be washed with non-aggressive detergents. Unfortunately, if any damage is caused to it during use, it is almost impossible to fix it. The only option left is to re-glue it completely.

Such an economical option as a kitchen with a plastic coating must be washed with gentle detergents

When washing plastic coverings, you don’t have to worry about it getting wet. This material completely waterproof. It has quite high strength, so this kitchen can last you a very long time.

However, glossy plastic tends to lose color brightness, so be careful when choosing detergents. It is very important to try a new product on the least noticeable area first. If everything is in order with the color, then feel free to remove the whole kitchen set.

The most universal product that can be used for cleaning is ordinary laundry soap grated into water. This solution can remove most contaminants and will not damage the surface at all. After cleaning is completed, you need to wipe the coating dry until it shines. You can use special rags for glass surfaces, which are sold at most hardware stores. They easily remove stains on a glossy surface.

Wash plastic surface, without unnecessary damage, laundry soap diluted in water will help

Most often it is necessary to paint MDF boards. First it is applied to them desired color, and then several layers of varnish on top to achieve a glossy effect. The application technology is quite complex. Each layer must be thoroughly sanded, primed, sanded and dried. But in the end you will get an absolutely flat, ideal surface.

Small defects during use on a painted surface can be corrected, unlike plastic. But you still need to try as much as possible to avoid scratches. To wash such facades, you can use non-abrasive detergents. At the end of cleaning, you need to wipe them with a dry microfiber cloth in order to eliminate unnecessary stains.

For painted glossy facades it is good to use glass cleaner

For painted facades, you can also use a soap solution. Also, according to housewives, a very good remedy is common remedy for glass. It is especially indispensable for dark surfaces on which stains are more visible. It is recommended to apply the product to the facades and wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Glossy PVC film is glued to MDF facades by vacuum pressing. Such kitchens, like plastic ones, are economical options. This surface can be washed with non-abrasive detergents. After all, such a film is quite resistant to damage and discoloration. The only thing is that such facades can fade when exposed to direct sunlight. PVC film Under no circumstances should you wash it with a very damp cloth. Otherwise, it may peel off from the facade.

To prevent the film from peeling off the facade, try to wipe the surface with a not very damp cloth

Since the film is resistant to most detergents, it can also be washed with soapy water and glass cleaner. Also a very effective and quick method of dealing with stains on facades are ordinary household wet wipes. They do not leave streaks on the surface and effectively remove dirt.

For such facades, MDF boards are taken and acrylic plastic is glued to them. For this, special polyurethane glue is used. Contaminants from such a surface can be removed quite easily. These facades can be polished when defects appear on them. But under no circumstances should you wash them with aggressive detergents, as you may lose the shine of the glossy façade.

To clean surfaces with acrylic facades, use non-abrasive detergents

All previous pollution control methods are applicable to acrylic surfaces. You can use soapy water, glass cleaner, laundry wipes, and any other non-abrasive cleaning products.

Glossy facades have many advantages. They look very impressive and beautiful, due to the reflection of light they visually increase the space of the kitchen. However, such a kitchen, unfortunately, requires constant cleaning. After all, stains instantly appear on it from touching with your fingers, from water, from oil and other stains. This is most likely the most basic drawback of glossy surfaces. To make such stains less noticeable, it is better to purchase not a single-color gloss, but one with some inclusions. This could be, for example, gold, silver chips or any other color.

Try to choose a kitchen set that will make the cleaning process easier for you.

In order to minimize cleaning, you can only purchase glossy ones. wall cabinets, and choose the bottom of the kitchen with some other, for example, matte surface. It is also very important to choose correct color. On a dark gloss, dirt will be more noticeable, and on a light one, less noticeable.

Caring for glossy facades

In order for facades to always look attractive, they need proper care. It is very important that the kitchen is kept dry. Otherwise, shelves and facades may swell from excess moisture and even become moldy. Then PVC film or plastic covering may peel off. It is important to install the kitchen in such a way that sunlight does not fall directly on the glossy facade. This will help maintain the brightness of the kitchen color for a long time.

If you purchased a detergent concentrate, you must dilute it before using it to wash glossy facades. It is ideal to buy a special paste or wax for kitchen care. You can also do without chemicals altogether if you have a steam cleaner in your home.

You can now find universal gels for degreasing surfaces on sale. It could even be common remedy for washing dishes, such as Fairy, Sorti, Persil and others. For cleaning you will need a microfiber cloth. Apply the composition to all facades, then simply wipe with a damp cloth with a little water. Next, you should wipe the facades dry. It is best to use disposable rags for this purpose, which are sold in large skeins. This will completely avoid divorces. By wiping surfaces daily, your furniture will always look neat and beautiful.

When purchasing detergents, you need to pay attention to the composition. Use soft cloths and non-abrasive liquids without aggressive ingredients. Make sure that the products do not have a solvent or corrosive effect. Otherwise, they may cause the facades to become cloudy or have streaks. It will no longer be possible to get rid of this.

The range of detergents is now simply huge, so it is important to know how to wash a glossy kitchen set so as not to spoil it. As has already been said many times, do not under any circumstances buy abrasive products for cleaning facades. This means Comet, Pemo Lux and most other powdered products. The first time they do not scratch the glossy surface, but over time it will become cloudy and stop reflecting light. Sponges should not be hard for the same reason. Use the softest cloths designed for gloss or glass.

Do not use powdered products or hard sponges, which can damage the glossy surface of the façade.

You should not buy washing liquids with chlorine, such as Domestos, Cilit bang, Toilet duck and the like. Even if there is a need to get rid of greasy stains. Such products discolor facades and make them untidy.

Also, the composition should not contain wax. It is usually used to care for wooden furniture. If you apply wax composition gloss, it will become sticky and will attract dirt rather than repel it. In this case, it will be very difficult to clean the facade.

Please note that in detergent there was no alcohol, as it would cause the facades to begin to fade.

Avoid using products containing chlorine, alcohol and wax

It is strictly forbidden to wash kitchen surfaces with products for microwaves, hobs, ovens and plumbing fixtures. They usually contain very aggressive substances that will make the surface cloudy.

How to clean glossy kitchen facades

The basic rule for keeping glossy facades clean is regular cleaning. Cleaning old stains requires stronger products and tough sponges. This requires more time from the housewife, and at the same time can damage the surface of the gloss. Therefore, the most correct thing is to wipe the furniture daily, after each cooking.

Use soft napkins and microfiber cloths Buy special products

If you don’t have a specialized product for a glossy surface, you can prepare it yourself. Dilute a warm soapy solution and take a soft cloth. Such a simple and affordable product will absolutely not damage the glossy surface. To do this, you can use regular soap or dishwashing gel. The latter can dissolve fats and even wash away old oil stains. Typically, these gels are non-abrasive and do not contain chlorine.

You can find it now in the hardware department of the store special means, which can reduce the number of stains on glossy surfaces. These are, for example, VuPlex, Ultra Gloss, Amway and many others. They have a special composition that creates a barrier film on the facade. Typically, such a product can protect furniture for a whole year. Then you just need to repeat the procedure. Experts also advise applying antistatic agents to the facades, which will repel dust and microparticles. You can purchase, for example, Barfin brands.

As already mentioned, the cloth you use for cleaning is very important. The White Cat brand offers huge selection rags for glossy surfaces. Usually their price is several times higher than those sold in a regular hardware store. But when used, the difference is really obvious. If you are against chemical cleaning products, then you should definitely consider this option. If you apply all the above recommendations, then the kitchen set will be able to please its owners for a long time.


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