How to lubricate rubber molds for paving slabs. Mold lubricants for concrete

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Mold release agent paving slabs ArmMix Groundform

Concentrated mold lubricant

Product description

ArmMix Gruntform - lubricant concentrate (1 to 9 - 1 to 19) for polyurethane, rubber and polypropylene forms, anti-adhesive, on water based, used in the production of paving and facing tiles, curb stones and other vibration-cast and vibration-pressed products.

Product packaging

Canisters 1, 10 liters
200 liter barrels

Payment Methods

Cashless payments

Delivery methods

Moscow and region
All around Russia

*The retail price is inclusive of VAT and packaging. Discounts apply to purchases of 100 liters or more of products and to regular customers.

Concentrated lubricant composition for polyurethane and rubber molds, used in the production of paving and facing slabs, curb stones and other vibration-cast and vibration-pressed products. One-component composition, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9 - 1:19. Does not contain solvent and has no irritating odor. Has no harmful effects on the human body and the environment.

Application and properties

As an anti-adhesive coating for polyurethane and polypropylene molds for vibration casting and vibration pressing of paving slabs and others decorative items. Effective both for molding products without heating and using heat and humidity treatment (HMT), electric heating, convective (hot air) and other types of heat treatment of concrete up to +90°C

Advantages and qualities

  1. Supplied in concentrated form - from 1 liter of concentrate you get from 10 to 20 liters of finished lubricant.
  2. Does not leave marks, does not change the color and texture of the surface.
  3. Eliminates mechanical and chemical cleaning of molds, increases their durability and product quality.
  4. The operation of washing molds with hydrochloric acid is completely eliminated.
  5. Convenient to use - the anti-adhesive properties of the mold surface are ensured when the lubricant layer is wet or already dried.
  6. Does not cause corrosion.

Before applying the composition for the first time, clean the surface with White Spirit. Before use, mix (shake) ArmMix Gruntform lubricant concentrate in its original packaging. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 to 1 to 19. Using a brush, roller, spray or watering, apply a thin layer of lubricant to the surface of a cold (from +5C) or hot mold (up to +90C) in one pass without skipping.

Safety requirements:

The lubricant is fireproof. The composition has a slightly alkaline reaction - pH = 8-9. Work in overalls, safety glasses and rubber gloves. If the lubricant gets on the skin, eyes or mucous membranes, rinse them with plenty of warm water.

Approximate consumption of finished lubricant

Additional product information


plastic canisters 1 l, 10 l, barrels 200 l.

Transportation and storage

The packaged lubricant concentrate is transported by road, rail and other modes of transport in accordance with the rules of transportation and cargo securing in force for this type of transport. Packaged lubricant is stored indoors at a temperature not lower than +5°C under conditions that ensure the safety of the packaging. Manufacturer's guarantee: The guaranteed shelf life of the lubricant is 12 months from the date of manufacture. Do not freeze. Contains suspension, sediment is allowed.

Lubrication cost

For many country property owners topical issue What remains is the technology for making paving slabs with your own hands.

Indeed, if you acquire certain skills in working with paving stones, you can transform your garden area beyond recognition, make a hard surface in the yard or install garden paths.

  • Manufacturing methods
  • Which is better
  • Special tools
  • Types of forms
  • Preparation of the solution
  • Manufacturing cost calculation

Manufacturing methods

In practice, two main methods are used. First, let's get acquainted with the nuances of obtaining the material in question using the vibration casting method. This method is characterized by its comparative cheapness and the possibility of obtaining high-quality building materials even by inexperienced workers.

The technology for producing the material is as follows. The prepared working solution is poured into greased molds. Next, they are installed on a vibropress and compacted until air bubbles are released. Next, the raw material is placed on special racks for drying. After about two days, the tiles are knocked out of the molds and reused.

Paving stones made by vibrocompression differ from their analogues in improved resistance to mechanical stress and high strength. Such materials are intended for laying coatings in critical places, for example, car parks.

Please note: you can only make vibro-cast paving stones with your own hands, which can be used for the device garden paths. Homemade materials cannot be used for a long time as a covering in places where vehicles are moving or parked.

The technology for producing vibropressed tiles is somewhat reminiscent of the work on producing tiles using the vibration casting method. The finished solution passes through a special press, so the products have improved strength indicators. At the final stage of work, the material is dried in special steaming chambers.

Which is better

According to the majority of consumers, approximately 80% of the total number of respondents, best performance have materials that were obtained in factory conditions using vibration pressing.

Such products are slightly more expensive, about 20%, but they are much more durable. The concrete mixture has a more dense structure and has fewer pores, which improves the frost resistance and abrasion properties of the surface.

It is important to know: pressed paving stones, which are available in hardware stores, are limited in shapes and shades; cast tiles, on the contrary, have many different shapes and colors.

The maximum destructive effects occur with the coating in winter time year, when water gets inside the concrete, it expands and destroys its structure. The surface of materials made by vibration casting can be protected by introducing special water-repellent substances into the base composition, but such elements will not make it last forever, but will only increase its service life.

Special tools

To obtain the materials in question, you need the following tool:

  • Concrete mixer of a certain volume.
  • Factory or homemade vibration table.
  • Rack for laying forms of paving slabs (used as a dryer). Drying of raw materials will take place in this place. The initial process takes two or three days, then the paving stones are knocked out of the mold and laid to dry for another month.

Good to know: a similar unit is used to remove air bubbles from concrete mixture during compaction.

  • Containers for warm water. In them, products are removed from the formwork;
  • Matrices or forms. They can be made from scrap materials or ordered from online stores.

One of the most popular forms for paving stones is silicone. Such products are used to create complex shapes. Such formwork allows you to obtain a pattern with different textured surface.

The disadvantage of the product is considered to be limited use (no more than 50 cycles). Subsequently, the shape loses its original geometric dimensions.

The next type, plastic formwork, is used to obtain simple products. Main advantages similar designs are considered to have high levels of durability and strength. Such products can withstand up to 800 cycles of pouring and hardening of the working mixture.

Forms based on polyurethane are somewhat similar to silicone formwork, but they are more expensive and have a longer service life (up to 100 cycles).

Many private developers are interested in the question of how to make a form for paving stones themselves. The most popular option is wooden formwork, made from pieces of plywood or thin boards.

Please note: when making a mold, internal dimensions are taken into account, which will correspond to the dimensions of the finished product.

Such shapes are made in the form of a square or rectangle, as well as a hexagon. At the junction of adjacent elements, fix metal corners.

Preparation of the solution

The basic composition of the paving mortar must contain the following components:

  • 21% binder (cementm500);
  • 55% sand purified from large impurities;
  • 24% of granotsev;
  • 0.7% plasticizer (you can take grade C-3);
  • 7% pigment dye
  • reinforcing fiber 0.05%;
  • 5.5% water.

This is interesting: from one cubic meter of working solution you can make 16 m2 of tiles, provided that its thickness is 6 centimeters.

To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is necessary to mix all of the specified raw materials in a concrete mixer. First you need to dissolve the plasticizer with a small amount of warm water and pour it into the mixer. The drum of the unit rotates until the plasticizer is completely dissolved in the liquid.

The pigment dye is also mixed with water heated to 80 degrees until completely dissolved; these components of the mixture are taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. After pouring required quantity water, sand and crushed stone are added alternately to the concrete mixer, then a binder (cement). For effective mixing, water is periodically added to the raw materials. Last time this is done at the end of the batch.

Step-by-step description of the process at home

First you need to properly prepare the forms. To do this, their inner surface is coated with mining or another type of lubricant.

At the formation stage, it is necessary to pour the prepared solution into the molds. If there is a need to produce material with a colored surface, then 75% of the formwork is filled with ordinary gray concrete, the remaining 25% with colored concrete. In this case, the decorative part of the product should be at the bottom.

Forms filled to the top with the solution are gently shaken and placed on a vibrating table for about 5 minutes. The products are removed from the table after a white film appears on the surface. Whiteness usually indicates the release of air bubbles from the concrete. When making two-color paving stones, each layer is compacted separately.

Expert advice: if oil is applied liberally, small depressions may form on the surface of the tile, but if there is not enough lubrication, it will be difficult to pull the paving stones out of the mold.

Next stage work, drying, involves placing products on racks for a period of up to three days. The drying room must be equipped exhaust ventilation. In addition, people should not enter the warehouse for storing finished products. Sun rays. To reduce the intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the material, the form with concrete is covered with a transparent plastic film.

The final stage is removing the tiles from the mold. This process is carried out in a special container with water heated to 60 degrees. Under the influence of heat, the mold expands, as a result of which the tiles are removed without any problems. The product is knocked out onto a soft mat and placed to dry for another month (for final hardening).

Manufacturing cost calculation

Price calculation is necessary if this material will be used for subsequent sale, as well as to determine the savings between do-it-yourself paving stones and factory-made products.

The main money will have to be paid for the raw components of the concrete mixture and formwork. Here are approximate prices:

  • 50 kilogram bag of Portland cement grade 500 - 400 rubles;
  • Fine crushed stone – 1750 rubles per m3;
  • Sand purified from harmful impurities – 600 rubles per m3;
  • Pigment dye - about 5000 rubles for a 25 kilogram bag;
  • Plasticizer grade S-3 up to 80 rubles per liter;
  • Lubrication within 100 rubles. Per liter;
  • The cost of the molds depends on the dimensions and material of manufacture, ranging from 30 to 1500 rubles.

The price of ordinary tiles with a smooth surface starts from 200 rubles/m2, textured tiles are even more expensive - approximately 450 rubles/m2. If you carefully calculate all the costs, then paving stones made at home will cost 10-30% less than factory-made products.

How to make colored paving slabs

There are several ways to make colored paving stones at home. Let's describe the most popular of them:

  1. Addition of pigment dye to the base composition of the mixture. After mixing the raw materials, concrete of the desired color can be obtained.
  2. The second option for painting tiles is to apply color to the inner surface of the mold. The material acquires the selected color after direct contact of the concrete mixture with the pigment dye.
  3. Coloring finished materials carried out using a spray gun.

Keep in mind: mixing multiple colors creates a more interesting texture for your items.

As we can see, the process of making paving slabs at home is quite simple. If you become familiar with the production technology and have at least a little desire, you can make a hard surface in the yard of a private house and even make money by selling paving stones.

Detailed instructions for making paving slabs with your own hands, see the following video:

Mold lubricants for concrete

To give your yard or garden a neat and finished look, you can fill it with concrete, but it will look much more aesthetically pleasing if you lay it out with tiles or paving stones. You can buy ready-made material, but there is also the option of making it yourself in special forms. This requires a concrete solution and a special lubricant, the purpose and properties of which will be discussed below.

Benefits of using lubricants

Tiles are small concrete pieces that are used to lay the surface on paths. It happens different shapes and colors, made from different materials. But for the production of each of them, a lubricant is used. Concrete and various additives will play a major role in the quality of the tiles, but mold lubrication is also important. It is used to remove tiles to preserve their appearance. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of pore formation on outside tiles

Before pouring the concrete solution into the mold, it must be cleaned of dust and debris and lubricated. Such forms are made from metal, plastic, polyurethane or wood. If the lubricant good quality, it does not affect the tile in any way, neither the shape nor the color. Such lubricants are produced in the form of emulsions, powder and soap solutions, oil concentrates, etc. Sample thin layer coated with lubricant, no special clothing required.


Lubricants are primarily classified into:

  • made from improvised materials;
  • specialized.

What they have in common is that they help remove tiles.

Made from improvised materials

Types and their main characteristics:

  • saline solution - diluted with water, low price, possibly causing stains that are difficult to clean;
  • motor oil - it is applied with a sponge, it is cheap, the sample is easy to wash, it can affect the color of the tile;
  • Soap solution is liquid soap, it is used to lubricate the walls; it is not easy to wash samples.

Lubricants from improvised means are especially relevant when producing small quantities of paving stones, when purchasing a special liquid is impractical. In such cases, you can go to a transport service station and buy a small amount of the product.


If you need to lubricate many molds to produce large batches of tiles, you will need to purchase special remedy. They come in different brands, so finding one won't be a problem.

  • Kristal - the basis of such a lubricant are light mineral oils. They are environmentally friendly and have anti-corrosion properties. The material is used for samples made of metal or wood. Application is possible either with a brush or with a spray;
  • KSF-1. It has the form of a homogeneous paste. It is economical to use and easy to apply. With its help, a flat and smooth surface is obtained. The material is environmentally friendly, washes off with water. Easy to apply to plastic, metal and wood forms;
  • Tiprom 90 (concentrated anti-adhesion liquid). The basis of this solution is silicones, which tend to repel water. More often used to lubricate molds (metal or polymer) in manufacturing large slabs. Temperature resistant;
  • Nometal. Used to protect metal forms from corrosion and cracks;
  • Emulsol - made on the basis minerals. Used for formwork. Apply with a sponge or spray. It's inexpensive. Used in the manufacture of paving slabs, as there is no need for grouting;
  • Agate is an economical product to use, as it has low consumption.

Lubricants are produced in concentrated solutions that must be diluted with water.

Examples of manufacturers

Lubricants are produced by many manufacturers in the most different countries. Examples:

  • Italy: PTFE, DMA 1000;
  • Russia: "Miskom";
  • Ukraine: GOI-54P, “Budforma”.

How is the lubricant applied?

The solution is applied using a brush or spray to each mold. Before this, they are cleaned of dust and debris. Before pouring concrete, a lubricating mixture is applied. There is no need for protective suits. Wear gloves, but only to protect your hands from dirt. When spraying, it is advisable to wear a respirator. It is necessary to process the form carefully, not missing corners and crevices. The use of such a solution increases the service life.


Lubricating concrete molds – important stage in the production of tiles and paving stones. With its help, it is easier to extract concrete from samples and improves appearance tiles Lubrication is necessary to extend the life of the mold. For these purposes, you can use special purchased solutions or homemade mixtures.

How to lubricate the mold for paving slabs

High-quality paving slabs should be streak-free and practically perfect shape. And the point here is not only in the solution, but also in the lubricant for the molds. High-quality lubricant prevents concrete from sticking to plastic molds Oh. Then the question arises: what is the best way to lubricate the mold for paving slabs?

Types of lubricants and their advantages.

One of the most commonly used lubricants is soap solution. Liquid soap applied with a brush to the inner surface of the mold before filling it with solution. The advantage of this method is that the finished tile simply slides out of the mold. The disadvantages include significant contamination of the form.

Motor oil is also suitable for lubricating molds. The advantage is good slippage, but streaks may remain on the surface.

When using saline solution, the form must be completely immersed in it. However, with this method, salty traces remain in the finished product.

Practically ideal option can be called a formwork lubricant, which is sold in any hardware store. This product does not leave marks on tiles and forms.

You need to choose what to lubricate the mold for paving slabs depending on individual preferences, having thoroughly analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages.

Do-it-yourself paving slabs - making concrete tiles for paths at home: technology, solution, forms, photos

Paving slabs - simple and reliable way arrange a garden path, path, driveway at the dacha or lay out a platform in the courtyard of a private house. Depending on the place of application, different requirements are imposed on the tiled covering of paths regarding strength and installation method.

One of the factors that determines the longevity of a tile walkway is the installation solution. However, many people prefer to make paving slabs with their own hands.

Vibro-pressed or vibro-cast tiles

From the point of view of industrial manufacturing technology, tiles can be made in two ways:

Vibrating table for the production of vibro-cast paving slabs Vibrating-cast paving slabs (cheaper, used in private construction).

Manufacturing technology: concrete solution is poured into molds that are placed on a vibrating surface. During vibration, the solution evenly fills the mold and air bubbles come out of it. Afterwards, the forms are placed on drying racks. After 2-3 days, the tiles are removed and dried.

Production line for vibro-pressed paving slabs Vibro-pressed paving slabs (more resistant, designed for use in places with intense load).

The production technology is similar, but the solution is additionally pressed with a press (vibropress). The result is a more compacted mixture and, accordingly, a stronger material structure. The tiles are dried in special chambers.

You can only make vibro-cast tiles for paths and paths yourself. Let us immediately focus your attention - homemade paving slabs are not intended for laying in areas of heavy traffic, but will become indispensable for forming garden paths in the country.

Which paving slabs are better – vibro-cast or vibro-pressed?

According to reviews on the forums, 80% of users agree that the best paving slabs are those that are made in a factory using vibrocompression. It's more expensive (

20%), but more durable. The point is that the resulting concrete is more dense and has fewer pores; therefore, the tiles absorb little water, do not crumble and are resistant to abrasion.

But pressed tiles have a limited choice of colors and shapes, while cast tiles, on the contrary, are easy to manufacture, which means they are more affordable, plus, you can cast almost any shape, and big choice shades.

The tiles are subject to the greatest damage in winter, when water that gets inside the concrete freezes and expands. Of course, you can protect vibration-cast tiles with hydrophobic compounds, but this will not make them last forever; their service life is shorter than that of pressed tiles. However, for private use on a limited budget, you can get by with homemade paving slabs.

How to distinguish vibro-cast tiles from vibro-pressed ones?

Visually. The first will have a heterogeneous smooth structure, the second will have a homogeneous, rough structure. Paradoxically, the vibration-cast one is more beautiful in appearance (at the time of sale) - bright, smooth (examples in the photo). The difference manifests itself during operation.

Advantages of paving slabs

Why did paving slabs become popular, leaving asphalt, concrete and bulk (gravel) paths far behind? Because paving slabs for paths in the country have a number of advantages over other types of coating:

Moisture permeability of a tile covering – moisture and vapor permeability of the coating. Under the path made of tiles, natural microflora is preserved, and moisture evaporation occurs as when loosening the soil, i.e. more uniform. This does not interfere with the growth of the roots of shrubs and trees, and plants growing along the garden path last longer without watering;

Beautiful paths from paving slabs - aesthetics. Thanks to various forms and colors of the tiles, you can make a beautiful design (lay out an ornament, pattern) on country path;

Repair of paving slabs - maintainability and the ability to replace, move concrete tiles if necessary;

Paths made of tiles with complex pattern– the ability to create paths of complex configurations with your own hands.

There are two ways to obtain tiles for sidewalks and walkways.

  • First, buy ready-made paving slabs. Less hassle, faster, simpler and not much more expensive. But no one is immune from counterfeit in this industry, and making paving slabs with your own hands gives you confidence in its quality.
  • Secondly, do it yourself. We will consider this method in detail, starting with the material and ending with unmolding.

Master class on making paving slabs

Material for making paving slabs

You can’t make a quality product from just anything. Therefore, in the listing process we will focus on the properties of the material and the requirements for them.

1. Cement

Determines the quality of the tile. What cement should I use for paving slabs? To make the solution, you need high grade cement (M400 is a minimum, ideally M500). The grade of cement indicates its compressive strength. Accordingly, the higher the grade of cement, the stronger the concrete solution, which is the basis for the recipe for the production of paving slabs. The use of M-500 cement will give the tiles such properties as frost resistance, strength and water resistance.

Only fresh cement is suitable for making tiles (during a month of storage, cement loses 5% of its properties). You can check the quality of cement by squeezing a handful of powder in your fist. If it leaks through your fingers, the material is fresh; if it clumps into a lump, it’s better not to buy it.

Note. You should not try to save money by purchasing the M 300 brand, because... in this case, cement consumption will increase significantly.

2. Filler for cement (concrete) mortar

  • large filler. Screenings, small crushed stone, slag or pebbles are used as filler. They must be clean to work.
  • fine filler. This includes sand of fraction 0.4-0.6 mm. It is important that it does not contain impurities and clay.

3. Water

For solution used drinking water room temperature.

4. Plasticizer for the production of paving slabs

Sold as powder or ready mixture. Why do you need a plasticizer? Designed to impart additional properties to the solution, reduce the consumption of cement and water, increase the density of concrete, and facilitate the process of mixing the solution.

Which plasticizer is better for paving slabs?

Plasticizer for the production of paving slabs Good feedback deserved: Westplast, PLASTIMIX F, POLIPLAST SP-1, Master Silk. But the best (popular among users) is the additive Superplasticizer S-3.

Adding a plasticizer to the concrete solution guarantees low abrasion of the tiles and their moisture and frost resistance.

5. Dye for paving slabs (pigment)

Dye for paving slabs Paint allows you to create tiles different colors. It is important that the coloring pigments are lightfast. Considering high price dyes (from 1500 to 8600 thousand rubles) two-color paving slabs are in demand. IN upper layer dye is added, the bottom one remains gray.

Material prepared for the website

6. Fiber fiber (reinforcing fiber)

Fiber for concrete is needed to increase the strength of the tiles. Polypropylene fiber is used to reinforce concrete (fibers up to 20 mm long and 10-50 microns in diameter).

Fiber for concrete For example, polypropylene fiber Micronix 12mm. (RUB 165.00/kg), chopped glass fiber (RUB 145.00/kg) or basalt fiber MicronixBazalt 12mm (RUB 98.00/kg) (in order in the picture).

Note. The length of the fiber should not exceed the diameter of the largest filler in concrete mortar.

7. Lubricant for paving slab molds

You can buy a special lubricant for molds, for example, Lirossin (Ukraine, 210 rubles/5 l.). This is a concentrate that is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Or Emulsol (Russia, 175 and 40 kg barrel, sold on tap for 38 rubles/l).

How to lubricate molds for paving slabs at home?

Users advise not to spend money on industrial lubricants, but to use analogues (substitutes):

  • motor oil (can be used);
  • soap solution. The cheapest solution from water and detergent, which facilitates quick removal of tiles from the mold;
  • sunflower (vegetable) oil.

Some craftsmen use a saline solution, but it leaves salt stains on the tiles, and silicone and plastic molds quickly become unusable. Others suggest covering the mold with two layers of varnish. This coating will ensure easy sliding of the tiles. But, this method is applicable only for plastic forms, plus, the varnish quickly deforms, which will affect the quality of the sides and front surface of the tile.

Tools and equipment for making paving slabs

Depends on the quantity of tiles being produced.

1. Concrete mixer. With a minimum amount of work, it can be replaced with a trowel or shovel.

2. Vibrating table for paving slabs. In production, this is a table with a vibrating surface, which is designed to remove air (voids) from the concrete mixture. Making paving slabs at home does not preclude its use.

It is difficult to do without a vibrating table, but it can be successfully replaced by tapping the mold or shaking (bumping) the mold on a flat surface.

The simplest solution is to use an old washing machine switched on to spin mode. This homemade vibrating table for paving slabs allows you to get a perfectly compacted (compacted) mixture for making road slabs.

3. Rack for drying paving slabs (dryer). Any place where the tiles will dry in the mold for 2-3 days, without the mold for another week, and then finally dry for another month.

4. Bucket, basin or suitable container. Serves to heat the mold with tiles and facilitate the process of removing the tiles from the mold.

5. Molds for making paving slabs. There are no problems with the forms at all due to their diversity (can be ordered in the online store). To speed up the process, it is better to immediately purchase a dozen forms.

Types of tile molds

Silicone molds for paving slabs Silicone molds for paving slabs. They are used for the manufacture of tiles of complex shapes with different structural surfaces. The elasticity of the material (silicone) is both a plus and a minus of the form. The advantage is that they reproduce the drawing in the smallest detail. Disadvantage - the form expands (swells) from the concrete and changes its shape, which affects the geometry of the product (deformation). One form is designed (withstands) 50 cycles.

Used to make a simple pattern. Advantages of a plastic mold: flexibility, strength and durability. Billing period mold operation – 800 cycles.

Polyurethane holds its shape better than silicone, but is more expensive. The polyurethane mold is enough for 100 cycles.

How to make molds for paving slabs with your own hands

Several options for making molds from improvised materials:

  • Wooden forms can be knocked together from scraps of plywood or boards, and fastened together with metal corners.

Homemade wooden mold for paving slabs It will not be possible to make a mold from wood with complex geometry. The wooden mold can be made in the form of a triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle or hexagon.

Note. When planning to make a mold for paving slabs, keep in mind that its internal dimensions are taken into account.

  • Plastic molds can be made from strips cut from utility boxes. It is difficult, but quite possible, to make a complex polygonal shape, the diagram of which is given below.

Note. In this homemade form, tiles are cast directly at the place of installation.

  • Forms from food containers (bowls, trays, plastic containers)
  • Make it yourself from polymer (but this is already from the category of private entrepreneurship, all that remains is to register an individual entrepreneur and open your own business - a business for the production of paving slabs on an industrial scale).

Options for molds for paving slabs Tip. When choosing a curly shape, pay attention to the presence of halves and parts (component elements, fragments) in order to avoid unnecessary cutting of the tiles when laying.

When studying the question of how to make paving slabs with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to how to choose the right proportions and how to mix the solution for laying.

Mortar for paving slabs - proportions, composition, preparation

To begin with, we will provide ready-made recipe mortar for paving slabs with a given thickness of 60 mm. And then we’ll tell you how to mix the components correctly.

The composition of the solution for paving slabs is given in the table

From 1 cubic meter solution can be made 16.5 sq. m. paving slabs, with a thickness of 60 mm.

To prepare good solution for paving slabs, you need to mix the components in a concrete mixer in a certain sequence, with a certain mixing mode.

1. Preparation of the solution

The plasticizer is mixed with a small amount of water and poured into a concrete mixer. Only warm water is used for mixing, because... Additives do not dissolve in cold conditions. When stirring, you need to ensure that the plasticizer dissolves completely.

The dye is also mixed with hot (approximately 80 °C) water in a ratio of 1:3. It is necessary to ensure that the coloring solution is homogeneous. The presence of lumps will result in the appearance of craters on the front surface of the tile.

Next, filler (crushed stone and sand) is added one by one, then cement. Periodically in cement-sand mixture water is added for more convenient mixing. The bulk of the water is supplied at the end of the batch.

Optimal mode(time) stirring cement mortar

The mixture for paving slabs is ready when it adheres to the trowel in a dense mass without spreading. When pouring, the solution should easily fill the mold.

2. Preparing the mold

The surface of the mold is lubricated with the selected lubricant. During the process, you need to ensure that no stains from the lubricant form on the surface. The form should be slightly oily for better glide of the product over the surface.

Notes Excessive lubrication causes depressions in the tiles. If it is insufficient, removal is difficult.

3. Manufacturing technology of paving slabs (molding)

At this stage, the solution is poured into molds. Moreover, if two-color tiles are made, then the mold is filled with gray concrete by 75%, and then filled with colored concrete. The break between fillings should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, the layers of the solution will not adhere firmly to each other.

Filled forms need to be shaken and placed on a vibrating table. The duration of the mold's stay on the vibrating table is 5 minutes. An indicator of readiness is the appearance of white foam - this means that all air bubbles have been knocked out of the solution. Excessive vibration treatment (shaking the mold) can lead to stratification of the solution. The signal to stop vibrations is the settling of white foam.

Advice. When making two-color paving slabs, vibration must be carried out after pouring each layer. The second vibration lasts 2-3 minutes, and foam may not appear.

4. Drying paving slabs at home

Forms filled with solution are placed on racks for subsequent drying, which takes 2-3 days. The drying place should be protected from direct sunlight and well ventilated. To reduce the rate of moisture evaporation from the solution, it is better to cover the mold plastic film.

5. Unmolding paving slabs (removal from mold)

To make the extraction process easier, you can lower the filled form for 5 seconds. into hot (about 60 °C) water. The heat expands the mold and the tiles are removed without defects or problems.

The product should be knocked out on a soft base, for example, spread out an old blanket.

Tile removed from mold Please note that the removed tile holds its shape well, but the mortar has not yet hardened completely, so the composition will crumble and may crack or break.

Drying paving slabs on racks The removed tiles are stored on the same drying racks for another week. Then it can be put on a pallet and finally dried for another month. During this period, the tile will gain the required strength.

How much does it cost to make paving slabs at home?

This is not an idle interest, but a rational approach that requires calculations, drawing up estimates to determine the budget and profitability.

Calculation of the cost of manufacturing paving slabs

The table shows approximate prices per unit of production. The total amount depends on the expense.

The price of ready-made paving slabs of a simple configuration starts from 200 rubles. per sq.m., textured from 450 rub. Multiply by the required square footage (area) and add delivery. Compare your results. On average, savings range from 10% (for local tiles) to 25% (for branded tiles). At the same time, it should be understood that each manufacturer, in a competitive environment, strives to reduce the cost of its products as much as possible. As a rule, this affects quality, which cannot always be determined immediately, but only after some time.

Defects in paving slabs

In favor self-made paving slabs can be noted:

  • confidence in the quality of the product;
  • the ability to make tiles in between other tasks;
  • fascination of the process;
  • a beautiful result and pride in one’s own success.

DIY paving slabs –

Original paving slabs "pine cut"

We hope that making paving slabs with your own hands will be an easy and fun process for you. A step-by-step instruction will good leadership when creating a high-quality product designed for a long period of use in the garden, country house or yard.

The range of lubricants, emulsions, concentrates, various petroleum oils, as well as powder and soap solutions used is extremely wide. The choice of lubricant largely depends on the manufacturer, formwork configuration and production volume. The most popular lubricants are based on various concentrates and, in particular, KSF-1. Its low consumption per square meter, the possibility of application with any available means, make this product interesting and material point vision.

As a rule, types of lubricants do not affect or change the color of the cast product, and do not have a destructive effect on the shape of paving slabs. In the case of their production in small quantities, for example, for summer cottages, yard or street paving, lubricant can be purchased at the service station for free. But remember that the lubricant must be applied to a completely clean surface.

Krystal molding grades of oils are also widespread. Based on them, emulsions are formed, which are applied by spraying. They are used in the production of a wide range of paving and facing slabs, decorative pillars, laying lawn fences, borders and others.

Nometal lubricant is also of interest. This type of oil not only makes it easier to separate concrete product from formwork, but also provides protection of the metal form from corrosion. Lubrication gives:

  • high-quality appearance of the external surface of the product;
  • prevents the appearance of pores on the front part of the product;
  • Easily separates the finished slab from any type of mold.

You can lubricate the forms of paving slabs with the so-called anti-adhesive concentrate. It is used for polymer and metal molds, in the production of large slabs. The properties of such a lubricant give the surface of the product water-repellent qualities with the formation of a film; it differs from other lubricants in its independence from temperature changes.

It should be borne in mind that lubricants are highly soluble in water, which makes it possible to obtain 100 or more liters of lubricant from 10 kilograms of concentrate. This especially applies to concentrates like KSF-1. A homogeneous lubricating solution is obtained after 4-5 minutes of stirring.

We should not forget about the AGAT series lubricant. This generation of highly effective lubricant is used for all types of formwork. The most economical, since 1 liter of lubricant is enough to process 35 square meters. surfaces.

In general, lubricants are not harmful to health and have no impact on the environment.

The issue of lubricating paving slab molds is not considered problematic due to the presence of their variety, including homemade ones.

For many owners of suburban real estate, the technology for making paving slabs with their own hands remains a pressing issue.

Indeed, if you acquire certain skills in working with paving stones, you can transform your garden area beyond recognition, make a hard surface in the yard or install garden paths.

Manufacturing methods

In practice, two main methods are used. First, let's get acquainted with the nuances of obtaining the material in question using the vibration casting method. This method is characterized by its comparative cheapness and the ability to obtain high-quality building materials even by inexperienced workers.

The technology for producing the material is as follows. The prepared working solution is poured into greased molds. Next, they are installed on a vibropress and compacted until air bubbles are released. Next, the raw material is placed on special racks for drying. After about two days, the tiles are knocked out of the molds and reused.

Paving stones made by vibrocompression differ from their analogues in improved resistance to mechanical stress and high strength. Such materials are intended for laying coatings in critical places, for example, car parks.

Note: You can only make vibro-cast paving stones with your own hands, which can be used for constructing garden paths. Homemade materials cannot be used for a long time as a covering in places where vehicles are moving or parked.

The technology for producing vibropressed tiles is somewhat reminiscent of the work on producing tiles using the vibration casting method. The finished solution passes through a special press, so the products have improved strength indicators. At the final stage of work, the material is dried in special steaming chambers.

Which is better

According to the majority of consumers, approximately 80% of the total number of respondents, the best performance is achieved by materials that were produced in a factory using the vibrocompression method.

Such products are slightly more expensive, about 20%, but they are much more durable. The concrete mixture has a more dense structure and has fewer pores, which improves the frost resistance and abrasion properties of the surface.

It is important to know: Pressed paving stones, which are available in hardware stores, are limited in shapes and shades; cast tiles, on the contrary, have many different shapes and colors.

The maximum destructive effects occur with the coating in the winter, when water gets inside the concrete, expands and destroys its structure. The surface of materials made by vibration casting can be protected by introducing special water-repellent substances into the base composition, but such elements will not make it last forever, but will only increase its service life.

Special tools

To obtain the materials in question, you need the following tool:

  • Concrete mixer of a certain volume.
  • Factory or homemade vibration table.
  • Rack for laying forms of paving slabs (used as a dryer). Drying of raw materials will take place in this place. The initial process takes two or three days, then the paving stones are knocked out of the mold and laid to dry for another month.

Good to know: A similar unit is used to remove air bubbles from the concrete mixture during compaction.

  • Containers for warm water. In them, products are removed from the formwork;
  • Matrices or forms. They can be made from scrap materials or ordered from online stores.

Types of forms

One of the most popular forms for paving stones is silicone. Such products are used to create complex shapes. Such formwork allows you to obtain a pattern with a different textured surface.

The disadvantage of the product is considered to be limited use (no more than 50 cycles). Subsequently, the shape loses its original geometric dimensions.

The next type, plastic formwork, is used to produce simple products. The main advantages of such structures are considered to be high levels of durability and strength. Such products can withstand up to 800 cycles of pouring and hardening of the working mixture.

Forms based on polyurethane are somewhat similar to silicone formwork, but they are more expensive and have a longer service life (up to 100 cycles).

Many private developers are interested in the question of how to make a form for paving stones themselves. The most popular option is wooden formwork, made from pieces of plywood or thin boards.

Take note: When making the mold, internal dimensions are taken into account, which will correspond to the dimensions of the finished product.

Such shapes are made in the form of a square or rectangle, as well as a hexagon. Metal corners are fixed at the junctions of adjacent elements.

Preparation of the solution

The basic composition of the paving mortar must contain the following components:

  • 21% binder (cementm500);
  • 55% sand purified from large impurities;
  • 24% of granotsev;
  • 0.7% plasticizer (you can take grade C-3);
  • 7% pigment dye
  • reinforcing fiber 0.05%;
  • 5.5% water.

To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is necessary to mix all of the specified raw materials in a concrete mixer. First you need to dissolve the plasticizer with a small amount of warm water and pour it into the mixer. The drum of the unit rotates until the plasticizer is completely dissolved in the liquid.

The pigment dye is also mixed with water heated to 80 degrees until completely dissolved; these components of the mixture are taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. After pouring the required amount of water into the concrete mixer, sand and crushed stone are added alternately, then a binder (cement). For effective mixing, water is periodically added to the raw materials. The last time this is done is at the end of the batch.

Step-by-step description of the process at home

First you need to properly prepare the forms. To do this, their inner surface is coated with mining or another type of lubricant.

At the formation stage, it is necessary to pour the prepared solution into the molds. If there is a need to produce material with a colored surface, then 75% of the formwork is filled with ordinary gray concrete, the remaining 25% with colored concrete. In this case, the decorative part of the product should be at the bottom.

Forms filled to the top with the solution are gently shaken and placed on a vibrating table for about 5 minutes. The products are removed from the table after a white film appears on the surface. Whiteness usually indicates the release of air bubbles from the concrete. When making two-color paving stones, each layer is compacted separately.

Expert advice: If oil is applied generously, small depressions may form on the surface of the tile, but if there is not enough lubrication, it will be difficult to pull the paving stones out of the mold.

The next stage of work, drying, involves placing the products on racks for a period of up to three days. The drying room must be equipped with exhaust ventilation. In addition, sunlight should not penetrate into the finished product storage warehouse. To reduce the intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the material, the form with concrete is covered with a transparent plastic film.

The final stage is removing the tiles from the mold. This process is carried out in a special container with water heated to 60 degrees. Under the influence of heat, the mold expands, as a result of which the tiles are removed without any problems. The product is knocked out onto a soft mat and placed to dry for another month (for final hardening).

Manufacturing cost calculation

Price calculation is necessary if this material will be used for subsequent sale, as well as to determine the savings between do-it-yourself paving stones and factory-made products.

The main money will have to be paid for the raw components of the concrete mixture and formwork. Here are approximate prices:

  • 50 kilogram bag of Portland cement grade 500 - 400 rubles;
  • Fine crushed stone – 1750 rubles per m3;
  • Sand purified from harmful impurities – 600 rubles per m3;
  • Pigment dye - about 5000 rubles for a 25 kilogram bag;
  • Plasticizer grade S-3 up to 80 rubles per liter;
  • Lubrication within 100 rubles. Per liter;
  • The cost of the molds depends on the dimensions and material of manufacture, ranging from 30 to 1500 rubles.

The price of ordinary tiles with a smooth surface starts from 200 rubles/m2, textured tiles are even more expensive - approximately 450 rubles/m2. If you carefully calculate all the costs, then paving stones made at home will cost 10-30% less than factory-made products. .

How to make colored paving slabs

There are several ways to make colored paving stones at home. Let's describe the most popular of them:

  1. Addition of pigment dye to the base composition of the mixture. After mixing the raw materials, concrete of the desired color can be obtained.
  2. The second option for painting tiles is to apply color to the inner surface of the mold. The material acquires the selected color after direct contact of the concrete mixture with the pigment dye.
  3. Finished materials are painted using a spray gun.

Keep in mind: when mixing several colors, a more interesting texture of products is obtained.

As we can see, the process of making paving slabs at home is quite simple. If you become familiar with the production technology and have at least a little desire, you can make a hard surface in the yard of a private house and even make money by selling paving stones.

For detailed instructions on how to make paving slabs with your own hands, see the following video:

To lubricate or not - that is the question.

For many manufacturers of small-piece concrete, including paving slabs, the issue of lubricating molds for better separation is urgent. finished products and reducing the number of rejects during stripping. As you know, release agents are always used in the production of large reinforced concrete products. But often, in the production of such products decorative properties are not as important as in the production of paving and, especially, facing tiles. In turn, it should be noted that careless attitude to the release agent and the process of its application can lead to loss of presentation and damage to decorative products. How to do it - you ask. Let's try to understand the process of lubricating molds.

So, lubricant is used to prevent concrete from sticking and form contamination - this is understandable. The lubrication process can be done manually - with a brush. Or you can spray a release agent, for example, with a spray gun or spray gun. The molds are lubricated immediately before the concrete is formed, each mold is lubricated separately.

Experience shows that it is possible to establish a production process without lubrication, but this entails an increased load on the mold and more frequent cleaning. For example, the Noria company has been producing paving stones using the injection molding method since 2001. During its entire existence, the mold lubrication process was introduced for only one season. Various lubricants of domestic and imported production were used. The lubricant was applied manually and later with a spray gun. But the result did not suit the production manager - with an increase in production volumes of paving stones (Antique No. 2, 52 pcs./m2), the lubrication operators could not cope with the process. Imagine, production reaches 130 - 150 m2 per shift, and if there are 52 pieces in 1 m2, then the lubrication section must process more than 6000 pieces. forms per shift. Errors by the lubrication operator lead to an increase in scrap, plus the cost of labor and materials increases the cost. As a result, this enterprise has improved the mold washing area and the concrete composition (now the composition is strictly controlled by the w/c ratio - the “harder” the solution, the less it sticks to the formwork). And it has successfully existed without lubrication for more than 10 years.

Today there are many domestic and imported lubricants on the market. Let's consider several options:


Emulsol is a modern water-based lubricant, easy to use and inexpensive. It consists of biodegradable substances, which eliminates the adhesion of concrete to the surface of the form. Lubricants of this type are made from environmentally friendly substances; they do not require special measures safety when working with them. When applied evenly in a thin layer, the lubricant significantly reduces the adhesion between the concrete and the mold, the porosity of the surface of the products, and does not leave stains, which allows you to obtain products with a smooth and clean surface without subsequent finishing or grouting.

Emulsol prepared in a ratio of 1/3 to 1/5 with water. It is applied to each form with a brush or by spraying, carefully coating the corners and edges of the front surface of the form. In conditions high level pH in water, you can add soda ash to the solution (2% of the emulsol mass fraction).

It is worth stirring the solution thoroughly, although the lubricant dissolves well in water. Emulsol can be used not only for plastic molds, but also for metal ones. It perfectly protects metal from corrosion. It is not recommended to prepare the emulsion for more than one shift.


New generation anti-adhesive lubricant for molds and formworks, based on animal fats and surfactants.

When applied to cold and hot molds and during heat treatment, it does not decompose and does not release into the air. production premises products with a strong odor or that cause harmful effects on people and the environment.

Application area:

  • used in the production of prefabricated and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures
  • effective both for molding products without heating and using heat and humidity treatment (HMT).

The main purpose of lubricants for metal molds is:

  • facilitating the separation of concrete from the mold or formwork material
  • ensuring good quality of the outer surface of products by reducing the number of defects - tears, peeling, etc.
  • protection of metal forms from corrosion


  • absence of oil stains on the surface of products
  • reduction of costs for final finishing of concrete structures
  • does not leave marks, does not change the color and texture of the surface

The lubricant is a concentrate that should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 part lubricant to 3-6 parts water. In this case, no water preparation is required.

Apply the lubricant to a dry surface free of concrete residues. Applying excess lubricant leads to a decrease in the quality of the concrete surface, waste of material and unnecessary increase in cost.

Lubricant consumption when applied to molds with a brush or brush is from 30 to 50 g/m2.


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