What to do when everything is bad? What to do if everything is bad? Recommendations from psychologists.

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Sometimes we wonder: why is everything so bad, and what to do when everything is bad? I wonder why all people constantly talk about their problems: in the family, at work, with friends, in school, in communication, etc. And it’s always the same situations. Isn’t it possible to find a standard solution suitable for each case?

So what to do when things are bad?

Remember, absolutely everyone can change their life. All you need is desire. And you need to start changing your whole life with your own thoughts. If you constantly think about only bad things, they will come to you. You have heard the phrase many times that thoughts are material. What does this phrase mean?

Imagine, you constantly think that your life is hopeless, that everything is bad in it, that your children are disobedient, your husband is a drunkard, your boss is an asshole, etc. So, where does something good come from? You only attract negative emotions. Start searching positive sides in your life, think about the good, and there will be more positivity in your life.

It is not enough to just think about the good, because the word is also material, so you need to talk about the good. With friends, at home, at work, say that life is getting better, everything is just fine. If your acquaintances begin to discuss the topic in front of you: “where is this world heading,” do not support this discussion. After all, you know that everything will be fine, life gets better every day.

Remember what is shown on TV today? In the news there is a crisis, murders, devastation, everything is bad. It's the same in films. Is there any point in watching such programs? What do they give you? After all, you still won’t be able to change this world. So do yours inner world, making it bright and joyful.

Don't try to drown all your problems with alcohol. They will only increase. In addition, you will lose your health and a lot of money. The same goes for smoking. This is a direct path to permanent illness.

We can advise you to go in for sports: it gives positive emotions and health. It is not necessary to achieve records; a regular jog, swimming pool, or morning exercises are enough. It not only invigorates the body, but also strengthens the spirit. After this you will not want to think about the bad, decide, how to overcome depression.

Love always changes life for the better. She brings a sea of ​​positivity and happiness into our lives. This bright feeling turns our lives upside down, inspires us to achieve feats and achieve success. How can there be depression if you love and are loved?

More tips on what to do when everything is bad in life

It’s not true that you can’t help your grief with tears. Sometimes it's enough to cry when I feel bad to see life in a new light, to understand that it is not over yet, that there are other interests in life.

Try to look at your situation impartially. Is she really that sad? Look around how many people around you have it much worse. But they continue to live, rejoice, and fight.

When everything is really bad, you really want to withdraw into yourself, not see anyone, not communicate with anyone. This is the wrong way. On the contrary, be among people who can listen to you and ease your suffering.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself: many people have it worse than you. Take action. This is the only way to change the situation. Or start a new life.

Don’t forget: “everything that is done is for the better.” Any event in life brings us a lesson, teaches us something, warns us about something. Difficult situations build character and make us stronger.

Try to see something good in something bad. Did the guy leave? Great, now you are free to search new love. Fired from your job? Even better: you can find a better job with more money. Always look for the pros among the cons.

Don't isolate yourself and your problem. Remember that life does not end here, and sometimes it is just beginning. Find something to do to take your mind off your problems. And you will understand that life is beautiful and interesting.

Don't hesitate to ask family or friends for help. For any person, timely support can be very important. It will help you solve a lot of life problems and find a way out of any situation.

Forget all your fears, don't be afraid of anything. And forget about yours Bad mood. It's up to you whether your fears turn into reality. When striving for victory, you cannot think about losing. You need to be confident of victory. Never give up, don't despair, and victory will be yours.

After the despair passes, you can analyze the situation. And you will understand that any difficulties are temporary, that everything passes someday. Nothing lasts forever, and neither do problems. You just need to strive to improve your life.

How pleasant it is to open your eyes, stretch out in a warm bed, look out the window at the sunlit sky, greenery and yard, drink delicious aromatic tea and start a wonderful day. And then everything works out. Then the Soul itself rejoices and problems are just tasks, grievances are not worth attention little things, and your loved ones are the most wonderful people. And here it is happiness - there is joy inside, things are going smoothly, and everything around is working out in the best way.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. I think many have encountered special condition, which pushes the joys of life out of reach. This condition is often called a heart stone. It is burdensome and it seems that the world is shrinking into problems from which it is impossible to escape. And then an unpleasant dream leaves a sediment for the whole coming day, every little thing irritates and develops into nervous tension, and maybe a scandal. At such moments, even the most favorite food loses its taste, and loved ones seem so distant and alien that everything inside shrinks even more. People who perceive the world through emotions, sensations and internal states are especially susceptible to this condition. It is difficult for them to switch gears and get rid of the wave of unpleasant emotions that has come over them. It is also difficult because you need to throw it out not from your head, but from your body and heart.

I am writing about this with knowledge of the matter, because... like that myself. Yes, increased sensitivity has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. I will write to you how I cope with such conditions. Perhaps some of the above will be useful to you too.

Walk. If you feel like curling up inside a ball and lying there for a long, long time, try to pull yourself together and go outside. Go where your feet take you. This will help switch your body from one state to another. This way, you yourself will be a little distracted. Especially if you listen to or hum a song at the same time. This will work better if you walk in a safe area and during daylight hours. If you have the opportunity, it is best to take a walk in nature. No need to log kilometers. You can just walk aimlessly for 15 minutes in one direction, then turn around and go home.

Music. Sometimes you need to fully enjoy a state in order to let it go. And if only sad songs come to your mind, I would not rush to drive them away. But here you always need a golden mean. Therefore, after sadness and sadness in the songs, you will move on to dynamic and lighter compositions. This will be what you need. Especially if you switch to music that will make your body dance. Dance, movement, relaxation and squeezing of muscles is another chance to release tension in the body through movement and switch internal state. You can give preference to mantras, classical or instrumental music. It's up to your taste. In any case, I recommend experimenting in this direction. Regarding songs, music and mantras, see what resonates in you, what is close to you at the moment. Do not force yourself under any circumstances. The important thing here is to enjoy the process.

Smells. You can, of course, smoke a person out of his depressive state with the help of something smelly. But it's so radical that it might not work. I would recommend aromatherapy techniques, when a person’s state is switched with the help of one or another smell. Eg, orange oil gives joy verbena- tones, mint - calms down. You can wear an aroma pendant, you can soak cotton wool and put it on your pillow, you can add a couple of drops to a humidifier or aroma lamp.

Here are a few recipes to help you switch to a harmonious emotional condition:

Calm harmonious state:

  • Valerian - 4 drops.
  • Ylang-ylang - 3 drops.
  • Lavender - 3 drops.

The joy of life:

  • Verbena - 3 drops.
  • Ylang-ylang - 6 drops.

Relaxation and tranquility:

  • Sandalwood - 4 drops.
  • Bergamot - 3 drops.

Smoking herbs, pieces of wood and resins. Thyme, sage, oregano, Juniper is considered sacred in many magical traditions. They help stop the internal dialogue and calm emotions, thereby switching the emotional state. Take any of the listed plants in dry form. Take an iron tray or iron plate at least 15 cm in diameter. Light it carefully dry plant. Sit nearby, inhaling the smoke. If you received the herbs in crushed form, you can light them using incense charcoal, the kind you can buy in a church shop. You can also buy it there myrrh and frankincense. It is ideal if you take natural resins without additives. Their smoke also cleanses and pacifies the body and Soul.

Drink. To calm down and get rid of the chilling state from your thoughts, heart and body, it’s good druid tea. He's the same Phu. You will need: valerian root and a pinch (to taste) of lemon balm or mint. Wash the valerian root, put it in a teapot and fill it halfway with boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Add lemon balm and top up the kettle with boiling water. Let it brew for another 10-15 minutes.

To cheer up and awaken your inner fire, brew yourself ginger tea . Grate a spoonful of fresh ginger, add a slice of orange and a few sprigs of mint, pour boiling water over everything. Ingredients can be increased or decreased according to your taste.

Creation. When such a person is not nearby, you can write everything down on paper or canvas. Clay, plasticine and other similar materials capture emotions very well. If you have the opportunity to plant something for fun, don't limit yourself to it. I'm cooking I don't recommend it, because then your entire family will eat your unpleasant state. But you can make it from wood or any other material within your control (even on cardboard) scattering spiral(twisting counterclockwise). It can be worn around your neck or in your pocket. Ideally, it will be in contact with the body. This way your unpleasant state will dissipate.

Stones. Make friends from the world of minerals. They are not flighty and are quite constant in their choice. Therefore, if a stone chooses you, this is a fruitful union for many years. Here are several options for stones that will help you release the burden from your Soul and breathe deeply:

Turquoise- in the old days it was considered exclusively male stone. It is a symbol of good luck, prosperity and victory. Turquoise - good amulet for brave people, whose life is often interspersed with danger.

Jet- amulet from dark forces. He absorbs the pain negative emotions and the fears of a man wearing jet. It also absorbs the bad thoughts of ill-wishers. Jet placed under the pillow protects against nightmares.

Kyanite- has a general tonic effect on the body, helps to better circulate energy throughout energy centers. They have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Malachite- removes energy blocks in the body if applied to them. Improves the flow of energy throughout the body. Relieves emotional stress. Creates physical and emotional harmony, absorbs negative energy.

Obsidian- saves a person from rash and dangerous actions. Helps you face life's changes with confidence. This stone can cleanse away negativity.

Tourmaline- removes fears and anxieties. Helps you believe in own strength, gives a feeling of security and helps to believe in one’s own strength.

Unakit- helps to achieve harmony between body and spirit, mind and emotions. Helps you live in the present, lifts your spirits, and removes sadness.

You can choose one of the listed stones for yourself. But, if you trust your own intuition, then my favorite method of choosing a stone will suit you. When leaving home, think about the goal - I want to buy a stone that will help me... And here there may be options for what it will help, for example, get out of a depressed state, strengthen the will, achieve a goal, etc. With this thought in mind, come to a place where stones are sold. Mentally ask the question: “Which stone will help me in…”. Now go and choose. See it, pick it up, feel it. Trust your feelings. The stone that you like, the one that becomes warm in your hands or somehow responds to you internally - that is the stone that you are looking for. On this journey for the stone, you may need information on how to negotiate with the Spirit of the place. And when suitable stone turns out to be in your possession, then you can negotiate with the Spirit of the Stone (read about how to do this in the article “My Stone is a Talisman” on the Magician portal). Of course, the stone will already provide energy, but by making an agreement with the Spirit of the stone, the result will be stronger.

As for how to wear stones, it is good to wear them in beads, rosaries (if you have the habit of carrying rosaries in your hands), in a pendant, or bracelet. Those. so that the stone is in contact with the body. This way the connection will be stronger and the effect of wearing the stone will also be stronger. Unfortunately, often the stone in modern ring or earrings, does not touch the skin. Therefore the connection will not be as strong. If you take one large stone, you can carry it in your pocket and pick it up when you feel the need for it. As for the stone on the keychain, if you constantly carry it with you on your bag or keys, it can get bumped and deteriorate, which means your relationships will deteriorate, and its beneficial influence on your life will decrease.

All of these techniques will switch your state to one in which it will be much easier to cope with the task facing you. Remember than stronger man, those more difficult tasks Heaven puts it before him. And you are able to cope with what is sent down to you. May Heaven help you in this, guiding you along the Path of Truth, Order, Justice and Peace. May there be more pleasant moments in your life, bright colors and happy days.

And by perception. For some, the problem that arises passes quickly and by, but for others it touches the soul and worries. Everything begins to fall out of hand, constant screams and breakdowns addressed to loved ones and dear people. As a result, relationships become bad, and sometimes even worse. And then it begins to seem that everything is set only against you. This makes you even more angry, aggressiveness and uncertainty appear. And while some are ruining themselves, others are living calmly and enjoying life.

Even if you have some tragic event in your family, problems with work, your personal life is not going well, etc., you should not always reproach yourself for something. This is a life that offers not only good moments. Learn to rejoice in what is now, and not what once was or will be. Everything in life comes and goes. All the negativity will also pass someday.

The main thing is not to sit still, but move forward, overcoming all the difficulties along the way. Do what interests you and gives you pleasure. Take a break and make other people feel good, but under no circumstances take it out on them. Life is too short, sometimes there is not even enough time to correct your mistakes.

If on soul bad, then give someone joy. Go outside and give small child candy. You will see how much sincere happiness comes from one little sweetness. It will become much easier for you. If you love shopping, then go and buy yourself new thing. If you can't live without Japanese food, then treat yourself to a trip to a restaurant. Problems and adversity will sooner or later go away or be forgotten. Look for pleasant moments in every day and minute. Just live for yourself, for the sake of your loved ones. Difficulties make people stronger, more experienced and wiser. If you offended someone, then ask for forgiveness. Fix minor mistakes that you can fix now. Don't put it off until later, because... it may no longer exist.

And finally, lie down on the sofa, turn on good and favorite music, analyze your life. Understand what is stopping you and fix it. Remove the burden from your soul. If you don't do this, you may regret it for the rest of your life. And give people joy and happiness. And everything will definitely come back to you.

Helpful advice

Learn to enjoy the little things.


  • bad at heart

Sometimes problems and troubles pour in as if from a cornucopia. It seems that life's difficulties there will be no end. It is not surprising that only sad thoughts come to mind, and self-confidence disappears. To get out of the “dark streak”, you first need to regain your good spirits and positive attitude.

Many problems

Hello, dear blog readers. The topic of today's post is the fight against problems, depression, and the right attitude towards life. Yes, of course, I did not become a psychologist or psychotherapist. Don't be alarmed.

I heard this information a few months ago at one of the youth business seminars. I will give a link to it at the end of this post, I highly recommend watching the material in full. There will be only a part in the article. The one that I have implemented and continue to use in my life.

By the way, I listened to this webinar at night, probably three hours. It was worth it. It's not just me who thinks so.

I saw and looked

Sergei Azimov touched a nerve and made me think about life, about relationships, about women... Okay, back to the topic of the post: what to do when you have a lot of problems.

Just a minute :)

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What to do when there are a lot of problems: the main secret

We need to stop here. And think about it. Think about how important these problems are to you. Most often, these are little things, small conflicts on which we spend, well, just a lot of our energy. These are banal everyday quarrels with relatives, work colleagues, a bad mood in the morning, an argument and defending one’s position.

Are these problems, their solutions, nerves and emotions an important part of our lives? No, not ours - YOUR LIFE.

As I listened to Asimov that night, I began to think. But really, we spend most of our time, most of our lives on these very trifles, trifles, sorting out relationships, we are always dissatisfied, always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Too many problems: solution

The solution to all problems lies in one simple thing. Understand their classification, analyze how important it is for you that your foot was stepped on on the bus this morning and you were detained wages for the day, the coffee was not as tasty as usual, the waiter was rude...

Traffic light problems

All problems, problems, situations in our life can be classified according to the traffic light principle and live in accordance with this principle.

Stop, slowly, re-read this classification several times. And pay attention Special attention to the conclusion.

  1. Red problem . This is the death of relatives, friends, the departure of a person very close to you. A fatal, incurable disease when there is no chance.
  2. Yellow problem . This includes disability, a serious accident and physical injuries, but the person survived. Loss of business, divorce.
  3. Green problem . This is a job loss, a very difficult financial situation. My beloved girl/boyfriend left, betrayal.

Everything else is simple Should NOT bother you.

Agree, we think about our lives in difficult moments: the death of someone, a great loss, a difficult, seemingly hopeless situation. Then we understand how petty and insignificant everyday problems are.

This is how small, a little philosophical this post turned out to be. Hope it was helpful to you.

The idea for this article was created over the years thanks to my pessimistic friend, who, when asked: “How are you?”, always answered: “Everything is bad.” And so, I’ll tell you, every day for several years, almost from the moment we met. Maybe, of course, he doesn’t like being asked this question, but one way or another, after the answer there was a short story about the reasons why everything was bad. This can happen to anyone, although not every day. Especially when it’s always raining outside and you’re not a big fan of autumn.

What to do when everything is bad?

There are many reasons to think that everything sucks, and falling into a depressed state is your choice. Do you just need it? In any unclear situation, try not to make a big unsolvable problem out of it. You just need to sort everything out and act, and not drink cocoa and marshmallows while admiring the rain. I'm not making anything up, I just experimented on cats.

1. General cleaning of thoughts

Everything again depends on you; if you think that everything is bad, then everything will be bad. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wrapping yourself in a blanket. Have to do general cleaning your thoughts, away with bad news and depressed friends. Thoughts, no matter how much you believe in them, are material. Just watch the chain reaction around you. It’s easy to ruin your own mood! But will you do better for yourself?

ZY: Don’t just think, but also talk about good things.

2. Play sports

If thoughts are intensifying and haunting you on a beautiful sunny evening, it’s time to get distracted and get out of the four walls. Choose to your taste what makes you relax - yoga or swimming in the pool or hard training. Overall, do something, don't be a lazy ass.

3. Speak up!

Stop keeping emotions and thoughts inside yourself, share them with the people around you. This is something called “dispelling restless thoughts”, what is it for? Just understand that you are not the only one who has experienced this, there are many of us and we need to share our experiences.

4. Find a new hobby

Again, depending on your interests, this could be horse riding or just a series of new experiences every day. Postcrossing - sending postcards - calmed me down strangers and their anxious anticipation in the mailbox.

5. Psychologist to help

Laugh with laughter, we don’t do that, and in general we are not Americans to go to psychologists. But if you have a real problem, a little conversation can help. One conversation was enough for me, where the psychologist simply listened and asked a question that I could not answer. But after thinking about everything, I realized that I knew the answer and changed something.


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