What is “grading” and who needs it? Grade system of remuneration.

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I will not name the department so as not to expose any of my former colleagues, managers or subordinates. Anyone in the know will guess so.

Came to the bank at the beginning of 2010. They called me back in the fall of 2009, I even quit my previous job, but I had to take a break for several months, because... hiring was frozen in December. I came as part of a team, so not from the street. But I won’t say that it’s impossible to get in from the street; it’s just that good creative employees usually don’t end up on the street. Young people with a normal education do not aspire to join the Sberbank target audience, because... there are the big four, where you can get the necessary experience and knowledge much faster. Yes, and the selection works somehow. From the point of view of the money offered, everything was fine. In the wake of rising pre-crisis wages and a shortage of qualified personnel, one could ask for almost any money. Within reasonable limits. The income consisted of 3 parts. Monthly salary, monthly bonus in the amount of salary. Quarterly bonus - three salaries. The first month or two was difficult, because... the monthly bonus was paid with a delay. Then everything became more than ok, because... Surprisingly, the bonuses were with increasing coefficients. Thanks to the management.

Initially, he came to the position of head of the department, but during the registration process it dried up.
The position, although it contained the word “manager,” did not imply employees under administrative subordination. They actually weren’t there. But there were regional divisions that we did not so much manage as we directed and helped, ensuring the implementation of a unified strategy. The motto was: we work for the regions! Well, what can I say, it’s not work, but a fairy tale. The team in related departments was new, so we quickly found a common language. But the idyll did not last long.

It so happened that a lot of management changed. People from another bank came with their own views on life and their own team. The usual (for many large companies) struggle for survival began. Many executives and line managers from the “old” team “survived.” The new management was slightly incompetent in what we were doing, so although there were attempts to do something with us, they were very sluggish. They had enough to do to rebuild control chains without us. There were attempts to squeeze out the regional network. Personally, all these changes had little impact on me, as I worked within the framework of a certain strategy, I worked. The changes in the bank were visible, which was encouraging. There was feedback from the management; although the banks resisted, they did the job. Bonuses were paid regularly and almost always increased. We found a common language with the employees from the new team, at least even on a personal level.

The work became a little more nervous. This was expressed in the fact that the authorities were straining us, and we were putting the regions in an uncomfortable position. The concept has changed: it is necessary not well, but quickly. Everyone began to be interested not in the long-term perspective, but in the immediate result. Well, then everything is like in Schwartz’s play “Dragon”. My immediate superiors put a lot of effort into killing the dragon. I don’t remember the details anymore, because... worked on specific tasks - immediate management provided cover for the time being from political fuss. Our small division was slowly acquiring new employees. Tasks arrived as if from a cornucopia, and moreover, they were more one-time. Work in style: plan and report. 2010 ended with an annual bonus, I have never seen such money at one time. Basically, you get used to everything, but then it really motivated me.

I don’t remember exactly when, but, in my opinion, at the beginning of 11 they began to transfer to new system motivation. The monthly bonus has been removed. The guaranteed portion of income has increased. Although, we already considered everything together to be a guaranteed part of the income, except for the annual bonus. Because There were no KPIs. It became a little more clear, but in the end it was even less clear, because... gone were the monthly ratios controlled by management. For example, before you went on vacation and your bonus was increased. Now they began to deduct vacation days from the bonus. Then they started introducing 5+. In 11th year, grades did not affect anything. The annual bonuses were excellent and always came with increased coefficients. True, it’s not clear why. A large cauldron - they pour it for everyone. The award for 170 years of Sberbank is a total waste of funds.

New great leadership has arrived. Heads rolled. The "dragon" and most of his team left. People from another bank and not only from the bank began to come. Mostly bosses: vice presidents, directors, etc. They left one department, but ended up in another. It didn’t get any better, complete trash started. End of 2011. I don’t know what kind of advertisement it was, but they took the head of the department off the street... Take care of your dragons that feed you. The undisguised goal of the new manager’s work at the Bank is personal enrichment. Heads rolled again. The struggle for survival and politics began again. Only tougher, on both sides. As I fought the new dragon, my immediate leadership became one.

In 2012, everyone was obsessed with the monetary motivation of the regions. Market share for a particular product. Tools that were designed for monitoring have become whiplash. Our people in the banks constantly found themselves in various completely uncomfortable positions. It was a shame to convey yet another senile order to people. They began to treat this formally. Formally and execute. Working under strict conditions also brought positive results: frankly weak managers were revealed, those who were unable to adapt to changes. But Tera are not Central Asia. It was easier for people in the terra. If there was a strong independent chairman of the Terbank, then they simply gave in to completely idiotic orders, and they didn’t hand over their people. I will not assess the situation. Because on the one hand, this protected the Tera from the arbitrariness of the Central Asia, but on the other hand, it reflected the complete failure of the Central Asian-TB management system. The insanity of the leadership and the situation in which TB could disobey the order discredited the unit as a whole. And this was done for only one purpose - the head of the department wanted to squeeze out regional resources for his own purposes.

I must say that by the summer of 2012 I was already hesitant from everything that was happening, especially from drawing beautiful and not so beautiful presentations, reports on other people’s work and routine. But most importantly, from the lack of specific measurable benefits of my work, the work of the unit, department, block, and the target audience as a whole.

Everything was sad on the labor market in the summer of 2012. There was one good offer for a management position in a small but well-known financial group. But I didn’t have enough leadership skills. I drew conclusions and worked on mistakes. I just wanted to go “nowhere,” but the loans didn’t allow me to do such a stupid thing.

I must say that by mid-2012 our division had expanded quite a bit. Since not everyone in this life wants to take responsibility and make decisions, leaders quickly emerged. I became one of them. The end of 2012 was marked by a political breakthrough - a change in the structure of Central Asia. This is our chance! And mine too. 5 times the unit was erased from the location map and only then added back. I had one desire - to break out of the routine, to find new horizons within the bank. Accordingly, the authorities did not limit me in anything: act! I burned. During this time, we collected an incredible number of projects, initiatives, and promoted ourselves everywhere. I wrote an article a week and 5 presentations about how we will now begin to explore the open spaces... and what Mars we will be on in a year. It is clear that all this was a soap bubble, but very fun. The goals were simple: to escape from under the wing of the next dragon. Failed. By the end of the year, the structure had emerged. Many did not find themselves in it. It also bore fruit: I was offered the head of the department. In fact, the division was cut by a third. The promises that we will now recruit the best on the market turned out to be bullshit, because... As a result, the grades were cut, and so was the payroll. Those who remained moved to new positions while maintaining their old salaries, in best case scenario, or even with a decrease in payroll. The rest are by agreement of the parties. One way or another, many were assigned or at least tried to join various subsidiaries. In general, sad, but not harsh. As a result, we remained in the same department, the head of which needs us only for cutting PSE and to perform work that is uninteresting to him or especially important (the best department). Moreover, the buns are only for your own.

At the end of 2012, I had 5 people under my functional subordination. It becomes 3. We subtract the maternity rate. One person for regional management of ALL TB (was 5), because there was no place to put it. There's only one left. But we have collected projects. All current activities still remain, which were inherited from 2010.

There was no joy in taking on a new position. At the beginning of 13, project budgets were frozen for 3 months. Work stopped. Indicative. So, just like that, you can turn off the switch, stop the conveyor... or not the conveyor at all, but what then? A black box that eats money? Who needs the work we do and does anyone need it? That's what I was thinking at the beginning of '13. I paid off my debts, wrote a statement with an open date and put it on the table. All that kept him going was the money, including the need to feed his family.

The immediate leadership, already strengthened in their new position, became even more involved in politics. Well, we were also involved, but there is no real work, so we have to invent it. Presentations began to be required even more often. The direction has changed: let's take this direction of activity, or that... But everywhere they have their own people, they don’t need improvers and controllers, they themselves have enough problems and work. Attracted higher powers. Higher powers snatched cabbage soup from even more higher powers. After which the balance of power became more or less clear. There is a “mafia”, it rules things. All the rest are strangers, even those who have worked in their positions for 5+ years and have proven their effectiveness. Whatever sound word is brought to the ears of the Civil Defense, the decision is made by a circle of especially close ones.

It's time to wrap things up. 2nd quarter of 2013 - insanity grew stronger. Everyone quarreled with everyone. The new team, which was called by the head of the department, began to kill the head of the department, and the head of the department, their leadership, going over their heads to the Civil Defense. Finally, they began to introduce personal KPIs. I looked at mine and became sad. Handing over a project worth a couple of hundred million in Sberbank, which is not even open yet, in December 13 is not funny. Therefore, I work for a salary without a quarter, which is not interesting. The responsibility has become much greater, incl. and for people, but there is the same amount of authority, even less independence, because The immediate manager fell ill with micromanager disease. You really can’t influence anything, everything goes on as usual in Sberbank, because... no one needs you with your ideas and innovations. Everyone relies on resources: PSE, budgets. Here I had to protect my people from my immediate micromanager. It all ended with putting a date on the application. We broke up on emotions.

Could you not have left? Probably possible. Well, at least it's calmer. There was no trash. I haven’t completed my work, but how can I finish it in 2 weeks and have no one to hand it over to? The division eventually lost projects. Well, I was denied access to a good position at one bank. Minus the quarter. There is no year either, for obvious reasons. So everything is even, everything is in the red.

Do I regret leaving? In general, no. Loot shouldn't be a motivation. I regret that I ended up in the labor market, meaningless and merciless. There was no work in the summer. In general, it was there, but the salary level threw me back to 2008. And these are banks. The position of the pushmeat is the project manager. Did not go. Inside the bank they were also offered, but in the positions of cannon fodder. Did not go. I was about to stretch my legs or go to work at a car service center, but good friends helped me out. Now I am my own boss, I work 5 minutes from home, management values ​​people, and people value the work they do. There is, of course, less money, but at least not 2 times. It’s enough to feed a family and rent a one-room apartment. Already without vacations 2 times a year, plans to change the car to a newer one or dreams of buying a Khrushchev house in Moscow in 5-6 years, but life is real, many people live like that. The result depends on you and very quickly.

"The prize for first place is a Cadillac Eldorado. For second place - a set of kitchen knives. For third place - dismissal." Film The Americans 1992 This is how we live. Due to the crisis, they may fire me, simply because there may be no work for me, but simply because no one will feed me. In six months, twice as much work was done as in 3 years at Sberbank, incl. gained knowledge and real experience. Something to put on your resume.

To sum it up. Advice for future CA clerks:
1. Workplace.
a) In old offices with an office-corridor system, it consists of a table with two computers, a bunch of wires underfoot, because... one hatch with sockets can be for 3-4 workplaces and not located where the tables are. They sit snugly, but not on their heads. Most likely, you will not see any views from the window. Maybe a museum, a chimney of a thermal power plant, a wall of a neighboring building, an OPERA. You'll be lucky - 60th Anniversary of October Avenue. This is, if we talk about Vavilova 19. Residents of other offices have both their pros and cons. The main thing is to be away from the authorities, closer to the kitchen. The offices are a little outdated, but there are positives - closets for trash and clothes. Cooling is carried out with water, so it won’t be particularly cool in summer. There is some kind of ventilation, but it is not clear whether it works at all.
b) New offices are converted from old ones. Open space, but not an anthill. Clean, Tajik renovation, but neat. Minimum amenities. Ventilation is not working. They opened the windows... into the neighboring rooms. I didn’t like it at first, but recently I was in Svyaznoy Bank - there’s an anthill there. There are 8 rows in the collection, 20-30 in Svyaznoy.
2. Places for rest and eating. Here, whoever is lucky with the leadership. In marketing - OK. Ours sucks. There wasn't even a sink in the kitchen. There are no coolers or water. Everything comes from the tap. People organized makeshift tea stands. Those who brought food with them often went to the dining room to use the microwave. In the old office, the kitchen has one name. They might just be dangerous.
3. Toilets. Well, it depends, to a greater extent, on the cleanliness of the citizens themselves. But the performance of doors, handles, locks, plumbing, and emergency maintenance systems could have been monitored better. Cleaning is bad. The most infuriating part is paper towels. I have never seen anything like this before or since, after them my entire face or clothes are covered in paper dust. As long as I worked, it infuriated me.
4. Meeting rooms. If we get lucky. For some reason they are not common, but captured by some kind of control. So interviews and any non-status meetings were held in the dining room.
5. Public catering Vavilov 19. The area there is strange. There is almost nowhere to eat outside. Expensive, but good, restaurant opposite, smoky cafe diagonally across. And there was no time to walk. In general, sometimes you worked for a month without lunch. Inside, a Russian type restaurant. Fast, average prices, but tasteless. Italian - expensive, long, problems with service. It tastes differently, more likely no than yes. Dining room. They won't poison you. Even bearable in places. Expensive for a canteen, if you are not a fan of empty buckwheat. In the center, for this money you can grab a good business lunch in some Pilsner. Cafe, cafe-cookery. Prices are outrageous. In general, as far as “devouring” is concerned, it doesn’t smell like socialism. There are no subsidies. We'll add it to the social package, or rather in its absence.
6. Office accessibility, transport. I will speak only for Vav.19. 10 minutes from the metro at a brisk pace. There are minibuses and trams. But you have to pay money. Cars. From free parking on Vav. 23 - 10 minutes at a slow pace. Spontaneous parking everywhere in 2-3 rows. Official ground parking is only for those who were lucky in their time, or who have protection. Underground parking is only for various big bosses. You need to understand how many people work in the office; even 10 such parking lots are not enough for everyone.
7. There is voluntary health insurance, but they pay about 10 thousand per six months. The rest myself. I paid 18-20 thousand a year. This encourages you to use it rather than being a complete freebie. One of the big advantages is an annual medical examination for all employees.
8. There is a gym, but no swimming pool. That's why I wasn't interested. Football, volleyball - please. Good topic.
9. There is a trade union. He offered some freebies. I didn't use it.
10. I almost don’t remember team building. There were two common to the block. With an interval of 2 years, so as the team was formed, it continued to work. Corporate events once a year. The invitations were given to the girls. New Year gifts standards. A bottle of vile champagne “Drink it yourself,” sweets, tea.
11. The team is your unit. All others are enemies. So, all separately, nothing, but together - a swan, a crayfish and a pike. Lots of nervous zombies, overloaded with shuffling papers. This is normal for Sberbank, you get used to it. In general, as with many people, you can communicate quite normally. Working (outside your department) is hard. There is no system, invent. Everyone needs their own approach. You need to go 10 times, listen to their problems, be a psychologist - then they will start working. Or not. Then the next point.
12. Leadership. Miscellaneous. And it changes over time. There are no good or bad people, there are people placed in circumstances of survival in the office. The main principle of resolving issues is escalation. The most effective way is to escalate immediately to the Civil Defense, but this is an extreme measure - a red button with an unpredictable result. The second is for deputy chairman. A standard way to resolve work issues and bring something to a conclusion. For the head of the department - to resolve simple work issues related to the loss of fear by ordinary employees. Issues along the chain of connections can be resolved by the direct manager, if he wants. Management, with the help of incentives, has developed a certain management style. Authoritarian, does not tolerate alternative opinions. Subordination is respected, if a subordinate does not want to undercut the boss, then all means are good. Management does not value performers. Usually, he won’t intervene, he won’t ask. A person can even write a statement, no one will keep him, no matter how valuable he is. They will find the same one on the market, and since production efficiency is extremely low, it is easier to stop some process or transfer it to others. They will make a scapegoat, they will be fired in disgrace, they will take revenge - maybe different variants. It’s another matter if you have connections, the right acquaintances, but such people, as a rule, do not work as simple clerks. The bosses' car. Some kind of endless chain. So, your destiny will most likely be to blindly carry out the will of others, even if you were someone in your last place.
13. Bureaucracy. Email is ineffective for communication between different departments. The letters are either not read or not answered. Telephone - partly. Walking with your feet is good for your health.
14. Processing. There are none officially, certainly not for managers. Arriving at 8 and leaving at 9-10 is the norm for many. Naturally, for lunch, sausage in dough from the cafe. But a lot depends on you here. To begin with, decide (1) what you want from life, then from (2) savings. Draw a to-do table (3)... Time management to help. Taking into account the fact that half of the mega-urgent and mega-important things can not be done, because... management will forget about them tomorrow (3), everything is not so bad. But if you are a manager, if you are shuffling papers, then you need to start from point (1).
15. Labor discipline. If you are a manager and work normally, no one will monitor your visits. It is important, of course, not to overuse it. Generally labor discipline supported, but without insanity, as in some offices. The pluses include the fact that the management is quite loyal to your needs to travel, for example, to the doctor or to get sick for a day without sick leave. The main thing is not to abuse it, again. It is important to maintain a balance with overtime. Having overtime does not give you the right to come to work at 11. At 9.30 you can, but with the risk of being hit by a ray of anger. So, come on time, have lunch, don't overwork. Using the pass system, virtually no one will track your movements; I think this is impossible on an organizational scale.
16. Sberbankiada. Men in work time play sports at the expense of the company. It's high time to close the shop.
17. Motivation system. Motivation is monetary. This is a bad motivation, because, firstly, it will never be fair, because... will always be one-sided. Secondly, a person always doesn’t have enough money. Thirdly, everything suggests that we, Sberbank employees, are a commodity. It's humiliating. The main message from our management was that, if anything happens, we will fire you all and hire you better for the money. They fired me and couldn't find a better one. There are many employees in Central Asia, not among middle management, of course, who really work for the idea. GO, I think, also works for the idea. But about him separately. So there really is no motivation, there is incentive through dismissal, deprivation of bonuses. This demotivates employees who are motivated by the idea. I think that over time there will be neither such quarters nor annual ones. There will be salaries and small bonuses, just like everywhere else. I speak only for the target audience. Everything is heading towards this.
18. Income in general. Even experts, managers and analysts have salaries above the market. If you don't believe me, try finding a job through HH. If you are lucky and your grade is above 10, then your income will be significantly higher than the market. If your grade is 12 or higher, then your income will be at the level of directors of departments of rather large offices. Moreover, the range of tasks and the level of authority may be an order of magnitude smaller. Well, then, the amounts of income begin, for which in other cities of our vast Motherland they are immediately killed. But also more or less real power, affairs and responsibility. Moreover, the income of other department heads may be comparable to the income of the Civil Defense (he is a public person, he does not hide his income). So, if you came to Sberbank for money, this is the right choice. Indexing. I don’t remember indexing in Central Asia. So, as I came in 2010 with some money, I stayed with it until I was promoted. But given the increased annual premiums, it’s a sin to complain.
20. Positions, career. If you come to a position before the head of a department (I’m not taking the exotic type of project directors, which can mean completely different conditions), then you are nobody. So, if you are an established manager, then do not agree to the position of department head. The project manager (in the project office, for example) is a nobody in the square, but with monstrous responsibility, a candidate for scapegoat. Head of a department in a department that is part of a department. Here you are a line manager. In terms of the level of independence in decision making - again, no one. There is also a lot of responsibility, but it can be partially transferred to subordinates. In general, there are different departments in the savings collection; in some, for example, in the structure of the CC, there may be 20 or 100 people. You will solve production and administrative tasks. The range of tasks and strategy will be given to you from above. If you are the head of an independent department within a department, then you were probably hired on a serious recommendation - someone brought you to Sberbank.
You can independently develop any direction in which your manager does not understand anything. You need to have good self-presentation skills, speak well, not necessarily be able to do anything, but understand a lot. In principle, if you were a manager in any organization, then you can try. There is a chance to move up and down. Head of department in the department. A serious test for a politician. Serious money is at stake. Your whole life will become a struggle, because... You are now a competitor to your boss, namely the head of the department. Everything depends on you. You no longer need to work, because... there are subordinates. The fight may take years. Head of independent management in the block, head of the department. Honestly, I don’t know how to get there, and whether it’s necessary. But, probably, life was immediately successful then, only the stars were higher. Usually these are people with a different way of thinking, some experienced intriguers. One does not interfere with the other, on the contrary, because no one will help you at the top. Let's return to earth. If you graduated from a university, you can expect to get a starting position in Central Asia. Do not disdain the position of assistant manager, the work can be very useful from a career point of view, get the necessary connections. Often the secretary decides many issues and the head of the department himself goes to bow to him. Well, if you are an expert in something, and your life priorities do not include the goal of serving people at the desk, then Sberbank’s target audience can also be considered. There is always a need for mathematicians, information systems specialists, methodologists, technical writers, analysts - they are very necessary. Go for it. It all depends on your talents and determination. But I don’t recommend working for a long time. Either you have to be a real star and a lucky star, or you can work as a junior analyst for years without making any progress. Experience in savings in the market is looked at not only askance, but as somewhat specific. This can often be a disadvantage, for example, if you are a programmer. And, especially, a project manager. I don’t recommend going to clerk work (handling papers). Again, we look at p (1) - life goals. Retirement will come, and you will still be moving papers. If you are an established specialist in something, then you can be lured with money. This is what usually happens. You either become a highly paid paper shuffler or telephone secretary, or trying to make a career. But if you forget about the money, then the chance of just getting things done is slim. The target audience does not make products (with rare exceptions), but creates orders, plans, presentations - paper. And paper always ends up in the trash bin. Working for a trash can is demotivating in itself. So, first find out what the department does. If you hear the words: monitoring, control, planning, reporting, network management - run.
21. GO. I don’t know him personally, I bumped into him a couple of times in the corridors, shook hands, and attended corporate speeches. Very nice man(purely as a human being) with good strong energy. His way of thinking is completely different. We don’t understand him, and he doesn’t understand us either. That's why he is there, and we are here. The desire of the people to see a tsar who will come and immediately become good for all mortals is a Russian utopia. Now we will hire a new manager and immediately the profit will increase 10 times - the stupidity of narrow-minded people. What, how, why and why is happening there, you and I will never know. Well, we’ll find out, maybe in 10 years. GO is not a tsar, not a god, but a simple Russian top manager, who came not to improve your living conditions, but to change a large and complex system.
23. HR. You see it when hiring and when leaving. Essentially this is a CDP. Sometimes selection. I did not notice any decisive role in the life of the corporation.
24. A little about corporate culture, mission and values. As one of the top managers said, corporate culture is about you. The expression is paradoxical, but very true. Culture, in general, cannot be implanted from above. Sharikov from “Heart of a Dog” was dressed in a suit, seated at the table, taken to the theater - just as he was a dog, he remained so. So I guess breeding, selection, evolution. The generation will change, then a corporate culture will appear in every Sberbank employee. And she will not stay on the money. Since I spent the last year working not for an idea, but for money, I didn’t have this culture either. Everything is logical. I never remembered the mission and values, to my shame. Because for money I was ready to accept any values, even Hinduism. Personally, my mission in 2010 was to help people in TB initiate changes to make the bank better. I believed and still believe that everything was not in vain. So here are my values. There is a project whose budget is, well, a maximum of XX. There are contractors who are ready to participate in the official competition and actually do it for the money. No, the company that wins is the one that takes 10 times more, misses all the deadlines, and then asks for the same amount to finish what they started. When I try to vote against, they take me out into the corridor for a conversation. Another example is that there is a certain force that lobbies the interests of the contractor. Yes, he lobbies so much that an attempt to replace him with a better one (without any selfish motive) leads to such an underwater earthquake that a tsunami covers two rather large leaders. So as long as these things continue to happen, words will remain words.

Now I’m definitely wrapping things up before they start a case for breaking the covers. The bottom line is. I don’t regret working at Sberbank. Solved part financial issues. Lived, not “survived.” Visited interesting places. Gained serious life experience and a philosophical outlook on life, gray head and shaky nervous system. I don’t want to come back, and they won’t invite me. In conclusion, I would like to quote Clint Eastwood’s character from the movie “Million Dollar Baby”: Every day in the world someone dies, sweeping the floor, putting away the dishes, and the last thought is: “I didn’t take my chance.” There are jobs both better and worse than Sberbank. I encourage you to take advantage of your chances. It's never too late to change your life or your attitude towards it. Bye everyone!

In our time innovative technologies are actively being introduced into the lives of modern people.

They have not bypassed the labor market, since new rules have appeared here.

A new feature is the grading payment system, which has its own characteristics and nuances.

The grading form of remuneration (graded or graded) implies accounting for the work results of a specific professional.

But that's not all he pays attention to. Salary may be affected a person’s work experience, his culture of behavior in a team and labor discipline, general qualifications. Often employers even pay attention to appearance employee and his behavior.

What is the new grade type of remuneration? This a kind of table of ranks, which includes all employees of the organization. Each person is assigned one rank or another. These indicators affect the amount of wages that will be accrued to the employee at the end of the month.

Thanks to the grade system, you can correctly formulate rewards.

Transparent and clear system does not leave unresolved issues that may cause confusion among employees. Every person understands what and how to do in order for wages to increase.

New form of remuneration — .

Rules for calculating wages under the grade system

With a grading form of payment, the amount of salary that will be paid to employees is calculated according to established rules.

The maximum number of points that can be set is 10. Employees of the organization are assessed according to various criteria, such as responsibility, experience, knowledge, and unfavorable work factors. Each column has a certain number of points.

Once the assessment is completed, the scores are totaled. Wages are set according to the following rules:

  • 1-11 points– 1 grade;
  • 12-20 points– 2nd grade;
  • 21-30 points– 3rd grade.

But the average market salary level for cleaners and department heads is different. That is why the reward amounts will differ.

For technical personnel of grades 1, 2, 3 it will range from 10,000 to 12,000 rubles. For the head of a department, this figure increases to 25,000-30,000 rubles.

Thanks to ranking, you can divide your organization's employees into several groups:

  • grade A– these are the professionals who provide the highest value to the company. These are managers of various levels, developers of ideas who implement them into the enterprise;
  • grade B– a team of experienced specialists who belong to the average level. They are involved in the sales process, looking for business partners, and advertising the organization. This grade includes marketers, managers and lawyers. Their level of communication skills and responsibility must be high;
  • grade C- This is the main workforce of the company. He also has good potential for further development in a certain area, so people can count on an increase in wages;
  • grade D– these are positions that are characterized by a minimum level of responsibility. This includes service personnel who do not have to have special professional knowledge and skills.

This is the main classification of grading classes. This determines what salary a certain employee of the company will receive.

When is the grade form used?

The grading form is an innovative method that has already gained popularity among business owners. But unfortunately, the costs of introducing such an innovation are too high.

That is why the grade method of calculating wages not suitable for small companies, which employ less than 50 people. Leaders of such organizations must weigh all possible risks before making a final decision.

Grading is the best option for large and medium-sized enterprises y. This is a rather complex technique, but in practice it brings a lot of benefits. You can correctly calculate the salary of each employee of the company, avoiding errors, problems and inaccuracies.

Pros and cons of the grader scheme

The grading method of remunerating specialists has both pros and cons. It is worth understanding these points in more detail so that you better understand the features of grading.

Grading labor system



The remuneration of specialists depends only on how effective their work was at the enterprise It is necessary to spend money on implementing the system, maintaining it at the proper level and on other issues
Using the system, you can formulate a strategy for the sustainable development of professionals and create conditions for the growth of each employee You will have to use the services of experts who will help you create a rating scale, as well as determine the value of various positions
A relationship is established between the employee’s responsibility and the results of his work, which affects the amount of wages The risk of subjective assessment when introducing a grading system for the first time cannot be avoided
The company structure becomes more organized and correct


The grading system of remuneration is considered new. It was introduced into the organization relatively recently. But the heads of many companies managed to evaluate its effectiveness.

Grade-based remuneration system

The word “grade” translated from English means degree, rank, title, class, level. The essence of a grade-based payment system is to divide all positions and professions of employees into grades depending on the complexity and intensity of work, its conditions, the level of qualifications of employees and, most importantly, their value to the organization.

When dividing positions into grades, it is necessary to evaluate the work performed in each position based on the factors that are considered the most significant. As a rule, these are: knowledge and experience necessary for the job; skills required to solve problems and level of responsibility.

Factor of “knowledge and skill” consists primarily of the experience and knowledge necessary to perform the duties of the job to a standard level. Secondly, the breadth of management is assessed: how monotonous is the function that a person performs, is he required to manage functions that can come into conflict with each other. And the third parameter in “knowledge and skills” is communication skills. Does the result depend on whether simple polite forms of communication will be enough for a person or whether he needs to motivate people and carry him along? Let me emphasize once again that we are talking specifically about assessing the level of requirements for a position, and not the abilities of a particular person.

The second factor is “issue resolution”. Here the scale and complexity of the tasks being solved are measured. For example, what restrictions on activities should be or are they not clearly defined. How the tasks are characterized, they are standard or variable, and it is possible that there are no ready-made solutions or similar practices and fundamental research is needed.

The third factor is “responsibility”– no less interesting and one of the most difficult. This is the parameter that shows how free a person in a particular position is to make decisions, that is, to what extent the scope of his powers allows him to make certain decisions. Typically, this factor measures the degree of influence on financial results (direct or contributing) and the magnitude of these financial results (profits or costs). It is not always possible to identify the financial component, and then the relative complexity of the work is assessed.

There may be quite a few factors a large number of, it depends on the structure of the organization, its size and scope of activity. Factors may include: professional knowledge and work experience, independence in decision-making, level of responsibility, level intellectual activity, professional risk, etc. Moreover, if the organization previously divided positions into several levels, for example, specialists and managers, then the factors for different levels may differ slightly.

Thus, each position receives a certain number of points for each factor recognized as important to the organization. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the assessment of the position as such and the assessment of the abilities and qualities of the specialist himself.

After evaluating the positions, those closest in terms of points are combined into groups - the grades themselves.

Even employees who fall into the same grade do not receive the same salary. Within each grade, the size of the “forks” is calculated, within which employee salaries vary. As a rule, several qualifying coefficients are introduced for this (1.2; 1.4; 1.6, etc.). Thus, an employee, without going beyond the limits of his grade, can receive more with increasing professionalism.

A grading system of remuneration can be introduced for salaries, bonuses, and distribution of the social package. It is possible to introduce grading not for the entire organization as a whole, but for some departments.

This system has several advantages: it allows employees to have a clear idea of ​​possible changes in the level of payment for various career development options, company managers optimize the wage fund, determine the acceptable amount of remuneration for new positions and make the remuneration system transparent for all employees, HR service – simplify the corporate system financial incentives.

The development of a grading system includes the following stages.

2) Preparation for assessment, selection of factors. Establishing the circle of employees who will be directly involved in the development of the system. To avoid evaluating positions using a point system, based on the premise that “just a person is like that,” the optimal ratio is five employees of the enterprise and two external consultants. Method expert assessment Key factors are selected and ranked according to the degree of importance and significance for the organization (table).

Table. Key factors and their weight

1) Description of factors by impact levels and adjustment of differences between levels within each factor. The following table describes one of the factors, such as level of responsibility.

Table. Responsibility Factor


Level of responsibility

Responsibility only for your own work, there is no responsibility for the financial result of your activities.

Responsibility for the financial results of individual actions under the control of the immediate supervisor.

Responsibility for the financial results of regular activities within the scope of functional responsibilities.

Developing decisions that affect the financial results of a group or division, coordinating decisions with the manager.

Full responsibility for the financial results of the department, for material assets, organizational expenses within the budget of the department.

Full responsibility for the financial and other results of an entire area of ​​work (group of divisions).

2) Development of a point-factor scale. The maximum score for the assessment is 500 points. In order to determine the maximum number of points for each factor, 500 points are multiplied by the weight of this factor and divided by 100%. Next, the interval is set on the level scale. All calculations obtained are entered into the score-factor matrix (following table).

Table. Point-factor matrix for determining grades


Maximum score

Points by level

Level of responsibility

Tensions and conditions

Contribution to achievements

Knowledge and skills

Required Education

Number of subordinates

3) Based on the selected evaluation factors and determining their weight, all positions in the company are evaluated. Job evaluations are carried out jointly with experts using previously prepared documents:

  • description of the organizational structure with breakdown of positions;
  • description of the score-factor matrix by levels.

The scores obtained for various factors are summed up, and on this basis the final result of the position assessment is obtained.

Table. Results of the assessment of the position “Metrology engineer”

The following table is compiled for each position. Next, a generalized table is compiled for all positions.

Table. Evaluation results for all positions

Job title

Score by factor




Chief Accountant


Metrology engineer

Head of the Marketing Department


The result of this assessment is the alignment of all positions in the hierarchy from a maximum score of 500 to a minimum of 54 points.

4) The number of grades in a company is determined by dividing the maximum number of points by the minimum, in our case the result will be 9 grades. The same grade includes positions that are close and equal in significance and value of contribution to the organization based on the conducted point-factor assessment.

5) The establishment of ranges of official salaries included in each grade is carried out using intervals of ratio coefficients (a coefficient of 30% was used). The intervals (ranges) of the values ​​of the ratio coefficients in payment reflect individual differences in the labor contribution of an employee of each qualification group, i.e. rules for determining the quantitative values ​​of coefficients for qualification groups. The flexibility of coefficients within the range established for a specific grade creates additional opportunities for construction career growth workers under conditions of limited opportunities for job advancement in the organization. Let's form the coefficients of ratios and grades in the table.

Table. Ratio coefficients


Number of points

Range width

4) Next, the coefficient intervals are transferred to the “fork” of official salaries by multiplying the minimum and maximum coefficients in the “fork” by the minimum wage established at the enterprise of 12.5 thousand rubles. The result is a “fork” of official salaries in the table.

Table. Salary matrix, rub.

When establishing a salary range for each grade, enterprises often focus on market wage values. A variety of approaches are used:

  • the lower value of the official salary is at the level of the market average, the upper value exceeds it, for example by 30%;
  • the average official salary is at the level of the average market value, the maximum is 15–30% higher than the average, the minimum is 15–30% lower than the average, etc.

Indeed, in order to develop a competitive compensation policy, it is necessary to take into account the market values ​​of wages and official salaries of specialists in the relevant professional groups. But ensuring objective inter-office salary ratios is no less important. Focusing only on market wage values ​​can lead to a violation of internal fairness when setting official salaries. In this case, the value of the position will be determined solely by the labor market conditions without taking into account the internal needs of the enterprise, its specifics, which can lead to workers feeling unfair in wages with all possible consequences.

In fact, in order to prevent an increase in the wage fund, it is necessary to review all stages of the formation of the matrix several times so that the wages of workers correspond to the market average and do not lead to an increase in the wage fund.

The salary ranges of the previous grade intersect with the salary ranges of the subsequent grade, i.e. the salary of a specialist with a high level of professionalism may be higher than the salary of a manager with little experience in this position.

This way of constructing a tariff system is good tool securing specialists in the organization. Employees have an incentive to develop in their profession in their position, specialization increases, and employees’ knowledge becomes narrower, but deeper.

An increase in salary within one grade can be associated with the professional growth of an employee, which will be determined based on the results of an annual or semi-annual assessment of the employee’s competencies, subject to his performance. In this case, competencies are developed and the required level of their expression is established for different salary categories within the same grade.

Practitioners of this system propose to review the size of official salaries according to the proposed system once a year in order to timely adjust the size of salaries in accordance with changes in the market situation.

Example. The remuneration system in the organization is based on grades:

First grade

Job title

Salary fork, c.u.
min. Max.

Bonus amount as a percentage of salary

Head of Legal Department


Supervisor financial service



Head of Security


Head of central accounting


Second grade

Third grade

Fourth grade

Head of technical department


System Administrator


Lead Control Manager


Leading Account Manager


Head of the Marketing Department


Head of Operator Relations Department


Head of Document Management Department


Head of External Relations Department


Fifth grade

Sixth grade

Seventh grade

Eighth grade

Ninth grade

Grading is a way to optimize the allocation of organizational resources. It allows you to link the system of bonuses and distribution of social benefits; helps to calculate the correspondence of salary expectations to the dynamics of the labor market; allows you to streamline wages (the principle of internal justice underlying the system allows you to avoid dispersion of wages within the organization); increases manageability (because each employee begins to understand that his income directly depends on the assessment of his position); increases the company's transparency for investors (due to standardization of the management system) and, accordingly, increases its capitalization (value). Grading is the positioning of positions, their distribution in the hierarchical structure of the organization in accordance with the value of a given position for the enterprise and with the size and salary structure determined for each group. However, the use of a grading system not only helps to optimize the wage fund for employees, but also requires resources to maintain. The main problem of the organization is to assess the relationship between the cost of implementation and the expected financial return.

Today, the use of a grading system is justified and relevant when calculating remuneration based on the point-factor method and matrix-mathematical models. The development of the grading system is based on the “Hay guide table method”. It is currently the most common method for assessing and ranking managerial, professional and technical jobs and is used successfully in more than 30 countries around the world. According to the Hay method, all positions in an organization are assessed according to several parameters, combined into 3 groups: knowledge and skills, problem solving, responsibility. The presence of a small number of assessment factors makes it possible to ensure the universality of application of this method to any activity and in any industry. Conducting an assessment of personnel performance various factors allows us to formulate a number of levels.

Depending on the area of ​​activity of the organization, two main approaches to building a grading system can be distinguished: assessment of positions (professions) or competencies of a particular employee (his knowledge, skills, value for the company). In organizations with productive capital, the basis for assigning a grade is the assessment of jobs. In companies with a predominance of intellectual capital, the competencies of specific employees are initially assessed.

The advantages of the grading system include: transparency; fair distribution of remuneration; attracting and retaining personnel; quality budget management; openness of further career prospects for the employee; increasing the efficiency of material motivation of personnel.

The grade system allows for the harmonization of salaries, i.e. their ordering and classification. In order to assess the fairness of workers' compensation before and after harmonization, a salary-value chart is drawn up. On the graph, blue dots indicate salaries before harmonization, and red dots after.

Rice. Salary-value chart. Dependence of the permanent part of the salary on the value of the position. Vertically - salaries, horizontally - value (points).

The main part of the salaries should be in a certain corridor. If they are significantly higher than the corridor, it should be recognized that employees are overmotivated; if below, they are undermotivated.

The main disadvantage of grading is that it is quite high price implementation of this system at the enterprise, as well as the difficulty of determining the expected financial return. At the same time, not only the initial costs of creating a grading system are high, but also the further costs of maintaining it. Introducing a grading scheme as a fad is inappropriate.

Grading pays off, especially in medium and large companies. In them, the personnel structure can be very unclear, and its optimization can lead to significant benefits in the future.

After the introduction of the grading system, the permanent part of the remuneration of employees will include the official salary and allowances and additional payments for labor legislation. Grades form only the basic part of the salary, and KPIs are guaranteed to form an incentive part of the remuneration.

Two types of grading can be distinguished, which are combined in the grading system:

  • Grading of positions: by complexity, responsibility, impact on financial results, etc.
  • Grading of employees: by level of professionalism, performance (KPI), etc. Usually used in small companies, which are based on employees with similar functionality (design studios, consulting bureaus, etc.).

Next, we will consider the management by objectives (MBO) method, where KPIs (key performance indicators) are control points in the process of achieving goals, characteristics of the effectiveness or efficiency of an employee’s work and business processes in general.

Management by Objectives - MBO

Problematic issues of applying the compensation package at Russian enterprises

Currently, entrepreneurs use a wide range of material incentives.

Salary. The most common way of material motivation is increasing wages. In order to get a real return from an employee, the amount of expected remuneration must be significant, otherwise a salary increase may cause even greater reluctance to fulfill their obligations. job responsibilities. Some managers take the path of least resistance and periodically increase employee pay by small amounts. However, even a one-time, but significant increase in salary is more effective for motivation.

Ideally, the decision to increase wages should be made by the employer on his own initiative, but this, as a rule, does not happen - at least in our conditions. Therefore, demands for salary revisions become a common method of blackmailing employees who are threatened with dismissal. This method often works, but workers typically achieve only modest pay increases. For this reason, the employee soon again shows dissatisfaction with his salary, since there is a so-called “income addiction effect.”

Awards. One of the most common methods of financial motivation is quarterly or monthly bonuses. Less often construction organizations Long service bonuses are used. The main increase in the percentage of the longevity bonus occurs in the first years of work in the company, when the employee works effectively for the benefit of the company and tries to maximize his potential. On the other hand, there is a risk that after two or three years the employee will want to change jobs for one reason or another. The greatest stability is observed among personnel who have worked for the company for more than five years, especially since by this time the bonus for length of service already amounts to significant amounts.

Russian companies often practice issuing “bonuses” - monetary rewards given to employees spontaneously for any success. Entrepreneurs believe that the effect of surprise should further inspire employees. However, the “bonus-prize” only creates confusion, since the employee ceases to understand why in one case he received a bonus and in another he did not. For this reason, it is better to inform employees about those specific situations when bonuses are provided. On the other hand, if a bonus becomes an almost obligatory attribute of monthly income, then this also weakly motivates them to improve their labor efficiency.

Percent. This method material motivation is most common in the field of sales and the provision of various services. The essence of a percentage of revenue is that an employee’s earnings do not have a clearly defined limit, but depend on the professionalism of the employee and his ability to stimulate sales. Some companies, which also rely on the qualifications of their employees, provide another method as financial motivation - a bonus for professionalism. This incentive is assigned based on the results of certification, which evaluates the employee’s performance and suitability for the position held.

Bonuses. Material incentives include various bonuses. However, their fixed amount often turns the tool into a demotivating one. A fixed payment amount does not contribute to the desire to increase the achieved result, since the amount of the monetary reward will still not change. Based on this, in order to increase motivation, it is recommended to use an extensive system of payment bonuses.

For senior management, additional remuneration (bonus) is provided for their contribution to improving general financial or business indicators, such as reducing costs, increasing overall profits, etc. Bonuses can be not only personal, but also team. A team bonus is a bonus that rewards a group for achieving certain goals. When calculating team bonuses, it should be borne in mind that rewarding one department may be justified in specific cases, but this is not enough to improve overall performance. All organizational structures are interconnected in one way or another, and promoting only one of them can demotivate the other.

Material and non-material incentives should complement and enrich each other.

It should be noted that, despite all the effectiveness and versatility of monetary incentives, limiting the motivation system to only material incentives will not bring the desired result. Members of any team are people with different life values ​​and attitudes. Moreover, material incentives are calculated based on the results of work performed and can vary even among people occupying the same position in the service hierarchy. All this often causes dissatisfaction and does little to create a healthy atmosphere in the team. In many cases, some kind of moral compensation and a balancing factor, which is played by methods of non-material incentives, are simply necessary.

When building a system of motivation and incentives for personnel in foreign companies, first of all, like any customer-oriented structure, the company must conduct one of the personnel marketing activities - labor market research. The research methodology is based on statistical processing of time series of one-dimensional data distribution using the quantile rank method. This method allows you to estimate the dispersion for ordinal data (time series), or more precisely, how closely these values ​​fit the value of the distribution median. Quantile is a measure of the position of a characteristic within a distribution. The main essence of this method is that critical evaluation points are determined within the distribution of values ​​of indicators of the compensation and benefits system, namely:

  • Minimum
  • 10% percentile
  • First quartile (25% percentile)
  • Average
  • Median (50% percentile)
  • Third quartile (75% percentile)
  • 90% percentile
  • Maximum

Statistics are obtained as a result of surveying candidate respondents using a special questionnaire. The assessment points are used when analyzing the research results and when forming recommendations for building a system of compensation and benefits, the appearance of which also depends on the positioning strategy chosen by the company in the labor market. This array is processed to obtain the most significant evaluation points for each quantitative indicator, namely:

  • The median (50% percentile) indicates the industry average (market average) salary level.
  • The third quartile (75% percentile) is the boundary between the third and fourth quartiles. Indicates that about 75% of respondents receive (and companies provide) a compensation amount from the minimum value to the third quartile value. This indicator is the boundary between “personnel average market value"(from the median point to the third quartile point) and "expensive personnel" (from the third quartile point to the maximum value taken as the maximum).
  • The 10% percentile and 90% percentile cut off the minimum and maximum boundary values, which are often not objective. This way we smooth out the edge effects. Smoothing out edge effects is always the company's prerogative.

The research report uses reporting forms for the following key compensation and benefit system variables:

  • Basic fixed rate - hourly, weekly or monthly payments that an employee receives for his work within the framework of the monthly working hours (usually for the strict performance of the functions specified in the job description).
  • Basic variable rate - hourly, weekly, monthly or annual payments that an employee receives for overtime, work on weekends and holidays, this also includes the payment of the 13th salary, indexation of the level of the base rate.
  • Variable salary is a remuneration that is additional to the base rate or salary and is usually related to performance (bonuses, options, percentage of the resulting performance indicator, etc.). This includes all types of material incentives for employees in addition to the basic remuneration (with the exception of social benefits provided in the form of monetary compensation).
  • Benefits are a set of social benefits adopted by the company.

After processing and obtaining information for each position under study, the company begins the process of forming the desired compensation and benefits policy based on market trends. There is a differentiated approach to determining the system and level of payments to various categories of specialists. Personnel categories are internal characteristic companies and are determined based on an expert survey of the company’s management. The most typical ones are:

  • service staff;
  • cost center staff;
  • key employees;
  • profit generation center staff;
  • line management;
  • management.

All other things being equal, a company focused on the development and retention of its key personnel, as well as seeking to improve the quality of life and work of its staff, should move up a group compared to current trends in the labor market, especially in order to have an advantage over competitors.

Fundamental differences motivational schemes applied to managers, from methods of stimulating ordinary employees - more specific gravity variable portion of remuneration in the total amount of payments and a longer period for which bonuses are paid. The contingent-variable part of managerial remuneration can be divided into two parts: short-term bonuses and long-term bonus programs.

Let's consider the following techniques incentives for senior managers:

  • Short-term bonuses
  • Long-term bonus programs
  • Social package
  • Non-material incentives

Short-term bonuses. This category includes remuneration paid to managers based on annual performance. In order to ensure the objectivity of bonuses, they are “linked” to key performance indicators of the company. For financial director as indicators that characterize the efficiency of his work in the short term, the cost of attracting credit resources, the efficiency of taxation and the placement of free funds can be used.

The accrual of an annual bonus to the financial director can be tied to the dynamics of the company's profits, revenues or expenses. As a basis for calculating one-time bonuses, indicators such as the size of attracted loans and their cost or the economic efficiency of a specific transaction that is of high importance for the company can be used.

For example, the size of the financial director's bonus may depend on two parameters - the achievement of a given value of the company's net profit and the ratio of the amount of taxes paid to the budget to annual revenue.

Long-term bonus programs. Most long-term incentive programs are based on the so-called investment approach, in which the manager's remuneration is determined as part of the achieved financial result (profit or company value). Long-term motivational programs usually take three to five years to develop. Recently, manager incentive schemes based on real options have become widespread. The essence of option programs is that the company transfers or sells a package of its own shares to the manager, as a result of which he, along with the business owners, is interested in increasing the market value of the company. But here the problem of valuing shares arises.

There are different types of option systems:

Stock options give the manager the right to buy back shares of the company at a fixed price over a specified period in the future. In other words, the manager gets the right to buy back the company's shares in three years at the current price. Because the purchase price is fixed, the manager is interested in maximizing the market price of the shares over three years.

Employee stock purchase plan - a program that allows an employee to buy shares of the company at this year at a discounted price.

A stock appreciation rights (SAR) program is a program that allows a manager, at the end of a predetermined period, to receive not shares, but a sum of money equivalent to the difference between the current and future value of the shares. This type of option is often called a phantom stock option. It is used when shareholders are not ready to allocate part of the shares to bonus managers.

Stock grant – the right to receive a block of shares free of charge by a manager. The number of shares that will be transferred to the manager if the set goals are achieved is determined. The desire to increase the value of this stake should motivate the manager to increase the value of the company.

Restricted stock option is a special case of the previous program. Its peculiarity is that the main condition for receiving a block of shares is not the achievement of certain goals by the manager, but work in the company for a specified period. Typically, restricted options are used as a tool to retain valuable executives.

Option programs are usually formalized using civil contracts. Basically, of course, these are purchase and sale agreements, including those with deferred execution. Also, depending on the option program, the use of a different legal form may be provided.

Social package. The social package is a material non-monetary incentive when the manager is given the opportunity to use company transport, a cell phone, health insurance and other services, the cost of which is paid at the expense of the company. Contrary to the widespread belief that the benefits package for a manager does not play a big role, this tool is highly effective and allows you to retain key employees.

Non-material incentives. Non-material incentives for management, in contrast to the social package, allow not only to retain employees in the company, but also to motivate them to achieve their goals.

Among the most common non-material incentives are:

  • recognition of the manager’s professionalism by business owners;
  • trust and delegation of authority;
  • well-known company brand;
  • steadily growing business;
  • long-term career prospects;
  • education;
  • corporate culture.

Senior executives are increasingly incentivized by assessing their contribution to increasing company value. Few companies have their shares listed on the stock market. Companies whose shares are not traded on the market and, accordingly, cannot be determined market price, as a measure of value, they can choose a system of internal indicators characterizing the value of the company. In this case, the owners of the company choose the system that, in their opinion, most likely corresponds to the value of the companies.

The following systems can be offered:

I. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation.
II. EVA (value added) assessment.
III. Valuation based on earnings per share.
IV. Valuation based on a weighted estimate of the company's value.
VI. Evaluation according to the Balanced Score-card system, etc.

Discounted cash flow valuation is preferable for trading companies and mass sales. The company's discounted cash flow is calculated. If a company keeps records of cash by inflow/outflow destinations, then cash flow is calculated in a direct way. Otherwise, based on the balance sheet and profit and loss account.

Value added assessment (EVA) shows how successfully a manager creates added value in the enterprise, operating within the framework between return on assets and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

The right to choose the form and system of remuneration belongs to the organization. If you prefer a wage system based on grades, pay attention to the explanations of a specialist from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection given in this article.

Traditionally, the distribution of professions and positions of workers is carried out according to the categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule for Workers of the Republic of Belarus or the tariff schedule approved in the local regulatory legal act organizations.

The grading system is based on the arrangement of all (individual) professions and positions of the organization’s employees according to the appropriate grades, depending on the complexity and intensity of work, its conditions, and the level of qualifications of workers (subclause 3.4, clause 3 of the Recommendations on the use of flexible payment systems labor in commercial organizations approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated October 21, 2011 No. 104 *).


* Ch. accountant. Salary. - 2011. - No. 22. - P. 7.

For reference: The term "grade" comes from the English. grade - to arrange by degrees, to rank.

The construction of a remuneration system based on grading has become widespread, since it allows taking into account the specifics of the production and economic activities of the organization.

Why is a grade-based remuneration system attractive?

This is the remuneration system:

Transparent and fair due to the obvious clarity for all employees of the dependence of wages on the complexity of work and the personal performance of the employee;

Provides reasonable differentiation of wages of “overvalued” and “undervalued” employees in the previous wage system;

Strengthens the motivation of employees to work hard, since the higher the complexity of the employee’s work and his personal performance, the greater the salary he can receive.

A specific profession (position) is assessed in points and belongs to a specific grade

With the grading system, the significance of a worker's profession (employee position) for the organization is assessed, which is usually measured in points.

For this purpose, you can use various criteria for assessing the professions of workers (employee positions). Each criterion is assessed with a certain number of points. The scale of all assessments is divided into a number of intervals, which are called grades.

The total sum of points obtained according to all criteria determines the position (rank) of a specific worker profession (employee position) in the structure of the organization.

Depending on the number of points received, a specific profession (position) falls into one or another interval, i.e. belongs to a certain grade.

For each grade, it is necessary to establish a range of wages, which can be formed according to the following stages:

1) the amount of the basic salary is established.

The size of the basic salary is determined taking into account both external (market values ​​of wages for employees of the relevant professional groups) and internal factors (the value of the corresponding positions for the organization, financial capabilities, etc.);

2) the interval of interqualification ratios (coefficients) is determined, which show how many times the official salaries of the corresponding grade are greater than the established base salary;

3) for each grade a range of official salaries is established (minimum and maximum);

4) the amount of remuneration for a specific employee is determined within the salary range of the grade to which the employee’s profession (position) belongs.

The system for constructing grades can provide that salary ranges for grades will overlap. This will allow the use of flexible schemes for motivating workers.

Approximate remuneration scheme based on a grade system

1. Determine the criteria for evaluating positions.

To evaluate positions in an organization, it is necessary to establish a list of necessary criteria for their evaluation:

Employee management (the volume and complexity of management functions for each position is assessed);

Responsibility (the degree of responsibility for official actions and the consequences of these actions is assessed, as well as the level of direct/indirect financial responsibility);

Difficulty of work (the number, degree of complexity and significance of problems that need to be solved by an employee at a given workplace are assessed);

Independence at work (the degree of independence in decision making is assessed);

Qualification (assessment of knowledge acquired as a result of training, advanced training, additional education necessary for high-quality performance of duties in this position);

Work experience (assessment of skills acquired on the basis of work experience necessary for the high-quality performance of duties in a given position);

Level of contacts (the level of contact and the degree of interaction with other employees of the organization and with specialists from other organizations that are necessary in the process of solving problems defined by this position are assessed, as well as the required level of communication skills);

The cost of an error (the probability of committing errors and omissions when performing a labor function is assessed).

Important! The employer determines the number of criteria for evaluating positions (professions) independently, depending on the number of employees, type economic activity, features of the organizational structure, etc.

The total score for all job evaluation criteria is 100 points.

Within the total amount of points, the criteria for evaluating positions are assessed in points, taking into account their significance (see Table 1). All positions in the organization are assessed using the same criteria to ensure that assessments are comparable with each other.

2. We establish job evaluation levels.

Evaluation levels (distribution of points) are established according to the criteria for evaluating positions (see Table 2). Assessment levels are necessary to measure differences in the complexity of the work process, setting the order of gradual complication of work. They reflect the degree of involvement of a specific position in certain evaluation criteria, taking into account the personal contribution of each employee to the overall results of the organization. The number of levels may be different: the more complex the content of work in an organization and the more diverse the work of employees, the more evaluation levels the job evaluation criteria have.

3. We determine the value of each position.

The total assessment of each position should be determined according to the criteria for evaluating positions in points (see Table 3). The total score shows the value of each position in the organization.

The total score for the head of the organization should be maximum (100 points). For other employees, the final score depends on the job title, the diversity and complexity of the work process, as well as personal contribution to the overall results of the organization.

The total assessment of positions in points according to the criteria for evaluating positions is usually carried out by specialists from the relevant departments in the organization (for example, economists, accountants) with the involvement of top officials of the organization acting as experts.

Positions that received points should be ranked in ascending order. This way we get the numerical values ​​of the scores. Each value of this series corresponds to a specific position in the organization. In this series there may be positions that have same values score.

4. We form qualification groups - grades.

Based on the results of the summary assessment of positions, they are combined into qualification groups for remuneration (grades) (see Table 4).

The number of grades is determined by dividing the entire set of scores into intervals. The intervals can be equal, i.e. selected with the same step, or unequal - selected with different steps.

The number of grades in different organizations can vary, usually from 5 to 15. Their number depends on the total number of jobs in the organization, the organizational structure, the diversity and complexity of work in these jobs.

For example:

0-30 points - 1st grade;

31-45 points - 2nd grade;

46-60 points - 3rd grade;

61-80 points - 4th grade;

81-100 points - 5th grade.

The employer sets the number of grades and the corresponding ranges of scores independently, depending on the goals of material incentives for the work of employees and their interest in the results of the organization’s activities.

Important! After grouping positions and determining the number of grades required to build a remuneration system in an organization, you can adjust the distribution of positions by grade. Thus, some positions, due to their special significance for the organization, can be transferred to a higher grade and, conversely, due to their lower significance, to a lower grade.

5. We calculate the intervals of interqualification ratios.

Interqualification intervals are determined by establishing a minimum and maximum coefficient for each grade. These coefficients show how many times the salaries in the corresponding grade are greater than the base salary provided in the organization.

The coefficients in the intervals of interqualification ratios for each grade are set by the employer independently, and they serve as a tool for differentiating the wages of managers and specialists included in qualification groups (grades) (see Table 5).

6. Determine the size of the base amount and salary ranges.

Based on the financial capabilities of the organization, the employer determines the size of the base salary.

The established coefficients are translated into the salary range by multiplying the minimum and maximum coefficients by the basic salary established in the organization (basic salaries).

The size of the basic salary can be set differentially, incl. for individual professions (positions), it is possible to provide an individual size and determine the appropriate salary range.

The salary range is used to motivate employees to work harder and more productively in the organization. Thus, workers performing tasks similar in complexity labor functions and therefore falling into the same grade, but different different attitude to work, have the opportunity to have different tariff rates (salaries) within their grade.

For example, the basic salary in an organization is set for all positions in the same amount of 1,000,000 rubles. Then the salary ranges will be as follows (see Table 6).

If for individual positions, for example, a manager and his deputy, the base salary is set at RUB 1,200,000, then the salary range for these positions will be RUB 4,800,000-8,400,000.

When introducing a remuneration system based on labor assessment and grading, all employees of the organization are set a minimum salary value in the range. Subsequent increases in salary values ​​are made based on the assessment by the manager and a specially created commission of the employees’ work results for a certain period (for example, a year). The conditions for increasing salaries and the performance indicators that are taken into account should be fixed in the regulations on remuneration developed in the organization.

The decision on the introduction of a remuneration system in an organization based on labor assessment and grading is made by the employer independently on the basis of local regulatory legal acts in force in the organization (regulations on remuneration, collective agreement). The persons responsible for the development, implementation and organization of this remuneration system are also determined by the employer.

The labor market and its payment systems are constantly changing. This is due to the development of technology, redistribution of resources, economic instability and unprofitability budgetary organizations. During the financial crisis, an objective need develops to optimize the functioning of commercial, profitable organizations and budget financing enterprises (non-profit sector). Non-profit organizations, even in a stable economy, are an expense item of the state budget. In this regard, an innovative wage system is relevant - grading (grade system), widely used in the West.

The essence of grading

By definition, grading is a way to optimize the allocation of an organization’s resources, which allows:

  • link the system of distribution of benefits and bonuses;
  • calculate the correspondence between wage expectations and labor market dynamics;
  • streamline wages using the principle of internal fairness, which is the basis of the system and allows you to avoid dispersion of wages within the enterprise;
  • increase the level of employee responsibility and labor management (every employee of the organization understands that his profit directly depends on his job evaluation);
  • Using management standards, increase the level of transparency of the organization for investors and, accordingly, increase its value.

Let's take a closer look at what grading is. This is level, rank, degree, class, title (from English). The essence of grading is to divide all positions into grades according to the complexity and intensity of work, skill levels, working conditions, and the employee’s value to the organization. In other words, grading is the distribution of positions into hierarchical positions according to value, size and salary structure.

When dividing into grades, an assessment is made of the activities performed at each position. To do this, we take as a basis the factors considered the most significant:

  • knowledge;
  • experience;
  • skills needed to solve problem situations;
  • level of responsibility.

Grade system

The use of a grading system affects the optimization of the wage fund and requires resources to maintain. The main problem is assessing the relationship between implementation costs and expected returns in financial terms. Today, the use of a grade system is relevant when calculating rewards based on points (taking into account the factor method) and a matrix-mathematical model. What is the basis of the system that uses grading? This is the Hay guide table technique. Today it is the most common. It is used to rank and evaluate managerial positions, professionalism and technical level of specialists. It is successfully used in most countries of the world (more than 30).

The system that allows for the grading of positions is familiar to Russia and the entire post-Soviet space. This is an analogue of the well-known rank system. Now it has undergone modernization and adaptation to modern market conditions. The project requires significant investment and is not the only option for a personnel management system.

Prerequisites that determine the grading of company personnel

  • Lack of an internal fair wage system in the organization.
  • The company's salary system does not reflect its specifics.
  • Lack of an understandable and clear system of remuneration and career growth.
  • Low level of cost control (payroll).
  • The importance of positioning and creating a positive image of the organization in the labor market, among clients and partners.

Main management factors

According to Hay's tables, a top manager can determine pay levels for company employees. All positions are assessed according to several parameters, divided into three groups:

  • Knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill job responsibilities. Here the monotony of the function performed, the presence of contradictions in functions and the ability to manage them, and communication skills are assessed. The result depends on the level of the employee’s communication skills, as well as whether he has a need to motivate other people. It is worth noting that the level of requirements for the position is assessed, and not the abilities of a particular individual.
  • Problem solving. Here the complexity and scale of the tasks are measured (whether restrictions are needed, what kind, standard and variable characteristics, the presence or absence of ready-made solutions, the need for fundamental research).
  • Responsibility is a complex parameter that shows the ability to make free decisions in a specific position. It is important to find out how much authority allows you to make decisions. When taking this factor into account, the degree of direct or indirect influence on financial results and their scale is measured. When it is difficult to identify the financial component, the relative complexity of the work is assessed.

These factors provide versatility for any field of activity. Depending on the structure of the organization, number and scope of activity, the list of factors can be much wider. For example, the level of intellectual activity, etc. For different job levels, factors may differ slightly.

Basic approaches. Where does the grading system pay off?

Depending on the field of activity, there are:

  • assessment of the position or competencies of a specific employee;
  • assessment of jobs (at enterprises with productive capital);
  • the competence of specific specialists (in companies where intellectual capital predominates).

Where the grading system is used:

  • when revising the structure of the organization;
  • to determine the salary of new employees;
  • when revising wages;
  • to determine the level of career growth of employees;
  • when comparing the wage system with the market.

Grading is justified in medium and large companies, where the personnel structure is not always clear, and its optimization is likely to lead to significant benefits in the future. After such a system is implemented, the permanent part of employee remuneration will include the official salary, allowances and additional payments in accordance with labor legislation.

Motivation tool, advantages and disadvantages of grades

An excellent modern tool for motivating staff is grading. When implementing such a system at an enterprise, positions are distributed so that at the first level there are managers, then a grade of income-generating positions, and then employees (lawyers, managers, etc.). A person who is an ideological leader in a business, its owner or hired manager (professional) is the top manager of the company. He is a perpetual motion machine and has no right to poor health, mood and other reasons that reduce the organization’s performance. It is logical that the grading system places this position at the highest level of remuneration. At the same time, she must have in her hands a system that allows her to harmonize salaries and arrange them according to classification. This is the grading approach.

The advantages of the system include:

  • transparency;
  • justice;
  • way to attract and retain employees;
  • quality budget management;
  • openness of career prospects;
  • increased efficiency of material motivation.

The main disadvantage is the high cost of implementing and maintaining the system, as well as the difficulty of determining the financial return that is expected. As a tribute to fashion, it is irrational to implement the system.

Personnel management and grading stages

Personnel management is a systematic and systematic influence on the formation and distribution of the organization's workforce using interrelated organizational, economic and social measures to obtain maximum effect from the work of the enterprise.

The control system includes a linear management subsystem and specialized functional subsystems of homogeneous functions. The key link in personnel management is the organization, which bears personal responsibility for making and implementing management decisions.

Grading stages:

  • Strategy assessment, current state, internal equity and external competitiveness of wages, benchmarking and labor market analysis.
  • Development of regulations, methodology for the grading system, their parameters, salary levels, bonuses and benefits, key factors for evaluating positions; job descriptions and evaluations; an implementation plan and a communication plan are formed.
  • Implementation, control and support of developments, recommendations, information materials, corrective measures, training of managers and employees.

What can you expect when implementing planning and management using grades?

Proper formation of salaries will increase the efficiency of using payroll from 10 to 50 percent. This is especially important in times of crisis. The introduction of an innovative grading system will allow any company to feel competitive in both domestic and foreign markets.

This happens due to transparency for investors and positioning itself as a serious organization. Such an enterprise will be able to attract high-quality top managers and specialists from all over the world. Such a system is an alternative for payment in municipal areas, local governments, etc. It motivates employees and increases the efficiency of the result.


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