DSP board and its use for floor leveling - characteristics of the material, pros and cons, installation technology. Laying CPSP floors CPSP on wooden joists

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When arranging one of the most important moments can be considered a matter of choice of coverage. These rooms have high humidity, there is often water on the floor, and this can result in swelling, mold, and cracks. As a result, the owner has to either change the coating or spend money on its repair. Today there are many options to avoid such problems. Repair professionals often use cement-bonded particle boards. What are their characteristics, what are their applications, pros and cons of use, how suitable are they for the bathroom floor, reviews - read about all this further in the article, watch the thematic video.

Main characteristics of cement bonded particle boards (CSPB)

With the current wide choice of construction and finishing materials Sometimes people's eyes wander, and it is quite difficult to settle on one or another product. To make this task easier, here is a list of characteristics of the DSP:

  • The stove is guaranteed to last 50 years (in an aggressive environment, without additional protection about 15-20);
  • product density 1300 kg/m3, hardness 55 MPa;
  • fire resistance (a cement particle board can withstand exposure to flame for almost an hour without allowing the fire to spread);
  • low level of moisture absorption;
  • zero toxicity level;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • high reliability.

DSP has a high degree of environmental friendliness

DSP boards are intended specifically for rooms with constant humidity; the advantage of this material is that both a master specialist and an ordinary person can work with it. The use of such a slab can both speed up and significantly reduce the cost of work on arranging a bathroom and toilet. In addition, this material is resistant to mold and various fungi.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Cement particle boards have the following advantages:

  • strong and durable;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • excellent decorative properties;
  • possibility of finishing using any materials;
  • ease of working with the coating and its processing;
  • adequate price;
  • absence of decay processes even with constant contact with water;
  • fire resistance due to the presence of cement in the composition of the slabs.

There are, of course, some disadvantages to using slabs:

  • during installation, without proper skill, a thin plate may break;
  • the coating has a high density;
  • the slab weighs quite a lot, so for cladding high walls won't do.

These disadvantages are insignificant, therefore this material very in demand.

Check quality certificates before purchasing

Cement particle boards are a practical, modern, cost-effective material that solves many problems. But it must be used correctly. Here are some tips to help you work with these slabs:

  1. When drilling holes, you need to make an indentation from the edge of 2-3 cm, no less, then the slab will not crack or crumble.
  2. If the plate is fixed to any surface other than wood, you should use only metal screws.
  3. When working with these boards you need to be very careful; the DSP material can be quite fragile.
  4. Before final finishing, you need to prime the slab.
  5. If you need to cut slabs into certain fragments, then you need to use a special cutting tool with diamond coating.

Taking into account all the above information, we can say that CBPBs have found their niche in the construction and finishing industry. They are practically indispensable when constructing foundations on sub-floors made of wood, ideal in rooms with constant humidity and sharp temperature fluctuations.

Thanks to the high strength of the slabs, in bathrooms with such flooring and finishing, you can easily install any type of bathtubs, dryers, large, and other household items that are indispensable. They can also be used where there is a possibility of subjecting the floor covering to significant mechanical loads. Another advantage of DSP is its good sound insulation qualities. The aesthetic qualities of the slabs are also excellent, while they are undemanding in maintenance and are very easy to wash and clean.

Cement bonded particle boards are widely used as a substrate for various facing materials eg mosaics, tiles, natural stone. They are also used in the installation of “warm floors”. Minimum thickness The material's high strength allows it to be used without losing the height of the room.

Tools required for installing cement bonded particle boards

  • adhesive for tiles or other cladding;
  • primer;
  • screws, self-tapping screws;
  • reinforcing tape to join the slabs.

Attention! Before laying, all sheets must be carefully prepared and measured so that they fit the parameters of the room being repaired. The sheets must be laid out, carefully adjusted and marked so that during finishing installation don't get confused.

According to user reviews, the slabs are very convenient when installing floors, especially when you need to reduce work time. Many praise its versatility and elasticity (the two outer layers are made from wood chips minimum size, and the inner one is made of a longer and larger one). Consumers also appreciate the perfectly flat surface that these slabs can provide. They easily replace the usual concrete screed.

DSP is perfect for bathroom floors

Selection of DSP

When purchasing slabs (in fact, this also applies to all other construction and repair materials), you must check the availability of the necessary certificates. It is better to buy DSP from large, reliable manufacturers, then there will be no doubt about the quality and compliance with all standards.

Advice. Many manufacturers of building materials have good system discounts for wholesale buyers, which means that you can save quite a lot by calculating in advance how much material you need and making a one-time order at the best price.

No hazardous impurities are used in production and chemical compounds, like formaldehyde, harmful resins etc., therefore the material should not have any strong foreign odors.

Advice. The thickness of the slab is chosen depending on the needs. It is better to consult either in the store or with a repair and finishing specialist.

In any case, cement bonded particle boards are an excellent choice for bathroom flooring, and the information in this article will help you navigate. Watch the thematic video and use only the best materials for repairs!

DSP testing: video

Cement particle board: photo

The use of cement particle boards for floor leveling is due to the strength, environmental friendliness and low price of this material. DSP contains only natural materials based on mineral binders, so the boards are ideal for constructing floors in residential premises. In a cement-bonded particle board, as in fiberboard, OSB or chipboard, the main component is wood shavings. In addition, there is Portland cement, water and special additives. This material is perfect replacement GVL, OSB and chipboard and is suitable for dry floor screeding.

Production of CBPB

Cement particle boards - comparatively new material. Its production takes place in several stages:

  1. A solution based on water with the addition of salts is poured into the mixing container, liquid glass and aluminum.
  2. Then pour in the shavings for mineralization in the prepared solution. By the way, shavings are also used in chipboard, fiberboard and OSB.
  3. After this, cement is poured and water is added. The composition is thoroughly mixed.
  4. The finished mixture is fed under a press, where it takes the form of a smooth cast slab.

Characteristics of cement bonded particle boards

The material obtained during pressing combines best qualities GVL, OSB, chipboard and fiberboard, namely:

  • The multilayer structure makes it possible to achieve high strength of the material, which makes DSP similar to OSB. The strength of these boards is much higher than that of GVL.
  • The flat and smooth surface of the slabs does not require additional leveling before laying the floor covering. This quality of cement boards is very similar to chipboard, OSB and GVL.
  • The environmental friendliness of the material allows it to be used for any interior works. However, unlike OSB and chipboard, it has a more affordable price.
  • DSP is characterized by low flammability. This is its main advantage over fiberboard, chipboard and OSB.
  • The material is resistant to temperature changes and aggressive environments. This feature makes it performance higher than that of fibreboard, chipboard and gypsum fiber board.
  • Since cement boards have an alkaline environment, they are not susceptible to rotting and damage by insects, which cannot be said about fiberboard and chipboard.
  • The boards are highly moisture resistant. That's why they are much better than fiberboard and drywall, which are not recommended for use in places with high humidity.
  • Sound absorption coefficient cement slabs much higher than that of drywall and fiberboard.
  • DSPs have an affordable price due to their simple production technology, which cannot be said about OSB.
  • Frost resistance cement sheets, like OSB, allows installation in houses without heating. This quality of the material is much superior to gypsum fiber board and drywall.
  • According to the soundproofing characteristics of the slab better than GVL and OSB.

Although DSP significantly exceeds plasterboard and other similar materials in its technical characteristics, it still has disadvantages. These include the following:

    • The board weighs more than OSB because it contains cement. This creates installation difficulties compared to lighter OSB boards.
    • When cutting CBPB, a lot of dust is generated. In this way, it is very similar to drywall, but, unlike cement boards, it can be cut, rather than sawed. In this case, OSB is superior in performance cement material, because it does not generate dust when cutting.

Using DSP

The use of cement slabs is justified when installing a subfloor under any floor covering that requires a perfectly flat base, for example, under ceramic tiles, laminate, carpet, linoleum.

Compared to cement-sand screed or self-leveling DSP compositions allow you to significantly save on leveling the base for laying the face layer. Pressed cement sheet can be laid on concrete and wooden bases.

When installing a dry screed, using DSP instead of OSB or GVLV will allow you to save money and get an equally strong and durable subfloor. In addition, cement boards have high moisture resistance, so they can even be used for floors in bathrooms and toilets, which cannot be said about plasterboard.

With the help of cement slabs it is convenient to create not only floor leveling, but also a heated system. In this case, you will receive not only a flat base, but also a protective screen against heat leakage through concrete plates ceilings In this respect, DSP is far superior to OSB, which is not suitable for use in heated floors.

Pressed cement sheets can be used to install floors along joists. Their strength is no lower than that of OSB, which I often use as a subfloor on joists. This material is suitable not only for installing and leveling the floor. Cement particle boards can be used for interior decoration room walls instead of drywall.

Choosing cement sheets for the floor

DSPs can have different dimensions depending on the thickness of the material. Slabs with a thickness of 10 to 40 mm are suitable for leveling floors. In this case, the choice of material is made depending on the curvature and features of the base.

High-quality cement sheets, which are suitable for leveling the floor and have technical characteristics no worse than OSB, must meet the following requirements:

  • the density of the material should not be more than 1300 kg/m²;
  • humidity can be in the range of 6-12%;
  • swelling of the slab under the influence of water during the day should be no more than 2%;
  • permissible moisture absorption is 16%;
  • tensile strength – 0.4 MPa;
  • permissible surface roughness is 80 microns.

Leveling the floor

To level a concrete or wooden floor, you can use cement sheets 1-1.5 cm thick. If the base of the floor is relatively flat, then the slabs can be glued directly onto it without lathing with timber.

Leveling concrete and wooden floors using DSP is done in the same way as with using OSB. The work is carried out in this order:

  1. We lay out the slabs on the floor of the room. We number all the sheets, and mark the layout on the floor with chalk. We cut the edge slabs to the required size.

Tip: it is convenient to use DSP for cutting hacksaw blade. As a result, you will not have a lot of dust, and the edge of the slab will be smooth.

  1. Now we remove all the sheets from the floor.
  2. Using a notched trowel, apply the adhesive composition to the base of the floor (see video).
  3. We lay the cement-bonded particle board and press it to the base.
  4. The next sheet must be glued with a gap of 0.5 cm between adjacent elements. It is needed to compensate for the deformation expansion of the material.
  5. We seal the gaps between the sheets with adhesive.
  6. Once the glue has set, you can begin laying the face covering.

Video on how to lay cement slabs on a concrete or wooden base:

Before laying particle boards, as well as before laying OSB on the floor, the base of the wooden floor must be prepared. To do this, rotten and damaged boards are replaced with new ones. The cracks are sealed with putty. Laying slabs on wooden floor performed similarly. Before gluing the cement bonded particle boards to wooden floor, its surface should be treated with a primer. This will improve grip adhesive composition with base.

Dry screed

If cement slabs can be glued to a relatively flat base, then to level a surface with a height difference of more than 6 cm, it is better to use a dry screed. Using DSP instead of OSB in this design will significantly save money. In this case, the chip sheets are laid on granular aggregate and guide beams. Can be used as guides metal profiles for drywall or wooden blocks. Since it is more convenient to fasten the DSP with self-tapping screws, it is better to take bars of a suitable cross-section for the guides. The optimal height of a dry screed is 7-10 cm, depending on the curvature of the base.

The main advantages of dry screed are its lightness and excellent heat and sound insulating qualities. The combination of granular aggregate and cement bonded particle boards improves the performance characteristics of the floor. This leveling method is suitable for houses with old, dilapidated floors.

Laying dry screed takes place in several stages:

  1. First, the level of the finished floor on the walls of the room is broken down.
  2. Then two layers of insulating material are laid on the floor. Usually ordinary polyethylene film is used.
  3. Along the perimeter of the room, a damper tape is attached to the walls near the floor.
  4. Guide beams are installed. The pitch of the beams is equal to the width of the rule, but not more than 50 cm. The beams are attached to the base using dowels with self-tapping screws and are strictly leveled. The top plane of the beams should be lower than the finished floor level by the height of the floor covering.
  5. It is filled between the guides bulk material. Expanded clay sand is most often used. It is compacted and leveled according to the rule along the beams.
  6. Next, cement bonded particle boards are laid. The use of this material will increase the heat and soundproofing characteristics floor.
  7. We attach cement boards to wooden beams self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm.
  8. Immediately after this, you can lay the flooring.

In this article we would like to talk about the technology of laying a material such as CSP - cement particle board - on the floor. A little about the material itself. By appearance he looks like flat slate, except that it often has much greater sheet thickness, and the sheet dimensions are larger. DSP differs from slate in that it is based not on asbestos, but on ordinary sawdust and cement.

But the article is not at all about the material, but about its installation (if necessary, you can read all the necessary information in the article: where you will find not only a description of the material and its production technology, but also the positive and negative characteristics, pros and cons of this building material. ).

1. DSP installation on a wooden floor.

Let us note right away that it is possible to make an excellent foundation, for example, for a wooden floor, with minimal monetary costs, using a DSP. In this case, there is no need to rearrange the boards.

1. Secure the base.

To begin with, all the boards are additionally secured so that they do not creak. It is best to do this with self-tapping screws. Galvanized universal screws 4x51 are suitable for our purpose. Pre-drill the boards directly above the joist with a 3 mm drill and tighten the screw. This way we strengthen the entire floor.

2. Making a plan.

Next, we draw up a plan for laying the slabs. To do this, we measure the dimensions of the room and the dimensions of the DSP sheets, after which we draw a plan on the sheet on a reduced scale. Try to ensure that the long sides of the slabs lie across the boards on the floor, then final surface turn out smoother. Of course, you won’t be able to cover everything with whole slabs; you’ll have to cut one or more. Based on the plan, we determine the sizes of the pieces of slabs.

Cutting of CBPB slabs is carried out an ordinary grinder, although this can be done hand tools- for example, a hacksaw. The main thing is that the cut is perpendicular to the sides, otherwise the seams between the plates will turn out uneven. In the process of drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account that there will be a small gap between the slabs, so it is better to cut pieces of the required size as needed during the flooring process.

3. Laying slabs on the floor.

We start laying the slabs from the corner of the room and move to the opposite corner. Initially, whole slabs are laid, and where they do not fit, they are supplemented with pieces. We leave a small gap of 2-3 mm between the plates. We fasten the DSP boards to the floor using galvanized self-tapping screws through the wooden floor to the joists. The dimensions of the screws are selected based on the thickness of the floor and the DSP boards so that the screws go into the joists at least 30 mm. Previously, in the places of fastening, the DSP boards are drilled to the thickness of the self-tapping screw, taking into account the threads. The self-tapping screw must fit into the slab freely. The inlet hole in the slab can be slightly expanded with a larger drill bit. This will allow you to completely hide the head of the screw.

4. Final finishing.

After the floor is laid, use putty or sealant to seal all seams and fastening points. By the way silicone sealant V in this case won't do. It tolerates dynamic loads extremely poorly and begins to lag behind the adjacent surface. Before sealing the seams, it would be better to pre-prime them. Any deep penetration primer is suitable for this.

2. DSP laying on a metal profile floor.

Finishing floors using DSP is an excellent solution for those who make a trailer or stall with a metal profile frame. First of all, this is determined based on the qualities of the CBPB, such as good strength and inertness to moisture. It is possible to lay DSP on a metal profile without additional basis, directly securing the sheets with metal screws of sufficient length. Moreover, if there is a need for floor insulation, you can initially fix wooden blocks along the metal profile, between which you can lay cut insulation boards, for example mineral wool, and attach the DSP boards to the bars.

In essence, the installation technology is no different from that described in the first part of the article, so we will not describe it in detail. Note that if you attach the sheets directly to the metal profile, you will need special metal screws. They usually have a different cap design and hiding them so that they do not protrude above the surface of the slab will be somewhat more difficult.

Preparation horizontal structures under finishing always requires a balanced approach. If you choose the wrong material for the base, problems may arise in the future. Application for flooring of DSP boards – perfect solution. The products have the required performance characteristics and can be mounted on different types surfaces in various ways.

Advantages of using cement bonded particle boards for flooring

This material is becoming more and more in demand, which is explained by its excellent parameters.

The main advantages of the product include:

You can install the parts yourself without involving specialists, but the work has certain nuances.

Disadvantages of the material

Disadvantages of the product:

When purchasing material, you must check for safety certificates.

Laying features

To correctly lay the products, you need to accurately select the thickness of the cement bonded particle boards:

  • The optimal value when working with a concrete or plank base is 10–16 mm.
  • If installation is carried out on logs with a pitch of 50–60 cm, then elements with a thickness of 20 to 26 mm are selected. On the ground floor, it is recommended to lay products with a thickness of 10–14 mm in two layers.
  • Prefabricated floors in household and technical rooms can be made in sheets with a thickness of 24 to 36 mm.

For guaranteed quality arrangement for floors in a private house along joists, it is advisable to use slabs with a thickness of 20 mm or more, and for continuous installation on floor slabs in suitable for apartment any material

The further process consists of successive steps, compliance with which will ensure a high-quality result.

Preparatory work

To ensure that the installation of DSP floors does not take much time, you need to carry out all the preparatory procedures in advance.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. The area of ​​the room is measured and compiled detailed diagram with the received data.
  2. It is very important to pay attention to difficult areas. If there are tapering parts or niches in the room, it is necessary to divide such places into several sections in order to get the right result.
  3. Temperature gaps are left from the walls, which level out deformations during shrinkage of the building.
  4. According to the plan, taking into account the selected size of the slabs, it is determined how the sheets will be attached. The technology of flooring on logs involves laying parts across.
  5. Cement particle boards are being prepared. For this purpose, the dimensions according to the location on floor covering transferred to parts.

When drawing up a laying plan, the slabs are placed with a shift; it is also necessary to take into account the size of the damper gap


Further work may cause some difficulties: you need to choose what to cut the CBPB with.

To cut the slab, the following tools are used:

  • Bulgarian. This is the most effective option, if panels with a thickness of more than 12–14 mm are used. The work will require special diamond discs that provide fast and reliable cutting.
  • Jigsaw. The use of such a tool is limited: it can only cut thin parts. Thicker elements will require a set of good files, which are selected empirically, and a lot more time and effort.
  • Construction knife. You can cut thin slabs with this device in the following way: using a blade resting on the edge of a ruler or slats, a depression is formed along the line, after which the product is moved beyond the edge of the table and broken off.

On a note! When laying DSP on the floor, all edges must be extremely smooth, so the last cutting option may require additional training due to the presence of defects.

The cleanest and smoothest cut is obtained by using a grinder with diamond blade or manual circular saw with high speed

Installation of slabs

To lay parts on a horizontal base in a private house or apartment, you can use different methods, which depend on the type of surface.

Fastening with glue or self-tapping screws

The fixation method is selected based on the specific situation:

In some situations, methods can be combined.

Laying on joists

Selected for the process wooden beam with a cross section of 5*8 cm, which will provide the best reliability and rigidity. Parts must be dried and treated with protective compounds.

For perfect alignment wooden floors on the joists, a DSP flooring with insulation is installed

Scheme of work:

  1. Logs are installed. All elements are aligned with each other and fixed. It is recommended to place under them insulation, cut into strips, which will avoid the appearance of cold bridges. If required, jumpers are installed.
  2. Empty space is filled thermal insulation material. Dry screed is created in a similar way.
  3. DSP slabs are laid according to the drawn up diagram with a gap from the walls. If the house was recently built, it is advisable to leave a small distance between all the parts, sealing it with putty or sealant.
  4. The panels must be fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 20 to 35 cm. The cap must be immersed flush.

The choice of method for arranging the seam between the flooring slabs is selected depending on the installation location and the finishing coating that is planned to be laid on top

If two layers are laid, then they are placed perpendicularly so that the previous joints are covered.

Mounting on concrete screed

You can place the slabs on such a base as follows:

This method is excellent for warm water floors, but all gaps between the tubes are first sealed with a self-leveling mixture.

Cement particle boards are ideally suited for installing a “warm floor” system in a wooden house

For achievement best result You can use some recommendations:

  • Installing DSP on the floor is most important when laying tiles: in this case, the highest quality adhesion is achieved.
  • Before use, it is better to keep the material indoors for 24 hours. This will eliminate possible errors.
  • If work is carried out on a “wet” screed, then you should wait for it to dry completely.
  • It is better to carry out the procedures with an assistant, especially when using thick slabs.

Given that correct execution During all work, the surface will be characterized by increased reliability.

Unique characteristics that they have cement bonded particle boards(abbreviated DSP) allow them to be used for leveling floor surface. Since they consist solely of natural materials based on mineral components, they can be used when arranging floors in living rooms.

DSP boards for flooring are distinguished by their durability, environmental friendliness and affordable price for many consumers. In cement-bonded particle board products, as in chipboard, fiberboard, the main component is wood chips (read: “Fibreboard for flooring - types and sequence of installation”). They also contain Portland cement, water and a number of additives. This one is relatively new on the domestic market construction material Suitable for dry screeding.

The production of such plates is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. A solution consisting of water, to which salts have been added, and components such as aluminum and liquid glass is poured into a container intended for mixing.
  2. Chips are poured there for mineralization.
  3. Then add water and cement and mix thoroughly.
  4. The finished composition is sent under a press, after which the material takes the form of cast slabs with smooth surface. You can see how they look in the photo.

Cement particle board for flooring combines all the advantages of building materials such as OSB, chipboard, plasterboard and fiberboard, and in some respects it surpasses them:

  1. Thanks to its multilayer structure, DSP has high strength, similar to OSB. This figure is higher than that of GVL.
  2. Since the slab has a smooth and even surface, it does not require additional processing before installation final finishing. With this quality, cement products have much in common with chipboard, OSB and plasterboard (read also: “What thickness should OSB be for a floor”).
  3. The material is environmentally friendly and therefore can be installed in rooms of different purposes, including living rooms.
  4. Cement sheets, like OSB, are resistant to low temperatures, which allows them to be installed in unheated buildings and thus surpass gypsum fiber boards in this indicator.
  5. Unlike chipboard and OSB particle board slabs are more affordable for consumers.
  6. Compared to other products made from wood components, DSP has a low degree of flammability.
  7. The material does not respond to temperature fluctuations and is immune to the effects of aggressive environments. Such properties of these plates make their performance properties higher than those of other similar products.
  8. Since DSPs contain an alkaline environment, they do not rot over time and are not susceptible to damage by insects - pests. Neither chipboard nor fiberboard have these properties.
  9. Cement floor slabs are distinguished by their good moisture resistance, so they are considered better than plasterboard sheets and wood fiber boards, which craftsmen do not recommend using in rooms with high humidity.
  10. DSP has a much higher noise absorption coefficient compared to fiberboard and gypsum fiber board.
  11. Such slabs due to the use for their production the simplest technology cost less than OSB.

Despite its excellent technical characteristics, CSB has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Due to the presence of cement in their composition, they have more weight than OSB. This circumstance contributes to the occurrence of problems during their installation.
  2. Since these slabs have to be cut, they generate a lot of dust. This quality of CSB is similar to drywall. In this case, OSB is superior to cement products, since it does not generate dust when cutting (read: “Floor made of OSB boards- how to lay and lay correctly").

When selected DSP board- application for flooring is considered one of best solutions when arranging a rough foundation for laying finishing coating. The point is that for installation ceramic tiles, carpet, etc. An absolutely flat base is required.

These slabs compared to concrete screeds or self-leveling mixtures allow you to save a large amount money for leveling the subfloor for installation of finishing. Sheets of this material have a strength no less than that of OSB. You can create floors from DSP using logs with your own hands, as well as using concrete base, on wooden flooring.

When installing a dry screed, if you use cement boards instead of OSB, you can get a durable and reliable subfloor that is cheaper in cost. And since they have increased moisture resistance, they can be used in bathrooms and bathrooms.

Using cement slabs, it will be possible not only to level the rough base, but also to lay a heated floor on the DSP under the tiles. At the same time, it should be noted that OSB is not suitable for use in heated floors.

Pressed cement products are also used for finishing indoor walls instead of plasterboard.

Manufacturers produce cement boards different sizes and thickness. If DSP is used on the floor for arranging a rough foundation, then you need to purchase products with a thickness of at least 10 and no more than 40 millimeters. The choice largely depends on the curvature and size of the floor differences.

High-quality cement sheets, which are used to level the base with technical characteristics similar to those of OSB, must meet the following requirements:

  • humidity in the region of 6-12%;
  • moisture absorption about 16%;
  • density should not exceed 1300 kg/m²;
  • tensile strength – 0.4 MPa;
  • swelling of the material under direct influence of water within 24 hours – no more than 2%;
  • surface roughness should not exceed 80 microns.

To level a concrete or wooden floor, cement sheets with a thickness of 10–15 millimeters are used. When the rough base is relatively flat, the products can be glued directly onto it without creating a sheathing of timber.

Base leveling technology with using DSP as follows:

  1. The plates are placed on the floor. They should be numbered, and a layout marking should be drawn on the base with chalk.
  2. The end products are cut to the required size. To cut them use a hacksaw blade, and then they will not appear a large number of dust, and the edges will be smooth.
  3. Then the slabs are removed from the floor.
  4. An adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the rough base using a notched trowel.
  5. The first sheet is applied to the floor and pressed.
  6. The next plate is glued, maintaining a gap of 5 millimeters between adjacent products. It is necessary to compensate for the expansion of sheets when they are deformed.
  7. The gaps between the plates are eliminated with an adhesive composition.
  8. After it has set, begin laying the finishing coating.
  9. When laying DSP on a wooden floor, it should be prepared.
  10. Warped and rotten floorboards need to be replaced with new boards. Gaps are sealed using putty. Before gluing cement-bonded particle board products to wooden flooring, a primer should be applied to its surface. In this way, the adhesion of the adhesive to the base is improved.

A slightly uneven base can be leveled using cement slabs fixed with special glue. But for a surface where the height difference exceeds 6 centimeters, it is better to use a dry screed. At the same time, the use of DSP instead of OSB will reduce financial costs.

The cement-bonded particle boards are fastened to guide beams, between which granular material is placed. Metal profiles, which are used when installing drywall, or wood blocks can be used as guides. Since self-tapping screws are required to fix cement sheets, it is better to make guides from wooden materials required section.

Depending on the degree of deformation of the base optimal height dry screeds are considered 7-10 centimeters. Its main advantage is its light weight and significant heat and sound insulation parameters. The combination of CBPB and filler in the form of granules can improve the performance properties. This method Surface leveling should be used in buildings where there are old floors in a dilapidated state.

Lay the dry screed in stages:

  1. First of all, they make a breakdown of the level of final floor finishing on the walls of the room.
  2. Then placed on the base insulating material in two layers. Typically, polyethylene film is used.
  3. A damper tape is fixed along the walls around the perimeter of the room near the floor.
  4. Then guide beams are installed with a gap, equal to length rules, but no more than 50 centimeters. They are fixed to the base using dowels with self-tapping screws and adjusted according to the level.
  5. The upper part of the beams is placed below the level of the finished surface to the height of the floor covering.
  6. Bulk material, for example, expanded clay, is laid out between the guide elements. It is compacted, leveling it along the beams using a rule.
  7. Next, they begin to install the DSP. Their use makes it possible to improve heat and soundproofing properties floor.

The slabs are fixed with self-tapping screws to the beams, observing a step of 10-15 centimeters. Now you can start finishing floor.


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