Decorative stone for finishing walls in an apartment. Stone wall decoration: materials, features and photos Decorative stone for interior decoration is rough

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Decorating a hallway with decorative stone is a simple technology and it is quite possible to add originality to the interior with your own hands. Creating a design in the hallway requires special attention no less than in other rooms, because this is the first room that guests see. Decorative rock will give the hallway a stylish look, no matter whether it is used as the main material or as an additional accent.

Types of coating

Before you start work, you need to choose the right finishing material. It is made on the basis of concrete and gypsum with the addition of dyes. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is better to study their characteristics first.

To the advantages concrete products relate:

Walls decorated with such stone can be easily cleaned of any dirt, and the worn surface can be quickly restored with paint. If you accidentally touch the finish with something hard, there will be no marks left on it and no cracks will appear.


  • heavy weight;
  • high price;
  • processing complexity.

To cut individual fragments when laying, you will need a grinder and a diamond wheel, as well as some effort.

Advantages of gypsum coating:

This stone is chosen for finishing plasterboard walls, which cannot be subjected to heavy loads. If you can’t find the right color, there are unpainted products on sale that you can paint at your discretion.


When dirty, this finish should not be wetted or rubbed vigorously so as not to damage the surface. Treating the stone with a special impregnation or varnish will help to avoid such damage. acrylic base. Also on sale is gypsum stone with polymer coating– it’s a little more expensive than usual, but it’s not at all afraid of moisture.

Preparation for finishing

First you need to calculate the amount of material. If the stone will cover the entire area of ​​the walls in the hallway, you should subtract the area of ​​the openings and add 10%. If the decor will be located around openings, niches, in separate fragments on open walls, draw a rough sketch of the decoration and take measurements of each area. Then add up the area and add 10-15% for trimming. When purchasing material, you should remember that the amount of stone with an angular shape is calculated in linear meters, and of a regular shape - in square meters.

Additionally you will need:

fasten fake diamond Can be used with liquid nails, cement or gypsum based glue. The glue consumption must be indicated on the packaging, so when purchasing, you should know exactly the finishing area and take it with a small margin.

If you use gypsum stone, you will need a special miter box with high sides for cutting.

When everything you need has been purchased, you should start preparing the surface.

Step 1. Dismantling the coating

If the stone covers the hallway walls completely, the old coating is removed completely to the base. If separate areas are intended for decoration, the coating must be dismantled very carefully. On the wallpaper, mark the boundaries of the finish with a pencil and carefully trim it stationery knife, leaving a reserve for stones 1-2 cm wide. Wallpaper glue is soaked in water and removed with a spatula, the walls are thoroughly washed. They also remove the paint if it is peeling or cracked, and clean off any loose plaster.

Step 2. Leveling the walls

The stone must be laid on a level smooth surface– this will facilitate the work process and increase strength decorative covering. Therefore, all small cracks, gaps, and depressions are rubbed down, and if there are differences of more than 5 mm, the entire area is better. Particular attention should be paid to doorways: deep cracks may form around the perimeter of the frame, for sealing which it is recommended to use a cement solution.

Prices for mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Step 3: Priming

Dry walls must be lightly sanded to smooth out the unevenness of the puttied areas, and then wiped with a rag to remove dust. After this, the surface is treated 1-2 times with an acrylic primer. If there is wallpaper around the perimeter of the areas to be treated, the primer should be applied so as to cover an edge 1 cm wide - what will be hidden under the cladding.

Laying stone

Decorative stone has uneven edges and consists of different sizes. Laying must be done in such a way that tiles of the same size are necessarily interspersed with larger or smaller fragments, and the seams do not coincide either horizontally or vertically. This way the coating will look most natural and attractive. To understand how best to join the stone, you need to lay out the tiles on the floor, selecting the fragments in a certain order.

Step 1. Preparing the glue

Pour dry glue into a container of water and stir well. The ratio of water and glue is indicated on the package, so there is no need to mix “by eye”. Failure to comply with the proportions reduces the strength of the connection or increases the consumption of glue. It is best to mix with a construction mixer, then there will be no lumps left in the mixture. The finished glue should be homogeneous and resemble a thick paste in consistency.

Step 2. Laying the first row

You need to lay out the tiles from the corner of the wall, and this can be done both from above and from below. When laid from top to bottom, the stone is less dirty with glue, and the coating is more accurate. If only the area around the opening is covered, start from the corner of the door. For convenience, the wall can be marked by level with horizontal lines every 10-15 cm.

Now you can start installation:

Between the fragments you can leave seams of 5 to 8 mm, especially if the stone is large.

After facing, the joints are filled with putty and jointed, which makes the masonry more attractive. Small tiles can be attached closely, the main thing is that the joints do not coincide.

Step 3: Finishing the corners

For cladding interior and external corners you can purchase special corner tiles, which are more expensive than usual, but significantly simplify the work process. If your budget is limited, you will have to adjust the stone yourself using a grinder or a hacksaw. There are 2 options here - laying the stone overlapping or grinding the edges at an angle of 45 degrees. When using the first option for external corners, the open ends must be filed and tinted, otherwise they will stand out too much. In internal corners Both ends are closed, so no processing is needed. The second option is more suitable for gypsum products, which are convenient to cut using a miter box.

So, first determine required quantity fragments, trim them from certain side, process the sections with a file. Next, the stones are smeared with glue and alternately attached to the walls on both sides of the corner, carefully aligning the joints. When the vertical corner is laid out, you can expand the masonry onto the walls.

Step 4. Decorating the edges of the masonry

The edges of the masonry will look more attractive if the tiles are cut beautifully. The surface of the decorative stone has a clear texture, which makes it easier to trim the outer fragments. You should cut with a hacksaw directly along the contour lines to ensure the most natural cuts. All cuts must be sanded with sandpaper.

Step 5. Sealing joints

Bred gypsum putty and carefully apply it to the joints, corners, and around the perimeter of openings and switches. For convenience, you can use a thick bag, for example, a milk bag. One edge of the bag is cut completely, and a small incision is made on the other side. Fill the bag with putty mixture and squeeze out an even thin strip onto the seams. If the solution is applied with a spatula, you should immediately wipe off the excess from the surface of the stone to avoid drying out. After filling the joints, the putty is rubbed with a damp foam sponge and left to dry.

Step 6: Finishing

The dried putty has White color, and therefore the treated areas will stand out against the background of the stone. Paint will help get rid of light spots: in a small container, dilute the pigment to match the color of the main coating and use a small brush to paint the putty areas. When the paint dries, the stone is coated with acrylic varnish. In places where the walls are constantly touched, it is better to apply varnish in 2-3 layers.

To make the coating more voluminous, you can highlight the edges of the masonry with golden or bronze dye. There is another option: a coating of the same color, but more saturated in tone, is applied to the artificial stone at an oblique angle. In addition, you can use lighting: light directed from above or from the side makes the masonry much more textured and clearer.

Calculation of decorative stoneFormulasExplanations
Calculate the surface area intended for cladding with artificial stoneS (wall) = AxBA – wall length, B – wall height
Calculate the surface area that the corner elements of the decorative stone will occupyS (angles) = Lx0.2L – angle length ( linear meters), 0.2 – coefficient
Find total area, which is occupied by all corner elementsS (angles total) = S (angle 1) + S (angle 2)-
Calculate the area of ​​the windows and doorways S=AxBA – window/door width, B – window/door height
Calculate the surface area intended for facing decorative stone, taking into account the area occupied by corner elements, window and door openingsS (stone) = S (walls) – S (corners) – S (windows/doors)Increase the resulting area by 10%
How to calculate required amount corner stone elements.Measure and add the height of the corners to be faced with decorative stone. L (total angles) = L (angle 1) + L (angle 2), etc. Increase the resulting length by 10%L – length of corners (linear meters)

Video - Decorating the hallway with decorative stone


The most the best material For stone finishing in the interior, artificial stone made of gypsum will be used. This material not only has affordable price, but also a huge number of mastered forms, light weight and simple installation. Gypsum decorative stone can be painted and also laid on plasterboard walls. It goes very well in the interior with wallpaper.

Give various surfaces They have been able to create a stone-like appearance since ancient times. In the description of the restoration of the burnt Winter Palace, Bashutsky mentions the marble-like plaster used in the royal mansions. Petersburg was built quickly, even royalty lived in palaces decorated with “fake” marble and granite. Stone-look surfaces are especially popular today. They are monumental, varied, interesting in the interior and landscape of any style. Do-it-yourself decorative plaster to look like stone is a task that can be easily accomplished even for beginners.

Imitation methods

There are many ways to create a rock-like surface.

The main ones in application are:

  1. use of hanging plastic panels for wall decoration,
  2. wall cladding with gypsum or cement relief tiles,
  3. creating a dummy cover from foam plastic,
  4. formation of masonry or decorative layer from mortar.

Stone decor with individual design can be created using plaster solutions(in the old way, styuki).

Imitation of stone on the wall - torn rock, masonry, processed solid marble, malachite, sandstone or granite - is created using artistic methods or using various prints. Different techniques for simulating stone textures provide different depths of elaboration of the design.

The following techniques exist:

  • flat with a coating layer thickness close to 1 mm (),
  • textured, having a rough surface (, etc.),
  • flat-relief in which the seams of the masonry are barely deepened,
  • convex in the form of three-dimensional masonry, otherwise called 3d.

Main components of the plaster composition

Decorative coating with a stone appearance is made using plaster mortar.

It, like other plaster solutions, contains:

  • Binders – acrylic resins, cement, silicate (organosilicon), gypsum, silicone resins, lime;
  • Fillers – calibrated stone chips and/or flour various breeds, quartz sand;
  • Dyes – mineral, synthetic or organic pigments;
  • Plasticizers – PVA, soap solution, soap naft, etc.;
  • Additives for giving required properties, for example, frost resistance, resistance to fungus, mold, accelerated or delayed setting of binders (soap, animal glue), increased water resistance, greater decorativeness (mica chips, mother of pearl).

If you wish, you can purchase a ready-to-use composition, or you can create a mixture and prepare the plaster yourself.

Preparation of the composition

If the decorative mixture is purchased in a store in dry form, it must be diluted with water. Pour the composition into a container with water (¼ volume of dry matter) and then mix it with a drill with an attachment. This must be done exactly according to the instructions. The finished mixture should have a uniform consistency without foreign inclusions or lumps. After a ten-minute break, the mixture is stirred again. It should be so thick that it does not spread when applying a layer and is easy to apply. Immediately after the second stirring, the mixture is ready for use.

How to prepare decorative compositions yourself

You can save money by not purchasing expensive ready-made materials. Some simple recipes from a variety of compositions that are prepared independently:

  1. By adding clean sand is being created. To do this, take 1.5-2 liter buckets of sand onto a putty bucket. The mixture is stirred with an electric mixer. If necessary, add water.
  2. For exterior work or for finishing wet rooms (bathroom, etc.): 10 kg of lime, 10 kg of cement, 20 kg of sand, enough water to obtain the mass of the required consistency and 5% of the mass of the solution - liquid glass.
  3. 20% lime paste, 74% marble sand, 5% Portland cement M400 (white), 1% manganese peroxide, the required amount of water.
  4. 20% lime paste, 6% white cement M400, 4% pigment, 70% quartz sand.

The nuances of preparing stone plaster are as follows:

  • mixing water can be running, but should not be below +10 C,
  • to get lime paste from dry lime, you need to mix it warm water 3:1, leave for a day,
  • binders can be used in combination, for example, lime with cement, gypsum with lime.

Using homemade formulations, you can significantly reduce costs and create wild stone with your own hands and from start to finish.

Stone surface imitation technology

The main directions of “imitation” of nature and masons are:

  1. creation of external surface texture (blocks, cobblestones or solid),
  2. Creation external form inherent in blocks, cobblestones, bricks or walls made of them,
  3. use for coloring colors close to natural.

Equipment and tools

For correct execution work may be required:

  • masking tape,
  • sanding float,
  • steel graters 20 and 25 cm,
  • spatulas with rounded edges 6 cm and 20 cm,
  • Master OK,
  • Maklowitz and Fleitz brushes,
  • coarse bristle brush,
  • roller,
  • rule
  • sandpaper No. 120 and 220,
  • bubble level,
  • tape measure or long ruler,
  • containers for solution,
  • pencil
  • measuring containers or scales,
  • electric mixer,
  • rags.

Don't forget about personal protective equipment! Gloves, respirator, special. clothes and shoes.

Preparing the base

Imitation stone for interior decoration with the help of plaster it is demanding for high-quality execution at any stage. Including in .

To ensure that the layer of decorative plaster lays evenly, adheres well and firmly to the base, and subsequently various dirty spots do not appear through the finishing, the surface of the base is prepared:

  • it is cleaned of all mechanical contaminants;
  • curved walls are leveled by plastering (use or);
  • chips and cracks, large holes are repaired, cement mortar with sand, using reinforcing mesh;
  • if necessary, the base is treated with special degreasing or antiseptic agents;
  • dried;
  • primed for better adhesion (this is especially important stage for smooth substrates such as gypsum panels, fiberboard, etc.).

If decorative stone work is to be done, and the foundation/basement of the house is insulated, then a concrete “crust” is applied, reinforced with two layers of fiberglass mesh. The mesh is applied to a layer of spray 2 cm thick, the second one is placed on top of a spray of the same thickness on the first mesh. A final layer of 2.5-3 cm is thrown over the mesh.

For relief and semi-relief coatings, it is not necessary to level the surface to perfection. This finish will itself hide some imperfections.

Five ways to apply decorative plaster under stone

Types of stone imitation

Imitating stone from plaster using your own means is done using various techniques. There are more complex and simpler techniques, the use of which produces finishing with stone effect.


This type includes decorative finishing finishes, in which the appearance of a polished stone slab is created by using colors on top of the layer or due to the components of the finishing composition (differently colored decorative solutions with stone flour). This is a kind of multi-layer plaster painting. These include Venetian stone plaster. For this purpose, plaster for interior work is used (with marble or other stone flour). To make the surface matte, walls that look like processed marble, onyx, malachite, etc. . They are polished to obtain gloss.

Plastering walls to look like stone:

  • the base is brought to perfect evenness,
  • covered with acrylic putty of a general basic tone,
  • apply decorative layer, doing this in stages (strokes of different colors are applied alternately) or simultaneously (mass of different shades are applied to the edge of the main tool), after which they are stretched along the wall, achieving uneven mixing),
  • smooth out uneven surfaces with a trowel after setting begins, achieving maximum flatness of the decorative coating,
  • covered with wax,
  • polish with a grinder with a soft nozzle.


These finishes include flat surfaces with small indentations that imitate the appearance of a rough stone surface. The textured finish may have a small decorative pattern or rather convex areas. For example, finishing such as travertine or Roman stone can be done in two ways:

  • continuous, in which a uniform layer is formed, decorated after partial drying (using tingling touches of a brush, dishwashing sponge, etc.),
  • partial, in which the underlying layer is made smooth, and the proper one is applied partially (in chaotic strokes), without completely covering the underlying layer.

Textured finishes also include decorative stone finishes that imitate cladding stone slabs or masonry with a shallow depth of grooves applied with a sharp instrument.


The next deepest relief layer elaboration technique is suitable for simulating masonry made of blocks, bricks or flat stone tiles. In this case, the recesses imitating seams do not exceed the thickness of the layer, and the texture of individual blocks is set in very fine relief. An example of such a technique is that performed by special silicone molds, or, in which the decorative stone is made from ordinary gypsum plaster obtained by creating a grid of shallow seams.

In the convex technique, the foundation is finished with plaster that imitates cobblestone masonry. In this technique, the relief height is more than 1 cm.

Imitation with prints: description + video

Due to the large surface area that needs to be given the required appearance, stone imitation is done using molds (also known as a matrix). Imitation is carried out according to a template. This is the easiest DIY stone wall decoration.

How to make an imitation:

  • apply a layer of plaster to the base,
  • moisten the mold with water to prevent the mortar from sticking to its surface,
  • press the mold into the freshly laid solution and carefully remove,
  • eliminate deformations or minor distortions with a spatula, knife or hand.

Wild stone plaster made in this way has a very realistic appearance. Its manufacture does not require special experience and high costs time. If a large piece of mortar has been removed along with the form, the mixture is thrown onto the wall again, the form is cleaned, washed and pressed in again.

DIY plaster stone

The technology here is very simple. The only difficulty is the drawing process.

  • Prepare the solution
  • Apply the solution to the wall - you can apply it by hand, leveling it very roughly
  • Use a knife, chisel, palette knife or other suitable tool to create a pattern of masonry
  • Go over the resulting seams with a brush to remove tool marks and make the surface natural
  • Smooth the surface, give it natural look using a sponge or lint roller
  • Paint the resulting masonry

In addition to the paint itself, to give an interesting texture, you can use colored sand and other bulk mineral components (crumbs of granite, marble, etc.)

Video. Do-it-yourself plaster to look like natural stone.

What mistakes to avoid

  1. Various pellets and roughness only spoil the marbled finish, give it a sloppy appearance and give off a completely unprofessional appearance. It is better to remove them during the work process, without delay.
  2. Artificial stone in its shape should not have perfect view, as, for example, in the amazing masonry in Cusco. It is even advisable to make the depressions between the blocks of different widths and depths.
  3. Walls with brickwork are characterized by a strict horizontal direction of the rows. The same rule is followed when imitating block masonry.
  4. The plaster, the imitation of stone, can be of any composition. Decorative techniques can make it stone-like. But the shape of cobblestones or blocks must certainly have a natural appearance. Scale relief does not exist in nature or in masonry. This is a gross mistake that should not be made.

As a rule, such work is done with your own hands for yourself, so shortcomings and some mistakes are forgivable.

Application area

Surfaces with a pronounced relief of stone plaster, imitating hewn or rubble masonry, are more suitable for outdoor work - designing a foundation, facade, gazebo or fence. You can use imitation masonry in spacious rooms. But for small spaces it’s like this decorative finishing is not suitable, as it visually hides the size of the room and makes it heavier.

Despite all of the above, sometimes such finishing is used inside rooms.

Advantages of artificial masonry

The main advantages of this decor are:

  1. Unlimited possibilities for creating the desired texture and shape,
  2. Original design,
  3. Can be applied to any base
  4. Light finishing weight,
  5. Fire resistance,
  6. Ease of manufacture,
  7. Relatively low cost,
  8. Long-term operation.

The article provides information on how to make decorative stone plaster in the form of masonry or a marble monolith with your own hands using various techniques. Applying simple technologies, you can, without much difficulty, make the wall of the house marble with your own hands, and decorate the base, gazebo or fence to resemble an ancient wall made of cobblestones or granite blocks. The main thing is to start. An exciting activity will make work joyful and your home unique.

The catalog presents branded products to buyers. Russian factory White Hills has long been recognized as a leader in the production of high quality, attractive clinker for exterior and interior applications. Let's note the advantages:

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Artificial finishing stone accurately imitates natural building material or brickwork. But the price is better: even luxury items can be purchased inexpensively during sales periods. Each product card on the website is accompanied by a photo, the cost is indicated per square meter.

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Using decorative stone for interior decoration allows you to decorate a house or apartment in an original way. Such natural material successfully integrates into various interior solutions, and becomes the highlight that home owners are trying to reproduce. A stone of artificial origin gives decorative effect no worse than his wild brother.

Properties of decorative stone

For interior decoration, you can use both artificial stone and natural mineral; here it all comes down to price and the wishes of the customer. Each of these types is endowed with a number of properties that must be taken into account when choosing products. To better understand what decorative stone is for interior decoration, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its characteristics and study the types of this material.

The undeniable advantage of a mineral of natural origin is its durability, especially since such wall cladding is not susceptible to external negative factors inside an apartment or house. It is not affected by precipitation and ultraviolet radiation, due to which the stone can give its best properties - the ability to thermal insulation and unsurpassed appearance. It so happened that decorative elements walls made with such cladding have served and continue to serve as a sign of high financial wealth, so this also affects its popularity.

Oddly enough, the high strength of the mineral is both its advantage and disadvantage, since its processing is significantly difficult. Again, the pattern on the surface of this decor may be different, and this is not to everyone’s liking. And the most important disadvantage that will probably always distinguish the wild mineral is its exorbitant price, which is not affordable for everyone.

Price of stone produced in artificial conditions, much lower than the previous option. Plaster or cement component makes it much lighter, which can significantly reduce the load on the structure of the house and such material is easier to glue. Thanks to this property, delivery and unloading becomes easier, which means the cost of the material is lower. Artificial stone deservedly leads the decorative market construction products, as it is endowed with unsurpassed qualities:

  • ease of installation. It is laid with a special glue in the same way as ceramic tiles, but there is no need to carefully adjust each element, and a certain randomness only adds charm to the room;
  • a huge selection of colors and textures that imitate natural minerals. There is a wide field for design ideas here;
  • the coating can be repaired and restored;
  • strength and durability can compete with similar qualities of natural cladding;
  • Optimal hydrophobic properties make decor maintenance simple and convenient.

There are practically no negative qualities here, except perhaps some types artificial turf are subject to abrasion under mechanical influence, sometimes it is impossible to do without hydrophobic treatment and the cost may be higher than for more traditional types of wall finishing materials (wallpaper, ceramic tiles).

Using artificial stone for interior wall cladding

There are no strict restrictions on the use of stone in the interior, but you need to be able to stop in time so as not to overload the living space of a house or apartment with this bright and textured material. It is completely justified to decorate corners, arched and doorways with it, since here we have not only an artistic effect, but also excellent protection of vulnerable places from mechanical damage. This technique will help highlight some interior elements and create a favorable accent on them. You can lay gypsum or any other decor with glue either over the entire selected area or in the form of small inserts.

Artificial flexible stone or gypsum products are usually glued in niches or on shelves. When decorating fireplaces, along with these types of cladding, ceramic can be used. decorative tiles under the stone for interior decoration.

Thanks to environmental friendliness artificial decor, it can be glued to the headboard of bedrooms, which looks very original. In living rooms, TVs are hung on tiled wall surfaces, and the stone does not have to have a linear layout - it can be positioned randomly.

With the advent of a new product on the construction market, such as flexible stone, radial cladding of niches and ceilings is now much easier to carry out due to the pliability of the material. In general, a flexible artificial mineral deserves special attention, and we will definitely tell you more about it.

Facing stone: types and individual characteristics

The construction market has all possible types of decorative facing stone, which in most cases is mounted with glue. Most often, our compatriots prefer products made from gypsum., so we will begin our review with them, besides, gypsum material, just like flexible stone, has a number of advantages over similar cladding for interior walls, which means it deserves special attention.

Gypsum cladding

Gypsum tiles very naturally imitates real stone

The gypsum base of the material allows it to be widely used. It has long been a reliable leader among similar decor intended for indoor use. The increased demand for gypsum is due to its low weight and aesthetic properties; moreover, the price for such material is quite affordable. Products made from gypsum have a porous structure, so they absorb moisture. To prevent the destruction of the material due to humidity, it should be treated with special varnishes and impregnations. Non-flammability, ease of installation with glue, resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations - all this has a positive effect on the choice of buyers. In appearance, gypsum stone, like its flexible counterpart, is similar to sandstone.

Concrete products

Concrete tiles characterized by monotonous coloring, available in a variety of colors

This material includes sand, reinforcing components, plasticizers, and coloring pigments. Pumice, ceramic dust, expanded clay granules may be included here as additives. Concrete-based stone is versatile, so it can be glued onto any wall surface.

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles have an endless variety of textures and textures

The main ingredients of porcelain stoneware allow it to withstand increased loads. Ceramic cladding with granite strength consists of several types of clay, mineral fillers, feldspar and pigment dyes. In the process of pressing and further firing, porcelain stoneware acquires the ability to withstand high temperatures and moisture, as well as significant mechanical stress. In appearance, porcelain stoneware resembles colored glass or a well-polished mineral. To avoid scratching the glossy surface of this cladding, it is better to refrain from using abrasive cleaning agents.


The agglomerate has a fine spotted structure, great for a strict style

Similar class facing materials characterized by excellent strength properties, since they are based on marble and granite chips. Manufacturers also include limestone, quartz sand and various pigments in the agglomerates. They are mounted with glue on a pre-prepared surface, in which they are similar to more common gypsum products.

Acrylic material

Acrylic stone can be cast in absolutely any shape

Acrylic stone can be laid on the surface of internal walls, which has a number of advantageous properties:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not attract dirt and dust;
  • easy to care for;
  • easy to glue to the surface;
  • light weight;
  • environmental cleanliness.


Quartzite window sill

Just like similar products made of gypsum, it can be installed in rooms for any purpose. The structure of such a stone is ultra-strong, and the material itself lasts for a very long time without losing its original appearance. It can often be found in the form of window sills and table tops. Quartz stone is easily processed with diamond discs.

Flexible decorative stone

“Flexible stone” can be laid even on round surfaces

It is difficult to imagine that a stone can be flexible in its structure, but modern technologies never ceases to amaze us. Such flexible material produced at the site of sandstone mining, for which the natural mineral is cut off the thinnest layer so that its unique pattern remains. The thin section is then sanded to a smooth, glossy surface. The basis on which it is customary to glue the cut material is durable textiles with acrylic plasticizers applied to its surface.

Over time, the textile is removed, and the sandstone section and acrylic glue on its back are dried in the sun under open air. During the manufacturing process, as you understand, small particles of natural mineral harden and leave an unchanged pattern and texture. Flexible stone can be glued to any surface due to its flexibility. It is indispensable where you need to process round shapes, make smooth transition from one element to another. This perfect solution for those who plan to glue material in the corners without cutting it. The new flexible facing material is not cheap, but its capabilities are not limited in any way.

Ceramic tile released in large assortment

It is probably difficult to find a more familiar wall cladding than stone-look tiles for interior decoration. Anyone who has even a little experience with repair work, they know that the products are mounted with a special tile adhesive, have an attractive appearance and are different huge selection. You can find any product on sale price category, which will give the wall surface both protection from moisture and a decorative effect. Such wall finishing cladding will serve its owners for a long time. for long years provided that the glue is chosen correctly and the installation work is carried out correctly.

Among the facing materials known and widely used today, stone is perhaps the most ancient one mastered by people, and just like wood, it has not only not lost its relevance, but has also gained new life in artificial samples, which are much more affordable at their price. At the same time, high-quality artificial stone is almost in no way inferior to natural stone. Stone wall decoration It is considered one of the trending trends in interior design for a wide variety of premises.

The use of stone in the interiors of residential premises is considered a good style, capable of creating a truly unique atmosphere of comfort, reliability, even some safety and solidity. The main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion, otherwise there is a danger of turning the room into a gloomy semblance of a crypt or a fortress dungeon. However, there is a demand for such a design...

Perhaps you would like to see stone in the updated interior of your home and are planning to decorate some surfaces with artificial or natural stone. In this case, let’s summarize our existing experience and highlight several basic positions that should be adhered to when developing the design of future bedrooms and living rooms on your own (pros already know about this, as well as about many other things).

So, first of all, you shouldn’t “dress” all the walls in stone; even one wall completely finished with stone can (depending on the texture and color shade of the material) look too heavy and depressing.

Fragmented finishing looks more modern and harmonious, shading and emphasizing certain areas, such as:

  • viewing angles;
  • fireplace area;
  • door and window openings;
  • niches, recesses;
  • above-plinth areas and areas, for example, in the hallway, where contact with foreign objects is likely;
  • design of furniture and decor.

As we said, the stone looks most advantageous with a fragmentary finish. At the same time, it has one unsurpassed property - excellent compatibility with other finishing materials such as wallpaper of all types, wood, glass, decorative plaster, metal elements and accessories, plastic. These advantages and features are actively used, achieving excellent results, many of which can be seen in the presented photos.


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