What type of money tree is it? Tree Crassula - living coin tree

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Crassula (popular name “money tree”) is a genus of African succulent plants (accumulating water in leaves and stems) from the family of the same name. She has a different homeland - in addition to African countries, these plants are found in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and some other tropical and subtropical countries. Crassulas are interesting for botanists because they have a special metabolism. The scientific name of the Crassula is Crassula.

Crassula Ovata

History of the name, origin and homeland of the money tree

Where does the money tree come from? Its evolution took place in the hot climate of the Southern Hemisphere, which gradually became drier and more continental. From there, plants from this genus spread to the tropical zones of Asia and North America. The story of its origin is inaccurate.

Crassula received its more common name (money tree) thanks to resemblance of leaves to coins. This happened in the Middle East because that's where round moments were invented, and that's also where several species of Crassulaceae grow. In addition, legends in which the symbol of the Tree appears are common among the Semitic peoples and their neighbors.

Crassula leaves large

At the same time, there is also a version that attributes the identification of the fat woman with money and wealth to the Chinese of the Han Dynasty. However, the Chinese most likely simply borrowed this image from their Western neighbors, since both the fat coin and the round shape of the coins do not originate from their country.

In Russian it can be called “tolsyanka” due to the fact that its leaves and stems are thick and fleshy(after all, they accumulate moisture). The name has extended to the entire Tolstyankov family, which also includes sedum, Kalanchoe and other plants.

How to identify Crassula by appearance - flower description

Crassula can be easily recognized without resorting to any identifiers or reference books. To do this, it is enough to know its characteristic features and their correct description:

The measles system is shallow, weak, and there are no additional (aerial, etc.) roots.

What is the non-scientific name for this houseplant?

Crassula has several names:

  • Crassula
  • Crassula
  • Money Tree
  • Tree of Happiness
  • tree of luck
  • Coin tree
  • Zhiryanka
  • How not to get confused by the names and correctly identify the Crassula

    In order not to get confused in the varieties of plants, in botany it is customary to give specific epithets, for example, Crassula oval (also ovoid). Crassula oval, Zhiryanka oval and Crassula oval (Crassula ovata), thus, different names for the same plant. But Crassula arborescens is another plant, related to the oval Crassula.

    Tree Crassula

    Thus, Crassula - desert plants, found mainly in Africa, less often in America and Asia. They accumulate a large amount of water in the stems and leaves, which is then used sparingly during the dry season. They are characterized by a peculiar, usually tree-like shape, waxy leaves, and rarely bloom.

    Some Crassula trees have small round leaves, which is why they were called “money trees” back in ancient times.

    Crassula - “tree of happiness”, or “money tree”. Homeland of the plant, description, care

    Among indoor plants, a special place is occupied by the Crassula, which is popularly called the “money tree”. The plant's homeland is South Africa. From the arid African tropics, the crassula spread to the west of the mainland, to the island of Madagascar and southern Arabia. Let's take a closer look at this interesting species.

    "Money Tree". Homeland of the plant and description of the species

    There are about 350 species of plants in the genus of succulent plants (family Crassulaceae). One of the species is the decorative deciduous indoor plant Crassula, or Crassula. Other names are “tree of happiness”, “tree of luck” or “money tree”. The homeland of the plant, as already mentioned, is South Africa. It is an evergreen perennial small tree with a short plump trunk. It can reach a height of 1-1.5 m. The fleshy thick leaves of Crassula have a rounded shape. They are 4-7 cm long, flat, often fused together at the base. They have a light gray or green color with a blue waxy coating. An interesting pattern is that each pair of leaves is located at right angles to the previous one.

    Crassula flowers are large, pale pink or white. As a rule, they are collected in a half-umbrella. The “money tree” practically never has single flowers. Crassula blooms very rarely, not earlier than 7-10 years of the plant’s life, while emitting a strong sweet aroma.

    Caring for a plant indoors

    Gardeners love the money tree houseplant. His homeland endowed him with endurance and unpretentiousness. The plant grows on its own and very rarely dies even without proper care.

    It is best to place a pot of Crassula on a windowsill behind a curtain. Because the money tree loves daylight, but not direct sunlight. The fat woman loves it very much Fresh air. Therefore in spring- summer period it needs to be placed on the balcony more often, shading it from the burning sun rays.

    It is enough to water the tree once a week. The homeland of the “money tree” (crassula) is South Africa, where the climate is predominantly arid. Therefore, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. From September to February, it is better to place the tree in a cool place and water it no more than once a month. It is very good to wipe the leaves from dust every month with a damp cloth.

    Transplant the plant into a larger pot every 3-5 years as needed.

    Crassula is propagated by shoots or cuttings.

    It is rare that anyone is lucky enough to see a blooming money tree. The plant's homeland with a harsh climate determined the flowering of only mature trees. In order to increase the chances of Crassula flowering indoors, you need to comply with a number of conditions:

  • do not flood the plant with water,
  • In the summer at night, take it out into the cool air,
  • in winter, ensure the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees and reduce watering to once a month,
  • do not feed the plant with fertilizers,
  • Do not replant often so that the fat plant becomes a little cramped in the pot.
  • Legends about the Crassula

    According to Feng Shui, the “money tree” brings good luck and financial well-being to its owners. The more a tree grows, the more positive energy accumulates in its leaves and trunk, and the more happiness it attracts into the house.

    Flower growers claim that the fat woman is capable of becoming attached to the one who takes care of her all the time. If the owner gets sick, the Crassula gets sick along with him and may even die.

    The homeland of the Crassula is the African continent. Rules for care and cultivation

    Crassula (or Crassula) is not just a very popular houseplant; few people are unfamiliar with the unpretentious bush, which has a third name - money tree. Characteristic appearance representatives of the Crassulaceae family is inherent in the name itself. The Latin word crassus means “thick.” Succulent, fleshy stems and leaves are the main features of this family, which numbers more than 300 species and belongs to the hardiest plants of the driest regions of the planet - succulents. The homeland of the Crassula is South Africa. Excellent decorativeness, coupled with amazing unpretentiousness and ease of care, has made them quite common house plants.

    Such a familiar money tree

    The unpretentious and popular fat woman, photos of which are presented in the article, has long been used in decorating home and office interiors, creating depending on the surrounding atmosphere both a calming-warm and active-business environment. Being a kind of symbol of prosperity and prosperity in modern life, the “money tree” is often found in homes and institutions, feeling great in any room and calmly enduring all the vicissitudes of indoor living. The homeland of the Crassula - the hot South African savannah - has provided it with enviable endurance, however, in order to grow a luxurious Crassula, it is necessary to create conditions in which it will appear in all its splendor.

    Features of the view

    The most widely used houseplant is the tree crassula. In shape it resembles a small tree with a beautiful and somewhat heavy crown resting on a thick, fleshy trunk.
    The round, thick leaves reach a length of up to 7 cm and a width of 3 cm, and have a rich grayish-green color. Exposing the plant to the sun for a long enough time changes the color of the leaves: they turn red around the edges. There are many types of Crassula with a variety of exotic leaf shapes, painted in the most incredible colors. For example, the multi-headed Crassula, the photo of which gives an idea of ​​the variety of shapes and colors of the leaves of the Crassula species.

    Crassula flowering can also provide good care, although this happens extremely rarely at home. Small creamy flowers (sometimes light pink) are collected in a panicle.

    Planting and care

    Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you need to select high-quality soil for its cultivation. It should be neutral, light, breathable and fertile. The best option is an earthen mixture consisting of 1 part humus, 3 parts garden soil and 1 part sand. Excessive soil acidity is removed by adding wood ash. Soil for cacti, which is sold in gardening stores, works well. Good drainage is necessary.

    During the growth process, the tree crassula needs transplants. For the first three years, an actively growing plant requires annual transplantation into a container of larger diameter. Adult Crassulas are replanted every 3 years. The money tree does not like disturbances and takes a long time to recover after transplantation. Crassula is easily propagated by cuttings or dividing the bush. Cut cuttings can be placed in a bowl of water to form roots or planted directly in prepared soil, covering the cutting from above glass jar and thereby creating a greenhouse effect. Containers with cuttings should not be kept in bright sun.

    It is necessary to fertilize the fat plant twice a month throughout the summer. IN winter time This should not be done - this is a dormant period, and the plant does not need feeding. Used as fertilizers special mixtures for feeding cacti. It is important not to overdo it or overfeed the plant. In this case, the leaves of the fat plant signal a problem: they lose their surface gloss, wrinkle, and may fall off.

    Watering and temperature preferences

    Crassula is quite tolerant of short-term drying out of the soil; it tolerates them calmly, but is afraid of excessive moisture: the so-called “bay” is destructive for it. Therefore you should install optimal mode watering: on hot days, water twice a week, at moderate temperatures environment- once. In winter, the plant is watered as the earthen ball dries out, about twice a month. The Crassula's homeland instilled in it the ability to withstand sudden temperature changes, so hot summers and fresh air - Better conditions content.
    If possible, in summer the flower can be placed on a balcony or street. In winter (during the dormant period), the most suitable temperature for Crassula is +15 ° C, but if this is not possible, then adjust the temperature regime by proper watering.

    How to form the crown of a Crassula?

    The Crassula tree in the classical sense is just that: a tree. Close plantings of several seedlings turn into miniature bush thickets, which is also not without its own unique appeal. But to get a tree, only one cutting must be planted. In addition, it is necessary to form the crown and pinch the branches in a timely manner. The term “pinching” means the following: do not allow the branches to stretch out and pinch off the excess at the required length in order to create a crown of the shape you like. The technology of these procedures is simple: you need to wait until 3-4 pairs of leaves grow on the branch, and a new bud appears between the leaves of the last pair. It should be plucked out without damaging the foliage. After a few days, 2-3 new buds will appear in place of the removed bud, i.e. the plant will begin to branch. This is the meaning of crown formation.

    The money tree is a grateful material for creating the most interesting decorative forms. Recently, the art of growing crassula using the bonsai technique has been gaining popularity, when, with some effort, you can create a real masterpiece, unique and original. Perhaps due to its high adaptability to different conditions growth (after all, the Crassula’s homeland is hot African savannas), Crassula tolerates crown formation well.

    Crassula (lat. Crassula), crassula, money tree, monkey tree, tree of love and tree of happiness - all this is one name for a succulent plant with fleshy leathery leaves in the shape of coins.

    This is an ornamental deciduous plant, but it can bloom, which happens very rarely in indoor conditions. Crassula, like all succulents, accumulates moisture in its leaves, which helps them survive during dry periods.

    Since the homeland of the Crassula is the arid tropics in southern Arabia, Africa, the west and south of Madagascar, it is better to place it on the south or southeast side.

    Types of Crassula .

    There are many types of Crassula in the world, the most common is Crassula arborescens or Cotyledon arborescens. In addition to it, oval and silver crassula are also widespread.

    The color of the leaves is very diverse, in particular in the listed species it is green, silver and dark green. The surface of the leaves is shiny with a reddish border or there are red spots on the back of the leaf. All of them at home can reach a height of one to two meters.

    Reproduction and planting of Crassula.

    You can grow crassula by leaf cuttings or shoots, slightly drying them and planting them in the ground. Or put it in water and wait for the roots to grow.

    Suitable for planting Crassula soil mixture, both for succulents and cacti and universal soil. If you decide to prepare the soil substrate for planting yourself, then take one part each of sand and soil and three parts of leaf soil.

    The soil reaction should be neutral or slightly acidic. You should also add brick chips, clay, humus and ash to the substrate. Be sure to place drainage in the planting container. Crassula is unpretentious and not capricious, but still do not forget that it is still a living plant.

    Crassula transplant necessary as it grows, once every two to three years, or even more often. It should be borne in mind that the root system of Crassula may not support a large tree in a pot. Therefore, Crassula requires a fairly deep and heavy pot commensurate with the size of the plant.

    Care for the fat woman.

    (Fertilizers, light, temperature, watering).

    It is very easy to care for the fat woman. In summer, water the plant as the soil dries, and in winter, the plant is at rest and therefore needs to be watered once a month, or even less often. During the growth period, be careful with watering, do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Crassula is usually not sprayed, but the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth from time to time.

    For the fat woman, humidity is not as important as a well-ventilated room. It is advisable to maintain the temperature in the room where the fat plant grows close to the natural living conditions of this plant - 20-22C in the summer and 10-12C in the winter.

    Crassula is a very light-loving plant, but it loves direct sunlight in small quantities.

    Like all plants, the fat plant is “fed” with fertilizers; apply “GUMI” or humisol 1-2 times a month during the growth period; fertilizers for cacti are also suitable.


    — All succulents need rest from September to February - at this time the plant is placed in a cool, bright place and practically not watered.

    — in summer they need fresh air and warmth.

    These two points are very important in care; this is a kind of guarantee of the plant’s well-being. But old specimens, if these points are observed, may even bloom.

    - The plant is usually replanted in the spring.

    - Crassula can be propagated in spring and summer.

    — fertilizing should be done only during the growth period.

    Possible difficulties in growing.

    Due to insufficient watering in the summer or the water for the plant was too cold, the leaves may fall off. Due to excess moisture, especially during the dormant period, leaves may wilt or turn pale. And if the plant does not have enough moisture at this time, the leaves begin to darken and wither.

    Damaged leaves must be removed. Dry leaves will also indicate insufficient watering, but if brown spots appear, but the foliage is soft, then it is necessary to frequently ventilate the room and treat it with antifungal agents.

    If the base of the stem begins to rot, then this is root rot and it will be difficult to fight it. I can only give one piece of advice: if you notice this on your plant, you should immediately look carefully at the roots; if they are still alive - not dark or soft, then cut off the rotten parts and transplant the fat plant into a new container.

    Naturally, new soil will be needed. Or you can cut off the top and regrow the tree. An ugly long stem will tell about winter waterlogging and lack of light.

    Crassula is practically not affected various pests. If this does happen, then you should use generally accepted measures to combat a specific pest.

    Growing Crassula.

    To get a strong and beautiful tree, it is necessary to form a crown from the very beginning - that is, remove the lateral shoots in time until the tree grows to the desired length (the plant itself is 25-30 cm, and the bare trunk is about 15 cm).

    Then you should pinch the top and the plant itself will begin to expel side shoots and branch the crown. Rotate the flower pot from time to time so that it does not lean to one side.

    While the trunk of the Crassula grows woody, it will shed its lower leaves on its own, and only then will it begin to bush.


    Crassula, Crassula

    Perhaps no plant from the group of succulents, rich in species and varieties, is as popular as the Crassula ovata, also nicknamed “African monkey breadfruit” by imaginative houseplant lovers. With its numerous, fleshy, round, shiny, green leaves, the plant survives entire generations, completely calmly enduring all the climatic vicissitudes of indoor keeping.

    To achieve flowering in old specimens of Crassula oval, the plants must be taken out into the garden, onto a balcony or terrace in the summer, and kept in a cold room in the winter, only occasionally moistening the soil in the pot. In addition, the rest period from September to February has a beneficial effect on the well-being of this member of the Crassulaceae family, stimulating good and healthy growth.

    In terms of water and nutrition, the fat woman is very unpretentious. In summer she loves a lot of warmth and fresh air, and in winter the temperature is below 15°C. In summer, the plant is fed every two weeks with cactus fertilizer. Transplantation is usually carried out no more than once every 3 years. As a substrate, preference should be given to an earthen mixture for cacti or any other soil rich in nutrients, but loose and not very heavy.

    Due to its bush-like growth, the oval crassula is often confused with the tree crassula (Crassula arborescens). However, the leaves of this type of Crassula are thicker, gray-green, reddish along the edges, with red dots on the underside. Both species are propagated by cuttings, which take root very easily in loose soil.

    Alston's Crassula
    Crassula alstonii Marl.
    A perennial succulent with a stem up to 8-10 cm high and round, covering each other, fleshy, gray-green leaves with a rounded top. The flowers are white.

    Bearded Crassula
    Crassula barbata Thunbg.
    The stems are low, branched at the base; forms turf. The leaves are collected in a dense rosette 3-4 cm in diameter, green, the edge of the leaf with long white hairs. The flowers are small and white. Blooms in February-May.

    Crassula arborescens
    Crassula arborescens Willd.
    A shrub or tree, reaching 1-1.5 m in nature, sometimes up to 2 m in height, with stems about 20 cm in diameter. The leaves are gray-green, obovate to rounded, about 7 cm long and 3-3.5 cm wide, thick, reddening at the edges and on the underside. Hydathodes are located along the entire upper surface of the leaf. The flowers are about 1 cm long, white or cream with a pinkish tint. Rarely blooms indoors. Homeland - South Africa.

    Crassula capitata
    Crassula cephalophora Schoenl.
    Perennial herbaceous plant about 12 cm in height. The leaves are bluish-green, oblanceolate or ovate, arranged tightly in the form of a rosette at the end of the shoot, each pair of leaves crosswise in the form of a propeller. The edges of the leaf are ciliated, and the entire surface bears glassy papillae, giving the impression of pubescence. The flowers are small, yellow. Homeland - Southwestern and South Africa, where Crassula grows on mountain slopes on gravel. A species that varies in nature.

    Cooper's Crassula
    Crassula cooperi Rgl.
    A perennial low plant that forms a sod. The leaves are in dense small rosettes, lanceolate, light green, wider at the top. Their edges are dotted with white, thin cilia, on top of the leaf blade there are dimples in the form of a dotted carmine color, which is why the leaves become variegated, and below they are carmine. The flowers are about 0.5 cm in diameter, pale; blooms all summer. Homeland - Transvaal.

    Crassula Marnier
    Crassula marnieriana Hub. et Jakob.
    A perennial, small, hardy plant with a straight, slightly branched stem. The blue leaves with hardened edges are opposite, sessile, broadly heart-shaped, located around the stem, tightly adjacent to each other, making the stem look like a thick worm. The flowers are numerous, on short stalks, white, located at the top of the stem. Suitable for miniatures. Homeland: South Africa.

    Crassula mesembryanthemum-like
    Crassula mesembryanthemopsis Dinter
    Perennial with a very short - up to 2.5 cm in length - stem, forming one or several rosettes of leaves from the base. The leaves are gray-blue, wedge-shaped, 1-2 cm long, 0.3-0.6 cm wide, truncated at the apex and covered with small rounded papillae. Hydathodes are located mainly on the upper side of the leaf. Flowers are 5-7 mm long, white or cream, collected in a compact apical inflorescence. Its homeland is South and South-West Africa, where this species lives on low mountain slopes on poor or heavy soils.

    Crassula milk
    Crassula lactea Soland.
    Perennial succulent subshrub up to 30-60 cm high, shoots low-lying, slightly curved. The leaves are ovate, oblong, fleshy, juicy, flat, green or gray-green, with a white dotted edge. The flowers are white, numerous, in paniculate inflorescences. Blooms from January to March. Easily propagated by cuttings. After rooting, they are planted 3 pieces per pot. This type of Crassula is very decorative in amplitudes, especially during flowering. Homeland - South Africa, Natal, Transvaal.

    Crassula Nile
    Crassula nealeana Higgins
    (synonyms C. rupestris ‘Minor’, C. perfossa ‘Minor’).
    Abundantly branching shrub with creeping stems. The leaves are bluish-green with a waxy coating, purple-red stripes and dots along the edges. Each pair of leaves is fused at its base, so the leaves give the impression of being strung on a stem. Flowers 2-2.5 mm long, cream. Homeland - South Africa.

    Crassula oval
    Crassula ovata
    A small tree-like succulent that is very easy to grow. The short branches bear fleshy, oval-shaped, shiny green leaves, sometimes with a red edge. In well-lit areas, the plant produces racemose inflorescences of small, star-like white flowers. In large pots it reaches a height of 60 cm or more. In summer it needs good watering.

    Crassula fringed
    Crassula marginalis Soland.
    Perennial, abundantly branching plant with creeping stems and aerial roots, extending from the leaf nodes (Fig. 21). The leaves are light green, ovate, 1.5 cm long and wide, with faint hydathodes along the edges. The flowers are greenish or yellow, 2-3 mm long. Homeland - South Africa.

    Crassula rounded
    Crassula orbicularis L.
    A perennial, abundantly branching herbaceous plant about 5 cm in height. The leaves are ovate, 1.5-2.5 cm long, collected in rosettes, which are formed both in the axils of old leaves and on long stolons extending from the axils of old leaves. Homeland - South Africa.

    Crassula offspring
    Crassula sarmentosa Harv.
    A perennial, abundantly branching herbaceous plant with creeping stems up to 1 m in length, covered with light spots, reddish at the leaf nodes. The leaves are elliptical or ovate, 2-4 (5) cm long, 1-2.5 (3.5) cm wide, with a serrated edge that turns red in the sun and hydathodes located at the base of the denticles. Flowers are 5-8 mm long, white or cream. Homeland - South Africa.

    Crassula moss
    Crassula lycopodioides Lam.
    Subshrub up to 30 cm high, with slender, straight, branched, fleshy stems. Small, triangular, round, ovoid, short-pointed, light green leaves are opposite, densely packed along the entire length of the stem. Each pair of leaves is placed crosswise in relation to the other pair. Each leaflet successively covers half the length of the next one in a tiled manner, resulting in the formation of tetrahedral, very graceful stems. The flowers are small, greenish-white. Crassula lycopodidae easily reproduces and is very decorative with its delicate, thin branches. Suitable for amps. Homeland - South-West Africa.

    Crassula perforatum
    Crassula perforata Thunbg.
    A small shrub with a recumbent, low-branched stem that later becomes woody. The leaves are opposite, fused at the bases in such a way that they surround the stem; each last pair is located crosswise in relation to the other pair. The stem grows through the leaves, hence the name - perforated or perforated. The leaves are ovoid, short-pointed, light green, covered with a bluish bloom, their edges are bordered by a red cartilaginous dotted line. Doesn't bloom. Suitable for arranging miniature exhibitions - on foam plastic, pumice and other materials, surrounded by stones. Homeland - Cape Land, Little Namaland, Karoo.

    Crassula rosette
    Crassula rosularis Haw.
    A perennial stemless herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome producing stolons. The leaves are collected in a rosette, lanceolate, green, beet-colored on the underside, 8-9 cm long, about 2 cm wide with small cilia along the edges. The flowers are small, white, fragrant. Its homeland is South Africa, where this species grows on mountain slopes in fertile soil.

    Silver Crassula
    Crassula argentea Thunb.
    (synonyms C. portulacea Lam., C. obliqua Soland.).
    A small succulent tree, reaching 1-2 m in height in nature, a trunk up to 30 cm thick, with an abundantly branching crown. The leaves are elliptical or oblanceolate, 2-6 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, bright green, shiny, sometimes reddening at the edges, with silvery dots on the upper side. The flowers are about 1 cm long, white with a pinkish bloom. Its homeland is South Africa, where the species grows in dry, thorny bushes on rocky and clayey soils. The roots are edible. The most common type in indoor culture; also known as purslane crassula.

    Crassula crescent
    Crassula falcata Wendl.
    Subshrub, leaf-stem succulent up to 1 m high, with a fleshy, straight, slightly branched stem. The leaves are succulent, thick, gray-green, oblique, with a blunt end, shaped like a sickle - hence the name “sickle-shaped”. The flowers are numerous, collected at the ends of the branches, scarlet or red-orange. Blooms annually in July-August. Propagated by seeds and leaf cuttings in April and May. Homeland - South-Eastern Cape to Natal.

    Rocky Crassula
    Crassula rupestris Thunbg.
    Subshrub, smooth, branched, fleshy stems, trunks and branches low-lying or elevated, becoming woody with age. The leaves are more or less ovoid, slightly pointed, usually thick, smooth, slightly flat on top, rounded on the reverse side, light green with a bluish tint. At the top of the leaf there is a dotted or solid rusty stripe. The flowers are small, yellowish, pink-white or pink. This species is rich in forms, all of which have thick, round leaves. Propagated by seeds and leaf cuttings. Homeland - Cape Land, Little Namaland, Karoo.

    Crassula collected (group crassula)
    Crassula socialis Schoenl.
    Herbaceous, very low-growing succulent plant, highly branched at the base. Forms turf. Small leaves are collected in small rosettes and densely placed on very thin stems; they are round or ovoid, thick, smooth, light green. The flowers are white, small. It blooms in February - March for about 1.5-2 months. Suitable for arranging miniature exhibitions. Homeland - South-Eastern Cape Land.

    Crassula punctata
    Crassula picturata Boom.
    A perennial herbaceous plant with lodging, abundantly branching stems, forming dense clumps. The leaves are obovate, 1.5 cm long, about 0.8 cm wide, green with red dots above and purple-red below, collected in a loose rosette. Leaf edges with small thin cilia. The flowers are small, white with a pink stripe on the outside of the petals. Homeland - South Africa.

    Very similar to it: horizontally flattened Crassula - C. tabularis Dinter, which has larger leaves; Cooper's Crassula - C. cooperi Regel - with smaller leaves.

    Crassula tetrahedral
    Crassula tetragona L.
    A subshrub with relatively thin weak, often lodging shoots, with numerous brownish aerial roots and short awl-shaped, fleshy, almost rounded in cross-section leaves up to 4 cm in length and 0.4 cm in width. The flowers are white. Homeland - South Africa (Cape Province).

    Woolly Crassula
    Crassula lanuginosa Harv.
    An abundantly branching shrub, about 15 cm in height, with lodging or creeping stems that produce many adventitious roots. The leaves are bluish-green, obovate or elliptical, 2.3-2.5 cm long and 0.2-0.8 cm wide. The entire plant is softly pubescent. Homeland - South Africa.

    Similar to it is the thick-stamened Crassula - C. pachystemon Schonl. et Baker, which has larger leaves, and is considered by some authors to be a variety of woolly Crassula.

    Crassula namaquensis Schoenl. & Baker.
    An attractive plant with fluffy gray leaves edged with red and small white flowers.

    Plants for your character

    Silver Crassula (money or monkey tree)

    Impact on the atmosphere of the home

    Capricorn is an ascetic sign, but the very name of this plant clearly contradicts the ascetic nature of the sign. Capricorn is not only an ascetic, he is also a cardinal earth sign. The concept in astrology implies constancy, and the earthly element is associated with the accumulation of material wealth. Crassula is a storage plant, and its wealth is in its fleshy leaves. Mercury and the earth element are combined in the plump leaves of the crassula. This plant absorbs the energies of thoughts, words, feelings, born of concern for material wealth. If your line of work requires you to think a lot about money, for example, you are an accountant or people live in your house who are constantly concerned about their financial situation, plant a fat plant.

    We all constantly think about some material benefits, but when there are too many of these thoughts, when they become intrusive, crowding out all the others, the space around a person becomes oversaturated with heavy energy. This can lead over time to chronic diseases in the household and chronic heaviness in the legs. But the fat woman facilitates the energy of space, absorbing the energies of our thoughts and words about material values. In a house where there is a Crassula, the energy of the atmosphere is very stable, because this plant belongs to the cardinal, that is permanent sign. With a Golomyanka, the very atmosphere of the house inspires a person with a calm, relaxed mood.

    Effect on emotional state

    The earth element is clearly expressed in the leaves of the Crassula plant, and it is also manifested in the tree-like stems of the plant. The stem of any plant is ruled by the earthly Saturn, and in the Crassula it is very strong. The earthly fat woman develops hard work in a person. It is good to have at home for those who are said to not know how to work. Thanks to strong Saturn, the fat woman gives a person perseverance.

    Health effects

    Mercury and the earth element, combined in the leaves of the Crassula, endowed the plant with the ability to prolong the youth of the parts of the body and organs controlled by Capricorn - the musculoskeletal system and skin.


    How to care for a fat woman at home?

    Crassula is one of the most unpretentious and famous indoor plants. Even a novice gardener can grow it at home. The money tree is also popular because, according to Feng Shui, it can attract wealth, love and good luck to the home. That is why on the windowsills of many apartments you can see Crassula trees with leaves that look like coins. But, despite its whimsical nature, the plant requires certain and careful care.

    Description, types and photos of Crassula

    Crassula or Crassula belongs to the genus of succulents and the Crassulaceae family. A rather small and neat tree, which we are used to seeing at home, in nature grows up to four meters. On its thick trunk, simple and entire outer leaves grow opposite each other. They can be green, light green, silver and dark with a red border. With good growing conditions and proper care, the plant can bloom with white, blue, yellow or light red flowers. All Crassulas are distinguished by their fleshy leaves and drought tolerance.

    There are many various types money tree, among which there are annual and perennial plants. Only a few of them are grown at home:

  1. Oval Crassula is a plant up to one meter high, the thick branches of which are strewn with oval-shaped leaves without petioles. The leaves can reach 5 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width. It blooms with white or pink small flowers.
  2. Crassula moss is distinguished by fleshy, but very thin, pointed leaves, along the edges of which there is another dense row of tiny leaves. It blooms with inconspicuous small flowers. The tree grows very quickly and reproduces well. Its shoots seem to hang down and practically fall out of the pot. Small roots do not require much moisture, so the plant can be used as a ground cover.
  3. Schmidt's Crassula is a common annual bushy plant found in Europe. After flowering, the tree is thrown away, and next year new ones are planted. The narrow leaves of Crassula of this species are pointed at the end and have a silvery coating on top. They are a little reddish underneath. During the flowering period, red-carmine flowers bloom on the tree.
  4. Tree Crassula is a tree up to one and a half meters high. Its fleshy branches bear gray leaves with a reddish edge. They reach a length of 8 cm and a width of 5 cm. At home it rarely blooms, but in nature small white flowers bloom on the tree, which turn pink over time. The plant loves diffused light, so it grows well on western and eastern windowsills.
  5. The dotted fat plant is distinguished by lodging stems and belongs to herbaceous plants. Its ovoid thin leaves are pointed towards the end. The silvery-green leaves seem to be strewn with dark spots. It blooms with white flowers collected in thyroid inflorescences.
  6. The tetrahedral Crassula is an unpretentious and fast-growing subshrub with thin branches. Its shoots spread along the ground and have many aerial roots. Since the plant grows quickly, it requires regular renewal. This type of Crassula is easily propagated by cuttings.
  7. Rock Crassula is a creeping plant, the length of its shoots can reach fifty centimeters. Her meaty thin leaves grow in pairs and grow together at the base. The leaves have a red coating and a red border along their edges. During the flowering period, small pink flowers bloom.
  8. Crassula: care at home, photo

    Growing and caring for a money tree is quite simple and interesting. When providing a tropical flower with the necessary conditions, it should be remembered that in spring and summer the plant has a period of active growth, and in winter there is a period of rest.

    Lighting and air temperature

    Crassula refers to light-loving plants, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is better to place it near south-eastern windows, where there is enough sun, not too hot and the sun's rays do not burn. In winter, the plant can be placed on a south-facing window sill, and in summer it can be taken out to the balcony or garden. In the fresh air, the flower will grow well and may bloom. To do this, you need to choose a place protected from the wind and scorching sun.

    In the warm season, Crassula grown at home will feel good at air temperatures within +20-+25 degrees. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, so it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of about +10-+14 degrees.

    If it is not possible to provide a fatty required temperature in the winter season, it is recommended to place it away from heating appliances. Otherwise, due to dry air and heat, the leaves from the plant will begin to fall off, and the tree itself will stretch. The money tree begins to shed its leaves even when there are constant drafts in the room.

    Watering and fertilizing

    When caring for Crassula, you must remember that you cannot overwater a plant with fleshy stems. Regular watering leads to root rot and leaf loss. Crassula is watered only after its earthen lump on top has dried three to four centimeters.

    During the dormant period, if the plant is kept in a cool room from November to February, watering practically stops. At this time, you just need to make sure that the substrate in the pot does not dry out completely.

    The pot in which the money tree grows must have holes at the bottom through which water enters the pan. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to pour a thick layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.

    In the hot season and when keeping the plant indoors with the batteries on several times a month, the money tree needs rinse under a warm shower. The top of the pot with soil must first be wrapped in polyethylene to prevent water from getting into the soil. The fat woman can be taken back to its place only after the water has drained from it. If it is not possible to shower the plant, then its leaves are periodically sprayed with a spray bottle and wiped with a damp cloth.

    It is not recommended to feed the fat woman often. It is enough to fertilize the plant with special fertilizers for succulents once a month in spring and summer, and once every three months during the dormant period. nutrient solutions. To ensure that fertilizers do not burn the roots and are well absorbed, they are applied a day after watering the flower.

    Features of transplanting a money tree

    Caring for a Crassula at home involves replant the plant once every two years. Crassula's roots are too small, so the pot for it must match their size. At the same time, the planting container should be heavy, since with a small root system, a large tree may begin to collapse.

    You can replant the plant in soil special for succulents, which is sold in flower shops. Prepare the soil mixture To transplant the fatty grass, you can do it yourself by mixing:

  9. leaf soil - 1 part;
  10. turf soil - 4 parts;
  11. humus – 1 part;
  12. sand - 1 part.
  13. Expanded clay, pieces of coal or brick chips must be poured onto the bottom of the pot.

    During the replanting process, it is recommended to carefully inspect the roots of the plant and remove any rotten ones. In this case, the cut areas are sprinkled crushed activated carbon, the tree is left for a day to dry out the roots and only then is planted in a prepared container.

    Methods for propagating Crassula

    The money tree can be propagated at home in two ways:

    Propagation by seeds

    Plant seeds sown in seedling containers filled with moist soil. The top of the crops is covered with glass or polyethylene. Care consists of spraying the soil as it dries and ventilating the mini greenhouse daily. The first seedlings should appear in two weeks. The glass should be removed immediately and the seedling containers should be placed in a well-lit place. It is better not to water the soil around the Crassula seedlings, but to spray it. As soon as the young plants grow and become stronger, they can be planted in small individual pots.

    Propagation by cuttings

    This is the easiest way to propagate a money tree. It is recommended to harvest and plant cuttings in March or April. In this case, according to experienced flower growers, there is a possibility that the fat plant will bloom.

    For cuttings, you can simply take a plant leaf or a piece of trunk. The segments are deepened into the prepared soil by about 6 cm, and the leaves by 1 cm. For better rooting, a transparent container is placed on top of the cuttings. In such a mini greenhouse, the plant will feel much more comfortable and will take root faster. You should care for the cuttings carefully, ventilating them daily and checking the soil moisture.

    Possible problems when growing a money tree

    At home, with proper care, the fat plant usually does not get sick and is not affected by pests. Therefore, if problems arise with an unpretentious plant, then this is for sure errors in its maintenance and care:

    1. Watering with cold water and excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots. The plant first changes color and leaves fall off. Then the table becomes soft and the flower gradually dies. In this case, in the early stages the soil needs to be dried and treated with anti-fungal agents. If this does not help, then the plant is pulled out of the pot and its rotten roots are cut off.
    2. Insufficient lighting can cause the tree to stretch out its stems and become misshapen. Therefore, in poorly lit rooms it is recommended to grow the plant on windowsills.
    3. If the indoor air is too dry, Crassula leaves may begin to dry out and wither. In this case, the tree can be taken out into the fresh air, and in winter it can be sprayed regularly.
    4. Crassulas are rarely affected by pests, but, nevertheless, they are sometimes attacked by:

  • mealybugs form a white coating in the leaf axils;
  • spider mites are very small insects that leave sticky webs between stems and leaves;
  • Scale insects in the form of yellow or brown raised spots can be seen on the trunk and leaves.
  • In all cases, the plant is treated folk remedies or special chemicals.

    Crown formation

    To ensure that the money tree has a neat round shape and does not look like a shrub with thin stems, it is recommended that you independently shape its crown.

    You need to start forming a fatty also in at a young age , when three to four pairs of leaves appear on its branches. To do this, pinch a new bud located between the leaves with tweezers or fingernails. Some time after the procedure, two or three new buds will appear in place of the removed bud, and the tree will begin to branch. At this time, you need to make sure that there are no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch. The top of a grown tree is plucked off.

    If the Crassula was purchased as an adult, then its height and splendor can still be adjust by trimming. To do this, a branch is cut above the fourth pair of leaves, and the cut area is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

    For uniform growth and development of the crown, the fat plant must be periodically turned in different directions towards the light. It is not recommended to plant several Crassula sprouts in one pot at once. In this case, after some time you will end up with several shapeless bushes.

    Even a beginner in gardening can grow an unpretentious and disease-resistant money tree at home. With proper care, an ornamental plant will decorate any room and, if you believe in Feng Shui, will attract wealth and good luck to your home.

In this article you will learn:

The most in a simple way Planting a money tree according to Feng Shui is considered to attract money and material energy. It absorbs positive energy and attracts money into the house.

Money tree as a souvenir

There are many different money talismans, amulets and charms, for example, figurines of an owl, a horse and a toad with a coin in its mouth and various flowers. In cases where it is not possible to plant a living money tree according to Feng Shui, artificial figurines are used.

The most common material for souvenirs is natural money, but souvenir money can also be suitable. To do this, bills are rolled into a tube and attached to a barrel installed in flower pot or on a foam stand.

Souvenirs are also made from beads and coins, which are attached to wire or embroidered on fabric. The money tree talisman is made in any form. The choice of material and sizes is unlimited. You just can’t place a living or artificial tree nearby. To activate the talisman for wealth, you should decorate the branches with red ribbons. You can buy souvenirs in the store, but it’s better to make your own. You need to start making a talisman in good mood and with good thoughts.

Tree Crassula - living coin tree

Money tree is also called Crassula and Crassula. This flower looks like a small tree. It has many branches with voluminous round leaves that resemble coins. According to Feng Shui, a planted money tree is considered a symbol of prosperity and financial wealth. The more magnificent the fat woman, the more money she attracts.

To plant this flower, it is recommended to discreetly tear off a leaf of the plant or buy it inexpensively from rich friends. Like any other plant, Crassula should be planted during the waxing moon. It is recommended to put several coins in the pot, which will later need to be taken out and washed with water in order to increase cash flow. To grow a beautiful and lush fat woman, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Water in the evening, after the soil is dry. The flower does not like a lot of water, as the roots may rot.
  2. Add classic fertilizers.
  3. Grow the flower at medium temperatures. The plant does not like drafts.
  4. It is necessary to frequently spray the leaves with water.
  5. The fat woman needs diffused light. It must be periodically turned to the light in different directions.
  6. To give the flower a beautiful shape, young branches can be tied to the trunk.

The plant must be treated with sincere care and affection. He should be surrounded by positive Qi energy. The money tree needs to be protected from negative emotions, and it will bring prosperity to the home.

You also need to prepare for the arrival of money. They should be treated with gratitude, as money helps you live in abundance and do good deeds. You need to decide what the money will be spent on or what will change in life after the financial situation improves. It is best to write down your desires and plans for the future on a beautiful piece of paper.

Correct location in the house

According to Feng Shui, the money tree needs to be placed in the southeast direction. It coincides with the wealth sector. It is recommended to decorate the place in the house where the flower will stand in green and blue color. The flower should be well lit and kept clean. The plant must be frequently wiped from dust. You need to talk to him, stroke him and give him your love, since the fat cat is sensitive to the emotional energy of a person. A flower may die from a bad mood.

Also, many people garden in the house dollar tree. According to Feng Shui, this flower also brings wealth and prosperity.

We create a wealth sector

To improve the financial situation, it is necessary to properly formalize the wealth sector. First you need to clear this place of old things to make room for financial energy.

The area where the fat plant is located must be supplemented with the following elements:

  • tree, for example wooden stand or a table;
  • water, you can put an aquarium, a waterfall or hang a picture with a waterfall, but the image of water should not be aggressive;
  • wind, the flower must feel air currents. You can hang a wind chime talisman next to the plant, but you should remember that there should be no iron elements in the wealth zone.

In order for the fat plant to bring prosperity and wealth, the flower pot must be placed on a red napkin with the image of the hieroglyph of wealth. Over time, you will be able to determine your financial well-being by the behavior of the flower. If the fat plant fades, then the money will decrease. When a flower grows and becomes lush, it means financial position will improve. Crassula blooms on rare occasions. This indicates a large influx of money.

To the question “Do you know what the Crassula or Crassula plant looks like?” most will answer "no". But if you ask if they have ever seen " Money Tree", then most often you will hear a positive answer. This plant, popular among gardeners, is also popularly called the "tree of love", "tree of happiness" or "monkey tree". The trunk of this plant is very similar to the trunk of a tree, and the densely growing rounded thick leaves are similar with coins, which is why people most often call it the money tree.

Feng Shui says that if you care for it properly, it will bring great wealth to your home. That is, the more beautiful fleshy leaves there are on the money tree, the better your financial situation will be. Also, many claim that the Crassula plant is a powerful neutralizer of all negative and negative emotions, filling the house with positive energy. At the same time, it is believed that such a good result from a money tree can only be achieved if you grow and cherish it from the smallest seed from the bottom of your heart, that is, you will not achieve anything by acquiring an already adult individual.

Origin of the money tree (crassula).

The homeland of the money tree (Crassula) is considered to be Africa, or rather its tropical, arid Southern and Southwestern parts, as well as Madagascar and South Arabia. Decorative deciduous Crassulaceae belongs to the genus of Succulent plants (English: Succulentus) and the family of Crassulaceae (English: Crassulaceae).

Varieties of Crassula.

Scientists have identified about 300 species of this plant, but at home the most common ones are:

  1. Crassula arborescens (eng. Crassula arborescens). This plant is popularly called the money tree. It has a thick woody trunk with many branches on which round, fleshy leaves grow densely, associated with coins. In good conditions, this plant can be quite large (up to 1.5 m in height and width), and, having reached 10 years of age, it can even bloom.
  2. Cooper's Crassula (English Crassula Cooperi) is a succulent perennial turf-forming inhabitant of the sandy soils of South Africa. Like other plants of this species, it has sessile plump leaves, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm in length and 1 cm in width. It usually blooms from August to September, but does not set seeds.
  3. Crassula spatulate (English Crassula Spathulata) with long tetrahedral underdeveloped creeping shoots on which aerial roots grow. This plant has small, rounded, spatulate leaves with serrated edges. The spatula loves water, so it needs to be watered regularly throughout the year. In winter, so that due to lack of light this plant does not sprout unsightly shoots, its temperature should be from 14 0 C to 18 0 C.
  4. Crassula moss (English: Crassula Lycopodiaies) occurs naturally in the arid tropics of Southwestern Africa. This plant has long shoots that are densely covered in a tiled manner with small pointed dark green leaves. The flowers of this plant are small and yellow or yellow-white in color. They appear in the axils of the leaves.

money tree also called Crassula Ovata and Crassula Agrentea. The leaves of these plants are green or dark green with a red border. Also, some types of money tree have shiny or silvery leaves with red spots on the back.

The money tree, which is shown in the photographs, has been growing in my home for several years and is called Crassula arborescens.

Caring for a money tree at home.

In fact, caring for this plant, popular among gardeners, is very simple.

Watering the money tree.
This plant loves water very much, so in the summer it needs to be watered at least 1-2 times a week, but under no circumstances should it be overwatered. The soil should not be very wet, like a swamp, and dry, like the surface of a dried-out swamp. Watering should be moderate. As soon as you see that upper layer The soil begins to dry out, be sure to water your money tree. During dormancy (in winter), it needs to be watered rarely, about once every couple of months, but if the plant is located above a hot radiator, then this can be done more often.

Cleaning money tree leaves from dust.
Unlike some indoor plants, such as, for example, fat plants do not look forward to new sprays, so most often a soft cloth is used to remove dust from the leaves.

Air humidity for money tree.
Humidity is not of great importance for the Crassula, so even dry room air does not harm the plant. Still, once every 1-2 months you can spray the plant with a spray bottle, a shallow watering can, or bathe it in the shower, after covering the ground with a plastic bag.

Lighting for money tree.
Crassulas are light-loving plants that adore short-term baths in bright sunlight, both in winter and summer. But don't overdo it, as direct sunlight can damage the leaves. They may turn red or even brown. This is harmful for green fatworts. If in winter the money tree grew in the shade, then in the spring it is gradually accustomed to the sun, periodically shading it from bright sun. Window sills with windows facing an unshaded east, north-west or south-west side are best suited for growing. The northern side is very dark for the Crassula, and when growing it on a southern windowsill in the summer, it is necessary to constantly monitor the plant and, if necessary, shade it, blocking it from the sun.

Temperature conditions for the money tree.
Crassulas love fresh air, so in summer the plants can be taken out to the balcony or to the garden under a tree. If this is not possible, then in a well-lit room the money tree can be placed in a cool place (20-22 0 C), for example, lowered from the windowsill to the floor. In winter, the plant benefits from relative cold (10-12 0 C), but not lower than 7-8 0 C.

Feeding the money tree.
The fat woman is not at all whimsical, so she is fed only in the summer, that is, during the growth period. Do this no more often than once every 2 weeks. In winter, this plant does not require any fertilizer.

Soil for a money tree.
Crassulas prefer loose soil, for example, store-bought substrates intended for cacti. If you want to make your own soil for a money tree, then use the following ingredients:

  1. Sod land - 1 part;
  2. Deciduous soil - 3 parts;
  3. Peat soil - 1 part
  4. Coarse sand sifted from dust - 1 part.

These proportions can be slightly adjusted, for example, if the fat plant is already an adult, then more turf land can be taken, for example, not 1st part, but 2nd. It is recommended to add birch coals or brick chips to the soil as a loosening agent. Drainage is required for the fat plant. For small plants, place 1-2 layers of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, and only then the soil and the plant itself. This will prevent acidification of the soil, since excess water will be absorbed by expanded clay, which will gradually return it to the plant.

If the money tree is mature and has an impressive size, then to create drainage in a large pot, instead of expanded clay, you can use medium-sized stones, or put one large one, and then fill it with any non-rotting material, for example, pieces of polystyrene foam, wine corks, etc.

Transplanting a money tree.
The main and rapid growth of the fat woman occurs before the age of three. It is during this period that the plant requires annual replanting. In subsequent years, it is better not to do this unless absolutely necessary, since after each transplant the plant gets sick. It is recommended to replant an adult money tree no more than once every 3 years. Use the soil described in the article above.

Also, a money tree requires good drainage, which is also described in the “Soil for a money tree” section.

Formation of a money tree.
The growth and development of the fat plant must be controlled, since some shoots can be long and massive, while others will stop growing altogether. Because of this, the money tree may be lopsided. For the uniform formation of the crown of the Crassula, it is necessary to pinch it correctly, for example, by pinching off 2 leaves located at the end of the shoot, you will achieve the appearance of new branches from this place.

Money tree propagation.
Crassulas reproduce very easily. This is done with leaves, cuttings and, less often, seeds. To propagate, cut a leaf or cutting from the mother tree and dry it for several days. This is necessary so that the cut is covered with a fabric stopper. After this, simply plant the future tree in the ground (see “Soil for a money tree”), in which it will take root.

Problems when growing a money tree.

As I wrote earlier, the fat woman - unpretentious plant, which rarely gets sick or is attacked by insects. And yet, this is a living organism, therefore, in order not to lose the plant if any of the following signs appear, I recommend urgently starting to eliminate them.

Money tree leaves darken, wrinkle, fall off, or lose their shine.
Most often this can happen either due to too cold water for irrigation, or due to its lack. Damaged leaves must be removed.

The leaves turn pale and wither.
This occurs due to excess moisture in the soil.

Dry brown spots have appeared on the leaves of the money tree.
This often happens due to lack of moisture.

Soft brown spots have appeared on the leaves of the money tree.
It could be a fungal disease. Frequent ventilation and the use of antifungal drugs are recommended for treatment.

The base of the money tree stem rots.
There is a very high probability that this is root rot. If the roots of the fat plant are not dark and soft, that is, not dying, then as a treatment I can only recommend replanting it in a clean pot with new soil, removing all rotting parts. If this does not help, then it is better to cut off the top part and start growing a young tree from it in new soil.

The stem of the money tree becomes not beautiful and ugly.
This may be due to poor lighting, winter waterlogging or improper formation.

Money tree pests.

This plant is practically not attacked by pests, but if this happens, then most often it is first affected by a variety of bacteria, which gradually kill the fat woman. Then, on a diseased and weakened tree, they can settle in the axils of branches, leaves and other places. root and mealybugs.

A weak money tree can be attacked by whole colonies of scale insects and false scale insects, get rid of them by rubbing the stems and leaves with a spirit-garlic infusion.

Crassula can also be attacked by spider mites, gradually wrapping a cobweb around the plant and sucking out all the vital juices from it.

The money tree root may be affected nematodes, which are not difficult to notice with the naked eye. If you notice such pests, you must immediately remove the affected parts of the plant.

Also, the tree of happiness can be attacked by aphids, which are recommended to be gotten rid of with special products sold in flower shops.

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Do you prefer to live in harmony with nature and strive to make your home cozy with the help of indoor flowers? Pay attention to the unpretentious and graceful plant - Crassula. Its scientific name is Crassula. According to Feng Shui, a flower can attract wealth and positive energy. It’s not for nothing that it’s called the “tree of happiness.”

money tree flower

As a rule, the plant has a tree-like trunk, small round, shiny, succulent leaves that look like green coins. Refers to succulents. With proper care, it often blooms, grows well and develops a crown. The plant suits any modern interior, has a beneficial effect on people, releasing substances beneficial to the body. The money tree flower is not considered whimsical - it tolerates drought well and does not suffer when kept in dark rooms. In apartment conditions, it is advisable to shape the fat woman, starting to do this when she is still small.

Money tree - signs and superstitions

A houseplant helps to exaggerate money and maintain financial stability. In order for the money flower to improve the financial situation of the owners, you need to activate it - before planting, be sure to place coins at the bottom of different denominations. It is necessary to talk to the fat woman, talk about unexpected income and expenses, so that it protects her from further expenses. If you decide to give someone a money tree, be sure to study the signs and superstitions. Here are some of them:

  1. Paper bills placed under a pot on the windowsill will help enhance the effect and bring good luck. It is advisable not to waste them for at least a year.
  2. To attract energy flows, Crassula leaves can be decorated with coins or a golden chain. After some time, the money should be removed and spent within a week.
  3. The tree must not be touched by strangers.
  4. To call for help from higher powers, it is periodically recommended to lightly shake the Crassula by the trunk.
  5. If leaves fall, this is a bad omen. Large expenses are possible, or negative energy prevails in the house.
  6. It is important to replant the plant so that your money does not “wither” due to a cramped pot.

How the money tree blooms - photo

The described culture comes from South Africa, where it grows wild everywhere. In climates where daylight hours decrease in winter, the tree can stand long years without flowering. Culture loves light and warmth, and its development directly depends on these two factors. When does the money tree bloom? Only with sufficient lighting. The photo shows: the flowers of the plant are gorgeous, small, usually white, like stars.

How to care for a money tree

Crassula does not cause much trouble for its owners; everyone can grow it. Caring for a money tree at home is simple. Some recommendations:

  1. Provide bright lighting, otherwise the plant will stretch, dropping leaves. It is advisable to place it on the south side of the house. In spring, the leaves should be shaded so that they get used to the warmth after winter. Next, the plant can be exposed to direct rays for a long time, but if it begins to turn red, it should be removed from the windowsill.
  2. In order for the crown to develop beautifully and grow evenly, it is important to sometimes rotate the plant.
  3. The optimal temperature for fat mushrooms is from +20 to +30 degrees. To enter a state of dormancy in winter, the temperature should be maintained at no lower than +12 and no higher than +14 degrees.
  4. In winter, you need to protect the tree from cold air, for example, when opening a window.
  5. It is not advisable to spray the monkey tree to avoid the development of fungal diseases.
  6. In summer, monthly feeding is needed.

How to plant

The process should not be difficult. For planting, you can root the shoot or use an adult tree purchased in the store, for example, crassula purslane, silver, or moss. Sunset and Hottentot varieties are also very beautiful. Choose any type you like with a thick trunk - the care for all is the same. How to plant a money tree correctly? Fill the prepared pot suitable soil, make a hole, lower a seedling or plant there. Next, cover the roots, compact the substrate, add soil and water.

How to transplant

The need to change the pot occurs when the roots no longer have enough space; they entwine the entire volume of the earthen coma. As a rule, adult species are replanted every few years, young ones - as they grow, annually, choosing a larger pot than the previous one. Be sure to use drainage. How to replant a money tree? Recommendations:

  • remove the flower from the old pot;
  • being careful not to harm the roots, carefully remove the old substrate;
  • Make a hole in the prepared pot and place the plant in it;
  • add soil, tamp it down, water it.

How to propagate

According to popular beliefs, it is advisable to grow the plant yourself so that it becomes a full-fledged family talisman. It is easy to propagate at any time of the year by removing a small shoot. It will be possible to grow a flower from seeds, but this is a very long and difficult process. How does a money tree reproduce? Break off the stem and leave to air dry. The plant is poisonous to animals, so put the leaf in a safe place. Next, the cutting should be placed in the substrate and wait for rooting, sometimes spraying.

Land for a money tree

Crassula loves loose soil - it’s easier to plant it in ready-made composition, bought in flower shops. You can prepare the soil yourself, following the recommended proportions. What kind of land is needed for a money tree? Approximate proportions for ideal soil: 3 parts deciduous soil, 1 part each peat, turf soil, coarse sand. As the tree grows, the amount of ingredients can be changed, for example, take not 1, but 2 parts of turf soil. Brick chips are suitable as a leavening agent.


For Crassula to have a healthy, attractive appearance, it needs to choose correct size pot. Otherwise, the tree will develop slowly or stop growing. The pot for the fat plant should be wide and low. The optimal volume is slightly larger than the crown. It is advisable to plant an adult plant once a year, shaping it if necessary.

How to water a money tree

Many people ask flower growers how to care for Crassula at home. The condition for normal growth is regulated watering. Crassula needs water, but if you overdo it, you can kill it. The plant easily tolerates drying out of the soil. How often to water a money tree? In winter it is necessary once a week, in spring, in summer - as soon as the soil dries. You need to water with settled water.

How to trim

The tree is easy to shape, and this property should be used to obtain a beautiful shape. How to trim a fat plant? Use sharp scissors or pruners and do the work in stages, giving the plant a chance to recover. To achieve the desired shape, pruning should be done above one of the brown rings of the stem. The procedure should be carried out during the growth period of Crassula.

How to form a crown

If the plant is not taken care of, the tree will grow chaotically upward, forming a shapeless bush. To avoid this, in early spring It is recommended to shorten old shoots and pinch off new ones. You can trim with miniature tweezers or your hands. How to pinch a money tree? Select a stem, remove leaves so that no more than 3-4 pairs remain on the branch. The method is suitable for young plants; for adults, pruning should be used.

What to feed

In the wild, the fat plant grows in rocky, sandy soil, so it is unpretentious in maintenance. How to fertilize a money tree at home? Crassula should be fed only during the growth period, using universal additives for succulents. They contain all the substances necessary for development: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. In summer, fertilizing should be done monthly, the rest of the time you can do without it.

Why are the leaves falling off the money tree?

Any variety of plant requires careful care, otherwise it begins to lose its attractiveness. A common problem is leaf falling. As a result, the fat woman becomes shabby, stunted, and plaque may appear. Why does the money tree shed its leaves? Possible reasons:

  1. Unregulated watering. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the plant can be revived, but if it is overwatered, the fat plant often sheds healthy leaves and quickly dies. The last problem can be solved by making drainage.
  2. Lack or excess of mineral fertilizers. In the first case, it is necessary to use a suitable fertilizer; in the second, the fat plant must be transplanted into fresh soil.
  3. Freezing the soil, watering with cold water. Worth returning comfortable conditions, the plant recovers quickly.
  4. Diseases. Crassula can contract fungal diseases and become infected with pests. To save her, it is recommended to use chemical medications, for example, Fitoverm.
  5. Natural aging. If Crassula grows for many years, sooner or later its leaves will begin to fall off. The only salvation in this case is to renew the tree.

Why doesn't the money tree grow?

The plant, which belongs to the Crassulaceae family, is very popular among flower growers because it looks great, has medicinal properties, and when properly pinched and grown, takes on the desired shape and can be propagated. Flowering crassula is rare, but this does not spoil the relationship with the plant. Some people wonder why the money tree doesn’t grow? Common reasons:

  • pests appeared;
  • the plant does not like the pot (too big or small);
  • overfilling/underfilling;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • lack of light;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • direct rays of the sun.


How to make a money tree bloom

If you decide to plant Crassula and propagate it from a leaf, do not expect that the plant will bloom immediately. To achieve this, daily care and attention are required. How to make a money tree bloom so you can see the spectacle in person, not in a photo? Recommendations for action:

  • water when the soil dries with room soft water;
  • feed every month (fertilizers for cacti are suitable);
  • take it out into the open air in summer, but avoid temperature changes;
  • do not forget to replant into a larger pot;
  • Wipe leaves frequently to remove dust.


Crassula or money tree is a popular houseplant, valued by indoor gardeners for its ease of care and highly decorative fleshy leaves. There are many signs and beliefs associated with this flower. Attributed to the money tree and magical properties. You will learn about the most common types of this plant and how to care for the money tree at home on this page.

Flowering money tree and description of leaves

Crassula, Crassula, money tree, tree of happiness, monkey tree or butterwort are a plant of the Crassula family.

An extensive genus of the Crassulaceae family (more than 300 species), representatives of which are widespread in South and tropical Africa, on the island of Madagascar and about 20 species throughout the world.

A highly decorative houseplant, the money tree has long been considered a symbol of wealth. It can be shaped like a tree or bush.

The description of the money tree houseplant should begin with the fact that these are perennial, biennial, rarely annual plants belonging to herbs, succulent shrubs or small succulent trees (Crassula arborescens, Crassula purslane), reaching a height of 2–2.5 m. It has a fleshy, juicy stem. The leaves of the money tree are opposite, sometimes collected in a rosette, mostly succulent, with hydathodes (water stomata) located along the edges or over the entire surface. There are varieties with variegated foliage and with wavy leaf edges. The flowers are small, from star-shaped to tubular, 5(4)-9-membered, collected in an inflorescence, less often solitary. The petals are free, there are as many stamens as there are petals. Flowering of the money tree is possible only in adulthood. Some types of Crassula have flowers that are fragrant.

The trunk of the Crassula quickly gains thickness, which greatly simplifies the formation of bonsai-style plants.

Here you can see a photo of the money tree indoor plant, the description of which is given above:

Crassulas grow mainly on rocky and sandy soils, but there are species that live in water, such as the floating crassula.

What types of money trees are there: photos, names and descriptions

C. arborescens (Mill.) Willd. (Cotyledon arborescens Mill.)K. arborescens. A shrub or tree, reaching 1–1.5 m in nature, sometimes up to 2 m in height, with stems about 20 cm in diameter. The leaves are grey-green, obovate to rounded, about 7 cm long and 3–3.5 cm wide, thick, reddening at the edges and on the underside. Hydathodes are located along the entire upper surface of the leaf. The flowers are about 1 cm long, white or cream with a pinkish tint. The inflorescence is a panicle. Rarely blooms indoors. Highly decorative plant. Grows on hills, among rocks in South-West and South Africa (Natal province, South Africa).

C. argentea Thunb.K. silver. A small succulent tree, reaching 1–2 m in height in nature, a trunk up to 30 cm thick, with an abundantly branching crown. This type of money tree got its name because of the silvery dots on the upper side of the elliptical or oblanceolate leaves. The leaves of the plant are 2–6 cm long, 1–2.5 cm wide, bright green, shiny, sometimes reddening at the edges. The flowers are about 1 cm long, white with a pinkish bloom. The roots are edible. The most common type in indoor culture; also known as Crassula purslane. Its homeland is South Africa, where the species grows in dry, thorny bushes on rocky and clayey soils.

C. cephalophora Schoenl.K. capitate. Perennial herbaceous plant, about 12 cm tall. The leaves are bluish-green, oblanceolate or ovate, arranged tightly in the form of a rosette at the end of the shoot, each pair of leaves crosswise in the form of a propeller.

As you can see in the photo, this type of money tree has leaf edges with cilia, and the entire surface has glassy papillae, giving the impression of pubescence:

The flowers are small, yellow. Its homeland is South-West and South Africa, where Crassula grows on mountain slopes on gravel. A species that varies in nature.

S. columnaris Thunb.K. columnar. Biennial herbaceous low-growing plants (up to 10 cm in height). The leaves are densely spaced, thick, transversely elliptical, vaulted below. The flowers are collected in a head or arranged umbellately. Plants die after fruiting. Highly decorative look. Cultivated in cold greenhouses. Homeland: Cape Province (South Africa).

C. cooperi Regel (C. bolusii Hook. f.)K. Cooper. A perennial, abundantly branching plant with lodging stems, forming dense clumps. The leaves of this Crassula (money tree) are oblanceolate or obovate, 0.6–3.5 cm long, 0.3–1 cm wide, with cilia along the edges, light green with brownish-red dots on the upper and lower sides. The flowers are umbellate-shaped on short stalks, light flesh-colored, almost white, bell-shaped. Highly decorative, abundant flowering plant. Found on sandy soils in South Africa.

C. falcata (DC.) Wendl. (Rochea falcata DC.)K. sickle-shaped. Succulents, subshrubs up to 1 m tall, lightly branched. Leaves are 7-10 cm long, very thick, oblong-crescent-shaped, obtuse, entire, stem-embracing, fused. The flowers of this type of houseplant money tree are located at the top of the stem, collected densely umbellate or several umbels in a bunch, up to 15–20 cm in diameter, bright red, the stamens and anthers are golden yellow. It grows in highlands, at an altitude of 300–900 m above sea level, from the south-eastern part of the Cape to Natal (South Africa). Highly decorative look. Suitable for growing indoors. A peculiarity of C. falcata is that removal of the shoot apex to well-developed leaves after flowering promotes the development of lateral shoots; Of the emerging shoots, the most developed one is left, the rest are cut into cuttings.

C. lactea Ait.K. milky. Shrubs and subshrubs up to 60 cm tall. The leaves are thick, obovate, fused at the base, green, glabrous, with whitish dots at the edges. The inflorescence is a panicle. The flowers are numerous, white. Blooms in winter. It grows on dry soils of scrapers, as well as in river valleys at an altitude of 90-450 m above sea level in South and Southeast Africa. Highly decorative plant. Planted in pots as a hanging plant, it forms creeping shoots.

C. lanuginosa Harv.K. woolly. An abundantly branching shrub, about 15 cm tall, with lodging or creeping stems that produce many adventitious roots. The leaves are bluish-green, obovate or elliptical, 2.3–2.5 cm long and 0.2–0.8 cm wide. The entire plant is softly pubescent. Homeland - South Africa.

C. lycopodioides Lam.K. lycophytes. An abundantly branching shrub with erect, lodging or creeping tetrahedral stems up to 40 cm long. The leaves are dark green, lanceolate or ovate, 2–4 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, tightly overlapping each other in 4 rows, like tiles. The flowers are about 1 mm long, axillary, solitary, sessile, very small, yellow or light yellow-green. Homeland - South-West and South Africa, widely found in the Cape Province (South Africa).

C. lycopodioidesvar. pseudolycopodioides (Dinter et Schinz) Walth.K. pseudolycemic. It differs from C. lycopodioides in its looser arrangement of leaves. The shoots are curved. Flowers with the scent of honey. Blooms in April – June. A highly ornamental plant, notable for its leaves and their arrangement on the shoots. Homeland - South-West Africa.

C. marnierana Huber et JacobsK. Marnier. Shrub with weakly branching, thin, creeping stems, 15–20 cm long. The leaves are ovate, light green, 0.5 cm long and 0.6 cm wide, rounded at the apex, fused at the bases, tightly pressed to each other (without visible internodes). Hydathodes are located at the edges. Flowers 3–4 mm long, white. Its homeland is South Africa, where this species lives on the low slopes of the mountains.

C. mesembryanthemopsis DinterK. mesembryanthemum-like. A perennial plant with a very short (up to 2.5 cm long) stem, forming one or several rosettes of leaves from the base. The leaves are gray-blue, wedge-shaped, 1–2 cm long, 0.3–0.6 cm wide, truncated at the apex and covered with small rounded papillae. Hydathodes are located mainly on the upper side of the leaf. The flowers are 5–7 mm long, white or cream, collected in a compact apical inflorescence. Its homeland is South and South-West Africa, where this species lives on low mountain slopes on poor or heavy soils.

C. nealeana HigginsK. Neil. Abundantly branching shrub with creeping stems. The leaves are bluish-green with a waxy coating, purple-red stripes and dots along the edges. Each pair of leaves in a Crassula flower (money tree) of this species is fused at its base, so the leaves give the impression of being strung on a stem. Flowers 2–2.5 mm long, cream-colored. Homeland - South Africa. Beautiful hanging plant.

C. orbicularisK. rounded. A perennial, abundantly branching herbaceous plant about 5 cm tall. The leaves are ovate, 1.5–2.5 cm long, collected in rosettes, which are formed both in the axils of old leaves and on long stolons extending from the axils of old leaves. Homeland - South Africa.

C. perfoliata (RocheaperfoliataDC). – K. pierced foliage. Succulents, subshrubs up to 1 m tall. The leaves are triangular-lanceolate, pointed, 10–15 cm long, broadly humped at the base. The inflorescence is umbellate. Flowers red, white. Bred as potted plant, blooms profusely (in summer). Grows in sandy, well-drained soils in the south-eastern part of the Cape Province, Natal (South Africa). Decorative look.

C. perforata Thunb.K. perforated. A shrub initially with erect, and later with drooping stems up to 60 cm long. The leaves are bluish-green, up to 2.5 cm long, about 2 cm wide with dark green dots on the upper surface and small cartilaginous cilia along the edges. The edges of the leaves turn red in bright sun. Each pair of leaves grows together at their base, as a result of which they appear to be attached to a stem. Flowers 2.5 mm long. Grows in dry bushes. The variability of the species is manifested in the length and thickness of the leaf, the presence or absence of cartilaginous hairs along the edges. It is grown in rooms as an ampelous plant. Homeland - South Africa.

C. picturata Boom.K. punctate. A perennial herbaceous plant with lodging, abundantly branching stems, forming dense clumps. The leaves are obovate, 1.5 cm long, about 0.8 cm wide, green with red dots above and violet-red below, collected in a loose rosette. Leaf edges with small thin cilia.

Pay attention to the photo - the flowers of Crassula (money tree) of this species are small, white with a pink stripe on the outside of the petals:

Homeland - South Africa.

C. rosularis Haw.K. rosette. A perennial stemless herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome producing stolons. The leaves are collected in a rosette, lanceolate, green, beet-colored on the underside, 8–9 cm long, about 2 cm wide, with small cilia along the edges. The flowers are small, white, fragrant. Its homeland is South Africa, where this species grows on mountain slopes on fertile soil.

C. rupestris Thunb. (C. monticola N. E. Br.)K. rocky. Shrub with erect, less often creeping stems, up to 50 cm tall. The leaves are very succulent, ovate or lanceolate, 0.5–1.5 cm long, the same width and about 1 cm thick, light green with a red stripe and hydathodes on the upper side. The inflorescence is umbellate (located in the upper part of the shoot). The flowers are 3–4 mm long, white or pinkish. Decorative look. It is widespread in South Africa.

C. sarmentosa Harv.K. offspring. A perennial, abundantly branching herbaceous plant with creeping stems up to 1 m long, covered with light spots, reddish at the leaf nodes. The leaves are elliptical or ovate, 2–4 (5) cm long, 1–2.5 (3.5) cm wide, with a serrated edge that turns red in the sun and hydathodes located at the base of the denticles. Flowers are 5–8 mm long, white or cream. Homeland - South Africa. A wonderful hanging plant.

C. schmidtii Regel (C. gracilis hort., C. hookeri hort., C. rubicunda hort., C. impressa N. E. Br.)K. Schmidt. Perennial herbaceous, low-growing (7-12 cm tall) plants. The lower leaves are 3–4 cm long, sit densely, form a rosette, closing into a cushion; the upper ones are linear, thick, pointed, smooth on top, green, dotted, with a reddish tint, whitish-ciliated at the edges. The inflorescence is a panicle. The flowers are small, 4–5 mm in diameter, red. Ornamental plant. Distributed as indoors. Blooms in spring - summer. Homeland: Cape Province (South Africa).

C. socialis Schoenl.K. grouped. A perennial, abundantly branching plant, 4–6 cm tall, forms dense clumps. The leaves are bright green, ovate, 0.4–0.7 cm long and 0.4–0.6 cm wide, arranged tightly to each other, forming a 4-sided rosette. Leaf edges with tiny cilia. Homeland - the southwestern part of the Cape Province (South Africa).

C. spatulata Thunb.K. spatulate. Subshrubs with recumbent branched shoots. The leaves are rounded-spatulate, rounded-toothed, finely serrated at the edges, glabrous, light green, pink, with petioles. The inflorescence is apical, umbellate. The flowers are small, pink, red. Blooms profusely in summer. Highly decorative look. Used as an hanging plant (for vases). Homeland - South-East Africa.

C. targinalis SolandK. bordered. A perennial, abundantly branching plant with creeping stems and aerial roots extending from leaf nodes. The leaves are light green, ovate, 1.5 cm long and wide, with faint hydathodes along the edges. The flowers are greenish or yellow, 2–3 mm long. Homeland - South Africa. A wonderful hanging plant.

Look at the photo to see what types of money trees there are:

Growing conditions and features of caring for a money tree at home (with video)

Crassula is not whimsical, but loves diffused bright light, moderate summer temperatures of 18 - 24 C and 6 weeks of rest in winter at a temperature of 13 - 16 C. Fertilize every 2 weeks from spring to autumn. Water thoroughly 2 times a week, but so that the soil dries out between waterings. In winter 1 – 3 times a month. Propagate by apical cuttings. Crassula will grow well in a shallow but wide pot. Growing a money tree is possible both at home (in the south-eastern part of the apartment) and in the office. A plant can easily become “offended” by dropping its leaves if the owner bought an expensive item or splurged.

Optimal place: southern, eastern and western exposures.

Lighting requirements: All Crassulas should be placed in a bright place with shade from direct sunlight at midday. One of the features of caring for a money tree is “ air baths": in the summer, the plant can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden, being sure to protect it from the scorching midday sun and rain. In the spring, they are gradually accustomed to direct sun after prolonged cloudy weather, in order to avoid sunburn. The same should be done with a newly acquired plant. In winter, when caring for a money tree at home, shading is not required.

Temperature Requirements: in the spring-summer period, fat women easily put up with the heat. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 10–15 °C. Although plants can survive in winter when room temperature 18–22 °C, under these conditions their shoots may stretch and some leaves may fall off. Do not place the fat plant near heating appliances.

The video “Caring for a money tree at home” shows the features of growing the plant:

Secrets of growing a money tree: how to care for a crassula at home (with photos)

Watering and other care: In spring and summer, the soil should be only slightly moist before the next watering; in autumn and winter, it should be almost dry. Excess moisture makes the fat plant vulnerable to fungal diseases, as a result of which the leaves turn yellow, darken and fall off. In this case, the plant must be removed from the pot, the earthen ball dried and the root system treated with antifungal drugs.

Feeding: from April to September, once a month with a solution of universal fertilizer or special fertilizer for cacti and other succulents. During warm wintering, the plant is also fed once a month, but with a fertilizer solution of half concentration. One of the secrets of growing a money tree is to apply fertilizers exclusively to moist soil immediately after watering.

Transfer: adult plants are replanted in the spring once every 2 years. Crassulas grow quite slowly, gradually building up a thick trunk and increasing in width. The root system of fat plants is shallow, so the pots should be low. Good drainage is essential. To prevent large and heavy old specimens from tipping over, granite crushed stone can be placed at the bottom of the pots.

Substrate: a mixture of turf soil and sand or a mixture of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand (4: 1: 1: 1). When caring for crassula (money tree), it is useful to add brick chips and pieces of coal to the soil. You can use ready-made soil mixture for succulents.

Trimming: To get a “tree” with a thick trunk from Crassula, formative pruning is done in early spring, removing drooping, thin, crooked shoots and branches growing inside the crown. During the summer, all awakened buds are removed from the trunk below the crown.

Possible problems: With a lack of light, the plant gets sick and does not bloom.

These photos of growing a money tree at home show all the basic agricultural techniques:

Reproduction of Crassula (money tree) at home

Many species are decorative and are used for growing indoors. Reproduction of the Crassula (money tree) is done by leaf and stem cuttings, as well as seeds. Seeds are sown in bowls. Composition of the soil: leaf – 1 part, sand – 1/2 part. Caring for the crops before germination comes down to spraying the crops and daily airing of the bowls covered with glass on top. When propagating a money tree at home, seed germination is observed after 2 weeks. Seedlings dive and plant close to the light. As the seedlings grow, they are planted in pots one at a time. Composition of the soil: light turf - 1 part, leaf - 1 part, sand - 1 part. Keep at a temperature of 16–18 °C, water once a day. When propagating by cuttings and leaves, before planting for rooting, they are first withered and then planted in sand. Rooted cuttings and leaves are planted in small pots. The composition of the soil is the same as for seedlings. Caring for them is the same.

Mature plants are replanted in the spring. Composition of the soil: turf - 1 part, leaf - 1 part, sand - 1 part, peat - 1/2 part. In summer, plants are watered daily; In winter, watering is significantly limited, but the earthen ball (in pots) is not allowed to dry out completely.

The magical properties of the Crassula flower (money tree)

Crassula Crassula, which is popularly called both the “money tree” and the “tree of happiness,” has protective powers.

Thanks to medicinal properties Crassula (money tree) plant can be used for medicinal purposes for external use. Crassula juice is good for rubbing on tired feet, cracked, sore soles.

Good to keep in an apartment on the window. This will be a protector tree for the house.

Softens the atmosphere in the family, stabilizes emotions, relieves aggression, tension, normalizes family relationships, calms nerves, and activates mental activity. They say that the magical properties of the money tree flower are conducive to friendly business contacts.

A pot of Crassula can be successfully placed in the office near the desk. A fat one in the bedroom will not hurt, it will calm the nervous system, bring emotions back to normal, and induce a restful sleep.

The fat woman is not only a good protector of the home, not only knows how to relieve the fatigue of the past day, but also will place all family members in a friendly manner.


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