Virgo and Libra: compatibility in love and friendship. The main conflicts in a pair of Libra and Virgo

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Like all similar pairs of neighboring signs, Libra can form a very strong friendship with Virgo, especially if they have known each other for a long time. And they really have enough in common to have, if not the best, but quite tolerable compatibility: both are peace-loving, charming, love and create harmony around themselves, appreciate beautiful things, art in various forms, and are often real aesthetes. Let's add to this that Virgo is perhaps the most intellectual of all earthly signs, and therefore it will be easier for her to find mutual language with airy Libra, for whom the intellectual sphere is dominant.

In this pair, Virgo feels more attracted to the partner, as the “best enemy” behind him. Based on the characteristics of this type of compatibility, Virgo is drawn to Libra as a more successful person in those areas that have become common to them: these are various manifestations of intelligence, generating ideas and creativity. And the stronger Libra’s superiority in this, the more Virgo will see in them her idol, possessing talents unattainable to her. Or maybe this will immediately lead to real black envy if Virgo proves herself to be the “best enemy” from the first meeting.

It is much better if the first meeting takes place in exciting conversations, where both would shine with erudition and sharp mind. Libra would casually throw in some idea that would completely capture Virgo’s mind. And subsequently, Virgo, with all her tenacity, would begin to work on this idea and suddenly share her fruits with them for Libra. It often happens that relationships are born between the signs of Air and Earth in exactly this way. After all, Earth values ​​innovation, ideas and intelligence in Air, and Air in Earth respects practicality and common sense. If we translate this into the language of business, which also often becomes common to neighboring signs, then Virgo knows how to count and save, and Libra can invest in promising things.

The earthly Virgo will appreciate even more those Libras who have already achieved something thanks to their intelligence, ingenuity and diplomatic skills. In this case, the image of Libra for Virgo will combine all the criteria for success at once. And Libra will most likely be attracted by the Virgo whose beauty is modest, whose manners are polished, whose style is not flashy, but impeccable. Libra, as aesthetes, evaluates everything first from outside. And only then do they decide to develop a partnership based on internal qualities.

One way or another, these relationships, when moving to a more serious stage, become a game of love in the territory of Libra and according to their rules. To some extent, for Virgo, as a less proactive sign, this is even easier. And subsequently, the beginning of this relationship can become a significant stage in her life, because next to Libra, life is filled with new interests, impressions and opportunities. Later, Virgo will want to find comfort, peace and quiet family joy based on a deep emotional connection. Only by that time Libra will get bored with everything, unless the relationship with Virgo gives them significant material benefits. After all, Libra vitally needs to move on, and the stability Virgo desires is too burdensome for them.

Will help distract you from problems common Home and children. Of course, all disagreements will not go away, but each sign will be busy with their own family self-realization, without infringing on their partner. Take children, for example. Both Libra and Virgo dote on their offspring. And in his upbringing, both have a chance to show their different, but valid parental approaches. For example, Libra is a very democratic parent, while Virgo, on the contrary, shows excessive care and control. At some moments one approach is good, and at others another is favorable.

The main conflicts in a pair of Libra and Virgo

No matter how hard Libra tries, they are unlikely to be able to fully recognize Virgo. After all, it is very difficult for Virgo to open up in a relationship with her superior “best friend.” Opening up for Virgo means, first of all, the emotional plane. Whereas Libra is alien to the depth of Virgo’s feelings and experiences. In many ways, Libra finds this a useless exercise. They are accustomed to looking broadly and forward, and not delving into details, feelings, and especially in the past, which is the sin of Virgo. If we add to this the lack of reliability and loyalty of Libra, then it is clear where such melancholy comes from in the eyes of Virgo.

Like all earth signs, Virgo is an extremely specific person. People born under the sign of Virgo, regardless of gender, can at times be a little childish and childishly cute, but in their decisions they are consistent, thorough and clear. For them, nuances and adherence to plans are important. It is not difficult to guess that in all this, Libra is almost the complete opposite of Virgo. After all, Libra can simultaneously move towards several goals, adjusting plans on the go and maneuvering between problems. Straightforward, like a locomotive on rails, Virgo simply cannot keep up with Libra, which is why she gets angry with them and causes reciprocal discontent.

When trying to come to an agreement in the heat of a quarrel, partners again encounter a wall of misunderstanding. It seems to Virgo that Libra expresses himself too complicatedly and vaguely, that they emanate a huge flow of words, but only a small portion of deeds. And Libra begins to understand that Virgo is simply slow to think. And this insight descends on the partners suddenly. After all, when it all just began, the flow of words and bold ideas attracted Libra to Virgo, and Libra was impressed by the presence of a devoted listener, ready to become an accomplice in any matter. Now the once devoted listener is increasingly turning into a boring critic. And Libra not only does not tolerate criticism, but self-confidently ignores it.

Having lived long time in such relationships, Libra begins to see in Virgo no longer the fertile Earth, but a cold and heavy stone. Moreover, dangling from the airy neck of Libra. This is manifested in the imposition of some meaningless orders on the part of Virgo, restrictions, savings, and, in the end, prohibitions. Rarely Libra can withstand this for a long time.

Libra woman and Virgo man

Both the Libra woman and the Virgo man know how to please others and love it when they succeed. It is not surprising that they quickly find admirers in each other. And then it’s a matter of a few minutes of conversation, in which the Virgo man only needs to confirm his high cultural and intellectual status in order to match the Libra woman.

Often Libra women use psychological game, placing the Virgo man as if below himself and from this forcing him to be obliged. And many of these marriages become marriages of convenience if the Virgo man is mature enough and has already taken care of material base. For a Libra woman, this will be convenient because, next to such a man, she will be able to get rid of daily boring worries and devote herself to creative or spiritual growth. As a person, a Virgo man is unlikely to interest her for a long time.

Libra man and Virgo woman

The Libra man is quite easily able to conquer the Virgo woman with his intellect. And he mistakes her shyness for mystery, which arouses mutual interest in him.

But the Libra man would not want to think about anything else besides romance and the physical side of the relationship next to the Virgo woman. And Virgo, after the first date, begins to make plans for a family and home. But such is their nature: he is too frivolous, and she is too thorough.

People are often concerned about finding their other half, and many of them take into account the recommendations of astrologers. What is love compatibility Libra and Virgo, and can these two become close friends?

Libra and Virgo are representatives of different elements, each of which has endowed its ward with a set of character traits and human qualities.

Thus, the following epithets are most suitable for people born under the sign of Libra:

  • bright;
  • mobile;
  • unstable;
  • emotional;
  • vulnerable;
  • sensitive;
  • sentimental;
  • gusty.

Along with a calm disposition and balance, Libras have a flexible temperament. The element of Air rewarded these people with ease of decision-making and communication skills. In a sense, Libras are selfish people who put their own interests above the needs of other people. At the same time, representatives of this sign have a strong and firm character, but when choosing a partner they also choose a strong-willed personality.

For Virgo, the following characteristics are more suitable:

  • serious;
  • thorough;
  • thoughtful;
  • reasonable;
  • cold;
  • calculating.

Virgo considers every step in life with special care, weighing every decision, even the most insignificant and simple one. They expect stability, self-sufficiency and prudence from their partner.

Libra man and Virgo woman: compatibility

Virgo woman and Libra man are attractive to each other physically and psychological plans. But despite this, astrologers still characterize their compatibility as relatively low - about 60%. The agile and dynamic Libra and the practical and sober-minded Virgo are a real clash of interests, characters and worldviews.

In a love relationship

In the love between Virgo and Libra, not everything goes as smoothly as they might like. Light and simple air signs do not always consider their romances as “once and for all.” The Virgo woman, in turn, cannot imagine a long-term relationship without its official registration. Often the goal of her life is a strong, reliable family, cozy home and raising children. A heartthrob man born under the sign of Libra loves and knows how to win the hearts of ladies. But the outwardly cold Virgo, who also likes to make barbs at her partner, can cool the ardor of a man in love. Such a confrontation may last for some time and, if the partners do not decide on a legal marriage, the couple may most likely separate.


Astrologers still assign the key role in matters of marriage between the signs of Earth and Air to Virgo. She should become more tolerant of her husband and not try to criticize him over trifles, and most importantly, curb her sharp tongue. Virgos are also recommended to become more relaxed and emotional, thereby increasing the chance of a strong and friendly family. Libra should be patient and make every effort to soften the moralizing mood of his wife. It is worth noting that the Libra man is still worth the effort made by Virgo - he makes an excellent husband and father. Astrologers are confident that these partners, having decided to marry and having lived in it for more than 3 years, significantly reduce the possibility of subsequent divorce.

In friendship

The friendly relationship between Libra and Virgo is truly unpredictable from the first minutes of their communication. They can either reach complete mutual understanding, and their friendship will subsequently develop into love relationship and the marriage or friendship will not last long and will gradually turn into a real nightmare. In such a relationship, Libra will try in every possible way to “bite” Virgo, but more painfully. As a rule, in this tandem there is a clear psychological or physical attraction.

If friendship does happen between Libra and Virgo, it often exists solely due to charm and friendly disposition air sign. However, Virgo’s rationality also simplifies communication between these two. At the same time, as partners and colleagues, these signs are perfect for each other, since together they are capable of achieving unprecedented professional success in their chosen field.

How compatible are Libra women and Virgo men?

What is the compatibility of the zodiac signs, where the representative of the element of Air is a woman, and the man was born under the sign of Virgo?

In a love relationship

Reasonable Libra and stable Virgo are quite capable of maintaining an open relationship. These two may prefer to spend time separately, leaving only some time to meet each other. At the same time, such a couple does not have to worry about betrayal and betrayal. Sometimes from the outside it seems that these signs do not need each other, and there is no warm relationship between them. However, this is only an appearance. In problematic situations, the Libra girl often seeks support and consolation from her chosen one, and, as a rule, finds it. And the representative of the Earth sign receives from such relationships a portion of lightness and carefreeness into his measured life. Calm, not trying to throw tantrums and lay claim to a partner, Libra is what the pragmatic Virgo needs.


Virgos, whether they are boys or girls, are very prone to criticism. Even constructive, objective, but such a boring assessment of a partner makes marriage a real torture for Libra. The marriage union of these two signs can last quite a long time, provided that the Libra spouse does not take her husband’s sarcastic statements seriously. Perhaps she should listen to most of her partner’s advice, because many of them are really practical and reasonable. Easy-going Libra should simply accept Virgo's tendency to criticize: this is not at all maliciousness specifically directed against the spouse. If you start to ignore this criticism without stirring up a scandal, the couple will be quite happy. Great solution for these two there will be a situation in which one will lead household, and the other is to provide for the family. An Earth sign man will never blame his wife for lack of income: he likes to bring “mammoths” into the house, provided that he receives a delicious dinner and clean housing in return.

In friendship

Ease of communication is what Libra and Virgo like in the process of their mutual dialogue. At the same time, both are tactful and intellectually developed enough not to get personal in verbal skirmishes. It is interesting that such relationships often balance on the brink of ordinary friendship and flirting. People around may even suspect the existence of a love affair between these two. A friendly union between a Virgo man and a Libra woman is a kind of equal partnership, where each of the opponents is interesting and witty.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The union between Virgo and Libra can hardly be called ideal, and these two cannot always boast of good compatibility. Usually their passion is based on the difference in characters and worldviews. Each sign wants to take from the other what it itself lacks. Taking all this into account, the couple will be together as long as the partner is of interest to the other. But, as a rule, Libra is not enough for a long time: the pragmatic and somewhat boring disposition of Virgo is disgusting to his light and cheerful character. At the same time, Virgos may already note with displeasure in their chosen one the presence of a certain immaturity and even carelessness. For solid and stable Earth signs, such behavior is simply unacceptable, and they will certainly try to set their partner on the right path. More often than not, this does not lead to anything good.

At the same time, there are obvious advantages to such an alliance:

  1. A Virgo in love will always protect her chosen one from life’s adversities and give good, thorough advice.
  2. The perky character of Libra will bring a fresh stream of air into the measured life of Virgos.

This tandem is very fruitful in business relationships: together such partners can solve multiple tasks assigned to them.

Despite the fact that the compatibility horoscope does not promise an easy relationship for Virgo and Libra, these two are quite capable of forming a harmonious love and friendly union. Diplomacy and tact should be the motto of this couple. Only if they are willing to find compromises and take into account each other’s character traits will these signs be able to be happy together.

If two zodiac signs Virgo and Libra meet, a strong friendship may arise. long years or complete indifference to each other. These signs do not have any middle ground for communication. They will not pretend to people that they do not feel hostility when they meet. In the same way, they will not keep their tender feelings secret and will happily demonstrate their affection for each other to their friends.

Libra Man and Virgo Woman

The difference in the characters of these people will not allow close communication, much less friendship. The Libra guy loves lightness in everything, and what for him are the little things in life, for a Virgo - global things that require detailed consideration and indispensable participation. In addition, the intrusive advice of a benevolent girl will get on his nerves, and soon Libra and Virgo will begin to be burdened by each other’s company.

It is unpredictable how the friendly relations of certain Libras and Virgos will develop. Between them there can arise both a strong, lasting friendship, and a real hell in which both torment each other. But here's what's strange: they both like this kind of relationship.

A strong spiritual rapprochement in this friendship is unlikely. But Virgo appreciates the calmness, friendliness and pleasant manners of Libra; after all, she does not like to be drawn into any conflicts. And Libra, when they hesitate in making a decision, really needs the rational view of Virgo.

If one of the friends or both are not free, romance between them is impossible. Both are not so interested in each other as to break their established lives and change something.

According to the horoscope, the compatibility of Virgo and Libra is average. There are many differences between them, but also much in common. Both are sociable and can become the life of the party. But Virgo strives for order in everything and lives by her own rules. And Libra seeks harmony everywhere and don't focus on problems. If mutual understanding immediately arises between them, then a favorable alliance is possible. Despite different approach to solving difficulties Libra and Virgo can have excellent business relationship.

Compatibility of Virgo and Libra in love relationships

Libra and Virgo can fall in love with each other, but keep a good relationship it will be difficult for them. Virgo does not understand Libra's indecisiveness and ability to change their mind. And Libra is often annoyed by Virgo’s pedantry and criticism.

Libra man and Virgo woman can make a good couple. A woman’s practicality will restrain her chosen one’s desire for change and will become solid foundation for further relationships. Both are intellectuals and they will have fun together. Problems will begin when a man is criticized by Virgos. He can't stand it when people try to change him in something. Virgos pay great attention to little things, but Libras don’t notice them.

A man often avoids taking responsibility for making decisions, while Virgos are pragmatic and strive to teach their partner this. Reaching mutual understanding is very difficult, but possible. Both value comfort, coziness and do not like noise and turmoil. Tender confessions, hugs and joint gifts to each other can lead to harmony and agreement.

Difficult compatibility in love between Virgo man and Libra woman. The lady is emotional, and with a restrained chosen one, she may lack romance and passion. She is quick-tempered and can let off steam openly, which Virgos, who avoid impulsive people, will not like. A man will deal with the offense in silence. Constant quarrels and conflicts will lead to separation; the partners will not make attempts to resolve the problems and will separate. The aggression that occurs in a couple worsens the compatibility of the Libra girl with the Virgo guy. Therefore, it is important to learn to listen to each other, consult and admit your mistakes. They need to become friends first in order to improve their relationship.

A Libra man will confidently achieve Virgo woman. His refined manners and brilliant mind will conquer the picky Virgo. The chosen one is ready to admire and pour out all his tenderness on the wise Virgo, who has a good taste for things. Their love story will largely depend on the Virgo woman. It is necessary to be honest with each other. The compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Libra man in love is built on mutual respect and can lead to a strong, long-lasting union.

Sexual compatibility between Libra and Virgo

Libras are aesthetes and give great importance intimate relationships. They are sensual and love erotic play. Virgos, on the contrary, try to bypass foreplay and ignore erotic games. More often they are constrained in bed, which makes the compatibility of the signs not the best.

Libra Woman very sensual. Both partners can dissolve in each other, receiving pleasure, but the caustic glance of the chosen one, the wrong remark can cool Libra forever. After all, she wants to be idolized, and her lover can hardly be called ardent. Therefore, if a Libra woman loves a Virgo man, she should come to terms with the fact that her partner will not change, and compatibility in bed will be difficult.

For Libra, the head is ruled by the heart; for Virgo, on the contrary, there is logic in everything, even in sex. She limits her sexual needs. Virgo woman in order to keep a Libra man, you should take on the role of a seductress and temptress. The partner loves erotic games, and the girl’s restraint can lead him to despair. Be relaxed and let your chosen one enjoy sexual play. To maintain a relationship with a Virgo woman, Libra should not demand everything from their partner at once.

Marriage Compatibility

The Libra-Virgo zodiac signs have a lot of contradictions in marriage. Libras are romantic and may miss the affection and attention from Virgos. Virgos are focused on material well-being, and Libra’s desire to spend time outside the home is not welcomed by them. With mutual acceptance of the partner’s characteristics, they will be able to create a good union.

Good compatibility in marriage will develop between Libra husband and Virgo wife. And although there are no bright emotions and passions in the couple, both partners interact well with each other. The woman will admire her husband’s desire for justice and will organize order and comfort in the house. Virgo will become a good adviser to her husband, point out mistakes and offer her own idea for solving the problem. And although the spouse does not always like such pressure, there will not be a negative reaction on his part. Virgo will get used to the fact that Libra tends to delay making decisions, but she is happy that her husband listens to her.

Married Virgo men andLibra women Compatibility is average. They are united by friendliness and understanding, but they have different approaches to solving problems. Libra hesitates and often changes their mind, but the Virgo man makes a choice much faster. The Libra woman devotes a lot of her time to social life and strives for new contacts and acquaintances. The Virgo spouse prefers to relax more with family. Such features of the wife will not cause strong irritation in the man. He will accept her as she is. Misunderstandings can arise during conflicts. The Virgo man prefers not to defend his interests and remain silent, while Libra also lacks decisiveness, and contradictions will lead the couple to a dead end.

Compatibility of Libra and Virgo in friendship

It is very rare that warm friendships arise between representatives of the zodiac signs. Virgos are famous for their causticity and ability to criticize. And Libras are sensitive natures and cannot tolerate such attacks. Both can practice their wit, which will ultimately lead to mutual insults and quarrels.

The Libra guy loves ease in everything, he is sociable and does not share many of the points of view of Virgo, who sees flaws in everything. She may get too carried away with her advice to everyone and everything, and soon the man will become burdened by communicating with Virgo. If communication occurs between Libra girl and Virgo man, then the sensitive Libra will begin to be offended by the man’s caustic remarks, because he believes that criticism contributes to development. The girl finds this attitude unpleasant, and communication may stop.

Compatibility at work

If Libra and Virgo work in the same team, excellent business relationships can develop between them. Virgos are hardworking and can achieve success in any field of activity. Libras are calm and reasonable, good diplomats. Both partners give 100% in their work and don’t give up halfway through. In subordination, these signs also show good professional compatibility and can achieve good success.

A good combination in work is achieved between Virgo woman and Libra man. Both are comfortable and pleasant to work together. A man’s ideas can be successfully implemented by Virgo. If a woman is in a leadership position, then comfortable working atmosphere will be built on mutual respect. If the leader is a Libra man, the woman’s responsibility, hard work and diligence are appreciated. He will not find fault with trifles and will always provide the necessary help.

It will not be difficult to work and Virgo man with Libra woman, if they distribute the roles correctly. Each employee will be focused on their work and will provide support to a colleague if necessary. You should not get close and flirt with Libra. This will only worsen the business relationship.

Two zodiac signs - Libra and Virgo - can be not only interesting, but also useful to each other. It is necessary to eliminate quarrels and conflicts, and not distance yourself from solving problems. Both are not lacking in logic and intelligence. They need to understand each other’s characteristics, listen and understand their partner’s opinion. Only in this case will they be able to overcome all difficulties and form a strong union.

Virgo and Libra are a rather controversial union. Their compatibility is average because there are many differences between them. But despite all this, representatives of these signs have a lot in common. The former are supporters of order everywhere and in everything, and the latter constantly strive for harmony, and at the same time do not get hung up on trifles. These are the people who are called the soul of the company: smart, funny, inventive. A favorable union between these signs is possible if they immediately find a common language and come to mutual understanding.

Virgo and Libra: Compatibility in Love Relationships

Representatives of these signs attract each other with their friendliness. They have a lot in common in character. But the difficulty in a relationship can be a different approach to solving a problem. The former are able to make a decision quickly, believing that if necessary they can change it, but Libra constantly weighs the pros and cons and hesitates.

If in a relationship the man is Virgo and the woman is Libra, then their compatibility in love, first of all, depends on how they initially built the relationship. The girl’s personality is very complex, but the guy will be interested in understanding her.

A relationship with such a guy will not develop soon, since, in this case, the partner will analyze everything. But the good taste and artistry of the chosen one will still conquer him, and he will fall in love, despite logical judgments. Conflicts can arise due to a woman’s temper and a man’s silence, who will keep all the grudges to himself. The Libra woman spends a lot of time in society. She cares public life, while the Virgo man prefers to stay at home. At the same time, he will respect the chosen one for who she is.

A relationship in which the guy is Libra and the girl is Virgo can be crowned with success and develop into more. Her practicality will restrain a man’s impulsiveness and constant desire for change. However, if critical Virgos begin to focus their chosen one’s attention on little things, then a conflict may arise that will lead to separation, because the guy will be annoyed by the girl’s desire to change him. Mutual understanding and harmony can be achieved if you bring tenderness, romance and pleasant moments into the relationship.

Libra and Virgo: sexual compatibility

The sexual relationship of this couple will be devoid of spark, because, even though each partner can bring something special and unique to their intimate life, they are not inclined to bold actions and openness.

If the woman is Libra and the man is Virgo, then compatibility in bed will be quite high and harmonious. The guy will definitely be able to take care of comfort, and the girl will appreciate it. She herself is able to create the right atmosphere. It will be difficult to relax a man, but for him it is quite important.

If she is a Virgo and he is a Libra, then the time spent in each other's arms will be very pleasant. The guy’s natural charm will be able to liberate a rather constrained girl, and each time the intimacy will be richer and brighter. Over time, the delicate and gentle Virgo will present unexpected and pleasant surprises for her chosen one.

Marriage Compatibility

The marriage of these two signs will be controversial, but still quiet and calm. Libras are aesthetic and romantic by nature, while the latter are more focused on material things. Therefore, disagreements may arise if the former lack tenderness, and the latter are not ready to accept it.

If the man is Virgo and the woman is Libra, then their compatibility in marriage will be almost perfect. She will make the family harmonious, and he will be a faithful, caring husband who will provide the family with everything they need. But at the same time, conflicts are possible if the guy criticizes the girl, albeit constructively. A girl should sometimes listen to these comments and accept his criticism with the understanding that this is just a character trait, and in no case does he intend to specifically offend her.

In a marriage in which the husband is Libra and the wife is Virgo, compatibility will be high if the woman does not find fault with little things and stops making minor remarks, but becomes more liberated. The Libra guy will be an excellent dad and husband, but it may take him longer to make decisions, but at the same time, his wife will be a good adviser and support for him.

Libra and Virgo: Friendship Compatibility

The probability that these two signs will become best friends, is small. Criticism, even constructive, can offend Libra, and their mockery of each other and jokes can cause quarrels and resentment.

If the man is Libra and the woman is Virgo, then disagreements may arise in the fact that the girl will constantly see only flaws and shortcomings, will criticize everything and agree with little. In turn, this will offend the guy, since he is always positive and sociable. The relationship will lead to the fact that he will begin to feel burdened by communication with the girl, and he will reduce it to a minimum, and then, perhaps, stop altogether.

If the man is Virgo and the woman is Libra, then the reason for their quarrels will be the guy’s criticism, which, in his opinion, contributes to growth and development. But a girl may perceive words of criticism as mockery, and such communication will bother her, and she will stop it.

Compatibility at work

Working together, representatives of these signs can learn a lot from each other. Virgo often pays attention to details, she is pedantic, sociable, and does everything right. high level. Libra, in turn, will give such a union balance and help find alternative solutions in any situation.

If Libra feels the limits set by Virgo, then difficulties may arise in their working relationships.

A relationship in which the girl is a Libra and the guy is a Virgo is very compatible, since each of them will be focused on work, and will be ready to help and support a colleague at the right time. But You shouldn’t flirt with a man in public because it will confuse him, and he will feel stupid.

If at work a woman is a Virgo and a man is a Libra, then the work will be comfortable and enjoyable for both. The former will be able to well implement any ideas of the latter. If a woman is in charge, then there will be mutual respect in the relationship, and if a man is in charge, then there will be no quibbles in the work, and all the work will be appreciated by him.

Today we were talking about the compatibility of two elements: Air and Earth. The compatibility of zodiac signs is quite high, regardless of whether the woman is Virgo and the man is Libra, or vice versa. We looked at the relationship in different areas, from work to sex life. Write in the comments if you have personal example such relationships, and what did they lead to? And also share, who do you think has more influence on the relationship of such a couple?

Who suits Virgo
CancerTaurusa lion
Who is suitable for Libra?
a lionAriesCancer


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