Square column design. Column in the interior of the apartment

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The interior of an apartment often includes elements of classics. This allows you to make your home extraordinary, giving it a certain spirit of romanticism and grace. If the setting contains objects that are not of purely practical value, but decorative, then it no longer looks boring and monotonous, but as something creative and alive. Architectural elements such as columns and arches have long been used as bearing structures and at the same time decorated the facades of buildings and the interior space of the premises.

Arches and columns are often used in classic interior design

Decorative decoration of arches in your apartment

Columns and arches in an apartment today serve mainly not a supporting, but a decorative function.

An exception is the deliberate use of columns as supports in a large room.

An arch has long been considered the covering of curved openings in the wall, spans between columns and supports

Arches were used not only in the architecture of buildings, but also in the construction of bridges, and as engineering structures they were strictly symmetrical and calculated using strength of strength formulas.

Each part of the arch has its own name. Eg:

  • The cross section of the top is called the keystone
  • Section near the support - with a heel stone, fifth arch or impost
  • External fornix – extradosome
  • Internal vault - intradosome

Types of arches

Arches can be of the following types:

  • Triangular
  • Round or semicircular
  • Flat
  • Oblique
  • Lancet
  • Horseshoe
  • Plane elliptic parabolic
  • Concave etc

An arch in a blind opening in a wall is called a blind arch.

These types of arches are distinguished by style:

Arches can be different in both shape and style

Today the fashion trend is asymmetrical arches.

Purpose of arches

Arches are used when they want to emphasize the organic nature of the design and the dominant smoothness of the lines.

This technique is used for:

  • Design of the building facade and fencing
  • Combining two zones into one
  • Divisions into zones
  • Design of internal interior elements:
    niches, windows, doors, mirrors, etc.

Two zones are merged into one when you delete interior doors :

Arches are used to divide a room into zones
  • The living room is combined with a corridor or kitchen
  • Kitchen space - with loggia

At the same time, the arch visually expands the space, creating perspective. At the same time, the premises remain separate units.

Arches diversify the design of a long corridor and at the same time also divide it.

Original arched corridor design

A rectangular opening in a wall is also considered an arch.

Materials for arches

Different materials are used to design arches.

  • Arches made of stone, concrete, brick look monumental
  • Wooden arches are more decorative and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
    Both stone and wood are universal materials used for both exterior and interior decoration premises
  • For interior decoration you can also use plasterboard, fiberboard, PVC, chipboard

These types of materials are not used for finishing external arches.

How to make an arch with your own hands

It seems that such a curvilinear structure as an arch is extremely difficult to make with your own hands.

It's actually very easy to make, especially from plasterboard..

For this you will need:

  • U-shaped metal profile
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels
  • Drywall sheet
  • Drill, jigsaw


  1. Marking the position of the arch
  2. We attach a metal profile to the wall, ceiling and floor
  3. We strengthen the frame with cross members so that the drywall does not bend
  4. We cut a piece of the profile for the vault every 2 cm, bend it and screw it to the frame
  5. We cut out the drywall and cover the frame with it on both sides
  6. We cut out the upper part for the arch using a jigsaw
  7. We putty surfaces and seams

Video: Simple do-it-yourself arch

Columns in the interior of a modern apartment

As we have already said, columns in a city apartment today are used mainly for decorative purposes.

Columns in the interior can be both decorative elements and supporting structures

However, in a loft-style room and wherever there are no partitions, the column can also carry the load.

The upper part of the column is called the capital, the lower part is called the base. The capital can also be decorative decoration ceiling

Columns are made today from the following types of materials:

  • Marble, granite
  • Brick, concrete
  • Drywall
  • Polyurethane

Today, the decoration of columns and arches is also popular artificial stone or polymer concrete.

Do-it-yourself finishing of columns with plasterboard

Dry method of bending a plasterboard sheet

Marble and granite are certainly expensive materials, and they have to look for alternatives

Columns from lightweight drywall look like real ones. It won’t even immediately occur to you that these are dummies, that is, hollow objects (false columns)

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of such columns is the frame.

The column can be rectangular or round. There is also another variety - pilasters. They relate to columns conditionally. This is actually half a column protruding from the wall.

Let's first consider how to make a rectangular column from plasterboard.

  1. Two bases are made from a metal profile (upper and lower)
  2. The contours of the base are compared using plumb lines
  3. The bases are attached to the ceiling and floor with dowels
  4. Profile posts are attached to the corners of the bases
  5. All sides of the frame are reinforced with cross members
  6. Then sheathing with plasterboard and final finishing with a finishing plaster mixture is carried out.

Video: DIY column finishing

How to make round columns

Round columns made of plasterboard are made according to the same principle. They are also easy to make with your own hands. But the manufacturing process is more labor-intensive:

  1. First, circles are drawn on the ceiling and floor, also using plumb lines.
  2. Cuts are made on the profile for the bases at a distance of 5 cm
  3. The profiles are combined with circles and secured using dowels
  4. A sheet of drywall on one side is cut along its entire length, also at a distance of 5 cm between cuts
  5. The finished sheet is bent around the frame, the cuts are sealed with a plaster mixture and left to dry.
  6. Then attach the sheet to the guide profile
  7. Do final finishing, adding stucco as necessary

Polymer concrete in the interior of apartments

Column sprayed with liquid polymer concrete

What if drywall and stucco are not your favorite type of finishing, and you prefer an interior that is more close to a natural style?
Then columns not made of plasterboard will suit you, but, for example, polymer concrete or artificial stone

The texture of these materials is similar to the texture of natural stone - granite.

Polymer concrete (plastic cement) – a concrete compound, epoxy resin and filler ( quartz sand, granite chips etc.)

Polymer concrete is much more expensive ordinary concrete.

Finishing the column with polymer concrete

It is easier and cheaper to first make a column from ordinary concrete, and then apply upper layer liquid lightweight polymer concrete.

You can do it something like this:

  • We assemble the bases and frame in the same way as when making a plasterboard column
    (We make additional crossbars in the bases for fastening the reinforcement)
  • We insert the reinforcement into the frame and cover it with pieces of plywood (we leave a hole in one of the pieces for pouring concrete)
  • We pour concrete
  • After hardening and drying, remove the plywood
  • We spray polymer concrete on top of the column using a plaster gun

You can also apply a layer of polymer concrete, for example, on a countertop, on the outer wall of a fireplace, etc.

  • You can also make interior items from polymer concrete by pouring them into a mold that needs to be pre-designed.

However, this method is expensive and requires equipment.

What complements the interior in a classic style

Columns and arches in the interior of the apartment are not the only elements in the classic style.

The interior can be complemented by:

  • Bas-reliefs and frescoes made of decorative plaster
  • Vintage style items:
    • antique candlesticks and vases
    • Venetian furniture, etc.

Video: Lightweight polymer concrete

Since time immemorial, columns have been an integral element of classical interiors, made with elements of antiquity. It is through the use of columns that designers achieve the elevation characteristic of interiors designed in a classical style. When creating projects for modern interiors, designers continue to pay tribute to antiquity, which is why many unique stylistic concepts with antique elements were released, in which columns gradually lose their functional load, performing only a decorative function. Despite this, modern high-rise buildings are characterized by a special design, in the structure of which columns play the role of load-bearing elements, which necessitates the solution of a difficult but very interesting problem, the essence of which is to adapt columns as one of the main structural elements to a specific stylistic concept interiors. However, most of them are far from the classical direction, which does not prevent them from being a very organic detail of many interiors.

Columns in the interior: how to emphasize the originality of design solutions?

Loft, hi-tech, underground... columns present in all of these modern styles, not only emphasize their technogenicity and functionality, but also give them a special expressiveness, characteristic only of these directions. Yes and appearance The columns present in such interiors are very specific - here they appear in the form of metal supports or columns finished with rough concrete. No less relevant, fantasy art deco style often also cannot do without columns.

But even if the design of the house does not provide for load-bearing supports, stylized columns in an art deco interior will become that rich accent that will not only emphasize the uniqueness of the style, but will also organize the space. Often about columns and possible options their decorations are remembered only when they purchase housing, design features which implies the presence of load-bearing columns, which are not possible to get rid of. In this case, the owners are faced with a choice: to correctly design the columns and turn them into the “highlight” of the interior or to disguise, as many believe, awkward pillars located in the middle of the room. Which solution will be the most profitable? You can make your choice by reading the materials in this article.

Historical sketch or Tribute to antiquity

Translated from Latin, column (“columna”) means a pillar, which is mainly characterized by cylindrical shape, however, columns of round, square and multifaceted shapes are not uncommon. Columns have long been considered a symbol of ancient and classical architecture and were supporting structures that later began to serve a decorative function. The column as an architectural element consists of three main parts:

  • The footing, also called the base, is the bottom portion of the column that bears the main load. Often for decorative design bases use horizontal grooves;
  • The central part or trunk of a column, which is characterized by smoothness or decorative design, implying the decoration of the trunk with flutes, which are vertical grooves;

  • The capital is the top part of the column, which, like the base, may be missing. According to the architects, this is the most expressive part of the column, which is achieved through multiple decorative elements with which the capital is decorated. This includes a volute, which is a spiral-shaped curl, and a palmette, a symmetrical ornament in the form of palm leaves, and regal bas-reliefs.

The first columns became an attribute of ancient Greek temples, where they, made mainly of snow-white marble, gave the building additional airiness, while being a reliable support for the roof of the temple. The period of classicism was marked by a new round of popularity of columns, when they began to perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function.

Representing powerful cylindrical supports, they supported high ceilings, decorated with numerous stucco moldings, which significantly increased the overall weight of the structure and, as a result, needed support. Decorated with bas-reliefs, such columns were made of marble and other expensive types of stone. Today, designers actively use columns as an element of interior decoration, and also offer to implement the most daring solutions not only for large-sized apartments, but also for small-sized housing.

Columns in the apartment photo

Materials for making columns

Architectural columns in an apartment have long been made of decorative stone, marble, granite, basalt and metal, and modern designers offer to pay tribute to traditions if columns play a role in the design of your building supporting structures. However, in mind high cost of these materials and the predominantly decorative function of columns, experts recommend using non-natural materials for their manufacture, such as polyurethane and gypsum, which we will discuss separately.


It is considered one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of columns that perform a decorative function. Polyurethane is very popular both among eminent designers and among beginners, due to the fact that this material is easy to work with. The main advantages of the material are as follows:

  • Due to the lightness of the material and ease of handling, even a beginner can work with polyurethane;
  • Columns made from polyurethane can be painted in a wide variety of colors without having to think about choosing specialized paint and varnish materials, and purchase the most affordable acrylic paints;
  • Polyurethane - perfect choice for those who plan to install a column in the apartment, decorated with many decorative elements, since polyurethane can be used to easily produce the smallest details of bizarre shapes;
  • Polyurethane columns, which can be purchased in a network of retail stores at low prices, can also be made to order according to your sketch;
  • Like all materials, polyurethane also has its disadvantages, the main one being a change in color several years after the initial installation of the columns.


Counts classic material for the manufacture of columns, which is why it remains popular among designers who already have experience in the manufacture of supporting structures in the interior. Columns made of gypsum can be easily restored, which allows you to easily restore the original appearance of the structure and editing, thanks to which the architect can make a column decorated with fancy decorative elements. Defects that arise during the work can be eliminated through grinding, which can also be done by a specialist who has previously worked in this field.

Columns video

Functional purpose of columns in the interior of an apartment

  • The decorative function is the most common role of columns in modern interiors, which can be played out in the most different ways, described below;

  • Masking of supporting structures or unsightly communications located in places accessible to prying eyes;
  • Zoning of space. The most common examples of implementing this function of columns are the following: with the help of columns they decorate the entrance to a room or visually separate dining area, surrounding it with columns;

  • Visual expansion of the space of the room, which is achieved through vertical stripes creating the effect of a high ceiling;
  • The function of supporting structures is also one of the most common purposes of columns. It is implemented if the interior is made in a classical or antique style, which is characterized by high ceilings, decorated with stucco and other elements that add weight to the overall weight of the structure;

  • A practical function that involves the use of columns as cabinets and shelves. Despite the fact that this role of columns is partly functional, they can be made of polyurethane or plasterboard, which are less durable than marble or granite;

Columns: design variations

Columns in the interior can be present in the form of:

  • Colonnades, a type of which are arched colonnades;
  • Paired columns and columns united by an arch;
  • Half-column

The functional role of colonnades in the interior is, as a rule, in zoning space. By creating an airy and light, but at the same time distinct division of space into zones, colonnades contribute to an unobtrusive delimitation of space, visually extending from one wall to another. Arched colonnades contribute to clearer, local zoning. The colonnade as a functional element carries a certain aesthetic load of the interior, created due to the original, fascinating rhythm of the columns, contemplating which, you can forget about time and all worldly problems. In the case when colonnades are designed at the construction stage, they can also carry a functional load, acting as a supporting structure.

The paired columns are traditional way organizing columns in the room. For example, columns are installed on both sides of a fireplace, window or flight of stairs. If paired columns are placed at opposite walls, they will also effectively cope with the role of zoning the space, highlighting zones with different functional purpose. By combining the columns with an arch, you will even more clearly indicate the division of space into zones. If the room has sharp wall protrusions that somehow need to be masked, a column is installed next to the protrusion, which will restore the stylistic unity of the interior and at the same time hide the unsightly protrusion. In most cases, paired columns do not carry a functional load, performing only a decorative function, which necessitates the design of the columns, creating unity with the overall stylistic concept. The choice of materials is also determined by the same considerations. For example, stylization in an antique style is done using inexpensive materials that imitate stucco molding, characterized by high-quality decorative finishing.

Half-columns are imitation of columns protruding from the wall. Despite the existing external differences, the functional roles of columns and half-columns are similar: the latter also visually delimit the space, highlighting the most important stylistic accents, for example, the space near the fireplace or window. Unlike columns, semi-columns are not subject to such stringent requirements for fastening, due to the absence of a functional load on them. You just need to fix them against the wall, and they will become an equally expressive interior detail.

Columns are often an integral element of open-plan spaces. However, in order for a column to become an organic detail of an interior made in a particular style and create the impression of a complete picture, it must be played out, since a well-designed column will carry not only a functional load, but also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Tip #1: Make the center of the main column feel good to the touch

It will be nice if the column, located next to your usual route around the house, is pleasant to the touch and you want to touch it. For example, wrap a wooden column with coarse rope from the bottom up to the level of your hands. This will not only make the column tactilely pleasant, but will also become a decorative scratching post - an indispensable item in a house where representatives of the feline family live.

Tip #2: Cover the central column with decorative stone

If you have an impressively sized column in your room, consider covering it with decorative stone. This will not only remind you of the original purpose of the column, but will also add originality to the interior due to the contrasting combination rough stone and more soft material, with which the room is decorated. In addition, it will become relevant design technique, implying a combination of interior and exterior decoration of the room due to a small inclusion of materials for finishing the facade into the interior of the room.

Tip #3: Convert two side-by-side columns into a shelving unit, wine rack, or media center

In a modern interior, it is popular to use two adjacent columns in the form of a rack intended for decorative figurines or memorable photographs. And if homemade rack cover it with the material with which the rest of the built-in furniture in the room is finished, it will organically fit into the interior of the room.

And if the column is located near cozy corner For family or friendly gatherings, surround it with a cabinet frame, turning it into an ideal place to store wine, books or CDs, depending on the position of the column.

And for those who do not know where to place the TV in an apartment characterized by an open plan, we advise turning a column with a practical purpose into a media center, which will become a good place for placing a TV and a music center. If you do not plan to do this right away, install a block of electrical outlets near the column.

Tip No. 4: Turn a column into an interior partition and delimit intimate space

If several columns are located between two spaces characterized by different functional purposes, install a cabinet or rack between them, which will not only visually delimit the space into zones, but will also become an excellent storage place for personal belongings. And if the front part of the column is decorated with built-in shelves, it will effectively delimit a more private area from the main space of the room.

Tip #5: Create Contrast Between Styles and Materials

If the column is decorated with materials that contrast in color and texture with the main finish, it will become a bright accent detail in an interior characterized by minimalist decor. In addition, the column can be decorated in a classic style, which will help create a contrasting style in a modern setting.

Columns equipped with a niche require electric lighting, which will allow the use decorative niche to display your favorite artwork or sculpture. A fashionable technique, borrowed from shoe stores, is to decorate columns with a seat in the form of a soft back surrounding the column. Another way to design paired columns is to install a bench between them, which will become convenient place in order to change shoes.

And finally, tip number 7: Follow your preferences and decorate the columns to your liking

For example, strength-tested wooden poles can be used as load-bearing columns, which can be decorated with items dear to your heart or expensive, from a historical point of view: posters, works of art, antique dishes and other decorative items. And these are not all the ways to decorate columns.

Follow your imagination and choose the design method that is closest to you and your loved ones.

Load-bearing structures such as columns are not uncommon in modern apartments. This is more true for open-plan apartments. Sometimes the columns are positioned completely differently than you need. Your task is to transform it from an inconvenient object into a beautiful and organic detail in the apartment. Decorating a column in the interior is not an easy task, but it is quite doable.

There are purely decorative columns - they help to divide the room into separate zones, enhance the clarity and beauty of the lines in the interior. With their help, you can focus on other elements of the room: fireplace, wall opening, bay window. Most modern columns are square, or rectangular shape, less often round. Round columns are more common in classic interiors, but are also present in modern projects.

In addition, more often than not, columns in the interior are necessary for camouflage engineering communications, ugly load-bearing structures. These can be either columns or semi-columns. For those who need to “hide” the column, who do not want it to stand out, we can advise you to disguise it correctly.

Finish the columns to match the color of the walls of the room - the supports will not be so conspicuous.

Camouflage can be achieved if the column is decorated with mirrors - then it will become a light element and, as it were, “disappear” in space. Wallpaper or plaster that matches the color of the walls looks good, especially in the kitchen interior.

This option looks very good: using two columns to zone the space. You can make this kind of rack if you use shelves. Columns will add zest to your room - this stylish design, and the uniqueness of the interior.

Polyurethane is an inexpensive material that is often used in interiors. Columns in a classical style are assembled from it. It is lightweight and quick to install.

What are columns made of?

An element such as columns is made from various materials. Previously, columns in a house were assigned the role of exclusively supporting elements, so columns were made of marble, granite, metal, and basalt. These are all natural materials, but they are very expensive. Now designers recommend such inexpensive materials as: gypsum, polyurethane, wood, concrete, drywall, and even foam.

Let's first consider manufacturing options without exterior finishing. We will definitely return to the finishing.

  1. The most common option used for making columns is concrete. It is quite cheap, flexible, and allows you to make the most bizarre shapes from it, in addition to the usual round and square ones.
  2. Often used in work and drywall. It is used in the manufacture rectangular columns. Columns made of plasterboard must be finished, unlike concrete. The concrete is not finished, but left in its original form if the room is decorated in high-tech style.
  3. In ethno-interiors, in country houses, they are used wooden columns.
  4. Columns from metal are considered appropriate in interiors designed in minimalist and high-tech styles. The emphasis is on the contrast of light and dark colors.
  5. IN Lately material such as polyurethane. Polyurethane is used for columns that serve as decor. Many people like the design of polyurethane columns because of the low price, the lightness of the material itself, and the ease of working with it. Polyurethane can be easily replaced if broken. It is easy to work with, and you can paint it in any colors, and also in the simplest ones. acrylic paints. Installation of such elements is possible without hiring specialists. The main disadvantage of such a column will be color instability 2-4 years after installation. In addition, the strength of a material such as polyurethane is quite low.
  6. Gypsum is also very popular among designers who have already tried their hand at decorating columns. Gypsum columns can be easily restored, thereby restoring the original version. You can remove errors and shortcomings during the installation of gypsum columns by using grinding.
  7. Styrofoam- lightweight, inexpensive material. Polystyrene foam columns are a frame in the form of long cylinders cut lengthwise. Columns made of foam plastic are installed in a certain place, after which the cavities of the columns are filled with concrete.

What if the columns in the apartment are not just decoration, but a support system, and are completely inappropriate for the room? Decorating a column in the interior can be done not only by professionals, but also by yourself, if you, of course, have experience in repairs.

All more people they want to see more air and space in the apartment - hence the fashion for large rooms.

When designing an apartment or a country house, keep in mind that if you want free space, you must redistribute the main load onto the columns or half-columns. To prevent the column from being an alien element in the apartment, for example, in the living room, the room is usually decorated in a similar style. If the house has large, wide columns, you can decorate the interior in country, loft, or underground style. If the cross-section is small, you can decorate the column “like wood” or make foam or polyurethane decor.

You can convert the column into a “green” corner using climbing plants. This is especially true for country houses and terraces. Greenery looks great with any size of supporting elements. Columns are like supports for green plants. It is enough to surround the load-bearing elements with a mesh of plastic or metal - and you will have a green terrace.

Your design talent will definitely come to the fore when you think about how to decorate the space around the column. You can totally make it up original design columns that will only be in your home. Use this element to zone the room, thus placing the TV.

Interesting decor is often made using new, modern technologies. Popular columns from transparent plastic, with a fantastic illusion of flying multi-colored air bubbles, or fog, or flowing water. You can even build an artificial aquarium into the body of the column.

In the niche between the two columns you can build a shelf for books, a minibar for bottles, a cabinet for decorative items. It's very interesting how you can combine decorative functions, And practical solutions. A lot depends on your imagination.


Your task is to choose decor for the columns that are already installed in your apartment or house. Let's look at what decor can be applied to the columns.

  • For columns with a concrete or plasterboard base, you can decorate with a material such as polyurethane. Polyurethane can be used to imitate natural stone.
  • Wooden decors with decorative carvings. Also applicable decorative panels from good breeds tree. For example, MDF panels make concrete or drywall cladding.
  • You can decorate a column in the interior using foam decor. This is one of the lightest and most inexpensive materials. It has long been used as a finishing material. It can be additionally reinforced for strength. Not only columns are made from polystyrene foam, but also stucco molding, similar to plaster. This material is not only painted, but also plastered and plated with gold.
  • Flexible tiles have recently appeared in construction stores. Flexible tiles resemble in their characteristics acrylic plaster. The whole difference is that the tiles are already ready at the enterprise; all that remains is to stick them on the column.
  • Another decor option is stone wallpaper. This is not a wallpaper pattern, but a special one finishing material. It is produced on the basis of sandstone, or gypsum, which is applied to the fabric. It turns out interesting and flexible material, which is also used for exterior decoration of the house.
  • Decorative rock. There are several ways to make it. This stone is made from sand and water, with the addition of gypsum, cement, and polymers. You can make decorative stone yourself.
  • And the last finishing option is textile decor. Typically, textile decor is used at a wedding, most often it is organza decor. But at the same time, you can use textile decor in the apartment by decorating the columns with suitable fabric.

We are accustomed to seeing columns in formal interiors created according to the canons of antique or classical styles. Recently, such architectural elements have begun to gain popularity, and now they can be found in many modern interiors.

Columns in the interior: a little theory

Columns in the interior are an excellent way to express individuality, highlight design features and demonstrate a subtle sense of taste.

Types of columns

Columns are divided into several types: colonnades, paired columns, semi-columns. Each of them plays a specific role in the interior.


An architectural element such as a colonnade is designed to visually divide the space into functional areas. Externally, it looks like a series of identical columns united by a common vault or arch. Colonnade from durable material can perform not only a decorative role, but also replace a supporting structure.

Paired columns

Paired columns imply a logical arrangement of elements in pairs. Designers use them to emphasize certain architectural features and interior details: door and window openings, fireplace, flights of stairs. And if paired columns are combined with an arch, then you can easily zone the room without disturbing its spaciousness.

Half columns

Another variety is half-columns. They are placed near the walls and, like paired columns, are used to highlight objects and architectural elements.

Functional features of columns

Columns in the interior can perform different functions depending on the needs of the home owners. The main purpose is the role of supporting elements. This function is necessary in cases where the design project involves abandoning load-bearing walls in favor of open space.

The most popular role of columns is decorative. Increasingly, these architectural elements are used as accent details in the interior, which allow not only to diversify the design, but also to visually delimit the room, as well as hide unsightly communications and wiring.

In what styles are columns appropriate?

Columns selected in accordance with stylistic features can add originality to the design and emphasize its concept. When drawing up a project for a future interior, be sure to take into account the characteristic features that are inherent in the chosen direction.

It implies elegant design, laconic forms, lack of pretentiousness. White square columns will look neat and noble, and a simple pattern in the form of elongated rectangles will add grace to them. Characteristic feature The classic style is symmetry, so architectural elements are arranged in pairs.

For original interiors in style, wooden columns are suitable. These can be either elements made of timber or supports made from a rough-hewn trunk. Columns from natural wood allow you to introduce natural motifs into the design and create comfort village house. Wooden structural elements inherent and . Columns decorated with skillful carvings will recreate the atmosphere of the fairy tales of 1001 nights in the interior.

Antique gypsum columns and half-columns located along the wall are a great way to incorporate into the interior. Snow-white supporting elements look harmonious against the background of shades of blue and light blue, which are characteristic of this direction.

Modern styles embody the spirit of city streets, freedom of expression and the absence of conventions. This is why concrete columns are so popular in interiors. They look very conceptual and unusual. Rough textures, lack of finishing and decoration make stone and columns a good choice for decorating modern interiors.

How to play with columns in the interior?

In pursuit of open space, we have to look for an answer to the question: how to play with load-bearing structures and make them either visually dissolve or become a focal point in the interior.

Experimenting with styles and materials

The most obvious way to play with a column in the interior is to play with contrast. It can be designed in such a way that it stands out from the background. general design. For example, if the interior is designed in a minimalist style with a predominant white color in the decoration, concrete column will create the desired effect without violating the concept of direction.

What if you bring it into modern design classic pylons? Columns of opposite styles will create an unusual contrast in the interior and give it interesting features. However, be careful when experimenting with directions. Not all styles are organically combined with each other, and instead harmonious design you risk getting a tasteless interior.

If the house designers planned to use massive supporting structures in the rooms, they can be played up with the help of. This method is appropriate for both decoration and a calm style. Depending on the color range, which predominates in the decoration, brickwork can be not only of a natural shade, but also painted with paint to match the main color.

Columns as an element of furniture

When the question arises about decorating a kitchen interior, many do not suspect that columns can serve not only as decorative elements. They are often used as a base for a kitchen island. This layout allows you to visually delimit the room into a work area and a dining area.

Another way to play up a column in the kitchen interior is to use it as a shelf for wine bottles or groceries. Hollow decorative elements are suitable for organizing a storage system.

In an open plan living room, support columns are often left behind. big size. They will come in handy to create a functional media center. Sheathe the structure with suitable material, equip it with sockets and a storage system, and all you have to do is hang the TV and put discs with your favorite films in the drawers.

Don't know how to beat two closely standing columns? Combine them with shelves and you will have original rack. The same structure can be transformed into a real partition if the back wall is tightly sealed with wood board or plasterboard. Leave space on the front side for a small ottoman, secure it above it bookshelves, and you will get a full-fledged reading corner.

A square column in the hallway can be enhanced with poufs. Organize a place for changing shoes by placing a soft seat and several drawers for storing shoes around the support element. Columns can also be used as a background for your favorite photographs, posters and paintings. Monochromatic architectural elements with a square cross-section are best suited for this.

We hope that our article will help you choose the best option for using columns in the interior.

The large hall needs additional supports for the vault. Columns in the interior are installed for a constructive purpose. Designers design and install decorative columns to decorate a room, emphasize its style and separate functional areas. It is impossible to imagine some interiors, especially Roman ones, without pompous decor, which was simply necessary at one time. In a modern interior, columns can also have practical significance and can be made independently. Construction stores offer a large selection of foam columns in a variety of styles.

The emphasis in the design is on columns

Apartment design with columns

Columns in the interior should not be disguised as a background. Designers advise making them the accent of the room’s design. They should emphasize the style or be a contrast to the main decoration and furniture. Structurally in architecture, supporting and decorative columns are separated. In the interior they need to be turned into the main element.

All types of columns have 3 elements.

  1. The base provides a powerful base for classic looks. It is a support and is decorated little, mainly with horizontal recesses. They emphasize the massiveness of the structure.
  2. The main part is the stem. This is the trunk of the entire element. Has a flat surface or longitudinal vertical lines.
  3. The capital smoothly transitions into ceiling beams. It is located at the top and collects most of the decor. Its function is to emphasize the luxury of decoration, to give the interior grandeur and pomp.

In a modern interior, the base and capital of the column may be missing. They are replaced by plinths that cover the transition of the support to the ceiling.

Columns in the interior can have any cross-sectional shape:

  • circle;
  • square;
  • all kinds of polyhedra;
  • rectangles;
  • oval.

Historically different kinds columns were created as necessary element in architecture to support vaults large halls. They were designed in accordance with the era and capabilities of the palace owner. Marble columns emphasized the wealth of the owner and his position in society. On them the capital was massive and densely decorated with floral ornaments with curls. For other styles, column cladding is used. These are slabs and mosaics made of decorative stone, glass, and synthetic materials.

The atmosphere of interior mystery and relaxation is created by the illumination of the columns. It emphasizes the grace of the stem and the luxury of the capital, the massiveness of the base. The image of the interior and its mood changes. It is better to place diode bulbs in the upper part. The light will highlight the rough surface of the columns in greek style, will be reflected in the gloss of techno. Below, the border with steps and the podium is highlighted with light. Directed rays can highlight luxurious stucco with gilding in a living room decorated in the Roman era, in Baroque, Gothic, or Classicism styles.

A variety of column shapes, materials and methods of finishing them

Columns in the interior of the room

Columns standing alone can imitate a partition between the openings and be covered with planks and shelves, draped with fabrics and lined with mosaics and mirrors. Books, CDs are conveniently placed on them, and the TV finds its place. If seats are made around the column, it turns out original place for relaxation and communication. Columns in an apartment have several functions:

  • emphasize style;
  • create an atmosphere of prosperity and good taste;
  • zone the space;
  • visually enlarge the room;
  • mask communications.

The stem generally has the same width and height in classical, historical and techno styles. In avant-garde, art deco and other designs, the shape of the trunk is unpredictable. It is determined by the designer based on his vision, the capabilities of the material and constructive necessity. A natural style wood column can be a naturally shaped trunk with roots and branches. In this case, the cladding of the columns is done simply with impregnations and varnish, emphasizing the grain of the wood.

Columns in the interior were traditionally made of stone. Modern materials have brought variety. Now supports can be manufactured:

  • marble;
  • basalt;
  • gypsum;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • drywall.

Decorative columns in a modern interior have different heights. They do not have to support the ceiling or rest on the floor. They can create a kind of forest of glowing cylinders different heights and even hang from above.

Support columns are decorated to match the chosen style

Interior modern apartment with columns

If the columns in the interior are supporting and are part of the building’s structure, they cannot be removed or rearranged. You shouldn’t disguise them; it’s easier to turn them into part of the decor. The design of the columns is done in uniform style with the room or stands out with a contrast of textures. For emphasis, cladding of columns with stone, film, metal, ceramics, and plastic is used. In a shiny interior with smooth surfaces, brick columns will focus attention. Entwined with living plants, they create a special coziness in a city room.

Modern materials make it possible to create an imitation using self-adhesive film, and gypsum columns will look like they were made of expensive stone. A mosaic floor made from ready-made blocks will allow you to transform your modest modern house to a luxurious palace.

In the living room, columns separate the dining room and kitchen. A single one will become the basis for an island or turn into a drinks warehouse. It is convenient to place shelves for dishes between the paired pillars, separating the food preparation area from the dining room. This gap will be decorated with glass mosaics and a green wall of indoor plants.

Brutality and gloss of industrial styles

Modern apartment interior using columns

Mass migration from rural areas to cities, first in America, then in other countries, gave rise to the loft style. People converted abandoned buildings into housing industrial enterprises and attics. Metal columns in the form of I-beams, pipe pillars and concrete supports became the main element of the style. With the rise in living standards, sofas with bright upholstery, polished tables and cabinets, and high-quality wall decoration appeared. Now iron and concrete, with their rough appearance, emphasize the gloss of furniture and the expensive decoration of the room with plastic, glass and chrome.

In a modern interior industrial styles Columns are lined to imitate corrosion stains on metal, dirty concrete with potholes and scratches. The textured surface is painted in gray shades of blue and green.

The spacious loft-style rooms seem even larger, separated by a row of concrete supports. The illusion of alternating zones behind the rows of columns is created, and a feeling of endless space arises.

Making columns with your own hands

Column finishing

Crafts enthusiasts are often interested in how to make a column with their own hands. To create the desired image of the room, you can buy foam blanks. They are relatively cheap, easy to assemble and install. It is enough to glue several elements together and install them in your home. After

You can make a column yourself without special equipment from polyurethane and plasterboard. Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane is easy to process and does not require special skills. Difficulties may arise in making a mold for pouring and maintaining proportions when creating the composition. This requires special areas. This is impossible to do in a standard city apartment. It's easier to buy blanks in the store. For independent work All that remains is the assembly and cladding of the column.

Any polyurethane finish is suitable. Can be painted with acrylic compounds in any color. Uncoated plastic fades and turns yellow over time. You will have to prime and return the desired shade to the decor or stick a film.

Drywall requires the creation of a frame from a metal profile, which is then sheathed. The shape of the column is classically made square. The capabilities of drywall allow it to be bent in an arc with a large radius, making arches and decorative elements various shapes. The cladding of gypsum plasterboard columns is limited only by weight. The sheet may not withstand heavy stone and ceramics. The primed surface can be easily painted in any color, decorated with brickwork and other textures using vinyl tiles and glass mosaics.


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