Small room design. Visually expanding the space

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Visual effects in design- these are the principles of interior design on which methods of expanding space are based. All methods that give visual effect space, can be divided into two large groups:

  1. play of color and light;
  2. or clever use of decorative elements.

Let's look at popular design techniques which will allow you to make a small room visually taller, wider and more spacious.

Color scheme and lighting for a small room

Choosing a color scheme for a small room

There are two fundamental different approaches to choosing a color theme for a small room.

Approach No. 1 is traditional. For a small room, choose exclusively light, pastel colors with a minimum of dark shades and especially small splashes of color.

Indeed, the more light there is in a room, the more spacious it seems. If you imagine yourself in a completely white room, you will understand that there are no boundaries in it, the illusion of infinity is created. A light tone visually makes the object larger, and therefore the walls, floor and ceiling, decorated in light colors, create the effect of a spacious room in a small room. Moreover, cold shades add depth, while warm shades “stretch” the room.

Options for using light colors in the design of the floor and ceiling to expand the space:

  • A low ceiling in a small room will appear higher if its color is a shade lighter than the color of the walls.
  • The floor and ceiling are the 5th and 6th walls of the room, decorated in light colors, they will merge with light walls. This blurs the boundaries, making the space seem more voluminous.
  • Glossy floor and ceiling reflect light and therefore add depth to the room.

Approach No. 2 - professional. Among professional designers and decorators, the method of “whitewashing everything around” is considered not so much incorrect as schoolboy and primitive. In fact, there are many ways to decorate small rooms and they are completely different. A room decorated in dark colors can also look spacious. But the most the right way- this is to come up with a conceptual filling of the room with decorative items. Some examples of expanding space using bright and dark shades:

  • Accent wall. One wall is painted in a contrasting color. This wall acts as a focal point and attracts attention. And when we look at other walls, decorated in neutral colors, we subconsciously perceive the room as more spacious. In this case, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of tones: they bring the object closer, and cold ones move away. If you want to add depth to the room, you can choose blue, purple or light blue for the accent wall.
  • Unexpected accents. Can be painted bright colors the most unexpected places in the room: radiator, window sill, inner wall of the shelving unit. Place a bright object in the corner of the room farthest from the entrance. Let it be a bright piece of furniture, decorative vase, floor lamp. This technique disrupts the perspective of the room, creating the illusion of spaciousness.
  • Regardless of the overall color scheme, add to the room one deep black object: floor lamp, chair, lamp, picture frame. Black color will not eat up space, but will only emphasize the overall color palette.
  • Black walls for a small room this is a bold decision. But this technique works. Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, black color creates the illusion of infinity, expands space and gives it depth. Furniture pieces look more impressive against a black background. In this case, one of the decorative elements must be white.
  • If the ceiling is high paint in dark color , then the corners of the room will slightly distort the perspective. By remaining in the shadows, they will create the illusion of infinity. Especially if black gloss is chosen for the ceiling. Illuminated by a chandelier, such a ceiling seems like a huge mirror, which expands the space. In addition, the dark ceiling visually unites all the interior elements into a single whole.
  • Designers offer dark and rich colors use for finishing the lower part of the walls. This will visually disrupt the perspective: the dark bottom will seem deeper, and the upper part of the room with a light ceiling and walls will “float”, visually making the room larger. A similar technique has been used since ancient times in, where it is customary to finish the lower part of the wall.

Expanding space with lighting

A small room should have a lot of light, and therefore it is worth considering the use of several lighting sources at once.

  • Window- source of natural light. The larger it is, the better for a small room. It is advisable to choose a solid frame, without extra transoms and crossbars.
  • It's better to give up massive ceiling chandelier in favor of a small one.
  • Contrary to general opinion, long pendant chandelier will allow you to visually raise the ceiling. Only such a lamp should be located at eye level. This option would be appropriate for a chandelier above the dining table.
  • IN narrow room lamps that diffuse light from the center of the ceiling to the walls will visually “pull apart” these walls.
  • Halogen spotlights. Located along the perimeter of the room, they will illuminate the walls brighter, which will expand the visible area of ​​space. Such lamps can be used to equip additional shelves in the closet, place the lamps behind the glass doors of the rack, along the side walls of the podium, in niches. As a result, furniture and architectural elements appear less bulky.
  • Plaster lamps- a new word in design. They have a plaster body and decor, are built into the wall or ceiling and are plastered. As a result, the lamp itself is not visible, only the decor and soft lighting remain, which also works on visual extension interior
    • Drawing (ornament) flooring. Parquet or ceramic tiles can be laid not parallel to the walls, but at an angle - this disrupts the perspective of perception and visually expands the space. The same goes for wooden floors and laminate. It is customary to lay them along the walls, perpendicular to the window. But, if in a narrow room you place the flooring parallel to the end wall, the room will appear wider.
    • A long shelf located on the end wall in a narrow room will help expand the space. A wide window sill, a long cornice or in a rectangular frame will cope with the same role.

    How to choose wallpaper for a small room

    If you choose wallpaper for wall decoration, then it is important to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the pattern.

    • In a small room, you should avoid wallpaper with large patterns. Large drawings “eat up” space. Wallpaper, plain or with a small pattern, will “save” the space.
    • Wallpaper with a large pattern can be used to decorate one wall, making it an accent wall. In this case, it is better to decorate other walls with plain wallpaper.
    • Striped wallpaper They also work for the future. If you place the stripes vertically, this will visually raise the ceiling. Horizontal lines visually push the walls apart.
    • IN dark room The least lit wall can be covered with the same wallpaper, but a lighter tone. This will liven up the room.
    • Photo wallpaper with a panoramic pattern - one of the techniques for expanding space. It is important that the drawing matches the chosen one. Only one wall is covered with photo wallpaper, making it an accent wall. Instead of photo wallpaper, you can design accent wall painting or hang a large panoramic picture on it and achieve a similar effect.

    Decor elements for a small room

    Sometimes they advise do not clutter a small room with unnecessary decorative items and accessories. But in reality this is not the case, it all depends on the chosen interior style, if it is minimalism, then the advice is quite appropriate.

    On the other hand, a correctly composed composition, even from a large number of small items, will help expand the room. How it works?

    It is important to wisely select objects that evoke similar emotions and associations. For example, this is a collection of minerals or shells, small figurines, plates, boxes brought from travels, a gallery of family photographs, small models of ships or ancient castles. Each detail evokes many associations and memories in a person; such an interior is filled with information content, subconscious level perceived as spacious and voluminous.

    Using mirrors to increase space

    Mirrors to expand space should be used with caution so as not to create the illusion of a “looking glass”. In addition, some people are bothered by obsessive confrontation with their own reflection, especially in full growth, and this is also important to take into account.

    In the "" gallery you can find many examples and ideas, but here we will look at only a few options for using a mirror in a small room.

    • Make one of the walls completely mirrored. Then the whole room, reflected in the mirror, will be “duplicated,” as it were, visually enlarging the room. This technique is often used in narrow rooms or corridors.
    • Mirror ceiling- a bold option. Such a ceiling, illuminated by a chandelier, expands the space.
    • If you place mirror opposite the window, will not only visually increase the size of the room, but also add light.
    • Small mirror, which reflects a bright accessory, will help to visually focus attention on an interesting piece of furniture.
    • Can be placed mirrors behind lamps, sconces, floor lamps or candlesticks. By reflecting their light, mirrors will add depth to the room.

    What furniture to use in a small room

    For a small room, small-sized and multifunctional furniture is best suited. We offer some tips for choosing furniture.

    • Sofas and armchairs it is better to choose without armrests, on low legs, especially if the room is designed in minimalism.
    • Large piece of furniture in a small room it should play the role of a focal point around which the rest of the decor will be built. It is better if this is the only large item in the room.
    • Tall and narrow cabinets will visually raise the ceiling. And low furniture located below eye level creates the illusion of space.
    • Good decision - multifunctional transformable furniture. Such furniture is easy to remove and hide when it is not needed. For example, pull-out tables, folding chairs, sofa bed. Any Built in furniture also saves space.
    • For a small room it is better to choose racks with open, through shelves. Blank surfaces “steal space.”
    • As for furniture materials, for a small room it is better to select sets that use glass to the maximum, transparent plastic and mirrors.

    Particular attention should be paid furniture arrangement. Below are listed a few simple techniques that you can use.

    • In a narrow room Do not place pieces of furniture in one line along an elongated wall. It is better to place a wall or cabinet near the end wall. This will bring the shape of the entire room closer to a square.
    • A group of armchairs and a sofa can be installed in the center of the room, creating a functional and visual barrier.
    • Some designers advise do not place furniture close to walls. By leaving a gap between the furniture and the wall, you can achieve the effect of volumetric space.
    • Don't block the entrance. If the distance from the entrance to opposite wall remains open, the room visually appears larger. Therefore, it is better to place cabinets, racks and shelves away from the door.
    • Standard apartments do not please their owners with either large areas or successful layouts. However, do not become discouraged and give up. Having thought through and correctly developed the design of a small room or apartment, you can visually expand any living space.

      1. First of all, decide why you need this room. Is it just a bedroom or a bedroom and a place to work, or maybe a bedroom and a place to watch TV? Or will there be a room for a teenager with a workplace and a communication area? Then it will become clear what color scheme to choose, what furniture is needed in the room, where it should be located lighting.

      2. After this you need to draw detailed plan room and divide it into specific functional areas. This will allow already initial stage renovation, decide whether you need redevelopment, demolition of walls or adding a balcony and storage room to the main part of the room. Sometimes at this stage it is born original solution- swap rooms, for example, make two bedrooms from the living room, and move the kitchen to the place of the bathroom.

      2. A small room will look more spacious if unity is maintained: in style, in color scheme, in types of finishing materials.

      First, it is better to choose an interior style. It is better to decorate a small room in modern style(minimalism, hi-tech, modernism with its simple smooth lines and increased functionality are suitable). You can also experiment with Japanese or Scandinavian style, but we definitely need to abandon Empire, Baroque, Rococo, and Loft.

      Each style has its own favorite color scheme. Thus, minimalism prefers neutral tones (white, gray, black), and Scandinavian style will also add beige with a couple of bright accents. Light shades visually expand the space, but in this case, for volume, the room requires different textures of materials (hide, plaster, plastic, silk, etc.). It must also be remembered that bright color one of the walls (natural yellow, green or red) also gives depth to the interior, while making the room warm and homely. Alternative option: apply vertical combination, i.e. paint the top of the walls White color, and the bottom one – in a suitable bright color.

      When decorating the interior, it is better not to use different Decoration Materials, so as not to visually crush the surfaces.

      3. Regularly get rid of junk, unnecessary and non-functional things. An extra accessory or piece of furniture turns a small room into a cramped closet. Throw away old papers, clothes, kitchen utensils and get incomparable pleasure, seeing how the room becomes more spacious before your eyes.

      4. There is an interesting technique used by interior designers when developing the design of small apartments. A small room is furnished with several massive pieces of furniture, while it looks much more spacious than when filled with tiny sofas and chairs. There is another way - to find furniture custom size(narrow cabinets, shallow sofas).

      5. To make the room seem higher, you need to visually raise the ceiling. The easiest way to achieve this is to use wallpaper or paint for the ceiling that is lighter than the walls (at least a couple of shades). The next option is to abandon plasterboard multi-level ceilings and chandeliers, replacing them LED strips along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. If you still choose a false ceiling, then install built-in spotlights, which with their uniform light will visually increase the height of the walls. You can also simply replace large chandelier for a lamp with a flat shade that fits tightly to the ceiling.

      6. You can get rid of excess textiles. If the room offers an excellent view of the sea or park, then it is better to abandon thick, massive curtains or multi-layer curtains. A beautiful “French” window can also not be hidden, but an ordinary window can be decorated with Roman or Austrian curtains. Also, refuse various sofa covers, blankets, tablecloths, if this is not a requirement of the interior style. If you like floor mats, then choose a dull solid color or with a simple geometric pattern. To visually lengthen the room, lay a striped runner.

      7. A small room forces owners to look for space for storage systems wherever possible. You need to make the most of the entire vertical surface, so fill all spaces from head level to the ceiling with open/closed shelves.

      If possible, allocate space for a dressing room, this will allow you to abandon inconvenient and bulky wardrobes, and you will save precious usable area. Use corner furniture(closet, computer desk, sofa) in order to fit in the furnishings as much as possible and fill all previously unused nooks and crannies.

      8. Use multifunctional furniture: sofa bed; bed built into the closet; sofa with storage drawers; ottoman-box, etc. Try to buy furnishings in which you can at least hide something extra. In a small living room or teenager's room, floor pillows will come in handy as they can replace regular sofas. When not needed, they can easily be stacked somewhere in a corner.

      9. For all sorts of small items, create several paper or fabric baskets to reduce clutter on your living room desk or hallway console. Containers for small items are very practical, and you can make them yourself. You can put office supplies or sewing tools there, which are best not scattered if you have them. Small child or a pet.

      10. A small room can be visually enlarged with the help of mirrors or mirror walls. However, there are also limitations. You cannot place massive furniture in front of a mirrored wall or a bunch of small objects in front of a mirror, otherwise the feeling of cramped space and disorder will only intensify. In addition, it is better not to place it in the bedroom mirror surface opposite the bed.

      11. Give preference to compact household appliances. It is also better to choose a flat TV and hang it on the wall. This will prevent your toes from colliding with your large TV stand at night.

      Having 11 in front of my eyes practical ideas how to design a small room, you will definitely come up with a few more of your own, and are also guaranteed to turn small room in a spacious and bright place!

      Combining a bedroom and living room in one room is a common design move. This solution allows you to save space in small apartments Oh. When planning the renovation of a combined room to create harmonious interior you will have to take into account many nuances: the color scheme of the finish, compact placement of furniture, zoning of space. Modern ideas interior design for a small bedroom and living room allows you to create a functional and cozy room in which you can comfortably welcome guests during the day and sleep at night.

      Choosing a design style

      To decorate a small room that combines a bedroom and a living room, you should choose one of the modern styles:


      This style uses a minimal set of furniture. At the same time, all of it is compact, functional and strict in form. The decoration of horizontal and vertical surfaces is dominated by light colors, mainly white and beige. Individual elements furniture, such as a sofa and/or armchairs, can be in a contrasting black color. The decor of the room should also correspond to this style: smooth, plain curtains on the windows without decorations, paintings in strict rectangular frames on the walls, etc.

      High tech

      It is similar to minimalism, but involves the presence of a large amount of modern technology, glass and chrome parts interior This living room setting may not seem very cozy to some people.

      Japanese style

      In such an interior there is a lot of free space, the furniture is low, with even smooth surfaces, made of bamboo or other natural wood. The walls are finished with wooden panels, the floor should also be made of wood. On the walls you can hang paintings depicting bamboo or hieroglyphs, fans, Japanese figurines and bonsai can be placed on the table and shelving. The main colors are beige, gray, chocolate, dark green.


      This rustic style can fill the room with a homey, cozy atmosphere. Used in design natural materials, close to nature. For the floor take wood or decorative tiles, for walls – decorative plaster or wallpaper. The main feature of the style is the use of a large amount of textiles: decorative sofa cushions, blankets, tablecloths, napkins self made And so on. These interior elements can be in the same color scheme as the room’s decoration or, conversely, stand out with bright accents. It all depends on the taste of the owner.

      Advice! The sleeping area of ​​the room should be located in the far part of the room so that it is not a passageway and allows privacy.

      Methods for zoning space

      Among the interior design ideas for a small bedroom and living room Special attention It is worth paying attention to modern zoning methods, which include:

      • Partition. The easiest way to create a partition with your own hands is to use drywall. This inexpensive material will allow you to implement many designer fantasies. With its help, completely blind partitions are created from floor to ceiling or to the middle of the ceiling height, partitions with niches different forms and sizes, decorative arches. The top of the drywall can be painted or covered with wallpaper. The partition can be made of plastic or glass. The surface can be transparent, matte, tinted, mirrored, have printed drawings, or stained glass. Will beautifully complement the interior of a room decorated in rustic style(country, Provence), wicker partition;

      • Sliding doors. When closed they create two separate rooms, and when extended they create one. The materials used are wood, plastic, and glass. They are decorated with carvings or stained glass;

      Advice! Glass transparent partition or completely transparent sliding doors - perfect option zoning for a small room with small windows. Glass lets in a lot of light and visually takes up no space at all.

      • Shelving - practical solution. You can store books, vases, souvenirs and other items on the shelves. The lower part of the shelving on the living room side can be made closed and flat, and on the bedroom side, shelves can be left on it. It is recommended to leave the top of the rack open so that it allows light to pass through;

      • Podium. Creating a slight rise in the floor in the area of ​​one of the functional zones- a popular type of zoning. Can be built into the podium drawers For bed linen or other things;

      • Decorative screen. It can be flexible and easily rolled up, forged, or be a portable shelf structure. For ease of movement, wheels are screwed to the screen;

      • Curtains. You can choose from a thin transparent and light-transmitting material or from a denser fabric. The main thing is that their style matches the style of the curtains on the windows;

      • Finishing materials. You can highlight the bedroom area by laying carpet on the floor, and in the living room by laying parquet or laminate. Zones are separated using different wall finishes. You can stick panoramic photo wallpaper on one part of the room. The ceiling in one of the zones can be made suspended or suspended and highlighted in a different color;

      • Lighting. In the living room area, brighter sources of artificial light are usually used - a large chandelier or many spotlights. In the bedroom area it would be logical to place several wall or floor lamps, providing calm, subdued light.

      Design tricks for decorating a small bedroom-living room

      To create a refined and comfortable interior small bedroom-living room, you should follow these recommendations:

      • Walls, floors and ceilings should be finished with light-colored materials. They visually enlarge the space and add light to the room. Light parquet or laminate is suitable for the floor, paint or wallpaper for the walls, glossy for the ceiling tension covering. It is advisable to choose wallpaper without a pattern or with a barely visible pattern. The following colors are suitable for walls: peach, white, milky, sand. The suspended ceiling can be made brighter: lilac or Green colour. A glossy finish will reflect light and make the room more spacious and airy;

      • It is better to choose a transforming bed. It can have a lifting mechanism and hide in a closet during the day or move out from the podium;

      • The sofa should be compact but functional. For a small room, a corner folding model is suitable;

      • It is better to install the TV so that the screen can be rotated and the image on it can be seen from any area of ​​the room;
      • The decor should be discreet. A large number of small objects (vases, souvenirs, figurines) will create a feeling of clutter, which will visually make the room smaller.

      Today there are many design ideas and tricks to create an elegant and modern interior for a small bedroom-living room. Using expert advice, you can visually hide the shortcomings of a small room and beautifully divide it into two functional zones.

      Photo gallery (50 photos)

      The layout of a Khrushchev building, without a doubt, is not as interesting as the design two-story cottage or luxurious country house. But it is in such small-sized apartments that the majority of the population lives. And only a small part of design companies agree to work with such limited space: it is inconvenient, not always practical, and costs an order of magnitude cheaper than furnishing luxury apartments.

      We will share ideas for decorating small apartments, as well as designing interiors for small rooms in this article.

      Interior design for a small apartment

      The task of the designer who has taken on the design of a Khrushchev apartment is to rationally use every millimeter of space, not to overload the apartment and, at the same time, equip it with all the interior items necessary for life.

      Much, of course, depends on the purpose of each room, but the general principles of organizing the interiors of small apartments are unchanged:

      1. Free up the space in your apartment to the maximum.
      2. Do not clutter the apartment with small parts and unnecessary furniture.
      3. Install only the most necessary interior items in the room, use transformable furniture and mini-versions of appliances and special equipment (front washing machines, mini-refrigerators, etc.).
      4. Fill small apartment light, both daylight and artificial.
      5. Try to visually expand the boundaries of space and raise the ceilings in the apartment.
      6. Use plain textiles of a simple cut, without frills, ruffles or complex embroidery. Do not drape the apartment windows, replacing the usual curtains with transparent tulle, Roman shades or compact blinds.
      7. Choose sliding structures doors or abandon them altogether, replacing light interior partitions.

      To make it clearer, you need to consider each point of these rules in more detail and familiarize yourself with photos of the interiors of small apartments made by professional designers.

      Attention! The interior of the “Khrushchev” should be harmonious, but in no case should this harm the functionality of the apartment: each room is equipped with all the necessary items and furniture.

      Interior styles for a small room

      Home decoration ideas small area, first of all, are based on style. Today, there are many trends and styles of interior design known, but not all of them are suitable for decorating a “Khrushchev” or a room of limited area.

      Important! The least suitable interior for a small room is classic style. All the ruffles, flounces, tapestries and velvet will become just a collection of dust and an unnecessary clutter in an already cramped room.

      The most suitable styles for the interior of a small room are modern. This group includes:

      • high tech;
      • minimalism;
      • modern style;
      • loft.

      A small room will also look good in some ethnic interior design styles, for example:

      • Scandinavian interior with a predominance of white shades and maximum amount of light;
      • Japanese traditional interior with minimal furnishings and minor decoration;
      • cozy Provence is suitable for the interior small kitchens and cute bedrooms.

      In general, we can say that interiors with a minimum number of details, clear lines and plain walls are suitable for small apartments.

      Color influence

      The main goal of a small room interior planner is to expand the space and create the illusion of a spacious room. Not all shades of the color palette are able to cope with this task. Optimal solution- white and all pastel shades such as beige, pinkish, light gray or muted blue.

      This doesn't mean that everything in a small room should be monochromatic, but that you should avoid large prints, bright patterns and lots of small details. It is best to paint the walls with plain paint or cover them with wallpaper without a pattern.

      Advice! At the same time, textures in the interior of an apartment are not prohibited; on the contrary, designers recommend decorating the interior of a small apartment various surfaces(under stone, wood or leather). This will make the monochromatic painting more interesting and deep.

      There is a rule of three colors, which is perfectly suitable for the interiors of small rooms:

      1. The interior should use one basic shade, in which most of the walls of the apartment, ceiling and floor are painted.
      2. It is allowed to install furniture of the same color as the base, but a slightly different shade.
      3. Small details, textiles and decor are made in two other colors, contrasting or close in gamut to the main tone.

      If you look at the apartments, photos of which are posted on the pages of design publications, in almost every picture you can see these three colors, on which the entire composition is built.

      Attention! Only experienced specialists or people with exceptional taste will be able to decorate the interior with a large number of shades.

      The peculiarity of light tones lies in their ability to distance objects, blur boundaries, smooth out sharp lines. Room in light shades it seems larger and more spacious, so the walls of the “Khrushchev” definitely should be light and monochromatic.

      Ideas for decorating ceilings in such rooms mainly involve using the same light colors. If you need to hide the line between surfaces, it is recommended to paint the ceiling with paint whose tone is one unit different from the color of the walls.

      More options for the apartment ceiling: glossy tension structure or multi-level ceiling with lighting around the perimeter. These techniques allow you to visually raise the ceiling and make the room more spacious.

      The floors in a small apartment can be either dark or light - it depends on the wishes of the owner. Only thresholds and various jumpers on the floor covering will have to be abandoned - they “eat up” precious space.

      Advice! If laminate, parquet or boards are laid on the floor of a small apartment, it is better to lay each element diagonally, starting from the corner opposite the entrance. In this case, there will be more waste and you will have to tinker with cutting the boards, but the room will gain a few visual centimeters.

      When it comes to flooring uniformity, there is no clear answer. It has been noticed that in redesigned studio apartments it looks better to have different flooring in each zone (tiles in the kitchen, carpet in the bedroom, parquet in the living room), but in a small apartment separated by doors it is better to lay the same flooring and, if possible, hide the joints.


      Small apartments require special furniture - the usual sets simply will not fit in this interior.

      Design makes our life more comfortable. How wonderful that with the help correct design space can solve many problems related to the size of the room and its functionality. You are offered options best design small rooms. It's not only flawless color selection, but also a harmonious connection of lines and correct combination of parts.

      Get inspired by these small room designs - you might want to create similar beauty in your own home. Remember that your mood and state largely depend on the environment in which you constantly find yourself.

      Small room design

      Decorating a room in purple tones - a good option for those who combine a study and a bedroom. Red color stimulates brain activity.

      The most delicate color and many shelves make the room very feminine.

      Design option teenager's rooms. Special emphasis on a compact sofa.

      Minimalism- style for all times.

      The light green color creates a cheerful atmosphere.

      Great room for twins!

      A two-tier room performs two functions at once. Above is a bedroom, below is an office.

      A secret room is exactly what it should look like.

      A very smart solution...

      Freshness, cleanliness, nothing superfluous. Ideal for both work and leisure.

      Would you like to have a room like this?

      Yellow ennobles the space.

      High-tech design.

      A room where nothing will interfere with your concentration.

      Incredibly cute... I want a chair like this!

      Purple room.

      Both the table and the sofa by the window are a dream!

      The best option for travel lovers.

      A real girl's room.

      That's how much you can fit in a very small space.

      Natural colors and materials are very calming.

      An improvised room under the ceiling.

      Business style room.

      Pink can also be elegant.

      This is what a child needs! Wonderful functional bed.

      Amazing design. Wardrobe and bed connected together save a huge amount of space.

      Reading corner. In a place like this you need teach children to read!

      An incredibly beautifully executed project. This room is characterized by absolute harmony.

      On the second floor there is an additional one.

      Masterly design of a room for an athlete.

      Office room for business partners.

      The perfect division of space for roommates.

      A room in an ascetic style for a student.

      Creative person's room. An artistic approach to architectural problems.

      The bedroom you've always dreamed of.

      A room with a bright mood. Light is very important in the design of a room.

      House on wheels.

      The designers did their best by developing such interesting interiors. Which design option for a small room did you like best? You can’t choose right away - they are all extremely successful. Let order, comfort and beauty always reign in your home. Tell us about these design examples small rooms to your friends, it deserves their attention.


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