Black men's bedroom design. Men's bedroom interior design

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Among all the variety stylistic trends most of the stronger sex prefer just a few ways to design a place to sleep.

  1. Minimalism. Here is a laconic room, in which only the most necessary: ​​a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe. Curtains are better to choose thick, dark colors. The color scheme is soft, meaning brown, bluish and gray tones. Experts advise this men's bedroom design to people who spend most of their time at work and need a good night's rest.
  2. High tech. For many, this style is presented in the form of something cold, "steel" and uncomfortable. But if you choose the right combination of textiles and furniture with finishing materials in the room and correctly accentuate the decor elements, then the bedroom will be conducive to relaxation after a hard day. It is better to make the ceiling multi-level and with built-in lighting. The walls should be of the same shade, but the texture can be given to them differently. Cover the window opening with translucent curtains or leave it open. Finishing materials: steel (preferably chrome-plated), brick, wood, as well as their high-quality imitation.
  3. Art Deco. Combines wealth and its accompanying luxury. The last word means not only financial well-being, but also huge selection geometric shapes, decorative elements, finishing material and its textures. The furniture is chic, with many finishing details. The bed (you can make a design accent on it) is made of natural wood, decorated with gilding. The palette of colors includes gold, silver, milky and burgundy shades. Of the materials used, including textiles, it can be noted:
  • tree (black and red);
  • natural semi-precious stones;
  • crystal;
  • Ivory;
  • fabrics: silk, satin and velvet.

Classicism. The main difference between the style is constancy: this direction has not gone out of fashion for centuries. To make a bedroom with a masculine "character" and in classical style, use flooring oak or maple. Walls can be finished Venetian plaster, or matte wallpaper. The ceiling needs to be given solidity, which can be done with false beams. The decor has a large selection:

  • figurines and vases on the bedside table;
  • paintings and photos with calm motifs on the walls;
  • luxurious classic multi-lamp chandelier;
  • thick heavy curtains.
Sea style. Suitable for romantic men. One of the highlights here is color. It should consist of shades of the sun, the sea and be the same. Turquoise, pearl, golden and white tones are welcome. Furniture - made of natural wood, preferably aged. The floor of the men's bedroom should resemble a deck, that is, be plank.

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that a man or woman creates an interior only for themselves, not taking into account the possibility of the appearance of a second tenant in the apartment. In this article, we would like to give tips on creating a bedroom for a man and with male character. What fundamentally distinguishes it from a girl's bedroom or married couple? – Lack of abundance of details and decor, bright colors and complex shapes. Men just don't need it. Simplicity, solidity, and practicality - that's what a man is looking for in his house.

The color scheme will also not be typical for a women's boudoir: black, gray, blue, brown. But, if women would find such an interior gloomy and dull, then for a man these colors give calmness and solidity to the interior.

Initially, in order to create a bedroom for a man, you need to decide on a stylistic decision. Styles most appealing to men: the most common now minimalism, restrained and cold hi-tech, glamorous art deco, airy marine style and good old classics. Now let's look at all the styles in order.

Men's bedroom in the style of minimalism

Minimalism, as you know, is a restrained, concise style, not burdened with a lot of details. This is the place where a man sleeps, rests, reads, meditates. Therefore, the space must be clearly zoned. The zone of sleep, relaxation, also in the bedroom of a man there will be a dressing room or a wardrobe system. There should be a place for numerous shirts, suits, make suspension system pants storage. It is necessary to place as many horizontal shelves as possible, which will always come in handy - for T-shirts, sweaters, bed linen, for storing things in the off-season. In a word, everything should be convenient and at hand - so as not to spend a lot of time looking for things.

In the bedroom in the style of "minimalism" there is a place for everything, but no frills:

a large bed with a soft headboard, emphasizing the charisma of the owner, and conducive to a sound sleep.
table lamps by the bed so that it is convenient to read in bed before going to bed
- thick curtains made of heavy fabrics to create comfort and give intimate privacy. Bedside tables or lockers for books, and other little things, a chest of drawers with linen and things.

In the bedroom in the style of "minimalism" all things are a continuation of each other.

All colors harmonize softly with each other, there are no flashy color spots. As a rule, this gamma is in black, gray, brown, blue flowers. decorative elements are photographs in black and white, pictures calm in color and plot, some original elements, be it a sconce, a mirror, framed photographs, abstract figurines, etc. In a word, in minimalism - everything is only the most necessary.


High-tech men's bedroom

Basic hallmark high-tech style is its pronounced manufacturability. And the bedroom is no exception. At first glance, a high-tech bedroom can give the impression of a cold, uncomfortable space. But this impression is wrong, because thanks to the metered decor, fabrics, mixing textures and correctly placed color accents, the bedroom will easily turn into a relaxing place.

Choose the basis of the interior, the so-called "main color spot". It can be a luxurious bed, a wardrobe, a picture on the wall or a photograph in a stylish frame, a large mirror or a stylish floor lamp.

Further, starting from this spot, we begin to assemble the entire interior, like a puzzle: walls of different textures, futuristic volumetric ceiling, which has sophisticated lighting built into it. Windows can be uncovered, or they can be decorated with light transparent fabrics. Colors - black, gray, white, dark beige, brown. Materials emphasize the strength of the masculine character - steel, concrete, stone, marble, granite, mirror, gloss for walls or ceilings.

Bedroom for a man in Art Deco style

Art Deco is luxury and wealth combined with art. The name itself contains the essence of the style - " decorative arts". In the Art Deco style, there is where to roam - a wealth of decor, textures, geometric shapes and forms. And do not be afraid to overload the interior and make it too pretentious and romantic. Art Deco can afford it. And although a woman does not live in this bedroom, elegance and grace are imprinted on everything here.

Furniture - chic design, accessories - expensive, beautiful, luxurious. The bed - the most important place in the bedroom - can be decorated with crystals or stones. Finishing and materials - only the most refined, the most expensive: mahogany and ebony, ivory, velvet, silks, satin, gilding, a natural stone, crystal. The color scheme in the Art Deco men's bedroom: gold, silver, beige, plum, milky, burgundy, sand.




Men's bedroom in a marine style

The entire space of such a bedroom is filled with the atmosphere of a warm summer day at sea. This style is characterized by airiness, often all the furniture and decoration of the same color - for exaggerated lightness. On this basis, the whole decor seems to be floating in the air.

Color gamma in the colors of the sea and the sun: blue, blue, white, yellow, sand, pearl, turquoise. This can be emphasized by the abundance of decor in this topic - paintings and photos with seascapes, figurines of ships, seagulls, lighthouses, old maps on the walls, marine decor.

Lamps and bedside lamps, which are used on ships and yachts, are ideal for lighting. Furniture made of light wood, raw or artificially aged. Deck laying of solid wood boards will look good on the floor.

The ceiling can be draped voluminously with white chiffon or cotton to give the effect of clouds overhead. A man will feel here in his element.

Classic men's bedroom

Classics, as you know, never get old. A bedroom in a classic style, if done with taste, will delight the owner for many years and will not require alteration.

The classic style is very versatile, you say, how to add a masculine character to the bedroom? And it’s very simple: we take dark wood furniture, put a board made of solid oak or maple on the floor, veneer the walls with Venetian plaster in neutral colors or paste over matte embossed wallpaper.

We will install false beams on the ceiling to give the interior solidity. We will introduce decor elements, and the choice here is great: paintings, photographs, flowers in massive pots, vases, figurines, thick curtains with classic ornaments, floor carpets or artificial animal skins instead, beautiful massive lamps and chandeliers. And everything should match the owner - beautiful, rich, with a predominance of dark and strong male colors. And to create a contrast, let's add light colors - beige, sand, gray, white, coral.


What gives the interior of the bedroom "masculinity"? - Quality furniture, a bed with a strong base, a laconic headboard, plain curtains on the windows, no a large number details and decor, discreet monochrome prints. The color scheme that the stronger sex loves is black, gray, steel, blue, light blue, white, brown, dark green. Accessories in men's style: photographs and paintings in massive frames. In a word, everything that can confirm that a real man lives here.

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Whether minimalist, rustic or industrial, the men's bedroom is where at least a third of life is spent. Everything that surrounds a man in his bedroom gives others the opportunity to understand his personality. We offer 30 of the most good examples organization of personal space in the room, which is really impressive.


When it comes to the men's bedroom, the first thing that comes to mind is simplicity, conciseness and functionality. This bedroom has everything a bachelor needs, including simple bed in neutral colors, gloss and elegance of the interior.

Elegance bordering on masculinity

The bedroom has a soothing neutral atmosphere, which is perfect for a good rest. Style is felt throughout, and masculinity is represented by a reasonable combination of materials and lighting. This design, which is based on contrast, was created by the Kiev architect Ivan Yurima.

The right combination of parts

This bedroom also deserves attention. The belonging of the bedroom to a man is indicated by the presence leather chair with metal parts and combination geometric patterns On the floor. The hexagonal mirrors and the painting depicting a bicycle testify to the creative nature living here. By the way, the bedroom is equipped in basement home by designers from Madison Taylor Design.

Simplicity and functionality

Introducing modern design, which is based on the main hobby of the owner. The combination of black and white flowers always a winner, especially in the hands of designers from the Polish studio Kasia Orwat, who found this apartment in Poland and turned it into a simple yet functional masculine retreat.

Love for mystery

When you enter this bedroom, which is located in an apartment in Istanbul, you feel like you are in a museum. The author of this luxurious and stylish design, based on a neutral color palette, is Turkish designer Tanju Özelgin. All the details in this bedroom make the image as a whole unique: stone walls and subdued lighting provide a sense of mystery.

How much time does a man spend in bedrooms? Enough to understand that everything here is to his liking. There is a masculine spirit everywhere in this bedroom. Neutral color scheme, natural lighting due to the presence of large windows, which offer a view of one of the four largest cities in Ukraine. Windows decorated with curtains wooden floor, concrete walls and sunlight - all this organically combines to create a soothing atmosphere.

The role of lighting in dark bedrooms

This Kiev bedroom is sure to attract attention not only due to the combination of various textures, but also the role of lighting. Bedroom design belongs to Igor Sirotov. With the help of light, both artificial and daylight, the designer managed to transform the dark bedroom in such a way that it looks stylish and elegant. In addition to the bed, in the room on the windowsills are equipped additional places for relax.

The design of this mid-20th century men's bedroom has one important advantage - the view of the beautiful forest in the mountains, which opens from the large windows framed by dark frames. Everything inside the room, including the fireplace, wooden walls that convey the spirit of the neighborhood, and a simple but comfortable bed that impresses with its simplicity and originality.

The masculine bedroom is most often associated with neutral colors. The bedroom shown in the photo is located in one of the fashionable apartments in Israel, the design of which is made in the Armani style. It is a work of art, which has such an important advantage as panoramic view to the city and the sea.

The man's passion for travel is reflected in the design of this bedroom. Everything here is filled with the spirit of wandering. A cozy, modern and practical bedroom is perfect for a man whose life is filled with passion.

Simplicity in the details

This dark bedroom filled with natural light was designed by a young Albanian architect and 3D installation artist, Saimir Brakho. On the wall above the bed are paintings by the artist, which simply stand on a backlit shelf. Natural light, thanks to the large window, freely enters the bedroom and creates an atmosphere and a feeling of freedom.

Courage is close to nature

A man needs a feeling fresh air, privacy and aesthetics, all this was embodied in the men's bedroom, the main attributes of which were a large window on the entire wall, connecting the exterior and interior and allowing you to enjoy a beautiful view of the surroundings. Dark floor, daylight and beautiful landscapekey elements, on which designers from Abramson Teiger Architects made a bet.

The desire of a man to live closer to nature is reflected in the color and textures of the bedroom design. Combination of concrete, brick, wood and steel mirror surfaces characteristic features design. brick walls and a wooden floor is a great choice for a man.

This stylish and elegant bedroom promises an unforgettable experience under the moonlit night sky and sunny morning. The design shows how you can make the most of the architectural features of the ceiling and walls.

In the room, the masculine element is everywhere, from the paintings on the wall to the unique headboard. The walls are painted grey. Here, in addition to the bed, there is also a reading area next to the fireplace. The audacity of bedroom design borders on simplicity and functionality.

What does courage mean

Developing a design that could reflect the individuality is a difficult but interesting task. The masculinity is evident in the details, including the furniture and the varied combinations of colors and materials. This bedroom is part of a luxurious penthouse located in one of the New York skyscrapers.

Expression of masculinity through color

Men's colors are considered deep shades of blue, which go well with the color. wooden furniture and create an attractive palette. Make the room stylish by adding chrome and leather details. This masculine bedroom with a dark floor and an expressive palette by IMI Design Studio is a perfect example.

If you are a fan of luxury, then a charming bedroom with fashion design, which is located in one and apartments in Kuala Lumpur, will be a real inspiration. The combination of glass and multi-colored mirror elements, multi-level lighting created the perfect basis for a bold design.

Use of white, black and shades gray color formed the basis for the design of the men's bedroom shown in the photograph. It is worth noting that the rest of the luxurious house, which is located in Australia, is decorated in the same color scheme. Huge windows allow daylight fill the room, and dark details emphasize that unforgettable dreams await at night.

To come up with the design of a small bedroom so that you want to come here and fully relax is a difficult task. The example shows how this challenging task manages wood trim and the presence of a black ceiling. The tree creates an amazing feeling, an atmosphere where you will no doubt want to sleep with pleasure, and meet the morning with the first ray of daylight that will penetrate the window thanks to the lattice screen.

Curiosity, harmony and satisfaction

Curiosity is the lot of most males. The spirit of adventure is always inherent in them, especially after have a nice rest. Filled with mystery, the dark bedroom, which is located in a house in Brisbane, Australia, is the creation of the hands of architect James Russell.

On the one hand, the combination of black and white is a classic that does not require rich imagination. But the designer got creative with this choice and emphasized the combination of not only colors, but also geometry and textures to impress. It is also a bold design because with the size of the window and its décor, the designer took a risk by creating a fairly dark bedroom overall.

Looking at the dark bedroom, you immediately understand that it belongs to a man. Subdued light creates the feeling of a kind of lair.

Bedroom - above the clouds

An abundance of books and wood creates a cozy and warm atmosphere which is perfect suitable for a man who love city life. The bedroom by Greenauer Design Group is created for creativity and the mood corresponding to it, thanks to the view from the window to the city and daylight.

No place makes a man

The Brazilian bedroom, owned by a single young lawyer, features an industrial style that is perfect for a masculine bedroom. The elegant bedroom is connected to the bathroom, which together are more like a relaxation area in a spa than a bedroom in an apartment.

Impartiality in color and patterns

At the heart of the design modern bedroom lies simplicity with elements of masculinity. The neutral range of colors and patterns are ideal for decorating the men's bedroom, despite the fact that the whole family lives in this house. Besides perfect combination colors, patterns, tastefully selected furniture. Two architects, Irina Maetnaya and Mikhail Golub, worked on the design of this Kiev bedroom.

natural light

Despite the simplicity colors, furniture and lighting, this room feels cozy. To give the room a masculine character, the designers adopted 10 modern elements without which any modern design is indispensable. The bedroom has been specifically designed to reflect strength, masculine determination, simplicity and elegance.

Creative solution for using square shapes

In the bedroom in the center there is a bed square shape by Funn Roberts, which was specially created for actor Vincent Kartheiser. It creates versatility and emphasizes masculinity. The headboard of this bed is a lacquered fragment of unhewn wooden board which in itself is a bold and beautiful design decision.

Another inspiring example of how wood can be used in decor to create a cozy and stylish room with a masculine character, presented in the form of a modern bedroom, located in one of the apartments in Stockholm. The bedroom owes its unusual ceiling to the fact that it is located in the attic of the house.

Traditional approach

Designed by Well Built Co, this bedroom is based on country style using natural materials, including, tree. A man should be in an atmosphere that promotes healthy sleep improves physical and mental health. Therefore, the choice of design and materials should be approached consciously.
Another interesting option proposed by a designer from San Francisco for young man aged 20+.

What associations does the phrase "men's room design" evoke in you? Simplicity, convenience, individuality. It is these qualities that men value when it comes to arranging their personal space. Times when a guy's room was associated with " creative mess” or an outright mess are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Spartan "mattress, table, chair and bare walls" is also not our option. In this article, we will try to get rid of such stereotypes. Men's room design can and should be stylish!

The most common interior design styles for men

Before planning the design of the room, you need to decide on the style. It all depends on the preferences of the individual. Of course, no one can forbid a man to hang a crystal chandelier and curtains with a lambrequin in a room. But this is rather an exception to the rule. Most often, a room for guys is decorated in the following styles:

Contemporary (from English contemporary - “modern”)

We can say that this style is a harmonious mixture of minimalism, constructivism and simplicity of Scandinavian interiors. Strict rules“contempo” has no design, and choosing furniture and decor for this direction is not at all difficult. You can read more about the contemporary style.

High tech

What man doesn't love new technologies? Various gadgets, new inventions and modern achievements Science has always worried the strong half of humanity. And some even dream of going to space! All these interests can be converted into interesting design in high-tech style. And modern materials (glass, plastic, metal) will help you with this. LED lights and, of course, technology. The emphasis in the design of a high-tech men's room can be placed on a cool home theater or a large-screen game console. Why not?


Only the lazy have not heard about the loft now. Minimal wall processing, brick, Edison lamps and other factory romance. The atmosphere of a factory or an attic will appeal to many men. If you are interested, we have a separate one about the loft.

And here, for example, the design of a room for a teenager from a designer Natalya


Perhaps the most men's style interior - . Very original, rough design for tough men! Concrete, a minimum of decor and functionality. The only thing is that brutalism requires large spaces and a minimum of things. Or maybe this is just your case?


A little humor:

If you still think that minimalism in the interior is something like that, then you.

Minimalism is much more interesting and is perfect for decorating a men's room. Especially if you are limited in space. Functionality and simplicity are the main principles and advantages of this style.

Color solution

As a rule, a room for men is decorated in restrained colors. It all depends on personal preference here.

If you need a lot of light and air, for wall decoration and ceiling fit White color.

And if you are comfortable in a dark environment, nothing prevents you from painting the walls and even the ceiling black.

To dilute the monochrome range, use color accents in furniture and decor.

More adherents classic interiors pay attention to beige, brown and color natural wood. Read about how to make the interior in beige tones boring.

If you want to add brightness to the room, do accent wall favorite color. Usually men choose calm shades of green or blue. And in order not to overload the interior, paint only one wall, for example, opposite the entrance. So a bright saturated color will attract attention, but will not create an oppressive feeling.

Zones in a young man's room

A person spends quite a lot of time in his room. Therefore, it is important that this space is multifunctional. It is necessary to combine a sleeping place, an area for work and storage.

Beds and sofas

The mattress bed is a simple and original alternative to the usual boring beds. It takes up a lot of space, but it looks very impressive!

If ceilings allow, a sleeping place can be arranged on or on the upper tier. The possibility of not making the bed can please a potential owner, and associations with an attic, a bunk bed from childhood, or the top shelf on a train will add romance.

And vice versa, if there is very little free space, it will come to the rescue folding sofa. This is both a place for receiving guests and an alternative to a bulky bed.

Work zone

The second mandatory area in the men's room - workplace. Whether the young man is a student or is already working, whether he needs a computer or whether he likes to make something with his own hands - in any case, in own room he needs a job. Think about its location in advance and do not forget about sufficient lighting for classes.

Storage spaces

Usually men do not have many things, but they also need to be stored somewhere. If we start from simplicity and functionalism, then chests of drawers, trellises and huge oak cabinets are not our option. We are heading for cabinets built into a niche, minimalist shelves and racks for storing books and personal collections.

Lighting and decor in the interior for men

One boring chandelier in the center of the ceiling will not give the desired effect in a guy's room. In addition, it usually does not give enough light. It is more practical to use built-in lights and additional lamps.

By the way, many men do not really like curtains or even do not understand why they are needed. In this case, the windows can be decorated with blinds, roller blinds Or do without decor at all.

As for the decor - everything is very individual. However, as always. Most often, the walls are decorated with posters with favorite movie characters or inscriptions, black and white photographs or neutral pictures. Or nothing.

On the floor you can lay a carpet in the form of someone's skin - a truly masculine accessory! By the way, Greenpeace supporters can pay attention to such artificial fur carpets - they look very natural, and animals do not suffer.

Creative bold natures will surely like the original decor details. Bright armchairs, the effect of leaking paint, or the installation of a real fire in your home will add personality to the design.

In general, we turn on the fantasy, get inspired by ideas and decorate the men's room with taste! And if you realize that you can’t do it alone, we will always come to the rescue!


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