Use to make a textured surface. Textured surface

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Coloring various surfaces not only can give them an updated look, but also often helps protect the product from rust or even small mechanical damage. The use of paint for home renovations is inevitable, but there may be certain obstacles to acquiring the right composition: the consumer may be deterred high price for the product, or it will not be available at all in the provincial wilderness.

In such situations possible solution there will be problems self-production dye.


Regardless of the type, most people perceive paint as a purchased product, but preparing it with my own hands at home is not so difficult. As a rule, such a mixture contains only 2-3 main ingredients that must be included, which can be purchased on the market without any problems.

Expensive paints and varnishes best brands at the same time, they can show much higher qualities due to inclusions of various additives, however, for unpretentious use, home paint will also work.

Making your own paints allows you to significantly save on buying expensive paint and make the product exactly the type and color you need.

It is quite possible that such a material will be somewhat inferior to expensive industrial analogues, say, in terms of durability or ability to withstand negative influences. external influence, however, for conditional small repairs in the garage, this option is ideal.

Manufacturing methods

For handmade There are many recipes for painting at home - it all depends on the type of paint and varnish material that you plan to prepare. It should be noted that It’s better to buy too complex types of paint (like façade or heat-saving) because they contain a huge amount of additives. You can and should try to do everything else yourself.


Chalkboard paint paints any surfaces in such a way that an imitation is obtained chalk board. There can be quite a few ways to practically use such a finishing material, but first of all, children’s eyes should light up - it’s very convenient to write on a painted surface with chalk!

The composition is absolutely non-toxic even in the factory version, so its use in a nursery is quite appropriate. Home option differs from the one sold only in that the surface scratches faster.

The simplest method involves simply adding two spoons of cement to a glass of any acrylic paint.

There are more complex recipe: to three parts of acrylic paint add one part of matte varnish based on the same acrylic, cement (or putty, or grout) and water. In both cases, the mixture is thoroughly mixed. The creator chooses the coloring at his own discretion.

To turn a wall or furniture into a full-fledged slate board You can also add a small amount of magnetic chips to the cement - then the resulting substance will be able to attract metal objects. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of such crumbs: the more there is, the higher magnetic properties dye.


The paints used by artists for oil painting are very similar in their formulation to their construction counterparts, and people of art traditionally prepared materials for creativity on their own.

The most difficult thing to get is pigments, that is, coloring substances. You won’t be able to prepare them yourself, so all you have to do is buy them in a store or order them online. The manufacturing process can be toxic, so you should take care of personal protective equipment in advance: a respirator and gloves.

The procedure should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area.

It is worth mentioning separately that ready-made composition may react with metal, therefore metal utensils not suitable for such operations.

Then everything is simple: the pigments are thoroughly mixed with linseed, nut, poppy or hemp oil. There is no exact proportion, but the manufacturer’s task is to completely wet the pigments and bring them to a homogeneous liquid state with a minimum of oil used, otherwise the paint will quickly turn yellow when dried. For kneading, use a glass rod or a special artistic tool - a palette knife..

You can also add a little wax (provides a matte finish), resin (adds shine) or turpentine (helps thin the mixture).


Making acrylic paint is not difficult in words, but its composition includes many ingredients that are unlikely to be found in the home of an ordinary person. As is the case with oil paint, you will have to independently find and select ready-made pigments that are mixed with water to obtain a colored paste. After this, the resulting liquid dye is combined with an acrylic dispersion, which will also have to be purchased specially. The density of the composition is adjusted by adding required quantity water.

Since going to the store for complex ingredients is a must, you can explore the possibility of using other additives. Special antifreezes will help the paint and varnish material better withstand low temperatures, fire retardants will make the composition resistant to high temperatures and fire.


For the stylish modern renovations characteristic is the use of textures that differ significantly from smooth and even surfaces. For wall decoration, a special textured paint, which is a cheaper substitute for expensive repairs using natural stone, sand and so on.

Diversity finished products cannot be repeated at home, but the most simple varieties It’s quite possible to do it yourself.

The basis for such experiments will be acrylic paint any type. To give it a characteristic rough texture, you need a filler, which can even be made from ordinary putty.

For something more intricate, you can go to a hardware store for granite crystals or construction sand, which will give the paint the appropriate texture.

Specialists Special attention point out that the use of ordinary river or sea sand instead of clean construction options is not recommended due to the heterogeneity and size of the fraction, and this does not contribute to good adhesion.

Other options

Paint Recipes different types are quite numerous and strongly depend on the type of surface to be painted and the required properties. In particular, huge The so-called Finnish paint has gained popularity for outdoor work.. It is heat resistant and designed primarily for wood, but also suitable for concrete and different types roofs.

A large bucket of this paint requires: 8 liters hot water, 1 kg rye flour, 1 kg iron sulfate, 120 g of kitchen salt, 0.8 liters of drying oil and 4 kg of ocher. The same recipe can be found everywhere on the Internet, although in each case the proportions may differ slightly. For painting roofs, a Finnish recipe with twice the drying oil content is usually used.

For home use often do decorative types paints, for example stained glass or for glass painting. In most cases, the base is the same acrylic paint, and all that remains is to understand what to add so that the composition acquires the desired properties. Thus, marker paint is obtained by adding polyurethane and epoxy resin, which provide it with smoothness and elasticity combined with water-repellent properties.

Any paint becomes fireproof by adding the right types fire retardant, and the metallic color can be complemented by a characteristic texture through the addition of metal chips.

Rubber and powder paint , widely used in the automotive industry, are perhaps the only paint and varnish materials that are usually not made at home due to the complexity of the process and the inability to get everything necessary ingredients proper quality.

For those who are just experimenting with creating homemade paints, a few more proven tips will be useful:

  • When mixing wood paints (in particular, for furniture), the use of a fire retardant in the recipe is mandatory, because only this component guarantees that the surface will not contribute to the spread of fire.
  • If a painted surface requires centuries of service, it is foolish to rely on water-based paints. The widespread use of acrylic dispersion as a base is precisely due to the fact that such a base is very durable, which is why it is worth paying extra for it.

Decorative laminate high pressure(HPDL/ HLP - High Pressure Decorative Laminate) began to be produced in modern form in 1935 in Germany. It was there that a method was found for producing colorless binder resins. This material has external decorative surface, used for the manufacture of furniture, interior decoration and as ventilated facades of buildings. HLP sheets contain 70% paper and 30% synthetic resins with various additives.

What are high pressure plastics made of?

  • Melamine. The base components are synthesized from cooled air in the form of crystalline dust, easily soluble in warm water.
  • Phenol. A distillation product of wood and mineral oils.
  • Formalin. An aqueous solution of formaldehyde obtained by catalytic oxidation of methanol. Used as a melamine and phenol stabilizer.
  • Other supplements, providing special properties of plastics, for example, fire resistance.
  • Kraft paper or craft. Typically brown, cellulose-based, stretch and moisture resistant.
  • Decorative paper or chlorine-free alpha cellulose decor. May have White color, be painted in a single color or with a pattern simulating wood, stone or metal surfaces.
  • Transparent paper- overlay. Used in the absolute majority ®. Responsible for the resistance of the laminate to scratches and tears.

Stages of manufacturing DBSP

  1. Assessing the quality of all incoming raw materials, especially paper.
  2. Production of resin solutions.
  3. Impregnation of papers with melamine and phenol.
  4. Drying separately for crafting and overlay.
  5. Cutting paper to specified sizes.
  6. Assembling bags from impregnated papers and steel interlining sheets for loading into the press.
  7. Hot pressing.
  8. Trimming and processing the underside of sheets with an abrasive tape.
  9. Final quality check.
  10. Packaging and shipping to customers.

Manufacturing decorative plastics High Quality requires that all 10 stages take place strictly at one production site.

Fundamental differences between high and continuous (low) pressure plastics

In the high pressure production process, all kinds special paper, included in their composition, first undergo an impregnation and drying procedure. To impart postformability, a solution of phenolic resins is used. Kraft paper is impregnated with it and then dried. To ensure that the surface is hard and resistant to various influences, a melamine solution is used. Decorative and protective paper is impregnated with it. Overlay with melamine reliably protects the plastic from abrasion, stains and scratches. Additional consumer properties (non-flammability, increased wear resistance) are ensured by the use of special additives during the impregnation and drying process.

Next, a kind of “sandwich” is assembled from paper with a gasket on the side of the decorative layer steel sheet with an applied structure to create a textured plastic surface. The resulting “packages” are placed in multi-story hot presses, where they are “cooked” for 35-50 minutes at a temperature of about 130°C under a pressure of about 5 atmospheres. These effects ensure the penetration of resins into the structure paper base, which, while filling the fibers, change it at the chemical level. The polymerization process creates a monolithic sheet material with unique performance properties.

High and continuous pressure pressing

Characteristic High pressure DBSP / HPL Low pressure DBSP / CPL
Type of press Multi-storey flat Roller
Pressure/atmospheres 5 Not higher than 1.5
Time of exposure to temperature and pressure during pressing from 35 to 50 minutes about 15 seconds
Method for creating surface structure Steel interlining sheet Structure paper and steel belt
Thickness of produced plastic from 0.5 to 40 millimeters from 0.2 to 0.8 mm
Possibility of obtaining glossy materials Yes, including high gloss No
Features of application Production of structural panels, including ventilated facades Only thin plastics in rolls and sheets

High-pressure DBSP can be used not only in furniture production. Their wear resistance and resistance to various kinds influences are given more ample opportunities for use in particular in interior and exterior decoration buildings. Low-pressure plastics lag significantly behind in these parameters, so they are used only in the manufacture of interior elements, for example, interior doors.

Materials and tools for work:

  1. Buttons on the leg with a relief pattern;
  2. — mass for creating molds;
  3. Baked polymer clay, I used plastic (marble swamp);
  4. round shape;
  5. Baby powder;
  6. Knitting needle.

Operating procedure:

Part 1 “Making molds (casts)”

  1. Dust the textured surface of the button with powder. Remove excess powder with a brush.

  2. Roll out a layer of Sculpey Mold Maker clay onto work surface, on which we will subsequently bake the resulting mold. The thickness of the layer should be a couple of millimeters greater than the height of the button from which we have to take an impression. Learn more about how to roll out a layer of the required thickness.
  3. We evenly immerse the outer part of the button into the prepared layer of mold maker. To make it easier to “press” it evenly into the plastic, I used a cutter with a smaller diameter than the button itself.

  4. Carefully move the mold-maker towards the button so that it tightly adheres to the edges of the sample.

  5. We pass the knitting needle through the eye of the button and remove the button from the mold maker with a straight upward movement. The quality of the beads that we will make depends on the quality of the resulting casts, therefore, if the cast is not quite even or the pattern is “blurred” when the button is removed from the plastic, then it is better to crumple the mold-maker and start all over again.

  6. Now, using a round cutter with a diameter larger than the resulting cast, we cut off the excess mold-maker around the cast. It is very important that the button print is strictly in the middle.

  7. In order not to distort the shape of the impression, bake the resulting mold together with the cutter in an oven at a temperature of 110-130°C for 20 minutes. It is necessary to take two identical impressions from one button.

Now that the molds are ready, you can begin making the lentil beads themselves with a textured surface.

Part 2 “Making lentils with a double-sided textured surface”

The process is extremely simple:

The bead is ready! Its further decoration depends on your ideas. You can bake it as is. Or you can apply a powder-pigment like VIVA Décor or Pearl Ex on the raw (unbaked) plastic with sliding movements of the brush, as I did. Or tint an already baked button with acrylic paints.

All that remains is to talk about how to calculate exactly the amount of plastic so that it strictly fills the entire cavity of the mold.

An extruder comes to the rescue in solving this issue: we charge it with plastic and squeeze out the sausage. The shape of the nozzle used does not matter. Using a ruler, we make markings on the sausage in increments of 1 cm. We experimentally determine how many centimeters of such a sausage fit into our casting mold: that is, for example, we take a 4 cm sausage “by eye,” roll up a bead, pierce it with a pin, fold a sandwich and look at the result. Was plastic surgery not enough? Then add another centimeter of sausage to these two centimeters and make a bead again, and so on until you achieve the desired result. On my third attempt I managed to select the required volume of plastic and now I know that for a specific shape I will need 6.5 cm of square sausage from any polymer clay. In this way, you can measure plastic to make beads of the same size.

Instead of an extruder, you can use a pasta machine: roll out a layer of clay and use a small cutter, for example, a round one (the shape doesn’t matter), cut into circles. In this case, the measure of the required volume will not be the centimeters of the sausage, but the number of plastic circles of the same thickness and diameter.

And finally one more small idea for the production of beads textured on both sides with a groove along the edge. To make such a bead, we will take more plastic than the mold can accommodate. That is, instead of 6.5 cm of the same sausage, we take 8 cm. We squeeze the “sandwich” leaving a gap between the two casts.

Glass products can be made using various methods- casting, rolling, pressing, drawing or blowing.

When casting glass melt, special steel molds are used to produce various architectural, construction and artistic products. The same method is used in the manufacture of discs for lenses of complex optical technology.

Manufacturing and production of glass products

The glass production process involves the sequential implementation of the following technological operations:

  • preparation of raw materials, their grinding and drying;
  • production of glass batch - preparing a mixture of components while maintaining certain proportions;
  • glass melting;
  • production of materials and products using various techniques molding;
  • thermal, chemical or mechanical restoration products in order to improve their properties.

Sheet glass, which is the most common in construction, is made using one of the following methods:

  • Pulling. A tape is drawn from hot and viscous glass melt using a special machine, which can pass between rotating shafts through a fire-resistant beam with a special slot (boat) or freely (boatless method). Next, the workpiece is cooled and annealed in the machine chamber. In this way, glass with a thickness of 2 to 6 mm is produced;
  • Continuous rental. This method involves pouring glass melt onto a flat surface and rolling it with rollers, the surface of which can be glossy or textured;
  • Float method (floating tape). The surface of the molten metal is used to form the glass strip.

The last method is the most modern. Its advantage is a perfectly flat and smooth surface glass that does not require additional grinding and polishing.

Pressing glass products

Pressing is quite simple and long known to mankind a method of molding glass products, with the help of which various shaped products are obtained. The technology for this method of processing glass melt is simple. A viscous workpiece of a certain volume and mass is placed in a matrix (mold) and pressed down with a punch. As a result, the glass melt fills the space between the surface of the mold and the punch. Manual, semi-automatic and automatic devices are used for pressing.

Characteristic features glass products, made by this method, is the presence of side seams and uneven diameter (at the bottom the glass is always thicker than the walls). Thanks to the simple and fast production such products are relatively cheap.

Decoration of glass products

To decorate glass products, a wide range of technological techniques are used that allow you to achieve the necessary artistic and aesthetic effect.

The following methods can be used during the molding process decorative processing glass:

  • overlay glass (overcolor);
  • colored spots;
  • imitation marble;
  • bubbles inside the glass;
  • textured surface (wavy, rolled or grooved);
  • crackle;
  • decoration using colored threads, stripes, cords;
  • decoration using glass fiber and fiberglass;
  • bulk drawing.

Decoration of already molded glass products can be done using mechanical or chemical methods, as well as using various coatings and films.

Mechanical processing methods include the following techniques decoration:

  • number grinding;
  • diamond edge;
  • washer face;
  • engraving;
  • sandblasting.

Chemical decoration is carried out using hydrofluoric acid and general view called etching. Depending on the characteristics of the technology, a distinction is made between simple (guilloche) and pantograph etching. Deep artistic etching is also used, which is the most labor-intensive and expensive method of finishing glass.

For application decorative coatings and films are used:

  • painting;
  • silk-screen printing;
  • iridescence;
  • decals;
  • photo printing;
  • aerosols:
  • luster paints.

Decorating glass during the manufacturing process is simpler and cheaper, so it is used more often than decorating a finished product.

Buy glass and glass products in Moscow

Glass products are used as spectacular elements decor, can be a wonderful gift or part of an elegant interior. Therefore, many companies are engaged in the production various types glass products. Given the variety of manufacturing and decoration methods, as a rule, companies specialize in one or another type of product.

In Moscow, glass and glass products are manufactured by:

  • S-glass - a company specializing in the manufacture glass partitions, doors and other interior elements;
  • Stained glass manufactory No. 1 - produces unique stained glass windows;
  • Glass Decor is one of the leading companies specializing in decorating glass products;
  • Mercury 6 - specializes in the design, manufacture and installation of glass structures of any complexity;
  • Rusjam is a company of the Shishejam group, the world leader in the production of glass containers;
  • Promsteklo - the company processes broken glass and also produces glass furniture and interior items.

Glass blowers

The production of glass products using the blowing method is carried out by representatives of a special profession - blowers. They roll the glass melts on tiles or in a boiler room, taking into account the shape of the future product. Next, technological operations are performed, as a result of which blank jars are obtained that are sent for further processing.

A professional blower must have an excellent understanding of the technology for producing glass and glass products. He knows the techniques and methods of blowing glass products, including those with complex configurations and increased dimensions. Blowers must be well aware of all the requirements for the quality of their products and understand possible reasons the appearance of marriage and take measures to prevent it.

Glass products manufacturers and suppliers

Many Russian companies produce and supply high-quality glass to the market.

As a rule, each company specializes in a certain form products, for example:

  • “Tempered Glass Factory” produces high-strength glass used in construction and design;
  • Zavod Symbol LLC produces laboratory glass and souvenirs, as well as various containers;
  • Steklo Lux LLC specializes in the production of automobile glass;
  • Znamensky Composite Plant uses ultra-modern technologies and materials for production building materials, including fiberglass pipes.

The range of glass products is wide and varied, which allows you to find the optimal manufacturer and supplier.


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