Old Russian legends about the war with China. Unique knowledge

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You fool, this is not Levashov’s fantasy, I myself don’t really like him, but this is a fact that many people know even without Levashov, or do you think everyone has the same short memory as you? Not all the Magi and Old Believers were destroyed in their time; in Rus' to this day there are many keepers of this knowledge, but many are undermined by it, and the true ones are considered insane, and the most famous reteller of our ancient history is Pushkin, who raised him? That's right - Arina Rodionovna, who was she? That's right - an Old Believer. More than half of the fairy tales that Pushkin wrote are precisely those fairy tales told by her, simply translated by him into poetic form, and then there are Russians folk tales , all this, of course, needs to be understood and be able to decipher. In those ancient times, it was forbidden to record history, all holders of chronicles and writings were burned at the stake as heretics, after which the people decided to pass on history orally from mouth to mouth, such “storytellers” - from the word - “legend”, were considered guslars, then guslars They began to burn them at the stake along with the harp. At one time, I didn’t touch on this topic about the Old Believers and didn’t think about history at all, but when I saw our coat of arms, I couldn’t understand what it meant, and after thinking logically I immediately realized that a warrior kills not just a dragon, but something that is associated with dragon and China immediately came to mind, in Russia the dragon was called the Serpent Gorynych, which means Gorynych is something that arrived from beyond the mountains, it follows: “China is the Dragon”, is located behind the mountains, then I remembered the mythical “Mongol-Tatars” and figured where is Mongolia and where is Tatarstan? But those who at one time were presented as “Mongol-Tatars” could not, in principle, fight with Russia, the Tatars were part of Rus', and the Mongols were too backward in development, now the situation is no better, but people do not know how to think differently when they have a brain at the level of a caterpillar, but the Mongols, like the Chinese, are Mongoloids... We remember: With a long braid on a bald head, narrow eyes - a typical samurai... Can you tell the Mongol-Tatars in this photo? No, the Chinese... I studied the battle on the Kalka River for a long time and came across a medieval depiction of this battle, two absolutely identical troops are fighting there, both in equipment and in appearance, only some have a regular banner, while others have a flag with a face in addition to the banner Christ, the idea immediately arises that there is a confrontation on religious grounds. Then I decided to take an interest in the Great “Chinese” Wall and found an article about it, which said that it was built with loopholes towards China, which means someone built it against China, I began to find out who was fighting with China at that time and came across Tartaria, then found maps of Great Tartaria, and after that the President of Russia himself officially unveiled these maps, which are now kept in the museum. Well, finding out who George the Victorious was was not difficult. Now I am interested in St. Petersburg and its imaginary “three-hundred-year” history, which was invented by Peter, who destroyed everything Russian, our calendar, our chronology, and if you are not too lazy, you will find a decree of Peter I which states that from that moment on a year was introduced in Rus' 1700 from the Nativity of Christ, as in all of Europe.... Ladushki, I wasn’t too lazy to look, otherwise it’s important for you independent “Slavs” to search ()... After which Petrusha changed our ABC, shaved off the boyars’ beards, although in Rus' it was considered a disgrace to be bare-bearded. But the monoliths and buildings of St. Petersburg are something grandiose and even our technologies are beyond the power, and such things as St. Isaac's Cathedral Even Hitler did not dare to bomb during the war, and when the topic came up that the Germans would enter St. Petersburg, the Chikists delivered an ultimatum: “if the Krauts enter Leningrad, it will be blown up until it is razed to the ground. Since Hitler was obsessed with the theme of the Slavic-Aryans, on this basis he created the organization “Ahnenerbe” - “the heritage of our ancestors,” and it was this heritage that Hitler tried to take away from under our noses. Do you want to know the truth? Seek, and do not despise those who seek.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to tell you about another Great Victory, 7500 years ago, the memory of which they are diligently trying to destroy...

But before looking deeply into the past, I would like to repeat once again: our fathers and grandfathers, showing heroism, fortitude and military skill, won the Great Victory, forcing one of the strongest armies to sign an act of surrender in 1945, thereby CREATING THE WORLD. Remember this phrase, it will make the bizarre labyrinths of the past clear.

Few people know that modern “year calculation” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700. This act was committed by Peter I, or more precisely, by his DOUBLE. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer of 7208, according to the current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current calendar, starting the countdown from 1700.

This act was committed by Peter I, or more precisely, by his DOUBLE. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer of 7208, according to the current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current calendar, starting the countdown from 1700.

You may ask, what does the memory of the Great Victory have to do with it?

The fact is that any calculation has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example, now is 2013 (GOD - Lord) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar, marked by Peter, also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the land of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATE THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar, which begins its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication, there are 7521 summers.

It was possible to level this point of reference, make it abstract, and then erase it from human memory and official “history” by replacing the image of the word PEACE. Each of us knows that in the Russian language there are words that are homonyms, identical in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for this strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. In fact, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter consisted of 49 letters. Among the initial letters that fell under the “reduction” and are now missing was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION. And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as mir meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word written as world had the image of the universal world, the UNIVERSE. We know common in Soviet time a slogan that includes both words with different meanings: “To the world - Peace!”, that is, to the universal world - Peace without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including chronology. First, the letter “i” in the word PEACE was replaced by the letter “i”, and “the creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

In parallel, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by the Knight-Ariya, the Dragon (symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Knight-Aryan, who in Rus' was called Yuri, received the name George (which in Greek means farmer) Should we remind you that the tiller who cultivates the land is an Aryan, an Aryan? Nevertheless, St. George has remained the patron saint of farmers in most modern cultures.

Substitution three important image components Great Victory- the words PEACE (without war) on the Universe, DRAGON (Chinese) on the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight on the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of the countdown of our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter, in the year 7208, to painlessly and without resistance replace our ancient calendar with the European one.


The Great Wall of China is one of the largest structures in the world, about 9,000 kilometers long. It is generally accepted that the Chinese built the Wall of China to protect against raids by nomads from the north. All the textbooks say this. And millions of tourists a year come from all over the world to see this Chinese miracle. And it is unlikely that scientists will ever try to argue with this truism, if not for one “but”.

In 2011, a group of British archaeologists made a sensational discovery that negates all the usual ideas about Russian-Chinese history. Scientists have discovered a previously unknown part of the Great Wall of China.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The site, which until today the Chinese kept, thanks to them for this, and restored as best they could, remained a prohibited object for study. It is not recommended for study - to put it mildly. Therefore, all the archaeologists who tried to study it did not receive grants and did not receive permission to publish information about their research.”

Having studied in detail the found section of the Chinese Wall, scientists came to a sensational conclusion. The loopholes for firing in it are directed not at the country where the nomads lived, but to the south, that is, towards China.

What does this mean? It turns out that the Great Chinese Wall built backwards front side to China. But how is this possible? The Chinese could not build the largest fortification in the world directed against themselves. Or was it not the Chinese who built the wall? But then who? And from whom did she serve as protection?

Ancient Chinese Rus'

Experts have calculated that it took more than 240 million to build the Great Wall of China. cubic meters building materials. If we imagine a similar construction site in modern world, then tens of thousands of kilometers are needed to implement it railways, hundreds of trains continuously delivering construction materials, thousands of cranes and tens of thousands of trucks. All this should serve millions of people for many, many decades.

But then who cares ancient world It was possible to build such a large-scale fortification, in comparison with which even the construction of the Egyptian pyramids seems like just a game in the sandbox.

Rodobor, historian Ancient Rus': “It would be stupid for the Chinese to build the Great Wall of China in order to reverse side defend yourself. Rather, this wall was built in distant, ancient times to protect ourselves from unwanted peoples.”

It is known that the closest neighbors of the Chinese in those days were the northern nomads. Historians say that this tribe was unlikely to be able to build something like that. After all, when one of the most ancient civilizations in the world - the Chinese - already owned the secret of producing silk, gunpowder and paper, only barbarians lived nearby. Nomads in those days could only build a fence around their tents, but nothing more.

Pavel Sviridov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Cosmonautics: “Creating such a structure, especially for ancient China, is impossible in principle, and there is no point. Because if there is some kind of threat, then it must be localized, an army must be gathered for this purpose, and it must be performed. What if we don’t know where it comes from? From a military and economic point of view, it makes no sense to build such a wall.”

But if nomads did not build the Great Wall of China, then who and, most importantly, for what?

In search of answers, scientists turned to ancient geography. Among the museum's treasures, they discovered the first geographical atlas in history. The world map in it was compiled by Abraham Ortelius and published on May 20, 1570 in Belgium.

However, until recently, scientists could not find a reasonable explanation for the information it contains. After all, the map clearly shows that where the territory is located today Far East, Mongolia was located. Upon closer examination of the map, it becomes clear that there are two Chinas on it. One is called the familiar word CHINA (“tea”), and the name of the second resembles the Russian reading “katai”. And where the Great Wall of China passes, it is clear that the state bordering ancient China is Tartary.

But why is there no information about the state, which, as can be seen on the ancient map, occupied half of the Eurasian continent. Who inhabited Tartary? Was it really this civilization that was able to build the Great Wall of China?

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “Suddenly today, when medieval maps began to be published, we discovered that in the territories about which we were previously taught one thing, completely different states are indicated. Moreover, the states were such that they occupied almost half of the Euro-Asian continent. We are talking about Tartary."

Chinese chronicles indicate that white people lived in the territory where Tartaria was once located. They could speak directly with the celestials, for which the ancient Chinese called them “white gods.” However, in order to say who exactly the white gods who inhabited Tartary were, scientists needed to have something more than chronicles. But they had nothing.

Everything changed when, in 2013, scientists finally received the results of an examination of unusual ancient vessels discovered back in 1960 in the territory considered the cradle of Chinese culture - in Henan province.

It turned out that the bowls, amphoras, and jugs discovered at the excavation site were decorated with ancient writings that had nothing to do with Chinese hieroglyphs.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “We can judge only by archaeological data, because there, in the depths of the Neolithic, no written history, no epics, nothing “reaches”. All Neolithic products have the same “civilizational” approach.”

However, scientists could not say which civilization the ancient vessels belonged to. for a long time. It took more than 50 years to decipher these mysterious signs. And when the experts received the first result, it shocked them.

It turned out that the signs depicted on the ceramics completely coincide with the ancient Russian script - runitsa. But what does this mean? Did the ancient vessels really have Russian origin? If this is true, then how did they end up in Ancient China? After all, the distance from the Celestial Empire to the borders of Ancient Rus' was calculated in thousands of kilometers.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “On Chinese ceramics, on those found in the northern lands, letters were found in plural and all of them are absolutely identical to the letters that were found on the ceramics of the southern Russian territories, where Tripoli and a number of other cultures were located. Even Chinese historians say that writing came to China from Russian territories.”

It was this fact that allowed scientists to put forward a shocking version - ancient Tartaria and part of modern Chinese territories were once inhabited by the Slavs. But if the Chinese lands were once Russian, what happened several thousand years ago when the Russians abandoned their territories? And why is history silent about this today?

Bear vs dragon

Chinese ceramic vessels decorated with runitsa have caused a lot of controversy in the scientific world. Could the territories of the Celestial Empire, where ancient artifacts were discovered, once belong to the Russians? And does this mean that ancient geography will have to be rewritten? Perhaps all these questions would have remained unanswered, but in the 20th century, scientists discovered well-preserved mummies in the territory of the former Tartaria, which is part of modern China.

It was this discovery that shed light on the origin of ancient vessels and lifted the veil of secrecy about the construction of the Great Wall of China.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The Chinese were so happy about this discovery that they invited American geneticists and anthropologists to reveal the sensation to the whole world. Because the Chinese were confident that they had found their ancestors."

But it turned out that the discovered mummies had European faces. This fact has puzzled scientists. Who were these people, how could they have ended up in ancient China and why were they buried with all possible honors?

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The mummies (they were called Tarim mummies or mummies of the Tarim Basin) were tall - more than eighty meters, fair-haired with high position waist."

The discovery generated controversy in scientific circles for a long time, but everything changed when specialists received genetic analysis of the remains.

Andrey Tyunyaev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “We did genetic studies of these mummies, and these genetic studies showed that they, these mummies, have the same genetics as the modern population of the Vologda, Tver, and Moscow regions of Russia. That is, the same genes.”

This means that in the territory Ancient China The Russians were buried with all honors. It turns out that ancient Tartaria was inhabited by our ancestors - the Slavs, which means that the Chinese called them white gods.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “When American geneticists carried out a genetic examination and saw that these were ordinary Russians, the Chinese kicked out the American geneticists, filled up all their excavations, and since then a ban has been imposed on the study of these mummies, they are no longer studied.”

However, the results of the study were already sufficient for scientists to draw conclusions. But why then did the people of the Celestial Empire treat their northern neighbors with such deep respect and where could Russian mummies in China come from if the first mention of the Slavs as a separate people dates back only to the eighth century? And this is 3000 years later than the Russian mummies were buried.

Historian of Ancient Rus' Rodobor: “History was rewritten. It is no secret that our history was written by the Germans: Miller, Bayer and Schlözer. One of them did not know Russian. These were “specialists” who wrote not only for Russia, state history, but not the history of the people."

Moreover, having studied the mummies in detail, archaeologists discovered on one of them traces of a complex surgical operation. It’s hard to believe, but on one of the mummies traces of surgical intervention are clearly visible - the stitches that were preserved after careful professional incisions indicated that one of these people had undergone lung surgery during their lifetime.

Andrey Shlyakhov, sinologist: “This is a rather technically complex operation - you need to open the chest. It is possible to perform an operation on a breathing lung if you know where to ligate the vessels and cut off the affected area, which most likely did not function. It all came down to opening the chest so that the person would not feel pain and to comply with all the necessary rules, not to cause an infection and to leave the patient.”

But how is this possible 3000 years before the first lung surgery? After all, according to official history, such surgical experiments began to be carried out only in 1881. Then, for the first time, scientists were able to remove part of a dog’s lung, but even then the operation was unsuccessful, and the experimental animal soon died.

However, the facts speak for themselves: the man whose mummy was examined by scientists actually underwent a complex lung operation during his lifetime. But then who could have carried it out in the ancient world, really the Chinese?

Andrey Shlyakhov, sinologist: “It’s hard to believe, because, firstly, this operation is of a more complex technical nature. It requires complex instruments, including optical ones, and the Chinese had absolutely no such knowledge.”

It is generally accepted that the discoverers of medicine are the Chinese. There is no doubt that it was the people of the Celestial Empire who were the first to discover the human circulatory system and the first to discover the existence of bacteria. Ancient Chinese treatises that have survived to this day are replete with colorful images of complex medical operations, and all this - thousands of years before the first surgeon in Europe picked up a scalpel to remove a patient’s appendix.

Probably, the whole world would have considered Chinese doctors the founders of ancient surgery, if records had not been discovered in a Chinese medical treatise, which was written back in the 3rd century AD. It says that the operation on the found mummies could not have been performed by the Chinese.

Peter Oleksenko, historian: “Among these artifacts we can see various manuscripts, ancient texts, treatises and various maps, compiled either on parchment, or on pieces of leather, or on some material that has long-term storage. Ancient specialists in medicine, as well as in other sciences, who lived not only in China, but also in other countries, knew how to produce miracles.”

An ancient handwritten document said that hundreds of years before the first, most primitive medical knowledge that the Chinese began to possess, white people came to the Celestial Empire to give its people strength and health. The chronicle describes in detail how the white people, whom the Chinese called gods, taught their people the art of healing.

Pyotr Oleksenko, historian: “White gods or, most likely, gods of the Caucasian type communicated with the Chinese. It is quite possible that in ancient times it was the white race that existed everywhere, and, most likely, they were not just gods, but representatives of a highly developed civilization. It is quite possible that this is what the gods looked like, since in the Chinese pantheon there are gods who look humanoid.”

But who were these gods who shared their knowledge with the people of the Celestial Empire? It would seem that historians can no longer find an answer to this question. After all, the documentary sources that have survived from those times can be counted on one hand. However, the solution came unexpectedly. An ancient Chinese treatise also said that the white gods came to the Chinese from the north. It is known that of the ancient lands, only Tartaria was located north of China. But what does this mean? Was it really the Slavs who inhabited Tartaria who gave medical knowledge to the Chinese?

Pyotr Oleksenko, historian: “Specialists who were involved in deciphering those texts often say that it was written in the books that the Chinese allegedly received knowledge from some northern country or from somewhere in the north, from the sages, but what kind of country is this and where was it then?

The Chinese treatise also says: “If the disease did not respond to treatment with drugs or acupuncture, then the white gods made an incision and removed the diseased organ.” The chronicles describe in detail the methods and means of restoring a removed organ - all those actions that we would today call an organ transplant.

Pyotr Oleksenko, historian: “Chinese experts found quite a large number of various scientific treatises. And among these treatises there are works on medicine. These books simply surprise and amaze us, because they describe various complex surgical operations. But how could ancient masters, already in the 3rd-5th centuries AD, perform such complex operations as organ transplants or incisions into the internal parts of the lung?”

Organ transplantation in the ancient world, two millennia before formal surgery? Indeed, according to generally accepted history, the first human-to-human organ transplantation was performed by Professor Yuriy Voronoi, and this happened only in 1933 in Kherson. And the world's first lung transplant was performed even later, in 1963, then Dr. James Hardy replaced his patient's lung, but he soon died. But if our ancestors really were able to carry out the most complex surgical operations thousands of years ago, then it is not so difficult to believe that it was they who could build the Great Wall of China.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The civilization of China from the north was built by people from Russian territories. They came from the north to the central and northern regions of modern China, settled and created their own civilization. They built this wall, which, in general, was still, in some part, a military structure.”

But if it was the Slavs who bestowed knowledge on the Chinese, then what happened thousands of years ago, why did the Russian people separate from the Chinese with a high, impregnable wall? And was it really necessary to introduce such an incredible fortification to protect against people? Or did the Great Wall of China serve as a barrier against superhuman force?

Researchers found the key to the solution in an ancient Russian legend, according to which, many thousands of years ago, a long bloody war was waged between the Russian people and an unknown civilization called the race of the great dragon. Losses on both sides reached such proportions that humanity was on the verge of extinction.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “Moreover, the most surprising thing is that we find echoes of these great battles in Slavic legends, in Chinese legends, in the legends of the peoples of Siberia. There is a mention in them that some great battle was taking place between the white race and the dragon race.”

According to legend, the result of the war was the victory of the white race, and 7523 years ago, peace was concluded between the two civilizations. People called this day the creation of the world. From now on Slavic people created the first calendar in history, which existed until the time of Peter the Great. And few people know that the image of the coat of arms of Moscow, familiar to everyone from childhood, in which St. George the Victorious defeats the dragon, is nothing more than a reflection of the ancient battle when the Slavs defeated the people of the dragon, that is, the Chinese.

Alexander Asov, historian: “We see a reflection of this legend in the legend of St. George the Victorious. It is curious that St. George the Victorious is also known to the Vedas of Rus'. He is known as Yegor the Brave, one of the leaders, of the princes, who is revered to this day and is still depicted on our coins."

Legend has it that after the creation of the world it was built Great Wall, which marked the borders of the state of the ancient Rus. The people of the great dragon were forbidden to cross the border, which served as a great wall, called “Ki-Tai”.

Historians are well aware that the word “kiy” in ancient Russian meant “fence”, and the word “tai” in modern reading sounds like “top”. This means that “China” in Rus' was used to call an impregnable wall.

Rodobor, historian of Ancient Rus': “The Chinese are the peoples who at that time most likely lived next to this building, with Chinese wall. Maybe that's why they were called "Chinese". Drawing further analogies, for example, in Moscow, Kitai-Gorod, what remains of it is the same wall, there is nothing more there. But the Chinese didn’t live there.”

It would seem that the ancient legend put everything in its place, but new questions arose. What civilization, called the “great dragon,” did the ancient Rus fight against? Where did she come to us from and where did she disappear? If these were the Chinese we know today, then why did ancient cartographers know nothing about them? After all, China first appeared on world maps only in the 15th century AD. But then who actually inhabited the territory of China in ancient times?

material prepared by Svetlana Voronova based on the film ""

Taking this opportunity, we would like to tell you about another Great Victory, 7500 years ago , the memory of which they are diligently trying to destroy...

But before looking deeply into the past, I would like to repeat once again: our fathers and grandfathers, showing heroism, fortitude and military skill, won the Great Victory, forcing one of the strongest armies to sign an act of surrender in 1945, thereby CREATING THE WORLD. Remember this phrase, it will make the bizarre labyrinths of the past clear.

Few people know that modern “year calculation” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700.

This act was committed by Peter I, or more precisely, by the one we are. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer 7208th, according to the current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current year calendar, starting from 1700.

You may ask, what does the memory of the Great Victory have to do with it?

The fact is that any calculation has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example, at the time of publication of this article the year is 2013 (GOD - Lord) from the Nativity of Christ .

Of course, our calendar, marked by Peter, also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the land of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATE THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that 7208 years, right up to the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar, which begins its counting from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication (2013 AD), it is 7521 summer.

It was possible to level this point of reference, make it abstract, and then erase it from human memory and official “history” by replacing the image of the word PEACE. Each of us knows that in the Russian language there are words homonyms, identical in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for this strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. In fact, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter consisted of 49 letters. Among the initial letters that fell under the “reduction” and are now missing was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION, . And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as world- meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word is written as world– had the image of the universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know a common slogan in Soviet times that includes both words with different meanings: “Peace to the world!”, that is to the world universal - World without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including chronology. First, the letter “i” in the word PEACE was replaced by the letter “i”, and “the creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

In parallel, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by the Knight-Ariya, the Dragon (symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Knight-Aryan, who in Rus' was called Yuri, received the name George (which in Greek means farmer) Should we remind you that the tiller who cultivates the land is an Aryan, an Aryan? Nevertheless, St. George has remained the patron saint of farmers in most modern cultures.

The substitution of three important components of the image of the Great Victory - the word PEACE (without war) with the Universe, DRAGON (Chinese) with the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight with the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of the countdown of our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter, in the year 7208, to painlessly and without resistance replace our ancient calendar with the European one.

If we look carefully at how over the past 20 years our Victory in the Great Patriotic War they are trying to belittle and negate its original meaning - a parallel will become visible with the events of the abolition of the Slavic calendar.

At the beginning, they began to convince us that this Victory was a holiday for veterans, and this event had no direct relation to us, contemporaries. Then, they began to say that celebrating bloody events is bad and it would be better for us to consider it not a Victory holiday, but a day of sorrow, remembrance, etc. At the same time, all the “knights” whose deeds became a noticeable contribution to the Victory are denigrated. For example, Zhukov is “a bloody marshal who sends cannon fodder to the slaughter.” The Supreme Commander-in-Chief is a “tyrant”, and it is simply indecent to mention his leading role in the Victory. The real heroes are not the pilots Kozhedub and Maresyev, but Captain America and Spider-Man. At the same time, from different “points” we hear annoying offers to pay off Eternal Lights, because it is a waste of precious gas, to demolish the statue of the Motherland on Mamayev Kurgan, because it “scares tolerant tourists”……. And so on and so forth.

So let’s not lose the bright memory of our past, about the heritage of our Great Ancestors, about our wonderful State! Long live Victory and the creation of the world! Peace to the world!


Opinion poll

Victory Day is, first of all:

Anniversary of an important historical event 12.03%
Day of Honoring Veterans of the Great Patriotic War 2.92%
Official state event 0.88%
The main national holiday 83.64%
Ordinary day 0.53%


Taking this opportunity, I would like to tell you about another Great Victory, 7500 years ago, the memory of which they are diligently trying to destroy...

But before looking deeply into the past, I would like to repeat once again: our fathers and grandfathers, showing heroism, fortitude and military skill, won the Great Victory, forcing one of the strongest armies to sign an act of surrender in 1945, thereby CREATING THE WORLD. Remember this phrase, it will make the bizarre labyrinths of the past clear.

Few people know that modern “year calculation” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700. This act was committed by Peter I, or more precisely, by his DOUBLE. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer of 7208, according to the current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current calendar, starting the countdown from 1700.

This act was committed by Peter I, or more precisely, by his DOUBLE. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer of 7208, according to the current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current calendar, starting the countdown from 1700.

You may ask, what does the memory of the Great Victory have to do with it?

The fact is that any calculation has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example, now is the YEAR 2013 (GOD - Lord) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar, marked by Peter, also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the land of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATE THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar, which begins its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication, there are 7521 summers.

It was possible to level this point of reference, make it abstract, and then erase it from human memory and official “history” by replacing the image of the word PEACE. Each of us knows that in the Russian language there are words that are homonyms, identical in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for this strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. In fact, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter consisted of 49 letters. Among the initial letters that fell under the “reduction” and are now missing was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION. And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as peace meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word written as world had the image of the universal world, the UNIVERSE. We know a slogan common in Soviet times, which includes both words with different meanings: “Peace to the World!”, that is, to Universal Peace – Peace without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including chronology. First, the letter “i” in the word PEACE was replaced by the letter “i”, and “the creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

In parallel, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by the Knight-Ariya, the Dragon (symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Knight-Aryan, who in Rus' was called Yuri, received the name George (which in Greek means farmer) Should we remind you that the tiller who cultivates the land is an Aryan, an Aryan? Nevertheless, St. George has remained the patron saint of farmers in most modern cultures.

The substitution of three important components of the image of the Great Victory - the word PEACE (without war) with the Universe, DRAGON (Chinese) with the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight with the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of the countdown of our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human life memory. This allowed Peter, in the year 7208, to painlessly and without resistance replace our ancient calendar with the European one.

If we look carefully at how over the past 20 years they have been trying to belittle our Victory in the Great Patriotic War and negate its original meaning, a parallel will become visible with the events of the abolition of the Slavic calendar.

Dates edited current state for 2013 (Note by A.N.).

There is one memorable date in the calendar of our glorious ancestors of the Slavic-Aryans, with which it is associated great battle, which laid a new starting point in their ancient calendar. It is with regret that we can state the fact that today very few people know what we are talking about. What kind of battle does few people know about? What kind of calendar are there rumors about? Yes, and the concept of the word “New Year” can remind few people of anything meaningful, not to mention the fact that this concept will evoke associations with the coming of the new year in few people.

On September 22, 2013, on the day of the autumn equinox, the enlightened part of the Slavic-Aryans or Rus will celebrate the New Year. Namely, the onset of 7522 years from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple or in abbreviated writing - 7522 S.M.Z.H.!

In order to understand all the greatness of this date, all the depth of its past, it is necessary, first, to understand for yourself what these words, incomprehensible at first glance, “Creation of the World” and even in some kind of “Star Temple” carry within themselves? And in general, where did such large numbers come from in the chronology, especially of our ancestors, to whom official history ascribes a little more than 1000 years of age?

The ancient calendar of the Chinese is well known in the world, which currently counts the year 4694, and the ancient calendar of the Jews, who already celebrated their 5774th year on September 5-6, 2013. The well-known Gregorian calendar, which we now use, is approaching the 2014 mark, and many other calendars and high-profile dates are also heard, except for one and the most important for you and me. For some reason, official historians and scientists are silent about the Slavic calendar. Also, they are silent about the surprisingly high-profile date that gave birth to a new calendar of our ancestors, which took place 7522 years ago.

But where did the Russians suddenly get 7522 years of known and explored past? Where could the ancient Slavs, who allegedly lived in dugouts, in the forest on trees or in swamps, get their ancient calendar, and which is even more ancient than all the ancient calendars of civilizations known to us?

But everything is not as scary, at first glance, as it seems, if you just want to know the truth about the true past of your ancestors, and not about the one that has been imposed for centuries by foreign historians and teachers who have enslaved the consciousness of our people with their false theories and 100% perverted facts about the life of our glorious ancestors.

But I will try to help you figure this out, in particular, with regard to the New Year holiday, please do not confuse it with the New Year, to which we are all so accustomed. There will be another article about him in due course entitled “What do we celebrate on New Year”, which will give the maximum available answers about a holiday that does not exist!

What is New Year's Eve?
The word New Year itself carries a rather simple meaning and consists of words such as new and summer, which, combined into one word, began to sound like New Year and, at the same time, the new word began to mean the onset of a new summer (Note by A.N. . - please do not confuse it with the time of year when it is hot and the harvest is ripening). Summer, in the understanding of the year, as we are now more accustomed to calling it, was written since ancient times as LETTO.

Unfortunately, the initial letter Ъ - yat, which sounded like “ie” and carried the figurative meaning of “Truely Is,” was mercilessly thrown out of the Russian primer during the reform of the Russian language carried out by Lunacharsky and Lenin, after the October seizure of power by the Jews in 1917 in Russia .

To make it reliably clear to all readers what is happening, why and where it comes from, I will try to unwind the ball of knowledge that carries the truth about our past in such a way as to touch maximum number facets associated with the New Year, and to show them not only with in-depth understanding, but also to present them in chronological order.

So, continuing the topic, let's consider what Summer is in the understanding of our ancestors?

Our ancestors had a calendar from the very beginning of their appearance on our Earth, by the way, whose name is Midgard, which means the middle earth. And the word CALENDAR itself carries answers to its origin and is associated with the name of God who gave our ancestors the calendar. And his name was the god Kolyada, so it turns out that the Gift of Kolyada, or Kolyada's Gift, began to be called a calendar. Everything is very simple when you understand Russian. There is also another name for the Calendar - Krugolet Chislobog, which essentially denotes the principle of the calendar, namely the word Krugolet means the circle of years, i.e. indicates that our ancestors considered summer to be circles, but more on that later.

In the process of the settlement of our ancestors across the continent, many peoples lost contact with their mother empire, they began to be called differently, but they all used the same calendar - Kolyada Dar, the same language - Russian, the same letters - runes. Subsequently, “scientists,” in order to somehow justify the fictitious past of all European peoples, made up their own myths and legends for them, wrote their own history for them, but they were all similar, like two peas in their essence, and originated from the origins of our culture ancestors

Thus, such concepts as the Scandinavian or Celtic calendars appeared, which for enlightened people should mean only this and nothing else. Both the Scandinavians and the Celts are Slavic-Aryan tribes who, in search of pastures, explored new lands and moved from the East to the West of the continent, thus populating all of Eurasia.

Most often, tribes received their names on behalf of the prince or king who led them. This is how the Sarmatians appeared - the people of Prince Sarmat, the Scythians - the people of Prince Scythian, the Scandinavians - the people of Prince Skand and many others.

Today, only the Orthodox Slavs, please not to confuse them with Christians, the Old Believers-Inglings and the Irish Order of Druids, use the ancient Daarian Circle of Chislobog. The name “Daariya” calendar dates back to the times when our ancestors lived on the northern continent, which was called Daariya. This continent was buried under the waters of the Arctic Ocean more than 100 thousand years ago, when Dazhdbog with his force destroyed the base of the Koshcheev (Note by A.N. - Princes of Darkness - Dark Forces) on the Moon Lele (Note by A.N. - Previously, there were 3 Moons around the Earth - Lelya, Fatta and Month), which were going to take over our Earth.

The ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar (Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog), as well as the Scandinavian or Celtic calendars, had a runic display form, i.e. Initially, the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of years were written in runes. For those who do not know, let me remind you that a RUNE is not a letter or a syllable... A rune is a complex secret image, and many runes have at least 3 levels, and only people initiated into their understanding can read the runes, but few people can read what the runes hide on other levels. The names of the months in the calendar were initially also indicated by runes, and only later a letter was added with an initial letter with a brief explanation of the semantic meaning.

It is worth noting that the year of our ancestors was divided into 9 months of 40 days each. The first month was designated by one rune, and the remaining eight months were designated by the combination of two runes, with the second rune indicating part of the cycle of rotation of our Earth around our Yarila-Sun and it was called Summer. From the word “summer” the following concepts have been preserved in the Russian language: chronicle, chronicler, chronology. Also, we say how old you are, not years.

To a modern person, the calendar of our ancestors seems unusual, but it is precisely this calendar system, and specifically the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog or Kolyada's Dar, that is the most accurate and convenient of all currently existing calendars. Moreover, over the past few tens of thousands of years, this Slavic-Aryan calendar has not “hurried” or “behind” a single day, which is not observed in any other calendar system known to us.

We will not dwell in more detail on the consideration of the ancestral calendar, but for those who are interested in studying it in detail, I recommend that you read the article “Slavic-Aryan Calendar (Vedic)”, which can easily be found on the Internet.

But it is also worth noting that the calendar of our ancestors is based on the ancient 16-digit number system. 16 years form a Circle, which passes through 9 elements, creating a Circle of Life of 144 years. The circle of years is 16 years: fifteen simple years (Approx. A.N. - a simple summer contains 365 days) and the sixteenth - Sacred Summer (consists of 369 days). This cycle is also connected with ancient events, namely, for 15 years the migration of the Clans of the Great Race from Daariya to Rasseniya took place - this is the territory from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean, and on the 16th Summer our ancestors settled in new lands and brought glory to our gods. In honor of this event, the ancestors began to celebrate PASKHET, which in modern translation from the Kh'Aryan runic means “The path along which the Gods walked” (Note by A.N. - you can read more about this in my article “What do we celebrate on Easter”) .

Initially, the counting of years is carried out from the day of the great holiday Ramha-Ita (Note by A.N. - remember this name, we will return to it later) or from the day of the New Year, i.e. the beginning of a new summer. Therefore, the New Year is a starting point, a memorable date in the events of the past of our glorious ancestors, which is so strong in their memory that in honor of it they began to count down a new era of their life, while not forgetting all the old starting points too. The memory of them has been preserved for thousands of years and these memorable dates have been preserved to this day, which truly unfold before us the whole truth about the events of the past, and even in such a way that even if you want to erase or distort it, nothing will work. These dates are so deeply ingrained in the soul, they resonate with the genetics of a person who is Russian in spirit, that at the level of his essence he can trust them as true sources from the past.

So, the guardian magicians have preserved for us the following memorable dates from the life of our ancestors - the Slavic-Aryans, and don’t let these events frighten you - I will only tell you briefly about them:

Summer 13,022 from the Great Cold or the Great Cooling (Approx. A.N. - dates are indicated for the period starting from the New Year on September 22, 2013 to September 2014 AD) - this chronology originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta onto Midgard into the Pacific Ocean. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard in the equatorial plane with a revolution period of 13 days.

Summer 40,018 from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun - a little over 40 thousand years ago, for the third time, one of the Highest (occupying a high place in the hierarchy) Slavic-Aryan Gods Perun descended on the large Heavenly chariot - Vaitmana to Midgard-Earth. He came to us from Urai-Earth from the Hall (constellation) of the Eagle.

Summer 44,558 from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia - the Great Colo, i.e. The Great Circle, i.e. the unification of the Slavic-Aryan Clans for living together, i.e., there were several stages of the settlement of Midgard. The first stage, Daaria was populated. Then, during the time of the Great Asa, the “children of Ares” migrated from the Earth of Arya (Mars). There were also migrations from Indgard. Etc. And they settled in different places, but this is all one RACE, and Dispersions are the land over which they settled. The Elder Clans gathered and created the Great Circle to live and create together.

Summer 106792 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) - in the ancient Slavic language As is a god embodied in a human body. Our Ancestors called themselves Asami, their country was called Asia (the Old Scandinavian epic “The Saga of the Ynglings” also mentions this). Asgard means “City of the Gods,” and Iriysky means because it stands on the Quiet Iriy River (abbreviated Irtish, or Irtysh). There were four Asgards in total. Asgard Daariya, located at the North Pole, died (sank) along with the death of the Northern continent - Daariya. Later, Asgard Sagdiyskiy (a region of present-day Ashgabat) and Asgard Svintjodskiy (city of Uppsala, Sweden) were built. The ruins of Ancient Asgard of Iria, destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in 1530 AD, were discovered by Peter the Great's cartographer Remizov, after which the Omsk fortress (now the city of Omsk) was built on this site.

Summer 111820 from the Great Migration from Daariya - Daariya is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our ancestors lived for a long time after settling Midgard-Earth. This continent sank as a result of a flood created by waters and fragments of the destroyed small Moon Lelya.

Summer 143004 from the period of Three Moons is the period when three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is a small Moon with an orbital period of 7 days, Fatta is a medium Moon with an orbital period of 13 days, and Month is big moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Month - were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei. Confirmation of those times has been preserved in the myths and legends of various peoples.

Summer 153380 from Assa Dei - Assa - battle of the gods or war. The period indicated in the chronology separates us from the war that took place in Svarga, not only in the World of Revealing, but also in the multidimensional Worlds of Glory and Rule. Not only people, but also Legs, Arlegs, and Gods took part in that battle. In the World of People, the grays (Kashchei) fought against the Slavs and Aryans, and on their side were blacks (people with skin the color of darkness). Before settling on Midgard-Earth, the Clans of the Holy RASA (Clans of the Aesir of the Country of the Aesir) first populated the Land of Svarog (Dey), then moved to the Earth of Oriya (Mars).

Summer 165044 from the Time of Tara - originates from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth. The polar star of the Slavic-Aryans is still called Tara, in honor of the beautiful Goddess Tara.

Summer 185780 from Thule Time - arrival of the Rasens. This Rod of Thule (Tul-fire) arrived from the Dazhdbog (Golden) Sun System from the Ingard Earth, the annual period of its rotation is 576 days, and they called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog. This Sun is located in the Hall of Ras - the White Leopard or Pardus. Their height was from 175 cm to 285 cm. Their eyes were brown (fiery) and light brown (yellow). Hair is dark brown. Russes are also called Dews. These include the peoples: Western Rossi, Lynx (eyes like Lynx), Italians, Etruscans (these or those Russians), Dacians (Dakki or Moldavians), Samaritans, Polesgi, Syrians, Thracians, Franks, Gotts, Albanians, Avars, etc. .d.

Summer 211700 from the Time of Svag - arrival of the Svyatorus from the palace of the Swan (Ursa Major). They called themselves Sva-Ga (sva-radiance, ha-promotion) - they were blue-eyed Slavs. Height 175 cm to 300 cm (relatively not tall in comparison with the Aryan Clans). Blood type 1 and 2. Hair from white to light brown. Eye color from heavenly to blue. This genus includes the following peoples: Northern Russians, Belarusians, Borus (Divine Rus from the Land of Borussia in Germany), Chervony-Rus (in Poland), Polyana, East Prussians, Silver Rus (Serbs), Croats, Irish, Scotts, Assyrians (Assy from Iria), Macedonians, etc. Their ancestral home is Earth-Ruth in the Hall of the Swan of the Sun-Arkolna system.

Summer 273908 from the Time of H'Arra - the arrival of the H'Aryans from the Hall of Finist the Clear Falcon (Horn) or, in modern terms, the constellation Orion. This genus of the Holy Race looked like this: the iris of the eye is green according to the color of their Sun-Rad, blood 1 gram, rarely 2 gram. Height from 180 to 360 cm. Hair is brown and light brown. These include: Eastern Rus, Northeastern Pruss (Pomeranian Rus or Perunov Rus), Scandinavians (Suomi, Svei, Rodei), Anglo-Saxons, Normans (Murmans), Gauls, Icelanders (Belovodsk Rusichi), the Holy Lynx people.

Summer 460532 from the Time of Gifts - the arrival of the Da'Aryans on the Whitemars (intergalactic ships) to Midgard from the Zimun Star System - the Celestial Cow (Ursa Minor), their Sun Tara (the Polar Star) - an iris of silver-eyed eye color, light brown hair color and almost whitish, blood type 1, height from 175 cm. up to 390cm. These include the Siberian Rusichs (Tabol Tartars), Northwestern Germans, Rasichs (Yugorsky and Lukomorsky), Danes, Dutch, Flemings, Lachalls, Latvians (Latvians), Rives (Lithuanians and Lithuanians), Estonians, etc.

Summer 604388 from the Time of Three Suns is one of the most Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars of Midgard-Earth. He mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation around the center of the Universe, a neighboring galaxy came closer to ours. As a result, two solar systems neighboring galaxy have become so close to ours that its two giant Suns, silvery and Green colour were observed in the sky of Midgard-Earth and were equal in size to the visible disk of our Yaril-Sun.

Well, is it impressive? Are you proud of your past? Or do you still think that this is a sick fantasy of Slavists and lovers of everything Russian? If you don’t understand, then prove that this never happened and could not have happened - you will have something to do for the rest of your days... Yes, I’ll also tell you that your research will be in great demand by the world government, and if you can refute our past with reason, then you can undoubtedly be canonized and even awarded the Nobel Prize!

In addition, most of the memorable dates of our ancestors left their mark not only in the calendars kept by the Magi, but also just around us - there are ancient buildings, ancient maps, myths and legends, tales and tales, and simply fairy tales that preserve memory about the difficult times our ancestors went through. You just need to plunge into this unknown world, study it, and you begin to understand in your soul that “even though the fairy tale is a lie, there is a hint in it, a lesson for a good fellow!”

And whoever knows how to clearly understand the messages left by their ancestors will certainly figure out where the truth is and where the lies are. And to help everyone who wants to understand this personally, Academician Nikolai Levashov left his wonderful books “Russia in Distorting Mirrors” and “The Tale of Yasny Sokol. Past and Present,” which will help you reliably understand the real chronology of past events through which our ancestors, the Slavic-Aryans, went.

The last point of reference for our ancestors, or the New Year, was the date that arose 7522 years ago from an event that was so memorable for them that they introduced in its honor new calendar and began a new calendar. What happened in those distant times?


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