Essay on society exam examples. Social Studies Essay Writing Guidelines

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Task 36 in the exam in social studies is one of the most difficult, but interesting, creative tasks- Essay writing. An essay on social studies is an essay-reasoning on a given topic. The topic of the essay is one of the quotations selected by the examiner. Quotes belong famous people and are arranged according to the science they are associated with: philosophy, social psychology, economics, sociology, political science.

As a rule, an essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something and can be of a philosophical, historical-biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular-science or purely fictional character.What should you know when writing an essay?



The meaning of the statement is revealed.

OR The content of the answer gives an idea of ​​its understanding

The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​its understanding


The nature and level of theoretical argumentation

The presence of erroneous provisions from the point of view of scientific social science leads to a decrease in the score for this criterion by 1 point

The chosen topic is revealed based on the relevant concepts, theoretical positions and conclusions

Separate concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and other components of the argumentation, are given.

There is no argumentation at the theoretical level (the meaning of key concepts is not explained; there are no theoretical provisions, conclusions).

OR Concepts, provisions and conclusions that are not directly related to the topic being disclosed are used.


The quality of the factual argument

Arguments containing factual and semantic errors that led to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement and indicate a misunderstanding of the historical, literary, geographical and (or) other material used are not counted in the assessment.


Facts and examples related to the thesis(s) being substantiated are gleaned from various sources: media reports, materials are used subjects(history, literature, geography, etc.), facts of personal social experience and own observations. At least two examples from different sources are given (examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources)

The factual argumentation related to the thesis(s) being substantiated is given based only on personal social experience and worldly ideas.

OR Examples related to the thesis(s) being substantiated are given from a source of the same type.

OR Only one example related to the thesis(s) being substantiated is given

There is no actual argument.

OR The given facts do not correspond to the thesis being substantiated

Maximum score


Pay attention to the criterion K1. If you do not reveal the meaning of the statement, or reveal it incorrectly, and the expert will give zero points for this criterion, the work is not checked further.


1. First of all, you should carefully read the instructions for task 36.

2. Topic selection. All variants of the exam have the same structure. In task 36, you are offered five essay topics in the form of quotes. famous people in the following areas: philosophy, economics, sociology and social psychology, political science, jurisprudence. To complete the task, you choose one of the proposed topics.

When choosing a topic, you should proceed from the material of which topic you are most familiar with, how much you know the terminology of this science, how convincing you can be in arguing your statements.

3 . Workload. There are no strict requirements for the volume of an essay in social science. But the common practice is to complete tasks 28-34 on one side of form No. 2, and 35-36 on the other, with full use of its area. Therefore, when preparing for the exam, you should immediately get used to working on a standard A4 sheet.

4. Begin by writing a quote, the name of the person being quoted, the science and the assignment number, for example:

36.3 - economics. “Money begets money” (T. Fuller).

This will allow you to not constantly refer to the task form during work, and it will be easier for the inspector to analyze your work.


5. Quote interpretation. First of all, you should explain how you understand the idea expressed in the quote. The same quotation can be understood different people differently, or at least be interpreted with various nuances. This will allow you and the verifier to have a clear idea in what vein further reasoning will follow. The interpretation of the quote will take two to three sentences. Mention who the person being quoted was, if you know it.

6. Next, you should express your attitude to the thought expressed and interpreted by you. You can agree or disagree with it, or agree partially. It will depend on your assessment whether to prove, refute or partially prove and partially refute you will be quoted. Of course, you should explain your chosen position. This part of the work will also take several sentences.

7. The main part of the work - your reasoning using knowledge from the course. At the same time, it is recommended to use 5-6 terms strictly on the chosen topic, in our example - economic. Terms and concepts should be used to the point, and not randomly, mechanically, a couple of them can be deciphered, demonstrating your own vocabulary. Recall once again: reasoning and terminology should correspond to the chosen topic.

8. Argumentation . Reasoning must be supported by arguments. True, logically correct conclusions, examples, references to authoritative opinion can be used as arguments. Most often, examples are used in student essays. It is better if these are facts from scientific practice, journalism, fiction. Household examples are less preferred. It is best to give 2-3 examples from the field of science, news or fiction, one from everyday practice. If your argument examples are described in detail, two is enough. Argumentation can be organically woven into the text of your discussion on the topic, or it can become an independent part of the work, occupying a separate paragraph.

9. The work ends with a summing up, a conclusion in which the author confirms his understanding of the thought expressed. After that, the work can be considered completed.

10. Check your work regarding the search for errors, relevance to the topic, the presence of relevant concepts and terms, arguments. Of course, the text must be clear, literate, handwriting legible. It is desirable to make at least preliminary outlines of the essay in a draft.



36.5. Jurisprudence. “Laws are needed not only to frighten citizens, but also to help them” (Voltaire).

3. The meaning of the statement:

The meaning of this statement is that the laws are needed primarily by the people themselves, for their own good.

4. Own point of view :

The law is needed to intimidate citizens, since not all citizens are law-abiding. Unfortunately, laws are often violated, and with them our rights. Therefore, the law provides for measures of responsibility that forcibly force citizens to implement the law in full. The law stops many people: no crimes are committed, tk. there is a fear of criminal liability, taxes are paid. The state has proposed to the people laws that regulate human activities and that suit the majority. In order for the law to be carried out as much as possible, there are measures of responsibility, intimidation, which only help to fully function. A person who is unsure of the possibility of defending his natural rights, such as life and private property, with the help of law, namely state coercion, feels unprotected by the state. Law is one of the most important components of modern society.

In my opinion, law was originally created as a defense against absolute freedom, that is, permissiveness, not burdened with duties.

5. Argumentation at the theoretical level : (numbering is given for clarity. Not used on the exam)

1. Law is a generally binding rule that regulates the behavior and activities of members of society and (or) their relationship with the state. Regulation adopted supreme body government in the manner prescribed by the constitution.

2. Take the "Theory of the social contract" by T. Hobbes and J. Locke.

In their opinion, people by nature have inalienable natural rights - to freedom, to property, to achieve their personal goals, etc. But the unlimited use of these rights leads either to a "war of all against all", that is, to social chaos; or to the establishment of such a social order in which some cruelly and unjustly oppress others, which, in turn, gives rise to a social explosion and, again, chaos. Therefore, it is necessary that all citizens voluntarily renounce part of their natural rights and transfer them to the state, which - under the control of the people - will guarantee legality, order and justice.

3. The system of legislation in the state was created precisely for the purpose of protecting citizens, their rights and freedoms. The whole system of laws is aimed at streamlining the activities of people in all areas of their lives: personal rights and inviolability, political rights, consumer rights, and medical care.

6.Examples :

1. Every year several tens of millions of various kinds of administrative offenses are committed in the country. Therefore, the state establishes and applies measures administrative responsibility. For example, for breaking the rules traffic, for unauthorized occupation of land plots, for violation of forest management rules, for committing petty hooliganism, etc.

2. Laws are designed to protect the rights of citizens. For example, the Consumer Protection Act.

3. Laws not only streamline the life of society, but also contribute to its development. For example, according to the "Law on Education" every person has the right to receive a free secondary general education. This is not only his right, but also his duty. The state, in turn, guarantees free general secondary education.

7. Conclusion :

Administrative and legal prohibitions and responsibility for committing administrative offenses play exclusively important role in establishing and maintaining proper law and order. The state establishes for citizens and legal entities certain prohibitions for their behavior in order to protect the individual, protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, protect the environment, public order and public safety and other areas of state and public life of society. Several tens of millions of various kinds of administrative offenses are committed annually in the country. Therefore, the state establishes and applies measures of administrative responsibility.


    Use the sentence structure:

I believe (think, believe, etc.) that ..., since ...;

I think that this (act, phenomenon, situation) can be assessed as ..., because ...

I think that this (act, phenomenon, situation) can be assessed as ..., because ....

In my opinion..., I share the position of the author...;

In conclusion, it can be concluded that…

    highlight paragraphs; follow the red line; use short, simple, varied sentences.

    Have a set of definitions for each topic. Confident possession of social science terms and concepts is the primary condition for success when working on an essay.

    Use a draft when writing an essay. Between sentences, it is useful to leave empty lines, leave wide margins, where you can then make corrections, additions in the process of editing the original text.

    Be sure to write out the statement on which you will write an essay.

Social science is one of the most popular USE subjects, because a certificate with good scores in this subject opens up wide opportunities for entering highly rated universities in a variety of faculties.

If you have confidently opted for social studies or decided to take tests in this discipline, considering it easier than a number of other subjects school curriculum we invite you to know:

Although, for most schoolchildren, social studies seem to be enough simple object, the statistics of the results of the unified state exam shows that not all subjects easily get high scores. Why?

If we discard the fact that social science as a third subject is quite often chosen by 11th graders who have not decided on the desired direction of further education until the very last moment, then there are three reasons for not very successful passing the exam:

  1. Coverage in tickets of a fairly large number of topics included in the course of such subjects as: economics, politics, law, sociology and philosophy.
  2. Many schoolchildren lack the ability to quickly work with information presented in the form of tables and graphs.
  3. Essay writing problems.

It is a short essay-reasoning, in which graduates need not only to reveal the meaning of the statement, but also to argue their reasoning, skillfully operating with concepts from different topics based on personal experience, that causes difficulties for most graduates. But, in fact, everything is quite simple if you devote some time to preparing for the exam.

Where to begin?

  • Find out what essay topics will be offered at the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2018.
  • Explore each of the possible topics.
  • Make a basic plan that will help you quickly and competently write an essay on social studies and successfully enter the desired university in 2018.

Essay topics for the USE 2018 in social studies

No one can say exactly which topic will be offered to graduates in 2018, since it is announced after the envelope is opened on the day of the exam. But, you can prepare well for an essay, because all possible topics are in the collection, from which assignments for the Unified State Exam in social studies will be taken in 2018.

You can familiarize yourself with the topics and issues of various modules included in social studies on the page of our portal or save the pdf file to your computer. You can open files of this format with special programs or simply through any browser installed on your PC.

Drawing up a plan for an essay on social studies

Regardless of the direction and topic, the essay should have the following structure:

  1. Main quote.
  2. The problem and its relevance.
  3. Disclosure of the essence of the statement.
  4. Sight essay writer to the problem being solved.
  5. theoretical reasoning.
  6. Examples from personal experience or social practice, history or literature.
  7. Short conclusion.

Try to find quotes for each topic. But keep in mind that the choice of quote must be justified and supported by further reasoning and examples.

To reveal the relevance of the problem, use cliché phrases:

For correct disclosure the content of the selected topic is necessary:

  1. periodically return to the topic in different paragraphs of the essay;
  2. add brief information about the author of the statement;
  3. try not to go beyond the topic;
  4. do not dilute the text with facts and arguments that are not related to the chosen topic;
  5. describe different views on the problem and existing solutions.

An essay plan will help you not to deviate during the USE 2018 in social studies from the intended path, according to which you can easily write an essay-reasoning step by step.

When formulating the main idea, do not completely repeat the statement, but use the appropriate clichés:

  • “The meaning of the statement is that…”
  • “The author is absolutely convinced that…”
  • “The author is trying to draw attention to the fact that…”

When expressing your opinion, do not rush to take the side of the author. You can agree with him only partially or even argue, providing weighty arguments in favor of your position. Depending on the chosen direction, phrases can be used in the block:

It is necessary to argue your opinion at the theoretical and empirical levels. Therefore, when drawing up your plan for an essay for the USE 2018, be sure to prepare examples from life, theoretical material from various topics in social studies, as well as historical facts.

A conclusion is 1-2 sentences that summarize the reasoning.

Teacher advice! Working through each topic, make yourself reference tables for each statement, in which write down 1-2 sentences for each item of the plan.

Assessment of essays in social studies

For a well-written reasoning, a graduate can get a maximum of 5 points.

In total, when scoring an essay, the following are evaluated:

Important! If the meaning of the statement is incorrectly revealed, then the essay is not further checked and 0 points are given for completing this task.

There is still a lot of time before the start of the Unified State Examination 2018, which means that it is more than realistic to learn how to correctly plan for writing an essay and learn the theory of social science. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it through daily classes and tireless training in writing quality essays.

Also look at video to change the ESSAY in social studies:

Hello! In this article, you will see a series of essays written for the maximum score on all criteria for this year's USE. If you want to learn how to write an essay on society, I wrote an article for you that reveals all aspects of doing this work.

Political science essay

"Silent citizens are ideal subjects for an authoritarian ruler and a disaster for a democracy" (Roald Dahl)

In his statement, Roald Dahl touches upon the problem of the dependence of the level of political participation of citizens on the regime in force in the state. Undoubtedly, this statement does not lose its relevance to this day, because the activity with which people take part in the life of the country is directly related to its basic foundations and laws. Moreover, this issue can be considered starting from both the realities of a democratic society and an authoritarian one.

Theoretical reasoning

The meaning of Dahl's words is that the lack of a developed civic consciousness plays into the hands of rulers under an authoritarian regime, but it negatively affects the state, where the main power is concentrated in the hands of society. I fully share the point of view of the author of the statement, because we can always find examples of this both in the past and at the present time. And in order to prove the significance of Dahl's statement, it is worth first considering it from the point of view of theory.

In itself, political participation is nothing more than a set of actions taken by ordinary members political system in relation to its "top" in order to influence the latter. These actions can be expressed as in the usual reactions of citizens to any changes, in the speeches of people on various channels, websites, radio stations and other media, the creation of various social movements and participation in the upcoming elections and referendums. In addition, political participation can be classified according to the number of people involved in it (individual and collective), compliance with laws (legitimate and illegitimate), activity of participants (active and passive), etc.

Civil society receives the greatest freedom within the framework of a democratic regime, the main characteristic of which is the concentration of all power in the hands of the people. The freedoms of citizens are largely limited in the realities of an authoritarian society due to the constant government surveillance of citizens. Completely civil society is controlled by the state within the framework of totalitarianism.

As the first example confirming Dahl's point of view, one can cite the well-known historical fact. During the so-called "Thaw" Soviet Union under the direction of N.S. Khrushchev moved from Stalin's totalitarian regime to an authoritarian one. Undoubtedly, the supremacy of one party continued to exist, but at the same time freedom of speech was significantly expanded, many repressed people were returned to their homeland. The state relied on the support of the population, partially increasing the range of its rights and opportunities. This directly illustrates the interaction between civil society and the state apparatus under an authoritarian regime.

The next example, confirming Dahl's position, could be the event widely covered in the media two years ago - the annexation of Crimea to Russia. As you know, a referendum was held on the peninsula (the highest opportunity for the people to express their will within the framework of democracy), which showed the desire of the Crimeans to join the Russian Federation. The inhabitants of the peninsula expressed their opinion as representatives of civil society, thus influencing the further policy of a democratic state.

Summing up, I want to say that Roald Dahl incredibly accurately reflected the relationship between civil society and the state in his statement.

In addition, before reading this article, I further recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video tutorial, which reveals all aspects of the mistakes and difficulties of applicants in the second part of the exam

Essay on sociology

"A citizen who has a share of power should act not for personal gain, but for the common good." (B.N. Chicherin)
In his statement, B.N. Chicherin touches upon the problem of the essence of power and ways of its influence on society. Without a doubt, this issue does not lose its relevance to this day, because from time immemorial there have been relationships between those in power and ordinary people. This problem can be considered from two sides: influencing the authorities for their own personal benefit, or for the benefit of many people.

Theoretical reasoning

The meaning of Chicherin's words is that people who have power should use it to solve the problems of society, and not to achieve some personal needs. Without a doubt, I fully share the author's point of view, since we can find many examples of it, both in the past and at the present time. However, before that, one should deal with the theoretical component of Chicherin's words.

What is power? This is the ability of one person or a group of people to impose their opinion on others, to force them to obey. Within the framework of the state, it is political power that is one of its main elements, capable of imposing certain opinions and laws on citizens through legal and political norms. One of key features power is the so-called "legality" - the legality of its existence and its actions.

What can be the source of power? Firstly, it is authority - the recognition of the ruler by the people, and secondly - charisma. Also, power can be based both on certain knowledge that its representatives have, and on their wealth. There are cases when people come to power using brute force. This often happens through the violent overthrow of the current government.

Examples for disclosure of criterion K3

As the first example illustrating the point of view of Chicherin, one can cite the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" In this book, we can clearly observe how Emelyan Pugachev, despite his position, does not refuse to help all members of his army. The false Peter III frees all his supporters from serfdom, grants them freedom, thus using his power to support many people.

In order to give the following example, it is enough to turn to the history of Russia in the 18th century. Alexander Menshikov, an associate of Emperor Peter I, used his high position for personal enrichment. He used state money to achieve his personal needs, which had nothing to do with resolving the pressing problems of an ordinary resident of Russia at that time.

In this way, given example clearly illustrates the use of power by a person not to help society, but for the sake of own desires.
Summing up, I want to say that B.N. Chicherin incredibly accurately reflected in his statement two contradictory ways in which a person uses his power, the essence of the latter and its ways of influencing society.

Second work in political science

“Politics, in essence, is power: the ability to achieve the desired result by any means” (E. Haywood)
In his statement, E. Heywood touches upon the problem of the true essence of power within the framework of politics. Undoubtedly, the relevance of the author's words is not lost to this day, because one of the main features of power is its ability to use any means to achieve the goal. This statement can be considered both from the point of view of the cruel methods of implementing what was planned by the authorities, and from the side of more democratic methods.

Theoretical reasoning

The meaning of Haywood's words is that political power has an unlimited range of possibilities with which it can impose its opinion on other people. I fully share the author's point of view, since you can find many different examples that serve as proof of his words. However, first it is worth understanding the theoretical component of Heywood's statement.
What is power? This is the ability to influence people, to impose their opinion on them. Political power, which is characteristic exclusively for the institution of the state, is able to exercise this influence with the help of legal and state methods. The so-called "legality", ie. legitimacy of power is one of its main criteria. There are three types of legitimacy: charismatic (trust of people certain person or a group of people), traditional (people following power based on traditions and customs) and democratic (based on the conformity of the chosen state structure to the principles and foundations of democracy).
The main sources of power can be distinguished: charisma, authority, strength, wealth or knowledge that a ruler or a group of people in power has. That is why only the state, due to the concentration of political power, has a monopoly on the use of force. This contributes not only to the implementation of the fight against violators of the law, but also to the way of imposing a certain opinion on citizens.

Examples for disclosure of criterion K3

As the first example illustrating the process of achieving its goals by the political authorities within the framework of the history of Russia, one can cite the period of I.V. Stalin. It was at this time that the USSR was characterized by mass repressions, the purpose of which was to strengthen the authority of the authorities and suppress anti-Soviet sentiments in society. AT this case the government used the most brutal methods to achieve what it needed. Thus, we see that the authorities did not skimp on the methods of achieving their goals.
The next example is the situation now widely covered in the world media. During the US presidential race, candidates try to win over voters without using force. They visit numerous TV programs, perform in public, conduct special campaigns. Thus, presidential candidates also use all the power available to them, trying to win over the US population to their side.
Summing up, I want to say that E. Heywood's statement incredibly accurately and clearly reflects the essence of power as such, revealing all its main aspects.

Essay on political science for the maximum score

"Government is like fire - a dangerous servant and a monstrous master." (D. Washington)
In his speech, George Washington touched upon the problem of the relationship between civil society and the state. Undoubtedly, his words are relevant to this day, because in any state there is a constant dialogue between its "top" and citizens. This issue can be considered both from the point of view of a positive dialogue between the government and the people, and from a negative point of view.

Theoretical reasoning

The meaning of Washington's words lies in the fact that the state reacts completely differently to certain social unrest, in some cases trying to resolve them peacefully, and in other cases using force to do this. I fully share the point of view of the first president of the United States, since confirmation of his words can be found both by referring to history and looking at the current situation in the world. In order to prove the significance of Washington's words, it is first worth considering them from the point of view of theory.
What is civil society? This is a sphere of the state that is not directly controlled by it and consists of the inhabitants of the country. Elements of civil society can be found in many areas of society. For example, within the framework social sphere such elements will be the family, non-state media. AT political sphere the main element of civil society are political parties and movements that express the opinion of the people.
In the event that the inhabitants of the state, although they have an influence on the authorities, they try to influence it in one way or another. This process is called political participation. Within its framework, people can express their thoughts directly, turning to special government bodies, or indirectly - by participating in rallies or public speeches. And it is precisely such manifestations of civic sentiment that force the state to respond.

Examples for disclosure of criterion K3

The first example that can clearly illustrate the unwillingness of the state to listen to the population of the country is the era of I.V. Stalin in the Soviet Union. It was at this time that the authorities began to carry out mass repressions, designed to almost completely suppress any activity of civil society. All those who expressed disagreement with the current course of the country's development, or spoke unflatteringly about its "top" were repressed. Thus, the state represented by I.V. Stalin ignored the manifestations of the will of the people, establishing their total control over the latter.
As the following example, we can cite a situation characteristic of modern political science. We will talk, of course, about the accession of the Crimean peninsula to the Russian Federation. As you know, during the general referendum - the highest way to express the will of the people in democratic countries - it was decided to return the peninsula to the Russian Federation. Thus, civil society influenced the further policy of the state, which, in turn, did not turn away from the people, but began to act on the basis of their decision.
Thus, I want to say that the words of D. Washington incredibly accurately and clearly reflect the essence of the relationship between the state and the actions of civil society.

Social Studies Essay 5 Points: Sociology

“In order to make people good citizens, they should be given the opportunity to exercise their rights as citizens and fulfill their duties as citizens.” (S. Smile)
In his statement, S. Smile touches upon the problem of the realization by people of their rights and obligations. Undoubtedly, his words do not lose their relevance to this day, because it is in a modern society within the framework of a democratic regime that people can fully exercise their rights and obligations. This statement can be considered both from the point of view of the level of freedoms of citizens within the framework of the rule of law, and within the framework of a totalitarian one.
The meaning of S. Smile's words is that the level of legal awareness of citizens, just like the level of calmness of the situation in the country itself, directly depends on what rights and freedoms are granted to the people. I fully share the author's point of view, since for the successful development of the state, it really needs to rely on the support of the population. However, in order to confirm the relevance of Smiley's statement, it is first worth considering it from the point of view of theory.

Theoretical reasoning

So, what is the rule of law? This is a country in which the rights and freedoms of its inhabitants are the highest value. It is within the framework of such a state that civic consciousness is most strongly developed, and the attitude of citizens to power is mostly positive. But who are these citizens? These are individuals who are connected with the state by means of certain mutual rights and obligations, which both of them are obliged to fulfill to each other. The basic duties and rights of citizens, which they must observe, are written in the Constitution - the highest legal act which sets the foundations for the life of the whole country.
Within the framework of a democratic regime, the rights and freedoms of citizens are most strongly respected, since they are none other than the main source of power in countries with such a regime. This is a unique feature of democratic countries, the analogues of which cannot be found not in totalitarian regimes (where all power tightly controls the rest of the life of society), not in authoritarian regimes (where power is concentrated in the hands of one person or party, despite even a certain presence of civil liberties and rights). in people).

Examples for disclosure of criterion K3

As a first example, which can clearly demonstrate the lack of desire on the part of the authorities to listen to the citizens of the country, may be known fact from world politics. Augusto Pinochet, a Chilean politician, came to power as a result of a military coup and established his totalitarian power in the state. Thus, he did not listen to the opinion of citizens, limiting their rights and freedoms by force. Soon, this policy bore fruit, bringing the country to a state of crisis. This clearly demonstrates the impact of the lack of political rights and freedoms of people on the effectiveness of their activities.

The next example that will clearly demonstrate the desire of the authorities to make contact with citizens and take into account their rights and obligations will be our country. As you know, the Russian Federation is a constitutional state, which is enshrined in the country's Constitution. Moreover, it is in the Constitution of the Russian Federation that all the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person are indicated, which under no circumstances are subject to restriction. Ideological pluralism, coupled with the positioning of human rights and freedoms as the highest values, perfectly illustrates a state that is ready to listen to the opinion of its citizens and respect them.
Summing up, I want to say that S. Smaile incredibly clearly reflected in his statement the essence of the relationship between the state and its citizens

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Essay structure 1. Quote. 2. The problem raised by the author; its relevance. 3. The meaning of the statement. 4. Own point of view. 5. Argumentation at the theoretical level. 6. At least two examples from social practice, history and / or literature, confirming the correctness of the statements made. 7. Conclusion.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

1. Choice of statement When choosing statements for an essay, you must be sure that you own the basic concepts of the basic science to which it refers; clearly understand the meaning of the statement; you can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it); know the social science terms necessary for a competent justification of a personal position at a theoretical level (at the same time, the terms and concepts used must clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it); be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to support your own opinion.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

2. Definition of the problem of the statement After the formulation of the problem, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the problem in modern conditions. To do this, you can use cliché phrases: This problem is relevant in the context of... ...globalization of public relations; ...formation of a single information, educational, economic space; ... exacerbation of global problems of our time; ... the special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions; ... the development of international integration; ...modern market economy;

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Development and overcoming the global economic crisis; ... rigid differentiation of society; social structure modern society; ...formation of the rule of law; ... overcoming the spiritual, moral crisis; ...dialogue of cultures; ...the need to preserve their own identity, traditional spiritual values. The problem must be periodically returned throughout the entire process of writing an essay. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the scope of the problem and not get carried away by reasoning that is not related to the meaning of this statement (this is one of the most common mistakes in many exam essays).

6 slide

Description of the slide:

3. Formulation of the main idea of ​​the statement Next, you need to reveal the meaning of the statement, but you should not repeat the statement verbatim. In this case, the following cliches can be used: “The meaning of this statement is that ...” “The author draws our attention to the fact that ...” “The author is convinced that ...”

7 slide

Description of the slide:

4. Determining your position on the statement Here you can agree with the author completely, you can partially, refuting a certain part of the statement, or argue with the author, expressing the opposite opinion. In this case, you can use cliché phrases: "I agree with the author that ..." "One cannot disagree with the author of this statement about ..." view, the author quite clearly reflected in his statement the picture modern Russia(modern society ... the situation that has developed in society ... one of the problems of our time) "" I allow myself to disagree with the author's opinion that ... "" In part, I adhere to the author's point of view about ..., but with... I can't agree" "Have you thought about the fact that...?"

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Description of the slide:

5-6. Arguing your own opinion Next, you should justify your own opinion on this issue. To do this, it is necessary to select arguments (evidence), that is, to recall the basic terms, theoretical provisions. Argumentation should be carried out at two levels: 1. Theoretical level - its basis is social science knowledge (concepts, terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, interconnections, as well as the opinions of scientists, thinkers). 2. Empirical level- two options are possible here: a) using examples from history, literature and events in society; b) appeal to personal experience. When selecting facts, examples from public life and personal social experience, mentally answer the following questions: 1. Do they confirm my opinion? 2. Could they be interpreted differently? 3. Do they contradict my thesis? 4. Are they persuasive? The proposed form will allow you to strictly control the adequacy of the arguments presented and prevent "going off topic".

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7. Conclusion Finally, we need to formulate a conclusion. The conclusion should not verbatim coincide with the judgment given for justification: it brings together the main ideas of the arguments in one or two sentences and summarizes the reasoning, confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the topic of the essay. To formulate a problematic conclusion, cliché phrases can be used: “Thus, we can conclude ...” “Summing common feature I would like to point out that…”

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Essay design It must be remembered that an essay is a small essay, distinguished by semantic unity. Therefore, a coherent text is compiled, linking words are used, attention is paid to the correct spelling of social science terms. It is desirable to break the text of the essay into paragraphs, each of which will express a separate thought. In this case, the red line must be observed.

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In addition, an additional advantage of the essay is the inclusion of brief information about the author of the statement (for example, "an outstanding French philosopher-educator", "a great Russian thinker of the Silver Age", "a famous existentialist philosopher", "the founder of an idealistic trend in philosophy", etc. .); descriptions of different points of view on the problem or different approaches to its solution; indications of the ambiguity of the concepts and terms used with the rationale for the meaning in which they are used in the essay; indications of alternative options problem solving.

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Essay structure 1. Quote. 2. The problem raised by the author; its relevance. 3. The meaning of the statement. 4. Own point of view. 5. Argumentation at the theoretical level. 6. At least two examples from social practice, history and / or literature, confirming the correctness of the statements made. 7. Conclusion. “Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” (VG Belinsky) "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." (M. Bakunin) "Where the great sages have power, the subjects do not notice their existence." (Lao Tzu)

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1. Quote "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." (M.Bakunin) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of individual freedom in society is relevant in the context of the formation of a rule of law state. 3. The meaning of the statement The author argues that there can be no absolute freedom in society. 4. For argumentation at the theoretical level, it is necessary to disclose theses and concepts: The concept of freedom. Limits of freedom. Freedom and responsibility. Social guarantees of freedom. Law as a restrictor of freedom in a legal state. 5. Examples 1. The right to listen to loud music, engage in creative work (the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation introduces a restriction until 23.00) should not interfere with the exercise of the right to rest of other people. 2. The freedom of the entrepreneur in the field of food production is limited by the requirements for compliance with certain sanitary standards established by law

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1. Quote "Nature creates a person, but develops and forms his society." (VG Belinsky) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of the biosocial essence of man, the mechanisms of socialization. 3. The meaning of the statement The author argues that a person has a dual essence, which includes a biological basis and a social component. Belinsky defines the leading role of society in the formation of the individual. 4. For argumentation at the theoretical level, it is necessary to disclose the theses and concepts: Man is a living organism, biological needs, biologically inherited traits. The concept of socialization, its stages, mechanisms, directions. agents of socialization. The role of social control in the formation of personality. 5. Examples 1. Prolonged lack of sleep in a person destroys his ability to cognitive activity, to adequate behavior, self-control. 2. The facts of the existence of Mowgli children.

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1. Quote "Where the great sages have power, the subjects do not notice their existence." (Lao Tzu) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of the nature of the relationship between the state and citizens, the degree of legitimacy of state power is relevant in the conditions of modern political processes taking place in the world. 3. Meaning of the statement The author argues that the degree of respect and readiness of the population to obey state power depend primarily on personal qualities rulers, their professionalism, means and methods of influencing society. 4. For argumentation at the theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: What qualities do rulers have - great sages? Under what conditions does state power not irritate society? The state must express the interests of the whole society so that there are no oppressed. It must implement the principle of social justice. The predominant method should be persuasion, not coercion. The moral, moral character of the rulers, their devotion to the cause, strict observance of the law. 5. Examples 1. Implementation of the idea of ​​social partnership in modern Sweden, Denmark, Austria, based on the consent and mutual responsibility of business, government, employees. Denmark has the highest taxes in the world, and the inhabitants of this country consider themselves the most happy people. 2. The opposite example is Nazi Germany: Hitler's discriminatory, aggressive policy led to a split in German society, numerous victims and the collapse of the state, which placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of ordinary citizens.


"The market, which is the pinnacle of economic freedom, is also the strictest taskmaster"

The author believes that although the manufacturer has economic freedom, deciding for whom and what product to produce, the market exists according to its own rules, economic laws, acting as an overseer. The main law of the market is the law of supply and demand. Market price fluctuates between their values. To adapt to it, the seller has to reduce costs, increase labor productivity or improve technology. Thus, the market regulates pricing through supply and demand.

I agree with the author's opinion that the market is characterized as a system based on freedom of choice and competition, entrepreneurship, but if you do not follow its rules, you can fall out of the system. One of the mechanisms of the economy is the principle of the invisible hand, which coordinates all decisions of buyers and sellers. Its essence lies in the different manufacturers effectively realizing the interests of the whole society. Profit ensures a competent and harmonious distribution of all resources, that is, it balances supply and demand.

Let me remind you that the economic system is organizational methods, mechanisms for the distribution of economic resources for the needs of people. Depending on how the main issues of the economy are solved, it is possible to define an economic system. The market economy is characterized by the presence of market legislation, competition, freedom of choice in decision-making. The market is an overseer, as it performs the most important functions: regulating, that is, coordinating economic activity without a state, intermediary, between supply and demand, pricing, stimulating. It is especially worth noting the role of the sanitizing function, when unnecessary products, firms leave the market, this is possible due to competition.

For example, SONY was forced to sell its share, the reason was the low competitiveness of products. The market liberates itself from producers who do not follow the rules.

It is also important to remember the rational behavior of the manufacturer. Consider a situation where an entrepreneur opens a Gucci store in an area dominated by a low-income population. The store will not be able to sell goods, because in order to sell them, you need to lower the price. This will lead to ruin. It is necessary to know the Action of market mechanisms in order for a business to flourish and generate income.

In the epic about Sadko, the merchant decided to buy all the goods in Novgorod. He sent his men to do it, but each time the market became full again. Sadko himself created demand and indirectly influenced the increase in supply. This situation could lead to a shortage of goods, therefore, the existence of the law of supply and demand, which contribute to the successful functioning of the market, is important.

Thus, the market is an overseer, without which the economic system would not be able to fully function.

Jan 19


"A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy"

The author believes that in addition to its advantages, the command economy also has a number of disadvantages. The state plan determines how to produce a product, professional specialists, the "planners", decide what to produce. Because everything economic resources are owned by the state, it controls production and price levels.

I agree with the author's opinion that a planned economy has significant disadvantages, and besides, it is not interested in economic life. All production is carried out according to state plans, in which inaccuracies are inevitable. For example, as a result of planning, a specialist may make an error in calculations, which will lead to a surplus or shortage of a certain product. Also in the absence of competition and protectionist policies domestic production stood still, without innovation.

In the USSR, in the absence of choice, there was always a demand for goods, therefore, equipment lagged behind advanced countries, workers were not interested in improving the quality of production.

We all know that a planned economy is an economic system in which material resources are in public ownership and distributed centrally, which obliges us to act in accordance with the plan. The state controls the production and distribution of goods, that is, the state monopoly of the economy dominates. After all, it uses administrative methods of management, orders, establishes state pricing. Being engaged in planning, she does not take into account the most important thing, the law of supply and demand. It turns out that the state does not take into account the needs of the population, does not think about economic development countries, focusing on the implementation of plans.

Another disadvantage is the lack of motivation of employees who do not see the point in hard work, on which their self-realization and position do not depend.

In Orwell's story Barnyard"A planned economy was established, the animals were assigned duties that, according to planning, they performed. But one of the heroes of the story performed his duties poorly, without an incentive to work, for which there is already a predetermined reward. The result is the stagnation of economic life.

In modern times, a planned economy does not exist in its pure form, because it does not give freedom to creativity and entrepreneurial activity. For example, China periodically relaxes its control over the economy in order to give impetus to the growth of economic indicators. In China, a number of concessions are currently allowed in relation to businessmen and private owners.

Thus, the planned economy, which is based on planning, does not always take into account the most important thing - the economy. Being immersed in planning, does not pay due attention to economic life

Dec 18


The author wanted to convey to us the idea that taxes, as mandatory payments, perform certain functions (role) in our life and the functioning of the state. Taxes are necessary in order to live a full life of a citizen and be provided with the benefits of civilization that the state can give us. This is, first of all, social support, healthcare, transport, utilities, army and education.

Let us define the essence of the term "tax" as a key concept in this statement. A tax is a mandatory payment levied by the state (central and local authorities) from individuals and legal entities to state and local budgets. The author uses the word "price" in his statement when he speaks of a tax. Price is a form of expressing the value of goods, which manifests itself in the process of their exchange. The form of expression of value can be not only monetary, but also natural. A civilized society is a society based on the ideas of freedom, justice, reason, law.

The state, designed to provide the most Better conditions for effective economic growth, needs resources to fulfill this mission. Such resources cannot be formed exclusively at the expense of the state's own sources, income from state enterprises. And the state is forced to withdraw part of the income of the private sector in order to form its monetary income.

When income is transferred to the state, there is a change of ownership. Resources are withdrawn free of charge. Such an unequal form of relations between the state, on the one hand, and private enterprises and individual citizens, on the other hand, indicates an unconditional form of monetary relations in which the parties are not equal partners.

The state forces the private sector to submit to macroeconomic and national interests.

The government pays pensions, social benefits, finances institutions, ensures the security of the country. If citizens did not pay taxes, then the state would not be able to provide for their lives, there are not enough resources.

The state pursues a tax policy. Tax policy is a system of state measures in the field of taxation, which is built taking into account the compromise between the interests of the state and taxpayers. As part of the general economic policy of the state, it is determined by the goals of society. These goals formulate requirements for the tax base, the severity of taxation and the methods of withdrawing income.

Thus, in the work done, we have proved the theory and I agree with it.

Dec 18


“In business, no chance is lost: if you ruined it, your competitor will find it” A. Marshall

The meaning of this statement is that in the conditions of a modern market economy, one should not lose a single chance. You need to try, take risks, otherwise others will take advantage of it.
Entrepreneurship is economic activity, characterized by the transformation of the surrounding world and aimed at making a profit. In a market economy, along with state property, there is private property - a form of property in which the right to own, use, dispose of a separate individual. Certain conditions are necessary for the development of a market economy. One of them is competition - the rivalry between participants in the market economy for the best conditions for production and sale. In the production of goods - products of labor produced for sale, producers use factors of production such as land, labor, capital and entrepreneurial ability. The manufacturer who manages to use these factors wisely will remain in the black. And in a competitive environment, it is especially important to analyze all opportunities and use them to the maximum if you want to succeed in business and extract maximum profit.
Let's give some examples to prove it. The author of the Harry Potter novels, Joan Kathleen Rowling, was denied publication of books by various publishers several times. But one of them agreed to publish a cycle of her novels. Thus, those publishing houses that refused to cooperate with Joan missed the opportunity to make huge profits, because this work became very popular.
Another example is historical fact. Christopher Columbus turned to the Portuguese monarch for help to open the way to India, but he refused. Then Columbus was supported by Spain, which saw the benefit in time in this case. As a result, America was discovered under the Spanish flag, and the country itself achieved the status of a world power.
Based on all this, we can conclude that A. Marshall's expression can be useful for budding entrepreneurs. After all, in a competitive environment, it is important to think through all the options, use all the opportunities and not be afraid to take risks. And only then will the business be doomed to success.

Nastya Sadovnikova. Yu-11

Dec 18


“The economic problem: how to take away from everyone in order to add to everyone”

This statement reveals the problem of justice in the distribution of social benefits. This problem is relevant in today's market economy.
The meaning of this statement is that in a modern society there is a material inequality of people. And the main economic problem is how to collect money from people and distribute it evenly among everyone. In my opinion, the author quite clearly reflected one of the problems of our time.
Let's turn to terminology. Modern society is characterized by social stratification - stratification. The reason for this was the different incomes of the population. Income, as we know, is cash received as a result of activity. Regardless of income, every person must pay taxes - mandatory payments to the state treasury. Using these funds, the state produces public goods - benefits provided by the state for the whole society for free. That is, the state collects taxes from everyone, in order to later distribute them in the form of production goods.
In support of this statement, we can give an example from history. Communism is a socio-economic system characteristic of Soviet Russia, was based on social equality and public ownership of the means of production. That is, the state “took away” private property from everyone, but everyone was given the same number of needs. It can be said that we can consider the ideas of communism as an attempt to solve this economic problem.
Same way good example the current tax system in the Russian Federation. The state collects taxes from everyone, in order to later convert them into public goods: free education, medicine, and much more. That is, the state is taking steps to solve this economic problem.
Summing up a general line, I would like to note that by collecting taxes, the state performs an important function of producing public goods and ensuring equal access of people to them. And, perhaps, this economic problem is important and relevant for modern society.

Dec 18


“To stay healthy, the modern economy periodically needs a crisis” (W. Schwebel)

In my opinion, the author's main idea is that economic crises heal the country's economy and contribute to its modernization. In the words of the author, we are talking about the sanitizing function of the market, that is, in a competitive environment, inefficient firms go bankrupt and are removed from the market.
W. Schwebel talks about the modern market economy. On the one hand, it is a mixed economy, and on the other hand, it is the economy of a post-industrial society. The post-industrial type of society is characterized by certain features. First, the importance of the service sector is growing. Secondly, the number of people employed in the field of material production is decreasing. Thirdly, there is an individualization of production. Fourthly, science has become a direct productive force, that is, the achievements of science are necessarily used in production. And information technology is also actively used. A market economy is characterized by such features as a variety of forms of private property, competition, free pricing, economic freedom of economic entities, where the entrepreneur himself answers the three main questions of the economy, namely, what to produce?, how to produce?, for whom to produce? and chooses the form of entrepreneurship, and the consumer chooses what and from whom to buy that product or service, and is the “king of the market”. In other words, the consumer makes a demand, and if the producer wants to make a profit, then he must produce the product for which there will be a demand.
The cyclical nature of production is one of the market failures, as the economic downturn hurts the population. Business cycle is a recurring cycle of economic ups and downs. The negative roles of economic downturns include: the ruin of firms, entrepreneurs lose losses, unemployment is growing, incomes of the population are decreasing, and pessimism prevails in society. But the author draws attention to the positive role of economic downturns: weak firms that do not know how to work effectively go bankrupt, weak firms are removed from the market, the threat of ruin motivates entrepreneurs to improve their products, the crisis prompts to modernize the country's economy as a whole. At the lesson of economics, the teacher told us about the situation in 2014 in our country. The fact is that in Russia after 2014, the import substitution program began to develop. The government began to focus on the development of high-tech production. Vladimir Putin set the task of reorienting the Russian economy, that is, to stop relying on the sale of oil and gas. Also, my dad told me how the crisis affected his farmer friend. Before Russia began to pay attention to own products, the farmer was not particularly rich and useful. But after that, many shops and supermarkets began to buy products from this farmer, namely meat, butter, sour cream, eggs. The farmer's income increased significantly and he opened his own factory for the production of dairy products.
Thus, the crisis helps to make the country's economy better by removing small and unnecessary firms from the market, and also contributes to the improvement of the economy as a whole.

Dec 18


I agree with N. Askeron that the freedom of the market economy should be regulated by the government. A market economy is an economy based on the principles of free entrepreneurship, variety of forms of ownership of the means of production, market pricing, contractual relations between business entities , limited state intervention in the economic activities of entities . This is an economy organized on the basis of market self-regulation, in which the coordination of the participants' actions is carried out by the state, namely legislative and judiciary directly. All entrepreneurs in a market economic system must conduct their activities without violating the laws. A law is a normative legal act, which is adopted in a special order by a body legislative power or referendum , has the highest legal force and regulates the most important public relations . Fines, reprimands and even imprisonment can serve as types of punishment.
An example of non-compliance with the law can be the Norilsk mining - metallurgical plant named after A. P . Zavenyagin. Pollutants are constantly emitted into the atmosphere. This plant shows a violation of the Environmental Protection Act.
All entrepreneurs must conduct their business within antimonopoly law. Violation of this law will lead to insufficiently efficient distribution of resources, limited production, and an inexplicable rise in prices.
That's why entrepreneurs free market economic system , having demand , competition and supply , must operate within the law .

Dec 18


Inflation is when pockets are bursting with money, but there is still not enough for a new jacket. M.M.Mamich

In this statement, the author raises the topic of the impact of inflation on society. M. M. Mamich points out that during inflation there is a sharp increase in the money supply, but in this case it has a low purchasing power.

To clarify the proposed topic, we recall a number of terms. Inflation is the depreciation of money, manifested in the rise in prices for goods and services that are not associated with an improvement in their quality. It is customary to separate three types of inflation: moderate, galloping and hyperinflation. Note that in Everyday life normal to see moderate inflation. At this time, there is only an imperceptible increase in prices. However, this statement indicates the most dangerous view inflation - hyperinflation. The reasons for its appearance may be an increase in government spending, a reduction in real production, the monopoly of trade unions, or the monopoly of large firms. Whatever the reason, it is obvious that the consequences of inflation are negative. Since the economy is connected with each of the spheres of public life, inflation also affects the political, social, and spiritual spheres of society. There is a general decline in employment, which leads to unemployment and the emergence of social tension, the depreciation of the accumulation fund, the emergence of speculation, the depreciation of loans, etc. During hyperinflation, the state is forced to increase the issue of money, but their value is lost at an even greater pace, this leads to the fact that the population simply does not have time to satisfy their needs due to constantly rising prices. This can lead to the marginalization and lumpenization of society as a whole. In such cases, the state is forced to take urgent measures to prevent hyperinflation.

An example of how inflation affects the population can be the plot of the famous work by E.M. Remarque "The Black Obelisk". We see how hyperinflation unfolded after World War I in Germany. There were many factors that led to hyperinflation. For example, after the war, the country incurs huge public expenditures, especially due to the payment of indemnities. It is difficult to track how quickly the value of stamps changes. Prices changed every day, so it was almost impossible to predict what they would be tomorrow. It is noteworthy that in the novel there is indeed an episode when main character tries to buy a new jacket, but despite the wads of money, it is difficult for him to do this, because this amount was not enough. Subsequently, all this led to a strong stratification of society into speculators, stockbrokers and ordinary employees and workers.

The strongest hyperinflation is observed in Venezuela, where the interest exceeds 13,000. One of the sites posted photos of a resident sitting next to a large pile of national currency money, but in reality they have a value of 3 US dollars. Due to hyperinflation, the population is not able to purchase the necessary food and clothing. In general, the country is experiencing devastation, hunger, lack of food.

Thus, due to the rapid rate of inflation, it is difficult to acquire the necessary goods and services. Hyperinflation has a negative impact on all spheres of public life.

Dec 18


A smart state does not prevent its citizens from earning money, it only watches it, making a profit in the form of taxes, ”said the American economist J. Feilan.

The author of this statement believes that the state does not need to interfere in the economic life of its country, and also that the state should not interfere with the desire of citizens to earn money, because in this way the state will receive taxes and develop its economic power. According to the author, a good, developed state will not interfere with limiting its citizens in earning money for the benefit of the state, giving them in the form of taxes. Influencing economic growth and pursuing the right economic policy, maintaining a stable price level, monitoring the level of employment of the population, the state helps citizens, giving them confidence in what will happen tomorrow, and without preventing them from earning money, it collects income coming in form of taxes.

I agree with J. Feilan that a good state will not hamper its citizens in making money both for themselves and for the state. A normal state does not need to prevent citizens from earning money, because than more people earn, the more tax the state will receive. And with the increase in profits, the economic growth of the country increases.

The tax is the basis for expanding the state budget. A mandatory payment that is collected by the authorities from any organizations or any individuals in order to provide the country's finances. Taxes go to the needs of the state, and also provide funding for the needs of people, for example: health care, education. Due to the fact that the tax is a mandatory and gratuitous payment, there are people who do not want to pay them. People are hiding from taxes for personal enrichment, but destroying the funding of our country and our social projects. And because of this, public goods are also reduced. Therefore, taxes are so important in our life and for our life, as well as in the economic life of the state, because our well-being depends on them.

I agree with J. Feilan's statement, but not completely. The management of the economy by the state can indeed have a bad effect on the situation in the country. And a good example was the economy of the USSR. The state banned the work of private enterprise, so the state did not satisfy the needs of its people. The highest point of the bad influence of the USSR on the economy was the birth of the "shadow economy". The fact that the state for many years was not able to solve problems and became one of the reasons for the emergence of the "shadow economy", the massive flight of capital abroad, the lack of full-scale foreign investment in the Russian economy, which hindered the growth of the economy and the strengthening of statehood. The functioning of the tax system in the 90s showed many problems and contradictions, which found the government's response to further reform the taxation system.

I would like to believe that our state will become even smarter and more competent in its economic policy, because this will lead our country to economic recovery and development, which we really need now. Taxes - necessary condition for the policy of the state in relation to the economy. Because it is taxes that ensure the well-being of people living in the territory of a given state.

Dec 18


Savings constitute the richest income. I. Stobey

How to learn how to properly monitor the cost of savings? Is it true that savings make up the richest income? I will try to answer the question posed based on the statement of the Byzantine writer-compiler of the 5th century I. Stobey.

I believe that I. Stobei poses such a problem as the problem of the right choice. But why does it still arise? And each of us already knows that we are consumers. And our goal, the goal-consumer, is to get all possible benefit from the consumption of goods and services bought with our money. It is on this path to the goal that the consumer faces well-known issues such as limited funds, prices, and the like. In other words, we are limited in the possibility of buying, and this forces the manufacturer to solve such issues as the cost of goods and their cheap production. From all this, we can say that everyone should rationally approach the cost of savings and should have certain knowledge and skills . Then how can we learn how to rationally save our income? After all, every inhabitant of the country has income from different areas.

As you know, income is always divided into parts: the first is needed for the purchase of goods and services, the second serves to save our money. It all depends on the wages that earthlings receive. The more we receive, the less we will spend on needs, and therefore, there will be more savings.

In my opinion, I am sure that the standard of living of a citizen of any country on Earth mainly depends both on the size of his salary and on the funds that he was able to accumulate over a certain period of time, but also on how skillfully he money is spent on services and goods that he needs. Do not forget that you can insure your money in certain things: in bond papers, in real estate, in shares - all this will help to save the money earned.

Saving the budget is the greatest income, because if we spend our part of the savings correctly and, moreover, have the same additional income, then we can buy ourselves more expensive services and things that we need. Since our savings are obligatory for various occasions in difficult life situations. So let's say for a rainy day, for a while there is no work yet, and so on. But do not forget that if we spend our salary wisely and correctly, then this allows us to increase our savings by a large amount, but if we started spending without a mind, then this would not lead us to the beautiful.

So, we can say that I. Stobei is right in what he calls savings the best income.


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