Facade thermal panels with insulation for exterior finishing. Facade thermal panels for exterior decoration of a house: types, features of production and installation

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The exterior decoration of the house is its business card card.

She demonstrates solidity buildings and gives it finished look.

Some finishes are additional layers for thermal insulation, sound insulation and good protection from external influences environment.

What are thermal panels?

Facade thermal panels are finishing a material that is also insulating.

Such a functional material allows significantly save money time for finishing, insulation of the facade and money for their purchase. Panels easily are attached to the facade, facilitating the exterior decoration of the house.

Properties of decorative thermal panels

  • Panels imitate impeccable brickwork and give the building a unique look;
  • Significantly increase thermal insulation, sound insulation And waterproofing the buildings. These effects are achieved by specific technical characteristics;
  • Allow save on heating up to 50%.

Composition of thermal panels

Thermal panels consist of energy saving layer And facing tiles , which is decorative. Decorative part is made in the form of brickwork.

Can be used as insulation extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. These materials durable and have high thermal insulation qualities.

Elements facade thermal panel:

  1. Clinker tiles;
  2. Plywood;
  3. Insulation layer;
  4. Reinforcing layers.

The panels are connected to each other tongue-and-groove fastening (used when installing tongue-and-groove slabs). This type of fastening of individual tiles prevents penetration of moisture and dirt.

Facade clinker panels are designed for cladding any surfaces (concrete, blocks, wood, brick and others).


Decorative paneling more common for low-rise buildings

Facing is especially popular suburban houses and cottages, because thermal panels have high thermal insulation properties when low cost.

Panels are made from high quality materials on German technology. Scope of application of thermal panels – external decorative finishing buildings, insulating the facade and making it decorative.

Attention! The sizes of the tiles and the thickness of the insulation are different for each specific manufacturer company.

Technical characteristics of thermal panels

Name Meaning
Density 40-60 kg/m²
1.93 kg/cm²
Closed pore content 95%
Coefficient of thermal conductivity 0.025 W/mK
Water absorption in 24 hours. 0.1-0.2 kg/m 3
Fire resistance self-extinguishing, does not emit toxins when burning, G²
Actual heat loss 1.7 times lower than standard
Durability does not break down over time
Application temperature from – 100◦С to +150◦С
Vapor permeability 0.05 mg/(M*h*Pa)
Resistance to chemical damage chemically resistant to most solvents
Resistance to organic damage not affected by fungus and rot
Breaking stress during bending 500 kPa
Breaking Tensile Stress 300 kPa
Breaking stress during compression 200 kPa

Types of thermal panels

Thermal panels by tile arrangement can be:

  1. Ordinary facade panels(with small tiles);
  2. Additional thermal panel;
  3. Basement facade panels(with large tiles);
  4. Corner thermal panel with corner tiles;
  5. Facade thermal panel corner;
  6. Window vertical facade panel;
  7. Window horizontal facade panel.

Production of facade thermal panels

The production of thermal panels can be automated(purchased at finished form) And manual(produced independently).

Plus this option for creating panels - you choose what it will be insulation(including its thickness) and view clinker tiles, so they will definitely suit you.

Minuses self-productiona lot of necessary tools(concrete mixer, scales, tables and shelving) and the presence of a separate room that is well ventilated.

Attention! The best options facade panelsexpensive, But economical option will self-creation such panels.

Advantages of thermal facade panels

  • Not needed specialized care;
  • Moisture resistance does not allow fungus to infect façade thermal panels;
  • Reduces energy consumption due to excellent thermal insulation;
  • Environmentally friendly materials;
  • Quick installation And assembly panels, durable fastenings;
  • Quick replacement damaged panels;
  • Opportunity use panels for finishing inside a building without loss of properties;
  • Strength materials;
  • Light weight thermal panels.

Disadvantages of thermal panels



Many of you know how important it is to keep your home warm in winter, as well as keep your indoors cool during the hot season. This largely depends on the quality of the walls and facade. Today, thermal panels for facades have gained immense popularity due to their unique properties and opportunities. Essentially, they replace thick brick walls, but require significantly less financial and time costs. When arranging external walls with such panels, they remain quite thin, but at the same time perfectly retain heat inside your home. In addition, you protect yourself from mold and dampness.

Obviously, it is simply necessary to insulate houses. Plus, the cost of energy resources is constantly growing, which means you have to spend more money to pay for electricity and heating. Having a reliably insulated facade, your radiators will have to work much less, but their efficiency will not decrease.

Don't forget about the availability large quantity manufacturers in this area. This has led to healthy competition, to attempts to get ahead of each other due to the quality, reliability, durability and affordability of products. In such matters, price plays an important role.

In fact, all applicants for home insulation can be divided into three categories:

  • Those who are looking for the cheapest options and are ready to act at the expense of the final quality;
  • Those who are ready to spend any money just to get the best, unique offers;
  • Those who focus primarily on the properties and advantages of materials.

Obviously, it is the third category that will predominantly choose thermal panels. It’s worth adding that aesthetics is always important for every person. In this component, thermal panels are practically not inferior to even more expensive analogues, and are significantly ahead of many.

Imagine a facade made using a thermal panel with clinker tiles or decorative stone. After all, then the building will look like a real work architectural art. That is, appearance is another obvious advantage of the thermal panel. Although let's look at the advantages in more detail.

Main advantages

Thermal panels have quite a lot of strengths, although only one drawback can be identified. Let's start with negative aspects. In fact, all the disadvantages appear in only one thing - the price. Therefore, finishing the facade with thermal panels will require certain financial costs. One way or another, it is still cheaper than building thick brick walls.

Now let's move on to the positive aspects:

  • High thermal insulation properties;
  • Environmental friendliness and safety of the material for humans;
  • Resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Resistance to aggressive external environments, high and low temperatures and changes;
  • Service life can reach 50 years;
  • Excellent external characteristics;
  • Easy installation, which often does not require hiring specialists (if you have experience in this field);
  • Not afraid of water, waterproof properties;
  • Doesn't need special care and maintenance during operation;
  • Easily repaired if necessary, damaged panels can be easily replaced without dismantling the entire structure;
  • Can be used indoors and outdoors for finishing buildings and premises, etc.

Design features

Mostly there are thermal panels supplemented with clinker tiles. These are the most common options because Special attention should be given to them. Different manufacturers use their own technologies, which largely determine the number of layers - two or three.

Three-layer models include:

  • Middle layer;
  • Outer layer;
  • Third additional layer.
  1. The clinker tile itself acts as the outer layer. A wide range is offered, which allows you to ideally select the material for finishing the facade of a building. These slabs are produced by using natural clay High Quality and its firing. Although some clinker is created by pressing. The material is resistant to chemical and mechanical influences and solves numerous design problems thanks to its variety of textures and colors.
  2. The middle layer is created from polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. In fact, these are the best thermal insulating rigid materials at the moment, so their use is not surprising. The products perfectly hold the large weight of the clinker layer and provide excellent thermal insulation properties. Plus, they do not contribute to the development of fungus and mold.
  3. The third layer can be pressed wood chips. It plays two roles at the same time - it insulates and acts as an antiseptic.

All three layers are assembled into a single structure, which protects from the cold, prevents the rapid heating of rooms in summer, protects against external negative factors, and also perfectly decorates homes.

Installation nuances

As we have already noted, the price of thermal panels is quite high. However, the investment is fully justified by reliable protective properties and long service life.

Most importantly, your only concern should be the price of facade material, since serious additional expenses will not be required here. Installation is carried out with minimal use of other building materials and specialized tools.

However, there are several peculiarities in installing thermal panels.

  1. Thermal panels are not required preliminary preparation grounds, thereby making the price of the work more attractive to potential clients.
  2. They are equally beneficial for both old houses and the construction of new ones.
  3. One of the most important conditions installation is the installation of a starting rail, which should be positioned strictly horizontally along the perimeter of the structure. You can find these slats in any store.
  4. When finishing the base, the starting rail is not mounted on the blind area. Otherwise, in winter the soil may swell, causing the geometry of the thermal panels to be disrupted.
  5. If the walls are very uneven, it is necessary to make stands for thermal panels, or to build a frame based on profiles or slats made of wood.
  6. The panels are mounted on walls using self-tapping screws or dowels. If the wall is uneven, installation is carried out to the sheathing.
  7. Installation starts from the bottom left corner, where the corner panel is mounted.
  8. If the installation is done correctly, then you will not be able to distinguish your future facade from houses that are actually made of real bricks.
  9. The seams need to be grouted with frost-resistant compounds. It will not be difficult for you to choose grout to match the panels, since their range is quite extensive.

As you can see, thermal panels are great solution for repairing or creating the facade of a residential building or any other structure that needs to be insulated and given excellent appearance.

Whether to choose thermal panels or give preference to more affordable analogues is up to you to decide. If the price does not play a serious role, or you can definitely afford it this material, then stop your choice on façade panels. Whatever one may say, this is due to a number of advantages, advantages over competitors, as well as a minimal list of disadvantages.

Of course, in order to get the perfect result, and the price of a mistake does not cost you your annual budget, turn to professionals for help. They will quickly and efficiently finish the façade and provide maximum efficiency work of thermal panels for the benefit of your home.

The issue of insulating the basement and facade of a house is relevant for residents of all regions Russian Federation. Modern building materials, such as thermal panels with clinker or other materials, cope well with this task. decorative tiles. They will not only retain heat, but will also become an original design solution in the design of the house, making it stand out from other buildings.

Clinker tiles and porcelain stoneware have long been used for cladding facades. But engineers went further and combined them with the popular thermal insulation material, having received a new product with high performance characteristics.
Facade thermal panels perform three main functions: insulating, protective and decorative. This is largely due to their multilayer construction. Used as a base layer lightweight polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. The outer covering of the thermal panel is clinker, porcelain stoneware or other tiles that imitate brickwork or natural stone. To simplify the installation of these building elements, a tongue and groove system is used. Facade thermal panels are suitable for restoring old buildings; they can be used to renovate entrance group, reduce wind loads. And the most important thing is that such a transformation for a building will not entail a change in its basic properties.

Types and features of facade thermal panels

Clinker thermal panels. As decorative element they use tiles of the same name. It imitates the surface of natural stone and has high decorative and performance characteristics. The raw material for the manufacture of the clinker variety of this building material is shale clay, which is mined in Europe. Its strengths are additional sound insulation and waterproofing of the wall.
Thermal panelswith porcelain tiles. Here, the material of the same name, fired at high temperature, is used as a decorative layer. Thanks to this method of processing, the surface is clearly textured, and in practical properties it is not inferior to natural stone(it is precisely his masonry that resembles it). Strengths This material has large slabs with relatively low weight, which greatly facilitates installation.

Thermal panelswith glazed tiles. A building material with a smooth surface of heterogeneous color that imitates brickwork and copes well with decorative function V multi-storey buildings.

Advantages of facade thermal panels

High thermal insulation characteristics . The use of this building material can significantly reduce the heat loss of a building. Even with a small thickness of the panel’s insulating layer (30-40 mm), a visible effect is observed. The thermal conductivity of the material is about 0.02 W/(m K).

Long term services. Facade elements of this type retain their quality for 40 years; some manufacturers provide a guarantee for 80-100 years of operation.

Resistance to aggressive conditions. As part of facades, such panels can easily withstand temperature drops down to -40 °C. They are not affected by regular precipitation, wind, or ultraviolet radiation. They are not subject to corrosion, withstand repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, and are characterized by zero water absorption.

Fire safety. The material does not contribute to the spread of fire and ignites only when there is direct, directed contact with a flame. According to the generally accepted classification, it belongs to category B2.

Expressed decorative characteristics . Facade thermal panels on the outside do not differ from classic brickwork, but are more profitable than the latter in terms of long-term operation. For example, white smudges and stains do not appear on the surface of the thermal panel over time. They also give façade elements a neat appearance and do not require special care.

Easy to install. Installation of a façade system based on insulated panels does not require special devices and installation of additional supports. Due to the fact that these building materials are lightweight, they can be used to decorate buildings with foundations that are sensitive to high loads. Since no solution is used during the installation process, installation is possible at any temperature. It is possible to install the panels in both horizontal and vertical positions.

Effective protection . Thermal panels are reliably protected from damage by fungus and mold; they do not contain components susceptible to rotting.

Mechanical strength. To stretch the material, it is necessary to apply a force of 300 kPa or more. Bending strength - 500 kPa.

Environmental Safety . Both insulation and clinker tiles are safe for human health and the environment, since they do not emit toxic substances during operation.

Facade thermal panels have few disadvantages. The main one is the need to level the base before installation. If this stage of work is skipped in order to save money, the final result will be disastrous.

Features of installation of facade thermal panels

To begin with, it is recommended to purchase required amount building materials. Experts recommend making a reserve of 10-15% more calculated value. This is due to engineering errors and the fact that some of the material will end up as scraps.

The quality of installation of thermal panels can only be guaranteed if there is a perfectly flat base. If the geometry of the facade is broken, it is permissible to use lathing. The main tools you will need for your work are: building level, electric drill, screwdriver, hammer. To fix building materials on the facade, dowels, glue or polystyrene foam are used. The installation procedure is described below.

  1. Preparation work surface before laying façade thermal panels. This includes cleaning from dust and dirt, as well as old decorative covering(optional). If there are unevennesses, they must be eliminated by achieving a perfectly straight base.
  2. Setting the horizon line using normal or laser level. Aluminum or wooden planks, which are located next to each other parallel to each other. The distance between the beacons should be equal to the thickness of the thermal panel.
  3. Laying the first building element in the left corner of the building using the chosen method (glue, foam or dowels). The first row is mounted on the base. If dowels are used, their number is calculated based on the area. For one square meter there are 10-15 fasteners.
  4. Laying of the remaining façade thermal panels focusing on the tongue-and-groove connection system. At the joints of the walls, corner elements are necessarily used, which are purchased separately. Door and window openings are decorated using facing tiles, cement-sand mortar or already ready decorative solution.
  5. Filling the gap between the plinth profile and the building wall with polyurethane foam to prevent air circulation behind the façade cladding.
  6. Grouting joints. A special frost-resistant mixture for external use, which is applied using a gun, is suitable. Despite the fact that the composition itself can withstand operation at low temperatures, you can work with it only if outside the room is at least +5 ° C.

Domestic manufacturers of panels for facades

On the Russian market, façade thermal panels are represented by products from several manufacturers. Some of the most famous brands:

  • "Regent". Delivers to Russian market domestic facade thermal panels, upper layer which are made of clinker tiles. Foam material - polyurethane foam - is used as insulation. The panel dimensions are standard and are 240 x 72 mm. The thickness of the tiles (top decorative layer) varies from 8 to 14 mm, polyurethane foam - from 40 to 80 mm.
  • "ThermoUnion". A large plant producing materials for facades. The top layer is clinker tiles, which are produced in Germany from natural clay. Building materials are available in several shades, sizes and thicknesses.
  • "Fride." Thermal panels from this manufacturer reliably imitate brick with clinker and ceramic tiles, as well as porcelain stoneware. Seamless solutions are available for sale, slabs of various sizes with thicknesses ranging from 30 to 100 mm. Polyurethane foam is used as insulation, and the rigid base is made of oriented strand board (OSB).
  • "Termozit." Large Russian manufacturer of clinker panels - facade and basement. The thickness of the products varies from 30 to 80 mm. The base is made of high quality polyurethane foam.

If you want to insulate your home and maintain a pleasant room temperature, you no longer need to worry about altering its structures. All you need to do is purchase quality materials which we offer at affordable prices.

Simple and economical solution, is not it? Dress up your home with similar design, and any weather or temperature conditions will not be scary for him. Our site will help you buy the best decorative rock For interior decoration in Moscow, capable of becoming a worthy “cover” of any building and keeping your home in the right place temperature conditions. Diversity color range and textures of this product will allow you to do right choice, corresponding to the necessary characteristics and taste preferences of each buyer.

Prices for facade thermal panels. We have something to surprise you with!

Are you looking for an opportunity to purchase façade thermal panels made to look like stone? Contact Stroydek at any time about another product presented on our website, and we will tell you how much decorative stone for the wall and other related materials for your home and garden plot.

Thermal panel is exactly the case when “beautiful” and “necessary” are combined. This is another solution for energy-efficient houses, as well as for those whose budget does not include overpayments for electricity, since the thermal panel provides excellent thermal insulation and such thermal panels with tiles give the facade a rather respectable appearance.

They consist of the actual insulating layer, which is used as polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, the composition of which is more than 90% air, and is also used as a decorative layer fake diamond, and clinker, porcelain tiles, glazed ceramics.

IN Lately polyurethane foam, due to its higher performance, is used more often than polystyrene foam. Although polystyrene foam is very popular in the USA, Canada and countries Western Europe. It is completely safe for human health, since even food packaging is made from it.

It also does not create favorable environment for the life of fungi and microorganisms, since moisture does not penetrate there. It does not have a pungent odor. Moreover, it is strong and durable. As a result of experiments, it was found that the period of its complete destruction is 250 years.

Facade thermal panels have many options design solutions, and are increasingly used in home decoration. Their variety is so great that you can choose whatever your heart desires, taking into account the tastes of even the most capricious client. Natural shades and textures allow the house to harmoniously fit into any surrounding landscape.


Today construction stores offer products different manufacturers and brands:

  1. A.D.W. Klinker,
  2. Stroeher,
  3. Feldhaus,
  4. Ceramika Paradyz,
  5. Grasaro,
  6. "EUROPE",
  9. "Regent".

Advantages of facade thermal panels

  1. this is one of the most environmentally friendly solutions for thermal insulation;
  2. there are no restrictions for their use in facade works oh, no matter what house we are talking about. They can be attached to any surface and in several ways to concrete, expanded clay concrete, classic brick, plastered or unplastered facades, walls of block houses, aerated concrete, wood or even adobe (unburnt raw brick made from clay and any fibrous materials). This gives thermal panels clear advantages when it comes to insulating old buildings. Thermal panels are not afraid of even broken façade geometry. In this case, a lathing is used, by adjusting which the surface is leveled;
  3. complete independence of conduct installation work depending on the time of year and weather conditions, so this work can be carried out even in winter time, if you did not have time to do this in advance;
  4. due to the fact that the thermal panel has an aesthetic function and a heat saving function, it can be safely called a multifunctional material;
  5. the choice of color and texture of thermal panels is simply huge, so any bold project of a designer-architect will be realistic;
  6. The thermal panel will allow you to save a lot on heating costs. The effectiveness is fully confirmed in real numbers, which on average show savings of 40%;
  7. The use of thermal panels significantly reduces installation time. And it directly depends on this total time, spent on maintaining construction work and, as a result, cost. As you know, the customer bears costs not only for building materials and labor, but also for rent scaffolding for facade work, payment for freight transport and a crane, if loading and unloading work is required, and so on. Installation of thermal panels does not require high vocational training from the employee, but this is also a considerable expense item, and here you can save a lot of money. We can say that it is possible to install thermal panels even on your own if you have an electric drill, a screwdriver, a hammer and a lot of desire. Before starting installation, you need to make sure that all walls are level. You can attach façade thermal panels using glue, polystyrene foam or dowels. More detailed information you can get it from specialists, store sellers, or by reading the detailed instructions;

  8. thermal panels are half the price of brickwork, so simple calculations will show the percentage of your savings when organizing thermal insulation;
  9. façade thermal panels eliminate the need to repair façade walls once every two years (or maybe more often) in the case of foam insulation, since depending on the location of the house you may encounter some troubles, such as soil vibrations, etc. And even in the case of unprofessional work or low-quality materials, the insulating layer may crack at the joints. This will require painstaking repairs with painting, which does not happen with thermal panels;
  10. the material is durable. According to numerous tests, the manufacturer confidently states that the service life of thermal panels is quite high. The minimum is 50 years, although for example the ABC-Klinkergruppe Concern gives a 100-year guarantee not only for strength, but also for color preservation. It is worth emphasizing that it is the unsurpassed color fastness that can be called the calling card of thermal panels. Also, its long service life is influenced by the fact that it contains outer covering no lime or salts. This eliminates the formation of so-called efflorescence;
  11. the material is resistant to rotting, the formation of all types of mold fungi and the maintenance of microorganisms;
  12. there is no need to spend a long time and painstakingly selecting a shade, as is the case with batches of bricks when doing brickwork;
  13. thermal panels - diffusion open and durable material. The connection of thermal panels is highly precise, minimizing any installation defects, so cold bridges never form in them, and the dew point is always located within the volume of the insulation. This makes it possible to avoid creating ventilation gaps on the rear side of the facade. Such a reliable fastening is not afraid of even slanting rain.

  14. the lightness of the material completely eliminates the need for additional strengthening of the foundation. This can be very relevant when it comes to the reconstruction of old buildings, since it is not possible to carry out work on the existing foundation. This is a self-supporting system, eliminating the presence of a load from above. The weight of the thermal panel is 10 times lighter than classic brickwork and is only 15 kg per 1 m2.

Disadvantages of thermal panels

  1. the need to prepare the surface, namely, leveling it, which in some cases can take a lot of time, since it may turn out labor-intensive process;
  2. despite the fact that this material is classified as a “2 in 1”, however, according to consumer reviews, the use of thermal panels does not apply to budget option. The price of corner elements is especially high;
  3. Also, the disadvantage will be the use of low-quality material.

Mounting method

Facade thermal panels with tiles are produced in different sizes and structures. They can also be found both with and without insulation.

Therefore, there are several ways to attach them:

  1. with insulation can be mounted directly on the wall using impact dowels;
  2. and without insulation it can be mounted in different ways:
    1. first glue insulation (for example, polystyrene foam) to the walls, and then attach thermal panels using impact dowels;
    2. first nailed to the wall wooden beam, and then insulation is placed between it and the wall. Then the thermal panel is attached to the beam using screws.

The last mounting method is suitable for uneven walls.

Variety of forms and color solutions for facade thermal panels can even be confusing at first, because big choice, as a rule, causes long deliberation. Among such a wide range you can always find something suitable. Facade thermal panels look more than aesthetically pleasing, as well as monolithic and neat.

Facade thermal panels can have decorative layer in the form of smooth tiles, textured and even aged. The latter, in turn, has a very presentable and unusual look. It qualitatively imitates old brickwork, which can often be found in Holland, the western part of Germany, and in some other European countries. It must be said right away that thermal plates with such tiles are not cheap, but the exclusive appearance is worth it. Wealthy people usually make this choice for their homes.

Now about the most popular types of thermal panels

Clinker thermal panels

This is the name for panels where clinker tiles are used as a decorative layer. In terms of resistance to environmental influences, clinker is superior even to some types of natural stone. It has an almost flawless appearance and many natural color options. The raw material for it is shale clay, which is mined today in Northwestern Europe. Therefore, clinker is 100% natural material, obtained without using chemical additives by high temperature firing method.

Unlike some types of natural stone, which can be compared to clinker in strength, it does not “phonite”. Its strength grade is M 800, and its water absorption rate is quite low - only 2-3% by weight. Thanks to this, we can say about clinker that it is highly frost-resistant and is able to maintain its characteristics for more than 300 cycles.

In addition to their thermal insulation and aesthetic functions, clinker thermal panels also act as a sound insulator and as additional waterproofing.

They are used today not only as insulation and facade decoration, but also for interior works. They are also used for finishing fountains, swimming pools and other large and small containers where water should be located.

Clinker has a very noble appearance, by which many can easily distinguish it. Such a beautiful external effect and characteristics are obtained using special production technology.

Installation of clinker facade panels can be carried out at any time of the year.

Thermal panels with porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles are another type ceramic tiles, produced from quality raw materials through the use of new technologies that expose it to high firing temperatures and pressure. The result is a material that is compressed so much that it is not afraid of any environmental influences. According to these indicators, it is superior to natural stone.

This is another type of thermal panels that is very popular, especially for finishing low-rise buildings. This method was very popular back in the 60s. last century. And since then, glazed tile coating has proven itself to be excellent. Glazed tiles have smooth surface and heterogeneity of color, which gives the facade a noble appearance, imitating brickwork.

Excellent appearance, ease of installation, excellent characteristics and a minimum of disadvantages have ensured that thermal panels have become increasingly popular.


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