Garden hydrangea flower: description of species and varieties in the photo. Review of varieties of paniculata hydrangea

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Hydrangea paniculata Limelight is a large-leaved ornamental shrub belonging to a variety of deciduous plants. The diversity of its species allows hydrangea to be classified as both shrubs and trees. Characteristic feature Limelight hydrangea is considered to have numerous greenish-colored flowers, which are collected in large inflorescences in the form of panicles.

General description of the species

Hydrangea paniculata is about 2.5 m in length, Limelight hydrangea is 1-1.5 m, Little Lime hydrangea is about 1 m. These are the most common species. However, no matter how tall the plant is, its flowers are an essential and prominent part. In the middle of the bush the flowers are small, but fruitful, and at the edges they are large, bright, but fruitless. There are many color options: blue, pink, cream, white and mixed. In general, there are 35 types of hydrangea.

Hydrangea paniculata variety Limelight (Hydrangea Limelight) has a characteristic rounded crown. Grows flower mass and leaves quickly. The leaves are oblong and elongated, dark green in color and velvety to the touch. Blooms this type hydrangeas in summer, taking over September a little. Its inflorescences have a wide conical shape and consist of pale lemon flowers with a greenish tint. As they bloom, they change color, becoming pinkish.

Hydrangea loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate strong wind. It develops especially quickly in fertile soils With high humidity and acid. Accordingly, during dry periods of summer it needs abundant watering. It endures winter with endurance. However, it is advisable to cover young shrubs until they acquire it. Planted alone or in a group, it grows well. Hydrangeas look best as decorations for front gardens, paths and parks.

Conditions for optimal growing

All hydrangeas tolerate shade extremely poorly, but at the same time they do not like direct abundant sun rays. Hydrangea paniculata grows best in partial shade with good watering.

Hydrangea is quite picky about soil. In particular, it prefers fertile soil with the presence of substrates. If placed in alkaline soil, it will most likely develop chlorosis due to excess lime. In addition, ornamental shrubs need constant loosening. Highly dense and dry soil does not bring anything good for the development of inflorescences.

Limelight, as a rule, tolerates spring frosts steadfastly, but young, immature shoots may die. Therefore, it is best to cover part or all of the plant and protect it from the cold for the winter and early spring. In addition, experts recommend replanting the Limelight hydrangea in a container during winter and spring and storing it indoors until the weather warms up.

Use in landscape design

Hydrangea Limelight is one of the most noticeable plants in the garden. It might turn out nice decoration flower beds, in addition, hedge. Sometimes hydrangea is used as vertical gardening(usually this applies to petiole hydrangea).

In company with other ornamental shrubs, hydrangea also looks great. However, gardeners prefer to combine different things together, achieving bright combination colors.

The Limelight shrub with its greenish tint will perfectly complement tree roses, clematis and irises.

Care and reproduction

The most harmful to shrubs is the abundant sunbathing with poor watering. As soon as dry days arrive, hydrangea immediately begins to react by drying out the leaves. Therefore, the bush needs to be watered additionally. On ordinary days, 1 watering per month is sufficient, and during drought periods at least 1 time per week. At the same time, 1 plant can easily absorb up to 20 liters of water in 1 watering.

Mulching hydrangea is also an important procedure that care cannot do without. The mulch should consist of bark, wood chips, pine needles or ordinary last year's leaves. The purpose of mulching is to keep the soil moist as much as possible. In addition, using mulch you can stabilize the acid level in the soil.

In addition to mulching, hydrangea needs loosening of the tree trunk area. This procedure must be performed 3-4 times per season. The depth of loosening should not be more than 6 cm in depth.

The soil also needs to be supplied organic fertilizers. Hydrangea prefers this type of care.

Paniculate hydrangea requires annual pruning. Since only in this case is the formation of inflorescences possible. The fact is that new flowers form only on shoots current year. Pruning should be done in early spring (necessarily before mid-April), during the growing season. If pruning is done too late (late April or early May), the hydrangea may not bloom at all or its flowers will develop much worse.

A young plant should be trimmed carefully, without removing too many shoots. Be sure to trim off frozen areas, as they will not give any color. Old shrubs can be pruned back significantly. This is called anti-aging pruning. At the end of autumn, all faded inflorescences must be removed from the bush.

For the winter, hydrangea needs to be optimally covered. To begin with, it is hilled to a height of up to 20 cm. Peat is poured on top of the tree trunk area. All shoots above the shelter can be safely cut off. You can cover the hydrangea with either greenhouse film or ordinary lutrasil, rolled in 2 layers. After covering, it is important not to provoke rotting processes. Therefore, lutrasil is placed in the lower layer, so that it is closer to the bush.

It is best to propagate Limelight hydrangea by cuttings. However, hydrangea can also reproduce by division, layering and grafting. In rare cases, seeds are sown. The last option is the most unreliable and at the same time very labor-intensive. Hydrangea seeds are planted in late spring or early winter in a greenhouse. The seedlings are very weak and require constant feeding and weeding.

The easiest way to reproduce it. They are carried out in spring or autumn. After planting the plant, water it abundantly. A plant planted in spring takes root only by the end of autumn.

Pests and diseases

The most common disease of hydrangea is chlorosis. In this case, its leaves turn yellow, the flowers become smaller, and the shoots become brittle. Another common disease is the so-called powdery mildew. This is when oily spots form on the leaves, turning yellow and increasing in size over time. Chlorosis occurs as a reaction to excess lime in the soil, and dew occurs as a consequence of excessive air humidity. In order to overcome chlorosis, experts recommend using root fertilizers in the form of iron salts. In addition, you can fertilize with ordinary complex fertilizers that balance the composition of the soil.

To combat them, you can use the following drugs: Actellik, Karbofos and Fitoverm. Slugs are best destroyed using the drug Meta.

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In 2012, the cherished dream of gardeners and landscape designers came true. It was then that she appeared in Hydrangea paniculata "Little Lime" for sale. This is a truly dwarf shrub with dimensions not exceeding 70 cm in height and 1.2 m in diameter. The plant is ideal for landscaping parks, squares, and gardens. Used in group planting and as a tapeworm. It is possible to grow shrubs as part of the original landscape compositions. Moreover, the plant is adapted to grow in decorative containers.

Today buy hydrangea paniculata "Little Lime" wholesale You can go to the Fortis SC.

Distinctive characteristics

  • Strong shoots with ovate (oblong-ovate) leaves. Color: dark green or green, with possible burgundy-purple hues in autumn.
  • Flowering is very abundant. The period begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn, often until frost. The color of the inflorescences depends on the location of the plant. So, if buy seedlings of Hydrangea paniculata "Little Lime" and plant them in a sunlit area, the inflorescences will initially be light green (even light green), over time they will become more creamy, and at the end of flowering they will turn greenish-pink. In the shade, the flowers of the bush remain light green.
  • Consistently high frost resistance. deciduous shrub easily “overwinters” and does not freeze. If you wish, for your own confidence, you can cover the plant with burlap for the winter for the first year.
  • By purchasing Hydrangea paniculata "Little Lime" wholesale, you should remember that in dry summers you will have to take care of regular watering of the seedlings. The plant is not afraid of drought, but its flowering may not be as abundant.

The choice of soil should be carefully considered. The plant prefers moist, drained and fertile soil and tolerates stagnant water.

Many of us grow on summer cottages not only fruit and vegetable plants, but also grow flowers - petunias, daffodils, tulips, lilies, clematis. And if you have a desire to add another lush flowering plant to your collection, we recommend that you read our article about paniculata hydrangea.

The natural habitats of this hydrangea are the southern coast of Sakhalin, the islands of Japan and China. There it can reach ten meters in height. It also grows remarkably well in our latitudes and has adapted to both heat and frost. But its height is usually no more than two- three meters. With careful care, the bush adds 25 centimeters per year. Even if some of the shoots are damaged during harsh winters, this hydrangea will quickly recover. The shoots are brown-red, grow straight, sometimes spread out, and from the second year the stems become woody.

This representative of the hydrangea family looks very picturesque from mid-summer until the October frosts, when wonderful flowers open in its panicle inflorescences, reaching a length of up to 35 centimeters. They can be of two types:

  • sterile (about three centimeters, do not fall off for a long time);
  • bisexual (they are smaller in size, after pollination occurs, they quickly lose their petals).

The first flowers on paniculate hydrangea appear at the age of three years.

In many varieties of paniculata hydrangea, the color of the petals changes during flowering. They may be creamy at first, then turn pink, and then turn red or green. It happens that there are so many flowers that the branches bend and even break under their weight if supports are not placed in time. The leaves of this plant are bright, large (up to 15 centimeters in length), elliptical in shape, with a pointed tip and small teeth along the edge. They have a pleasant velvety texture and pubescence. The veins are strongly depressed. All branches are abundantly covered with leaf plates located close to each other. The age of these centenarians can reach up to 60 years. Hydrangea can adapt to unfavorable conditions environment, for example, if there are increased gas and smoke levels in the air.

Which hydrangea to choose?

First, we will give the names of varieties of hydrangea paniculata, which have long been successfully grown by gardeners:

  1. "Limelight" - grows like a neat shrub, maintaining its shape even without supports. Height within two meters. In partial shade the flowers have a lime tint. If this plant is constantly exposed to sunlight, the flowers will be white, and in the final stage they will turn slightly pink. In autumn the leaves turn from green to purple. A plant of this variety needs loose soil with an acidic reaction environment, where lime has not been added.
  2. “Kyushu” has a spreading, fan-shaped crown, the height of the plant is about three meters. Comes from pink and white flowers pleasant aroma. The color of the leaf petioles is reddish.
  3. "Matilda" - the height of the plant is within two meters, and the width is about three. During long flowering It is interesting to observe how the color of fragrant flowers changes - from cream to pink-green.
  4. “Grandiflora” pleases with large pyramidal “panicles”, but they bloom a little later than other varieties. At first their color is creamy, then white, later a pink tint appears, but in the fall the color is reddish-green.
  5. "Floribunda" - shoots up to two meters, decorated with creamy-white lush inflorescences. The flowers are large and are on long stalks.

Gradually, other varieties are spreading throughout gardens and parks:

  • "Tardiva" - this three-meter bush blooms from August to October. Looks good in group compositions. At first, the cone-shaped “panicles” are creamy-white, but towards the end of flowering they turn pink-purple.
  • “Vanilla Fries” - by the beginning of autumn, the white-pink inflorescences become crimson, and in October they turn purple, while the top remains white. This wonderful variety was created by Jean Reno, a breeder from France.
  • “Fries Melba” is another unpretentious and frost-resistant “brainchild” of the Frenchman Renault. Strong shoots (up to two meters), supporting large inflorescences without support, where white and crimson colors contrast.
  • "Candelight" is a dense, profusely flowering bush, the height of which is no more than 150 centimeters. Conical inflorescences first have yellow-green flowers, which then change color to golden-cream, and by October to reddish.
  • "Brussels Lace" - fruiting white flowers are so delicate that the bush is compared to the beauty of a bride. Wine-colored shoots, less than two meters.
  • "Baby Lace" is easy to grow and resistant to powdery mildew. Its height is no more than 120 centimeters. The inflorescences are small (up to 15 centimeters), initially their color is white, then turning into pink tones.
  • "Pink Diamond" - over time, the inflorescences become almost red.
  • “Pinky Winky” - the color of the “panicles” is first white, then pink-red, purple-pink. The stems are strong. In autumn the leaf color turns purple-violet.
  • "Unique" - has fragrant snow-white wide-conical inflorescences that turn pink in the fall.
  • "Diamond Rouge" - the inflorescences are white at first, and cherry-red in the fall.
  • "Silver Dollar" - his landscape designers placed in parks next to others ornamental plants. The inflorescences are greenish-white, turning silvery-pink in autumn.
  • "Mega Pearl" - looks good both on the lawn and in combination with other bushes.
  • “Dolly” - its “height” is just over 150 centimeters; white inflorescences flaunt on strong stems, turning pink by autumn.
  • “Sunday Frize”, translated as “Strawberry Ice Cream”, is a compact bush, no more than a meter in height. The inflorescence consists of sterile greenish-white flowers, then the lower part of the inflorescence changes to a strawberry color.
  • "Weems Red" - on strong shoots, the height of which is up to 180 centimeters, large inflorescences look amazing, some of them are 35 centimeters long. From June to September, you will see them first creamy, then pink, then turning into a deeper pink, and finally wine red.
  • "Bombshell" - the entire dwarf shrub is covered with white flowers.
  • “Bobo” - does not grow more than 70 centimeters in height; already at the end of June the first flowers open on it in dense cone-shaped inflorescences. At first their color is white or with a lemon tint, then pink.
  • “Little Lime” - greenish flowers open on one and a half meter shoots, which turn pink in the fall.
  • “Phantom” - against the background of velvety dark green foliage, large cream inflorescences stand out, in which most of the flowers are sterile. A pink “blush” is noticeable at the ends of the inflorescences.
  • "Polar bear" - frost-resistant bush with an abundance of snow-white “panicles”.

Varieties that need a lot of sunlight and moisture: “Unique”, “Levana”, “Diamond Rouge”, “Phantom”, “Diamantino”.

The most suitable varieties of paniculata hydrangea for the Moscow region are: “Bobo”, “Grandiflora”, “Vanilla Fries”, “Pinky Winky”, “Limelight”, “Tardiva”, “Kiushu”, “Polar Bear”, “Mega Pearl”, “ Phantom", "Fries Melba".

Select the best varieties Hydrangea paniculata is difficult, they are all good in their own way. Let us only note that the varieties bloom amazingly - “Great Star”, “Vanilla Fries”, “Early Sensation”, “Magical Candle”, “Diamond Rouge”, “Magical Fire”, “Fries Melba”.

Let's start planting paniculata hydrangea

It is very important to choose the right place for the seedling on the site. Some varieties grow well in partial shade, while others need plenty of sun. As for the soil, it should be clay or loamy, but always fertile. Sandy soils are not suitable for hydrangeas. Most hydrangeas require an acidic reaction of the environment, then the color of the flowers will be bright, and a lot of “panicles” will form. To acidify the soil, you can take half-rotted needles (from spruce or pine), brown peat, and sawdust. Not suitable for this crop dolomite flour, ash, lime.

In order to retain moisture under the crown longer, ground covers, for example, sedum and saxifrage, are placed near the hydrangea.

Paniculata hydrangea is planted in open ground in early spring or September. It is still advisable to buy paniculata hydrangea in the spring, then it will take root very quickly and go to active growth. This can be done at flower exhibitions, fairs, nurseries, garden stores and centers. When planting this plant in the fall, there is a risk that a rapid cooling will not allow the hydrangea to settle down and take root in its new place. Make the hole for planting paniculate hydrangea wide (at least 70 centimeters in diameter) and deep (about 50 centimeters). Add a portion of fertilizers (mineral or organic) to the hole. Pour a mound of fertile soil and moisten it. When the water is absorbed, spread the roots on the mound, and then fill them with the remaining soil so as not to accidentally deepen the root collar. It should remain level with the surface of the earth. Compact the area under the hydrangea and water it generously. If you have several seedlings, it is recommended to leave a distance of 150 centimeters between them (for tall plants) or 70 centimeters (for compact and dwarf forms).

Recommendations for further care of paniculate hydrangea

  1. Water your hydrangea regularly and deeply. If the weather is hot, without precipitation, then at least twice a week. Do not allow the soil under the hydrangea to crack; loosen the soil shallowly after rainfall or watering, while pulling out weeds.
  2. Mulching with pine needles or peat chips will help retain moisture in the soil layer longer.
  3. It is advisable to fertilize every ten days, alternating organic with mineral complexes. Organic matter is diluted slurry or chicken. You can add a little nettle infusion fermented in a bucket to the water for irrigation. IN flower shops They sell special fertilizers intended specifically for hydrangeas, in which all dosages are adjusted. In August all recharges stop. If fertilizing is rare or not done at all, then few inflorescences are formed, and the color of the petals turns out to be faded. To make the color brighter and more expressive, you can use mixtures for hydrangeas created on the basis of alum.
  4. Trimming too important element caring for hydrangea. Let's look at this in more detail.

How to prune paniculate hydrangea?

Annual pruning for paniculata hydrangea is very important, as it helps the bush look lush and bloom profusely. In autumn, it is necessary to cut off all the “panicles”, as well as weak and old shoots, branches, the growth of which is directed towards the inside of the crown. From 10 to 12 of the strongest shoots are left for wintering.

Spring pruning must be done before the buds begin to open. Adult shoots are usually cut to 2-3 buds, and young stems to 3-5 buds. As a result, the bush will gain strength and will produce an abundance of inflorescences by August. In the spring, do not forget to shorten frozen shoots and those that look weak or diseased. For gardeners who do not prune paniculate hydrangea, it may not produce flowers. If your bush is old and you want to rejuvenate it, then cut off all the shoots to form a “stump”. The bush should be restored within two years.

Possible difficulties when growing paniculate hydrangea

It happens that a gardener diligently moisturizes his pet, but the leaves on it still droop, the bush looks lethargic. It is likely that the soil and roots located in its upper layer are overheating under your hydrangea. Be sure to mulch the soil with peat, chopped bark or wood chips.

Another nuisance is yellowing of the foliage on hydrangeas. At the same time, the color of the veins does not change - they are green. These are signs of chlorosis. And it occurs if the soil environment is alkaline. The symptoms will go away when you acidify the soil by feeding the hydrangea with iron sulfate.

There are serious diseases that can disturb hydrangeas that are in the shade or heavily thickened:

  1. Gray rot - it is characterized by rapidly growing brown spots. In inclement, rainy weather, gray mycelium can be seen on such spots; spores of the causative fungus can quickly spread to other crops garden plot. Therefore, immediately, as soon as you notice the listed symptoms, take measures to save the hydrangea and prevent the spread of the disease to other plantings.
  2. Powdery mildew - begins with the appearance of gray coating. Gradually there is more of it, it darkens. Other leaves are also affected, which then wither and leave the hydrangea. If powdery mildew gets on young shoots, then purple spots are noticeable on them, and these parts of the plant die off. Such shoots are unlikely to survive the winter.
  3. White rot - the roots of hydrangea suffer from it, as a result of which it does not receive the necessary nutrition from the soil, withers and may die.
  4. Tracheomycosis wilt - damage begins from the root system. Soon the fungus spreads to the entire vascular system of the plant. Some of the shoots turn yellow and wither, and all this can lead to the death of the bush.

You can try to cope with these diseases with the help of special preparations called fungicides.

What does drying and falling leaves on a bush indicate? To begin with, pay attention to bottom side sheet plates. A cobweb is a sure indicator that the hydrangea has been invaded spider mites. Actellik is suitable for combating them.

There are other pests on hydrangeas:

  • leaf-eating snails;
  • aphids sucking juices from leaves;
  • bedbugs, pennies, which also suck out vital juices;
  • weevils, leaf beetles, leaf rollers feeding on foliage;
  • root-eating nematodes.

You can try for these pests folk remedies or special insecticides.

How does hydrangea winter?

Now many wonderful varieties have been created that winter well without any shelter. But young seedlings should still be covered with spruce “paws”. If you live in regions where winters are harsh, then it is better to play it safe and cover even mature hydrangea paniculata bushes in the fall.

How can this species be propagated?

There are a few possible ways propagation of hydrangea paniculata:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • dividing a bush that has grown over the years;
  • cuttings.

Let us immediately warn you that hydrangea has very tiny seeds, their germination rate is low, and the grade may be lost. Such a seedling blooms only after four years. Typically, gardeners resort to cuttings. Cuttings (or pinching off) of hydrangea paniculata cuttings are carried out in June (from the 10th to the 15th) from annual shoots (ripe, at this time buds appear on the plant). If the cuttings were cut in the spring or autumn months, then their rooting is poor. There must be at least three pairs of buds on the cutting. You need to leave a distance of two centimeters from the lower bud, and only then make a cut. On short shoots, the top cuts are not made. But if the shoot is long, then the upper cut should be made so that there remains another five centimeters above the upper bud. The lower leaves must be removed, and it is permissible to leave one or two leaves at the top, cutting them off in the middle. Keep the cuttings in water with a growth stimulant (for example, Heteroauxin) for several hours (or maybe a day). Fill the containers with a mixture of peat and sand. Bury each cutting into the substrate by three centimeters. Cover the cuttings with clear plastic cups. For rooting to be successful, keep the substrate in the container moist. The cups are removed daily to allow the cuttings to be watered and sprinkled. You will notice signs indicating rooting in about a month. For the winter, such containers are moved to a cool room where they will not freeze. Such cuttings can already be transplanted to their designated places next year, in August. If a small bush tries to produce buds at this time, you will have to cut them off so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering, but uses them to prepare for winter. Such seedlings are covered in the fall; winter hardiness will come to them after flowering (after four years).

This hydrangea is propagated by layering as follows. Next to an adult bush, make a groove 20 centimeters deep. Bend an annual shoot there, first making small cuts in the place where the roots may grow. The layer must be attached to the ground with a bracket. The top part should be vertical. Fill the groove so that the top remains uncovered. Water this place periodically. After a year, the grown young growth can be cut off from the adult bush and moved to another place.

If you have already developed good bush, which you want to divide into two or three parts, then dig it up completely in the spring (possibly at the very beginning of autumn), and then carry out the division. At the same time, several buds should remain on each part, from which renewal will begin.

Landscape designers often combine paniculata and tree hydrangea, creating spectacular compositions. These plants are combined with conifers, lilacs, spirea, irises, peonies, roses, astilbes, mountain weeds, and anemones. In parks and public gardens, hydrangea is alternated with plantings of birch, maple, and willow.

Hydrangea paniculata, photo

Hydrangea is one of the most beloved shrubs by gardeners. This beautiful flowering plant pleases us with its bright colors from mid-summer to late autumn. Hydrangea comes in different varieties. Today, paniculata hydrangea of ​​the “Limelight” variety is at the peak of popularity. Let's find out what it is.

Hydrangea "Limelight" - description

The main difference of this variety is its strong shoots, which can easily withstand large inflorescences. This distinguishes “Limelight” from other varieties of hydrangea that need supports and stands. garden shrub Hydrangea "Limelight" perfectly holds the shape of the bush. In this case, the height of an adult plant is about 2 m, and the diameter of its crown is usually the same.

The color of this hydrangea variety is unique - it changes from bright green to pure white throughout the flowering period. By autumn, the inflorescences become soft pink. The dense foliage of the plant has a deep dark green color, and in the fall it turns purple.

Limelight hydrangeas are good for both single planting and mixed borders. In the first case, they can be planted at the entrance to the site or in the front garden if it faces the north side. As for hydrangea, it looks good in tandem with giant hostas or astilbe.

Hydrangea paniculata "Limelight" - planting and care

The best place for hydrangea is partial shade or shade - there it will not suffer from sunlight, which slows down its growth and causes the inflorescences to become smaller. Planting should be done in the spring, after the threat of night frosts has passed. Loosen the soil, add organic and mineral fertilizers For better development plants, and after planting, mulch with sawdust, peat or pine needles.

Limelight hydrangea should be watered abundantly - the bush should get about 2 buckets of water per week. In this case, it is advisable to take rainwater or at least settled water.

Feeding is also needed. Typically, specialized fertilizers are used for heathers, rhododendrons or azaleas. Be careful with ash and nitrogen fertilizers - with their use, the winter hardiness of the Limelight hydrangea may decrease, and the turgor of the stems may become less.

In the spring, do not forget about thinning pruning, and during the summer, periodically remove faded inflorescences as they dry out. Paniculata hydrangea variety "Limelight" is propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush.

Everyone who has a garden wants it to be beautiful buys various flowers. But sometimes there is a feeling that something is still missing and the flower garden needs a background. Best help with this ornamental shrubs. Maybe lilac or jasmine? Wonderful! But, unfortunately, after flowering these plants do not look presentable and are disappointing with their dry inflorescences.

Is there a shrub that could please the eye during and after flowering? Of course there is! And this is an amazing hydrangea. Siberian gardeners love it very much. How to properly care for a plant to achieve rich color?

Hydrangea is a small tree with gorgeous dense inflorescences. This shrub has become so popular due to the fact that it blooms not just beautifully, but very beautifully! It's impossible to take your eyes off! She decorates the garden from mid-summer to late autumn.

Many people consider hydrangea to be a finicky plant, but we found out whether this is really so and what types of hydrangea even a novice amateur gardener can grow at home.

Planting, care, pruning

Hydrangea paniculata, planting and care

Hydrangea does not require special care. This is not such painstaking work as it might seem at first glance. The name translates as “vessel of water.” That's why This shrub loves water very much, but there is no constant dampness.

It needs to be planted in partial shade. She suffers from direct sunlight, from them its inflorescences become small. An important condition for its cultivation is acidic soil.

So, how to plant hydrangea? The best thing in early spring planting hydrangeas. Planting and care open ground do not require special skills. It is necessary to dig a hole about half a meter wide and deep, fill fertile soil with the addition of humus, sand or peat.

The bush doesn't like ash. After planting, it is thoroughly watered and mulched with sawdust or peat. As for fertilizers, because... The bush is actively blooming, it really needs feeding. It is best to use special fertilizers, which are called “For hydrangea”. You need to fertilize three times:

  • in the spring, when the bush begins to grow;
  • in June, for the formation of good buds;
  • during flowering, for excellent flowers and soil formation on next year. You can fertilize with any nitrogen-containing fertilizers, but be sure to use acidifiers: alum, pine litter, vinegar.

There are many types of hydrangea:

  • tree-like
  • paniculate
  • large-leaved.

In this article we will focus on paniculata hydrangea. She is also loved by everyone because she can easily winter in the open ground. Although many sources write that the bush loves shade, in fact, flowering occurs only in the sun. In the shade there will be very weak shoots, small peduncles and beautiful flowers it will be hard to wait. In order to provide the bush with moist soil, it is necessary to mulch it; it is best to use pine litter for this. When watering, it transfers its acidic environment to the soil and the bush will become healthier.


One of important conditions For the beauty of hydrangeas is pruning. Pruned at the end of October, in November. Some recommend doing this in the spring, but no later than early May. Basically, half the height of the bush is cut off, but there is a slight correlation between varieties. U dwarf plants when pruning, leave 30 centimeters from the ground. They still subsequently grow to their eighty-centimeter height and bloom profusely.

For such large shrubs as phantom, it is necessary to leave a meter from the ground, and during the season it still produces 2 meters of shoots and as a result the bush becomes three meters tall and blooms profusely. For the winter it is necessary to mandatory tie hydrangeas.

Although it is a shrub, its shoots are fragile and snow breaks them. Therefore, it is easier to tie the bush and it will spend the winter calmly. No cover required.

Secondary pruning must be done in the spring without fail.. Remove all the thinnest shoots, thinner than 1 centimeter thick. The plant does not need them. Having removed all the thin shoots, all the strength will go into the inflorescences. Without pruning, the gardener will not lose anything; in fact, the bush will simply become sloppy, fluffy and take up a lot of space. There will be a lot of greenery on it, and the inflorescences, unfortunately, will be small. Therefore, in order for the bush to become a real decoration of the flower garden, pruning is simply necessary. Hydrangea paniculata is a shrub up to 3 meters high.

It grows in the south of Sakhalin, Japan and China on the edges of forests. IN middle lane Russia is a shrub with a round crown.

Hydrangea paniculata loves moisture, so it needs to be watered at least twice a week. If the kut is mature, then this is 30-40 liters of water per tree. If small dwarf variety, then a little less. And, of course, food. Everyone loves to “eat” hydrangeas; don’t forget about it.

Gallery: hydrangea in the garden (25 photos)

Hydrangea paniculata varieties

Tree hydrangeas have long been settled in our gardens. Many people know about them. These are large shrubs that take up quite a lot of space with beautiful white caps.

There are varieties with pink inflorescences, but they bloom less than paniculate ones. Hydrangea varieties can be divided into dwarf and tall. The second difference between paniculate varieties is the inflorescence, which is important to know when purchasing.

There are varieties with full inflorescences. Their branches are completely packed, there is no space between the flowers. This is very beautiful varieties, but most of them do not tolerate rain well. And there are varieties whose inflorescences are called "butterfly Effect". The inflorescences on them are sparsely located.

The advantage of these varieties is that they are very beautiful and look amazing from afar. It’s as if moths or butterflies have settled on the branches of this bush. At the same time, the fertile flowers have a bright honey aroma and when passing by a paniculate hydrangea bush it is impossible not to stop. Many insects flock to them. These flowers are useful for the garden, for pollination and aesthetic pleasure. Inflorescences of this type do not droop in the rain. They are small and can easily withstand any bad weather.

The most popular varieties of paniculata hydrangea


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