Formation of motivation among schoolchildren to engage in physical education and sports. Formation of positive motivation of students for physical education

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Health is a state of complete spiritual, physical and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

(From the Constitution of the World Health Organization)

The primary importance of physical well-being for human health is undoubtedly, but at present it is becoming especially relevant, this is primarily due to the crisis state of the health of children with their hypokinesia and the difficulties of adapting to increased mental stress in schools of the new type. Physical education is a special educational subject that affects the biological, social, and psychological essence of the child. Adequate forms of physical education can reveal motor capabilities and harmonize the personality. Therefore, physical education is the only subject in school in which a student can and should receive an objective assessment of his own physical condition in dynamics. Organize the educational process so that the student understands and internally accepts the tasks facing him, worries about his physical condition, and for this he must have a clear motivation to engage in physical education.

The choice of the topic of our scientific work is not accidental, since our school is working to create a health-preserving environment for students. According to statistics, large share schoolchildren do not want to engage in physical exercise and do not know how to alternate it with mental activity. This theme allows you to show the connection physical culture with psychology and physiology. Provides insight into why students junior classes They look forward to physical education lessons, and middle and high school students lose motivation to engage in physical exercise. And yet, health cannot be compromised, whatever the reasons! The topic is very interesting and relevant. Therefore, this topic became interesting to us.



VIII Open International Research Conference for High School and Students

"Education. The science. Profession".

Section "Physical Education"

Study of student motivation for physical education lessons

Otradny - 2013


Chapter I. Technology for developing motivation for physical education lessons

1. Psychological and physiological characteristics of schoolchildren of different age groups

2. Students’ attitude towards physical education lessons.

Reasons for reluctance to engage in physical education class.

3. The main directions for improving the process of physical education at school

Chapter II. Research methodology and organization

Chapter III. Research results


List of used literature



Health is a state of complete spiritual, physical and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

(From the Constitution of the World Health Organization)

The primary importance of physical well-being for human health is undoubtedly, but at present it is becoming especially relevant, this is primarily due to the crisis state of the health of children with their hypokinesia and the difficulties of adapting to increased mental stress in schools of the new type. Physical education is a special educational subject that affects the biological, social, and psychological essence of the child. Adequate forms of physical education can reveal motor capabilities and harmonize the personality. Therefore, physical education is the only subject in school in which a student can and should receive an objective assessment of his own physical condition in dynamics. Organize the educational process so that the student understands and internally accepts the tasks facing him, worries about his physical condition, and for this he must have a clear motivation to engage in physical education.

The choice of the topic of our scientific work is not accidental, since our school is working to create a health-preserving environment for students. According to statistics, a large proportion of schoolchildren do not want to engage in physical exercise and do not know how to alternate it with mental activity. This topic allows us to show the connection between physical culture and psychology and physiology. Provides an opportunity to understand why elementary school students look forward to physical education lessons, while middle and high school students lose motivation to engage in physical exercise. And yet, health cannot be compromised, whatever the reasons! The topic is very interesting and relevant. Therefore, this topic became interesting to us.

Relevance: Reduced interest among our school students in physical education lessons.

Purpose of the study:To reveal the essence of the issue related to the motives and interests of schoolchildren of different classes in physical education lessons.

Research objectives:

  1. To study the physiological development of students of different age groups.
  2. To identify students’ attitudes towards physical education lessons.
  3. Conduct a survey of students in grades 4, 8, 11
  4. Draw conclusions.

Technology for developing motivation for physical education lessons.

Psychological and physiological characteristics

schoolchildren of different age groups.

Jr school age covers children 6.5-10 years old. It is characterized by relatively uniform development of the musculoskeletal system, but the intensity of growth of its individual dimensional characteristics is different. Thus, the length of the body increases during this period to a greater extent than its mass. Indicators for physical education practice functionality the child’s body are the leading criteria when choosing physical activity, the structure of motor actions, and methods of influencing the body. For children of primary school age, the need for high physical activity is natural. Motor activity is understood as the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process Everyday life. At this age, children are able to perform cyclic actions in a moderate and high mode. Individual inclinations and motivation for certain sports begin to form.

Middle school age (adolescence) covers children from 12-15 years old. During this period, puberty begins and the central nervous system continues to develop, so the processes of perseverance and concentration are reduced. Adolescence is a period of ongoing motor improvement of motor abilities, great opportunities in the development of motor qualities: coordination, speed-strength, strength, endurance.

Senior school age (youth) covers children from 16-18 years old. This age is characterized by the continuation of the process of growth and development, which is expressed in its relatively calm and uniform course in individual organs and systems. At the same time, puberty ends. High school students can show quite high volitional activity, for example, perseverance in achieving a goal, the ability to be patient against the background of fatigue and exhaustion. However, girls’ courage decreases, which creates certain difficulties in physical education. In high school age, compared with previous age groups, there is a decrease in the growth in the development of conditioning and coordination abilities. However, during this age period there are still considerable reserves for improving motor abilities, especially if this is done systematically and purposefully. The term “motivation” literally means that which causes movement, activates the central nervous system and other body systems. At the same time, it acts as an energy factor (“blind force” according to I.P. Pavlov) prompting the body to action. Motivations and needs should not be equated. Needs are not always converted into motivational arousal; at the same time, without proper motivational arousal, satisfaction that corresponds to the need is impossible. In many life situations the existing need, for one reason or another, is not accompanied by motivational arousal to action. Figuratively speaking, “what the body needs,” and motivation mobilizes the body’s forces to achieve the “needed action.” Thus, almost all younger schoolchildren prefer games; the interests of teenagers and older schoolchildren are already more differentiated: some like football, basketball, others like fitness, gymnastics. Motives associated with the process of activity are the satisfaction of the need for physical activity and the pleasure caused by receiving acute impressions (excitement, emotions, joy of victory). The formation of motivation is associated with the influence of external and internal factors. External factors are the conditions in which the student finds himself. Internal factors are desires, drives, interests that express needs related to the student’s personality. Beliefs play a special role; they characterize the student’s worldview and give his actions significance and direction.

Students' attitudes towards physical education lessons

Reasons for reluctance to engage in physical education class

Schools need physical education lessons like air, even if not all students love them. The fund's experts came to these conclusions public opinion. According to experts, children's disinterest is a consequence, not a cause. The conditions for conducting physical education lessons are far from ideal: poor-quality equipment, lack of premises. Added to this are too strict standards that not every student can handle. Many people try to “skip physical education” by hook or by crook for fear of being ridiculed by their classmates, which causes hostility towards the subject. The physical education of modern children leaves much to be desired. When students have difficulty completing test exercises, it is logical that they feel awkward about having to do it in public. The harm from standards that are too strict and uniform for all becomes especially noticeable in older age and adolescence. “Someone grows by leaps and bounds and does not meet the standards in half the allotted time, but is demanded of him as an adult. We need non-unified standards that take into account individual characteristics a growing body, from age to body type, but comfortable classes that are interesting to attend.


This study lasted six months and was carried out in the following stages:

At the first stage, an analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic was carried out, the psychological and physiological characteristics of schoolchildren of different classes were studied, and the reasons for not wanting to engage in physical education classes were identified.

At the second stage, a selection of methods was carried out to study the reasons for schoolchildren not attending physical education lessons: questionnaires, interviews, conversations. The following people took part in the study:

4 classes - 123 people,

8th grade - 100 people,

11th grade - 68 people.

The main task of our research work was to conduct a survey on the motivation of students for physical education lessons, 3 questions were asked, see (Appendix No. 1)

  1. “What is your attitude towards physical education lessons?”
  2. “Why are you taking physical education classes?”

3. “Who and what, in your opinion, can influence the formation of interest in physical education?”

Based on the results of our survey, we saw that:

Children in grade 4 have developed positive motivation for physical exercise. This is understandable from a physiological point of view; this is the age when the need for motor and emotional activity in self-expression and communication is required.

Children in grade 8 have developed a motive for self-improvement and self-knowledge, and are implementing acquired skills and abilities. As for the fading of motivation for physical education lessons, this happens when there are no more mature motivated attitudes.

11th grade students have formed a motive for self-education and continue to form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, while the teacher must use persuasion, validity and argumentation.

We conducted a survey to determine the reasons that hinder the process of physical education. “What doesn’t suit students in physical education lessons?” cm (Appendix No. 2)

During the survey, it was found that only 4 classes are completely satisfied with physical education classes, complaining that musical accompaniment of the lesson and modern methods are rarely used - 95%.

Schoolchildren in 8th grade experience insufficient satisfaction, an inconvenient schedule, lessons are monotonous, fitness is not used, the gym is 52%.

Schoolchildren of 11th grade experience discomfort in monotony, insufficient implementation of a personal approach in the process of physical exercise. Modern methods of physical culture are not used - 71%.


After we conducted our experiment and finished identifying the motivation of students of different age groups for physical education lessons, we can say:

  1. Junior schoolchildren (4th grade) are actively involved in physical education, participate in competitions and sports events.
  2. In adolescence (8th grade), those who do not study enough in physical education lessons and additionally in sections, interest decreases.
  3. And in the senior 11th grades, interest is fading, and among girls much faster than among boys, students can be attracted to classes through new and non-traditional forms of classes, as well as using music in lessons and strengthening interdisciplinary connections.

Research diagram

Appendix No. 1

What is your attitude towards physical education lessons?

  1. Why do you attend physical education classes?

Name of the question

4 classes

8th grade

11th grade

Satisfy your movement needs

Improve health

Improve mood

Test your strength

3. Who and what, in your opinion, can influence the formation of interest in physical education?

Answer options

4 classes

8th grade

11th grade

Class teachers


Sport competitions

Appendix No. 2

We conducted a survey to determine the reasons that hinder the process of physical education. “What doesn’t suit students in physical education lessons?” results in the table:


4th grade

123 people

8th grade

100 people

Grade 11

68 people

Monotony of classes

Poor material base

Inconvenient schedule

Poor organization of classes


Non-use musical accompaniment


Failure to use modern techniques



We have revealed the essence of the issue related to the motives and interests of schoolchildren of different classes in physical education lessons. We studied the technology for developing motivation for physical education lessons and conducted a study. As a result of the work done, we came to the following conclusions:

1. 4th grade students are looking forward to physical education lessons; this is due to physiological reasons; they need movement, self-realization, and communication.

2. Students in the 8th grade, due to sexual development, partially lose their motor ability, and there is embarrassment and tightness, especially on the part of girls. Those students who take additional classes in sports sections are more confident in themselves and perform at school competitions and sports festivals.

3. High school students have a different situation and the reasons for their decline in classes, the monotony of physical education lessons, there is no musical accompaniment and modern non-traditional forms of classes.


  1. Fitness – aerobics (classical, Pilates, callanetics)
  2. Organization of classes in the gym.
  3. Conduct the preparatory part of the lesson with musical accompaniment
  4. Hold more sports competitions in different sports in the classrooms.
  5. Use interdisciplinary communication with anatomy, biology, and ICT in the lesson.
  6. It is necessary for doctors and the school nurse to conduct conversations with students and parents about the need for physical exercise.


  1. The Big Book of Experiments for Schoolchildren - M,: Rosmen, 2001
  2. Great Soviet Encyclopedia 18 volume.
  3. Valik V.V. School of family physical education - M.: Pedagogy, Physical education at school, 1990 (No. 8).
  4. Likum A. - Everything about everything (popular encyclopedia for children) 1 volume.

5 people. Encyclopedia for children T18 M. Avanta+, 200

6. Determination of physical fitness of schoolchildren B.V. Seermeeva M.2004

7. Psychology of physical education and sports Gogunov E.N. - M. 2004

8. Psychological and physiological development of schoolchildren Dubrovsky V.I.-M.

Report on the topic:

“Formation of motivation for physical education


physical education teacher

MKOU "Pokosninskaya Secondary School"


The relevance of research. With the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards, new requirements are put forward for pedagogical theory and practice in the field of preparing the younger generation for life and work. Of particular relevance in modern conditions is the problem of developing motives for learning, in particular for physical education. What is the difference between the new standards now in force?

Fundamental difference new standards is that the goal is not a subject, but a personal result. What is important, first of all, is the personality of the child himself and the changes that occur with him during the learning process, and not the amount of knowledge accumulated during his time at school.

The problem of improving school physical education, despite the increased attention to it from leading scientists and innovative teachers, still remains one of the most pressing in secondary schools(V.K. Balsevich, M.Ya. Vilensky, E.N. Litvinov, L.I. Lubysheva, V.I. Lyakh, A.P. Matveev, V.D. Sonkin, etc.). Physical development is important, as well as mental, psychological, moral, therefore, at middle school age, the teacher is faced with the task of explaining to the child the importance of physical education in his life.

Scientific novelty of the research consists in the methodology of forming the interest of secondary schoolchildren in physical education, increasing the level of physical fitness and physical health of students at the present stage of modernization of school education.

Theoretical significance consists of:

in justifying a stimulating environment based on the relationship between indicators of physical fitness and knowledge about physical culture and healthy lifestyle of students;

in developing modern techniques formation of interest, realizing the effective use of the motivational sphere.

Practical significance work is to use modernmethods of developing motivation for physical education among middle school students inMKOU "Pokosninskaya Secondary School" and can be used in the work of physical education teachers.

Conceptual and methodological approaches to research

Problematic situation. When analyzing the state of the problem of developing motivation for physical education lessons among middle school students, the following was revealed: contradiction: between the objectively existing need of teachers to activate the positive motivation of schoolchildren for physical education lessons and the lack of scientifically based methods that help solve this problem that is relevant for physical education.

Based on the identified contradiction, it was formulated problem, which consists in searching for teaching tools that would allow the formation of positive motives for physical education lessons in children of secondary school age.

Purpose of the experiment: scientifically substantiate and determine effective means of developing motivation for physical education in middle school students.

Experiment objectives:

Study scientific and methodological literature on the formation of motivation.

To determine the motives that arouse interest in physical education among middle school students.

To experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of forms and means that promote the formation of motivation for physical education in secondary school students.

Object of study: the process of forming motivation for physical education among middle school students.

Subject of study: ways and means of developing motivation for physical education classes in middle school students.

Research hypothesis. Forming motivation for physical education in middle school students will be more effective if both traditional forms and methods of work and innovative ones (the use of ICT, project activities, holding sports and recreational competitions “Presidential Competitions”) are used in the educational process.

Experimental methods:

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature,


Pedagogical observation,

Physical fitness monitoring (control tests),

Pedagogical control,

Problem-search method,

Project methods,

Methods of mathematical and statistical data processing.

226 students in grades 5-11 studying the subject “physical education” were directly involved in the experiment.The study was conducted on the basis of monitoring data on the physical fitness of students in grades 5-11 in the 2014-2015 academic year and research on students’ attitudes towards physical education classes.

Literary sources on the problem of developing students' interest in physical education were studied and analyzed.

One of the oldest problems of school education is the formation of motivation to learn. This problem is considered by many famous psychologists and teachers, such as A.N. Leontyev, L.I. Bozovic, etc. It was they who raised the problem: how to increase a child’s interest in learning, that is, to form a motive.

Motivation – motivation to action; dynamic psychophysiological process that controls human behavior , which determines its direction, organization, activity and sustainability; a person's ability to actively satisfy their needs(from Wikipedia).

Motives for physical education are conventionally divided into general and specific. General motives include the student’s desire to engage in physical exercises in general, i.e. he doesn’t care what exactly to do yet. Specific motives include the desire to perform any specific exercises, the student’s preference to engage in some kind of sport. Thus, almost all primary schoolchildren prefer games. The interests of teenagers are already more differentiated: some like gymnastics, others like swimming, others like football, etc.

The motives associated with the process of activity are the satisfaction of the need for motor activity and the pleasure caused by receiving intense impressions from competition (excitement, emotions of joy from victory, etc.).

Motives associated with the result of activity are caused by satisfying the individual’s needs for self-improvement, self-expression and self-affirmation, and his social needs.

The formation of motives is associated with the influence of external and internal factors. External factors are the conditions in which the subject of activity finds himself. Internal factors are desires, drives, interests and beliefs that express needs associated with the personality of the subject of activity. Beliefs play a special role. They characterize the student’s worldview and give his actions significance and direction.

The wonderful doctor N.M. Amosov said: “For most diseases, it is not nature or society that is to blame, but only the person himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, and sometimes from unreasonableness.” For most children, a physical education teacher is the only person who can competently promote their physical development. Only if children have a positive attitude towards physical education lessons is it possible to comply with and fulfill the requirements curriculum. I am convinced that the most successful implementation of the teaching, educational and developmental goals of a lesson largely depends on how much the teacher can interest students, what methods and means will be used.

One of the main tasks of my work is preserving and strengthening the health of children, where I pursue the following goals:

    development of positive motivation for physical education lessons;

    improving student well-being;

    formation of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I achieve the above goals using the following methods:

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities

Verbal methods.

Explanation. When walking and running, at the beginning of the lesson, during the warm-up, I explain the meaning of the exercises being performed. For example: “Guys, we perform these exercises for the feet to prevent flat feet, so that the legs are healthy!” I explain that at an early age, doing exercises with weights is even dangerous and can slow down growth, while hanging on a bar, on the contrary, helps to increase growth. I explain to the children why they can’t stop immediately after running, but need to gradually reduce the load, figuratively comparing what the load on the heart is with an emergency stop of a train, when they use the “stop valve” when necessary, and we hear the grinding of wheels.

Conversation. In dialogue with children, I find out who already knows how to harden, how; I am expanding my childhood experience with new ways to prevent colds. For example: massage of biologically active points on the body.

Problem-search method of teaching. It activates the memorization of the material being studied. For example, when discussing options for falling and the issue of safety in standing long jumps, I ask: “How should you land safely and why?”, or “How can two people meeting on a “bridge” (log) cross the “swamp”? Find different ways to get to the other side without falling!”

Practical teaching methods. The motor experience of children is enriched with a variety of exercises. For example: starting from various starting positions, exercises in pairs, with various small and non-standard equipment, etc.

Visual teaching methods. Telling the children about the work of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems, about the influence of physical exercise on the work of these systems, I show colorful tables from the biology classroom. I use various presentations on introductory topics. When working in groups (circuit training, completing an obstacle course), I use cards with images of these exercises.

Observation method. It is known that children, in the process of any activity, carefully observe each other, comparing themselves with others, noting the “pros” and “cons” of behavior and character, while the child begins to realize and know himself. For example: a group assessment of the quality of the student’s warm-up during the lesson. Or this example: one group of students goes through an obstacle course, while the other counts errors in completing tasks.

Methods of independent work. During the lesson of consolidating what has been learned, I conduct circuit training. But children participate in its organization. Seeing what equipment is in the gym, having experience in performing exercises on the current topic, the children themselves propose a set of exercises. For example, the “Gymnastics” section, the topic “Climbing an inclined bench in two ways.” Children in groups go through the “Gornaya” station (walking on an inclined bench), the “Pereprava” station (pull-ups on a bench while lying on your stomach), the “Climbers” station (moving along a gymnastic wall), the “Acrobatic” station (moving over a balance beam), the “ Strongmen" (push-ups), station "Veselaya" (jumping rope). In grades 5-11, children already know how and love to independently select exercises for warming up, adding to the experience gained at school from sports clubs and home preparations.

Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activities

Creating situations for success in learning. One of the effective methods of stimulating interest in learning is to create situations of success in the educational process for schoolchildren who experience certain difficulties in learning. Situations of success are also created by differentiating assistance to schoolchildren in completing educational tasks of the same complexity. For example: strong students do push-ups while lying on the floor, weak students do push-ups on the bench. I also organize situations of success by encouraging intermediate actions of schoolchildren, that is, by specially encouraging them to make new efforts. Important role Providing a favorable moral psychological atmosphere during the performance of certain educational tasks plays a role in creating a situation of success. I convince children to kindly point out the mistakes of others, to help someone who has “stumbled,” and not to scold someone who is confused during the relay race. A favorable microclimate during study reduces feelings of uncertainty and fear.

Methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities

Self-control method. It is important to develop in students the skill of self-control over the degree of assimilation of educational material, the ability to independently find mistakes made, inaccuracies, and outline ways to eliminate detected gaps. To do this, children learn self-insurance techniques.

Oral control method. I carry out oral control through individual and frontal questioning. During an individual survey, I ask the student several questions, answering which he shows the level of mastery of the educational material. For example, checking exercises learned at home using a card to prevent flat feet. It is known that the task that is not tested will not be learned by the children. During a frontal survey, I select a series of logically interconnected questions and pose them to the whole class, calling on certain students for a brief answer. For example, in the last lesson we discussed ways to fall safely; we consolidate what we have learned: “What is the position of the head when falling forward? back? on the side?" Or: “Where can I use the knowledge gained?”

Test method.I use printed test and measurement materials in my work to control knowledge.Annex 1

Mini-project method. This school year, project work was tested with students in grades 5-11. The children, having prepared a warm-up complex at home, defended it in practice for the “assessment” of the teacher and students. They presented presentations on the topics “Skiing” and “Exercise”, where they independently, with the help of their parents, looked for material and prepared the work. Appendix 2, Appendix 3

This school year, for the first time at school among students and primary classes sports and recreational competitions were held "Presidential Competition".Appendix 4

The winners were determined based on parallels and awarded with certificates. The advantage of these competitions is that students compete among themselves in championships in various physical fitness tests, and a winner in a certain type of test, a class winner, and a winning class are identified. This greatly motivates students for additional independent physical training.

Extra-curricular and extracurricular activities help to develop the interest of schoolchildren in grades 5-11 in physical education: exercises before classes, active breaks, “Fun Starts”, “Mom, Dad and I are a sports family!”, “Health Days”, “Health Lessons” ", sections and competitions in volleyball, basketball, pioneer ball, football, Ski Track is Calling, FC Olympiads, checkers and chess, drawing competition "My friend - physical education!" relay races, cross-country athletics, etc.

In introducing children to regular physical education and sports, I rely on the support of their parents. We invite moms and dads to help organize sports events. Middle school students are involved in organizing games and holding competitions both with kids and in middle school. In conclusion, I would like to note that physical education class is still one of the kids’ favorites.

Factors influencing the formation of sustainable motivation for learning activities.

Student activity depends on many factors, the main ones being: correct positioning lesson objectives, creating a positive emotional background, optimal workload for schoolchildren in the lesson.

Creating a positive emotional background is of exceptional importance in the classroom, including physical education lessons. As a rule, it is formed in schoolchildren even before the start of the lesson and must be maintained throughout it. However, the emotional background may change during the lesson. This depends on the well-being of students, their interest in physical education as a subject, in physical exercise, a specific lesson or the personality of the teacher, on assessments of their activities, mood, behavior and well-being of the teacher.

There are several main factors that contribute to increasing the emotionality of the lesson and causing joy in schoolchildren performing physical exercises:

The atmosphere during classes and the behavior of the teacher significantly influence the emotionality of classes, sometimes turning them into entertainment. A physical education lesson brings satisfaction and joy if schoolchildren move and do not sit bored on benches, if they see the cheerfulness of the coach, understand his jokes, know and clearly feel the results of their work. Excessive excitement of the coach (fussiness, noisiness), as a rule, leads to increased disorganized activity of students.

The use of gaming and competitive methods due to their psychological characteristics always causes a strong emotional reaction from schoolchildren. It should be remembered that often this reaction can be so strong that completing the assigned tasks becomes almost impossible. Strong emotions fade away for a long time after the end of a game or competition, so these methods should be used in the lesson by determining their place, form and measure.

It is recommended to plan competitive exercises at the end of the workout. It is absolutely unacceptable to use them before learning the technique of new exercises.

Play is a common form of activity. For middle school children, this is not only entertainment, but also a way of development. With the help of games that require physical activity, students learn the rules and norms of rational forms of movement, develop mental and physical qualities, and communication abilities.

Analytical part

Performance analysis . I carried outsurvey in order to determine motivation for physical education and maintaining a healthy lifestyle withamong students in grades 5-11, the following results were revealedAppendix 5 (questionnaire) :

Most want to increase the number of physical education lessons from 2-3 to 4-5 times a week.

In general, students are satisfied with their health.

The definition of “lead a healthy lifestyle” is expressed as the absence of diseases, playing sports, maintaining a healthy diet, following a daily routine, giving up bad habits, and hardening.

Here's how I felt in class many schoolchildren are accompanied by "fatigue"; "tension".

To the question, “Which school-wide events of past years on the issue of health and a healthy lifestyle do you remember most?” the main answer was school “Health Days”.

At the beginning of the experiment, the “happy-sad” technique was carried out to assess the emotional attitude towards physical education lessons; 38% of sad responses were obtained, 52% noted a positive attitude towards physical education lessons.





Indicators in February

Indicators in September

Diagrams. Emotionality of students in relation to physical education lessons

To increase motivation, stimulation, unusual situations, and new movements are necessary. Therefore, this academic year we introduced educational process sports and recreation “Presidential competitions” and project activities.

Thus, by the end of the school year, compared to the initial level, the results using the same method are as follows: 19% of sad answers, 81% noted a positive attitude towards physical education lessons, i.e. sad responses decreased by 29%.

Students were also involved in various sections, the motivation for classes in which was the desire to prove themselves in sports activities and the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Section name

Number of students










Table. Systematic attendance at health sections and lessons

The table shows that this year 40% of students in grades 5-11 are involved in extracurricular and sectional work, and this is an additional physical activity that adds emotions, improves results, and improves health.

In the process of experimental work, we prepared practical recommendations for physical education teachers on developing motivation for physical education in schoolchildren. Appendix 6

Research has shown that interest is a dynamic phenomenon, since the importance of the attractive aspects of physical education constantly changes with age. Middle schoolchildren show interest in physical activity in general. They not only love to run, jump, and play, but also think that this is a means of their physical and mental development.

In order to increase the effectiveness and develop the identified motives and needs of schoolchildren, throughout the study I used the following experimental and methodological approaches:

1. Elimination of unnecessary pauses in physical education lessons. You can often see students having to wait a long time for their turn to do an exercise. For example, taking low start takes only a few seconds, and waiting in line is 2-2.5 minutes; performing an exercise on gymnastic apparatus takes about a minute, and the wait to approach it takes several minutes. Such long pauses reduce not only the level of functioning of the autonomic system necessary to perform muscular work, but also the working spirit and mobilization readiness of students, thereby dampening them.

There are several ways to eliminate these downtimes:

a) providing sports equipment to the entire group of schoolchildren, using non-standard equipment: additional crossbars, various exercise equipment, etc.;

b) students performing preparatory and leading exercises during pauses;

c) students observing the quality of their classmate’s performance of the exercise; this increases the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and makes it possible to use ideomotor skills, which contribute to the formation of motor skills.

However, it should be borne in mind that the load on the autonomic system with such observation is sharply reduced, and therefore the functional training of students is reduced.

2. Exercising constant control over students in the classroom. It is easier to activate students in a physical education lesson if they know that their actions and behavior will be assessed. In this regard, before some lessons, it is useful for the teacher to warn students, especially those who show passivity, that today the entire class or individual students will be assessed for activity, diligence, attentiveness, and discipline. However, this method of activating students may also have negative consequences(in the case of assessing individual students): others, knowing that they will not be assessed, may generally reduce their activity in the lesson.

3. Maximum inclusion in the activities of all students, including those exempted by the doctor from performing physical exercises in this lesson. Released schoolchildren must be present in class, carefully monitor what their comrades are doing in class, and mentally repeat the exercises that the teacher shows. The ideomotor act that arises in this case contributes not only to the formation of motor skills, but also even develops (albeit to a small extent) strength and speed. Observing the actions of comrades, by the end of the lesson, leads to an improvement in the indicators of attention of schoolchildren released from classes; while for released schoolchildren who sit in another room, these indicators may worsen.

Schoolchildren who were exempt from physical exercise were not exempt from physical education lessons. They took part in it not only as observers, but also as active participants, providing assistance in judging, monitoring the activity of individual students, and acting as assistant organizers.

Analysis of the conditions for achieving results . The motivation of students is differentiated in different classes. It depends on many factors: the material and technical (sports and medical) base of the school, the personality of the physical education teacher, his pedagogical skills, climatic and geographical conditions, the characteristics of educational work in the classroom, in the family, on the social environment, on the physical and technical preparedness of the students themselves. .

This experiment did not cover the issues of monitoring the physical development of students in grades 5-11, because The equipment of the medical office does not allow performing the necessary examinations.

Isolation of contradictions and problems . The problems of forming positive motives for physical education lessons in children of secondary school age will be solved if the following means are used:

Assignments and their assessment should be differentiated regarding the students’ belonging to a certain medical group and the improvement of personal results according to regulatory requirements programs under the motto “Beat your record!”,

Using the “Success” situation in teaching,

Education for students needs for independent and systematic physical education,

Inclusion in lesson and extracurricular activities mainly games, exercises and competitions of a competitive nature,

Teaching theoretical material on physical education and a healthy lifestyle using ICT (only justified),

Conducting all-Russian sports and recreational “Presidential Competitions” for middle school students (author Yu.V. Vavilov),

Involving students in design and research activities,

Involvement of students in sports sections,

Public coverage of student achievements in physical education competitions and contests.

Changes . As a result of the experimental work, the quality of students’ learning improved and students’ cognitive interest in physical education lessons and sports intensified:

1. Competitive games and exercises arouse increased interest on the part of middle school students, as they contribute to the complete satisfaction of the need for movement and emotional reflection.

2. Project activities and participation in competitions on the topics “physical education and healthy lifestyle” contribute to the formation of motives that encourage physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle.

3. Theoretical classes in physical education and “Health Lessons” are necessary to broaden your general horizons, in particular, they provide in-depth knowledge about health, hygiene, your body, etc.

4. Close communication with parents helps in developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in students.

Project part

Prospects. I see the prospect of further research in the 2015-2016 academic year in continuing work onthis topic, since I assume the need to introduce into the educational and educational process work with individual “passports” of physical development, physical fitness and sports achievements of schoolchildren, which will be a visual “portfolio” of success and motivation for physical education.But now, it will be necessary to study not the educational and educational process, but to consider the influence of this methodology in experimental and “control” grades 5-11.


Grade. The effectiveness of experimental activities to determine the forms and means that contribute to the formation of motivation for physical education in middle and high school students is: the positive dynamics of comparison of the initial and final results of monitoring knowledge, physical fitness, the desire of students to lead a healthy lifestyle, active training of students in sections .

Thus, the hypothesis is the formation of motivation for physical education in middle and high school students will be more effective if both traditional forms and methods of work and innovative ones are used in the educational process - this has been confirmed.

Necessary conditions for consolidating the positive results of the experiment.

- Use competitive games, exercises and tests in classroom and extracurricular activities that correspond to the age characteristics of students, based on the Comprehensive Physical Education Program for students in grades 1-11 of secondary (complete) general education, author Lyakh V.I., as well as use the teacher’s pedagogical findings.

In theoretical classes, the topics “physical culture and sports”, “healthy lifestyle” are considered realistically, using ICT.

Systematically conduct health-improving competitions “Presidential Competitions” and create a Bank of monitoring data with analysis of changes in performance.

Use project and research activities in homework and lessons.

Conduct propaganda and agitation among middle and high school students for a healthy lifestyle, involve them in sports sections and participation in competitions, contests, and olympiads.

Conditions for introducing the results of the experiment into teaching practice. Analysis and recommendations,obtained during this study can be used for further application in the work of physical education teachersour schools and other educational institutions.

Forms for presenting the results of the experiment. My research work I'll introduce at a meeting of the methodological association, on the Internet, in the publication of a methodological journal.


Abramova G.S. Age-related psychology. - M.: Academic Project; Ekaterinburg: business book, 2000.

Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process. - M: Universitetskoe, 1990.

Babansky Yu.K. Teaching methods in a modern secondary school. – M., 1985.

Balandin V.A. Development of cognitive processes in children from 6-10 years old through physical education. // Physical Culture. 2000. No. 1.

Bykov V.S. Theory and practice of shaping the needs for physical education among schoolchildren. // Physical Culture. 2000. No. 1.

Vasilkov G.A., Vasilkov V.G. From game to sport: Collection of articles. - M.: FiS, 1985.

Gabyshev A.P. Formation of motives for physical activity among schoolchildren during physical education lessons. // Collection of theses and reports at the republican scientific and practical conference. – M., 1999.

Ilyin E.P. Psychology of physical education. - M., 1987.

Ilyin E.P. Motive and motivation. S-P. 2000.

Leontyev V.G. Formation of motivation for students' educational activities. - M., 1985.

Lyakh V. P., Maikson G. B. Physical education program for students with targeted development of motor abilities. - M.: Education, 1993.

Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M.: FiS, 1991.

Matyukhina M.V., Mikhalchuk T.S. Developmental and educational psychology. – M., 1984.

Annex 1

Literature: Verkhlin V.N. Physical Culture. Input and output testing work: 5-9 grades. – M.: VAKO, 2011.


Appendix 4


MKOU "Pokosninskaya Secondary School"

according to the targeted sports and recreation program “Presidential Competitions”

General protocol of the All-Russian

"Presidential competition" MKOU "Pokosninskaya secondary school"


All-around (number of points)

Creative competition (number of points)

Total points


Report on the school stage of the All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren

"Presidential Competition"

Subject Russian Federation

Number of classes in educational institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Number of students in educational institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

The main types of competitions and competitions included in the program of the school stage of the Presidential competitions

Dates for the school stage of the Presidential competition


were carried out with the support

Media coverage



Took part in the school stage of the Presidential competition


Took part in the school stage of the Presidential competition


1 class

1 class

Shuttle run3*10


Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down

Standing long jump

Lean forward.



2nd grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

4th grade

5th grade

5th grade

6th grade

6th grade

7th grade

7th grade

8th grade

8th grade

9th grade

9th grade

Grade 10

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 11





Report on the school stage of the All-Russian Sports Games for Schoolchildren

"Presidential sport games»

Irkutsk region, Bratsk district, Pokosnoe village. MKOU "Pokosninskaya Secondary School"

The subject of the Russian Federation

Number of educational institutions in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Number of students

Grades 5-11 in general educational institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Main types of the program for the school stage of the Presidential Sports Games

(generalized information on educational institutions)

Dates for the school stage of the Presidential

sports games


were carried out with the support

(state and municipal organizations, sponsors, etc.)

Media coverage


Took part in the school stage of the Presidential Sports Games

Total (persons)

Participated in the school stage of the Presidential Sports Games (persons)

of the total number of students in grades 5-11

Shuttle run 3*10;


Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down;

Standing long jump

Raising the torso in 30 seconds;

Forward lean



On the school website

TABLE (grade 5b)


Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)


M: pull-ups


Long jump s/m (cm)



Forward tilt (cm.)


Total points

Sitnikova Veronika Andreevna




Stepanova Alina Olegovna




Fefelova Anna Pavlovna




Bornovalov Ivan Petrovich




Tyagushchev Ivan Andreevich




Chelozertsev Sergey Sergeevich






TABLE 6 a class

Evaluations of the results of all-around sports participants (tests)

All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions”


Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)


M: pull-ups

D: fold. and extension. hands in a lying position


Long jump s/m (cm)


Raising the body in 30 seconds. (number of times)


Forward tilt (cm.)


Total points

Silkin Nikita Alexandrovich




Shaikin Valentin Viktorovich




Dubrovin German Vitalievich




Artemyeva Alena Anatolyevna




Ulanovskaya Elizaveta Andreevna




Chernyshova Yulia Yurievna






TABLE 7 b class

Evaluations of the results of all-around sports participants (tests)

All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions”


Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)


M: pull-ups

D: fold. and extension. hands in a lying position


Long jump s/m (cm)


Raising the body in 30 seconds. (number of times)


Forward tilt (cm.)


Total points


Abramenok Anton Nikolaevich













Shesterov Alexander Alekseevich













Kudryashov Ivan Sergeevich













Pozdnyakova Anastasia Alexandrovna













Bornovalova Ksenia Petrovna













Burikova Evgenia Sergeevna














TABLE 8 b class

Evaluations of the results of all-around sports participants (tests)

All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions”


Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)


M: pull-ups

D: fold. and extension. hands in a lying position


Long jump s/m (cm)


Raising the body in 30 seconds. (number of times)


Forward tilt (cm.)


Total points


Starostenkov Alexander Alexandrovich













Grigoriev Nikolay Sergeevich













Prostakov Vladislav Vitalievich













Pivovarun Anastasia Sergeevna













Artemyeva Elizaveta Alekseevna













Shnitko Vladislava Dmitrievna














TABLE 9 b class

Evaluations of the results of all-around sports participants (tests)

All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions”.


Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)


M: pull-ups

D: fold. and extension. hands in a lying position


Long jump s/m (cm)


Raising the body in 30 seconds. (number of times)


Forward tilt (cm.)


Total points


Lisitsyna Anna Alexandrovna













Kuzmina Raisa Grigorievna













Surmina Valentina Ivanovna













Chukanov Maxim Vladimirovich













Belov Vadim Alexandrovich













Listopad Eduard Andreevich














TABLE 11 a class

Evaluations of the results of all-around sports participants (tests)

All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions”


Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)


M: pull-ups

D: fold. and extension. hands in a lying position


Long jump s/m (cm)


Raising the body in 30 seconds. (number of times)


Forward tilt (cm.)


Total points


Galaganova Natalya Nikolaevna













Danilovich Anastasia Alexandrovna













Bornovalova Elizaveta Petrovna













Zaznobov Ivan Nikolaevich













Pavlov Viktor Vladimirovich













Khamidulin Dmitry Valerievich















Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Practical recommendations for physical education teachers

to develop schoolchildren’s motivation for physical education

- Pay attention to the correct execution of task details and often praise and encourage achievements. Use verbal encouragement and encouragement, such as a pat on the shoulder and a friendly smile.

- Praise children sincerely. Insincere praise or encouragement is ineffective. If you say that a student did everything right when he himself knows that this is not so, this “tells” him that the teacher just wants to calm him down. Insincerity destroys trust in a teacher.

- Recognize the unsuccessful performance of your ward. For example, hug him and say, “Yes, this is a really difficult situation,” while encouraging him, “Next time you will succeed.”

- Developing realistic planning for results (achievements) appropriate to the child’s age and level of ability allows the teacher to provide sincere encouragement. You cannot expect from an 11-year-old student what you can expect from a 16-year-old.

- Reward effort as much as results. It's easy to show a good attitude when things are going well. Unfortunately, students do not always win and do not always perform well. However, if the student gave his all, then what more can be asked of him...

- Pay attention to the assimilation and development of skills and abilities. Students should see an improvement in their physical performance. Use a variety of physical activities and exercises. Instructions should be simple and concise. Widely use the demonstration of various elements under different angles. Ensure maximum use of learning tools.

- Modify activities. The main goal is for children to experience success. Match physical activity to the child’s needs, not the other way around.

- Encourage the correct execution of actions, and not just the result. A typical mistake teachers make is that they reward the result of an action, even if the action itself was performed incorrectly by the student. It is very important to encourage and stimulate the right technical actions regardless of the result.

- Provide an environment and safety net that reduces fear of learning new elements. Errors are natural component process of assimilation.

- Inspire children in the gym, swimming pool, playground. They respond well to a positive, stimulating atmosphere.

The motivational-value component for physical education reflects the formed need for it, the system of knowledge, interests, motives and beliefs that organize and direct the volitional efforts of the individual, cognitive and practical activities to master the values ​​of physical culture, focus on a healthy lifestyle, and physical improvement. It can be divided into theoretical, methodological and practical. Theoretical knowledge covers the history of the development of physical culture, the patterns of the human body in motor activity and the performance of motor actions, physical self-education and self-improvement. This knowledge is necessary for explanation and is related to the question “why?” Methodological knowledge provides the opportunity to get an answer to the question: “how to use theoretical knowledge in practice, how to self-learn, self-develop, self-improvement in the field of physical education?” Practical knowledge characterizes the answer to the question: “how to effectively perform this or that physical exercise or motor action?”

Knowledge is necessary for self-knowledge of an individual in the process of physical education and sports activities. First of all, this relates to self-awareness, i.e. awareness of oneself as an individual, awareness of one’s interests, aspirations, experiences. The experience of various emotions that accompany self-knowledge shapes the attitude towards oneself and forms the self-esteem of the individual. It has two sides - content (knowledge) and emotional (attitude). Knowledge about oneself correlates with knowledge about others and with the ideal. As a result, a judgment is made about what the individual is doing better and what is worse than others, and how to live up to the ideal. Thus, self-esteem is the result of comparative knowledge of oneself, and not just a statement of existing capabilities. In connection with self-esteem, personal qualities such as self-respect, vanity, and ambition arise. Self-esteem has a number of functions: comparative knowledge of oneself (what am I worth); prognostic (what can I); regulatory (what should I do in order not to lose self-respect, to have mental comfort). The student sets goals of a certain difficulty, i.e. has a certain level of aspirations, which must be adequate to its real capabilities. If the level of aspirations is underestimated, then this can hinder the individual’s initiative and activity in physical improvement; an overestimated level can lead to disappointment in classes and loss of faith in one’s abilities.

Beliefs determine the direction of a person’s assessments and views in the field of physical culture, encourage her activity, and become the principles of her behavior. They reflect the student’s worldview and give his actions special significance and direction.

The needs for physical culture are the main motivating, directing and regulating force of individual behavior. They have a wide range: the need for movement and physical activity; in communication, contacts and spending free time with friends; in games, entertainment, relaxation, emotional release; in self-affirmation, strengthening the position of one’s self; in cognition; in aesthetic pleasure; in improving the quality of physical education and sports activities, in comfort, etc.

Needs are closely related to emotions - experiences, sensations of pleasant and unpleasant, pleasure or displeasure. Satisfaction of needs is accompanied by positive emotions (joy, happiness), dissatisfaction is accompanied by negative emotions (despair, disappointment, sadness). A person usually chooses the type of activity that best satisfies the need and receives positive emotions.

The system of motives that arises on the basis of needs determines the orientation of the individual, stimulates and mobilizes him to be active. The following motives can be distinguished:

* physical improvement, associated with the desire to accelerate the pace of one’s own development, to take a worthy place in one’s environment, to achieve recognition and respect;

* friendly solidarity, dictated by the desire to be with friends, communicate, cooperate with them;

* obligations associated with the need to attend physical education classes and fulfill the requirements of the curriculum;

* rivalry, characterizing the desire to stand out, assert oneself in one’s environment, achieve authority, raise one’s prestige, be the first, achieve as much as possible;

* imitation, associated with the desire to be like those who have achieved certain successes in physical education and sports activities or have special qualities and virtues acquired as a result of classes;

* sports, defining the desire to achieve any significant results;

* procedural, in which attention is focused not on the result of the activity, but on the process of the activity itself;

* gaming, serving as a means of entertainment, nervous relaxation, relaxation;

* comfort, which determines the desire to engage in physical exercise in favorable conditions, and etc.

Interests are also important in encouraging students to engage in physical education and sports. They reflect a person’s selective attitude towards an object that has significance and emotional appeal.

When the level of perceived interest is low, emotional appeal predominates. The higher this level, the greater the role played by objective significance. Interest reflects human needs and the means to satisfy them. If need causes a desire to possess an object, then interest causes to get to know it.

In the structure of interest, there are emotional components, cognitive and behavioral components. The first is due to the fact that a person always experiences some feelings in relation to an object or activity. Its indicators can be: pleasure, satisfaction, magnitude of need, assessment of personal significance, satisfaction with the physical self, etc. The second component is associated with awareness of the properties of the object, understanding of its suitability for satisfying needs, as well as with the search and selection of means necessary to satisfy the emerging need . Its indicators can be: conviction in the need for physical education and sports, awareness of the individual need for exercise; a certain level of knowledge; the desire for knowledge, etc. The behavioral component reflects the motives and goals of the activity, as well as rational ways to satisfy the need. Depending on the activity of the behavioral component, interests can be realized or unrealized. Free choice of physical education and sports activities indicates that a person has a conscious, active interest.

Interests usually arise on the basis of those motives and goals of physical education and sports activities that are related to:

* with satisfaction with the process of classes (dynamism, emotionality, novelty, variety, communication, etc.);

* with the results of classes (acquisition of new knowledge, skills, mastery of various motor actions, testing oneself, improving results, etc.);

* with the prospect of classes (physical perfection and harmonious development, development of personal qualities, health promotion, improvement of sports skills, etc.).

If a person does not have specific goals in physical education and sports activities, then he does not show interest in it.

Relationships set subject orientation and determine the social and personal significance of physical culture in life. There are active-positive, passive-positive, indifferent, passive-negative and active-negative attitudes. With an active-positive attitude, physical education and sports interest and determination, deep motivation, clarity of goals, stability of interests, regularity of classes, participation in competitions, activity and initiative in organizing and conducting physical education and sports events are clearly expressed.

A passive-positive attitude is characterized by vague motives, vagueness and vagueness of goals, amorphous and unstable interests, and occasional participation in physical culture and sports events. An indifferent attitude is indifference and indifference, motivation in this case is contradictory, goals and interests in physical education and sports activities are absent. A passive-negative attitude is associated with the hidden negativism of some people towards physical culture and sports; they do not have any meaning for such people. An actively negative attitude manifests itself in open hostility and outright resistance to physical exercise, which for such individuals has no value. Value orientations express the totality of a person’s attitudes towards physical culture in life and professional activity.

Emotions are the most important component of value orientations, most deeply characterizing their content and essence. With the help of emotions, the following are expressed: pleasure, satisfaction, the magnitude of the need, assessment of personal significance, satisfaction with the physical self. Due to the fact that emotions have varying degrees of expression, duration of occurrence and awareness of the reasons for their manifestation, we can distinguish:

mood(weakly expressed stable emotional states); passion(quickly arising, persistent and strong feeling, for example, towards sports); affect(a quickly emerging short-term emotional state caused by a particularly significant stimulus and always violently manifested, for example, during victory).

Emotions have the property of being contagious, which is very important when engaging in physical education and sports activities.

Volitional efforts regulate the behavior and activities of the individual in accordance with the goals set and decisions made. Volitional activity is determined by the strength of the motive: if I really want to achieve a goal, then I will show both more intense and longer volitional effort. Volitional effort is directed by reason, moral feeling, moral convictions. Physical education and sports activities develop volitional qualities: perseverance in achieving a goal, which manifests itself through patience and perseverance, i.e. the desire to achieve a goal that is distant in time, despite the obstacles and difficulties that arise; self-control, which is understood as courage, as the ability to complete a task, despite the emerging feeling of fear, fear; restraint (control) as the ability to suppress impulsive, thoughtless, emotional reactions; composure (concentration) as the ability to concentrate attention on the task at hand despite the interference that arises. Volitional qualities include decisiveness, characterized by the minimum time to make a decision in a situation that is significant for a person, and initiative, which is determined by taking responsibility for the decision made.

Thus, in the process of physical education, there is an impact not only on the biological basis of the individual, but also on its biosocial integrity. Therefore, it is impossible to judge a person’s physical culture based only on the development of his physical capabilities, without taking into account his thoughts, feelings, value orientations, direction and degree of development of interests, needs, and beliefs.

    Physical culture as a means of preserving and strengthening the student’s health

By mastering and actively using a variety of physical exercises, a person improves his physical condition and preparedness, and improves physically. Physical perfection reflects the degree of physical capabilities of the individual, his plastic freedom, which allow him to most fully realize his essential strengths, successfully take part in the types of social and labor activities necessary for society and desirable for him, strengthen his adaptive capabilities and the growth of social returns on this basis . The degree of physical perfection is determined by how solid a basis it represents for further development, to what extent it is “open” to new qualitative changes and creates conditions for transferring the personality to a different, more perfect quality. Physical improvement can rightfully be considered as a dynamic state that characterizes the individual’s desire for holistic development through a chosen sport or physical education and sports activity. This ensures a choice of means that most fully corresponds to her morphofunctional and socio-psychological characteristics, the disclosure and development of her individuality. That is why physical perfection is not just a desirable quality of a future specialist, but a necessary element of his personal structure.

Physical education and sports activities, in which students are involved, are one of the effective mechanisms for merging public and personal interests, forming socially necessary individual needs. Its specific core is relationships that develop the physical and spiritual spheres of the individual, enriching it with norms, ideals, and value orientations. In this case, social experience is transformed into personality properties and its essential forces are transformed into an external result. The holistic nature of such activity makes it a powerful means of increasing the social activity of an individual. The physical culture of an individual manifests itself in three main directions. Firstly, it determines the ability for self-development, reflects the individual’s focus “on himself,” which is determined by his social and spiritual experience, ensures his desire for creative “self-construction” and self-improvement. Secondly, physical education is the basis for amateur, proactive self-expression of a future specialist, the manifestation of creativity in the use of physical education means aimed at the subject and process of his professional work. Thirdly, it reflects the creativity of the individual, aimed at relationships that arise in the process of physical education, sports, social and professional activities, i.e. "on others". The richer and wider the circle of connections of the individual in this activity, the richer the space of its subjective manifestations becomes.

    Characteristics of the physical culture and sports movement in St. Petersburg

The document defining the policy of the state authorities of St. Petersburg on the physical education of the city population is the Law of December 14, 2009 N 532-105 “On the fundamentals of the policy of St. Petersburg in the field of physical culture and sports” adopted by the Legislative Assembly.

In the field of physical culture and sports in St. Petersburg, a system of subjects of the physical culture and sports movement has developed, operating at various levels: physical culture groups, sports clubs; children's and youth sports schools, children's and youth physical training clubs, children's and youth sports and technical schools; specialized schools for children and youth of the Olympic reserve; Olympic reserve schools, schools of higher sports excellence, Olympic training centers; specialized educational institutions; specialized scientific organizations; physical education and sports associations, city physical education and sports organizations, city sports federations (unions, associations); regional executive body in the field of physical culture and sports; regional branch of the Russian Olympic Committee; municipal organizations of physical culture and sports; sports facilities of various forms of ownership. This system has proven to be effective. All its elements are interconnected and complement each other. In the chain of this system, an important place is occupied by the physical education of youth and students of non-core physical education institutions, which include scientific, technical and humanitarian educational institutions, including music schools, colleges and universities. Sectional work on sports is organically linked with all the work on physical education of students: classes, consultations, tests, and it also serves the goals of comprehensive physical development and increasing sports readiness. In secondary specialized educational institutions and universities, the most widely used sports games are basketball and volleyball, various sports - athletics, skiing, swimming, sports and artistic gymnastics. Educational and training work is carried out throughout the academic year. In some sports sections (athletics, football, rowing, etc.), the main period of work occurs during the holidays. In order to continue general process and maintaining a year-round training plan, students are encouraged to participate in classes and sports competitions where they are during the holidays. Along with educational work in sports sections, mass physical education and sports work carried out by the physical education course and the sports club is of great importance. Mass physical education work aims to rationally use students’ leisure time to strengthen their health and physical fitness. It is carried out in the form of physical education and propaganda events. Physical education activities are carried out in the forms of intracurricular and extracurricular sports competitions. This includes excursions, runs, outings, walks, hikes, physical education performances, recreational activities, and physical education work in student dormitories. For propaganda purposes, conversations, reports, lectures, sports evenings, and consultations are held. Photo showcases, exhibitions, photo albums are organized. Posters, tables, and playbills are used.

The purpose and objectives of physical education in educational institutions

The goal of physical education of students in music educational institutions of St. Petersburg is the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to purposefully use a variety of means of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and improve health, psychophysical preparation and self-preparation for future life and professional activities.

The objectives of physical education are:

- understanding the social significance of physical culture and its role in personal development and preparation for professional activity;

- knowledge of biological, psychological, pedagogical and practical principles physical culture and healthy lifestyle;

- formation of a motivational attitude towards physical culture, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

- physical improvement and self-education of the habit of regular exercise and sports;

- mastery of a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture and sports;

- acquisition personal experience increasing motor and functional capabilities, ensuring general and professionally applied physical preparedness for the future profession and life;

- creating a basis for the creative and methodologically sound use of physical culture and sports activities for the purpose of subsequent life and professional achievements.

The contribution of physical culture to education is to provide students with all aspects of knowledge about the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, as well as to master a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and promotion of health, mental well-being and the improvement of their psychophysical abilities and personality traits .

With the help of knowledge acquired in physical education, students should have a holistic understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in living nature, more fully understand the capabilities of modern scientific methods of cognition of nature and master them at the level of performing professional functions.

    General characteristics of the conditions of the material base

The learning process in educational institutions is organized depending on the health status, level of physical development and preparedness of students, their sports qualifications, as well as taking into account the working conditions and nature of their upcoming professional activities. Despite the developed development strategy physical education movement using various forms and means of physical culture in St. Petersburg, it is noted that the network of physical culture and sports facilities in educational institutions does not always meet sanitary and hygienic standards, their availability of technical means, and modern equipment for the educational and training process. The lack of a sufficient number of sports facilities is one of the important problems hindering the development of physical culture and sports. Eg. Music schools and colleges in St. Petersburg do not have their own sports facilities. Music College named after M.P. Mussorgsky rents the premises of the health center of OJSC "Oktyabrskaya Russian Railways", the music school named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov rents sports grounds National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft.

    Forms of educational work for the program “Physical Education”

Academic work in physical education of pupils and students is determined by the course programs. Classes are held two hours a week according to the schedule. The program provides for the development of both practical classes, with regulatory requirements, and material on the theory of physical education. The practice course includes gymnastics, games, athletics, swimming and skiing, practical lessons, sports training sessions and competitions in various sports, games, gymnastics, ensuring the completion of the practical part of the program. The theoretical section of the program has as its task to familiarize students with the general scientific foundations of physical education of students: theoretical classes-lectures, group theoretical classes, conversations that ensure the completion of the theoretical part of the program. In the process of mastering the physical education course program, students develop the habit of regular physical exercise and identify their sports orientation for subsequent improvement in one of the sports in elective classes or in classes in sports sections of the student physical education team. Optional classes are also organized certain species sports Each student is given the right to choose one of the sports and systematically engage in it throughout the entire period of study at the educational institution. Classes are held throughout the year, winter and summer holidays are used. Regular training is a must and an indispensable condition proper organization work on sports improvement. In accordance with the objectives of physical education of students, the course programs are outlined for individual sports and include two sections: theory and practice.

Physical exercise and sports should become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for students. They are an integral part of the scientific organization of labor, make up for the deficiency of motor activity, contribute to more effective recovery of the body after fatigue, and increase physical and mental performance.

Students' independent physical education classes contribute to better assimilation of educational material, allow them to increase the total time of physical exercise, accelerate the process of physical improvement, and are one of the ways to introduce physical education and sports into the life and leisure of students.

Together with educational activities, properly organized activities provide optimal continuity and effectiveness of physical education.

The attitude of students to physical culture and sports is one of the current socio-pedagogical problems. Statistical studies indicate that physical education and sports activities have not yet become a need for students and have not turned into personal interest.

There are objective and subjective factors that determine the needs, interests and motives for including students in active physical education and sports.

Objective factors include: the state of the material base, the content of classes and the direction of the educational process in physical education, the health status of students, the personality of the teacher, the frequency of classes, their duration.

Depending on the tasks that the student sets for himself, various systems of physical exercises can be purposefully used, for example:

1. To develop the basic physical qualities:

- to develop strength exercises with weights are used (your own body weight, with rubber shock absorbers, with an expander, small, medium and heavy weights, exercises on simulators); athletic gymnastics; Weightlifting; weight-lifting;

- to develop speed of movement various acceleration exercises are used, sprint distances in athletics (100,200 m), speed skating;

- to develop dexterity It is of great importance to learn new complex movements, as well as exercises in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics, aerobics, trampoline jumping, and various sports games;

- to develop flexibility It is recommended to perform various gymnastic exercises for all parts of the body with maximum amplitude: active (through one’s own efforts) and passive (through external efforts), with the help of a partner or using weights;

- to develop endurance All cyclic sports are used, the load in which lasts from 6 minutes to 30 minutes or more.

For example, race walking, cross-country skiing, middle and long distance running, swimming, etc.

2. To master it is vital necessary skills walking, running, swimming, skiing, and rhythmic gymnastics are used.

3. For education strong-willed qualities During classes, it is necessary to achieve the implementation of training plans, overcome complications introduced into classes, and apply elements of competition.

4. On the formation of various psychophysical and special applied physical qualities can be influenced through targeted selection of physical education means:

- low temperature resistance produced during outdoor winter sports;

- resistance to hypoxia(oxygen starvation, deficiency) is produced when engaging in cyclic sports over medium and long distances;

- resistance to work at height is developed during gymnastics, acrobatics, and trampolining;

Resistance to long attention span developed by practicing bullet shooting, archery, chess and checkers;

Distributed Resistance to your attention produced when playing sports (football, volleyball, basketball).

Thus, when conducting independent studies, it is especially important:

    rational planning of the training process;

    correct construction of a separate training session.

Behind last years sociological studies show an improvement in normative ideas regarding health. Taking care of health becomes an element of the image of successful, serious business people, a qualitative characteristic of any professional. At the same time, the value of health in normative ideas has increased, but has not become a fact of consciousness, it has remained at the level of fashion: real behavior has not undergone significant changes: there are still many people who drink and smoke, who violate their sleep, rest and physical activity patterns, who do not care about proper nutrition etc.


In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of students with serious health problems. These deviations, as a rule, arise in early childhood - 40% of children are born with deviations; only 10 - 14% of children come to school practically healthy. Only 16% of students enter Russian universities for their first year healthy. Therefore, the health status of students is one of the important subjects of study for many researchers.

Preserving and strengthening the health of students during their studies at a university and preparing them for professional activities is an important basis for higher education and the creative longevity of future specialists. In the totality of social measures that ensure the protection of the health of students, a certain place belongs to physical culture, which ensures high educational and labor activity of students and their high performance after graduation.

Being at its core a human science discipline, physical culture is aimed at developing a holistic personality, harmonizing its spiritual and physical strength, to activate the readiness to fully realize their essential strengths in a healthy and productive lifestyle, professional activity, in the self-construction of the necessary socio-cultural comfortable environment, which is an integral element of the educational space of the university. Humanitarianization of education in the field of physical education means its humanization, promotion of the student’s personality as main value pedagogical process.

Physical culture directly and indirectly covers such properties and orientations of the individual that allow it to develop in unity with the culture of society, achieve harmony of knowledge and creative action, feelings and communication, physical and spiritual, resolve contradictions between nature and production, work and rest, physical and spiritual. Achieving such harmony by a person provides her with social stability, productive involvement in life and work, and creates mental comfort for her.

Physical culture acts as a sociocultural layer of practice aimed at mastering the natural strengths of students and mediated by their cultural attitude towards their physical capabilities. The development of a student’s physical abilities is considered within the framework of the education process as the development of cultural elements and special personal qualities. Humanitarianization of the educational process emphasizes the enormous role of an individual’s education and its self-worth.

Values ​​are understood as objects, phenomena and their properties that are necessary for society and the individual as a means of satisfying needs. They are formed in the process of a person’s assimilation of social experience and are reflected in his goals, beliefs, ideals, and interests. They reflect students' ideas about what they want. In the formation of certain values ​​that can satisfy the needs of students, the unity of physical, mental and social development personality.

In the field of physical culture, values ​​according to qualitative criteria can be presented as:

  • - material (training conditions, quality of sports equipment, benefits from society);
  • - physical (health, physique, motor skills, physical qualities, physical fitness);
  • - socio-psychological (rest, entertainment, pleasure, hard work, team behavior skills, sense of duty, honor, conscience, nobility, means of education and socialization, records, victories, traditions);
  • - mental (emotional experiences, character traits, personality traits and qualities, creative inclinations);
  • - cultural (cognition, self-affirmation, self-esteem, self-esteem, aesthetic and moral qualities, communication, authority).

Value orientations of students are considered as ways by which objects of physical culture are differentiated according to their significance. In the structure of physical culture and sports activity, value orientations are closely related to its emotional, cognitive and volitional aspects, which form the meaningful orientation of the individual. The nature of the direction in the activity itself often depends on what personal meaning the system of certain values ​​has, which determines the effectiveness of the individual’s relationship to the objects for the sake of which this activity is carried out. Some objects can cause emotional (sensual), others - cognitive, and still others - behavioral activity.

The attitude of students to physical culture and sports is one of the pressing social and pedagogical problems. The implementation of this task by each student should be considered from a dual perspective - as personally significant and as socially necessary.

Numerous data from science and practice indicate that physical education and sports activities have not yet become an urgent need for students and have not turned into personal interest. Real introduction of independent physical exercises among students is not enough.

There are objective and subjective factors that determine the needs, interests and motives for including students in active physical education and sports activities.

Objective factors include: the state of the material sports base, the direction of the educational process in physical culture and the content of classes, the level of requirements of the curriculum, the personality of the teacher, the health status of the students, the frequency of classes, their duration and emotional coloring.

The main component for the successful implementation of any activity, including physical education and sports, is motivation. Motivation is the process of forming and justifying the intention to do or not do something. Motivation for physical activity - special condition personality, aimed at achieving an optimal level of physical fitness and performance.

In universities, the problem of forming motives that turn into the need for physical exercise is addressed by physical education lectures, practical classes, and mass recreational and sports events.

If the motives have been formed, then the goal of the lesson is determined, it can be: leisure, improving health, increasing the level of physical development and physical fitness, performing various tests, achieving sports results.

After determining the goal, the direction of using physical education means, as well as the forms of independent physical exercise, are selected. student sport education

Specific directions and organizational forms of using independent training depend on the gender, age, state of health, level of physical and sports preparedness of those involved. We can distinguish hygienic, health-improving and recreational (recreation - restoration), general preparatory, sports, professional and applied and therapeutic areas. The forms of independent exercise and sports are determined by their goals and objectives. There are three forms of independent exercise: morning hygienic exercises, exercises during the school day, and independent training sessions.

Morning hygienic exercises are included in the daily routine in the morning after waking up from sleep.

Exercises during the school day are performed in breaks between classes or independent classes. Such exercises prevent fatigue and help maintain high performance for a long time without overexertion.

Training sessions should be comprehensive, i.e. promote the development of a whole variety of physical qualities, as well as improve health and improve the overall performance of the body.

In conditions when a person’s physical activity is limited by the peculiarities of work and life, it is regular exercise and various sports that help to reveal the natural inclinations and abilities of a young person. Such activities can make up for what was missed in childhood.

It is no coincidence that teenagers, young men, and even older people are faced with a choice: what, what exercises, what kind of sport and how to do it to improve health, for physical development, to maintain and increase the level of performance. In a higher educational institution, where the educational and professional program in the academic discipline “Physical Culture” provides for mandatory training sessions with a sports focus for each student, the problem of choice also arises.

As many years of experience show, when choosing sports (or systems of physical exercise), the majority of students do not have a clear, conscious and justified motivation.

Most often, the choice is determined by chance: sometimes with a friend or girlfriend; then the teacher is more sympathetic; then the schedule is more convenient... Much less often the choice is based on a stable interest in a certain type sports or the understanding of the need to perform certain physical exercises in order to correct deficiencies in one’s physical development or functional readiness. And a random choice, as a rule, leads to a loss of interest and a decrease in activity, which means that the classes will not be effective.

Despite all the diversity, in practice there are mainly five motivational options for students to choose a sport and a system of physical exercises:

health promotion, correction of physical development and physique deficiencies;

increasing the functionality of the body;

psychophysical preparation for future professional activity and mastery of vital skills and abilities;


achieving the highest sports results.

There is a contradiction between the ever-increasing requirements for the training of university students in physical education and the lack of cognitive interest among students in theoretical studies in this discipline, as well as the limitations of the methods used in the educational process in the discipline “Physical Education”. All this reduces interest and worsens attitude towards physical education. At the same time, a network of fitness clubs is developing everywhere, new non-traditional types of gymnastics are appearing, which are very popular among students.

Thus, in order to increase motivation among students, it is necessary to diversify educational and sectional classes, conduct fitness for girls, and strength training for boys; classes should not be monotonous, it is necessary to actively use game and competitive methods, active learning methods; strengthen the creative component when organizing physical education classes. The main motives for physical education and sports among students have been identified. Most note that they want to get a healthy and aesthetically beautiful body from physical education. Thanks to the inclusion of classes in a variety of sports in the curriculum of higher educational institutions, the use of various fitness areas, game and competitive methods, the motivation of students to engage in physical education and sports has increased.

The use of active teaching methods in theoretical classes contributes to the formation and development of students’ cognitive interest both in mastering knowledge and developing skills, and in practical physical education. Physical culture should provide more complete satisfaction of the spiritual interests of students; the knowledge gained from mastering the mandatory minimum program material in physical education should form the basis of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and provide theoretical basis formation of skills and abilities for physical self-improvement of the individual throughout life.


  • 1. Kolokatova L. F., Chubarov M. M., Petukhova T. A. Physical culture of a student, textbook. PGUAS 2012, 424 p.
  • 2. Petukhova T. A., Kolokatova L. F., Chubarov M. M. BALANCED SYSTEM OF INDICATORS in the organization of physical education of students, and textbook. PGUAS 2006, 124 p.
  • 3. Belyanicheva V.V. Formation of motivation for physical education among students / V.V. Belyanicheva, N.V. Gracheva // Physical culture and sport: integration of science and practice. Vol. 2. - Saratov: LLC Publishing Center "Science", 2009. - P. 6-9.
  • 4. Ilyin, E. L. Psychology of physical education: Textbook for institutes and faculties of physical education: 2nd ed., revised. and additional / E. L. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2000. - 486 p.
  • 5. Syrvacheva, I. S. Motivation for independent physical exercise / I. S. Syrvacheva // Physical culture, health: problems, prospects, technologies: material. speech scientific conf. - Vladivostok: DGVU, 2003. - P. 108-111.
  • 6. Panova E.O. Modeling the process of introducing students to the values ​​of physical culture and sports in the process of physical education / E.O. Panova, L.D. Nazarenko // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2007. - No. 10. - P. 77-78.


One of the oldest problems of school education is the formation of motivation to learn. This problem is considered by many famous psychologists and teachers, such as A.N. Leontyev, L.I. Bozovic, etc. It was they who raised the problem: how to increase a child’s interest in learning, i.e. form a motive.

Currently, the educational policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at the transition to developmental education, where the purpose, content and methods of teaching are changing. And in the new situation of organizing training, this problem is on the agenda. In the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha, the transition to developmental education is being carried out gradually. Mass schools organize their activities mainly according to the traditional education system, but the question remains acute: how to form learning motivation.

School age, like all ages, is a turning point. It is determined by the moment the child enters school. The schoolchild begins a new activity, in its content and in its entire function - the activity of learning. The transition to a new position, relationships with adults and peers, as well as in the family are determined by how they fulfill their first and important responsibilities, and all this leads to problems that are associated not only with the family, but also with school.

Along with the issues of developing students’ motivation to learn, it is also necessary to solve the issues of developing the need for independent and systematic physical education classes based on creating ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The acquisition of this knowledge helps to change the attitude of students towards physical education, encouraging them to become strong and well physically developed.

Issues of physical education of schoolchildren in the conditions of Yakutia are revealed in the works of K. Alaas, A. N. Varlamov, V. K. Ivanov, V. P. Kochnev, N. N. Kurilov, M. I. Lytkin, M. S. Martynova, V.K. Pavlova, D.N. Platonov, I.I. Portnyagin, G.V. Robbek, N.K. Shamaev.

Despite the numerous published works on the physical education of schoolchildren in the North, an important component remains practically unexplained - the formation of schoolchildren’s motivation for physical education, although the works of N.K. Shamaev, I.I. Portnyagin, M.S. Martynova reflect the main motives encouraging schoolchildren to engage in physical education.

The theoretical and practical significance and insufficient development of the problem determined the choice of the topic of the thesis: “Formation of motives for physical education in primary schoolchildren.”

Relevance research. Socio-economic changes taking place in our country and abroad put forward new demands on pedagogical theory and practice in the field of preparing the younger generation for life and work in the conditions of new relationships being established. Of particular relevance in modern conditions is the problem of developing motives for learning, in particular for physical education.

The object of the study is the process of forming motivation for physical education in younger schoolchildren.

The subject of the study is ways and means of developing motivation for physical education classes in younger schoolchildren.

The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate and determine effective means of developing motivation for physical education in primary schoolchildren.

Research hypothesis. Forming motivation for physical education in younger schoolchildren will be effective if:

  • integrated lessons will be introduced into the physical education program;
  • extracurricular activities will include mainly games of a competitive nature;

Research objectives:

  • Study scientific and methodological literature on the formation of motivation.
  • To determine the motives that arouse interest in physical education among younger schoolchildren.
  • To experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of forms and means that promote the formation of motivation for physical education in primary schoolchildren.
  • Develop practical recommendations for developing motivation for physical education.

Research methods:

  • Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;
  • Questionnaire;
  • Pedagogical supervision;
  • Control tests;
  • Pedagogical experiment;
  • Statistics methods.

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

  • the motives that arouse interest in physical education among younger schoolchildren have been identified;
  • Integrated physical education lessons, a school tourism program, competitive games, and theoretical classes for junior grades have been developed.

Practical significance of the study. The results of the study can be used in the work of physical education teachers, primary school teachers, as well as students of pedagogical schools and universities.

Chapter 1. Motives causing the need for systematic physical education classes among junior schoolchildren

Primary school age is characterized by the child’s initial entry into educational activities and mastery of types of educational activities. Each of the learning activities undergoes its own processes of formation.

Junior school age, among other stages of life, is distinguished by the lowest incidence of illness and the greatest accumulation of strength for the transition to the next period. Active growth, development and strengthening continues muscle tissue, ligaments, skeletal bones, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, and most importantly - the nervous system, which controls the most complex of mechanisms - the human body. Heart rate during this period fluctuates between 84 and 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate from 20 to 22 times. Vital capacity reaches 2000 ml. The process of improving movements begins, in particular, working movements of the hand and fingers. The spine, although it has already acquired its characteristic shape, is still soft and mobile, so it is easily susceptible to all sorts of curvatures under the influence of one-sided load or incorrect body position for a long time (48).

This age is favorable for the development of coordination and conditioning abilities, endurance to moderate loads and speed-strength qualities. Due to the insufficient development of the child’s central nervous system, his body is not able to work under prolonged muscle tension, so children quickly become tired. During this period, children should not be allowed to become overtired.

From the very first days of school demands, children develop a position of socially significant and socially evaluative activity. However, such broad motivation, determined by a new social position, cannot support study for a long time and gradually loses its significance.

Physical education classes in school lessons only allow maintaining normal physical condition, but do not improve the physical development of students. This requires both greater frequency of training and greater physical activity. This can be done either by involving schoolchildren in sports sections, or by independently engaging students in physical education in their free time.

A physical education teacher should develop in students the need to independently engage in physical education on the basis of creating in them an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. The acquisition of this knowledge changes the attitude of students towards physical education and sports, encouraging them to become strong and physically well developed.

Motivation for learning in primary school age develops in several directions. Broad cognitive motives (interest in activities) can already be transformed into educational-cognitive motives (interest in ways of acquiring knowledge) by the middle of this age; self-education motives are still represented in the simplest form - interest in additional sources of knowledge, occasional reading of additional books. In the first and second grades, schoolchildren perform volitional actions mainly at the direction of adults, but already in the third grade they acquire the ability to perform volitional acts in accordance with their own motives. A student can show persistence in educational activities and physical education classes. Social motives at this age are represented by the child’s desire to receive mainly the teacher’s approval. Younger schoolchildren are active only in order to be good performers (A.I. Vysotsky), primarily in order to earn the favor of adults, including teachers. Motives for cooperation and teamwork are widely present among younger schoolchildren, but so far in the most general manifestation. Goal setting in learning develops intensively at this age. The younger student learns to understand and accept the goals coming from the teacher, maintains these goals for a long time, and carries out actions according to instructions.

Motives for physical education are conventionally divided into general and specific, which, however, does not exclude their coexistence. The first includes the student’s desire to engage in physical education in general, but what to do specifically is indifferent to him. The second includes the desire to engage in your favorite sport and certain exercises. In primary school, almost all students prefer games: boys - sports, girls - active. Then interests become more differentiated: some like gymnastics, others like athletics, and others like freestyle wrestling (21).

The motives for attending physical education lessons among schoolchildren are also different: those who are satisfied with the lessons go to them for the sake of their physical development and health promotion, and those who are not satisfied with physical education lessons (mostly girls) attend them for the sake of a grade and to avoid troubles due to absenteeism ( 3).

Motives for physical education can be associated with the process of activity and its result. In the first case, the student satisfies the need for physical activity, to receive impressions from competition (a feeling of excitement, the joy of victory). In the second case, he may strive to obtain the following results:

  • Self-improvement (improving physique, developing physical and mental qualities, improving health).
  • Self-expression and self-affirmation (to be no worse than others, to become attractive to the opposite sex, etc.)
  • Preparing yourself for work and military service.
  • Satisfying spiritual needs (through communication with friends, through a sense of belonging to a team, etc.)

A large role in the development of the need for independent physical education belongs to parents. A survey of 5,000 parents in various regions of the country conducted by A.M. Gendin and M.I. Sergeev, showed that with a high level of understanding by parents of the role of physical education in the lives of children, 38% of the latter willingly perform morning exercises and physical exercises, and with a low level of understanding by parents of the role of physical education, only 16% of such children turned out to be.

Schoolchildren engage in physical education independently or with their parents, but do it sporadically, only on weekends or during vacations. The task of the physical education teacher is to make these classes regular. And this can only be realized if students develop a need for independent systematic physical education classes or, in other words, if they develop a habit of physical activity and active motor activity.

A habit is an action and deed, the fulfillment of which has become a need for a person (S.L. Rubinstein).

Speaking about the role of positive habits, K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “: Conviction itself only becomes an element of character when it turns into a habit. Habit is the process through which conviction becomes an inclination and thought turns into action” (Collected works - M;L., 1950. T 8). He identified two ways to develop habits: organizing life experience and persuasion and explanation. The first one is more suitable for younger students.

Habits are formed through repeated, long-term use of certain actions or behaviors. Therefore, their development goes through a number of stages, each of which must be organizationally provided by a physical education teacher.

The first stage is the formation of a positive attitude towards physical culture. From the first grade, the teacher should unobtrusively emphasize the positive role of physical exercise in the development of children and strengthening their health.

The second stage is the formation of students to independently engage in physical education. Intention, as defined by L.S. Rubinstein, is the internal preparation of a delayed action or deed. This is a decision-fixed focus on achieving a goal. At this stage, the task of the physical education teacher is to awaken in students the desire to independently and regularly engage in physical education. He may suggest that schoolchildren do exercises at home every day. Having formed this desire among students, the teacher can move on to the next stage.

The third stage is the student’s implementation of the intention to independently engage in physical education. This stage is associated with creating conditions for schoolchildren to independently perform physical exercises. These conditions include: the acquisition by parents of the necessary sports equipment, the development by students, together with the physical education teacher, of a daily routine in which there would be room for independent physical exercise; learning in class a set of exercises that the children will do at home.

The fourth stage is turning the desire of schoolchildren to independently and regularly engage in physical exercise into a habit. Due to the age-related psychological characteristics of primary schoolchildren and adolescents (easily changing interests and desires, insufficient development of perseverance and determination), their regular, independent performance of physical exercises poses significant difficulties. A child can get up early 3-4 times and do exercises, but then he will get tired of it and he will find many excuses for himself that will free him from remorse that he did not carry out his plan (for example, “I went to bed late, so I overslept, and there’s no time left for charging,” etc.). At the same time, defensive motivations arise: “even without exercise you can become strong, Kolya doesn’t do exercises, and he has a second grade in gymnastics.”

In this regard, the teacher needs to implement a number of activities that would support the formed intentions of students to independently engage in physical education.

Considering that younger schoolchildren often perform tasks not so much for themselves as for others and that they quickly lose interest in completing any task if they do not see the interested gaze of their parents or older brothers or sisters, the best option At first, there would be joint performance of physical exercises by younger schoolchildren and elders in the family, or simply the presence of elders would be necessary.

Students’ interest in systematically performing physical exercises on their own will also be stimulated if the teacher provides constant monitoring of whether students do physical exercises at home or not. This control sometimes turns out to be even more effective than the control of parents, since the authority of the teacher for younger schoolchildren is often more significant than the words and admonitions of their parents.

A necessary condition for creating students’ interest in the content of learning and in the learning activity itself is the opportunity to show mental independence and initiative in learning. How more active methods learning, the easier it is to interest students in them. The main means of cultivating a sustainable interest in learning is the use of questions and tasks, the solution of which requires active search activity from students.

A major role in the formation of interest in learning is played by the creation of a problem situation, the encounter of students with difficulties that they cannot resolve given the position of their existing stock of knowledge or the application of old ones in a new situation. Only work that requires constant tension is interesting. Light material that does not require mental effort does not arouse interest. Overcoming difficulties in educational activities - the most important condition the emergence of interest in it.

The highest form of student independence is the fulfillment of public assignments. Stability of motives social work depends largely on the students' satisfaction with this work. The younger the student, the more he finds satisfaction in the usefulness of his affairs for everyone, in their social benefit. In order to awaken and maintain schoolchildren’s interest in public assignments, a number of conditions must be met:

The assignment given to the student must have social significance and expediency. The teacher must show that the task performed by the students is important for the entire class or sports team. Thus, being on duty at a physical education lesson ensures timely

The instructions given must be specific. Often, the appointment of a student as a teacher in the classroom is of a formal nature. The teacher must explain what exactly the functions of a physical educator are.

The quality and timing of assignments must be controlled by the teacher. If a student sees that the teacher is not very interested in how his assignment is completed, then indifference arises in the student himself. Next time he will consider it necessary to carry out the assignment given to him.

The student must develop faith in the possibility of completing the assignment. If necessary, the physical education teacher should help the student in organizing his social work (both with advice and practical activities).

Schoolchildren should be given a certain amount of independence in performing social work. For example, the guys themselves can develop a program for a sports evening, prepare a wall newspaper on a sports theme, etc.

When distributing public assignments, it is important to take into account the psychological characteristics of schoolchildren of different ages: their interests, abilities, social status in the group and in the sports team. For example, a student with a low social status in the class should not initially be given tasks that require guidance from his peers. Urgent tasks should not be assigned to schoolchildren with high anxiety and inertia: they are accustomed to planning their activities in advance and in an unexpected situation they feel insecure and nervous. They need time to get used to their role and the task they receive.

Considering the tendency of students to change activities, it is more advisable to give them one-time and temporary assignments rather than permanent ones. This is especially true for schoolchildren with a strong nervous system, who are often passive in public affairs only because the instructions given to them are monotonous and do not force them to overcome difficulties. Group and collective assignments should take precedence over individuality.

The goal set by the teacher must become the goal of the student; there are very complex relationships between motives and goals. The best path of movement is from motives to goals, i.e. when the student already has a motive that encourages him to strive for the goal set by the teacher.

Thus, the questions arise: What underlies why a child goes to school? What is the basis of motivation for learning?

The reason why a child goes to school is not cognitive interest, he has not yet formed an educational need, his interest in a new social role is to be a schoolchild. The child is attracted to school not by studying, but by becoming a respected person (he is interested in becoming a student). The motive lies in the social role of the student - to become a person.

Before school, the child’s self-realization was realized in games. He has become accustomed to the status of a subject, but at school he begins to lose this status, i.e. the need for self-realization as a subject of activity begins to decline due to the organization of the educational process. In traditional teaching, there is a need for a special form of teaching, which is based not on a cognitive need, but on the self-change of the subject. In traditional teaching, as is known, learning is an end in itself, due to which the nature of learning is adaptive - external motives of need. In the concept of V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin, we are talking from skills to knowledge, as the basis of skill, and from it to skill, which corresponds to children's logic and allows the formation of other knowledge and skills.

In the updated traditional teaching, we are talking about changing the nature of the teaching, which implies a change in the position of the student. And the essence of the change is that the student will not only have a motive - the need to be a subject, but also a need will appear - the motive to change himself, to be different tomorrow than today. He develops an internal motive, and the formation of motivation in learning should be built, in our opinion, through the following three abilities:

  • I want, i.e. This is my need - my motive;
  • I want, i.e. I can do this;
  • necessary, i.e. This is what I need to know.

The formation of these abilities is essentially the content of motivation, therefore, the steps of its formation.

Chapter II. Experimental substantiation of the formation of motivation for physical education in younger schoolchildren

Research methods

The study used a set of research methods that were adequate to the goals, objectives, object and subject of this study: questionnaires, physical fitness testing, determination of academic performance in the subject “Physical Education”, and mathematical statistics.

The following research methods were used in the work:

  • study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature and documents
  • pedagogical observation
  • survey
  • control tests
  • pedagogical research
  • statistical methods.

The survey was conducted to identify the motives that encourage younger schoolchildren to engage in physical education. It was also conducted among parents.

Questionnaires for students contained questions on a list of typical motives that would encourage them to engage in physical education. Questionnaires for parents included questions identifying their attitudes towards physical education and sports.

Pedagogical observation was carried out with the aim of studying the content of the variable component in the educational process, choosing optimal methods for organizing students, identifying the effectiveness of the means used for the development of physical qualities.

Physical fitness testing of junior schoolchildren was carried out with the aim of assessing the level of motor fitness, collecting statistical material to resolve the issue of the influence of the proposed methodology on the dynamics of the level of physical development and physical fitness. Testing was carried out at the beginning and at the end of experimental studies. To study physical development and physical fitness, we used tests widely used in the theory and practice of physical culture and sports. To assess the speed of movement, a running test was used at maximum speed over a distance of 30 meters from a high start. The level of development of coordination abilities and speed endurance was assessed using the “Shuttle” run of 3x10 meters. Standing long jump - to characterize speed and strength qualities; muscle strength was assessed by the number of pull-ups on the bar and from a hanging position on straight arms with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart, without touching the floor with your feet. And for girls - lifting the body while lying on your back in 10 seconds; jumping rope in 15 seconds - to characterize coordination of movements, skills and abilities in jumping exercises; General endurance (aerobic) was determined by running 800 meters; Indicators of flexibility of the spinal column were determined by performing forward bends in a sitting position.

All test tasks were performed a specified number of times, and depending on the nature of the test task, an arithmetic mean score was obtained.

Indicators of physical development were assessed using a measuring tape.

The pedagogical experiment was devoted to substantiating the effectiveness of three physical education lessons per week. The essence of the pedagogical experiment was that the experimental 1 "a" class of the National School No. 2 was taught according to option 2 of Russian-language schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). And the control 1st grade of the Namsk primary school according to the regional comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-4 of a comprehensive school of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 1998. Where physical education lessons were held 4 times a week.

Experimental work was devoted to substantiating the effectiveness of the developed content of physical education for students and the “Tourism in Primary School” program. The essence of this study was the accentuated development of motivation for physical education.

An indispensable condition for conducting experimental work was a comparison of the initial and final results of the experimental factors of the experimental and control groups, as well as conducting control sections at the beginning and end of the study.

The conduct of experimental work complied with a mandatory rule: its content and methods did not contradict the general principles of training and education.

In terms of the degree of change in the usual conditions of the physical education process, the experiment is natural.

The method of recruiting experimental and control groups according to their quantitative composition is natural.

The experiment was carried out in the form of experimental physical education lessons, the inclusion of competitive games and exercises in extracurricular activities. Training and education were carried out in terms of the usual system of classroom lessons, with a full complement of students.

Every teacher must set himself the task of deepening knowledge in his subject through familiarization with other academic subjects. From our point of view, integrated lessons are very interesting to achieve this goal. This is not just an integrated approach to solving a problem, the main thing in conducting integrated lessons is that each teacher professionally, using means close to him (for example, physical education - physical exercises, mathematics - counting, reading - words), will be able to convey to students the content of classes, enrich the educational material and arouse great interest among students in consolidating the topics covered.

Education at any level provides highly specialized training and personality formation, prepares to live in a rapidly changing world, develops the ability to master new information and make the right decisions, fosters universal human values, etc. A significant step towards generalized problem solving is integrated activities in extracurricular activities, which also helps to increase positive motivation for learning knowledge.

A good help for physical training is the introduction of an element of tourism in extracurricular activities. In addition to physical education lessons, our children attend sectional classes 2 times a week. To increase motivation for these activities, we try to involve parents. Together with their parents, children participate in relay races and complete tasks with a variety of tourist attributes. In the winter, they prepare theoretically, compete in the gym, and in the spring-summer period they use their knowledge in the field, on environmental expeditions.

Based on the analysis, students’ attitudes towards physical education, towards traditional means, motives encouraging students to engage in physical education, their level of physical fitness and physical development were identified.

Determination of performance in the subject "Physical Education" was carried out by analyzing the quality of performance of 51 students based on grades and their comparative analysis was given.

Standard mathematical operations were used to process the digital material obtained as a result of the research.

The tasks posed in the work determined the following organization of work. The study was carried out in three stages. At the first stage of the study (October 1999), the first control section was carried out. At the end of the second stage (May 2001) - the second control section and at the end of the third stage of the study (May 2002) - the third control section.

Research results

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of secondary school No. 2 and primary school 1st stage p. Namtsi of the Namsky ulus. Students from grades 1-4 took part in the experiment.

At the first stage of experimental work, we studied and analyzed pedagogical, psychological, methodological literature, materials on the history of the problem in domestic pedagogy on the topic of research.

At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, two groups were formed: a control group - primary school students of the 1st level, and an experimental group - primary school students of secondary school No. 2. At this stage of the experiment, we conducted a study of physical development and physical fitness of students in both groups, which did not reveal significant difference in both the control and experimental groups (Table 1,2).

Table 1
Indicators of physical development of students in 1st grade, 1999.

Indicators KG EG
Standing height (cm) 123,1 122,3
Weight, kg.) 23,3 23,7
55,5 56,5
17,2 16,8
18,6 18,2
Thigh circumference (cm) right 34,3 34
24,3 24,4
64,5 63,6
Exhalation breath (cm) 62,8 62,2

To the question: “What do you want to achieve as a result of physical education?” In the experimental group, the largest number of respondents (21.1%) chose “become healthy”, 18.1% “develop your physical qualities”; 17.1% - find friends, comrades (Table 2). In the control group, the largest number of respondents chose: “Achieve physical perfection” (20.9%), 15.7% - “Find friends and comrades”, 15.9% - “Create a need for regular exercise.”

table 2
Level of physical fitness of 1st grade students

Physical abilities Test exercises KG EG
Speed ​​of movement

Coordination ability

General Stamina

Speed ​​and power capabilities

Muscle strength

Muscle strength

Flexibility of the spinal column

Coordination ability

30m run (s)

Shuttle run 3x10 m (s)

Running 800 m (m/s)

Standing long jump (m)

Pull-ups on the bar (number of times)

Bends to the front in a sitting position (cm)

Jump rope (number of times)

6,9 7,1

Table 3

Name of motives KG EG
Achieve physical perfection 20,9 18,1
Develop your physical qualities 13,2 15,1
Get healthy 14,6 21,1
Find friends comrades 15,7 17,1
Relax, have fun 3,6 2,5
Develop a sense of beauty in yourself 2,3 2,1
Develop moral and volitional qualities 13,8 10,0
Create a need for regular exercise 15,9 14,0

At this stage, we conducted a survey to identify the main motives for physical education among students in the control and experimental groups (Appendix No. 1), and the question of preference is of interest various types educational activities for 1st grade students. The survey was attended by 51 students of grade 1 “g” of Namskaya primary school, grade 1 “a” of Namskaya secondary school No. 2.

As a result of the survey, we identified the main motives for engaging in physical education (Table 4).

Table 4
Motives for engaging in physical education (%)

Table 4 shows that among the motives, the first position is occupied by the motive of the desire to get a good grade. In second place in the hierarchy of motives is the desire to keep up with friends. The motives for doing physical education in the first and second grades are mainly related to the process of activity, in gaining impressions from competition (a feeling of excitement, the joy of victory).

At this stage of the study, we also conducted a study of the motives that interfere with physical education (Table 5).

Table 5
Motives that interfere with physical education

Name of motives KG EG
No interest in physical education 22,0 21,1
Lack of sports equipment and facilities 17,3 14,0
Little free time 15,7 11,9
I don't see any benefit in this 7,1 6,8
No physical data, abilities 5,8 4,2
There is a desire, but somehow there is no time for physical education 18,8 18,4
Due to the heavy workload of the curriculum 11,3 9,6
I can’t overcome myself, although I understand that I need to study 12,0 14,0

In the control group, the largest number of respondents identified the following motives: “Lack of interest in physical education 22%”, “Laziness” - 18.8%, “Lack of sports equipment and facilities” - 17.3%, and in the experimental group 21.1% - “No interest in physical education”, 18.4% - “There is a desire, but not enough time for physical education”, 14.0% - “Lack of sports equipment and facilities” and “I can’t overcome myself, although I understand that I need to exercise ".

Based on the results of motives that interfere with physical education, 15.7% of respondents said that they have little free time. In this connection, we examined the employment of students outside of school hours and found that 15.7% attend children's music school, 9.2% attend children's sports schools, 14.3% attend the Tuolbe children's center, and 11.0% of students attend school clubs. 50.2% - do not work anywhere.

The level of motivation of students for various lessons was determined according to the method of Yu.K. Chernyshenko photographed children during all training sessions. The researcher then presented the photographs to the student and made sure that he clearly understood what lessons were presented in them. After this, the student was asked to name the lesson he liked best, then the next one, etc. Research results have shown that almost everyone consistently prefers physical education.

We also conducted a survey among parents of students in both groups in order to identify interest and attitude towards physical education and sports (Appendix No. 2). 63 parents took part in the survey. As a result, we obtained the following data: 22% regularly do morning exercises, 14% play chess and checkers with their children, 68% of families have some sports equipment at home, 12% of parents prefer to engage in cross-country skiing, 57% prefer to play sports games, 47% - chess and checkers, 93% prefer to go on hikes and excursions.

Analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey of students and parents revealed the most significant factors that have a negative impact on health:

  • children's opinion: smoking, drugs, alcohol and ecology
  • Parents' opinion: environment, drugs, poor quality of medical care.

A study of the value orientations of parents shows that the most significant values ​​for parents are the health and well-being of the Fatherland.

The respondents' locus of control is mainly aimed at external factors, the environment, i.e. Both students and their parents do not assume responsibility for maintaining health and their lifestyle.

Table 6 shows that the performance of students actively involved in physical education is generally better than that of their peers.

Table 6
Relationship between academic performance and physical fitness (%)

Table 6 shows that the performance of students actively involved in physical education is better than similar indicators for those who are not involved. The average score for the former is 18%, for the latter 15.2%.

At the ascertaining stage of the study, together with subject teachers, to form positive motives, we developed integrated lessons physical education + mathematics, physical education + extracurricular reading (Appendix No. 3).

At the second formative stage of the study, we included integrated physical education lessons and theoretical classes in the physical education program of the experimental group, including the basics of knowledge about the formation of a healthy lifestyle, hygiene, daily routine, as well as knowledge about your body (textbooks "Fun Physical Education" - 1st grade M. Prosveshchenie 1997, “Hurray, physical education!” - 2-4 grades M. Prosveshchenie 2000). To create positive motivation among students for physical education, we held games of a competitive nature during sectional classes on general physical training outside of school hours. (Appendix No. 4).

The development of motor abilities is carried out taking into account the individual abilities of the individual. For the functioning of the organizational-pedagogical system, the basic principles of implementation were used, which are necessary for the effective development of students' physical culture: the principle of continuity of development of the integrity of development, the personality-oriented nature of the system for the development of students' physical culture and its transfer to the mode of self-organization and self-development.

At the end of this stage of the study, in order to track changes in motivation for physical education, we conducted a repeated survey of students in the experimental group (Table 7).

Table 7
Motives that encourage students to engage in physical education in the second stage.

Analysis of the survey results showed that physical education classes with the introduction of integrated lessons and games of a competitive nature in sectional classes contributed to an increase in the main motives for attitude towards physical education classes among the majority of students. Thus, 13.9% of students noted the motive “Improving physical fitness”, 12.2% - “The desire to show one’s abilities”, 11.1% “Improving health”.

During the second formative stage of the study, we determined the connection between academic performance and physical fitness (Table 8).

Table 8
Relationship between academic performance and physical education

Thus, we can conclude that due to the introduction of experimental (integrated) lessons in physical education and the enrichment of sectional classes with games of a competitive nature, students’ interest in physical education and academic performance in general increased.

On final stage research means and methods of training remained the same - integrated lessons, competitive games, theoretical classes. In addition, at this stage, parents began to be actively involved in physical education events. In particular, at the end of the school year we conducted family hiking trips, family relay races, educational quizzes, etc. (Appendix No. 5).

At the end of the final stage of the study, we conducted a third control section to identify the final results of the study, during which we conducted a repeated survey of students in the experimental and control groups to identify the main motives that motivate them to engage in physical education, as well as academic results.

Table 9
Motives encouraging students to engage in physical education at the final stage (%)

The change in motivation for physical education at the final stage of the experiment is shown by the results of a survey of students in the experimental group. The main motives that motivate students to engage in physical education at this stage of the study are improving their health, the desire to do physical exercise, satisfying the need for movement, and the desire to show or test their abilities (Table 9). They strive for self-improvement, self-expression and self-affirmation, and the satisfaction of spiritual needs. The effectiveness of the physical education process is determined by the methodological expediency of its construction

At this stage of the study, we conducted a repeated survey in order to identify the main goals of physical education (Table 10). The table shows that 21.0% of respondents named the goal “Develop their physical qualities”, in the second position “Create the need for regular exercise” and in the third “Cultivate moral and volitional qualities”.

Table 10
The purpose of physical education

As a result of the survey, we obtained the following results: academic performance in the experimental group increased: 2.7% of students responded to “excellent”, 12.3% to “good”, 5.2% to “satisfactory”, and 0% in the control group. “excellent”, 15.3% “good”, 19.7% “satisfactory” (Table 11).

Table 11
Results of academic performance of students in the experimental and control groups at the final stage (%)

At the very end of the final stage of the experimental work, we needed to determine what level of physical fitness the subjects of the experimental and control groups had achieved. The determination method remained the same as in the previous stages of the study. Thus, physical fitness indicators in the experimental group at the end of the final stage of the study improved significantly. In terms of strength development (pull-ups on a high bar - boys, on a low hanging bar - girls), the subjects were superior to boys training according to the generally accepted program. At the same time, the increase in indicators in the experimental groups was 3.7%, and in the control groups 3.3%. Overall endurance has increased (800 m running). In the experimental groups, running time improved by 5.03%, and in the control groups - by 5.15%. The results of speed-strength indicators (standing long jumps) in the experimental groups are slightly higher than in the control groups. The time indicators for the speed of movements (running 30 m) in the experimental groups were significantly better. Data on coordination abilities (shuttle running) show that in the experimental groups the time is significantly less than in the control groups. The amount of forward bending from a sitting position was greater in the experimental group compared to the control group.

Thus, the results obtained on physical fitness indicate significant, reliably significant changes in most indicators between the experimental and control ones.

So, as a result of the experimental work, students’ academic performance increased, absences from school for health reasons significantly decreased, and interest in physical education and learning in general appeared.

Table 12
Level of physical fitness of primary school students

Physical abilities Test exercises Units KG EG
Speed ​​of movement

Coordination ability

General Stamina

Speed ​​and power capabilities

Muscle strength

Muscle strength

Flexibility of the spinal column

Coordination ability

30m sprint

Shuttle run 3x10 m.

Standing long jump

Pull-up on the bar

Raising the torso while lying on your back

Bend forward while sitting

Jump rope


Number of times

Number of times

See number of times

(in 15 sec.)

6,2 6,1

Indicators of physical development in 4th grade
Table 13

Indicators KG EG
Standing height (cm) 1,41 140
Weight, kg.) 31,1 31,8
Chest circumference (cm.) 62,9 65
Shoulder circumference at rest (cm) 19,2 20,4
Arm circumference in tension (cm) 21,6 22,3
Thigh circumference (cm) right 39,7 41,5
Shin circumference (cm) right 29,7 30,2
Breath holding during inhalation (cm) 74,6 75,7
Exhalation breath (cm) 72,2 72,7

At the end of the formative stage, experimental work with the help of physical education teachers and class teachers, independent experts, students in the experimental group were distributed according to their moral, volitional and physical preparedness. 2/3 of the total number of subjects in the experimental group achieved fairly high levels of physical fitness. Also, this number of the experimental group showed quite frequent manifestations of moral and volitional qualities (commitment, determination, etc.) and a noticeable reduction in cases of offenses.


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