Fortune telling for Ivan bathed. Rules for putting wreaths into the water on Ivan Kupala

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It was believed that on the night of Kupala various miracles could happen and wishes could come true. Ancestors celebrated the holiday of Ivan Kupala on the day summer solstice, on the night of July 6-7. This holiday is usually celebrated with rituals associated with water, fire and herbs. Girls used this night to make a wish or tell fortunes for their betrothed.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for a betrothed for love: various rituals were performed on this day

The holiday itself got its name from the Christian prophet John the Baptist, whose Christmas is also celebrated on July 7. Also on Ivan Kupala, our ancestors celebrated the summer solstice. At the festival, various rituals related to water, fire and herbs were performed.

Since ancient times, people believed that it was on the day of the summer solstice that the nature around it acquired a mystical character. It was believed that on the night of Kupala various miracles could happen and wishes could come true. In addition, night festivities kept people awake until the morning. After all, it was believed that Kupala in the dark evil spirits start hunting people.

So, the day before the holiday, the girls collected herbs and flowers to weave themselves a wreath. Moreover, the wreath was not just a decoration, it symbolized the cycle of the forces of nature and was a talisman against evil spirits and the evil eye.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love betrothed: traditional fortune telling

One of the main rituals on Ivan Kupala was fortune-telling for the betrothed. The girls wove wreaths and also lowered them into the water.

The girls also went out into the street and asked the name of the first man they met. This is how they simply found out what the future groom’s name would be.

The girls also wrote notes with male names and put it under your pillow. And in the morning they took any note at random and read the written name of the future betrothed.

Traditionally, a large fire was lit in the evening. It was believed that if the flame does not touch a person while jumping over a fire, then this is a good sign. The girls predicted a quick wedding for themselves, and the guys predicted success in business and love.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love betrothed: girls' fortune telling on Kupala night

The girl had to weave a wreath and lower it into the water with candles lit on it.

If the wreath drowns, love has passed. The wreath landed on the shore - there will be no wedding this year. Whoever's wreath floats the longest will be the happiest, and whoever's candle burns the longest will have a long life.

If a girl cast a spell on her betrothed, then a wreath stuck to the shore means that her life lives there. future husband. And if he drowned, there will be no wedding or the husband will turn out to be unfaithful. If the wreath unravels, you shouldn’t wait for matchmakers this year. Floated off into the distance - good sign.

The girls also used wax to tell fortunes:

You need to break the candle and put it in a spoon, melt the wax on the fire, and then quickly pour it into a glass with cold water. They use the resulting figurine to tell fortunes by candlelight. For example, if the wax is in the shape of a ring, a wedding is coming soon. If the image looks like a coin, it means money, and if it looks like a flower, it means new love, stripes - for a quick trip, wax in the shape of a wave - your innermost desire will soon come true.

Flower fortune telling:

On the eve of Ivan Kupala, the girls sat in a circle, having previously collected different flowers. One of the girls chooses a flower one by one, saying: “Who will get this flower?”, the other girl, sitting with her back to the flowers, calls the name of someone present. Based on which flower someone gets, they judge how the guy she wished for treats her.

Hawthorn - there is hope for love.
Cornflower - they will fall in love with you.
Bindweed - he will never love you.
Carnation (white) - sadness.
Carnation (yellow) - neglect.
Carnation (red) - passionate love.
Dahlia - gratitude.
Jasmine is a meaningless flirtation.
The bell - don't trust it, it will deceive you.
Buttercup - everything will become clearer on the date.
Daisy - shy love.
Mint - you are loved very much.
Forget-me-not is afraid of losing you.
Marigolds - you will break up.
Peony - shame for his action.
Rose (white) - loves deeply, but doesn’t show it.
Rose (red) - misses you.
Chamomile - he doubts his love.

Herbal fortune telling:

Having collected for Ivan Kupala different colors and herbs, the girl should come home and hide them under her pillow, and then lie down to sleep on it. In the morning you need to check how much different types We managed to collect plants: if there were twelve, it means she will get married soon.

Fortune telling on a birch tree:

On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the girl had to pick seven small birch branches, mix and pull out one. If the branch is even and smooth, then life will be long and calm. And if you come across a branch with unevenness, fate will not be easy.

Fortune telling with chamomile:

In a wide bowl you need to take water and put two chamomiles without stems in there. If the flowers float in different directions, the lovers will separate, and if they float side by side, the couple will always be together.

Fortune telling by circles on the water:

You need to take water into a large bowl or basin, and then make a wish and throw a pebble into the water. Then you need to count the number of laps on the water: even - the wish will come true, odd - the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling on a maple leaf:

You need to go to the maple tree and pick up the fallen leaf. Then you need to count how many sharp edges it has. An even number means that the plan will come true, but an odd number means it’s unlikely.

Fortune telling on coffee beans:

It will require 16 coffee beans. Closing your eyes, you need to ask yourself a question of interest, and then carefully throw the grains on the table. Then you need to open your eyes and count how many grains fell with the hollow facing up.

0 – the fortune telling did not work out and it is better not to repeat it on this day.
1 – luck is on your side.
2 – all difficulties will go away by themselves.
3 – possible betrayal of a person you considered a friend.
4 – try not to wishful thinking.
5 – the business started will lead to success.
6 – it’s time to take active action.
7 – no need to worry, everything will work out sooner or later.
8 – the solution will come by itself, you just need to calm down and get distracted.
9 – listen to the advice of your inner voice.
10 – recommendations from close people will be very practical.
11 – try, the risk is justified.
12 – don’t talk too much.
13 – don’t get nervous over trifles.
14 – learn to always rely only on yourself.
15 – a little more and fortune will definitely turn its face towards you.
16 – everything will be just great.

According to allegations knowledgeable people, magic is always around us, wherever we are. However, we may not know about it or not notice it, having become disconnected from nature and wrapped up in the hustle and bustle. Despite all this, there are days whose purpose is to increase energy level, resulting in an improved quality of life. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala can replace many months of unity with nature due to the fact that this is an unusual day. But first things first.

What day is this?

Before this, people had not thought about such questions. Constant contact with nature, the elements and other elements provided all the necessary answers. Everyone used to know this holiday Eastern Slavs, like Ivan Kupala. Fortune telling and omens, as well as rituals, were practically the most anticipated and most reverent. And today there are those who have not even heard about it. This holiday falls on July 7th, when nature is at its peak. In other words, this is time that it would be a shame not to take advantage of. You may think that fortune telling has nothing to do with nature, but in this case you would be wrong.

The predictions obtained in this process are directly dependent on which force will become your assistant. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is highly effective for the reason that magic comes from nature itself, and a person does not need to break through walls. The main thing is to connect to it correctly. Moreover, the harmony of this day allows you to receive the advice and instructions that will be the most correct. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is not just an instruction for further advancement, which will allow you to achieve happiness much faster.

How to tell fortunes so as not to disturb the harmony with

The imagination of many people probably connects fortune telling and cards, runes, coffee grounds and other tools. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala can be carried out in any of these ways and many others. Tools are not so important, since this is a personal matter for each fortuneteller. Much more important is how a person can feel connected with nature. It is for this reason that it is recommended to start the day with a walk.

You can also just go out of town. It is best to soak in this moment, observe animals and plants while walking in Fortune telling and signs can say even less than nature itself. It is worth noting that on this magical day everything has its own meaning and carries information that will help in the future. If you are not a professional witch, then it is better to leave runes, coffee and cards aside. Listen to the wind, look at the clouds, talk to the herbs and listen to the birds. Water can also provide an answer to an exciting secret question. Establish an internal connection with nature, which our ancestors called Mother for a reason. After all, who else constantly protects each of us, protects and nurtures? It is in vain that the earth is considered a simple piece of rock. In fact, she is alive and spiritual.

Love fortune telling for Ivan Kupala

In some villages they used one light and interesting method. In order to find out about the prospects in a relationship, they took two blades of grass, which were plucked in the evening near a pond. On these blades of grass they wished for the names of those people whose relationships they would like to know about. When you get home, attach the blades of grass to the wall or ceiling side by side, arranging them so that they hang freely. Next, you need to wait for the moment when the plucked blades of grass wither. The result is determined by the location of the dried stems. If they are intertwined with each other, people’s love will be long and mutual. And if they turn around, then people will go their separate ways. If they hang evenly, just as they hung, the marriage will be fragile. If the grasses bend in one direction, trouble awaits the one whose stem reaches to the other. Passion will bring misfortune, and the feelings will not be mutual.

Kupala love fortune telling does not just predict, but shows the connection between human destinies. And on this day people lifted the veil of secrecy that covers fate. That's why we were waiting for this day. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to use this method for fortune telling for love or choose another one that will be closer to your soul.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for the betrothed

At all times, any girl of any age dreams of her prince. With the help of fortune telling, you can not only find out who you are, but also attract him to you. However, it is worth noting that such divination comes in different forms. If a girl has a guy in mind, then they guess in one way, but if they only have thoughts and dreams, then in another way. First, let's talk about fortune telling for those who have noticed the young man. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for your betrothed is simple and uncomplicated. For example, this. Pick two flowers. Previously, the girls took chamomile. Tear off the stems and float the flowers across the pond. Watch them swim. If they swim side by side and do not separate, then the mysterious young man is truly betrothed. And if you separated, then you should forget about him.

For those who have not yet noticed anyone for themselves, there is also an easy way to attract your betrothed. After combing your hair in the morning, collect your hair from the comb, twist it into a ball and leave it under your pillow until sunset. And in the evening, take them outside. When you come to an intersection, throw a hair ball, while saying: “Make paths through the flowering land. Bring your betrothed to me, so that he is powerful, kind, handsome, and looks like a priest! Amen!" Having done this, you can go home. Pay attention to what you hear along the way or who you meet along the way. If you come across a dog, then the narrowed one is already nearby. The cat appeared - the fate is still unknown. Well, if a bird suddenly starts singing, then prepare a dowry, because the wedding is just around the corner.

What can you guess at at home?

Home fortune telling on Ivan Kupala can provide answers not only to love questions. After all, you must admit that it is not only love that is interesting to those who decide to bewitch. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home allows a person to find out what age is measured for him. In order to carry out this fortune telling, take a candle and light it. Watch how it burns, because this is how you can interpret the result.

If the candle burns out completely and does not go out, it means your health will not fail, and your relatives will be surprised at your longevity. If black smudges appear on the candle, then you will get sick in old age. Caution must be exercised if the candle does not burn out and goes out. This suggests that the life of the one who casts a spell will be short-lived. But you shouldn’t fall into pessimism, because this is only a forecast, not a prescription. Any fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home shows an approximate result that can be changed by thoughts and actions.

Attracting wealth into the home

There is one interesting old ritual, which allows you to attract money and predict material well-being. According to popular belief, the dew on Ivan Kupala is healing. The ritual consisted of rolling on the grass in one shirt until dawn. If you get completely wet in the dew, do not dry yourself, but dry in the wind. There is no need to wash the shirt you did this in - it will keep you healthy. But this is not the whole ritual. There is an addition that few people know. Collect herbs while riding. It is advisable to collect a bouquet of dawn herbs.

Bring the collected herbs home, spread them out and dry them. If the herbs rot or become moldy, then expect problems with money, the year will be unsuccessful. But if the grass is dry and not damaged, then you should crush it into powder. Add this powder to your wallet and it will attract money like a magnet. If a person is unlucky with the ritual, then one should not despair. Pay attention to the signs that a large number of. Perhaps the signs will bring more pleasant news, because Kupala fortune-telling and rituals cannot carry only negative things. There will definitely be good signs predicting positive events. The main thing is to identify the good that every person has.

Kupala signs

Thanks to the people, signs that related to different areas our life. Moreover, these signs were correct. We will talk about those that relate to well-being and material well-being. On this day, you must remember who you saw first when going outside. If you meet a man along the way, then something stable and pleasant will come into your life. In addition, rain in the first half of the day is considered a good sign. According to signs, it portends not only good harvest, but also well-being for those who get wet in this rain. So if you suddenly hear thunder or see water pouring from the sky, feel free to go outside and bathe in the drops. This will ensure cash flow without the dawn herb powder.

Card fortune telling

Leave the card cards for last on this day, because they can be used to cast spells at any time. You shouldn’t give up the opportunity to experience the magic of nature itself and be in the room. But if you really want to, you can tell fortunes on cards.

To get your prediction, take one card from the deck. She can show her whole life. A light card means that you are the darling of fate. The dark one says that not everything is so good, there is unprocessed karma. The suits in this case are interpreted as follows:

  • Worms are great love.
  • Peaks - grief, tears and experiences.
  • Tambourines - material well-being.
  • Clubs are good luck in your career.

If you don’t like the result shown by the card, don’t be upset. The correct result is usually determined by three cards. Whichever suit turns out to be greater is what guides life.


It is very difficult to cover everything. However, there is one that was welcomed and popular in all villages. This is fortune telling for Ivan Kupala at night. It's quite simple. You need to lie down in bed and ask exciting question. To see the correct answer, you need to lie down on a pillow that is filled with fresh herbs that you collected that day in the field or in the forest.

This fortune telling for Ivan Kupala at night will help you see in your dreams what fate has in store for you. What awaits in the next few months may appear, or perhaps the whole life ahead will reveal itself. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy this magical time. Good luck and prosperity!

The upcoming night from July 6 to 7 is truly magical, poetic, full of wonders and riddles. The night before one of the brightest Slavic holidays, Ivan Kupala. The Slavs did not go to bed that night. After sunset, wreaths were thrown into the reservoirs, they swam naked, and then gathered around the Kupalets fire, where a cheerful holiday began.

And today we will talk about the most mysterious thing - about fortune telling on Kupala night. Popular beliefs they say that on this magical night trees move from place to place, herbs acquire miraculous healing power. And on this night the fern blooms and whoever finds its flower will be able to open all the treasures of the earth and will be able to understand the language of animals, birds, fish and plants. But even if you don’t find this magical flower, you will still be able to lift the veil of your future.

Fortune telling by fire

After sunset on the night of Ivan Kupala, a large fire is lit, over which you must jump. If the flame does not touch you, this is a good sign: girls will soon get married, and for guys it portends good luck in business and love.

If a couple jumps over a fire and the lovers do not open their hands, it means that they are destined to be together and their marriage will be happy.

After everyone has jumped over the fire, you can proceed to the next fortune telling. The girls throw the Kupala wreath into the fire together. If a guy catches a wreath on the fly, he will become the girl’s betrothed. Among the wreaths that fall into the fire, they notice: whose first one burns out, she will be the first to get married.

Fortune telling by wreath

On request: in the evening before sunset, girls weave flower wreaths. And during sunset, they lower the wreath into the water, making a wish. If the wreath floats, the wish will come true. If he drowned or washed up again on your shore, no.

For love: the girl puts her wreath into the water and wishes for the name of her betrothed. If the wreath immediately sinks, it means her love is unhappy and the wedding will not take place: her lover will either deceive or cheat.

If the wreath unravels in the water, it means there will be no wedding this year. The same thing applies if the wreath was nailed back to the same shore.

And if the wreath has floated far away, then it’s time to prepare for the wedding.

If a guy and a girl put their wreaths into the water together and they float side by side, it means that this year the couple will get married and will go through life hand in hand.

Fortune telling by circles on the water

You can guess both in an open body of water and in a container into which you pour water. At sunset, leaning towards the water, you need to whisper your desire and throw a small pebble. If the number of circles on the water is even, the wish will come true, if it is odd, not.

Fortune telling by colors

Fortune telling on plants is the most common on Kupala night. This was no exception. On the day before Ivan Kupala, girls collect various field herbs and plants. In the evening, having gathered their bouquets together, the girls sit in a circle. One of the fortune tellers sits with her back to everyone, and the other chooses a flower and asks who will get it. The girl sitting with her back must say the names of those present. Based on which flower you “caught,” they judge the intended guy’s attitude towards himself:

Hawthorn - there is hope for love.
Cornflower - they will fall in love with you.
Bindweed - he will never love you.
White carnation - sadness.
Yellow carnation - neglect.
Red carnation - passionate love.
The bell - don’t trust it, it will deceive you.
Buttercup - everything will become clearer on the date.
Daisy - shy love.
Forget-me-not is afraid of losing you.
Marigolds - you will break up. Chamomile - he doesn’t believe in your love

To your health

With the help of Kupala fortune-telling, you can find out who in your family will be the healthiest this year and who will be the sickest. To do this, you need to collect a “bouquet” of “bear’s ear” (bearberry). In this case, the number of blades of grass should correspond to the number of family members. Moreover, each blade of grass must be given the “name” of its loved one. Then you need to observe which blade of grass will wither before others. That person will have to get sick often. Whose blade of grass stays fresh the longest will be the healthiest.

Fortune telling on plant roots

With the help of this fortune telling, you can determine what kind of betrothed the girl will have. To do this, you need to dress in white, go barefoot with candles into the garden or clearing and be sure to pull out of the ground with your left hand the first plant you come across along with its roots.

If the root is long, then the tapered one will be slender and tall. If it is short, the groom will be short and strong.
If the root is twisted, the character of the betrothed will be secretive and insincere. If an even and smooth person comes across as straightforward and decent. If the root is hard and does not bend, then the future husband will be stubborn. If soft, compliant and indecisive.
If the root is covered with earth, then the husband will be rich.

Dream fortune telling

If you realize that staying up all night isn't for you, don't worry. There is another fortune telling for sleepyheads. You need to put a bouquet of Kupala herbs collected the day before the holiday. And he will show you your destiny and your betrothed. Moreover, the more diverse the flowers in the bouquet, the more truthful the dream will be. In Rus', bouquets that consisted of 12, 24 or 40 species of plants were considered the most magical.

Ivan Kupala Day is a pagan holiday that is celebrated on the night of July 6-7. This time has long been considered magical, which is why our great-grandmothers also performed fortune telling on Ivan Kupala. It is believed that spirits can be heard on this night, which means best time in order to find out your future and get answers to your questions.

How to tell fortunes at home

A summer July night is suitable for fortune telling fresh air near bodies of water. In order to find out the future, it is easy to take as your assistant forest herbs, flowers or the energy of water and fire. However, if it is not possible to perform the Kupala divination ritual in nature, it is permissible to do this at home. In this case, you will have to use the classic attributes of fortune telling: a candle, wax, a container of water, mirrors. In this case, the key role is played not by the place, but by the time of fortune-telling.

For more information about the holiday, watch the video:

For a cherished wish

In the evening before dark you should pick wildflowers and different types of herbs. When picking flowers, it is important to imagine how your most cherished dream comes true. The number of colors can be arbitrary; it is more important to concentrate on your desire, immersing yourself completely in thoughts. When you return home, you can put the flowers under the bed or under the pillow. To receive predictions, upon waking up, you should carefully examine the bouquet; if the variety of types of flowers is the number 12, your cherished dream will come true within a year.

For wealth

Before going to bed, you should collect all the money in the house, including small coins, wrap it in a linen bag and put it under the bed. When falling asleep, you should imagine your life in abundance and the opportunities that material well-being brings with it. When you wake up the next morning, before getting out of bed, you should take out the bag and count its contents. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home is carried out from midnight until sunrise.

For well-being in home and family

For this ritual, thorny plants should be used, such as nettle leaves, rose hips, rose petals, collected on the same day before the sun sets. At midnight they should be set on fire, showering the perimeter of the house with ashes. In this way, a powerful amulet is created that will protect the family living in it from evil spirits and various troubles. The unmarried girls living in this house will soon get married.

For money

Take a small amount of water from natural source into clean dishes. Place several small coins there, any will do, but it is better to give preference to silver or gold coins. Leave until morning in a dark corner. Since water is good guide and keeper of information, it will absorb the energy of the Kupala night, and the coins in it will give the energy direction towards financial well-being. At dawn you should wash your face with this water and bury the coins under a tree.

Fortune telling for the betrothed using the Kupala wreath

This ritual is special. It includes unity with nature on a moonlit summer night, where, under the whisper of grass, girls entrusted their secret desires to the spirits of water and forest. Weaving wreaths of fragrant flowers helps to achieve inner harmony, organizing all thoughts and desires. This ancient sacrament was used by great-grandmothers; they also wanted to find out their fate and the name of the betrothed with whom they would go life path.

How and when to weave a wreath correctly

Weaving a wreath begins at dusk and continues throughout magical night. It must certainly include the Mother of God grass, burdocks, and bear's ear. To prevent this magical creation from falling apart, grass with flexible long stems should be woven into it. For beauty, you can weave a wreath from a mixture of flowers such as cornflowers, daisies, dandelions, clover, as well as berries with long stems. You should not tear off the leaves; with them the wreath will turn out more lush and elegant.

How to properly lower wreaths into water

According to ancient tradition, Kupala fortune-telling takes place on the banks of a river or stream. It is necessary to weave a wreath and light a candle on it, then let it go into the water with the current. If the candle fire went out before the wreath was lowered into the water, it was considered bad omen and foreshadowed troubles for the whole year.

If a girl wove two wreaths, wishing for herself on one and her betrothed on the second, and these wreaths floated together, this foreshadowed an imminent wedding.


  • If the wreath floated far from the shore and did not return, it means that a quick meeting with the betrothed will soon occur (the farther the wreath floated, the sooner it will happen).
  • If a wreath floats on the surface of a reservoir without moving in any direction, there will be many admirers throughout the year, but a meeting with the betrothed will not occur.
  • If the wreath floated to the shore, there is a high probability of remaining an old maid.
  • But if he landed on the opposite shore, it means that his betrothed is somewhere nearby, among acquaintances and friends. All that remains is to discern the other half in each other.
  • However, if the wreath immediately sinks, the marriage will be quick, but short-lived, and there is a high probability of remaining a widow.

Other fortune telling for the betrothed

For a long time, people initiated into the secrets of the Kupala night tried to spend every minute of it with benefit. This was especially true for young people unmarried girls dreaming of family happiness. It was for them that the gates to the world of secret knowledge opened a little wider that night.

Kupala online fortune telling - when will I get married?

You don't have to go far to find out your destiny. You can do fortune telling online and find out when marriage and family happiness awaits you, just shuffle the deck.

In a dream

When going to bed, you should put a wooden comb under your pillow and whisper three times: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb my hair, see my blond braids. The hair we got from our mother will be our dowry.” When you wake up, without getting out of bed, throw back the pillow and see if the comb is in the right place. If it has shifted, it means that the wedding will take place within a year. If the comb remains in the same place, the marriage will not take place this year.

Candles on wax

For this fortune telling, you should visit the church in advance. Having placed a burning candle, turn to God with a fervent prayer, asking Him to grant love in the coming year. After praying, the candle should be taken home and melted. Take a light, wide container filled with water and pour candle wax into it. Then take a close look at the resulting figures: they all contain a clue to fate. For example, if it turns out to be a circle or a ring, there will be a wedding soon; if it is a heart, love will be found; flowers will mean many admirers.

For the future groom

In order to recognize your future husband in time and not miss happiness, there is fortune telling for girls in the name of their betrothed. Immediately after midnight, you should leave the house and, meeting the first man you come across, ask his name. The name that the stranger calls will be worn by the future husband of the fortuneteller.

Online fortune telling with Tarot cards - love predictions

Fortune telling at the Kupala bonfire

As soon as the sun sets, the boys and girls make a fire. Then, individually or divided into pairs, they jump over it. It is considered a favorable sign to jump over it without touching the fire. For a girl - to find happiness in marriage, for a guy - success in business.

Through the jump

Light a fire and make a wish. Then, having a good running start, jump over the fire. If sparks fly, the wish will not come true, but if the flame does not touch the girl during the jump, the dream will definitely come true.

Through pair jumps

This is the most difficult fortune telling, since in this case the situation is uncontrollable. Having chosen a partner, you should not just run and jump, but tune in to the same wavelength as this person, catch his rhythm. Depending on the result of the jump, the interpretation may change:

  • if during the jump the couple separated their hands, but there were no sparks from the fire, there will be a civil marriage;
  • if the young people kept a manual lock while jumping, and the process itself was accompanied by a cascade of sparks, there will soon be a wedding;
  • a strong jump with a complete absence of sparks promises health throughout the year.

If the hands do not release, but there are no sparks, unexpected problems with the wedding will arise and a threat to the relationship of the young people.

Other fortune telling for bathing

All rituals carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala, fortune-telling and divination, aimed at gaining health and beauty, had special power. The good thing about the fortune telling methods given below is that they can be used both on a moonlit night in nature and at home during the same period of time. We recommend this video:

In circles on the water

To carry out the ritual, you will need a pond or a wide container with water from a natural source, or a river stone. Closing your eyes, you should focus on your desire and throw a stone into the water. Now everything depends not on magical abilities, but on the number of circles on the water surface. They count the circles: an even number of them indicates the speedy fulfillment of the desire, an odd number indicates the impossibility of its realization.

On a dandelion

On Kupala night, find the largest dandelion, say the question to yourself three times and blow on the flower. If all the fluffs have flown off, the dream will come true; if there are a few pieces left, you should count their number. Even - the wish will come true, but not soon and with little difficulty; if more fluffs are left or their number turns out to be odd, the wish will not come true.

On chamomile

Take two chamomiles, fill a shallow wide bowl with spring water (if this is not possible, you can take water from a river or stream with a strong current, in extreme cases you can use cold water from the tap). Closing your eyes, whisper your wish three times, then tear off the chamomile flowers and throw them into the water. If they stayed close, there will be love with the betrothed throughout his life, but if the flowers floated in different directions, separation will not take long.

AND online option:

On the maple

It is on the night of Ivan Kupala that the fallen Maple Leaf and count the number of sharp corners on it. Heart's desire will be fulfilled if their number is even. Otherwise, the dream will not come true.

On the birch

After midnight, you should pick 7 young birch branches of the same length. With your hands behind your back, carefully mix the branches, mentally asking the question of interest, then select a branch and carefully examine it: if it has a smooth and even surface, it means that life will go smoothly, and prosperity will reign in the house. But if the branch you come across is dry and lumpy, life will be difficult, full of obstacles and injustice.

On a leaf of a tree

Rip young green leaf any tree and write the name of your beloved on it (if it does not fit completely, you can write only the first letter). Then throw a piece of paper and observe its behavior. If the betrothed has reciprocal feelings, the leaf will fly high. If the leaf flew low but did not fall, you can expect a love date soon. The leaf spun like a top, falling into a wind funnel - a stormy but short-lived romance awaits. However, if the leaf fell to the ground without even taking off, this indicates a lack of love on the part of young man.

By the shadow

To carry out the ceremony, you will need plain candles that do not have decorative ornaments. It is better to give preference light colors, for example pink or white color. You also need several sheets of clean white paper, a wide iron bowl (preferably light, without drawings or edging).

Clear a wall or hang a plain sheet on the closet and turn off the lights. Remove mirrors and icons from the room, as they tend to distort information, close the windows to avoid drafts. The fortune telling process occurs in the following sequence:

  1. On paper sheet the fortuneteller writes the question he is interested in and rolls the sheet into a ball, then places it in an iron bowl. A burning candle is placed not far from the bowl.
  2. Light the paper from the candle flame and turn the bowl, watching the shadows dance on the wall. To highlight any image for yourself, you should fully concentrate on this process, since the shadows quickly replace each other.
  3. Fortune telling ends after the paper goes out naturally; it is at this time that the shadow that appears on the wall is the answer to the question.

In order to interpret the symbols correctly, you should use your imagination and intuition. Images can show both the near and distant future.

On the blades of grass

You should find grass in your yard that has narrow, long leaves. Pick two stems, one represents the girl and should be less than two, which represents the young man. The stems should be placed between the stones, pressing them together as tightly as possible. Over time, they will begin to dry out, and it is important to observe their position, as well as how they will be located after complete drying:

  1. If the blades of grass are connected in a dried state, it means that the couple will have a long and happy life with each other.
  2. The blades of grass deviated in different directions - the couple will break up in the near future.
  3. More long stem deviated, but the short one remained standing straight - the betrothed is prone to betrayal and will soon find himself another lady of his heart.

If the stems remain parallel to each other, there will be many quarrels and stormy reconciliations.

On a bunch of grass

Place the herbs collected on the night of Ivan Kupala under the pillow and say to yourself the most exciting question. In the morning, carefully consider what herbs were present in the bunch: if plantain was among them, it means that the name of the betrothed will be the same as that of the first man she met that day.

On the branches of a fern

This ritual requires assistants in the form of fern branches. You should collect as many of them as the number of people who are being told fortune-telling. Give each shoot the name of the young man you like and tie each one with colored thread (colors should not be repeated). Having lowered the branches into a river or other body of water, press them to the bottom with your hand, then quickly release them. Whichever branch emerges first is the narrowed one. The young couple will live together all their lives.

On the bow

For this fortune telling you will need several onions. Each of them should be signed with the names of the young people you like and placed in a bowl filled with water. The guy whose name is the first to sprout will feel reciprocal sympathy.

Ivan Kupala is one of the oldest Ukrainian holidays, which preserves memories of magical power nature. It was on the night of July 6 to 7 that Ukrainian women once, and even today, get together and tell fortunes about their “betrotheds.” Telegraph writes.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala has long been considered the most truthful and fateful. According to legends, on the night of Ivan Kupala, trees move from place to place and talk to each other, and herbs acquire miraculous powers.

That is why, according to tradition, no one should sleep on Kupala night. After sunset, a wild and cheerful holiday with girls' fortune telling always began.
We invite you to find out 5 interesting ways fortune telling that can give hints about your future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed
By using various fortune telling you can find out the name of your betrothed. The most common way is to go out and ask the first man you meet his name. This is what your betrothed will be called.
Another popular fortune telling involves the use of a knife. To do this, you first need to draw a circle on a piece of paper and write all the letters of the alphabet in a circle. Then you need to place the knife in the center and twist it. Whichever letter the tip of the knife points to, the name of the betrothed will begin with it.
You can also write notes with men's names on pieces of paper and roll them into tubes that need to be placed under the pillow. After this you should go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you need to pull out one of the notes. The name written in it will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling by fire
Usually on the festive night of Ivan Kupala, young people make a big fire and jump over it. There is a belief that if the flame does not touch the person who jumped, it is a favorable sign that predicts a quick and happy marriage for girls, and good luck in business and love for guys.

Fortune telling by wreath
Also in the evening, at sunset, girls weave wreaths from forest and wildflowers. After which they, having made a wish, lower them into a lake or river. And if the wreath floated far, then the wish will certainly come true, but if after a short time the wreath landed on the shore not far from the place where it was lowered into the water, they will have to wait until next year to try your luck again.

Fortune telling by circles on the water
For such an unusual fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, in order to better know your fate with your betrothed, water is poured into a wide and deep bowl. When sunset comes, the girls must whisper their wish to the water, and then throw a small pebble there. If the number of circles on the water is paired, then the wish will come true, if it is odd, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling by colors
It’s not for nothing that on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, lovers look for a fern flower, which blooms only on Kupala night. That's why with this unusual fortune telling Girls pay the most attention to the betrothed, as with flowers. On the evening before the holiday, the girls sit in a circle, having previously collected a variety of flowers together. One of the girls selects flowers one by one, saying: “Who will get this flower?”, and the other girl, who sits with her back to the flowers, calls the name of someone present. Girls collect flowers and tell fortunes on them.
After this, which flower will go to whom, they judge the attitude of the intended guy towards himself:
Hawthorn - there is hope for love.
Cornflower - they will fall in love with you.
Bindweed - he will never love you.
Carnation (white) – sadness.
Carnation (yellow) – neglect.
Carnation (red) – passionate love.
Dahlia - gratitude.
Jasmine is only “courtship”, which does not predict serious intentions.
Bell - don’t trust him, he’ll deceive you.
Buttercup - everything will become clearer on the date.
Daisy – shy love.
Mint - you are loved very much.
Forget-me-not is afraid of losing you.
Marigolds - you will break up.
Peony - shame for his action.
Rose (white) – loves very much, but does not show it.
Rose (red) – misses you.
Chamomile - he doubts his love.


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